Neuro Review
Neuro Review
Neuro Review
If a patient develops any decrease in level of consciousness, the priority is to promptly identify and treat
any alterations in ABCGS (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Glucose or Seizures) that may be causing the
If the neurological change persists despite normalization of the ABCGS, a detailed neurological
assessment should be performed. The examination should attempt to determine if focal findings are
present (suggesting a structural abnormality, such as stroke, bleed, tumour, etc.) or absent (suggesting
generalized neurological depression, as seen with sedation or septic encephalopathy, etc.). Bilateral
findings may also suggest cord injury.
Change is the most important finding in any neurological assessment and should be reported promptly to
ensure timely medical intervention if warranted. To ensure that neurological findings are communicated
effectively at change of shift, exiting nurses should perform a neurological examination with the
oncoming shift.
Propofol may be used to sedate patients with neurological impairment to facilitate rapid awakening and
assessment. Remember that propofol does not provide analgesia, and pain can raise intracranial
pressure. In patients with catastrophic brain injury who are being sedated for raised intracranial
pressure, deep analgesia and sedation is provided to promote brain rest. Analgesia and sedation should
not be stopped for routine neurological assessment unless approved by neurosurgery.
B. Altered patient:
1) Assess for response to:
a) Normal voice
b) Loud voice (if no response to normal voice)
c) Light touch (if no response to loud voice)
d) Central pain (if no response to light touch)
Differentiate between higher function of “awareness” (e.g., purposeful movement,
recognition of family) versus arousability (grimacing or eye opening to pain only)
2) Determine Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
CN I (S)
CN V1(S)
CN V2 (S)
CN V3 (MS)
CN Name Main Function Testing in ICU
(assess symmetry)
I Olfactory (S) • Sense of smell • Block one nare and test ability to smell
equally from each nare (cloves, coffee)
(may be injured with anterior basal skull #) • Dysfunction causes food to lose its taste
VII Facial (M/S) • Primarily Motor: face movement, • Face symmetry for eye closure
eyelid closure, lacrimation, salivation against resistance, face movement
• Sensation/taste to front 2/3 tongue (smile, nasolabial fold, show teeth)
• Loss of forehead wrinkle on paralyzed
side suggests CN VII dysfunction
versus stroke
VIII Auditory or • Hearing and balance (cochlear) • Response to voice, tuning fork
vestibulocochlear • Vestibular system sends information • Balance during mobilization
(S) about head movement to pons; makes • Detailed testing by audiology post ICU
CN III/VI move eyes together for discharge
horizontal movement • Included in Doll’s eyes/Cold Calorics
IX Glossopharyngeal • Sensation to back of tongue/tonsils • CN IX and X collectively tested by
(MS) • Parotid secretion touching each side of the back of the
• Stylopharyngeus muscle throat and observing for gag
X Vagal (MS) • Contraction larynx/pharynx • Barro/chemo receptors important for
• Parasympathetic function all organs BP regulation
except adrenal glands • Cough reflex during suctioning
• Sensation pharynx, taste
XI Accessory/ • Shoulder shrug • Ability to shrug or turn cheek against
spinal (M) • Head rotation resistance
XII Hypoglossal (M) • Tongue movement • Ability to move tongue side to side
Cranial Nerve Testing: Awake Patient
Doll’s Eyes or Oculocephalic reflex (CN III [Oculomotor], VI [Abducens] and VIII [Acoustic]
and pons)
Normally, when the head is turned, the vestibular apparatus (CN VIII) is activated, causing the
eyes to move in the opposite direction. CN VIII communicates in the pons to activated both
CN III and VI to produce horizontal eye movement.
Doll’s eyes CONTRAINDICATED IF C-SPINE UNCLEARED or vertebral vessel disease.
Vertical eye movement is located at top of brainstem (CN III) and frontal eye fields. This loop
ensures that both CN III look upward together.
Cold Caloric or Oculovestibular reflex (CN III [Oculomotor], VI [Abducens] and VIII
[Auditory] and pons)
If done in an awake patient, will cause vertigo, nausea and nystagmus (involuntary and erratic
eye movement)
Integrity of eardrum should be assessed first, HOB elevated to 30 degrees
Cold water instilled into ear of an awake person causes nystagmus with the fast beating
toward the opposite side. Warm water causes fast beating toward same side (COWS: Cold
Opposite Warm Same). Lack of nystagmus on one side in awake person suggests CN VIII
Cold water instilled into the ear of an unconscious patient will cause eyes to deviate slowly
toward irrigated ear. Eyes will remain in this position until the irrigation stops, and then quickly
return to mid position.
Observe for 1 minute after completion of test, wait 5 minutes before testing other ear
Delayed or absent movement indicates abnormality; fixed position in brain death.
Pupillary Dilation
• Sympathetic control of the pupil is located in the pons; pons damage is associated with
pinpoint non-reactive pupils (loss of sympathetic dilation) and loss of horizontal eye
Motor Assessment
Motor Assessment:
Observe patients for symmetry of movements. Observe response to command and spontaneous/localizing
movements. Apply central pain if no response to verbal command.
If the patient is able to obey commands, describe motor response using the 0-5/5 Motor Scoring Scale.
The single best test to identify a mild upper motor neuron weakness in a patient who is able to obey
commands is the pronator drift test. Have the patient hold their arms forward, 90 degrees to his/her body
(modify position as tolerated). Have the hands positioned palms up with eyes closed (if possible). Mild
weakness is noted if the palm rotates toward the floor. This is more sensitive than waiting for the arm to drift
downward. Shoulder injuries may make this difficult to perform.
Asymmetrical weakness may indicate that the weakness is due to a lesion in a specific area of the brain
(focal finding)
When motor weakness is identified, the area of weakness should be evaluated to determine whether is
cause is likely due to a problem in the upper (brain or cord) or lower (peripheral) motor nerve pathway.
Summary: When motor weakness is identified, look for focal findings (asymmetrical findings). When focal
findings are present, evaluate weakness for signs of upper or lower motor neuron problems. Symmetrical
weakness due to a brain lesion is uncommon and usually metabolic in nature, however, spinal cord injury
can cause symmetrical (or asymmetrical) weakness.
Document a clear description of the method of stimulation and specific patient response. A detailed
description provides more information than the GCS/graphic entries alone.
Motor weakness can occur as a result of UMN pathway damage (such as stroke or cord injury), or LMN injury
(e.g., injury to the brachial plexus or disc protrusion into a spinal nerve). Increased tone and deep tendon
reflexes (2+ is normal, 3+ or 4+ is increased) are characteristics of an UMN cause for weakness. Upgoing toe
following Babinski testing in conjunction with lower extremity weakness suggests an UMN cause for the
weakness. Clonus may also be present (>5 sustained involuntary contractions following muscle stretching).
Flaccid paralysis with decreased deep tendon reflexes (0-1+) suggests a LMN cause. Fasciculations may be
present. Note that during the early spinal shock phase of an acute spinal cord injury, the temporary loss of
reflexes can produce a paralysis similar to that of a LMN injury.
While UMN causes for hemiplegia are far more common in CCTC than LMN lesions, LMN injury can also be
seen in critical care. Examples include:
Brachial plexus injury: the brachial plexus is a network of motor nerves from the cervical spine, that join
together to form a plexus (group of nerves) that pass below the collar bone. These nerves, which include
C5-8 and T1 are collectively responsible for all arm and hand movement. Flaccid paralysis of the arm with
decreased upper extremity deep tendon reflexes, particularly in conjunction with a shoulder injury, may
indicate brachial plexus injury. This is an example of a LMN cause for the arm weakness.
Cranial nerves are LMNs. Injury to CN VII causes facial paralysis (motor weakness) on the same side. This
includes an inability to close the eyelid or wrinkle the forehead on the affected side. Examples of CN VII
injuries are Bell’s Palsy and injury due to middle fossa basal skull fracture (with CN VII impingement).
Contralateral facial weakness following stroke or brain injury (inability to stimulate the contralateral CN VII)
is an example of an UMN cause for facial weakness. Forehead wrinkle and at least weak eyelid closure is
generally preserved in UMN facial weakness. The preservation of the forehead wrinkle occurs because
stimulation of the forehead wrinkle response from either side of the brain automatically stimulates the upper
branches of CN VII bilaterally.
Any spinal cord injury that causes disc protrusion onto the spinal nerve can cause LMN weakness.
LMN weakness is associated with decreased reflexes.
Deep Tendon Reflexes
Motor weakness associated with increased tone and deep tendon reflexes (3 or 4+), upgoing great toe,
and/or with clonus suggests an UMN cause for the weakness.
Motor weakness associated with flaccid paralysis and decreased deep tendon reflexes (< 2+) suggests a
LMN cause for the weakness.
Triceps Tendon
C7, C6
Plantar Reflex (Babinski)
Brachioradialis Tendon
C6, C5
Information between the brain and spinal cord are carried via one of several tracts. Each tract
has a unique channel and crossing point. Consequently, incomplete spinal cord injuries can
produce a variety of motor and sensory deficits, depending upon the location of the lesion.
Brain Stem
Figure 1
Spinal cord
Step 3:
Sensory pathway Figure 2
Upper motor neuron continues to
brain for
Lower motor neuron interpretation
Lower motor
Motor pathways originate in the motor strip of the cerebral cortex, descending
to cross at the brainstem before traveling down the contralateral cord Spinal
(Figure 1). At the end of the upper motor neuron pathway, the impulse Step 1:
Reflex Noxious
activates the lower motor nerve that causes the muscle activity.
The right side of the brain makes the left side of the body work. stimulus
dorsal spine
Figure 2 above shows the pathway for pain and temperature interpretation
(Spinothalamic). Painful stimuli enter the sensory nerve root in the dorsal horn
of the spinal cord (back of cord). This impulse crosses to the opposite side of
the cord, ascending to the contralateral parietal lobe for interpretation.
Step 2: Sensory to
Both motor and pain pathways are oriented toward the anterio-lateral cord, motor reflex arch
and are vulnerable to compromised anterior spinal artery flow. A common stimulates motor nerve
cervical cord injury is a flexion injury at C5-6. This can cause anterior spinal (muscle jerk)
artery occlusion and incomplete spinal cord injury with a loss of motor and Figure 3
pain function.
Spinal Reflex
The spinal reflex arch provides a rapid and protective motor response to noxious stimuli
(Figure 3). A noxious stimulus enters the sensory nerve via the dorsal root (Step 1). Sensory
information is immediately transmitted to the lower motor nerve at the same cord level (Step 2). This
sensory to motor communication is called the reflex arch, and triggers the muscle activity or jerk. The
sensory information continues to travel up the cord via the spinothalamic tract for interpretation of the
sensation by the brain (Step 3). Consequently, when you get a paper cut, you jerk your hand back first
and recognize the painful message after you have your protective motor response has already taken
place. As long as the spinal cord is intact, pain is perceived immediately after the muscle jerks.
In the setting of spinal cord injury, the jerk remains intact below the level of the lesion, but the
pain is not perceived. Preservation of this spinal reflex also occurs in brain death. It is
temporarily lost during the early spinal shock phase of an acute spinal cord injury.
Spinal Cord Function
Pathways for light touch (Figure 5) are carried up both the spinothalamic tract and the
posterior columns (up the back of the cord, Figure 4). Proprioception (position sense) is also
carried up the posterior columns. Many spinal cord injuries are incomplete with preservation of
some function in one or more pathways.
Brain Stem
Figure 4
Figure 5
Posterior Columns
Brown-Sequard Syndrome:
This type of injury involves damage to one half of the cord, and may be due to penetrating
trauma or unilateral cord compression from tumour or hematoma. Because pain and motor
function for a given limb travel via opposite sides of the cord (Figure 1 and 2), Brown-Sequard
Syndrome is characterized by a loss of motor function below the level of the injury on the side
of the lesion, with preservation of pain and temperature. On the side opposite the lesion, pain
and temperature is lost but motor function is preserved below the injury.
Spinal Shock
Following acute spinal cord injury, all reflexes above the level of injury are typically lost for a
period of hours to days or weeks. During this period known as spinal cord shock, the patient
typically has flaccid paralysis with a loss of deep tendon reflexes and bladder and bowel tone.
Anal sphincter reflex is one of the first reflexes to return after the spinal shock phase ends.
Reflex contraction of the anal sphincter (motor) following sensory stimulation suggests
resolution of the spinal shock phase. A gentle tug on the Foley catheter can provide the
sensory stimulus (bulbocavernosus reflex) that should automatically trigger anal sphincter
The end of the spinal shock period is significant for the following reasons. One hopes that any
paralysis or sensory deficit immediately following an acute injury will be at least partially due
to swelling and spinal cord shock. When the shock period ends, continued absence of
sensation during a rectal exam and/or inability to voluntarily “squeeze” the anal sphincter is a
bad sign.
During spinal shock, the loss of the bladder and anal sphincter reflex is associated with
incontinence. Because relaxation to void or defecate is a voluntary function, the end of the
spinal shock phase is usually associated with urinary and fecal retention. Early and
aggressive bowel routine is important to facilitate future ADLs. Conversion to intermittent
catheterization should begin as soon as it is no longer necessary to measure hourly urine
output for other reasons and diuretic use is not required. Over distension of the bladder
should be avoided (500 ml per catheterization optimal); over distension can lead to overflow
incontinence and ureteral reflux.
An aggressive bowel routine that ensures a minimum of q 2 day bowel evacuation should be
instituted immediately, even before the spinal shock phase ends. Diarrhea may be present
during early training. The goal for bowel function is to have a soft stool q 2 days with
evacuation aided by digital stimulation, suppository and fleet if required.
Neurogenic Shock
Neurogenic shock usually mirrors the spinal shock phase (loss of spinal reflexes). It is
characterized by vasodilation, hypotension and bradycardia, due to disruption of autonomic
fibres below the level of the injury. Neurogenic shock usually improves or resolves with time,
however, it may remain an ongoing problem for individuals with complete and high cervical
cord injuries. Turning, head of bed elevation and suctioning can precipitate bradycardia and
hypotension. Cardiac arrest can also occur. Gradual and careful position changes and the
use of TED stockings/abdominal binders to prevent positional hypotension, can help.
Preoxygenation with 100% oxygen and abrupt termination of suctioning with return to
mechanical ventilation will usually resolve bradycardias induced by suctioning. Atropine
should be available at the bedside. Temporary pacemakers are occasionally required, less
frequently, patients may need permanent cardiac pacing.
Other causes for shock (e.g., sepsis, myocardial infarction, hypovolemia may be masked by
the loss of sympathetic response.
Spinal Cord Injury
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Following resolution of the spinal shock phase with return of spinal cord reflexes, patients with
spinal cord injury are at risk for the development of autonomic dysreflexia. The higher the
cord injury, the great the potential. Virtually all quadriplegics and most individuals with injuries
at or above T6 can experience this problem. Thus, patients with chronic spinal cord injury or
those with acute spinal cord injury and prolonged critical care admission should be monitored
for and taught to recognize signs of autonomic dysreflexia.
The most common trigger for autonomic dysreflexia is a full bowel or bladder. Inadequate
bowel routine, delayed intermittent catheterization or urinary tract infection are important and
common causes. Any painful situation, including procedures or physical therapy, can cause
this syndrome. Pregnancy, especially during labour and delivery in a patient with spinal cord
injury can precipitate autonomic dysreflexia.
The treatment priority is to remove the cause of the autonomic dyreflexia (e.g., bladder
catheterization, fecal disimpaction). Sitting the patient up can cause orthostatic lowering of the
blood pressure. If antihypertensives are needed, use rapid onset agents with a short duration
of action. Nitrates can be used, but are contraindicated if patients are receiving sildenafil or
other medications for erectile dysfunction. Calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine can
be useful; labetolol should be used with caution as it may worsen bradycardia.
Brenda Morgan
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Critical Care Trauma Centre
London Health Sciences Centre
Last Revision: April 23, 2014