In-Situ Single Plane Balancing in Vertical Circulating Water Pump-Motor System

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In-situ Single Plane Balancing in Vertical Circulating Water Pump-Motor


Conference Paper · July 2018


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4 authors, including:

Kamalkishor Uke Surendra Kumar

Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute


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International Journal of Mechanical and Production
Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)
ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Special Issue, Jun 2018, 452-458
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, M.G Avenue, Durgapur, West Bengal

Mass unbalance is one of the most common problems associated with vertical pump motor system and is the
main cause of vibration. Mass unbalance occurs when the geometric center and the mass center of rotating part do not
coincide. Unbalance masses in the rotating parts create a centrifugal force that mainly causes the system to vibrate.
In situ dynamic balancing or field balancing is used to minimize the shaft or bearing vibrations in the system
experiencing mass unbalancing problem. In situ dynamic balancing minimizes down-time cost and increases service life
of the entire system. Field balancing consists of determining the amplitude (in term of displacement, velocity or
acceleration) and location around the rotor (phase angle) of the unbalance and placing weights on the rotor plane to
counter the unbalance. In this paper, the mass unbalance effect of a vertical cooling water pump motor system is

Original Article
discussed and is corrected by in situ dynamic balancing. The experimental frequency spectra were obtained for both
balanced and unbalanced condition using a vibration analyzer along with accelerometer.

KEYWORDS: Vertical Pump Motor System, Vibration, Mass Unbalance & In Situ Balancing.


Vertical circulating water pumps are very crucial system in thermal power plant. These are extremely high
volume pumps used to circulate the water from cooling tower to the condensate for condensing the exhaust steam
from turbine. The motor-pump system is arranged vertically with a drive motor placed above the pump. The pump
is located below the motor in the water reservoir. High vibration is a common problem for motors installed on top of
vertical pumps. Its source can stem from a mechanical issue with the pump, motor, or coupling or from hydraulic
forces from the pump. As with all rotating machinery, the most common vibratory force for vertical pump motors is
mass unbalance. The vibration caused by unbalance may destroy critical parts of the machine, such as bearings,
seals, gears and couplings [1]. In practice, rotating machinery can never be perfectly balanced because of
manufacturing errors such as porosity in casting, non-uniform density of material, manufacturing tolerances and
gain or loss of material during operation [2]. As a result of mass unbalance, a centrifugal force is generated and
must be reacted against by bearing and support structures.

Vibration signature analysis techniques are widely used as a useful tool for studying progressive machine
mechanical malfunctions, and also form the baseline signature for further comparative monitoring to detect
mechanical faults [3]. Vibration monitoring is based on the principle that all the system produces vibration.
When a machine is operating properly, the vibration is small and constant, however, when faults develop and some
of the dynamic process in the machine changes, there will be changes in vibration spectrum observed. Effective
vibration analysis starts with obtaining an accurate signal from standard vibration transducer with the help of an SCOPUS Indexed Journal

453 Sourav Kansabanik, Biplab Swarnakar,
Kamalkishore J. Uke & Surendra Kumar

accelerometer. The analog signal is then converted in to digital signal using analog to digital converter. The digital signals
can be processed directly or can be processed using some formula depending upon the need of the user [4]. Based on
vibration readings, spectrum analysis and phase analysis are carried out to determine the cause of high vibrations.
Spectrum analysis enables us to untangle this complex waveform and make a representation of its original components on
a diagram showing frequency on the X-axis and amplitude vertically. This is known as a vibration spectrum and is
extremely valuable for fault diagnosis. The conversion from time to frequency is achieved using Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT). Phase analysis is a collection of phase measurements made on a machine or structure and evaluated to reveal
information about relative motion between components. In vibration analysis, phase is measured using absolute or relative

Zhao et al. [5] carried out both experimental and theoretical studies of unbalance response of a flexible rotor
mounted on squeeze film dampers. Vázquez et al. [6] presented an experimental study of the effect of flexible supports on
the stability and unbalance response of a flexible rotor supported by fluid film bearings. Measured stability thresholds and
unbalance response functions were compared to analytical predictions. In a recent paper, Wang et al. [7] defined the
unbalance response of a rotor-bearing system as a function of position and the stiffness and damping coefficients of
bearings. They proposed an analytical method to identify the rotor unbalance while operating.

In this paper, the mass unbalance response of a vertical cooling water pump motor system is obtained using
experiment and is corrected by in situ dynamic balancing. The experimental frequency spectra were obtained for both
balanced and unbalanced conditions using vibration analyzer along with accelerometer. The unbalance was identified by
observing the spectrum at running frequency with steady phase condition.


The schematic diagram and actual photograph of the vertical circulating water (CW) pump-motor system studied
are shown in Figure 1. This system is designed for capacity of 210,000 lit /min at 13.5 meters (maximum) head and has a
running speed of 494 rpm. Specification of the pump-motor system is given in Table 1.

Table 1: Specification of the Pump-Motor System.

Head Capacity Speed Motor
(Meters) (Lit/Min.) (RPM) Rating
Vertical Mixed 1,200 kW,
13.50 210,000 494
Flow Pump 6.6 kV

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
In-Situ Single Plane Balancing in Vertical 454
Circulating Water Pump-Motor System

(a) (b)
Figure 1: Vertical Circulating Water Pump Motor System:
(a) Schematic Diagram and (b) Actual Photograph

During routine vibration monitoring work it was observed that the pump-motor system was running with quite
high vibration. Accordingly, vibration at the drive end (D.E.) and non-drive end (N.D.E.) bearing was measured by dual
channel vibration analyzer (Model: VibXpert) of the pump. The motor was rotating at a speed of 494 rpm as its design
speed. Two accelerometers were placed in the radial direction of the D.E. and N.D.E. side of the motor bearing.
A reflecting tape was fixed at the coupler for phase measurement.

Initial overall vibration readings of CW pump in coupled condition were measured and some initial vibration
signatures were taken. To improve the vibration readings motor fan blades were cleaned by opening the fan casing. In the
next phase, balancing work was performed in order to minimize the vibration using single plane balancing method.
For adding masses, top motor cooling fan surface was taken as balancing plane and twelve (12) nos. of equal spaced holes
were made on the surface for fixing the masses.


Initial overall vibration readings of CW pump in coupled condition before balancing are shown in Table 2 and
some initial vibration signatures of the system at motor non- drive end (NDE) bearing before balancing are plotted in
Figure 2. From the vibration readings, it is clear that the vibration amplitudes in both bearings are quite high and are above
the acceptable limits (as per ISO 10816-3). Vibration analysis consisting of detailed signature (spectrum) analysis was
carried out to control and to find the root causes of this vibration. Spectrum analysis shows prominence of 1x rpm
component of the vibration signature and steady phase, indicating some mass unbalance in pump–motor system.
The phase angle at both the bearings were more or less same and steady. So, single plane balancing method was chosen to
minimize the vibration. SCOPUS Indexed Journal

455 Sourav Kansabanik, Biplab Swarnakar,
Kamalkishore J. Uke & Surendra Kumar

Figure 2: Initial Vibration Signature (Velocity) at Motor

Non-Drive end Bearing before Balancing

Table 2: Initial Overall Vibration Levels at Motor Bearings in Radial

Direction under Coupled Condition (Before Balancing)
Displacement (peak to peak) Velocity (rms)
in µm in mm/sec
NDE Bearing (Top) 885 16.59
DE Bearing (Bottom) 468 8.19

Single plane Balancing Using Vibration Analyzer

The use of vibration analyzer helps to avoid the unreliable trial and error method of single plane balancing.
In order to use the vibration analyzer for single plane balancing a summary of the procedure as seen in [8] is presented in
steps as follows

• The vibration analyzer is set at a frequency that corresponds with the angular velocity at which the test is run.

• The machine is run at the test speed ω.

• Vibration signal (say “P”) caused by the original unbalance as displayed by the vibration analyzer is recorded.
The phase lag (say “θ”) at which the reference mark on the machine appears stationary is taken note of.

• The machine is stopped and a known trial weight (say “ WT ”) is attached to it. The foregoing steps are repeated to

obtain vibration amplitude (say “R”) and phase lag (say “ϕ”) due to combined effect of trial weight and original
unbalance (say “ WU ”).

A typical vector diagram is constructed as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Vector Diagram for Single Plane Balancing

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
In-Situ Single Plane Balancing in Vertical 456
Circulating Water Pump-Motor System

The vector Q which is the unbalance due to the trial weight and the angle which is the angle between Q and

 R 2 − P 2 − Q2 
P can be determined from the vector diagram to be Q = R 2 + P 2 − 2 RP cos (ϕ − θ ) and α = cos −1  .
 2 PQ 
It is assumed that at constant radial distance vibration amplitude is proportional to magnitude of unbalance producing it.
The magnitude of the original unbalance becomes

WU = WT .

Single Plane Balancing Using Graphical Approach

A vector is simply a line whose length represents the amount of unbalance and whose direction represents the
angle of unbalance. Polar graph paper (Figure 4) simplifies the task of plotting the vectors required for balancing
operations. Every vector has two components: length and direction. The evenly spaced concentric circles are used for
plotting the length component of a vector. The straight lines radiating from the center of the graph represents the direction
component. These direction lines are scaled in degrees in the clockwise direction.

When conducting a balancing operation, the length component of the vector represents the amount of vibration,
and the direction of the vector represents the phase angle. The following steps describe the single plane vector balancing

• Initially, the original unbalance (say “O”) is observed and recorded.

• A trial weight (say “T”) is selected and fixed at an arbitrary location and the new unbalance (“O+T”) is noted.
This represents the unbalance due to a combination of original unbalance mass and the trial weight.

• Now a vector is plotted in the Polar chart representing the original unbalance (“O”). Next, a vector is plotted
representing the combined unbalance of the original unbalance mass and the trial weight (“O+T”). Finally, the tips
of these two vectors is joined with a third vector. This third vector is the ‘T’ vector (trial weight vector).
The ‘T’ vector should point towards the “O+T” vector.

• In order to determine the correct balancing weight, the length of the “T” vector is measured using the same scale
used for plotting the “O” and “O+T” vectors.

Figure 4: Polar Chart SCOPUS Indexed Journal

457 Sourav Kansabanik, Biplab Swarnakar,
Kamalkishore J. Uke & Surendra Kumar


Vibration Analyzer

Using vibration analyzer, vibration signal P caused by the original unbalance was found to be 885 µm at phase
angle θ = 304°. A trial weight WT = 397 grams was added at an angle 0°. Vibration amplitude due to combined effect of

trial weight and original unbalance, i.e. R was found to be 980 µm at phase angle ϕ =332°. Using the vector diagram, the
balancing mass and position were calculated to be 763 grams and 92° respectively. These balancing mass and position
were simplified and the magnitudes and locations of the necessary balancing weights were calculated to be 62 grams at 60°
and 701 grams at 90°.

Graphical Approach

As discussed earlier, original unbalance “O” was 885 µm at an angle of 304° and trial weight T was 397 grams at
an angle 0°. Using Polar plot, combined effect of trial weight and original unbalance “O+T” was found to be 980 µm at an
angle of 332°. From Polar plot, the final balancing mass and position were calculated to be 750.75 grams and 88°.

Comparing the two results it is observed that the mass unbalance and position given by the two methods (practical
as well as graphical) are almost same. Finally, two masses of 62 grams at an angle 60° and 701 grams at an angle 90° were
fixed at top cooling fan to bring down the vibration levels. After completion of balancing work, the vibration level at NDE
bearing came down from 16.6 mm/sec to 1.3 mm/sec and the pump-motor system was found to be running very smoothly.
Final overall vibration readings are shown in Table 3 and some final vibration signatures of the motor non- drive end
(NDE) bearing after balancing are plotted in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Final Vibration Signature (Velocity) at Motor

Non-Drive End Bearing after Balancing

Table 3: Final Overall Vibration Levels at Motor Bearings in Radial

Direction under Coupled Condition (After Balancing)
Displacement (Peak to Velocity (rms) in
Peak) in µm mm/sec
NDE Bearing (Top) 78.23 1.29
DE Bearing (Bottom) 49.94 0.82

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
In-Situ Single Plane Balancing in Vertical 458
Circulating Water Pump-Motor System


The balance of many vertical circulating water pumps deteriorates over time due to vertical structure.
Moreover, vibration levels of pumps are often sensitive to poor balancing due to low stiffness of their supporting
structures. In-situ dynamic balancing or field balancing can improve balance and vibration levels to avoid catastrophic
failures. Here, balancing is performed with the rotor in its natural mounting thus compensating for assembly tolerances.
In-situ balancing minimizes down-time cost and increases service life of the entire system. Vibration signature analysis
techniques are widely used as a useful tool for in-situ balancing and consist of studying progressive machine mechanical
malfunctions and of detecting mechanical faults.

In this paper, the mass unbalance response of a vertical cooling water pump motor system is obtained using
experiment and is corrected by in-situ dynamic balancing. The experimental vibration signatures (frequency spectra) were
obtained for both unbalanced and balanced conditions using vibration analyzer along with accelerometer. A well balanced
and smooth-running system was achieved after in-situ balancing.


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2. Eshleman, R., Eubanks, A.: On the critical speeds of a continuous rotor. J. Engineering for Industry. (1969) 1180-1188

3. Ramachandran, K.P.: Vibration signature analysis for machine health monitoring and fault diagnosis. Caledonian Journal of
Engineering. (2004) 26–39

4. Mills, S. R. W.: Vibration Monitoring and Analysis Handbook (INST397). The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing.
ISBN9780903132397 (2010)

5. Zhao, J.Y., Linnett, I.W., McLean, L.J.: Unbalance response of a flexible rotor supported by a squeeze film damper. ASME J.
Vibr. Acoust. 120 (1998) 32-38

6. Vázquez, J.A., Barrett, L.E., Flack, R.D.: A flexible rotor on flexible bearing supports: stability and unbalance response.
ASME J. Vibr. Acoust. 123 (2001) 137-144

7. Wang, A., Cheng, X., Meng, G., Xie, Y., Wo, L., Wang, Z.: Dynamic analysis and numerical experiments for balancing of the
continuous single disc and single span rotor bearing system. Mech. Syst. Sig. Processing. 86 (2017) 151-176

8. Vibration Technology – 1. IRD Mechanalysis, Inc. (1988) SCOPUS Indexed Journal

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