Mechanical Properties of Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg Aluminum-Silicon P/M Alloy

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Rev. Adv. Mater.

Mechanical Sci. 28of(2011)

properties 145-149
Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg aluminum-silicon P/M alloy 145



Haris Rudianto1,2, Sangsun Yang1, Ki-Woo Nam2 and Yong-Jin Kim1

Powder Technology Research Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon 641-831, Korea
Department of UR Interdisciplinary Program of Mechanical Engineering, Pukyong National University,
Busan 608-737, Korea
Received: February 17, 2011

Abstract. The present research is focused on the evaluation of the sintering and mechanical
properties of Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg powder alloy by using conventional powder metallurgy tech-
niques. The sintering of the alloy was conducted up to the temperature of 570 l C under nitrogen
atmosphere with different sintering variables. Sintered specimens were subsequently T6 heat
treated to improve mechanical properties. The sintered and heat treated specimens were evalu-
ated by analyzing density, hardness, microstructure and tensile properties. Sintered density
could reach up to 97% of true density in the optimum sintering condition. After T6 treatment, the
alloy showed the UTS of 280 MPa and the hardness of 80 HRB.

1. INTRODUCTION the sintering behavior of a hypereutectic Al-Si alloy

including the effect of compaction pressure, sinter-
Aluminum-Silicon P/M alloys have attracted atten-
ing temperature and time, also evaluated the effect
tion for automotive and aerospace applications be-
of heat treatment on the sintered specimens
cause of their good mechanical properties with high
thermal properties [1-3]. However, aluminum particles
always covered with thin Al2O3 layers and the oxide 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
cannot be reduced by the sintering atmosphere. This The raw powder used was the commercial Alumix
is a barrier to get good sintering properties of the Al 231 powder(Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg-1.5Amidwax, den-
powders. Some researchers have shown that suc- sity=2.67 g/cm3, Ecka Granules, Germany). Where,
cessful sintering of Al alloys can be carried out amidwax is used as a binder. The powder was uniaxi-
through the formation of a liquid phase that disrupts ally pressed in the rigid steel die at the pressure
the stable aluminum oxide in nitrogen atmosphere bQ WU V n. ADQ%HXUS ] QSd cgUb UcY
[2-5]. The papers also have been analyzed the in- tered in a tube furnace under flowing ultra high pu-
teractions between Al powder compacts and nitro- rity nitrogen gas (>99.999%) with the temperature
gen gas, but the reaction mechanism with nitrogen bQ WU V ,) n,. l C for 1hr. During sintering, the
gas and Al powder to form AlN still remains unclear debinding process was performed at 400 l C for 20
[6,7]. The mechanical properties of the Al alloys can min to improve the sinterability. The sintered speci-
be improved by precipitation hardening. For example mens were subsequently T6 heat treated to improve
AA2014 alloy, possible precipitates are CuAl2 ( - mechanical properties by precipitation hardening.
type), Mg 2Si ( -type), and Al2CuMg (S-type) after For T6 treatment, the sintered specimens were so-
T6 heat treatment [8]. In this study, we investigate lution treated at 512 l
C for 50 min, then quenched

Corresponding author: Yong-Jin Kim, e-mail:

m) (
eTi7U d
Ub7 %
146 H. Rudianto, S. Yang, K.-W. Nam and Y.-J. Kim

Fig. 1. (a) TG-DSC analysis of alloy powders(Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg), (b) X-ray diffraction patterns of the
alloy powder, sintered and T6 treated specimen.

in water, followed by aging at 173 l C for 5-50 hrs. improve the sinterability of Al compacts. Fig. 1b
Differential scanning calorimetriy (DSC) and shows the X-ray diffraction patterns measured from
thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) were carried out the raw Alumix 231 powder, sintered specimen and
to characterize thermal properties of the powder. T6 heat treated specimen. The figure showed the
OM, XRD, SEM, and EDS were used to character- presence of aluminum, silicon, and (CuAl2) phases
ize the properties of the specimens. Hardness was in the all processing steps. Fig. 2a shows that the
measured using a Rockwell hardness testing ma- green densities increased with an increasing the
chine on B scale (Wolpert Amsler, Germany) and compaction pressure until the upper safety limit of
tensile strength were measured by using Instron the compacting die (700 MPa). The formation of a
tensile tester. The density of the compact and sin- liquid phase is also important to obtain a high sin-
tered specimens was determined using the tering density [12]. As shown in Fig. 2b, the density
Archimedes method. was increased with increasing the sintering tem-
perature since a large amount of liquid was produced
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION at the high sintering temperature. The highest sin-
tered density, a relative density of ~97%, was ob-
Fig. 1a shows the TG-DSC analysis result of the Al- tained at the sintering temperature of 560 l C. How-
14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg powder. As shown in Fig. 1a, ever, the density rapidly decreased at the sintering
there are several peaks related to endothermic re- temperature of 570 l C because the liquid phase
QS dY cQbe Td XUd U] Ub QdebUbQ WU V , ,n,/ accumulated to one side and eventually large pores
l C. The first endothermic peak is related to an Al- were formed and grown as shown in optical micro-
Mg eutectic reaction. The second peak comes from scope images (Fig. 3b). Sintering time also influ-
the Al-Cu eutectic reaction. The third one should be ences the sintering density. Fig. 2c shows that the
related to the Al-Si eutectic reaction [2,9]. Those highest sintered density was obtained when the sin-
reactions were closely related to the liquid forma- tering time of 120 min. with the relative density of
tion of the powder and concomitantly the onset of a 99%. The hardness dependent on the sintering tem-
liquid phase sintering (LPS). These DSC results give perature was measured to know the relations with
the useful information to determine the optimum sin- density. As shown in Fig. 2d, the highest hardness
tering temperature range. Mg element in the alumi- was obtained at the sintering temperature of 560 l C
num matrix is very reactive and has the capability with the hardness value of 63 HRB. The figure also
to react with the surface oxide layer of the Al pow- shows the hardness values are nearly proportional
der and possible reaction is, to the sintered density. The question still remains
3Mg + 4Al2O3 3MgAl2O4 + 2Al. about the role of nitrogen atmosphere gas. Some
researchers reported that there is a possible reac-
Pieckzonka et al. reported that Mg atoms in the
tion between aluminum and nitrogen gas to form
Al particles migrate to the surface oxide region and
form a ternary oxide. Surface aluminum oxide layer
is possible to be broken by formation of ternary ox- 2Al + N2 2AlN.
ide [3-5,10,11]. That was the possible reason to
Mechanical properties of Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg aluminum-silicon P/M alloy 147

Fig. 2. Mechanical properties of Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg alloys. (a) Green density versus compaction pres-
sure, (b) Sintered density versus sintering temperature, (c) Sintered density versus sintering time at 560 lC,
(d) Hardness versus sintering temperature. Alloy powders were compacted with the compaction pressure of
620 MPa and sintering and heat treatment was conducted with the heating rate of 10 l C/min for 1 hour.

Yan et al. shows that there were AlN at the Al- To improve the mechanical properties of Al-14Si-
Mg2Si interface and inside Mg2Si grains in Al-2Mg- 2.5Cu-0.5Mg powders, artificial aging treatment (T6)
2Si-0.25Cu alloy [7]. They also reported that the was introduced. Fig. 4a shows there is an increase
mass of AlN increased after sintering [3,6,7]. How- of hardness up to 24 hour aging time. The highest
ever, Formation of AlN was not detected by x-ray mechanical properties were obtained with the hard-
diffraction in this study (Fig. 1b). Considering the ness of 80 HRB and UTS of 280 MPa as well. How-
chemical composition of the Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg ever, the hardness decreased caused by overaging
alloy powder, it is possible to form several strengthen- after long aging time of 50 hrs. As shown in the
ing precipitates including (Al2Cu) and (Mg2Si) strain curve of Fig. 4b, T6 treated specimens were
phase. Through XRD data, a strong evidence of more brittle and higher tensile strength than that of
phase was confirmed in the all samples (Fig. 1b), specimen without T6 heat treatment. Figs. 4c and
but phase was not detected. It was postulated 4d show the fractured surface appearance of the T6
that the phase is the dominant precipitate when treated specimen. The figures show the large and
aging in the state of super saturated solid solution small dimple structure and broken or cracked pri-
(SSSS) [9]: mary Si particles. This indicates that the fracture
occur ductile fracture in the Al matrix and also brittle
SSSS GPZones o
o o .
fracture in the primary Si particles. Thus, it may be
148 H. Rudianto, S. Yang, K.-W. Nam and Y.-J. Kim

Fig. 3. Optical microscope images of sintered alloys. (a) sintered at 560 l

C, (b) sintered at 570 l
C after
compacting with 620 MPa.

Fig. 4. (a) Hardness versus artificial aging time, (b) Tensile strength of alloys with and without T6 heat
treatment. (c) and (d) SEM images of tensile fracture surface of T6 heat treated Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg

assumed that the fracture of the primary Si particles and the cracks run through their center. This means
is responsible for the relatively low ductility of the that the void nuclei was formed and grew at the in-
T6 treated specimens [13,14]. The figure also shows terfaces between the Si particles and Al matrix. Al2Cu
the most of the primary Si particles contain cracks and Mg2Si will also contribute to improving the me-
Mechanical properties of Al-14Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg aluminum-silicon P/M alloy 149

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