Red Is Counting
Red Is Counting
Red Is Counting
December 2018
1. What is rediscounting?
Section 81 of the Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7653 or the New Central Bank Act states
that the rediscount, discounts, loans and advances, which BSP is authorized to
extend to banking institutions, shall be used to influence the volume of credit
consistent with its objective of maintaining price stability. The law differentiates the
three types of credit operations that the BSP may extend to banking institutions as
normal credit operations (through the Rediscounting facility of the BSP), special
credit operations and emergency credit operations, in line with the Lender of Last
Resort principle. The BSP uses the rediscounting facility as an instrument to
influence the volume of credit in the financial system and act as the short-term
safety valve for the banking system when the aggregate supply for reserves fall
short of demand or when banking institutions meet an unexpected shortage of
reserves for funding their temporary liquidity needs.
Qualified banks may avail themselves of the Peso Rediscount Facility and
Exporters’ Dollar and Yen Rediscount Facility (EDYRF).
6. What are the types of loans and acceptable underlying collaterals under each
type of credit?
With the exception of Trust Receipts (TR) and Export Bills (EBs), all loans are
collateralized by the PN between the bank and its end-user borrower. This PN is
assigned in favor of the BSP and is supported by underlying collateral. TRs and
EBs are likewise assigned in favor of the BSP, the former being supported by the
goods covered by the TR, and the latter by the assignment of proceeds of export or
domestic letters of credit (LCs), confirmed purchase orders (POs) or sales contracts
7. Can syndicated loans and loans with underlying real estate collateral(s) under
Mortgage Trust Indentures (MTI) be accepted for rediscounting?
Yes. Under Circular No. 1008 dated 14 June 2018, syndicated loans may be
accepted for rediscounting, subject to the following minimum requirements:
The PN is negotiable;
The master loan agreement allows the endorsement of the PN; and
The opinion from the bank’s counsel(s) that the master loan agreement allows the
endorsement of the PN; that the PN is negotiable; and that no other act or
approval is necessary to perfect the endorsement.
Loans with underlying real estate collateral(s) under MTI may likewise be accepted,
subject to the following minimum eligibility requirements:
The trustee must be a bank or quasi-bank authorized by the MB to engage in trust
and other fiduciary business;
The bank must notify the trustee that it is assigning its participation to the BSP by
way of collateral;
The bank must provide a certification specifying the following: current
participations in the MTI; that there is no senior claim to that of the prospective
claim of BSP; and that it does not violate any existing loan agreement with other
creditors; and
The trustee must provide BSP with a certified copy of the relevant collateral(s).
Under the Subsection (§) X269.2 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB),
the following loans cannot be rediscounted with the BSP:
Interbank loans;
Extended/Restructured loans;
Past due loans;
Unsecured loans (except in cases identified below);
Personal consumption loans;
Loans to non-bank financial institutions; and
Loans funded from other borrowings, e.g., government financial institutions or
multilateral agencies.
No. Under Memorandum No. M-2009-041 dated 04 November 2009, PNs secured
by a mortgage on CLOA or EP are not among the eligible papers acceptable
for rediscounting in view of the statutory prohibitions under Presidential Decree No.
27 and R. A. No. 6657.
10. Can PNs secured by Certificate of Land Title issued by virtue of Free Patent
be rediscounted with BSP?
Yes, PNs secured by Certificate of Land Title issued by virtue of Free Patent,
covering residential lands, can be rediscounted with BSP. However, under
Memorandum No. M-2011-036 dated 05 July 2011, an Original Certificate of Title
issued by virtue of Free Patent, covering agricultural lands, may only be accepted
as underlying collateral for loans offered for rediscounting with the BSP after the
expiry of the prescription period of five years from the date of the approval of the
order to issue the patent.
11. What are the pertinent Sections of the MORB that cover the BSP Rediscount
The policies and guidelines on the BSP Rediscounting facility are covered by
MORB Section 268 on Rediscounting Line and Section 269 on Rediscounting
Availments. The latest amendment to regulations on rediscounting availments was
issued under Circular No. 1008 dated 14 June 2018 which effected the: a) removal
of the ₱3.0 billion cap per bank on rediscountable National Food Authority papers;
and b) acceptability of syndicated loans and loans with underlying real estate
collaterals under MTI for rediscounting and emergency loans.
M-2010-042 dated 06 December 2010, which provides the guidelines for thrift
banks on the rediscounting of packing loans and export bills with the BSP;
M-2011-017 dated 18 March 2011, which provides the guidelines on real estate
properties covered by Section 7 of R.A. No. 26 offered as collateral for loans with
the BSP;
M-2011-036 dated 05 July 2011, which allows an Original Certificate of Title
issued by virtue of Free Patent, covering agricultural lands, to be accepted as
underlying collateral for loans offered for rediscounting with the BSP after the
expiry of the prescription period of five years from the date of the approval of the
order to issue the patent (basis for Question No. 10);
M-2012-004 dated 16 January 2012, which allows land titles with Presidential
Decree No. 1271 annotation as underlying collateral for loans offered for
rediscounting with the BSP on condition that: 1) the land titles submitted specifies
that the Original Registration date was on or before 31 July 1973; and 2) the land
covered by titles are not within any government, public or quasi-public reservation,
forest, military or otherwise, as certified by appropriate government agencies;
Memorandum to all rediscounting banks dated 30 January 2012, posted in the
eRediscounting website, which provides guidelines on the custodianship of credit
instruments and underlying collaterals of banks authorized to hold-in-trust in favor
of the BSP;
Memorandum to all rediscounting banks dated 30 January 2012, posted in the
eRediscounting website, which provides guidelines on the handling of
rediscounted credit and collateral documents by banks under depository/
custodianship arrangement;
Memorandum to all rediscounting banks dated 18 May 2012, posted in the
eRediscounting website, which provides guidelines on additional information on
the appraisal report included in the documentary requirements of rediscounting
banks; and
Memorandum to all rediscounting banks dated 01 October 2013, posted in the
eRediscounting website, which provides additional documentary requirements for
banks availing of the BSP rediscounting facility.
12. What eligibility criteria must be met by banks to qualify for rediscounting
Banks applying for the microfinance facility shall also comply with the following
requirements based on the latest available report from the FSS:
Officers and staff responsible for microcredit operations shall have: 1) completed a
training course on microfinance; and 2) at least one year experience in microlending
activities. For newly merged or consolidated banks, the grant of temporary line shall
be subject to the following conditions:
Compliance with the requirements on positive DDA balance with the BSP and
no past due obligations or collateral deficiencies on account of matured
notes/unremitted collections/missing collaterals or ineligible papers with the
BSP, both as of date of application, and other guidelines issued by the DLC;
One of the merging or consolidating banks has CAMELS Composite Rating of
at least “3” and minimum CAR of 10.0 percent based on the latest available
SDC data.
As provided under § X269.1 of the MORB, banks availing of the BSP Rediscounting
facility must have the following at the time of availment:
The application for a rediscounting line shall be filed with the DLC, Room 215 Five-
storey Building, BSP Head Office, A. Mabini Street, Malate Manila.
The term of the regular line shall be for one year unless sooner cancelled,
suspended, amended or extended by the authorized approving body. The line is
renewable annually upon submission of application one month before the expiry of
said line.
For newly merged or consolidated banks, a temporary line may be granted for a
period of 180 days while awaiting the required reports/data from the responsible
Department from FSS, renewable for another 180 days or until such time that the
required reports/data are made available, whichever comes first.
The regular rediscounting line ranges from 50.0 percent to 200.0 percent of
adjusted net worth depending on the total credit score of the applicant bank. The
temporary rediscounting line, on the other hand, shall not exceed 50.0 percent of
adjusted net worth.
18. What are the features and capabilities of the eRediscounting System?
Once a bank has acquired a rediscounting line from the BSP, it must execute an
eRediscounting System Participation Agreement. For a rural/cooperative bank,
a Depository/Custodianship Agreement with its designated custodian bank must
also be submitted. Thereafter, the DLC may grant the bank access to the
eRediscounting System.
21. What interest is charged by the BSP against the rediscounting loan?
The interest rate charged by BSP on the rediscounting loan is called the rediscount
rate. Under § X269.6 of the MORB, the rediscount rates are as follows:
a. Peso Rediscounts
b. Dollar/Yen Rediscounts
Under § X269.5 of the MORB, the maturities of BSP rediscounts are as follows:
Under § X269.4 of the MORB, the loan value of all eligible papers shall be 80.0
percent of the outstanding balance of the end-user borrowers’ credit instrument but
not higher than 70.0 percent of the appraised value of the underlying collateral.
An eligible bank may avail up to 100.0 percent of its rediscounting line, provided all
rediscounting loans are fully collateralized subject to prevailing rediscounting policy.
25. How will the bank know if the loan application is approved by the BSP?
The bank may view the status of its loan application online under the BSP
Responses module of the eRediscounting. Notice and details of the loan approval
or disapproval may be viewed upon clicking the message of a specific loan bank
reference. BSP’s response on payment instruction submitted by the bank may
likewise be viewed online.
26. How are the rediscounting loan proceeds released to the bank?
27. What are the required documentation upon receipt by the bank of BSP’s
advice of loan approval?
Upon receipt of confirmation of loan approval, the bank shall execute the following:
Promissory Note with Trust Receipt Agreement and Deed of Assignment
(PNTRADA) in favor of the BSP, signed by the authorized officer/s of the bank;
List of Rediscounted Loans or Rediscount Schedules duly acknowledged by the
depository/custodian bank.
For rural or cooperative bank, the rediscounted credit instruments and underlying
collaterals together with the duly accomplished and notarized PNTRADA and List of
Rediscounted Loans shall be deposited with its respective depository/custodian
bank not later than the next banking day from date of loan grant.
28. How do banks pay their rediscounting loan obligations with the BSP?
At any time, the bank may view its outstanding rediscounting obligations under the
eRediscounting Loans Payment module wherein payments are effected as follows:
a. Peso Rediscounts
The loan value of the rediscounted credit instruments or the amortization plus
interest due thereon [net of 2.0 percent creditable withholding tax (CWT) for
rediscounting banks belonging to the top 20,000 corporations as identified by
the BIR and enrolled with BSP-DLC] shall automatically be debited against the
bank’s DDA with the BSP at maturity/amortization due date. For microfinance
loans with daily, weekly or semi-monthly amortizations, the bank’s DDA shall be
debited on the last amortization due date of said month for the total loan value of
the amortizations for the month plus interest due thereon.
b. Dollar/Yen Rediscounts
Dollar and yen loans shall be repaid in the same currency under which they
were released. The bank shall submit online to BSP its payment instruction a
day before the maturity date of the loan corresponding to the remittance
instruction to its designated correspondent bank covering the loan value plus the
interest due thereon. In case of short payment, the bank’s DDA shall be debited
for the peso equivalent of the shortage. If the foreign currency denominated loan
is not settled on maturity date, the bank’s DDA with the BSP shall be debited
automatically for the peso equivalent of the matured obligation plus accrued
interest due thereon. However, the foreign exchange (FX) rate at the time of the
loan repayment shall not be lower than the FX rate at the time of loan availment
and any FX loss arising from default or repayment shall be for the account of the
borrower and not for the BSP.
29. How will the banks know that their rediscounting loan payments are received
and taken up by the BSP?
The bank may view in the eRediscounting under the BSP Responses module the
application of payments for the matured loans or amortizations automatically
debited for the day or prepayments submitted to the BSP before 4:00 p.m. The
corresponding Notice of Payments Taken Up and Notice of Release of Fully Paid
Collaterals, or Notice of Release of PN with Transfer of Collateral, in case the
collateral is used to secure another loan, are issued in the BSP Responses on the
following day after a credit instrument is fully paid by the bank.
30. Are local non-working holidays excluded from the five banking days within
which collection from rediscounted credit instruments should be remitted?
No. Only the legal and national non-working holidays shall be excluded from the five
banking days within which collection from rediscounted credit instruments should be
31. Is there a cut-off time for the submission of rediscounting loan transactions
by the bank?
A bank may submit to BSP its loan application and loan payments from 8:00 a.m. –
4:00 p.m. during regular banking days, except when there is suspension of work,
during which, the cut-off time will be adjusted accordingly. In cases of work
suspension, an advisory will be issued on the adjustment of the cut-off time.