A Project Report
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Nivea ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Consumer Decision Making Process ............................................................................................................ 3
Consumer Behavior ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ...................................................................................................................... 5
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 5
List of References ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Consumer Behavior Analysis of Brand Nivea 3
The report discusses the consumer decision making process for the brand Nivea. The
report aims to find out how a consumer makes a choice to buy a product which is required on
daily basis. It would evaluate the brand Nivea that how a consumer is attracted towards the
brand’s product and the factors that influences the decision of the consumer before buying the
Nivea is a personal care brand that provides specialized body care and skin care products. Nivea
has entered the household products of almost every Australian and has established a trust among
the consumers. It has become one of the family products because of its trust that it has build over
hundred years. Nivea provides a wide range of personal care products such as bath care, body
care, deodorant, lip balm, sunscreen etc. Its products are available at supermarkets. With the
emerging technologies, Nivea has also started selling its product on online stores (Nivea, 2016).
Need recognition: Before purchasing any product, a consumer must have a need for that product.
Consider an example of nivea soap for which the need would be taking bath. The product should
satisfy the customer requirement. Nivea soap is required on daily basis by the customer
Consumer Behavior Analysis of Brand Nivea 4
therefore, a consumer would need to buy the product almost every month in order to fulfill his
need (Lantos, 2015).
Information search: Now a consumer would search the information related to soap for which he
may ask friends and family to consider their opinions, he may himself search the product on
internet to familiarize himself with the available options of brands, he may consult a
dermatologist or a consumer might have seen some television ad or a poster in the market by
which the consumer was delighted or attracted. This means a consumer would definitely make a
thorough search before purchasing the product to gather the information on brands available in
the market (Wright, 2006).
Evaluation of alternatives: The consumer would now evaluate all the options that have been
collected through different resources. He may attracted by certain product because it is suitable
to his skin type, the prices is under the budget. Now the consumer would evaluate different
options such as nivea, dove etc. He would also consider the prices of the product and value for
money he is getting along with the product. Here, the different advertisements of nivea and its
competitors would influence the mind of the consumer (Lantos, 2015).
Purchase decision: Now the consumer would be purchasing the nivea soap after considering its
price and the advertisement and word of mouth publicity of the product (Wright, 2006).
Post purchase behavior: The consumer analyzes the value for money of the product after
purchasing the product and recommends it to other persons of his family and groups (Noel,
Consumer Behavior
Cultural Factors
Cultural factors consist of the human ideologies and moral values of the group. They determine
human behavior within a society through various customs and traditions.
Culture is further divided into the sub cultures categorized as age, religion, gender, geographical
locations, status etc. Nivea offers its wide product range for both the genders men and women. It
Consumer Behavior Analysis of Brand Nivea 5
offers customized products to suit the requirement of Australian customers their skin type, the
weather and climatic conditions. Nivea’s products are generally bought by the low end
consumers and thus, a consumer with a high social status would not buy Nivea (Pfeiffer, 2002).
Social Factors
Social factors can be categorized into reference groups, family and role and status. Since Nivea
is a low level consumer product therefore, a person belonging to a low income level would be
likely to buy nivea product.
Individual Factors
Individual factors include age, personality, lifestyle and personal thought process. Nivea’s
product are designed for the people of all age groups. A person whose economic condition is not
very sound and is earning low income would prefer nivea products (Sokolowski, 2013).
Psychological Factors
Psychological factors can be categorized as motivation, perception and beliefs and attitudes. The
way a consumer has grown up knowing about a brand influences the decision to buy the product
of that brand. Nivea is a specialized personal care brand for low income level group (Mooij,
The report has analyzed the consumer decision making process for Nivea which is a personal
care brand. From the report it can be concluded that Nivea targets low income level consumers
Consumer Behavior Analysis of Brand Nivea 6
and has priced its products accordingly. It is placed under the physiological needs of Maslow’s
Hierarchy Model.
List of References
East, R., Singh, J., Wright, M., & Vanhuele, M. (2016). Consumer Behaviour: Applications in
Marketing. California: SAGE.
Lantos, G.P. (2015). Consumer Behavior in Action: Real-life Applications for Marketing
Managers. London: Routledge.
McGuire, K.J. (2012). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. An introduction. Munich: GRIN Verlag.
Mooij, M. (2010). Consumer Behavior and Culture: Consequences for Global Marketing and
Advertising. California: SAGE.
Noel, H. (2009). Basics Marketing 01: Consumer Behaviour. Switzerland: AVA Publishing.
Parsons, E., & Maclaran, P. (2009). Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer
Behaviour. Burlington: Routledge.
Pfeiffer, I. (2002). Consumer Behavior - Consumer as Decision Maker with cultural background.
Munich: GRIN Verlag.
Rakowski, N. (2011). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Model - the Difference of the Chinese and
the Western Pyramid on the Example of Purchasing Luxurious Products. Munich: GRIN
Sokolowski, O. (2013). Influences and Attitudes Within Consumer Behaviour Process. Munich:
GRIN Verlag.