2010ies Exam Question Paper-1
2010ies Exam Question Paper-1
2010ies Exam Question Paper-1
Section -II
Attempt any seven of the following answer should be in about 150 words.
questions. Each I5x7=105
2. Derive consumer's expenditure function by minimising total expenditure;
y = p1q1 + p 2 q 2 subject to utility constraint u= q1 q2 (15M)(2010)
3. Draw consumer's indifference curve from ·revealed Preference Theory.
4. Separate income effect from substitution effect of a price. change for a Giffen
type good. Use suitable diagram. (15M)(2010)
5. What is elasticity of factor substitution ? Give various forms of production
function based on this concept. (15M)(2010)
6. "Asymmetric or incomplete information leads to market -failure". Examine
lemons • problem in the above context with the help of pricing of used cars
7. What is Hicks-Kaldor criterion of compensation? What are its weaknesses ? Give
Scitovsky's sugges tion for improvement. (15M)(2010)
8. Distinguish between positive and negative externalities and explain with .
examples. Why does government provide some goods 'which are not
public goods ? _ (15M)(2010)
9. What are type I and type II errors ? Why ts probability of type I error fixed in a
hypothesis testing problem ? (15M)(2010)
10. Four products A. B. C, D are to be bought to satisfy minimum requirements of
calories and Vitamin (which are 18 and 10 units respectively) at mini Mum cost.
Formulate linear programming problem
using additional information given below : ..
Product type A B C D
Calorie 2 0 1 3
Vitamin 0 3 1 4
Price per unit 5 10 12 15
Section - III
Attempt any two of the following 500 words each : questions m about 30x2=60
11. What is Peak-load Pricing ? How IS it different from third degree price
discrimination ? Give diagrams to illustrate your answer.(30M)(2010)
12. Define production function. The production function for a product is given by Q
= 100KL.
If price of capital (K) is $ 120 per day and that of. labour (L) is $ 30 per day, what is
the minimum cost of producing 400 units of output ? (30M)(2010)
13. Describe Leontief's static input-output model. Calculate outputs of two
industries from following input-output table if final use for outputs of the two
industries increase to 15 and 20 units, respectively.
Industry II 12 6 12 30