Krashen Five Hypothesis
Krashen Five Hypothesis
Krashen Five Hypothesis
2.- Write a short paragraph explaining your mind map. This explanation should include a personal reflection on your own experience
as a learner.
Inspired by Chomsky´s, Krashen's presented five hypotheses that explain how learners acquire L2 through the input that they receive.
These five hypotheses can be linked to our experience as learners in the IEL program. Based on the Acquisitional Learning and monitor
hypothesis, in the first year, we understood fragments of the content when listening to our teachers. However, after practising in our L2 skills and
self-correcting ourselves we were capable to engage in communication with our peers. To improve our L2 receptive and productive skills, we
went through the process of the comprehensible input recalling our previous knowledge in order to move one step beyond (i+1). Despite the fact
that we predicted the upcoming content, we followed the natural order of the program so we could develop our L2 skills successfully. Sometimes,
we felt frightened because of our proficiency in L2, so we avoided participating. Nevertheless, through the correct affective filter, the teacher
encouraged us constantly to start believing in our capacities.