Size: 44,579,000 Sq. KM No. of Countries: 48 Population: 4,436,224,000
Size: 44,579,000 Sq. KM No. of Countries: 48 Population: 4,436,224,000
Size: 44,579,000 Sq. KM No. of Countries: 48 Population: 4,436,224,000
South America is
bordered by the Atlantic
The world's smallest owl - the Elf - is
found on this continent
Ocean in the east, the
Pacific Ocean in the west,
the Southern Ocean in
the south, and North
America in the north.
The moose and the elk, found in North South America is home to
America, are the first and second tallest amazing species of flora
animals on the continent and fauna, including
unique tropical birds and
Size: 8,525,989 sq km
No. of countries: 3
Population: 39,901,000
Two-thirds of Australia is
desert land
The world's largest coral
reef -- the Great Barrier
Reef -- is around 2000
kilometres long