Comparative QSAR Studies On Bibenzimidazoles and Terbenzimidazoles Inhibiting Topoisomerase I
Comparative QSAR Studies On Bibenzimidazoles and Terbenzimidazoles Inhibiting Topoisomerase I
Comparative QSAR Studies On Bibenzimidazoles and Terbenzimidazoles Inhibiting Topoisomerase I
Abstract—Terbenzimidazoles that inhibit topoisomerase are of interest as anticancer drugs. We have reviewed the literature and
have developed 13 quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSARs) on cleaving DNA or inhibiting the growth of tumor cell
cultures. The results are correlated with octanol/water partition coefficients or molecular refractivity. Suggestions have been made
for the development of improved derivatives. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
*Corresponding author.
0968-0896/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0968-0896(01)00174-2
2886 S. B. Mekapati, C. Hansch / Bioorg. Med. Chem. 9 (2001) 2885–2893
33342 as an effective anticancer drug is that it is not X=2-tolyl, Y=4-methyl piperazinyl. r2 for ClogP ver-
effective against certain tumor cell lines. Several ana- sus CMR=0.385. The indicator variable I takes the
logues of bibenzimidazoles and terbenzimidazoles have value of 1 for instances where CONH2 is present as
been identified as topo I poisons and have exhibited Y. Its negative coefficient shows the such a group is
good cytotoxicity against RPMI8402 a human lympho- detrimental to activity.
blastoma cell line.1926 In every instance, we have taken
data from the literature, as noted, and formulated ii. Relative effective concentrations of terbenzimidazoles
QSAR. In all the equations, n is the number of data (Fig. 1) causing 50% cleavage of DNA in the presence
points, r2 is the square of correlation coefficient, q2 is the of Escherichia coli topoisomerase I23 (Table 2).
measure of quality of fit and s is the standard deviation.
Table 1. Relative effective concentrations of bibenzimidazoles (II) causing 50% cleavage of DNA in the presence of calf thymus topoisomerase I21
Figure 1.
Table 5. Relative effective concentrations of bisbenzimidazoles (V) causing 50% cleavage of DNA in the presence of calf thymus topoisomerase I19
Table 6. IC50 values of 4,5-substituted 2-(4-methoxy-phenyl)-1H-benzimidazoles (VI) against human lymphoblastoma cell line RPMI840222
Table 7. IC50 values of 2,50 substituted-bi-1H-benzimidazoles (VII) against human lymphoblastoma cell line RPMI840221
r2 for ClogP versus CMR=0.013. vi. IC50 values of terbenzimidazoles (Fig. 1) against
human lymphoblastoma cell line RPMI840223 (Table 11).
v. IC50 values of bisbenzimidazoles (X) against human
lymphoblastoma cell line RPMI840219 (Table 10).
Log1=C ¼ 13:05ð5:41ÞCMR 0:45ð0:19ÞðCMRÞ2
Table 8. IC50 values of 5-substituted terbenzimidazoles (VIII) against 88:43ð38:18Þ
human lymphoblastoma cell line RPMI840224
n ¼ 11; r2 ¼ 0:855; s ¼ 0:385; q2 ¼ 0:714 ð11Þ
Compound X Log1/C ClogP B5X
viii. IC50 values of 5-X, 6-Y, 200 -Z-substituted terbenzi- However gross bulk and polarizability are important if
midazoles (XII) against human lymphoblastoma cell the variation is large enough as seen in QSAR (2).
line RPMI840226 (Table 13).
Although we have used CMR in eq (4), the collinearity
between ClogP and CMR is so high that ClogP might
well be the significant parameter. QSAR (5) also shows
the importantance of bulk in terms of volume but with
negative coefficent of ClogP.
Log1=C ¼ 0:75ð0:38ÞZ þ 0:86ð0:47ÞI þ 5:86ð0:34Þ QSAR (6) is clearly ClogP-dependent and this would
suggest the presence of a hydrophobic site in the recep-
n ¼ 10; r2 ¼ 0:851; s ¼ 0:309; q2 ¼ 0:669 ð13Þ tor that would not accommodate larger molecules.
QSAR (7) has a ClogP term but needs help from two
indicator variables. I1 accounts for a bulky naphthyl
Outliers: X=4-Cl-C6H4, Y=H, Z=CH3; X=Br, group in the X-position and its negative coefficient sug-
Y=Br, Z=H and X=Y=C6H5, Z=H.
Table 13. IC50 values of 5,6,200 -substituted terbenzimidazoles (XII)
The indicator variable I takes the value of 1 for instan- against human lymphoblastoma cell line RPMI840226
ces where C6H5 is present in X. Its positive coeffi-
cient indicates that presence of phenyl group is Compound X Y Z Log 1/C pZ I
more beneficial than Br. Obsd calcd
[eq (13)]
Table 12. IC50 values of bis and ter-benzimidazoles (XI) against
1 C6H5 H H 7.05 6.72 0.33 0 1
human lymphoblastoma cell line RPMI840220 2 C6H5 H Cl 7.16 7.25 0.09 0.711
3 C6H5 H CF3 7.40 7.38 0.02 0.881
Compound X Y n Log 1/C ClogP
4 Br H H 5.80 5.86 0.06 0 0
Obsd calcd 5 Br H OH 5.19 5.36 0.17 0.670
[eq (12)] 6 Br H CH2CH2CH3 6.68 7.03 0.35 1.550
7 4-Cl–C6H4 H CF3 6.48a 7.38 0.90 0.881
1 H H 2 4.85 4.45 0.41 4.61 8 Br Br H 6.59a 5.86 0.73 0 0
2 n-C3H7 H 2 5.12 5.99 0.87 6.16 9 Br Br Cl 6.96 6.39 0.57 0.710
3 Phenyl H 2 7.05 7.23 0.18 6.50 10 Br Br CF3 6.60 6.52 0.08 0.880
4 2-Pyridyl H 2 6.80 6.99 0.20 5.21 11 C6H5 C6H5 H 5.80a 6.72 0.92 0 1
5 3-Pyridyl H 2 7.46 6.99 0.46 5.00 12 Br OCH3 H 5.80 5.86 0.06 0 0
6 4-Pyridyl H 2 7.46 6.99 0.46 5.00 13 C6H5 OCH3 H 6.46 6.72 0.26 0 1
7 CN OCH3 1 4.57 4.66 0.09 4.82
Data points not included in deriving the equation.
2892 S. B. Mekapati, C. Hansch / Bioorg. Med. Chem. 9 (2001) 2885–2893
gests a steric effect. It is of interest that only 1-naphthyl that could metabolize molecules.29 A place to start
is so parameterized, 2-naphthyl is accommodated by looking for increased potency would with set (7). Com-
ClogP. pound 5 is not covered by the indicator variable. Hence
replacing CN group (p=0.57) with SO2NHNH2
Eq (8) is also highly ClogP-dependent, however, bulky (p=2.04) would lower Log P 1.5 units. Many other
variations of X have a deleterious effect brought out by possibilities are available.30 Over 1000 p values have
B5X. been published.
QSAR (9) is derived from a very large parent structure; There are not many obvious points where one might
nevertheless, with a small CMR correction, ClogP is start to make more potent compounds. In QSARs (1),
quite significant. In this instance, substitution is only at (2), (3), (4), (9), and (11), where the optimums have been
one site on the molecule. established for either ClogP or CMR, there are no
obvious paths to more potent compounds. In none of
QSAR (10) is clearly ClogP determined after removing the QSARs could we find an electronic role for sub-
two of most basic congeners. There is essentially no stituents. The one general opportunity would be in the
variation in X. structures for QSARs (6), (10), (12), and (13) where
optimum values have not been established for CMR or
In the case of QSAR (11), very large terbenzimidazoles hydrophobic terms. Hence, increases in these para-
with rather large substituents must be considered. The meters should yield more potent compounds.
collinearity between ClogP and CMR is extreme.
Despite this, r2 using ClogP is only 0.690. Although
CMR is considerably better, one can not be sure that References and Notes
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