Design, Fabrication and Testing of Fixed-Valve Micro-Pumps: January 1995
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Fixed-Valve Micro-Pumps: January 1995
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Fixed-Valve Micro-Pumps: January 1995
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Alan Blanchard
Department of Molecular Biotechnology
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Micro-fluidic systems rely on positive displacement Di Diodicity
pumps to move fluid due to the low Reynolds num- f Circular frequency (Hz)
bers encountered at flow rates that are typically in a g Acceleration of gravity
range around 100 µl/min. These pumps are usually h Pressure head (m)
reciprocating devices due to limitations of rotating ma- n Power of velocity to which ∆p is proportional
chinery at small scales. Valves for micro-pumps are pc Pump internal cavity gage pressure
not necessarily scaled-down macro-valve designs. Exist- q Volume flow rate (m3 /s)
ing designs range from passive membranes to complex Re Reynolds number
thermally-controlled active devices. A simpler idea and t Time
one that may be more applicable to particulate-laden v Flow velocity
fluids is a valve that is fixed in shape. Such a valve –Vc (t) Instantaneous pump cavity volume
operates solely by the differential pressure character- –v0 Pump cavity volume change
istics in each flow direction, which are caused by the –V0 Nominal pump cavity volume
flow through it. Such fixed or no-moving-parts (NMP) β Proportionality constant
valves are attractive due to their simplicity of fabrica- ∆p Valve pressure drop
tion but have not been studied in enough detail to de- ξ Pressure loss coefficient
termine optimal designs. We present design and testing ρ Mass density (kg/m3 )
techniques for use in developing efficient NMP valves
and for comparing various designs. These techniques
were applied to diffuser and valvular conduit designs
etched on silicon. Valve performance was character- INTRODUCTION
ized by flow resistance and by diodicity, which is the Numerous micro-pump designs have been developed
ratio of pressure losses in the reverse to forward di- over the last few years (Schomburg et al., 1993; Shoji
rection. Techniques for measuring diodicity in steady and Esashi, 1994). Positive displacement pumps are the
and transient flow were developed, and both viscous most common type due to the low Reynolds number at
and dynamic loss contributions to valve performance which micro-fluidic devices typically operate. Almost
were analyzed. Computational techniques were used to all positive displacement micro-pumps are of the recip-
demonstrate their use in the design of efficient valves. rocating type, and require valves. Such pumps usually
consist of a simple cavity that can be varied in volume
1 Direct correspondence by e-mail to in a periodic manner by deforming a plate covering the
cavity, and inlet and outlet valves that allow more flow losses, i.e. proportional to velocity squared. However,
through the outlet than the inlet under positive cavity as the size scale decreases, the possibility of losses pri-
pressure. marily due to viscous effects proportional to velocity
Due to the inherent difficulty of down-sizing macro- increases. The impact of this assumption on design can
scale valve technology, micro-valves represent a signifi- be seen by considering harmonic pumping with the in-
cant challenge in the design of miniature pumping sys- stantaneous pump cavity volume given by
tems. Valves that have no moving parts may have dis-
tinct advantages over macro-scale designs. Moreover, –Vc (t) = V
– 0 + v–0 sin 2πf t. (3)
micro-pumps designed to move fluid containing particu-
lates or cellular material whose size may be on the same The relationship between the net volume flow rate of the
order as that of the flow channels may require valves pump qnet and Di can be derived for an incompressible
with no moving parts. Applications where such situa- fluid by considering conservation of mass and an as-
tions are expected are in biotechnology, environmental sumed relation between pressure loss and flow. The
testing and instrumentation for analytical chemistry. result is given by the relations
The performance of a NMP valve can be represented
by a number of parameters, the most important of qnet D −1
which is the ratio of pressure drop in the reverse flow = i1/n , Di > 1, (4)
2f –v0 Di + 1
direction to that in the forward direction at the same
flow rate. This ratio is denoted by diodicity or n
1 + qnet /2–v0 f
Di = ∆pr /∆pf , (1) Di = , qnet < 2–v0 f, (5)
1 − qnet /2–v0 f
where r and f refer to reverse and forward flow direc-
tions, respectively. Diodicity is, in general, a function where the viscous and dynamic cases correspond to
of flow rate. It is also a quantitative measure of flow n = 1, 2, respectively. The results for n = 2 agree with
delivery efficiency, which can be seen if a pump is con- Stemmes’ results with the diodicity being the ratio of
sidered going through its outflow stroke with both input pressure loss coefficients Di = ξr /ξf . In either case,
and output valves exposed to atmospheric pressure so qnet monotonically increases as Di increases, and ap-
that pc = ∆pf = ∆pr . Next consider the volume flow proaches 2f –v0 asymptotically as shown in Fig. 1. More
rate out the inlet valve given by q, and that out the importantly Fig. 1 shows that for dynamic losses the
outlet given by q + ∆q. Note that with NMP valves diodicity must be significantly higher for the same net
there may be significant flow out of both inlet and out- flow compared to the case of viscous losses. This rep-
let. If the pressure flow relation for each valve is given resents one possible advantage at small scales where at
by ∆pf = βf vfn and ∆pr = βr vrn , the flow delivery low Reynolds number viscous losses may dominate dy-
efficiency can be expressed as namic losses.
There are two problems with Eqs. 4 and 5. First,
∆q Di − 1
= . (2) the effect of n shown in Eq. 4 prevents that equation
q n from being accurate for design because for Di 1 an
Above, β is a proportionality constant. The case of n = estimate of qnet with n = 1 is 100% higher than that
2 represents dynamic losses through the valves where calculated with n = 2. In addition, Eq. 5 cannot be
β = ξ 12 ρ, and where ξ is the pressure loss coefficient. used to estimate diodicity unless n is known.
The case of n = 1 represents pure viscous losses. The shortcomings of the above relations can be cir-
The first NMP valve reported in the literature for cumvented by considering a simple experimental setup
micro-pumps utilizes a pair of diffusers, i.e. a converg- that can be used to determine diodicity nonparametri-
ing/diverging nozzle (Stemme and Stemme, 1993). A cally, i.e. without utilizing information on the character
pump design utilizing these diffuser valves operates in a of the valve losses. At block load pressure, i.e. when
range of approximately 2,000 to 20,000 µl/min and uti- qnet = 0, the pump oscillates in a symmetrical breath-
lizes machined brass valves. While these flow rates are ing mode with the same amount of fluid moving in and
two to three orders of magnitude higher than desired, out the inlet and outlet valves. The equality of these
the work demonstrates the application of high Reynolds flow rates expressed in terms of pressure drops yields an
number diffuser data to design diffusers operating at equation identical to Eq. 1 regardless of whether pres-
relatively low Reynolds numbers. sure loss is proportional to velocity or velocity squared.
In designing the valves described above, the authors If the inlet and outlet pressure heads are hi and ho , re-
assumed that pressure losses in the valve were dynamic spectively, ∆pf = pc − ρgho , and ∆pr = pc − ρghi . The
relative output
0.2 n=1
0 2 4 6 8 10
With ρghi , ρgho and pc known, the operational (as applications (Tesla, 1920). As with valve D01-R, valve
compared to steady-state) determination of Di can be T45-R was etched using RIE. The conduit width was
made. Comparisons of estimates for Di from the above 114 µm. It was etched to the same depth as D01-R.
equation, from Eq. 5 and from steady-flow experiments
A third pump (D01-A, not shown) was fabricated
can be used to investigate dynamic effects during actual
from the same mask pattern as D01-R but etched using
pump operation.
standard anisotropic (EDP) wet etching to a depth of
We present methods and results that demonstrate our
30 µm, one half the depth of the RIE devices. Due to
test and design procedures for NMP valves based con-
the etching process the walls of the pump cavity and
cepts described above.
valves were sloped such that their lateral dimensions
decreased with depth whereas RIE produced essentially
METHODS vertical walls. The slope of the wall varied with local
Fabrication orientation relative to the silicon crystal plane, but was
Pump chambers with valves were etched on silicon typically 50 ◦ from vertical.
wafers. Two types of valves were fabricated. The first
Individual pump chips were diced from the etched
type was a diffuser valve (D01-R) shown in Fig. 2. This
wafers. The pump cavities were 10 mm in diameter.
valve was etched using reactive ion etching (RIE). The
The floor of each pump cavity was drilled to provide
geometry of the valve was obtained from performance
a central 700 µm diameter port for pressure measure-
maps for macroscopic planar diffusers, which are based
ments. Pyrex pump cover plates were 150 µm thick,
on significantly higher Reynolds numbers due to the
drilled for inlet and outlet ports, and anodically bonded
lack of data at low Reynolds number (White, 1994;
to the silicon chips.
Bardina et al., 1981). The diffuser throat width was
142 µm. The length and width of the forward flow dif- The driving element for each pump consisted of
fuser section was 1300 and 442 µm, respectively. The a 5 mm diameter piezoelectric disk fabricated from
length and width of the reverse flow diffuser section was 190 µm thick PZT sheet stock (Piezo Systems, Inc.,
350 and 642 µm, respectively. The depth of the etching Cambridge MA). The disk was centered over the pump
was 60 µm. chamber and bonded to the outer side of the cover plate
The valve shown in Fig. 3 is a valvular conduit (T45- using silver conductive epoxy, which was also used to
R) that has not been used previously for micro-flow attach electrical leads.
with a gear-driven infusion pump. Volume flow rate
was measured by collecting fluid over a known time,
essentially a micro-bucket and stopwatch technique.
Pump performance was characterized by measuring
the fluid levels in identical vertical Teflon tubes 0.9 mm
in diameter attached to the inlet and outlet ports of the
pump. The diameter of the Teflon tubes was chosen to
eliminate dynamic effects of fluid in the tubes. Pump
activation was initiated with the fluid levels equalized.
An exponential curve fitted to the height of the out-
let column as a function of time was differentiated to
estimate net volume flow.
Instantaneous pump cavity pressure and instanta-
neous pump cover plate transverse velocity were mea-
sured during pump operation. The pressure was mea-
sured with a 1.3 mm diameter strain gage pressure
transducer (Entran, Model EPI-127, Fairfield, NJ). Ve-
locity was measured with a laser vibrometer (Poly-
tec, Model OVF 302, Waldbronn Germany). The
pump-holding fixture described above was mounted in a
computer-controlled traversing stage to allow for veloc-
Figure 3: Valvular conduit (T45-R). ity measurements across the entire cover plate surface.
The excitation voltage, pressure and velocity signals
were digitized simultaneously at a sampling frequency
Computational Fluid Dynamics of 20 kHz for each signal (Model AT-MIO-16E-2 A/D
Individual valves were modelled with a finite-element module and Labview v3.1.1 data acquisition software,
code (FLOTRAN, Compuflo, Inc., Houston, PA). Both National Instruments Austin, TX), and stored on mag-
2-D and 3-D models were developed, but the 2-D mod- netic disk on a PC. Displacements were calculated by
els were used to obtain initial results. Steady flow integrating the velocity signal.
models were used to evaluate relative pressure drops
across valves at various flow rates, and to identify flow-
loss mechanisms from calculated velocity field patterns.
The models were meshed with tetrahedral elements us-
ing higher grid densities near walls and other regions
with high velocity gradients. Relaxation was employed
to enhance convergence, but no dissipative damping
techniques were employed. The calculations were al-
lowed to proceed until the residual fields reached ac- Y
ceptably low levels. WY
Bench Testing
Completed silicon pump chips were attached to a
steel jig. The jig consisted of a backing plate that held a
pressure transducer in a sealed cavity behind the pump
Figure 4: Calculated velocity-field in the forward
cavity pressure tap. The jig also incorporated inlet and diffuser section of valve during forward flow.
outlet tubing brackets that held two 18-gauge blunt tip Flow rate 60 µl/min (throat Re = 10).
needles sealed with O-rings.
All bench tests were performed with room tempera-
ture water that was degassed by heating. For steady-
state tests the pressure drop across an entire pump RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(across both valves) was measured with a mercury The numerically-calculated forward- and reverse-flow
manometer while flow was forced through the pump velocity fields are shown for the D01-R diffuser valve in
Figs. 4 and 5. The arrows represent the direction and 0.5
magnitude of local velocity. The forward flow case in
Fig. 4 shows the velocity profile developing near the wall D01-A rev
pressure - atmospheres
as the flow moves downstream, but separation does not D01-A fwd
occur until the sudden expansion is reached at the end
of the diffuser. In contrast, Fig. 5 shows separation oc- 0.3 D01-R rev
curring immediately after the throat, forming a jet with
entrainment and recirculation. The calculated behavior D01-R fwd
was consistent with desired design goals. T45-R rev
0.1 T45-R fwd
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
flow rate - microliters/minute
in the reverse direction. The dynamic behavior during
WZ reverse flow may be due to momentum interactions at
channel bifurcations.
A steady-flow diodicity curve was determined for each
Figure 5: Calculated velocity-field in the reverse valve according to Eq. 1 using the regression curves
diffuser section of valve during reverse flow. chosen above The resulting curves are shown in Fig. 7,
Flow rate 42 µl/min (throat Re = 6). which also shows discrete diodicity estimates calculated
directly from the data. From its definition diodicity is
independent of flow rate when losses are either linear
direction fit D01-R T45-R D01-A or quadratic in both directions. Both diffuser valves
reverse linear 0.022* 0.025 0.004* display this behavior. Valve T45-R exhibits a diodicity
quadratic 0.024 0.020* 0.050 that increases rapidly with flow rate due to the apparent
forward linear 0.020* 0.017* 0.006* difference in loss mechanisms in the two flow directions.
quadratic 0.028 0.029 0.050
Table 1: Standard error of linear and quadratic
curves. an asterisk denotes the fitting function 1.25 D01-A
1.2 D01-R
The steady-flow valve pressure loss characteristics are
Figs. 6 and 7 indicate that trade-offs may be required wave excitations applied to the driver amplifier, the un-
to optimize valve performance. Ideally a well-designed filtered cavity pressure and the cover plate outward de-
NMP valve will have both high diodicity and low flow flection at its center. The pump with D01-R valves
resistance. These characteristics along with other fac- was used to generate these data. A driving frequency
tors including fluid inertance can be studied more thor- of 114 Hz was used, which was the frequency for maxi-
oughly with instantaneous measurements of basic pump mum net flow rate at zero pump head. The peak excita-
variables, particularly pressure and volume displace- tion voltage was the same in both cases, but the pump
ment. The average internal pressure is a direct mea- output was significantly larger for the square wave exci-
sure of diodicity (Eq. 6), and peak negative pressure is tation, 38 µl/min versus 5.5 µl/min. This output ratio
correlated with pumping limitations due to cavitation. of over six indicates the importance of waveform shape.
Also of note is the asymmetry of the membrane deflec-
tion and the large pressure spikes during excitation.
1 12
pressure deflection excitation
pressure - atmospheres
micrometers or volts
4 pumps with valves having no moving parts. Diffuser
and valvular conduit designs were studied. The valvular
conduit was found to have higher volumetric efficiency
0 0
(diodicity) possibly due to dynamic pressure losses in
one flow direction and viscous losses in the other. Dy-
namic measurements of pump driving element displace-
-0.5 ment and pump internal pressure showed important de-
-8 tails of pump operation.
-1 -12
time - milliseconds This work was supported by the Washington Technol-
ogy Center, Micropump Corporation, MEMS Division
and the Stanford University Nanofabrication Facility.
Figure 8: Instantaneous pressure and deflection
The authors also thank Keren Deng and Andrew Dewa
for harmonic excitation of 150 V.
for many helpful discussions.
1 12
pressure deflection excitation REFERENCES
Bardina, J., Lyrio, A., Kline, S. J., Ferziger, J. H.,
8 and Johnston, J. P. (1981). A prediction method for
pressure - atmospheres
micrometers or volts