1. The document provides data for calculating shielding and cordon-off distances for industrial radiography, including occupancy factors for different areas and the formula used.
2. It gives an example calculation for an open field radiography job using 740 GBq of iridium-192 for 5 hours per week with a 15 degree collimator cone and shielding of 1TVT + 2HVT.
3. Using the provided formula and data, the cordon-off distance is calculated to be 39.5 meters in the direction of the primary beam and 6.25 meters in other directions.
1. The document provides data for calculating shielding and cordon-off distances for industrial radiography, including occupancy factors for different areas and the formula used.
2. It gives an example calculation for an open field radiography job using 740 GBq of iridium-192 for 5 hours per week with a 15 degree collimator cone and shielding of 1TVT + 2HVT.
3. Using the provided formula and data, the cordon-off distance is calculated to be 39.5 meters in the direction of the primary beam and 6.25 meters in other directions.
1. The document provides data for calculating shielding and cordon-off distances for industrial radiography, including occupancy factors for different areas and the formula used.
2. It gives an example calculation for an open field radiography job using 740 GBq of iridium-192 for 5 hours per week with a 15 degree collimator cone and shielding of 1TVT + 2HVT.
3. Using the provided formula and data, the cordon-off distance is calculated to be 39.5 meters in the direction of the primary beam and 6.25 meters in other directions.
1. The document provides data for calculating shielding and cordon-off distances for industrial radiography, including occupancy factors for different areas and the formula used.
2. It gives an example calculation for an open field radiography job using 740 GBq of iridium-192 for 5 hours per week with a 15 degree collimator cone and shielding of 1TVT + 2HVT.
3. Using the provided formula and data, the cordon-off distance is calculated to be 39.5 meters in the direction of the primary beam and 6.25 meters in other directions.
Cordonoff distancein open field Datafor Shielding and Cordon-off
industrialradiography distance calculations :
Duringopen field radiography, the most economicway The data requi redfor cal cul ati onsof shi e ldingand to achieveradiationsafetyis by distance.certaindistance cordon-offdi stancesare gi ven i n the fol l owingt able. needto be cordonedoff to ensurethat generarpublicin Values of occupancy factor the vicinityof radiographyworkdoesnot receiveradiation place Occupancy dose beyondspecifiedlimits.Followingmethodis used Factor.T to calculatethe cordonoff distance. Office/Control room 1 Inputsfor calculation of cordonoff distance: Corridor,Staircase 114 1. Sourcesuch as lridium-1 gZ or Cobalt_60 Open space 1t16 2. Activityin curiesor GBq-A E xerci se 1. 3. Specificgammaray constantof the source_G 740 GBq lridium-192is usedfor open field radiography 4. Workloadin hours/week (sourceON timeper week) for 5 hours per w eek at the l ocati onof oc cassional -W occupancy.lf collimatorhas cone of 15 degreesand 5 . O c c u p a n c y - T ( f uTl = l 1 , p a r t i aTl = 1 1 4 shielding of lTVT + 2 HW findoutthe cordonoffdistance O c c as ion aTl = 1 /1 6 ) in the directionof primarybeam and in directionsother o. Attenuation providedby the collimator-B (e.g.if col_ than primarybeam ? limatorshieldis 1 TVT+1HVT,B=20) 7. Angleof collimatorcone. Solution: 8. Publicdoselimitper week- p (2OpSv/wkor 2 mreml In the givenexercise: wk) A = 740 GB q = 20 curi esG = 0.5 R /h= 500 mR/ h Formula used : W= 5 hours/week T= 1/16 D 2 =A x G x W x T inprimarybeam P=2 mRMeek B=40 P direction the valuesin the formulagiven above we Substituting D 2= A x G x W x T i nd i r e c t i o n o t h e r get, Px B thanprimarybeam ^U 2 = -2 0 x 5 0 0 x 5 whereB is attenuation factorprovidedby the collimator 16x2 r Criteriafor cordondistance = 1562.5,D=11562.5 Takinginto consideration the work load and occupancy D =39.5 metres factorin the vicinityof radiographysite,pubricdose rimit thereforeD = 39.5 metres in the directionof primary of lmSv (100 mrem) per year shall not be exceeded. beam. Weeklyderivedlimit i.e. 20 pSv (2 mrem) is used for Similarlyfor directionotherthan primarybeam. calc ulat ions . ^L t 2= - 2 0 x 5 0 0 x 5 Samplecalculations areshownin the followingexercises. 16x 2 x 40 t = 39.06, D= x 39.06 D = 6.25metres