General Ecology PDF
General Ecology PDF
General Ecology PDF
General Ecology: Outline of contemporary ecology for university students
2nd edition
© 2018 Hans Ulrik Riisgård &
ISBN 978-87-403-2201-9
Peer review by Tom Fenchel, PhD & DSc, Professor of Ecology, University of Copenhagen
Photo on front page is taken by the author and shows the invasive comb jelly, Mnemiopsis
leidyi, which lives naturally off the US East Coast, but via ballast water from ships, it found
its way to the Black Sea in the late 1980s, and to the Dutch coast in 2006.
Preface 6
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3 Biogeochemical cycles 27
3.1 Sedimentary and gaseous nutrient cycles 27
3.2 Carbon cycle 29
3.3 Nitrogen cycle 35
3.4 Sulphur cycle 40
3.5 Phosphorus cycle 44
3.6 Water cycle 46
4 Population ecology 47
4.1 Regulation of population density 47
4.2 Population growth and mathematical models 67
5 Species diversity 83
5.1 Transition zones and edge effects 90
5.2 Island biogeography 91
6 Ecological succession 95
6.1 Autogenous succession 96
6.2 K and r-strategists 101
6.3 Allogeneic succession 102
6.4 Climax ecosystems 103
6.5 Succession in “space” 103
6.6 The biosphere as an ecosystem 105
6.7 Ecosystem complexity and stability 105
6.8 Ecosystem models and limits to growth 107
References 138
Index 145
This book is written to meet the need for a concise textbook of ecology. The book describes
the basic features of the modern ecology and is addressed to college students without special
biological knowledge. The book can be used in high schools, technical colleges and other
places of study where ecology forms part of the education, but where time does not permit
a major review of the many ecological topics. This ecology book does not deal with ‘species
ecology’ or autecology, i.e. single species relation to their surroundings, although these factors
may be of importance for the understanding of many ecological conditions. The book
deals not particularly with pollution and environmental problems, which in many people’s
consciousness is almost synonymous with ecology, but touches on many such topics and
provides the foundation for a basic understanding of many of today’s urgent environmental
problems. For the sake of clarity, the number of references to textbooks, original articles,
etc. is kept to a minimum, and for reasons of space references are indicated by a number
in parentheses [ ] corresponding to reference number in the reference list.
Thanks are due to Tom Fenchel, Professor of Ecology, University of Copenhagen, for
constructive criticism of the manuscript, and to Kirstin Anderson Hansen and Josephine
Goldstein for linguistic corrections and technical assistance, respectively. Thanks to Prof. em.
Klaus H. Hoffmann, University of Bayreuth, for corrections on 1st edition of the book.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecology and ecosystems
matter & energy
biosystems ecosystem
Fig. 1. Living components in interaction with the non-living (abiotic) components are called biosystems.
Ecology is defined as the science of biological systems (biosystems) above the organism level [1].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecology and ecosystems
The living and the nonliving components are together called for biosystems. The highest level
of organization is the community, which consists of all animals, plants and microorganisms
in a given area. A community that functions together with the abiotic components of a
biosystem is called an ecological system or ecosystem. When moving from a biosystem to
another at a higher level of organisation, characteristic properties emerge that were not
present on the lower level of organization. This phenomenon is known as the “integrative
level concept” or the “hierarchical control principle”, which says that when biotic and
abiotic components are integrated to form larger functional units in a hierarchical (ranked)
series, new properties emerge [1]. Thus, when moving from organism systems to population
systems and further to ecosystems, new characteristic properties are developed which were
not present at the previous level of organization. By recognizing the specific characteristics
of a given organization, can this level can be studied without necessarily knowing everything
about the neighbouring organisation levels. For example it is possible to study ecology at
the ecosystem level without first studying cell biology and physiology. But how do you
study a large complicated ecosystem? As with the study of any other level of organization,
you begin with a description of simplified models that contains only the main components
and basic functions of the biosystem in question.
plankton algae
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecology and ecosystems
In the aquarium there are living organisms: primary producers (phytoplankton), consumers
(zooplankton, fish), decomposers (including bacteria and fungi) and abiotic components
(water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, phosphate, nitrogen compounds, dead organic matter
etc.). Primary producers (plankton algae) synthesise organic matter, using light energy and
inorganic nutrients. Plankton algae are “grazed” by filter-feeding zooplankton (copepods,
daphnia, etc.), which in turn are eaten by fish. Dead algae, animals and faeces, which sink
to the bottom, are degraded by bacteria and other organisms, releasing inorganic nutrients
that primary producers can exploit. The biological activity of the ecosystem gives rise to a
production of heat that is leaving the system by radiation. The system’s chemical components
remain on the other hand, in the system and are cyclically transformed. The velocity of this
substance’s transformation is determined by the flow of energy through the system. If the
system is isolated so that it does not receive energy and no energy can leave, the cycling will
stop and the structure of the ecosystem will disintegrate. An example of an ideal ecosystem
is the biosphere, which consists of the entire Earth’s surface containing life. Most natural
ecosystems are, to a greater or lesser extent different from the ideal, depending on the
mass and energy exchange with neighbouring ecosystems. Fairly well-defined ecosystems
are lakes, forests, fjords, the sea – or a rotten tree stump in a forest, if you are interested
in the turnover and interaction between microorganisms and the small animals that live
here. The limits of an ecosystem are arbitrary and in practice, determined by an ecologist’s
choice of working objective.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
Spectral distribution of sunlight
at the surface of the sea
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Wavelength, μm
{ Red
Fig. 3. The spectral distribution of the sun’s electromagnetic radiation is altered by passage
through the Earth’s atmosphere: almost all the deadly ultraviolet radiation (UV) is absorbed by
ozone (O3) in the stratosphere, while carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O) absorb a
very significant part of the infrared radiation. The figure shows the spectral distribution of the
solar radiation outside the atmosphere and at sea level. Shadings indicate some of the most
important gases’ selective absorption of certain wavelengths [3].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
When sun’s radiation passes through the atmosphere, the radiation spectrum changes
considerably. At 10–50 km altitude (the stratosphere) there is an ozone layer, which absorbs
almost all the ultraviolet (UV) radiation that would otherwise have a killing effect on life
on land. Ultraviolet radiation has sufficient energy to break down important biological
molecules and can therefore, even in minor amounts damage crops and cause skin cancer.
Ozone (O3) is formed when oxygen (O2) by absorption of ultraviolet light is split to the
two reactive oxygen atoms (O) that soon react with intact oxygen molecules to form
ozone. Ozone is a gas, which readily absorb UV light and split (dissociate) into O2 and O.
The released oxygen atom can now react with another oxygen molecule whereby ozone is
regenerated. This process of splitting and regeneration can take place many times until the
ozone molecule eventually collides with a free-oxygen atom, thereby forming two stable
oxygen molecules. Under constant conditions, the result is a dynamic equilibrium in which
the formation and degradation rates of ozone are equal. It is this balance that determines
the thickness of the ozone layer.
In 1985, British scientists reported that the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere over
Antarctica in the spring was reduced by 40% in the years from1977 to 1984 (“ozone hole”).
Intense research quickly revealed that ozone depletion, which was also later detected in the
northern hemisphere, was due to man-made chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs or “freon”), used for
example in cooling liquids in refrigerators and propellants in aerosol spray cans and additives
in plastic foam. The large amounts of CFCs, which over the years had been released to the
atmosphere, in conjunction with long atmospheric lifetimes (up to several hundred years)
for many CFC gases, puts the problem of ozone depletion into perspective. CFCs have
been considered as ideal chemicals for industrial use because they are stable, unreactive and
non-toxic. But when CFCs. by upward air streams are brought into the stratosphere, they
are broken down by the strong ultraviolet radiation and release chlorine atoms that break
down the ozone layer. CFCs have given mankind a persistent environmental problem that
even extensive international agreements is difficult to reduce, over a long period of time.
But there is reason for optimism. The Montreal Protocol is an international agreement to
protect the ozone layer around the Earth by phasing out the production of CFCs. The
historic agreement entered into force in 1989 and is one of the most successful international
agreements to date. This phasing out of CFCs has in 2015, resulted in the first observation
of an incipient reduction in the size of the Antarctic ozone hole [2].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
In addition to ozone, oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide can also selectively absorb
radiation at certain wavelengths [3]. Thus, carbon dioxide and water vapour absorb a large
part of the incoming infrared radiation. The main part of the solar radiation that reaches
the Earth’s surface, is in the visible spectrum between 0.4–0.8 µm, see Fig. 3. It is this
part of the spectrum (especially the red and blue light) that the green plants can utilize
for photosynthesis. On average, the Earth emits a similar amount of radiation energy into
space as the atmosphere and Earth’s surface absorb incoming solar radiation, see Fig. 4. This
energy balance determines the global average temperature, which is approximately 15 °C [4].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
outgoing infrared
thermal radiation
reflected reflected sunlight
sunlight from from surface
the atmosphere of the earth
25 100 6 69
absorbed by
H2O, dust, atmosphere
O3, CO2 42
absorbed sunlight
About 30% of the incoming solar radiation is reflected to space by clouds, dust particles
and gases in the atmosphere, or snow, desert sand, etc. at ground level. The part of the
incoming solar radiation reflected to space (the Earth albedo) increases if dust and soot
particle concentration in the atmosphere increases (which can be caused by pollution,
volcanic eruptions, and nuclear explosions). This could lead to shorter or prolonged decline
in global average temperature. The part of the sun’s shortwave radiation energy that is
absorbed in and at ground level (40–45%) is emitted again from the ground as longwave
infrared radiation (“heat radiation”). Most of this radiation is absorbed and re-emitted
repeatedly by atmospheric water vapour, carbon dioxide, dust and ozone before it reaches
out into space. This warms up the atmosphere, and the effect is called “greenhouse-effect”
because the atmosphere – like glass in a greenhouse – is readily permeable to the short
wavelength solar radiation but relatively impermeable to longwave infrared radiation. Only
about 1% of the incoming solar radiation is used by the green plants for photosynthesis.
The remainder of the solar energy is absorbed mainly in the earth’s surface where it is
converted (transformed) into heat energy, which in turn is emitted to the atmosphere as
infrared heat radiation. This energy is not lost because the heat radiation makes the Earth
habitable for living organisms by e.g. heating up the atmosphere, creating winds, clouds
and precipitation, which is essential for life on land [5].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
where * indicates that the formed oxygen derives from the water; the example shows the
formation of glucose.
100% 2% Net
Absorbed Gross production
Reflected light production
98% Respiration
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
About 50% of the sunlight that hits a plant is absorbed. Approximately 2% of this absorbed
light is used for gross primary production. In nature, plants use around 50% of the gross
primary production for their own metabolism (respiration). However, by using energy-
consuming work, the consumption for metabolism may be reduced (by supplying essential
trace elements, nutrients, water, or by removing competing plants), making it possible to
strongly reduce the plants’ own energy needs. In agriculture, it is not uncommon that the
net production is up to 90% of the gross production.
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
The living organisms in an ecosystem can according to their function and place in the
system, be divided into four main groups:
1) Primary producers – autotrophic (green plants convert solar energy into chemical
energy bound in organic matter using photosynthesis.
2) Herbivores (lat.: herba = herb, vorare = swallow) – plant eaters or “grazers”; are
also called the primary consumers.
3) Carnivores (lat.: carnis = meat) – predators. Since some predators feed on herbivores,
while others feed on other predators (carnivores), we distinguish between primary
carnivores that eat herbivorous animals, and secondary, tertiary etc. carnivores that
eat other predators. Depending on their position relative to the primary consumers,
carnivores are also called secondary, tertiary, etc. consumers. Because the herbivores’
and carnivores’ energy ultimately comes from the autotrophic organisms’ primary
production, they are also called secondary producers.
4) Decomposers or detritivores (fungi, bacteria, etc.) that can utilise the energy of
dead organic material (detritus).
There are two types of food chains, “grazing food chains” and “detritus food chains”. The
two types of food chains are shown in Fig. 6. The grazing food chain consists of primary
producers, herbivores and carnivores. The detritus food chain consists of detritivores that
feed on dead organic matter from the grazing food chain, and the animals that live in part
of the detritivore organisms as well as of other animals. In the detritus food chain, it is
impossible to distinguish clearly between the trophic levels because there are no well-defined
food chains but complicated food webs.
Heat radiation
Solar radiation
Detritus Decomposers
food chain:
Fig. 6. As the organic matter produced by the primary producers is transported through the
grazing and detritus food chains (solid arrows), it is burned off in the organisms by their metabolism,
releasing energy that leaves the ecosystem as heat radiation
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
Bioenergetics is concerned with examining how the living organisms absorbs food, digests and
distributes consumed or synthesized substance and energy for maintenance (metabolism =
respiration) and production (new cells, storage, reproduction). The flow of energy through
a population can be determined from knowledge of the individual organism’s bioenergetics,
with extrapolation from a single organism to all the organisms in a population. It is therefore
often interesting to know how effective a given organism utilizes a given quantity of food
for production because such knowledge can provide information on how much food energy
that is available to the next link in the food chain. To calculate the efficiency of dietary
utilization of an organism you need to know the organism’s energy budget [6]. In Fig. 7
it is shown the fate of food energy in an animal consumer (e.g. a mammal or fish). It is
noted that the amount of energy production (P) can be expressed as the difference between
energy in assimilated food (A = I – F, where I = energy in ingested food, and F = energy
in faeces, urine etc.) and respiration (R):
P = I – F – R = A – R (I)
WORK, etc.)
Fig. 7. The fate of food energy an animal, e.g. a mammal or a fish. It is seen that the amount
of energy available for growth can be expressed as the assimilated food energy minus the
energy consumption for the metabolism (often measured as the organism’s oxygen
consumption = respiration). It appears that the metabolism covers many ill-defined energy
items which cannot be measured or are difficult to measure separately [6].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
In Fig. 8 is shown a universal model of the energy flow through an organism or through
a population [1].
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
A parameter of great ecological interest is the assimilation efficiency (AE), defined as:
AE = A/I (II)
where A = I – F or A = P + R.
The assimilation efficiency varies widely among different organisms depending on type of
food. The assimilation efficiency of predators is often close to 100%, while the herbivores
and detrivores have lower efficiencies (often less than 10%). Another efficiency of ecological
interest is the net growth efficiency (NGE), which expresses how much of the assimilated
food energy (A) that can be used for production:
If a blue mussel, for example, has a net growth efficiency of 67% this means that 2/3 of the
assimilated food energy can be used for production of animal material, which is available
to the next link in the food chain.
The production of a population is the amount of energy stored as organic matter per unit
of time, regardless whether this substance is lost for the population along the way due to
death, lost skin cells etc. A population may therefore have a production even if you cannot
detect any differences in population weight (biomass). The production of natural populations
can be determined using various methods. Three methods are mentioned in the following:
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
∆Nn N n+1
W n+1
n n+1 a t
If ∆Nn is the number of individuals that have died in the period tn – tn+1 and ΔWn is the
individual growth during the same period, the production of the dead individuals in this
period approximately = (ΔNn × ΔWn)/2, as individuals on average die midway through the
period. The production of the surviving individuals is = Nn+1 × ΔWn. The whole production
(Pn) in the period tn – tn+1 then becomes: Pn = Nn+1 × ΔWn + (ΔNn × ΔWn)/2, and the entire
population production (P) is determined as:
3) If the biomass of a population is called B and the biomass eliminated from the
population in a given period is denoted E, then during this time there has been a
production P = ΔB + E, as illustrated in Fig. 10.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
E= Ei
Biomass: B P
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
Pg Pn I A
La P2 P3
Reflec- Heat R R R
Fig. 11. The flow of energy through three trophic levels in a theoretical grazing food chain consisting
of primary producers, herbivores and carnivores. Lt = total light energy La = absorbed light energy,
Pg = gross primary production, Pn = net primary production, R = respiration, I = ingested food
energy, A = assimilated food energy, F = not assimilated food energy (faeces, urine, etc.), D =
detritus, P2 and P3 = secondary and tertiary production [1].
The more simple notation used in Fig. 12, which does not pay special regard to the primary
producers, provides a quick overview and facilitate the definition of the ecological efficiencies
in Table 1. As shown, it is important to accurately define the relationship that should be
expressed when using ecological efficiencies. The trophic level production efficiencies in Fig.
11 is thus in the order of 10% (P2/P1 = P2/Pn = 1.5/15 = 0.1) for the second, and about
20% (P3/P2 = 0.3/1.5 = 0.2) for the third food chain link. As can be seen, it is limited
how many links there can be in a food chain. In practice, food chains have rarely more
than 3–4 links.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
R1 R2 R3
I1 P1 I2 P2 I3 P3
A1 A2 A3
D1 D2 D3
F1 F2
Fig. 12. Linear grazing food chain consisting of three trophic levels: 1: primary producers
(plants), 2: herbivores, 3: carnivores. I: consumed energy; A: assimilated energy; R: respiration;
P: production; D: loss from the food chain (detritus); F: not assimilated food energy (faeces,
urine, etc.). Both D and F supply the decomposers (i.e. the detritus food chain).
Tabel 1. Definitions of ecological efficiencies for relationships between and within trophic
levels. For explanation of symbols used, see Fig. 12.
Figure 13 shows a natural ecosystem, namely the Silver Springs which is a popular tourist
attraction in Florida. It is seen that the primary producers’ ecological net-production-efficiency
is 2% (P1/ I1 = Pn/La = 8833 /410,000 = 0.02). The herbivores’ trophic level assimilation
efficiency is 16%. (A2/A1 = A2/Pb = 3,368/20,810 = 0.16), whereas the primary carnivores’
trophic level assimilation efficiency is 11% (383/3,368 = 0.11). Moreover, the majority of
the primary production goes through the detritus food chain, and that (4.600/5.060)×100
= 91% of this energy is released from the ecosystem as heat. A large export relative to the
import (mostly bread that tourists throw out to the fish) shows that the ecosystem produces
more organic material than it uses for respiration. Such an ecosystem in which the production
(P) is greater than the respiration (R) is called an autotrophic ecosystem.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
383 5,060 460
11,977 Export
Light not
absorbed by 389,190 4,600
Fig. 13. The flow of energy through an aquatic ecosystem, “Silver Springs”, Florida. La =
absorbed light energy, Pg = gross primary production, Pn = net primary production, R =
respiration, P2 = herbivores, P3 = primary carnivores, P4 = secondary carnivores, D =
detrivores (“decomposers”). It is noted that the largest part of net primary production
goes through the detritus food chain [1, 7]. All figures are in kcal/m2/year.
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
An ecosystem where P is less than R is called heterotrophic. An often used graphical way
to show how the chemically bound energy in a grazing food chain decreases is to build an
“energy pyramid” where the width of each step of the pyramid, which represents a trophic
level, is a measure of the assimilated energy in the organisms belonging to that trophic
level, see Fig. 14.
Herbivores R NP R
Producers 945 1,478 945
Fig. 14. Energy pyramid, based on data from the grazing food chain in “Silver Springs”, see fig. 13.
The energy pyramid shows how the assimilated energy is used for respiration (R) and net primary
production (NP) at each trophic level [7].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Energy flow in ecosystems
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
All nutrients have their own characteristic biogeochemical cycle. This chapter deals with
macro- and micronutrients, as well as short reviews of four major biogeochemical cycles
are given.
Five elements, which are also in the light-weight end of the periodic table, help to maintain
electroneutrality in body fluids or are used to maintain the electrochemical potential gradients
across the cell membrane. The latter is important, for example the impulse conductivity
of nerve cells, and for the ability of cells to maintain a constant volume. The elements,
which are all found on ion form are: Na, K, Ca, Mg and Cl. A third group of elements,
the essential trace elements (Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Fe, Mo) are only found in the body in very
small quantities. These trace elements are necessary for particular the function of many
enzymes. All these elements are called nutrients because they are vital (essential) for the
living organism. Substances, which are required in large quantity, are called macronutrients
(C, H, N, O, P, S, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl), while the elements required in small quantities
are called micronutrients (especially Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Fe, Mo, but also Va, In, Se, Si, F,
Ba are necessary in some species). All micro- and macronutrients are circulated between
the living organisms and the surrounding abiotic environment. Such cycles of nutrients
are called biogeochemical cycles. Fig. 15 shows a biogeochemical cycling incorporated in a
simple energy flow diagram. This is to show the interaction between energy and material
cycling. Energy is required to drive a nutrient cycle.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
Import Reservoir
Pg Pn P
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
CO2 Combustion
Plants Animals
The uptake of CO2 by land plants is sometimes so pronounced that it can be detected as a
concentration drop in the atmosphere. In the height of a forest canopy on a sunny summer
day, a pronounced minimum can be recorded around noon where the photosynthetic activity
is at its peak. Variations can also be seen between the seasons, see Fig. 17. In the summer, the
CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is lower than in the winter when the photosynthesis
process comes to a standstill or is greatly reduced. Thus, variations in atmospheric CO2
content can be recorded during day and night, vertically and seasonally.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
CO2 in atmosphere, ppm
320 360
Fig. 17. The concentration (ppm = parts per million = µl/l) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere
has been measured in Hawaii since 1958. Over the 58 years that the figure illustrates, measurements
demonstrate a drastic increase in the atmospheric content of carbon dioxide, from about 290 ppm
in 1850 to 400 ppm in 2016. Other measurements taken around the world confirm this development
of which consequences for the world’s climate is unknown. The dashed curve shows the seasonal
variation in atmospheric CO2 content, which is lowest in summer when the plants’ photosynthesis
and thus CO2 consumption is highest [12].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
In the aquatic environment, conditions are different. Here there are only a few plants that
can survive with the limited CO2 which is dissolved in the water. This is because the diffusion
rate of CO2 in water is only a fraction of the diffusion rate in air. Only the smallest single-
celled planktonic algae and mosses with thin leafs can adequately absorb CO2, by passive
diffusion across the outer surfaces. However, the diffusion distances in larger planktonic
algae (more than about 30 µm in diameter) and in macroplants are so long that the CO2
concentration is too low to ensure sufficient photosynthesis. These plants therefore take up
CO2 through the carbonic acid system occurring in water:
Aquatic plants that cannot cope with the passive uptake of CO2 from the surrounding water,
actively take up HCO3-. In the plants’ chloroplasts the enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyzes
the process: 2HCO3- → CO2 + H2O + CO3--. The CO2 that is split off is then used for
photosynthesis. The “carbonic acid system” in water implies that the photosynthesis gives
rise to a shift to a higher pH in the water, while the supply of CO2 caused by respiration
processes has the opposite effect. Thus, it is well known that the pH increases during the
day in the upper layers of water penetrated with light, while it drops during the night. It is
well known that pH can drop significantly due to CO2 production in the bottom sediments,
or in the water below light exposed water masses (photic zone), where settling organic
materials are being broken down by bacteria. The carbon circulation in the biosphere has
two distinct circuits, one on land and one at sea. The total amount of CO2 that marine
phytoplankton take up per year is of the same magnitude as the amount of CO2 that land
plants bind by their gross primary production. The carbon cycle in the ocean is practically
self-maintained. However, there is a lively exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and
the ocean caused by winds and waves, which ensure that the amount of dissolved CO2 in
the oceans’ surface layer is in equilibrium with the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Because the oceans tend to be stratified (due to thermocline), there is only a limited
circulation between the surface water masses and the bottom water. Thus, it takes about
1,000 years to replace the water in the deepest parts of the ocean. In contrast, the CO2 in
the atmosphere is much more quickly circulated. Measurement of radioactive carbon-14
after the nuclear bomb-blasting tests in the early 1960s has shown that the residence time
of the CO2 in the atmosphere before it is dissolved in the sea is about 7 years. The carbon
that land plants bind by their photosynthesis is sooner or later returned to the atmosphere
when organic matter decomposes in the food chains. The decomposition of the organic
matter takes place quickly in the tropics (10–30 years) while the process is much slower in
the northern regions (several hundred years).
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
The photosynthesis by land plants removes annually about 100 billion tons of carbon from
the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. Land plant and soil respiration (i.e. total
decomposition of organic matter) releases carbon dioxide equivalent to 2 × 50 billion tons
per year. Burning of coal and oil (fossil fuel) and the burning of tropical rainforests releases
5 and 2 billion tons of carbon, respectively. Physical and chemical processes at sea level
release about 100 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere while around 104 billion tons
are taken up in the oceans. The annual net addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is
equivalent to about 3 billion tons of carbon, see Fig. 18. This increase in atmospheric carbon
dioxide, which absorbs infrared radiation, results in increasing “greenhouse effect” and thus
an increased global temperature. In earlier geological periods the breakdown was less than
the amount of carbon fixed, and therefore large amounts of carbon accumulated as coal and
oil. But since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1800s, mankind has
performed a large-scale global geochemical experiment by burning large quantities of fossil
fuels. Since 1850, the atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased from approximately
290 ppm to nearly 350 ppm in 1990, with about 50% of the increase occurring since the
mid-1960s. In 2016, the CO2 concentration had further increased to 400 ppm for the first
time in the last 800,000 years [12].
5 50 100 2 50 100
Fig. 18. The global cycle of carbon. All rates are given in billion tons per year [15].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
The total increase in the atmospheric content can account for about one third of the total 200
billion tons of CO2, which has so far been released from fossil fuels. Part of the remaining
CO2 have probably been taken up in the oceans, resulting in acidification of the water. Thus,
the pH of ocean surface waters has decreased from 8.25 in 1751 to 8.14 in 2004, and the
pH may further decline to around 7.85 in 2100, which will result in incalculable damage
effects on marine life [14]. But a significant portion of the CO2 that is not absorbed in the
oceans, may very likely result in an increase of the vegetation on land. Studies have shown
that plants grow faster when the ambient atmosphere is enriched with CO2. It is therefore
possible that the burning of oil and gas causes a “fertilization” of forests and agricultural
areas. However, there is no evidence for this fertilization effect.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
Since 1958 reliable measurements have been made of the atmospheric carbon dioxide
content. Fig. 17 shows that the content of carbon dioxide is increasing. It is not currently
known to what extent this increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide content will be able to
change the world’s climate. But there is reason for concern. Calculations have given some
evidence that a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide content (from 300 ppm to 600 ppm)
could raise the Earth’s average temperature by 2.5 °C which is enough to melt some of the
huge amounts of polar ice and put large areas of land under water, as has been the case in
previous warm geological periods. The term “global warming”, used in the climate debate,
refers to the increase in global average temperature, which has been measured since 1900
and more intensively after 1975. Since 1915 the global temperature has increased by about
0.8 °C. There is evidence that the increase in temperature has already resulted in increased
depth to the permafrost in Alaska, smaller maximum spread of ice around Antarctica, and
increased withdrawal of European glaciers. If the trend continues, there will be less rainfall
at the lower latitudes and more precipitation at higher latitudes. Signs of such a trend have
been observed already in the late 1980s [12, 15]. The so-called “greenhouse gases” consist in
addition to CO2 of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Possible future climatic changes can be assessed by studying the correlation between the
atmospheric content of “greenhouse gases” and climatic changes in the past geological periods.
Analyses of air bubbles in Antarctic ice cores have been used to study the conditions 160,000
years back. It has been found that there is a “positive feedback” (i.e. an increased effect)
between the temperature and the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane. When
the temperature goes up (as in the last interglacial period) the microbial decomposition of
organic matter increases, releasing carbon dioxide. Under anaerobic conditions (swamps,
bogs, moist soil) the bacterial decomposition of organic matter takes place by fermentation
whereby methane (“swamp gas”) is produced. Methane is 20 times more effective than carbon
dioxide in absorbing longwave heat radiation from the Earth. An increasing temperature
leads to an increased release of “greenhouse gases” and thus an increased temperature. This
self-reinforcing warming effect has been called “the respiratory feedback mechanism”.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
N2 in atmosphere
denitrification NH3
plants, R-NH
animals, R-NH
acid rain
NH4+ (ammonium)
NO2- (nitrite)
NO3- (nitrate)
Fig. 19. The biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen [14]. Four types of processes operate the nitrogen cycle: 1) nitrogen-
fixation and incorporation of nitrogen as amino groups (R = NH2) in the living organisms, 2) deamination,
whereby the organically bound nitrogen is released as ammonia, 3) nitrification, whereby bacteria convert
ammonium (NH4+) to nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-), and 4) denitrification (nitrate respiration), whereby bacteria
under anaerobic conditions convert nitrate to free nitrogen in the presence of easily degradable organic matter,
or sulphur, see table 2. In addition, certain bacteria under anaerobic conditions perform a denitrification process
called anammox (= anaerobic ammonium oxidation): NH4+ + NO2- → N2 + H2O [18].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
+5 Nitrate ion NO3-
0 Nitrogen N2 N N
-3 Ammonia NH3
Fig. 20. When two elements chemically combine, their atoms share
one or more electrons in the atoms’ outer electron shell, which is
particularly stable when 8 electrons are present. Atoms of nitrogen and
oxygen, lacking only a few electrons in having filled the outer electron
shell, try to cover the missing electrons by taking up electrons from
other atoms that bind less to them. This principle explains why nitrogen
(N) can have several oxidation steps, depending on whether the nitrogen
is part of the hydrogen (H) or oxygen (O) under formation of nitrate
(NO3-), nitrite (NO2-) or ammonia (NH3). In the oxidized states (+) the
electrons of the nitrogen atom fill the outer electron shell of the oxygen
atom. In the reduced (-) state the outer electron shell of the nitrogen
atom is filled with the electrons of the hydrogen atoms.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
Plant roots easily absorb ammonia and nitrate, in the soil, and the absorbed nitrogen
compounds are incorporated into amino acids, which in turn are incorporated into
proteins. When the plants die and decompose, or are eaten by animals and the proteins are
transported through the food chains, the amino groups (-NH2) of the amino acids are split
off and released to the surroundings as ammonia (NH3), or excreted in the urine as urea.
This process is called deamination. Ammonia and ammonium (NH4+) is a corresponding
acid-base pair. At pH 7, the concentration of ammonium is about 200 × higher than the
concentration of ammonia. Ammonium does not leach out very easy because the positive
charge allows it to bind to the negatively charged particles of clay and humus in the soil.
Nevertheless, the nitrogen compounds leach because the ammonium ions can be oxidized to
nitrite (NO2-) of chemoautotrophic bacteria (Nitrosomonas). Nitrite can be further converted
to nitrate (NO3-) by other bacteria (Nitrobacter). The conversion of ammonia to nitrite and
further to nitrate is called nitrification. Under anaerobic conditions, nitrate is reduced to
free nitrogen by a process known as denitrification, which is performed by the bacterium
Pseudomonas denitrificans: glucose + NO3- → CO2 + N2 + 2387 kJ. The process with O2
per mol glucose would have given an energy output of 2872 kJ. Thus, there is almost as
much energy gain by anaerobic denitrification as by combustion with oxygen, see Table 2.
Since it was learned to fix free atmospheric nitrogen through industrial processes, the
consumption of nitrogen fertilizers has increased dramatically. The natural biological fixation
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
of nitrogen on land is of the order of 44 million tons per year, but the industrial fixation
is almost as large (30 million tons per year). This in combination with a strong increase
in the use of nitrogen fixing legumes, has given rise to increased nitrate concentrations in
ground- and surface water. The result is nitrate polluted groundwater and eutrophicated
rivers, lakes and coastal waters. Changed cultivation practices and use of excess manure at
the wrong times of the year have also been an important factor for the worsened situation
in many industrialised countries. In particular, sandy soils cannot retain nitrate, which leaks
down into the groundwater when the vegetation is insufficient to take it up. Globally, it
is estimated that today more nitrogen is fixed biologically, industrially and atmospherically
(92 million tons per year) than denitrified (83 million tons per year). This means that we
have significantly gained influence on the global nitrogen balance. Until now plant growth
both on land and in the sea has been limited by nitrogen, and therefore it is clear that an
increased fixation of nitrogen not being matched by a corresponding denitrification will
result in ecological disorders.
Finally it should be mentioned that the photo chemical and electrical processes in the
atmosphere can oxidize N2 to nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), which can also be formed by
burning of oil and coal and brought to the soil by rain as nitric acid – on weight basis, this
nitrogen contribution is about 1/10 of the biological fixation. It is a thoughtful consideration
that without denitrifying bacteria, the oceans would be a nitric acid solution. Denitrification
must therefore have been developed soon after the emergence of O2 in the atmosphere. In
1999, the scientific world was surprised when a previously unknown denitrification process
was identified. It turned out that some bacteria under anaerobic conditions can perform
denitrification by a process called anammox (= anaerobic ammonium oxidation), where
ammonium and nitrite are converted to free nitrogen and water: NH4+ + NO2- → N2 +
H2O. Globally, this process is responsible for 30–50% of the free nitrogen produced in the
oceans. Anammox is the main sink of fixed nitrogen and thus directly contributing to the
limitation of the primary production in the oceans [17, 18].
Very large quantities of nitrogen are bonded in the oceans’ sediments and rocks in the
Earth’s crust, but since the turnover of this nitrogen is very slow, unlike the atmospheric
nitrogen, the nitrogen cycle is of the gaseous biogeochemical type.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
1 C6H12O6 + 6KNO3 → 6CO2 + 3H2O + 6KOH + 3N2O 2282
glucose potassium potassium dinitrogen
nitrate hydroxide oxide
2 5C6H12O6 + 24KNO3 → 30CO2 + 18H2O + 24KOH + 12N2 2387 (per mol glucose)
3 5S + 6KNO3 + 2CaCO3 → 3K2SO4 + 2CaSO4 + 2CO2 + 3N2 553 (per mol sulphur)
sulphur potassium calcium
sulphate sulphate
4 C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O 2872
carbon water
Deamination (ammonification)
5 CH2NH2COOH + 1.5O2 → 2CO2 + H2O + NH3 737
glycine oxygen ammonia
6 NH3 + 1.5O2 → HNO2 + H2O 276
nitrous acid
Nitrogen fixation
8 N2 → 2N “activation” of nitrogen -670
9 2N + 3H2 → 2NH3 54
Table 2. The energy yield of various chemical reactions of interest to the nitrogen cycle (14).
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
photochemical oxidation
acid rain
coal, oil etc.
SO42- (sulphate)
S (sulphur)
Fig. 21. The biogeochemical cycle of sulphur [3, 16]. The Roman numerals close to the
arrows, showing the turnover of sulphate, hydrogen sulphide and sulphur, refer to:
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
In small amounts SO2 may fertilise plants, but in larger quantities the compound is harmful.
By photochemical oxidation in the atmosphere, SO2 can be converted to SO3, which reacts
with water to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4), which together with nitric acid formed by
air pollution with nitrogen oxides, falls to the ground as “acid rain” (16). Acid rain can
cause forest decline and acidification of specially decalcified lakes [19]. In recent years in
Norway and Sweden, acid rain has wiped out fish stocks in many hundreds of lakes. But
“acid rain”, defined as rain with pH below 5.65, can give rise to other injuries. Sandstone,
containing calcium carbonate (CaCO3), decays much faster in sulphur contaminated air.
Striking examples are the historic monuments of Greece and Italy that have stood up to
several thousand years without major changes, but over the last decades, have suffered
much damage. This is because acid rain or dry deposit of sulphur dioxide (SO2), e.g. from
diesel cars, deposited on the monuments, react with the calcium carbonate forming soluble
calcium sulphate (plaster), which is easily washed away by rainwater.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
The importance of sulphate breathing bacteria for the turnover in marine sediments is
great. About 50% of the decomposition of organic matter (mineralization) at the bottom
of a temperate marine area (Limfjorden in Denmark) is performed by sulphate breathing
bacteria – which also means that 50% of the oxygen consumption at the bottom is used for
oxidation of H2S. This acts as a carrier of energy from the deeper anoxic to the overlying
aerated (aerobic) zone near the sediment surface [20].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
If the oxygen concentration at the bottom is very low (less than 2 mg O2l-1) and if at the
same time an abundance of hydrogen sulphide is produced, the “white sulphur bacteria”,
which are often seen as excessive white films on the bottom, may no longer be able to
absorb and transform the hydrogen sulphide, which is a powerful environmental poison.
Hydrogen sulphide can then penetrate the sediment and come up into the overlying water,
which kills the benthic fauna. This phenomenon caused by oxygen depletion has, since the
1970s, become an increasingly widespread and more frequent phenomenon in the many
marine coastal and shallow areas, due to increasing eutrophication (nutrient overloading
from domestic waste and agriculture). Although sulphur has a gas phase in the atmosphere,
this is not a large reservoir (though the turnover rate of sulphur in the atmosphere is poorly
known). The large reservoir is found in sediment. The sulphur cycle is therefore of the
sedimentary biogeochemical cycle type.
Free phosphate ions are taken up across the outer surfaces of the phytoplankton cells or
through the roots of larger plants and incorporated into the living tissues. Phosphorus
passes through the grazing food chain in the same way as nitrogen and sulphur, and excess
phosphorus is predominantly excreted in faeces. Inorganic phosphate is released into the
abiotic environment when the decomposers in the detritus food chain break down the
phosphorus-containing organic material in faeces or dead plants and animals. The organic
phase of the biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus is very simple. The inorganic phase
of the phosphorus cycle is more complex and less well known, especially in terms of its
turnover in sediments [3, 7]. Sediments take up or release phosphate, depending on the
chemical conditions. Under aerobic conditions, there are often found large quantities of
phosphate bound to oxidized iron compounds (Fe+++) in the upper sediment layers (FePO4).
In summer, where there may be oxygen depletion at the bottom, sulphide can penetrate up
to the sediment surface and reduce the iron compounds producing iron sulfide, resulting
in the release of phosphate. The widespread and frequent incidents of oxygen depletion in
certain eutrophicated shallow marine areas, therefore leading to significantly higher phosphate
concentrations in the water during summer than during winter when the sediment surface
is oxidized (and light brown, due to iron hydroxides = “rust”). The first case of oxygen
depletion during summer starts an “evil circle” where the released phosphate (which is the
limiting nutrient factor in early summer) causes an increase in the phytoplankton production,
which during the summer and early fall triggers new incidents of oxygen depletion [20].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
Phosphate is only to a lesser extent washed out of the ground. The reason is that phosphate
reacts chemically with the aluminium, calcium, manganese and iron ions, and form poorly
soluble compounds. The plants cannot absorb phosphate bound in these compounds, and
thus the amount of biologically available phosphate is not only determined by the absolute
amount of phosphate in an ecosystem, but rather by the speed at which it is recycled.
Especially in many freshwater lakes, where the “mobile pool” of phosphate is very small.
Thus, it is the phosphate that is the limiting factor for the growth of phytoplankton in
many lakes. They receive larger or smaller amounts of nitrate leached from surrounding
agricultural areas, but because phosphate, not being leached from the soil, is the limiting
factor, the nitrate does not cause immediate problems with growth of plankton algae.
But if domestic sewage, containing relatively high amounts of bioavailable phosphorous
is discharged at the same time (often being the case), causing rapid growth (“bloom”) of
phytoplankton then this can result in a series of environmental problems [21]. If a lake
during a number of years, has received phosphate containing wastewater, a large pool of
phosphate may have been bound in the mud at the bottom of the lake. This phosphate will
be released (“mobilized”) due to eutrophication and deposition of organic matter, if anoxic
conditions develop at the bottom. Therefore, a stop for further discharge of phosphate will
only have an effect many years later.
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Biogeochemical cycles
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
A population is defined as all individuals of the same species in a given area. A population
has a number of features that are characteristic of this organization level, and not found
on the organizational level below (individual) or above (community). A population has, for
example, an age structure, a distribution, and a density, see Fig. 22. This chapter describes how
populations are regulated by means of a complex interplay with the ambient environment.
B Age classes
Age classes 70
80 60
65 50
60 45
55 40
40 30
35 25
30 20
20 15
15 10
10 Mexico 5 Denmark
5 0
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Some populations are regulated mainly by abiotic factors. Other populations are regulated
to a high degree by predators that pursue the individuals of the population. Still other
populations are regulated mainly through competition with other populations’ species,
which partially exploit the same food resources. Finally, there are also populations, which
are largely self-regulating and do not grow larger than the area can feed over a long period
of time [60].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
In the following, some examples are given of interaction between populations and their
abiotic- and biotic surroundings, with emphasis on explaining how abiotic, inter- and
intraspecific factors can regulate populations’ growth and thus their size and distribution.
It has been proposed to define the ecological niche of a species that the niche can only
contain one species in a given ecosystem. But this definition is not entirely satisfactory. A
more precise definition of an organism’s niche can be derived as follows: Plot linearly on
an x-axis an environmental factor (e.g. temperature) for a species S1, see Fig. 24. On the
axis is marked the interval x’- x” (“tolerance width”) within which the species can survive.
Out along a y-axis is marked the interval y’ – y” of another environmental factor (e.g. pH)
within which the species can survive. The resulting area containing the points with respect
to the two environmental factors x and y indicates S1’s ability to maintain a population. A
third factor z can be treated in the same way, which generates a volume that contains points
that describe S2’s environmental requirements in relation to three factors. If n -environmental
factors are treated in the same way, then an n-dimensional hyper-volume, N1, can be created.
The points contained in N1 correspond to all the environmental combinations where S1 can
maintain a population and N1 is called species S1’s “fundamental niche”. The fundamental
niche thus describes the physiological tolerance limits.
x’ x’’
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
The above model for the description of a species’ niche is more accurate and comprehensive
than the commonly used definition of a niche as a species’ “profession” in the ecosystem (as
opposed to the species’ habitat). One must be aware that the n-dimensional niche model
does not take into account that any tolerance range for a given environmental factor has
an optimum where the species thrives, and that the “graphic” mode of expression does
not allow a description of, for example, that certain environmental factors can mutually
influence each other’s tolerance width. As an example, the growth of diatoms in a lake
can be used to demonstrate how abiotic factors can be dominating in the regulation of
a population’s size. When light and temperature conditions are favourable in the spring,
the diatoms begin to grow fast due to the ample amounts of nutrients in the water at this
time of year. Because the zooplankton is only represented by a few individuals in the early
spring, the algae grow unimpeded until the nutrient silicon (Si) is exhausted and thereby
limiting further growth. The diatom bloom in early spring and the subsequent reduction
is governed exclusively by the abiotic factors (light and silicon). When the diatom growth
ceases due to silicon shortage, other algal species get a chance to grow. The growth of these
algae can in turn be strongly regulated by zooplankton, which by their “grazing” can reduce
the concentration of phytoplankton. Regulation of the zooplankton, which tends to graze
the algae down, takes place through fish predation of the zooplankton. This creates balance
in the ecosystem so that the size of the various populations fluctuates (oscillates) around a
more or less constant value.
There are many kinds of interactions between populations. The interspecific factors can be
subdivided into a number of types, between which, there can be gradual transitions. Interspecific
factors can be classified as: 1) competition, 2) predation or parasitism, 3) symbiosis. In the
following, these phenomena are described with some examples. Competition
When the fundamental niches of two species completely or partly overlap one another, there
will be competition for food and/or space (see Figs. 25 & 26). This kind of competition
is called interspecific competition. The following sections describe four types of observations
that illustrate or demonstrate interspecific competition, which is very important for the
distribution of animals and plants in nature.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
niche tops
resource utilisation
species species
niche dimension
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Corophium Hydrobia
3 6 12 24 48 96 192 364
Particle size, μm
In the 1930s, the Russian biologist Georgy Gause conducted a large number of laboratory
experiments on competition between different species of single-celled ciliates of the genus
Paramecium fed with bacteria or yeast cells. In some of the experiments, two species were
cultivated separately with the amount of feed offered (bacteria) kept constant. After some
time the Paramecium populations grew up to the size that was allowed by the food supply,
see Fig. 27. Subsequently, the two species of Paramecium were grown in the same culture
chamber at the same constant amount of food. Up to about the fourth day, both species
populations grew. But when the food resources were fully utilized, one of the species
decreased in number while the other (more efficient) species still increased in number. After
about 16 days, the less effective species was extinct while the effective species approximately
attained a population size similar to that achieved when it was cultured alone.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
P. caudatum (N2)
N2 together with P. aurelia
K2= 64
dN2 64 - N2
= 0.794 N x
40 dt 2 64
dN2 64 - N2 - βN1
= 0.794 N x
N1 and N2 (volume)
0 dt 2 64
P. aurelia (N1)
N1 together with P. caudatum
K1= 105
80 dN1 105 - N1
= 1.124 N x
dt 1 105
2 6 10 14 18 days
Fig. 27. Growth of two ciliates (Paramecium aurelia and P. caudatum) that have “the same niche”.
The figure shows the growth of the two ciliates when cultured separately, or in a mixed culture.
It is seen that P. caudatum is competed by P. aurelia [23]. The mathematical expressions for the
growth of the two ciliates are explained in section 4.2.
Table 3. The results of the competition experiments started with the same number of the two species of flour
beetles (X) and (Y), respectively, under different climatic conditions [24].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Another example of interspecific competition between two closely related species can be
retrieved from American biologist Thomas Park’s experiments from the 1950-60s with flour
beetles. In a series of experiments conducted at various combinations of temperature and
humidity, Park examined the competition between the two species of flour beetles. It was
found that one species always completely suppressed the other species. One species (Tribolium
castaneum) always won in a hot-humid environment while the second species (Tribolium
confusum) always won in a cold-dry environment, see Table 3. However, in an environment
with temperature-humidity lying between the two extremes, there was – depending on the
initial number of individuals at the onset of the experiment – a certain randomness in the
outcome of which of the two species won, see Fig. 28. Elimination of a species due to
interspecific competition with another species has been known as “the competitive exclusion
principle” or “Gause’s principle” that says that “two species with the same ecological niche
cannot coexist”.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
N2 wins
N2 (Tribolium castaneum)
30 N1 wins
30 60 90 120 150 180 210
N1 (Tribolium confusum)
If two species are not equally well adapted to all the habitats in “the fundamental niche”,
but otherwise exploit the same food resources, they can often co-exist by sharing the niche
between them. The part of “the fundamental niche” which is utilized when there is an
interaction (interspecific competition) with other species organisms is called the “realized
niche”. Based on the patterns of distribution, it has in many cases been documented that
the organisms in nature do not exploit (realize) their entire fundamental niche. A classic
example is the turbellarian worms Planaria montenegrina and Planaria gonocephala that
live in brooks. No individual species live in the whole extent of a brook, but when the
two species occur in the same brook, they share it between themselves: one species occurs
below 14 °C, the second species above this temperature [25].
Another classic example is the distribution of two species of acorn barnacles on Scottish
rocky coasts [26]. One of the barnacle species (Chthamalus) can live from the high-
tide line and downwards, but because of competition from the other barnacle species
(Semibalanus) which do not tolerate drying out at low tide, live usually only in that part
of its fundamental niche which lies in the tidal zone, see Fig. 29.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Mean tide
In a series of experiments dealing with competition between the two ciliate species
Paramecium bursaria and Paramecium aurelia grown in centrifuge glass tubes with yeast as
food, Gause demonstrated in 1935, that the ciliates divided the “niche” (centrifuge tubes
with yeast cells) between them, because Paramecium bursaria was found at the bottom of
the centrifuge tubes in which they were living of sedimented yeast cells, while the other
ciliate species swimming in the liquid fed on suspended yeast cells [27]. The culture of
yeast cells were part of both species “fundamental niche”, but each of the species could
only realize a part of this when the other species was present.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
3) Niche diversification
By niche diversification it is meant that related species living in the same area exhibits a
specialization so as to avoid competing for the same limited resources – i.e. they avoid
niche overlap. Only two examples are cited from the abundant literature on the subject.
A study of the food choices of the great black cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and the
closely related common shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) has shown that the two species
have specialized in catching different kinds of fish [28]: the great black cormorant eats
preferably sand eel and herring fish while the common shag eats a mixed feed of flatfish,
shrimps, gobies and other things, see Fig. 30.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Sand eel
Other fish
0 10 20 30 40 50 % 10 20 30 40 50 % of diet
Fig. 30. The food choice of two cormorant species: the common shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis,
left) and the great black cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). The two related cormorant species
are often observed at the same sites during the breeding season, but even if the habitat is the
same, the food choice is differently. Hence the two species have different niches, and the two
cormorant species do not directly compete with one another [28].
Three species that belong to the same genus of parasitic wasps live in the same area where
their larvae feed parasitically on the same wood boring larval species that can only lay eggs
in the “host” when their organ used for laying eggs (ovipositor) is fully inserted. Because
the wood-boring larvae are found at different depths in the tree trunks, the parasitic
wasps have specialized in boring larvae that live at different depths. The three parasitic
wasp species have developed significantly different length of ovipositors to avoid direct
competition [29].
4) Character displacement
When two related species geographically overlap each other, they tend to deviate from
each other in their form and construction (morphological) and there is less variation
within the species than in those cases where the species live apart from each other. This
phenomenon is called character displacement and can be considered as an illustration of the
phenomenon when interspecific competition has forced the species to niche diversification,
i.e. to share the niche between them.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
A known example is Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos Islands. On islands where the
species occur together, the height of their beaks significantly deviates from each other while
on islands where the finches occur separately, the beak height can overlap [30], see Fig. 31.
Abingdon, 50
Jervis 0
40 Ground finches:
40 medium
Crossmans large
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Height of beak (mm)
Fig. 31. Height of beak in three species of ground-finches (Geospiza sp.) on the Galapagos
Islands. The measurements of the beak-height are depicted horizontally and the percentage
of individuals of each species is shown vertically. At Daphne and Crossmans, both of which are
very small islands, there is only one species of finches. These species have beak-heights that
lie between those found in small and medium sized finches on the larger islands. It is assumed
that the finches have descended from a single species, which at one time or another came to
the outlying islands from South America. As there was no other closely related species, the
finches specialized, and when Darwin visited the islands in 1835, he was captivated by seeing
how the finches had exploited ecological niches that were normally filled by other types of birds. Predation
There is a gradual transition of possibilities for interaction between a predator and its
prey: 1) the predator limits the prey so much that the population of prey becomes extinct
or nearly eradicated, 2) the predator regulates the stock so that the prey population does
not become so large that the food resources are destroyed (overgrazed), 3) the predator is
neither highly regulating or limiting. An example of predator being highly limiting for a
prey population can be found in Canada, where the snowshoe hare is pursued by the lynx.
If the population of snowshoe hare is growing because of particularly favourable conditions,
this subsequently leads to such a strong increase in the population of lynxes that it can
reduce the population of snowshoe hare to near extinction [31]. This gives rise to violent
fluctuations of both species populations, see Fig. 32.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
140 Snowshoe hare
120 Lynx
Number (x103) 100
1845 1855 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1925 1935
Fig. 32. Changes in the number of snowshoe hare (prey) and lynx (predator) in the years 1845
to 1935, determined as the number of furs received by the Hudson’s Bay Company [31].
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
In nature, it is rare that a predator (or parasite) exploits its prey so much that the existence
of the population is threatened. It is usually only when two species that are not adapted to
each other are brought together, that you see examples of extinction, cf. Fig. 33.
500 Host
Population density
500 B
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
However, it is worth noting that predation is not a one-way interaction. The existence of
predation results in the selective development of an often effective prey defence mechanism.
Many defence mechanisms are behavioural. Some herd animals defend themselves from
attack by a predator, for example, by lumping together with the largest and strongest males
forming in front, against the attacker. Other defences are camouflage (e.g. fish, which adjusts
the colour on the surroundings, and butterflies where the colour coincides with tree bark
or leaves), toxic compounds (many insects and plants avoid being eaten because they are
toxic) and physical defences (many animals and plants have prickly needles, etc.). Finally,
it can be mentioned that many “harmless” animals use other poisonous species’ “warning
colouring” (mimicry).
In a classic experiment, Robert Paine removed the starfish Pisaster ochraceus from an area on
the rocks in the intertidal zone and subsequently examined the effect on species diversity
[39]. This starfish, which is not very numerous, lives on the mussel, Mytilus californianus.
In the absence of starfish, Paine observed that the species diversity went steeply down since
the mussel gradually spread and eliminated the majority of other species. The experiment
shows that Pisaster is a keystone predator, which exerts great influence on the number of
species, although it is not abundant.
On the west coast of Alaska, the sea otter, Enhydra lutris, lives on the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus
polyacanthus, which again mainly feed on seaweed (macroalgae), dominated by the genera
Laminaria and Agarum. In areas with many otters, urchins are rare and forests of seaweed
are therefore well-developed. Conversely, in areas with few sea otters, there are many sea
urchins and therefore seaweed is absent [43]. In the years between 1987 and 1997 it was
observed that the orca Orcinus orca had begun to predate on sea otters, due to a reduction
in the orca’s usual prey. The result was that the population of sea otters went significantly
down in large areas along the west coast of Alaska. This loss of a keystone predator allowed
the sea urchin population to increase, resulting in a pronounced reduction and loss of
seaweed forests [44].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Finally it can be mentioned that some organisms may exert a significant influence on a
community, not through their trophic interactions, but by causing physical changes in the
environment. Species that can dramatically alter the physical environment on a big scale
are called “ecosystem engineers”. A well-known representative is the beaver, which by wood
cutting and building of dams, can transform large areas of forest to flooded marshland.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
But also shipping between different parts of the world contributes to spreading of invasive
species. The comb jelly or sea walnut, ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, lives naturally off the
US East Coast, but from ballast water from ships, it has now found its way to Europe and
Asia. The ctenophore lives mainly on zooplankton. During the late 1980s in the Black Sea,
there was a mass occurrence of this invasive ctenophore resulting in a drastic reduction
of zooplankton. Since zooplankton is also the food for anchovy and sprat, which in turn
are food for larger fish higher up the food chain (mackerel, tuna), this resulted in a total
collapse of the Black Sea fisheries [45]. In 2006, the ctenophore was observed for the first
time along the Dutch coast where it had probably been transported with ballast water from
large cargo ships. In the following years, the invasive ctenophore spread with the northbound
currents and since 2007, it is has been observed in mass occurrence in Danish and other
Scandinavian waters [51]. Symbiosis
Two species’ populations can be linked together in a cohabitation called symbiosis. Symbiosis
may be beneficial for one or both species. Therefore it is common practice to distinguish
between two main types of symbiosis, namely commensalism and mutualism. Commensalism
is a form of partnership where one species (“the guest”) is given food, shelter, transportation
etc., without demonstrable disadvantages or advantages to “the host”. Mutualism is a form
of cohabitation, which implies that both parties benefit from the partnership. There are
countless examples of mutualism in nature. Here are just a few examples:
a) Lichens are “double creatures” consisting of a fungus and an algal species. The algae
produce photosynthetic products that the fungi make use of. In return, the fungi
provide water and inorganic minerals to the algae.
b) Ruminants are totally dependent on cellulose degrading bacteria in the rumen because
they cannot produce enzymes that break down the cellulose in plant cell walls.
c) Most living plants are angiosperms, flowering plants, that require pollination by
animals (insects, birds) flying from flower to flower, while the animals benefit from
the plant nectar or pollen. Animals also play an important role by spreading plant
seeds and fruits. Many small forest plant seeds are spread by ants, due to the seeds
are equipped with a small organ (elaiosom) with nutritious ant food. Some birds
spread seed kernels by passing the seed through their gut, resulting in a convenient
dropping of fertilizer ready to sprout. This well-known example of partnership
benefits both parties.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
d) Root infections by nitrogen fixing bacteria and fungi are widespread in nature.
Examples are nodule bacteria (Rhizobium) in sweet peas and similar bacteria included
under actinomycetes in alder, buckthorn and other trees that provide nourishment
for the bacteria, while they in turn benefit from the nitrogen compounds that the
nitrogen fixing bacteria produce.
e) Many forms of mutualism are not very conspicuous. For example, many aquatic
animals have unicellular algae in their cells. One of the best studied examples is
the ciliate Paramecium bursaria which is filled with single-celled green algae when
it is in light. In light, the ciliate can only utilize inorganic nutrients, but in the
dark (without the algal cells’ photosynthesis) the animal requires organic matter.
f ) There are many indications that mitochondria and chloroplasts were originally
symbiotic oxygen breathing bacteria and blue-green photosynthetic bacteria,
respectively. They were amoeba-like cells, which during prehistoric times developed
into animal and plant cells (“the endosymbiosis theory”).
Many biotic factors that help to regulate the densities of populations are intraspecific. These
factors are never completely separated from interspecific- and abiotic factors, but together
these intraspecific factors may ensure the stability of a population. Intraspecific factors can
be passive (e.g. competition between a plant population’s individuals) or active (e.g. social
organization within a population).
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Many animals mark out a certain area (territory) for their activities (foraging, mating, nesting,
etc.). This territory is defended aggressively or more peacefully with signals (odours, sounds,
threatening postures etc.) against intruding individuals of the same species. This territoriality
is an expression of intraspecific competition. At low population densities there are enough
optimal territories for all, and territory defence has no effect on the reproductive success.
At moderate population densities, there are not enough optimal territories for everyone
and some individuals are forced out into “marginal territories”. At even higher population
densities, there is a need for even marginal territories and some individuals become “floaters”
without any territory. These individuals’ reproductive success is very small, but “floaters” act
as the population’s buffer, by taking over territories that become empty due to death of the
territory owner. When a population’s density is approaching the area’s ability to feed the
population, the number of “floaters” with poor reproductive success and scanty territory
assertive behaviour decrease, and in this way the population regulates itself. For example,
studies of the reproduction speed of great tits have shown that there is a clear decline in
the number of nestlings per couple with increasing population density. The number of
nestlings per couple can thus be reduced from 16 young birds per year when there is a
population density of 1 pair per 10 ha to only 6 young birds per couple when there are
16 pairs per 10 ha.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Defending of territories can also help to regulate a population by forcing “floaters” to search
for territories in new areas. Studies have shown that the number of deer in a forest is kept
constant by territory defending behaviour that forces the excess deer without a territory to
emigrate. In this way, intraspecific competition can also affect the spreading of a species [34].
r = (1/N)dN/dt (I)
The unit of r is time-1, and it is noted that the population growth rate, dN/dt, is proportional
to the size of the population, N. If r is constant, the growth is said to be exponential. If
r is positive then the population increases in size (positive growth); if r is negative, then
the size of the population is decreasing (negative growth), and if r = 0, then N is constant
(zero growth).
∫(1/N)dN = ∫rdt
lnN = rt + c
lnN = rt + lnN0
ln(N/N0) = rt
N/N0 = ert
N = N0ert(II)
where N is the population size at a given time t, and N0 is the population size at time t = 0.
If you insert a theoretical value of the specific growth rate in this equation (e.g. r = 1.15)
and plot the number of individuals (N) as a function of time (t) in an arithmetic plot, the
result is a J-shaped curve pattern, see Fig. 34A. But if you choose to plot N as a function
of time in a semi-natural logarithmic (semi-ln) plot, a linear line with slope r is obtained,
because lnN = lnN0 + rt, see Fig. 34B.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Number of individuals (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
N = K/(1+ea-rt) K
a = In((K-N0)/N0)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (t)
Fig. 34. Growth of two theoretical organisms where one grows exponentially (A) while the other
displays “sigmoid” growth (C). The arithmetic plots to the left (A & C) are comparable to the semi-
logarithmic plots to the right of (B & D). r = (unlimited) specific growth rate, K = carrying capacity.
The examples are based on one individual at t = 0.
The doubling of time (t2) for a population exhibiting exponential growth is obtained by
inserting N = 2N0 in the growth equation (II) which gives 2 = ert2 or:
If the exponential growth is negative (by analogy with the decay of radioactive substances),
the population is reduced by half at regular time intervals: t0.5 = ln0.5/r.
Growth in one period of time is: Nt+1/Nt = er. For example, if the growth is expressed by
periodical increments in percentage, then: er = 1 + rper or r = ln (rper + 1), where rper is called
the periodic specific growth (= percentage growth/100). Since rper = er – 1, it follows that:
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
For small values, the specific growth (r) and the period specific growth (rper) are almost equal:
r = 0.02 implies that rper = 1.01r. For populations the concepts of generation time can be
introduced: tg = the average difference between the date of birth of the offspring and the
parents, and net reproduction; R0 = the number of offspring each individual on average
produces (= number of new individuals per individual). Therefore, from equation (II) it will:
R0 = ertg(V)
In the previous section, it was shown how the growth of a population can be described
mathematically, if the specific growth rate (r) is constant. But is the population specific
growth rate ever constant? Fig. 35 shows the growth of a ciliate kept in the laboratory at
different temperatures, and this experiment confirms that a population can in fact have a
constant r value and thus increase exponentially. But it is clear that the exponential growth
cannot continue indefinitely; resources will eventually be exhausted and the growth will stop.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
20 °C
12 °C
4 °C
Number of individuals
0 °C
0 100 200 300
All populations will grow exponentially under constant conditions, but usually growth is
inhibited before all resources are exhausted, so growth is only exponential in the beginning.
However, there may be examples from nature where the growth is exponential until food
becomes limiting. Populations which grow exponentially are characterized by being unstable
and highly volatile (infestations and bacterial growth).
Many populations inhibit their own growth when their sizes approach the carrying capacity
of the area. The inhibition takes place through a so-called negative feedback, dN/dt, which
reduces the growth rate of the population more and more as the number of individuals
approach the carrying capacity, K. This can be expressed by modifying the equation for
the unrestrained exponential growth with the function f(N). Small values of N (N << K)
assumes values near
1 (almost exponential growth); but as N approaches K the function
f(N) goes towards 0 (zero): dN/dt = rNf(N) (r = maximum unlimited initial growth rate).
The requested function f(N) can be expressed by the size (K – N)/K, which has values
close to 1 for N << K and approaching 0 for N going towards K. The differential equation
thus becomes:
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
The growth model is called “the logistic model” or “the Pearl-Verhulst model” after its
two (independent) developers. It is immediately seen that (K – N)/K is an expression of
the number of “seats” that, at any time, are left over in relation to the maximum possible
number of “seats”, namely the carrying capacity (K). By integration (not to be shown here;
see e.g. reference [59]) the logistic growth equation is obtained:
N = K/(1 + e[a-rt])(VII)
The number of individuals (N) versus time in an arithmetic plot describes an S-shaped
(“sigmoid”) curve, see Fig. 34C. It can be seen that the population growth is (almost)
exponential for small values of N, and that N with time approaches asymptotically to K.
The growth rate of the population is maximal when the population density is half of the
carrying capacity (the sigmoid curve’s tangent line). The optimum yield (dN/dt)opt that can
be obtained from the population is determined by inserting N = K/2 in the expression:
If for example a fish population follows the logistic model, then the fish population will
be overfished (i.e. the population is driven towards extinction) if the yield is larger than
rK/4. If less is being fished, the maximum yield is not obtained. The simple rule of “half
the carrying capacity” is based strictly on the logistic growth model. Populations with more
complex, non-linear relationships between specific growth rate and population density will
have different points of optimum yields, for example (1/3)K, or (3/4)K.
In Fig. 34 there has been made a comparison between sigmoid and exponential growth, partly
in an arithmetic plot, partly in a semi-log plot. It is noted that the curves coincide at the
beginning. In the semi-logarithmic plot, the sigmoid growth curve approaches asymptotically
to K (Fig. 34D), whereas the exponential growth curve is linear with time (Fig. 34B). The
logistic growth model shows the relationship between the elements, all of which can be
ascribed a biological meaning. But the model has so many significant simplifications, that it
cannot be expected to give a realistic picture even in relatively simple situations. Thus, the
model does not taken into account: 1) the age structure of the population, 2) the minimum
size of the population for survival, 3) social animals have a minimal density, 4) changes
in the environment are not immediately reflected in a changed population growth rate,
5) competition with other species’ populations, 6) it is unreasonable simply to assume that
the specific growth rate decreases linearly with population density, see Fig. 36.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Fig. 36. Possible relationships between a population’s specific growth rate and
its density. Curve no. 1 shows the hypothetical line for a population which has a
specific growth rate (1/N)dN/dt = rm(1 – N/K), where rm = the maximum specific
growth rate, which decreases linearly as a function of population density (N) (one
of the prerequisites of the logistic growth equation). Curve no. 2 shows the specific
growth rate in a population that has a density-independent growth, and hence is
growing exponentially. Curve no. 3 shows a form which is often found in a density-
dependent, self-regulating population. Curve no. 4 shows the specific growth rate
in a population that has a maximum growth rate at a medium population density.
The Wake
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
In spite of these objections, the logistic model has frequently been fitted to experimental data
from both laboratory and field studies. The reason for this is that the model is simple, that
the used terms can be attributed biological meaning, and that there is often a surprisingly
good agreement with the experimental data. In Fig. 37, the logistic growth model is used
to describe the sigmoid growth of a population of yeast cells. The concept of “negative
feedback” covers different conditions increasingly inhibiting the growth of the population
when its density increases. In the case of yeast cells (see Figs. 37 & 38), the inhibition is
caused by the yeast cells’ production of harmful substances (including alcohol).
Number of yeast cells per μl
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fig. 38. The same data for the growth of yeast cells
in culture, as shown in Fig. 37 but depicted in a
semi-log plot. An exponential curve that describes
the growth of the yeast culture during the first 4
hours has been plotted to illustrate how the growth
would be if there was no “negative feedback”. The
area between the two curves, and the line for the
carrying capacity (K), can be perceived as a
quantitative expression of the “ambient resistance”.
In larger animals, such as feral sheep (see Fig. 39), the negative feedback is caused by food
scarcity due to an increasing degree of overgrazing as the population approaches the area’s
carrying capacity. In territory defending animals, negative feedback is often caused by reduced
reproductive success of individuals without a territory. If the exponentially growing human
population in many developing countries should be lowered, it is a widespread assumption
that a negative feedback is needed in the form of social and material goods for families
with few children.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
1820 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1900 10 20 30
Fig. 39. Around year 1800, sheep were released into the wild on the island of Tasmania, south
of Australia, and for a period of more than 100 years, there exist reasonably good countings of
the sheep population [35]. In the new environment, with temporary unlimited food resources, the
sheep population grew exponentially at the beginning, but because of the delay in the feed-back
mechanism for the self-regulating population and consequent overgrazing, the stock began to
decline, followed by a series of “damped oscillations” around the carrying capacity of about
1,700,000 sheep. The plotted curve is based on the logistic growth equation (VII) fitted to the
dots showing data for the individual countings [7]. The increase in population size after 1925 can
be attributed to better living conditions due to cultivation of land.
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Independently of each other, the American mathematician, physical chemist and statistician
Alfred J. Lotka and the Italian mathematician Pierre F. Volterra in the mid-1920s, generated
a set of differential equations to describe the growth of two species’ populations that compete
for the same food resource, and similar equations for two species of which one species is
the other species’ prey [36, 37]. The equations have been known as “the Lotka-Volterra
equations” and are briefly presented below.
First we discuss a growth model that takes into account the competition between two species
competing for the same limited resource (i.e. “the competitive exclusion principle”). Each
species’ population will be limited not only by its own individuals but also by the growth
of the other species. If the two species’ populations are called N1 and N2, the following
growth equations for the two species can be established:
where r1 and r2 are the two species’ (unlimited) specific growth rates, K1 and K2 are the two
species’ carrying capacity when each of the species live alone, and α (alpha) and β (beta)
are conversion factors so that N1’s and N2’s inhibitory effects on each other can be made
equivalent to a corresponding number of individuals of the same species that “inhibit itself ”.
For example is αN2 = inhibitory competitive effect of species 2 on species 1. It can thus
be seen that α/K1 is a measure of how much an individual of species 2 inhibits species 1.
Further it can be inferred that:
In the experiments with the ciliates Paramecium aurelia and Paramecium caudatum (see
Fig. 27), it is found that β = 1.64 and α = 0.61. The higher β-value indicates that the
individuals in population N1 have a larger “competition efficiency” and therefore always
will win.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
The established growth equations for the two species cannot be integrated; but the consequences
of the equations can be realized. N1 is in equilibrium when K1 – N1 – αN2 = 0 and N2
is in equilibrium when K2 – N2 – βN1 = 0. If the equations are graphically depicted in a
coordinate system, where the abscissa is N1 and the ordinate N2, it can be seen from the
points located either above or below the lines of equilibrium that N1 and N2 will either
grow or decrease, i.e., dN1/dt and dN2/dt are either positive or negative. The growth of
the populations can be depicted as vectors, as shown in Fig. 40. If α = 0.6 and β = 1.6,
the outcome of the competition can be graphically assessed and displayed, see Fig. 41. It
appears that N1, which has the highest competitive efficiency, will always win.
N2 N2
K1/α K1 - N1 - αN2 = 0 K2 - N2 - βN1 = 0
K1 K2/ß
K2/ß K1
Fig. 40. Graphical solution of the Lotka-Volterra model for two species, N1 and N2,
competing for the same food resource. The shown example is for K2 < K1/α and K1 >
K2/β; the analogous possibility is K2 > K1/α and K1 < K2/β. Another two instances are
when the isoclines for dN/dt = 0 cross each other. In one case this indicates stable
coexistence, but lower population density for both species, the other case that one of
the species is outcompeted, depending on the initial population sizes (cf. Fig. 28)
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
K1 = 105 K2 = 64
β = 164 α = 0.61
0 K2/β50 100 K1
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
In the following we discuss the predator/prey model. In words the model can be described
as follows:
{ The change in the number of prey per unit of time } = { Unlimited growth of prey per unit
of time } – { Extermination of prey per unit of time caused by the predator }
{ The change in the number of predators per unit of time } = { The increase in the number
of predators as a result of the change of prey per time unit } – { Deaths among predators per
unit time }
where N1 and N2 are the population size of the prey and the predator, respectively, r1 is
the population growth rate of the prey in the absence of a predator, d2 is the predators’
mortality rate, and k1 and k2 are constants. The model assumes that the consumption of
prey is directly proportional to the size of the two populations, assuming that this is equal
to the probability that a predator and prey meet.
At the equilibrium point where dN1/dt = dN2/dt = 0, this implies that N1 = d2/k2 and N2
= r1/k1. It is seen that N1 increases when N2’s death rate increases, and conversely that N2
increases when N1’s growth rate r1 increases. Use of insecticides has in some cases unexpectedly
led to an increase in the number of pests because the insecticide resulted in an increased
mortality of the predator of the pest organism. Anecdotally it can be mentioned that it
was a similar phenomenon that made Volterra interested in population dynamics: during
World War I, when the fishing effort as a whole went down, he observed an increase in
the percentage of predatory fish at the fish market in Venice.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Several attempts have been made to correct for some of the foregoing simplifications. Here
only a single further development of the original Lotka-Volterra equations is mentioned ,
namely the following differential equations:
These equations take into account that the prey population restricts itself (made by introducing
the term k1N1 and that the unlimited growth of the predator population is increasingly
inhibited when the total number of predator to prey organisms (N2/N1) is growing.
In recent years, several books have been published on this subject and they give detailed
outlines of the consequences of the differential equations [37, 38, 60, 61], which are not
mentioned here.
In the following, some examples of the practical use of mathematical growth models are given.
Example 1
Answer: N = N02t/rt
5.96 × 107 = 2 × 104 × 210/tg
tg = 0.866 hours
Example 2
A green algal species has a constant generation time, tg, but do not divide in 2 but rather
in 4 cells.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Example 3
A population of algae is growing exponentially. It is observed that after 2 days there are
400 algal cells present, while after 6 days there are 800 algal cells.
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Population ecology
Example 4
The human population in a city grows with a constant rate of 4% per year. If the
population in 2001 was 100,000, how big will it be in 2017?
Example 5
A population of yeast cells grows 48.2% per hour. At time t = 0 the population size is
N0 = 8.34 g biomass (DM = dry matter). During this growth period, the consumption of
glucose is f = 0.345 g per g of biomass (DM) per hour (h). What is the consumption of
glucose, Ft=4-5 from t = 4 to t = 5 h?
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
Species diversity is the multiplicity of species. If an area has high species diversity with regards
to butterflies, it is a good locality for a butterfly collector. As a measure of diversity the
number of species per individual can be used. If you collect 100 individuals in a community
and find 50 species, one can say that species diversity is 0.5. If there are 10 species then
the species diversity is only 0.1.
The distribution of species in a community can be very different. There may be approximately
an equal number of individuals of each species, but there may also be a few species with
many individuals and many species with few individuals. The experience shows that natural
communities almost always have a very large number of species, of which only a few are
very common.
When you describe the diversity of a community and want to compare the number of
species with the number of individuals, various diversity indexes may be applied depending
on what you are interested in information on [1, 36]. If you are interested in the dominant
species, you can use a diversity index that weights the most common species in favor of
the more rare. Such an index is, for example, the Simpson index = Σ(ni/N)2 where ni is
the number of specimens of the species i and N is the total number of individuals of all
species. It is seen that rare species, which represents only a small percentage of the total
number of individuals, contribute very little to this because of the squaring.
If you are interested in the more rare species, which empirically are the first to disappear
if an area becomes polluted, you can use an index that favors the rare species. Such an
index is for example the Shannon index = -Σ (ni/N) log(ni/N). It is seen that the smaller
the percentage of the total number of individuals a species constitutes, the relatively more
importance is attached to it (for example: log0.5 = -0.30 and log0.05 = -1.30).
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
rare species
Number of species (S)
common species
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 12000
Number of individuals per species (N/S)
Fig. 42. The relationship between the number of species (S) and the number of individuals per
species (N/S). In most natural communities, there is almost always a large number of species of
which only a few are very common. When a community is exposed to pollution, it is characteristic
that the rare species disappear while a few pollution-tolerant (“pollution indicators”) survive and
possibly get a large number of individuals – see dotted curve in the figure.
A number of biological and physical conditions that affect a community’s species diversity
can be pointed out:
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
The physical variation of the environment. Physically diverse (heterogeneous) habitats contain
more niches than physically homogeneous habitats. Therefore, relatively few species are found
in the homogeneous water masses of the oceans compared to the number of species in the
coastal areas where there are varied habitats (stones, rocks, coral reefs etc.).
In total about 1 million plant and animal species are described, but only one-sixth are
living in the sea. The remaining numbers of species live on land. The far greater number
of terrestrial species can be associated with a considerably higher physical heterogeneity on
land. A possible explanation for this phenomenon is that the smaller an animal is, the more
physically heterogeneous the environment appears to be (Fig. 43).
10 European rodents,
8 cm - 50 species
Fig. 43. When different groups of animal species are divided into size classes, the result is
that the small species dominate, and that there are only a few large species within each
group of animals [67]. This statement applies when looking at a local community or within a
narrow group of organisms (taxon). But globally, the picture does not fit because there are
for example far more species of insects than of single-celled organisms (protozoans). The
reason for this is that small organisms have a far greater distribution and no local (endemic)
species. A given microorganism will occur when the environment fits it, and for microorganisms
historical (in geological sense) events are not important. Thus, small organisms tend to have
wider or even cosmopolitan distribution, a higher efficiency of dispersal, a lower rate of
geographic speciation (i.e. allopatric speciation), and lower rates of local and global extinction
than do larger organisms which may have endemic species on oceanic islands, mountain
peaks, etc. [79].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
High/low productivity. In a given ecosystem, there is only a limited amount of energy available;
and the less productive an ecosystem is, the fewer number species can maintain a minimum
population. High productivity is a precondition for high species diversity.
The age of the biotic community. Age, seen from a geological time scale, affects species diversity.
Young ecosystems have lower species diversity than old stable ecosystems. Thus, there are
fewer species in the “young” Baltic Sea than in the “old” Caspian Sea.
Age and stability alone do not explain high species diversity in a community. According to
the so-called “intermediate disturbance hypothesis”, high species diversity is also determined
by a certain frequency of disturbances [58, 63]. In any community, organisms are killed or
damaged by disturbances that occur with varying frequency. In the tropical rain forest, trees
are damaged when they are pushed over in stormy weather or struck by lightning, insect
infestations, landslides etc. Corals are destroyed by storms, freshwater flooding, sedimentation
of mud or large flocks of predators. Small plant and animal communities on larger and smaller
stones in shallow water near the shore are disturbed by storms that relocate the stones. The
smaller the stones are, the more frequent and severe are the degree of disturbance caused
by stormy weather. According to the hypothesis, high species diversity is only maintained
if there is an appropriate frequency of disturbances of intermediate strength, see Fig. 44.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
Disturbances interrupt and switch back the competitive elimination process that takes place
during an ecological succession. When species that competitively exclude other species are
removed, the weaker competitors invade the area. Although large geographical areas are
stable in the sense that new species come and old species disappear with imperceptible speed,
disturbances keep local communities in a state of imbalance, which promotes high species
diversity. Gradual climatic changes will also act as disturbance, which helps to maintain
high species diversity. If the frequency of disturbance is reduced, the species diversity
decreases. In the struggle for the limited resources, the most effective species are allowed to
outcompete the weaker species, and the species that are most resilient to disturbances, will
occupy all vacant places and exclude potential immigrants, although these (in the longer
run) are more effective.
Newfoundland 30 Alaska 7
Canada 22 Greenland 56
Table 4. Number of species in various systematic groups in areas with different climates
(arctic cold temperate, temperate, tropical). Note that the number of species increases
from north to south.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
The four types of factors discussed above as being important for species diversity, have
collectively led to the existence of a global variation in species diversity. In general, the
diversity of biotic communities increase from the north towards the equator, see Table 4
and Fig. 45. The reasons for this change in diversity towards the equator are:
a) Higher degree of environmental stability from the poles towards the equator, allowing
plants and animals to have a smaller niche width (they are more specialized).
b) A constant production throughout the year at the equator allows a smaller niche
width and greater splitting of resources.
c) The tropical regions have been climatically stable for a long time (since the
Cretaceous period), while the temperate and polar regions have been exposed to
climate fluctuations, particularly during ice ages.
75 deep sea
50 continental shelf
Fig. 45. The number of bivalve and polychaete species in bottom samples of increasing size
and thus with an increasing number of individuals divided between an increasing number of
species [40]. It is seen that the number of species is highest in the productive tropical shallow
water where a constant high production throughout the year allows narrow widths of niches,
and thus a large number of species in relation to the less productive and more environmentally
unstable temperate shallow water. The species diversity is low in both the tropical and
temperate estuary due to strong fluctuations in salinity, temperature, water level, etc. The
great richness of species in the unproductive deep sea is remarkable. The explanation for this
is that the deep sea has been very environmentally stable for many millions of years, so that
in spite of the very meager food resources, many species have been able to evolve.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
Number of species
Large Small
Number of species
Fig. 46. (A): The number of immigrations of new species decreases and the number
of endangered species increases as the total number of species on an island
increases. The two processes balance when the island has E species, i.e. there is
a dynamic equilibrium of the species. The steep increase in the number of extinct
species takes place when all the island’s habitats are occupied by reasonably well-
adapted species. (B): The dynamic equilibrium of species is greater on a large island
(EL) than on a small island (ES) when the distance from the mainland is the same.
The above principle has proven not only to apply to real islands, but also for “inverted islands”
in the form of inland lakes and small ponds that are isolated in a “sea” of land. A study
of lakes has shown that the number of species of freshwater snails is directly proportional
to the area of the lakes, that the number of species decrease faster with decreasing size in
nutrient-poor than in eutrophic lakes, and that the remaining snails in the small lakes utilise
a larger part of their fundamental niche compared with their fellow species in larger lakes.
Some snails that are strictly related to rooted aquatic plants in the shore zone of large lakes
can thus be found everywhere in small lakes [42].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
Familiarity with the island biogeographic principles has great practical importance for nature
conservation. Nature sanctuaries that are surrounded by houses, farms, roads, etc. can be
thought of as a kind of island. A consequence of this is that even if the public authorities
preserve an area in order to sustain a certain fauna, some of the species will sooner or later,
depending on the size of the area, become extinct. Thus, although some Danish moorland
bogs may still be suitable habitats for the black grouse, these bogs are too few and small,
and also too widely dispersed to allow the black grouse in the long term to maintain a
sufficiently large population. As a result it was declared extinct in Denmark in 2001.
Another example is the bell frog, which in 1850 was fairly widespread on the Danish islands.
Today there are only 8–10 small entirely separate populations left, mostly on small islands.
By means of conservation planning, landscaping and new structures, efforts are being made
to ensure the remaining populations from extinction.
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Species diversity
Table 5. Land and freshwater birds on 9 islands off southern California in 1917 and 1968 [41].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
An ecological succession is a characteristic temporal order in which plant and animal species
replace each other in an ecosystem. A succession can for example be initiated by burning a
forest area or by adding nutrients to a biotope. One can distinguish between two different
models that describe ecological successions:
1) The facilitation model describes ecological successions, where the first pioneer plants
pave the way for the later succession stages that would not have been able to survive
under the pioneer conditions. Examples of facilitation-successions can be obtained
from ecosystems that start on sand, rocks or the like, and where the first succession
stages generate topsoil and other vital conditions (e.g. a favourable microclimate)
for the species that come later during the succession, see Fig. 47.
2) The tolerance model describes ecological successions where the way has previously been
opened for a quick growth of pioneer plants whose existence has been “tolerated”
in the earlier ecosystem in which they had a slow growth in the background. By
shading, the pioneer plants inhibit themselves from reproducing, and other plants
that tolerate shade turn up. If a forest is burned or a cultivated field is abandoned,
fast growing annual and perennial plants will be the first to arrive. After 10–25 years,
shrubs and low trees have suppressed the pioneer plants. After 25–100 years, the
shrubs have been replaced by tall conifers, and the succession will then slowly reach
its “climax” by possibly establishing a mixed forest of conifers and deciduous trees.
basic geological
Fig. 47. Soil characteristics are determined by the geological starting material (granite,
sandstone, limestone, etc.), climate (wet/dry, cold/hot), the vegetation and the time spent on
soil formation.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
If organic matter (e.g. in the form of untreated sewage water) instead of inorganic nutrients
had been added to the above illuminated aquarium with water from a lake enriched with
the succession would have been dominated by respiration in the beginning. The succession
would then have been an example of a so-called autogenous, heterotrophic succession. The
succession process would go as follows, see Fig. 48.
green flagellates
blue-green algae
Population density
amoeba daphnia
colourless flagellates
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
There is a strong increase of bacteria that have a high reproductive potential (high r-value)
and are able to utilize the initially high substrate concentrations (bacteria are known as
opportunists). The bacteria form the basis for an increase of bacteria-eating microorganisms
(colourless flagellates and small ciliates). The bacteria-eating flagellates and ciliates form again
basis for an increase of predators (amoebas, rotifers, large ciliates). Because of a progressive
mineralization of the organic matter, this creates the basis for growth of photoautotrophic
organisms (diatoms, blue-green algae, green flagellates). These photoautotrophic planktonic
algae are “grazed” by daphnia, large ciliates and other herbivores. This grazing of plankton
algae leads to growth of multicellular green algae, because these “big” filamentous algae
cannot be eaten by the small herbivores. Finally, the herbivores serve as food for larger
predators (hydra, a sessile freshwater polyp).
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
Young Producers NP RP
P>R Consumers RC
Climax Producers NP RP
P=R Consumers RC
Fig. 49. The gross primary production (P) in a young autotrophic ecosystem is greater than
the total ecosystem respiration = producers respiration (Rp) + the respiration of the consumers
(Rc). In the young ecosystem, all the net primary production is not used for respiration, which
implies that the system has a net production (NEP = net ecosystem production) which
accumulates as organic matter. The accumulation of organic matter (detritus and living
organisms) increases the physical heterogeneity of the ecosystem, and as long as there is
a surplus of organic matter, there are “empty niches”. Therefore, new species come and
carry on the autogenous, autotrophic succession until all the niches are “filled in” and the
whole the gross primary production of the ecosystem is spent on respiration (P = R) [46].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
coral reefs
fertile forests
P, g O2/m2/day
0.1 1 10
R, g O2/m /day
Fig. 50. In a mature climax ecosystem (on an annual basis) is the gross
primary production of the system (P) = the respiration of the system
(R). Both autotrophic and heterotrophic ecological successions will
develop towards this condition. Ecosystems with high flow through of
energy are placed high on the line P = R, while the opposite is true for
ecosystems with low flow through of energy [47].
The above characteristics of an ecosystem that evolves from a juvenile to a mature system
has by experience been shown to apply to any succession, whether it takes place over a few
days, weeks, months or years. In Fig. 51 is shown the changes in a number of ecological
parameters describing a succession following a forest fire, which proceed over a period of
more than 100 years.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
NEP production
species diversity
Fig. 51. Changes in different ecological parameters during a succession following a forest fire
[1, 3]. The shaded area between the curve of the gross primary production of the ecosystem (P)
and the total respiration of the ecosystem (R) is equal to the net ecosystem production (NEP),
see also Fig. 49. It is noted that the species diversity (D) reaches a maximum at the time of
invasion of the young forest trees, whereupon the diversity slightly decreases as pioneer species
are eliminated. The biomass (B) rises slightly in the beginning where the plant community is
dominated by herbs and scrub, but it increases as the larger trees grow up.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
Another example that succession can be studied in “space” is illustrated in Fig. 52, which
shows what happens if a stream is continuously fed wastewater with a high content of
organic matter. By following the flow direction away from wastewater discharges, one can
observe an autogenous, heterotrophic succession in space. If water discharge ceased, one
would in time be able to observe a similar succession in the area near the discharge point.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
Direction of stream
bacteria algae
A unicellular animals
red polychaetes
chironomid larvae
clean-water fauna
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
Utilisation degree
Resource quality
Fig. 53. Three species’ (I, II, III) exploitation of a resource with a gradient of
qualities (= resource-continuum), such as a size-gradient of food particles [60].
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
The bell-shaped curves show three species use of resources. It can be seen that each species
has a preferred grade on which it has specialized in exploiting most efficiently. The number
of species that may specialize in utilizing a certain part of such a resource-continuum is
limited by the fact that the specialization determines the width of the niche (narrow niche =
high specialization), the narrower the niche, the less food available to maintain a population.
The specialization implies therefore that the population becomes smaller, which in turn
means that the probability that the species die out becomes larger. The more productive
and climatically stable an area is, the more highly specialized species with small populations
will be able to develop. The tendency of ecosystems to evolve towards greater complexity
and higher species diversity is therefore limited by increased sensitivity to climate change
and other impacts from outside, which implies that the most specialized species die out.
The “stability” of an ecosystem is its ability to withstand external changes (climatic changes,
pollution, etc.) without the ecosystem being significantly affected through loss of species and
immigration of new species. It is still a common misconception – even among biologists – that
complex ecosystems are more “stable” than simple ecosystems. The misunderstanding seems
to depend on the assumption that the more ways food energy can be channeled through an
ecosystem, the more robust is the system against impacts from the outside. However, the
fact is that tropical ecosystems, which have a high degree of complexity and a large variety
of species, because of the very constant environmental conditions in the tropics, have only
a low degree of stability to changes in environmental factors. Conversely, arctic ecosystems
have a high degree of stability against extreme climatic fluctuations due to simpler food
chains with fewer specialist species that can utilize several different food resources depending
on the current situation. Experience also shows that tropical ecosystems are more sensitive
to disturbances than temperate ecosystems, and clearing of tropical rainforests can lead to
irreversible damages.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Ecological succession
The book “Limits to Growth”, prepared by an American research group was published in
1972. The book contains the results of a number of model calculations of possible global
developments until 2100. Using mathematical models for the growth of the world population,
food production, consumption of natural resources, industrial production and pollution,
the researchers set up models for global development. The book aroused a fierce debate and
has been the most powerful contribution to the “ecology debate”. It points to a number of
technological measures and growth regulatory interventions. These interventions must be
made if humanity should not run into a disaster caused by an exponentially growing global
population that will lead to lack of resources, which sooner or later will set a definite limit
to further growth. The technical measures that the American researchers identified were
“recycling of resources”, “pollution control”, “increased lifetime of industrial products” and
other concepts that today form part of most people’s consciousness. Further, many other
serious human-induced environmental problems have emerged in recent time and become
part of the political agenda, e.g.: climate changes, loss of tropical rain forests, extinction of
mammals, spreading of invasive species, acidification of the sea.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface, and this is where you find the biggest and
the “thickest” ecosystems in the world. Fig. 54 shows a diagrammatic cross-sectional view
of an ocean adjacent to a continent. It is seen that the continent continues beneath the
ocean as a continental shelf which at a depth of 125–200 m continues in the continental
slope. At a depth of 4–5,000 m the continental slope flattens off and becomes replaced
by the abyssos plain (gr.: abyssos = “bottomless”). The flat abyssos plain is at several places
disturbed by high mountain ridges or deep-sea grooves down to 10,000 m depth.
At all depths in the ocean there are animals living on the bottom, and therefore the sea floor
has been divided into lifestyle zones (habitats) for bottom-dwelling (benthic) organisms: the
littoral zone is the area between high and low water mark (intertidal zone), the sublittoral
zone is the area between the low-water mark and out to the bathyal zone of the continental
slope that continues into the abyssal zone of the deep sea. Likewise, the open waters can
also be divided into several zones: the photic zone is the sun-light exposed surface water,
and the lower boundary of this zone is indicated by the compensation depth, which is the
depth where light intensity is so small that the entire primary production is used for the
phytoplankton’s own respiration. The open sea is called the pelagic zone, while the neritic
zone represents the coastal areas.
Fig. 54. Diagram of the most important life-zones in an ocean. The boundary between the photic zone and
the aphotic zone is marked by the light-compensation depth – note that it decreases towards the coast
due to a higher content of suspended particles in the water. The oceans are vast sea areas with depths
down to 4–5000 m but with quite isolated, smaller areas with depths of up to 10,000 m. The boundary
between the continents and the oceans is formed by the so-called shelf which has a varying width and
depth. From the shelf, continues the quite steep continental slope down to the ocean bottom.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
Photic zone
1 Diatoms phorids
Benthic inverte-
2 Copepods Krill brate larvae
plankton and
3 Herring Baleen whale
and release
4 Mackerel Shark water
photic zone
5 Tuna
“Rain” of plankton algae
and detritus to benthic Ray Plaice
Mussel Worm
Fig. 55. Food chains and nutrient cycles in the open sea. The schematic presentation of the
classical marine grazing food chains does not, however, take the “microbial loop” into account,
see Fig. 56.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
A number of benthic animals are also adapted to a filtering life. Typical representatives of
these filter-feeders, or suspension-feeders, are certain mussel species, which have developed
large gills that pump large amounts of water while at the same time, are able to effectively
retain suspended plankton algae. Other mussel species pick up food on the seabed (“selective
deposit-feeders”). Some of the deposited organic material that these animals do not consume
ends in the sediment where it is decomposed by bacteria. The remaining organic material
can also be consumed by bivalves and polychaete worms (“non-selective deposit-feeders”)
that eat the sediment containing bacteria. All of these benthic invertebrates are important
food sources for benthic fish, such as cod, plaice and eel.
In the 1950s it was realized that the open ocean areas, which were previously believed
to be the population of the world’s upcoming inexhaustible larders were “wet deserts”.
Measurement of the primary production using the so-called carbon-14 method, which
measures the uptake of radiolabelled HCO3- in plankton algae in water samples taken at
different depths, have shown that the gross primary production is often less than 500 kcal/
m2/year. This corresponds to the primary production in desert areas on land. Enrichment
experiments where nutrients (ammonia, phosphate, iron or other trace elements) are added
to water samples, have shown that the production in most open sea areas is limited by
nutrients, primarily phosphorus and nitrogen. Only in sea areas where nutrients come to
the surface with ascending bottom water (“upwelling”), are favourable for a high primary
production, as well as a high secondary production of fish.
The perception of the classical grazing food chain, or rather the pelagic food web, has
changed dramatically since the mid-1970s. Until then, bacteria had only been considered as
decomposers of faeces and other organic material deposited on the sea floor. But with the
introduction of new measuring techniques, it became clear that the biomass and activity of
microorganisms in the water column (the pelagial) are significantly larger than previously
thought. Heterotrophic bacteria can utilize up to about 50% of the primary production that
is lost as dissolved organic matter (DOM), and the impact of protozoans is also far greater
than previously thought. Moreover, it has been found that 0.5–2 µm photo-autotrophic
bacteria (cyanobacteria) are important primary producers in many regions of the oceans.
This new knowledge has led to the realisation of a “microbial loop” in which dissolved
organic matter from phytoplankton is utilized by heterotrophic bacteria that are eaten by
zooplankton, whereby a portion of the energy of the “lost” dissolved organic matter from
phytoplankton is channelled back to the classic grazing food chain, see Fig. 56 [60, 62].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
Bacteria Ciliates
Micro flagellates
Fig. 56. The “microbial loop”. A significant proportion (30–50%) of the primary production is lost
from the classical grazing food chain, as dissolved organic matter (DOM). DOM is utilized almost
exclusively by free-living heterotrophic bacteria and therefore gives rise to a significant bacterial
secondary production. The free-living bacteria are eaten by protozoa (flagellates, ciliates), which
in turn are eaten by zooplankton (copepods), whereby the “microbial loop” is coupled to the
grazing food chain. Photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) also come into the “microbial loop”
when they are eaten by protozoa. Since there is a high turnover in the microbial loop, a large
fraction of the organic matter is mineralized to carbon dioxide, ammonia and phosphate.
The sea can be divided into an autotrophic layer (photic zone) and an underlying heterotrophic
layer (aphotic zone). Because of this vertical division, the inorganic nutrients, which are
incorporated into organic compounds in the photic zone, tend to be transported into the
heterotrophic zone, partly through the food chains and partly by settling of plankton algae
and faeces. The descending algae, dead animals and excrements are decomposed bacterially
whereby essential nutrients (ammonium, phosphate, trace metals, etc.) for phytoplankton are
released. Due to lack of vertical mixing of the water masses, the released nutrients cannot
immediately come back and nourish the phytoplankton in the photic zone.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
Returning of nutrients to the oceans’ sunlight exposed water masses takes place by means
of ocean currents that collide with a continent whereby the nutrient-rich bottom water is
forced up to the surface. Here, the surface currents carry the nutrient-rich water to the open
oceans photic zones. Sea areas with ascending, old, nutrient-rich bottom water (“upwelling
zones”) are very productive, and it is at such places that the world’s best fishing areas are
found. An example of such an area is the sea off Peru where the Humboldt Current forces
nutrient-rich bottom water up to the surface. The productive fishing areas in the north-
west Atlantic is not caused by “upwelling” but eddies where the Gulf Stream hits the North
Atlantic “threshold”, which “only” has a depth of 500 m.
The photic zone reaches down to approximately 100 m in the open ocean areas, but closer
to land it does not penetrate that far down, due to suspended particles. The photic zone
is typically 30–40 m in the more coastal waters. Nevertheless, the primary production is
significantly higher in coastal areas than in the open ocean. This is caused by the nutrients
which are much more limiting for the growth of phytoplankton in open ocean areas. These
have been described as “wet deserts”, see Figs. 55, 57 & 58.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
Coastal waters:
production = 11 kcal/m2/day
biomass = 40 kcal/m2
Depth, m
Open sea:
60 production = 1 kcal/m
biomass = 2 kcal/m
Fig. 57. Vertical distribution of the gross primary production in a coastal area
and in an open sea area in the Northeast Atlantic [1].
Primary production, g C/m2/day
Fig. 58. Yearly cycle of the gross primary production in the Northeast Atlantic [52].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
The vertical distribution of the gross primary production in a coastal and an open area in
the Northeast Atlantic Ocean is shown in Fig. 57. It is noted that the maximum production
takes place in a depth of 10–20 m. This is due to the planktonic algae circulating between
the surface and the thermocline. This makes the algae more or less adapted to darkness
so that they become light inhibited near the surface. The light-compensation depth in
coastal waters is at about 35 m depth but can extend down to 100 m in the open sea.
By integrating the primary production per m3 from the sea surface to the compensation
depth, the total production in the water column can be estimated. In the actual example,
the production in the coastal area estimated to be 11 kcal/m2/day, which is 11 times higher
than in the open sea area (note that production scale is logarithmic). Also the biomass is
higher – 20 times – in the coastal area. This difference between coastal and open sea is
due to a significantly larger amount of nutrients in the coastal areas, which are constantly
supplied with nutrients from the seabed and from land. Fig. 57 indicates the biomass of the
phytoplankton expressed in energy equivalents: 1 kcal = ca. 0.5 g of algal biomass, and this
makes it possible to calculate: 1) the turnover time = biomass/gross primary production, and
2) the turnover rate = gross primary production/biomass. In the coastal area, the turnover
time is around 4 days, and in the open sea area, it is about 2 days.
The annual cycle of the gross primary production in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean is shown
in Fig. 58. The formation of a thermocline in April-May gives rise to a “spring maximum”
in the primary production. Later on, nutrients become limiting for the algal production.
When the seasonal thermocline degrades in the autumn, nutrients return to the photic
zone. This can give rise to a weak “autumn maximum” in the primary production. In late
September through to April, light is the limiting factor for the primary production.
Figure 59 shows the vertical distribution of temperature and pH in the Northeast Atlantic
Ocean. During summer, the upper wind-mixed water masses are warmed by the sun and
this creates a thermocline at a depth of 100–200 m. Below this “seasonal thermocline” is
a “permanent thermocline” which reaches down to a depth of approximately 1000 m. This
temperature stratification prevents that the water masses are vertically mixed from surface to
bottom. The seasonal thermocline causes, however, that the plankton algae are kept mixed
within the photic zone, which results in the formation of a spring maximum in the primary
production, see Fig. 58. The photosynthesis activity in the photic zone causes an increase in
pH (since algae consume CO2), while the bacterial decomposition of organic matter (dead
algae, copepod faeces etc.) that falls from the photic zone, causes a decrease in pH (due to
formation of CO2). From the pH- curve in Fig. 59 it is seen that the microbial degradation
of organic material that falls down from the photic zone is brought to an end before the
material has sunk halfway to the bottom.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2
Depth, m 1000
temperature pH
0 5 10 15 20
Temperature, ºC
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Marine ecosystems
The upper water masses in the northern hemisphere are heated by the sun in spring (April-
May) and a thermocline is formed between a warmer surface layer and a cooler (and heavier)
bottom layer, see Fig. 59. This stratification of the water column prevents mixing that could
provide a supply of nutrients from the underlying more nutrient rich water masses. The
depth of the thermocline is largely determined by wind mixing which stabilizes the water
masses. This implies that the phytoplankton remains in the photic zone where a “spring
maximum” in the primary production is seen soon after the formation of the thermocline.
The primary production becomes reduced when the nutrients are used up; therefore in the
summer there is a minimum in the primary production.
In the autumn, when the water masses near the sea surface are cooled, the thermocline
disappears and the wind mixes the water. The supply of nutrient-rich underlying water to
the surface often causes a more or less pronounced “autumn maximum” in the primary
production, which soon after begins to decrease because the light intensity and day length
decreases. The light becomes the limiting factor for the primary production, see Fig. 58.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
Figure 60 shows a diagrammatic cross section of a lake with its various life zones.
Closest to the lakeshore is the littoral zone with larger roothold plants. The pelagic zone is
the open water outside the littoral zone where light is the limiting factor for the roothold
plants. The pelagic zone is subdivided into an upper limnetic zone and an underlying
profundal zone. The border between the two zones is marked by the light-compensation
depth. The photosynthetic unicellular planktonic algae in the autotrophic limnetic zone
create (depending on the lake’s size and depth) most of the primary production, which is
the basis of all other life in the lake. However, many lakes receive large amounts of organic
matter from the surroundings, such as dead leaves in the autumn. The plankton algae
(green algae, blue-green algae, dinoflagellates and others) are “grazed” by many species of
zooplankton (daphnia, copepods, rotifers, protozoa and others), which in turn are eaten by
fish, etc., see Fig. 61. The life in the heterotrophic profundal zone is based on descending
algae and detritus from the limnetic zone. The number of animal species that live on or in
the lake bottom (benthos animals) is not overwhelmingly high, because the lake bottom
is fairly homogeneous (i.e. there are few “niches”). Besides, the animals need to survive
during prolonged periods without or with very little oxygen in the water. There are two
main types of benthos animals: 1) “Suspension feeders” which live by filtering suspended
food particles from the ambient water, and 2) “deposit feeders” (e.g. tube-dwelling worms,
certain species of red chironomid larvae, snails) that live by eating the upper layer of bottom
mud that receives organic matter in the form of sinking plankton algae and detritus from
the limnetic zone. The benthic fauna is important prey for fish, where most larger fish live
in the profundal zone.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
Corethra (mosquito)
Rotifer whitefish
daphnia Pike
Fig. 61. Schematic representation of the food chains in a lake [53]. According to the “classical” view,
the grazing food chains start with plankton algae, which are eaten by filter-feeding zooplankton
(daphnia, copepods, rotifers, etc.). However, it has now been realised that about 30–50% of the organic
matter that the plankton algae (in fresh water as well as in the sea) produce by photosynthesis is lost
to the surrounding water as “dissolved organic matter”. This substance is taken up by bacteria which
converts the dissolved organic substance to bacterial substance which is available as feed for flagellates,
ciliates and other organisms that feed by filtering microscopic food particles from the water. The
“classical” description of the aquatic grazing food chains first link must therefore be revised.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
0 4 8 12 16 20 ºC
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
This means that freshwater with a higher or lower temperature is lighter than at 4 °C and will
therefore tend to float above this. By observing a deep lake with 4 °C water from surface to
bottom (a normal situation in lakes in the temperate zone in the spring), you will see that
the sun heats the upper water masses as the days become longer and the sun rises higher
in the sky. If the water in the lake is not stirred, the temperature will drop gradually from
the surface down to 4 °C. However, the surface water in a lake is not stagnant because the
wind mixes the surface water down to a depth of 8–20 m. The result is the formation of
a warm surface layer heated by the sun and stirred by the wind. Below this warm surface
layer (epilimnion) is a thermocline (or metalimnion) that separates the warm surface layer
from the deeper water layer (hypolimnion), see Fig. 63.
4 ºC Temperature
or Thermocline
Water depth
Once a thermocline has been established, the warmer surface water and the deeper colder
water are in fact separated from each other since there is practically no exchange between
the two bodies of water (“summer stratification”). The thermocline thus prevents a direct
exchange of nutrients between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion, although the wind
may cause a secondary weak circulation in the hypolimnion, see Fig. 64.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
Fig. 64. Diagrammatic illustration of wind-induced circulation in the epilimnion and hypolimnion
in a temperature-stratified lake.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
In the autumn when the temperature drops in the epilimnion and eventually becomes the
same temperature as the hypolimnion, the thermocline vanishes and the wind can now
mix all the water in the lake, from surface to bottom (“autumn total circulation”). When
the temperature in late autumn drops below 4 °C, a “cold” epilimnion and a “warm”
hypolimnion is established so that the lake again becomes stratified (“winter stratification”).
Ice on the lake surface often causes the winter stratification to become weak due to the
wind not being able to stir the water in the epilimnion. In spring, when the ice melts and
the temperature at the surface rises to 4 °C, the wind can again completely mix the water
masses (“spring total circulation”), see Fig. 65.
Temperature (°C)
0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4
Water depth
Fig. 65. The seasonal temperature distribution in a typical deep lake in the temperate zone. The
thermal-stratification causes that the water masses are only totally mixed in fall and spring.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
5 Temperature
depth, m
15 9 11 13 15 17 19
2 20
20 A
9 13 11 8 10
Distance in m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
ml/l 1 5 8
5 Oxygen
depth, m
20 B 1 5 7 7 8
10 algae
decaying plankton algae
7 8 9
Fig. 66. Cross section of Lake Esrum, Denmark [54]. On the top section (A) is a series of temperature
curves for year 1955 plotted. It is seen that the temperature is uniform from the surface to the bottom
on 11 May. During the summer, a thermocline is established, which however, “eats” its way further and
further down during the summer due to wind stirring the epilimnion. On 11 November, there is about 9
°C throughout the water column and this allows the wind to mix the water in the whole lake (“autumn
total circulation”). Section B shows the concentration of oxygen in the same period. It is seen that the
thermocline’s stabilization of the water masses causes an extremely low oxygen concentration in the
bottom-near water. Lower section C shows the phytoplankton succession during summer. The phytoplankton
growth and species composition is controlled by the nutrient cycling and loss to the hypolimnion. Green
algae start to grow under the ice in March and are replaced by diatoms in April, but due to the temperature
stratification of the lake, the diatoms gradually use up all the silicon in the epilimnion and in June, it is
green algae that dominate. In July, nitrogen probably becomes the limiting factor for the growth of green
algae and these are replaced by nitrogen fixating blue-green algae. As the thermocline “eats” down into
the more nutrient-rich bottom water, epilimnion is supplied with nutrients and this may the reason why
diatoms become dominant again in September.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
The growth and species composition of the phytoplankton is controlled by the cycling and loss
of nutrients to the hypolimnion. But it is not only the allogeneic succession of phytoplankton
in the summer season that is controlled by the temperature and its stratification of the
water masses. Also the benthic fauna is affected, partly by the low oxygen concentrations
in the near-bottom water, and partly by the food value of the organic material that sinks
to the bottom. In the summer when the lake is stratified, the algae are dead and decaying
when they settle to the bottom. This is of great importance for the growth of the red
chironomid larva (midge larva) Chironomus anthracinus that is found in a number of about
20,000 individuals per m2 on the lake bottom, where it lives on settled algal cells. When
the temperature stratification causes low oxygen content and the food becomes more or less
rotten, the chironomid larvae stop feeding. Between the spring and autumn total circulation,
the larvae are hardly growing. On the other hand, they can make a tenfold increase of their
weight in the course of the few weeks during the spring- and autumn total circulation last.
In the summer stagnation period without oxygen at the bottom, the fish stay away, and
during this time there is no fish consumption of chironomid larvae. The thermal stratification
of the lake is critical not only for the population dynamics of the chironomid larvae, but
also for the fish production, and therefore the whole lake’s nutrient and energy turnover.
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GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
Seasonal variation in a lake is largely determined by the individuality of the lake, i.e. its
depth, its exposure to wind, the amount of dissolved nutrients, the age of the lake, etc.,
which makes it impossible to generalize from conditions in Lake Esrum. Another example,
also from Denmark, can illustrate this. Hjarbæk Fjord is one of Limfjorden’s many branches
and was, until the establishment of a causeway in 1966, a shallow brackish water area.
With the dam construction Hjarbæk Fjord, it became a freshwater lake with poor water
exchange. This, together with the input of significant amounts of nutrients (nitrate leaching
from agricultural areas, phosphate from domestic sewage), has caused arise of a number
of environmental problems, both within and around this former fjord. Hjarbæk Fjord can
serve as a characteristic example of a lake ecosystem that has been brought out of ecological
balance due to eutrophication.
In the early 1980s, the residents around Hjarbæk Fjord were plagued by billions of flying
midges during the summer months. The plague has been described, in an ecological context,
in a comprehensive environmental report [55]. Briefly, the plague by midges is explained
as follows: Approximately 90% of Hjarbæk Fjord is so shallow that the wind can easily stir
the water masses so that oxygen never becomes a limitation factor for the growth of the
midges’ larvae (chironomid larvae) living on the bottom. A large production of plankton
algae ensures that more than 30,000 chironomid larvae per m2 can live on the bottom. In
the summer months, there is very little predation by fish on the larvae because the water
quality from May to August is so poor (high pH, high concentrations of ammonia) that the
fish perish or swim away, see Fig. 67. Therefore, billions of midges can hatch and spread
their wings. It has been calculated that if 1/10 of the chironomid production were used for
the production of eel biomass, then the annual eel production in Hjarbæk Fjord could be
around 250 tons of eels.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Lake ecosystems
Biomass, mg/l
Plankton algae
20 Zooplankton 8
10 0.2
NH3, mg/l
Fig. 67. Seasonal variation of phytoplankton, zooplankton, pH and NH3 (ammonia) in Hjarbæk Fjord, Denmark,
in 1981 [55]. Due to the large amounts of plant nutrients (domestic waste water, trout farms, agricultural
areas), there was an intense algae production, which in the period from May to July, resulted in a high pH
that was so high that it was lethal for most fish (dashed line in figure), which therefore died or fled to adjacent
watercourses. The reduced fish predation impact on the zooplankton resulted in a drastic increase in the
population of especially daphnia, which gradually “grazed” down the plankton algae while releasing large
amounts of ammonia in the urine. From late June to late August, the ammonia concentration in the water
was mortally high for fish (dashed line in figure) and the total loss of fish as regulating factor for the zooplankton,
resulted in a complete grazing down of the plankton algae, so that the zooplankton population was
subsequently exposed for a drastic fall due to starvation. Consequently, the algal production increased again,
forming the basis for a renewed large zooplankton population. The violent variations in the algal and
zooplankton biomass show that the ecosystem is out of balance.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
A deciduous forest can be divided into several layers, with the highest peaks of trees forming
a canopy, and below, where there is an undergrowth of smaller trees, can be found low
shrubs and shrubbery. Finally on the forest floor, there may be found a layer of herbaceous
plants. This stratification is caused by the light which is increasingly becoming a limiting
factor for plant growth. The tendency for stratification becomes more and more pronounced
when going from northern to southern geographical regions. In some tropical jungles, it is
so dark that the bats are out in the daytime.
The part of a forest that receives sunlight, i.e. the treetops in a dense forest, constitute the
autotrophic zone of the forest ecosystem, which is dominated by the photosynthetic tree
crowns’ primary production, while the underlying layer represents the forest ecosystem’s
heterotrophic zone, which is dominated by decomposition processes and thus respiration,
see Fig. 68.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
leaves leaves
CO 2
Fig. 68. A forest ecosystem can be divided into an autotrophic zone, where primary production is
dominant, and in a heterotrophic zone, where respiration is dominant. With fallen leaves, nutrients
are lost from the autotrophic zone to the heterotrophic zone where decomposition takes place,
whereby nutrients are released to the “abiotic pool”. From here, the nutrients are absorbed by plant
roots or they leach out. In a mature forest ecosystem, the leaching of nutrients is small compared to
the exchange between the “abiotic pool” and “biotic pool” (living organisms, detritus), i.e. the
nutrient cycles are “tight”.
From the ecosystem’s autotrophic zone, there is constantly loss of nutrients via fallen leaves,
twigs and branches to the heterotrophic zone. Here, the decomposers in the detritus-food
chain utilize the energy of dead organic material, which is mineralized with release of
inorganic nutrients that can be taken up by tree roots, and once again brought up into the
autotrophic zone. This cyclical transport of the chemical components between a biotic and
an abiotic pool is in mature ecosystems characterized by a very small loss, since usually only
a tiny fraction of the biologically available substances in the abiotic pool are leaching out and
carried away. Intensive studies of a number of nutrient cycles and leaching in a temperate
deciduous forest in New Hampshire (Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest) has shown, for
example, that a small wooded area had an abiotic calcium pool of 690 kg/ha. About 12
kg/ha/year were leaching out while there was an input of 3 kg/ha/year from precipitation,
and thus the annual net loss of calcium was 9 kg/ha or 1.3% of the abiotic pool. This loss
is compensated for, however, through the weathering of minerals, see Fig. 69.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
Biotic pool
biomass: 570
detritus: 1740 Streams
50 50
of minerals
Abiotic pool
available Ca: 9
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
The distribution of nutrients in a biotic- and an abiotic pool in a temperate forest differ
substantially from the nutrient distributions in a tropical rainforest. While about half of
the organic carbon in a temperate forest is stored in the soil, only about one sixth of the
total organic carbon is stored in the soil in a tropical rainforest. Almost 60% of the total
amount of nitrogen in the rainforest is found in the biotic pool (leaves, wood), while it
is only about 6% of the total amount of nitrogen that is found in the biotic pool in a
temperate coniferous forest. In the tropical rainforest the abiotic pool of nutrients is thus
very small, relative to the amount bound in the living tissue. Dead plants and animals
decompose quickly in the humid and warm rain forest, and the released nutrients are
immediately taken up again in living plant tissue. In other words, the mineralization speed
is fast and the nutrient cycling “tight” in the tropical rainforest. When a temperate forest is
cleared, the soil preserves its structure and retains relatively effective nutrients. In this way,
the land can be cultivated for centuries, as long as the soil is plowed and with appropriately
intervals, fed manure equivalent to the amount of nutrients removed by crops. In addition,
the cold winter counteracts the tendency of pests and diseases in the annual monoculture
crops, which are typical of temperate European agriculture. The situation is different in the
tropics. Here, soon after the clearing or burning of forests, this results in an impoverishment
of the soil due to the nutrients being quickly washed away or used up, after a few years
of cultivation of “cashcrops” (cacao, coffee, etc.). Since the topsoil in tropical soils is very
thin, the tremendous clearing of tropical forests (rainforests as well as forests with scattered
growth of trees) in recent times, has led to extensive environmental devastations due to the
topsoil being washed away by rain or blown away by the wind. Many tropical forest areas
have been overexploited and foolishly have been transformed into shrub steppes or desert.
The importance of the devastations can be seen in Ethiopia where forests have been cleared
for fuel and timber and the bare fields have been overgrazed. About 100 years ago, half of
Ethiopia was covered by forests but today forests cover only about 3%. Around 1 billion tons
of soil is flushed down from the previous fertile highlands every year, causing the northern
parts of this area to be lost for farming forever. Something similar can happen in Tanzania,
where there will not be a tree left in a few years time, if the current trend continues.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
Drought and hunger disasters in Africa are not only a question of declining rainfall, but
largely a result of overexploitation and wrong use of natural resources. The presence of trees
is crucial to evapouration in the tropics, and a large green cover can retain large amounts
of water and prevent that water is lost through run-off to rivers and lakes. Treetops pick
up a large part of the precipitation while the tree roots absorb and utilize the water that
reaches the ground level. Large areas with trees act as a living sponge that stabilizes the water
balance, the air humidity and the temperature. The conservation of forests and trees, to
prevent loss of water and nutrients, and to protect against erosion, has become an essential
part of the fight against drought and hunger in many developing countries. In recognition
of the ecological impact of the extensive deforestation, future international assistance to
African developing countries should support the introduction of new farming methods that
combine forestry and agriculture (agroforestry).
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
Fig. 70. Only few larger animals eat the vegetation in a forest, but some insects graze on, suck
the fluids or eat their way inside the leaves and needles (tunnelling) [57]. The figure shows a
number of examples of herbivorous insects and the predators that pursue them. It is noted
that the secondary carnivores in the shown “grazing food chain” in a temperate forest, may
also act as primary carnivores. However, only a small part of the primary production passes
through the grazing food chains in forest ecosystems. The main part (approximately 90%) goes
through detritus food chains.
Among the organisms in a detritus food chain, for example in an oak forest floor, one can
(excluding of fungi and bacteria) find the following detritus eaters: woodlouse, snails, slugs,
mites, springtails, nematodes and enchytraeids (small whitish worms), and the following
predators: scolopendres, beetles, shrews. Most detritus-eating animals actually live off of the
microorganisms sitting on dead organic matter. However, the rate at which the microorganisms
grow is dependent on the activity of the detritus-eaters, since these mechanically degrade
the dead organic matter. This produces small particles, which together have a very large
surface area, upon which the microorganisms can act. In addition, the detritus-eating
animals create a bioturbation (“stirring”), so that the microorganisms’ environment does
not become anaerobic.
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
Fig. 71 shows an example of how the energy can flow through a temperate forest ecosystem.
It is seen that only 2.5% of the ecosystem’s primary production goes through the herbivore
organisms (30/1200 = 0.025), while 52% of the net primary production goes through the
detritus food chain’s decomposers ((250 + 370)/1,200 = 0.52). Further, note that the forest
ecosystem’s gross primary production (2650) is greater than the ecosystem’s total respiration
(2100), which gives rise to a net ecosystem production (NEP = 2650 - 2100 = 550). This
accumulates in the form of an increase in plant biomass. The accumulation of organic matter
occurs during an autotroph succession, and that this forest ecosystem is an approximately
80% mature ecosystem (2,100/2,650 = 0.79). In the present example, the biomass of the
primary producers is 10,000 g organic matter/m2, whereas their gross primary production
(Pb) is 2.650 g organic matter/m2/year, that is, the turnover time of the primary producers
(B/Pb) is about 4 years (10,000/2,650 = 3.8).
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
Gross primary
production 2,650
Fig. 71. The flow of energy in an oak-pine forest on Long Island, U.S.A. It is seen that about half of the
gross primary production is used for the plants’ own metabolism (respiration), which is normal for forests
in the temperate zone. In the tropics, a greater part of the primary production is used for the plants’ own
respiration, whereas in the arctic regions, a smaller part of the total primary production is used for the
plants’ own respiration. The net primary production goes to: 1) herbivores, 2) decomposers, 3) accumulation
(storage). The most important herbivores are insects and a scarce population of small mammals. But it is
only a few percent of the net primary production that is consumed directly by the herbivores, and virtually
everything that these animals consume is used for their own respiration. Thus, they do not contribute to
the net ecosystem production (NEP = 550). But the growing biomass of trees contributes substantially to
NEP, as more than 40% of the net primary production is used for this purpose. The remaining part of the
net ecosystem production is made up of easily degradable humus, which is accumulated in the soil. All
numbers for speed of energy flows are given in g organic matter/m2/year [46].
GENERAL ECOLOGY Forest ecosystems
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The Wake
the only emission we want to leave behind
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A barnacle 55
abiotic 7, 27, 44, 47, 65, 130, 131, 132, 137 bathyal zone 109
abyssos 109 beaver 63
acid rain 42, 137 Beggiatoa 41, 43
actinobacteria 35 bell frog 93
actinomycetes 65 benthic 44, 109, 110, 119, 126
Agarum 62 benthic animals 112
agroforestry 133 benthic fish 112
Alaska 34, 62 benthic invertebrates 112
albedo 13 binary fission 80
algae 9, 31, 45, 50, 64, 81, 96, 98, 104, 110, 116, bioenergetics 17
119, 120, 125, 126, 127, 128 biogeochemical cycles 27, 28
allogeneic 102 biogeographical equilibrium 91
allogeneic succession 105, 126 biomagnification 26
ammonia 35, 36, 112, 113, 127, 128 biomass 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28, 82, 97, 98, 101,
amphipod 52 112, 116, 127, 128, 135, 136
Anabaena 35 biosphere 9, 10, 13, 29, 31, 46
anammox 35, 38 biosphere ecosystem 105
angiosperms 64 biosystem 8
anoxic 43, 45 biotope 95
aphotic zone 109, 113 bioturbation 134
assimilated food energy 17, 18, 22, 23, 28 birth rate 67
assimilation efficiency 19, 23 black cormorant 57, 58
Atlantic 114, 115, 116, 117 Black Sea 64
Atlantic Ocean 116 bloom 45, 50
atmosphere 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 40, 41, 44, blue-green algae 98, 125
46, 105 blue-green photosynthetic bacteria 65
autecology 6 blue mussel 19
autogenous 96 brackish water 86, 127
autotrophic 16, 23, 29, 96, 99, 100, 105, 110, 119, browsers 118
129, 130 butterflies 62, 83
autumn maximum 116
autumn total circulation 124, 125, 126
Azotobacter 35 calcium carbonate 42
calcium sulphate 42
B camouflage 62
ballast water 64 carbohydrates 14, 27
Baltic Sea 86 carbon-14 method 112
facilitation model 95 Galapagos Islands 59
facilitation-successions 95 gaseous types of cycles 28
faecal material 110 Gause 52, 54, 56
faecal pellets 110 generation time 69, 80
Fe+++ 43, 44 global energy balance 13
Fe(OH)3 43 global temperature 32, 34
FeS2 43 glucose 14, 37, 82
filter-feeders 26, 110, 112 grazers 16, 96, 110
finches 59 grazing food chain 14, 16, 22, 23, 25, 44, 112,
floaters 66, 67 113, 133, 134
flour beetles 53, 54, 55 greenhouse effect 32
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Planaria gonocephala 55 primary producers 9, 16, 22, 23, 28, 29, 112, 118,
Planaria montenegrina 55 135
plankton algae 96, 98, 110, 116, 119, 120, 128 profundal zone 119
plaster 42 protozoans 104, 112
PO4 44 Pseudomonas denitrificans 37
pollutants 25 pulse stabilised sub-climax 102
pollution 13, 26, 42, 83, 84, 107, 137 purple sulphur bacteria 43
pollution indicators 84 pyrite 43
polychaete worms 112
population 7, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 47, 48, 52, 55,
59, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, R0 69
76, 79, 80, 82, 86, 91, 93, 101, 107, 108, 112, rainforests 32, 107, 132
126, 128, 136, 141 realised niche 52
population density 66, 71, 72 resource-continuum 105, 106
population dynamics 79 respiration 14, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 96, 97,
population production 20 98, 99, 100, 101, 105, 109, 129, 130, 135, 136
predation 50, 62, 127, 128 respiratory feedback mechanism 34
predator 59, 60, 62, 79, 80 respiratory process 41
predator/prey model 79 Rhizobium 35, 65
primary consumers 14, 16 root infections 65
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