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WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No.

3, 2002 World Health Organization

WHO Drug Information

Feature Article Acetylsalicylic acid and Reye's syndrome 230
Drug and therapeutics committees: Sertraline interactions 231
a Swedish experience 207 Inhaled corticosteroids and adrenal
suppression 231
Re-introduction of urokinase 232
Current Topics Ezetimibe approved for cholesterol-lowering 232
Tenth International Conference of Drug
Regulatory Authorities 214
The Parenteral Society 220
ATC/DDD Classification
A historical overview of the ATC/DDD
methodology 233
Safety Information Drug utilization statistics and health policy 235
Adverse reactions to natural health products 222 Trends in drug utilization research in
Leflunomide: haematologic, hepatic and developing countries 236
respiratory reactions 223 Drug utilization data constraints in developing
Herbal mixture and palpitations 224 countries 237
The future of ATC/DDD and drug utilization
Indapamide and hyponatraemia 225 research 238

Regulatory and Safety Action Recent Publications and Sources

Epoetin alfa: pure red cell aplasia 226
Ergot-derived dopamine receptor agonists:
of Information
fibrotic reactions 226 International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical
Buprenorphine approved for opiate Research Involving Human Subjects 241
dependence 227 Surveying and Evaluating Ethical Review
Human tissue recalled 227 Practices 241
Lepirudin and fatal anaphylactic reactions 227 The importance of pharmacovigilance 241
Valdecoxib: new warnings 228 Effective drug regulation 242
Parecoxib/valdecoxib: serious hypersensitivity Dialogue in pharmacovigilance 242
reactions 228 Good storage practices 242
Mefloquine labelling strengthened 228
Glucowatch® for diabetes 229
Generic omeprazole approved 229
Recommended International
Oxaliplatin for colorectal cancer 230 Nonproprietary Names: List 48 243
Ergotamine and ischaemia 230

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

WHO Drug Information

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WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Feature Article
Drug and therapeutics committees: • The committee should work through “ambassa-
dors” to inform prescribers about committee
a Swedish experience evaluations and conclusions.
The development of drug and therapeutics commit-
• The drug committee should inspire a sophisticated
tees (DTCs) in hospitals and for primary health care
and intense pharmacotherapeutic debate in
varies markedly from one country to another within
Europe (1) but has been particularly strong in the
Nordic countries. Since 1997, Swedish law requires
The success of the first committees within univer-
that all twenty-one regions have a drug and thera-
sity hospitals was instrumental in extending rational
peutics committee. These committees have played
use throughout the country. As a result of initial
an increasingly important role in implementing the
work, the number of standard solutions for infusion
rational use of drugs.
was reduced from 25 to four, and the number of
pharmacotherapeutic hypnotics from 37 to six (2).
For 40 years, hospital drug formulary committees
During the early seventies, follow-up of the out-
have existed in Sweden to develop guidelines for
come of drug recommendations through drug
the selection of the pharmacotherapeutic armamen-
utilization statistics was emphasized, and educa-
tarium. Committees were primarily established to
tional initiatives were implemented when prescrib-
evaluate drugs available for use in routine care and
ing was found to deviate from recommendations
to recommend drugs of choice for common dis-
(3). By 1975, the concept of generic substitution
eases. Selection was based on therapeutic value,
had been successfully introduced in Stockholm
therapeutic tradition, and price. The right of an
hospitals. Major events in the development of drug
individual physician to prescribe according to his
selection are summarized in Table 1 on page 208.
own judgement was fully recognized as a funda-
mental element of health care delivery, but the
In the 1980s, a special guideline focusing on drug
difficulty of maintaining oversight of the increasing
choices in primary health care was developed to
number of drugs on the market was also acknowl-
increase the commitment of general practitioners.
edged (2). The committee's primary objective was
In 2000, a single guideline with some 200 recom-
thus to improve rational use while decreasing the
mended first-line drugs for the most common
cost of drug treatment.
diseases was agreed upon for the entire population
of 1.8 million inhabitants in Stockholm. During the
Four important prerequisites relating to the work of
early 1990s, the scope of the committees was
the committee were emphasized (2):
broadened to include drug information and educa-
tion of prescribers. The number of committees in
• Work should be a collaborative effort between
Sweden now reached almost one hundred.
clinicians, pharmacists and clinical pharmacolo-
In 1997, drug and therapeutics committees became
obligatory under law and instructions were issued
• Selection of recommended drugs should be based
(see Table 2 on page 208). Counties now had to
on relevant statistics on the use of drugs in a
provide a budget to support committee activities.
hospital setting.
The number of coordinating DTCs was reduced to
21 regional committees, performing their work
Folke Sjöqvist , Ulf Bergman, Marja-Liisa Dahl, Lars L.
through expert groups on different diseases and
Gustafsson , and Lars-Olof Hensjö , Department of Medi-
cal Laboratory Sciences and Technology of the Karolinska through local committees.
Institute (Division of Clinical Pharmacology), WHO Col-
laborating Center for Drug Utilization Research and Functions of drug and
Clinical Pharmacological Services, Huddinge University therapeutics committees
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, and the Regional Drug Since the 1997 Swedish Drug Reform Act, the
Committee (LÄKSAK), Stockholm (correspondence: function of drug and therapeutics committees has

Feature Article WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Table 1. Major development of drug and therapeutics committees in Sweden

1961 First committee set up at the Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm.

1970s Follow-up of the impact of drug recommendations on prescribing. Drug utilization statistics.
1975 Generic substitution encouraged.
1980s Committees for primary health care and hospitals join forces. Stronger influence from
primary health care. Newsletters.
1986 “Drug watcher” – drug bulletins and academic detailing.
1990s Broadened scope towards drug education and problem-oriented drug information – 100
committees in Sweden.
1997 Drug and therapeutic committees required by law. Instructions issued, budget
provided. Number of committees reduced to 21 regional committees.
2000 Information campaigns to public about recommended drugs of choice.

been regulated by the local county councils as the individual drug product. However, scientific collabo-
main providers of public health care. As the princi- ration at the institutional level is acceptable and
pal source of expertise, the overall aim of the even desirable.
committees is to promote the rational use of drugs
at all levels of the health care system, whether at Regional DTCs gather and evaluate knowledge on
specialized clinics or primary health care centres. drugs and drug therapies through screening of
The committees have become a core facility for scientific documentation systematically retrieved
evidence-based principles of drug therapy within from the literature. Local networks of experts repre-
the health care system. Clinical pharmacologists, sentative of the various health care levels are
pharmacists, and district nurses (who have re- responsible for implementation of the recommenda-
stricted prescribing rights in Sweden) are also tions. The committees are urged to improve the
represented. Members must declare any conflict of quality of drug therapy at all levels of health care
interest and acting as a consultant to industry is not within a given county, including the private sector,
allowed if this would lead to the promotion of an and collaborate with other experts from regional

Table 2: Swedish law concerning drug and therapeutics committees

(28 November 1996)

1. There shall be one or several drug committees in each county.

2. Each drug committee shall engage medical and pharmaceutical expertise.
3. A drug committee shall work towards the rational use of drugs through its recommendations to
health care personnel. The recommendations should be based on scientific evidence and well-
tried experience.
4. The National Corporation of Swedish Pharmacies shall provide drug committees with drug utiliza-
tion statistics. If the committee realizes that there are shortcomings in the use of drugs it should
provide education to prescribers.
5. Each committee shall, when required, collaborate with other committees and with relevant authori-
ties and universities.
6. The County shall issue an instruction for the drug committee.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Feature Article

clinical pharmacology departments, telepharmaco- Regional drug information centres based within
logical services, local pharmacies, the Medical clinical pharmacology departments provide inde-
Products Agency, the pharmaceutical industry, and pendent and evaluated problem-oriented drug
drug formulary committees. Other important func- information to prescribers (5) through a database —
tions are to provide the county council administra- Drugline — containing more than 10 000 evaluated
tions with medical expertise in drug purchasing, documents on drug-related issues (6).
develop policy documents for drug information, and
provide education and follow-up on drug utilization In several counties, DTCs regularly inform the
and prescription patterns. public of their recommendations. In Stockholm,
mass media campaigns focusing on the list of
Selection of recommended drugs recommended drugs have been directed at pre-
Selected drugs should be well documented and scribers and their patients. The campaigns have
appropriate from the pharmaceutical, pharmacologi- helped to establish the regional committee as an
cal and therapeutic point of view, and considered independent and reliable expert organization. Both
essential in the treatment of common diseases. DTCs and the regional drug information centres
Evaluation of documentation follows the principles collaborate actively with the Medical Products
of evidence-based medicine. In order to gather Agency, which publishes excellent monographs on
experience about the safety of the compound, a individual drugs and reviews on the treatment of
new drug should have been registered and avail- different diseases.
able on the market for at least two years. However,
there is a trend towards quicker decisions and Electronic prescribing
earlier acceptance of new drugs if they have shown In Stockholm, a computer-based prescription
potential to improve therapy. support system, JANUS telepharmacology, has
been developed (http://www.janusinfo.org) aimed at
Treatment costs are taken into account and an providing all prescribers within a county with easily
economic evaluation is demanded both for initial accessible, clinically relevant and updated informa-
drug cost and the total treatment schedule. Recom- tion on drugs. The system includes (mainly in
mended drugs should have high delivery guaran- Swedish):
tees from the producer/distributor, with relevant and
up-to-date product information. Maintaining drug • information and recommendations from the
selection requires continuous follow-up of newly regional and local drug committees in the county;
registered drugs, evaluation of the literature with
respect to new guidelines, clinical trials and reports • recent guidelines from the Medical Products
on adverse reactions. Expert groups are expected Agency;
to stay in touch with specialist organizations prepar-
ing national treatment guidelines as well as with the • links to the Physicians Desk Reference (FASS)
Medical Products Agency, which regularly initiates and Drugline; and
and coordinates workshops.
• recent drug news with comments and evaluations
Education and information by specialists.
The rapidly expanding number of new drugs and
treatment principles has created an increased need JANUS also provides access to information on drug
for independently evaluated drug information and interactions, with evaluated literature references to
education. The drug and therapeutics committee each interaction (7). The key objective is to provide
plays a central role here and supports a bilateral appropriate information and prescribing tools to
exchange of information with prescribers. Education simplify the selection and dosage of drugs.
is mostly problem-oriented, being initiated and
organized by the medical community based on the Graphic presentations of local drug prescription
needs of prescribers. Different models are being patterns are also included to allow quick feedback
tested and an important idea is “drug education by to and between prescribers. Within the next few
prescribers for prescribers”. Primary health care years, electronic prescribing is expected to replace
physicians in academic drug detailing have been old-fashioned prescriptions, and the prescriber will
engaged at primary health care centres as “Drug then have access to real time information while
Watchers” (4). prescribing. Integrated into the JANUS prescription

Feature Article WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

system is a website (http://www.janusinfo.org) that Local auditing of prescription patterns and cost
serves as the electronic channel for all DTCs in development in relation to the committee’s recom-
Stockholm. Representative examples of the site mendations is an important strategy and stimulates
pages in JANUS are set out in Figures 1 and 2. feedback on rationality, prescribing and cost-
awareness. Such data also form the basis for
Follow-up and feedback of drug utilization revision of drug recommendations, educational and
Increasing drug costs, together with the transfer of informational activity needs, or intervention studies.
the drug budget from the government to the county Before drug reform, physicians were relatively
councils, emphasizes the need for follow-up of drug unaware of the costs that prescribing generated,
use, prescription patterns and cost trends. Drug since the government paid the bill. This will now
committees play a key role in developing change dramatically and drug costs will become an
pharmacoepidemiological tools. The 1997 Drug integrated and visible part of the entire budget for a
Reform Act required bar codes for prescriptions, clinic or primary health care centre.
indicating workplace and prescriber identity. The
feedback provided serves as an ideal self-audit A new indicator of the quality of drug prescribing
system for primary health care centres, clinics, and has recently been introduced in Stockholm County
individual prescribers (10). (8): Drug Utilization 90% (DU90%). The term refers

Fig. 1. JANUS prescription system:

Drug statistics:
Drug sales (1 million Swedish Kroner= 0.1 million Euros) by ACT class for 1st. quarter 1995–2000 in
Stockholm. This function is updated monthly at the webiste: http://www.janusinfo.org

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Feature Article

to the number of drugs accounting for 90% of drug are also included. By sorting on “costs” the corre-
use, measured in defined daily doses (DDDs). The sponding Drug Costs 90% – DC90% – profile is
Swedish Medical Quality Council (9) has suggested obtained.
using the DU90% as a general quality indicator of
drug prescribing, and this has also been adopted in The combined DU90%/DC90% profile has turned
Stockholm (10). Adherence to guideline recommen- out to be of considerable interest to prescribers and
dations or other consensus documents is reflected physicians responsible for health care costs, includ-
by the percentage of recommended drugs within ing drugs. Figure 3 on page 212 describes DU90%
the DU90% segment. This measure can easily be profile by brand name based on prescriptions
used for comparisons over time between hospitals, dispensed to the population of Stockholm during
clinics, primary health care centers and geographi- the three months of October–December 2000
cal regions and may identify problem areas where ranked by number of defined daily doses (DDD),
educational interventions are required. The method according to the recommendations by the Swedish
can be applied to all drugs or to different therapeu- Medical Quality Council (9). The drug utilization
tic classes (ATC groups). It also provides data for 90% (DU90%) segment (the area below the curve)
economic follow-up and analysis, as the drug costs corresponds to 311 of a total of 1,317 brand names
with DDDs dispensed at pharmacies. Adherence to

Fig. 2. JANUS prescription system:

The JANUS prescribing tool contains 24 different drug information databases. Patient data are automatically
retrieved from electronic records. A bullet shows that the drug is recommended by the drug and therapeutics
committee (arrow a). Arrow b indicates an automatic pregancy alert for drugs with potential effects on the
foetus. Arrow c shows an automatic interaction alert for warfarin. http://www.janusinfo.org

Feature Article WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Fig. 3. DU90% Drug use profile

1. (Trombyl = ASA; 2. Levaxin = levothyroxine;

3. Zocord = simvastatin; 4. Plendil = felodipine;
5. Cipramil = citalopram; 6. Renitec = enalapril;
7. Seloken ZOC = metoprolol; 8. Imovane =
zoplicone; 9. Lasix Retard = furosemide;
10. Lipitor = atorvastatin; 11. Furix =f urosemide;
12. Pulmicort Turbuhaler = budesonide;13. Pro-
pavan = propiomazine; 14. Triatec = ramipril; 5.
GREY Furosemid NM = furosemide; 16. Imdur =
isosorbide mononitrate; 17. Losec MUPS =
omeprazole; 18. Behepan = cyanocobalamin;
19. Zoloft = sertraline hydrochloride; 20. Tenormin
= atenolol; 21. Stilnoct= zolpidem; 22. Bricanyl
Turbuhaler = terbutaline; 23. Desolett = deso-
gestrel; 24. Lanzo= lansoprazole; 25. Citodon =
paracetamol; 26 Atrovent = ipratropium bromide;
27. Calcichew-D3= calcium carbonate; 28. Fludent
= sodium fluoride; 29. Alvedon = paracetamol;
30. Laktulos P&U = lactulose)


1. TROMBYL 1 tabl. 6,569,005 4.5% 64,425 2,186,994 0.33
2. LEVAXIN 0.15 mg 2,952,441 2.0% 41,535 3,059,630 1.04
3. ZOCORD 15 mg 2,816,558 1.9% 24,749 25,618,330 9.10
4. PLENDIL 5 mg 2,409,584 1.7% 23,319 11,072,443 4.60
5. CIPRAMIL 20 mg 2,372,289 1.6% 27,362 19,325,240 8.15
6. RENITEC 10 mg 2,335,146 1.6% 18,642 9,841,277 4.21
7. SELOKEN ZOC 0.15 g 2,304,272 1.6% 47,073 12,493,554 5.42
8. IMOVANE 7.5 mg 2,097,315 1.4% 42,237 4,831,678 2.30
9. LASIX RETARD 40 mg 1,957,065 1.4% 19,505 2,666,956 1.36
10. LIPITOR 10 mg 1,935,550 1.3% 12,783 13,528,542 6.99
11. FURIX 40 mg 1,863,001 1.3% 10,919 751,774 0.40
12. PULMICORT TURBUH. 0.8 mg 1,779,825 1.2% 22,903 11,065,400 6.22
13. PROPAVAN 25 mg 1,640,487 1.1% 20,353 1,791,482 1.09
14. TRIATEC 2.5 mg 1,558,301 1.1% 6,778 4,615,226 2.96
15. FUROSEMID NM 40 mg 1,525,293 1.1% 7,629 549,500 0.36
16. IMDUR 40 mg 1,498,186 1.0% 11,996 3,645,951 2.43
17. LOSEC MUPS 20 mg 1,464,548 1.0% 23,961 23,312,114 15.92
18. BEHEPAN TABL. 1 mg 1,445,912 1.0% 13,635 2,106,438 1.46
19. ZOLOFT 50 mg 1,404,284 1.0% 15,813 13,158,324 9.37
20. TENORMIN 75 mg 1,303,954 0.9% 19,172 1,863,095 1.43
21. STILNOCT 10 mg 1,234,150 0.9% 27,991 3,918,260 3.17
22. BRICANYL TURBUH. 2 mg 1,179,700 0.8% 22,369 3,696,018 3.13
23. DESOLETT * 1,114,876 0.8% 6,255 1,182,517 1.06
24. LANZO 30 mg 1,005,654 0.7% 23,132 10,677,362 10.62
25. CITODON 3 t/supp 985,687 0.7% 33,107 3,013,438 3.06
26. ATROVENT * 971,489 0.7% 10,421 3,914,818 4.03
27. CALCICHEW D3 2 tabl 953,640 0.7% 12,257 2,963,622 3.11
28. FLUDENT 1.1 mg 925,260 0.6% 4,564 411,151 0.44
29. ALVEDON 3g 922,590 0.6% 34,307 2,247,339 2.44
30. LAKTULOS P&U 6.7 g 919,890 0.6% 8,732 909,068 0.99

DU90% 1-311 130,278,408 90.0% 2,022,457 555,509,919 4.26

312-1317 14,464,452 10.0% 439,649 282,849,843 19.55

TOTAL 1-1317 144,742,860 100.0% 2,462,106 838,359,762 5.79

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Feature Article

Guideline 2000 issued in January 2000 was 59% in For drug and therapeutics committees to be effec-
the DU90% segment. The technical unit of compari- tive, it is vital to broadly engage the prescribing
son (DDD) is given in mg, or number of tablets, etc. professions in the work and to base the selection of
Rx = number of prescription items. Cost (SEK) in the therapeutic choice on advice from the most
Swedish kronor. Corresponding ranking by cost competent experts in pharmacotherapeutics.
provides a drug cost 90% profile – DC90%. SEK/
DDD is the actual costs per DDD. References

Resources 1. Fijn, R., Brouwers, J.R., Knaap, J.R. et al. Drug and
The drug and therapeutics committees have an therapeutics (D & T) committees in Dutch hospitals: a
annual budget which varies between the 21 re- nationwide survey of structure, activities, and drug selec-
gions. In the most progressive counties it has been tion procedure. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,
considered appropriate to invest a sum correspond- 48: 239–246 (1999).
ing to 1% of the total drug expenditure. The annual 2. Barkman, R., Boréus, L.O., Böttiger, L.E. et al.
budget for the DTCs in Stockholm is about 4 million Läkemedelskommittén – Service i rutinsjukvård.
Euros, with drug expenditure about 0.4 billion Euros Läkartidningen, 26: 2491–2496 (1966).
3. Bergman, U., Christenson, I., Jansson, B. et al. Auditing
In Stockholm, the budget is spent on salaries and hospital drug utilization by means of defined daily doses
for engaging clinical expertise. With the existing per bed-day. A methodological study. European Journal of
financial system for the health care budget it is Clinical Pharmacology, 17:183–187 (1980).
impossible to engage clinical experts for this intel-
4. Stålsby Lundborg, C., Hensjö, L-O., Gustafsson, L.L.
lectual work unless they can have leave of absence Academic drug-detailing: from project to practice in a
from their pressing daily work with patients. Much of Swedish urban area. European Journal of Clinical Phar-
the budget is spent on continuing education of macology, 52: 167–172 (1997).
prescribers and to implement the recommendations
of the drug committee. 5. Alván, G., Öhman, B., Sjöqvist, F. Problem-oriented
drug information: A clinical pharmacological service.
The committees can also use the competence of Lancet, 2: 1410–1412 (1983)
existing units in clinical pharmacology as well as
regional and local pharmacies. The regional drug 6. Öhman, B., Lyrvall, H., Alván, G. Use of Drugline – A
information centres (6) offer a service to retrieve, question and answer database. Annals of Pharmaco-
evaluate and summarize the documentation of therapy, 27: 278–284 (1993).
different drug products.
7. Sjöqvist, F. Interaktion mellan läkemedel – systematisk
översikt. In: Läkemedel i Sverige. FASS: 1583–1653
The future of drug and (2001).
therapeutics committees
A number of circumstances make it clear that the 8. Bergman, U., Popa, C., Tomson, Y. et al. Drug utiliza-
individual prescriber will be in great need of unbi- tion 90% – a simple method for assessing the quality of
ased, consultative support in the selection and use drug prescribing. European Journal of Clinical Pharma-
of drugs in the future. The aims of drug treatment cology, 54: 113–118 (1998).
should be that the right drug is prescribed to the
9. Bergman, U., Andersson, D., Friberg, A. et al. Kvalitets-
right patient in the right dose with the right informa- utveckling: Kvalitetsindikatorer för läkemedelsförskrivning
tion and at the right (affordable) cost (11). This och–hantering. Svensk Medicin, Svenska Läkaresälls-
implies competence, integrity and cost-awareness kapet och Spri 1999. No. 66.
on behalf of the prescriber.
10. Nyman, K., Bergens, A., Björin, A.S. et al. Återföring
Prescribers, then, will accept advice from the av förskrivningsprofiler vid en vårdcentral. Viktigt inslag i
organization paying the drug bill and not from the kvalitetssäkringen av läkemedelsförskrivningen.
manufacturer alone, while providers of health care Läkartidningen, 98: 160–164 (2001).
have to take responsibility for the continued drug
education of the prescribers. This will probably be 11. Sjöqvist, F. The past, present and future of clinical
an invaluable investment in view of the alarming pharmacology. European Journal of Clinical Pharma-
cology, 55: 553–557 (1999).
annual increase of expenditure for drugs, and
adverse drug effects now reported worldwide.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Current Topics

Tenth International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities

The Tenth International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) took place in Hong Kong
SAR, People's Republic of China from 24 to 27 June 2002. Two hundred and twenty senior drug
regulatory officials from over one hundred countries participated in this international forum estab-
lished in 1980. The objectives of the ICDRA are to address issues of immediate concern, strengthen
communication and develop collaboration among regulatory authorities. As a platform set up to
develop international consensus, the ICDRA has been an important tool for WHO in its efforts to
harmonize regulation and improve the safety, efficacy and quality of medicines. Regulatory authori-
ties are continually faced with new issues brought about by globalization and development of free
trade, while increased responsibilities — such as those covering control of alternative medicines and
the introduction of innovative treatments — place heavy demands on regulatory systems and knowl-
edge bases. The development of sophisticated technologies and techniques in health care and
extensive use of the Internet impose new challenges.

The conference programme was developed by a planning committee of representative drug regula-
tors and provided the impetus for discussion of the many current issues facing authorities. As a result
of the four days of debate, drug regulators made recommendations (as set out below) on issues
covering herbal medicines, homeopathy, regulatory reform, medicines safety, counterfeiting, access
to drugs and vaccines, regulation of clinical trials, harmonization, new technologies and e-commerce.
These recommendations have been proposed to serve as a basis for future collaboration and efforts
among Member States, drug regulatory authorities, WHO, and interested agencies and institutions.

Recommendations from the Tenth systems for herbal medicines. Such systems should
involve health care providers, consumers and
International Conference of Drug manufacturers.
Regulatory Authorities
3. WHO should support countries in developing
sources of information on herbal medicines while
Herbal medicines facilitating information-sharing among countries.
1. Member States, together with WHO, should WHO should provide guidance to governments and
define criteria and standards for herbal medicines, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) on how to
health or functional foods, and dietary supplements. develop information and educational programmes
WHO should continue to develop guidelines on the on the proper use of herbal medicines for the
assessment of safety, efficacy and quality control of public.
herbal medicinal products and herbal combinations.
4. WHO should provide guidance for governments
2. The safe use of herbal medicines is a major and NGOs on training of traditional medicine pro-
concern for governments and consumers. WHO viders, and promote communication with other
should provide guidance to countries wishing to health workers.
establish safety monitoring systems or to expand 5. Member States should seek funds to support
existing systems to monitor and report adverse research on herbal medicines.
reactions to herbal medicines. Member States
should strengthen their post-marketing surveillance 6. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Current Topics

Safety of Blood-derived Products more needs to be done. The following are urgent
recommendations for all regulatory authorities to
Plasma-derived medicinal products, as well as implement.
blood and blood components, should be regulated
in the same way as other biological products and 1. All countries should make containment of antimi-
fall under the responsibility of regulatory authorities. crobial resistance a national priority by creating an
The importance of good manufacturing practice intersectoral task-force to bring together all inter-
(GMP) was emphasized. The main problem identi- ested parties and ensure collaboration among the
fied was how best to minimize the risk of transmit- various professional groups.
ting currently known and emerging blood-borne
diseases. Developing countries in particular, had 2. National systems should be created to monitor
difficult choices to make in planning balanced and analyse antimicrobial usage in food animals
regulatory action. and humans by collecting data from hospitals and
in the community and linking these findings to
1. WHO should promote t he regulation of blood resistance and disease surveillance data.
and plasma collection centres, with emphasis on
ensuring GMP compliance. 3. Efforts should continue in regulating anti-
microbials, while addressing the need for availabil-
2. Regional co-operation and training should be ity at all levels of the health care system.
promoted and WHO should facilitate the develop-
ment of educational programmes and training 4. Promotional activities should continue to be
opportunities for staff involved in regulation and regulated by ensuring adherence to guidelines for
control of blood products. ethical promotion of medicines.
3. WHO should collaborate with Member States to 5. Education of health professionals in rational
strengthen the technical expertise of regulatory prescribing and of patients in compliance should be
authorities (especially those countries with plasma encouraged. Awareness of antimicrobial resistance
fractionation activities/facilities) to assure adequate should be raised within regulatory authorities.
quality, safety and efficacy of plasma products.
Special emphasis should be placed on viral testing, 6. The pharmaceutical industry should pay particu-
viral inactivation procedures, and surveillance for lar attention to GMP and quality issues in relation to
viral and other transfusion-transmitted diseases. the production of antimicrobials, as well as to
Special attention should be given to the possible labelling of their products.
risk of transmission of vCJD and appropriate valida-
tion studies should be carried out. 7. Regional and international collaboration should
continue and progress reported back to the ICDRA.
4. In those countries where contract fractionation of
plasma is a common option, WHO should develop Harmonization I
guidance on the regulatory issues involved.
1. WHO should continue involvement in the ICH
5. In order to facilitate approval by regulatory au- Steering Committee, adopting a more proactive role
thorities of importation of plasma products, WHO by proposing topics for guideline development and
should promote the use of batch release certifi- expressing opinions on the potential public health
cates, with a clear description of the procedures implications of the guidelines proposed by ICH.
2. In the light of the wide range of regulatory envi-
6. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA. ronments, WHO should support non-ICH Member
States and regional harmonization initiatives by
Antimicrobial resistance: new initiatives evaluating the usefulness, feasibility and impact of
implementing ICH guidelines.
Antmicrobial resistance is a threat to effective
treatment of infectious diseases. Since the topic 3. WHO should continue to produce briefing notes
was first discussed at the ICDRA in 1996, much on ICH meetings for regulatory officials of non-ICH
has been accomplished in this area. However, if the countries and consider ways of making them widely
emergence of resistance is to be slowed, much available, including use of the Internet.

Current Topics WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

4. In order to improve access to essential drugs of established. Contact data of responsible people
good quality, especially in developing countries, should be available on the agency website.
WHO should assess the benefits and risks to public
health of implementing selected ICH drug quality 3. Drug regulatory authorities should pay attention
guidelines on manufacturing standards for generic to the informed consent procedure and ensure that
products in non-ICH countries, and intensify its complete information is provided to the trial sub-
efforts to develop international standards and jects in conformity with international guidelines, in
guidelines for the regulatory assessment of generic addition to requiring national or local ethical review.
products. WHO should offer specific advice to
national authorities in non-ICH countries. 4. WHO should develop guidelines for the effective
control of trials by the regulatory authority.
5. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA.
5. WHO should strengthen protection of human trial
subjects by developing good clinical practices
Harmonization II (GCP) training tools for drug regulatory authorities,
It was recognized that international harmonization promoting training of GCP inspectors, and providing
is characterized by a number of initiatives under- assistance to Member States in setting up GCP
taken in different parts of the world. Such initiatives inspectorates.
reflect specific local or regional needs and circum-
stances. Although these activities and their prod- 6. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA.
ucts may be useful examples and supply important
technical knowledge, no single initiative can cur- Regulating biotechnology products
rently be considered a model for international
application or implementation. The need to make optimal use of the products of
new biotechnologies in the prevention, diagnosis
1. Countries should take into account local factors, and treatment of diseases that are the major
priorities, possible implications, and implementation causes of morbidity and mortality throughout the
capacity when evaluating harmonization initiatives world, especially in developing countries, was
and guidance materials produced elsewhere. recognized. However, it was emphasized that these
are highly complex products, often manufactured
2. The development of international regulatory using novel biotechnologies, and the need for
requirements and guidelines should be based on careful evaluation and regulation was vital. Issues
demonstrated public-health needs and should not relating to the comparability of biotechnology prod-
be driven by technological progress alone. ucts, including those of scale-up, were highlighted
as needing particular attention.
3. WHO should continue to support regional and
local harmonization initiatives aimed at strengthen- Rapid growth of the biotechnology industry in a
ing regulatory capacity and achieving public health number of developing countries was noted, as was
goals. the science-based regulatory oversight already in
place in some instances. However, effective regula-
4. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA. tory oversight, as well as adequate resources to
deal with biotechnology products, was still needed
in the majority of developing countries. Full support
Protection of subjects in clinical trials was expressed for the application of biotechnology
1. Drug regulatory authorities have an important to the development of vaccines, therapeutic biologi-
role in protecting trial subjects. Drug regulatory cals and diagnostics for the prevention, treatment
authorities are required to keep a complete register or diagnosis of disease.
of trials carried out in the country and, when possi-
ble, these registers should be made public (e.g. 1. Given the rapid advances in biotechnology and
through the agency website). the challenge of balancing the risks and benefits,
WHO, in collaboration with regulatory authorities,
2. When trials are carried out in several countries or should monitor developments and continue to
where part of a study is carried out in a different provide clear guidelines on issues relating to qual-
country, direct communication between the regula- ity, safety and efficacy of biotechnology-derived
tory authorities of the countries involved should be medicinal products, including biocomparability.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Current Topics

Rapid dissemination of this advice is crucial and 2. New dimensions should be considered in the
WHO should strive to improve awareness of avail- regulatory assessment of drug quality, safety,
able guidance. efficacy, and information. This must continue to be
based on solid scientific evidence, while taking into
2. Regulatory authorities lacking experience in the account the implications of regulatory decisions on
regulation of biotechnology-derived products should public health goals and on access to medicines by
be strengthened through education, training and the majority of the population.
updating, as appropriate. They should draw upon
the knowledge and skills of regulatory authorities 3. The resources necessary to ensure full regula-
already experienced in this area, with the collabora- tory assessment of pharmaceuticals cannot be
tion of WHO. Regulatory authorities should recog- available to all countries. In order to contribute to
nize the need to support the participation of officials strengthening national regulatory capacity, WHO
at scientific and related meetings dealing with the should study existing experience and undertake
regulation of this fast-developing field. research in order to develop models for intensified
collaboration and, where appropriate, joint decision-
3. Regulatory authorities with limited experience making among national regulatory authorities.
should identify sources of expertise within their
countries, such as in academia, to assist in the 4. Availability of information is a crucial tool to
review of applications for clinical trials and for achieve appropriate regulatory decisions. WHO
marketing authorizations. Where these are lacking, should further support national authorities to intro-
the support of experts from more experienced duce or improve data management systems in
regulatory authorities should be explored, with the order to produce and interchange information and
assistance of WHO, as a means of obtaining the to achieve evidence-based decision-making.
necessary skills and knowledge.
5. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA.
4. WHO should continue development of Interna-
tional biological reference materials that can serve
as reference standards for new products. Access to drugs and vaccines I
1. WHO should continue its efforts in strengthening
5. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA. international guidelines for registration of generic
Regultory challenges:health sector reform
2. In collaboration with Member States, WHO
and drug regulatory capacity
should continue to focus on activities related to
Health sector reform, especially in developing good trade and distribution practices of starting
countries, has been driven more by financial con- materials to assure the use of high quality materi-
straints than by health needs. This is an important als.
challenge for drug regulatory authorities that are
confronted with reduction of public funding and the 3. WHO should work with other technical partners,
need to develop new mechanisms to finance their within the concept of a global alliance, to improve
activities. the quality of products moving in international
Globalization of economies and intensification of
international commerce have created new chal- 4. WHO should establish a pre-qualification quality
lenges for drug regulatory authorities. Most authori- assurance system for essential medicines.
ties, especially the less resourced ones, are con-
fronted with regulatory decisions made elsewhere 5. WHO should continue its prequalification project
under diverse circumstances. for procurement of medicines for priority diseases.

1. It is in the paramount interest of public health that 6. In collaboration with Member States, WHO
drug regulation remains a fundamental responsibil- should develop additional international guidance on
ity of the public sector, is not left to market forces important elements of combination medicines
alone, and is not subordinated to commercial focusing on rational use to maximize the benefit in
interests. specific disease treatment.

Current Topics WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

7. Governments and drug regulatory authorities 2. Governments should adopt WHO guidelines for
should encourage the development of therapies for the development of measures to combat counterfeit
neglected diseases through incentives, co-opera- drugs.
tive efforts and public/private initiatives.
3. Governments of exporting countries should have
8. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA. a system of control to prevent the export of counter-
feit drugs.
Access to drugs and vaccines II 4. Drug regulatory authorities should establish a
1. Countries should implement programmes aimed working relationship with national (police, customs)
at assuring the availability, accessibility, quality and and international (Interpol, World Customs Organi-
rational use of essential medicines. zation) law enforcement agencies.

2. The Model List of Essential Medicines is a cen- 5. Drug regulatory authorities should establish an
tral element of national drug policies. WHO should effective registration system to include the licensing
continue to maintain the Model List and support of manufacturers, wholesalers, and retail outlets.
countries in adapting it to their needs and national
context. Selection of essential medicines should be 6. Drug regulatory authorities should seek to coop-
based on safety, quality and efficacy in addition to erate with the drug industry in the exchange of
accessibility. information on counterfeit drugs, and to promote
reporting of counterfeit drugs to WHO.
3. Access to medicines is improved by competition
brought about by generic products. Countries 7. WHO should strengthen the existing anti-coun-
should take measures to foster the development of terfeit liaison officers to promote exchange of
a competitive generic market. information on counterfeit drugs amongst and
between regulatory authorities and WHO.
4. Countries and WHO should further develop
initiatives aimed at expanding the implementation of 8. WHO should encourage and support Member
the concept of essential medicines to encompass States to develop and implement national meas-
both the public and private sectors. ures for combating counterfeit drugs.

5. Countries and WHO should intensify efforts 9. WHO should organize meetings to enhance
aimed at improving access to vital medicines, international communication on counterfeit prob-
particularly those used for HIV/AIDS-related care lems and encourage and assist regulatory authori-
and treatment. ties in the delivery of public awareness pro-
grammes on the dangers of counterfeit drugs.
6. Problems of vaccine availability are becoming
more frequent. Countries and WHO should intensify 10. Progress should be reported back to the
their efforts to prevent supply shortages. ICDRA.

7. Countries and WHO should continue to study the Homoeopathy

impact of international trade agreements on access
to medicines and initiatives aimed at promoting 1. In collaboration with Member States, WHO
essential medicines and rational use. should harmonize definitions of homoeopathic
products and practices in order to allow classifica-
8. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA tion and identification of homoeopathic products at
national level.
Counterfeit pharmaceutical products: 2. WHO should cooperate with governmental
panel discussion institutions to establish recommendations for safe
1. Governments should acknowledge the problem degrees of dilutions of homoeopathic preparations.
of counterfeit drugs by developing national policies
and providing a comprehensive legal framework to 3. In collaboration with Member States, WHO
regulate trading of counterfeit drugs as a criminal should promote the exchange of information. A
offence. reference list of information resources on homoeo-

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Current Topics

pathic medicines, including official pharmacopoeias • Use of best methods to ensure timely reporting to
should be made available. WHO should develop WHO of case information, and by taking steps to
systems to collect and provide information to con- increase national reporting rates.
sumers on the safe use of homoeopathic medi-
cines. • Assigning unique case identification codes to
avoid duplication to all case-report recipients.
4. WHO should provide guidance to governments
and NGOs for training of homoeopathic medicine • Opening access to the WHO database to all
providers. stakeholders with a genuine public health interest
and the ability to evaluate such case information.
5. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA.
7. The current WHO Programme for International
Drug Monitoring should be supported by:
Safety monitoring
There have been major advances in the area of • Encouraging all WHO Member States including
pharmacovigilance and drug monitoring since WHO ICH member countries to participate actively in the
established its Programme for International Drug WHO Programme, and contribute to its develop-
Monitoring in 1968 as the global standard for drug ment.
safety. These recommendations highlight important
issues for action by regulatory authorities and • Periodically and regularly reviewing definitions,
WHO. tools, and procedures in the light of developments
in safety in medicine.
1. Regulatory authorities should expand the scope
of their activities to include surveillance of medica- • Strengthening WHO’s role as the mandated global
tion errors, medical devices, homeopathic products, pharmacovigilance system and recognizing WHO
herbal medicines, natural health products and definitions, tools and practices for pharmaco-
identify reports that may point to quality defects or vigilance and drug monitoring as world standards.
to counterfeit products.
8. WHO should convene an expert group to exam-
2. Regulatory authorities should improve efforts to ine the special needs for assessing the safety and
evaluate the effectiveness of the various reporting risk of medicines used in the treatment of HIV/
mechanisms in operation in their countries. AIDS, particularly in developing countries.

3. Regulatory authorities should improve communi- 9. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA.
cation of emerging safety concerns. To assist in this
and to ensure that confidentiality and security of E-Commerce
shared data is maintained, WHO should develop a
secure web-based communication system. 1. Patient/consumer protection should be the first
priority of regulatory authorities in their approach to
4. Regulatory authorities should be encouraged to e-commerce. National authorities should endeavour
develop post-marketing risk management strategies to ensure that patients have the same level of
for products identified as posing a significant risk. protection whether they purchase pharmaceuticals
through legitimate Internet sites or through the
5. WHO should finalize and distribute its crisis traditional channels.
management plan to Member States. This should
be tested periodically. WHO should provide profes- 2. Regulatory authorities should improve the infor-
sional assistance and resources in crisis manage- mation contents of their websites and establish
ment, communications and research to Member appropriate programmes, including mass media
States. campaigns, aimed at providing unbiased informa-
tion and warn the public on the possible risks of
6. The WHO adverse reactions database utility unregulated pharmaceutical e-commerce. These
should be strengthened by: programmes must be designed in a way that en-
sures that they effectively reach health profession-
als and consumers.

Current Topics WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

3. National authorities should establish and encour- national membership over the years which now
age the use of simple mechanisms for consumers stands at over 1100 members in 29 countries.
and health professionals to report illegal sites and
negative experience they have had with e-com- The Parenteral Society has been developed by and
merce. for those active in the field of injectable and
implantable drugs and devices. The Society has
4. WHO should establish and maintain a list of members active in academia, hospitals, industry,
national focal points and circulate it to all regulatory health ministries and other areas. Members’ inter-
authorities in order to foster international collabora- ests cover research and development, manufactur-
tion in combating illegal pharmaceutical e-com- ing, quality control, engineering, medicine, nursing
merce. care and related activities. The Parenteral Society
is a founder member of the European Sterile Prod-
5. WHO should continue to create opportunities, ucts Confederation (ESPC).
through international meetings of national regula-
tory officials, for discussing and foster awareness A key service provided to its members is the provi-
on the public-health issues related to pharmaceuti- sion of information concerning all aspects of
cal e-commerce. parenteral technology and parenteral administration
from basic concepts to current advanced science
6. Progress should be reported back to the ICDRA. and technology. It encourages a spirit of friendly
cooperation among members and promotes favour-
able relations with the health care professions.
Current topics The Society is committed to cultivating and main-
1. There should be only one standard of quality, taining cooperative relations with governments and
safety and efficacy of medicines, whether these are agencies, medical, pharmaceutical and related
produced for local consumption or for export only. health organizations, the academic community,
Member States should regulate drugs for export in compendial bodies, manufacturers, suppliers to the
accordance with appropriate international stand- industry and related organizations. It also initiates
ards. and participates in cooperative ventures and under-
2. WHO should collaborate closely with the PIC/S
to enhance capacity building of national The Parenteral Society is active in the education
inspectorates. This could be undertaken within the and training of personnel in parenteral drug technol-
concept of the Global Alliance. ogy and parenteral administration. Seminars,
meetings, workshops, tutorials, round table discus-
3. WHO should continue its efforts towards the sions and conferences are held regularly in the
development of international specifications and United Kingdom and Ireland, taking various forms
pharmacopoeial requirements and the establish- and covering a range of subjects. In addition, a five
ment of international reference standards for drugs day course “Training for Pharmaceutical Process
responding to major public health needs. Operators” is held at Bath University, United King-
dom, in June and September each year.
4. In collaboration with Member States, WHO
should develop guidelines for the regulation of Six specialized working groups are currently active,
xenotransplantation. providing for interchange of current information and
ideas, leading to publication of monographs on
specialized topics. The Parenteral Society Contact
The Parenteral Society Scheme enables members to be placed in contact
The Parenteral Society is a non-profit organization with one another for help and advice on aspects of
established to promote and advance the practice parenteral drug technology. This has resulted in
and science of parenteral drug therapy in the creation of an extensive database of valuable
interests of public health and to preserve and knowledge and experience.
improve the integrity and standards of the
parenteral drug industry. It was originally founded in The Society additionally has an active publications
the United Kingdom in 1981 to serve the country's programme. It produces the quarterly European
healthcare community but has developed an inter- Journal of Parenteral Sciences in association with

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Current Topics

other members of ESPC. A quarterly newsletter is body by providing a valuable discussion platform for
also published and the Society issues its own the legislated, legislator, public health and aca-
reports, a series of technical monographs and of demic communities. The Parenteral Society website
tutorial booklets, and other relevant literature. Each provides an introduction, current activities, publica-
year, the Parenteral Society Award is open to tions information and news updates on the global
practising scientists from all branches of parenteral regulatory scene relating to parenteral drug prod-
science, and is designed to encourage the further- ucts plus details of how to obtain membership.
ance of knowledge in this field. The award is based Further information is available from: http://
on submission of the author’s original completed www.parenteral.org.uk or: The Parenteral Society,
work. Tel: +44 (0) 1793 824254 Fax: +44 (0) 1793
832551 e-mail: secretary@ parenteral.
From its achievements to date, the Society has demon.co.uk.
increased in profile and stature as an influential

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Safety Information

Adverse reactions associated with conventional over-the-counter

medicines (10). Health care professionals should
to natural health products ask their patients if they are using complementary
or alternative therapies in order to provide advice
Over 50% of Canadians now use natural health and to monitor for possible adverse reactions. As
products in the form of traditional herbal products,
with conventional medicines, specific groups —
vitamin and mineral supplements, traditional Chi-
pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, children,
nese, Ayurvedic and other medicines and homeo- elderly people, patients with cardiovascular dis-
pathic preparations. However, there seems to be an
ease, patients undergoing surgery and patients
overall misconception that these agents are natu-
using conventional medicines where there is the
rally safe because they come from 'natural’ plants potential for interactions — may be at increased
(1, 2) The use of herbal products, a type of natural
risk of ARs if using complementary and alternative
health product, can be associated with adverse
medicines (2).
effects attributable to factors such as inadequate or
excessive dosing, low-quality herbs or supple- Marielle McMorran. Canadian Adverse Reaction
ments, misidentified plant species, variability of Newsletter. 12(4), (2002). http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/
constituents, contamination with heavy metals, hpb-dgps/therapeut/htmleng/publicat.html www.hc-
adulteration with prescription drugs, interactions sc.gc.ca/hpb/onhp)
with prescription drugs and allergic reactions (1).
Also, some herbal ingredients are intrinsically toxic References
(2). A number of reported suspected reactions to
natural health products have been described (3–9). 1. Bielory, L. Adverse reactions to complementary and
These factors along with the practice of using alternative medicine: ragweed’s cousin, the coneflower
health products with multiple ingredients, make the (echinacea), is “a problem more than a sneeze”. Annals of
evaluation of adverse effects complex. Allergy & Asthma Immunology, 88:7–9 (2002). .

With the opportunity for self-selection and the wide 2. Barnes, J., Anderson, L.A., Phillipson, J.D. Herbal
medicines. 2nd ed. London: Pharmaceutical Press. p.
availability of natural health products, the public
1,18-21. 2002.
needs to be aware of the possible risks associated
with these products as well as their benefits. Many 3. Case presentation: Kava. Canadian Adverse Reaction
products contain multiple ingredients that may Newsletter, 12(3): 3 (2002).
prove challenging to consumers in allowing in-
formed choices. Furthermore, consumers are 4. Communiqué: Warfarin and glucosamine: interaction.
sometimes misinformed by promotional information Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter, 11 (2):4 (2001).
about some herbs or ingredients that may either
obscure the risks associated with their use or 5. Communiqué: Glucosamine sulfate: hyperglycemia.
Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter, 10 (4):4 (2000)
exaggerate efficacy. Some examples include the
presence of ephedra in products used as diet aids 6. Communiqué: Gingko biloba: bleeding disorders.
or energy boosters, and Ginkgo biloba in products Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter, 10 (1):4 (2000)
promoted as dietary supplements that enhance
memory. 7. Health Canada advising not to use products labelled to
contain Aristolochia [Public Advisory]. Ottawa: Health
Health care professionals need to know whether Canada; 2001 Aug. 17. Available: www.hc-sc.gc.ca/
their patients are using various health products, english/protection/warnings/2001/2001_91e.htm.
including natural health products, certain foods, and
8. Advisory not to use products containing Ephedra or
prescription and nonprescription drugs, in order to
ephedrine [Public Advisory]. Ottawa: Health Canada; 2001
evaluate their overall therapy. Patients may be June 14. Available: www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/protection/
reluctant to discuss the use of natural health prod- warnings/2001/2001_67e.htm.
ucts (1) and may be less likely to report adverse
reactions associated with their use than those

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Safety Information

9. Potentially harmful drug interactions with St. John’s Because leflunomide has an active metabolite with
Wort and prescription drugs [Public Advisory]. Ottawa: a long elimination half-life of about 2 weeks, serious
Health Canada; 2000 Apr 7. Available: www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ adverse reactions (hepatotoxic, haematotoxic or
english/protection/warnings/2000/2000_36e.htm. allergic) may occur even after leflunomide treat-
10. Barnes, J., Mills, S.Y., Abbot, N.C. et al. Different
ment has been stopped (3). Also, recovery from
standards for reporting ADRs to herbal remedies and adverse reactions may be prolonged (4).
conventional OTC medicines: face-to-face interviews with
515 users of herbal remedies. British Journal of Clinical The European Medicines Evaluation Agency
Pharmacology, 45: 496–500 (1998). (EMEA) has raised concerns about the safety
profile of this drug, especially with regard to hepato-
toxicity, pancytopenia and serious skin reactions (5,
Leflunomide: haematologic, hepatic 6). In Canada, the manufacturer has issued a
and respiratory reactions safety alert regarding severe and serious hepatic
reactions (7).
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has shifted toward
earlier and more aggressive therapy with disease- From March 2000, when leflunomide was marketed
modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) (1, 2). in Canada, to May 31, 2002, Health Canada re-
Leflunomide (Arava®), a newer immunomodulatory ceived 99 reports of suspected adverse reactions
DMARD, is indicated for the treatment of active involving the drug, 79 considered to be serious and
rheumatoid arthritis in adults (3). 4 with a fatal outcome. Three fatal cases were due

Table 1: Reports of suspected adverse reactions to leflunomide

System Reaction term† Total no. No. of

of AR reports with
reports use of MTX

Haematologic‡ Leucopaenia (5); thrombocytopaenia (5); anaemia (4);

granulocytopenia (4); pancytopenia (3); leukocytosis (2);
anaemia aplastic (1); anaemia haemolytic (1); Coomb’s direct
test positive (1); eosinophilia (1); epistaxis (1); lympho-
paenia (1); marrow depression (1); prothrombin prolonged (1);
purpura (1) 20 8

Hepatic and Alanine aminotransferase increased (8); aspartate

biliary aminotransferase increased (7); hepatic function
abnormal (3); phosphatase alkaline increased (2);
gamma-glutamyl transferase increased (2); hepatic
enzymes increased (1); hepatitis viral (1) 11 1

Respiratory Dyspnea (5); pulmonary infiltration (4); bronchitis (2);

coughing (2); hypoxia (2); pneumonia (1); pneumonia
lobar (1); pneumonitis (1); pulmonary fibrosis (1);
respiratory disorder (1); respiratory insufficiency (1);
upper respiratory tract infection (1) 11 6

Note: MTX = methotrexate.

*These data cannot be used to determine the incidence of ARs because ARs remain under reported and total
patient exposure is unknown.

Several reaction terms may be listed per AR report, therefore, the same case may be counted under more than
one system. Reaction terms are based on the “preferred term” of the World Health Organization (WHO) Adverse
Reaction Dictionary (WHOART).

Includes red blood cell, white blood cell, reticuloendothelial system, platelet, bleeding and clotting disorders.

Safety Information WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

to respiratory system disorders, with 1 case report- References

ing concomitant use of methotrexate. The fourth
fatal case was due to a cardiac system disorder. 1. Kremer, J. Rational use of new and existing disease-
Suspected haematologic, hepatic and respiratory modifying agents in rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of Internal
Medicine, 134(8):695–706 ( 2001).
adverse reactions associated with leflunomide
reported to Health Canada are summarized in 2. Schuna, A., Megeff, C. New drugs for the treatment of
Table 1. Combined use of leflunomide and meth- rheumatoid arthritis. American Journal of Health Systems
otrexate is associated with an increased risk of and Pharmacy, 57:225–237 ( 2000).
toxicity (3) and is not approved in Canada (7).
Nevertheless, a number of the AR reports received 3. Arava, leflunomide tablets [product monograph]. Laval
described concomitant use. (QC): Aventis Pharma Inc. 2001.

Concomitant use of leflunomide with DMARDs toxic 4. Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee
(ADRAC). Leflunomide: serious hepatic, blood, skin and
to liver and bone marrow is not advisable, as such respiratory reactions. Australian Adverse Drug Reactions
therapy can lead to additive or even synergistic Bulletin, 20(2):7 (2001). http://www.health.gov.au/tga/adr/
toxicity (3). Strict vigilance in monitoring liver and aadrb.htm.
bone marrow function is recommended for all
patients prescribed leflunomide, particularly if used 5. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal
with other medications associated with increased Products. EMEA public statement on leflunomide
risk of hepatic or haematologic reactions (3). (Arava®): pancytopenia and serious skin reactions [doc
ref EMEA/31637/99] (1999) http://www.emea.eu.int/htms/
Recommended monitoring parameters are as human/drugalert/drugalert.htm
follows (3): 6. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal
Products. EMEA public statement on leflunomide (Arava):
• Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate ami- severe and serious hepatic reactions [doc ref EMEA/5611/
notransferase levels before treatment with 01/en] (2001). http://www.emea.eu.int/htms/human/
leflunomide and at monthly or more frequent drugalert/drugalert.htm
intervals during the first 6 months, and every 8
weeks thereafter. 7. Important safety information on Arava: severe and
serious hepatic reactions. Laval (QC): Aventis Pharma Inc
• A complete blood count, including differential (2001). http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpb-dgps/therapeut/zfiles/
white blood cell count and platelet count, before
treatment with leflunomide and every 2 weeks for
the first 6 months, and every 8 weeks thereafter. Herbal mixture and palpitations
It is important to note that, if a severe undesirable A 30-year-old man who had taken Aphrodite®
effect occurs during treatment with leflunomide, the tablets (a herbal mixture of dry extracts of Tribulus
washout procedures outlined in the product mono- terrestris (40 mg), Cinnamomum zeylanicum (11
graph should be followed in order to clear the active mg), Zingiber officinal (12 mg) and Crocus sativus
metabolite from the body. These washout proce- (3 mg)) for his impotence problem (one tablet every
dures should also be followed when changing 8 hour for 2 days) complained of rapid heartbeat.
therapy from leflunomide to another DMARD, since On examination, minor systolic hypertension was
the possibility of additive risks of ARs exists for a observed. The patient had no previous history of
long time after switching (3). cardiovascular problems and was not under any
other treatment. One day after stopping the use of
Health care professionals are reminded that treat- Aphrodite®, the palpitation was fully cleared.
ment with leflunomide may have serious hepatic,
haematologic and respiratory effects (4) and that All components of Aphrodite® have shown benefit in
these risks may be increased with concomitant the treatment of male impotence, however the
methotrexate use. exact mechanism of this action is not known. T.
terrestris as a herbal remedy that has been used in
Lili Loorand-Stiver, and Mano Murty, Canadian traditional medicine as a tonic with aphrodisiac
Adverse Reaction Newsletter. 12(4), (2002). http:// activity and C. zeylanicum has well-defined aphro-
www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpb-dgps/therapeut/htmleng/ disiac properties in traditional medicine (1). C.
publicat.html www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpb/onhp) sativum has the same properties. Z. officinal has

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Safety Information

shown to be cardiotonic/inotropic with peripheral Of these 164 reports, 68 also described hypokalae-
vasodilatory activity added to its aphrodisiac action mia. Over half described accompanying symptoms
(2) which may be the main cause of palpitation incuding confusion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness,
observed in this patient. It was concluded that anorexia, malaise, fatigue, syncope, somnolence
Aphrodite® should be used with caution in patients and convulsions. Most patients were 65 years old
with a history of cardiovascular disease. or over and 82% were female. Many of the reports
documented a serum sodium concentration, and in
Ebrahim Zabihi, Mohammad Abdollahi, Tehran Drug & 75 cases the concentration was less than or equal
Poison Information Center, Ministry of Health & Medical to 120 mmol/L.
Education, Tehran, Iran.
Despite the fact that hyponatraemia can complicate
References treatment with any diuretic medication, the Austral-
ian Drug Reactions Advisory Committee, ADRAC,
1. Medicinal Herbal. Perham M., Sawyer K. (eds), 2nd ed., continues to recieve reports of the association. In
Dorling & Kindersley, 2000, pp: 52,184,223. the first 5 months of 2002, there have been 18
reports. It should also be noted that indapamide is
2. Information and Indications of Iranian Official Herbal
Medicines. Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Educa- present in combination with perindopril. ADRAC
tion, Razi Darou Gostar Publications, 2001, Page: 17. recommends that indapamide should be used
cautiouslz and changes in conscious or mental
state should prompt measurement of serum sodium
Indapamide and hyponatraemia concentration.

An article recently published in the Medical Journal References

of Australia describes hyponatraemia in association
1. Chapman, M.D., Hanrahan, R. McEwen, J et al. Hy-
with the non-thiazide diuretic, indapamide. Mar- ponatraemia and hypokalaemia due to indapamide.
keted in the mid-1980s in Australia, indapamide is Medical Journal of Australia, 176: 219–221 (2002).
the most commonly reported cause of hyponatrae-
mia with 164 reports. 2. Australian Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin, August

*Spontaneous monitoring systems are useful in detecting signals of relatively rare, serious and unexpected adverse
drug reactions. A signal is defined as "reported information on a possible causal relationship between an adverse event
and a drug, the relationship being unknown or incompletely documented previously. Usually, more than a single report
is required to generate a signal, depending upon the seriousness of the event and the quality of the information". All
signals must be validated before any regulatory decision can be made.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Regulatory and Safety Action

Epoetin alfa: pure red cell aplasia has been reported only after chronic use of epoetin
in patients with renal failure. In a series of 82 cases
United Kingdom — Epoetin alfa (Eprex®) is reported by the FDA, PRCA developed after the
indicated for the treatment of anaemia associated use of epoetin alfa from 1 month to 5 years.
with chronic renal failure, cancer chemotherapy,
autologous blood donation, and during major elec- The Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Committee
tive orthopaedic surgery. has received 12 reports of PRCA associated with
epoetin alfa (Eprex®) use.
There have been 40 cases of confirmed or sus-
pected pure red cell aplasia reported worldwide in Anti-erythropoietin antibodies which develop in this
chronic renal failure patients treated with epoetin condition cross react with other erythropoietin
alfa. The estimated reporting rate of this suspected products, including darbepoetin (Aranesp®). This
adverse reaction is less than 1:10 000 patients product has been available in Australia since No-
treated. vember 2001, experience is limited and it is not
known whether PRCA will develop.
Patients typically present with sudden worsening of
anaemia that is unresponsive to increasing doses The sponsor of Eprex ® has issued a letter recom-
of erythropoietin. Such patients have detectable mending intravenous use where feasible. In pa-
antibodies to erythropoietin in serum. Many do not tients with worsening anaemia, other causes should
respond to alternative erythropoietins and become be excluded. If PRCA is suspected, it should be
transfusion dependent. confirmed with antibody testing and/or bone marrow
examination. Epoetin alfa should be discontinued
In patients developing epoetin alfa failure: and patients should not be switched to another
erythropoietin. PRCA may respond to immunosup-
• Typical causes of non-response (e.g. iron, folate pressive therapy (3).
and B12 deficiency, aluminium intoxication, infec-
tion or inflammation, blood loss, and haemolysis) References
should be investigated.
1. Casadevail, N., Nataf, J., Viron, B. et al. Pure red-cell
• If no cause is identified, a bone marrow examina- aplasia and Anti-erythropoietin antibodies in patients
treated with recombinant erythropoietin. New England
tion should be considered.
Journal of Medicine, 346: 469–475 (2002) .
• If pure red cell aplasia is diagnosed, therapy with 2. Gershon, S.K., Lukshenburg, H., Coté, T.R. et al. Pure
epoetin alfa must be discontinued and testing for red-cell aplasia and Anti-erythropoietin antibodies in
erythropoietin antibodies should be considered. patients treated with recombinant erythropoietin. New
England Journal of Medicine, 346: 1584–1586 (2002) .
• Appropriate therapy should be initiated and such
patients should not be switched to another eryth- 3. Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin, August
ropoietin. 2002.

Reference: Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance,

Volume 28, April 2002.. Ergot-derived dopamine receptor
agonists: fibrotic reactions
Australia — Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare
adverse effect of epoetin alfa which has recently United Kingdom — Pergolide, bromocriptine,
been highlighted in an article and subsequent letter cabergoline, and lisuride are ergot-derived
in the literature (1, 2). The condition results from the dopamine receptor agonists indicated for the man-
development of anti-erythropoietin antibodies, agement of Parkinson's disease. Fibrotic reactions
resulting in transfusion-dependant anaemia. PRCA are recognized adverse events of ergot derivatives.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Regulatory and Safety Action

Suspected fibrotic reactions have been reported in The sponsor, in collaboration with the FDA, has
the UK: many at an advanced stage. Some cases developed a comprehensive risk management
required surgery and 3 patients died. Before start- programme designed to deter abuse and diversion
ing treatment it may be appropriate to perform from legitimate use, including limits on the number
baseline investigations and a chest X-ray. If possi- of patients individual physicians are allowed to treat
ble, lung function tests should be performed. Pre- and special registration for the use of the drug. The
scribers of ergot derivatives should remember that programme also provides surveillance systems to
various symptoms and signs could arise from identify if drugs are being abused, including inter-
fibrotic reactions which may cause unexplained or views monitoring, data collection and surveillance
progressive dyspnoea, pleuritic or pericardial pain, efforts.
abdominal discomfort or distention, edema and
renal insufficiency. Reference: FDA Talk Paper, T02–38, October 2002.

Prognosis of fibrosis can be prevented by early

diagnosis and cessation of drug treatment. Human tissue recalled
Reference: Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance, United States of America — The Food and Drug
Volume 28, April 2002. Administration has ordered Cryolife Inc. to recall
distributed human tissue processed since 3 Octo-
ber 2001, since the FDA has determined that
Buprenorphine approved Cryolife cannot ensure that the tissue is free from
fungal and bacterial contaminants.
for opiate dependence
United States of America — The Food and Drug Tissue has been associated with the death of a
Administration has approved buprenorphine hydro- patient in November 2001 who received a soft
chloride (Subutex®) and buprenorphine hydrochlo- tissue implant during reconstructive knee surgery.
ride and naloxone hydrochloride (Suboxone®), for During its inspection of the company, FDA found
the treatment of opiate dependence. These prod- numerous significant violations of regulations and
ucts treat addiction by preventing symptoms of issued a warning letter. The company had also
withdrawal from heroin and opiates. distributed tissue from a donor after the presence of
harmful microorganisms in tissue samples from the
The first product is intended for use at the begin- same donor had been confirmed.
ning of treatment for drug abuse, and the second is
a formulation used in maintenance treatment of Signs and symptoms of a bacterial or fungal infec-
opiate addiction. Naloxone has been added to tion following a tissue transplant would usually
guard against intravenous abuse of buprenorphine. appear within days to weeks and it is therefore
Both drugs are supplied in 2 mg and 8 mg tablets, unlikely that patients are at future risk.
to be dissolved under the tongue.
Current federal regulations for human tissue require
These products have been studied in over 2000 firms to prepare, validate and follow written proce-
patients and shown to be safe and effective treat- dures to prevent infectious disease contamination
ments for opiate dependence. Side effects most or cross contamination during processing.
commonly seen include cold and flu-like symptoms,
headaches, sweating, sleeping difficulties, nausea Reference: FDA News, P02–27 August 2002.
and mood swings. These effects usually peak at the
beginning of treatment and may last a number of Lepirudin and fatal
weeks. Clinical data indicate that the risk of serious
diminished breathing may be less with anaphylactic reactions
buprenorphine than with other opioids when used in
high doses or in overdose situations. Nonetheless, European Union — The European Medicines
buprenorphine has been associated with deaths Evaluation Agency (EMEA) has been informed of 7
due to diminished breathing, especially when used reports of severe anaphylactic reactions in patients
in combination with alcohol or other CNS depres- receiving lepirudin (Refludan®). In 6 of these cases,
sant drugs. the reaction occurred after re-exposure and 5 cases

Regulatory and Safety Action WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

were fatal. In several of the cases, Refludan® was these reports, FDA has approved labelling changes
prescribed outside the approved therapeutic indica- that include a warning for serious skin reactions. As
tion. these reactions can be life threatening, people who
experience a rash should discontinue the drug
Refludan® contains lepirudin, a recombinant hiru- immediately.
din, which acts as a specific direct inhibitor of free-
and clot-bound thrombin. It is indicated as an Reference: FDA Talk Paper, T02–43, 2002. http://
anticoagulant in adult patients suffering from www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/3500.pdf
heparin-associated thrombocytopenia type II with
thromboembolic disease mandating parenteral
antithrombotic treatment. It was authorized in the Parecoxib/valdecoxib: serious
European Union in 1997 and is currently marketed hypersensitivity reactions
in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Spain, and United Kingdom. European Union — The European Medicines
Approximately 35 000 people have been treated. Evaluation Agency (EMEA) has received informa-
tion on reports of serious hypersensitivity reactions
Physicians treating patients should consider care- (anaphylaxis and angio-oedema) and serious skin
fully the approved indications and the possibility of reactions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epi-
allergic reactions. dermal necrolysis, erythema multiforme and exfolia-
tive dermatitis) in patients treated with valdecoxib
Reference: EMEA Public Statement. EMEA/H/27717/02 (Bextra®, Valdyne®, Valdecoxib Pfizer and
October 2002. Kudeq®, Valdecoxib Pharmacia Europe®) a selec-
tive COX-2 inhibitor. Some of these reactions have
occurred in patients with a history of allergic-type
Valdecoxib: new warnings reactions to sulfonamides.
United States of America — The Food and Drug
Administration, together with the manufacturer of Valdecoxib is the active metabolite of parecoxib
valdecoxib (Bextra®) are advising health care sodium (Dynastat®, Rayzon® and Xapit®) and it is
therefore possible that such reactions may also
professionals about new warnings and information
in the product labelling. occur with this substance.

As an urgent measure, prescribing and patient

Valdecoxib is a drug approved for treatment of
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and dys- information have been modified.
menorrhea (menstrual pain). The labelling is being
Reference: EMEA Public Statement. EMEA/H/25175/02
updated with new warnings following postmarketing October 2002.
reports of serious adverse effects including life-
threatening risks related to skin reactions — includ-
ing Stevens Johnson Syndrome, and anaphylactoid Mefloquine labelling strengthened
reactions (serious allergic reactions). In addition,
the labelling will state that the drug is contraindi- United States of America — Healthcare profes-
cated — not to be used — in patients allergic to sionals have been notified that mefloquine hydro-
sulfa containing products. chloride (Lariam®) tablets are contraindicated in
patients with known hypersensitivity to mefloquine
In November 2002, the manufacturer of Bextra® or related compounds. It should not be prescribed
sent letters to health care professionals advising for prophylaxis in patients with active depression, a
them of postmarketing reports and new warnings recent history of depression, generalized anxiety
that will be included in the drug label. Since the firm disorder, psychosis, schizophrenia or other major
began marketing the drug in March of 2002, cases psychiatric disorders or with a history of convul-
of serious skin and hypersensitivity reactions have sions.
been reported. These included cases of Stevens
Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Mefloquine is indicated for the treatment of mild to
exfoliative dermatitis and erythema multiforme. moderate acute malaria caused by mefloquine-
Although these adverse events are rare, some of susceptible strains of Plasmodium Falciparum or P.
these patients required hospitalization. Based on vivax.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Regulatory and Safety Action

During prophylactic use, if psychiatric symptoms Although measurements are generally consistent
such as acute anxiety, depression, restlessness or with those of traditional finger-stick blood glucose
confusion occur, these may be considered prodro- tests, results can differ significantly. Because these
mal to a more serious event. In these cases, the variations are unpredictable, individual Gluco-
drug must be discontinued and an alternative Watch® readings should never be used to make
medication substituted. changes in insulin dose. Instead, results should be
interpreted with several sequential readings over
References time and then confirmed with a finger stick test.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the
1. Medwatch at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safetz/2002. body’s ability to produce or respond to insulin. This
can cause wide fluctuations in blood glucose levels,
2. Communication from Roche Laboratories Inc., USA.
September 2002
from extremely high to extremely low.

More than 150 000 children in the United States

Glucowatch for diabetes have diabetes. While there is no known cure,
studies have shown that patients who regularly
United States of America — The Food and Drug monitor and regulate their blood glucose levels
Administration (FDA) has approved a wrist-watch- have a lower incidence of complications from the
like glucose monitoring device for use by children disease. Uncontrolled, diabetes can result in such
and adolescents with diabetes. The device, which serious outcomes as blindness, serious infection,
was approved for adult use in March 2001, provides amputation of limbs, coma, and death.
information that can be used to detect trends and
track patterns in glucose levels. Reference: FDA News, P02–29 2002.

The GlucoWatch G2 Biographer®, extracts fluid

through the skin and then measures the glucose in Generic omeprazole approved
the fluid. Once the device has been warmed up and
United States of America — The Food and Drug
calibrated through the use of a finger stick blood
Administration has approved 10 and 20 mg
glucose test, it is capable of providing up to six
omeprazole delayed-release capsules for the
painless glucose measurements per hour for 13
treatment of certain gastro-intestinal conditions.
hours. The device sounds an alarm if the glucose
The generic drug is identical to the brand name
reaches dangerous levels, alerting patients to a
drug in dosage form, strength, route of administra-
potential problem.
tion and most labelled uses.
Although it is not a replacement for standard finger
Although generic drugs are chemically identical to
stick blood tests, this device can help improve the
their branded counterparts, they are typically sold at
quality of life of children with diabetes. These types
substantial discounts from the branded price. To
of products may one day completely eliminate the
gain FDA approval, a generic drug must:
need for daily finger-prick blood tests. Currently the
GlucoWatch measurements must be used along
• contain the same active ingredients as the innova-
with finger stick blood tests to ensure accurate
tor drug (inactive ingredients may vary)
• be identical in strength, dosage form, and route of
Approval of the GlucoWatch® was based on results
of a study that evaluated use in 66 Type-I diabetics
between ages 7 and 17. The study was conducted
• have some of the same use indications
at a clinic in a home-simulated environment where
the participants could go about various normal daily
• be bioequivalent (Generic drugs use the same
activities. The study showed that the product was
active ingredients and are shown to work the
safe and effective for detecting trends and tracking
same way in the body. Therefore they have the
patterns in glucose levels in children and adoles-
same risk-benefit profile as their brand-name

Regulatory and Safety Action WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

• meet the same batch requirements for identity, (Cafergot®) suppositories and tablets, which in-
strength, purity, and quality clude a new warning on interactions with potent
CYP 3A4 inhibitors.
• be manufactured under the same strict standards
of FDA’s good manufacturing practice regulations Co-administration of ergotamine with potent CYP
required for innovator products 3A4 inhibitors (ritonavir, nelfinavir, indinavir, eryth-
romycin, clarithromycin, and troleandomycin) has
Reference: FDA News, P02–45 2002. been associated with acute ergot toxicity (ergotism)
characterized by vasospasm and ischemia of the
extremities, with some cases resulting in amputa-
Oxaliplatin for colorectal cancer tion. There have been rare reports of cerebral
ischemia in patients on protease inhibitor therapy
United States of America — The Food and Drug when ergotamine tartrate and caffeine was co-
Administration has approved oxaliplatin injection administered, with at least one case resulting in
(Eloxatin®) for use in combination with infusional 5- death. Because of the increased risk for ergotism
fluorouracil and leucovorin for the treatment of and other serious vasospastic adverse events,
patients with colorectal cancer whose disease has ergotamine use is contraindicated with these drugs
recurred or become worse following initial therapy and other potent inhibitors of CYP 3A4 (e.g.,
with a combination of irinotecan with bolus 5- ketoconazole, itraconazole).
fluorourcil and leucovorin. The combination includ-
ing oxaliplatin was shown to shrink tumours in Reference: Communication from Novartis Pharmaceuti-
some patients and delay resumed tumour growth. cals Corporation dated October 2002, available on http://
There are as yet no data on the effects of the www.accessdata.FDA.gov/scripts/medwatch
combination on survival.

The FDA review took just seven weeks to complete Acetylsalicylic acid and Reye's
under the "rolling review" procedures of fast track
approval. Fast track is used for drugs in develop-
ment having the potential to be an advance in United Kingdom — Reye's syndrome is a very
treatment for a serious illness and the rolling review rare but often fatal disease characterized by en-
procedure allows for some components of an cephalopathy and fatty degeneration of the liver. It
application to be presented before the remaining has mostly affected children aged less than 5 years
sections are completed. Completion of all sections but also occurs in older children and teenagers.
took place in June 2002. The causes of Reye's syndrome are incompletely
understood, but an association with use of acetyl-
Oxaliplatin is intended for use by physicians experi- salicylic acid in the presence of a viral infection has
enced in the use of cancer agents and a black box been implicated in many cases.
warning details this use together with information
on possible anaphylactic reactions. Oxaliplatin can Sporadic cases continue to be reported and the
have a toxic effect on nerve endings that may result Committee on Safety of Medicine now advises that
in either an acute or cumulative pattern of side acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin®) should not be given to
effects. Other common side effects include vomit- children under 16 years of age unless specifically
ing, diarrhoea, anaemia, increased risk of bleeding medically advised.
or infection, or allergic reaction. Women should be
advised to avoid becoming pregnant. References

Reference: FDA News, P02–25, 2002. 1. Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance, Volume 28,
April 2002.

Ergotamine and ischaemia 2. Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance, Volume 28,

October 2002. http://www.mca.gov.uk
United States of America — Recent changes
have been announced to the prescribing informa-
tion for ergotamine tartrate and caffeine

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Regulatory and Safety Action

Sertraline interactions There is limited controlled experience regarding the

optimal timing of switching from other drugs effec-
United States of America — A change in the tive in the treatment of major depressive disorder,
prescribing information for sertraline hydrochloride obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder,
tablets and oral concentrate (Zoloft®) has been post-traumatic stress disorder, and premenstrual
announced by the manufacturer. This change was dysphoric disorder to sertraline hydrochloride. Care
made at the request of the Food and Drug Adminis- and prudent medical judgment should be exercised
tration and articulates a pimozide/sertraline interac- when switching, particularly from long-acting
tion demonstrated by a phase I study. The prescrib- agents. The duration of an appropriate washout
ing information now states that concomitant use in period which should intervene before switching
patients taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors from one selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor
(MAOIs) or pimozide is contraindicated. (SSRI) to another has not been established.

The study compared the disposition of intrave- Sertraline hydrochloride was launched in 1992 for
nously administered diazepam before and after 21 the treatment of major depressive disorder. It is
days of dosing with either Zoloft® (50 to 200 mg/ also approved for the treatment of panic disorder,
day escalating dose) or placebo. There was a 32% obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-trau-
decrease relative to baseline in diazepam clear- matic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual
ance for the ZOLOFT group compared to a 19% dysphoric disorder (PMDD). It has been shown to
decrease relative to baseline for the placebo group be safe in the long-term treatment of paediatric
(p<0.03). There was a 23% increase in Tmax for OCD.
desmethyldiazepam in the Zoloft® group compared
to a 20% decrease in the placebo group (p<0.03). Sertraline hydrochloride is the only SSRI approved
The clinical significance of these changes is un- for the long-term treatment of PTSD. Over the past
known. decade, sertraline hydrochloride has been used for
more than 10.2 billion patient days of therapy
In a placebo-controlled trial in normal volunteers, worldwide (IMS data).
the administration of two doses of Zoloft® did not
significantly alter steady-state lithium levels or the Reference: Communication from Pfizer Inc. Posted as a
renal clearance of lithium. Nonetheless, at this time, Medwatch Safety Alert on 19 November 2002. http://
it is recommended that plasma lithium levels be www.accessdata.FDA.gov/scripts/medwatch
monitored following initiation of therapy with appro-
priate adjustments to the lithium dose. Inhaled corticosteroids
In a controlled study of a single dose (2 mg) of and adrenal suppression
pimozide, 200 mg sertraline (q.d.) co-administration
to steady state was associated with a mean in- United Kingdom — The Committee on Safety of
crease in pimozide AUC and Cmax of about 40%, Medicines (CSM) has reminded prescribers that
but was not associated with any changes in EKG. adrenal suppression is a well-established adverse
Since the highest recommended pimozide dose reaction of all inhaled corticosteroids. There have
(10 mg) has not been evaluated in combination with been rare reports of adrenal suppression leading to
sertraline, the effect on QT interval and PK param- adrenal crisis. Symptoms and signs may be under-
eters at doses higher than 2 mg at this time are not recognized, particularly in children receiving higher
known. While the mechanism of this interaction is than licensed doses of inhaled corticosteroids. The
unknown due to the narrow therapeutic index of CSM has recently reviewed evidence, including
pimozide and due to the interaction noted at a low spontaneously reported adverse drug reactions and
dose of pimozide, concomitant administration of a recent national survey of adrenal crisis due to
sertraline hydrochloride and pimozide should be inhaled corticiosteroids.
Presenting symptoms of adrenal suppression and
The risk of using sertraline hydrochloride in combi- crisis are non-specific and include anorexia, ab-
nation with other CNS active drugs has not been dominal paid, weight loss, tiredness, headache,
systematically evaluated. Consequently, caution is nausea, vomiting, decreased level of conscious-
advised if concomitant administration with such ness, hypoglycaemia and seizures. Situations
drugs is required. which may trigger acute adrenal crisis include

Regulatory and Safety Action WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

infection, trauma, surgery or any rapid reduction in Ezetimibe approved

dosage. These are dose related class effects, and
prescribers are strongly advised that the licensed for cholesterol-lowering
dosages of all inhaled corticosteroids should not be
United States of America — The Food and Drug
exceeded in paediatric patients.
Administration has approved ezetimibe (Zetia®), a
Reference: Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance, new class of lipid-lowering compounds that selec-
Volume 28, October 2002. tively inhibits the intestinal absorption of cholesterol
and related phytosterols.

Re-introduction of urokinase Ezetimibe is effective in reducing total-C, LDL-C,

Apo B and TG and increases HDL-C in patients
United States of America — The Food and Drug with hypercholesterolaemia when administered with
Administration recently approved the re-introduction an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. It reduces blood
of urokinase (Abbokinase®) onto the market. cholesterol by inhibiting the absorption of choles-
Urokinase has been used for more than 20 years terol by the small intestine. Compared to placebo,
by an estimated four million patients. ezetimibe had no clinically meaningful effect on
plasma concentrations of the fat soluble vitamins A,
As a result of a review of previous use, the product D and E and did not impair adrenocortical steroid
is now indicated solely for the treatment of pulmo- hormone production.
nary embolism; lysis of massive pulmonary emboli
and pulmonary emboli accompanied by unstable Ezetimibe is contraindicated in patients with active
haemodynamics. liver disease or unexplained persistent elevations in
serum transaminases. All HMG-CoA reductase
Information has been added to the labelling regard- inhibitors are contraindicated in pregnancy.
ing post-marketing reports of anaphylaxis and other
infusion reactions, as well as class information Reference: Data sheet for Ezetimibe available on http://
regarding the potential for cholesterol embolization. www.fda.gov

Reference: Communication from Abbott Laboratories

dated 10 October 2002 on http://www.fda.gov/medwatch

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

ATC/DDD Classification

WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology:

Proceedings of the twentieth anniversry symposium:
In March 2002, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology celebrated its Twentieth
anniversary in Oslo, Norway. The celebration was organized around a scientific symposium in parallel with
the Eleventh meeting of the WHO International Working Group for Drug Statistics Methodology.
Presentations were made by members of the Working Group, the World Health Organization, Ministry of
Health, Norway, and the Norwegian Institute of Public health. An important aim of the the symposium was
to applaud the work and achievements of the WHO Collaborating Centre in drug utilization research and
rational use of drugs.

A historical overview of the The ATC/DDD system rapidly expanded to include

most drugs on the Nordic market. The Nordic
ATC/DDD methodology Statistics on Medicines was published using the
ATC/DDD methodology for the first time in 1976.
Marit Rønning, WHO Collaborating Centre for Meanwhile, international interest in the ATC/DDD
Drug Statistics Methodology, Norway system for drug utilization research was expanding
Drug utilization research has attracted increased beyond the Nordic countries, largely through activity
attention since its early beginnings in the 1960s. A of the DURG.
breakthrough study on drug consumption during the In 1981, the WHO Regional Office for Europe
period 1966–1967, pioneered by the WHO Re- formally recognized the ATC/DDD system for drug
gional Office for Europe, pointed to the differences utilization studies and, in 1982, the WHO Collabo-
in drug utilization between population groups in six rating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology at the
European countries (1). In 1969, a WHO sympo- Norwegian Medicinal Depot (NMD) was designated
sium declared the need for an internationally ac- by WHO and financed by the Norwegian Govern-
ceptable classification system. It was at this time ment. In 1996, WHO recognized the need to
that the Drug Utilization Research Group (DURG) strengthen the ATC/DDD system as an interna-
was established and entrusted with development of tional standard and responsibility for the Centre
drug utilization research methods. Inspired by this was transferred to WHO Headquarters in Geneva.
interest, a system named the Anatomical Therapeu- This was seen as an important step in the link
tic Chemical (ATC) classification was developed in between international drug utilization studies and
Norway as a modification and extension of the WHO’s initiatives to promote access to essential
European Pharmaceutical Market Research Asso- drugs and the rational use of drugs. Provision of
ciation (EPhMRA) classification system. independent, validated information on drug use is
essential to identify problems and needs for educa-
In order to measure drug use, it is essential to have tional or other interventions and before monitoring
both a classification system and a unit of measure- of drug utilization patterns can take place.
ment. To deal with the drawbacks of traditional
units of measurement, a technical unit of measure- In January 2002, the Centre was relocated to the
ment called the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) was Norwegian Institute of Public Health. According to
developed for use in drug utilization studies. This the agreement between WHO and the Norwegian
unit was defined as the assumed average mainte- government, the Centre’s main responsibilities are
nance dose per day for a drug when used for its focused around development and maintenance of
main indication in adults. the ATC/DDD system, including:

ATC/DDD Classification WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

• To classify drugs according to the ATC system. • To develop methods, manuals and guidelines for
the practical application and appropriate use of
• To establish DDDs for drugs which have been the ATC/DDD system in drug utilization studies in
assigned an ATC code. a variety of settings, particularly those applicable
to developing countries.
• To review and revise as necessary the ATC
classification system and DDDs. • To work with groups involved in rational drug use
initiatives to integrate methods for measurement
• To stimulate and influence the practical use of the of drug use in assessing needs and outcomes of
ATC system by cooperating with researchers in interventions with the aim of improving drug use.
drug utilization.
A drug classification system represents a common
In order to make the ATC/DDD system more inter- language for describing the drugs available
nationally applicable, WHO established the WHO in a country or region and is a prerequisite for
International Working Group for Drug Statistics national and international comparisons of drug use
Methodology. This working group consists of data. The purpose of the ATC/DDD system is to
twelve WHO-appointed experts in clinical pharma- serve as a tool for drug utilization research in order
cology, drug utilization, drug regulation, drug evalu- to improve the quality of drug use. One component
ation, statistics and medicine representing different of this is the presentation and comparison of drug
users of the ATC/DDD system within the six WHO consumption statistics.
A major aim of the Centre and Working Group is to
The main terms of reference of the working group maintain stable ATC codes and DDDs over time to
are: allow trends in drug consumption to be studied
without the complication of frequent changes to the
• To continue the scientific development of the ATC/ system. There is a strong reluctance to make
DDD system. changes to classifications or DDDs where such
changes are requested for reasons not directly
• To discuss and approve all new ATC codes, DDD related to drug consumption studies. For this
assignments and alterations to existing ATC reason the ATC/DDD system by itself is not suitable
codes and DDDs. for guiding decisions about reimbursement, pricing
and therapeutic substitution. The classification of a
• To develop further the use of the ATC/DDD sys- substance in the ATC/DDD system is not a recom-
tem as an international standard for drug utiliza- mendation for use, nor does it imply any judge-
tion studies. ments about efficacy or relative efficacy of drugs
and groups of drugs.
• To revise as necessary the guidelines for assign-
ment and change of ATC codes and DDDs. After nearly 30 years of experience with ATC/DDD,
the methodology has demonstrated its suitability in
• To revise as necessary the procedures for appli- drug use research. The rapid increase in the
cations for assignment of and changes to ATC number of users is a good indicator of the useful-
codes and DDDs to ensure they are consistent ness of the system. The main challenge in coming
and transparent. years will be to educate users worldwide on how to
use the methodology properly.
• To assess the sources and availability of statistics
on drug use internationally, and to encourage the References
systematic collection of comprehensive drug use
statistics in all countries and regions using the 1. The consumption of drugs: report of a study 1966-1967.
ATC/DDD system as the international standard. WHO regional Office for Europe, 1968

2. Further information about the WHO Collaborating

Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology and the ATC/DDD
system: http://www.whocc.no

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 ATC/DDD Classification

Drug utilization statistics have certain limitations for our use in Norway. The
data do not reveal facts about the users or the
and health policy prescribers. Thus, we still need information on:
Anne Kari Lande Hasle, Secretary General, • How many people in the population are using
Norwegian Ministry of Health drugs.
Drug utilization statistics are an indispensable tool • Which age and gender.
to fulfil goals outlined in health policy. Pharmaceuti-
cals are recognized as playing a major role in • For how long, and in which doses, they use drugs.
maintaining health. In meeting health needs, me-
dicinal drug policies need to be part of health There is, therefore, a further need to establish a
policies and use of drugs in a community should more comprehensive statistical base which will give
thus be consonant with overall health goals. deeper insight into prescribing and utilization of
Achieving quality use of drugs is a priority in both drugs in Norwegian society. To regulate and subse-
developing and developed countries quently evaluate the impact of a country’s national
drug policy for a more rational use of drugs, it is
It should be underlined that drug utilization statistics vital that the system designed to collect medicine
are an important tool in the planning, monitoring consumption data is set up at the level of individual
and assessment of national drug policies. Drugs patients. However, studies of how drugs are actu-
are one of the most frequently used treatments for ally being used, and identification of determinants
a majority of diseases and complaints. As an exam- for change in patterns of use, can only be made
ple, an average 60% of all general practitioner after the drug has been launched on the market.
consultations within Norway result in delivery of a
prescription. Therefore, the Norwegian Ministry of Health is
considering the establishment of a new national
Availability of national data on drug use represents register based on computerized prescriptions from
the first step in improving the quality of drug use in all pharmacies in Norway. The initiative to seek
the population. In order to measure drug use, it is more detailed drug statistics came partly in re-
important to have a classification system and a unit sponse to changes in the infrastructure of the
of measurement. To meet this need, the Anatomical Norwegian drug market, when Norway became a
Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system member of The European Economic Association
and the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) were developed (EEA) in 1995.
in Norway in the early 1970s.
In the future, importance will focus on analysis of
Norway has a long tradition of accurate wholesale the use of medications from a public health per-
statistics on drugs and was the first country to spective and an evaluation of other aspects of
produce public drug statistics. Since 1977, these public health in relation to drug expenditure. The
statistics have been published annually. This an- recommended prescription register in Norway will
nual report contains complete information about cover the entire population of 4.5 million inhabit-
drug sales in Norway and offers a rough estimate of ants, and will clearly offer unique possibilities for
what percentage of the population is receiving a research and a better knowledge base for national
certain drug treatment. Overall sales statistics are a decision-making in drug utilization.
valuable source of time trends and regional varia-
tions in drug consumption, both within the country The work of the WHO Centre represents an impor-
and in comparison with others. Staff of the WHO tant basis for all types of drug utilization statistics.
Collaborating Centre in Oslo have also been re- From January 2002, the Centre has been formally
sponsible for drug use statistics at the national located at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
level. The centre is therefore a user of the method- This location will hopefully provide positive synergy
ology that it is responsible for maintaining and between the Centre and the new Institute. The
developing at the international level. Ministry of Health in Norway considers it important
to secure optimal continuation of the good work of
Although highly useful, the figures based on drug the Centre, particularly with regard to its independ-
sales from wholesalers to pharmacies and hospitals ent status.

ATC/DDD Classification WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Trends in drug utilization research Early drug utilization studies, as practised in Nordic
countries for example, were usually based on
in developing countries aggregated drug use data from national or provin-
cial sales reports or prescription data. These stud-
Hans V. Hogerzeil, Policy, Access and Ra- ies tended to be purely descriptive which limited
tional Use, Department of Essential Drugs and their utility and were not always easy to translate
Medicines Policy, World Health Organization into action. In the early 1990s, WHO and the Inter-
national Network for the Rational Use of Drugs
The price of essential medicines is growing. For
(INRUD) developed and published a simple sam-
example, gonorrhoea is increasingly resistant to
pling method and a standard set of indicators to
penicillin: the new-generation antibiotics now
describe core aspects of prescribing and dispens-
needed to cure the disease are 50 to 90 times more
ing (2). These indicators have proved extremely
expensive. New arthemether-based combination
useful in screening the quality of care, identifying
medicines against malaria are 25 times as expen-
problem areas, making comparisons between
sive as chloroquine, the standard malaria treat-
countries and over time, and in measuring the
ment, even at the preferential rate for developing
impact of interventions. The indicators are also
countries negotiated by WHO. Other malaria combi-
descriptive but they can be targeted to certain
nation therapies can cost up to 200 times as much
populations, they cover other aspects of the quality
as chloroquine. Six months of DOTS treatment for
of care and they add quantitative measures. They
uncomplicated tuberculosis now costs less than
describe WHAT and HOW MUCH. For example, what
$10 per person; but treatment for multidrug-resist-
proportion of prescriptions in a given province or
ant tuberculosis may be 100 times as expensive.
hospital contain one or more antibiotics.
Thirty-eight countries have an annual medicines
budget of less than $2 per person. But many of Before one can hope to change a certain pattern of
these countries are heavily hit by HIV/AIDS, for irrational drug use it is essential to know why a
which antiretroviral treatment costs several hundred certain type of behaviour is occurring. This could be
dollars per year. In view of these huge costs, the through lack of knowledge, workload, patient de-
careful selection of a treatment of choice for public mand, commercial pressure, financial incentives or
supply systems or reimbursement purposes re- any other reason. In order to know this, qualitative
mains extremely important, both medically and studies are needed, usually based on observations,
economically. structured interviews, peer group discussion or
other techniques. They describe the WHY of drug
Within WHO, the selection of essential medicines is utilization. For example, why do doctors prescribe
moving away from experience-based towards so many antibiotics?
evidence-based selection, or, as some like to call it,
“from eminence-based to evidence-based”. At the When it is known why a certain prescribing behav-
same time, considerations of efficacy of the drug iour occurs, a targeted intervention may be started.
are balanced by cost-effectiveness of the treatment But does it change anything? To know this, a drug
as a whole and, if possible, by marginal cost- use intervention study will be needed. Most of such
effectiveness (comparing the additional benefit in studies use the WHO indicators mentioned above
effectiveness or safety against the additional cost). which adequately cover most aspects of irrational
An example of this approach is the recent review by drug use: polypharmacy, overuse of antibiotics and
WHO and UNAIDS health economists of the cost- injections, lack of generic prescribing and non-
effectiveness of the various interventions in the adherence to national or institutional essential
prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS (1). For medicines lists. These studies measure the effec-
example, the targeted distribution of condoms is tiveness of the intervention and answer the ques-
very cost-effective — at less than one dollar per life tion DOES IT WORK? Did the intervention actually
year gained. Certain methods to ensure safe blood reduce the percentage of prescription with one or
transfusion, the treatment of tuberculosis and the more antibiotics? And did the effect last? Did the
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV effect occur in the control group which was not
with nevirapine cost less than $100 per life year subject to the intervention?
gained. On the other hand, the treatment of some
HIV opportunistic infections and combination treat- And even that is not enough. A small-scale inter-
ment with antiretroviral medicines may cost several vention in a research setting may be effective; but
hundreds of dollars per life year gained. that may be due to intensive planning and supervi-

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 ATC/DDD Classification

sion, for example. So management studies are the health budget of developing countries is used
needed with a focus on the question is the interven- for buying drugs. Beyond these figures, very little
tion REPRODUCIBLE and is the intervention COST EFFEC- data is available on how drugs are utilized.
TIVE? The selection of policy decisions and manage-
ment interventions is increasingly based on evi- Drug provision and distribution usually rely on a mix
dence of effectiveness and, preferably, cost- of public and private services to ensure the regular
effectiveness. Probably the best study in this regard supply of essential drugs. Although drugs are
was published by Guiscafré (3) in which he proved available through both the public and private health
that scaling up of an educational intervention in the systems, data on their use is either unavailable or
treatment of diarrhoea and respiratory infection in totally inadequate in most developing countries.
Mexico was very cost-effective (savings amounted In addition, it is known that up to 80% of the popula-
to 4.4 and 21.6 times the cost of the intervention, tion in developing countries also use traditional
respectively). medicine to help meet health care needs.

The first International Conference on Improving the In developing countries, public health is afforded
Use of Medicines (ICIUM) held in Chiang-Mai little interest or priority by the authorities and there
(Thailand) in 1997, systematically reviewed the exists a further divide between urban and rural
interventions in developing countries. Considerable areas. Although much of the population lives in the
gaps in research were identified, especially in the rural areas, most of the health care budget is spent
field of improving drug use in hospital settings, in in the urban areas with the result that rural
the private sector and in the community; on inter- populations lack access to the most basic services
ventions to improve the use of antibiotics and and to qualified medical practitioners. The doctor-
antimalarial drugs; and the impact of drugs and patient ratio in rural areas is extremely low, with the
therapeutic committees and of financial incentives. result that the majority of the population will seek
It is hoped that ICIUM-2, which will again be held in care from traditional health practitioners.
Chiang Mai, in April 2004, will identify more effec-
tive interventions in these areas. The research A large number of factors influence drug utilization
methods are available. in these countries. Firstly, much depends upon the
priority that the health sector receives in the budget.
References It will also depend upon the medical needs and
demands of the population. For example, if there is
1. Creese, A., Floyd, K., Alban, A. Cost-effectiveness of a high incidence of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tubercu-
HIV/AIDS interventions in Africa: a systematic review of losis, this will reflect in the demand for drugs to
the evidence. Lancet, 359: 1635–1642 (2002).
treat these diseases. None the less, introduction of
2. World Health Organization. How to investigate drug use new drugs on the market and their sometimes
in health facilities. Geneva: WHO, 1993. WHO/DAP/93.11 aggressive marketing can significantly increase
their use irrespective of actual need.
3. Guiscafré, H., Martinez, H. et al. From research to
public health interventions. I. Impact of an education Drug utilization also responds to regulatory efforts
strategy for physicians to improve treatment practices of and national drug policies, registration policies and
common diseases. Archives of Medical Research, 26 — at a local level — by the existence of local drug
Spec No: S31-39 (1995). committees. In most developing countries, the
public sector's role in providing health care to the
population is shrinking and that of the private sector
Drug utilization data constraints is expanding. This is particularly true for the least
in developing countries developed countries of Africa as well as emerging
market economies like India, Pakistan, and China.
Tariq Iqbal Bhutta, Professor of Paediatrics, A decreasing government role in drug control is
Nishtar Medical College, Pakistan known to have a marked influence on drug utiliza-
Private expenditure on pharmaceuticals in develop-
ing countries typically accounts for 50–90% of all
Health professionals and their preferences are also
spending on drugs. Even for rural populations and
playing an ever-increasing role in determining what
the urban poor, the most common source of drugs
drugs are prescribed, marketed and even regis-
is out-of-pocket purchase from the private market.
tered. To a certain extent, cultural preferences may
On the other hand, sometimes as much as 50% of

ATC/DDD Classification WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

also influence drug utilization, such as the popular- The Working Group has two members from each of
ity of injections in certain countries like Pakistan the six WHO regions. Its terms of reference require
and Middle East countries due to the perception it to approve all new and altered ATC classifications
that injectable drugs are more potent and effective and DDD assignments, to revise the policies and
compared to oral formulations. guidelines as appropriate, and to stimulate the
application of the system to improve drug use
In many developing countries, drugs are supplied particularly in relation to developing countries.
without any record being kept. They are usually
available without prescription and can also be Most developing and, indeed, developed countries
dispensed by pharmacists, traditional practitioners do not have comprehensive data on drug use at a
and drug vendors. Even in those situations where national level. Drug utilization data is essential to:
drugs are introduced through the government or
private sector there is total absence of monitoring • follow trends in drug consumption and cost;
— and substandard or counterfeit drugs may also
compound the problem. Where drugs are in short • benchmark against similar countries or regions;
supply or expensive, drug smuggling is also prac-
tised. • audit use against practice guidelines;

Drug utilization data is therefore difficult to obtain • measure the impact of interventions against
and almost nonexistent in most of the developing misuse;
world. Neither is data on imported drugs available
within the ministry of health — responsible for • increase awareness in stakeholders including
prescribing — but usually with other ministries like governments; and
commerce and industry responsible for importation.
Even in those countries where drugs are being • assess the access to and the quality and cost
manufactured locally, the data on quantities sup- effectiveness of care.
plied is not available or reliable. Finally, in large
hospitals in the public sector, records of drug An example of the need for drug utilization data is
supply or dispensing are incomplete since many demonstrated by antibiotic resistance surveillance.
drugs are bought directly by the patients on the Antibiotic utilization data are needed to:
• Relate resistance development to antibiotic expo-
The future of ATC/DDD and drug
utilization research • Target prevention and control measures.

D. J. Birkett, Professor and Head, Department • Identify and provide early warning of problems
of Clinical Pharmacology, Flinders University relating to changes in exposure and utilization.
and Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Aus-
tralia and Chair, WHO International Working • Monitor the outcomes of interventions aimed at
Group for Drug Statistics Methodology changing exposure.

The ATC/DDD drug classification and measure- • Assess quality of care against practice guidelines.
ment system has been central to the development
of drug utilization research. The system was initially • Inform policy.
developed in the Scandinavian countries and was
then administered through the WHO Regional • Raise awareness in health professionals, consum-
Office for Europe by a European Advisory Group, ers and policy makers.
and inevitably had a European ‘flavour’. In 1996,
WHO accepted the system as its official interna- Very little information on drug consumption is
tional standard, and established the WHO Collabo- available in most developing countries. Information
rating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology in is often lacking on even the broadest measures of
Oslo and an expert group — The WHO Interna- drug use such as the overall volume of use and
tional Working Group for Drug Statistics Methodol- total spending on drugs. Additionally, the actual use
ogy — to maintain and further develop the system. within various drug groups is needed to assess the

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 ATC/DDD Classification

profile of use against, for example, the national • Finally, regional training courses are needed on
essential drug list or local health needs. At a finer the methods and applications of drug utilization
level, drug utilization data is needed to address research and on the use of the ATC/DDD system.
issues such as the proportion of overall use repre-
sented by generics, the use of irrational combina- Some of these needs are being addressed. The
tion products, the routes of administration (oral International Working Group has established sev-
versus injected antibiotics for example) and the eral pilot projects to investigate at a practical level
profiles of drug use in regions, hospitals or health the types of data that could be available in develop-
facilities. Once such information is available, the ing and developed countries. The utilization of
profiles of drug use can be compared with those in antibiotics and antihypertensives are being looked
other countries to benchmark practice and to de- at in the first instance. A project is also being devel-
velop hypotheses about the reasons for variation in oped to look at whether a consistent stream of data
use. on PDDs in various countries could be available to
inform the setting of and changes to DDDs.
The International Working Group has identified the
following priorities at international level : A manual, Introduction to Drug Utilization Re-
search, has been produced by the International
• Availability of valid and comprehensive drug Working Group and is being used in training work-
utilization data should be an integral component of shops that are to be held in each of the WHO
national drug policies. regions.
• There is a need to establish the availability, The primary purpose of the ATC/DDD system is to
sources and types of data available and accessi- serve as a tool for drug utilization research, and to
ble in a variety of settings, particularly in develop- follow and compare profiles and trends in drug
ing countries. These might include import data, consumption. This demands as stable a system as
wholesale sales data, claims data and so on. It is possible and militates against frequent changes in
anticipated that some useful data would be avail- classification or DDD values. The DDD is set ini-
able in most countries but access to it will need to tially, usually at the time of marketing, on the basis
be developed and the data validated. of dose recommendations in the product informa-
• Use of the ATC/DDD system needs to be encour- tion and information from clinical trials. This is
aged at an international level to allow valid inter- reviewed after three years or on request from users
national comparisons of drug use. This does not of the system. However, in the interest of maintain-
preclude the use of local coding, classification and ing a stable system, changes of less than 50% are
measurement systems as these can easily be usually only considered at the three-year review.
mapped to the ATC/DDD system. DDDs may be changed due to changes in the main
indication, or changes in the prescribed daily doses
• Drug utilization measures need to be applied as post marketing.
process and outcome indicators to inform drug
policy and enhance quality use of medicines at Some governments are using ATC classification
national and international levels. These indicators groups as a basis for reference group pricing, and
need to be simple, practicable, robust, tested and DDDs to establish "therapeutically equivalent
validated. doses" for pricing purposes. Pharmaceutical manu-
• Information on prescribed daily doses (PDDs) is facturers also do not hesitate to use the system for
needed from a variety of settings and ethnic marketing or in price negotiations when it suits their
groups. Detailed interpretation of DDD data in a purposes. This results in considerable pressure
particular setting requires knowledge of the rela- from the industry on the International Working
tionship of the PDD to the DDD. Information Group to change ATC classifications and to make
provided to the International Working Group frequent small changes to DDDs to achieve advan-
indicates that the PDDs for some drug groups tage for companies in pricing negotiations or mar-
differ substantially between different countries — keting.
as much as three- to fourfold. Interestingly, these
variations in PDDs do not seem to be reflected by This conflicts with the primary goal of the Oslo
the dosing recommendations in the local approved Collaborating Centre and the International Working
product information documents. Group – to maintain a stable drug classification

ATC/DDD Classification WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

system and utilization metric for use in studies of Maintenance of the ATC/DDD system raises com-
drug consumption. The system may be an accept- plex scientific and sensitive commercial issues. The
able starting point for drug reimbursement deci- end result is not perfect, as it is inevitably a com-
sions but because it is established and maintained promise between scientific accuracy, a stable
for a different purpose, it is not suitable as the sole system and (unfortunately) commercial pressures.
basis for such decisions. Regulatory and reim- Nonetheless, it works well in practice, there is long
bursement decisions, even if using the ATC/DDD experience with its use, and it is endorsed by WHO
system as a starting point, have to be made at a as the international standard. Such an international
local level based on local regulatory and reimburse- system is necessary to allow valid international
ment policies and practices, and include considera- comparisons of drug use patterns and trends to
tions of local patterns and cultures of drug use. support quality use of medicines and better health
outcomes. To achieve this, the challenge now is to
develop and validate sources of drug use informa-
tion in a variety of settings at the international level.

WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Recent Publications
and Sources of Information
International Ethical Guidelines Monitoring and evaluation of ethical review prac-
tices will contribute to strengthening of public
for Biomedical Research confidence in research and clinical trial manage-
Involving Human Subjects ment by facilitating procedures for quality and
transparency and promoting good practices. Ethical
This is the third in the series of international ethical standards underpinning such practices have been
guidelines for biomedical research involving human established in international guidelines, including the
subjects issued by the Council for International Helsinki Declaration and the CIOMS International
Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) since Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involv-
1982. Its scope and preparation reflect the transfor- ing Human Subjects.
mation that has occurred in the field of research
ethics and the changes to the Helsinki Declaration, There is growing national and international interest
upon which the guidelines are based. They particu- in ensuring that ethical review achieves the highest
larly reflect the conditions and needs of biomedical standards in protecting individuals and communities
research within all countries and the implications for alike and internal review of the ethical committee's
international research of both different cultures and operations, such as self assessment checklists,
universal ethical standards. also provides measures to evaluate performance.

The mere formulation of ethical guidelines for

Surveying and Evaluating Ethical Review Practices.
biomedical research will hardly resolve the doubts Available from: Product Research and Development,
that can arise in the application of all research, but TDR/CDS, World Health Organization, Geneva. e-mail:
the guidelines attempt to draw the attention of karbwangj@who.ch
sponsors, investigators and ethical review commit-
tees to the need to consider carefully the ethical
implications of research protocols and the conduct The Importance of
of clinical trials. In this way, the highest possible
scientific and ethical standards may be achieved.
This document sets out to present the case for the
importance of pharmacovigilance, to record its
International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research growth and potential as a discipline within medical
Involving Human Subjects. Available from: Council for
science, and to describe its impact on patient
International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS),
World Health Organization, Geneva. e-mail: welfare and public health. It presents a critical
gallagherj@who.ch examination of the strengths and weaknesses of
present systems of safety monitoring.
Pharmacovigilance — the detection, assessment,
Surveying and Evaluating understanding and prevention of adverse drug
Ethical Review Practices reactions — involves the rapid transmission of
information on adverse drug reactions detected by
Ethical review provides essential guidance on monitoring systems collecting international and
conducting research and protection of trial subjects. national data.
The purpose of Surveying and Evaluating Ethical
Review Practices is to facilitate and support proce- In order to meet the challenges of drug safety
dures for quality and transparency in ethical review. needs for the coming ten years, increase the impact
The guideline is complementary to the earlier of pharmacovigilance systems, and ensure that
Operational Guidelines for Ethical Committees that these deliver their benefits, an appraisal needs to
Review Biomedical Research, published in 2001 by be made and collaboration and communication at
the Tropical Disease Research Programme (TDR) local, regional and international levels strength-
at the World Health Organization. ened.

Recent Publications and Sources of Information WHO Drug Information Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

As the scope of pharmacovigilance extends beyond for data collection to assess drug regulatory per-
that of drugs to include herbals, blood products, formance is also provided as an annex.
biologicals, vaccines, and medical devices, new
safety concerns need to be reconciled. These
changes are compounded by illegal sale of medi- World Health Organization. Effective drug regulation: a
cines, substandard and counterfeit products, self multicountry study. Available from: Quality and Safety:
medication, drug interactions, and sale of products Medicines, Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy, World
over the Internet. Health Organization, Geneva.

The document offers an overview of the challenges Dialogue in pharmacovigilance

facing pharmacovigilance in the future. Increasing
public expectations of safety add another dimen- In 1997, the Verona Initiative aimed to improve
sion of pressure for change and increased need for communication of drug safety information to the
collaboration. National monitoring centres are in a benefit of patients, health professionals, drug
limited position to address safety concerns, but are regulators, the pharmaceutical industry, educators,
particularly able to detect and anticipate impact. researchers, the media and legal profession.

Major challenges outlined in the document include The main outcomes of the meeting were to allow
globalization, e-commerce, automated signal information providers and recipients to be equal
detection, and changing patterns of drug use. partners in a win/win position and to achieve under-
standing, openness, and empowerment through
initiatives in education and appropriate communica-
The Importance of Pharmacovigilance. Safety Monitoring tion. A general model was proposed and the
of Medicinal Products. Available from: Essential Drugs present document provides guidance on principles
and Medicines Policy, World Health Organization, Geneva of good communication, the role of the parties in
e-mail couperm@who.ch providing education and information, and crisis
Effective drug regulation
Dialogue in Pharmacovigilance. More Effective Communi-
Drugs play a crucial role in saving lives, restoring cation is available from: The Uppsala Monitoring Centre,
health and preventing diseases and epidemics. But http://www.who-umc.org or e-mail: info@who-umc.org
they also need to be safe, efficacious, of good
quality and used rationally. Their production, import/
export, storage, supply and distribution should be Good storage practices
subject to government control through prescribed
regulations and an effective system. Substandard The Guide to Good Storage Practices for Pharma-
and counterfeit drugs proliferate primarily in an ceuticals was approved at the Thirty-seventh meet-
environment where drug regulation has proved ing of the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications
ineffective. If regulatory objectives are to be for Pharmaceutical Preparations held on 22–26
achieved, governments need strong national drug October 2001 in Geneva. The guide is intended for
regulatory authorities with a sound structure and those involved in the storage, transportation and
the legal power to carry out their duties. distribution of pharmaceutical products. It supple-
ments earlier documents on related subjects.
Effective drug regulation: a multicountry study
Instructions are given covering personnel, premises
presents a synthesis of studies carried out in ten
and facilities, storage conditions and requirements,
countries (5% of WHO Member States): Australia,
receipt and stock rotation, and product recall.
Cuba, Cyprus, Estonia, Malaysia, the Netherlands,
Tunisia, Uganda, Venezuela and Zimbabwe in
1998–1999. It gives an overview of development of Guide to Good Storage Practices for Pharmaceuticals.
drug regulation in these countries as well as an Available from: Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy,
indication of the resources available and the strate- World Health Organization, Geneva. e-mail kopps@
gies applied to implement drug regulation. A guide who.ch and http://www.who.int/medicines/library/qsm/

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

International Nonproprietary Names for

Pharmaceutical Substances (INN)

RECOMMENDED International Nonproprietary Names

(Rec. INN): List 48
Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Procedure for the Selection of Recommended
International Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutical Substances [Off. Rec. Wld Health Org., 1955, 60, 3 (Resolution
EB15.R7); 1969, 173, 10 (Resolution EB43.R9)], the following names are selected as Recommended International
Nonproprietary Names. The inclusion of a name in the lists of Recommended International Nonproprietary Names does not
imply any recommendation of the use of the substance in medicine or pharmacy.
Lists of Proposed (1–85) and Recommended (1–45) International Nonproprietary Names can be found in Cumulative
List No. 10, 2002 (available in CD-ROM only).

Dénominations communes internationales

des Substances pharmaceutiques (DCI)
Dénominations communes internationales RECOMMANDÉES
(DCI Rec): Liste 48
Il est notifié que, conformément aux dispositions du paragraphe 7 de la Procédure à suivre en vue du choix de Dénominations
communes internationales recommandées pour les Substances pharmaceutiques [Actes off. Org. mond. Santé, 1955, 60,
3 (résolution EB15.R7); 1969, 173, 10 (résolution EB43.R9)] les dénominations ci-dessous sont choisises par l’Organisation
mondiale de la Santé en tant que dénominations communes internationales recommandées. L’inclusion d’une dénomination
dans les listes de DCI recommandées n’implique aucune recommandation en vue de l’utilisation de la substance
correspondante en médecine ou en pharmacie.
On trouvera d’autres listes de Dénominations communes internationales proposées (1–85) et recommandées (1–45)
dans la Liste récapitulative No. 10, 2002 (disponible sur CD-ROM seulement).

Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales

para las Sustancias Farmacéuticas (DCI)
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales RECOMENDADAS
(DCI Rec.): Lista 48
De conformidad con lo que dispone el párrafo 7 del Procedimiento de Selección de Denominaciones Comunes
Internacionales Recomendadas para las Sustancias Farmacéuticas [Act. Of. Mund. Salud, 1955, 60, 3 (Resolución
EB15.R7); 1969, 173, 10 (Resolución EB43.R9)], se comunica por el presente anuncio que las denominaciones que a
continuación se expresan han sido seleccionadas como Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas. La
inclusión de una denominación en las listas de las Denominaciones Comunes Recomendadas no supone recomendación
alguna en favor del empleo de la sustancia respectiva en medicina o en farmacia.
Las listas de Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Propuestas (1–85) y Recomendadas (1–45) se encuentran
reunidas en Cumulative List No. 10, 2002 (disponible sólo en CD-ROM).

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Latin, English, French, Spanish:

Recommended INN Chemical name or description; Molecular formula; Graphic formula

DCI Recommandée Nom chimique ou description; Formule brute; Formule développée

DCI Recomendada Nombre químico o descripción; Fórmula empírica; Fórmula desarrollada

acolbifene (+)-(2S)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methyl-2-[4-[2-(piperidin-

acolbifène (+)-(2S)-3-(4-hydroxyphényl)-4-méthyl-2-[4-[2-(pipéridin-

acolbifeno (+)-(2S)-3-(4-hidroxifenil)-4-metil-2-[4-[2-(piperidin-1-il)etoxi]fenil]-




asoprisnil 11β-[4-[(E)-(hydroxyimino)methyl]phenyl]-17β-methoxy-

asoprisnil 11β-[4-[(E)-(hydroxyimino)méthyl]phényl]-17β-méthoxy-

asoprisnilo 11β-[4-[(E)-(hidroxiimino)metil]fenil]-17β-metoxi-17-(metoximetil)estra-





WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

atomoxetine (-)-(3R)-N-methyl-3-(2-methylphenoxy)-3-phenylpropan-1-amine

atomoxétine (-)-(3R)-N-méthyl-3-(2-méthylphénoxy)-3-phénylpropan-1-amine

atomoxetina (-)-(3R)-3-fenil-N-metil-3-(2-metilfenoxi)propan-1-amina


CH 3

bazedoxifene 1-[4-[2-(hexahydro-1H-azepin-1-yl)ethoxy]benzyl]-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-

bazédoxifène 1-[4-[2-(hexahydro-1H-azépin-1-yl)éthoxy]benzyl]-2-(4-hydroxyphényl)-

bazedoxifeno 1-[4-[2-(hexahidro-1H-azepin-1-il)etoxi]bencil]-2-(4-hidroxifenil)-3-metil-




bifarcept interferon α/β receptor (human isoform p40 precursor)

bifarcept précurseur de la partie soluble de la chaîne 2 du récepteur humain de type I

de l’interféron α et β

bifarcept precursor de la fracción soluble de la cadena 2 del receptor humano de tipo

I del interferón α y β

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002




coluracetam N-(2,3-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofuro[2,3-b]quinolin-4-yl)-

coluracétam N-(2,3-diméthyl-5,6,7,8-tétrahydrofuro[2,3-b]quinoléin-4-yl)-

coluracetam N-(2,3-dimetil-5,6,7,8-tetrahidrofuro[2,3-b]quinolin-4-il)-2-(2-oxopirrolidin-



dapivirine 4-[[4-[(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amino]pyrimidin-2-yl]amino]benzonitrile

dapivirine 4-[[4-[(2,4,6-triméthylphényl)amino]pyrimidin-2-yl]amino]benzonitrile

dapivirina 4-[[4-[(2,4,6-trimetilfenil)amino]pirimidin-2-il]amino]benzonitrilo




WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

deferasirox 4-[3,5-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]benzoic acid

déférasirox acide 4-[3,5-bis(2-hydroxyphényl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]benzoïque

deferasirox ácido 4-[3,5-bis(2-hidroxifenil)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-il]benzoico




degarelix N-acetyl-3-(naphtalen-2-yl)- D -alanyl-4-chloro-D -phenylalanyl-3-(pyridin-
3-yl)- D -alanyl- L-seryl-4-[[[(4S)-2,6-dioxohexahydropyrimidin-
4-yl]carbonyl]amino]-L -phenylalanyl-4-(carbamoylamino)-D-phenylalanyl-
L-leucyl-N 6-(1-methylethyl)-L-lysyl-L -prolyl-D-alaninamide

dégarélix acétyl-[3-(naphtalén-2-yl)-D -alanyl]-(4-chloro-D -phénylalanyl)-[3-(pyridin-

3-yl)-D -alanyl]-L -séryl-[4-[[[(4S)-2,6-dioxohexahydropyrimidin-
4-yl]carbonyl]amino]- L-phénylalanyl]-[4-(carbamoylamino)-D -phénylalanyl]-
L-leucyl-[N 6-(1-méthyléthyl)- L-lysyl]-L -prolyl-D-alaninamide

degarelix [N-acetil-3-(naftalen-2-il)-D-alanil]-(4-cloro-D -fenilalanil)-[3-(piridin-3-il)-



H3C 3 4 3 4 4 N
D-Ala D-Phe D-Ala Ser Phe D-Phe Leu Lys Pro D-Ala NH2

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

dersalazine 2-hydroxy-5-[[4-[(1Z)-3-[4-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridin-
1-enyl]phenyl]diazenyl]benzoic acid

dersalazine acide 2-hydroxy-5-[[4-[(1Z)-3-[4-[(2-méthyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridin-


dersalazina ácido 2-hidroxi-5-[[4-[(1Z)-3-[4-[(2-metil-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]piridin-



H3 C

detiviciclovir 2-[(2-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)methyl]propane-1,3-diol

détiviciclovir 2-[(2-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)méthyl]propane-1,3-diol

detiviciclovir 2-[(2-amino-9H-purin-9-il)metil]propano-1,3-diol





edonentan N-[[2'-[(4,5-dimethylisoxazol-3-yl)sulfamoyl]-4-(oxazol-2-yl)biphenyl-

édonentan N-[[2'-[(4,5-diméthylisoxazol-3-yl)sulfamoyl]-4-(oxazol-2-yl)biphényl-

edonentán N-[[2'-[(4,5-dimetilisoxazol-3-il)sulfamoil]-4-(oxazol-2-il)bifenil-2-il]metil]-

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48


N O S CH 3

efaproxiral 2-[4-[2-[(3,5-dimethylphenyl)amino]-2-oxoethyl]phenoxy]-2-methylpropanoic

éfaproxiral acide 2-[4-[2-[(3,5-diméthylphényl)amino]-2-oxoéthyl]phénoxy]-


efaproxiral ácido 2-[4-[2-[(3,5-dimetilfenil)amino]-2-oxoetil]fenoxi]-2-metilpropanoico


H 3C CH3

fadolmidine 3-(imidazol-4-ylmethyl)-5-indanol

fadolmidine (3RS)-3-[(1H-imidazol-4-yl)méthyl]-2,3-dihydro-1H-indén-5-ol

fadolmidina 3-(imidazol-4-ilmetil)-5-indanol


HO and enantiomer
NH et énantiomère
N y enantiómero

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

flindokalner (3S)-3-(5-chloro-2-methoxyphenyl)-3-fluoro-6-(trifluoromethyl)-1,3-dihydro-

flindokalner (3S)-3-(5-chloro-2-méthoxyphényl)-3-fluoro-6-(trifluorométhyl)-1,3-dihydro-

flindokalner (3S)-3-(5-cloro-2-metoxifenil)-3-fluoro-6-(trifluorometil)-1,3-dihidro-2H-indol-





gimatecan (4S)-11-[(E)-[(1,1-dimethylethoxy)imino]methyl]-4-ethyl-4-hydroxy-

gimatécan (4S)-11-[(E)-[(1,1-diméthyléthoxy)imino]méthyl]-4-éthyl-4-hydroxy-

gimatecán (4S)-11-[(E)-[(1,1-dimetiletoxi)imino]metil]-4-etil-4-hidroxi-1,12-dihidro-


H 3C O


icaridin 1-methylpropyl 2-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperidine-1-carboxylate

icaridine 2-(2-hydroxyéthyl)pipéridine-1-carboxylate de 1-méthylpropyle

icaridina 2-(2-hidroxietil)piperidina-1-carboxilato de sec-butilo




WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

iguratimod N-[7-[(methylsulfonyl)amino]-4-oxo-6-phenoxy-4H-1-benzopyran-

iguratimod N-[7-[(méthylsulfonyl)amino]-4-oxo-6-phénoxy-4H-1-benzopyran-

iguratimod N-[7-[(metilsulfonil)amino]-4-oxo-6-fenoxi-4H-1-benzopiran-3-il]formamida


H 3C N O

ilaprazole 2-[(RS)-[(4-methoxy-3-methylpyridin-2-yl)methyl]sulfinyl]-5-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)-

ilaprazole 2-[(RS)-[(4-méthoxy-3-méthylpyridin-2-yl)méthyl]sulfinyl]-5-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)-

ilaprazol 2-[(RS)-[(4-metoxi-3-metilpiridin-2-il)metil]sulfinil]-5-(1H-pirrol-1-il)-


N NH CH3 and enantiomer

OCH3 et énantiomère
N S y enantiómero

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

indiplon N-methyl-N-[3-[3-(thiophen-2-ylcarbonyl)pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-

indiplone N-méthyl-N-[3-[3-(thiophén-2-ylcarbonyl)pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-

indiplón N-metil-N-[3-[3-(tiofen-2-ilcarbonil)pirazolo[1,5-a]pirimidin-7-il]fenil]acetamida


H 3C N

indisulam N-(3-chloro-1H-indol-7-yl)benzene-1,4-disulfonamide

indisulam N-(3-chloro-1H-indol-7-yl)benzène-1,4-disulfonamide

indisulam N-(3-cloro-1H-indol-7-il)benceno-1,4-disulfonamida




leconotide omega-conopeptide MVIIA

léconotide conopeptide MVIIA oméga

leconotida conopéptido MVIIA omega


H Cys Lys Ser Lys Gly Ala Lys Cys Ser Lys
Leu Met Tyr Asp Cys Cys Ser Gly Ser Cys
Ser Gly Thr Val Gly Arg Cys NH2

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

licofelone [6-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dimethyl-7-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizin-
5-yl]acetic acid

licofélone acide [6-(4-chlorophényl)-2,2-diméthyl-7-phényl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizin-


licofelona ácido [6-(p-clorofenil)-7-fenil-2,2-dimetil-2,3-dihidro-1H-pirrolizin-5-il]acético




lonafarnib (+)-4-[2-[4-[(11R)-3,10-dibromo-8-chloro-6,11-dihydro-

lonafarnib (+)-4-[2-[4-[(11R)-3,10-dibromo-8-chloro-6,11-dihydro-

lonafarnib (+)-4-[2-[4-[(11R)-3,10-dibromo-8-cloro-6,11-dihidro-





Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

lubazodone (2S)-2-[[(7-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-4-yl)oxy]methyl]morpholine

lubazodone (2S)-2-[[(7-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-1H-indén-4-yl)oxy]méthyl]morpholine

lubazodona (2S)-2-[[(7-fluoro-2,3-dihidro-1H-inden-4-il)oxi]metil]morfolina



luliconazole (-)-(E)-[(4R)-4-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidene](1H-imidazol-

luliconazole (-)-(E)-[(4R)-4-(2,4-dichlorophényl)-1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidène](1H-imidazol-

luliconazol (-)-(E)-[(4R)-4-(2,4-diclorofenil)-1,3-ditiolan-2-ilideno](1H-imidazol-


Cl Cl

meldonium 3-(2,2,2-trimethyldiazaniumyl)propanoate

meldonium 3-(2,2,2-triméthyldiazaniumyl)propanoate

meldonio 3-(2,2,2-trimetildiazanioil)propanoato


O 2C N+
N CH 3

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

metelimumab immunoglobulin G4, anti-(human transforming growth fartor β1) (human
monoclonal CAT-192 γ4-chain), disulfide with human monoclonal CAT-192
κ-chain, dimer

métélimumab immunoglobuline G4, anti-(facteur de croissance transformant humain β1)

(chaîne γ4 de l’anticorps monoclonal humain CAT-192), dimère du disulfure
avec la chaîne κ de l’anticorps monoclonal humain CAT-192

metelimumab inmunoglobulina G4, anti-(factor de crecimiento transformador humano β1)

(cadena γ4 del anticuerpo monoclonal humano CAT-192), dímero del
disulfuro con la cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal humano CAT-192

mitemcinal 8,9-didehydro-N-demethyl-9-deoxo-6,11-dideoxy-6,9-epoxy-12-O-methyl-

mitemcinal (2S,4R,5R,8R,9S,10S,11R,12R)-9-[(2,6-didésoxy-3-C-méthyl-3-O-méthyl-
α-L -ribo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-5-éthyl-4-méthoxy-2,4,8,10,12,14-hexaméthyl-

mitemcinal (2S,4R,5R,8R,9S,10S,11R,12R)-9-[(2,6-didesoxi-3-C-metil-3-O-metil-




Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

naxifylline 8-[(1S,2R,4S,5S,6S)-3-oxatricyclo[,4]oct-6-yl]-1,3-dipropyl-

naxifylline 8-[(1S,2R,4S,5S,6S)-3-oxatricyclo[,4]oct-6-yl]-1,3-dipropyl-

naxifilina 8-[(1S,2R,4S,5S,6S)-3-oxatriciclo[,4]oct-6-il]-1,3-dipropil-


H 3C N


oglufanide L-α-glutamyl-L-tryptophan

oglufanide L-α-glutamyl-L-tryptophane

oglufanida L-α-glutamil-L-triptófano




olcegepant N-[(1R)-2-[[(1S)-5-amino-1-[[4-(pyridin-4-yl)piperazin-

olcégépant N-[(1R)-2-[[(1S)-5-amino-1-[[4-(pyridin-4-yl)pipérazin-

olcegepant N-[(1R)-2-[[(1S)-5-amino-1-[[4-(piridin-4-il)piperazin-

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48





oregovomab immunoglobulin G1, anti-(human CA125 (carbohydrate antigen)) (mouse
monoclonal B43.13 γ1-chain), disulfide with mouse monoclonal B43.13
κ-chain, dimer

orégovomab immunoglobuline G1, anti-(antigène osidique humain CA125) (chaîne γ1 de

l’anticorps monoclonal de souris B43.13),dimère du disulfure avec la
chaîne κ de l’anticorps monoclonal de souris B43.13

oregovomab immunoglobulina G1, anti-(antígeno osídico humano CA125) (cadena γ1 del

anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón B43.13), dímero del disulfuro con la
cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón B43.13

otamixaban methyl (2R,3R)-2-(3-carbamimidoylbenzyl)-3-[[4-(1-oxidopyridin-

otamixaban (2R,3R)-2-(3-carbamimidoylbenzyl)-3-[[4-(1-oxydopyridin-
4-yl)benzoyl]amino]butanoate de méthyle

otamixabán (2R,3R)-2-(3-carbamimidoilbencil)-3-[[4-(1-oxidopiridin-
4-il)benzoil]amino]butanoato de metilo



Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

palifermin [23-methionine]-23-163-fibroblast growth factor 7 (human clone 32/49

palifermine [23-méthionine]-23-163-facteur 7 de croissance du fibroblaste, protéine

réduite produite par le clone humain 32/49

palifermina [23-metionina]-23-163-factor 7 de crecimiento de fibroblastos, proteína

reducida producida por el clon humano 32/49




peramivir (1S,2S,3R,4R)-3-[(1S)-1-(acetylamino)-2-ethylbutyl]-
4-(carbamimidoylamino)-2-hydroxycyclopentanecarboxylic acid

péramivir acide (1S,2S,3R,4R)-3-[(1S)-1-(acétylamino)-2-éthylbutyl]-


peramivir ácido (1S,2S,3R,4R)-3-[(1S)-1-(acetilamino)-2-etilbutil]-





WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

talibegron [4-[2-[[(2R)-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl]amino]ethoxy]phenyl]acetic acid

talibégron acide [4-[2-[[(2R)-2-hydroxy-2-phényléthyl]amino]éthoxy]phényl]acétique

talibegrón ácido [4-[2-[[(2R)-2-hidroxi-2-feniletil]amino]etoxi]fenil]acético



tariquidar N-[2-[[4-[2-(6,7-dimethoxy-3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-

tariquidar N-[2-[[4-[2-(6,7-diméthoxy-3,4-dihydroisoquinoléin-

tariquidar N-[2-[[4-[2-(6,7-dimetoxi-3,4-dihidroisoquinolin-2(1H)-il)etil]fenil]carbamoil]-



tebanicline 5-[(2R)-azetidin-2-ylmethoxy]-2-chloropyridine

tébanicline 5-[(2R)-azétidin-2-ylméthoxy]-2-chloropyridine

tebaniclina 5-[(2R)-azetidin-2-ilmetoxi]-2-cloropiridina


N Cl

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

tecastemizole 1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-N-(piperidin-4-yl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-amine

técastémizole 1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-N-(pipéridin-4-yl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-amine

tecastemizol 1-(4-fluorobencil)-N-(piperidin-4-il)-1H-bencimidazol-2-amina




technetium ( 99mTc) fanolesomabum

technetium (99mTc) fanolesomab immunoglobulin M, anti-(human CD15 antigen) (mouse monoclonal RB5
µ-chain), disulfide with mouse monoclonal RB5 light chain, pentamer,
[99mTc]technetium salt

technétium (99mTc) fanolésomab immunoglobuline M, anti-(antigène CD15 humain) (chaîne µ de l’anticorps

monoclonal de souris RB5), pentamère du disulfure de la chaîne légère de
l’anticorps monoclonal de souris RB5, sel de [99mTc]technétium

tecnecio (99mTc) fanolesomab inmunoglobulina M, anti-(antígeno CD15 humano) (cadena µ del anticuerpo
monoclonal de ratón RB5), pentámero del disulfuro de la cadena ligera del
anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón RB5, sal de [99mTc]tecnecio

tigecycline (4S,4aS,5aR,12aS)-4,7-bis(dimethylamino)-

tigécycline (4S,4aS,5aR,12aS)-4,7-bis(diméthylamino)-

tigeciclina (4S,4aS,5aR,12aS)-4,7-bis(dimetilamino)-

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48


H 3C N NH2

tiviciclovir 2-amino-9-[3-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propyl]-1,9-dihydro-6H-purin-6-one

tiviciclovir 2-amino-9-[3-hydroxy-2-(hydroxyméthyl)propyl]-1,9-dihydro-6H-purin-6-one

tiviciclovir 2-amino-9-[3-hidroxi-2-(hidroximetil)propil]-1,9-dihidro-6H-purin-6-ona





tosagestin 17-hydroxy-11-methylene-19-nor-17α-pregna-4,15-dien-20-yn-3-one

tosagestin 17-hydroxy-11-méthylène-19-nor-17α-prègna-4,15-dién-20-yn-3-one

tosagestina 17-hidroxi-11-metilen-19-nor-17α-pregna-4,15-dien-20-in-3-ona




Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

trabectedin (1'R,6R,6aR,7R,13S,14S,16R)-6',8,14-trihydoxy-7',9-dimethoxy-
b][3]benzazocine-20,1'(2'H)-isoquinolin]-5-yl acetate

trabectédine acétate de (1'R,6R,6aR,7R,13S,14S,16R)-6',8,14-trihydroxy-


trabectedina acetato de (1'R,6R,6aR,7R,13S,14S,16R)-6',8,14-trihidroxi-7',9-dimetoxi-




zosuquidar (2R)-1-[4-[(1aR,6r,10bS)-1,1-difluoro-1,1a,6,10b-

zosuquidar (2R)-1-[4-[(1aR,6r,10bS)-1,1-difluoro-1,1a,6,10b-

zosuquidar (2R)-1-[4-[(1aR,6r,10bS)-1,1-difluoro-1,1a,6,10b-




WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48



Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (Prop. INN): List 40

Dénominations communes internationales recommendées (DCI Prop.): Liste 40
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas (DCI Prop.): Lista 40
(WHO Drug Information, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1998)

p. 177 suprimase insértese

efavirenzo efavirenz

p. 187 suprimase insértese

moxifloxacina moxifloxacino

p. 200 technetii (99mTc) apcitidum

tecnecio (99mTc) apcitida sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
hidrógeno [N-(mercaptoacetil)-D-tirosil-S-(3-aminopropil)-L-cisteinilglicil-
S-(acetamidometil)-L-cisteinilglicilglicil-L-cisteinamida (1→5)-sulfuro cíclico
(5-)-N11,N12,N13,S13]oxo[99mTc]tecnetato(V) de sodio

p. 202 tobicillinum
tobicillina sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
[3.2.0]heptano-2-carboxilato de α-hidroxi-m-tolilo, isobutirato (éster)

p. 205 suprimase insértese

clorporotixeno clorprotixeno

Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (Prop. INN): List 41

Dénominations communes internationales recommendées (DCI Prop.): Liste 41
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas (DCI Prop.): Lista 41
(WHO Drug Information, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1999)

p. 39 anatumomabum mafenatoxum
anatumomab mafenatox sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
inmunoglobulina G1 (cadena γ1 del fragmento Fab del anticuerpo
monoclonal humanizado de ratón, clon pMB125, dirigido contra la
glicoproteína 72 humana asociada a tumores)-[227-alanina]enterotoxina A
(Staphylococcus aureus) complejada con la cadena κ del anticuerpo
monoclonal de ratón clon pMB125

p. 46 suprimase insértese
olamufloxacina olamufloxacino

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

p. 48 suprimase insértese
estannsoporfina estansoporfina

p. 48 stannsoporfinum
estansoporfina sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
2,18-dipropionato(4-)-N21,N22,N23,N24]estannato(2-) de dihidrógeno

Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (Prop. INN): List 42

Dénominations communes internationales recommendées (DCI Prop.): Liste 42
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas (DCI Prop.): Lista 42
(WHO Drug Information, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1999)

p. 190 suprimase insértese

enrasentano enrasentán

p. 196 minopafantum
minopafant sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
(+) cloruro de 1-etil-2-[[N-[[(2R)-2-metoxi-3-[[[4-[(octadecilcarbamoil)=

p. 203 tabimorelinum
tabimorelina sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:

p. 212 sulesomabum
sulesomab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
inmunoglobulina G1, anti-(antígeno celular NCA-90 de granulocito humano)
fragmento Fab’ (cadena γ1 del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón IMMU-MN3),
disulfuro con la cadena ligera del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón IMMU-MN3

p. 212 technetium ( 99m Tc) pintumomabum

tecnecio (99mTc) pintumomab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
sal de [99mTc]tecnecio de la inmunoglobulina G1 anti-(antígeno asociado a
los adenocarcinomas humanos) (cadena γ1 del anticuerpo monoclonal de
ratón 170), dímero del disulfuro con la cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal
de ratón 170

p. 214 igovomabum
igovomab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
inmunoglobulina G1, anti-[(antígeno osídico) CA 125 humano] (fragmento
F(ab’)2 (cadena γ1 del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón OC125F(AB’)2),
dímero del disulfuro con la cadena ligera del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (Prop. INN): List 43

Dénominations communes internationales recommendées (DCI Prop.): Liste 43
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas (DCI Prop.): Lista 43
(WHO Drug Information, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2000)

p. 46 cadrofloxacinum
cadrofloxacine remplacer la description par la suivante:
(-)-acide 1-cyclopropyl-8-(difluorométhoxy)-6-fluoro-7-[(3S)-

p. 53 finrozolum
finrozole replace the description and the graphic formula by the following:

finrozole remplacer la description et la formule developpée par la suivante:


finrozol sustituyase la descripción y la fórmula empírica por la siguiente:


and enantiomer
et énantiomère
N H y enantiómero


p. 57 ibritumomabum tiuxetanum
ibritumomab tiuxetán sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
inmunoglobulina G1, anti-(antígeno CD20 humano) (cadena γ1del
anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón IDEC-Y2B8),dímero del disulfuro con la
cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón IDEC-Y2B8, conjugada con

p. 67 sibrotuzumabum
sibrotuzumab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
inmunoglobulina G1, anti-(FAP (proteína de activación de los fibroblastos)
humana) (cadena γ1del anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado de ratón
BIBH1), dímero del disulfuro con la cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal
humanizado de ratón BIBH1

p. 75 lintuzumabum
lintuzumab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
inmunoglubulina G1, anti-(antígeno CD33 humano) (cadena γ1 del
anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado de ratón HuM195), dímero del disulfuro
con la cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado de ratón HuM195

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (Prop. INN): List 44

Dénominations communes internationales recommendées (DCI Prop.): Liste 44
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas (DCI Prop.): Lista 44
(WHO Drug Information, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2000)

p. 202 prinomastatum
prinomastat replace the description by the following:
3-thiomorpholinecarbohydroxamic acid

p. 202 pumafentrinum
pumafentrina sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:

Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (Prop. INN): List 45

Dénominations communes internationales recommendées (DCI Prop.): Liste 45
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas (DCI Prop.): Lista 45
(WHO Drug Information, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2001)

p. 54 suprimase insértese
olmesartán medoxmilo olmesartán medoxomilo

p. 33 bevacizumabum
bevacizumab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
inmunoglobulina G1 anti-(factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular
humano) (cadena γ1 del anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado de ratón
rhuMab-VEGF), dímero del disulfuro con la cadena ligera del anticuerpo
monoclonal humanizado de ratón rhuMab-VEGF

p. 34 bivatuzumabum
bivatuzumab replace the description by the following:
immunoglobulin G1 (human-mouse monoclonal BIWA4 γ1-chain anti-human
antigen CD44v6), disulfide with human-mouse monoclonal BIWA4 κ-chain,

bivatuzumab remplacer la description par la suivante:

immunoglobuline G1 anti (antigène CD44v6 humain) (chaîne γ1 de
l’anticorps monoclonal de souris BIWA4 humanisé), dimère du disulfure
avec la chaîne κ de l’anticorps monoclonal de souris BIWA4 humanisé

bivatuzumab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:

inmunoglobulina G1 anti-(antígeno humano CD44v6) (cadena γ1 del
anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado de ratón BIWA4), dímero del disulfuro
con la cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado de ratón BIWA4

p. 40 gadofosvesetum
gadofosveset sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:

WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002 Recommended INN: List 48

p. 47 ozogamicinum
ozogamicina sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
2-O-[2,4-didesoxi-4-(N-etilacetamido)- 3-O-metil-α-L-treo-pentopiranosil]-
β-D-glucopiranosil] oxi]-1-hidroxi-11-oxobiciclo[7.3.1]trideca-4,9-dieno-
2,6-diino-10-carbamato de metilo

p. 48 pitavastatinum
pitavastatina sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
ácido (3R,5S,6E)-7-[2-ciclopropil-4-(p-fluorofenil)-3-quinolil]-3,5-dihidroxi-

Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (Prop. INN): List 46

Dénominations communes internationales recommendées (DCI Prop.): Liste 46
Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales Recomendadas (DCI Prop.): Lista 46
(WHO Drug Information, Vol. 15, No. 3-4, 2001)

p. 217 supprimer insérer

lérdelimumab lerdélimumab

p. 192 aviscuminum
aviscumina sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
toxina ML-I (lectina I de muérdago) (Viscum album) obtenida por ingeniería
genética, constituida por dos cadenas peptídicas A (250 aminoácidos) y B
(264 aminoácidos) unidas entre sí por un puente disulfuro

p. 201 imatinibum
imatinib sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:

p. 201 lemalesomabum
lemalesomab sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
immunoglobulina G1, anti (antígeno celular del granulocito humano NCA 90)
(cadena γ1 del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón IMMU MN3), dímero del
disulfuro con la cadena κ del anticuerpo monoclonal de ratón IMMU MN3

p. 207 pitrakinraum
pitrakinra sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:
L-metionil-[121-ácidoaspártico,124-ácido aspártico]interleukina-4

p. 208 suprimase insértese

pradofloxacina pradofloxacino

Recommended INN: List 48 WHO Drug Information, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002

p. 213 tipifarnibum
tipifarnib sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:

p. 216 zelandopamum
zelandopam sustituyase la descripción por la siguiente:

Procedure and Guiding Principles / Procédure et Directives / Procedimientos y principios generales

The text of the Procedures for the Selection of Recommended International Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutical
Substances and General Principles for Guidance in Devising International Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutical
Substances will be reproduced in uneven numbers of proposed INN lists only.
Les textes de la Procédure à suivre en vue du choix de dénominations communes internationales recommandées pour
les substances pharmaceutiques et des Directives générales pour la formation de dénominations communes internatio-
nales applicables aux substances pharmaceutiques seront publiés seulement dans les numéros impaires des listes
des DCIs proposées.
El texto de los Procedimientos de selección de denominaciones comunes internacionales recomendadas para las
sustancias farmacéuticas y de los Principios generales de orientación para formar denominaciones comunes
internacionales para sustancias farmacéuticas aparece solamente en los números impares de las listas de DCI propuestas.


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