Alchemy 2
Alchemy 2
Alchemy 2
Due to the existence of magic, it is not inconceivable that Transmutation I, he can only change metals one step. To
some alchemists may have methods to actually make gold requires silver. The Hierarchy of Metals table
transmute metals. Guidelines are provided for those who may be located below.
wish to include transmutation in their games; the GM Table 79: Hierarchy of Metals
may just as reasonably rule to outlaw transmutation. In
any case, the secrets of nature are difficult to unearth, Metals in Order
and transmutation is not a common occurrence even Gold
among the most skilled alchemists.
Transmutation is Cinis is treated as an alchemical
formula like all others. The Transmutation Table found Quicksilver
on following pages lists the statistics for some Copper
transmutation formulae and the distance that such a Iron
procedure allows the performer to move on the hierarchy
of metals. The number in the “Move” column indicates
the number of steps, up or down, that may be moved Lead
within the hierarchy of metals. Thus, if Jurgal has
Table 80: Transmutation
Name Mv AD Danger FR
Transmutation I 1 Very Difficult 2% Rare
Transmutation II 1 Difficult 2% Very Rare
Transmutation III 2 Very Difficult 3% Very Rare
Transmutation IV 4 Very Difficult 4% Very Rare
Transmutation V 6 Very Difficult 8% Very Rare
Table Explanations Formulae Descriptions
RR Black Powder
Reagent Rarity. Rare and Very Rare reagents may be Black powder is essentially gunpowder with perhaps
unavailable for purchase, although Common and a few impurities due to the crude methods employed in
Uncommon reagents should normally be available. The alchemical creation. Black powder is useful for guns,
cost of all reagents is fairly high, with rarity affecting bombs, and fireworks.
AD Potions of dexterity increase the DX statistic of the
Alchemical Difficulty. This value reflects the imbiber for 1D4 hours. DX is increased +10. After the
difficulty of passing an Alchemical Production roll. effects of this potion disappear, the user will feel tired
These values may be shifted depending upon skill, as per and cranky.
normal skill rules.
Danger This potion is used to cure depression, melancholy,
This represents the chance of an unpleasant accident drunkenness, and a host of other problems. Producing a
in the laboratory while creating the potion. See the above pleasant feeling of warmth and happiness, elixirs of
section on Alchemy Rules for more details. euphoria make the drinker more amiable and agreeable.
FR Flash of Light
Formula Rarity. Roughly a measure of how many This mixture consists of a specially prepared vial or
people possess the formula, rarity also relates to the flask with several chambers. When the container is
number of initial formulae that alchemists begin with in broken, a flash of brilliant white light occurs as the
Cinis. See the Alchemy Rules for more details. reagents come into contact with one another. All those
Mv who look directly at the light will be blinded for fifteen
The number of steps that may be moved on the seconds, or one combat round, resulting in an Attack and
Hierarchy of Metals. Defense Class penalty of -6. Those who look generally
at the flash will experience distracting white spots on the
eyes for thirty seconds, but not blindness. If used in a
very dark location, persons looking at or near the flash unlikely surfaces at full effect. This mixture is most often
will require thirty minutes to completely readjust to the used to reduce friction in machinery much like modern
darkness again, making this creation very useful oils.
Med: Anesthetic
Greek Fire This rudimentary anesthetic may be applied to regions
All of the Greek Fire recipes produce Greek fire, an to reduce pain. Not tremendously effective, use of this
oily substances that is highly inflammable. Vials of Greek substance will not allow surgery without immense agony.
fire can be throw at targets and then ignited to great effect, Alcohol and assistants are still necessary in these
or the oil may be used to coat a weapon, or even pumped situations. The anesthetic can be used to reduce aches,
out of a device and used like a flame-thrower. The however, and can also be used much like aspirin to
formulae are different only in their difficulty, danger alleviate headaches and other minor pains.
factor, and reagents.
Med: Antiseptic
Love Potion This creation serves as an archaic sterilization fluid.
One of the potions in the highest demand, love potions This fluid can be used on both the patient and the
are the most frequently-sold alchemical creation. Love physician to prevent infection from surgery and open
potion I results in a potion that makes the imbiber dizzy wounds. The GM should halve the chance of infection,
and light-headed, and it is hoped therefore more prone to and also halve the chance of fatal infections if this
fall in love with the desired person. Love potion II is substance is carefully applied to the regions in question.
similar to the first formulae except that its effects also
Med: Birth Control
include euphoria. The rarest of the formulae, love potion
This basic potion can be used either to prevent
III, has some actual magical effect on the drinker. The
pregnancy or to cause a new pregnancy within three
imbiber must pass a +10 CO based Resistance Roll to
months of conception to miscarry. As a means of birth
avoid falling in love with a person who gives great
control, the potion should be consumed before intercourse
attention during the next two days.
by either the male or female; the imbiber does not need to
Once upon a time, Prince Bearne, a fine man of high
be one or the other. Obviously, the woman must drink the
standing in the Holy Empire, was deeply affected with love.
He was so in love that he had even ceased eating, and his potion to miscarry.
father grew very nervous about his health. If used to cause a miscarriage, the elixir works 50% of
the time. In any case, the woman has a 5% chance of
The problem, you see, is that his love, a princess in becoming deathly ill due to the potion, and may die if
Orcheron who has stayed with the Prince on a visit abroad
from her pathetic country, would have none of the good
Prince. She deemed him unworthy of her affections, Med: Cure Disease, Easy
although the Prince was indeed most charming and This alchemical medicine is used by a patient to treat a
handsome. mild disease, such as a cough or minor allergies. The
The father of the Prince has the court magician prepare a preparation has about a 50% success rate within two days,
most mighty elixir, a philter of love. This he mixed with a but it is unclear if perhaps the patient would have
fine Holy Empire wine, which he sent to the Princess with a recovered without any aid. Essentially, this formula serves
portrait of the Prince as a gift. to placate patients who feel they need medicine.
The Princess drank the wine, and soon felt the insidious Med: Cure Disease, Medium
and irrepressible effects of the potion. As a poor servant
These medicines are extremely varied in both
happened to enter her room when she was so afflicted, she
immediately fell into the deepest love with the fellow. production on reagents, so the statistics on the Alchemical
Formulae chart may be modified by the GM in certain
She married the poor man the next day, and has been cases. Each recipe is used to treat a single ailment or
eternally faithful since then. She lived happily ever after, perhaps a closely related set of illnesses. Suitable diseases
thanks to the potion, the spy was killed, and the Prince died
or problems include severe colds with fevers, minor
of starvation shortly thereafter.
infections, etc. These remedies seem to be slightly
Hence, always be present when the potion is served, lest magical in nature, and improve a patients recovery rates
you lose in the end, for love is blind, and love caused by a by 33% (a disease that would normally run its course in 9
potion even more so! days will end in only 6 days).
Med: Cure Disease, Hard
This oil serves as a generic lubricant. Due to its
This last group of medicines represents cures to
viscosity, the oil may be applied to ropes and other
various dangerous and life-threatening diseases. Diseases
including the bubonic plague, influenza, malaria, typhus, worthy deserve such a powerful recipe.
and diphtheria can be treated with such medicines. The
treatments are not guaranteed to work but will provide
This elixir has two uses. It can either be used to calm
some relief; halve the chance of fatality from such
an extremely agitated person or induce sleep in a more
illnesses. Recovery time is not greatly enhanced by use
regular person. Sleep may be avoided if the drinker
of these alchemical medications.
passes a CO based Resistance Roll with a modifier of
Med: Cure Poison, as poison +15.
There are as many cures to poisons as there are
Oil of Vitriol
poisons themselves. For the sake of ease and playability,
Oil of vitriol, known in the modern day as acid, may
in Cinis treat the antidotes to poisons as being as difficult
be used for a variety of purposes. Safely contained in
to create as the poisons themselves. Admittedly this is
glass vials, oil of vitriol may be used to eat through
not very realistic. A GM is welcome to create specific
metals, to burn opponents, etc. Oil of Vitriol I and II have
remedies to specific poisons.
the same effectiveness. Oil of vitriol III, however, is
Med: Longevity highly caustic and can even destroy steel if given enough
Also referred to as the Elixir, potions of longevity are time. If oil of vitriol comes in contact with skin, it will
one of the pinnacles of alchemical success. Aging is severely burn the unlucky party unless the oil is carefully
slowed to the rate of one month apparent age per year. washed away with water immediately. Acid burns leave
Potions much be consumed one per month or the normal horrendous scars and can remove physical features. Due
aging process will resume. In large doses, potions of to the small quantities produced, the effects of acid are
longevity are thought to produce health and vitality usually not fatal. The effects of such acids in combat
along with reduced aging. This formulae is incredibly should be determined by the GM, based upon skin
rare and guarded by alchemists; only the initiated and coverings and hit location.
Table 81: Alchemical Formulae
Name RR AD Danger FR
Black Powder Common Easy 1% Very Rare
Dexterity Rare Moderate 0% Rare
Euphoria Common Easy 0% Uncommon
Flash of Light Rare Hard 2% Rare
Greek Fire I Rare Moderate 3% Common
Greek Fire II Very Rare Easy 2% Rare
Greek Fire III Uncommon Moderate 1% Very Rare
Love Potion I Rare Easy 0% Common
Love Potion II Rare Moderate 0% Common
Love Potion III Very Rare Moderate 0% Rare
Lubricant Common Moderate 0% Uncommon
Med: Anesthetic Uncommon Moderate 0% Uncommon
Med: Antiseptic Common Moderate 0% Common
Med: Birth Control Common Difficult 0 Uncommon
Med: Cure Disease, Easy Common Easy 0% Common
Med: Cure Disease, Hard Very Rare Difficult 0% Very Rare
Med: Cure Disease, Medium Uncommon Moderate 0% Rare
Med: Cure Poison, as poison as poison as poison 0% Rare
Med: Longevity Very Rare Very Difficult 2% Very Rare
Melancholy Uncommon Easy 0% Uncommon
Oil of Vitriol I Uncommon Easy 4% Common
Oil of Vitriol II Uncommon Moderate 2% Uncommon
Oil of Vitriol III Rare Moderate 2% Rare