Understanding Cafos Nalboh PDF
Understanding Cafos Nalboh PDF
Understanding Cafos Nalboh PDF
Carrie Hribar, MA
Project Coordinator – Education and Training
National Association of Local Boards of Health
Mark Schultz, MEd
Grants Administrator/Technical Writer
National Association of Local Boards of Health
The National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) is pleased to provide Understanding
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Their Impact on Communities to assist local boards of
health who have concerns about concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) or large industrial
animal farms in their communities. The Environmental Health Services Branch of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) encouraged
the development of this product and provided technical oversight and financial support. This publication
was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U38HM000512. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC.
The mission of NALBOH is to strengthen boards of health, enabling them to promote and protect the
health of their communities, through education, technical assistance, and advocacy. Boards of health
are responsible for fulfilling three public health core functions: assessment, policy development, and
assurance. For a health agency, this includes overseeing and ensuring that there are sufficient resources,
effective policies and procedures, partnerships with other organizations and agencies, and regular
evaluation of an agency’s services.
NALBOH is confident that Understanding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Their Impact
on Communities will help local board of health members understand their role in developing ways to
mitigate potential problems associated with CAFOs. We trust that the information provided in this guide
will enable board of health members to develop and sustain monitoring programs, investigate developing
policy related to CAFOs, and create partnerships with other local and state agencies and officials to
improve the health and well-being of communities everywhere.
A special thanks to Jeffrey Neistadt (NALBOH’s Director – Education and Training), NALBOH’s
Environmental Health subcommittee, and any local board of health members and health department staff
who were contacted during the development of this document for their contributions and support.
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
environmental health
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
AFO vs. CAFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Benefits of CAFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Environmental Health Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Groundwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Surface Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Air Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Odors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Insect Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Pathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Antibiotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Other Effects – Property Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Considerations for Boards of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Right-to-Farm Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Board of Health Involvement with CAFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Board of Health Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Tewksbury Board of Health, Massachusetts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Wood County Board of Health, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Cerro Gordo County Board of Health, Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Appendix A: Regulatory Definitions of Large CAFOs, Medium CAFOs, and Small CAFOs . 17
Appendix B: Additional Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
environmental health
Livestock farming has undergone a significant transformation in the past few decades. Production
has shifted from smaller, family-owned farms to large farms that often have corporate contracts. Most
meat and dairy products now are produced on large farms with single species buildings or open-air
pens (MacDonald & McBride, 2009). Modern farms have also become much more efficient. Since 1960,
milk production has doubled, meat production has tripled, and egg production has quadrupled (Pew
Commission on Industrial Animal Farm Production, 2009). Improvements to animal breeding, mechanical
innovations, and the introduction of specially formulated feeds and animal pharmaceuticals have all
increased the efficiency and productivity of animal agriculture. It also takes much less time to raise
a fully grown animal. For example, in 1920, a chicken took approximately 16 weeks to reach 2.2 lbs.,
whereas now they can reach 5 lbs. in 7 weeks (Pew, 2009).
New technologies have allowed farmers to reduce costs, which mean bigger profits on less land and
capital. The current agricultural system rewards larger farms with lower costs, which results in greater
profit and more incentive to increase farm size.
AFOs were first identified as potential pollutants in the 1972 Clean Water Act. Section 502 identified
“feedlots” as “point sources” for pollution along with other industries, such as fertilizer manufacturing.
Consequently, a permit program entitled the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
was created which set effluent limitation guidelines and standards (ELGs) for CAFOs. CAFOs have
since been regulated by NPDES or a state equivalent since the mid-1970s. The definitions of what was
considered an AFO or CAFO were created by the EPA for the NPDES process in 1976. These regulations
remained in effect for more than 25 years, but increases and changes to farm size and production methods
required an update to the permit system.
The regulations guiding CAFO permits and operations were revised in 2003. New inclusions in the
2003 regulations were that all CAFOs had to apply for a NPDES permit even if they only discharged
in the event of a large storm. Large poultry operations were included in the regulations, regardless of
their waste disposal system, and all CAFOs that held a NPDES permit were required to develop and
implement a nutrient management plan. These plans had CAFOs identify ways to treat or process waste
in a way that maintained nutrient levels at the appropriate amount.
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
The 2003 CAFO rule was subsequently challenged in court. A Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision
required alteration to the CAFO permitting system. In Water Keeper et al. vs. the EPA, the court directed
the EPA to remove the requirement for all CAFOs to apply for NPDES. Instead, the court required that
nutrient management plans be submitted with the permit application, reviewed by officials and the
public, and the terms of the plan be incorporated into the permit.
As a result of this court decision, the CAFO rule was again updated. The current final CAFO rule, which
was revised in 2008, requires that only CAFOs which discharge or propose to discharge waste apply for
permits. The EPA has also provided clarification in the discussion surrounding the rule on how CAFOs
should assess whether they discharge or propose to discharge. There is also the opportunity to receive
a no discharge certification for CAFOs that do not discharge or propose to discharge. This certification
demonstrates that the CAFO is not required to acquire a permit. And while CAFOs were required to
create nutrient management plans under the 2003 rule, these plans were now included with permit
applications, and had a built-in time period for public review and comment.
Benefits of CAFOs
When properly managed, located, and monitored, CAFOs can provide a low-cost source of meat, milk, and
eggs, due to efficient feeding and housing of animals, increased facility size, and animal specialization.
When CAFOs are proposed in a local area, it is usually argued that they will enhance the local economy
and increase employment. The effects of using local materials, feed, and livestock are argued to ripple
throughout the economy, and increased tax expenditures will lead to increase funds for schools and
Depending on the type and number of animals in the farm, manure production can range between 2,800
tons and 1.6 million tons a year (Government Accountability Office [GAO], 2008). Large farms can
produce more waste than some U.S. cities—a feeding operation with 800,000 pigs could produce over 1.6
million tons of waste a year. That amount is one and a half times more than the annual sanitary waste
produced by the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (GAO, 2008). Annually, it is estimated that livestock
animals in the U.S. produce each year somewhere between 3 and 20 times more manure than people in
the U.S. produce, or as much as 1.2–1.37 billion tons of waste (EPA, 2005). Though sewage treatment
plants are required for human waste, no such treatment facility exists for livestock waste.
While manure is valuable to the farming industry, in quantities this large it becomes problematic. Many
farms no longer grow their own feed, so they cannot use all the manure they produce as fertilizer. CAFOs
must find a way to manage the amount of manure produced by their animals. Ground application of
untreated manure is one of the most common disposal methods due to its low cost. It has limitations,
however, such as the inability to apply manure while the ground is frozen. There are also limits as to how
many nutrients from manure a land area can handle. Over application of livestock wastes can overload
environmental health
soil with macronutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous and micronutrients that have been added to
animal feed like heavy metals (Burkholder et al., 2007). Other manure management strategies include
pumping liquefied manure onto spray fields, trucking it off-site, or storing it until it can be used or
treated. Manure can be stored in deep pits under the buildings that hold animals, in clay or concrete pits,
treatment lagoons, or holding ponds.
Animal feeding operations are developing in close proximity in some states, and fields where manure
is applied have become clustered. When manure is applied too frequently or in too large a quantity to
an area, nutrients overwhelm the absorptive capacity of the soil, and either run off or are leached into
the groundwater. Storage units can break or become faulty, or rainwater can cause holding lagoons to
overflow. While CAFOs are required to have permits that limit the levels of manure discharge, handling
the large amounts of manure inevitably causes accidental releases which have the ability to potentially
impact humans.
The increased clustering and growth of CAFOs has led to growing environmental problems in many
communities. The excess production of manure and problems with storage or manure management
can affect ground and surface water quality. Emissions from degrading manure and livestock digestive
processes produce air pollutants that often affect ambient air quality in communities surrounding CAFOs.
CAFOs can also be the source of greenhouse gases, which contribute to global climate change.
All of the environmental problems with CAFOs have direct impact on human health and welfare for
communities that contain large industrial farms. As the following sections demonstrate, human health
can suffer because of contaminated air and degraded water quality, or from diseases spread from farms.
Quality of life can suffer because of odors or insect vectors surrounding farms, and property values can
drop, affecting the financial stability of a community. One study found that 82.8% of those living near
and 89.5% of those living far from CAFOs believed that their property values decreased, and 92.2% of
those living near and 78.9% of those living far from CAFOs believed the odor from manure was a problem.
The study found that real estate values had not dropped and odor infestations were not validated by
local governmental staff in the areas. However, the concerns show that CAFOs remain contentious in
communities (Schmalzried and Fallon, 2007). CAFOs are an excellent example of how environmental
problems can directly impact human and community well-being.
Groundwater can be contaminated by CAFOs through runoff from land application of manure, leaching
from manure that has been improperly spread on land, or through leaks or breaks in storage or
containment units. The EPA’s 2000 National Water Quality Inventory found that 29 states specifically
identified animal feeding operations, not just concentrated animal feeding operations, as contributing
to water quality impairment (Congressional Research Service, 2008). A study of private water wells in
Idaho detected levels of veterinary antibiotics, as well as elevated levels of nitrates (Batt, Snow, & Alga,
2006). Groundwater is a major source of drinking water in the United States. The EPA estimates that
53% of the population relies on groundwater for drinking water, often at much higher rates in rural areas
(EPA, 2004). Unlike surface water, groundwater contamination sources are more difficult to monitor.
The extent and source of contamination are often harder to pinpoint in groundwater than surface water
contamination. Regular testing of household water wells for total and fecal coliform bacteria is a crucial
element in monitoring groundwater quality, and can be the first step in discovering contamination issues
related to CAFO discharge. Groundwater contamination can also affect surface water (Spellman &
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
Whiting, 2007). Contaminated groundwater can move laterally and eventually enter surface water, such
as rivers or streams.
When groundwater is contaminated by pathogenic organisms, a serious threat to drinking water can
occur. Pathogens survive longer in groundwater than surface water due to lower temperatures and
protection from the sun. Even if the contamination appears to be a single episode, viruses could become
attached to sediment near groundwater and continue to leach slowly into groundwater. One pollution
event by a CAFO could become a lingering source of viral contamination for groundwater (EPA, 2005).
Groundwater can still be at risk for contamination after a CAFO has closed and its lagoons are empty.
When given increased air exposure, ammonia in soil transforms into nitrates. Nitrates are highly mobile
in soil, and will reach groundwater quicker than ammonia. It can be dangerous to ignore contaminated
soil. The amount of pollution found in groundwater after contamination depends on the proximity of the
aquifer to the CAFO, the size of the CAFO, whether storage units or pits are lined, the type of subsoil,
and the depth of the groundwater.
If a CAFO has contaminated a water system, community members should be concerned about nitrates
and nitrate poisoning. Elevated nitrates in drinking water can be especially harmful to infants, leading
to blue baby syndrome and possible death. Nitrates oxidize iron in hemoglobin in red blood cells to
methemoglobin. Most people convert methemoglobin back to hemoglobin fairly quickly, but infants do
not convert back as fast. This hinders the ability of the infant’s blood to carry oxygen, leading to a blue
or purple appearance in affected infants. However, infants are not the only ones who can be affected by
excess nitrates in water. Low blood oxygen in adults can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, and poor
general health. Nitrates have also been speculated to be linked to higher rates of stomach and esophageal
cancer (Bowman, Mueller, & Smith, 2000). In general, private water wells are at higher risk of nitrate
contamination than public water supplies.
Surface Water
The agriculture sector, including CAFOs, is the leading contributor of pollutants to lakes, rivers, and
reservoirs. It has been found that states with high concentrations of CAFOs experience on average 20 to
30 serious water quality problems per year as a result of manure management problems (EPA, 2001).
This pollution can be caused by surface discharges or other types of discharges. Surface discharges can be
caused by heavy storms or floods that cause storage lagoons to overfill, running off into nearby bodies of
water. Pollutants can also travel over land or through surface drainage systems to nearby bodies of water,
be discharged through manmade ditches or flushing systems found in CAFOs, or come into contact with
surface water that passes directly through the farming area. Soil erosion can contribute to water pollution,
as some pollutants can bond to eroded soil and travel to watersheds (EPA, 2001). Other types of discharges
occur when pollutants travel to surface water through other mediums, such as groundwater or air.
Contamination in surface water can cause nitrates and other nutrients to build up. Ammonia is often
found in surface waters surrounding CAFOs. Ammonia causes oxygen depletion from water, which
itself can kill aquatic life. Ammonia also converts into nitrates, which can cause nutrient overloads in
surface waters (EPA, 1998). Excessive nutrient concentrations, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, can lead
to eutrophication and make water inhabitable to fish or indigenous aquatic life (Sierra Club Michigan
Chapter, n.d.). Nutrient over-enrichment causes algal blooms, or a rapid increase of algae growth in an
aquatic environment (Science Daily, n.d.). Algal blooms can cause a spiral of environmental problems
to an aquatic system. Large groups of algae can block sunlight from underwater plant life, which are
environmental health
habitats for much aquatic life. When algae growth increases in surface water, it can also dominate other
resources and cause plants to die. The dead plants provide fuel for bacteria to grow and increased bacteria
use more of the water’s oxygen supply. Oxygen depletion once again causes indigenous aquatic life to
die. Some algal blooms can contain toxic algae and other microorganisms, including Pfiesteria, which has
caused large fish kills in North Carolina, Maryland, and the Chesapeake Bay area (Spellman & Whiting,
2007). Eutrophication can cause serious problems in surface waters and disrupt the ecological balance.
Water tests have also uncovered hormones in surface waters around CAFOs (Burkholder et al., 2007).
Studies show that these hormones alter the reproductive habits of aquatic species living in these waters,
including a significant decrease in the fertility of female fish. CAFO runoff can also lead to the presence
of fecal bacteria or pathogens in surface water. One study showed that protozoa such as Cryptosporidium
parvum and Giardia were found in over 80% of surface water sites tested (Spellman & Whiting, 2007).
Fecal bacteria pollution in water from manure land application is also responsible for many beach
closures and shellfish restrictions.
Air Quality
In addition to polluting ground and surface water, CAFOs also contribute to the reduction of air quality
in areas surrounding industrial farms. Animal feeding operations produce several types of air emissions,
including gaseous and particulate substances, and CAFOs produce even more emissions due to their
size. The primary cause of gaseous emissions is the decomposition of animal manure, while particulate
substances are caused by the movement of animals. The type, amount, and rate of emissions created
depends on what state the manure is in (solid, slurry, or liquid), and how it is treated or contained after
it is excreted. Sometimes manure is “stabilized” in anaerobic lagoons, which reduces volatile solids and
controls odor before land application.
The most typical pollutants found in air surrounding CAFOs are ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane,
and particulate matter, all of which have varying human health risks. Table 1 on page 6 provides
information on these pollutants.
Most manure produced by CAFOs is applied to land eventually and this land application can result in air
emissions (Merkel, 2002). The primary cause of emission through land application is the volatilization of
ammonia when the manure is applied to land. However, nitrous oxide is also created when nitrogen that
has been applied to land undergoes nitrification and denitrification. Emissions caused by land application
occur in two phases: one immediately following land application and one that occurs later and over a
longer period as substances in the soil break down. Land application is not the only way CAFOs can emit
harmful air emissions—ventilation systems in CAFO buildings can also release dangerous contaminants.
A study by Iowa State University, which was a result of a lawsuit settlement between the Sierra Club and
Tyson Chicken, found that two chicken houses in western Kentucky emitted over 10 tons of ammonia in
the year they were monitored (Burns et al., 2007).
Most studies that examine the health effects of CAFO air emissions focus on farm workers, however
some have studied the effect on area schools and children. While all community members are at risk from
lowered air quality, children take in 20-50% more air than adults, making them more susceptible to lung
disease and health effects (Kleinman, 2000). Researchers in North Carolina found that the closer children
live to a CAFO, the greater the risk of asthma symptoms (Barrett, 2006). Of the 226 schools that were
included in the study, 26% stated that there were noticeable odors from CAFOs outdoors, while 8% stated
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
they experience odors from CAFOs inside the schools. Schools that were closer to CAFOs were often
attended by students of lower socioeconomic status (Mirabelli, Wing, Marshall, & Wilcosky, 2006).
There is consistent evidence suggesting that factory farms increase asthma in neighboring communities,
as indicated by children having higher rates of asthma (Sigurdarson & Kline, 2006; Mirabelli et al., 2006).
CAFOs emit particulate matter and suspended dust, which is linked to asthma and bronchitis. Smaller
particles can actually be absorbed by the body and can have systemic effects, including cardiac arrest. If
people are exposed to particulate matter over a long time, it can lead to decreased lung function (Michigan
Department of Environmental Quality [MDEQ] Toxics Steering Group [TSG], 2006). CAFOs also emit
ammonia, which is rapidly absorbed by the upper airways in the body. This can cause severe coughing
and mucous build-up, and if severe enough, scarring of the airways. Particulate matter may lead to more
severe health consequences for those exposed by their occupation. Farm workers can develop acute and
chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive airways disease, and interstitial lung disease. Repeated exposure
to CAFO emissions can increase the likelihood of respiratory diseases. Occupational asthma, acute
and chronic bronchitis, and organic dust toxic syndrome can be as high as 30% in factory farm workers
environmental health
(Horrigan, Lawrence, & Walker, 2002). Other health effects of CAFO air emissions can be headaches,
respiratory problems, eye irritation, nausea, weakness, and chest tightness.
There is evidence that CAFOs affect the ambient air quality of a community. There are three laws that
potentially govern CAFO air emissions—the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
and Liability Act (CERCLA, also known as the Superfund Act), the Emergency Planning & Community
Right to Know Act (EPCRA), and the Clean Air Act (CAA). However, the EPA passed a rule that exempts
all CAFOs from reporting emissions under CERCLA. Only CAFOs that are classified as large are required
to report any emission event of 100 pounds of ammonia or hydrogen sulfide or more during a 24-hour
period locally or to the state under EPCRA (Michigan State University Extension, n.d.). The EPA has
also instituted a voluntary Air Quality Compliance Agreement in which they will monitor some CAFO
air emissions, and will not sue offenders but instead charge a small civil penalty. These changes have
attracted criticism from environmental and community leaders who state that the EPA has yielded to
influence from the livestock industry. The changes also leave ambiguity as to whether emission standards
and air quality near CAFOs are being monitored.
The type of manure storage system used contributes to the production of greenhouse gases. Many CAFOs
store their excess manure in lagoons or pits, where they break down anaerobically (in the absence of
oxygen), which exacerbates methane production. Manure that is applied to land or soil has more exposure
to oxygen and therefore does not produce as much methane. Ruminant livestock, such as cows, sheep, or
goats, also contribute to methane production through their digestive processes. These livestock have a
special stomach called a rumen that allows them to digest tough grains or plants that would otherwise be
unusable. It is during this process, called enteric fermentation, that methane is produced. The U.S. cattle
industry is one of the primary methane producers. Livestock production and meat and dairy consumption
has been increasing in the United States, so it can only be assumed that these greenhouse gas emissions
will also rise and continue to contribute to climate change.
One of the most common complaints associated with CAFOs are the odors produced. The odors that
CAFOs emit are a complex mixture of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide, as well as volatile
and semi-volatile organic compounds (Heederik et al., 2007). These odors are worse than smells formerly
associated with smaller livestock farms. The anaerobic reaction that occurs when manure is stored in pits
or lagoons for long amounts of time is the primary cause of the smells. Odors from waste are carried away
from farm areas on dust and other air particles. Depending on things like weather conditions and farming
techniques, CAFO odors can be smelled from as much as 5 or 6 miles away, although 3 miles is a more
common distance (State Environmental Resource Center, 2004).
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
Because CAFOs typically produce malodors, many communities want to monitor emissions and odors.
Quantifying odor from industrial farming can be challenging because it is a mixture of free and particle-
bound compounds, which can make it hard to identify what specifically is causing the odor. Collecting
data on specific gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, can be used as a proxy for odor levels.
CAFO odors can cause severe lifestyle changes for individuals in the surrounding communities and can
alter many daily activities. When odors are severe, people may choose to keep their windows closed, even
in high temperatures when there is no air conditioning. People also may choose to not let their children
play outside and may even keep them home from school. Mental health deterioration and an increased
sensitization to smells can also result from living in close proximity to odors from CAFOs. Odor can cause
negative mood states, such as tension, depression, or anger, and possibly neurophysciatric abnormalities,
such as impaired balance or memory. People who live close to factory farms can develop CAFO-related
post traumatic stress disorder, including anxiety about declining quality of life (Donham et al., 2007).
Ten states use direct regulations to control odors emitted by CAFOs. They prohibit odor emissions greater
than a set standard. States with direct regulations use scentometers, which measure how many times
an odor has to be doused with clean air before the smell is undetectable. An additional 34 states have
indirect methods to reduce CAFO odors. These include: setbacks, which specify how far CAFO structures
have to be from other buildings; permits, which are the most typical way of regulating CAFOs; public
comment or involvement periods; and operator or manure placement training.
Insect Vectors
CAFOs and their waste can be breeding grounds for insect vectors. Houseflies, stable flies, and
mosquitoes are the most common insects associated with CAFOs. Houseflies breed in manure, while
stable and other flies breed in decaying organic material, such as livestock bedding. Mosquitoes breed in
standing water, and water on the edges of manure lagoons can cause mosquito infestations to rise. Flies
can change from eggs to adults in only 10 days, which means that substances in which flies breed need to
be cleaned up regularly.
Flies are typically considered only nuisances, although insects can agitate livestock and decrease animal
health. The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found evidence that houseflies near poultry
operations may contribute to the dispersion of drug-resistant bacteria (Center for Livable Future, 2009).
Since flies are attracted to and eat human food, there is a potential for spreading bacteria or pathogens
to humans, including microbes that can cause dysentery and diarrhea (Bowman et al., 2000). Mosquitoes
spread zoonotic diseases, such as West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis, and equine encephalitis.
Residences closest to the feeding operations experience a much higher fly population than average homes.
To lower the rates of insects and any accompanying disease threats, standing water should we cleaned
or emptied weekly, and manure or decaying organic matter should be removed twice weekly (Purdue
Extension, 2007). For more specific insect vector information, please refer to NALBOH’s vector guide
(Vector Control Strategies for Local Boards of Health).
Pathogens are parasites, bacterium, or viruses that are capable of causing disease or infection in animals
or humans. The major source of pathogens from CAFOs is in animal manure. There are over 150
pathogens in manure that could impact human health. Many of these pathogens are concerning because
environmental health
they can cause severe diarrhea. Healthy people who are exposed to pathogens can generally recover
quickly, but those who have weakened immune systems are at increased risk for severe illness or death.
Those at higher risk include infants or young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those who are
immunosuppressed, HIV positive, or have had chemotherapy. This risk group now roughly compromises
20% of the U.S. population.
Sources of infection from pathogens include fecal-oral transmission, inhalation, drinking water, or
incidental water consumption during recreational water activities. The potential for transfer of pathogens
among animals is higher in confinement, as there are more animals in a smaller amount of space. Healthy
or asymptomatic animals may carry microbial agents that can infect humans, who can then spread that
infection throughout a community, before the infection is discovered among animals.
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
When water is contaminated by pathogens, it can lead to widespread outbreaks of illness. Salmonellosis,
cryptosporidiosis, and giardiasis can cause nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, muscle pain, and death,
among other symptoms. E.coli is another serious pathogen, and can be life-threatening for the young,
elderly, and immunocompromised. It can cause bloody diarrhea and kidney failure. Since many CAFO use
sub-therapeutic antibiotics with their animals, there is also the possibility that disease-resistant bacteria
can emerge in areas surrounding CAFOs. Bacteria that cannot be treated by antibiotics can have very
serious effects on human health, potentially even causing death (Pew Charitable Trusts, n.d.).
There is also the possibility of novel (or new) viruses developing. These viruses generate through
mutation or recombinant events that can result in more efficient human-to-human transmission. There
has been some speculation that the novel H1N1 virus outbreak in 2009 originated in swine CAFOs in
Mexico. However, that claim has never been substantiated. CAFOs are not required to test for novel
viruses, since they are not on the list of mandatory reportable illness to the World Organization for
Animal Health.
Antibiotics are commonly administered in animal feed in the United States. Antibiotics are included
at low levels in animal feed to reduce the chance for infection and to eliminate the need for animals
to expend energy fighting off bacteria, with the assumption that saved energy will be translated into
growth. The main purposes of using non-therapeutic doses of antimicrobials in animal feed is so that
animals will grow faster, produce more meat, and avoid illnesses. Supporters of antibiotic use say that it
allows animals to digest their food more efficiently, get the most benefit from it, and grow into strong and
healthy animals.
The trend of using antibiotics in feed has increased with the greater numbers of animals held in
confinement. The more animals that are kept in close quarters, the more likely it is that infection or
bacteria can spread among the animals. Seventy percent of all antibiotics and related drugs used in the
U.S. each year are given to beef cattle, hogs, and chickens as feed additives. Nearly half of the antibiotics
used are nearly identical to ones given to humans (Kaufman, 2000).
There is strong evidence that the use of antibiotics in animal feed is contributing to an increase in
antibiotic-resistant microbes and causing antibiotics to be less effective for humans (Kaufman, 2000).
Resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria in animals, which can be transferred to humans thought the
handling or eating of meat, have increased recently. This is a serious threat to human health because
fewer options exist to help people overcome disease when infected with antibiotic-resistant pathogens.
The antibiotics often are not fully metabolized by animals, and can be present in their manure. If manure
pollutes a water supply, antibiotics can also leech into groundwater or surface water.
Because of this concern for human health, there is a growing movement to eliminate the non-therapeutic
use of antibiotics with animals. In 2001, the American Medical Association approved a resolution to ban
all low-level use of antibiotics. The USDA has developed guidelines to limit low-level use, and some major
meat buyers (such as McDonald’s) have stopped using meat that was given antibiotics that are also used
for humans. The World Health Organization is also widely opposed to the use of antibiotics, calling for a
cease of their low-level use in 2003. Some U.S. legislators are seeking to ban the routine use of antibiotics
with livestock, and there has been legislation proposed to solidify a ban. The Preservation of Antibiotics
for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA), which was introduced in 2009, has the support of over 350 health,
environmental health
consumer, and environmental groups (H.R. 1549/S. 619). The act, if passed, would ban seven classes of
antibiotics important to human health from being used in animals, and would restrict other antibiotics to
therapeutic and some preventive uses.
The most certain fact regarding CAFOs and property values are that the closer a property is to a CAFO,
the more likely it will be that the value of the property will drop. The exact impact of CAFOs fluctuates
depending on location and local specifics. Studies have found differing results of rates of property value
decrease. One study shows that property value declines can range from a decrease of 6.6% within a 3-mile
radius of a CAFO to an 88% decrease within 1/10 of a mile from a CAFO (Dakota Rural Action, 2006).
Another study found that property value decreases are negligible beyond 2 miles away from a CAFO
(Purdue Extension, 2008). A third study found that negative effects are largest for properties that are
downwind and closest to livestock (Herriges, Secchi, & Babcock, 2005). The size and type of the feeding
operation can affect property value as well. Decreases in property values can also cause property tax rates
to drop, which can place stress on local government budgets.
All 50 states have some form of right-to-farm laws, but most only offer legal protections to farms if they
meet certain specifications. Generally, they must be in compliance with all environmental regulations,
be properly run, and be present in a region first before suburban developments, often a year before the
plaintiff moves to that area. These right-to-farm laws were originally created in the late 1970s and early
1980s to protect family farms from suburban sprawl, at a time when large industrial farms were not the
norm. As industrial farms grew in size and number, the agribusiness industry lobbied for and achieved
the passage of stricter laws in the 1990s, many of which are now being challenged in court by homeowners
and small family farmers. Opponents to these laws argue that they deprive them of their use of property
and therefore violate the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution.
Some state courts have overturned their strict right-to-farm laws, such as Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota,
and Kansas. Others such as Vermont have rewritten their laws. Vermont’s updated right-to-farm bill
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
protects established farm practices as long as there is not a substantial adverse effect on health, safety, or
Boards of health need to be aware of what legal protection their state offers farms. Right-to-farm laws
can hinder nuisance complaints brought about by community members. State laws can prevent local
government or health officials from regulating industrial farms.
Assessment: Board of health members should ensure that there is an effective method in place for
collecting and tracking public complaints about CAFOs and large animal farms. Since environmental
health specialists at local health departments are often responsible for investigating complaints, the
board of health must take measures to ensure that they are properly trained and educated about
CAFOs. It is possible that the board of health may be responsible or choose to do some investigations
itself. Schmalzried and Fallon (2008) advocate that local health districts adopt a proactive approach for
addressing public concerns about CAFOs, stating that health districts can offer some services that may
help ease public frustration with CAFOs. A fly trapping program can establish a baseline for the average
number of flies present prior to the start-up of CAFOs or large animal farms, which can then establish if a
fly nuisance exists in the area. Testing for water quality and quantity can provide evidence if CAFOs are
suspected of affecting private water supplies. Boards of health can also monitor exposure incidences that
occur in emergency rooms to determine if migrant or farm workers are developing any adverse health
conditions as a result of their work environments. Establishing these programs benefit both members
of the community and provide information to future animal farm operators, and local boards of health
should recommend them if they’ve been receiving complaints about CAFOs.
Policy Development: Boards of health in many states can adopt health-based regulations about CAFOs,
however, they may be met with some resistance. Humbolt County, Iowa, adopted four health-based
ordinances concerning CAFOs that became models for regulations in other states, but the Iowa Supreme
Court ruled the ordinances were irreconcilable with state laws. Boards of health that choose to regulate
CAFOs can also be subject to pressure from outside forces, including possible lawsuits or withdrawal of
funding. Boards of health should also consider working with other local officials to institute regulations on
CAFOs, such as zoning ordinances.
Assurance: Boards of health can execute the assurance function by advocating for or educating about
better environmental practices with CAFOs. Board members may receive complaints from the public
about CAFOs, and boards can hold public meetings to receive complaints and hear public testimony
about farms. If boards of health are not capable of regulating industrial farms in their communities,
they can still try to collaborate with other local agencies that have jurisdiction. Board of health members
can educate other local agencies and public officials about CAFOs and spread awareness about the
environmental and health hazards. They can request a public hearing with the permitting agency of the
environmental health
CAFO to express their concerns about the potential health effects. They can also work with agricultural
and farm representatives to teach better environmental practices and pollution reduction techniques.
In many states, boards of health are empowered to adopt more stringent rules than the state law if it is
necessary to protect public health. Board of health members should examine their state laws before they take
any action regarding CAFOs to determine the most appropriate course of action. Any process should include
an investigative period to gather evidence, public hearings, and a time for public review of draft policies.
The health director in Tewksbury filed an order of prohibition against the farm, which is allowed under
Massachusetts law 111, section 143, for anything that threatens public health. The order of prohibition
was appealed and the matter was taken to the board of health for a grievance hearing. The board of
health hearing included months of testimony about the pig farm. The board of health is also doing
a site assignment, which determines if a location is appropriate for treating, storing, or disposing of
waste, including agricultural waste. The site assignment process includes both the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) and the local board of health. The board of health holds a public hearing
process, while the DEP reviews the site assignment application. The board of health grants the site
assignment only if it is concurrently approved by the DEP.
The health director in Tewksbury points out that the only laws the board of health is able to regulate the
farm under are nuisance laws. There have been efforts by the community to do a home rule petition to
address the air quality and pest management complaints. The home rule petition is currently working its
way through the Massachusetts state house. The status of the petition is unknown.
The board of health has tried to work directly with the pig farm to manage complaints. The farm contains
manure composting facilities and the health district has requested advance notice to warn the community
before manure is treated or applied to the soil. The farm has adopted a new manure management system.
This system uses Rapp technology to control odors and reduce ammonia and hydrogen sulfide levels.
However, questions still remain as to whether this addition will fully solve the odor issue. Typically,
systems using Rapp technology include an oil cap that floats on manure holding pools and helps seal odors
inside. These techniques have been researched and proven to reduce odors. However, the Tewksbury farm
did not install the oil cap, and it is unknown whether the exclusion of the cap will hinder the technology’s
ability to reduce odors.
The complaints about the farm primarily concern the odor that emanates from the farm. The complaints
do include mention of health side effects, including nausea and burning eyes. The health director has also
heard concerns about potential environmental effects from the pig manure. Community members are
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
worried the manure runoff is entering and contaminating Sutton Brook, since there has been flooding in
that area. There has been no confirmation of this occurring. The board of health is aware that the farm
has a nutrient management plan, but they are not allowed to request and find out what is incorporated in
that plan.
The Tewksbury piggery is technically not classified as a CAFO, though it is believed to be the largest
pig farm in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. The area around it has become densely populated and
the community members state that they just want to live peacefully with the farm. The board of health
has submitted multiple grant applications to study the health effects associated with the farm. After the
site assignment process is complete, the board of health will decide how it will regulate the farm. At the
beginning of 2010, the board of health was still working on drafting regulations for the pig farms.
The Wood County Health Director, in cooperation with the board of health, contacted nearby counties to
determine what actions they had taken against farms in their communities. While the health director
and board of health investigated action in the form of a nuisance regulation against the farms, they were
advised that nuisance lawsuits filed against farms in Ohio were held to a tough standard, and they would
be forced to demonstrate with scientific proof that the farms have a substantial adverse effect on health.
They found that no other board of health in Ohio had opted to regulate farming operations and relied on
the enforcement of existing state laws.
The board of health held a public forum to hear public opinion regarding the industrial farms. Ultimately,
the Wood County Board of Health took actions other than regulations to help protect the health and
environment of its community. They helped community members protect the safety of their water wells
by offering free and low cost water well testing and inspections. They tested area ditch and water ways
for fecal coliform bacteria, phosphorous, and nitrates to monitor the impact of farm runoff. They also
purchased fly traps to monitor and count fly types to determine if the farms have caused an increase in
insect vectors. Board of health members also met with state officials from the Ohio EPA in an effort to
facilitate cooperation regarding the factory farms. While the Wood County Board of Health and Health
Department chose not to institute any local regulations, they continue to monitor the situation and
respond to community complaints.
environmental health
CAFOs, and the Iowa State Association of Counties wanted to review air quality issues. Officials in Cerro
Gordo County originally began working on a regulation that required inspections and was based on public
health concerns, since farms were already exempt from any regulations related to zoning. However, Iowa
state senators soon introduced legislation that passed and prevented any animal feeding operations from
being regulated from a public health angle as well.
As Iowans were now prevented from regulating animal feeding operations in terms of zoning or public
health, officials in Cerro Gordo County decided to place a moratorium on the construction of new
animal feeding operations in that county. They wanted to temporarily stop the growth of animal feeding
operations until they could get better science about their effects. Cerro Gordo County Ordinance #40, the
“Animal Confinement Moratorium Ordinance,” went into effect on May 14, 2002. Since the moratorium
did not address public health or zoning, officials were able to get around the rules and still have a way
to temporarily control animal feeding operation growth in their county. The ordinance placed “a 1-year
moratorium on any new construction, expansion, or activity occurring on land used for the production,
care, feeding, or housing of animals.” The ordinance also afforded “local public health officials adequate
time to appropriately assess health and environmental concerns that may be related to confined
animal feeding operations and concentration of animals; establish objective measurable standards of
enforcement; exercise the Board of Health’s responsibility to protect and improve the health of the public;
refrain from impacting farm operators unfairly; and provide penalties for violations of the provisions
hereof pursuant to Chapter 137, Code of Iowa” (Cerro Gordo County, 2002).
The moratorium was first adopted by the Cerro Gordo County Board of Health. It was then presented
to the county board of supervisors by the health director on behalf of the board of health. Before the
board of health adopted the moratorium, they held an investigative meeting in which representatives
from the Iowa Farm Bureau and other industry spokespeople exchanged opinions on the issue of animal
feeding operations. The moratorium was created through a collaboration between local and county
officials—health department staff, the board of health, and the board of supervisors. The moratorium did
not receive any help or backing from state officials, who were concerned about the political nature of the
ordinance. However it did receive backing from a Globe Gazette editorial.
The moratorium was immediately met with resistance from state officials. The Cerro Gordo County Board
of Supervisors was contacted by a local legislator, and the Iowa Farm Bureau stated they would challenge
the county budget. The Iowa Farm Bureau threatened to take the county to court. There were concerns
over the cost of a court trial, which was estimated to be as high as $60,000. The county attorney doubted
the legality of the moratorium and ultimately recommended removing it. The moratorium was in effect
until June of 2005, when it was repealed by the county board of supervisors.
Since the moratorium was repealed there have been a few hog farms built in Cerro Gordo County, but
the decline in pork prices has prevented any large growth of hog farms. Health officials believe that if
the county had not implemented the animal confinement moratorium, there would have been many more
farms built in their county, since many hog farms were built in counties south of Cerro Gordo County.
There is now a process for siting new animal confinement operations in Iowa that uses a Master Matrix
scoring system. The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors tracks the Master Matrix system, but so
far no animal feeding operations in Iowa who have applied using this system have been denied the right
to build.
understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
Concentrated animal feeding operations or large industrial animal farms can cause a myriad of
environmental and public health problems. While they can be maintained and operated properly, it is
important to ensure that they are routinely monitored to avoid harm to the surrounding community.
While states have differing abilities to regulate CAFOs, there are still actions that boards of health can
and should take. These actions can be as complex as passing ordinances or regulations directed at CAFOs
or can be simply increasing water and air quality testing in the areas surrounding CAFOs. Since CAFOs
have such an impact locally, boards of health are an appropriate means for action. Boards of health
should take an active role with CAFOs, including collaboration with other state and local agencies, to
mitigate the impact that CAFOs or large industrial farms have on the public health of their communities.
environmental health
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understanding concentrated animal feeding operations
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Environmental Health Sciences Research Center. Iowa concentrated animal feeding operation air quality
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National Association of Local Boards of Health. Vector control strategies for local boards of health.
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concern. Retrieved from http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08944.pdf
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The National Association of Local Boards of Health has publications available in
the following public health programs:
1840 East Gypsy Lane Rd., Bowling Green, OH 43402 Phone: (419) 353-7714 Fax: (419) 352-6278 www.nalboh.org