Nationalist Social Society
Nationalist Social Society
Nationalist Social Society
Having realized the degradation of Indian mindset towards Indian nationalism, Sanskriti, culture,
history and achievements, we plan to form Nationalist Social Society (hereinafter referred as
2. To collectively educate ourselves on addressing and challenging the external and internal
4. To identify and practice ways of utilizing academic and professional skills to serve the
5. To train ourselves in having logical and analytical debates to defeat seditious ideologies.
1. Conducting sessions
clarity to the intricate aspects of ideologies and demolish the corrupt definitions.
2. Debates
We are of the strong opinion that logical and analytical debates are fine ways of
3. Research team
In order to educate the students, arming ourselves with knowledge is necessary. We
intend to form and train a research team out NSS consisting of students who have
4. Seminars
Through seminars we will discuss practicable and noble ideas which NSS comes up with.
We intend that after a considerable set of activities, the student members of NSS will be
sufficiently able to propagate and reduce into action the righteous ideas and actions.
Frequency of activities
To achieve the mentioned objectives in the manner as planned, we shall meet at least once a
week after completion of classes. Activities which require more time and space shall be
the NSS members will be connected with each other using social media platforms.
With prior permission of college administration, we intend to conduct first session on 6th of
April, 2019.
Initiative by
a. What is NSS?
b. Why NSS?
a. What is nationalism?
Session No. 1 was attended by approximately 25 students. Members of the Society showed
interest and inclination towards knowing about and working for the Rashtra in a more
comprehensive manner.
Session No. 2 is scheduled on April 12, 2019 on the theme of Westernization of India.