DTURNER Redacted Report 27Apr2019V3

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OSRIA Report


Daniel TURNER aka Doede Osman KHAN

DATE OF REPORT: 27 April 2019 (Final)


CLIENT: Telegram-based group The People Vs D.Turner

REPORT PAGES: 74 x Pages (Report plus Appendix)

444 x Source Documents (C001 to C444)

50 x Support Photos (P001 to P050)
REPORT DOCUMENTS: 84 x Support Documents (R001 to R085)


The Client has requested a comprehensive search in relation to an online crypto-currency trader
named Daniel TURNER. The Client has requested details on the online activities of Daniel
TURNER, including any information that would confirm his real name, current residence, business
operations, and personal activities. Other information about TURNER regarding his past activities,
associates, leisure activities, and control of cryptocurrency funds is also of interest to the Client.

The Client of this report represents a group on 38 online investors who provided investment funds to
a person who identified himself by the name of Daniel TURNER, who was often addressed by the
nickname of ‘Danny', and an organization he created called CSG Trading Education (aka CSG).

The 38 Client group members invested in trading programs operated by Daniel TURNER and CSG.
Prior to the payout period set for 04 Apr 2019, TURNER posted comments indicating he was dealing
with personal and business issues, resulting in none of the CSG group investors receiving a
scheduled payout on 04 Apr 2019. The Telegram channel used by Daniel TURNER to communicate
with his CSG group was abruptly shut down by TURNER on 13 Apr 2019. By this time all other CSG
related-accounts on Telegram, Facebook, Youtube, Wix, and other support sites, had also been shut
down by TURNER. The 38 Client group members were either blocked by Daniel TURNER from
communicating with him by phone, by email, or by other communications means. Those not
immediately blocked were later blocked after trying to contact him.

As of 20 Apr 2019, the 38 Client group members have identified the following misconduct, breach of
contract, and associated damages caused by Daniel TURNER: failed to communicate the current
status of himself; failed to compensate any Client group members; failed to provide group
membership services; failed to provide crypto-currency training services; failed to provide crypto-
currency trading information, tips, and knowledge; failed to distribute monthly dividends from ‘Small

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Bot’ operations; failed to return investments from ‘Small Bots’ operations; failed to distribute monthly
dividends from ‘Large Bots’ operations; and, failed to return investments from ‘Large Bot’ operations.

An estimate compiled by the 38 Client group members indicate that the total investment by members,
consisting of CSG membership, CSG training, CSG signals, CSG all-access life-time membership,
Small Bot investments, Small Bot monthly dividends, Large Bot investments and Large Bot monthly
dividends, calculated in Bitcoin value, resulting in a total estimate of 80 BTC that the 38 Client group
members seek in restitution (which will increase over time as TURNER fails to provide monthly
dividends). This 80 BTC is estimated as having a value of over £324,000 UK Pounds (equivalent to
over $426K US, over $573K CA, or over $598K AU).

This report, compiled by an investigator hired by the 38 Client group members, is 74 pages in length.
There are 444 pages of material (C001 to C444) provided as source information by the 38 Client
group members (identified as M01 to M38), which have been supplemented with 51 photos and
images (P001 to P051), plus another 88 documents (R001 to R088) gained during research of online

Of note, the Client group members make numerous references to content that is no longer available
for public viewing. This includes almost all CSG-related accounts and websites, and personal
accounts of Daniel TURNER (aka Doede Osman KHAN), on Telegram, Facebook, Google Docs,
Twitter, Youtube, and Wix (plus other social networking and support sites). The Client group
members have expressed the opinion that this information has been removed, deleted, or hidden
using privacy control settings, by Daniel TURNER (aka Doede Osman KHAN) as part of his efforts to
avoid contact with, and avoid restitution to, the 38 Client group members.

Information provided by Client group members identified that Dan/Danny/Daniel TURNER used an
alias of Doede Osman KHAN, or had a real name of Doede Osman KHAN. Preliminary searches
found these same references on multiple websites citing this name as an actor in previous scams and
frauds. However, these results tend to fall into the category of accusation and heresay rather than
actual evidence to support the Client group member information.

Fortunately, supporting evidence for a link between the identities of Daniel TURNER and the identity
of Doede Osman KHAN comes directly from Daniel TURNER himself. In the video posted on 18 Jan
2019, the host Danny TURNER clicks on the wrong part of the computer screen and gets an email
window for ‘British Careers’, showing results for ’25 matching jobs’. At the top left of the screen, the
email says ‘British Careers Job Alert; 25 jobs matching your job alert; To Osman KHAN; Reply-To
British Careers Job Alerts’. At the very least, this result identifies that Osman KHAN lives at the same
house as Daniel TURNER. However, given TURNER’s paranoia, demonstrated in comments on
Telegram and in videos produced by TURNER, about people accessing his computer and stealing his
Bitcoins, it is assessed as unreasonable that he would allow a third party to have access to his
computer system. This leads to the assessment that the Daniel TURNER and Osman KHAN using
this computer system are probably the same person.

A summary of the subsequent open source online searches, research, and analysis, confirmed that a
person named Daniel TURNER is married to a woman named Alana TURNER and has a daughter
named Eva. He used to live at 82 Church Road in Ashley, UK, and now lives at 1 Hunters Point in
Loggerheads, with a telephone number of 07904403982.

The search process also found that a person named Doede Osman KHAN is married to a woman
named Alana KHAN and has a daughter named Eva. He also used to live at 82 Church Road in

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Ashley, UK, and now lives at 1 Hunters Point in Loggerheads, with a telephone number of

Based on these results, when combined with the previous information found from the computer
screen shots of Danny TURNER showing information about Osman KHAN, and the receipts for
money sent by Danny TURNER to a Client group member using a wallet owned by Doede KHAN,
and then combined with the convergence of business names, addresses, birth information, and
associates, it is overwhelming confirmed that the person who represented himself as Danny TURNER
online is Doede Osman KHAN in the real world.

Based on the real estate photos found, combined with photos and videos posted by Danny TURNER,
and including the photos posted by Osman KHAN and Alana KHAN on their Facebook account, it is
confirmed that TURNER/KHAN and his family are currently living at 1 Hunters Point in Loggerheads,
Shropshire, in the United Kingdom.

Based on the review of Bitcoin wallets identified as used by the crypto-currency trading organization
called CSG, the zero balance in all of these wallets indicates that there are no funds in these wallets
being retained for return to the 38 Client group members. However, the person known as Doede
Osman KHAN aka Danny TURNER appears to have Bitcoin wallets, residence, and business assets
estimated in value at over 1 million UK Pounds. This would make pursuit of recompense by the 38
Client group members, and subsequent civil court action, a viable possibility.



The Client has requested a comprehensive search in relation to an online crypto-currency trader
named Daniel TURNER. The Client has requested details on the online activities of Daniel
TURNER, including any information that would confirm his real name, current residence, business
operations, and personal activities. Other information about TURNER regarding his past activities,
associates, leisure activities, and control of crypto-currency funds is also of interest to the Client.

Overview of Events: The Client of this report represents a group on 38 online investors who
provided investment funds to a person who identified himself by the name of Daniel TURNER, who
was often addressed by the nickname of ‘Danny'. These persons were recruited as clients by Daniel
TURNER using multiple online accounts between 01 Sep 2018 and 01 Feb 2019, primarily from the
crypt-currency community members who use the mobile device application named Telegram for
sending and receiving information. The recruited 38 Client group members were allowed access to
Daniel TURNER’s personal channels on the mobile communications application called Telegram
under a group name called CSG (Crypto Signals Group), with connections to other CSG-related
accounts and websites on the social networking platforms named Telegram, Facebook, Youtube,
ClickFunnels, Wix, Zoom, and other support websites.

Some members of the Client group have known Daniel TURNER as far back as Nov 2017, when
Daniel TURNER was active in crypto-mining activities. Most of the other Client group members first
met TURNER during the period of Oct 2018 to Nov 2018, when TURNER advertised training videos
on how to trade crypto-currencies, and offered free advice on which crypto-currencies to trade.

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Members were initially recruited in three ways: as part of memberships in the CSG channel operated
by Daniel TURNER; as part of access to CSG training course and videos offered by Daniel TURNER;
or as a recipient of CSG trading signals produced by Daniel TURNER. Comparison by group
members later determined that the cost of the access for each member to each of these three
services differed slightly among members, indicating Daniel TURNER's flexibility in pricing and
intermittent offering of incentives, dependant on the relationship between Daniel TURNER and the
member he was communicating with at the time.

After an extended period of time during which TURNER gained the trust of the 38 Client group
members (estimated as lasting between Sep 2018 and January 2019), Daniel TURNER then created
a series of ‘trading bots' that would automatically conduct crypto-currency trades. Daniel TURNER
solicited investment from his CSG members for shares in these 'bots', offering a monthly dividend on
their original investment, and the return of their original investment upon request. These
crypto0currency ‘bots' (using investor funds) became active in January 2019.

CSG group members who invested in the ‘Small Bot' programs operated by Daniel TURNER received
a minimum payout from TURNER on 13 Feb 2019. CSG group members who invested in the ‘Large
Bot' programs operated by Daniel TURNER received a minimum payout from TURNER on 04 Mar
2019. Prior to the next payout period, stated by Daniel TURNER as set for 04 Apr 2019, TURNER
posted comments indicating he was dealing with personal and business issues (with the particular
problem varying depending on which story was being told to which member), resulting in none of the
CSG group investors receiving a scheduled payout on 04 Apr 2019.

After another two weeks, the channel used by Daniel TURNER to communicate with his CSG group
was abruptly shut down by TURNER on 13 or 14 Apr 2019. By this time all other CSG related-
accounts on Telegram, Facebook, Youtube, Wix, and other support sites, had also been shut down
by TURNER. The 38 members of the Client group were by his time either blocked by Daniel
TURNER from communicating with him by phone, by email, or by other communications means; and
those not immediately blocked were later blocked after trying to contact him.

Overview of Damages: The following paragraphs outline the restitution being sought by the 38 Client
group members. The statements are written by the Investigator based on the information from the
Client group members, phrased in layman terms for ease of understanding by those unfamiliar with
crypto-currency trading and operations. Such persons include the Investigator in this report, who has
knowledge and expertise in the areas of Open Source Intelligence, Information Management,
Information Technology, and Intelligence Analysis, but is not an expert in crypto-currency trading
and/or operations. The descriptions in these paragraphs will require revision at a later time by the
Client’s legal representative, with advice from an expert in IT and crypto-currency operations.

As of 20 Apr 2019, the 38 Client group members have identified the following misconduct, breach of
contract, and associated damages caused by Daniel TURNER:

a) As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to communicate the current status of himself
nor the status of the Crypto Signals Group business entity to the group members. All attempts by the
38 client members to communicate with Daniel TURNER have been blocked by privacy or mobile
communication device options, or disconnected by the closure of group networking and crypto-
currency platforms. Of note, TURNER has resumed posting of trading signals on a Telegram account
as of 17 Apr 2019, but has made no attempt to contact any of the 38 Client group members. This is
inferred (deduced by reasoning rather than facts or statements) by the group as a ‘Breach of
Contract’, defined by most Western systems of law as meaning that ‘one of the parties did something
they should not have done or failed to do something they were required to do under the terms of the
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agreement. A breach of contract or agreement can be grounds for a civil lawsuit, regardless of
whether the contract was oral or written’. In this case, each individual member of the Client group
had a verbal contract with Daniel TURNER and each Client group members provided funds in the
form of Bitcoin (BTC) to the person who identified himself as Daniel TURNER.

b) As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to compensate any Client group members to
whom he currently owes funds. TURNER was provided the personal Bitcoin wallet information of all
38 Client group members, and TURNER used this information to pay several of the members a return
on their investment (defined by group members as a portion of the return) as of 13 Feb 2019 (from
‘Small Bot’ operations) and on 04 Mar 2019 (from ‘Large Bot' operations), proving he has this
capability, but TURNER has not since then provided further funds, profits or return of investments to
any of the 38 Client group members. This is inferred (deduced by reasoning rather than facts or
statements) by the group as a ‘Breach of Contract’ (see previous interpretation). In this case, each
individual member of the Client group had a verbal contract with Daniel TURNER and each Client
group members provided funds in the form of Bitcoin (BTC) to the person who identified himself as
Daniel TURNER, and each member of the Client group seeks their agreed upon compensation.

c) As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to provide group membership services to the 38
client members. As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to provide crypto-currency
training services to the 38 client members. As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to
provide crypto-currency trading information, tips, and knowledge to the 38 client members.
These three services were initially offered as separate services, but had been combined by Daniel
TURNER into a single all-encompassing life-time membership by at least 29 Nov 2018. This date is
not exact for all members, as some members paid for the CSG life-time membership deal in the week
prior to 29 Nov 2018, during the week after 29 Nov 2018, and when joining the CSG group between
07 Dec 2018 and 31 Jan 2019. The 38 Client group members determined that Daniel TURNER
stopped providing all three of these services as of 03 Apr 2019. Although Daniel TURNER resumed
posting trading information as of 17 Apr 2019, the quantity and quality of these postings have been
determined by the Client group members to be below the standard set by postings prior to 03 Apr
2019. Daniel TURNER has not resumed the provision of daily contact and advice about these trades
that was previously available to Client group members. As a result, the 38 Client group members are
demanding the return of at least 50% of their life-time membership fees, estimated at 0.01BTC per
person. This demand will increase to a 100% return of membership fees by 01 May 2019, estimated
at 0.02BTC per person, due to Daniel TURNER acting in ‘Bad Faith’ (defined by legal dictionaries as
‘an intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations’). In this case, each
individual member of the Client group had a verbal contract with Daniel TURNER for these services,
training, information, tips, and knowledge, which TURNER ceased providing on 03 Apr 2019, without
reasonable cause or explanation.

d) As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to distribute monthly dividends from ‘Small Bot’
operations, an automated trading program that Client group members invested in. Daniel TURNER
is identified by Client group members as operating an unknown number of Small Bots, with each
Small Bot consisting of 11 shares: 10 shares purchased by investors and an 11th share controlled by
Daniel TURNER and CSG. Each of these shares were scheduled to earn an estimated 30% of
investor value, which was determined to be valid by the group members through the use of an online
tracking tool showing the progress of the Small Bot operations. After an operational period of one
month, Daniel TURNER paid investors a monthly dividend on 13 Feb 2019, providing each
shareholder with the Bitcoin equivalent (on that date) of $50 US, which many members considered to
be below the value of what the Bot tracking program indicated the profit to be. The Small Bots (exact
number not identified by TURNER) remained active for the next month. On the next payout period of
13 Mar 2019, Daniel TURNER failed to pay investors their Small Bot monthly dividend. The Small
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Bots(exact number not identified by TURNER) remained active for the next month. On the next
payout period of 13 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER failed to pay investors their Small Bot monthly
dividend. Client group members have received indications from online tracking tools that these Small
Bots are still operating s of 20 Apr 2019. As a result of these events, all Client group members with
an investment in Small Bots is demanding the monthly dividend from each monthly pay period for 13
Mar 2019 and 13 Apr 2019, estimated at 0.03BTC per share. This demand will increase on 13 May
2019, and for each following month of failed payments by Daniel TURNER to the Client group
members, by the amount of 0.03BTC per failed payout, per member, due to Daniel TURNER acting in
‘Bad Faith’ (defined by legal dictionaries as ‘an intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or
contractual obligations’). Of note, a small number of Client group members did not receive a payout
on 13 Feb 2019, choosing instead to keep their dividend in the Bot to compound their earnings; these
Client group members demand the return of that dividend in addition to the previous demand.

e) As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to return investments from ‘Small Bots’
operations, an automated trading program that Client group members invested in. In all previous
business investment offers and acceptance of investments, Daniel TURNER stated to investors and
potential investors that ‘your BTC will be returned after 30 days if you wish to pull out before the next
run’. As Daniel TURNER has failed to distribute monthly dividends from active Small Bots in either a
scheduled or timely manner (among other failings), amplified by the ensuing breach of trust between
Daniel TURNER and the 38 Client group members, the investors seek the immediate return from
Daniel TURNER of their original investments in Small Bot trading operations. Such investments are
to be repaid in Bitcoin, the original form in which they were paid to Daniel TURNER, estimated at
0.1BTC per share. This demand is for a 100% return of funds, due to Daniel TURNER acting in ‘Bad
Faith’ (defined by legal dictionaries as ‘an intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual

f) As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to distribute monthly dividends from ‘Large
Bots’ operations, an automated trading program that Client group members invested in. Daniel
TURNER is identified by Client group members as operating an unknown number of these ‘Large
Bots’, with each Large Bot consisting of 11 shares: 10 shares purchased by investors and an 11th
share controlled by Daniel TURNER and CSG. Each of these shares were scheduled to earn an
estimated 30% of investor value, which was determined to be valid by the group members through
the use of an online tracking tool showing the progress of the ‘Large Bot' operations. After an
operational period of one month, Daniel TURNER paid investors a monthly dividend on 04 Mar 2019,
providing each shareholder with the Bitcoin equivalent (on that date) of $500 US, which many
members considered to be below the value of what the Bot tracking program indicated the profit to
be. The 'Large Bots’ (estimated as at least 5 in number) operated by Daniel TURNER remained
active for the next month. On the next payout period of 04 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER failed to pay
investors their Large Bot monthly dividend. Client group members have received indications from
online tracking tools that these bots are still operating. As a result of these events, all Client group
members with an investment in Large Bots is demanding the monthly dividend from each monthly pay
period for 04 Apr 2019, estimated at 0.5BTC per share. This demand will increase on 04 May 2019,
and for each following month of failed monthly dividend payments by Daniel TURNER to the Client
group members, due to Daniel TURNER acting in ‘Bad Faith’ (defined by legal dictionaries as ‘an
intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations’). Of note, a small number of
Client group members did not receive a payout on 04 Mar 2019, choosing instead to keep their
dividend in the Bot to compound their earnings; these Client group members demand the return of
that dividend in addition to the previous demand.

g) As of 20 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has failed to return investments from ‘Large Bot’
operations, an automated trading program that Client group members invested in. In all previous
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business investment offers, Daniel TURNER stated to potential investors that ‘your BTC will be
returned after 30 days if you wish to pull out before the next run’. As Daniel TURNER has failed to
distribute monthly dividends from active Large Bots in either a scheduled or timely manner (among
other failings), amplified by the ensuing breach of trust between Daniel TURNER and the 38 Client
group members, the investors seek the immediate return from Daniel TURNER of their original
investments in Large Bot trading operations. Such investments are to be repaid in Bitcoin, the
original form in which they were paid to Daniel TURNER, estimated at 1.5BTC per share. This
demand is for a 100% return of funds, due to Daniel TURNER acting in ‘Bad Faith’ (defined by legal
dictionaries as ‘an intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations’).

h) An estimate compiled by the 38 Client group members indicate that the total investment by
members, consisting of CSG membership, CSG training, CSG signals, CSG all-access life-time
membership, Small Bot investments, Small Bot monthly dividends, Large Bot investments and Large
Bot monthly dividends, calculated in Bitcoin value, resulting in a total estimate of 80 BTC that the 38
Client group members seek in restitution (which will increase over time as TURNER fails to provide
monthly dividends). This 80 BTC is estimated as having a value of over £324,000 UK Pounds
(equivalent to over $426K US, over $573K CA, or over $598K AU). Links to Bitcoin exchange rates
from the website Yahoo Finance as of 20 Apr 2019 are provided below. The estimated BTC values
will change after 20 Apr 2019, and will require an update at the time of restitution.
https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-GBP/history (I UK Pound = close value $4,061.60)
https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-USD/history (1 US Dollar = close value $5,326.18)
https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-CAD/history (1 CA Dollar = end day value $7,167.40)
https://au.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-AUD/history/ (1 AUS Dollar = end day value $7,481.75)

i) Initial searches conducted by some Client group members into the value of the Bitcoin wallets
controlled by Daniel TURNER indicated he has control of over 5,000 BTC in his Bitcoin wallets,
estimated as having a current value of over £20,000,000 in UK Pounds (equivalent to over $26M US,
over $35M CA, or over $37M AU). As a result of this review and assessed values, the 38 Client
group members see no hardship due to lack of funds on the part of Daniel TURNER, and demand
immediate restitution. Links to Bitcoin exchange rates from the website Yahoo Finance as of 20 Apr
2019 are provided below. The estimated BTC values will change after 20 Apr 2019, and will require
an update at the time of restitution.
https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-GBP/history (I UK Pound = close value $4,061.60)
https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-USD/history (1 US Dollar = close value $5,326.18)
https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-CAD/history (1 CA Dollar = end day value $7,167.40)
https://au.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BTC-AUD/history/ (1 AUS Dollar = end day value $7,481.75)

Alternative Actions: As of the date of this report on 26 Apr 2019, the 38 Client group members have
identified that Daniel TURNER is not only remaining in breach of several civil laws, the group is also
confident that they possess enough information to press criminal charges against Daniel TURNER,
should they wish to do so. All 38 Client group members are willing to provide evidence against Daniel
TURNER (aka Doede Osman KHAN) under the United Kingdom’s Fraud Act 2006, Chapter 35, which
(when convicted) would result in a prison term of up to 10 years (see link below). If Daniel TURNER
chooses to flee to the Netherlands to avoid prosecution in the UK, similar criminal charges can be
pressed in that country as well. There is also the possibility of Daniel TURNER being extradited to
face similar criminal charges in other European countries where members of the 38 Client group
members reside, including countries with similarly strong rule-of-law and intolerance for fraud, such
as Norway or Spain. Of note, the Client group members have already identified three legal firms in
the UK who could represent their case (links also shown below).
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As part of due diligence recommended by the Investigator, a representative of the Client group
members (identified in this report as member M05) has compiled a photo and telephone database of
all 38 Client group members to verify that all of these group members are legitimate persons. This
information is not held by the Investigator of this report.

As part of due diligence recommended by the Investigator, a representative of the Client group
members (identified in this report as member M01) has compiled a listing of the funds owed to each
individual group member by Daniel TURNER (aka Doede Osman KHAN) and the CSG business
entity. This information is not held by the Investigator of this report.

The review of the Telegram account for CryptoGirl by the Investigator resulted in a total of 444 source
documents, numbered DTURNER C001 to DTURNER C444. The majority of this material consists of
screen captures of Telegram account information. More specifically, 423 of these documents are in
PDF format; 17 documents are video files in MP4 format; and 4 documents are audio files in OGM

The review of these documents has results in three categories of information, which have been listed
in three sets: (a) chronological, based on date of information; (b) imagery, based on content; and (c)
subject, based on the topic of information. Each point of information identifies the date where known,
the source where known, and the document from which the information was gained. Information that
was provided verbally from Client group members but is not shown in captured documents is
annotated as it is identified.

Of note, the Client group members make numerous references to content that is no longer available
for public viewing. This includes almost all CSG-related accounts and websites, and personal
accounts of Daniel TURNER (aka Doede Osman KHAN), on Telegram, Facebook, Google Docs,
Twitter, Youtube, and Wix (plus other social networking and support sites). The Client group
members have expressed the opinion that this information has been removed, deleted, or hidden
using privacy control settings, by Daniel TURNER (aka Doede Osman KHAN) as part of his efforts to
avoid contact with, and avoid restitution to, the 38 Client group members.

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Each section of compilation results includes a short summary of the information. This is performed as
part of the compilation process due to a limit on time and budget that would preclude being able to
research and investigate every piece of information provide by Client group members. This use of a
preliminary search process will be used to determine if particular items of information found during the
collation stage should be included as part of the research stage of the process.


The following chronological-based information was compiled from original information from the 38
Client group members, and has been expanded after review of the 444 source documents collected.


10 Nov 2017 C432 M38 First email between Danny TURNER and M38
01 Sep 2018 01 Verbal Estimated creation of the CSG entity by Daniel TURNER
25 Sep 2018 C030 M10 M10 purchases ‘one month membership’ from Daniel TURNER/CSG
12 Oct 2018 C028 M10 M10 purchases ‘one month signal membership’ from Daniel TURNER/CSG
01 Nov 2018 C028 M10 M10 purchases ‘education lifetime access’ from Daniel TURNER/CSG
CSG video shows Chiara FRANCICA as CEO at CSG Trading Education,
01 Nov 2018 C271 (V) M00 and Danny TURNER as COO of CSG Trading Education; Danny TURNER
voiceover says ‘simply just me and Chiara providing you this service’
20 Nov 2018 C028 M10 M10 purchases ‘one year signal membership’ from Daniel TURNER/CSG
29 Nov 2018 01 Verbal Estimated conversion of all CSG members to ‘life-time membership’
DT/Trading Signals” Zoom calls planned for 08 Jan 2019, 15 Jan 2019, 22
22 Dec 2018 C037 M10
Jan 2019, and 29 Jan 2019
13 Jan 2019 01 Verbal Estimated start date for CSG ‘small bot’ program operations
13 Jan 2019 01 Verbal Estimated start date for CSG ‘small bot’ program operations
17 Jan 2019 C037 M10 DT/Trading Signals: advertising 3 spots left on the CSG Master Bot
DT/Trading Signals: advertising 15 spots(1.5@) plus 10BTC from DT on the
30 BTC CSG Monster Bot, but math is wrong ((15 x 1.5) +10 = 32.5BTC); 5
spots gone already with 10 spots left for Passport Holders; profits to be
22 Jan 2019 C037 M10 divided into 16 shares ‘more than fair considering we are investing 15 BTC
of our own’ (math update: (15 x 1.5) +15 = 37.5BTC); send 0.1BTC to wallet
at 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH; states ‘your BTC will be
returned after 30 days if you wish to pull out before the next run’.
28 Jan 2019 C018 M09 Daniel TURNER still offering members shares of a ‘megabot’ (Large Bot)
31 Jan 2019 C010 M05 Email from Daniel TURNER, deadline for buying shares in Megabots
13 Feb 2019 01 Verbal First scheduled dividend for CSG ‘small bot’ program operations
M01 and M02 discuss that Danny’s daughter is in the hospital having
23 Feb 2019 C166 M02
surgery (‘appendix’), then getting an infection, then requiring antibiotics
Trading Signals ‘bot’ channel gets closed by Danny TURNER, and that the
02 Mar 2019 C067 M01
one channel is now the only channel
Danny TURNER creates new ‘trusted group’ on Telegram, deleting 50
02 Mar 2019 C293 M00
former group members, leaving 55 people who are both trading and bots
03 Mar 2019 C077 M01 Trading Signals (Danny) states he is starting bot payouts
Trading Signals (Danny) states that the next Large Bot payout will be in
30 days on 04 Apr 2019, combining both small and large bots; M01 asks
04 Mar 2019 C097 M01 if this will include 45 days for the small bot due to the delayed payout,
which TS/Danny says ‘yes, absolutely’; M01 also asks TS/Danny to let
her know the big and small payments (to divide among different people)
04 Mar 2019 01 Verbal First scheduled dividend for CSG ‘large bot’ program operations

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13 Mar 2019 01 Verbal Second scheduled dividend for CSG ‘small bot’ program operations
13 Mar 2019 01 Verbal Daniel TURNER reschedules dividend payment to 04 Apr 2019
M01 and M02 state that the CSG chat channel has been deleted, and note
28 Mar 2019 C176/177 M02 that Danny said he would bring the chat channel back later. M02 then
states that Danny deleted the private chat channel he had with M02
Danny TURNER shuts down the chat channel, stating that people are
29 Mar 2019 C249 M33
letting in bad apples and he is trying to find a way of controlling that
03 Apr 2019 01 Verbal Shut down of all CSG accounts and websites by Daniel TURNER
03 Apr 2019 01 Verbal Blocking of communications with CSG members by Daniel TURNER
Group members note that Danny has not asked group members to fill out
03 Apr 2019 C102 M01
payment forms for small and large bot profits
04 Apr 2019 01 Verbal Second scheduled dividend for CSG ‘large bot’ program operations
04 Apr 2019 01 Verbal Rescheduled pay date for all CSG bot dividends by Daniel TURNER
13 Apr 2019 01 Verbal Third scheduled dividend for CSG ‘small bot’ program operations
M38 states that she tried to call Danny at 44-7904-403982; ‘he said hi and
14 Apr 2019 C409 M00
hung up when he heard my voice’ and later ‘I cant get through anymore’
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 M10 identifies Daniel TURNER as a fraudster to Binance/3commas.io
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 M10 identifies Daniel TURNER aka Danny TURNER as a fraudster
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 M10 identifies Daniel TURNER aka Doede Osman KHAN as a fraudster
17 Apr 2019 01 Verbal Daniel TURNER restarts posting of trading tips on CSG channel
Trading Signals on Telegram shows posted message from Trading Signals
(Danny TURNER) that ‘due to unforeseen circumstances we have not been
able to trade or post trade signals… from tomorrow onwards we will be active
17 Apr 2019 C349/395 M00 st
again. As for the bot channel this will be reinstated on the 1 of May and
resume as normal. I dont want to post my personal shit online so please
respect and understand this. Sorry for the inconvenience. Happy Trading’
M37 provides screenshot showing Telegram channels for Trading Signals
19 Apr 2019 C407 M00
and TS Bot Channel are active
20 Apr 2019 01 Verbal Information cut-off date by the Investigator for this reporting process
01 May 2019 01 Verbal Client group scheduled implementation of demand for full restitution
04 May 2019 01 Verbal Third scheduled dividend for CSG ‘large bot’ program operations
13 May 2019 01 Verbal Fourth scheduled dividend for CSG ‘small bot’ program operations

Chronological Summary: Information provided by Client group members was presented in

chronological order, focusing on the most important events. More specific information is shown in a
table later in this report under the heading ‘Miscellaneous’. As of 26 Apr 2019, Daniel TURNER has
still not contacted Client group members, nor discussed paying the late dividends to Client group
members, nor offered to return the investments of Client group members.


The following imagery-related information was compiled from original information from the 38 Client
group members, and has been expanded with screen shots from videos produced by Daniel
TURNER, after review of the 444 source documents collected. The listing was expanded by images
produced for this report, for a total of 51 Source Photos


24 Jun 2018 P001 C002 Profile photo on telephone contact for Daniel TURNER
22 Jan 2019 P002 C022 Screenshot of Daniel TURNER computer screen

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OSRIA Report

Undated P003 C036 Photo of Daniel TURNER in front of white sports car
Undated P004 C036 Photo of Daniel TURNER speaking at a conference
Undated P005 C036 Photo of Daniel TURNER with daughter Eva
05 Nov 2018 P006 C080V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER Zoom video in home office
13 Feb 2019 P007 C188 Photo of Daniel TURNER CSG icon
Undated P008 C207 Photo of Daniel TURNER with white sports car
Undated P009 C208 Photo of Daniel TURNER in business suit
Undated P010 C209 Photo of Daniel TURNER with engine on flatbed truck
22 Apr 2019 P011 C224 Screen capture of map area around Shell Headquarters in Rotterdam, NL
18 Apr 2019 P012 C225 Screen capture of Daniel TURNER possible residence
11 Nov 2018 P013 C227V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER Zoom video in home office
11 Nov 227V P014 C227V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER Zoom video in home office
11 Nov 2018 P015 C227V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER screen showing Facebook account
Undated P016 C230 Photo of Daniel TURNER with slushie drink
18 Jan 2019 P017 C246V Screen shot showing British Careers job alerts addressed to Osman KHAN
18 Jan 2019 P018 C246V Screen shot showing British Careers job alerts addressed to Osman KHAN
Undated P019 C247V Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER office computer setup
Undated P020 C247V Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER office computer setup
Undated P021 C247V Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER office computer setup
Undated P022 C247V Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER office computer setup
Undated P023 C247V Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER office computer setup
01 Nov 2018 P024 C271 Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER as COO at CSG
Undated P025 C303 Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER at Power Generators UK
Undated P026 C306 Screen shot showing Daniel TURNER user name OzyyWozzyWoo
Undated P027 C312 Photo of Daniel TURNER daughter Eva
Undated P028 C313 Photo of Daniel TURNER with daughter Eva
Undated P029 C316 Photo of Daniel TURNER in office with computer setup
Undated P030 C317 Screen shot of Daniel TURNER screen showing Facebook account
Undated P031 C318 Screen shot of Daniel TURNER screen showing Facebook account
Undated P032 C322 Screen shot of Daniel TURNER telephone profile photo
Undated P033 C359 Photo of Daniel TURNER with alcohol drink
Undated P034 C360 Photo of Daniel TURNER with white sports car
Undated P035 C361 Photo of Daniel TURNER with engine on flatbed truck
Undated P036 C372 Photo of Daniel TURNER at warehouse full of engines/generators
Undated P037 C363 Photo of Daniel TURNER at warehouse full of engines/generators
Undated P038 C364 Photo of Daniel TURNER at warehouse full of engines/generators
Undated P039 C365 Photo of Daniel TURNER at warehouse full of engines/generators
22 Jan 2019 P040 C420V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER in Zoom video and home office
29 Jan 2019 P041 C420V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER in Zoom video with his name label
29 Jan 2019 P042 C422V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER in Zoom video and home office

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29 Jan 2019 P043 C422V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER in Zoom video with account information
29 Jan 2019 P044 C422V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER in Zoom video and home office
15 Jan 2019 P045 C429V Screen shot of Daniel TURNER in Zoom video and home office
15 Jan 2019 P046 C431 Screen shot of Daniel TURNER in video building a mining rig
20 Feb 2019 P047 M38 Screen capture of receipt, Doede Osman KHAN account on BitPanda
Undated P048 M38 Photo of Daniel TURNER with wife Alana and daughter Eva
Undated P049 M38 Photo of Daniel TURNER counting money
26 Apr 2019 P050 INV Screen capture of CSG/TURNER wallet and transfer associations
29 Jan 2019 P051 C422 Photo of Daniel TURNER with tattoo on upper right arm

Imagery Summary: Information provided by Client group members resulted in the capture of 50
images, consisting mostly of photos of Daniel TURNER and his family, screen shots and screen shots
of information on the computer operated by Daniel TURNER, screen shots of information linking
Daniel TURNER to the identity of Doede Osman KHAN, and photos of Daniel TURNER that he has
shown to Client group members about his life and work. The identity photos shown below are P006
(top left), P048 (top right), P013 (bottom left) and P049 (bottom right)

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The three photos presented below are identity photos showing Daniel TURNER as associated with a
group called CSG trading Education; having a Facebook account under the name of Daniel TURNER;
and a screen capture of TURNER’s Facebook page that was visible on a video produced by
TURNER on 11 Nov 2018. These photo are numbered as P024 (top), P030 (middle), and P015
(bottom). Of note, the profile photo on the Facebook account of Danny TURNER (image P030)
showing TURNER sitting on the hood of a white car has a yellow garage with a red door in the
background. This garage is a match for 82 Church Road in Ashley, UK, on Google Maps.

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The two photos presented below are a screen shot of the computer screen of Danny TURNER
broadcast by TURNER during his Zoom video call on 18 Jan 2019 (at top, refer to C227V). This
screen shows that the computer operated by TURNER has a job alerts email from British Careers
addressed to a person named Osman KHAN. The second photo is a screen shot provided by
member M38, a transfer confirmation dated 20 Feb 2019, sent to this Client group member after she
paid a debt on behalf of Daniel TURNER, receiving 0.25BTC from the account on BitPanda operated
by a person who is identified as Doede Osman KHAN (at bottom, refer to C424).

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The following subject-related information was compiled from original information from the 38 Client
group members, and collated into sets based on type of information.


Daniel TURNER Summary: Information provided by Client group members identified that
Dan/Danny/Daniel TURNER lived in the United Kingdom (UK), but was originally from the
Netherlands (NL). He identified himself to group members as having a Dutch mother and an Indian
father. He has shown himself in Telegram postings to be fluent in English and Dutch. He identified
himself as married to a wife named Alana TURNER and has a child named Eva. In Telegram
messages, he identified himself as growing up near the Shell Oil global headquarters, located in
Rotterdam, NL. He did not identify when he moved to the UK, or if he was a UK citizen. He did not
identify his past education, but shows expertise with computer operations, crypto-mining and crypto-
currency trading. He referred to owning businesses related to real estate and generators, stating that
he sold his generator business, possibly in early 2019 or late 2018. Daniel TURNER’s Facebook
account was formerly visible to all Client group members, and postings indicated he lived in the
Ashley area of UK, south of Manchester. Client group members believe he lives on 82 Church Road
in Ashley, with one group member recognized a photo of TURNER with his wife Alana at a pub called
the Bibo Lounge, which Google Map searches confirm is located within 2 km of Church Road in
Ashley, UK. Group members had two former telephone numbers for TURNER, but it is unconfirmed if
either number is still owned by him.


Doede Osman KHAN Summary: Information provided by Client group members identified that
Dan/Danny/Daniel TURNER used an alias of Doede Osman KHAN, or had a real name of Doede
Osman KHAN. Preliminary searches found these same references on multiple websites citing this
name as an actor in previous scams and frauds. However, these results tend to fall into the category
of accusation and hearsay rather than actual evidence to support the Client group member
information. Fortunately, supporting evidence for a link between the identities of Daniel TURNER and
the identity of Doede Osman KHAN comes directly from Daniel TURNER himself.

In the video posted on 18 Jan 2019 (C246), the host Danny TURNER clicks on the wrong screen and
gets a screen for ‘British Careers’, showing results for ’25 matching jobs’. At the top left of the
screen, the email says ‘British careers Job Alert; 25 jobs matching your job alert; To Osman KHAN;
Reply-To British careers Job Alerts’. At the very least, this result identifies that Osman KHAN lives at
the same house as Daniel TURNER. However, given TURNER’s paranoia, demonstrated in
comments on Telegram and in videos produced by TURNER, about people accessing his computer
and stealing his Bitcoins, it is assessed as completely unlikely that he would allow a third party it have
access to his computer system. This leads to the assessment that the Daniel TURNER and Osman
KHAN using this computer system are the same person.

In the Client group member information, three of the documents show a transfer receipt for Bitcoins
that M38 sent to Danny TURNER. The transfer confirmation shows a receipt provided to M38 on 18
Feb 2019 (refer to C425) for the transfer of 0.25BTC from her BTC wallet to a BTC wallet belonging
to Crypto Signal Group (otherwise known as Daniel TURNER). The second receipt, dated 20 Feb
2019 (refer to C426) shows a transfer of funds of 0.25BTC back to M38, from a person that M38
knew as Daniel TURNER, with the identity of Doede.khan@icloud.com. The third receipt, also dated
20 Feb 2019 (refer to C424) identifies that the wallet the 0.25BTC came from that day is a wallet on
BitPanda for a person known to M38 as Daniel TURNER, but is under the name of Doede Osman
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KHAN. Based on TURNER’s demonstrated paranoia on Telegram and in videos about others gaining
access to his computer and wallets, it is assessed as completely unlikely that Daniel TURNER would
allow a third party to have access to his Bitcoin wallet. This leads to the assessment that the Daniel
TURNER and Osman KHAN using this CSG Bitcoin wallet are the same person.

Further search efforts showing the links between Daniel TURNER and Doede Osman KHAN (and
more importantly, identifying which is the true name of this person) are reviewed later in this report.
Of note, at least one Client group member identified KHAN as having the same address as TURNER
(refer to C131 and C224), on 82 Church Road in Ashley, UK; and at least one Client group member
identified that TURNER and KHAN also have the same telephone number at 44-7904-403982 (refer
to C020, C322 and C323).


Aliases Summary: Information provided by Client group members identified that Dan/Danny/Daniel
TURNER has other user names and aliases he is using on other crypto trading or social media
platforms, listed below. Searches for the user names and aliases of Danturn, Elrico, and Ozzy found
results, but no matching results for person named Daniel TURNER or Doede Osman KHAN.
Searches for the aliases of Cryptodominator and OzzyWozzyWoo found matching results, that are
reviewed in more detail later in this report.


DOB Summary: Information provided by Client group members did not confirm the birth date of
TURNER. The Investigator has assessed that TURNER is between 40 and 50 years of age, giving
him a birth year range of 1969 to 1979.

Family Summary: Information provided by Client group members identified at least three family
members; a wife named Alana, a daughter named Eva, and a cousin named Richard (verbal,
unconfirmed). Searches for a person named Alana TURNER found no confirmed matches at this
time. Searches for the name of Eva TURNER living in the Market Drayton area of the UK also had no
success. However, searches for a person names of Alana KHAN and Eva KHAN found matching
results, reviewed in more detail later in this report.


Associates Summary: Information provided by Client group members indicated that TURNER has
friends named Zan NOVAK Sunny HUSSAIN, and a business partner named Chiara FRANCICA.

Business Name Summary: Information provided by Client group members indicated that TURNER
has links to businesses with the following names. These business names are reviewed in further
detail later in this report.
Electrical Power Generators Ltd
Astra Engineering;
Eagle Company Registration;

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Pramac Portabel Price List

CSG Trading Mentor VIP channel
ElcapoPorto (sp?)


Address Summary: Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel TURNER
lives in the area of Market Drayton, UK, area code TFP-4. A preliminary search of the contact
information for this area in this database at LocateFamily.com found over 35,000 listings. A refined
search of this database found 14 results in the area of Ashley, UK, for the last name of TURNER, but
no matches for the names of A. TURNER, D. TURNER or O. TURNER.

While some Client group members thought that TURNER lived in Manchester, this appears to be
based on business addresses. Images captured by Client group members (before TURNER blocked
them from access to his Facebook account) consistently referred to the town of Ashley, UK, within the
Market Drayton area. Of note, Client group members, and a database called LocateFamily, found a
at least two listings for Doede KHAN in the same area, reviewed in more detail later in this report.
Addresses for this area are provided below.
82 Church Road, Ashley, Shropshire TF94DQ
Church Road, Ashley, Market Drayton TF94LG UK
1 Hunters Point, Loggershead, UK TF94DQ
82 Church Road, Ashley, UK TF94JY
272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland G24JR

Telephone Summary: Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel TURNER
has the following three telephone numbers. Searches for the first two numbers found no matching
Searches for the third telephone number, at 44-7904-403982 found six results, all related to
companies called Electrical Generators Ltd and Prime Power Solutions. These results are reviewed
in more detail later in this report.

Vehicles Summary: Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel TURNER
was not identified as owning a specific vehicle, although a partial image from 2018 indicates he
owned a blue vehicle of unconfirmed make and model (visible through the window in the image
below). Other vehicles such as the white sports car were stated verbally by TURNER to Client group
members that they were owned by persons other than TURNER (or KHAN). More information on the
vehicle owned or operated by TURNER is reviewed later in this report.


User Name Summary: Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel
TURNER used the following user names or aliases for accounts. Follow-up searches found three

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OSRIA Report

new results for the name of @Cobratrader (none of them related to TURNER) and no results for
@Huntinglion. The search for @digitalbrunette found this name is not used by Daniel TURNER.

Email Summary: Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel TURNER
used the following user names or aliases for accounts. Follow-up searches for the first five emails
found results, but no matching results for the name of Danny TURNER or a person named KHAN.

A search for the email of Doede.khan@icloud.com found one new result, a listing on the website
Cutestat for a website called EnergensUK.com. The registration information for this result is reviewed
later in this report.

A search for the email of cryptosignalgroup@gmail.com found one new result, showing an account on
ClickFunnels under the name of Scottherrera (Scott HERRERA). This website was reviewed and
found to contain no new information about TURNER or KHAN.

A search for the email of danturn@me.com led to a new result found on the website
UKLandDirectory.org.uk. This result is reviewed and found to contain new information about

Accounts Summary: Based on the information provided by Client group members, the accounts
related to Daniel TURNER on Facebook, Youtube, Deskgram, and Zoom are no longer open to public
viewing, due to either privacy controls, removal of content, or deletion of accounts. Due to a limit on
time and budget a detailed search of all leading social networking was not conducted at this time. A
review of social networking results related to TURNER are reviewed later in this report.

Websites Summary: Three of the websites associated with TURNER and CSG have been reviewed
below, while results for two other websites are reviewed later in this report. Based on the information
provided by Client group members, Daniel TURNER had a website at CSGSignals.com. A visit to
this website domain found no active content. A review of the registration information for this domain
found that it was created on 17 Oct 2018, and is due to expire on 17 Oct 2019. The registration
information is hidden from public viewing by a proxy privacy service, but does show the domain was
registered in Malta using a telephone number of 1-480-624-2505. A search for this website URL
using the Wayback Machine archive database found no new results.

Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel TURNER had a website at
CSGTradingEducation.com. A visit to this website domain found no active content. A review of the
registration information for this domain found that it was created on 27 Oct 2018, and is due to expire
© 2019 Page 18
OSRIA Report

on 27 Oct 2019. The registration information is hidden from public viewing by a proxy privacy service.
A search for this website URL using the Wayback Machine archive database found no new results.

Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel TURNER had a website at
TradeWithCryptoSignals.com. A visit to this website domain found some website content, which was
already reviewed as part of Client information. A review of the registration information for this domain
found it was created on 23 Sep 2018, and is due to expire on 23 Sep 2019. The registration
information is hidden from public viewing by a proxy privacy service, but does show the domain was
registered in Malta using a telephone number of 1-480-624-2505. A search for this website URL
using the Wayback Machine archive database found no new results.


- No results

Education Summary: Based on the information provided by Client group members, Daniel
TURNER, no information about the education of Daniel TURNER was identified.

Based on a review of the Client material, Daniel TURNER is assessed by the Investigator as being
highly knowledgeable in computers, computer software, computer hardware, crypto currency mining,
crypto currency trading and automated crypto currency trading. It is assessed that TURNER has
probably attended and completed public school up to Grade 12, and probably took post-secondary
technical courses related to computers and information technology. In opposition, his comments
during videos and on Telegram communications indicate poor management and administrative skills,
and poor communication skills, which might indicate a lack of formal post-secondary education in
business-related subjects. Given the circumstances of the Client group members, it is possible that
this impression might have been deliberately conveyed to his audience. It is unconfirmed if he gained
a degree from a university. He is likely to have attended numerous entrepreneur-related leadership
and training courses with the organizations he has been associated with in the past.

Employment Summary: Based on the information provided by Client members, Daniel TURNER
was active in business over the last 10 years as an entrepreneur, operating businesses related to real
estate and generators. Client group members identified at least two of these ventures, review later in
this report, both of which TURNER indicated he had sold. According to TURNER’s comments found
on Telegram and during the review of his videos, TURNER implies that his job is crypto-trading which
he undertakes on a 24/7 basis, and he is not currently employed with other operations.


02 Oct 2018 C335 M30 M30 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
06 Oct 2018 C115 M16 M16 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
07 Oct 2018 C215 M14 M14 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS

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OSRIA Report

07 Oct 2018 C145/148 M09 M09 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS

10 Oct 2018 C025 M05 M05 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
10 Oct 2018 C251 M33 M33 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
10 Oct 2018 C256 M34 M34 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
10 Oct 2018 C285 M04 M04 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
12 Oct 2018 C028 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
13 Oct 2018 C299 M04 M04 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
13 Oct 2018 C443 M07 M07 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
13 Oct 2018 C146/149 M09 M09 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
14 Oct 2018 C251 M33 M33 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
14 Oct 2018 C083 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
14 Oct 2018 C114 M16 M16 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
22 Oct 2018 C135 M20 M20 payment to CSG wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
31 Oct 2018 C210/213 M14 M14 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
06 Jan 2019 C138 M23 M23 payment to DT wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
16 Apr 2019 C206 M14 Daniel TURNER group wallet: 1485bjF8VZEzxcFaEi8t9wdsNXQS1kwPqS
Investigator Note:
- 2 x wallet address mentioned in Client material
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- 18x recipient of BTC from Client group members
- Active between at least 02 Oct 2018 and 06 Jan 2019
Investigator Note:
- Current balance is 0 BTC
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- Inactive since 19 Jan 2019
- Estimated as used to collect 0.31BTC from Client group members
- Last transaction from this account showed 11.27828764BTC sent to
Binance wallet 1NdyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s

C Nov 2018 C106 M01 M08 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH

08 Jan 2019 C020 M10 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
08 Jan 2019 C028 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
08 Jan 2019 C334 M30 M30 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
08 Jan 2019 C123 M18 M18 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
08 Jan 2019 C130 M19 M19 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
08 Jan 2019 C113 M15 Daniel TURNER wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
08 Jan 2018 C084 M01 Daniel TURNER wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
08 Jan 2018 C085 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
09 Jan 2018 C087 M01 Daniel TURNER wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
09 Jan 2018 C088 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
09 Jan 2019 C050 M13 Mr & Mrs Crypto wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vU
09 Jan 2019 C196 M02 M02 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
10 Jan 2019 C020 M10 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH

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OSRIA Report

10 Jan 2019 C028 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH

10 Jan 2019 C251 M33 M33 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
10 Jan 2019 C287 M04 M04 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
10 Jan 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
11 Jan 2019 C124 M18 M18 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
11 Jan 2019 C334 M30 M30 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Jan 2019 C288 M04 M04 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Jan 2019 C251 M33 M33 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Jan 2019 C020 M10 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Jan 2019 C028 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Jan 2019 C132 M20 M20 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Jan 2019 C154 M24 M24 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
17 Jan 2019 C334 M30 M30 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
17 Jan 2019 C232/233 M32 M32 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Jan 2018 C089 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
17 Jan 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
22 Jan 2019 C037 M10 DT/Trading Signals wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
24 Jan 2018 C091 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
25 Jan 2019 C125 M18 M18 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
25 Jan 2019 C120 M06 M06 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
29 Jan 2019 C037 M10 DT/Trading Signals wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
M34 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
30 Jan 2019 C253 M34
M34 adds message mentioning Chiara FRANCICA
30 Jan 2019 C258/261 M34 M34 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
30 Jan 2019 C263 M35 M35 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
30 Jan 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
31 Jan 2019 C020 M10 M01 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
31 Jan 2019 C028 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
02 Feb 2019 C254 M34 M34 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
03 Feb 2019 C121 M06 M06 payment to DT wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
16 Apr 2019 C206 M14 Daniel TURNER bot wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
14 Apr 2019 C003 M03 Daniel TURNER wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
14 Apr 2019 C010 M05 Daniel TURNER wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
14 Apr 2019 C021 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH
DT wallet tracker:
16 Apr 2019 C038 M12 https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ
Investigator Note:
- 10x wallet address mentioned in Client material
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- 21x recipient of BTC from Client group members
- Active between at least 24 Aug 2018 and 11 Mar 2019
Investigator Note:
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV

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- Current balance is 0 BTC
- Inactive since 11 Mar 2019
- Estimated as used to transfer 523.83BTC from this account to Binance
at wallet 1NdyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s

14 Apr 2019 C003 M03 Daniel TURNER wallet: 1NdyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s

14 Apr 2019 C004 M01 Daniel TURNER wallet: 1NdyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s
DT wallet tracker:
16 Apr 2019 C038/190 M02/12
M02 review of 1NdyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s blockchain
13 Apr 2019 C190 M02
indicates there are 13.5 thousand BTC in this wallet
Investigator Note: Research on this wallet number indicates it is a
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV Binance wallet where they store their clients money, not the personal
account of Daniel TURNER or any of his aliases or potential partners

15 Oct 2018 C157 M25 M25 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG

11 Nov 2018 C158 M25 M25 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Nov 2018 C141 M23 M23 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Nov 2018 C308 M37 M37 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Nov 2018 C333/338 M30 M30 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Nov 2018 C128 M19 M19 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Nov 2018 C134 M20 M20 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
16 Nov 2018 C251 M33 M33 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
20 Nov 2018 C028 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
03 Dec 2018 C006 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
09 Jan 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
09 Jan 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
11 Jan 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
31 Jan 2019 C202 M27 M27 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
05 Feb 2019 C127 M18 M18 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
06 Feb 2019 C037 M10 DT/Trading Signals wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
09 Feb 2019 C238/239 M32 M32 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
12 Feb 2018 C251 M33 M33 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
12 Feb 2019 C280 M00 Trading Signals (DTURNER): 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
12 Feb 2019 C336 M30 M30 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Feb 2019 C309 M37 M37 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Feb 2019 C056 M01 Trading Signals wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Feb 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Feb 2019 C126 M18 M18 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Feb 2019 C138 M23 M23 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Feb 2019 C059 M01 Trading Signals wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Feb 2019 C133 M20 M20 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG

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14 Feb 2019 C376 M00 M03 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG

14 Feb 2019 C037 M10 DT/Trading Signals wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Feb 2019 C037 M10 M13 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Feb 2019 C159 M25 M25 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Feb 2019 C160 M25 M25 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Feb 2019 C289 M04 M04 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Feb 2019 C376 M00 M03 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
16 Feb 2019 C062 M01 Trading Signals wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
16 Feb 2019 C063 M01 Trading Signals wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
16 Feb 2019 C129 M19 M19 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
17 Feb 2019 C221 M29 M29 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
17 Feb 2019 C147/152 M09 M09 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
04 Mar 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
06 Mar 2019 C117 M17 M16 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
06 Mar 2019 C222 M29 M29 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
07 Mar 2019 C196 M02 M02 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
08 Mar 2019 C109/112 M01 M08 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
09 Mar 2019 C242 M32 M32 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
11 Mar 2019 C110 M01 M08 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Mar 2019 C142 M23 M23 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Mar 2019 C138 M23 M23 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Mar 2019 C376 M00 M03 payment to DT wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
13 Mar 2019 C110 M01 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
C Mar 2019 C037 M10 DT/Trading Signals wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Apr 2019 C003 M03 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Apr 2019 C009 M05 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Apr 2019 C017 M08 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
14 Apr 2019 C103 M01 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
16 Apr 2019 C206 M14 Daniel TURNER bot wallet: 3P92hQN8iyRTJfw9V673mubEvH333tYoaG
DT wallet tracker:
16 Apr 2019 C038 M12 vH333tYoaG?
Investigator Note:
- 14x wallet address mentioned in Client material
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- 43x recipient of BTC from Client group members
- Active between at least 08 Dec 2017 and 31 Mar 2019
Investigator Note:
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV - Current balance is 0 BTC
- Inactive since 11 Mar 2019
- Estimated as used to transfer payments from Client group members
- Used mostly to receive payments from Binance wallet

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- Majority of transfers out from this account are transferred to wallet
- Last transaction from this account showed 17.9943924BTC sent to
wallet 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H
Investigator Note:
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- Multiple same-day entries probably from bot trading
- Current balance for this one is 91.073282 BTC
Investigator Note:
- Part of transfers from 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H to
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
itself go to 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H and also go to a
wallet at 1PANDAcsGhEgC6epjA9NwdUwfN6sjWLmuQ
- Almost every transfer of funds into 1PANDA comes from
- Current balance for 1PANDAcsGhEgC6epjA9NwdUwfN6sjWLmuQ is
151.83347983 BTC
Investigator Note:
Occasional transfers fm 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H to
Bitcoin wallet at 1PANDAcsGhEgC6epjA9NwdUwfN6sjWLmuQ then go
to 1aXzEKiDJKzkPxTZy9zGc3y1nCDwDPub2
- Current balance for 1aXzEKiDJKzkPxTZy9zGc3y1nCDwDPub2 is
12,290.00 BTC
- Active since 04 Aug 2016
- Has received large transfers from 1PANDA wallet since 28 May 2017
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
This account received
200 BTC on 28 May 2017
100 BTC on 31 May 2017
319 BTC on 16 Aug 2017
100 BTC on 27 Aug 2017
100 BTC on 11 Oct 2018
150 BTC on 29 Nov 2018
450 BTC on 10 Dec 2018
100 BTC on 20 Dec 2018
80.37 BTC on 15 Mar 2019
- Whoever owns this account has probable direct contact with TURNER;
this account sent a one-time transfer of 350 BTC on 13 Jun 2018 to the
account at 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H

25 Sep 2018 C030 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE

25 Sep 2018 C031 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
27 Sep 2018 C251 M33 M33 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
01 Nov 2018 C028 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
01 Nov 2018 C032 M10 M10 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
CSG video with Danny TURNER voiceover has screen shot at 01m18s
01 Nov 2018 C271 (V) M00
showing wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
01 Nov 2018 C337 M30 M30 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
03 Nov 2018 C047 M12 CSG Trading Education wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE

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05 Nov 2018 C441 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE

05 Nov 2018 C139 M23 Wix Crypto Trading wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
18 Nov 2018 C286 M04 M04 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
29 Nov 2018 C082 M01 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
29 Nov 2018 C083 M01 M01 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
29 Nov 2018 C150 M09 M09 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
30 Nov 2018 C214 M14 M14 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
C Nov 2018 C439 M01 Danny TURNER/CSG wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
09 Jan 2019 C151 M09 M09 payment to DT wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
14 Apr 2019 C003 M03 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
16 Apr 2019 C206 M14 Daniel TURNER group wallet: 3QBpmpsYejRjnffMQWHayLVL71vidKzTPE
DT wallet tracker:
16 Apr 2019 C038 M12 71vidKzTPE?
Investigator Note:
- 6x wallet address mentioned in Client material
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- 14x recipient of BTC from Client group members
- Active between at least 25 Sep 2019 and 22 Jan 2019
Investigator Note:
- Current balance is 0 BTC
- Inactive since 22Jan 2019
- Estimated as used to transfer payments from Client group members
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV - Majority of transfers out from this account are transferred to wallet
- Last transaction from this account showed 0.13810892BTC sent to
wallet 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H
- Last major transaction from this account showed 33.6241234BTC sent
to wallet 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H
- See previous NOTE to see where money went next

16 Dec 2018 C037 M10 DT/Trading Signals wallet: 3QMVktQaUUV8b7qfFDwr4Z7BzASaWTzuiW

C Dec 2018 C037 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3QMVktQaUUV8b7qfFDwr4Z7BzASaWTzuiW
Investigator Note:
- 2x wallet address mentioned in Client material
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- No known recipient of BTC from Client group members
- Active between at least 29 Oct 2018 and 24 Apr 2019
Investigator Note:
- Current balance is 0 BTC
- Active on 24 Apr 2019
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- Estimated as used to transfer BTC between TURNERS accounts
- Majority of transfers out from this account are transferred to wallet
3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H but has links to wallet
- Wallet owned by M38; does not appear to be holding Client group funds

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30 Nov 2018 C214 M14 M14 payment to DT wallet: 1CBqvtEPBCceYWveGB6X9wMBoDMxgwMbpt

Investigator Note:
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/19xBEZhssRZodHHMyv2VKgKww4p
- Current balance is 0 BTC
- 0.1 BTC transferred through three accounts until received by
14byPPabEWcfUz7Ueqk5mNQ1ExXQ8M3vUH on 11 Jan 2019
- See previous NOTE to see where money went next

18 Feb 2019 C425 M38 M38 transfer to CSG wallet: 1p6Y9CfCRJKxSwX37TK2gwqVpd2J7toZF

Investigator Note:
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- No indication of a direct link to TURNER or known TURNER wallets

07 Oct 2018 C215 M14 M14 payment to DT wallet: 1Ptx75fhmBo6GfGpKFLAS1vpAgVtQRpPAb

Investigator Note:
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- No indication of a direct link to TURNER or known TURNER wallets

16 Apr 2019 C027 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 32eUH1UTdLVFta3SrQFzbRJfNczYnE9iKQ

Investigator Note:
- Current balance is 0 BTC
- Active between 03 Oct 2018 and 12 Mar 2019
- Estimated as used to transfer BTC between TURNERS accounts and
receive payments from customers
- Majority of transfers out from this account are transferred to wallet
3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H but has links to wallet
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- Transaction on 15 Nov 2018 sent 20.55625382 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 19 Jan 2019 sent 1.10587085 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 08 Feb 2019 sent 29.26247975 BTC to wallet
- Last transaction on 12 Mar 2019 sent 0.04626995 BTC to wallet

16 Apr 2019 C027 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 32wG4iVPfbQvKAhV1osiPz1GH7vMEttWPa

Investigator Note:
- Current balance is 0 BTC
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV - Active between 05 Oct 2018 and 12 Feb 2019
- Estimated as used to transfer BTC between TURNERS accounts and
possibly receive payments from customers
- All transfers out from this account are transferred to wallet

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- Last transaction on 12 Feb 2019 sent 0.9438212 BTC to wallet


16 Apr 2019 C027 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H

Investigator Note:
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
See previous NOTEs for this wallet address

16 Apr 2019 C027 M10 Daniel TURNER wallet: 3Mroi8ntv85kwZyTYY3PPaxBwuCnnwdqfw

Investigator Note:
- Current balance is 0 BTC
- Active between 27 Mar 2018 and 24 Apr 2019
- Estimated as used to transfer BTC between TURNERS accounts and
possibly receive payments from customers
- All major transfers out from this account are transferred to wallet
- Transaction on 05 Oct 2018 sent 5.9698706 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 18 Oct 2018 sent 9.890222724 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 26 Oct 2018 sent 37.70330723 BTC to wallet
24 Apr 2019 NOTE INV
- Transaction on 01 Nov 2018 sent 8.41118258 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 24 Oct 2018 sent 33.38588104 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 14 Nov 2018 sent 38.71244092 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 10 Nov 2018 sent 60.7689857 BTC to wallet
- Transaction on 09 Nov 2018 sent 29.48920081 BTC to wallet
- (Multiple other large payments since then to same account)
- Last transaction on 24 Apr 2019 sent 34.13815358 BTC to wallet

08 Jan 2019 C244 M32 M32 payment to DT wallet: (No receipt to confirm wallet number)
13 Jan 2019 C244 M32 M32 payment to DT wallet: (No receipt to confirm wallet number)
16 Jan 2019 C244 M32 M32 payment to DT wallet: (No receipt to confirm wallet number)
13 Feb 2019 C244 M32 M32 payment to DT wallet: (No receipt to confirm wallet number)

M02 payment to DT bank account: Bank of Scotland PLC; Country UK; Sort
Code SC110001; Account Number GB47HLFX11000109088651; Full Name
03 Dec 2018 C019/195 M02
Daniel TURNER; Short Name Danny; Email Address Danturn@me.com;
Address 82 Church Road, Ashley TF94JY UK
DT bank account: Daniel TURNER; Source Code 11-00-01; Account Number
14 Apr 2019 C008 M01
09088651; IBAN GB47HLFX11000109088651; BIC HLFXGB21F08
14 Apr 2019 C013 M07 DT bank address: Halifax Bank, 8-12 Evesham Walk, Redditch, UK B974EX
DT bank account: Daniel TURNER; Source Code 11-00-01; Account Number
14 Apr 2019 C014 M07
09088651; IBAN GB47HLFX11000109088651; BIC HLFXGB21F08

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Bank Summary: Daniel TURNER was found to have at least two bank accounts: one at the Halifax
Bank located at 8-12 Evesham Walk in Redditch, UK (near the major city of Birmingham); and a
second at the Bank of Scotland in Halifax, UK (north of Manchester). Both of these banks indicate
accounts under the name of Daniel TURNER. As the name of Daniel TURNER is shown later in this
report to not be his real name, it is unconfirmed if the bank accounts are under a false name or
actually under his real name. Queries with these banks would be required to clarify the bank
locations and account names.

Wallet Summary: Of the Bitcoin (BTC) wallets identified by the Client group members, at least nine
of these wallets appear to have links to Daniel TURNER, with five of these accounts having accepted
payments from CSG members (as proven by multiple transfer statements available for review in the
supporting documents (and listed in the preceding table). Of note to the Client group members,
seven of these accounts have not been used since 31 Mar 2019, and all nine of these accounts have
zero Bitcoin in them.

Blockchain searches by the Investigator indicate that all funds have been moved to one of two
(a) a Binance wallet address where TURNER has an account at
1NdyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s, and;
(b) to an account that (based on its high level of visible activity) is a trading bot being operated by
TURNER at 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H , and holds 91.07 BTC as of 24 Apr 2018.

Of note, this probable trading bot at 3DdBZ734DjaqBf29PvjxWv9mvU6VaQEs8H has links to a

possible BitPanda wallet; as it conducts transfers, it sends part of the transfer to itself and the rest of
the transfer to a wallet at 1PANDAcsGhEgC6epjA9NwdUwfN6sjWLmuQ. It is estimated over 2,200
BTC have been moved from 3DdBZ (short form name) to the wallet at 1PANDA (short form name) in
this manner. This 1PANDA (short form name) wallet holds 151.83 BTC as of 24 Apr 2019.

Also of note, the 1PANDA has been a mover of large amounts of Bitcoin, shifting an estimated
1,500 BTC to a wallet at 1aXzEKiDJKzkPxTZy9zGc3y1nCDwDPub2; and an estimated 1,500 BTC
to a wallet at 1EYgd4KkhH3BugJFPvk3hHSHP58JWDgMYH. Both of these wallets previously sent
over 650 BTC to the wallet associated with TURNER at 3DdBZ (short form name). Based on the
past and current activities of these wallets, they do not appear to be associated with a Bit company,
a bank, or other financial institution, but are moving the equivalent of over 6 million UK Pounds.
The owners of these two wallets at 1aXzE and 1Eygd (short form names) have not been
determined at this time.

In summary, based on the fact that none of the CSG wallets known to the Client group members have
contained any significant levels of active funds (>1 BTC) since 31 Mar 2019, it is assessed that Daniel
TURNER does not appear to have any funds waiting for return to investors.

A diagram of the TURNER and CSG wallets reviewed, plus wallets that are assessed as probably
associated with TURNER based on transfers and activity, has been provided below.

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Miscellaneous Summary: Based on the information provided by the 38 Client group members, the
formation of the Crypto Signals Group by Daniel TURNER appears to have begun at the end of 2017
when he recruited Chiara FRANCICA to be his business partner in this venture. The first of the 38
Client group members were recruited as members of CSG by at least 30 Sep 2018 when member
M23 joined. Daniel TURNER initially offered members a one-month subscription to the CSG
services, which evolved into a six-month membership, and then into a one-year lifetime membership.
Eventually this evolved into an all-access single fee for all membership, training, and signals.

By 01 Nov 2018, Daniel TURNER had made himself the COO of CSG Trading Education, with Chiara
FRANCICA as the CEO of CSG Trading Education. The appointment of FRANCICA as CEO is not
explained, as the videos and online comments indicate she lacks knowledge of crypto-mining, crypto-
trading and operating bots.

By mid-Jan 2019, TURNER had dropped most CSG membership, training and support operations for
CSG members, focusing on a small group of 53 persons who were paying recipients of trading
signals and/or trading bot investors. There are no indications that TURNER refunded or

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recompensed any former CSG members that he kicked out of groups or failed to purchase full access

By mid-March, TURNER had delayed further payouts to investors and had started shutting down
CSG websites and accounts for ‘the protection of group members’. By 04 Apr 2019, the due date for
all the remaining CSG member investors were due to be paid, TURNER closed all remaining groups,
stopped sending signals, and blocked all attempts to contact him.

The Investigator noted numerous contradictions between Daniel TURNER’s statements and his
actual actions and activities, many of which would never be considered acceptable business practices
towards customer or clients.

 Circa Oct 2018/C247V to present: States that crypto-trading is a 24/7 job, but appears to
frequently take time off for personal activities and operating other business lines.

 Circa Oct 2018/C247V to present: States he has a nephew and a cousin helping him (i.e.
Elrico95), but by 01 Nov 2018 (C271V) states it is just him and Chiara providing the services.
By 12 Nov 2018 he refers to planning on training a team to take over for him, but never does.

 Circa Oct 2018/C247V: States he doesn’t buy new cars or fancy cars as they instantly lose
their value, but in Jan 2019 (C420) talks about willing to buy himself a ‘new Lambo’ with profits
from helping an investor who has a large amount of Bitcoin to invest.

 01 Nov 2018/C271V: Daniel TURNER had made himself the COO, with Chiara FRANCICA as
the CEO of CSG Trading Education, despite numerous indications of her lack of knowledge
on crypto-mining, crypto-trading and operating bots.

 12 Nov 2018/C274V: Daniel TURNER presents CSG as an expanding group, speaking of

developing a staff, starting an academy to train others, and developing admin staff to help run
CSG. However by 12 Nov TURNER states that he is getting too many messages on
Facebook and won’t read them, and that he ‘can’t deal with that’, despite pushing Facebook
as his single method of informing and attracting potential customers to CSG (and still having a
personal account on Facebook, and using it to communicate with friends and family, as shown
later in this report). TURNER also states that once CSG hits 250 people he will close all
doors and let no one else in because he cant handle more people. But then in mid-Dec 2018
(C037) TURNER talks about a full CSG rebranding starting on 31 Dec 2018, that also never

 12 Nov 2018/C274V: TURNER discourages his CSG members from copying his material or
online comments in particular, and reacts strictly to persons who repost his material on other
channels. TURNER claims this the unwanted reposting is happening several times between
Dec 2018 and Feb 2019, but never identifies any particular offender by name; yet when asked
about his former friend named KRZAN at Nicehash is quick to label the person as
untrustworthy and a hacker. TURNER claims that his security measures are intended to
protect the group from regulators and privacy issues, but this appears to be merely a method
and excuse for arbitrarily kicking members out of the group, and getting rid of non-investors.

 04 Dec 2018: TURNER appears to have spent considerable time, effort, and expense in
creating training videos for CSG clients. In Dec 2018 TURNER states that he intends to add
ten new modules (C105) to the training video library, and intends to start a training academy

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(C090). But in mid-March 2019 TURNER shuts down the training website and denies paying
members access to the training videos.

 18 Jan 2019/C246(V): TURNER states in Telegram posts that he will not make more bots, but
continually pumps the bot products, and it is implied that he continues to make more bots.

 22 Jan 2019/C037: After TURNER explains the trading bot share system, the forecast for
payouts and payout schedules, TURNER changes the share system, expected payouts, and
payout dates, with no apparent input from the CSG members who own the shares. As an
example, TURNER originally refers to his Large Bot as a 30BTC system; but 10 x 1.5 (from
investors) + 15 BTC (from CSG), is later shown as 15+10 BTC; and a screen shot of a running
Large Bot trading program shows it is operating with only 15 BTC. In addition, TURNER
never identifies how many Small or Large Bot operations he is running for the group.

 (General) TURNER maintains tight control of all groups, signals, and group discussions, up
until mid-Mar 2019, when group members started becoming disappointed in their dividend
payouts and asking for written estimates of what to expect in the next payout.

 (General) TURNER was constantly changing and evolving the CSG membership agreements,
with the implied threat of being kicked from the group without a refund if members do not pay
to be upgraded to full life-time status.

 (General) TURNER was constantly threatening to kick members for disobeying rules,
expressing negative opinions, or disagreeing with his concepts/ideas, without option of refund.
Client group member online comments indicated former members would disappear from the
group with no idea of why.

 (General) TURNER claims that his business partner Chiara has access to all BTC and wallets,
but there are no indications that he ever gave her access.

 (General): TURNER admonishes group members to not make screen captures or copy
material, but fails to keep CSG notes on member investments, shares, payouts, or profits. Of
note TURNER makes members submit paperwork to get their share of bot payouts, which
should be automatically paid as part of the service provider responsibilities. For example, you
never have to tell a bank or commercial investment that you want to be paid.

 (General) TURNER never provided any receipts to any group members, and never developed
any formal templates or letterhead for CSG, despite his focus on 'branding' the organization. .

 (General) TURNER told contradicting stories to group members, depending on who he was
talking to, i.e. telling his business partner he is in the middle of a divorce from his wife (refuted
by Facebook content later in this report), while telling different stories to other members (i.e.
helping a son in Holland get an apartment, or that he was moving to Wales).

 (General) TURNER told viewers of his videos that the people at Nicehash know him and
would vouch for him, but on 26 Mar 2019, claims Nicehash staged a hack of their own BTC
and that a former friend is a thief.

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 (General) Attempted to delete all CSG-related websites, accounts, channels, and

interpersonal communications, starting 28 Mar 2019, but then re-opened the CSG Trusted
Members channel and restarted sending out trading signals as of 17 Apr 2019.


15 Apr 2019 C024 M01 Link: https://1stdirectory.co.uk/financial/electrical-generators-ltd
16 Apr 2019 C009 M10
14 Apr 2019 C005 M04 https://www.google.ca/amps/s/constructionreviewonline.com/2014/06/power-
16 Apr 2019 C054/211 M14/16 Link: https://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=121263
07 Apr 2019 C001 M01 Link: https://taratalkstoday.blogspot.com/2018/01/danny-turner-hypocrite
14 Apr 2019 C012 M07 Link: https://taratalkstoday.blogspot.com/2018/01/danny-turner-hypocrite
15 Apr 2019 C020 M10 Link: https://taratalkstoday.blogspot.com/2018/01/danny-turner-hypocrite
18 Apr 2019 C198 M02 https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/company/08908083-power-generators-uk-
18 Apr 2019 C198 M02
18 Apr 2019 C198 M02 https://www.freebmd.org.uk/cgi/districts.pl?r=267046702:1160&d=bmd_155
18 Apr 2019 C198 M02 https://www.freebmd.org.uk/cgi/districts.pl?r=271007404:3670&d=bmd_155
16 Apr 2019 C206 M14 https://ok.ru/profile/574044725914?st.layer.cmd=PopLayerClose&st._forceS

Links Summary: The Client group members identified 11 links for further review later in this report,
from the websites ClickFunnels, Google, Blogspot (TaraTalksToday account), Endole UK, Free BMD,
and OK.ru.

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In most investigation processes, a limited amount of preliminary information is provided by a Client

about the subject of the report prior to the start of the search process. The questions about the
subject identity would be predetermined by the search process, and a full search process would be
conducted based on Contact Information, Government Databases, Media Databases, Mapping and
Geolocation Searches, General Searches and Social Networking Searches.

In this report, the large volume of information provided by the 38 Client group members requires a
modified approach, with an emphasis on confirming and validating information. There is also an
issue with the limit on time and budget, and a short deadline for a completed report delivered to the
client, precluding the ability to complete a full search process. In addition, the Client group members
indicated that the person named Daniel TURNER is believed to have already hidden, deleted content,
or removed all accounts and websites under his control.

However, because of the large amount of detailed starting information, many preliminary questions
have already been answered, and instead this portion of the report focuses on confirmation of the
Clients most important information objectives, identified as the following.

A) Confirm a person named Daniel TURNER lives in the Market-Drayton area of the UK.

B) Confirm a person named Doede Osman KHAN lives in the Market-Drayton area of the UK.

C) Confirm the most recent address for a person named Daniel TURNER and/or Doede Osman
KHAN in the Market-Drayton area of the UK.

D) Confirm if the subject Daniel TURNER and/or Doede Osman KHAN has assets in Bitcoin, or in
assets other than Bitcoin, that the Client group members may pursue as restitution.

General Searches – Daniel TURNER: Searches of general Internet directories and leading social
networking websites found limited matching results for a person named Daniel TURNER living in the
Market Drayton area of the United Kingdom (UK). Searches found over 300 results for this name in
the UK, with most results related to another person by the same name in the same area. However,
searches did find some confirmation of identity.

From the website LocateFamily.com, searches found a listing for a Daniel TURNER living at 82
Church Road, Ashley, Staffs, UK TF94JY (44-7535-024039) (refer to DTURNER R001).

A follow-up search for telephone number 44-7535-024039 found no new results.

This same website shows two listing for the name of Doede KHAN at the same address of 82 Church
Road, Ashley, Market Drayton, Staffordshire TF94JY, but with a slightly different telephone number
(44-7535-024038) (refer to DTURNER R002).

A follow-up search for telephone number 44-7535-024038 found no new results.

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Searches for the name of Alana TURNER found no matching results for a person by this name living
in the Ashley/Market Drayton area of the UK.

Searches for the name of Eva TURNER found no matching results for a person by this name living in
the Ashley/Market Drayton area of the UK.

Searches for the address of 82 Church Road in Ashley using the first names of Danny, Daniel, Alana,
and the last name of TURNER found no matching results.

Searches of the US-based and European-based corporate registry websites (i.e. Open Corporates,
Moneyhouse, Beta CompaniesHouse) found over 300 companies in the UK registered with the
names of either Danny or Daniel TURNER but no companies with a matching address, municipal
area, or business type. The search for the name of Alana TURNER was successful, finding a result
for this name of the website Beat Companies House UK.












A table showing this compiled business-related information is shown below. Based on nationality,
birth information, business type, address commonalities, and the names of business associates, it is
assessed that Daniel TURNER is the same person as Doede Osman KHAN.


11682507 Prime Power Solution Ltd 1 Hunters Point, Doede KHAN Daniel TURNER (magazine)
Created: 15 Nov 2018 Market Drayton, UK UK/Dutch Danny TURNER (paypal)
Status: Active TF94DQ Born Feb 1973
113512522 RDS Property 1 Hunters Point, Doede KHAN None identified
Management Limited Loggerheads, UK UK/DUTCH
Created: 09 May 2018 TF94DQ Born Feb 1973
Status: Active
SC514161 Energen Generators 82 Church Road, Doede KHAN None identified
(UK) Limited Ashley, UK TF94JY UK/DUTCH
Created:27 Aug 2015 Born Feb 1973
Dissolved: 31 Jan 2017

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10360792 Electrical Power Generator 20-22 Wenlock Road Doede Osman KHAN None identified
Limited London, UK UK/DUTCH
Created: 06 Sep 2016 Born Feb 1973
Dissolved: 23 Oct 2018
09328261 Eclipse Generators Ltd 20-22 Wenlock Road Doede Osman KHAN Abdul Rahim ELLAM
Created: 26 Nov 2014 London, UK DUTCH
Dissolved: 12 Apr 2016 Born Feb 1973
09081490 Electrical Generators 3 Caroline Court, Doede Osman KHAN Nicola Missr NIJIM
Limited 13 Carline Street, UK/DUTCH David EDGINGTON
Created: 11 Jun 2014 St Pauls Square, Born Feb 1973
Dissolved: 05 Mar 2019 Birmingham
08925989 S&B Properties Limited 18 St Martins Avenue, Daniel TURNER None identified
Created: 06 Mar 2014 Studley UK B807JJ Born Feb 1973
Dissolved: 27 Oct 2015
08908083 Power Generators Limited 18 St Martins Avenue, Daniel TURNER Mohanad ISMAIL
Created: 24 Feb 2014 Studley UK B807JJ Born Feb 1973
Status: In Liquidation Alana TURNER
Born Oct 1981
08894561 Generator Properties 3 Caroline Court, Daniel TURNER Nissr Nicola NIJIM
Limited 13 Carline Street, UK Stephen John SCOTT
Created: 13 Feb 2014 St Pauls Square, Born Feb 1973
Dissolved: 03 Feb 2015 Birmingham
07985288 AED Couriers Limited 18 St Martins Avenue, Daniel TURNER None identified
Created: 12 Mar 2012 Studley UK B807JJ UK
Dissolved: 22 Oct 2013 Born Feb 1973
07772136 Eagle Generators Ltd Central House Daniel TURNER Nissr Nicola NIJIM
Created: 13 Sep 2011 Robins Business Park UK Dahlia NIJIM
Status: Active Tipton, West Midlands Born Feb 1973 Nissr Nicola Yousef NIJIM
John Francis EDWARDS
Unknown Power Generators UK Unknown Daniel TURNER Same telephone numbers
as Eagle Generators
and 0800-999-3303





In review of the account formerly identified by Flyfish07 as belonging to Daniel TURNER and now
under the name of Osman KHAN (‘Danny’), both accounts have a matching unique Facebook number
(#100009133414826). This account has a photo of a gorilla; photos on the Photos page related to
the purchase of used generators; and a photo posted on 21 Apr 2019 showing that at that time
Osman KHAN he was on holiday at the resort town of Llandudno in Wales. The About page of this
account identifies him as able to speak Dutch and Urdu, and that his nickname is Danny. Photos
found from searches of this account show Danny TURNER/KHAN with his relatives the FONSECA
family, with his relative (possible mother) Anja FONSECA, cousin Ricardo FONSECA (aka Elrico),
and friend Rahim ELLAM (former business partner). A joking posting between Osman KHAN and
Alana KHAN on 24 Apr 2019 indicates their relationship is stable (refer to DTURNER 56 to 85).
https://www.facebook.com/ozzypersonal (current link Osman KHAN, #100009133414826)

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Searches for the name of Danny TURNER found quite different results, linking his name to websites
previously pointed out by the Client group members. The websites discuss his former association
with organizations called My Advertising Pays, LikesXL, World Team Championship, and
associations with other accused fraudsters named Simon STEPSYS. Although these websites show
photos of Danny TURNER that are a match for the Danny TURNER known by this group, the
websites provide very little new information that can be treated as verified facts, and does not present
the information in an unbiased manner. In addition, none of the information appears to be current
(within the last six months) or of benefit to the Client group members (refer to DTURNER 086).

In contrast the photos of Daniel TURNER aka Doede KHAN on the website Romancescam implies he
has a number of dating site profiles, under a variety of names. Links to these results are provided
below. Of these results from Romancescam, only two accounts still show content that is related to
the plaintiff (Wamba and Instagram) but there is no confirmation that either profile is used by
TURNER/KHAN or that the photos were used by another person. The exception might be the profile
on the website OK.ru, with photos of TURNER/KHAN posted under the name of Oscar GORBUNOV.
Of note, the aircraft call-sign registered with the UK-CAA identified that aircraft call-sign G-BUYS is
not registered to a person named TURNER or KHAN (refer to DTURNER 086).


The investigation has been concluded at this time due to a limit on time and budget.

In summary, the preceding research and analysis confirms that a person named Daniel TURNER is
married to a woman named Alana TURNER and has a daughter named Eva. He used to live at 82
Church Road in Ashley, UK, and now lives at 1 Hunters Point in Loggerheads, with a telephone
number of 07904403982.

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The search process also found that a person named Doede Osman KHAN is married to a woman
named Alana KHAN and has a daughter named Eva. He also used to live at 82 Church Road in
Ashley, UK, and now lives at 1 Hunters Point in Loggerheads, with a telephone number of

Based on these results, when combined with the previous information found from the computer
screen shots of Danny TURNER showing information about Osman KHAN, and the receipts for
money sent by Danny TURNER to a Client group member using a wallet owned by Doede KHAN,
and then combined with the convergence of business names, addresses, birth information, and
associates, it is overwhelming confirmed that the person who represented himself as Danny TURNER
online is Doede Osman KHAN in the real world.

Based on the real estate photos found, combined with photos and videos posted by Danny TURNER,
and including the photos posted by Osman KHAN and Alana KHAN on their Facebook account, it is
confirmed that TURNER/KHAN and his family are currently living at 1 Hunters Point in Loggerheads,
Shropshire, in the United Kingdom.

Based on the review of Bitcoin wallets identified as used by the crypto-currency trading organization
called CSG, the zero balance in all of these wallets indicates that there are no funds in these wallets
being retained for return to the 38 Client group members. However, the person known as Doede
Osman KHAN aka Danny TURNER appears to have Bitcoin wallets, residence, and business assets
estimated in value at over 1 million UK Pounds. This would make pursuit of recompense by the 38
Client group members, and subsequent civil court action, a viable possibility.


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The following pages present the statements made by the 38 members of the Client group informally
known at this time as ‘The People vs Daniel Turner aka Doede Osman Khan’. In respect to their
desire for privacy, the victim impact statements provided by these members use their group
designators rather than their real names. The real names of these members may be released to
the appropriate legal authorities upon reasonable request. A 39th member included in this
appendix represents a family member who had shares with a Client group member.


April 17, 2019

My name is M01. I’m a wife and mother who lives in Canada. I am an ordinary person with a low internet
profile. I realize that is now going to change due to the following statement.
I met Danny or Daniel Turner in a crypto mining support group on Facebook. He gained my trust by being true
to his word. For example, when he would collect money for a piece of mining equipment he would always
follow through by sending it to the winner and the winner would confirm this. I actually came to know one of
the winners so I know it wasn’t faked. He formed a new group for crypto currency trading called CSG crypto
signal group. And I followed, signed up for a lifetime membership, and got going in trading. This was my first
try at crypto currency trading. Then he showed us he had bots running that were making good profit. I joined
with the written promise that I could have my original investment back anytime I wanted. I bought 3 large and
3 small bot shares together with my mom and son. There was one payout after a month. The bare minimum.
Not at all like the profits that we could see these bots were making.
Then things changed slowly. The payout schedule got moved. Delays of payment were blamed on: his
daughter broke her arm (before Christmas 2018), then leg, then had appendix taken out. Then he had to
leave England to deal with one of his sons in Holland. After he “left for Holland” he removed the
communication channel for the group. He shut down my private channel with him. He removed the website
with the training videos that came with the lifetime membership. And finally all trading signals stopped. This
happened in a relative short period of time. Maybe a week from when he “left for Holland”.
The whole business of grooming people over a long period of time turned out to be a scam. It is devastating
when you finally come to that conclusion. You don’t want to but it was all a scam.
This whole business has affected me in the following way:

 It takes a huge bite out of my trust for other people. I’m now wondering if they are lying to me
even though they are smiling at me
 I lost money, my money. I will be ok without it but it still hurts that I don’t have it.

 I now have to tell my almost 80 year old mom, who as I write this statement is in the middle of
preparing for her milestone birthday

 I have to break the news to my child. He is an adult but as a mom you will always feel responsible
and I led him wrong!

 This venture was supposed to supplement my income

 Extras were going to be saved to have an adventure in the US in the year 2020. (Next year)

 In total I lost 8.15 BTC


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My Name is M02
I am a 66 year old age pensioner and I live in New Zealand.
I met Danny Turner or Daniel Turner as he sometimes called himself on a facebook Nicehash mining support
group in early 2018.
He made me Admin and moderator of that group to manage the group while he wasn't there with some other
We became friends and when he decided to startup the CSG crypto signal business I joined up.
He asked me to be admin and moderator of that group to look after it while he was away as he was in a
different timezone in england.
In the future he said I would be in charge of the support for his southern operation once the business was
I trusted him and when he decided to start Crypto bots running, I invested and wired him money to buy BTC
to invest in the BOTS.
He stated that the profits from the BOTS would be paid out monthly and I could leave at anytime and get my
initial BTC investment back.
The first months payout was paid on time but that was the last payment I received for the BOT profits.
When he started becoming un contactable there was no way to contact him to get the investment back even if
I wanted to.
Then he went fully offline on the day of the next BOT payout leaving no way to contact him.
This has really affected me as I am a pensioner and the profits were going to be for my retirement.
I have since had to return to work again at 66 years old because of this and my retirement is now a long way


I’m a father of 3 boys from the north east of UK. I got to know himthrough chat and advertising on Facebook
and considered him a friend. I invested money with him to help finish putting my youngest son through
University and top up finances for when I retire in 3 years. It would have also meant I would have something
to leave to my boys boys to get a leg up in the world and take my partner on a nice holiday for her 60th
Birthday this year.
Losing my BTC affects me negatively due to this income I was promised not forthcoming, we all have debts of
some sort, I am still tryiing to get on my feet after a divorce which left me with very little apart from debt, these
funds would have helped that situation enormously, I now feel like I am back at square 1.


Hi , My name is M04. Im a 27 yrs old guy from Montreal Canada .

I started mining cryptocurrencies for fun in the late 2017 this is where almost instantaniously i stumble upon
“Danny” or (Trading Signals, Cryptolionaire , Danny Turner , Snake and list goes... ) we share tips on mining
for a good year .
Iv been watching his raffles over facebook , they were all legit he looked very legit guy ...
Time passed and he decided to give a shot at trading cryptocurrencies , he then contacted me and talked me
into it.
At first we were just trading info and knowledge following a course for trading , we were trading our funds on
our decisions , this went for a while ( a good 6-8months ) until “Danny” came out with the idea of a bot we
could share between oldest members of group so it can trade for us .
It did well , we got our first payout of the bot for the 1st month , then on the second month he postponned the
payments for half a month saying he wanted to consolidate all payments together, thats when things started
to crumble ...
He then dissapeared slowly not paying out 2nd,3rd month and now hes gone with all the initial funds also.
For me i was saving this money to buy a house in the near future.

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My name is M05. I am a Canadian, husband and father of 2. I met Daniel Turner in 2017 on a Facebook
group related to Mining crypto currencies. Over the course of a year and a half I built what I thought was a
trusted relationship with Daniel turner, and he gave me the opportunity to invest in his Crypto signals and
trading group he was putting together. Even invested into a bot, Automated trading, to which he had promised
to divvy out profits on a monthly basis. He paid out once, which made it all seem real, then I invested more.
0.35 BTC was invested. (around $1800 USD at the time of this writing).
These funds were an investment into my future, retirement and vacation planning and without it our plans are
back to square one.


My name is M06. I’m a married man from Australia. I found out about Danny’s trading group through youtube
and decided to give it a go after talking to him. He seemed like a really genuine and likeable guy. He offered
me the opportunity to invest in his Mega Bot which would generate profits for us and then split between the
group. As I was starting out with the group I thought it’d be good to try. This turned out to be a scam as he
has taken the money and ran. I have a mortgage and plenty of bills to pay. I didn’t need this burden on my

Victim Impact Statement
April 2019
I had known Danny since the end of 2017 when I become interested in cryto-currency mining and he was
leading a forum for the Nicehash community. He was the centre of the community, very jovial and smart and I
even participated in several mining raffles (in March and July of 2018) he put together for the community, and
he apparently paid out without any concern or commotions. I wonder now if the winners were friends of his
or perhaps just made up aliases.
When he shared that with the demise of cryto-mining he was starting a trading community in order to continue
making cryptocurrency I was excited to join. I purchased the 6 month membership. When he offered to start
a BOT trading cooperative I was all in. The community would pool our money and he would trade it, sharing
the profits equally, with him getting an extra share worth for running the BOTs each month. While I had
some concerns as outlined in this conversation with him:

Sunday, January 27, 2019 ---

ME to DANNY: So my big question is if you can trade 15 bitcoin on your own, at the rates of return you are making, you
should generate about 4 to 5 bitcoin or 15K a month trading your own capital. Why would you get another 15 BTC from
us, trade 30 bitcoin, generate 8 to 10 BTC a month and only take 1/11th of that or about .7 BTC as you compensation?
You are literally losing 3 or more BTC a month by sharing your profits with us? What am I not understanding about your
offer Danny?

DANNY TO ME: LoL i am trading with over 60 BTC im helping people that dont have that kind of money to buy in and
But you do not have to join if you don’t trust me
Just carry on as per usual

Then after I explained 3 or 4 times where we lost major investments of over $15,000 several times over the
last 2 decades (securities fraud, undisclosed drug addictions, the crash of 2008) and how it negatively
affected my wife and I and our famiy of four children, we had this final conversation

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Sunday, January 27, 2019 ---
ME to DANNY: I hope you can see why I am hesitant and also really wanting to buy into the MEGAbot lol
DANNY: Yep, totally see it... always follow your heart, if it says no, don’t if yes then yes, i always do and never lets me
down... sorry to hear about your ups and downs specially related to ur children
Neither i or Chiara need anyone’s investment, we are trying to do good for our followers who have been bitten many
times.... we have a small community and i want to keep it that way
ME to DANNY:I Thanks Danny. I will wire the money over to your account tomorrow.

I talked it over with my wife for a few days and even though it would empty our bank account reserves and
take us into overdraft, we decided that because I had known Danny for over 2 years and he had been the
pillar of the communities we were involved in, we would take a chance. I had done some research online
and did not find anything saying he was a scam artist, other than one episode but he responded to the critics
like a gentleman and clarified that he had been mislead by the organization he was working for and had also
lost money of the venture. I decided to trust him because of the maturity of his response and believed him.
His betrayal of our trust in him has deeply impacted my wife and I, not only financially where we are having to
consider selling some of our assets to make ends meet, but also psychologically where we no longer trust
people or organizations making the most innocent requests for donations or financial assistance. We
believe there is a good chance they are lying to us and this is not a good way to live in the world.
I participated in the small bot where I bought .1 bitcoin and it was pooled with 10 others to make a bitcon bot
and then when it was clear that was making profits I bought into the 1.5 BTC Mega bot, right from the
beginning in both. According to the actual 3comma’s bots that he gave us access to, he was generating over
30% returns a month that he would be splitting with us. That meant .05 BTC a month for the small BOT and
.5 BTC a month for the MEGA BOT. My total investment in the BOT Trading COOP was 1.6 BTC and I was
expecting approximately .55 BTC a month in return. I would also like a refund of my 6 month membership of
.0305 BTC since I only bought it to get the training on BOTs and he never ended up teaching us that. As of
the end of end of 2019 Danny owes me and my wife:

Small and MEGA BOTS = 1.600 BTC initial investment in BOTS

3.5 months x .05 BTC = .175 BTC in small BOT trading profits
# months x .5 BTC = 1.5 BTC in MEGA BOT trading profits
6 month membership = .0305 BTC
Less the .04 BTC he paid out
TOTAL owing = 3.2655 BTC


My name is M08. I’m a boyfriend and a father of a daughter. I live in Estonia, Northern part of Europe. This
was my first try at trading crypto currencies. I met Daniel or Danny Turner via online in 2018 where he shared
his ideas and learnings on cryptocurrency. I've seen scams before, but he really did make feel like he can be
trusted. Quick and fast replies, always there for the people of his crypto group etc. I invested BTC with him to
run in a bot and with others would get a share of the profits and could have my money back anytime I wanted.
It worked for a 1 month, after that it turned out to be a scam.
The loss affected me in the following way. The money has supposed to be helping me to achieve my financial
goals for this year and to support my family to increase a income and save some extra money for a house


My name is M09. I am married, reside in Sri Lanka and am father to my 5 year old child. I used my savings to
buy Bitcoin with the hope of holding it as an investment, which my daughter could someday benefit from. I
learned of the individual named Daniel Turner (who also went by names such as ‘Cobra’ and ‘Trading

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Signals’) through Facebook. He promoted himself as a professional trader and operated a crypto trading
group by the name of Crypto Signals Group (CSG)
He gained my trust, which ultimately led me to invest my Bitcoin with him to receive a monthly return, along
with the option of pulling out my money at any given time. He held video calls online with the group, as well as
one on one discussions with me via Telegram where he reassured me of the monthly returns I would receive.
Now I have learned, as well as with many others in this group, that Daniel Turner has chosen to betray my
trust and stolen my Bitcoin. The immediate impact to my life due to this loss is that I was counting on the
return to pay for my daughter’s school fees for the next term. His intentional deceit has placed me in an
extremely difficult financial situation. My most urgent need currently is to recover the bitcoin owed by him to

My name is M10. I live in Norway. I’m an average person. This was my first trial at trading crypto currencies
after being invited to CSG (Crypto Signal Group). I met Daniel or Danny Turner in a mining support group on
Facebook. He gained my trust through more than a year and a half and started promoting shares in a crypto
trading bot operated by him, and I decided to invest BTC in shares together with others to split the profits plus
I was promised that I could have my money back anytime I wanted. This turned out to be a scam. He always
sounded genuine plus he had proven records from earlier to be trustful and it took a while for me to realize
this was a fraud.
The capital that was lost was from my savings for my pension where I decided to grow my
capital to better support my two children after I go into pension. Plus my second goal was to increase my


My name is M11, I'm a married guy. I live in Indonesia. Currenty I am working as a programmer in a small
software company. I met Daniel Turner a.k.a Danny in a mining support group on Facebook. He offered us
the trading signal group to help people to increase profit made from mining. Later, he offered bot service
running by him, so I invested BTC with him to run in a bot and with others would get a share of the profits and
could have my money back anytime I wanted, but this turned out to be a scam.
The loss affected me in the following way. It was supposed to pay my wife's tuition fee for her postgraduate


My name is M12
I am 42 years old and living in England since 2007, although I was born in Barcelona (Spain).
My work and trade is Electrical Engineering working around the world but mainly in Europe for the renewable
energy and high voltage.
I am doing such statement because I am a member of a beautiful group that we call a family because the
strong tights we have gather and built with time together.
The purpose of my report is to inform how we all members we have been scammed by Daniel Turner (that is
the only name we knew such person). I know him since about two years ago through Nicehash community in
Facebook. I always have been cautious how I make my investments but seems to be that Daniel Turner is a
very good liar as we were so surprised for what he has done or trying to do with our BTC .
As supposedly he was a trusted person Daniel Turner, I did my investment into the BOTs at SCG. He got us
all little by little in a very cautious and malicious planed scam. I started as many members giving him parts of
shares into such BOTs, initially little investments but at the end they were big shares as per example 1.5BTC.
The reason I was doing that is because my mother.
My life has been up and down until I was 39 years old and also I have been a bit naughty when I was young.
Now not, I did turn around my life and I did finish my degree in England. So now I have a very good job as a
senior engineer for two countries England and France for the same company. My mother always has been
with me and now I wanted to reward her. She always wanted to have a little house in the beach and now
sadly such (Dany Turner) has taken that away from her.

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My name is M13. I’m a husband and father. I reside in Canada. I met Danny Turner in a mining support group
on Facebook. Danny gained my trust and then deceived me. I invested 0.30 BTC with him to run in a bot and
with others would get a share of the profits and could have my money back anytime I wanted. This turned out
to be a scam. He sounded so genuine and it took a while for me to realize that he stole from me and the
group. I absolutely feel embarrassed since l have been in the Security and law enforcement sector for over 20
years and should have known better. Danny Turner should never be allowed to do this again to anyone.


My name is M14. and I am a self employed husband and father of 2 from Ireland. I met Danny (Daniel) Turner
after hearing about his trading signals on Facebook. He seemed very genuine when we talked especially
when talking about his Daughter which built trust with me as a father myself. At one point he even talked
about a friend of his been killed off a motor bike and how hard it hit him which if it turns out to be not true
would make me consider him generally dangerous if he can freely make up lies about things like that. After he
showed live proof of his trading bots making consistent profits he offered to run a bot for members of his
group where we could take all our funds out at the end of any month we wanted to. I invested believing he
was a decent guy wanting to help people but turns out he was a con artist of the highest degree. I always look
for the good in people and want to believe human nature is good but this has put a major dent in that. One of
the biggest parts that makes me even angrier is his bots were genuinely making profits daily only he got too
greedy and wasn't happy with just a share of the profits so he stole everyone's money and ran. This has had
a big impact on my trust levels for people now as well as financially what he stole was funds I considered my
kids collage fund.


My name is M15. ever since I heard of Bitcoin at the start of 2016 I have been slowly building up my bitcoin
holdings as a way to save money and get myself out of debt. I have sacrificed lots of the years including
amounting more debt as I knew that it would pay off in the end once Bitcoin price rebounded to new all time
highs. I sent most of this bitcoin to Danny as he had grown my trust the trading group as well as a mining
support group he ran on Facebook. I have known him online for almost as long as I was into bitcoin. I had no
reason not to trust him and thought I could speed up my paying off debt if I sent him the bitcoin to run in the
bots as I did not have time to trade myself. Without the Bitcoin everything I have done the last 3 years is all for
not and I will probably never get out debt now. Not to mention I planned on using some the profits to finally
buy my girlfriend of 8 years an engagement ring. This has hurt met to the core and feel sick to my stomach
about it.


My name is M16 and I'm a husband and a father of three children here in the United States. I was looking for
another income stream and thought crypto trading would be the next best thing after mining went down the
Through the Nicehash facebook group I ran into Danny who appeared to be a standup guy, my initial
searches on him didn't turn up anything bad and thought to give him a chance. He gave false hopes of
making enough for our own lambo's. (far fetched) but one of his replies to me was "as long as you follow the
journey". I was only looking to learn about trading and I started off with the month signals, then he wanted
more as he wasn't going to do the month to month any more, so I jumped onto the 6 month for a year offering.
When he decided that he'd only honor life memberships after your initial purchase, I hestitated and when he
found out I hadn't joined the lifetime membership, he offered to let me pay the difference. It wasn't a lot so I
figured why not.

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When the BOTS came I decided he had enough of my money and I didn't have the money anyway to let him
manage the bot and provide us shares of the profit, he ultimately booted the non 'loyal' people from the
community group and was only providing signals up until April 3, 2019. At which point I had to hunt down
someone who knew what was going on, only to find out with my own research that the email addresses he
used were gone, his facebook profile was gone, the trading site where you could learn how to trade better
was gone.
With his dissapearance it has affected me in the following way: I no longer have access to the training
material that I was supposed to have access to for a lifetime and I am no longer able to utilize those
resources to help me better learn how to trade crypto currencies. I was planning on using the money earned
over time to help pay for my children's education. Now I must find other 'Legit' resources to help me learn this
trade when I thought I had already had it. In total I had sent 0.05504523 BTC to him which at the current rate
is now 278.25 USD.


I am a 68 year old male who’s main income is from my Canada pension. I also teach TM and I am paid by
receiving a percentage of the course fees but there aren’t enough instructions where I live to gather significant
income. That is why I got interested in the crypto because it looked like a great opportunity for me to increase
my revenues. My wife is a bit younger than I am and it explains why she is still working and is the main
provider in our household. I wanted to increase my income so she could begin considering retirement sooner
than later.
I initially seen a video about CSG on Youtube and contacted the author by email and he highly recommended
CSG and specially Danny because of his high quality signals. He explained that there was no affiliate
program and that he was just recommending CSG because of its good signals that we could all benefit from.
All I had to do was register to the group by paying .1 BTC and I would start receiving signals ( 1 to 3 times
daily) for the rest of my life. This is how I entered the group and my first impression was really good since
many members had been active with CSG for close to a year and had nothing but praise for Danny. So I
thought I really had found what I was looking for. I played around with the bots which I knew nothing about as
I was receiving the daily signals from Danny. Needless to say, I was not doing that well with the bots and felt
that the learning curve was a bit stiff for me…
Then came the day where we had the opportunity to make our BTC available to Danny and he would handle
the bots for us. He would form groups of 10 investors per group and then when it came time to share the
profits (monthly) he would divide the group by 11 (adding his name as a compensation for his work and
expertise). It looked a great deal since now I no longer had to learn about the various functionalities of the
bots and just send my bitcoins to him to handle the task. By what I had seen in his video tutorials, I was quite
impressed with his knowledge of crypto and he seemed to be a straight shooter kind of a person.
So being so inspired and being in good hands (Danny) I gradually decided to convert whatever savings I had
and turn these into BTC so Danny could go to work and I would profit from our arrangement. It looked good
for a while but then things began to change with stories of his daughter being operated on and he could not
take care of the bots…..then again this same daughter was re-hospitalized for another operation….it just
didn’t feel right ??? That was not the end of his supposedly family problems because soon afterwards he had
to go to Ireland because now his son was in serious trouble and he had to go “because that is what good
daddies do” as he said.
Then this dreadful day came about on April 3…. When we were to receive our share of profits from Danny
like every third of the month. The worst part being that I really needed that money – First of all to make
payments that were pending and secondly to purchase health products for a condition that I had just been
diagnosed with. And it was on the pay day that I realized that the Telegram Group of the people that had
invested in the bots through Danny had been deleted by him. I figured that cannot be. Throughout the day, I
kept looking on Binance to see if my monthly returns had been deposited but nothing showed up. I was in a
state of panic and felt that there had to be an explanation for this. However, as the days and weeks went by
the inevitable conclusion slowly dawned on me and was confirmed by Chiara (Danny’s Associate) that Danny
had run with our BTC. What a devastating blow that was. I felt so bad that I had been cheated like that. I had
used the family savings to invest with this con artist and now nothing left in the bank account. What a mess

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and how will I tell my wife? That investment with CSG was to bring more revenue in my household – lessen
the burden on my wife – and now all is gone.


My name is M18. I'm 48 years old and I live in Malaysia, married. I worked full time as a Marketing Executive
in a kitchen counter top fabrication company. I know Chiara Francica from Bitclub Network and I'm her
Later Chiara introduce me to Crypto Signal Group (CSG). I decided to join CSG because I know is Chiara and
she has been very helpful when I was in Bitclub Network.
At that time I do not have experience in Crypto trading and therefore I invested BTC in CSG hoping to learn
from Danny as he claim that he is an expert with many years’ experience in Crypto trading. Initially he was
generous, we only need to pay 0.03 BTC for 1 year membership to enjoy daily Crypto Signals.
Later Danny started the Bot investment and that’s where he gets greedy starting scam more from us. I've
invested total of 0.835 BTC in CSG for membership and Bot investment as below. This amount is considered
a big sum for me (3 months of my salary). I was hoping that CSG will help me to supplement my income as
my current job income are getting less (commission base) due to Malaysian economy is not doing well.


M19 declined an Victim Impact Statement


My name is M20. I'm English and currently live in Greece with my wife. I’m an ordinary person. This was my
first go at trading crypto currencies. I met Daniel or Danny Turner when I joined his Crypto Signals
Group(CSG), which I found from information in a youtube video.
The original idea, was that I was to pay a monthly subscription in return for crypto signals and basic
instructions on how to buy and sell alt coins and make a profit.
The subscription payment was changed to a one off payment for a lifetime membership, which also included a
set of training video's. The next offer was the chance to join a sort of co-op, whereby I had the chance to have
a share in a bot managaged by Daniel along with others in the group.
I sent bitcoin to Daniel to get a share in a bot and after a month I was paid out profits from Daniel. We in the
group where offered the chance to buy more shares in the bots, So I sent more bitcoin to Daniel.
Before I sent any bitcoin to him for the bots I did do a search around the internet for anything suspicious about
Daniel, but found nothing(which is what I expected), by this time I trusted Daniel. It was also stated by him to
all members that we could get our Bitcoin back anytime.
All this was a scam, he uses a very clever technique to appear to be a really nice genuine guy and he gained
my trust, but all the time he was deceiving me and everyone else in the group, it took a while to understand
that it was all just a scam.
The loss affected me in the following way. It was supposed to help supplement my income and to possibly
save some money for a trip to visit my family abroad.


I am M21. I live in Madrid Spain, I work as a receptionists, and I have a kid of 5 yrs old, I knew Daniel or
Danny Turner in a Mining Group in facebook when I started mining in 2018 and tried to do cryptocurrency
trading and since I do not have any experience danny's Facebook group convinced me to avail a lifetime
membership with an amount of 0.03btc and afterwards also convinced me that I will earn more if I joint to a
group for trading bot of 3commas and promised to have monthly payout for the amount 0.1btc. He looks so
honest and convincing in zoom videos and uploads in YouTube and Facebook but it is all lies and scam. Now

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he just vanished and nowhere for me to find him. This event affected my daily life and my family since I am
just a simple employee.


My name is M22, age 39, from Ottawa, Canada and father of 3 kids aged 8, 6 years old twins. Recently
divorced, I was intrigued in the fall 2018 when I saw a bitcoin group from someone I knew on Facebook
named Chiara. This person is a very serious and well-known person and I trusted what she was offering. It
was a crypto group names Crypto signal group, CSG. The offer was an association between Chiara Francica
and Daniel Turner, the alleged professional crypto trader. After asking a few question, watching videos and
joining a Facebook group, I now believed in the offer and joined the group with a lifetime membership for 0.1
btc (the lifetime membership was the only option at that time). It was quite an amount of money to invest for
myself being recently divorced and being on my own. For that membership, I would receive daily signals of
crypto currency to help me build my crypto portfolio.
Then everyone was introduced to the concept of BOTS. We were offered to join this automatic bot runned by
Daniel Turne with profits that would maxed out at 0,05 btc per month. The profits would we redistributed every
month between participants. Mid February, I received my first payment of 0,045 btc. I felt like this was the
greatest thing that ever happened to me. I paid for a service that would give me profits every months forever.
M. Turner then offered to everyone more share of his bots for 0,1btc and also offered this new megabot for a
share at 1,5 btc. I then decided to add one more share of the small bot at the price of 0.1 btc. This is all I
could barely afford in my situation. This putted me in an awkward situation financially, but I was blinded by the
opportunity of profits I could make every month. The second payment was expected early April around April 3,
2019. However, to my surprise, nothing happened. Our telegram group disappeared and all contacts with
Daniel Turner stopped. It was impossible to contact him in any way. Like everyone in the group, I freaked out
realizing that I might of been scammed by M. Turner. My greatest fear turned out to be real in the following
days. I was devastated being scammed like this for a good amount of money. I hated myself for falling for this.
I had no idea this would happen, especially after the first payment. Today, I am in a very precarious situation
financially after spending around 2000$ in M. Turner fraud. I am ashamed of myself and really feeling stupid
for putting my whole family in this situation. I do not know what I can do now to make up for this lost money
and hopping that one day, I will be able to recover my money somehow.


My name is M23, from the United States.

In September of last year (2018) I joined a Bitcoin investing group, called Crypto Signals Group, lead by
Danny Turner.
I started with a paid monthly membership, then bought a 6 month membership, then a Lifetime membership.
Shortly afterward, there was a delay with the payouts, followed by silence from Danny. No one from our group
was able to contact him. He cut off communication with everyone. The whole ordeal was a scam, and I have
lost all the money I had invested.
My intention for joining this group was to learn and allow the money I invested to create monthly payouts to be
reinvested, either back into the bot coop or used for my own trades, and eventually become a part of my
retirement income. That money is all gone now, and everyone in our group is now suffering from this scam.


My name is M24. I’m retired and I live in Sweden. My pension is low.Looking for an exra income I met Danny
Turner on Facebook trough one of my contacts on Facebook.This was my first try at trading crypto
currencies.He gained my trust and then deceived me. I invested BTC with him to run in a bot and with others
would get a share of the profits and could have my money back anytime I wanted. This turned out to be a
scam. He sounded so genuine and it took a while for me to realize this.
The loss affected me in the following way. It was supposed to help supplement my income and also my wifes

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My name is M25. I live in the philippines. I’m an ordinary person. this instance was my first trying to do crypto
currency trading. I met Daniel or Danny Turner in a mining support group on Facebook. Given that he was
merely helping everyone asking there without any payment whatsover, he gained my trust. This went on for
around a year or so.
The initial phase of the investment with him was when he decided to create a trading group wherein he acted
like a investment professional giving information and advise as to which pairs could potentially be profitable.
Given that he would be working on this, he required btc as a form of payment for his services. He then
initiated a learning site for all to join and learn as well. This went on for more or less 6 months. Given his
record and my interactions with him, i never doubted the person.
The problem started when I invested BTC with him to run in a bot along with other people. We would get a
share of the profits and could have the money back anytime I wanted. This turned out to be a scam.
Given my limited interactions with this person, trusted him with the btc.
The investment i lost here was supposed to supplement the cost of the mining equipment that i have invested
in the past. Rather than this being able to help, it has put me deeper in the red.


My name is M26. I live in Estonia, Northern part of Europe. This was my first try at trading crypto currencies. I
met Daniel or Danny Turner via online through a friend recommendation. I've seen scams before, but he
really did make feel like he can be trusted. Quick and fast replies, always there for the people of his crypto
group etc. I was about to invest BTC with him to run in a bot and with others but I didn' t because i saw that
my brother got scammed by Danny.
There wasn't any loss fortunately for me but for my brother... and it affected me in the following way. We've
lost all our savings, because we both traded crypto with those BTCs. The money has supposed to be helping
to achieve our financial goals for this year. We wanted to go to live and do tradeing (crypto) somewhere
where is warm but now we have no funds for that.


Hi my name is M27 and i live in london with my parents.I live a simple life working as a builder along with the
financial struggles it brings to look after my very ill dad who has been diagnose with cancer and suffer from
severe alzheimer disease.
So i started venturing online looking for further opportunities to meet the daily financial needs and came
across Daniel Turner through a trusted friend from an online forum on facebook.Daniel Turner sounds very
trustworthy and so i invested my time and money in him hoping to overcome the financial needs but
unfortunately he has now completely disapeard and with all my money along aswel.


M28 declined an Victim Impact Statement


My name is M29. I am a 45-year-old husband and father of two. I’m an energy professional and citizen of the
United States of America. I first became associated with Danny Turner through a Facebook group focused on
crypto-currency mining using software called Nicehash. He and I were both active members in that group.
Danny started promoting crypto-trading in the Facebook group and ultimately started a new Facebook group
promoting CSG (Crypto Signals Group). He did this with Chiara Francica, both of whom posted frequent
videos and impressive earnings results in the group. CSG was a paid service where members would pay a

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fee and he would send trading signals through the Telegram application. Members were then responsible to
make their own trades at their own discretion.
On 10/5/2018 I paid 0.005 BTC (Bitcoin) for a one-month subscription to try it out. The results were positive
and I found trading to be fun. On 10/12/2018 I paid 0.03 BTC for a one-year subscription. Then they
introduced a lifetime membership that included training courses. I was very interested in improving my own
trading skills so on 11/18/2018 I paid 0.05 BTC to enroll in the lifetime membership.
As time went on and our group continued to be successful, the opportunity to participate in a trading bot was
introduced. Again, the results being shared were very impressive. Over the following few months I purchased
four shares in the bots, at a total cost of 0.4 BTC. These purchases were made on 1/8/2019 (0.1 BTC),
2/17/2019 (0.2 BTC), and 3/6/2019 (0.1 BTC).
The bot group also included Telegram channels were shareholders could chat with Danny and amongst
ourselves. A real community developed and we regularly referred to each other as a family. Unlike the fees
paid to CSG, the bot shares were promised to be fully refundable and could be withdrawn at any time.
Payments to shareholders were to be paid monthly and minimum and maximum profits were promised. It
seemed like a great opportunity with no possible downside.
Unfortunately, on the morning of April 3, 2019 I opened Telegram to find all of the channels had been deleted
without a trace. I reached out to Danny via email with no success. I ultimately reached some members and
Chiara through Facebook. We regrouped in a new Telegram channel and Chiara promised the signals would
return and bot payments were forthcoming. We were told in vague terms that Danny had a personal crisis and
we were asked to be patient. Being a tight-knit group, we were happy to give him the time he needed.
Over the following weeks it became apparent that Danny had no intention of restarting anything and had
disappeared with all of our funds. Chiara reached out to me on April 14, 2019 saying he had rejected her
phone calls and blocked her on all social media. At this point no one knows where Danny has gone with all of
our funds.
This was my first attempt at trading crypto-currencies. With a daughter entering college I was hopeful to
create an additional revenue source to help with the cost of her tuition. Instead of generating any new income
I’ve lost 0.4 BTC with a current value of approximately $2,000 USD. That is in addition to the 0.085 BTC, or
roughly $425 USD, in fees for a membership that is now worthless.


My name is M30. I’m a husband, and father of 2 daughters, and residing in

The Netherlands.
I’m an ordinary person, and home on long term sickleave due to cronic heart failure disease, since March
2016. As far as medical knowledge goes, and the means to treat this disease, there is no perspective for me
to go back working.
This results in a loss of salary, and have to live on a longterm disability payment only, which also affects my
whole family living standards.
This was the reason i was looking for extra income opportunities.
After being scammed twice in the binary option market, I met Daniel or Danny Turner in a marketing support
group on Facebook. This was my first try at trading crypto currencies. He gained my trust and then deceived
me. I invested BTC with him to run in a BOT and with others would get a share of the profits and could have
my money back anytime I wanted. This turned out to be a scam.
He sounded so genuine and trust worthy, and it took a while for me to realize this was a scam again.
This loss affecting me negatively from having some extra income in order to improve the support to my family.
This scam event is another negative impact on me,
as well in the financial aspect, as psychological aspect.
I deeply regret that this happened.


I’m a father of 1 girl from the beautiful European country called Slovenia. I got to know Danny Turner in a
Facebook group and considered him a friend.

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I invested money with him to give my family a better life or earn something extra to have a nice vacation with
them. I am also currently building a house and was planning to spend this money for finishing our family
Losing my BTC affects me negatively because I trusted that person with my savings and now I have to face
the consequences.


My name is M32. I live in Estonia, Northern part of Europe. This was my first try at trading crypto currencies. I
met Daniel or Danny Turner via online trough a friend recommendation. I've seen scams before, but he really
did make feel like he can be trusted. Quick and fast replies, always there for the people of his crypto group
etc. I invested BTC with him to run in a bot and with others would get a share of the profits and could have my
money back anytime I wanted. It worked for a 1 month, after that it turned out to be a scam.
The loss affected me in the following way. Ive lost all my savings. The money has supposed to be helping me
to achieve my financial goals for this year and get me out debt. Needed the money for my back injury


April 16, 2019

The actions of Daniel (Danny) Turner have greatly affected my life. I first met him in a Facebook group called
Nicehash. Over time he gained my trust discussing matters involving the group. Always being helpful and
answering questions. He then used the group to promote a new venture he was getting in to, Crypto
Currency Trading. Over time he laid out his plans and offered services to be paid to him in BTC. He
continued to send out information and hold video conferences to explain the services he was offering and
their cost and to answer questions. He made promises on what we could expect as a return on our
investment. He said all the right things to gain my trust. I decided to trust him and pay him in BTC for the
services he was offering. He told me he would hold the BTC for me and return it any time I asked. The
money I used was money I was saving for my retirement since I’m nearing retirement. Since he committed
this crime, I have had sleepless nights worrying about the money he stole from me and the shame of being
duped by him. I am no longer able to trust people like I did before.
People shouldn’t be able to commit crimes like this and get away with it. The emotional and financial impact
will be felt for years to come. I believe Daniel (Danny) Turner needs to refund all the BTC he stole from and
the others to start. I would like to see him have to pay in other ways deemed appropriate by the authorities. I
know this isn’t the first time he has committed theft of people funds and it won’t be the last unless he is held
accountable for his actions.


Hi my name is M34. I live in the uk, I have health issues including type 1 diabetes
Anxiety and depression and I trusted (danny) Daniel Tuner as he promised it would pay month after month…
My health has been affected since I was told that the money may have gone and to be 100% honest I couldn’t
bring myself to write this for a few days hence why this is late. I 100% trusted turner and I used money that I
could not afford to lose, i.e rent / food money so failure was furthest from my mind with his promises which
would have given me a better life as I can only work part time and not at all when sick so have little to no
He gained my trust and then deceived me. I invested BTC with him to run in a bot and with others would get a
share of the profits and could have my money back anytime I wanted.


My name is M35 and I have been SCAMMED! I am married and live in the United States of America.

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Corporate America 9am – 5pm working gal. I was introduced to Danny Turner last year October 2018 through
a trusted online Facebook networking friend. I was introduced to him and his background crypto-currency
trading success and was offered to be a part of a crypto-currency trading signals group for a monthly fee that
turned into a Lifetime pass for an upgrade one-time fee. Shortly thereafter he introduced a
CSGTradingEducation video course for another separate one-time fee and, lastly, he introduced a trading Bot
group/s to participate in for a one-time fee for a small Bot and a one-time fee for a Master Bot and you could
purchase as many shares for each BOT as you wanted and in return we would receive a certain percentage
in return monthly. My main purpose for joining him was because he came across as very genuine and took
the time to explain things and he gained my trust and was offering to send us trading signals daily as well as
he would be running the BOT’s so we did not have to. So, basically, close to a ‘DONE FOR YOU TRADING’
system. This was my first time ever at trading crypto currencies. I invested BTC with him to run in a bot and
with others would get a share of the profits and could have my money back anytime I wanted. This turned out
to be a scam. I really truly believed that I would receive a return on my investments and be able to get ahead
in life. I feel so deceived and violated that he would do this to me and so many innocent people. This
investment was supposed to help supplement my income, help pay bills and get out of debt.


My name is M36 and I am from Ecuador. I’m a wife and a mother of a 12 years old girl. I live in Ecuador with
my family and 1 year ago I was dismissed from job (worked there for 17 years) and, together with my
husband, we decided to start a business online so I can be at home with our daughter. I started to learn
about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency and learning how to trade. On October 2018, I saw a post from Chiara
Francica about a crypto signal group she was using to trade and I talk to her, she told me about Daniel Turner
and about his crypto signals group, I know Chiara for a long time and he was having very good results with
the signals so I did a good research about it and joined them. On 30-Oct-2018, I sent 0.009 BTC for the first
month of signals then Daniel announced a Crypto Trading Training (course) and I paid 0.032 BTC for that 05-
Nov-2018 as I wanted to learn how to trade. I was doing the training but one day, the training page didn’t
work anymore, I asked Daniel and he said he was updating the training, making it even better (wasn’t as good
as he said when he sold it to me). On January 2019, he offered shares for a BOT he will run and make profits
for all of the VIP members that wanted to join, I took 2 shares of the Small BOT (on different dates), I received
the first month of profit of one of my shares.
I waited for the training course but then Daniel disappeared and stopped responding to my Telegram
Message. The BOT profit payment day arrived and he did not pay the profits from the bot shares, he said he
had some family issue and we patiently waited, after that he stopped sending the signals and it’s when I
realized he disappeared with our money, no signals and no trading course.
Everything turned out to be a scam. He deleted all the groups, the support group, the bot group and we
haven’t received any trading signals since 03-Apr-2019 and this was supposed to be a lifetime service. He
sounded so genuine, he used to say that we all are family and will succeed together and but he fooled me to
think he was being honest and transparent, it took me a long time to realize that he wasn’t.
The loss also includes all the bad trades I took because I trusted that he was knowing what he was doing, I
had big losses in my trades and all of this affected me very much because I was using the budget I had to
create my online business to help supplement our family’s income and to replace my salary that I am not
receiving anymore. Also, the BTC I sent for the bot shares corresponds to more than 6 months of earnings
from my personal trading so I lost that time as well.
Sorry if my English is not perfect, English is not my native language.


My name is M37. I'm 38 years old. I live in Spain. I work as a technician in a computer shop. I med Daniel
Turner in nicehash support group on Facebook. There I participate in two raffles and win one of them. Dani
send to my office the promised prize (a graphic card), for that he has got all my trust. I invested BTC with him
to run bot and get profits with some other people. I paid for a lifetime sevice with signals, a course and access
to the bot group. I take a small share wich is 0.1BTC on 13 february 2019. As he said I could have my money
back as soon as I wanted. This turned into a scam, he dissapeard from all groups and left us alone. The loss

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affected me in the following way: It was going to improve my income and going to take that profit to make and
learn about drone piloting.


I’m M38, 31 years old living in Madrid and I am a full time affiliate marketer. I spoke to Danny for over a good
year and a half as he had joined me in a company that mined bitcoin. In the interim he proposed we work
together, this was around mid September 2018.
Daniel and I had built up such a good friendship over whatsapp that I trusted that his intentions were good
and I agreed to begin a trading service with him under the company name CSG in which we would provide
trading signals to others so they can trade without the need to learn how to trade.
We agreed that he provides the service and I find clients and that profits would be 50/50. We also agreed he
holds onto the profit so he can trade with it on our behalf and we compound what we have so we can expand
I spent half of the month of September 2018 all the way through to December 2018 building it up and
recruiting members for us to provide the service to. I was dedicated to CSG this entire time and Daniel and I
never split profits at this point so he can continue to trade with it for us because we had a vision to expand.
Come Jan 2019 we started the trading bot service and as his business partner I helped with rolling it out. The
trading bot service would basically allow people to hand over bitcoin to Daniel and he would trade with it on
their behalf, every month we would send them their profit share and we would take a fee of their profits as
the fee.
At this point Daniel built a lot of trust with our CSG community inside the telegram group chat so we had
members ready to pass on bitcoin to Daniel and have him do the trading on our behalf, myself included.
I gave Daniel 1.5BTC which is my parents bitcoin to help them with compounding their bitcoin. At this point he
also mentioned that he and I made 17 bitcoin profit for services we provided and of the bot fees put together.
After the first month of providing the bot service he gave people profit payouts. The following month is when
he decided to turn his back on our team and disappear with all our bitcoin.
I tracked him on Whatsapp and he made up a story about his wife and him having a divorce and about
another man being involved so he beat him up and ran off to Whales. He said he had to get his lawyer
involved and that his wife was using the daughter to get her way with him and take 50% of his assets.
As his mate I naturally wanted to help him out and even offered to travel on his behalf if needed to collect any
of his items but he said he will send his son to do this. He said he will also arrange to have the trading signals
up and running again within a few days and I updated the team with this information.
A few days later I could no longer reach him and it was clear he blocked me. I even called him and he hung
up on me and I even used another phone to confirm he was active on Whatsapp. I left him a Whatsapp
message from this other phone asking him to do the right thing on behalf of everyone and he blocked me
Daniel has abused of the trust I built with my social media following which I built over the last 4 years by
running off with all bitcoin, on top of him betraying a friendship we had built over the last 1 and a half years,
and of course he abused our business agreement of splitting profits as he ran off with all of it.
I don’t plan on taking this lightly so I do expect half of the profits back even if it means coming out of his own
pocket after he has refunded members. The only reason the service ended is because he blocked all of us
including myself and wanted to discontinue.
I spent a lot of time building CSG and I was counting on that bitcoin to pay expenses and build future projects.
Daniel owes me 1.5BTC which I used for the automated bot service, the interest he claimed we would make
each month which now adds up to 1BTC, and 8.5BTC which is my share of the profit.
Daniel will have to pay for abusing my time and the trust I had built with my social media following. He knows
how much work I put into building my brand so I do not plan on taking this lightly. I used personal time to build
CSG and that time is something I cannot get back, it is time I could have used to build another income
stream, also I have fallen behind in expenses because of all this.
In total I expect Daniel to give me back 11BTC and I will walk away from all this like nothing happened.


I’m M39, one of the people who chose to invest in Daniel Turner. I’m a recently graduated information

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technology professional, freelancer, and private investigator, who’s working on building his own home. I
invested 1.6 BTC through my mother to buy the services of one large trading bot and one small trading bot,
with the promise of significant returns on a monthly basis for life, so long as my investment was not
withdrawn, which was promised to be an option at any point in time. This investment made after being
convinced of his good character and from assessment of his behaviour making me believe him to be a
trustworthy individual over the prior months that my mother had been in his crypto mining group. I had seen
Daniel Turner provide constant advice, charitable giveaways, and a vision to create an online family that
allowed the sum of everyone’s efforts result in the betterment of all.
The loss of this invested money has placed hardship upon me, as I had based my future plans around this
monthly investment income. Due to having a decreased monthly income, I am forced to seek additional work
to meet the financial goals required to build my house. Due to being unable to access this money via an
emergency withdrawal and cancellation of my investment, should problems arise during the process of
building my home, I also will have fewer emergency funds available to deal with these problems, which
causes me constant worry.
For these reasons, I am also no longer in a position to help the people in my life who are enduring hardships
by providing them with fair, long-term loans or generous gifts. As a result, the theft of my money impacts not
only myself, but those in my life who I care for and wish to provide for. I feel considerable anger and despair
that I am unable to assist my girlfriend in being able to afford the tuition for her to attend university so that she
can get a better job and be more successful in life. I am also now incapable of providing close acquaintances
who live in impoverished conditions both in Canada and in foreign countries some financial solace, so that
they can always count on having enough to afford food.
I believed Daniel Turner to be a fellow philanthropist whose goals aligned with mine, and I have been cruelly
betrayed by his greed. Daniel Turner’s theft and dishonesty has harmed not only myself, but those who I love
and wish to help. Rather than creating a family that makes goals come true, he has left me distraught at my
ruined plans and inability to assist others in need. While I may recover my money through lawsuits, it will
never return the time wasted by semesters gone unattended, or erase the pain of missed meals by those who
cannot always afford their groceries.


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