Enhancing Frequency Performance of Underlap Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor For Analog/RF Applications

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Journal of

Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics

Copyright © 2019 by American Scientific Publishers Vol. 14, pp. 1–7, 2019
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Printed in the United States of America www.aspbs.com/jno


Enhancing Frequency Performance of Underlap

Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor for
Analog/RF Applications
Shikhar Gupta∗ and Ashutosh Nandi

In this paper, a silicon n-channel double gate tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) with source/drain underlap
is demonstrated. As spacer dielectric material is an important parameter to decide the device analog/RF
performance, we use dual- spacer material in the underlap region of TFET to enhance the analog/RF perfor-
mance of the device. It is observed that air as an outer spacer material further enhances the performance of
the device. A thorough analysis, with the help of comprehensive device simulation, on the device analog/RF
performance with Air as an outer spacer material in dual- spacer underlap TFET is reported in this paper.
It is examined that the intrinsic gain of dual-Air spacer dielectric is almost unaltered (≈71 dB); whereas
frequencies like cut-off frequency (fT ) and maximum oscillation frequency (fMAX ) are enhanced by 1.5 times
and 1.25 times respectively as compared to conventional dual- spacer dielectric material. This results in a
higher percentage improvement in the gain-frequency product (GFP), transconductance frequency product
(TFP) and gain transconductance frequency product (GTFP) of the device.
Keywords: TFET, Underlap, Tunneling Length, Dual-.

1. INTRODUCTION of channel side. When a positive gate supply voltage is

As the MOSFETs are scaled to smaller dimensions, the applied in the channel region, empty electron state is
switching speed, packing density and fabrication cost is formed, and band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) of electrons
improving. However, several limitations such as leakage from the valence band of the source to the conduction band
current, short-channel effect (SCEs) and high power con- of the channel takes place. As the positive bias is applied
sumption are cropping up as major issues [1]. Lower at the drain terminal, these electrons are then conveyed to
power supply voltage leads to reduced power density. the drain terminal [2]. Due to the BTBT mechanism on
However, with the reduction of the supply voltage, there the source-channel interface, it can achieve sub-threshold
is a risk of a decrease in the on-current which degrades slope (SS) below 60 mV/dec at room temperature, low
the ION /IOFF ratio. For better switching, the ION /IOFF should off-current (IOFF  and improved SCEs. The band bend-
be high, and the sub-threshold slope (SS) should be low. ing occurs in the small tunneling region rather than whole
However, at room temperature, the SS of conventional channel region, as it offers low threshold voltage roll-
MOSFETs cannot be reduced below 60 mV/dec. Tunnel- off. Further, the OFF-state leakage current in TFET is
FET is an alternative approach for low power circuit very low in the range of A/m, which makes it entic-
design because of its low off current (IOFF  and lower ing for ultralow power applications [3]. In spite of the
sub-threshold slope (SS). TFETs are the gated reverse several advantages, TFET has its own flaws, such as low
biased p–i–n diode. This reverse bias voltage shifts the on-state current (ION , ambipolarity, high gate-drain capac-
valence band of source side nearer to the conduction band itances, experiences delayed saturation, which is harmful
to the analog applications. In order to increase the ION
of TFET, various techniques such as double-gate (DG)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National
TFET [4], strained silicon TFET [5], III–V hetero-junction
Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra 136119, Haryana, India

TFETs [6], carbon nanotube TFET [7], double material
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Email: shikhar.gupta2@gmail.com gate [8], low- spacer [9], high- gate dielectric [10] are
Received: 1 June 2018 practiced. Another way to increase the drain current is
Accepted: 28 November 2018 to enhance the p–i–n junction electric field which can

J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 2019, Vol. 14, No. xx 1555-130X/2019/14/001/007 doi:10.1166/jno.2019.2528 1

Enhancing Frequency Performance of Underlap TFET for Analog/RF Applications Gupta and Nandi

be achieved by using the drain underlap structure [11]. current. In tunnel-FET, the source is made up of p-type
In underlap architecture of TFET, the RF performance in and drain is of n-type. To reduce the ambipolarity of
terms of cut-off frequency (fT  and maximum oscillation the tunnel FET, the doping concentration of the source
frequency (fMAX  of device increases. With the increase and drain should be asymmetric. The p-type source is
in the underlap length of the device, fMAX of the device doped with 1 × 1020 cm−3 , the intrinsic channel is doped
increases [11]. Dual- spacer underlap device is a better with 1 × 1016 cm−3 and the n-type drain is doped with
alternative for enhancing digital performance, improving 5 × 1018 cm−3 [15]. The thickness of the active silicon
SCEs, and controlling direct source to drain tunneling [12]. layer where the channel is formed (tSi  is kept as 8 nm.
By shifting the lateral electric field at the gate edge toward SiO2 is used as gate dielectric throughout the simula-
the drain, the analog performance of dual- spacer based tion procedure. The polysilicon gate has several disadvan-
device is enhanced [13]. In dual- spacer, the inner gate tages in nanoscale devices such as gate depletion, high
side-wall spacer is high- dielectric and the outer spacer gate resistance and sheet resistance, and penetration of
is a low- dielectric. Reducing the outer spacer dielectric dopant ions from doped poly-silicon gate [16]. To elim-
constant of the dual- spacer, the analog performance of inate these adverse effects and enhance the performance
the device can be further enhanced. In the Section 1 of of gate, an aluminum metal gate with work-function
this paper, therefore, we have focused on the analog per- of 4.3 eV is used. Cut-off frequency (fT  is deter-
formance of dual- spacer underlap double gate silicon mined from current gain (h21  through an extrapolation
tunnel-FET with air as an outer spacer dielectric mate- of 20 dB/decade slope, whereas maximum oscillation fre-
rial. The device structure and methodology used for sim- quency (fMAX , indicating the maximum available power
ulation are discussed in Section 2 of the paper, Followed gain, is derived from Mason’s unilateral gain through an
by the device physics and performance study aspects in estimation of 20 dB/decade slope [17]. A dual-gate TFET
Section 3. Section 4 describes the result and analysis and with Source/Drain underlap is simulated using Sentaurus
finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. TCAD mixed mode device simulator with different under-
lap lengths [18]. The band-to-band tunneling model with a
nonlocal path is used in the simulation setup, to imitate the
tunneling phenomena [19]. The Wentzel-Kramer-Brillouin
(WKB) approximation model along with two side disper-
The schematic cross-sectional view of TFET with symmet-
sion model is responsible to capture tunneling across all
rical Source/Drain underlap is shown in Figure 1. Encased
possible junctions and interfaces [19]. In this article, we
Air-gap spacer is formed by the selective deposition of
have used effective tunneling mass of electrons (me  =
carbon on the gate stack side-wall, followed by the SiN
0.19 and that of holes (mh  = 0.16 [20]. Furthermore,
deposition and reactive ion etching (RIE), which results
Old Slotboom bandgap narrowing mobility model, band to
in encapsulation of carbon region by SiN. Finally, oxy-
band Auger recombination model and Shockley-Read-Hall
gen plasma is used to remove the deposited carbon and
recombination/generation model are also included in the
forming air spacer encased between SiN and gate side-
simulation setup [21–23]. The various analog/RF figure-
wall [14]. The fixed gate length of 20 nm is used through-
of-merit (FOM) of all the considered devices are extracted
out the analysis. The Source/Drain underlap length (LU 
at 1 A/m drain current targeting high gain subthreshold
is set to 10 nm. The dual- spacer is optimized for 7 nm
to weak inversion region of operation.
high- inner material and 3 nm of low- outer material.
In conventional dual- structure, HfO2 is considered as
inner high- material, whereas SiO2 is considered as outer 3. EFFECT OF TUNNELING PATH
low- material. Doping has been optimized in order to Tunneling path in tunnel-FET is the physical path between
maximize the on-state current and minimize the off-state two equi-energy points; one on the conduction band and

Fig. 1. A cross-sectional view of dual-gate tunnel FET with source/drain underlap.

2 J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron., 14, 1–7, 2019

Gupta and Nandi Enhancing Frequency Performance of Underlap TFET for Analog/RF Applications

another on the valence band, where band-to-band tunnel- As the GBT BT increases, Itun of the device increases, which
ing (BTBT) is probably afforded. The tunneling path is an in-turn enhances the drain current of the device. Subse-
important factor for calculating the tunneling current. The quently, the analog performance of the device in terms of
lateral electric field is dominated over gate electric field transconductance (gm , intrinsic voltage gain (AV  and unit
in tunneling region. Therefore, the main contributor to the gain cut-off frequency (fT  are enhanced.
average electric field (Eavg  in the tunneling region is the
laeral electric field. The Eavg anticipates the tunneling path
which is defined as [24] 4. EFFECT OF DUAL- SPACER IN
Eavg = Eg /qlpath (1) In tunnel-FET, spacer fringing field engineering can boost-
where lpath and q indicate the tunneling path and charge up the performance of the device. The coupling of the
of electron respectively. The band energy diagram of the fringing field to the source-channel interface can be en-
tunnel-FET and tunneling paths are shown in Figure 2. l1 is hanced by using a dual- spacer with high- dielectric as
the shortest tunneling path and l2 is the longest tunneling an inner spacer and low- dielectric as an outer spacer in
path. The difference between l1 and l2 is the effective tun- underlap structure [26]. With the use of a dual- spacer
neling path (lpath ) of the tunnel FET. It is clearly seen from in the underlap region, the tunneling length of the device
Eq. (1) that with the reduction in lpath of the device, the
average electric field of the device increases. The band-to-
band generation rate (GBT BT ) of carriers is the function of
the electric field at the tunneling junction and is defined
as [18]
GBT BT = AEavg /E0 P exp−B/Eavg  (2)
where E0 indicates the normalizing electric field (with a
value of 1 V/cm), P indicates the coefficient whose values
for direct tunneling and indirect or phonon-assisted tun-
neling are 2 and 2.5 respectively [19]. The model param-
eters A has value 4 × 1014 cm−3 s−1 and B has value 1.9 ×
107 V/cm [18]. We are considering indirect tunneling in
this paper. As in equation (2), the band-to-band generation
rate (GBT BT  of the carrier increases with increase in Eavg .
By integrating the GBT BT over the effective tunneling vol-
ume, the tunneling current is calculated. The tunneling
current (Itun  per unit width is given as [25]
 Fig. 3. Tunneling length of TFET for different spacer dielectric
Itun = q GBT BT dy dx (3) material.

Fig. 2. Energy band diagram along the channel obtained at VGS and Fig. 4. Drain current of underlap DG-TFET for different spacer dielec-
VDS = 2 V. tric, plotted in logarithmic scale.

J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron., 14, 1–7, 2019 3

Enhancing Frequency Performance of Underlap TFET for Analog/RF Applications Gupta and Nandi

Fig. 5. Energy band diagram of underlap DG-TFET across the channel Fig. 7. Subthreshold Slope for different spacer dielectric material.
of device.

band energy and valence band energy for both symmetri-

is reduced. Figure 3 shows the tunneling length of the cally doped (NS = ND = 1 × 1020 cm−3  and asymmetri-
device for various spacer dielectrics. It is observed from cally doped (NS = 1 × 1020 cm−3 and ND = 5 × 1018 cm−3 
the figure that as spacer dielectric increases, the tunneling DG-TFET. It is observed that the improvement in barrier
length of the device decreases. A sequential reduction in width at the drain end helps in restricting the ambipolar
tunneling length is observed with the use of Air as outer conduction of the device. Figure 6 shows the reduction
spacer dielectric (Dual-Air . Subsequently, the increase in in ambipolar behavior of device due to asymmetric dop-
GBT BT results in higher drain current of the device. ing. Subsequently, Figure 7 shows the variation of SS
Figure 4 shows the on-state current of different spacer with different spacer dielectric. It is observed that the SS
dielectric underlap double gate tunnel-FET plotted on log- of the device improves with the increase in the spacer
arithmic scale. It is revealed from the figure that the dielectric of the underlap region due to enhanced electro-
drain current of the underlap TFET is maximum for the static integrity of the device [27]. SS of the device further
dual-Air spacer instead of conventional high- or low- reduces with the use of Dual-Air spacer dielectric. Hence
spacer. Madan et al. [15] have reported that to constrain the proposed device has better switching characteristics
the ambipolarity effect, source and drain are doped asym- than the conventional high- DG-TFET.
metrically. Figure 5 shows the variation of conduction Figure 8 shows the variation of transconductance (gm 
and output conductance (gds  for different spacer dielectric.

Fig. 6. Effect of asymmetric doping on the ambipolar behavior of the Fig. 8. Variation of gm and gds for various spacer dielectric, at
device. 1 A/m.

4 J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron., 14, 1–7, 2019

Gupta and Nandi Enhancing Frequency Performance of Underlap TFET for Analog/RF Applications

length and spacer dielectric. They play an important role

in overall device capacitances. These fringe capacitances
can be reduced further by the use of low-spacer in the
underlap region. The variation of intrinsic device capac-
itance (cgg  and gate-drain capacitance (cgd  for various
spacer dielectrics is shown in Figure 9. Dual- spacer in
the underlap region reduces the capacitances cgg and cgd .
By opting for dual-Air spacer dielectric in the source/drain
underlap region, cgd and cgg are reduced by 6.5% and
11.7% respectively. cgd is a strong limiting agent for cal-
culation of maximum oscillation frequency (fMAX . For
a high value of fMAX , cgd should be low. The intrinsic
gain (AV  and cut-off frequency (fT  is formulated as:

AV = gm /gds (4)

Fig. 9. Variation of cgd and cgg for various spacer dielectric, extracted fT = gm /2Cgg (5)
at 1 A/m.
Figure 10 elucidate that with the use of a dual- spacer
The gm decides the current driving capability of the device. in the underlap region, the AV and fT is improved.
Because of increase in the drain current (due to an increase
in tunneling current) the transconductance (gm  of the
device increases. Subsequently, the output conductance
(gds  of the device also enhanced with the use of a
dual- spacer in the underlap region. However, with the
use of Air as an outer low- spacer in the dual- struc-
ture, gds slightly deteriorates. This deterioration in gds
doesn’t pose any serious threat because of higher percent-
age improvement in gm . From analog perspective, high
transconductance is preferred for large gate transport effi-
ciency. The increase in transconductance will lead to the
improvement in electrostatic integrity (EI). It is exam-
ined that transconductance of device enhances with the use
of dual-Air dielectric in the spacer region instead of the
dual- or high- spacer dielectric.
In underlap devices, the parasitic outer and inner fringe
capacitance of the device depends upon the underlap

Fig. 11. Variation of (a) maximum oscillation frequency (fMAX ) and

Fig. 10. Variation intrinsic gain (AV ) and unity cut-off frequency (fT ) TFP (b) GFP and GTFP for various spacer dielectric, extracted at
for various spacer dielectric, extracted at 1 A/m. 1 A/m.

J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron., 14, 1–7, 2019 5

Enhancing Frequency Performance of Underlap TFET for Analog/RF Applications Gupta and Nandi

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