Salem Almansoori Mariam Salem Almansoori

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Abu Dhabi University

College of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration Program
Spring A Semester AY2018-2019
Research Methods in Business - MGT524
Working title:
Impact of employee performance and communication in organizational culture of governmental
sector in UAE
Student’s Name Student’s ID
1. Rafaa Salem Almansoori 1064953
2. Mariam Salem Almansoori 1064892
Employee performance is defined as the activities for which an employer expects an
employee to carry out effectively. The performance of employees in an organization forms the
basis of the success of the organization. There are various factors that affect employee
performance in an organization such as organizational culture, benefits, age, capacity, and
motivational factors. This study aims to determine how an organization can influence the
performance of its employees with an aim of improving the productivity of the company. Most
organizations nowadays have adopted a code of ethics defining organizational culture (Kotter,
2011), which has resulted in high employee performance.
Organizational culture refers to the underlying beliefs, values, assumptions, and ways that
individuals interact which creates a unique social environment of the organization. Many
employees have constrained their performance levels to the expectations of an organization
which are defined by the organizational culture. In many cases, the organizational culture is
summarized in the ethical code of the organization. (Leonard, 2019) suggests that there exist a
direct link between the impact of the culture of an organization on the performance and
productivity of employees. Previous researches on employee performance and productivity have
focused on other factors such as benefits, motivation, experience, and levels of education and
studies on the actual impact of organizational culture on employee performance have been less.
i. Current issue
Organizations that have built positive cultures in their workplaces have resulted in high
employee performance and productivity (Marcoulides & Heck, 1993). The combination of the
results in current studies postulates that there is a high relationship between the culture of an
organization and the performance of the organization’s employees.
Current organizational culture studies suggest coaching as a vital aspect to develop
employee performance and communication (Champathes, 2006). As communication is a two way
communications between levels of management structures in organization, the communication
gap is recognized as an important hindrance to organizational culture in which can could affect
employee performance as well. On the other hand, supervisors are accountable for guiding and
appraising employees’ job performance. Hence, employees often view their supervisor’s advice
as indicative of the organization’s orientation toward them (Eisenberger et al., 1986; Levinson,
1965). Supervisor support leads for employees to high commitment and dedication through job
motivation. Even though employee performance is seen as the outcome of communication, but
how this factor affects organizational culture is limitedly research, especially in public sector in
Abu Dhabi. As a result, the organizational culture issues never been solved and gap keep risen
(khaleejtimes, 2018).
Various studies indicate that employee performance primarily depends on the culture of an
organization. for example, (Thornton, Mansi, Carramenha, & Cappellano, 2018) insinuate that
organizational practices inherently connect to the culture of organizations which suggest that
effective organizational culture is the conditional factor for the performance of organizational
employees. In addition, (Paschal & Nizam, 2016) points out that an organization that understands
factors that sustain a positive culture is able to use organizational culture to enhance employee
ii. Specific problem(s) underpinning the issue
Higher employee performance has been observed in organizations that have prioritized
in having an organizational culture as compared to organizations without a culture. Several types
of research have been able to prove that employee performance is linked to the culture of an
organization. According to (Miroshnik, 2013), there is a development in the loyalty of employees
when they discover that the organization, their manager and leaders are concerned about their
personal issues and happiness. As a result, the employee's buy-in to the vision of the
organization, and aim higher by setting higher goals. Employees put up positive energy behind
the higher goals which lead to higher employee performance.
Studies have also found out that the culture of an organization that communicates the
vision and mission statements of the organization clearly to employees forms the basis of
successful employee performance. However, most of the studies in employee performance have
focused on other systems such as total compensation, strategic planning, individual and team
development, and succession planning and less on employee performance and productivity
attached to organizational culture (Robbins, 1992).
iii. Proposed solution – NOVELTY
There is a need for further study on the impact of organizational culture on employee
performance, since previous studies have only included employee performance and
communication and not focus on the important aspect of human relations in which employee
performance and communication that important to boost employees’ efficiency in governmental
sector in UAE. As a result, this study provides a rationale for the impact of organizational culture
on the performance of employees, the aspects of the cultures of organizations that employees
consider to be crucial for their performance work levels, and whether higher employee
performance is determined by the culture of an organization.

To evaluate how employee performance and communication effect organizational



Path-goal theory of
Leadership (House Performance Theory of
and Mitchell, 1975) of employees Organizatio
Organizational nal culture
Theory of culture and
bureaucracy (Max Communication ( leadership
Weber, 1947) Schein, 198
The study will be significant to organizations as they try to satisfy the needs of employees
by creating positive and supportive cultures. On the other hand, employees will benefit by
understanding the aspects of organizational culture such as the best way to communicate to one
another and to customers that will support their professional careers, welfare and career
This study will benefit the organization and its culture because previous studies have not
been able to explain how communication among employees can be used to impact the culture of
an organization (Harris & Nelson, 2008; Jones et al., 2004). Thus, this research will try
to fill this gap. According to Thornton et al., (2018), suggest communication is the most
important factor in shaping an organizational culture. Thus, by including communication factor
in studying organization culture, it opens up the opportunity for sharing ideas, innovation and
problem solving. As a result, communication supports the adhocracy culture which is
characterized by creativity of leaders and employes. Effective communication can be
implemented by leaders who are visionary, innovative and entrepreneurial. Moreover, the
organization needs to promote employee freedom and individual initiative.
The study will advantage the organization and its culture because the previous studies are
only focus on organizational culture and its impact on employee performance (Martin and Siehl,
1990; Bowen et al., 1989). However, according to House and Mitchell (1975), employees create
goals and set a path of achieving performance which tend to improve organizational culture. As a
result, the organization adopts a culture whereby employees set and achieve their own goals. This
strategy can be implemented by allowing employees to set their own goals and to set a path of
achieving these goals.
Positive communication environment and effective employee communication build up
employees’ identification with their organizations, which contributes to an organization’s
monetary performance and continued success (Smidts et al., 2001). Also, effective
communication facilitates engagement and building confidence, which is a critical element in
strong, feasible organizations (Grates, 2008). Engaging employees improve business
performance because they impact customer behaviour, which directly affects revenue growth,
progress and cost-effectiveness (Perrin, 2003).
The optimistic association between culture and employee performance benefits in
enhancing results of organization. The culture and performance have been interconnected to each
other based upon perfect association between business processes (Reichers and Schneider, 1990).
Another study regarding organizational culture and employee performance is the Hofstede model
of organizational culture. This model categorizes organizational members into different sections;
values, rituals, heroes and symbols. Hofstede likens organizational culture to value where
employees perform best due to moral identity and the presence of ethics. Hofstede suggests that
the ritual enhances employee relationships through socialization and familiarization. According
to Tabibi et al., (2015), heroes are individuals in an organization who motivate other employees
and turn them to be top achievers. Lastly, the model shows that symbols which are in form of
gestures, words, objectives or acts form the basis of the organizational culture.
i. How employee performance and communication impact organizational culture in UAE
government sectors?
The population under study is the employees in the public sector in the UAE. The total number
of employees employed by the public sector is 13 percent of the total labour force of 6.3 million;
330,540 employees (Mark & Mona , 2018).
The sampling frame is the total employees working in the public sector in the UAE. The criteria
of the sample employees working in Abu Dhabi Municipality in support services department,
having experience of minimum 5 years because if they have less experience basically they can’t
provide mean full responses and they don’t know what happening, age between 30 to 45 years
old, they already understand and they know what they answer that to show the type of
respondents to be selected as part of the sample.
By including workers working in the public sector and excluding the employees working in the
private sector, this research will maintain its objectivity, in this case, exploring the impact of
performance and communication in organizational culture of government sector in the UAE.
The simple random sampling chosen for the sampling method in this study, this study employs
randomization process for sample selection so that there is no preferential treatment in selection
which may introduce selectivity bias. More adv
Beside on the population of the study the sample size is 385.


ROBERT V. KREJCIE University of Minnesota, Duluth
DARYLE W. MORGAN Texas A. & M. University
Small-Sample Techniques. The NEA Research Bulletin, Vol. 38 (December, 1960), p. 99.

The analysis technique proposed:

1. Descriptive statistics – tabulation of demographic profiles and to determine the normal
distribution, reliability, and validity of the data.
2. Correlation – chi-square never been used for correlation. only mean value of variables are used
to measure the association between variables being studied
3. Regression – to measure the cause and effect between types of training and degree of
development on employee performance
(Citation foe each)
The analysis technique proposed:

Descriptive Analysis describes what exists and tries to pave the ground for finding new facts. It
includes gathering of data related to, products, people, individuals, events and situations and then
organize, tabulates, depicts and describe the outcome.

One of the main advantages of Descriptive analysis is its high degree of objectivity and neutrality
of the researcher. Descriptive analysis is considered to be expansive than other quantitative
methods and It gives a broader picture of an event or phenomenon. Descriptive Analysis can use
many number of variables or even a single number of variable to conduct a descriptive study.

explan topulation of demographic , Why is important?

Correlation measures the association between employee performance and communication in

organizational culture. Unlike in experimentation, the association is observed in a more natural
environment. This has led to the important mantra that correlation doesn't necessarily show
causation. Nonetheless, for broad but still meaningful observations, correlative findings can
provide great insight.

More Advantages of Correlation Research

Correlational research allows researchers to collect much more data than experiments.
Furthermore, because correlational research usually takes place outside of the lab, the results
tend to be more applicable to everyday life. Another benefit of correlational research is that it
opens up a great deal of further research to other scholars. When researchers begin investigating
a phenomenon or relationship for the first time, correlational research provides a good starting
position. It allows researchers to determine the strength and direction of a relationship so that
later studies can narrow the findings down and, if possible, determine causation experimentally.

For this study regression analysis will measure a cost and effact between employee performance
and communication in organizational culture.

refers to a method of mathematically sorting out which variables may have an impact.
The importance of regression analysis for a small business is that it helps determine which
factors matter most, which it can ignore, and how those factors interact with each other. The
importance of regression analysis lies in the fact that it provides a powerful statistical method
that allows a business to examine the relationship between two or more variables of interest.
More exaplanation regaring the employee performance and communication in organizational

These analyses it will provide further undertesting in measuring the effect of employee
performance and communication on organizational culture.


Previous studies have focused on communication affect organizational culture and employee
performance effect on organizational culture. More explain and Citation
Research argued that communication and employee performance must be measured together to
provide further undertesting on organizational culture, especially in public sector . More explain
and Citation
Communication was fiend to be significantly related to organizational culture in public sector in
support services department of Abu Dhabi Municipality. More explain and Citation
Employee performance was fiend to be significantly related to organizational culture in public
sector in support services department of Abu Dhabi Municipality. More explain and Citation
Sines earlier study provide the significant medication of the importance of ccommunication and
employee performance on organizational culture, this study will provide further undertesting on
how these factors effect organizational culture in public sector of UAE.


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