BSBDIV601 Assignment 1

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Develop and implement diversity policy

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BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

Assignment 1
In response to the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business (provided), you will research on
existing benefits and information in relation to diversity within Bounce Fitness and will
develop a report, which addresses all questions in this task.

1. Analyse the existing policy, practices and information on the

Bounce Fitness website relating to diversity.

The meaning of diversity in workplace:

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organisation.
Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It is an understanding that each individual
is unique, and a recognition of our individual differences. These differences can include
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age physical abilities, family status, religious beliefs,
perspective, experience, or other ideologies.
The important of diversity in organisations:
Diversity is increasingly seen as an asset to organisations and linked to better economic
performance. It is an integral part of how we do business and imperative to our commercial
success. Many businesses now recognise that their staff need to reflect the difference
customers and local communities. They understand that building a diverse and inclusive
workforce will result in improved service for their customers and thus return for their
Additionally, research shows that the most engaged employees are those working in an
open, fair and diverse environment.
Diversity Vision
The Bounce Fitness states that in order for an organisation to have a workforce that is
effective and allows for a greater amount of competitive advantage, it is critical that the
workforce is as diverse as possible. The success that they achieve as a business is
grounded in their people. The more effective their people are, the greater their business
success will be. This company needs to find, recruit, and hold on to the best people possible
and use this to their competitive advantage. This diversity policy will allow them, as an
organisation, to ensure that they recognise all staff members regardless of their age, race,
sex, or religion.
This organisation understands that everyone must be treated equally – especially with
regards to their respect and dignity, and will work to ensure that the organisation believes in
treating all people with respect and dignity. The company will work to create a working
environment in which all staffs are supported and encouraged to work at the height of their
potential and to ensure that all staffs are able to develop their skills and knowledge in order
to facilitate their organisation reaching and achieving its goals and objectives.

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BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

In terms of the diversity policy of Bounce Fitness, this company provides the three main
parts of diversity policies in workplace that are diversity in recruitment, career development
and promotion and diversity bodies.
- Diversity in Recruitment
Bounce Fitness is a large, multinational organisation, and so needs to ensure that it is able
to recruit people from all over the world. Having individuals with a range of language skills,
cultural perspectives, and backgrounds allows them, as an organisation, to ensure that they
are able to understand our market and ensure that we are able to ensure that their
customers receive the best possible service. Their organisation will strive to have diversity in
everyone that we recruit and ensure that their selection panels are made up of a diverse
group of people.
- Career Development and Promotion
Bounce Fitness rewards excellence and all employees are promoted on the basis of their
performance. All managers are trained in managing diversity to ensure that employees are
treated fairly and evaluated objectively.
- Diversity Bodies
Within their organisation, they have appointed Diversity Champions, who have the role of
ensuring that everything they do as an organisation is aimed at ensuring that they are
inclusive and have a diverse workforce. Each of their diversity team will be a part of their
diversity committee who will meet bi-monthly to discuss any issues and who on an annual
basis will revise this policy.
In order to achieve the target of these policies, this company also provide diversity training
during their induction process and this training is aimed at ensuring that staffs are aware of
the issues surrounding diversity in the workforce and to examine skills needed to manage
diversity. In recognition of their diverse workforce and their specific needs, they have
introduced a number of arrangements to facilitate the employee work. These include:
• Assisting with education
• Flexible work arrangements
• Open communication
• Diversity workshops.

2. Identify any potential benefits of diversity in the workplace and

analyse these in relation to the business planning and strategic
documents of Bounce Fitness.

Diversity makes teams and organisations more intelligent as people’s distinctive strengths
and weaknesses combine to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. Given the
right conditions, diverse teams can also perform more creatively and innovatively than teams
of people with similar backgrounds.
When people react and think differently, approach challenges and solve problems differently,
make suggestions and decisions differently, and see different opportunities, the
organisation’s flexibility and innovativeness increase. New ways of working and finding new

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BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

and better ways to serve customers and achieve goals can result, giving culturally complex
organisations a competitive advantage and more business opportunities.
Open and fair employment policies and practices and recruitment from the total labour pool
enhance the organisation’s image and reputation and help it compete for quality employees.
A diverse workforce also helps organisations to identify and rectify indirect discrimination
through appropriately flexible measures that accommodate the differences among the
workforce. This builds an environment where everyone is valued, recognised and supported,
increasing employee loyalty. When people know they are working for an employer who cares
about them as a person, regardless of their sex, race, national origin or whatever, they are
more likely to return this respect.
The business strategy which is related to the benefit of diversity is an increase staff training
in line with their job roles through holding training with guest experts and accessing external
training. It is intended within a year to establish a system where agreed training expenses for

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BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

university and other job related tertiary training costs are reimbursed to staff to encourage
continued learning and development of staff.
Bounce Fitness does not tolerate any form of discrimination. All employees have the right to
work in an environment free of discrimination and harassment. Discrimination undermines
proper working relationships and may cause low morale, absenteeism and resignations.
Under federal and state anti-discrimination laws, discrimination in employment on the
following grounds is against the law:

Manager must ensure that all employees are treated equitably and are not subject to
They must also ensure that people who make complaints, or witness, are not victimised in
any way.
From the above information, there are three main parts that can be classified as this
Benefit to the individual employees and the team
- Employees from diverse background brings individual talent and experience on
- Increases employee’s acceptance for people of different backgrounds.
- Increases employee’s flexibilities and ability to deal with change.
- Maximised varieties of ideas and thinking in problem-solving and decision making.
- Maximised innovation and creativity, high morale and mutual respect.
- Improved communication skills and abilities to work productively in a team.
- In today’s highly competitive and skill shortages market, diversity offers the range of
competencies and increase the wider talent pool.
- Access to diverse range of markets, suppliers and customers.
- Reduced discrimination and harassment, conflict, complaints and grievances.
- Improved market reputation, shareholders, social liabilities and public image.
- Valuing and capitalising on employee diversity have productive workplace which help
to attract and retain employees. This leads to save the recruitment and training
costs, increased productivity, morale, increased profits

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- Assist in dealing and coordinating, communicating with diverse clients and customers
that leads to improved services to clients.

- Increases client satisfaction by understanding the needs of its clients better enabling
more efficient services delivery outcomes.

- Better knowledge and understanding of culturally diverse market segments.

- Enhanced reputation in international labor markets.

3. Draft a new diversity policy for Bounce Fitness using information

from your research to improve the diversity policy.

From the research, a Diversity Policy should fit in with a number of other Policies such as:

- Workplace Conduct (Equal Employment Opportunity) Policy

- Appointment to Role Policy – how the organisation would ensure fair appointments
for positions.
- Statement of Professional Practice – or a Code of Conduct
- Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
- Flexible working Arrangements Policy
- Leave Policies and others.
The range of people who make up the employment pool is changing. For example, more
women are entering the workforce and most of them are in their 40’s, whereas 10 years ago
they were in their 20’s. There will soon be more distinct generations in the workforce than
ever before. There will also be more temporary and permanent migrants, many from other

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cultures with English as a second language, more employees from minority groups and more
people with disabilities.
In short, the Australian workforce of mostly full-time white male employees has become a
part-time, casualised and decidedly heterogeneous workforce. Each of the distinct groups
has different:
Attitudes towards work
- Expectations from work
- Factors that motivate and engage them
- Reasons for working
- Reward and feedback expectations
- Values and beliefs
- Ways of working
Each group of employees needs a different style of management and they all need to find
ways to work well together.
Managers need to help their diverse workers integrate into their workforce and assimilate
into and feel part of their organisation’s culture so that they can contribute fully. Managers
also need to help their diverse workers develop the skills, knowledge and attributes
organisations need their employees to have.
In most work groups today, it can be easily found men and women from four generations,
many of whose first language is not English, who have a range of abilities and come from an
array of cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
We must manage diversity effectively to reap its benefits. For example, diversity can lead to
more and different points of view, which can result in linger discussions and lead to
misunderstandings and conflict rather than creativity, insight and innovation. Members of
diverse teams often think in different ways and express themselves differently, so everyone
needs to be good at listening. The more diversity in a team, the more work you need to do to
ensure that the team bonds and shares the same team and organisational vision and values
and agrees on the essentials – what they are there to achieve and how to achieve it.
As a result, workplace diversity maintains the basic principles of Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO) in the Australian Public Service (APS). To that end, Workplace Diversity
Plans include measures to address employment- related disadvantages of women,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people of non-English speaking background
and people with disabilities. The APS has been concerned with procedural fairness and legal
compliance with a resulting emphasis on redress and correction, largely through recruitment
and promotion actions. Workplace diversity policies now aim to go beyond actions such as
rectifying disadvantage and correcting the past.

- Promote awareness of workplace diversity within the company.

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BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

- Develop and maintain a highly skilled, diverse and effective workforce, where all
employees and members are valued, encouraged and provided with opportunities to
develop their potential.

- Develop a supportive workplace culture which allows employees and members to

balance their work and personal life.

- Provide a discrimination and harassment-free workplace.

- Embrace workplace diversity principles in recruitment and selection processes.

4. Access diversity policies from other organisations similar to

Bounce Fitness and review for their relevance to Bounce Fitness.

Diversity & Inclusion Policy of GWA Group Limited

GWA operates through its Bathrooms & Kitchens business with its strategic focus on
superior solutions for water. The Group is the owner and distributor of an extensive range of
market leading brands including Caroma, Dorf, Clark, Fowler and Stylus. GWA is a member
of the ASX 200 index of listed Australian companies.
1. Objective
GWA recognises and celebrates the value and contribution each individual brings to their
workplace and appreciates the value of attracting and retaining employees from different
backgrounds. GWA is committed to creating a working environment that is fair and flexible;
promotes personal and professional growth and benefits from the capabilities of its diverse
This company recognise that diversity in their workforce contributes to their business
success and benefits their employees, customers, consumers and shareholders. Leveraging
diversity in their workplace delivers a strong competitive advantage.
Our aim is to ensure that their business policies, procedures and behaviours promote
diversity and inclusion and create an environment where individual differences are valued.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all GWA Directors and employees.
3. Responsibilities
- The GWA Board has responsibility for its initial approval and any amendments made
to it.
- The Managing Director has responsibility for the administration of this Policy
including its reporting to the Board or relevant sub-committee as appropriate.
- The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has responsibility for oversight of this
Policy in accordance with the 3rd edition of the ASX Corporate Governance
Principles and Recommendations.
4. Policy

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BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

It is an understanding that each individual is unique, and recognition of their individual

differences. These differences can include skills, experience, thought, gender, age,
disability, ethnicity, cultural or socio-economic background, religion, sexual orientation,
political or ideological beliefs as well as other dimensions such as lifestyle and family
At GWA we are committed to:
- A workplace which is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, victimisation and
- Treating employees fairly and with respect
- A workplace culture that is inclusive and embraces individual differences
- Equal employment opportunities based on ability, performance and potential
- Awareness in all staff of their rights and responsibilities with regards to fairness,
equity and respect for all aspects of diversity
- Flexible work practices and policies to support employees and their changing needs
- Attraction, retention and development of a diverse range of talented people
- Equitable frameworks and policies, processes and practices that limit potential
unconscious bias
4.1 GWA’s approach to Diversity and Inclusion
The strategic priorities which form their Diversity and Inclusion Strategy align to the current
and emerging needs of the GWA workforce and encompass gender, age and culture.
Our diversity and inclusion strategy includes setting measurable objectives for achieving
diversity at different levels throughout GWA.
The Managing Director will recommend objectives in relation to gender diversity and will
seek the Board’s approval of these objectives. The objectives and progress against them will
be monitored by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee on an ongoing basis and will
be disclosed in the Annual Report.
4.2 Diversity programs and practices
To achieve a diverse and inclusive environment, this company support the following
programs and practices:
4.2.1. Recruitment, Selection & Promotion
The company recognises the value of recruiting, selecting and promoting employees with
different backgrounds, knowledge and experience. Their recruitment and selection
processes identify candidates with the most suitable knowledge, skills, experience and
personal values and as an equal opportunity employer, the recruitment processes are
designed to promote equality. Testing, independent evaluations and behavioural
interviewing are used to promote equitable and unbiased selection and promotion decisions.
4.2.2. Remuneration
The role of this company grading and remuneration review processes actively consider
equity in both grading and remuneration and they will continue to develop strategies and
initiatives to resolve any identified gaps.

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4.2.3. Career development and performance

Employees are encouraged to develop and progress their careers through opportunities that
build capability and all employees are supported to participate in career development
Available opportunities for promotion and transfer are advertised to all employees to enable
them to apply for roles and develop their career path. They encourage and reward
excellence and performance is measured based on agreed goals to promote equity and
remove bias.
4.2.4. Talent and succession planning
Talent and succession planning are core practices within the organisation and an annual
process identifies high performing and high potential individuals across GWA.
Talented individuals are identified based on their performance and potential and divisional
reviews ensure that talent and succession decisions are equitable, consistent and aligned to
diversity and equal opportunity principles across GWA.
The talent and succession process is used to identify candidates for leadership development
programs and gender diversity is a key consideration during candidate selection.
4.2.5. Equal opportunity training
All employees are required to attend Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training followed
by a refresher session every two years to embed their EEO, Discrimination, Harassment and
Bullying Policy. Each Manager is also required to attend Unconscious Bias training.
This training raises awareness and encourages behaviour that supports a work environment
free from discrimination and harassment.
4.2.6. Flexibility
Their Flexibility Policy provides an equitable framework that enables employees to apply for
flexible work arrangements, particularly employees with parenting, family, carer, cultural and
religious commitments.
To ensure flexibility is implemented equitably, all managers are encouraged to support team
members who require flexible working arrangements.
4.2.7. Gender diversity
Gender equality at all levels of the organisation is a key component of their Diversity and
Inclusion Strategy. Increasing the representation of women at senior levels of management
will remain one of our strategic priorities on an ongoing basis.
4.2.8. Employee consultation
Employees are consulted annually through surveys, focus groups and forums to gain insight
into potential barriers to diversity and issues and opportunities for further action.
5. Definitions
Diversity is acknowledging understanding, accepting, valuing and celebrating differences
among people. Diversity occurs in areas such as gender, race, religion, sexual preferences,
age impairment or disability, family responsibilities, marital status and stats as a parent or
carer. However, it is not limited to these examples.

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Diversity also exists between individuals in the roles they perform, where they are from and
their socio-economic status.

From the information above, the Diversity and Inclusion Policy is supported by various other
policies, including:
- Code of Conduct
- Leave Policy
- EEO, Discrimination, Harassment

If compared with the diversity policies from GWA Group Limited, there are some similarities
between GWA Group Limited and Bounce Fitness. It can be described in the following

Code of Conduct

Consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of


Develop an appropriate working relationship with participants based on mutual

trust and respect.

Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover.

Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those
taking part and ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and
mentally when learning new skills.

Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance, dressing

suitably and not using inappropriate language at any time whilst involved with
Bounce Fitness activities.

Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or events.

Always report any incidents, referrals or disclosures immediately, following the

appropriate guidelines set out in the Bounce Fitness procedures.

Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances.

Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the express
approval of the individual concerned.

Promote the positive aspects of fitness.

Encourage participants to value their performances and not just results.

Leave Policy

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Parenting Leave

Annual Leave (Vacation Time): Special Leave

School Conference and Activities Leave

Sick Leave

Compassionate Leave

Military Leave

EEO, Discrimination, Harassment

Equal Employment Opportunity:

The policy and intent of Bounce Fitness is to provide equal employment
opportunity for all persons regardless of race, colour, religion, national origin,
marital status, political affiliation, affectional orientation or gender identity, status
with regard to public assistance, disability, sex, or age.
Bounce Fitness intends to respond affirmatively in its employment practices.
Affirmative action applies to all aspects of employment practices including, but not
limited to, recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, demotion, transfer, training,
compensation, benefits, layoff, recall, and termination. Bounce Fitness seeks to do
business with organisations that encourage equal employment opportunity.

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Bounce Fitness does not tolerate any form of discrimination. All employees have
the right to work in an environment free of discrimination and harassment.
Discrimination undermines proper working relationships and may cause low
morale, absenteeism and resignations.
Under federal and state anti-discrimination laws, discrimination in employment on
the following grounds is against the law:

Harassment Policy:
It is Bounce Fitness belief that the employees of Bounce Fitness are the primary
means by which the goals and objectives of Bounce Fitness will be met. To that
end, the rights of all employees must be respected. All employees of Bounce
Fitness must understand its position on harassment. By definition, harassment is
any unwanted attention or action prohibited by law by someone in the workplace
that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, including
sexual harassment. The procedure for reporting and dealing with this very
sensitive issue is as follows:
In all instances, a prompt, thorough and, fair investigation will take place, giving
careful consideration to protect the rights and dignity of all people involved.
Bounce Fitness will take those steps it feels necessary to resolve the problem,
which may include verbal or written reprimand, suspension or termination.
No retaliation of any kind will occur because an employee has in good faith
reported an incident of suspected harassment. The Centre Manager, or other
person to whom the complaint was made, will work to establish mutually agreed
upon safeguards against retaliation while attempting to mediate any sexual
harassment complaint.

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