Lexicon Vortex User Guide
Lexicon Vortex User Guide
Lexicon Vortex User Guide
User Guide
Unpacking and Inspection
After unpacking the unit, save all packing materials in case you ever need to re-ship. Thoroughly inspect the unit and packing materials for signs of damage.
Report any shipment damage to the carrier at once; report equipment malfunction to your dealer.
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause
interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in
Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designated to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
OFF and ON, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: reorient the receiving antenna; relocate the computer with respect
to the receiver; move the computer away from the receiver; plug the computer into a different outlet so that the computer and receiver are on different branch circuits. If necessary,
the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal
Communications Commission helpful: "How to identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems." This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
Le présent appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class B prescrites dans le Règlement sur
le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.
Lexicon Inc.
3 Oak Park
Bedford, MA 01730USA
Copyright 1993, Lexicon Inc. Telephone 781-280-0300
All Rights Reserved. Fax 781-280-0490
Lexicon Part 070-09940 Printed in the U.S.A.
Table of Contents
Getting Started ......................................................................... 1 Using Registers ................................................................... 21
Introduction ............................................................................ 1 Storing Effects • Clearing Register Pairs • Using
Front Panel Overview ............................................................ 2 Footswitches • Finding the Preset Used to Create
Setting Audio Levels • Setting MIX Values an Effect
Rear Panel Connections ........................................................ 4
Footswitch and Footpedal Connections • Headphones
Effect Descriptions ................................................................ 25
Audio Connections ................................................................ 6
In-Line Processing • Using Vortex on a Mixer
Overview .............................................................................. 25
Reflexion .............................................................................. 26
Effects Return Bus
Atmosphere ......................................................................... 28
A/B Relay Switch ................................................................... 8
Orbits ................................................................................. 30
Basic Operation ........................................................................ 9 Centrifuge ............................................................................ 32
Overview ................................................................................ 9 Aerosol ................................................................................ 34
Presets and Registers ......................................................... 10 Mosaic ................................................................................. 36
Effect Parameters ................................................................ 11 Maze ................................................................................. 38
Adjusting Parameter Values • About the Parameters Duo ................................................................................. 40
TAP and Echo Rhythms ...................................................... 13 Deja Vu ................................................................................ 42
Tempo and Rhythm • Tapping in a Tempo • Echo Choir ................................................................................. 44
Rhythms Shimmer .............................................................................. 46
Audio Morphing™ ................................................................ 16 Sweep ................................................................................. 48
About Morphing • Trying Some Morphs • Setting Shadow ................................................................................ 50
Morph Rates Cycloid ................................................................................. 52
Pedal Control ....................................................................... 18 Bleen ................................................................................. 54
Assign a Parameter to a Pedal • Capturing Parameter Fractal ................................................................................. 56
Changes Made with a Pedal • Controlling Morphs
Specifications ......................................................................... 58
with a Pedal
Getting Started
Congratulations on your purchase of Vor- Vortex effects are organized into sixteen Some of the other exciting features of
tex, the world's first Audio Morphing™ pro- pairs of presets. Each consists of multiple Vortex are:
cessor! You are about to discover that Vortex modulation and delay functions, and each • Flexible processing paths: true stereo,
sets new standards for sound processing — has its own distinctive sonic signature. Some dual mono, dual mono in/stereo out
for both the type and variety of effects it are based on combinations of classic effects,
produces, and for the musical way in which it such as echo, rotary speaker, autopan, and • Envelope follower for dynamic control of
lets you control effects. chorus, while others defy verbal description. each effect
• All echo rhythms synchronized to your
Unique effects and exciting performance All 32 effects share a common set of
master tempo
capabilities provide lots of room for individual sixteen parameters. Changing settings to
expression and experimentation. More like a customize an effect is fast and easy, and 32 • Cross-feed and feedback/cross-feed mix
musical instrument than a passive effects user registers are provided for storing your paths for spatial effects and complex echo
"black box," Vortex will change the way you own Vortex creations. rhythms
make music. Audio Morphing™ allows you to control • Register step and chains via footswitch
dynamic transformations between any two • Analog relay for musical instrument ampli-
effects. While this can produce truly mind- fier channel switching
boggling effects, it couldn't be easier to con-
trol — requiring only a single button push.
Sets the level of the incoming signal. LEDs DISPLAY Adjusts values of selected parameter.
indicate acceptable signal level (LVL), and Numeric display of digits 1-64, and decimal point. Dis- All parameter values are displayed
overload (OVL). played digits indicate ID number of currently running with a range of 1-64 and are accompa-
effect. Digits accompanied by lit VALUE LED indicate nied by the VALUE LED.
PARAMETER parameter values. Decimal point lights to show an effect
Selects among 16 parameters for adjustment has been modified since it was stored.
with the VALUE knob, or pedal assignment.
Setting Audio Levels Setting MIX Values
1. Turn Vortex INPUT all the way down (fully 5. Adjust amplifier or mixer levels for opti- The sound of each Vortex preset is highly
counter-clockwise). mum signal-to-noise performance. dependent on the mix of dry (unprocessed)
2. Connect Vortex inputs to an audio and wet (processed) signals. MIX settings
source, and Vortex outputs to an ampli- * The LVL LED is off when the incoming signal is are stored with each effect. If Vortex outputs
fier or mixer. low; it lights to indicate acceptable levels (6dB to are connected to amplifier or mixer channel
3. Apply an input signal at a level that you 30dB below overload). The OVL LED lights red inputs, you should not have to adjust this
typically use. when the signal approaches overload. Acceptable parameter to use any of the presets.
signals will light the LVL LED almost continuously, If Vortex outputs are connected to a
4. While sending audio to Vortex, gradually and the OVL LED only on peaks.
turn up the INPUT control until the LVL console's returns (and Vortex output is,
LED* lights green. Continue to advance therefore, mixed with dry signal from the
INPUT until the OVL LED lights on only console), you should select each effect and
the loudest peaks. If the OVL LED is lit raise the MIX parameter to its maximum
continuously, turn the INPUT control value. (64=100% wet)
down. Be aware that several Vortex effects are
meant to be used at 100% wet (ORBITS,
CENTRIFUGE, MOSAIC, etc.) When using
Vortex with a console, you will get the stron-
gest effect by connecting Vortex outputs to
channel inputs.
Rear Panel Connections
Tip/Ring/Sleeve 1/4" phone input for
A/B Single-ended (unbalanced) stereo outputs provide
expression pedal control of selected
Relay-switched Tip/Ring/Sleeve phone -2dBu nominal output level. Use the right output
output for remote channel switching of connector for mono output. If no connection is made
musical instrument amps via front panel at the right output, the left output can be used to drive
or footswitch A/B control. high-efficiency headphones at modest volume.
Footswitch and Footpedal Headphones
Connections A stereo signal which is adequate to drive
Footswitches connected via the rear- high-efficiency headphones is available at
panel footswitch jacks allow you to perform One footswitch is provided with your unit, the left output, provided no connections are
register STEP and BYPASS functions and/ along with a set of labels to identify footswitch made through the right output. This feature is
or to control TAP and A/B effect morphing. functionality. If you are only going to be using provided as a convenience for practice pur-
Two momentary foot-switches can be wired one footswitch,connect it to perform TAP and poses, and is intended to provide only mod-
to a tip-ring-sleeve connector. A stereo Y- A/B functions, or register STEP and BYPASS est volume.
connector allows two identical single functions, and label it accordingly.
switches to be used.
In-Line Processing Using Vortex on a Mixer
Note that MIX settings are stored with Effects Return Bus
Vortex effects. The presets have been de- If Vortex is using a console’s returns,
signed with specific MIX settings for each select each effect's MIX parameter, then
effect which should not need adjustment use the VALUE knob to set it to its maximum
when the unit is used in-line. value (64).
Effects Send
Some Vortex effects are meant to be
Guitar heard 100% wet, with no dry signal added.
Effects Return Amp Adjust your console's wet/dry mix accord-
Mono In Mono Out
Effects Sends Mixer Effects Returns
Stereo Instrument LVL OVL
Ch 1 In
(panned hard left)
Ch 2 Mixer
(panned hard right)
A/B Relay Switch
Vortex is equipped with an electrically iso- For example, if your amp channel A corre- Any amplifier with a channel switching
lated analog switch that allows remote con- sponds to lead, and channel B to rhythm, you feature and a footswitch connection can be
trol of guitar amplifier lead/rhythm channel can load Vortex's A registers with effects you connected to the rear panel A/B relay con-
selection. Simply connect a standard 1/4" want to use on leads, and load the B registers nector on Vortex. The switch functions as
guitar cable between the Vortex rear panel A/ with rhythm effects. Now, a single tap on the follows:
B relay switch and the A/B switching input on A/B footswitch will coordinate switching be-
Mono plug* Stereo plug
your amp. tween lead effects on your A channel and
rhythm effects on your B channel. A switch closed sleeve tied to Tip
Both the front panel A/B button, and the
B switch open sleeve tied to Ring
footswitch A/B control will activate this
switch, allowing you to simultaneously
* To switch polarity, use a stereo plug into
switch effects and amplifier settings.
Vortex, with a mono plug going into the amp.
Attach the two wires to the connector sleeve
and ring so that A = open and B = closed.
Basic Operation
Vortex provides a rich set of performance Audio Morphing™ gives you unprec- A dual footswitch, provided with your unit,
and programming features — all of which are edented real-time control of parameter val- allows you to bypass effects, step through
simple and straightforward. Effect selection, ues, effects ordering and control routing. your registers, or cycle through chains of
editing, store, and morph functions are easily While the dynamically changing sounds can effects.
accomplished with dedicated knobs and but- range from subtle to extreme, you control
Each of these functions is described in
tons. morphing with simply a button push or a
detail in this section.
pedal sweep.
In Vortex, the tedious process of entering
delay times which have to be recalculated for An expression pedal can be assigned to
every tempo change is replaced by simple control any one of fourteen parameters in
rhythm controls.The unique combination of each effect with a single button push (and
the front panel TAP and ECHO÷ controls pedal assignments can be stored with your
makes it easy to set up precise echo rhythms effects.)
— and to synchronize the echo rhythms of
every effect to any tempo — on the fly!
Presets and Registers
Vortex is loaded with 32 permanent pre- The REGISTER/PRESET button deter- Each preset and register has an A and a B
sets, arranged in two banks, and numbered mines whether the knob will load registers or version. In the presets, A and B versions are
1A-16A and 1B-16B. presets. The LED lights to indicate register is matched into specific effect pairs. You can
selected. set up your own pairing system in the regis-
Vortex also has 32 memory locations,
called registers, where you can store your Turn the REGISTER/PRESET knob to ters.
own effects. When first shipped, Vortex has select and load the preset or register number The front panel A/B button determines
a duplicate set of the presets loaded into the you want. which version of an effect will be loaded.
registers. Although these are grouped into When this button is pressed with an effect
register pairs which match the preset A/B running, it will initiate a dynamic transition, or
pairs, you can store any effect you want into morph from one effect to the other. (The
any register space. ability to make these transitions is one of the
most exciting features of Vortex and is ex-
plained fully under Morphing later in the
Vortex has 32 presets and 32 manual. )
registers for storing your
customized effects. Pressing the
...determines whether presets
DUO 8 10 CHOIR or registers (1 ... 16) will be A/B The setting of A/B deter-
MOSAIC 6 12 SWEEP selected by the knob. A mines whether the A or B
B versions of presets and
16 FRACTAL VALUE registers will be loaded.
Effect Parameters
Adjusting Parameter Values
Each effect in Vortex has sixteen adjust- The VALUE knob is always active, and will The decimal point on the display will light
able parameters. Control over these param- adjust whichever parameter is indicated by when a parameter is adjusted to indicate that
eters is simple — select a parameter with the the PARAMETER knob. The first turn of the effect has been modified since the last
PARAMETER knob, then adjust it with the VALUE will display the current parameter store operation. If no further adjustments are
VALUE knob. All parameter settings made setting and light the VALUE LED. Subse- made with VALUE, the display will revert to
from the front panel can be stored with the quent adjustments will increment or decre- showing the number of the currently running
effect.* ment parameter values along their entire effect. The edit indicator will remain on until
range (1-64). the effect is stored, or until changes are lost
by selecting another effect with the REGIS-
Select a parameter. TER/PRESET knob.
Use the VALUE knob to adjust
DEPTH 1 the selected parameter.
Vortex echo divisions are calculated with ECHO Value
The maximum delay time for one echo in
16-bit acuracy. This ensures that the rhyth- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ••• Vortex is 923 milliseconds. The maximum
mic relationships between ECHO 1 and Rhythmic Divisions delay time for configurations which use
ECHO 2 are highly accurate and stable, even Vortex's two delay lines in series is 1846 ms.
for unusual polyrhythms such as 2 against 9, 2
3 5 6 7
In theory, this would require you to calculate
or 11 against 13 — patterns that would be the allowable tap interval/rhythmic division to
extremely tedious, and perhaps impossible, 1 make sure the times you enter fall below the
3 5 6 7
to set up on another effects processor. limit. Vortex, however, not only performs this
Tap Interval
times, by intelligently processing whatever
snap with Vortex. 2 combination you enter.
3 5 6 7
Audio Morphing™
About Morphing
One of the most exciting controls that like other parameters, are stored as part of An expression pedal gives you dynamic con-
Vortex gives you is the ability to continuously the effect. trol of morphing — and allows you to create
transform one effect into another. This fea- Morphs are performed between register dramatic new effects.
ture, which we call Audio Morphing,™allows pairs. To set up a morph, store one effect into The ability to morph from any effect, or effect
you to transform closely related, or wildly an A register, then store another effect into variation, in the box to any other effect gives
dissimilar effects — and to set the time period the corresponding B register. You can store you an infinite number of possible new ef-
over which the transformation occurs. any preset, or any modified preset into any A fects, as a new effect is created at virtually
As this concept is completely new to audio or B register. every point in the morph. Assigning control of
effects, it will be helpful to keep a few things the morph to an expression pedal allows you
in mind when using this control. Because you can store any effect you want, not only expressive control over the morph,
in any register, you can select morphs to but allows you to halt the morph at any point.
Morphing is accomplished with the A/B perform subtle, smooth parameter changes, This is one of the most dramatic features of
switch. or radical shifts between effects. pedal control and is explained in detail in the
When you press A/B, Vortex doesn't simply When you morph between two versions of next section, Pedal Control.
switch back and forth between Banks A and the same effect, all of the parameter values
B. It transforms one effect into another. move smoothly from one version to the other.
When you morph between two different ef-
The rate at which this transformation occurs fects, the entire structure of the effect trans-
is determined by the MORPH A/B param- forms to the other effect. Everything changes
eter. — rates, levels, audio routing, routing of the
MORPH A/B allows you to determine the LFOs and envelope, etc.
time it takes for one effect to transform into
another when A/B is pressed. Morph rates,
Trying Some Morphs Setting Morph Rates
Vortex presets and registers are arranged Preset 4 CENTRIFUGE The MORPH A/B parameter allows you to
in A/B pairs. When A/B is pressed (from the The A and B versions are similar, but the specify independent morph rates for each
front panel, or via footswitch), Vortex will difference in parameter settings for the two effect. The combined morph rates set for A
automatically morph between the A and B versions creates two related yet distinctly and B determine the total length of time a
effects. different effects. In this case, morphing pro- morph will take. The total duration of the
duces a more dramatic change in the overall morph can be varied from 10 seconds to .01
Try listening to some of the preset effect
sound as the morph progresses from A to B. second. (1=slowest rate; 64=fastest rate)
pairs to get an idea of what morphing can do
with different effect combinations. Preset 15 BLEEN When you are morphing from A to B, the
The A and B versions are completely dif- rate you have set for effect A determines how
Preset 3 ORBITS
ferent from one another. A is based on enve- quickly you leave effect A. When you morph
The A and B versions in this preset are
lope detune, while B is based on "ring modu- from B to A, it determines how quickly you
variations on a single effect, B having slow
lated" echo feedback. The sound is com- arrive at effect A. The rate you set for effect
orbital paths, and A having faster orbits. This
pletely transformed as the effect morphs B similarly controls departure and arrival rate
is a good example of using morphing to
from A to B. to and from effect B.
produce subtle changes in the overall sound
of an effect. When these two values are equal, you will
hear A and B effects in equal proportion at
the midpoint of the morph. Setting unequal
morph rate values allows you to slide this
transition point toward the A or B effect —
essentially specifying what proportion of the
total time will be spent on each effect. Along
the transition path between one effect and
another, some very unusual effects can be
Pedal Control
Once a parameter is assigned to a pedal, To remove a pedal assignment, simply Capturing Parameter Changes
pedal control of the parameter is always reselect the assigned parameter and press
active, even if you move the Parameter knob PEDAL/TAP, or select another parameter for Made with a Pedal
to select another parameter for editing. assignment and press PEDAL/TAP. When a Value changes made with an expression
pedal is deassigned, the parameter returns pedal are not automatically saved when you
While an assigned parameter is selected,
to its original value (as set prior to pedal store an effect. If you want to save the value
value changes made with the pedal will be
assignment.) indicated by the current pedal position, turn
displayed. When pedal motion stops, the
Remember that, once a pedal is con- the VALUE knob in either direction to set this
display will return to display of the register or
nected to Vortex, whether or not a parameter as the "original" value. When the effect is
preset number.
assignment has been made, you must turn stored, this is the value that will be saved for
When the Parameter knob is turned to that parameter, even if the pedal is reas-
the Parameter knob to ECHO 1÷ or ECHO
another position, the Pedal LED will turn off, signed, or deassigned.
2÷ to perform TAP functions with the button.
and the value of the new parameter will be
(Footswitch TAP function is unaffected.)
displayed. The new parameter can be edited
with VALUE; the pedal will continue to con-
trol its assigned parameter.
Note: If the pedal is unplugged while an effect is running, Vortex will not recognize the
fact that there is no pedal until a new effect is loaded. If the pedal is unplugged while an
effect with a pedal assignment is running, Vortex assumes the pedal has been moved to
value = 1, and will not allow pedal reassignment or deassignment. If you unplug the pedal,
load a new effect to make sure that Vortex recognizes the disconnection.
Controlling Morphs with a Pedal Pedal Control
The behavior of the pedal when MORPH When you deassign the pedal, Vortex will If you are using Vortex's A/B relay fea-
A/B is selected for pedal assignment is slightly immediately switch to whichever effect, A or ture, pedal morphing allows independent
different. When you assign MORPH A/B, the B, is indicated by the front panel LEDs. control over morphing and channel switch-
pedal immediately acquires control over the ing.
Remember that A and B effects can have
morph, and the morph jumps to the current different pedal assignments. If either the A or For example, you could use the pedal to
pedal position. (Toe up=1=effect B; toe B effect has been stored with the pedal control morphing between ORBITS A and
down=64=effect A.) assigned to MORPH A/B, (and a pedal is ORBITS B, and use the A/B switch to select
A/B still selects the A or B effect, and the connected) pedal control is immediate when lead or rhythm channels for either effect.
A and B LEDs indicate which effect is avail- the effect is loaded.
able for editing. Edits can be made via the
front panel to either A or B effect parameters,
but the pedal determines which effect is
being heard. For example, you can edit the
parameters of effect B, and your edits will
take effect, but if the pedal is in the toe down
position, you will only be hearing effect A.
You won't hear the results of your edits to
effect B until you move the pedal to its toe up
Using Registers
Storing Effects
Vortex presets cannot be erased or over- To store the currently running effect: 4. Store operations are executed on re-
written by parameter changes; the original lease of the STORE button. If you want to
1. Press STORE.
version will always be restored when loaded. store to a different register, or to a differ-
If you make changes to a preset and want to 2. If you were in preset mode, the register ent register bank, than the one displayed,
save the changes as a custom effect, or if LED will go on, indicating that Vortex has turn the REGISTER/PRESET knob to the
you want to match certain effects as A/B automatically switched to register mode register number you want, and check the
pairs, you must store your new versions into — selecting whatever register is indi- setting of the A/B button before releasing
registers. cated by the position of the REGISTER/ STORE.
PRESET knob and the A/B button.
When first shipped, Vortex has a dupli-
3. Releasing STORE will store the currently
cate set of the presets loaded into the regis-
running effect into the register indicated
ters. Although these are grouped into regis-
on the display, overwriting the effect pre-
ter pairs which match the preset A/B pairs,
viously stored there. The display will flash
you can store any effect you want into any
briefly to indicate the store operation was
register space. For example, you can store a
version of Centrifuge B into Register 1A, and
a version of Orbits A into Register 1B.
Clearing Register Pairs Using Footswitches
Vortex has a clear function which allows A dual footswitch can be connected to Skipping registers and creating chains
the use of footswitches to link effects in a Vortex to perform register step and bypass Vortex’s clear function allows you to use a
variety of useful ways. Clearing a register functions. (A second footswitch allows hands- footswitch to skip effects you do not want in
does not erase the contents of a register off control of A/B bank switching and TAP a sequence, or to create register chains.
pair. It clears a space in the register se- functions.)
quence so that the register is skipped in any Skipping allows you to create a specific
effect sequence you create. Note that the Stepping through the registers sequence of effects. If, for example, you
clear operation affects both register effects You can use a footswitch to step through want to use a series of 8 effects, simply clear
(A and B). either the A or the B bank of effects stored in the 8 unwanted registers and turn the REG-
the registers. (Use A/B to switch between ISTER/PRESET knob to 1. Now, the
To clear a register pair...
banks.) The footswitch will increment con- footswitch will increment through the regis-
1. Press CLEAR. tinuously up to register 16, then wrap back to ters, passing over the cleared registers with-
2. If you were in preset mode, the register register 1 (or the first uncleared register). out requiring you to step through them.
LED will go on, indicating that Vortex has Turning the REGISTER/PRESET knob to
If you are in preset mode, the first click of
automatically switched to register mode any position other than 1, will set up register
the switch will automatically switch you into
— selecting whatever register pair is chains which use cleared registers as loop
register mode, loading whatever register is
indicated by the position of the REGIS- points.
indicated by the position of the REGISTER/
PRESET knob and the setting of the A/B Skip and chain functions are illustrated
3. Both A and B effects in the displayed button; subsequent clicks will increment from below.
register will be cleared, and the register that point on.
ID number will flash. (The ID number of
any cleared register flashes when se-
lected with the REGISTER/PRESET
To restore a cleared register pair, simply
repeat the clear operation.
Registers 4, 9, 10 and 14 have been cleared...
A footswitch can be used to toggle a by-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 pass function. When active, “bP” (byPass)
appears on the display. In this state the
With the REGISTER/PRESET knob set to Register 1, the footswitch will
step through the remaining registers, then loop back to Register 1. output of Vortex will remain at the level set by
OUTPUT, but will be 100% dry (MIX set-
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 15 16
While bypassed, PARAMETER, VALUE,
and any assigned pedal functions are inac-
Turning the REGISTER/PRESET knob to any position other than 1,
will set up register chains which use cleared registers as loop points. tive.
The combination of cleared registers shown above would REGISTER/PRESET and A/B functions
create these four chains ... (via footswitch or front panel) remain active
during bypass, allowing you to cue an effect
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 to load when bypass is turned off.
To use this feature, turn bypass on ("bP"
If the REGISTER/PRESET knob is set to a register within a chain, the
footswitch will cycle through the chain until the next cleared
displayed). Select a new effect (the ID num-
register, then loop back to the first register in the chain. ber of the effect you select will briefly inter-
(To use a chain containing Register 1, you must set the rupt the display of "bP". If you want to switch
REGISTER/PRESET knob to another register in the chain.) banks, press A/B — the LED will respond to
your selection, although the relay will not be
With the REGISTER/PRESET knob activated until bypass is turned off. Now,
set to Register 7, the footswitch 7 8 5 6 when you turn bypass off, the effect you've
will step through this sequence ...
selected will load.
If the REGISTER/PRESET knob is set to a cleared register, the footswitch will TAP functions (via footswitch or front
skip to the first register in the next chain, then step through that chain.
panel) also remain active during bypass,
allowing you to change tempo while by-
Finding the Preset Used to
Create an Effect To do this: 3. Press and hold down the REGISTER/
Vortex gives you the ability to radically PRESET button. The display will blink.
1. Using the REGISTER/PRESET knob and
change the sound of any preset. Your new
the A/B button, select the register for Now, Vortex will reload your register se-
sounds can then be stored in any one of 32
which you want to identify the source. lection.
locations (registers 1-16, A or B).
2. If you are not already in preset mode, 4. While still holding down the REGISTER/
At some point, you may want to retrace
press the REGISTER/PRESET button — PRESET button, move the VALUE knob.
your steps, and identify the preset used to
the LED should go off. The number and version (A or B) of the
create a particular stored sound.
Note that Vortex will load the preset which preset used to create that register will be
corresponds to the current knob position. displayed briefly.
This will not affect the audio —you will still
be hearing the selected register.
The display will return to the selected
register after a brief timeout, or on release of
Effect Descriptions
Vortex effects are not passive, they are All Vortex effects have the same general Vortex presets are designed to empha-
responsive to your playing. Each can be structure, as shown below. (The shaded size certain functions in each effect, but you
controlled dynamically by the ENVELOPE area of the diagram is detailed in the will find that altering selected parameters
control, allowing you to play the effects with indvidual effect descriptions that follow.) allows you to create entirely different sounds
your own personal style. from any single effect. The following dia-
Each effect is made up of several simul- Left
grams and descriptions provide maps for
taneous modulation and delay modules. The Left
your explorations, as well as descriptions of
sonic signature of each effect is determined Input EFFECT MIX Output
each preset pair and of the effect itself.
by the number and type of these modules, as Right
well as the audio and control connections Right
between them.
Although each effect is designed with a Certain parameters have similar charac-
different combination of modules, Vortex teristics in all Vortex effects. For example,
provides a single set of 16 general param- OUPUT and MIX always provide control of
eters to control them all. output level and processed/unprocesed mix.
Within each effect, MOD FX LVL generally
controls the amount of modulation effects,
and ECHO FX LVL controls the amount of
echo effects in the processed signal.
About the Reflexion Presets
Reflexion A produces a moderate dou- In Reflexion B, the envelope value is If you have an expression pedal, you can
bling effect on loud attacks combined with turned down, making the doubling effect use Reflexion to create a pedal-controlled
echo rhythms that initially alternate between more subtle. Resonance values are turned flanger.
eighth-notes and eighth-note triplets, then up, and the echo rhythms are set to 3 against 1. Save copies of REFLEXION B into any A
“settle” into an eighth-note pattern. The ech- 2. and B register pair.
oes dance between left and right.
2. In the new B register, set ENVELOPE to
Morphing between A and B produces
10 and press STORE.
smooth changes in dynamic response, and a
cross-fade of echo rhythms. 3. In the new A register, set ENVELOPE to
45 and press STORE.
4. Assign the pedal to MORPH A/B
Now, moving the pedal will create a flange
effect. For more dramatic flanging, turn up
both A and B effects.
Mod Fx Lvl
Rate 1*
Depth 1
Fx Lvl MOD 1
b a Echo Atmosphere B has two modulators, each with two indepen-
Res 1 Fx Lvl dent taps (a and b), which allow you to create tunable reso-
Res 2 ECHO 1 nance effects. The modulators are in the feedback path of a
cross-mix configuration. When feedback is used, every echo
Fbk 1
Fbk 2 repeat is re-modulated.
Fbk 2
Fbk 1
ENVELOPE increases the rates of both modulators, causing
Res 2 ECHO 2 modulation to speed up during louder notes and passages. The
Res 1 Echo modulators in this effect are unique in that each has a gliding tap and
b a Fx Lvl
a stationary tap. RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 control the glide speed and
Fx Lvl Rate 2*
range of the gliding tap (b) of MOD 1. RATE 2 and DEPTH 2 control
Depth 2 the glide speed and range of the gliding tap (b) of MOD 2. RESO-
NANCE 2 controls the tuning of the stationary tap (a) in both MOD 1
* ENVELOPE Increases both modulation rates and MOD 2. RESONANCE 1 controls the mix of the a and b tap levels
ECHO FX LVL Delayed mod output level for both modulators. The character of the modulated sound can be
MOD FX LVL Input level to Mod 1 and Mod 2 significantly altered with RESONANCE 1 and RESONANCE 2.
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback/cross-feed mix The cross-mix echo configuration is identical to that in Atmo-
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix sphere A.
RATE 1 Mod 1 tap b glide rate
DEPTH 1 Mod 1 tap b glide range Use the Preset to add a variety of atmospheric effects to your
RESONANCE 1 Mix of a and b taps for Mod 1 and Mod 2 sound.
RATE 2 Mod 2 tap b glide rate
DEPTH 2 Mod 2 tap b glide range
RESONANCE 2 Mod 1 and Mod 2 tap a tuning
Mod Fx Lvl
Rate 1* Orbits is designed around two rotary effects, one fed by the left
Depth 1 Fbk 1 Echo
Res 1
input, one by the right. The output of both rotary effects is fed
Fx Lvl
ECHO 1 to echoes configured as a stereo pair. The left echo feeds the
ROTARY 1 right output, and vice-versa, causing the echoes to revolve on
opposing sides of the stereo field from the rotary effects.
ECHO 2 ENVELOPE decreases both rotary speeds, so that louder signals
Rate 2* Echo
Fbk 2 Fx Lvl cause the rotary effects to slow down. The left and right inputs are
Depth 2
Res 2 processed independently, allowing you to experiment with two input
sources. You can, for example, send a voice into the left, and a guitar
Mod Fx Lvl
into the right, and each can have its own independent rotary effect.
* ENVELOPE Decreases both rotary speeds To accurately simulate a cabinet rotary speaker with high-fre-
ECHO FX LVL Delayed rotary output level quency and low-frequency rotors, use a mixer with low and high EQ
MOD FX LVL Undelayed rotary output level on its sends feeding Vortex left and right inputs.
FEEDBACK 1 Feedback gain around ECHO 1
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback gain around ECHO 2
RATE 1 Rotary 1 speed
DEPTH 1 Rotary 1 depth
RESONANCE 1 Rotary 1 resonance
RATE 2 Rotary 2 speed
DEPTH 2 Rotary 2 depth
RESONANCE 2 Rotary 2 resonance
About the Orbits Presets
The A and B presets of Orbits are de- The morph rates are set to simulate the
signed to simulate a pair of rotating speak- inertial drag when the rotors are sped up or
ers, with A set for fast, and B set for slow. slowed down.
Rate, depth and resonance settings are all
altered to simulate this speed change.
In the presets, the envelope control is
turned off, but this can be turned on to control
rotary speed dynamically. (If a pedal is as-
signed to MORPH A/B, you can use it to
control rotation speed of the rotary speaker.)
Mod Fx Lvl
Rate 1*+Rate 2* Centrifuge A is designed around two rotary effects, one fed by
Depth 1+Depth 2 Fbk 1 Echo
Res 1
the left input, one by the right. The output of both rotary effects
Fx Lvl
ECHO 1 is fed to echoes configured as a stereo pair. The rotary effects
ROTARY 1 always move in unison.
ROTARY 2 ENVELOPE decreases the rotary speed and depth. The rotary
ECHO 2 effects are controlled by a combination of RATE 1/DEPTH 1, and
Rate 1*+Rate 2* Fbk 2 Echo
Fx Lvl RATE 2/DEPTH 2. Either set of controls used alone will create a
Depth 1+Depth 2
Res 2 simple rotation effect with variable speed and depth. Used together
(values set for both sets of controls) these controls create unusual
Mod Fx Lvl
rotation effects.
* ENVELOPE Decreases rotary speed and depth The Preset uses envelope control of rates, and resonance, to
ECHO FX LVL Delayed rotary output level create a throaty, vowel-like sound, that increases in speed as sound
MOD FX LVL Undelayed rotary output level fades away.
FEEDBACK 1 Feedback gain around ECHO 1
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback gain around ECHO 2
RATE 1 Rotary 1 speed (added to Rate 2)
DEPTH 1 Rotary 1 depth (added to Depth 2)
RESONANCE 1 Rotary 1 resonance
RATE 2 Rotary 2 speed (added to Rate 1)
DEPTH 2 Rotary 2 depth (added to Depth 1)
RESONANCE 2 Rotary 2 resonance
Mod Fx Lvl
Rate 1*, Rate 2 Centrifuge B is designed around two rotary effects, one fed by
Depth 1*, Depth 2 Echo the left input, one by the right. The output of both rotary effects
Res 1 Fx Lvl
is fed to echoes configured as a stereo pair with cross-feed.
ROTARY 1 The rotary efects always move in unison.
Fbk 1
Fbk 2
ROTARY 2 ENVELOPE decreases RATE 1 and increases DEPTH 1, so that
ECHO 2 louder signals decrease the speed, while increasing depth. RATE 1
Rate 1*, Rate 2
Fx Lvl and DEPTH 1 control the speed of both rotary effects. RATE 2
Depth 1*, Depth 2
Res 2 controls the rate of RATE 1 FM . DEPTH 2 controls the depth of RATE
1 FM. (As you turn up DEPTH 2, RATE 1 will get faster and slower
Mod Fx Lvl at the speed of RATE 2, allowing you to create a rotary effect which
is constantly changing from slow to fast.)
* ENVELOPE Increases DEPTH 1; decreases RATE 1
ECHO FX LVL Delayed rotary output level The Preset uses envelope control to create a downward spiral
MOD FX LVL Undelayed rotary output level effect. Loud signals produce wide and slow rotation which speeds up
FEEDBACK 1 Gain of ECHO 1 to ECHO 2 cross-feed and narrows as the signal fades. (The preset has DEPTH 2 turned
FEEDBACK 2 Gain of ECHO 2 to ECHO 1 cross-feed off.)
RATE 1 Rotary 1 and Rotary 2 speed
DEPTH 1 Rotary 1 and Rotary 2 depth
RESONANCE 1 Rotary 1 resonance gain
RATE 2 Rate of RATE 1 FM
DEPTH 2 Depth of RATE 1 FM
RESONANCE 2 Rotary 2 resonance gain
Rate 1*
Depth 1
Res 1 Mod Fx Lvl Aerosol A has two modulators which interact to produce a
MOD 1 variety of modulation effects (flanger, vibrato, chorus, etc.)
The modulators feed two echoes which are configured as a
Echo cascade looper.
Fbk 1 ECHO 1 ECHO 2
Fx Lvl
ENVELOPE increases RATE 1 and RATE 2, so that loud signals
Fbk 2 increase the speed of modulation. Using RESONANCE 2 alone
MOD 2 (RESONANCE 1=1) maintains a stereo image in the modulation
Rate 2* Mod Fx Lvl effect. RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 will affect left modulation and RATE 2,
Depth 2 DEPTH 2 will affect right modulation.
Res 2
Using RESONANCE 1 (cross-resonance) mixes the left and right
modulation signals together. The rate and depth controls will affect
* ENVELOPE Increases both rates
both left and right.
Having the two echoes cascaded doubles the maximum amount
ECHO FX LVL Delayed mod output level
of available delay time. FEEDBACK 2 controls the mix of ECHO 1
MOD FX LVL Undelayed mod output level
feedback and ECHO 2 feedback. When this value is 1, this mix is all
FEEDBACK 1 Input/feedback mix (1=no feedback; 64=infinite repeat)
ECHO 1 feedback. At 64, the mix is all ECHO 2 feedback (producing
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix
the longest echoes.) Between these extremes, ECHO 1 is fed by a
RATE 1 MOD 1 speed mixture of the two feedbacks. These intermediate settings produce
DEPTH 1 MOD 1 depth echo rhythms that change over time.
RESONANCE 1 Left/right cross-resonance gain FEEDBACK 1 controls the mix of input signal and feedback mix
RATE 2 MOD 2 speed fed into ECHO 1. When FEEDBACK 1=1, there is no feedback. At 64,
DEPTH 2 MOD 2 depth only feedback is sent into the echoes. This creates an infinite loop.
RESONANCE 2 Left/right resonance gain
The Preset is set to produce a very deep stereo flange with subtle
Rate 1
Depth 1 Mod Fx Lvl Aerosol B has two modulators which interact to produce a
MOD 1 variety of modulation effects (flanger, vibrato, chorus, etc.)
The modulators feed two echoes which are configured as a
Echo Fx Lvl bounce echo.
Res 1
Res 2 ECHO 1 ECHO 2
ENVELOPE decreases FEEDBACK 1, which controls the total
Fbk 1* feedback level, so that loud signals have only a single echo repeat,
Fbk 2
and soft signals have many. Using RESONANCE 2 alone (RESO-
NANCE 1=1) maintains a stereo image in the modulation effect.
Rate 2 Mod Fx Lvl
Depth 2 RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 will affect left modulation; RATE 2, DEPTH 2
will affect right modulation.
Using RESONANCE 1 (cross-resonance) mixes the left and right
modulation signals together. The rate and depth controls will affect
* ENVELOPE Decreases total feedback level
both left and right.
ECHO FX LVL Delayed mod output level
Both echoes are arranged in series, but ECHO 1 feeds the left
MOD FX LVL Undelayed mod output level
output, while ECHO 2 feeds the right. This generates echoes that
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback/cross-feed mix bounce between left and right. FEEDBACK 2 controls the mix of
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix ECHO 1 feedback and ECHO 2 feedback. When this value is 1, this
RATE 1 MOD 1 speed mix is all ECHO 1 feedback. At 64, the mix is all ECHO 2 feedback.
DEPTH 1 MOD 1 depth Between these extremes, ECHO 1 is fed by a mixture of the two
RESONANCE 1 Left/right cross-resonance feedbacks. These intermediate settings produce echo rhythms that
RATE 2 MOD 2 speed change over time.
DEPTH 2 MOD 2 depth
RESONANCE 2 Left/right resonance The Preset uses MIX, MOD FX LVL, and ECHO FX LVL to create
a primarily dry sound, followed by pitch-modulated echoes which
alternate between left and right.
Mod Fx Lvl
Mosaic A is configured with dual chase panners, one on each
Res 1
input. This allows the left and right modulation effects to be
ECHO 1 PAN chased by their echoes in opposite directions.
Fbk 1
Echo Rate 1* Rate 2 Rate 1*
Fx Lvl Depth 1 Depth 2 Depth 1 ENVELOPE decreases the panning rate, so that loud signals slow
Fbk 2 down the panning. This effect uses four independent panners. The
ECHO 2 PAN output of the panners is configured such that each modulation effect
and its echo are fixed in a separate quadrant of an orbit controlled by
Res 2 RATE 1 and DEPTH 1. RATE 1 controls the speed. DEPTH 1
Mod Fx Lvl controls the width of the orbit. (When DEPTH 1 is set to 1, MOD 1
and ECHO 1 are routed to the left output, and MOD 2 and ECHO 2
are routed to the right output.)
* ENVELOPE Decreases panning rate of all panners Mono and stereo sources produce different kinds of motion
ECHO FX LVL Input to echoes
effects. Stereo inputs will cause the stereo image to spin and to be
MOD FX LVL Undelayed input level to autopan mods
chased by its echoes. If you use two separate mono signals, such
as guitar and voice, both the signals and their echoes will chase one
FEEDBACK 1 Feedback gain around ECHO 1
another in opposite directions.
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback gain around ECHO 2
If different values are set for ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 with a mono
RATE 1 Pan rate
source, the echoes will move in unpredictable patterns. If both
DEPTH 1 Pan width
echoes are set to the same value, but their feedback values are
RESONANCE 1 MOD 1 resonance unequal, the first echo repeats will appear to be centered, but will
RATE 2 MOD 1 and MOD 2 speed then begin to snake between left and right as they fade.
DEPTH 2 MOD 1 and MOD 2 depth
RESONANCE 2 MOD 2 resonance The Preset has the left input chased by quarter-note echoes, and
the right input chased by quarter-note triplet echoes.
Mosaic B has four modules arranged in series. Modulation
Mod Fx Lvl
and echo effects are accumulated as signals progress through
this configuration.
Fbk 1 Fbk 2 Fx Lvl
MULTI ECHO 1 MULTI ECHO 2 ENVELOPE decreases the vibrato depths, causing modulation
Rate 1, Rate 2
Rate 1, Rate 2
effects to decrease with loud signals. The configuration allows you to
Fx Lvl
Depth 1, Depth 2* Depth 1, Depth 2*
Res 2
hear each step of the modulation and echo acumulation as it
Res 1
progresses. The vibrato effect has two sets of stereo vibrato voices.
One set of voices (a) is controlled by RATE 1 and DEPTH 1. The other
Mod Fx Lvl
set (b) is controlled by RATE 2 and DEPTH 2. The a voices shift in
pitch in opposition to each other, as do the b voices. This can be used
to produce very rich vibrato and chorus effects.
* ENVELOPE Decreases vibrato MOD FX LVL controls the direct output of MOD 1 (left) and MOD
ECHO FX LVL Echo output levels 2 (right). ECHO FX LVL controls the amount of echo fed into the
MOD FX LVL Mod output levels modulators, as well as the direct echo output. (ECHO 1 is left, ECHO
FEEDBACK 1 Feedback gain around ECHO 1 (use for bounce effects)
2 is right.)
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback gain around ECHO 2 (use to pan L to R)
The Preset produces a deep, resonant modulation with very tight
RATE 1 Speed of Multivibrato a voices
echoes. ENVELOPE is set to control modulation rate dynamically.
DEPTH 1 Depth of Multivibrato a voices
RESONANCE 1 1st Multivibrato resonance
RATE 2 Speed of Multivibrato b voices
DEPTH 2 Depth of Multivibrato b voices
RESONANCE 2 2nd Multivibrato resonance
Fbk 1
Fx Lvl
Maze A has a panner that sprays a mono mix of the input
signals across the inputs of a stereo modulator and a stereo
Rate 1* Mod echo pair.
Depth 1 Fx Lvl
MOD ENVELOPE decreases the panning speed, so that pan rate
Mod Rate 2
decreases with loud signals. RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 control pan
Fx Lvl Depth 2 speed and width. RATE 2 and DEPTH 2 control the modulation glide
Res 1
Res 2 rate and depth. RESONANCE 1 controls the left and right resonance
ECHO 2 gain for the modulator. RESONANCE 2 controls left and right
Echo resonance tuning.
Fx Lvl
Fbk 2
Rate 1
Depth 1 7 MAZE B
Fbk 1 Echo
Fx Lvl
Maze B is configured as two parallel effects. One has stereo
envelope detune, and the other has a unique echo configura-
Fbk 2 tion with feedback AM.
Rate 2
Depth 2
ENVELOPE controls the amount of detune, so that louder signals
increase detuning. The output of the detuner is controlled by MOD
Fbk 1 Fx Lvl FX LVL. If this control is turned down to 1, it completely shuts down
Rate 1 the detune effect. Likewise, the output of the bounce echo is
Depth 1 Mod
Fx Lvl controlled by ECHO FX LVL. If this control is turned down to 1, it
completely shuts down the echo effect.
The echoes are arranged in series. ECHO 1 feeds the left ouput,
Res 1 Mod while ECHO 2 feeds the right. This generates echoes that bounce
Res 2 Fx Lvl
between left and right. FEEDBACK 1 controls the amount of feed-
* ENVELOPE Amount of detune (Loud signals=max detune, soft=none) back for both echoes. FEEDBACK 2 controls the amount of cross-
ECHO FX LVL Echo output level feedback for both echoes. RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 control amplitude
MOD FX LVL Stereo envelope detune output
modulation of the feedback for both echoes. RATE 2 and DEPTH 2
control the amplitude modulation of the cross-feedback for both
FEEDBACK 1 Fixed feedback gain for ECHO 1 and ECHO 2
echoes. Turning up DEPTH 1 and/or DEPTH 2 modulates feedback
FEEDBACK 2 Fixed cross-feed gain for ECHO 1 and ECHO 2
(or cross-feed) levels. At low rates, this produces a tremolo-like
RATE 1 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback AM rate
effect. At faster rates, this produces "ring modulator" effects.
DEPTH 1 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback AM depth
RESONANCE 1 Resonance gain for left detune The Preset uses ENVELOPE to produce a slight flange on note
RATE 2 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 cross-feed AM rate attacks. The amount of feedback and cross-feed is slowly changed
DEPTH 2 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 cross-feed AM depth by RATE 1 and RATE 2.
RESONANCE 2 Resonance gain for right detune
Echo Fx Lvl* Duo A is configured as two independent mono effects. The left
ECHO 1 ECHO 2 input feeds a cascade echo. The right input feeds a cascade
Fbk 2
Fbk 1
ENVELOPE decreases ECHO FX LVL, pulling the echoes down
Rate 1 Rate 2 out of the way of loud signals, and bringing them back up whenever
Depth 1 Depth 2 Mod Fx Lvl softer signals are received.
FEEDBACK 2 controls the mix of ECHO 1 feedback and ECHO 2
Res 2 feedback. When this value is 1, this mix is all ECHO 1 feedback. At
Res 1 64, the mix is all ECHO 2 feedback. Between these extremes, ECHO
1 is fed by a mixture of the two feedbacks. These intermediate
settings produce echo rhythms that change over time. FEEDBACK
* ENVELOPE Decreases ECHO FX LVL 1 controls the total feedback level.
ECHO FX LVL Echo output level
The cascade vibrato configuration allows unique multi-rate modu-
MOD FX LVL Vibrato output level
lation effects. RESONANCE 2 controls the mix of VIBRATO 1 and
VIBRATO 2 resonance. When this value is 1, this mix is all VIBRATO
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback mix
1 resonance. At 64, the mix is all VIBRATO 2 resonance. Between
FEEDBACK 2 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback mix
these extremes, VIBRATO 1 is fed by a mixture of the two reso-
RATE 1 Vibrato 1 speed
nances. RESONANCE 1 controls the total resonance level.
DEPTH 1 Vibrato 1 predelay
RESONANCE 1 Total gain of resonancecross-resonance mix The Preset is designed to work with two different signals feeding
RATE 2 Vibrato 2 speed left and right. The left is set to produce long echoes, ducked by
DEPTH 2 Vibrato 2 predelay ENVELOPE. The right is set to create a multi-rate chorus effect.
RESONANCE 2 Resonance/cross-resonance mix
Rate 1* 8 DUO B
Depth 1
VIBRATO 1 Duo B is configured as two independent mono in/stereo out
Fx Lvl Res 1 effects. The left input feeds a dual vibrato effect. The right
Res 2 input feeds a dual delay effect.
Rate 2*
ENVELOPE increases vibrato rates, with louder notes making the
Depth 2 Fbk 1 vibrato quicker. DEPTH 1 and DEPTH 2 control offset delay for the
left and right vibrato. Small differences in these two values will widen
ECHO 1 the mono signal.
Fx Lvl Fbk 2 RESONANCE 1 is the resonance gain for both VIBRATO 1 and
VIBRATO 2. RESONANCE 2 is a cross-mix control for the vibrato
ECHO 2 effect. As RESONANCE 2 is increased, the outputs of VIBRATO
1and VIBRATO 2 (in addition to being sent to the left and right) are
sent to the opposite outputs. This fills in the center of the stereo
* ENVELOPE Increases vibrato rates vibrato effect.
ECHO FX LVL Left input into echoes
MOD FX LVL Right input into vibrato The Preset is designed to work with either a mono signal, or with
FEEDBACK 1 Feedback gain around ECHO 1
two different signals feeding left and right. The left is set to produce
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback gain around ECHO 2
a dynamic stereo vibrato. The right is set to create a stereo echo
effect with quarter-notes in the left side and quarter-note triplets on
RATE 1 Vibrato 1 rate
the right side.
DEPTH 1 Vibrato 1 predelay
RESONANCE 1 Vibrato 1 and Vibrato 2 resonance
RATE 2 Vibrato 2 rate
DEPTH 2 Vibrato 2 predelay
RESONANCE 2 Vibrato cross-mix
Mod Fx Lvl Deja Vu A is configured with a cascade looper with envelope
control of the looper's output level. The output of the looper is
Echo fed into a panner which sprays the effect into a stereo glide.
Fx Lvl* The stereo glide is also fed directly by the inputs.
Rate 2
Fbk 2 Depth 2 ENVELOPE decreases ECHO FX LVL, pulling the echoes down
out of the way of loud signals, and bringing them back up whenever
Mod Fx Lvl Rate 1 softer signals are received.
Depth 1
Res 1 FEEDBACK 2 controls the mix of ECHO 1 feedback and ECHO 2
Res 2 feedback. When this value is 1, this mix is all ECHO 1 feedback. At
64, the mix is all ECHO 2 feedback (producing the longest echoes.)
Between these extremes, ECHO 1 is fed by a mixture of the two
* ENVELOPE Decreases ECHO FX LVL feedbacks. These intermediate settings produce echo rhythms that
ECHO FX LVL Delayed output into stereo glide change over time.
MOD FX LVL Undelayed input to stereo glide FEEDBACK 1 controls the mix of input signal and feedback mix
FEEDBACK 1 Input/feedback mix (1=no feedback; 64=infinite repeat) fed into ECHO 1. When FEEDBACK 1=1, there is no feedback. At 64,
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix only feedback is sent into the echoes. This creates an infinite loop.
RATE 1 Stereo glide rate Setting DEPTH 2 to 1, in effect, turns off the panner.
DEPTH 1 Stereo glide depth
In the Preset, the panner and the stereo glide are turned off,
RESONANCE 1 Stereo resonance
leaving just a simple echo ducking effect. Turn up DEPTH 1 and
RATE 2 Autopan rate
DEPTH 2 to add modulation and panning.
DEPTH 2 Autopan width (min=center, max=L to R)
RESONANCE 2 Stereo glide cross-resonance gain
Deja Vu B is configured with a cascade looper with envelope
Mod Fx Lvl
control of the looper's input mix. The output of the looper is fed
into a panner which sprays the effect into a stereo glide. The
Echo stereo glide is also fed directly by the inputs.
Fx Lvl
Rate 2 All of the controls in this effect are identical to those of the A
Fbk 2 Depth 2 version, except that here ENVELOPE decreases the input/feedback
mix. Loud signals increase the amount of input signal in the mix; soft
Mod Fx Lvl Rate 1
Depth 1 signals increase the amount of feedback.
Res 1
Res 2
The Preset creates a unique overdub looper. Whatever you play
will be repeated indefinitely. New material will replace older portions
* ENVELOPE Decreases input/feedback mix of the loop as it is played.
ECHO FX LVL Delayed output into stereo glide
MOD FX LVL Undelayed input to stereo glide
FEEDBACK 1 Input/feedback mix (1=no feedback; 64=infinite repeat)
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix
RATE 1 Stereo glide rate
DEPTH 1 Stereo glide depth
RESONANCE 1 Stereo resonance
RATE 2 Autopan rate
DEPTH 2 Autopan width (min=center, max=L to R)
RESONANCE 2 Stereo glide cross-resonance gain
Choir A is configured with three modules: Haas Effect, Multi
Mod Fx Lvl Chorus and cascaded echoes. This effect produces rich cho-
rusing, widens stereo images and synthesizes stereo from
Echo mono sources.
Fx Lvl
EFFECT CHORUS ENVELOPE decreases chorus depths, so that the chorus effect
Fbk 1
Fbk 2 increases as the signal gets softer. The Haas Effect places small
Rate 1, Rate 2 fixed delays on the left and right inputs to push signals outward in the
Depth 1*, Depth 2*
Res 1, Res 2
Mod Fx Lvl
stereo field. No controls are provided for this effect, which is always
present and fixed.
The multichorus module has two independent sets of stereo
voices (a and b). RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 control the speed and depth
of the a set of voices. RATE 2 and DEPTH 2 control the b voices.
* ENVELOPE Decreases chorus depths
The cascade echo fills the central space left by the stereo signal
ECHO FX LVL Delayed Haas effect; multi chorus output level
spread created by the Haas Effect.
MOD FX LVL Undelayed Haas effect; multi chorus output level FEEDBACK 2 controls the mix of ECHO 1 feedback and ECHO 2
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback/cross-feed mix feedback. When this value is 1, this mix is all ECHO 1 feedback. At
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix 64, the mix is all ECHO 2 feedback. Between these extremes, ECHO
RATE 1 Multichorus a voices speed 1 is fed by a mixture of the two feedbacks. These intermediate
DEPTH 1 Multichorus a voices depth settings produce echo rhythms that change over time. FEEDBACK
RESONANCE 1 Multichorus L to R cross-resonance 1 controls the total feedback level.
RATE 2 Multichorus b voices speed
DEPTH 2 Multichorus b voices depth The Preset is a rich stereo chorus that works well with either stereo
RESONANCE 2 Multichorus R to L cross-resonance or mono sources. FEEDBACK 2 is set to 29, causing the cascaded
echoes to produce a rhythm pattern which changes over time.
Choir B is predominantly an echo effect, with a cascade looper
Echo Fx Lvl feeding a Haas Effect and a multichorus module.
Mod Fx Lvl ENVELOPE decreases chorus depths, so that the chorus effect
HAAS MULTI increases as the signal gets softer.
EFFECT CHORUS The controls are the same as those in Version A. In Version B,
Fbk 2 Rate 1, Rate 2 Mod Fx Lvl however, the input signal is summed to mono and sent into the
Fbk 1 Depth 1*, Depth 2*
Res 1, Res 2 cascade echo. The output of the cascade echo is sent equally to the
left and right outputs, and into the Haas Effect which converts the
Echo Fx Lvl mono signal into a wide image. From there, the signals are sent into
the multichorus effect and recombined with the echo effect at the
* ENVELOPE Decreases chorus depths
ECHO FX LVL Unmodulated echo output level The Preset has MIX set to nearly dry (17), so that your orginal
MOD FX LVL Echo level into Haas Effect and Multichorus
signal is heard unprocessed, then is surrounded by a rich choir of
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback/cross-feed mix
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix
RATE 1 Multichorus a voices speed
DEPTH 1 Multichorus a voices depth
RESONANCE 1 Multichorus L to R cross-resonance
RATE 2 Multichorus b voices speed
DEPTH 2 Multichorus b voices depth
RESONANCE 2 Multichorus R to L cross-resonance
Mod Fx Lvl Shimmer A utilizes a cross-resonance modulator feeding a
stereo tremolo, which is, in turn, sent to both the outputs and
Rate 1* Fbk 1 the inputs of a stereo echo pair. The tremolo in this effect is
Depth 1
mono compatible.
MOD Fbk 2
Echo Fx Lvl
ENVELOPE increases the tremolo rate, so that the tremolo rate
Rate 2 ECHO 2
Depth 2 increases as signals get louder.
Res 1, Res 2 Tremolo is a stereo effect, in that a stereo signal fed into the effect
Mod Fx Lvl
maintains its stereo image throughout. Tremolo is synchronized so
that left and right channels move together. The tremolo effect is
maintained even if the output of Vortex is mixed to mono.
* ENVELOPE Increases tremolo rate The Preset is set to provide dynamically controlled tremolo.
ECHO FX LVL Delayed mod/tremolo output level Increase DEPTH 2 to add modulation effects. Increase ECHO FX
MOD FX LVL Undelayed mod/tremolo output level LVL to add echoes.
FEEDBACK 1 Feedback gain around ECHO 1
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback gain around ECHO 2
RATE 1 Tremolo rate
DEPTH 1 Tremolo depth
RESONANCE 1 Mod cross-resonance gain
RATE 2 Mod rate
DEPTH 2 Mod depth
RESONANCE 2 Mod/cross-resonance tuning
Shimmer B has a stereo resonator feeding a stereo amplitude
Mod Fx Lvl modulator, which is, in turn, sent to both the outputs and the
Echo inputs of a cascaded echo. The output of the cascaded echoes
Fx Lvl is sent to an auto-panner before it too is sent to the outputs.
AM Rate 2
Fbk 1
Fbk 2 Depth 2 ENVELOPE increases the amplitude modulation speed and de-
Res 1 Rate 1* creases the resonator tuning so that, as signals get louder, the speed
Res 2* Depth 1
Mod Fx Lvl
of the amplitude modulation increases and the tuning value de-
This effect has a tunable resonator which allows you to emphasize
different frequencies based on the value of RESONANCE 2. The
amount of resonance is controlled by RESONANCE 1. At higher
* ENVELOPE Increases AM speed; decreases resonator tuning values, this will produce a pronounced ringing at the tuned fre-
ECHO FX LVL Delayed resonator/AM output level quency. As ENVELOPE can control this tuned frequency, many
MOD FX LVL Undelayed resonator/AM output level
unusual dynamic effects can be created by playing with the envelope
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback/cross-feed mix
and resonance controls.
DEPTH 1 controls the amount of signal sent to the amplitude
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix
modulator. For any effect to be heard, this must be set to a value
RATE 1 Stereo AM rate
greater than 1. Amplitude is modulated 90° out of phase. High values
DEPTH 1 Stereo AM depth
of RATE 1 can produce "ring modulator" effects.
RESONANCE 1 Resonance gain
RATE 2 Echo autopan rate The Preset creates a shimmering wash of sound. This is done by
DEPTH 2 Echo autopan width (min=center, max=L to R) combining dynamic amplitude modulation and echo panning.
RESONANCE 2 Resonator tuning
Mod Fx Lvl
Sweep A consists of a stereo glide whose outputs go directly
Fx Lvl to both left and right outputs, as well as to a pair of cross-feed
ECHO 1 echoes.
Fbk 1
GLIDE ENVELOPE decreases the glide depths, so that the glide effect
Fbk 2
Rate 1+Rate 2
grows stronger as sound fades. The Stereo Glide is used to create
Depth 1*+Depth 2* ECHO 2 a vibrato-like pitch shift, with pitch modulation synchronized for left
Res 1, Res 2
and right. The amount of glide, and its speed, are determined by the
combined settings of the rate, depth, and resonance controls. This
Mod Fx Lvl effect creates complex periodic combinations. If there is no dry signal
in the mix (MIX=64) you will get vibrato-like effects. Decreasing the
value of MIX will yield more of a chorusing effect.
* ENVELOPE Decreases glide depths The cross-feed echoes give you echo rhythms that cross from left
ECHO FX LVL Delayed glide output level to right.
MOD FX LVL Undelayed glide output level
FEEDBACK 1 ECHO 2 to ECHO 1 cross-feed gain The Preset gives you dynamically controlled vibrato that fades in
FEEDBACK 2 ECHO 1 to ECHO 2 cross-feed gain as your sound fades out.
RATE 1 Glide rate (added to RATE 2)
DEPTH 1 Glide depth (added to DEPTH 2)
RESONANCE 1 Left glide resonance
RATE 2 Glide rate (added to RATE 1)
DEPTH 2 Glide depth (added to DEPTH 1)
RESONANCE 2 Right glide resonance
Mod Fx Lvl
Sweep B consists of a stereo multi-vibrato effect whose
Fbk 1 outputs go directly to left and right outputs, as well as to a
Fx Lvl stereo pair of echoes.
VIBRATO ENVELOPE decreases the vibrato depths, so that vibrato grows
Fbk 2
Rate 1, Rate 2 stronger as sounds fade.
Depth 1*, Depth 2* The vibrato effect has two sets of stereo vibrato voices. One set
Res 1, Res 2 ECHO 2
of voices (a) is controlled by RATE 1 and DEPTH 1. The other set (b)
is controlled by RATE 2 and DEPTH 2. The a voices shift in pitch in
Mod Fx Lvl opposition to each other, as do the b voices. This can be used to
produce very rich vibrato and chorus effects.
ECHO 1 is fed by the left vibrato voices. ECHO 2 is fed by the right
* ENVELOPE Decreases vibrato depths vibrato voices. Mixing the echo effect with the vibrato enhances the
ECHO FX LVL Delayed vibrato output level effect.
MOD FX LVL Undelayed vibrato output level
FEEDBACK 1 ECHO 1 feedback The Preset is a dynamically controlled vibrato. The effect is very
FEEDBACK 2 ECHO 2 feedback deep, with resonance controls turned up to create a very lush sound.
RATE 1 Multivibrato a voices speed
DEPTH 1 Multivibrato a voices depth
RESONANCE 1 Left vibrato resonance
RATE 2 Multivibrato b voices speed
DEPTH 2 Multivibrato b voices depth
RESONANCE 2 Right vibrato resonance
Shadow A is configured as two independent stereo effects.
Fbk 1*
Fbk 2 One is a cross-resonance modulator, the other consists of
Echo cross-mix echoes with high-cut filters in the feedback paths.
Fx Lvl
Fbk 2
Fbk 1
ENVELOPE decreases both feedback mix and echo outputs for
HI CUT ECHO 2 both echoes.
The cross-resonance modulator has independent glide rate and
X-RES depth controls for the left and right sides.
MOD Mod Fx Lvl
The echoes each have high-cut filters in their respective feedback
Rate 1, Rate 2 paths. These filters cause the echoes to get progressively darker as
Depth 1, Depth 2 they repeat. This is reminiscent of the sound of tape echo.
Res 1, Res 2
Shadow B uses a dynamic low-pass filter as a master tone
Fbk 1 control for its modulation and echo effects. The filter can be
Mod set for a uniform tone, or used to create constantly varying
Fx Lvl ECHO 1
LO PASS X-RES shades from light to dark.
MOD Echo
Rate 1 Fx Lvl Fbk 2
Depth 1
Res 1* ENVELOPE raises filter cutoff frequency, so that loud signals are
bright, then darken as they fade.
The low-pass filter, in addition to being dynamically controlled by
Rate 2 ENVELOPE, is controlled by RATE 1, DEPTH 1, and RESONANCE
Depth 2 1. RESONANCE 1 sets the cutoff frequency of the filter. (Higher
Res 2
values correspond to higher cutoff frequencies.) RATE 1 and DEPTH
1 are modulation controls for the filter. This filter acts as a master tone
* ENVELOPE Raises filter cutoff frequency control for the entire effect.
ECHO FX LVL Lo-pass filter and X-res mod input to echoes The filter can be set to specific values (using RESONANCE 1) to
MOD FX LVL Input to Lo-pass filter and X-res mod cause the effect to be uniformly dark or bright. Alternatively, RATE 1
FEEDBACK 1 Feedback gain around ECHO 1 and DEPTH 1 can be set to produce degrees of brightness and
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback gain around ECHO 2 darkness that constantly change throughout the effect.
RATE 1 Lo-pass filter mod rate
DEPTH 1 Lo-pass filter mod depth The Preset uses slow modulation of the filter to effectively fade
RESONANCE 1 Lo-pass filter cutoff frequency echo and modulation effects in and out of your sound while simulta-
RATE 2 Mod glide rate neously changing their tone from bright to dark.
DEPTH 2 Mod glide depth
RESONANCE 2 Mod cross-resonance
Mod Fx Lvl
Cycloid A utilizes a dynamic stereo low-pass filter that pro-
duces different spatial effects by cyclic changes in the tone of
Fbk 1
Fbk 2
left and right signals.
ENVELOPE raises the filter cutoff frequency, so that loud sounds
Fbk 2
Fbk 1 are initially bright, then grow darker as they fade. The filter cutoff
frequency is also controlled by DEPTH 1 and by both resonance
controls. The interaction of these parameters with the ENVELOPE
control produces many interesting dynamic effects. The filter is
Rate 1, Rate 2 Mod Fx Lvl modulated by a sine2 wave form (left and right are modulated 90° out
Depth 1, Depth 2
Res 1*, Res 2* of phase with respect to each other) to produce "filter panning,"
where the sound moves from left to right based on tone rather than
level. RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 control the speed and amount of filter
* ENVELOPE Raises filter cutoff frequency
modulation. The rate of this modulation can itself be modulated by
ECHO FX LVL Delayed filter output level
RATE 2 and DEPTH 2 (FM).
MOD FX LVL Undelayed filter output level Placing the echoes behind the filter gives control over the tone
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback mix for both delays color of the signal going into the echoes. (Each echo repeat has the
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix same degree of darkness.)
RATE 1 Filter glide rate
DEPTH 1 Filter glide depth The Preset creates a swirling, left-right motion by modulating the
RESONANCE 1 Left filter cutoff frequency filter with RATE 1 and DEPTH 1. The speed of this motion is subtly
RATE 2 Rate of RATE 1 FM varied by RATE 2 and DEPTH 2. ENVELOPE control is used to
DEPTH 2 Depth of RATE 1 FM decrease the motion on louder signals. Left and right eighth-note,
RESONANCE 2 Right filter cutoff frequency triplet, and sixteenth-note echoes increase the apparent "width" of
the sound.
Mod Fx Lvl
Mod Fx Lvl Rate 1*, Rate 2 The Preset uses dynamic control of the filter modulation rate to
Depth 1, Depth 2
Res 1, Res 2 cause filter panning to increase with loud signals. When no input
signal is present, echoes still flow through the filter, but at a slower
panning rate. Settings of ECHO 1and 2, and FEEDBACK 1 and 2,
* ENVELOPE Increases filter modulation
control these bouncing echoes. Use FEEDBACK 1 to increase or
ECHO FX LVL Delayed filter output level
decrease the total amount of feedback.
MOD FX LVL Undelayed filter output level
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback mix for both delays
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix
RATE 1 Filter glide rate
DEPTH 1 Filter glide depth
RESONANCE 1 Left filter cutoff frequency
RATE 2 Rate of RATE 1 FM
DEPTH 2 Depth of RATE 1 FM
RESONANCE 2 Right filter cutoff frequency
Bleen A has a stereo resonator feeding a stereo amplitude
Mod Fx Lvl
modulator, which is, in turn, sent to both the outputs and the
Echo inputs of a cascaded echo. The output of the cascaded echoes
Fx Lvl
is sent to an auto-panner before it too is sent to the outputs.
AM Rate 2
Fbk 1
Fbk 2 Depth 2 ENVELOPE increases the amplitude modulation speed and de-
Res 1 Rate 1*
Res 2* Depth 1 creases the resonator tuning so that, as signals get louder, the speed
Mod Fx Lvl of the amplitude modulation increases and the tuning value de-
This effect has a tunable resonator which allows you to emphasize
diffferent frequencies based on the value of RESONANCE 2. The
amount of resonance is controlled by RESONANCE 1. At higher
* ENVELOPE Increases AM speed; decreases resonator tuning values, this will produce a pronounced ringing at the tuned fre-
ECHO FX LVL Delayed resonator/AM output level quency. As ENVELOPE can control this tuned frequency, many
MOD FX LVL Undelayed resonator/AM output level
unusual dynamic effects can be created by playing with the envelope
and resonance controls.
FEEDBACK 1 Total gain of feedback/cross-feed mix
DEPTH 1 controls the amount of signal sent to the amplitude
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix
modulator. For any effect to be heard, this must be set to a value
RATE 1 Stereo AM rate
greater than 1. Amplitude is modulated 90° out of phase. High values
DEPTH 1 Stereo AM depth
of RATE 1 can produce "ring modulator" effects.
RESONANCE 1 Resonance gain
RATE 2 Echo autopan rate This Preset is an example of a dramatic special effect driven by the
DEPTH 2 Echo autopan width (min=center, max=L to R) dynamics of the input signal. This works particularly well with sources
RESONANCE 2 Resonator tuning that produce short percussive sounds.
Rate 1
Depth 1 15 BLEEN B
Fbk 1 Echo
Fx Lvl Bleen B is configured as two parallel effects. One has stereo
envelope detune, and the other has a unique echo configura-
Fbk 2 tion with feedback AM.
Rate 2
Depth 2 ENVELOPE controls the amount of detune. The output of the
ECHO 2 detuner is controlled by MOD FX LVL. If this control is turned down
Echo to 1, it completely shuts down the detune effect. Likewise, the output
Fbk 1 Fx Lvl of the bounce echo is controlled by ECHO FX LVL which, if turned
Rate 1
Depth 1 Mod down to 1, will completely shut down the echo effect.
Fx Lvl The echoes are arranged in series. ECHO 1 feeds the left ouput,
while ECHO 2 feeds the right. This generates echoes that bounce
between left and right. FEEDBACK 1 controls the amount of feed-
Res 1 Mod back for both echoes. FEEDBACK 2 controls the amount of cross-
Res 2 Fx Lvl
feedback for both echoes. RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 control amplitude
* ENVELOPE Amount of detune (Loud signals=max detune, soft=none) modulation of the feedback for both echoes. RATE 2 and DEPTH 2
ECHO FX LVL Echo output level control the amplitude modulation of the cross-feedback for both
MOD FX LVL Stereo envelope detune output echoes. Turning up DEPTH 1 and/or DEPTH 2 modulates feedback
FEEDBACK 1 Fixed feedback gain for ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 (or cross-feed) levels. At low rates, this produces a tremolo-like
FEEDBACK 2 Fixed cross-feed gain for ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 effect. At faster rates, this produces "ring modulator" effects.
RATE 1 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback AM rate
DEPTH 1 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback AM depth The Preset takes advantage of a large pitch bend driven by input
RESONANCE 1 Resonance gain for left detune amplitude. This creates dramatic effects with short percussive sounds
RATE 2 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 cross-feed AM rate or with intermittent material such as brief vocal phrases. The preset
DEPTH 2 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 cross-feed AM depth
produces echoes that change in pitch as they bounce from side to
RESONANCE 2 Resonance gain for right detune
side. Turn up DEPTH 2 to extend these bouncing pitch-shifted
Fractal A and B are configured with a cascade looper with
Mod Fx Lvl envelope control of the looper's input mix. The output of the
looper is fed into a panner which sprays the effect into a stereo
Echo glide. The stereo glide is also fed directly by the inputs.
Fx Lvl
Rate 2 ENVELOPE decreases the input/feedback mix. Loud signals
Fbk 2 Depth 2 increase the amount of input signal in the mix; soft signals increase
the amount of feedback.
Mod Fx Lvl Rate 1
Depth 1
FEEDBACK 2 controls the mix of ECHO 1 feedback and ECHO 2
Res 1 feedback. When this value is 1, this mix is all ECHO 1 feedback. At
Res 2 64, the mix is all ECHO 2 feedback (producing the longest echoes.)
Between these extremes, ECHO 1 is fed by a mixture of the two
* ENVELOPE Decreases input/feedback mix feedbacks. These intermediate settings produce echo rhythms that
ECHO FX LVL Delayed output into stereo glide change over time.
MOD FX LVL Undelayed input to stereo glide FEEDBACK 1 controls the mix of input signal and feedback mix
FEEDBACK 1 Input/feedback mix (1=no feedback; 64=infinite repeat) fed into ECHO 1. When FEEDBACK 1=1, there is no feedback. At 64,
FEEDBACK 2 Feedback/cross-feed mix only feedback is sent into the echoes. This creates an infinite loop.
RATE 1 Stereo glide rate Setting DEPTH 2 to 1, in effect, turns off the panner.
DEPTH 1 Stereo glide depth
RESONANCE 1 Stereo resonance
RATE 2 Autopan rate
DEPTH 2 Autopan width (min=center, max=L to R)
RESONANCE 2 Stereo glide cross-resonance gain
About the Fractal Presets
Fractal A produces a long echo with rhythm Fractal B is designed as a looper, with
patterns that degenerate as the echo re- input signals looping indefinitely. As phrases
peats and fades away. The unusual rhythm within the loop repeat, they are deconstructed,
effect is created by setting FEEDBACK 2 to causing a linear sequence of sounds to stack
a mixture of feedback and cross-feed ech- up into a single repeating event. In addition,
oes. The echoes are panned from side to the output of the looper is panned back and
side, and then modulated by the stereo glide. forth and modulated by the stereo glide.