A Review of Different Strategies For HVAC Energy Saving

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Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

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Energy Conversion and Management

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A review of different strategies for HVAC energy saving

Vahid Vakiloroaya a,⇑, Bijan Samali b, Ahmad Fakhar c, Kambiz Pishghadam d
Center for Built Infrastructure Research, School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Center for Built Infrastructure Research, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Azad University of Kashan, Iran
Department of Sustainable and NZEB Solutions, Giacomini Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Decreasing the energy consumption of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems is
Received 22 April 2013 becoming increasingly important due to rising cost of fossil fuels and environmental concerns. Therefore,
Accepted 7 October 2013 finding novel ways to reduce energy consumption in buildings without compromising comfort and
indoor air quality is an ongoing research challenge. One proven way of achieving energy efficiency in
HVAC systems is to design systems that use novel configurations of existing system components. Each
Keywords: HVAC discipline has specific design requirements and each presents opportunities for energy savings.
Energy saving
Energy efficient HVAC systems can be created by re-configuring traditional systems to make more stra-
Energy-efficient strategies
tegic use of existing system parts. Recent research has demonstrated that a combination of existing air
Buildings conditioning technologies can offer effective solutions for energy conservation and thermal comfort. This
paper investigates and reviews the different technologies and approaches, and demonstrates their ability
to improve the performance of HVAC systems in order to reduce energy consumption. For each strategy, a
brief description is first presented and then by reviewing the previous studies, the influence of that
method on the HVAC energy saving is investigated. Finally, a comparison study between these
approaches is carried out.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is represented in commercial and residential buildings [5]. In Aus-

tralia 70% of power consumption in non-residential buildings is
Increased standards of living coupled with dwindling supplies used for HVAC systems [6]. In India, air conditioning systems ac-
of fossil fuels, have forced researchers and engineers to focus on counts around 32% of electricity consumption of a building [7]. In
the issue of energy use in buildings. Heating, ventilation and air the subtropical Hong Kong air conditioning and refrigeration sys-
conditioning (HVAC) systems, which play an important role in tems accounted for 33% in 2006 [8]. More than 70% of building en-
ensuring occupant comfort, are among the largest energy consum- ergy consumption is to support cooling systems in Middle East [9].
ers in buildings. Performance enhancements to traditional HVAC It was estimated that world energy consumption was increased by
systems therefore offer an exciting opportunity for significant 58% between 2001 and 2005 [10]. However, approximately 80% of
reductions in energy consumption. Almost 50% of the energy de- the energy usage still comes from fossil fuels [11,12]. The growing
mand is used to support indoor thermal comfort conditions in reliance on HVAC systems in residential, commercial and industrial
commercial buildings [1]. Furthermore, as most people spend more environments has resulted in a huge increase in energy usage, par-
than 90% of their time inside [2], the development of energy-effi- ticularly in the summer months. Developing energy efficient HVAC
cient HVAC systems that do not rely on fossil fuels will play a systems is essential, both to protect consumers from surging
key role in reducing energy consumption. A closer look at world- power costs and to protect the environment from the adverse im-
wide energy consumption by HVAC equipment shows noticeable pacts of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the use of energy-
values: HVAC systems constitute over 50% of the building energy inefficient electrical appliances. With rapid changes in science
consumed in US [3]. In China, the building energy consumption and technology today, there are several methods that can be used
has been increasing about 10% a year for the past 20 years and to achieve energy-efficient HVAC systems. In order to develop effi-
has comprised about 20.7% of the total national energy usage by cient systems, however, a clear understanding of building comfort
the year 2004 [4]. In Europe, around 40% of energy consumption conditions is necessary. Thermal comfort is all about human satis-
faction with their thermal environment. The design and calculation
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: P.O. Box 123, Broadway, Sydney, NSW 2007, of air conditioning systems to control the thermal environment in a
Australia. Tel.: +61 2 9514 9043; fax: +61 2 9514 2868. way that also achieves an acceptable standard of air quality inside
E-mail address: vahid.vakiloroaya@engineer.com (V. Vakiloroaya). a building should comply with the ASHRAE standard 55-2004 [13].

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754 739

According to this standard, thermal comfort conditions are accept- conditions. While optimizing the mechanical design of the tradi-
able when 80% of the building’s occupants are satisfied. In order to tional HVAC system results in extra upfront costs, these modifica-
predict appropriate thermal comfort conditions an index called a tions can actually provide substantial savings in the long term by
predicted mean vote (PMV), which indicates mean the thermal reducing ongoing maintenance costs associated with control and
sensation vote on a standard scale for a large group of people, is optimization strategies.
used. PMV is defined by six thermal variables for an indoor envi- Previous studies have described various technologies that can
ronment, subject to human comfort: air temperature, air humidity, reduce HVAC energy consumption. However, a comprehensive
air velocity, mean radiant temperature, clothing insulation and hu- study that describes and compares a wide range of different strat-
man activity. The PMV index predicts the mean value of the votes egies for HVAC energy savings remains a gap in the existing body
on the seven point thermal sensation scales; +3: hot, +2: warm, +1: of research in the HVAC field. This study will investigate and re-
slightly warm, 0: neutral, 1: slightly cool, 2: cool, 3: cold. view the different technologies and approaches, and demonstrate
According to ISO 7730 standard [14], the values of PMV between their ability to improve the performance of HVAC systems to re-
1 and 1 are the range in which 75% people are satisfied, while be- duce energy consumption. Fig. 1 shows strategies used to achieve
tween 0.5 and 0.5 is the range in which 90% people will be greater HVAC energy efficiency discussed in this study. Various
satisfied. technologies in which different configurations, component combi-
Different techniques need to be implemented on HVAC systems nations and mechanical designs are used to improve the energy
to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their environmental performance of HVAC systems are also discussed in this paper.
impact. In recent years, different control and optimization strate- For each strategy, a brief description is first presented and then
gies have been used to improve the energy consumption rates of by reviewing the previous studies, the influence of that method
these systems [15]. However, these approaches are either expen- on HVAC energy saving is investigated. Finally, a comparison study
sive or very complicated to implement, and require constant mon- between these approaches is carried out.
itoring [16]. One option to achieve this objective is to combine
different HVAC components to create an energy-efficient configu-
2. Evaporative cooling systems
ration. Because building cooling load varies with the time of the
day, an HVAC system should be designed in tandem with an opti-
Evaporative cooling technology has been widely used since
mum design scheme that will keep the process variables to their
more than a century [17]. Direct evaporative cooling (DEC) systems
required set-point in order to maintain comfort under any load
have low set-up and running costs, and have been proven to

Fig. 1. HVAC energy saving strategies discussed in this study.

740 V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

significantly improve a building’s cooling and ventilation capacity Khandelwal et al. [20] evaluated the potential of reducing the
with minimal energy use. Using water as the working fluid, one annual energy consumption of a central cooling plant by combin-
can avoid the use of ozone-destroying chlorofluorocarbons and hy- ing with regenerative evaporative cooling technology to accom-
dro chlorofluorocarbons. Other benefits from this system include plish the energy conversation objective. The concept of this
easy maintenance, easy installation and operation as well as obvi- method has been introduced by Lahoti et al. [21]. As shown in
ating CO2 and other emissions. Evaporative cooling systems can Fig. 3, the process air first flows through a heat exchanger and gets
provide thermal comfort via the conversion of sensible heat to la- cooled. The pre-cooled air then flows through a direct evaporative
tent heat; however, the lowest temperature DEC systems can reach cooler and finally is mixed with return air and passes through the
is the wet-bulb temperature of the outside air. Therefore, the tem- chilled water cooling coil located in an air-handling unit (AHU). As
perature of the supply air after cooling would be just on the edge of a result, the chiller system load is decreased which in turn reduce
comfort and could rise a few degrees in passing through space, tak- the overall power usage of the chiller. Their results showed that
ing the temperature beyond the comfort zone. Therefore, the idea the proposed system is able to provide 15.69% annual electricity
is to investigate both the possibility of increasing the utilization saving of the building. Heidarnejad et al. [22] studied a hybrid sys-
potential of the evaporative cooling system by combination of dif- tem of nocturnal radiative cooling, cooling coil and direct evapora-
ferent components with this system and the capability of improv- tive cooling. In this proposed system, water is cooled by means of
ing the performance of other HVAC systems when integrating with circulation the water through a flat-plate radiator throughout the
evaporative cooling system. night. The cooled water is then used to pre-cool the ambient air
Khalajzadeh et al. [18] presented the thermal behavior of the entering the direct evaporative cooling via a cooling coil unit dur-
indirect evaporative cooler (IEC) when combining with a ground ing the next day. Their results showed that the effectiveness of the
heat exchanger and cooling coil unit (CCU) as shown in Fig. 2. In proposed hybrid system is significantly higher than the stand-
this hybrid plant, the coolant water for the cooling coil unit was alone direct evaporative cooling system. Kumar and Riangvilaikul
provided by the vertical ground heat exchanger to cool the enter- [23] constructed and tested a dew point evaporative cooling sys-
ing air of an indirect evaporative cooler. The simulation results tem for sensible cooling of the ventilation air. The purpose was
showed that the proposed hybrid system can result in effectiveness to supply the outlet air temperature below the ambient wet-bulb
greater than unity while comfort conditions are met. Vakiloroaya temperature. For this, the hot ambient air is first drawn into a
et al. [19] investigated the possibility to increase the effectiveness dry channel where loses its sensible heat to a wet channel. Some
of an evaporative cooling system by the integration of the air-to-air fraction of this air is again reused as a working air in the wet chan-
sensible heat exchanger and cooling coil with the direct evapora- nel where is cooled in direct contact with water. Finally, the work-
tive cooling process. In such a system, the air is first cooled sensi- ing air is rejected to atmosphere. To prevent moisture penetration
bly, i.e. without any moisture addition, in two stages. In the first between the air streams, a thin-film polymer wall is used to sepa-
stage, an air-to-air sensible heat exchanger is used to reduce the rate the dry and wet channel. Result demonstrated the ability of
dry-bulb air temperature entering the cooling coil. This can be per- this system to increase the effectiveness of the traditional evapora-
formed through the energy transferring between the building re- tive cooling system at different inlet air conditions.
turn airstream and ambient fresh air. In the second stage the air Delfani et al. [24] investigated the influence of combining the
is further cooled sensibly by a cooling coil. The cooling coil gets indirect evaporative cooling system with a packaged unit air-con-
its water supply from a cooling tower. Then the air passes through ditioner on electrical energy consumption. In this configuration the
the direct evaporative cooling system to achieve a lower tempera- air is pre-cooled by using the indirect evaporative cooler and then
ture. Consequently, in the proposed hybrid evaporative cooling passes through the packaged cooling unit as demonstrated in
system the lowest temperature obtained can be lower than the Fig. 4. Their results indicated that the indirect evaporative cooler
wet-bulb temperature of the outside air. The performance of new- can reduce cooling load up to 75% which cause to 55% reduction
ly-configured system was then compared with the monitored data in power consumption of the packaged air conditioning system.
of an existing central cooling plant of a real-world commercial
building in terms of the energy saving potential and thermal com-
fort. Results indicated that compared to the conventional chilled- 3. Evaporative-cooled air conditioning system
water central cooling plant, the new system offers an energy saving
potential up to 52% while maintaining the thermal comfort condi- Recent research reveals that air conditioning systems based on
tions in the building. mechanical vapor compression consume significant amounts of
electricity. Therefore, increasing the coefficient of performance
(COP) of these air conditioning systems with air-cooled condensers
is a challenging problem. By pre-cooling the air before it reaches
the condenser coil, the condenser is able to reject more heat. As
a result, cooling capacity increases while energy demand and usage
falls. As condensing temperatures are lowered, head pressure is re-
duced. This allows the compressor to run less frequently, resulting
in an energy saving. The standard design for these systems requires
a frame to be built and filled by evaporative media pads which are
installed in front of the air-cooled condenser. A water circulation
system, consisting of a small pump, a tank and pipes, is added.
The water then is injected on the top of the media pad. Hot ambi-
ent air passes the wet pad and then the condenser to improve the
system performance. As the hot, ambient air is drawn through the
media, the water absorbs heat and evaporates, lowering the tem-
perature of the ambient air and creating a cooler operating envi-
ronment for the air-cooled condenser which allows the
Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of hybrid system consists of the ground coupled condenser to reject additional heat into the atmosphere. The com-
circuit and indirect evaporative cooling system (Ref. [18]). pression ratio is then reduced, resulting in reduced energy usage
V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754 741

Fig. 3. Schematic of regenerative air cooler (Ref. [20]).

Fig. 4. The schematic diagram of the indirect evaporative cooling system used for packaged unit air conditioner (Ref. [24]).

when the compressor is run. In a similar design, mist ware is respectively. Another detailed model and numerical simulation of
sprayed directly into the ambient air before passing through the the heat transfer characteristics for the evaporative-cooled
air-cooled condenser. condenser were carried out using finite element technique by
Hajidavallo and Eghtedari [25] built an evaporative cooler and Jahangeer et al. [27]. The results showed that the combined heat
coupled to the existing air-cooled condenser of a split air-condi- transfer coefficient obtained for the evaporative-cooled condense
tioner in order to measure its effect on the cycle performance un- is very high for the different water film thicknesses on the con-
der various ambient air temperatures up to 49 °C as shown in denser tube. Yu and Chen [28] investigated how the COP of air-
Fig. 5. Their experimental results showed that the power consump- cooled chillers can be improved by using mist pre-cooling as
tion of the air-conditioner can be reduced up to 20% and the sys- shown in Fig. 6. Their results estimated that around 18% decrease
tem COP can be improved around 50%. Youbi-Idrissi et al. [26] in the annual electricity usage could be achieved with mist pre-
developed a numerical model for a sprayed air-cooled condenser cooling of air entering the air-cooled condenser of the chiller, serv-
coupled to the refrigeration system to study the effect of sprayed ing a hotel in a sub-tropical climate. Similar study was carried out
water flow rate on the energy performance of the system. They by Vrachopoulos et al. [29]. They used a system of drop cloud via
found that compared to a dry air-cooled condenser, both the water spraying to an air-cooled condenser. Their results showed
calorific capacity and system COP increase by 13% and 55% the energy saving up to 58% by using this method. Hwang et al.
742 V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

Fig. 5. Schematic view of the evaporative-cooled air conditioner (Ref. [25]).

air temperature in summer and warmer than the air temperature

in winter. In this system, under cooling mode, operation heat is
discharged to a ground loop that provides a lower temperature
heat sink than ambient outdoor air temperature. During winter
heating operations, heat is extracted from a source that is at a high-
er temperature than ambient outdoor air. This system has been
used on a residential and commercial scale since the 1920s [31].
Studies on vertical close-loop ground-coupled heat pumps show
a yearly reduction of 30–70% in electrical energy consumption
for heating and cooling when compared to air-to-air heat pump
systems in a southern climate [32]. As reported in one study
[33], the COP of a ground source heat pump (GSHP) was higher
than that of air source heat pump (ASHP) by 74%, due to lower con-
densing temperatures in the GSHP system. Another study [34]
compared the GSHP and ASHP for an archives building; results
Fig. 6. Pipe and nozzle layouts of a mist system for the condenser of an air-cooled
chiller (Ref. [28]).
showed that while the initial cost for GSHP is more than ASHP,
the operating cost of the GSHP can be reduced by 55.8% with a pay-
back time of about 2 years. However, GSHPs capture only a small
[30] compared the performance of an evaporative-cooled con- percentage of the heating and cooling market due to the high cost
denser with that of a conventional air-cooled condenser for a split of installing the ground heat exchanger, which can increase system
heat pump system. The experimented unit was a conventional heat costs by 20–30% [35] and the initial capital cost by 30–50% when
pump with 9 kW cooling capacity in which the air-cooled con- compared to air source units [36]. Nevertheless, these systems
denser was replaced with an evaporative-cooled condenser while can reduce operating costs via taking benefit of off-peak electricity
the evaporator and compressor were retained. In this design, the tariffs [37,38]. This system was widely used in Europe and USA be-
condenser tubes were immersed in a water bath where ambient tween 2004 and 2007 [39], and about 60% of total public HVAC
air was blown across the rotated wheel submerged in the water installations in Korea in recent decades [40]. In China, use of this
bath. As the wheel rotated its wetted surfaces pull the film of water system is rapidly growing [41]; between 1985 and 2007, there
out of the bath into the air stream. The passing air evaporated has been increased number of patent applications for this system
some of the water film, reducing the temperature of remained with 278 patents issues and 157 patents under examination [42].
water on the wheel. The condenser tubes rejected heat to the water Furthermore, it is estimated that about 1.1 million ground source
bath and the evaporation of the water film rejected heat of the air heat pumps have been installed around the world [39]. Compared
stream. Therefore, the evaporative condenser had a benefit of a with standard technologies such as vapor compression systems,
lower condensing temperature than that of an air-cooled con- ground-coupled heat pumps create less noise, reasonable environ-
denser. The experimental results showed that the capacity and mental safety [43] and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
COP of the evaporative-cooled system can be increased by 1.8– 66% or more compared with conventional heating and cooling
8.1% and 11.1–21.6% respectively. systems.
Magraner et al. [44] compared the long term energy perfor-
mance experimental measurements of a monitored ground cou-
4. Ground-coupled HVAC systems pled heat pump system with the predictions from a design
procedure by using TRNSYS simulation tool. The geothermal sys-
Ground-coupled technology relies on the fact that, at depth, the tem was consisted of a reversible water to water heat pump with
Earth has a relatively constant temperature that is colder than the 15.9 kW of nominal cooling capacity and 19.3 kW of nominal heat-
V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754 743

ing capacity, a vertical borehole heat exchanger and a hydraulic compared with a conventional ground heat pump (GSHP). They
group. The vertical heat exchanger was made up of 6 boreholes used a heat pump with nominal capacity of 7 kW and working fluid
of 50 m depth in a rectangular configuration, with two boreholes of R410A. The COP of the HGSHP was found 21% higher than that of
in the short side of the rectangle and three in the large side. The the conventional GSHP. Inalli and Esen [49] analyzed the perfor-
energy performance of the monitored ground coupled heat pump mance of a horizontal GSHP with R22 as the refrigerant for a heat-
system was calculated using the instantaneous measurements of ing mode. The influence of various system parameters such as the
temperature, flow and power consumption. Their results showed buried depth of earth coupled heat exchanger and water-antifreeze
that the heat pump nominal coefficient of performance is the solution mass flow rate were examined on the COP of the system.
parameter that mostly affects the energy performance predictions. The average COP for the GSHP was found 2.66 and 2.81 at 1 and
Pardo et al. [45] evaluated the energy efficiency of several air con- 2 m depths respectively. Bakirci and Colak [50] evaluated the per-
ditioning configurations using a heat pump system. They evaluate formance of a GSHP with and without superheating and sub-cool-
the electrical energy consumption of a conventional air to water ing heat exchanger (SHCHE) for a cold climate conditions. Their
heat pump (AWHP) and a conventional ground coupled heat pump experimental results indicated that the system with and without
(GCHP). Then they combined both AWHP and GCHP to study its en- SHCHE are not very different in terms of COP. However it was
ergy performance. Afterwards, they combined a stratified water found that, the system with SHCHE is preferred for higher con-
tank as thermal storage device separately with AWHP and GCHP denser water temperature. Lee and Lam [51] developed a hybrid
to analysis these new coupled systems. Finally they presented a ground coupled liquid desiccant air conditioning system (GCLDAC)
hybrid configuration which combines both AWHP and GCHP to- in which the fresh air was supplied by the liquid supply cycle and
gether with a stratified water tank and then they compared the mixed air was handled by a conventional geothermal heat pump. It
efficiency improvement of these different configurations. They was found that for fresh air ratios of 0.066 and 0.122, the borehole
found that the last configuration gives the most efficient combina- length for GCLDAC was reduced by respectively 10.1% and 14.3%.
tion and has the best pay-back period. Jeon et al. [46] measured Their economic analysis showed that if the borehole installation
and analyzed the performance of a hybrid cooling system that cost exceeded 35 USD per meter, then cost saving may be achieved
combines a screw water chiller with a ground source heat pump for both fresh air ratios.
(GSHP) as demonstrated in Fig. 7. The COP of the combined system
was lower than that of a conventional chiller but the configured 5. Thermal storage systems
system helped to stably provide the required cooling demand at
high-load conditions. They also simulated the performance of the Thermal storage systems (TSS) shift the energy usage of the
proposed system by varying operating parameter and found that HVAC systems from on-peak to off-peak periods to avoid peak de-
the chilled water temperature is the effective control parameter. mand charges. TSS are also able to rate variance between energy
Results showed that by proper control of the chilled water temper- supply and energy demand to conserve energy [52]. In this system,
ature a lower power usage can be achieved while maintaining Energy for cooling is stored at low temperatures normally below
comfort conditions for the building. Gasparella et al. [47] presented 20 °C for cooling, while energy for heating is stored at tempera-
a hybrid cooling system which combines a ground source heat tures usually above 20 °C [53]. Compared to conventional HVAC
pump and a desiccant based air-handling unit. In this design, des- systems, TSS offers various advantages for heating and cooling sys-
iccant system of a ventilation airstream could control summer tems, such as energy and capital cost savings, system operation
humidity while borehole heat exchangers were used to meet the improvements, system capacity extending and equipment size
sensible load. In winter, the air-handling unit could operate at reduction, resulting in a technology that is widely used. Yau and
higher temperature level allowing sensible and latent heat recov- Rismanchi reported that in early 1990s, about 1500–2000 units
ery. Results showed the primary energy savings around 30% per of TSS were employed in the US for office, school and hospital
year with respect to a conventional HVAC system with gas fired buildings [54]. Cooling thermal storage can be classified according
water heater for heating and vapor compression chiller for cooling. to the thermal medium as presented by Al-Abidi et al. [55] and
This system is shown in Fig. 8. shown in Fig. 9. Ice and chilled-water storage systems are two
A hybrid ground source heat pump combining of a ground flow most commons TSS. In these systems, ice or chilled water is stored
loop and a supplemental heat rejection loop (HGSHP) in parallel in tanks to cool buildings during peak electricity usage periods. In
was proposed by Park et al. [48] and its performance was an ice storage system, ice is usually generated using glycol or brine

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the hybrid cooling system that combined an air-cooled screw chiller with a ground source heat pump (Ref. [46]).
744 V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

Fig. 8. Block diagram of the underground thermal energy storage and desiccant dehumidification plant: (a) winter operation and (b) summer operation (Ref. [47]).

Fig. 9. Classification of cooling thermal energy storage (Ref. [55]).

solutions. There are various types of ice storage systems. An ice parameters of this system, both the energetic and exergetic behav-
harvester system uses an open insulated storage tank and a vertical ior of the system should be considered as reported by Ezan et al.
plate surface which is located above the tank. During the charging [56], whose study concluded that the storage capacity and energy
period, water flows on the outside surface of the evaporator and efficiency of this system increases as a result of decreasing the inlet
forms ice sheets. Ice slurry is another type of the ice storage system temperature of the heat transfer fluid and increasing the length of
in which a glycol–water solution passes through pipes submerged the tube, while exergy efficiency increases in response to increas-
in an evaporating refrigerant to form the ice. The generated ice par- ing the inlet temperature of the heat transfer fluid and increasing
ticles are then dropped into the storage tank. the length of the tube. However, it is worth noting that ice storage
In an ice-on-coil system, the refrigerant is evaporated by a coil systems may use more natural resources because they have lower
submerged in water. The remaining cold water in the storage tank COP than conventional air conditioning systems and also because
is then used for cooling in air-handling units. Often, this system is the natural resource usage for generating a kWh electricity during
employed for industrial applications as it requires significant off-peak periods is higher than that in the peak periods. On the
amounts of refrigerant. Furthermore, when determining the design other hand, applying the ice thermal storage on air conditioning
V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754 745

systems will increase the load of the peak generating unit during climate. Their results show the potential of energy savings up to
the off-peak periods which decrease the natural resource con- 61.9% is possible. Sehar et al. [61] evaluated the impact of ice stor-
sumption for generating kWh electricity. As a result, it is necessary age system on the chiller energy consumption for large and med-
to calculate the effect of applying ice thermal storage air condition- ium-sized office buildings in diverse climate zone. Their results
ing system on the natural resource consumption [57]. indicated that chiller energy consumption for both non-storage
Chilled water storage tanks are normally charged with water at and ice storage systems depend highly on climatic conditions.
4–6 °C. Full chilled water storage system can reduced peak cooling The ice storage system was able to achieve peak energy savings
electric demand by 80–90% compared with conventional cooling by reducing the chiller operation. Sebzali et al. [62] applied the life
systems [58]. It should be noted that thermal storage systems do cycle cost (LCC) method into the chilled water thermal storage air
not necessarily save energy, but can considerably diminish the en- conditioning systems to determine the most cost effective storage
ergy cost: a comparison study between conventional air cooling strategy. They examined two operation strategies namely partial
system and ice thermal storage cooling system carried out by Chai- and full storage. In the partial storage (load leveling) strategy in
chana et al. [59] showed that the full ice thermal storage can re- which the chiller operated in 50% of its duty cycle, the storage sys-
duce 5% of system energy consumption but can save up to 55% of tem helps chiller to meet the building temperature requirements.
the electricity cost required for cooling per month. In full storage strategy, the chiller was completely turns off and
There are two types of thermal storage systems: full storage and stored chilled water was used to meet the cooling demand. Their
partial storage. In the full TSS, all refrigeration compressors cease results showed the lowest life cycle cost for the load leveling strat-
to operate in on-peak hours and the building cooling demand dur- egy. The effects of using an ice cool thermal storage system with
ing that period is completely offset by the chilled-water supplied different operation strategies such as load leveling, demand limit-
from the thermal storage tank. Partial TSS is classified by load lev- ing and full storage operations on a chiller was studied for a clinic
eling mode and demand limited mode. In load leveling mode, com- building by Sebzali and Rubini [63]. Results showed that the full
pressors are operated at full capacity during on-peak hours, while storage operation and load leveling strategy have respectively
in demand limited mode only part of the compressors is operated. the largest and smallest chiller and storage capacities and peak
Wang et al. [60] proposed a hybrid system which is a combina- electrical reduction.
tion of cooled ceiling, microencapsulated phase change material Cold storage systems have also been used for the purpose of
(MPCM) slurry storage and evaporative cooling technologies and cold-air distribution, which allows cooled air to be supplied at low-
is shown in Fig. 10. They used a conventional vapor compression er temperatures. This causes a reduction of 30–40% in fan electrical
refrigeration system to provide auxiliary cooling water generation demand and energy consumption [64]. In this regards, Stritih and
in the case when the cooling energy stored in the MPCM slurry is Butala [65] presented an experimental analysis of cooling buildings
not enough to provide the cooling for the ceiling panels. In this de- using night-time cold accumulation in a phase change material. In
sign, the cooling energy generated by the cooling tower can be this system, the cold storage was filled with paraffin and located in
stored in MPCM slurry to be used for the sensible heat removal an air duct that let in cold air during night. During the day-time hot
from the space via a ceiling cooling system. Simulation results rec- air was led through the air duct and was cooled down due to melt-
ommended the proposed hybrid system for climatic conditions ing of paraffin. Their results indicated that the proposed method
where the weather is dry and the diurnal temperature difference could reduce the energy needed for building cooling. Nagano
is high. Rahman et al. [53] presented the technical and economical et al. [66] proposed a floor supply air conditioning system in which
feasibility of thermal storage tank systems in a building in subtrop- a granular latent heat storage material was used by impregnating
ical Central Queensland, Australia. They found that cool TSS cou- foamed glass beads with paraffin wax. As shown in Fig. 11, in this
pled with a conventional air-cooled chiller system is a suitable system the temperature of supply air entering the under floor
selection for both full load and partial load conditions in that space is reduced by using the granular PMC. Their simulation re-

Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of the hybrid system: a MPCM slurry storage tank, cooled ceiling and cooling tower (Ref. [60]).
746 V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

Fig. 11. Concept of the floor supply air conditioning system using granular phase change material (Ref. [66]).

sults for an office building indicated that about 89% of the daily 6. Heat recovery systems
cooling load could be stored each night by this system when using
a 30 mm thick packed bed of the granular PMC. ASHRAE standards recommend the amount of required fresh air
The thermal performance of a thermal battery used in the ice for different buildings. Unconditioned air greatly increases the
storage air conditioning system as a sub-cooler was experimentally building’s cooling needs, which ultimately leads to an increase in
investigated by Huang et al. [67]. In their design, the storage tank the overall energy consumption of the building’s HVAC systems.
was consisted of the group of finned tubes and charge and dis- In the central cooling plant, the amount of fresh air is determined
charge heat exchanger. The storage tank was filled with water. based on the upper limits of the concentrations of indoor air pollu-
The low-temperature R22 flowed into the charge heat exchanger tants which normally is between 10% and 30% of the total air flow
where the thermal energy contained in the water was transferred rate [69]. In modern buildings the ventilation losses can become
to the R22 inside the finned tubes. The liquid R22 then absorbed more than 50% of total thermal losses [70]. However, mechanical
thermal energy to solidify the water as ice in the storage tank. ventilation can consume up to 50% of electrical power used in res-
The ice storage then was used as a sub-cooler for the air condition- idential buildings [71]. In addition, in hot and humid regions
ing system. According to their results, this system gives 28% more mechanical ventilation systems appropriate about 20–40% of the
cooling capacity and 8% higher COP by using the thermal battery as total energy usage of the air conditioning systems [72].
a sub-cooler. A combination of radiant cooling and an air-condi- Heat recovery techniques can be used to recover energy that
tioner integrated with ice storage system was studied by Matsuki might otherwise be wasted. The objective of heat recovery is to re-
et al. [68] as shown in Fig. 12. In their design, the chilled-water duce the cost of operating an HVAC system by transferring heat be-
for the air-conditioner was provided by ice storage system. The tween two fluids such as exhaust air and fresh air. According to
air-conditioner then supplied low temperature and humidity air ASHRAE handbook of HVAC Systems and Equipment (2008) [64]
into the ceiling and cooled it. This air then was blown into the there are three types of heat recovery systems: comfort-to-com-
room. Since ice storage system provided chilled water between 1 fort, process-to-comfort, and process-to-process. Comfort-to-com-
and 2 °C to the air conditioner, the air temperature at the air con- fort systems use exhaust air that is captured and reused as the
ditioner outlet (hi) supplied low temperature and humidity air into waste heat energy to precondition the fresh air coming into the
the ceiling. This conditioned air was directly supplied to the ceiling HVAC system. This type of heat recovery system can be used as
plenum and cooled the ceiling surface, then was blown into the the sensible heat recovery mode and in total heat transfer mode.
room. The room temperature and temperature of ceiling panel Usually, rotary wheel heat exchangers are used for comfort-to-
are respectively shown by (hr) and (hc) in Fig. 12. Therefore, this comfort heat recovery systems [64]. Process-to-comfort and pro-
system could provide less supply air temperature (ho) compared cess-to process systems perform sensible heat recovery. Different
with conventional chilled water air conditioning systems in which types of heat recovery systems, which are used to recovery energy
their supplied chilled water temperature is 7 °C. between supply and exhaust airflows, consist of fixed plate, rotary
wheel, heat pipe and run-around coil [64]. However, heat and
moisture recovery can save around 70–90% of the energy that is
used for cooling and dehumidifying the fresh air [73] but it should
be noted that the investment and running costs are the major ex-
penses associated with heat recovery systems [74].
Nasif et al. [75] studied the annual energy consumption of an air
conditioner coupled with an enthalpy/membrane heat exchanger
and compared it with a conventional air conditioning. They found
that in humid climate, the annual energy saving of up to 8% is pos-
sible when using the membrane heat exchanger instead of a con-
ventional HVAC system. An experimental analysis was carried
out by Fernandez-Seara et al. [76] on an air-to-air heat recovery
unit equipped with a sensible polymer plate heat exchanger for
ventilation systems in residential buildings. The layout of their sys-
tem with its heat recovery unit is shown in Fig. 13. As a part of
their results, the heat transfer rate increased almost linearlyas
Fig. 12. Hybrid system: radiant cooling and low temperature air conditioning
integrated with ice storage system (Ref. [68]). the air flow rate increased. The heat transfer rate increased around
V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754 747

Fig. 13. Left: Layout of the experimental facility of the heat recovery unit, Right: Heat recovery unit (Ref. [76]).

65% by increasing the air flow rate from 50 m3/h to 175 m3/h. The
impact of energy recovery ventilator on annual cooling and heating
energy consumption was investigated for a 10 story-office building
by Rasouli et al. [77]. Their results indicated that up to 20% and 40%
annual cooling and heating energy consumption can respectively
be saved using the system. Delfani et al. [78] evaluated four types
of air conditioning system experimentally as: MCC system in
which a cooling coil was used to cool the indoor air and 30% of
the outdoor air was mixed to 70% of return air. No heat recovery
was used in this system. The second system called MHCC in which
incoming outdoor air was cooled using a heat exchanger before it
was introduced to the cooling coil for dehumidification and then
the air goes through the second passage of the heat exchanger
for pre-heating. In the third system, HCC, return air was used for Fig. 14. Schematic of a run-around membrane energy exchanger (RAMEE) system
pre-cooling the outdoor air that passes via the cooling coil. The in a HVAC line (Ref. [81]).
fourth system named HHCC used an extra heat exchanger to re-
cover the return air for cooling the outdoor air. Their results dem-
onstrated that HHCC consumed lower energy up to 32% in ity to absorb, store and release the mass or heat. Sometimes, mod-
comparison to HCC in hot and humid areas. Also MHCC was able ifying the design criteria enables air conditioning systems to work
to use 12% less energy than MCC system. Wallin et al. [79] investi- more efficient without imposing additional costs. One of the crite-
gated on how to increase energy performance of a run around coil ria that can be modified is that of building’s indoor temperature at
ventilation heat recovery system. They compared three systems for a set point during the period in which the building is unoccupied.
Stockholm, Sweden: the traditional run around coil heat recovery Another option is to re-circulate the outdoor air inside the building
system; the run around coil retrofitted with three stages heat during the unoccupied period when its temperature is less than the
pump and run around coil retrofitted with variable capacity heat desired unoccupied indoor temperature. Sometimes although new
pump. Their annual simulation results showed that by retrofitting configuration of HVAC systems leads to reduce their energy con-
the three stages heat pump to the run around coil the annual heat sumption, it may change the system operational set-points. This
recovery rate for the Stockholm case is increased from 47% to 65%. can reduce the potential of the system to maintain the comfort
For a retrofitted variable speed capacity heat pump for the Stock- conditions inside the building [82].
holm case the annual heat recovery improved from 47% to 66%. The solution here is to employ other techniques to fulfill the
Moreover, they found that the variable speed heat pump and the problem, although this has the potential to increase the initial sys-
multistage heat pump could respectively cover 81% and 77% of tem cost [83]. In these cases, an economic comparison must be
the total ventilation heating demand. made to determine whether the new system will provide payback
A mixed air-energy recovery system was designed and tested by of the additional costs within a reasonable timeframe.
Martinez et al. [80] consisting of two heat pipes and indirect evap- Some methods are only effective under special conditions. One
orative recuperators. The heat pipe energy recovery equipment example is a liquid pressure amplification approach, which results
was used to cover sensible heat. They obtained the COP value of in significant energy savings for vapor compression refrigeration
9.83 for their proposed system. Mahmud et al. [81] built and tested systems. In this method, a liquid pressure pump is installed in
a run around membrane energy exchanger (RAMEE) for HVAC the outlet line of the condenser after the liquid receiver. The pump
applications which consists of two counter-cross flow liquid-to- provides the stable pressure needed for the expansion valve and al-
air membrane energy exchangers in which a micro-porous mem- lows the condensing pressure, and hence the compressor delivery
brane separates the air and desiccant solution streams. As shown pressure, to float with ambient temperatures. Fig. 15 shows the
in Fig. 14, this system is located in supply and exhaust air streams concept of this method on p–h diagram. However, the energy sav-
of the building. The RAMEE system exchanges sensible and latent ing potential of this method would be limited to the period in
energy between the supply and exhaust air streams by using a des- which ambient temperature falls to low temperature [84]. Another
iccant solution. They achieved the maximum total effectiveness of example is radiant ceiling cooling systems which can significantly
the proposed system about 55%. reduce energy consumption, but are unable to moderate indoor
humidity. To overcome this limitation, Fauchoux et al. [85] devel-
oped a new panel which was able to transfer heat and moisture.
7. Other strategies However, while chilled-ceiling systems can provide substantial
energy savings, there is the risk of water condensation gathering
Many studies have been carried out on energy savings for HVAC on the system’s chilled panels resulting in water dropping on the
systems that result from the use of materials with enhanced capac- ceiling. To solve this problem, Niu et al. [86] proposed a combina-
748 V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

Fig. 15. P–h diagram of air-cooled air conditioning system equipped with liquid pressure amplifier.

tion of a chilled-ceiling system with a desiccant cooling system. 42%. Naticchia et al. [88] evaluated the energy performance of an
Furthermore, they considered another three systems such as con- evaporative cooling method, exploring both air ventilation and
ventional all-air systems, all-air systems with heat recovery, and water latent heat using a porous insulation materials as absorption
radiant cooling with air-handling unit, which they then used as matrix. The prototype was built and installed in a cavity of an
comparison points for their proposed combination systems. Their experimental façade to cancel conduction gains through walls
results indicated that the proposed hybrid chilled-ceiling system and reduces the core wall temperature. Their experimental analy-
could save up to 44% of energy usage when compared to a conven- sis showed the capability of the proposed approach to decrease the
tional, constant volume all-air system. overall summer energy load in buildings. Naphon [89] presented
Hao et al. [87] used a combined system of chilled ceiling, dis- the performance of an air-conditioner with 12,000 Btu/h when
placement ventilation and desiccant dehumidification for space combining with three set of heat pipe for cooling air before enter-
conditioning in a hot and humid climate as shown in Fig. 16. They ing the condenser as shown in Fig. 17. The heat pipes are fabricated
found that the proposed design could save 8.2% of total primary from the straight copper tube with the length and diameter of
energy consumption while achieving better comfort condition 600 mm and 10 mm respectively. For the indoor design tempera-
inside the building. Ma et al. [12] presented the performance anal- ture kept at 25–26 °C, their results indicated that the proposed de-
ysis of a hybrid air conditioning system including vapor compres- sign could increase the COP and EER of the system by 6.4% and
sion, desiccant dehumidification and adsorption refrigeration 17.5% respectively. However, the maintenance, capital cost and
techniques. Their results showed that the performance of the pro- payback period of this method should be considered.
posed system is respectively 44.5% and 73.8% higher than vapor Ejector cooling technology is another energy-efficient strategy
compression refrigeration system at the latent load of 30% and with more installation, maintenance and construction simplicity

Fig. 16. The schematic of combined system of chilled ceiling, displacement ventilation and desiccant dehumidification (Ref. [87]).
V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754 749

Fig. 17. Left: Schematic diagram of the air conditioner with heat pipe for cooling air in the condenser, Right: Schematic diagram of the heat pipe set and condenser unit with
heat pipe set. (Ref. [89]).

than conventional vapor compression refrigeration systems. In an plastic capillary tube nets are connected to the supply and return
ejector refrigeration system the compression may be obtained water system which is supported by a chiller. Supply water tem-
without using mechanical energy [90]. The development trend perature is controlled in rang of 8–14 °C. Air is then entered
and history of this technique has been investigated by Elbel and through the inlet at the top of the tube nets and left the cooling
Hrnjak [91]. In a heat pump system, the ejector takes the place system to the room. Results demonstrated that the room tempera-
of the electrically driven compressor, but uses heat rather than ture is about 23–28 °C which means the system can provide the re-
electricity to produce the compression effect. This system usually quired room cooling demand. Fasiuddin and Budaiwi [96]
needs a heat source with the temperature more than 80 °C. Com- investigated the impact of different HVAC system strategies on
pared with vapor compression systems, the ejector cooling sys- energy conservation in a commercial building in Dhahran, Saudi
tems have lower COP [92]. Guo and Shen [93] presented a Arabia. Their results demonstrated that using variable air volume
dynamic model for investigating the performance of a solar-driven (VAV) system instead of unitary system could save energy around
ejector refrigeration plant for an office building. Their results dem- 22%. Also they found that an increase in indoor temperature by 3 °C
onstrated that the proposed system could conserve more than 75% results in 17% of saving. Modifying the fan operation schedule gave
of electricity compared with traditional compressor based air con- saving about 21.4%. The use of 28 °C set point temperature during
ditioner. Zhu and Jiang [94] combined a vapor compression refrig- unoccupied periods resulted in 18% saving. However, they con-
eration cycle with an ejector cooling cycle which is demonstrated cluded that energy saving of about 25% can be achieved in combi-
in Fig. 18. The ejector cooling system was driven by the waste heat nation of different HVAC operation strategies. Hu and Tsao [97]
from the condenser of the vapor compression system. The cooling compared five different HVAC designs including recirculation air
capacity obtained from the ejector cycle was directly fed into the unit (RCU), combination of RCU with make-up air unit (MAU),
evaporator of the vapor compression cycle. They found that the combination of RCU, MAU and fan-coil unit (FCU), combination
COP of the hybrid system can be significantly increased when the of MAU and axial fan system and combination of MAU with fan-fil-
compressor discharge temperature is larger than 100 °C. Results ter unit (FFU) for a typical 200 mm wafer fabrication plant. They
indicated an increase of 5.5% and 8.6% for hybrid system average found that the most efficient system is the combination of MAU
COP with R152a and R22 respectively while the average COP in- and FFU system. Also results showed that bypassing return air to
crease of hybrid system with R134a was 0.7% due to its low com- mix with make-up air can considerably reduce the energy
pressor discharge temperature. consumption of the RCU system. Bojic et al. [98] investigated three
Li and Zhao [95] analyzed the indoor air temperature distribu- different systems for space heating and cooling of an office build-
tion of gravity air-conditioning system. In this system, several ing as: (1) a system with a natural gas boiler and convective base-
board hears for water space heating and window air conditioners
for air space cooling, (2) a system with a natural gas boiler and
individual air heaters for air space heating and a chiller plant for
air space cooling and (3) an air-to-air heat pump for air space heat-
ing and cooling. Simulation results showed that the first investi-
gated system has the highest energy efficiency, the best economy
and the lowest environmental impact. However, they mentioned
that for a complete analysis the investment costs, the maintenance
costs and other factors should be considered. Ali [99] studied the
feasibility of using naturally cooled water for human thermal com-
fort inside the buildings. The water was cooled in an uninsulated
open tank by evaporation, convection and sky radiation at night
in hot arid areas. Their experimental results for a tank having an
open surface area of 1 m2 and depth of 0.5 m showed that the
water temperature values ranged from 17.2 °C to 18.9 °C and
23.8 °C to 27.1 °C can be obtained at the beginning and ends of
the night respectively. Kilkis [100] presented a hybrid HVAC sys-
tem in which a wind turbine was coupled with a convective and
Fig. 18. Schematic view of the vapor compression refrigeration system with the radiant heating and cooling system and in-space thermal energy
integrated ejector cooling cycle (Ref. [94]).
750 V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

Fig. 19. Wind turbine driven ground source heat pump coupling to a hybrid HVAC system (Ref. [100]).

storage in order to satisfy the thermal loads of a 100 m2 home as calculated based on the cooling load and ambient dry-bulb tem-
demonstrated in Fig. 19. In this design, a 6 kW wind turbine was perature profiles. Optimization was performed by using empiri-
employed to drive a ground source heat pump. They found that cally-based models of the refrigeration system components for
such a system is more useful when the heating and cooling de- energy savings. Their results were showed about 9% saving of the
mand of the building are similar in magnitude. Sand and Fischer average power consumption. Lee et al. [105] developed and imple-
[101] combined a vapor compression rooftop package air condi- mented an energy management system (EMS) for a series of cen-
tioning system with an active desiccant system. The desiccant sys- trifugal chillers. The EMS system was able to reduce the total
tem was located after the cooling coil to dehumidify a portion of annual electricity consumption of the chillers by 23.2%. Plessis
cooled air leaving the cooling coil. This design can improve the en- et al. [106] developed an energy management system for a deep-
ergy performance of the rooftop package when is used to precondi- mine cooling system. The energy management system was con-
tion of large amounts of outdoor air. Their simulation analysis sisted of a supervisory controller which optimized the variable
showed the 45% reduction in operation cost for hybrid system set-points of the real-time system component. Their energy man-
compared with the conventional rooftop package. agement system led to an average electrical energy saving of 33.3%.
Using the energy management systems (EMS) can be consid-
ered as another efficient method which can lead to HVAC energy 8. Effect of building behavior
usage reduction. It has been reported in several studies that adjust-
ing the system variables to their optimum set-points can signifi- The energy consumption of an HVAC system depends not only
cantly reduce the energy consumption. Yu and Chan [102], on its performance and operational parameters, but also on the
studied how the condensing temperature control and variable characteristics of the heating and cooling demand and the thermo-
chilled water flow can increase the COP of an air-cooled centrifugal dynamic behavior of the building. The actual load of the HVAC sys-
chiller. They used variable speed drive for condenser fans to adjust tems is less than it is designed in most operating periods due to
the condensing temperature based on the ambient temperature building behavior [107]. Therefore, the most important factors that
and chiller load. In addition, the water flow rate of the evaporator contribute to HVAC energy usage reduction in a given building is
was controlled to investigate its influence on the system COP. They proper control of the heating and cooling demand [108]. Integrated
found that by controlling the condensing temperature and evapo- control of building cooling load components, such as solar radia-
rator water flow rate, the COP of the system can increase by 0.8– tion, lighting and fresh air, can result in significant energy savings
191.7% depending on cooling load profile and ambient conditions. in a building’s cooling plant. It is estimated that around 70% of en-
Chen and Deng [103] investigated the effect of a direct-digital-con- ergy savings is possible through the use of better design technolo-
trol (DDC) based capacity controller on a variable air volume (VAV) gies to coordinate the building demand with its HVAC system
air conditioning system. The controller regulates the compressor capacity [109]. Korolija et al. [110] investigated the relationship
speed to enhance the performance of the system. The controller between building heating and cooling load and subsequent energy
was programmed using the real-time monitored operating data. usage with different HVAC systems. Their results indicated that the
Their results demonstrated that the desired supply air temperature building energy performance cannot be evaluated only based on
set-points can be achieved by using this method which reduces the building heating and cooling demand due to its dependency on
total electricity usage of the system. Vakiloroaya et al. [104] pre- HVAC thermal characteristics. Huang et al. [111] developed and
sented a comprehensive refinement of system optimization of evaluated five energy management control functions programmed
air-cooled direct expansion refrigeration systems for commercial according to the building behavior and implemented for a variable
buildings to address the energy saving problem. They used an ac- air volume HVAC system. Their simulation results demonstrated
tual DX rooftop package of a commercial building in the hot and that energy saving of 17% can be achieved when the system is
dry climate condition for experimentation and data collection. operated with these control functions. Tzempelikos and Athienitis
The optimal supply air temperature and refrigerant flow rate were [112] presented the simultaneous impact of glazing area and shad-
Table 1
Comparison of different HVAC energy saving strategies.

System type Capital cost Advantages Disadvantages Application Projected improvement

Direct evaporative cooling (DEC) systems They are among the very cheap air Reduction of pollution emissions/ Cannot effectively work when ambient When comfort Their performance can be
conditioning systems life cycle cost effectiveness/ relative humidity if higher than 40% conditions are significantly improved using
reduction of peak demand not target several approaches
In direct evaporative cooling (IEC) systems Their running and capital cost is higher Their air quality is considerably Their installation and operation are more All buildings Still there are several
than DEC systems but lower than vapor higher than DEC/More energy complex than DEC systems opportunities to improve
compression air conditioning systems efficient compared with vapor their performance
compression refrigeration systems
Evaporative-cooled air conditioning Water usage cost is increased while Can significantly reduce the energy Their energy saving potential is limited to Can be applied Control methods can reduce
systems electricity usage cost is reduced. In total, consumption of the air conditioning a period that ambient temperature is on air-cooled the water usage of the

V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

this method add less cost than other system in peak demand conditions high vapor evaporative-cooled
discussed methods to the air condition compression air condenser
system conditioning
Liquid pressure amplification (LPA) More expensive than conventional vapor Results in significant energy savings Their energy saving potential is limited to Can be applied This method can be applied
systems compression refrigeration systems but for vapor compression refrigeration a period that ambient temperature falls on air-cooled in more air-cooled vapor
cheaper than thermal storage, heat systems whilst provides reasonable to low temperature vapor compression air conditioning
recovery, ground-coupled and desiccant timeframe payback of the compression air systems in operation today
cooling systems additional costs conditioning worldwide
Thermal storage systems Expensive in both capital and running They significantly reduce the Their coefficient of performance is less Buildings with Robust control method can
cost electric energy cost/Required than conventional vapor compression air high cooling, enhance the efficiency of this
smaller ducting system than conditioners short duration system
conventional air systems demands
Heat recovery systems Expensive in both capital and running Highly Energy Efficient in Larger than conventional air-handling Commercial Their dimension can be
cost temperate climates units buildings reduced by increasing the
efficiency of heat recovery
Ground-coupled systems Expensive in both capital and running Compared with standard vapor requirements of deep below the earth’s Residential and Investigations should be
cost compression systems, this system surface/Very high upfront costs commercial done to optimize the
creates less noise and reduces buildings installation method and cost
greenhouse gas emissions
Chilled-ceiling systems Reasonable timeframe payback of the They require cooled water instead Are unable to moderate indoor humidity/ Public buildings More study are required to
additional costs of chilled water which lead to less Risk of condensation at cold surface reduce the risk of
refrigeration condensation using new
Desiccant cooling systems Expensive in both capital and running When used in conjunction with Some desiccants are corrosive/Response Commercial This system can gradually
cost conventional air conditioning time is relatively large/Crystallization Buildings/ attain wider market
systems, humidity control is may be a problem Supermarket penetration
Ejector cooling systems Reasonable timeframe payback of the More installation, maintenance and This system needs a heat source with the When enough Studies should be carried out
additional costs construction simplicity than temperature more than 80 °C/Compared heat source to enhance the coefficient of
conventional vapor compression with conventional vapor compression temperature is performance of this system
refrigeration systems systems, the ejector cooling systems have available
lower COP
Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems Expensive in both capital and running Efficient in part load conditions Required extra control systems/Cannot Residential and Several efforts are currently
cost provide full control of humidity commercial carrying out to enhance the
buildings performance of this system

752 V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754

ing control on building cooling and lighting demand using a cou- of equipment area, filter capacity and air delivery must be weighed
pled lighting and thermal simulation module. The simulation re- against the energy savings of evaporative cooling versus refrigera-
sults showed that the integrated control of motorized shading tion cooling.
and electric lighting systems could reduce the building energy de- Another issue that drastically increases the energy usage of
mand. Sun et al. [113] proposed a methodology to get a near-opti- HVAC systems is the requirement for fresh air in the buildings they
mal strategy for controlling the shading blinds, natural ventilation, cool. The amount of fresh air for a building is dependent on the
lights and HVAC system jointly but they did not consider the real type of activities taking place in the building. However, in the case
monitored data for HVAC system to survey the influence of their that a building needs more fresh air to produce positive pressure
proposed integrated control on the HVAC energy saving potential. inside the space, using a heat recovery system is the best option.
Kim et al. [114] investigated the influence of manual and auto- For buildings with lower fresh air level quotas, controlling and
mated blinds on the both cooling energy consumption and thermal adjusting the fresh air flow rates based on design criteria is a more
comfort. Their study showed that in terms of cooling energy usage, efficient method. Thermal storage systems are appropriate when
automated blinds reduce the required cooling demand compared maximum cooling load is significantly higher than average load.
to manual blinds which are fully opened while the automated Therefore, these systems are normally used for commercial and
blinds can block the solar radiation according to the ambient industrial buildings but have fewer benefits in residential build-
conditions. ings. Among the buildings most suited to thermal storage systems
are buildings with high cooling, short duration demands. Although
capital costs for this sort of systems tend to be higher than a con-
9. Discussion ventional system, but smaller ducting system for the thermal stor-
age system can compensation that additional cost. While this
Energy-efficient HVAC system designs depend on new configu- system has higher upfront costs, its reduced energy usage will re-
rations of traditional systems that make better use of existing sult in significant long-term savings as a result of lower energy
parts. One effective way of achieving energy efficiency has been bills. A ground-source heat pump takes advantage of more benign
the design of HVAC system configurations that combine a range climates belowground, limiting the efficacy of this sort of system
of different traditional HVAC system components. Recent research for aboveground installations. Furthermore, other factors such as
has demonstrated that a combination of existing air conditioning maintenance and cost of repairs would cost more compared to
technologies can offer effective solutions for energy conservation other HVAC systems. Determining the most appropriate HVAC sys-
and thermal comfort [109]. Each HVAC discipline has specific de- tem option for a given building is a complex exercise that requires
sign requirements and each presents opportunities for energy sav- detailed analysis of cost and energy savings and offsets, as well as a
ings. It must be understood, however, that different configurations holistic analysis of various internal and external factors. Perhaps,
in one area may augment or diminish savings in another. For one strategy is suitable for summer while it is not energy-efficient
example, a new configuration might improve system performance for winter. In this case, choosing individual systems for summer
and thus raise its energy saving potential, but this raises the up- and winter should be analyzed to give the optimum solution.
front cost of the system. Consequently, it is important that the Although due to practical matters, considering all of these factors
use of a new configured system results in electricity savings that simultaneously is difficult, but a designer should heed and exploit
are large enough to pay back initial investments in a suitably short the best energy reduction strategies by attending all technically,
time. In this regard, a newly-developed system that can heat and economically and applicability facts. However, all of discussed
cool at low cost is very desirable because of the increased financial methods in this study can be retrofitted to the existing conven-
savings on offer. The literature shows that a blend of air condition- tional HVAC system. The cost, advantages, disadvantages, applica-
ing technologies can offer effective solutions for energy conserva- tion and projected improvement of all aforementioned strategies
tion and thermal comfort. The main aim of this comparison have been summarized in Table 1.
study between various types of HVAC systems is to find the opti-
mum configuration for air conditioning systems that provide max-
imum cooling performance while minimizing electrical power
consumption, with a view to slowing the rampant growth of daily 10. Conclusion
peak demand on the electricity grid in summer. In this regard, the
architectural limitations of the building must be taken into ac- Conventional HVAC systems rely heavily on energy generated
count. This would reduce the number of possible HVAC systems from fossil fuels, which are being rapidly depleted. This together
that are suitable for installation in a commercial or residential with a growing demand for cost-effective infrastructure and appli-
building. Additionally, climatic conditions may influence the final ances has necessitated new installations and major retrofits in
system selection. In vapor compression air conditioning systems, occupied buildings to achieve energy efficiency and environmental
the water-cooled units have a higher COP than air-cooled units sustainability. Therefore, finding novel ways towards green build-
due to their lower refrigerant condensing temperature [115]. How- ings without compromising comfort and indoor air quality remains
ever, since the performance of cooling tower as the main part of a challenge for research and development. The overall attainable
water-cooled systems is highly dependent on ambient relative reduction in energy consumption and enhancement of human
humidity, then water-cooled air conditioning systems cannot be comfort in the buildings are dependent on the performance of
used in areas with high ambient relative humidity. It has been esti- HVAC systems. One proven way of achieving energy efficiency in
mated that the efficiency of evaporative cooling system such as HVAC systems is to design systems that use novel configurations
cooling tower and air washers is significantly increased when the of existing system components. Recent research has demonstrated
ambient relative humidity is lower than approximately 40% that a combination of existing air conditioning technologies can of-
[116]. However, in dry regions, evaporative cooling systems can fer effective solutions for energy conservation and thermal com-
cut the electricity consumption of the vapor compression systems fort. In this paper various energy saving strategies for HVAC
as discussed in the study. Furthermore, when lower comfort condi- systems were investigated and their potential to improve the sys-
tions are required, then using the evaporative cooling system alone tem performance were discussed. It was found that several factors
is an appropriate selection. However, evaporative cooling systems such as climatic conditions, expected thermal comfort, initial and
require 100% outdoor air and exhaust capability and thus the cost capital cost, the availability of energy sources and the application
V. Vakiloroaya et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 738–754 753

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