A 3-Year Study of Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Flash Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems Over The Western Mediterranean Sea
A 3-Year Study of Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Flash Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems Over The Western Mediterranean Sea
A 3-Year Study of Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Flash Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems Over The Western Mediterranean Sea
0169-8095/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
90 J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107
1. Introduction
2. Data
COTTE), developed by Carvalho and Jones (2001). The period studied includes from June
to December during the years 2000, 2001 and 2002. The MASCOTTE is an objective and
automated method to describe structural properties of the cloud shields derived from the
IR imagery. It has been adapted to the Meteosat-7 imagery and to the Western
Mediterranean area and has been used to identify and track MCSs occurring during the
three studied seasons. MASCOTTE isolates, one by one, the systems fulfilling the
identification criteria in the image t i from the background and correlates the isolated
system in the image t i and all the possible candidates in the image t i+1. The system in the
image t i+1 representing the maximum correlation value over a minimum threshold, is
considered the next spatial position of the isolated system in the image t i . This technique is
also used to compute mergings and splittings, which are important features in MCS life
cycles. For each MCS identified by MASCOTTE, a set of structural properties is
computed (position, mean velocity and direction of displacement, mean and minimum
temperature, ratio between major and minor axis, among others). A more complete
description of the MASCOTTE adaptation and performance in the Western Mediterranean
can be seen in Garcı́a-Herrera et al. (2005b).
The lightning detection system consists of a network of 13 sensors installed on the
Iberian Peninsula and one on the Balearic Islands (Fig. 1) and is operated by the Spanish
Institute of Meteorology (INM). The network detects and locates the ground strike location
of CG lightning flashes, while intracloud discharges are filtered out by the system. They
use Advanced Lightning Direction Finder (ALDF) model 141-T manufactured by
Lightning Location and Protection Inc., which is currently known as Vaisala-Global
Atmospheric Inc., Tucson, Arizona. Principles and characteristics of the lightning
detection sensors have been discussed extensively by many authors (e.g., Krider et al.,
Fig. 1. Location of the CG lightning detection sensors installed on the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
The shaded contours indicate the orography starting in 500 m (lighter) and in intervals of 500 m.
92 J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107
1976; Orville et al., 1983; Lopez and Holle, 1986). Each sensor contains a wideband
system of orthogonal magnetic loop antennas and a flat plane electric antenna. The magnetic
field of a lightning flash produces a signal in the circuit of each loop. Magnetic direction
finding uses simple triangulation based on the intersection of azimuth bearings from two or
more cross-looped antennas to locate a flash. A 1808 ambiguity in direction is removed by an
electric field antenna that senses the polarity of the charge lowered to the ground. The
location accuracy of flashes with this system has been analyzed by Martı́n León (1995), who
reported maximum error in the flash position lower than 8 km to 2 km, depending on the
considered area. Detection efficiency has not yet been estimated. A direction finder
automatically detects nearly 80–90% of all CG lightning occurring within a nominal
detectable distance of 400 km. However, specially near the edges of the network the
assumption of 80% uniform flash detection efficiency may not be realistic (a summary about
the lightning network can be found in Cummins et al., 1998). Previous studies made in the
area of the Iberian Peninsula (R01; Rivas and De Pablo, 2002) or in other places (Orville,
1994; Finke and Hauf, 1996) used an arbitrary detection efficiency of 70%. Nonetheless, this
arbitrary assumption has not been proved in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands
and, in consequence, no attempt was made to correct for detection efficiency. The
information obtained from the Spanish lightning detection network is the date and hour,
position, amplitude of the first stroke and the number of strokes per flash (multiplicity).
Each detected MCS has been isolated from its surroundings to study the general
characteristics of the associated CG lightning activity. The number of CG lightning flashes
during a 30-min interval has been obtained using the corresponding hour of each IR image
as the temporal center of the interval. A test was made to establish the number of CGs
associated with a MCS during the 30-min period, since the two datasets show different
temporal resolutions (30 min for the satellite imagery and 1s for the CG flashes) and the
position of an MCS can change during the 30-min interval between successive satellite
images. The 52 8C brightness isotherm was chosen because it delimits the area of
stronger rain and is well correlated with the cloud shield defined by other isotherms
(Riosalido et al., 1998). Warmer temperatures may introduce errors due to the embedded
of clouds not related with the MCS in the cloud shield associated with the system. An
analysis of the CG flashes associated with an MCS in a lower temporal period (10 min)
was made and it showed that most of them were located within the 52 8C or colder
pixels. Finally, the CG lightning flashes included in a square with a margin of 0.28 latitude/
longitude around the 52 8C brightness isotherm cloud shield position have been
considered as associated with the MCSs. See Fig. 2 for an example. The margin has been
chosen as 0.28 because the mean speed obtained in the study of Garcı́a-Herrera et al.
(2005b) for the same database of MCSs was 38 kmd h 1 and during a 30-min period this
implies a displacement of around 0.178. Using the adapted MASCOTTE a total of 35
MCSs were detected over the Western Mediterranean (see Garcı́a-Herrera et al., 2005b).
Finally, 2 MCSs were discarded because they were too far from any lightning detection
sensor during most of their life; thus a total of 33 MCSs were analyzed.
J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107 93
Fig. 2. MCS07 at 1330 UTC on 19 September 2000. The shaded contours indicate 4 8C brightness temperature
intervals starting in 32 8C (darker). The solid line indicates the 52 8C cloud shield and the dashed square
shows the area of the CG flashes considered as associated with the MCS during the 1315–1345 UTC interval. d+T
and d T indicate the position of the positive and negative CG flashes, respectively.
Table 1 shows some general characteristics of the CG lightning activity associated with
the MCSs. Column 2 shows the date of the initiation of MCSs. Columns 3 and 4 show the
+ CG and CG flashes recorded during the life cycle of MCSs considering the 30-min
periods when an image was available. The percentage of all CG that were positive flashes
is shown in column 5. Mean flash multiplicity (number of strokes per flash) of both
polarities of CG flashes during the life cycle of MCSs is shown in columns 6 and 7.
Columns 8 to 11 show the mean and median first stroke peak current CG flashes for each
MCS (hereafter, mean and median peak current are referred to mean and median first
stroke peak current). Columns 12 and 13 show the mean density of +CG and CG
flashes, respectively, in the area delimited by the 52 8C brightness isotherm. Maximum
52 8C cloud shield area is shown in column 14. In columns 15 and 16 the mean +CG
and CG flash rate during the life cycle of each MCS are displayed and, finally, column
17 shows the duration of the MCSs (divided in phases, see Section 4). The last row of
Table 1 shows mean values and the standard deviation (computed by using the total
number of flashes associated with the 33 cases) of the different parameters.
3.1. Polarity
In this section, the polarity of the first stroke has been used in the analysis. The average
+ CG flash ratio of the Western Mediterranean MCSs during our analysis period is around
22% (computed using all CG flashes associated with the MCSs), but with great variability
Table 1
General characteristics of MCSs (averaged over the entire life cycle)
MCS Date yy/ + CG CG % Mult Mult Int + CG Int CG Int + CG Int CG Dens +CG Dens CG Max. area Flash rate Flash rate Duration (h)a
mm/dd + CG +CG CG (kA) (mean) (kA) (kA) (kA) (100 km 1 (100 km 1 (+ CG/ ( CG/
(mean) (median) (median) 30 min 1) 30 min 1) 30 min) 30 min)
1 2000/06/26 1399 3037 31.5 1.1 1.7 28.3 16.7 14.7 12.6 0.16 0.35 97,336 78 169 1.5 + 4.5 + 3.5
2 2000/08/29 951 6371 13.0 1.1 1.9 32.6 20.1 21.9 16.3 0.18 1.23 49,902 50 335 0.5 + 2.5 + 4.5
3 2000/08/30 154 2368 6.1 1.1 2.4 34.3 26.7 22 19.2 0.09 1.41 19,944 11 169 3.0 + 1.0 + 2.0
among the different cases (see Table 1). The maximum value of +CG lightning ratio
during a MCS is around 52% (MCS35) and the minimum value hardly surpasses 3.5%
(MCS19). The monthly values computed using all CG flashes associated with the MCSs
recorded during June, July, August, September or October for the whole period are 28.46,
12.64, 23.12, 26.75 and 19.41, respectively.
These monthly values are higher than those recorded in previous studies for similar
months in the area. R01, A01 and RP02 found values lower than 10% during the summer
months in the Iberian Peninsula and in the Western Mediterranean region. However, most
of these studies considered storms of all types and it is known that MCSs can produce
higher percentage of +CG flashes (e.g., Nielsen et al., 1994; Toracinta et al., 1996;
MacGorman and Morgenstern, 1998; Parker et al., 2001). In the present work mean values
up to 40% are recorded in September. Thus, our results suggest that MCSs can produce
higher percentage of + CG flashes than other convective storms.
3.2. Multiplicity
The mean value of the multiplicity (number of strokes per flash) was 1.1 (2.4) for the
+ CG flashes ( CG flashes). The values of the multiplicity for the + CG flashes show low
variability among the different systems, except for MCS17 (see Table 1) which is almost
double the overall average. The variability is greater for the CG flashes, with values
ranging from 1.22 to 3.17 (Table 1); the maximum value was also recorded in MCS17.
The mean value of 1.1 obtained for the + CG flashes is identical to that found by R01 for
the Iberian Peninsula and by RP02 for the Western Mediterranean region for a 3-year period.
On the other hand, the mean value of the CG flashes averaged for all MCSs is higher than
the values obtained by R01 and RP02. In any case, these values (multiplicity of + CG and
CG flashes) are low when compared with other CG lightning detection systems as the
Lightning Position and Tracking System (LPATS) (e.g., Montandon et al., 1992; Pinto et al.,
1999). Around 91% (49%) of the +CG ( CG) lightning flashes associated with MCSs
showed a single-stroke. Tuomi (1996) found values of 88% (63%) for the + CG ( CG)
lightning flashes in Finland using the ALDF system. We have observed that as the flash rate
increased (when the values are up to 500 flashes per 100 km2 per 30 min), the percentage of
single-stroke CG flashes is not higher than 60% (Fig. 3). It could be due to instrumentation
limitations or to real effects. The ALDF system may be less efficient in discriminating
strokes occurring very close in time (Pinto et al., 1999). Also, high flash rates will dissipate
the charge faster, perhaps allowing only single-stroke flashes to occur.
3.3. Intensity
The median peak current obtained by using the total number of flashes associated with
each MCS of the 33 cases is shown in Fig. 4. The mean value for the + CG ( CG) flashes
of all the MCSs is 17.0 kA (22.6 kA). The values of the mean (median) for the +CG
flashes of MCSs range between 9.4 and 51.6 kA (7.6–42.5 kA) and for the CG flashes
range between 12.7 and 42.5 kA (10.5–40.2 kA). The monthly averaged values of CG
lightning associated with the MCSs are shown in Fig. 5 (June and October are not
considered because in June the data are very scarce and all the MCSs detected in October
96 J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107
correspond to the same synoptic event and in November and December no MCSs were
detected). The highest variability in the values of the averaged peak current is found in
September. The monthly mean values are similar to those obtained by others authors over
the same area and including different storm types (R01, A01, RP02). This result suggests
that the intensity does not depend on storm type.
The density is calculated as the number of flashes in a certain time period divided by
the total area of the MCS. The maximum CG lightning density averaged along the
Fig. 4. Absolute values of median peak current value for each MCS. Black and grey bars for +CG flashes and for
CG flashes values, respectively.
J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107 97
Fig. 5. Monthly average of the peak current of CG lightning associated with the MCSs (a total of 3 MCSs for July,
10 MCSs for August and 11 MCSs for September have been used). Solid line indicates the value for the +CG
lightning, dashed line show the value for the CG lightning whereas the bars indicate the maximum and
minimum values of the MCSs observed.
complete life cycle of a MCS corresponds to MCS22. The value was 6.32 flashes (per 100
km2 per 30 min) and the minimum value was 0.17 flashes (per 100 km2 per 30 min) for
MCS12, with a mean value for the 33 cases of 1.98 flashes (per 100 km2 per 30 min). The
minimum averaged flash rate during the life cycle of a MCS was found for MCS12, with a
value of around 1 flash (min 1). The maximum average flash rate for a life cycle of a
system was around 41 flashes (min 1). The mean value of flash rate, for all the MCSs, was
around 13 flashes (min 1). It has to be remarked that these values are averaged for the
duration of the MCS but very intense and very weak periods can alternate affecting to a
large extent to the averaged value. Similar values have been found by Parker et al. (2001)
and Holle et al. (1994) for MCSs and by Goodman and MacGorman (1986) for MCCs in
the United States.
The life cycle of a MCS can be established from different points of view, depending on
the data used (IR imagery, radar, precipitation, intracloud and/or CG lightning, . . .). In this
paper, brightness temperature derived from IR imagery allows an objective and stable
classification for the MCSs related with the size of the cloud-top shield of the convective
system. The derived life cycle normally comprises a period when the system is growing, a
period when the system reaches the maximum extension and a period when the system
starts to decrease.
98 J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107
Following the criteria adopted by some authors, the life cycle has been defined using
the 52 8C brightness isotherm (Augustine et al., 1989; Riosalido et al., 1998). The
duration of each MCS has been divided in four phases: first storms (the period with a 52
8C cloud shield between 1000 and 10000 km2), growing phase ( 52 8C cloud shield from
z 10000 km2 until the MCS reaches the maximum area), maximum area (the period when
the MCS holds the maximum area) and dissipating phase (since the area starts to decrease
until it is lower than 10000 km2). The growing, the maximum area and the dissipating
phases are included in the life cycle used in Garcı́a-Herrera et al. (2005a). In the present
work, the first storms phase has been incorporated to include the electrical activity that
normally starts before the MCS reaches the initial 10000 km2 area.
Table 2 shows the mean values of the percentage of the CG flashes occurring during
each phase of the MCS for each polarity (i.e. +CGphase i /+ CGfour phases and CGphase i /
CGfour phases). The growing phase is the period when the maximum percentage of CG
flashes occurs both for + CG and CG and when maximum flash rates are recorded.
75.2% of total CG flashes (82.0% of + CG and 73.4% of CG flashes) occur during the
first two phases (first storms + growing phase), when MCSs are growing, while 15.9% of
total CG flashes are recorded during the dissipating phase. It should be kept in mind that
the systems suffer mergins and splittings and not all the systems show four phases;
additionally, some IR images are not available. This may modify the duration of a phase
due to the relative inaccurate detection of the start and end of a phase (see last column of
Table 1, the maximum area phase has not been included since it is computed using one IR
image, i.e. 0.5 h, for all MCSs). So, the results of this paragraph have to be taken with
Most of the CG lightning flashes associated with MCSs occur before the system
reaches the maximum size, while the activity of the +CG flashes is more important during
the first storms and growing phases. Fig. 6 shows the mean density values (flashes per 100
km2 per 30 min) during each phase. In 23 out of 33 MCSs the first storms phase mean
density value is the highest. For the CG lightning flashes, the maximum mean value of
the density in a phase occurs during the first storms phase in 24 out of 33 cases. This
behaviour is obvious if we note that during the first storms phase the convection has
started but the horizontal expansion at higher levels is not as developed as during the next
phases. The CG flash density evolution during the MCS life usually displays a maximum
during the first storms phase. Both the + CG and the CG flash densities reach the
maximum flash density averaged every 30 min before the maximum cloud-top area of
MCSs in around 90% of the convective systems (29 out of 33 MCSs).
In around 70% of the cases (23 out of 33) the maximum flash rate of + CG lightning
flashes occurs before the MCS reached its maximum area: for CG flashes this occurred
Table 2
Mean percentage of +CG and CG flashes during each phase with respect to total number of +CG and CG
flashes, respectively, during the entire MCS (i.e. +CGphase i /+CGfour phases and CGphase i / CGfour phases)
MCS First storms Growing phase Maximum area Decreasing phase
% +CG % CG % +CG % CG % +CG % CG % +CG % CG
Mean value 21.3 16.1 60.7 57.3 7.2 9.2 10.8 17.4
J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107 99
Fig. 6. Mean density values ((number of flashes) per 100 km2 per 30 min) of the (a) +CG lightning flashes and the
(b) CG lightning flashes during each phase of the MCS life cycles (black bars indicate the mean value during
the first storm phase with the dark grey color for the growing phase, the mid grey color for the maximum area
phase and light grey color for the dissipating phase).
in 20 cases. An example is shown in Fig. 7 that corresponds to MCS9. It can be seen that
the maximum occurrence of + CG flashes occurs before that for the CG flashes and
before the maximum area. In average, the percentage of +CG flashes is 27.7 during the
first storm phase; decreasing steadily along the rest phases, with values of 23.5, 18.3 and
15.2, respectively.
The evolution of the percentage of single-stroke +CG and CG flashes during the
different phases of a MCS has been examined (Fig. 8). No trend can be identified for +CG
flashes, whereas higher values have been found for CG flashes as the system evolves.
5. Discussion
Our results show that MCSs occurring in the Western Mediterranean region exhibit
higher average values of +CG lightning flashes percentage than other types of storms.
100 J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107
Fig. 7. Evolution of the +CG flash rate (solid line), CG flash rate (dashed line) and of the 52 8C cloud shield
area (dotted line) for the MCS09. The values of the CG flash rate (number of flashes in a 30-min period) and the
values of the area are normalized. The duration of the life cycle (First storms (FS) + growing phase
(GP) + maximum area (MA) + dissipating phase(DP)) is also normalized. The flash rates and area were normalized
by their maximum value during the storm, i.e. values of 25 for the +CG, 100 for the CG and 28,688 km2 for the
Rutledge and MacGorman (1988) suggest that the source of +CG flashes in MCSs is
related with the transport of positive charge contained in the ice particles. Additional
evidences (Engholm et al., 1990; Rutledge et al., 1990; Nielsen et al., 1994) suggest that
the charge generation in the stratiform precipitation zone is probably more important than
the advection of positive charge from the convective line. Recently, Schuur and Rutledge
(2000) used a bidimensional model of MCS to conclude that the charge advection from
the convective line is more important in the upper charge layers in the stratiform rain
region, whereas the charge generation could be more important in the lower.
The average percentage of + CG strikes is higher during the first storms phase,
decreasing in the subsequent phases. An example of this behaviour can be seen in Fig. 9.
Morgenstern (1991) found two characteristic modes of evolution of MCSs, the convective
mode, with a majority of CG (+ CG and CG) flashes concentrated in the same area and
high percentage of +CG flashes during the early stages of the storm, and the stratiform/
dissipating mode, with most of + CG flashes scattered in areas far from the main high
density areas (majority of CG flashes) of the MCS and low percentage of + CG flashes.
In our study a total of 7 MCSs exhibit the convective mode, 3 cases show the stratiform/
dissipating mode, whereas the rest display a mixed behaviour.
The CG flash evolution over the entire lifetime shows that, generally, + CG and CG
flash counts increase rapidly from the initiation of the first storms phase until the flash
rate reaches the maximum value during the growing phase, i.e. before the area reaches its
J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107 101
Fig. 8. Percentage of single-stroke CG flashes (solid line) and +CG flashes (dotted line). Numbers in the x-axis
indicate the corresponding phase with 1, 2, 3 and 4 assigned to first storms phase, growing phase, maximum area
phase and dissipating phase, respectively.
maximum extent. Usually, the counts of CG flashes decrease rapidly from the maximum
flash rate until the final dissipation of the MCS. Generally, the maximum +CG flash rate
occurs before the CG flash rate and during the first two phases the + CG flash
percentage is higher than during the rest. High + CG flash rates in initial stages of storms
with hail production have been reported in several studies (Stolzenburg, 1994; Nielsen et
al., 1994). Goodman and MacGorman (1986) in their analysis of 10 MCCs in the United
States found a similar behaviour of CG flash temporal evolution, although they did not
distinguish between + CG and CG flashes. The evolution of ground flash rates is
similar in MCSs and MCCs (Morgenstern, 1991). Our results are consistent with these
previous studies which associate this CG flashes pattern with deep convection in
As Morgenstern (1991), we have observed that CG flash rates tend to show the
maximum values when the cloud tops of MCSs attained their coldest temperature. This
can be seen in Fig. 10, where 27 out of 33 cases show the maximum flash rate in an
interval F1 h around the time of coldest cloud-top temperature. For the +CG flashes the
maximum flash rate usually occurs before the maximum flash rate of negative ground
flashes (e.g., Fig. 7).
São Sabbas and Sentman (2003) found that compact regions of very cold cloud tops
develop as the storm grows and the lightning discharges, CG more than +CG flashes,
have the tendency to concentrate on those regions. Similar results have been found in the
present study (e.g., Fig. 2). The position of the CG in the MCS cloud-top temperature
structure has been analyzed in a F 5-min interval centered in the time of the IR imagery.
102 J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107
Fig. 9. Evolution of the percentage of +CG flashes (solid line) and the 52 8C cloud shield (dotted line) during
the life cycle of MCS16 (normalized values). The duration of the life cycle (First storms (FS) + growing phase
(GP) + maximum area (MA) + dissipating phase(DP)) is also normalized. The percentage of +CG flashes and area
were normalized by their maximum value during the storm, i.e. values of 56.5 for the percentage of +CG flashes
and 17,566 km2 for the area.
An example can be seen in Fig. 11. Around 63% of CG flashes were in areas colder than
56 8C (this area can be less than 50% of the 52 8C area; e.g., see Figs. 2 and 11)
whereas the rest were in areas of temperature between 52 8C and 56 8C. These results
show that the use of IR imagery and lightning data to detect and follow convective areas in
cases when radar data are not available is useful.
MCSs with mean density during the entire life cycle lower than 1.00 flashes (30
min 1 100 km 2) (see Table 1) show median peak current values higher than the rest.
When the + CG flash density is high then the median (and the mean) peak current is
low. Fig. 12 shows the curve adjusted to the mean values of the + CG flash peak
current as a function of the +CG flash density averaged during the life cycle. The
correlation coefficient obtained is 0.84 ( p b 0.01). MacGorman and Morgenstern (1998)
found similar results when analysing the distributions of the median peak current as a
function of the number of ground flashes. They divided their results into three
categories and suggested that the median peak current depends on the flash rates of
+CG flashes. Petersen and Rutledge (1992) suggested that the large horizontal area of
the stratiform region stores more charge than the convective regions; and thus they can
produce larger peak currents. MacGorman and Morgenstern (1998) observed a tendency
for the median peak current of +CG flashes to increase with increasing cloud area for
MCSs that produced + CG flashes in the stratiform region, though with exceptions.
However, MacGorman and Morgenstern (1998) found that this hypothesis does not
J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107 103
Fig. 10. Time difference between the maximum flash rate and the minimum cloud-top brightness temperature for
(a) CG and (b) +CG lightning strikes. The moment of the coldest cloud-top temperature is set to 0 in the x axis.
explain why some MCSs that produced + CG flashes mainly in the convective region
also produced large median peak currents, though their area was among the smallest in
their dataset. We have not found any relationship between the area of the MCSs and the
mean or median peak current of the + CG flashes. On the other hand, the median peak
current is independent of the flash density for the CG flashes, in agreement with
MacGorman and Morgenstern (1998). Our analysis shows that when the values of the
104 J.F. Correoso et al. / Atmospheric Research 79 (2006) 89–107
Fig. 11. MCS35 at 0830 UTC on 21 September 2002. The shaded contours indicate 4 8C brightness temperature
intervals starting in 32 8C (darker). The wide solid line indicates the 52 8C cloud shield during the 0825–0835
UTC interval. d+T and d T indicate the position of the positive and negative CG flashes, respectively. The thin
solid line indicates the coastlines.
CG flash density are high, the median peak current values range between 10 kA
and 30 kA.
Summing up our results:
Fig. 12. Distribution of mean peak current of +CG flashes as a function of +CG flash density averaged during the
life cycle for each MCS. The solid line is the fitted regression curve.
– The mean and median peak current for + CG flashes are related with the CG flash
density and rate, whereas the mean or median peak current for CG flashes were
independent of CG flash rate or density.
The authors wish to thank the INM for providing the CG lightning data used in the
development of the paper. Our thanks also to the two anonymous referees of this paper for
their interesting suggestions and comments.
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