Different Gas Constants: Assignment No. 2
Different Gas Constants: Assignment No. 2
Different Gas Constants: Assignment No. 2
The tables below have been prepared from the professional units conversion program Uconeer by Katmar
Software. These tables contain 188 values for the Universal Gas Constant in the most likely combinations of
units. These include the most commonly used values for the universal gas constant when working in metric
units, SI units, English engineering units and US customary units.
However, the dedicated Gas Constant calculator in Uconeer calculates the value of "R" based on over 900
combinations of units, so if you don't find what you want here please go to the Uconeer main page to read
the program description and to download the program. Uconeer will even allow you to add your own
units, so if you do not find the units you need in the tables below, or built into Uconeer, you can add them
in for yourself.
In addition to the Universal Gas Constant calculator, Uconeer includes a gas flowrate converter which
will calculate gas density and convert between volume and mass. Uconeer contains over 450 units in 48
categories, and includes several other special converters and calculators.
If you are using kg mol as the unit for quantity of matter then multiply the
appropriate value in the g mol column by 1000.
This table is based on g moles as the unit for quantity of matter and Kelvin as the
unit for temperature. If you are using kg mol as the unit for quantity of matter then
multiply the value given below by 1000.
This table is based on lb moles as the unit for quantity of matter and Rankine as the
unit for temperature.
Reference: https://www.katmarsoftware.com/gconvals.htm
In almost every chemistry and introductory physics textbook you'll find the answer
to this is that temperature has absolutely no effect on mass. In normal situations
and to normal precision, mass is completely unchanged when you add energy
to a system. In practice the mass you measure can change quite a bit when you
change the temperature of a system, unless you are quite careful. Increasing
temperature increases vapor pressure, which speeds up outgassing and
evaporation, both of which reduce the mass of the object of interest (while
increasing the mass of the atmosphere). You are also more likely to drive
oxidation reactions, which increase the mass of your object (at the expense of
some mass in the atmosphere).
Of course, even the statement that temperature has no effect on mass is
not strictly true. Energy is just a different form of mass, and adding it to a closed
system to increase the temperature will increase the mass of the system. The
amount is very small for typical systems: heating 1 kg of water by 1 degree takes
about 4kJ. This corresponds to a mass increase of 4⋅10−174⋅10−17kg
(using m=E/c2m=E/c2), well beyond the precision which you could measure.
An important note to the other answers so far: the actual mass of a single
particle (the rest mass as it used to be commonly referred to) does not change if
the temperature rises (by temperature I mean that of the environment since
temperature is a macroscopic quantity).
However, as John Rennie explains in his answer, general relativity teaches us that
gravity doesn't couple just to mass (which is simply a form of energy, remember),
it couples to all forms of energy. So the thermal energy that an object gains by
heating it up - while it doesn't increase its mass - does cause it to gravitationally
interact more strongly.
Now I've been scrupulously using the term mass in the sense of rest mass to be
clear about what is changed by a rise/decrease in temperature. Of course, mass
and energy can actually be used interchangeably because mass is really just
energy. Or energy is really just mass, if you will. It's also in that sense that you will
hear people state that most of your personal mass is not due to the BEH field, but
due to binding energy of the atoms in your body and such.