Autistt Updated
Autistt Updated
Autistt Updated
Interviews with
members and
Tropical World
and Burnby
Contributors Notes
“Leeds Autism Ser-
vices are a charity
dedicated to helping
to create a more au-
tism friendly society.
We have been helping
people with autism to
reach their true poten-
tial for over 30 years”
Danielle Furness
(Partnership and Development officer)
tion of autistic people and
Leeds Autism Services believe that education and
(LAS) provide specialist understanding of autism is
support for adults on the the key to creating a more
autism spectrum. autism friendly society.
“We make a positive
difference to the lives
of our members and
through person-cen-
tred support we create
opportunities for peo-
ple to build confidence,
develop social skills,
increase independence
and fulfil their poten-
Steven Clark
(Service Coordinator)
Most of the time I re- on Amazon, or Amazon
main mute unless I know Kindle depending on your
someone really well, then preference, of Autism in
it is completely the op- Adults brings up lots of
posite. I can talk forever books on the subject.
about a subject and not Laura James’s Odd Girl
get bored, but I don’t rec-Out and Luke Beardon’s
ognise when I should stop Autism and Asperger
or when to take a breath Syndrome in Adults are
to let them speak. just a couple that pop up
during the search and are
The second is repetitive great reads.
behaviour and routines
which could be fixed rou- If reading is information
tines every day or repet- overload and you feel
itive movement of the more comfortable listen-
body, such as; rocking or ing to a book, then Audi-
swaying. Autistic people ble is a great option and
can be under or over sen- you can do day to day
sitive to the environment, tasks at the same time
specifically to sounds, too! Put on your head-
smells and lights. As phones, press play and
mentioned before, every- ride the bus without hav-
one is different. ing the background noise
that hurts your ears.
Books are also a great
way to learn more about Yes, heightened senses
yourself and how you see are also a symptom of
the world. A quick search Autism. Having over-sen-
sitive senses makes
bright lights, loud nois-
es and touch painful in
certain environments.
Some may experience
under-sensitive sens-
es where they are not
heightened but lowered.
Giving them an extremely
good pain threshold. The
intensity of all symptoms
varies depending on the
Meghan Tamas
Meghan talks to us about her role at the
Leeds Autism Services (Mabgate Centre) and
the acitivites available.
Author: Aimee Shepherd
Employment Assistance in
the Leeds area and where to
seek it.
They also hold workshops
and can give you advice
with benefits, employment
and everything else in be-
Michael Duffy (LAS Member)
Michael Duffy
LAS Member and FUndraiser
Author: Aimee Shepherd
Kirkgate Market and I pro-
Michael has been at LAS mote awareness at talks. I
for 7 years and today dis- was Mencaps number one
cusses his journey with fundraiser five years ago
LAS and what he has before I came to LAS.
been involved with during What is your favourite
that time. activity?
What was your first day Night clubbing sessions.
at LAS like? There’s two clubs in Leeds
that hold autism friendly
Very nerve wrecking. I nights held monthly called
wasn’t familiar with the Clubnight Beautiful. One is
people, but Karon (the at the Octopus Club, which
CEO) helped me to adjust. is at the Students Union at
I didn’t used to talk; now I Leeds University, and the
can’t stop. other is at Leap the Bridge
which is held at Pryzm.
Do you feel happy at the
centre? What would you say to
someone new?
Yes, it has built my self
confidence up because Give it a try because we
I’m involved it a lot of the are one of the best.
fundraising, such as; help-
ing with the market stall at
Books and
Aimee Shepherd
The Girl with the Curly vast amount of topics for
Hair Project was created employers too, to create
by a woman called Alis a more autism friendly
Rowe. It’s an organisa- working environment as
tion which creates aware- well as volunteering and
ness and helps promote employment opportuni-
neuro-diversity in the ties for the National Au-
community by providing tism Organisation itself.
workshops, books, webi-
nars and seminars about Both of these compa-
all aspects of Autism from nies have lots of infor-
meltdowns to socialising. mation for you to look
They also employ people deeper into Autism. But,
to do talks and lead work- if reading is not for you
shops around their local there are lots of videos
area and more! on YouTube, from Ted-
Talks to podcasts which
The National Autism Or- could help provide more
ganisation has various in- information through re-
formation on their, easy to latable material such as;
use, website. They cover personal stories and re-
topics, such as; diagnosis search. Also, don’t for-
(where to go and who to get you can always con-
talk to), benefits and care tact one of Leeds Autism
available, education and centres to ask about
support that is available further help, information
in schools, colleges and and to be guided in the
Universities and where right direction.
to find it. They cover a
Ben Caradice
Author: Aimee Shepherd
D a n i a l R at c l i f f e
o n A u t i s m Awa r e n e s s a n d S A S
Author: Aimee Shepherd
they were understanding
“I was giving the pres-
about your autism?
entation to health pro-
fessionals, doing talks Yeah, when my boss at the
to parents of children company I was working for
with autism, so there took me on he was like, “so
was a whole range of what if he has autism. Let’s
give him a trial. Let’s see how
people I raised aware-
he gets on, if he’s hard work-
ness to.” ing and such I want to give
him a chance.”
I went in and did a trial day,
dio here in Leeds. So, I have
worked really well showing
experience I feel I can use to
I was passionate and moti-
support the members with. So
vated. He had to make ac-
that I find in that class what
commodations, but he did it
I’m getting out of it is skills
because he found that I was
for being able to successfully
so hard working and worth
mentor people and help bring
working around.
out the best in them.
What do you like about
On Thursdays I do drama and
theatre. Which brings in the
film industry experience com-
I’ve always been interested
ing in to play again, but then
in technology. It’s more the
there’s the drama side where
digital media side that I enjoy
I am not as experienced in,
and that does involve work-
so I get to learn new things as
ing with cameras and stuff
well, such as; Learning how
like that and I think in this day
to take on board constructive
and age there is a lot more
digitised in media.
When you were working in
At my last job I was be-
industry did you find that
ing trained to be a software
form and the head asked me
developer for their clients.
to deliver it to the sixth formers
Showing as well that autism
and then the other heads
doesn’t mean we’re being asked me to give the talk to
held back. We can do just as
their year groups as well.
well in life, if not better than
Which I did, and I was told it
neurotypical people. As I see
was one of the best attended
it it’s a difference of thinking
assembly’s they’d ever seen.
rather than a disability.Because people came in and
really, really wanted to learn,
How did you start doing understand and hear it from a
your awareness presenta- perspective of someone who
tions? lives with the condition.
D ay O u t s i n L e e d s
M at t R e v i e w s
Matthew will be trying out some
of the surrounding fun day outs in
Leeds. All autism friendly places to
see just how autism friendly they
really are. This month he went to
Tropical World!
Tropical World
Author: Aimee Shepherd
Burnby Hall and Gardens
Author: Aimee Shepherd
Autism and self
Author: Aimee Shepherd
headaches and even
I discuss a few solutions Happily, there are many
to help self soothing, and
recommend a couple of my
strategies that can be
own to help ease sensory used to help minimise
distress. your distress.
As an autistic adult
dealing with heightened One is by keeping a di-
emotions can be tricky ary of your experienc-
sometimes, especially es during a meltdown
anxiety when in certain or anxiety issue. Keep-
environments or situa- ing track of times and
tions. Anxiety can affect dates, situations when
the mind and body in it happened, how you
various ways and can felt and how anxious
lead to many symp- you were from a scale
toms, such as; easily of 1 to 10, may be help-
losing patience, sleep- ful when trying to find
ing difficulties, depres- the perfect soothing
sion, stomach upsets, strategy. For example;
I hate everything to do
with buses. I hate the
smell, the crowing of
people and the motion
(I am hyper-sensitive
to motion) and I find it
far too loud, especial-
ly when there are chil-
dren on board. I feel
nauseous, lighthead-
ed and my heart races
and I’ve had numerous mind focused on some-
panic attacks before. thing else even though
there’s chaos around
But, after realising that me. Sometimes there’s
I needed to do some- a baby crying so I just
thing about the dis- boost up the volume a
tress after scaling my little more!
anxiety to over 10, I
have created a strat- It doesn’t have to be
egy that works for me headphones and it
(everyone is different). doesn’t have to be just
I use my headphones headphones. I carry
and listen to an audio a tangle in my bag at
book to distract my- all times and in easy
self from the distress- reach. It’s a fidget toy
ing ruckus surround- that you can play with to
ing me. It keeps my keep yourself focused,
distract you from other the B n M shop, Wilkin-
distressing things or to sons, The Range and
help you relax. I must also online!
say mine has been a life It’s finding a strategy
saver. Fidget toys come that works for you as
in all different styles, everyone is different. It
shapes and colours so could be anything that
there’s something for makes you more con-
everyone. I’d tried nu- tent in environments. It
merous ones, such as; could be a stress ball, a
fidget cubes, before I tangle, a diary, a book,
finally found a toy that anything. The only thing
worked for me. that matters is that it’s
what helps you to get
I also have a ball, which through the distress. I
is a little bit like a Rubik’s take my toys anywhere
Cube, but you move and everywhere, be-
small coloured balls cause that is what I
around until they are need to do to feel safe
slotted into place in the and content. I don’t let
correct coloured slot. it bother me if it looks
This helps to clear my weird or odd. I do what
head and distracts me is the best thing to do
when I need some time for me.
away from my work, or
a situation, to think. You
can find fidget toys at