This document is a student's midterm examination card from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta for the second semester of 2018/2019. It lists the student's name, student number, 13 courses, dates and times of exams. Notes provide information on exam seating numbers, attendance requirements to take exams, payment requirements, and exam day timetables. Exams for English, TOEP, and BIMPI have additional notes on materials students must bring, arrival time, and specific exam schedules.
This document is a student's midterm examination card from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta for the second semester of 2018/2019. It lists the student's name, student number, 13 courses, dates and times of exams. Notes provide information on exam seating numbers, attendance requirements to take exams, payment requirements, and exam day timetables. Exams for English, TOEP, and BIMPI have additional notes on materials students must bring, arrival time, and specific exam schedules.
This document is a student's midterm examination card from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta for the second semester of 2018/2019. It lists the student's name, student number, 13 courses, dates and times of exams. Notes provide information on exam seating numbers, attendance requirements to take exams, payment requirements, and exam day timetables. Exams for English, TOEP, and BIMPI have additional notes on materials students must bring, arrival time, and specific exam schedules.
This document is a student's midterm examination card from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta for the second semester of 2018/2019. It lists the student's name, student number, 13 courses, dates and times of exams. Notes provide information on exam seating numbers, attendance requirements to take exams, payment requirements, and exam day timetables. Exams for English, TOEP, and BIMPI have additional notes on materials students must bring, arrival time, and specific exam schedules.
KARTU UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP 2018/2019 Mid-term Examination Card of Second semester of 2018/2019
FAK/JUR/PROG - Faculty/Study Program : TEKNIK/Mechanical Engineering
NAMA-Name : DHIMAS FADHIL FADHLURRACHMAN NIM-Student : D200184237 Ruang, Kode Mata Kuliah Hari Tanggal Jam Pengampu Paraf Personal No. No. Kursi Code Course Day Date Session Lecturer Signature Code Room, Chair 1. M KCOT0102 Test TOEP (M K Khusus LC) --- JU 2. UM S20112 Ibadah and M uamalah --- 79 3. ENG204021 Technological Concepts SW710,16 Senin 08/04/2019 1 Nurmuntaha Agung Nugraha 1G 4. M EN20432 M atrix and Vector SW710,15 Selasa 09/04/2019 1 Wijianto 6C 5. M EN20532 Engineering Physics SW710,14 Selasa 09/04/2019 4 Nur Aklis H3 6. M EN20833 M echanical Strength of M aterials SW710,14 Rabu 10/04/2019 2 Supriyono FU 7. M EN20631 Physics Lab Work SW702,14 Rabu 10/04/2019 5 Wijianto KE 8. M EN20732 Technical Drawing Lab Work SW710,14 Jumat 12/04/2019 4 Agus Dwi Anggono DE 9. M EN21033 Advanced Calculus SW710,15 Sabtu 13/04/2019 1 Wijianto S6 10. M EN20932 Structure and Characteristics of M aterials SW710,16 Senin 22/04/2019 4 Pramuko Ilmu Purboputro SF 11. UM S20212 Civics SW710,17 Senin 22/04/2019 5 Yuli Tri Cahyono RC 12. UM S20312 Standardized Test Preparation I0401,52 Rabu 24/04/2019 2 M uhammad Fauzan Aminudin 8K 13. INT1404 EIC 4 (BIM PI) I0409,25 Rabu 24/04/2019 3 --- Surakarta, 07 April 2019. Catatan - Note: - NOMOR UJIAN sesuai nomor pr esensi, TEMPAT DUDUK meny esuaikan NOMOR KURSI (The EXAM NUMBER follows the number shown in the list of Exam Participants, the SEAT follows the CHAIR NUMBER) - Jika ada mata kuliah y ang dicor et atau jika pada kolom selain kolom MATA KULIAH ada tanda X, ber ar ti pr esensi kehadir an Anda kur ang dar i 75% dan tidak diizinkan mengikuti Ujian Akhir pada mata kuliah ter sebut Keterangan Jam (session) (If there is a Course blocked or if there is a sign X in the Columns outside Column Course, means that your lecture attendance is less than 75%, and you are not allowed to have final exam for the corresponding Course) Jam 1 = 08:00-09:30 WIB - Pembay ar an SPP Cicilan I/III menjadi sy ar at pengambilan KRS, pembay ar an SPP Cicilan II/IV Jam 2 = 10:00-11:30 WIB menjadi sy ar at bisa mengikuti Ujian Akhir Semester Jam 3 = 12:30-14:00 WIB (Payment I/III of Tuition Fee becomes requirement for taking KRS, Payment II/IV of Tuition Fee becomes Jam 4 = 14:15-15:45 WIB requirement for having final exam) - Jika ada per bedaan data antar a Kar tu Ujian dengan Pr esensi Ujian, y ang dianggap benar Hari Jumat adalah Pr esensi Ujian (If different data appear in the Exam Card and List of Exam Participants, the valid one is as shown in the List of Jam 1 = 08:00-09:30 WIB Exam Participants) Jam 2 = 10:00-11:30 WIB - Khusus mata kuliah Bahasa Inggr is/TOEP, peser ta membawa per alatan tes sendir i (pensil 2B, Jam 3 = 13:00-14:30 WIB r autan, dan penghapus) Jam 4 = 14:45-16:15 WIB (For English/TOEP subject, test takers are required to bring pencil 2B, sharpener, and rubber ) - Khusus mata kuliah Bahasa Inggr is/TOEP, peser ta har ap hadir 15 menit sebelum jam mulai Remidi TOEP (For English/TOEP subject, test takers are required to present 15 minutes before test start) Jam 1 = 08:00-10:00 WIB Jam 2 = 10:30-12:30 WIB Jam 3 = 13:30-15:30 WIB
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