Science in The Pyp PDF
Science in The Pyp PDF
Science in The Pyp PDF
Nigel Bagnall
Rachel Wilson,
Agnes Hu.
University of Sydney.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
References ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Appendices............................................................................................................................................ 46
Appendix 3: Science excerpts from the Review of the Australian Curriculum – final report. ............. 61
AC Australian Curriculum
IB International Baccalaureate
Executive Summary
The increasing number of national and international schools offering the International Baccalaureate
Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) raises a number of questions relating to the structure of the
curriculum. How can schools from across the world offer the same curriculum? Is there any common core
content that must be included within the PYP framework to satisfy the International Baccalaureate (IB)?
Moreover, to what extent does the PYP align with curriculum requirements of national and local state
education systems?
Recent changes within the Australian education sector have seen an attempt to unify all states and
territories within the same common curriculum framework. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment
and Reporting Authority (ACARA) have been charged with the task of co-ordinating a timely and
uniform curriculum throughout all Australian schools. Presently, all States and Territories offer
different tertiary entrance qualifications and different systems of primary, middle and high school
education. A transition to providing a common national curriculum, the ‘Australian Curriculum’
(AC), is presently underway and highlights how organisations such as the IB need to provide
programmes that have the capacity work within national frameworks.
The issues raised within Australia can also be found in other countries globally that are attempting to
provide an international dimension to their education system while maintaining their own unique and
often complex set of curriculum requirements. This study is an attempt to show if, and if so how,
schools in a number of different Australian states have incorporated the requirements of the ACARA
national curriculum with that of the IB PYP framework, with a specific focus on science teaching and
According to experts in the field (Bagnall, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015; Cambridge & Thompson, 2004;
Hayden & Thompson, 2000), the PYP can be regarded as a shelf curriculum. A shelf curriculum
provides a curriculum framework but not the content. It is more concerned with the method of
teaching than the content. Indeed, the IB Scope and Sequence document for PYP Science
emphasises, “… the science contained within the PYP is characterized more by concepts and
skills rather than by content” (IB, 2008, p. 1). The IB views science at the primary years as a
transdisciplinary programme exploring the biological, chemical and physical aspects of the natural
world and the relationships between them. The IB offers a sample programme of science inquiry but
does not insist that it is mandatory for schools. In fact the IB acknowledges that “Some schools may
need to reflect national, regional or local requirements within the units of inquiry that are developed
and included in their programme of inquiry” (IB, 2008, p. 2).
In conclusion, this study is concerned with the way that Australian schools offering the IB PYP
incorporate the requirements of the Australian Curriculum with the guidelines for science teaching
and learning provided by IB for the PYP programme.
The design of this study has two principle elements within it. There is a comparative curriculum
analysis and an analysis of curriculum implementation. The comparative curriculum analysis,
undertaken to address Research Questions 1 and 2, utilised both document analyses and interviews
that helped clarify, analyse and report on the relationship between the IB PYP Science and the
Australian Curriculum Science learning area. The curriculum implementation study, focusing on
Research Questions 3 and 4, drew on interviews with PYP Co-ordinators, primary school principals
and classroom teachers and observation of classroom practice. Readers should note that this report
provides findings solely with regards to the comparative curriculum analysis called for by Research
Questions 1 and 2, which are listed below.
Curriculum alignment:
1. In what ways does the science component of the PYP support the knowledge, concepts, skills
and processes that you are expected to teach and students are expected to learn to meet the
Australian Curriculum: Science content descriptions?
2. To what extent does science teaching and learning in the PYP support students to fulfill the
general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities of the Australian Curriculum?
3. How do Australian IB World schools design and implement programs of inquiry, PYP
planners and Science Scope and Sequence in ways that address the content and achievement
standards of the Australian Curriculum: Science learning area?
4. What practices and factors contribute or impede the successful alignment of the science
component of the PYP and the Australian Curriculum?
Curriculum analysis is required periodically in all education systems (Oates, 2011) so that
improvements can be made. Such analysis helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of the
curricular design. Levander and Mikkola (2009) pointed to the need to examine both the breadth and
depth of content coverage as well as pedagogic aspects within curricula. The findings presented in this
study therefore provide a valuable resource for those interested in the adoption of an international
curriculum, like the IB PYP, that can retain a national focus within the curriculum.
The major results of this study are:
• there are no major obstacles for individual Australian primary schools to incorporate the
science teaching and learning requirements of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years
Program with that of the Foundation to Year 6 Science requirements of the Australian
• although there are substantial differences in terms of content, mostly in relation to the large
size of the content covered in Australian Curriculum, the PYP Science and Australian
Curriculum Science learning area are fairly neatly aligned in terms of the skills they develop
with students.
Chapter 1: Introduction and background
The commodification of education that ensued partially as a result of the school choice movement in
the later part of the 20th century has seen a proliferation of education systems and programmes
available to national education providers. The International Baccalaureate (IB) provides one of the
most successful curriculum models available for those schools interested in offering an international
education choice for their student body. The IB is a not-for-profit educational foundation, motivated
by its mission to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create a
better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. The organization
has built a reputation for quality, high standards and pedagogical leadership in the field of
international education, encouraging students across the world to become engaged world citizens
who are active, compassionate and lifelong learners (IB, 2015).
Founded in 1968 the IB has flourished in both the number of students and schools participating in the
organisation’s four programmes. The Diploma Programme, the first to be developed by the IB, was
originally established to provide an entry-level qualification suitable for students studying in a wide
range of international schools. The programme has increasingly appealed to national private and state
schools wishing to provide an international focus to their students. The early years of the IB Diploma
(1970-75) saw a significant interest in international schools in Europe and North America, completing
the Diploma. A number of state schools, especially in the United States and Canada began taking the
IB DP as an alternative to their own matriculation system. The IB currently works with 4000 schools
in 147 countries to develop and offer four programs to over 1,235,000 students aged 3 to 19 years.
The organization also provides professional development workshops for more than 60,000 teachers
and administrators annually (IB, 2008). In 1994 the IB introduced the Middle Years Programme
(MYP) and then in 1997 the Primary Years Programme (PYP). The most recent International
Baccalaureate programme, the IB Career-related Programme (IBCP), was introduced in 2012.
As has been noted, globally, increasing numbers of international and national schools have chosen to
adopt internationally accepted education programmes and qualifications alongside, or instead of, the
local qualifications and curricula. According to Cambridge & Thompson, curriculum that empowers
young people for “… international understanding and peace, responsible world citizenship and service
[…] makes sound educational sense” (2004, p. 172). IB programmes offer one such approach.
Over the past decade IB programmes across the world have grown substantially. Current projections
predict 10,000 authorized schools and 2 million IB students by the year 2020. To support the growth
and development of the organization’s programs, the IB Research Department commissions studies
that seek to identify the impact and value of an IB education. As part of this agenda, this project
examined the extent to which the IB Primary Years Programme enables students to learn curriculum
content (knowledge, skills and understandings), and meet achievement standards for Years 3-6 of the
Australian Curriculum: Science.
Australia has consistently been one of the most interested countries globally to adopt the IB alongside
curriculum offered by Australian states and territories. The first school to adopt the IB Diploma in
1979 was a state school and while the majority of schools choosing the IB have since been private
schools, the growth in popularity has continued throughout both the state and private sector.
The IB PYP is designed for students aged approximately 3-12 years of age. It regards the student as
an inquirer both within the classroom and beyond. The approach of the PYP is transdisciplinary and
attempts to offer a challenging program to motivate both students and teachers alike. There are a total
of six subject areas: Language; Mathematics; Science; Social Studies; Arts and; Personal, Social and
Physical Education. The subject that is the focus of this study, Science, is intended to give students an
appreciation and awareness of the world through a lens provided by a scientific stance. The scientific
approach promoted by the PYP is characterised by a combination of concepts and skills with a
breadth and balance of science content. These are contained within the units of inquiry that are made
up of themes such as ‘How the world works’ and information relating to them may be found in the IB
Primary Years Programme publication – ‘Science Scope and Sequence’ document.
The Science Scope and Sequence document views the exploration of the relationship between “ the
biological, chemical and physical aspects of the natural world …” (IB, 2008, p. 1) as one of the most
significant elements of the programme. Viewing the world from a scientific perspective enables
students to develop an understanding of the world. According to the IB, “Reflection on scientific
knowledge also helps students to develop a sense of responsibility regarding the impact of their
actions on themselves, others and their world” (IB, 2008, p. 1).
It is clearly stated in the introduction of the Science Scope and Sequence document that merely
teaching and learning about Science as a subject is not the sole expectation of the PYP programme.
Rather, it is the exploration of the connection between Science and other subjects that provides a
transdisciplinary approach. Indeed, according to IB, “The transdisciplinary themes provide the
framework for a highly defined, focused, in-depth programme of inquiry, and as science is relevant to
all the transdisciplinary themes, all planned science learning should take place within this framework”
(IBO, 2008, p. 1).
The importance of Science education
The importance of science education in developing educational and economic capital is emphasised in
numerous government, industry and academic reviews. In Australia, the critical role of science
education has been highlighted recently in the 2012 Chubb paper on the position of Mathematics,
Engineering and Science in the national interest (Chubb, 2012). Chubb’s findings are aligned with
international perspectives outlined in a report by Rocard et al. (2007), produced for the European
Commission, which firmly places the provision of Maths, Engineering and Science as important
factors in the establishment of high technology fields within Europe. The Chubb paper notes that
America’s position of economic advantage is predominantly as a result of its scientific innovation that
has produced roughly half of all economic growth in the last 50 years.
The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields and those who work in them
are critical engines of innovation and growth. According to one recent estimate, while only about five
percent of the U.S. workforce is employed in STEMS fields, the STEM workforce accounts for more
than fifty percent of the nation’s sustained economic growth. (U.S. Department of Labor, 2007).
It could be argued that the beginning of any emphasis on the development of interest in Science,
Mathematics and Engineering should begin at the primary school level. However, there is little
research that has been focused on curriculum design and implementation within this area in Australia,
hence the significance of the study presented here.
The research literature relating to the IB PYP is contained in a number of sources. The most recent
study in Australia of Science in the PYP (Campbell, Chittleborough, Jobling, Tytler, & Doig, 2014)
looks at the science literacy of a number of Australian PYP schools and was undertaken by a team of
academics at Deakin University. The study, entitled Science literacy in the International
Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP): NAP-SL outcomes, drew on a sample of ten schools
with a mix of urban, rural, government and non-government schools. The aim of the study was to
evaluate the science literacy of students undertaking the IB PYP programme in a selection of
Australian schools. These levels of attainment were then analysed and compared with the results of
National benchmark tests within Australia, namely NAP-SL 2012 results. Comparisons were made
with five science proficiency levels that have been adopted by the NAP-SL. Further comparisons were
made between Australian NAP-SL results for female and male students with outcomes achieved by
students taking the IB PYP from both government and non-government schools. Given the design of
the study, it was difficult to say what caused the higher level of proficiency of the IB PYP cohort,
83.3% above the suggested proficiency level of 3.2 compared with 51.4% for national students.
Caveats to the results of this study included that only two government PYP schools took part in the
research, and the inclusion of a smaller number of female participants made reliable comparisons
between PYP boys and girls problematic.
There are a number of studies that relate to various aspects of the IB PYP, without explicit focus on
science that may be found at the IB Research Department website 1. These include an Australian study
(2014) in Victorian Government schools offering the PYP. Another study published in 2014 on early
childhood education looked at two schools in Melbourne and two schools in Singapore. A major 2013
study in India looked at the impact of the PYP in various parts of India. An earlier 2010 study looked
at the implementation of IB PYP and MYP programs in Texas State schools. It found that IB schools
performed as well as their non-IB comparison schools in Mathematics and Reading. Classroom
observations found favourable instructional practices took place more often in IB classrooms than
non-IB Texas classrooms. They found there were several challenges facing both teachers and
administrators of these schools. These included such things as finding suitably qualified IB staff,
covering both Texas State and district requirements alongside those of the IB requirements. They also
found that additional time was needed for collaborative lesson planning and paper work.
In August 2014 a major Australian government sponsored report, Review of the Australian
Curriculum, undertaken by Kevin Donnelly and Kenneth Wiltshire, was released to the public
(Donnelly & Wiltshire, 2014) 2. The review was initiated by an incumbent Liberal government,
whereas a previous Labor government had implemented both ACARA and the development of the
Australian Curriculum. Donnelly & Wiltshire’s report was the result of a comprehensive study that
collected feedback from major stakeholders throughout Australia. In total there were over 1600
submissions from individuals, the general public and a wide range of international research and
commissioned reports that were drawn on for the review. The final report made 30 recommendations
to the government to strengthen the Australian Curriculum. The significant findings for the purposes
of this study were that there was too much curriculum content required by the AC, and this was noted
to be particularly the case in the primary school years. Other findings were that: aspects of the AC
made teaching too complicated and required reconsideration; and further; some stakeholders felt that
parents were locked out of the schooling process whereas they wanted to be more closely involved in
the learning process of their children. Donnelly & Wiltshire additionally recommended that the AC
needed to be inclusive of all students, including those with disabilities. The report suggested that the
AC should develop a vision statement to guide future developmental changes. There was a wide range
The IB Research Department website can be accessed at the following address,
The 294 page document may be found at the following address,
of views also given regarding the role, function and power that was provided to the ACARA, the
organisation responsible for creating and overseeing the Australian Curriculum.
The Australian government’s response to the review was based around a number of central themes.
The first of these themes concerned overcrowding in the current curriculum. The government felt
there was a general consensus that all areas of the curriculum, including primary, middle and
secondary years, were too content heavy. The government singled out the primary school curriculum
as most significantly affected by this issue, and indicated this should be addressed as a matter of
Other areas that the government identified as needing to be addressed focused on parental
involvement, access for all students, and rebalancing of the curriculum to ensure that meaningful
learning takes place with no gaps in what areas are taught. A special mention was made on the need
for an increased emphasis on phonics in early years reading. There was little specific focus on primary
science in the overall recommendations.
The Review of the Australian Curriculum findings regarding the Science key learning area of the AC
are included in Appendix 3 of our report. The Review recommended that the Foundation to 10
Science curriculum be reconsidered in relation to:
1. the need to focus on depth by reducing the content and coverage of the science curriculum for
Foundation to Year 10
2. The cross-curriculum priorities should be removed from the science curriculum and not all the
interrelated strands should be given equal prominence and weight across the various stages of
3. “A better balance should be sought between a constructivist and an explicit teaching
pedagogical approach to classroom practice” (Australian Government, 2014, p. 187).
These Science curriculum recommendations and the more general recommendation of the AC review
were at the time of writing being considered by state and commonwealth governments and there was
no clear indication as to whether they will be followed. However, the above findings provide some
insight into the issues that arise in implementation of the AC Foundation (Year F) to Year 7 Science.
Study Methodology
Research Objectives
The goal of the current project was to explore the alignment of the Science component of the Primary
Years Program with the aims, content and achievement standards of Years 3-6 of the Australian
Curriculum: Science administered by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority.
Consisting of three phases, the study first used mapping techniques to explore areas of
complementarity and difference between Science in the PYP and the Australian Curriculum Science
learning area. Next, the study investigated the extent to which Australian IB World Schools perceive
the PYP curriculum framework as supporting the i) three Science content strands, ii) general
capabilities, and iii) cross-curriculum priorities of the Australian Curriculum. The final aspect of the
research identified implementation approaches that schools found successfully fulfilling the principles
and practices of the Primary Years Programme and the aims and requirements of the Australian
Curriculum: Science. As was noted earlier, this document provides findings solely with regards to the
comparative curriculum analysis called for by research questions 1 and 2 below.
Research Questions
The following four research questions have been addressed in this study. The first two address issues
of curriculum alignment.
1. In what ways does the science component of the PYP support the knowledge, concepts, skills
and processes that teachers are expected to teach and students are expected to learn to meet
Australian Curriculum: Science content descriptions?
2. To what extent does science teaching and learning in the PYP support students to fulfill the
general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities of the Australian Curriculum?
3. How do Australian IB World Schools design and implement their Programme of Inquiry,
PYP planners and Science Scope and Sequence in ways that address the content and
achievement standards of the Australian Curriculum Science learning area?
4. What do schools identify as factors and practices that impede or contribute to the successful
alignment of the science component of the Primary Years Programme and Australian
Curriculum: Science?
Table 1 (p. 15) shows how the research questions were addressed, including the proposed
methodological design, relevant data and planned analyses. The study consisted of a comparative
document analyses and interviews with a range of school staff and administrators to provide
additional data to answer the research questions. The researchers would like to thank all those schools
and teachers for their input and participation in this study.
This study is a comparative curriculum analysis utilising both document analysis and interviews that
aim to synthesise, analyse and report on the relationship between the Australian Curriculum Science
learning area and IB PYP Science. In total, four schools participated in the study. There were two in
Queensland, one in Victoria and one in New South Wales. Interviews were conducted with 12
participants, which included schools administrators and PYP co-ordinators and a number of primary
school teachers at each school. The funding for the project was limited and did not enable a bigger
sample from across all states and territories of Australia. Two of the schools were private schools and
two were state schools. One of the schools was in a rural location but was not in a remote area of
Table 1 over the page, shows the summary of the research questions and the study design.
Table 1
Research Questions and Study Design
Research Questions Data Analysis and reporting
Curriculum alignment Documents: The IB PYP: PYP Science Scope and Sequence (2008); Science Alignment will be examined and discussed in a summative
across the IB continuum (2011); Making the PYP happen: A curriculum way through comparative tables (summative in the report +
1. In what ways does the science component of framework for international primary education (2009); Making the PYP happen: detailed in appendices) produced from content analysis of the
the PYP support the knowledge, concepts, Pedagogical leadership in a PYP school (2009); The Primary Years Programme: documents.
skills and processes that teachers are expected A basis for practice (2009) ACARA: The Shape of the Australian Curriculum
to teach and students are expected to learn to Version 2.0 (2010); Australian Curriculum: Science (2011) The above is supplemented by an account of important points
meet Australian Curriculum: Science content of clarification provided from interviews.
descriptions? Interviews: Interviews with IB and ACARA staff (science curriculum writers
and teachers), will be used to clarify issues that are apparent in practice not
transparent in documents.
2. To what extent does science teaching and Documents: The IB PYP: PYP Science Scope and Sequence (2008); Science This analysis summarises the cross-curriculum approaches in
learning in the PYP support students to fulfil across the IB continuum (2011); Making the PYP happen: A curriculum PYP and AC. Comparative tables (detailed + summative)
the general capabilities and cross-curriculum framework for international primary education (2009); Making the PYP happen: which have been produced from the content analysis of the
priorities of the Australian Curriculum? Pedagogical leadership in a PYP school (2009); The Primary Years Programme: documents.
A basis for practice (2009). ACARA: The Shape of the Australian Curriculum
Version 2.0 (2010); Australian Curriculum: Science (2011) Analysis of the IB teachers’ interviews complements the above
Interviews: with IB PYP Science teachers, will be used to clarify issues that are
apparent in practice not transparent in documents.
School implementation practices Interviews: Interviews with IB Science teachers will be used to explore issues in Interview transcripts have been analysed using thematic
implementation and report on strategies employed in successful teaching and analysis to identify frequently reported effective teaching
3. How do Australian IB World schools design learning. strategies and prominent implementation issues. These have
and implement their programme of inquiry, been presented, supported by direct quotes from the teachers.
PYP planners and science scope and sequence Observation: will examine implementation practices. Field notes will record the
in ways that address the content and design of lessons and the teaching and learning strategies employed in effective
achievement standards of the Australian classes.
Curriculum Science learning area?
4. What do schools identify as factors and Interviews: with IB science teaching staff will be used to explore issues in Interview transcripts have been analysed using thematic
practices that impede or contribute to the implementation and report on strategies employed in successful teaching and analysis to identify frequently reported impeding or
successful alignment of the science component learning. contributing factors. These have been presented in a table,
of the Primary Years Programme and supported by direct quotes from the teachers.
Australian Curriculum: Science?
Data collection
Document analysis
Comparative analysis of curriculum was undertaken using content analysis and comparative
summative tables. The comparison was conducted on several levels; firstly the alignment on content,
secondly analysis of content that was not aligned, thirdly we compared the two curricula on their
focus on skills.
While the major analysis relied on document analysis it was important to inform this with interviews
with key stakeholders. Although the documents have high levels of transparency it is nevertheless
inevitable that issues will arise that require clarification. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were
used to clarify and resolve issues that arose in the document analysis phase. Key staff members at the
four schools were interviewed and we consulted with curriculum experts to clarify any outstanding
The project conformed to the ethical standards laid out in the Australian Government’s National
Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) and approval was gained from the
University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee.
Chapter 2: Alignment between the IB PYP and AC Science curricula
This document reports on the alignment of the IB PYP Science and the Australian Curriculum Science
curricula. This comparative analysis of curriculum used content analysis and comparative summative
tables. The study examined both curricular content and curricular skills contained within the
Australian Curriculum Science learning area and the IB PYP Science documents.
The first challenge in mapping the curriculum content was to develop a system that could reconcile
the content structure of each curriculum. The IB PYP organises curriculum content under ‘themes’,
‘lines of inquiry’ and ‘outcomes’ for each age group, while the AC Science uses ‘statements’ which
cover several curriculum ‘areas’ which are, in turn detailed in ‘descriptors’. Because it was
immediately apparent that the AC documents were larger and more complicated we decided to use the
AC as the foundation and map the IB PYP on to it. Later, we discovered during the interviews that
some teachers also took this approach in reconciling the two curricula, whilst others preferred to start
with the IB PYP and map the AC on to that. It is important to note that the two curriculum designs are
slightly different from each other. The AC curriculum is sometimes referred to as a developmental
curriculum, while the IB PYP is often referred to as a spiral curriculum. As you will see in our results
this second approach, of starting with the IB PYP curriculum and mapping onto that, is more
problematic because the AC content is substantially larger than the IB PYP themes.
Another challenge for us, and for teachers, in analysing the two curricula related to different structures
for progression. Progression in the IB PYP focuses on children’s age, so that the curriculum can be
applied appropriately across nations and schooling systems with different academic year and grade
systems. In contrast, progression in the AC is focussed on Australian school years or grades. There
has been an attempt, by state and territory governments, concurrent to the introduction of the AC, to
produce a unified policy for age at school entry (the Foundation year) and consistent age grouping
throughout the primary school grades.
The expected alignment between the IB PYP age groupings and the AC school years is presented in
Table 2 below. However, as the analysis progressed it became clear that the content deemed
appropriate for each school year or age grouping did not align as was expected. Table 3 shows how,
once the content was mapped, it became evident that content for the younger IB PYP age groups
aligned with AC Science content across the primary years. For any AC school year, except for
Foundation (Year F), similar content could be found in IB PYP themes for a wide range of ages. This
finding is consistent with the IB approach wherein key concepts are introduced early and then
developed over the primary years. By contrast the AC introduces different concepts throughout the
primary schooling years.
A final caveat that should be mentioned before the analysis begins below is that it is arguable that
some areas that are reported as unmatched are correct. As schools are able to choose their own content
based on the units they select, it may be the case that they are unmatched as a result of their choices
rather than that there is a lack of or inability to match the two curriculum models. The ability of
individual schools to maintain choice of content of curriculum may in fact be one of the major
advantages of the blending the two curriculums. The AC has mandated approximately 60% of
uniformity of curriculum across the States and Territories of Australia. In other words, there is room
for some flexibility for schools wishing to maintain their own choice of content while meeting the
demands of both curriculum models.
Table 2
Age Grouping and School Years - Expected Alignment
Table 3
Age Grouping and School Years - Actual Alignment of Content
While there was substantial common content between the curricula, the expectations of how content
related to age and how learning in different content areas should progress were substantially different.
For example, in Year 3 the AC curriculum for eight to ten year olds is aligned with IB Science
curriculum that is intended for students as young as three to five years old and some of the AC
curriculum is not covered in the IB until students are a target age of nine to twelve years old.
As this finding is evident throughout the curriculum mapping we have colour coded the IB themes to
reflect the different age groupings in all our summary tables. By doing this the target age disparity
between the two curricula is evident in all our analyses.
On the following pages, we present the mapping of the IB PYP Science curriculum content on to the
AC in a series of summary tables – one for each AC school year. These are necessarily brief and do
not reflect all the detail seen in the AC and IB PYP curriculum documents. More detailed tables,
which include the IB PYP Science ‘lines of inquiry’ and ‘outcomes’, for each school year, are
presented in Appendix 1. We follow the summary tables with a discussion of findings across the
school years and with a final summary table outlining curriculum content that was not found in both
Table 4
Curriculum Alignment in the Foundation Year
Red IB age grouping 3-5 yr olds
In the Foundation year, see Table 4 above, young students are introduced to the ‘Biological sciences’,
‘Chemical sciences’, ‘Earth and Space sciences’ and ‘Physical sciences’ and also to the concept of
‘Science as a human endeavour’. These themes are shared in both curricula, except that in the PYP the
Physical sciences content is not covered. The ‘nature and development of science’ is covered in both
curricula, but in different ways. In the AC this involves ‘exploring and observing the world’ which is
listed in curriculum content; whereas in the IB PYP this is not explicitly listed. However,
‘observation’ is highlighted as an important aspects of the skills set that applies across the PYP
Science curriculum. Skills implicit in the curriculum are examined in greater detail later in our
Table 5
Curriculum Alignment in Year 1
Red IB age grouping 3-5 yr olds
Blue IB age grouping 5-7 yr olds
science events
As with the Foundation year, in Kindergarten there is also strong alignment between the curricula,
with only one AC area descriptor unmatched by the PYP curriculum; and again, this content is
associated with the Physical Sciences. Furthermore it can be noted that the Year 1 AC curriculum,
refer to Table 5 above, typically for six to eight year olds, is matched by the PYP curriculum for three
to seven year olds.
Table 6
Curriculum Alignment in Year 2
Red IB age grouping 3-5 yr olds
Blue IB age grouping 5-7 yr olds
Green IB age grouping 7-9 yr olds
science events
Use and People use science in their daily lives,
influence of including when caring for their T6 - Sharing the planet
science environment and living things
Consistent with Foundation and Year 1 curricula, the Year 2 curriculum, see Table 6 above, is
similarly closely matched with the exception of the ‘Physical sciences’. Once again, the ‘Nature and
development of science’ is not covered explicitly in the IB PYP content framework. It is, however,
evident in the skills prescribed for by the PYP across the primary Science programme.
Table 7
Curriculum Alignment in Year 3
Green IB age grouping 7-9 yr olds
Brown IB age grouping 9-12 yr olds
Table 7 above shows how in Year 3 the two curricula are completely matched, with no AC content
area that is not covered in the IB PYP. However, it is also evident that for Year 3, a grade typically
populated with eight to ten year olds, the aligning PYP curriculum is mostly designed for the nine to
twelve year old age group. This is consistent with the IB approach of introducing core concepts in
which understanding is developed over the primary years. However, it is also evident that in the IB
PYP complex concepts, like the transfer of heat, are intended for older age groups (9-12 year olds)
who have more advanced cognitive development. This stands in contrast to the AC in which such
complex concepts are introduced, or may be introduced to students at a younger age (eight to ten
years). Despite these apparent differences of just when the content was best covered, the four schools
in our study found that the framework of the PYP was flexible enough to ensure that no AC content
was omitted when teaching the PYP.
Table 8
Curriculum Alignment in Year 4
Red IB age grouping 3-5 yr olds
Blue IB age grouping 5-7 yr olds
environment to survive
Natural and processed materials have a
range of physical properties; These T4 - How the world works
properties can influence their use
Earth’s surface changes over time as a
Earth and
result of natural processes and human T6 - Sharing the planet
space sciences
Forces can be exerted by one object on
another through direct contact or from a UNMATCHED
Human Endeavou
Nature and
Science involves making predictions and
Science as a
In Year 4, see Table 8 above, our analysis revealed a return to the pattern seen in grades F, 1 and 2;
with a close match on content, with the exception of ‘Physical sciences’; and with AC content on the
‘Nature and development of science’ matched on skills in the PYP. More notably the AC Year 4
curriculum, for nine to twelve year olds, is now matched with PYP content designed for children
ranging from three to twelve years old.
Table 9
Curriculum Alignment in Year 5
Red IB age grouping 3-5 yr olds
Blue IB age grouping 5-7 yr olds
As with Year 4, the Year 5 AC curriculum is aligned with PYP content designed for a wide range of
ages – from three to twelve years of age - see Table 9 above. However, Year 5 is the only year with
more than one curriculum descriptor unmatched. In this case two areas in the AC are not covered in
the IB PYP; and these are from the ‘Physical sciences’ and from the ‘Nature and development of
Grade 6 is presented over the page in Table 10 and, again, reflects trends seen in grades F, 1, 2 and 4.
Unmatched content is found in the area of ‘Physical sciences’. This and other trends in curriculum
alignment between AC and IB across the primary years are reviewed in the following list of summary
Table 10
Curriculum Alignment in Year 6
Red IB age grouping 3-5 yr olds
Blue IB age grouping 5-7 yr olds
Green IB age grouping 7-9 yr olds
Brown IB age grouping 9-12 yr olds
1. A great deal of content is common to both curricula. For example, there is no curriculum
‘area’ within the AC which is not also covered, to some extent, by content described in the IB
PYP. Only approximately 16% of the content ‘Descriptors’ in AC are not matched with IB
PYP content on a similar topic; these are analysed in more depth in the next section.
2. There are only seven of the smaller ‘descriptor’ sections of the AC that are not matched with
similar content in the IB PYP and these are distributed evenly across school years; with
nothing unmatched in Year 3, two ‘Descriptors’ unmatched in Year 5 and only one
‘descriptor’ unmatched in each of the other years.
3. Some seven ‘Descriptors’ under content ‘Areas’ in the AC were not matched by IB PYP
content but can be seen to be matched with the IB PYP curriculum skills. These are also
analysed in more detail in the following section.
4. Six of the seven unmatched AC descriptors relate to the Physical Sciences area. This may
reflect either: omission in the IB disciplinary coverage; or, indeed, overly ambitious plans to
introduce many complex Physical science concepts in the AC primary Science programme.
Recent criticism of the AC suggests the curriculum is cramped and overambitious. The heavy
requirements in Year 6, for example, include covering how ‘electrical circuits provide a
means of transferring and transforming energy’. Further research on the cognitive abilities of
students is needed to provide informed developmental perspectives on material that is
appropriate for each age group.
5. While the AC content areas and descriptors are well matched with the IB PYP themes, the
analysis is not conclusive on the depth of the curriculum delivered in each content area.
Indeed the depth evident in each descriptor and theme varies and, although we can see
alignment between the AC and IB PYP content on the basis of the language in the curriculum
documents, it is not possible to estimate the depth of study delivered to address each
curricula. Additional study of classrooms and assessment of learning is needed to examine the
depth of content delivery.
6. Although content is well matched, it is clear that the ages and school years in which content is
introduced are at times different in the two curricula. The colour coding of the IB PYP
content reflects the age groupings it is considered appropriate for - and this does not align
neatly with the AC school years.
To complete the curriculum content analysis we re-examined the aspects of the AC content that were
not covered in the IB PYP and also re-examined the PYP to look for aspects of that curriculum that
were not matched by the AC. The aspects of the AC that were unmatched were distributed evenly
through the school years and tended to concentrate in the Physical Sciences. Indeed, as can be seen in
Table 11, 6 out of 7 unmatched ‘Descriptors’ were from this ‘Area’. This suggests that the AC
stipulates more ‘Physical sciences’ content than the IB PYP.
Table 11
AC Science Descriptors Unmatched by the IB PYP Science Curriculum
The aspects of the IB PYP Science that were unmatched by the AC are listed below in Table 12.
There was, in general, strong alignment between the AC and the PYP themes, however some detail in
‘Lines of Inquiry’ and curriculum ‘Outcomes’ were not covered. After the review process, it can be
seen that some aspects, marked in red, are also within the PYP Social Studies curriculum.
Disregarding these we can see that the majority are from ‘Theme 4 - How the World Works’, and
frequently relate to the physical and engineering sciences. This potentially counters the previous
conclusion and suggests that, although the ‘Physical sciences’ are an apparent area where the two
curricula differ, this is not because one focuses more than the other on the physical sciences, but
because they tend to focus on different content within the ‘Physical sciences’.
Finally, it is important to note that overall, the curriculum analysis reveals that the AC Science
documents are heavier with content. Full and detailed tables of curriculum mapping are available in
Appendix 1 make this most apparent. Although at the AC ‘Area’ and PYP ‘Theme’ levels these
curriculum are well matched; further detail regarding content is evident in the AC ‘Descriptors’ and
this is not matched with content detail in the PYP ‘Lines of Inquiry’ and ‘Outcomes’.
Table 12
IBO PYP Science Content not Covered in the AC Science F-6
Age group Themes Lines of Inquiry Outcomes Pages
3-5 years T6 Be aware of the role of plants in sustaining life (e.g. providing oxygen, food) 9
5-7 years T1 Balanced choices 11
5-7 years T1 Consequences of choices 11
Identify the major food groups & be aware of the role they play in human
5-7 years T1 11
5-7 years T4 The evidence of the existence of air 15
5-7 years T4 What air can do and how we use it 15
5-7 years T4 The relationship between air, light & sound 15
5-7 years T4 Investigate & identify the properties of air 15
Examine how people use air in their everyday lives (e.g. transportation,
5-7 years T4 15
5-7 years T4 Reflect on the impact of air on living things 15
Apply his or her understanding about the properties of air (e.g. building a
5-7 years T4 15
5-7 years T4 Explore links between air, light and sound (e.g. thunder & lightning) 15
7-9 years T4 Considerations to take into account when building a structure 18
7-9 years T4 How building impacts on the environment 18
7-9 years T4 Indigenous architecture 18
Investigate how buildings & other structures stand up (e.g. piles, buttresses, I-bean
7-9 years T4
7-9 years T4 Investigate the construction of a building or structure & identify the materials used 18
7-9 years T4 critique the impact of a structure on the matural environment 18
Demonstrate how energy can be stored and transformed from one form to another
9-12 years T4 23
(e.g. storage of fat, batteries as a store of energy)
9-12 years T4 Explain the impact of diet in providing the body with sources of potential energy 23
9-12 years T6 Challenges and risks that children face 24
9-12 years T6 How children respond to challenges & risks 24
Ways in which individuals, organizations & nations work to
9-12 years T6 24
protect children from risk
Explore health and safety issues facing children (e.g. spread of disease, accidents,
9-12 years T6 24
access to health care)
9-12 years T6 Understanding the role of vaccinations 24
Explain the need to act responsibly with regards to his or her health and the health
9-12 years T6 24
of others (e.g. colds, head lice)
9-12 years T2 Explore the principle of using gears to provide more work for less energy 25
Ethical dilemmas associated with manufacturing processes & by-
9-12 years T4 26
9-12 years T4 Identify the difference between physical & chemical changes 26
9-12 years T4 Recognize & report on the environmental impact of some manufacturing processes 26
9-12 years T2 Feelings & attitudes associated with exploration 28
9-12 years T2 Methods of navigation 28
9-12 years T2 Investigate & explain how stars are used for navigation 28
Demonstrate an understanding of other methods of navigation (e.g. compasses,
9-12 years T2 28
9-12 years T4 Genetics & hereditary factors 29
9-12 years T4 Identify the structures of plants and animals that are responsible for reproduction 29
Analyse similarities and differences in the ways that different living things
9-12 years T4 29
9-12 years T4 Be aware of the role of genetics in determining physical characteristics 29
Circumstances that lead to the development of important
9-12 years T5 30
inventions & their impact
9-12 years T5 Examine the impact of particular technologies on sustainability 30
9-12 years T5 Suggest areas for future technological advances 30
RED = this unit is also included in the social studies scope and sequence
Curriculum alignment mapping – skills
As a final step in the curriculum mapping we examined references to the development of skills within
the two curricula. The IB Science skills are outlined in Table 13. These are skills to be implemented
across Science curriculum content areas and are neatly aligned with the ‘Outcomes’ stipulated in the
PYP documents. Further detail on the position of skills within the IB and AC curriculum is available
in the curriculum documents, including Science Scope and Sequence (IB, 2008); Science across the
IB continuum (IB, 2011); Making the PYP happen: A curriculum framework for international primary
education (IBO, 2009); The Shape of the Australian Curriculum Version 2.0 (ACARA, 2010), and;
Australian Curriculum: Science (Australian Curriculum, 2015).
Table 13
IB PYP Science Skills
IB Science Skills
In the AC, skills are outlined in relation to the development of the cross-curricular ‘General
Capabilities’ and also in the ‘Elaborations’ of the content ‘Areas’ and ‘Descriptors’. On the following
pages we present the mapping of the IB PYP Science curriculum skills on to the AC ‘Elaborations’ in
a series of summary tables – one for each AC school year. These tables use the numerical coding
presented in Table 13 to illustrate the alignment between the two curricula. In some cases there are
multiple numerical codes to show how more than one of the IB Skills aligns with AC Elaborations.
We follow these tables with a discussion of findings relating to skills development in the PYP
Table 14
Foundation Year Skills Alignment
FOUNDATION AC Science Inquiry skills
IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
Respond to questions about familiar objects and considering questions relating to the home and school
Questionning and predicting 4
events and objects used in everyday life
using sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell so that
Plranning and conducting Explore and make observations by using the senses students can gather information about the world around 1
taking part in informal and guided discussions relating
Processing and analysing Engage in discussions about observations and use to students' observations
data and information methods such as drawing to represent ideas using drawings to represent observations and ideas and
discussing their representations with others
working in groups to describe what students have done
Communicating Share observations and ideas and what they have found out
communicating ideas through role play and drawing 8
Using the key provided in Table 13, we can see that in Table 14 the AC Foundation Elaborations align
with PYP Science Skills such as; ‘observe carefully in order to gather data’ (IB Science Skills 1), ‘use
scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences’ (IB Science Skills 3), ‘identify or
generate a question or problem to be explored’ (IB Science Skills 4) and ‘consider scientific models
and applications of these models’ (IB Science Skills 8 ).
In the following pages, Tables 15 through to 20 illustrate how the AC ‘Elaborations’ for Years 1-6
relate to a wide range of ‘Skills’ outlined in the PYP. Readers are reminded that the numerical coding
for PYP Science Skills is provided in Table 13.
Table 15
Year 1 Skills Alignment
YEAR 1 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
thinking about "What will happen if……?" type
questions about everyday objects and events
Respond to and pose questions, and make
Questioning and predicting using the senses to explore the local environment to
predictions about familiar objects and events
pose interesting questions and making predictions about 4, 6
what will happen
manipulating objects and making observations of what
1, 5
Participate in different types of guided investigations researching ideas collaboratively using big books, web
to explore and answer questions, such as pages and ICT within the classroom
manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing exploring different ways of solving science questions
information sources 3, 5
Planning and conducting through guided discussion
sorting information and classifying objects based on
easily observable characteristics with teacher guidance
using units that are familiar to students from home and
Use informal measurements in the collection and
school, such as cups (cooking), hand spans (length)
recording of observations, with the assistance of 2
and walking paces (distance) to make and record
digital technologies as appropriate
observations with teacher guidance
using matching activities, including identifying similar
things, odd-one-out and opposites
Use a range of methods to sort information, exploring ways of recording and sharing information
3, 8
Processing and analysing including drawings and provided tables through class discussion
data and information jointly constructing simple column graphs and picture
graphs to represent class investigations
Through discussion, compare observations with discussing original predictions and, with guidance,
3, 7
predictions comparing these to their observations
discussing observations as a whole class to identify
Evaluating Compare observations with those of others 3, 7
similarities and differences in their observations
discussing or representing what was discovered in an
Represent and communicate observations and ideas 3, 7
Communicating in a variety of ways such as oral and written
engaging in whole class or guided small group
language, drawing and role play 3, 7
discussions to share observations and ideas
Table 16
Year 2 Skills Alignment
YEAR 2 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
using the senses to explore the local environment to
pose interesting questions, make inferences and 4, 6
Respond to and pose questions, and make
Questioning and predicting predictions
predictions about familiar objects and events
thinking about 'What will happen if...?' type questions
about everyday objects and events
manipulating objects and materials and making
1, 5
observations of the results
Participate in different types of guided investigations
to explore and answer questions, such as researching with the use of simple information sources 5
manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing
information sources sorting objects and events based on easily identified
Planning and conducting 7
Through discussion, compare observations with comparing and discussing, with guidance, whether
3, 7
predictions observations were expected
discussing observations with other students to see
Evaluating Compare observations with those of others 3, 7
similarities and differences in results
presenting ideas to other students, both one-to-one and
Represent and communicate observations and ideas 3, 7
in small groups
Communicating in a variety of ways such as oral and written
discussing with others what was discovered from an
language, drawing and role play 3, 7
Table 17
Year 3 Skills Alignment
YEAR 3 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
choosing questions to investigate from a list of
With guidance, identify questions in familiar jointly constructing questions that may form the basis
contexts that can be investigated scientifically and for investigation
Questioning and predicting
predict what might happen based on prior listing shared experiences as a whole class and
3, 5
knowledge identifying possible investigations
working in groups to discuss things that might happen
3, 6
during an investigation
Table 18
Year 4 Skills Alignment
YEAR 4 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
considering familiar situations in order to think about possible areas
With guidance, identify questions in familiar for investigation
contexts that can be investigated scientifically and reflecting on familiar situations to make predictions with teacher
Questioning and predicting 6
predict what might happen based on prior guidance
choosing questions to investigate from a list of possibilities 4
Table 19
Year 5 Skills Alignment
YEAR 5 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
exploring the range of questions that can be asked about a
With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or problem or phenomena and with guidance, identifying 4
Questioning and predicting inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings those questions that could be investigated
of an investigation might be applying experience from similar situations in the past to
predict what might happen in a new situation
experiencing a range of ways of investigating questions,
including experimental testing, internet research, field 5
observations and exploring simulations
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to discussing the advantages of certain types of investigation
3, 5
answer questions or solve problems for answering certain types of questions
considering different ways to approach problem solving,
including researching, using trial and error, experimental 5
testing and creating models
discussing in groups how investigations can be made as
3, 5
Planning and conducting fair as possible
using tools to accurately measure objects and events in
investigation and exploring which tools provide the most 1, 2
Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair
accurate measurements
tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using
using familiar units such as grams, seconds and meters
digital technologies as appropriate
and developing the use of standard multipliers such as 2
kilometres and millimetres
recording data in tables and diagrams or electronically as
digital images and spreadsheets
Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks explaining rules for safe processes and use of equipment 2, 3
constructing tables, graphs and other graphic organisers to
show trends in data
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables
identifying patterns in data and developing explanations
and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or 7
that fit these patterns
Processing and analysing relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate
identifying similarities and differences in qualitative data in
data and information 7
order to group items or materials
sharing ideas as to whether observations match
Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in
predictions, and discussing possible reasons for predictions 3, 7
developing explanations
being incorrect
working collaboratively to identify where methods could
Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a
Evaluating be improved, including where testing was not fair and 3, 5
question or solve a problem
practices could be improved
discussing how models represent scientific ideas and
constructing physical models to demonstrate an aspect of 3, 8
scientific understanding
Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of
Communicating constructing multi-modal texts to communicate science
ways, including multi-modal texts 8
using labelled diagrams, including cross-sectional
representations, to communicate ideas
Table 20
Year 6 Skills Alignment
YEAR 6 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
refining questions to enable scientific investigation 4
With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or asking questions to understand the scope or nature of a
Questioning and predicting inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings problem
of an investigation might be applying experience from previous investigations to predict
the outcomes of investigations in new contexts
following a procedure to design an experimental or field
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to discussing methods chosen with other students, and refining
3, 5
answer questions or solve problems methods accordingly
1. There is considerable overlap and alignment between the Science Skills promoted in the AC
and PYP curriculum. There are no Skills listed in either curriculum which are not considered
in the other curriculum, but the AC and PYP do differ in emphasis and in the arrangements
for progression of Skills.
2. While the PYP focuses on eight Skills to be applied across the curriculum content and across
different age categories, the AC focuses on different Skills in different year groups. For
example, in the Foundation year, the AC skills outlined in ‘Elaborations’ align with the PYP
‘Use of scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences’ and with the
‘Consideration and application of different scientific models’; whereas later in Year 5 AC,
there is a greater emphasis on the use of instruments for measurement and the interpretation
and evaluation of data.
3. Across the year groups of the AC, the numerical code 7 ‘Interpret and evaluate data gathered
in order to draw conclusions’, numerical code 3 ‘Use scientific vocabulary to explain their
observations and experiences’ and numerical code 2 ‘Use a variety of instruments and tools to
measure data accurately’ are dominant in the AC. Less of the AC focuses on the development
of observation skills and on the identification and generation of questions which are more
apparent in the IB PYP.
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The following tables illustrate the alignment between the AC and IB PYP at each Australian school year. The IB PYP is not focused on Australian school
year but rather age brackets that are more relevant to the international IB student cohort. He following tables summarise both curricula for each Australian
schooling year, Foundation to Year 6. We have colour coded each of the corresponding IB themes in relation to their age grouping in the following way:
Alignment of the different content areas and theme is evident, although the age/developmental progression of the curricula vary substantially.
FOUNDATION Australian Curriculum IB PYP
Area El a bora ti ons Themes Li nes of Inqui ry Outcomes Pa ges
obs erve a nd des cri be the cha ra cteri s i ti cs of l i vi ng a nd non-
T6 - Sha ri ng the Cha ra cteri s ti cs of l i vi ng thi ngs /Our needs
l i vi ng thi ngs / obs erve the needs of l i vi ng thi ng tha t ena bl e 7
i denti fyi ng the needs of huma ns s uch a s wa rmth, food a nd pl a net a nd the needs of other l i vi ng thi ngs
them to s ta y hea l thy
Biological sciences
worl d works s ea s ona l cha nges connecti ons between the wea ther a nd how to protect hi ms el f or
Da i l y a nd s ea s ona l i ncl udi ng exa mpl es from di fferent cul tures
hers el f
cha nges i n our
i nves ti ga ti ng how cha nges i n the wea ther mi ght a ffect i denti fy s i mpl e pa tterns i n da i l y a nd s ea s ona l cycl es / obs erve
envi ronment, T4 - How the Ni ght a nd da y cycl es (da rk a nd l i ght) /
a ni ma l s s uch a s pets , a ni ma l s tha t hi berna te, or mi gra tory the fea tures of the l oca l envi ronment tha t a re a ffected by da i l y 6
i ncl udi ng the wea ther, worl d works Sea s ona l cha nges
a ni ma l s a nd s ea a s ona l cycl es
a ffect everyda y l i fe
l ea rni ng how Abori gi na l a nd Torres Stra i t Is l a nder concepts
of ti me a nd wea ther pa tterns expl a i n how thi ngs ha ppen i n
the worl d a round them
obs ervi ng the wa y di fferent s ha ped objects s uch a s ba l l s ,
bl ocks a nd tubes move
Physical sciences
recogni s i ng tha t obs erva ti on i s a n i mporta nt pa rt of T4 - How the us e s ens es to des cri be obs erva bl e properti es of fa mi l i a r
Science as human
development of
Sci ence i nvol ves expl ori ng a nd i nves ti ga ti ng the thi ngs a nd pl a ces a round us worl d works ma teri a l s (i ncl udi ng s ol i ds , l i qui ds , ga s es )
Nature and
expl ori ng a nd
s ha ri ng obs erva ti ons wi th others a nd communi ca ti ng thei r
obs ervi ng the worl d
experi ences
us i ng the s ens es
expl ori ng a nd obs ervi ng us i ng hea ri ng, s mel l , touch, s eei ng T4 - How the us e s ens es to des cri be obs erva bl e properti es of fa mi l i a r
a nd ta s te worl d works ma teri a l s (i ncl udi ng s ol i ds , l i qui ds , ga s es )
YEAR 1 Australian Curriculum IB PYP
Area El a bora ti ons Themes Li nes of Inqui ry Outcomes Pa ges
T6 - Sha ri ng the
recogni s i ng common fea tures of a ni ma l s s uch a s hea d, l egs a nd wi ngs Cha ra cteri s ti cs of l i vi ng thi ngs 7
pl a net
des cri bi ng the us e of a ni ma l body pa rts for pa rti cul a r purpos es s uch a s T6 - Sha ri ng the
Li vi ng thi ngs ha ve a Cha ra cteri s ti cs of l i vi ng thi ngs 7
movi ng a nd feedi ng pl a net
va ri ety of externa l
T6 - Sha ri ng the i denti fy the pa rts of pl a nts tha t a re us ed by other l i vi ng
Biological sciences
fea tures i denti fyi ng common fea tures of pl a nts s uch a s l ea ves a nd roots The s tructure of a pl a nt 9
pl a net thi ngs (for exa mpl e, for food, s hel ter, tool s )
des cri bi ng the us e of pl a nt pa rts for pa rti cul a r purpos es s uch a s ma ki ng T6 - Sha ri ng the
Cha ra cteri s ti cs of l i vi ng thi ngs 7
food a nd obta i ni ng wa ter pl a net
expl ori ng di fferent ha bi ta ts i n the l oca l envi ronment s uch a s the bea ch, T6 - Sha ri ng the
Li vi ng thi ngs l i ve i n bus h a nd ba ckya rd pl a net
di fferent pl a ces recogni s i ng tha t di fferent l i vi ng thi ngs l i ve i n di fferent pl a ces s uch a s l a nd
where thei r needs a re a nd wa ter
met expl ori ng wha t ha ppens when ha bi ta ts cha nge a nd s ome l i vi ng thi ngs ca n T4 - How the worl d i nves ti ga te the res pons es of pl a nts or a ni ma l s to
no l onger ha ve thei r needs met works cha nges i n thei r ha bi ta ts
predi cti ng a nd compa ri ng how the s ha pes of objects ma de from di fferent
Science understanding
occur i n the s ky a nd recordi ng s hort a nd l onger term pa tterns of events tha t occur on Ea rth a nd i n
T4 - How the worl d
l a nds ca pe the s ky, s uch a s the a ppea ra nce of the moon a nd s ta rs a t ni ght, the wea ther Sea s ona l cha nges i denti fy s i mpl e pa tterns i n da i l y a nd s ea s ona l cycl es 6
a nd the s ea s ons
recogni s i ng s ens es a re us ed to l ea rn a bout the worl d a round us : our eyes to
detect l i ght, our ea rs to detect s ound, a nd touch to feel vi bra ti ons
i denti fyi ng the s un a s a s ource of l i ght
Physical sciences
Li ght a nd s ound a re
produced by a ra nge recogni s i ng tha t objects ca n be s een when l i ght from s ources i s a va i l a bl e to
of s ources a nd ca n be i l l umi na te them
s ens ed expl ori ng di fferent wa ys to produce s ound us i ng fa mi l i a r objects a nd a cti ons
s uch a s s tri ki ng, bl owi ng, s cra pi ng a nd s ha ki ng
compa ri ng s ounds ma de by mus i ca l i ns truments us i ng cha ra cteri s ti cs s uch
a s l oudnes s , pi tch a nd a cti ons us ed to ma ke the s ound
Sci ence i nvol ves joi ntl y cons tructi ng ques ti ons a bout the events a nd fea tures of the l oca l
a bout, a nd des cri bi ng recogni s i ng tha t des cri pti ons of wha t we obs erve a re us ed by peopl e to hel p
cha nges i n, objects i denti fy cha nge
Science as a Human Endeavour
cons i deri ng how s ci ence i s us ed i n a cti vi ti es s uch a s cooki ng, fi s hi ng, T6 - Sha ri ng the
Ca ri ng for pl a nt l i fe s how res pons i bi l i ty when ca ri ng for pl a nts 9
tra ns port, s port, medi ci ne a nd ca ri ng for pl a nts a nd a ni ma l s pl a net
Use and influence of science
recogni s i ng tha t l i vi ng thi ngs ha ve predi cta bl e cha ra cteri s ti cs a t di fferent s ta ges T4 - How the Li fe cycl es / How l i vi ng thi ngs
Li vi ng thi ngs grow, 12
of devel opment worl d works cha nge over thei r l i fe ti me
cha nge a nd ha ve
des cri be the l i fe cycl es of a va ri ety of l i vi ng thi ngs (for exa mpl e, a
offs pri ng s i mi l a r to expl ori ng di fferent cha ra cteri s ti cs of l i fe s ta ges i n a ni ma l s s uch a s egg, ca terpi l l a r T4 - How the Devel opmenta l s ta ges of va ri ous
ra nge of a ni ma l s a nd pl a nts ) / compa re the l i fe cycl es of di fferent 12
thems el ves a nd butterfl y worl d works l i vi ng thi ngs
l i vi ng thi ngs
T4 - How the
obs ervi ng tha t a l l a ni ma l s ha ve offs pri ng, us ua l l y wi th two pa rents Li fe cycl es 12
worl d works
expl ori ng the l oca l envi ronment to obs erve a va ri ety of ma teri a l s , a nd des cri bi ng T4 - How the Ma ni pul a ti on of ma teri a l s for
wa ys i n whi ch ma teri a l s a re us ed worl d works s peci fi c purpos es
Di fferent ma teri a l s
Chemical sciences
i denti fyi ng ma teri a l s s uch a s pa per tha t ca n be cha nged a nd rema de or recycl ed T6 - Sha ri ng Reus i ng a nd recycl i ng di fferent i nves ti ga te wa ys tha t fa mi l i a r ma teri a l s ca n ne reus ed / des cri be
i nto new products the pl a net ma teri a l s how a pa rti cul a r ma teri a l i s recycl ed
T6 - Sha ri ng Sources of wa ter a nd how wa ter i s
des cri be how wa ter s us ta i ns l i fe 21
i denti fyi ng the Ea rth’s res ources i ncl udi ng wa ter, s oi l a nd mi nera l s , a nd the pl a net us ed
des cri bi ng how they a re us ed i n the s chool T6 - Sha ri ng refl ect on a nd s el f-a s s es s hi s or her pers ona l us e of na tura l
the pl a net res ources
Earth and space sciences
a s ki ng ques ti ons
ma teri a l s
Peopl e us e s ci ence i n Huma n us e of the l oca l na tura l
T6 - Sha ri ng
thei r da i l y l i ves , envi ronment / Acti ons tha t benefi t or a na l ys e wa ys i n whi ch huma ns us e the na tura l envi ronment 13
the pl a net
i ncl udi ng when ca ri ng ha rm the l oca l envi ronment
for thei r envi ronment i denti fyi ng the wa ys huma ns ma na ge a nd protect res ources , s uch a s reduci ng Pers ona l choi ce tha t ca n hel p
T6 - Sha ri ng
a nd l i vi ng thi ngs wa s te a nd ca ri ng for wa ter s uppl i es s us ta i n the envi ronment / Reduci ng expl ore the rol e of l i vi ng thi ngs i n recycl i ng energy a nd ma tter 16
the pl a net
wa s te 49
T6 - Sha ri ng a na l ys e s ys tems of wa ter s tora ge a nd us a ge, both na tura l a nd
the pl a net huma n-ma de
recogni s i ng tha t ma ny l i vi ng thi ngs rel y on res ources tha t ma y be threa tened, a nd T6 - Sha ri ng Li mi ted na ture of the Ea rth's
tha t s ci ence unders ta ndi ng ca n contri bute to the pres erva ti on of s uch res ources the pl a net res ources
YEAR 3 Australian Curriculum IB PYP
recogni s i ng cha ra cteri s ti cs of l i vi ng thi ngs s uch a s growi ng, movi ng, T4 - How the Reproducti on a s pa rt of a
Li vi ng thi ngs ca n be s ens i ti vi ty a nd reproduci ng worl d works l i fe cycl e
Biological sciences
grouped on the ba s i s T6 - Sha ri ng the ta ke res pons i bi l i ty for l i vi ng thi ngs found i n hi s
recogni s i ng the ra nge of di fferent l i vi ng thi ngs 7
of obs erva bl e pl a net or her envi ronment
fea tures a nd ca n be T6 - Sha ri ng the Obs erve a nd des cri be the cha ra cteri s ti cs of
s orti ng l i vi ng a nd non-l i vi ng thi ngs ba s ed on cha ra cteri s ti cs 7
di s ti ngui s hed from pl a net l i vi ng a nd non-l i vi ng thi ngs
non-l i vi ng thi ngs expl ori ng di fferences between l i vi ng, once l i vi ng a nd products of l i vi ng
thi ngs
i nves ti ga ti ng how l i qui ds a nd s ol i ds res pond to cha nges i n T6 - Sha ri ng the recogni ze tha t wa ter exi s ts i n the a i r i n
tempera ture, for exa mpl e wa ter cha ngi ng to i ce, or mel ti ng chocol a te pl a net di fferent forms
A cha nge of s ta te
Chemical sciences
by a ddi ng or removi ng 8
worl d works ga s
hea t
T4 - How the
predi cti ng the effect of hea t on di fferent ma teri a l s Forms of energy 23
worl d works
T4 - How the
recogni s i ng the s un a s a s ource of l i ght Forms of energy 23
worl d works
Earth and space
Ea rth's rota ti on on i ts
cons tructi ng s undi a l s a nd i nves ti ga ti ng how they work
a xi s ca us es regul a r
cha nges , i ncl udi ng T4 - How the
des cri bi ng ti mes ca l es for the rota ti on of the Ea rth Sea s ona l cha nges 6
ni ght a nd da y worl d works
model l i ng the rel a ti ve s i zes a nd movement of the s un, Ea rth a nd moon
des cri bi ng how hea t ca n be produced s uch a s through fri cti on or T4 - How the
Forms of energy 23
moti on, el ectri ci ty or chemi ca l l y (burni ng) worl d works
Physical sciences
Hea t ca n be produced i denti fyi ng cha nges tha t occur i n everyda y s i tua ti ons due to hea ti ng
i n ma ny wa ys a nd ca n a nd cool i ng
move from one object T4 - How the
expl ori ng how hea t ca n be tra ns ferred through conducti on Forms of energy 23
to a nother worl d works
recogni s i ng tha t we ca n feel hea t a nd mea s ure i ts effects us i ng a
Sci ence i nvol ves ma ki ng predi cti ons a bout cha nge a nd events i n our envi ronment
Nature and
rel a ti ons hi ps cons i deri ng how pos i ng ques ti ons hel ps us pl a n for the future
T4 - How the
cons i deri ng how hea ti ng a ffects ma teri a l s us ed i n everyda y l i fe i denti fy a nd des cri be di fferent forms of energy 23
worl d works
Use and influence of science
proces s ed ma teri a l s T4 - How the us es s ens es to des cri be obs erva bl e properti es of fa mi l i a r ma teri a l s
Science Understanding
a nd des cri bi ng cons i deri ng how s ci enti fi c pra cti ces s uch a s s orti ng, cl a s s i fi ca ti on a nd es ti ma ti on a re us ed by
pa tterns a nd Abori gi na l a nd Torres Stra i t Is l a nder peopl e i n everyda y l i fe
rel a ti ons hi ps
i nves ti ga ti ng how a ra nge of peopl e, s uch a s cl othi ng des i gners , bui l ders or engi neers us e
s ci ence to s el ect a ppropri a te ma teri a l s for thei r work
Use and influence
hel ps peopl e to
unders ta nd the effect expl ori ng how s ci ence ha s contri buted to a di s cus s i on a bout a n i s s ue s uch a s l os s of ha bi ta t for T4 - How the expl ore s ci enti fi c a nd technol ogi ca l devel opments tha t hel p peopl e
of thei r a cti ons l i vi ng thi ngs or how huma n a cti vi ty ha s cha nged the l oca l envi ronment worl d works unders ta nd a nd res pond to the cha ngi ng Ea rth
T6 - Sha ri ng Acti ons tha t benefi t or ha rm the l oca l
cons i deri ng how to mi ni mi s e the effects of eros i on ca us ed by huma n a cti vi ty 13
the pl a net envi ronment
YEAR 5 Australian Curriculum IB PYP
expl a i ni ng how pa rti cul a r a da pta ti ons hel p s urvi va l s uch a s nocturna l beha vi our, s i l very col oured l ea ves T6 - Sha ri ng Concept of a da pta ti on / Ci rcums ta nces
recogni ze the wa ys i n whi ch pl a nts a nd a ni ma l s ha ve a da pted over ti
of dune pl a nts the pl a net tha t l ea d to a da pta ti on
Biological sciences
T4 - How the
Sol i ds , l i qui ds a nd obs ervi ng tha t ga s es ha ve ma s s a nd ta ke up s pa ce, demons tra ted by us i ng ba l l oons or bubbl es The evi dence of the exi s tence of a i r i nves ti ga te a nd i denti fy the properti es of a i r
Chemical sciences
worl d works
ga s es ha ve di fferent
obs erva bl e properti es expl ori ng the wa y s ol i ds , l i qui ds a nd ga s es cha nge under di fferent s i tua ti ons s uch a s hea ti ng a nd
Science Understanding
T4 - How the des cri be obs erva bl e cha nges (i ncl udi ng cha nges of s ta te) tha t occur i
a nd beha ve i n Cha ngi ng properti es of ma teri a l s
cool i ng worl d works ma teri a l s
di fferent wa ys
T4 - How the
recogni s i ng tha t not a l l s ubs ta nces ca n be ea s i l y cl a s s i fi ed on the ba s i s of thei r obs erva bl e properti es recogni ze tha t ma teri a l s ca n be s ol i d, l i qui d or ga s
worl d works
i denti fyi ng the pl a nets of the s ol a r s ys tem a nd compa ri ng how l ong they ta ke to orbi t the s un
The Ea rth i s pa rt of a
Earth and
s ys tem of pl a nets model l i ng the rel a ti ve s i ze of a nd di s ta nce between Ea rth, other pl a nets i n the s ol a r s ys tem a nd the s un
orbi ti ng a round a s ta r
T6 - Sha ri ng recogni ze tha t s ol a r energy s us ta i ns ecos ys tems through a
(the s un) recogni s i ng the rol e of the s un a s a provi der of energy for the Ea rth
the pl a net tra ns forma ti on of energy
dra wi ng s i mpl e l a bel l ed ra y di a gra ms to s how the pa ths of l i ght from a s ource to our eyes
compa ri ng s ha dows from poi nt a nd extended l i ght s ources s uch a s torches a nd fl uores cent tubes
Li ght from a s ource cl a s s i fyi ng ma teri a l s a s tra ns pa rent, opa que or tra ns l ucent ba s ed on whether l i ght pa s s es through them
Physical sciences
ma de by peopl e from l ea rni ng how Abori gi na l a nd Torres Stra i t Is l a nder Peopl es us ed obs erva ti on of the ni ght s ky to a s s i s t
a ra nge of cul tures wi th na vi ga ti on
Sci enti fi c i nves ti ga ti ng how the devel opment of ma teri a l s s uch a s pl a s ti cs a nd s yntheti c fa bri cs ha ve l ed to the T4 - How the a s s es s the benefi ts a nd cha l l enges of cha ngi ng ma teri a l s to s ui t
unders ta ndi ngs , producti on of us eful products worl d works peopl e's needs a nd wa nts (for exa mpl e, pl a s ti c)
di s coveri es a nd
T5 - How we a na l ys e the wa y i n whi ch technol ogy s upports the functi oni ng of
i nventi ons a re us ed to des cri bi ng how technol ogi es devel oped to a i d s pa ce expl ora ti on ha ve cha nged the wa y peopl e l i ve, work Technol ogy a nd i nventi ons of the home,
orga ni ze workpl a ces (for exa mpl e, s chool s ) / i nves ti ga te technol ogy
Use and influence of science
i nves ti ga ti ng how cha ngi ng the phys i ca l condi ti ons for pl a nts i mpa cts on thei r growth a nd s urvi va l a s s es s the i mpa ct tha t cha nges i n envi ronmenta l condi ti ons ca n
T6 - Sha ri ng the pl a net 19
The growth a nd s uch a s s a l t wa ter, us e of ferti l i zers a nd s oi l types ha ve on l i vi ng thi ngs
Biological sciences
s urvi va l of l i vi ng obs ervi ng the growth of fungi s uch a s yea s t a nd brea d moul d i n di fferent condi ti ons
thi ngs a re a ffected by
How pl a nts a nd a ni ma l s a da pt or ma ke l i nks between di fferent fea tures of the envi ronment a nd the
the phys i ca l res ea rchi ng orga ni s ms tha t l i ve i n extreme envi ronments s uch a s Anta rcti ca or a des ert T6 - Sha ri ng the pl a net 19
res pond to envi ronmenta l condi ti ons s peci fi c needs of l i vi ng thi ngs
condi ti ons of thei r
envi ronment How pl a nts a nd a ni ma l s a da pt or
cons i deri ng the effects of phys i ca l condi ti ons ca us i ng mi gra ti on a nd hi berna ti on T6 - Sha ri ng the pl a net 19
res pond to envi ronmenta l condi ti ons
Ma ni pul a ti on of ma teri a l s for s peci fi c
des cri bi ng wha t ha ppens when ma teri a l s a re mi xed T4 - How the worl d works 8
Cha nges to ma teri a l s purpos es
Chemical sciences
expl ori ng how revers i bl e cha nges ca n be us ed to recycl e ma teri a l s T6 - Sha ri ng the pl a net i nves ti ga te wa ys tha t fa mi l i a r ma teri a l s ca n be reus ed 16
i nves ti ga ti ng ma jor geol ogi ca l events s uch a s ea rthqua kes , vol ca ni c erupti ons a nd ts una mi s i n
Aus tra l i a , the As i a regi on a nd throughout the worl d
Earth and space sciences
cons i deri ng the effect of drought on l i vi ng a nd non-l i vi ng a s pects of the envi ronment T4 - How the worl d works des cri be how na tura l phenomena s ha pe the pl a net 20
El ectri ca l ci rcui ts recogni s i ng the need for a compl ete ci rcui t to a l l ow the fl ow of el ectri ci ty
provi de a mea ns of
i nves ti ga ti ng di fferent el ectri ca l conductors a nd i ns ul a tors
tra ns ferri ng a nd
Physical sciences
tra ns formi ng expl ori ng the fea tures of el ectri ca l devi ces s uch a s s wi tches a nd l i ght gl obes
Energy from a va ri ety i nves ti ga ti ng how movi ng a i r a nd wa ter ca n turn turbi nes to genera te el ectri ci ty T4- How the worl d works i denti fy a nd des cri be di fferent forms of energy 23
of s ources ca n be a s s es s renewa bl e a nd s us ta i na l be energy s ources (for exa mpl e,
i nves ti ga ti ng the us e of s ol a r pa nel s T4- How the worl d works 23
us ed to genera te wi nd, s ol a r, wa ter)
el ectri ci ty cons i deri ng whether a n energy s ource i s s us ta i na bl e T4- How the worl d works Renewa bl e a nd s us ta i na l be energy
Sci ence i nvol ves i nves ti ga ti ng how knowl edge a bout the effects of us i ng the Ea rth’s res ources ha s cha nged over ti me
tes ti ng predi cti ons by
des cri bi ng how unders ta ndi ng of the ca us es a nd effects of ma jor na tura l events ha s cha nged a s new
ga theri ng da ta a nd
evi dence ha s become a va i l a bl e
us i ng evi dence to
Nature and development of science
devel op expl a na ti ons i nves ti ga ti ng the us e of el ectri ci ty, i ncl udi ng predi cti ng the effects of cha nges to el ectri c ci rcui ts
of events a nd cons i deri ng how ga theri ng evi dence hel ps s ci enti s ts to predi ct the effect of ma jor geol ogi ca l or
phenomena cl i ma ti c events
i nves ti ga ti ng how peopl e from di fferent cul tures ha ve us ed s us ta i na bl e s ources of energy, for
T4 - How the worl d works Forms of energy 23
exa mpl e wa ter a nd s ol a r power
Importa nt
expl ori ng i ns ti tuti ons a nd l oca ti ons where contempora ry Aus tra l i a n s ci enti s ts conduct res ea rch on
contri buti ons to the
ca ta s trophi c na tura l events
a dva ncement of
s ci ence ha ve been l ea rni ng how Abori gi na l a nd Torres Stra i t Is l a nder knowl edge, s uch a s the medi ci na l a nd nutri ti ona l
Science as a Human Endeavour
ma de by peopl e from properti es of Aus tra l i a n pl a nts , i s bei ng us ed a s pa rt of the evi dence ba s e for s ci enti fi c a dva nces
a ra nge of cul tures
i nves ti ga ti ng the devel opment of ea rthqua ke mea s urements from the Chi nes e i nventi on of the T2 - Where we a re i n i nves ti ga te whi ch s i mpl e ma chi nes were devel oped by pa s t
s ei s mogra ph i n the s econd century pa l ce a nd ti me ci vi l i za ti ons (for exa mpl e, l ever, ra mp, pul l ey, s crew, wheel )
Sci enti fi c res ea rchi ng the s ci enti fi c work i nvol ved i n gl oba l di s a s ter a l erts a nd communi ca ti on, s uch a s cycl one, expl ore s ci enti fi c a nd technol ogi ca l devel opments tha t hel p peopl e
unders ta ndi ngs , T4 - How the worl d works 20
ea rthqua ke a nd ts una mi a l erts unders ta nd a nd res pond to the cha ngi ng Ea rth
di s coveri es a nd i nves ti ga ti ng how el ectri ca l energy i s genera ted i n Aus tra l i a a nd a round the worl d
i nventi ons a re us ed to
s ol ve probl ems tha t res ea rchi ng the us e of metha ne genera tors i n Indones i a
Use and influence of science
di rectl y a ffect
cons i deri ng how el ectri ci ty a nd el ectri ca l a ppl i a nces ha ve cha nged the wa y s ome peopl e l i ve
peopl es ' l i ves
exa mi ne wa ys i n whi ch the l oca l communi ty coul d be i mproved i n
cons i deri ng how pers ona l a nd communi ty choi ces i nfl uence our us e of s us ta i na bl e s ources of energy T4 - How the worl d works 23
rel a ti on to the cons erva ti on of energy
i nves ti ga ti ng how unders ta ndi ng of ca ta s trophi c na tura l events hel ps i n pl a nni ng for thei r ea rl y expl ore s ci enti fi c a nd technol ogi ca l devel opments tha t hel p peopl e
Sci enti fi c knowl edge T4 - How the worl d works 20
detecti on a nd mi ni mi s i ng thei r i mpa ct unders ta nd a nd res pond to the cha ngi ng Ea rth
i s us ed to i nform
pers ona l a nd
recogni s i ng tha t s ci ence ca n i nform choi ces a bout where peopl e l i ve a nd how they ma na ge na tura l
T4 - How the worl d works 53
expl ore s ci enti fi c a nd technol ogi ca l devel opments tha t hel p peopl e
di s a s ters unders ta nd a nd res pond to the cha ngi ng Ea rth
communi ty deci s i ons
cons i deri ng how gui del i nes hel p to ens ure the s a fe us e of el ectri ca l devi ces
exa mi ne wa ys i n whi ch the l oca l communi ty coul d be i mproved i n
di s cus s i ng the us e of el ectri ci ty a nd the cons erva ti on of s ources of energy T4- How the worl d works Cons erva ti on of energy 23
rel a ti on to the cons erva ti on of energy
Appendix 2: Curriculum alignment of skills
These tables present the alignment of skills between the IB PYP and the AC. The IB skills are applied consistently across curriculum areas; however the AC
outlines different skills for each year and for each content area.
YEAR 1 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
thinking about "What will happen if……?" type
4 1 Observe carefully in order to gather data
questions about everyday objects and events
Respond to and pose questions, and make
Questioning and predicting using the senses to explore the local environment to
predictions about familiar objects and events Use a variety of instruments and tools to
pose interesting questions and making predictions about 4, 6 2
measure data accurately
what will happen
manipulating objects and making observations of what Use scientific vocabulary to explain their
1, 5 3
happens observations and experiences
Participate in different types of guided investigations researching ideas collaboratively using big books, web Identify or generate a question or problem to
5 4
to explore and answer questions, such as pages and ICT within the classroom be explored
manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing exploring different ways of solving science questions Plan and carry out systematic investigations,
3, 5 5
information sources through guided discussion manipulating variables as necessary
Planning and conducting
sorting information and classifying objects based on
7 6 Make and test predictions
easily observable characteristics with teacher guidance
using units that are familiar to students from home and
Use informal measurements in the collection and
school, such as cups (cooking), hand spans (length) Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order
recording of observations, with the assistance of 2 7
and walking paces (distance) to make and record to draw conclusions
digital technologies as appropriate
observations with teacher guidance
using matching activities, including identifying similar Consider scientific models and applications of
7 8
things, odd-one-out and opposites these models (including their limitations)
Use a range of methods to sort information, exploring ways of recording and sharing information
3, 8
Processing and analysing including drawings and provided tables through class discussion
data and information jointly constructing simple column graphs and picture
graphs to represent class investigations
Through discussion, compare observations with discussing original predictions and, with guidance,
3, 7
predictions comparing these to their observations
discussing observations as a whole class to identify
Evaluating Compare observations with those of others 3, 7
similarities and differences in their observations
discussing or representing what was discovered in an
Represent and communicate observations and ideas 3, 7
Communicating in a variety of ways such as oral and written
engaging in whole class or guided small group
language, drawing and role play 3, 7
discussions to share observations and ideas
YEAR 2 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
using the senses to explore the local environment to
pose interesting questions, make inferences and 4, 6 1 Observe carefully in order to gather data
Respond to and pose questions, and make
Questioning and predicting predictions
predictions about familiar objects and events
thinking about 'What will happen if...?' type questions Use a variety of instruments and tools to
4 2
about everyday objects and events measure data accurately
manipulating objects and materials and making Use scientific vocabulary to explain their
1, 5 3
Participate in different types of guided investigations observations of the results observations and experiences
to explore and answer questions, such as Identify or generate a question or problem to
researching with the use of simple information sources 5 4
manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing be explored
information sources sorting objects and events based on easily identified Plan and carry out systematic investigations,
Planning and conducting 7 5
characteristics manipulating variables as necessary
using units that are familiar to students from home and
Use informal measurements in the collection and
school, such as cups (cooking), hand spans (length)
recording of observations, with the assistance of 2 6 Make and test predictions
and walking paces (distance) to make and compare
digital technologies as appropriate
constructing column and picture graphs with teacher Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order
8 7
Use a range of methods to sort information, guidance to record gathered information to draw conclusions
Processing and analysing including drawings and provided tables sorting information in provided tables or graphic Consider scientific models and applications of
7, 8 8
data and information organisers these models (including their limitations)
Through discussion, compare observations with comparing and discussing, with guidance, whether
3, 7
predictions observations were expected
discussing observations with other students to see
Evaluating Compare observations with those of others 3, 7
similarities and differences in results
presenting ideas to other students, both one-to-one and
Represent and communicate observations and ideas 3, 7
in small groups
Communicating in a variety of ways such as oral and written
discussing with others what was discovered from an
language, drawing and role play 3, 7
YEAR 3 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
choosing questions to investigate from a list of
4 1 Observe carefully in order to gather data
With guidance, identify questions in familiar jointly constructing questions that may form the basis Use a variety of instruments and tools to
4 2
contexts that can be investigated scientifically and for investigation measure data accurately
Questioning and predicting
predict what might happen based on prior listing shared experiences as a whole class and Use scientific vocabulary to explain their
3, 5 3
knowledge identifying possible investigations observations and experiences
working in groups to discuss things that might happen Identify or generate a question or problem to
3, 6 4
during an investigation be explored
working with teacher guidance to plan investigations to Plan and carry out systematic investigations,
5 5
test simple cause-and-effect relationships manipulating variables as necessary
Suggest ways to plan and conduct investigations to
discussing as a whole class ways to investigate
find answers to questions
questions and evaluating which ways might be most 3, 5 6 Make and test predictions
Planning and conducting recording measurements using familiar formal units
Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order
Safely use appropriate materials, tools or equipment and appropriate abbreviations, such as seconds (s), 2 7
to draw conclusions
to make and record observations, using formal grams (g), centimetres (cm)
measurements and digital technologies as using a variety of tools to make observations, such as Consider scientific models and applications of
1, 2 8
appropriate digital cameras, thermometers, rulers and scales these models (including their limitations)
discussing safety rules for equipment and procedures 2, 3
using provided tables to organise materials and objects
7, 8
based on observable properties
Use a range of methods including tables and simple
discussing how to graph data presented in a table 3, 8
column graphs to represent data and to identify
identifying and discussing numerical and visual patterns
Processing and analysing patterns and trends
in data collected from students' own investigations and 3, 7
data and information
from secondary sources
discussing how well predictions matched results from
Compare results with predictions, suggesting
an investigation and sharing ideas about what was 3, 7
possible reasons for findings
describing experiences of carrying out investigations to
Reflect on the investigation, including whether a test the teacher, small group or whole class 3
was fair or not discussing as a whole class the idea of fairness in
3, 5
communicating with other students carrying out similar
investigations to share experiences and improve 3, 7
investigation skill
Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a
exploring different ways to show processes and
Communicating variety of ways such as diagrams, physical 8
relationships through diagrams, models and role play
representations and simple reports
using simple explanations and arguments, reports or
graphical representations to communicate ideas to 7, 8
other students
YEAR 4 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
considering familiar situations in order to think about possible areas
4 1 Observe carefully in order to gather data
With guidance, identify questions in familiar for investigation
contexts that can be investigated scientifically and reflecting on familiar situations to make predictions with teacher Use a variety of instruments and tools to
Questioning and predicting 6 2
predict what might happen based on prior guidance measure data accurately
knowledge Use scientific vocabulary to explain their
choosing questions to investigate from a list of possibilities 4 3
observations and experiences
exploring different ways to conduct investigations and connecting Identify or generate a question or problem to
5 4
Suggest ways to plan and conduct investigations to these to the types of questions asked with teacher guidance be explored
find answers to questions working in groups, with teacher guidance, to plan ways to Plan and carry out systematic investigations,
3, 5 5
investigate questions manipulating variables as necessary
Planning and conducting discussing and recording safety rules for equipment as a whole
Safely use appropriate materials, tools or equipment 2, 3 6 Make and test predictions
to make and record observations, using formal
making and recording measurements using familiar formal units
measurements and digital technologies as Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order
and appropriate abbreviations, such as seconds (s), grams (g), 2 7
appropriate to draw conclusions
centimetres (cm) and millilitres (mL)
identifying and discussing numerical and visual patterns in data Consider scientific models and applications of
3, 7 8
Use a range of methods including tables and simple collected from students' investigations and from other sources these models (including their limitations)
column graphs to represent data and to identify using provided graphic organisers to sort and represent information 7, 8
patterns and trends discussing with teacher guidance which graphic organisers will be
Processing and analysing 7, 8
most useful in sorting or organising data arising from investigations
data and information
discussing how well predictions matched results from an
3, 7
Compare results with predictions, suggesting investigation and proposing reasons for findings
possible reasons for findings comparing, in small groups, proposed reasons for findings and
7, 8
explaining their reasoning
reflecting on investigations, identifying what went well, what was
difficult or didn't work so well, and how well the investigation 3, 5
Reflect on the investigation; including whether a test
Evaluating helped answer the question
was fair or not
discussing which aspects of the investigation helped improve
3, 5
fairness, and any aspects that weren't fair
communicating with other students carrying out similar
Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a 3, 7
investigations to share experiences and improve investigation skills
Communicating variety of ways such as diagrams, physical
using simple explanations and arguments, reports or graphical
representations and simple reports 7, 8
representations to communicate ideas to other students
YEAR 5 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
exploring the range of questions that can be asked about a
With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or problem or phenomena and with guidance, identifying 4 1 Observe carefully in order to gather data
Questioning and predicting inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings those questions that could be investigated
of an investigation might be applying experience from similar situations in the past to Use a variety of instruments and tools to
6 2
predict what might happen in a new situation measure data accurately
experiencing a range of ways of investigating questions,
Use scientific vocabulary to explain their
including experimental testing, internet research, field 5 3
observations and experiences
observations and exploring simulations
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to discussing the advantages of certain types of investigation Identify or generate a question or problem to
3, 5 4
answer questions or solve problems for answering certain types of questions be explored
considering different ways to approach problem solving,
Plan and carry out systematic investigations,
including researching, using trial and error, experimental 5 5
manipulating variables as necessary
testing and creating models
discussing in groups how investigations can be made as
3, 5 6 Make and test predictions
Planning and conducting fair as possible
using tools to accurately measure objects and events in
Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order
investigation and exploring which tools provide the most 1, 2 7
Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair to draw conclusions
accurate measurements
tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using
using familiar units such as grams, seconds and meters
digital technologies as appropriate Consider scientific models and applications of
and developing the use of standard multipliers such as 2 8
these models (including their limitations)
kilometres and millimetres
recording data in tables and diagrams or electronically as
digital images and spreadsheets
Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks explaining rules for safe processes and use of equipment 2, 3
constructing tables, graphs and other graphic organisers to
show trends in data
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables
identifying patterns in data and developing explanations
and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or 7
that fit these patterns
Processing and analysing relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate
identifying similarities and differences in qualitative data in
data and information 7
order to group items or materials
sharing ideas as to whether observations match
Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in
predictions, and discussing possible reasons for predictions 3, 7
developing explanations
being incorrect
working collaboratively to identify where methods could
Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a
Evaluating be improved, including where testing was not fair and 3, 5
question or solve a problem
practices could be improved
discussing how models represent scientific ideas and
constructing physical models to demonstrate an aspect of 3, 8
scientific understanding
Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of
Communicating constructing multi-modal texts to communicate science
ways, including multi-modal texts 8
using labelled diagrams, including cross-sectional
representations, to communicate ideas
YEAR 6 AC Science Inquiry Skills
IB Science Skills IB Science Skills
Area Description Elaborations
refining questions to enable scientific investigation 4 1 Observe carefully in order to gather data
With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or asking questions to understand the scope or nature of a Use a variety of instruments and tools to
4 2
Questioning and predicting inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings problem measure data accurately
of an investigation might be applying experience from previous investigations to predict Use scientific vocabulary to explain their
6 3
the outcomes of investigations in new contexts observations and experiences
following a procedure to design an experimental or field Identify or generate a question or problem to
5 4
investigation be explored
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to discussing methods chosen with other students, and refining Plan and carry out systematic investigations,
3, 5 5
answer questions or solve problems methods accordingly manipulating variables as necessary
considering which investigation methods are most suited to
5 6 Make and test predictions
answer a particular question or solve a problem
using familiar units such as grams, seconds and metres and
Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order
developing the use of standard multipliers such as kilometres 2 7
to draw conclusions
Planning and conducting and millimetres
Decide which variable should be changed and measured in using the idea of an independent variable (note: this
fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, terminology does not need to be used at this stage) as Consider scientific models and applications of
2 8
using digital technologies as appropriate something that is being investigated by changing it and these models (including their limitations)
measuring the effect of this change
using digital technologies to make accurate measurements
1, 2
and to record data
discussing possible hazards involved in conducting
Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks 3, 5
investigations, and how these risks can be reduced
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables exploring how different representations can be used to show
and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns different aspects of relationships, processes or trends
or relationships in data using digital technologies as using digital technologies to construct representations,
appropriate including dynamic representations
Processing and analysing sharing ideas as to whether observations match predictions,
data and information and discussing possible reasons for predictions being 3, 7
Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in incorrect
developing explanations discussing the difference between data and evidence 3, 8
referring to evidence when explaining the outcomes of an
3, 8
discussing improvements to the methods used, and how
Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a
Evaluating these methods would improve the quality of the data 3, 5
question or solve a problem
discussing the best way to communicate science ideas and
3, 8
what should be considered when planning a text
using a variety of communication modes, such as reports,
Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety explanations, arguments, debates and procedural accounts, 8
of ways, including multi-modal texts to communicate science ideas
using labelled diagrams, including cross-sectional
representations, to communicate ideas and processes within 8
multi-modal texts
Appendix 3: Science excerpts from the Review of the Australian
Curriculum – final report.
Excerpt from the Donnelly, K. and Wiltshire, K. (2014). Review of the Australian Curriculum –
Final Report. Accessed on 29 January 2014 at