Warm Ups
Warm Ups
Warm Ups
Scoop Tag
Objective - Running with the ball
- Effecting a touch
- Roll ball
Learners Spread out in allocated playing area, 3 or 4 players are taggers
Equipment 1 x football per runner
4 x marker cones to define playing area
Space Grid set up 10m x 10m
Instructions - Nominate three or four players to start as taggers without a football
- All other players carry a ball and run randomly in an area evading taggers
- Taggers call out, ‘Touch!’ or ‘Yes!’ when they effect a touch on a runner
- The tagged player must immediately perform a roll ball (place their ball on
the ground between their feet and step over it), and become a tagger
- The tagger scoops the ball up and continues playing as a runner.
Coach Says
Objective Introduction to basic Touch Football skills and terminology
Learners Working individually in designated area
Equipment 1 x football per player
4 x marker cones to define playing area
Space Grid set up with 4 cones
Instructions - Each player has a football
- When you call out, ‘Coach says…’ with an action, players demonstrate the
- Examples include:
o throw the ball in the air, clap and catch it
o place the ball on the ground and step over it
o place your ball on the ground and scoop up another player’s ball.
- Players freeze on the spot if you call an action without saying, ‘Coach says…’
Variations - Players walk or slowly jog from end to end in the playing area while
performing actions.
- Play in small groups with one player calling the ‘Coach says…’ actions.
Scatter Tag
Objective - Evasion
- Running with the ball
Learners Students organised into attacking and defending team (2 even teams)
Equipment - 1 x football per attacker
- marker cones to define inner circle and outer boundary area
Space Designated playing area set up with cones
Instructions - Organise players into two teams (attackers and defenders).
- Attackers each hold a football and jog clockwise inside a defined circle
- Defenders (without a ball) jog around the outside of the circle in the
opposite direction
- When you call ‘Scatter!’, all players from the attacking team run in any
direction towards a boundary line while the defenders chase them
- One point = attacker reaches a boundary line without being tagged by a
- Each team has three turns as attackers.
- Points are combined for the three rounds. The team with the highest score
Variations - Attackers have one or two balls only and randomly pass to each other
before they scatter. Two points are awarded to the team when an attacker
carrying a ball makes it to a boundary line untagged.
Circle Dodgeball
Objective - Ball handling
- Evasion
Equipment - 2–4 x footballs per game
- team bibs or sashes in 3 colours
- marker cones to define the circle
Space Circle set up with cones for playing area
Instructions - Form a circle with up to 12 players.
- Allocate each player a colour to form three teams, for example, red, blue,
green, red, blue...
- Call ‘Red!', indicating the red team stand in the centre of the circle and
move to avoid footballs rolled by the green and blue teams on the circle
- Once hit on the lower leg/foot with a ball, players must join the circle
boundary and try to hit the remaining players.
- The last player left in the middle is the winner.
Variations - Enlarge or reduce the size of the playing area
- Use different sized and shaped balls to make it easier or harder to hit
Chain Tag
Objective - Evasion
- Line defence concepts
Learners Spread out in allocated playing area
Equipment - 1 x football per runner
- team bibs or sashes for all players
- 4 x marker cones to define playing area
Instructions - One player starts as the defender in the centre of the playing area.
- All other players wear a team bib or sash and line up behind the end line.
- When the defender calls ‘Go!’, the runners attempt to cross to the other
side of the playing area.
- When a runner is tagged they remove their team bib or sash and hold it to
form a chain with the defender.
- A runner can only be tagged when the chain is unbroken
- When the chain tags a sixth player, the game ends and any remaining
runners are declared the winners.
Variations - All runners can carry a football in two hands. When tagged they throw it
out of the playing area before joining the chain.
- Increase or decrease the size of the playing area to challenge the runners.