SBDX Office User Manual

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83. Host computer interface

a) Start transmission : 20 76 01
b) Stop transmission : 20 77 01
c) Retransmission : 20 78 01

84. Host always ready : 20 36 01

85. Enable / Disable `Check Cheat dialing’ : 20 30 X
86. Enable /disable the mailbox facility : 30 Ex 61 X
87. Enable/disable `Check mailbox’ voice msg : 20 20 0X
88. Enable / disable auto erasing of messages : 20 35 0X
89. Setting of voice packets for mailbox : 20 47 0X
90. Setting of busy tones for mailbox : 20 46 0X
91. Setting of auto activation of action port : 20 45 X Y
92. Setting of Least Cost Route
a) To activate the LCR : PROG + PSW + 96 + 01 + Hold / Flash
b) To Disable the LCR : PROG + PSW + 96 + 00 + Hold / Flash
c) To create the LCR table : PROG + PSW + 96 + 1 + X + TRK + TeleNo…Flash

93. Setting of the timings for time based LCR

a) To define the timings for LCR : PROG + PSW + 96 + 2 + X + HH + MM + hh + mm
b) To disable the timings for a LCR : PROG + PSW + 2 + X + 00 + 00 + 00 + 00

94. Enable / Disable the Force LCR : 20 51 XX

95. Number of the Beeps for Queued Calls : 20 43 XX
96. Timer Setting for Call Forward No Reply : 54 + 28637 + 0XX + 00

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48. Enable / disable the Action Port Rights : 30 Ex 62 X

49. Setting of budgeting amount for extensions : 65 Ex MMMM
50. Setting of gate phone : 30 Ex 56 X
51. Setting of VIP extension : 30 Ex 39 X
52. Department setting : 30 Ex 45 G
53. Setting of auto call disconnection
a) For incoming only : 30 Ex 34 X
b) For outgoing only : 30 Ex 35 X

54. Call duration warning tone : 30 Ex 40 X

55. Call disconnection time : 30 Ex 60 T
56. Setting of boss line : 30 Ex 41 X
57. Setting of secretary line : 41 Ex Ey
58. Reset extension password : 30 Ex 47 1
59. Second trunk pick-up rights : 30 Ex 42 X
60. Dialing rights of an extension : 42 Ex D N 1
61. Single / Two digits restriction : 52 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
62. Setting of private line : 48 TRK EX
63. Enable / disable AOC on KTS : 30 Ex 38 X
64. Hot line cancellation : 30 Ex 55 1
65. Enable /disable DISA access : 30 Ex 58 X
66. Enable/disable CSTA for extensions : 30 Ex 37 X
67. Setting of account codes : 83 AAA CC PPP L
68. Setting of CLI based routing : 95 EE Ex CLI + Hold
69. Set extension name : 92 ex ABC……..
70. Fill global banks : 93+Bnk+Trk + Tel + Flash
71. Clear memory banks : 20 15 01
72. Change system password : 81 NNNN NNNN 1
73. Auto change over timings : 82 W HH MM hh mm
74. Setting of weekly-off day : 20 13 0 X
75. Day/Night mode changeover : 20 18 0X
76. Setting of night code : 20 21 ZZ
77. Clear memory banks : 20 15 01
78. Change system password : 81 NNNN NNNN 1
79. Auto change over timings : 82 W HH MM hh mm
80. Setting of weekly-off day : 20 13 0 X
81. Day/Night mode changeover : 20 18 0X
82. Setting of night code : 20 21 ZZ
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c) No reply message : 20 11 03
d) Invalid message : 20 11 04
e) Operator message : 20 11 05
f) Night message : 20 11 06
g) `Check Mail’ intimation msg : 20 11 08
h) Tele No. storing msg : 20 11 09

24. Enable / disable CLI on trunks : 20 37 X X

25. CLI extending to KTS while trunk call Xfr : 20 37 X X
26. Minimum length of the CLI for incoming SMDR: 20 42 XX
27. Setting of CLI timer : 20 39 0X
28. CLI on SLT : 30 Ex 36 X
29. Enable / disable `ringcli’ : 20 38 0 X
30. Trunk as a hotline : 31 TRK 33 X
31. Trunk groups setting
a) PSTN group : 31 TRK 50 X
b) For trunk group 1 : 31 TRK 51 X
c) For trunk group 2 : 31 TRK 52 X
d) For trunk group 3 : 31 TRK 53 X

32. Setting of trunk access groups : 31 TRK 41 G

33. Setting of Ext grouping for trunk access : 30 Ex 46 G
34. Auto redial trials : 20 27 0 X
35. Duration between 2 successive auto redial : 20 26 XX
36. Auto redial class for trunks : 31 TRK 3X 1/0
37. Setting of VIP trunk : 31 TRK 39 X
38. Enable / Disable the trunk budgeting : 31 TRK 58 X
39. Setting of amount for trunk budgeting : 31 TRK 59 M
40. Feature locking : 20 24 F L
41. Set system features : 20 XX YY
42. Setting of flash timings
a) For flash timings : 20 28 0 T
b) For percentage error : 20 29 0 P

43. Enable / disable an extension : 30 Ex 57 X

44. Enable /disable paging rights : 30 Ex 30 X
45. Enable / disable listen-in rights : 30 Ex 31 X
46. Enable / disable call privacy rights : 30 Ex 33 X
47. Enable /disable budgeting on extensions : 30 Ex 32 X
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Chapter 6
Quick Reference of System Programming
1. Bulk programming : 00 CC S E CC……..
2. Resetting the system
a.) Hard resetting : 20 14 01
b.) Soft resetting : 20 14 09

3. Setting of system time : 43 HH MM SS

4. Setting of system date : 61 DD MM YY W
5. Resetting the RTC : 20 49 01
6. Setting of main operator : 30 Ex 48 1
7. Setting of Aux Operator
a.) Setting 1st Aux Operator : 30 Ex 49 1
b.) Setting of 2 Aux Operator : 30 Ex 50 1
c.) Setting of 3 Aux Operator : 30 Ex 51 1
d.) Cancellation of Aux OPR : 30 Ex 52 1

8. Setting of DSS extension : 36 Ex 00 Y

9. Allocate DSS to KTS : 41 DSS KTS
10. KTS flexible keys : 44 D K F
11. DSS flexible keys : 45 K F
12. Setting of flexible numbering : 63 O N 1
13. Print flexible numbering plan : 20 19 00
14. Enable/Disable a trunk : 31 TRK 57 1/0
15. Setting of dialing type : 31 TRK 32 1/0
16. Setting of metering type : 31 TRK 34 1/0
17. Setting of Time for TBM : 20 22 XX
18. Setting of redial delay time : 20 23 XX
19. Setting of trunk landing type : 42 TRK D N 1
20. Setting of group for trunk landing : 42 TRK D N 2
21. Self service group for trunk landing : 91GEX1EX2.....EX6 + HF
22. One Termination Ext for trunk : 41 TRK EXT
23. DISA Message Recording
a) Welcome Message : 20 11 01
b) Busy message : 20 11 02

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External Applications that can be interfaced through serial port of SBDX

SBDX can be interfaced with Coral Call Billing Software (optional). This application will
provide all the outgoing as well as incoming call details. It must be noted that SBDX will
generate the incoming call string only for those calls, which had carried CLI. If CLI information
is not detected, neither incoming call string will be generated nor that call will be saved in
SBDX call buffer.
SBDX can be interfaced with Coral Call On Line Application (optional). After installing this
application on a PC of extension user, his extension also will be mapped with this application.
Once an incoming call lands on his extension, one pop-up screen will be appeared on his PC.
It will show the CLI also (if CLI is detected on trunk). If it is internal call, it will show the caller
extension number.
This application may have its database also. Using that database, Pop-up window can show
the caller’s name and other add-on information also.
Coral Call on Line Client application can be installed on multiple PCs. For that all the PCs
should be on network with static TCP/IP addresses.

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Chapter 5
CTI Interfacing

Communication Parameters of the RS232 port of SBDX

The SBDX got one serial RS-232 port. Through this serial port, PC based external
applications can be interfaced with SBDX such as Call billing software or Coral Call On-Line
(CCOL). All the external PC based applications are optional.

The serial asynchronous RS232 interface of some PCs is equipped with a DB25 connector,
while others are equipped with a DB9 connector. The following table gives the connections
to be made for both these types of connectors with the RS232 port of SBDX.

DB9 connector DB25 connector

Data Terminal SBDX Data terminal SBDX

Pin no.2 Pin no.3 Pin no. 2 Pin no. 2

Pin no.3 Pin no.2 Pin no. 3 Pin no. 3
Pin no.5 Pin no.5 Pin no. 7 Pin no. 5

Currently the RTS/CTS protocol is not in use. But the client application must assert RTS
Signal so that in future if this handshaking becomes active then also the client application
remains compatible. The Client application must not wait for any CTS signal, as on today but
CTS wait must be kept optional for future compatibility.

The terminal communication parameters of the upper serial port are given below:

Data transfer rate 4800 BAUD

Parity None
Data word length 8 bits
Stop bits 1 bit
Format Asynchronous data, standard ASCII character

Before connecting the serial port of the computer to the RS232 port of DX, switch off the
system & then connect the cable.

Flow Control
There is no specific flow control is required. However whenever RTS/CTS handshaking
comes in action, then client application can place the RTS lead of the interface into false

The DX port is full duplex and it can send or receive data simultaneously.

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Chapter 4
Remote Programming

Remote Programming (Requires baby PCB of Mini Voice Mail)

Remote programming is the simplest way to attend the service calls if the machine requires
changes in the software programming. This programming can be carried out over the
telephone line. Remote programming can be carried out only from the tone type of
instrument. The procedure for Remote programming is as follows:

a.) Establish conversation with the required EPABX.

b.) Ask customer to transfer the call to Main Operator. (Should be key telephone).
c.) Ask customer to press HOLD + PROG key.
d.) When the customer presses the PROG key. The system goes to remote mode.
e.) Now it is up to customer to place the hand set, or he can keep viewing the
programming done by the Engineer.
f.) Now start programming from remote end.
g.) Dial command directly without any password.
h.) Hear confirmation tone and press # key to enter the next program.
i.) To come out from the programming mode, external caller has to just hang up.
j.) SBDX will release that trunk within next 30 seconds.

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set by the command `32 EX G’. (0 is invalid)

HH - 00 to 23 Time (24 is invalid)
DD - Date of the calls (32 is invalid)
MM - 01 to 12 Month (13 is invalid)
RR - 01 to 99 Call Charges (00 is invalid)

If RR = 01 then only those calls will be printed whose charges are more than Rs. 10
(Call charges ‘RR’ can be only in multiple of Rs. 10)

XXXXX - 5 Digits Tel No. corresponding to the telephone no or STD/ISD codes where calls
have been made.

Please note this command doesn’t cover the range of the days for the printouts like if you
want to take a printout from 10.02.98 to 13.02.98 then you cannot take the printout by this

TRK, EXT GRP HH, DD, MM, RR, XXXXX are the fields. If any field is not required for the
printout then enter the invalid entry in place of that field (Invalid entries are given above)

Example: If the following printout is required:

The calls made by the all extensions on 10 of every month through CO & the call charges
should be more than Rs. 10 The command will be 94 800 475 0 24 10 13 01 + H.F.

Here only DD & RR are the valid entries & rest is invalid. Thus the entire invalid entered
Fields will be disable & the required calls will be printed.

Another Example: The calls of extension no 222 through CO 700 made on Feb & only
STD/ISD calls are required then the command will be : 94 700 222 0 24 32 02 00 0 + H.F.
Here TRK, EXT, MM & X are valid and rest entries are invalid.

Diversion of printer port to serial port

Sometimes it is required to divert the content of the parallel port to the serial port of the
system. This command diverts the printer port content to the serial port that can be view on
the computer through any serial port protocol like `TERM.EXE’ , `PROCOM’, `XTALK’,

To enable the diversion of the parallel port content to serial port :20 74 01
To disable the diversion of the parallel port content to serial port :20 73 01

Default: 20 73 01

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Sr. Pnt Ext Time Duration Date Number/Cli Acc/Ext Charges
0001 700 200 11:21:11 0:03 21/07/03 1126388345 ( 200) 0.00 A
0002 700 200 11:21:24 0:01 21/07/03 2226100778 ( 200) 0.00 A
0003 700 200 11:21:36 0:03 21/07/03 412345678214 ( 200) 0.00 A
0004 700 200 11:21:52 0:02 21/07/03 9891499500 ( 200) 0.00 A
0005 700 200 11:22:08 0:03 21/07/03 80456985696 ( 200) 0.00 A
0006 700 200 11:22:35 0:01 21/07/03 098450663636 ( 200) 0.00 A
Similarly, SMDR printout can be taken for all trunks & extensions.

Today’s Calls Printing

This command is used to print the today’s calls only.

To get the outgoing calls detail of the same day - 20 18 09

A sample of Today’s Calls Printout

Sr. Pnt Ext Time Duration Date Number/Cli Acc/Ext Charges
0001 701 200 11:26:01 1:07 21/07/03 0796879485 ( 200) 34.02 O
0002 702 200 11:32:24 0:25 21/07/03 0796879485 ( 200) 13.86 O
0003 701 200 11:32:52 0:11 21/07/03 2423341 ( 200) 2.00 O
0004 702 200 11:33:22 0:13 21/07/03 09852363212 ( 200) 7.56 O
0005 701 200 11:33:37 1:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 68.04 X
0006 701 200 11:34:54 0:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 5.04 T
TOTAL 130.52

Special Selected Printout

This command will print all the desired call details that are asked through the commands.
Using this command, a lot of options of the call details are available.


Special printouts can be taken with this command. The printouts can be taken trunk wise,
extension wise, time wise or even based on charges or based on the number dialed. The
printouts can also be taken with a combination of any or all of these parameters.
TRK - Trunk No. 700 to 79(Not existing trunk is invalid)
EXT - Ext. No.(Not existing Exit is invalid)
GRP - Group of the extension no.This group is the department grp, which is

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ASMDR printout sample of an extension


Sr. Pnt Ext Time Duration Date Number/Cli Acc/Ext Charges
0001 701 200 11:26:01 1:07 21/07/03 0796879485 ( 200) 34.02 O
0002 702 200 11:32:24 0:25 21/07/03 0796879485 ( 200) 13.86 O
0003 701 200 11:32:52 0:11 21/07/03 2423341 ( 200) 2.00 O
0004 702 200 11:33:22 0:13 21/07/03 09852363212 ( 200) 7.56 O
0005 701 200 11:33:37 1:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 68.04 X
0006 701 200 11:34:54 0:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 5.04 T
0007 701 200 11:36:56 0:08 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 8.82 X
0008 701 200 11:37:13 0:06 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 7.56 T
TOTAL 146.90

Similarly, ASMDR printout can be taken for all extensions.

ASMDR printout sample of a trunk

Sr. Pnt Ext Time Duration Date Number/Cli Acc/Ext Charges
0001 701 200 11:26:01 1:07 21/07/03 0796879485 ( 200) 34.02 O
0002 701 200 11:32:52 0:11 21/07/03 2423341 ( 200) 2.00 O
0003 701 200 11:33:37 1:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 68.04 X
0004 701 237 11:34:41 0:13 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 13.86 T
0005 701 200 11:34:54 0:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 5.04 T
0006 701 200 11:36:56 0:08 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 8.82 X
0007 701 237 11:37:04 0:09 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 10.08 T
0008 701 200 11:37:13 0:06 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 7.56 T
TOTAL 149.42

Similarly, ASMDR printout can be taken for all trunks.

ISMDR Printing of Incoming Calls of Extensions & Trunks

This command will print all the incoming calls of all extensions or trunks or selectively print
incoming calls extension-wise or trunk-wise. This command will print only those calls
available in the buffer. Printing using this command will not erase calls from the buffer.

To print the incoming calls of all extensions - 32 <Starting Ext> 004

To print the incoming calls of all trunks - 32 <Starting Trunk> 004
To print the incoming calls of a particular ext - 32 Ex 005
To print the incoming calls of a particular trunk - 32 TRK 005

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The Printer/Buffer manager prints the calls as per the commands as follows.

20 71 01 - On line printing from system buffer, clearing buffer, and continue

printing on-line. In case of printer error, calls will not be lost. They
will remain in the buffer until printing is resumed.
20 72 01 - Clear buffer without printing.
20 79 01 - On line printing from buffer without clearing buffer and continue
printing on-line while storing calls in buffer.
20 70 01 - Stop printing if on-line printing is given.

Note: If on line printing is enabled by the command `121’ or `129’, any other printing
command i.e. ASMDR commands, will not work. So before giving any other printing
commands first stops the printing using the command `120’.

Default: Stop printing.

A sample of call details through on-line printing

If on-line printing is taken by the command `20 71 01’ or `20 79 01’, following will be the
format of the on-line ASMDR printing.

Sr. Pnt Ext Time Duration Date Number/Cli Acc/Ext Charges
0001 701 200 11:26:01 1:07 21/07/03 0796879485 ( 200) 34.02 O
0002 702 200 11:32:24 0:25 21/07/03 0796879485 ( 200) 13.86 O
0003 701 200 11:32:52 0:11 21/07/03 2423341 ( 200) 2.00 O
0004 700 237 11:33:27 0:03 21/07/03 24233561 ( 237) 2.00 O
0005 702 200 11:33:22 0:13 21/07/03 09852363212 ( 200) 7.56 O
0006 701 200 11:33:37 1:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 68.04 X
0007 701 237 11:34:41 0:13 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 13.86 T
0008 701 200 11:34:54 0:04 21/07/03 0012323652363 ( 200) 5.04 T
0009 701 200 11:36:56 0:08 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 8.82 X
0010 701 237 11:37:04 0:09 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 10.08 T
0011 701 200 11:37:13 0:06 21/07/03 0054123212 ( 200) 7.56 T

Note: Once On-Line printing is enabled, no other printing command will be accepted. So to
get the ASMDR printing, first make the Off-Line printing through the command `20 70 01’.

ASMDR Printing of Outgoing Calls of Extensions & Trunks

This command will print all the outgoing calls of all extensions or trunks or selectively print
calls extension-wise or trunk-wise. This command will print only those calls available in the
buffer. Printing using this command will not erase calls from the buffer.

To print the outgoing calls of all extensions - 32 <Starting Ext> 000

To print the outgoing calls of all trunks - 32 >Starting Trunk> 000
To print the outgoing calls of a particular ext - 32 Ex 001
To print the outgoing calls of a particular trunk - 32 TRK 001

Following will be the ASMDR printout format. For example, if ASMDR printout is taken for
extension no. 239, printout will be -

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Clarification of the SUFFIX that gets printed with the call details
Note that with each & every call, a suffix i.e. `O’ or `T’ or `X’ will be printed. The meaning of
the suffix will be as follows –

Case 1 - If STD/ISD calls sharing is disabled

For Local / STD / ISD, if originator is also the terminator of the call, `O’ will be printed as a
suffix with the call.

If a STD / ISD call is transferred by the originator to some other extension, the entire call will
be logged into the account of the terminator with a suffix `X’.

Case 2 - If STD/ISD calls sharing is enabled

For Local / STD / ISD, if originator is also the terminator of the call, `O’ will be printed as a
suffix with the call.

If STD / ISD call is transferred by the originator to some other extension, suffix `X’ will be
printed with the originator & suffix `T’ will be printed with the terminator.

If the call is transferred to more than one extension, `X’ will be printed with originator & `T’ will
be printed for the rest of the extensions.

System Call Recording Level

This also is programmable whether SBDX should log all types of call i.e. Local / STD/ ISD or
only STD / ISD calls should be logged by the DX. So to define the same, command is,

For all types of outgoing calls recording - 20 17 03

Only STD & ISD outgoing calls recording - 20 17 04

Default: System will record all types of calls.

Printing Commands

Following are the printing commands. All the printing commands will have to be given through
system programming.

On Line Printing
The CPU processes the outgoing/incoming calls made, computes the data and delivers the
computed results to the Printer/Buffer manager, which stores this data into the buffer.

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Chapter 3
ASMDR Reports

Call Buffer Management in SBDX - Office Version

a) SBDX has a call buffer of 3200 calls. Out of 3200 calls, 500 is reserved for incoming call
details (answered & unanswered call both) & 2700 is reserved for outgoing calls.

b) SBDX will keep incoming & outgoing calls stored in its buffer. Once an outgoing call is
terminated, call will be stored in the system buffer.

c) Incoming calls will be logged into call terminator’s account.

d) If call buffer is full, oldest call will be deleted to save the new call. Means FIFO system is
used to maintain the call buffer.

e) To interface with a client application for call details, SBDX requires a Handshaking packet
from the client application to establish the handshaking. `%H$’ is the Handshaking

f) SBDX requires the acknowledgement of every call individually. Means on sending of a

call packet, SBDX will not send the next call packet until it receives the Call ACK packet
for the last call from the client application.

g) On receiving the Call ACK packet for a call, SBDX will mark that call as `Acknowledged
call’ in its buffer.

h) Acknowledged calls also will be deleted from the system buffer immediately. Calls will be
deleted only as per the FIFO system. & if as per the FIFO system, a call is supposed to
be deleted than that call will be deleted either it is acknowledged or unacknowledged call.

i) If does not receive the ACK packet for a call, SBDX will stop the sending of the calls & it
will keep on storing the calls in its buffer. In such a case, SBDX will keep this call stored
as `Sent but unacknowledged’. Such type of calls will be transmitted again on receiving
the CALL NACK Packet from the Client application.

As soon as a outgoing call is finished, the details of that outgoing call gets recorded in the
system call buffer. As explained earlier, SBDX hosts a Cost Table & Code Table also to
calculate the cost of the calls. (Refer the chapter `Cost Table & Code Table). There is a
printer port with the SBDX CPU. Through this printer port, all the calls details can be printed
in a predefined format.

Outgoing calls through SBDX can be made using Account Codes, Walking Class of Service.
So with call string, SBDX notifies for the way, you adopted to make the call.

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provide the busy tone for next caller. By default, SBDX will select the standard trunk, if least
cost trunk is busy.

One step further, least cost routing can be defined time-wise also to minimize the
communication cost.

It must be noted that maximum 10 least cost routes can be defined & different timings also
can be defined for individual routes.

Note: To activate the least cost route, refer system-programming manual.

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Internal as well as External Hold On Music

SBDX has a provision to provide internal hold on music. However external music can be
connected & internal music can be disabled.

VIP Call
An extension or a trunk line can be defined as a VIP line. If VIP extension/trunk calls up an
extension, called extension will start ringing with a different ring pattern. This different ring
pattern will be `VIP ring pattern’. The ring pattern through VIP trunk depends on the type of
the call also, whether it is landing directly or it is coming via operator.

CLI Based Call Routing

SBDX can divert a particular incoming trunk call to a predefined extension if a particular CLI
is detected on the trunk. Otherwise trunk will land as per its defined landing. Maximum 25
CLIs can be defined within SBDX.

For example, incoming landing through trunk is defined for operator landing. All the incoming
trunks are landing at the operator. But if there is a call from Mr. ABC’s residence, call should
land on Mr. ABC’s extension. After detecting the residence telephone no. of Mr. ABC as CLI,
SBDX will not let it to land on the operator. SBDX will divert this call directly to Mr. ABC’s
extension. If this call is unanswered then call will be diverted to the operator’s extension.

Using this feature, it can also be defined that the calls coming from any specific geographical
location (i.g. Delhi) land on a predefined particular extension.

It must be noted that this feature will work only if trunk lines are having CLI.

Important: This feature will be activated through system programming.

Least Cost Routing - LCR

The system can intelligently use the least cost route available as per the existing tariff plan of
the various service providers in your region. Least cost route can be defined for any of the
trunk port.

For example, if WLL of one service provider is connected to any of the trunk port of the SBDX
then SBDX can route all the calls of that service provider through that particular trunk port as
now WLL to WLL call within the same service provider is being achieved and may be the
cheapest tariff structure available.

If least cost trunk is already busy with someone else than SBDX will route the next call on the
standard trunk however it is programmable to adopt only the least cost route & SBDX will

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Outgoing As Well As Incoming Call Details

SBDX has a call buffer of 3200 calls. Out of 3200 calls, 500 is reserved for incoming call
details (answered & unanswered call both) & 2700 is reserved for outgoing calls. It must be
noted that SBDX will generate the incoming call string only for those calls, which had carried
CLI. If CLI information is not detected, neither incoming call string will not be generated nor
that call will be saved in SBDX buffer.

SBDX will keep incoming & all types of outgoing calls stored in its buffer. Once an
outgoing call is terminated, call will be stored in the system buffer. More important is
that system will keep track of answered as well as un-answered calls incoming calls.

If call buffer is full, oldest call will be deleted to save the new call. Means FIFO concept is
used to maintain the call buffer.

Budgeting on Extensions as well as on Trunks

Each & every extension can be budgeted for making the outgoing calls. On expiry of the
budgeting amount, dialing rights of the extension will be withdrawn by the SBDX.

Further, budgeting can be defined trunk-wise also. It must be noted that extension budgeting
or trunk budgeting & budgeting amount can be defined through system programming. It also
must be noted that different-different budgeting amount can be defined for extensions &

CLI Detection on Analog Trunks

SBDX can capture the caller line identification on the analog trunks provided trunks are
carrying the CLI information. SBDX can capture DTMF as well as FSK CLI.

Note: FSK CLI detection is optional.

CLI Extending to SLT

SBDX can extend the CLI to analog extensions. Basically after detecting the CLI on trunks,
SBDX regenerate the CLI to SLT in DTMF format. SBDX can generate the CLI for internal
calls also.

One step further, while transferring a trunk call to an analog extension, SBDX will send the
CLI of extension who is transferring the call & than if unscreened transfer is made, trunk CLI
will be extended. During this process, SBDX can send the trunk CLI instead of extension CLI.

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2. Dial 41. Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up. DOSA enabled on your extension.

To disable the DOSA facility:

Step Action You get

1. Enter into own Supervisory mode by

You have entered in own supervisory
dialing 55 followed by 3-digit own

2. Dial 40. Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up. DOSA will be disabled.

Note: DOSA is locked for all extensions.

Day / Night Mode of the SBDX

SBDX can work in two modes that is `Day’ mode & `Night’ mode for different behavior of
various features. Some of the features those can behave in different way, are as follows -

a.) Dialing rights of the extensions b) Landing of the trunks.

There are two ways to switchover the mode of the system from day to night or vice-versa.

a.) Manual Changeover b) Auto change-over.

In auto changeover mode, at the predefined timing, SBDX will changeover its mode
automatically. While it can be changed manually also (refer D/N mode changeover manually).
If system is switched-over manually, auto change-over will take over at the predefined

SBDX hosts one real time clock (RTC) for the real time. This RTC keeps the date & time of
the system updated. Initially while installing the system, date & time of the system, have to be
programmed through system programming.

Day & night timings also have to be programmed through system programming.

Auto Call Disconnection

To prevent the misuse of the trunk lines, auto call disconnection can be defined on desired
extensions. Type of call for call disconnection also can be defined, whether only outgoing or
incoming or both types of calls should be disconnected. One step further, call disconnection
time can be different for each extension.
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An extension user can delete all the messages of his mailbox, if he has not deleted while
hearing the message. To delete all the messages of mailbox of an extension, follow the steps

To delete all the messages of mailbox:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by

You have entered in own supervisory
2. dialing 55 followed by 3-digit own

3. Dial 65. All messages will be deleted.

DOSA – Direct Out Station Access

The DOSA feature enables you to access the trunk lines connected to the system and make
outgoing calls from a remote location. The access to the trunk lines is through your personal
pass code, which is set in the system. Further, the DOSA Lock has to open by you from your
extension, to allow DOSA calls, using your pass code.

For DOSA feature, the trunk line must be defined in the DID mode. To activate DOSA, you
must first call your office number which is defined in DID mode. You will get a trunk ring back
tone for 2-3 seconds after which the system will pick the line and start playing the DISA
message. Now you must dial 59 + Own Extension Number + Own Extension PSW. After this
you will hear the music for 2 or 3 seconds and then silence. Now you can access any other
trunk line by dialing the trunk access code and then proceed to dial the required external
number. Usage of trunk lines will depend on the class of service defined for your extension.
The default duration of the call is fixed at 30 seconds. If you want to extend the call beyond 30
seconds you must dial *X during conversation, where X can have values 3 to 9 corresponding
to X multiplied by the DOSA time. DOSA time will be defined thru system programming. DOSA
beep time may be max 180 seconds only.

If you are not extending the call, the call will get disconnected after 30 seconds. In case you
get engaged tone, then for dialing another telephone number or to redial the same number,
dial *1 to disconnect the current call. After this, you can dial the trunk access code and
proceed as explained above. To come out from DOSA dial *2.
All Calls made through DOSA will be accounted to your extension. The DOSA calls using your
pass code are possible only if you have opened the DOSA lock of your extension.

To enable the DOSA facility:

Step Action You get

1. Enter into own Supervisory mode by

You have entered in own supervisory
dialing 55 followed by 3-digit own

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Enter into own Supervisory mode by

You have entered in own supervisory
3. dialing 55 followed by 3-digit own

4. Dial 64. You will get the first new message.

5. While hearing the message, dial 2. Playing message will be played again.

6. While hearing the message, dial 3. Playing message will be deleted.

7. Hang up.

To hear the next message (if any)

8. You will get seconds message.
again dial 55 + Ext PSW + 64.

Multiple messages can be recorded for an extension. For getting every message, extension
user has to dial 55 + Ext PSW + 64 again every time.

If message is not deleted by dialing 3, message will not be deleted automatically & it will be
considered as old message. A message will be considered as old message only if extension
user hears complete message.

Auto erasing also is available. Auto erasing can be enabled through system programming.
Once an extension user hears the message from his mailbox, that message will be deleted
automatically. To enable the auto erasing, refer system programming.

SBDX will switch-off the message waiting lamp or voice message will be disabled only if, no
message (either new or old) are in the mailbox.

Old messages also can be heard again. For this, reinitialize the mailbox of your extension.
For the same, follow the steps.

To hear the old messages:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode

2. by dialing 55 followed by 3-digit You have entered in own supervisory mode.
own password.

Dial 68. Mailbox will be reinitialized & you will get

the first message of your mailbox.

While hearing the message, dial

4. Playing message will be played again.

While hearing the message, dial

5. Playing message will be deleted.

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Note that the voice processor has maximum 48 messages (including greeting messages).
These 48 messages will be dynamically allotted to the predefined extensions.

To record your own greeting:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory

2. mode by dialing 55 followed by You have entered in own supervisory mode.
3-digit own password.

Dial 63 You will get a small beep. Start recording of

the greeting msg (max 20 sec).

It is not necessary to record the greeting message for complete 20 seconds. You may hang
up before 20 seconds also. If you want to hear the recorded greeting, you can check by
dialing `489’ from your own extension.

Now anyone can leave the message for the defined extension after hearing the greeting
message. After recording the message, external caller has to just hang up. SBDX detects the
voice & busy tone both. If SBDX detects the busy tone, SBDX will release the trunk after
detecting certain number of busy tones. The number of busy tones is programmable (refer
system programming). It must be noted that external caller can record the message for
maximum of 20 seconds.

Further, if a message is recorded for an extension, SBDX will light up the message-waiting
lamp of the extension for which message is recorded? It must be noted that the instruments
should have message waiting lamp facility. Moreover, SBDX can replace the dial tone of that
extension also with prerecorded message. Message waiting lamp or intimation message will
be the intimation to the extension user for checking his mailbox. Now extension user can
check his mailbox.

Note that message waiting lamp & voice intimation message, both are independent to each
other. However both can be enabled simultaneously.

Important: The voice intimation message `Check mailbox’ is played from DISA port. Further,
dial tone replacement is programmable. The replacement of dial tone with intimation
message requires certain setting through system programming. By default, it is disabled.

To check the mail box:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Key phone users can check their You will get the first new message
2. mailbox just by pressing the MSG

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Restrict Direct DISA Access

This facility restricts an outsider to call directly to pre-defined extensions through VRR. This
facility makes a firewall between predefined extensions & outside caller. On the other hand
internal users can directly contact the extension.

It must be noted that DISA call restriction for an extension, can be defined through system

Mini Voice Mail (optional)

SBDX offers very unique feature `Mini Voice Mail’. An extension user can forward his calls to
his mailbox.

To divert the calls to mail box:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by

You have entered in own supervisory
2. dialing 55 followed by 3-digit own

3. Dial 3 + 489 + 1 All calls will be forwarded to mail box.

Dial 3 + 489 + 2 Calls in case of no reply, will be

forwarded to mail box.

Note the following for using mailbox facility –

All call forwarding to mail box, will not work for internal calls. It will work only for one
termination trunk landing.
Mailbox facility cannot be used by operator extension.
Only predefined extensions can use mailbox facility (refer system programming).
To use the mailbox facility, it is mandatory to record the greeting message. If greeting
message is not recorded, extension user cannot forward his calls to the mailbox.

SBDX hosts one voice processor for mail boxes in which maximum 48 messages (including
greeting messages & maximum of 20 seconds each) can be recorded. Whenever a call is
forwarded to the mailbox, first SBDX will play the greeting message of that extension. After
greeting message, SBDX will give a small beep to intimate the caller to start recording.

The greeting message can be like this –

“Hi, Sam here, I am not on my seat. pls. leave a message for me after the beep, I will
call you back as soon as possible”.

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Stage II: If caller dials a valid number, he is connected to the required extension if it is free. If
the extension is busy or remains unanswered, he will receive Level 2 or Level 3 message

Stage III: If the caller has dialed an invalid number, the message from level 4 will be played
and if now caller waits for assistance, operator message from level 5 will be played & than call
will be diverted to the predefined setting.

Stage IV : This stage is reached only if the caller has opted to leave his telephone number. If
the caller’s telephone number is stored successfully, system will play the confirmation
message (i.e. Level 9) & the trunk line will be released automatically.

Stage V: This stage is valid only if the night message is enabled in the system programming.
After office hours, when the caller calls up, he is connected to level 6, where he gets a night
message. External caller can access any extension number by dialing the desired extension in
tone mode. If no number is dialed by external caller, call will be diverted to predefined setting
in case of DISA fail.

A sample of the messages in the various levels are given below:

Level 1 - (Welcome Message) - Welcome to Coral Telecom. Dial 214 for Mr. ABC, 204 for Mr.
XYZ or wait for assistance.

Level 2: (Busy Message) – If the dialed extension number is busy then dial another extension
number or leave your telephone number by pressing # followed by your tele no. & ending with
# or wait for assistance.

Level 3: (No Answer Message) - There is no response from the dialed extension number. Dial
another extension number or leave your telephone number by pressing # followed by your
telephone no. & ending with # or wait for assistance.

Level 4: (Invalid Message) - The dialed extension number is invalid . Dial another extension
number or wait for the assistance..

Level 5: (Operator MSG) - Please hold on, your call is being transferred to the operator.

Level 6: (Night Msg.) - The office hours are over. In emergency, dial XYZ or wait for the

Level 9: (Successful storing of telephone number) - Your telephone number is successfully

stored. Thank you for calling.

Level 8: This level is used to record the `Check Mailbox’ intimation message. This level will be
used if mini voice mail is installed & a message is left on an extension, in this situation, dial
tone of that extension can be replaced with this message. The dial tone replacement with the
voice message is programmable (refer system programming).
Note: Following cases will be the DISA Failure Case.

a. If external caller waits for the operator.

b. If subscriber dials in decadic.

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Some Unique Silent Features

Incoming Landing
Trunk landing can be defined in various ways. Following are the options for the same.

a) Round Robin
b) Simultaneous Landing
c) Delayed Landing
d) Operator Landing
e) One Termination Landing
f) DID with VRR & in case of failure, round robin landing.
g) DID with VRR & in case of failure, simultaneous landing.
h) DID with VRR & in case of failure, delayed landing.
i) DID with VRR & in case of failure, operator landing.
j) DID with VRR & in case of failure, one termination landing.

If trunk landing is programmed to be attended by auto attendant, SBDX can provide different
welcome message during the day & night mode. It must be noted that if different night
message is required at night mode, `Night VRR’ has to be enabled through system

DISA – Direct Inward Station Access (optional)

SBDX offers the single port voice guidance for auto attendant. For this SBDX has one voice
processor which is used for auto attendant for all incoming calls. The voice guidance port
plays greeting message and transfers the call to the desired extension, depending on the
number dialed by the caller. SBDX has 7 levels of DISA messages, which are listed below.

Level 1 Welcome Message Max. message duration is 12 seconds.

Level 2 Busy Message Max. message duration is 12 seconds.
Level 3 No reply message Max. message duration is 12 seconds.
Level 4 Invalid Number Msg Max. message duration is 12 seconds.
Level 5 Operator Message Max. message duration is 12 seconds.
Level 6 Night Message Max. message duration is 12 seconds.
Level 8 `Chk Mailbox’ Intimation Msg Max. message duration is 12 seconds.
Level 9 Number Storing Message Max. message duration is 5 seconds.

To activate the auto attendant feature, the trunk line must be programmed for DID landing in
the system programming. When an external caller dials on an incoming trunk line which is set
in DID, he gets a trunk ring back tone for 3-4 seconds after which the call will be picked by
SBDX. SBDX will play the message. The various stages of processing in the auto attendant
are explained below:

Stage I: After the incoming trunk call is picked up by auto attendant, the caller will hear the
message from Level 1 ‘Welcome message’. The caller can then dial an extension number he
wishes to reach. The numbers must be dialed in the tone mode (DTMF). If no extension
number is dialed, the caller will be automatically connected to the predefined setting.

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Department Call
An extension user can make a department call. Maximum 10 departments can be defined
within the SBDX & any no. of extensions can be defined in one department. On making the
department call, first 10 defined extensions in that department, will start ringing
simultaneously. Whoever attends the call, he will be connected to the caller.

To make the department call:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial 49 followed by the department number.

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call also. For example, an user who has SBDX system installed at the home and he is away
from the home. If he wants to switch ON his Room Air Conditioner while sitting at the office
than he will have to just dial his home telephone number and then the number assigned to
the action port. Any number (just like extension number) could be assigned to action port.

To activate the action port from extension:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial 56 + Night Code + 2 Action port will be switched-off.

3. Dial 56 + Night Code + 3 Action port will be switched-on.

4. Dial 56 + Night Code + 4 When the code is keyed, action port will be
switched-on & as soon as subscriber hangs
up, action port will be switched-off.

Note: By default no extension user has the rights to activate the smart switch.

To activate the action port through DISA:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial 56 + Night Code + 2 + 000 Action port will be switched-off.

3. Dial 56 + Night Code + 3 + 000 Action port will be switched-on.

Walking Class of Service

An extension user can avail his own dialing rights from any of the extension even if that
extension is not having the sufficient dialing rights & the outgoing call will be accounted in his
own extension’s account.

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial 805 + Own Ext No. + Own personal System dial tone.

3. Select a trunk & make outgoing call.

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2. Dial 800 Last caller will be called.

Virtual Telephony
With the help of this feature, an authorized extension user can make outgoing calls from any
extension (even if the extension is not having desired dialing rights). The call will be accounted
in the respective account code that was given to the extension user. It is like a traveling class
of service.

To make the call through Account code:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial 806 + AAA + PPP System dial tone.

3. Dial the trunk access code `0’ or `7XX’ Trunk dial tone.

4. Dial the external Telephone Number. Call is connected.

Where AAA - 3-digits account code

PPP - Password of the account code AAA.

Account code & the password will have to be defined through system programming.
Maximum 100 account codes can be created.
While creating the account code, dial out level also has to be defined.

Smart Switch – Right dependent

SBDX provides one action port also which is known as smart switch. This facility by using
action port, will make the system intelligent. Basically a 5 AMP relay is used inside the SBDX
to provide this action port that can be switched-on or switched-off. So this action port can be
used as the dry switch. This action port can be used to operate an external equipment such
as `Water Booster, Electronic Door lock system.

Smart switch can be activated or deactivated either manually or automatically.

For auto activation or deactivation, SBDX provides one sensor. The state of the action port
is programmable as per the output of the sensor. Means if sensor detects a loop, action port
can be defined to be switched-on or switched-off also. Auto activation of action port will be
programmed through system programming.

An extension user can activate or deactivate the action port manually from his extension by
dialing a predefined code. Further, action port can be activated or deactivated through DISA

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To enable auto lift and auto drop on key phone:

Step Action You Get

1. Dial the own sup code i.e. 55 + Ext PW + 66’. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

To enable auto drop only on key phone:

Step Action You Get

1. Dial the own sup code i.e. 55+ Ext PW + 67. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

To disable auto lift and auto drop on KTS:

Step Action You Get

1. Dial the own sup code i.e. 55+Ext PW + 60. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

Important: This feature can be used only if the room is checked in & these features
cannot be accessed from operator or to the operator.

 Caution: Leaving your workstation while auto answer is activated will cause your
station to answer an incoming internal call. In such a situation, if there is any conversation
going on in the room, the incoming caller will inadvertently listen into the conversation.

Last Caller Call Back

Using this feature, operator can call up the last caller. If operator is not his seat, after coming
back operator can make the call back for the last caller. It must be noted that this feature
considers the answered & unanswered call both.

To make a call to the last caller:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset System dial tone.

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Note: Boss and secretary extension have to be so defined in the system programming

Set Self Alarm

An extension user can set an alarm using his extension. At the preset time, the extension will
start ringing.

To activate the alarm on your own KTS:

Step Action You get

Dial the alarm code (default 58) + DD + HH +

1. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

Where DD - 00 to 31 for specific day of the month.

- 32 for Daily Alarm.
33 only for next 24 hours
HH - Hours in 24 hours format i.e. 00 to 23
MM - Minutes i.e. 00 to 59

To cancel the alarm:

Step Action You get

Dial the alarm code (default 58) + 00 + 00 +

1. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

Auto Lift & Auto Drop

If a room extension is a KTS, he can have a facility wherein the user if busy with some other
work at hand, can still answer the calls by using the facility of Auto Answer/Auto Lift. This
feature activates your KTS to answer all incoming internal calls automatically. Incoming
internal calls to your extension will automatically get connected after a predetermined number
of rings and the speakerphone of your KTS is enabled. Now you can answer the call totally
hands free.

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key phone.

From SLT, press FLASH & #.

2. Hang up.

Note: The number of time which the system dials your number in auto redial mode and the
time interval between two consecutive tries have to be defined in the system Programming.
You can put more than one number in auto redial mode. The status of each number put in
auto redial can be viewed by pressing the MSG key. The display will show the telephone
number put on auto redial and the number of tries left for this number. For viewing the status
of the next number in auto redial, press MSG key again. To cancel any number put in auto
redial, press FLASH key while viewing the status of the number.

To cancel auto redial number in progress:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Press MSG key followed by FLASH key when Auto Redial will be cancelled.
that specific number is on display.

The auto redial gets cancelled automatically when the call matures.

Private Line
A trunk line can be set as a private line for an extension user. That extension user can
access private line only. By using this feature, misuse of the STD trunk can be avoided.

Note : Setting of the private line will be done through system programming. If landing of
the private line is supposed at your extension that has to be done manually through
system programming.

Boss Secretary System

Any extension can route its incoming internal and external calls through any other extension
using this facility. The first extension becomes the BOSS while the second extension works
as a SECRETARY. All incoming calls for the ‘BOSS’ will land at ‘SECRETARY’ extension
while only the secretary is able to call the ‘BOSS’ and transfer calls to him. However, the
‘BOSS’ can dial outside directly or ask the ‘secretary’ to make a call and transfer it to him.

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Personal Memory Bank

Every extension has an exclusive bank of 10 external numbers. The personal memory banks
are dependent on the dialing rights of the operator extension. These external numbers can
then be dialed by dialing a 3-digit code i.e. 100 to 109.

To store a number in Personal Bank:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

Dial ‘8’+ Bnk + Ln +Number to be stored +

2. Confirmation tone.
HOLD key.

3. Hang up.

Where Bnk is the last digit of the bank number and its value can be 0 to 9; Ln is the trunk
access code, which can be 0 or 700. 701.etc.

To dial a number from personal memory bank:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the personal memory bank code i.e. 100

No. will be dialed from
2. to 109 or press Memo key followed by last 2-
digit of the Bank No. i.e. 00 to 09.

Auto Redial
This feature can be used to put an external number in auto redial mode. The system will
automatically dial this number at a predefined interval of time and on getting a ring back tone
from the trunk side, connects the line to you and your key telephone display will show the
telephone number connected to you. If at the time of transfer, your extension is busy, the
external party will be put on Hold On music.

Note: Auto redial works on CPTD (Call Progress Tone detector) basis. If call progress tones
are working at correct frequency & gain on your trunk lines than only this feature will work.

To put a number in auto redial:

Step Action You Get

1. From KTS, press HOLD followed by RDL key from Confirmation tone.
key phone
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To listen to background music:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the access code for back ground music Music will start playing.
(default code is ‘82’).

3. Hang up.

To cancel background music:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the access code for cancellation of the

back ground music (default code is ‘82’).

3. Hang up. Music will stop.

Global memory bank

The system has a global memory bank of 90 numbers that can be used by all the extensions.
The global memory bank is divided into 2 parts of 45 numbers each. The numbers stored in
the first part can be dialed only by those extensions that have the required class of service.
The numbers stored in the second part can be dialed by any extension, irrespective of the
class of service of that extension. The global memory bank numbers can be stored by system
programming. You can dial the external telephone numbers stored in the global memory bank
by just dialing a 3-digit code. The global bank numbers are 110 to 199.

To dial numbers stored in global bank:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the access code of global memory i.e. 1XX

The number stored in memory
2. or press Memo key followed by the last 2-digits
bank is dialed automatically.
of bank No.

Note: Global bank numbers 110 to 154 is a controlled class of service dial bank i.e. only
those telephone nos. which pertain to the class of service of an extension can be dialed
from that extension. Global bank numbers 155 to 199 are mode free dial banks, where all
the extensions have access to the nos. stored here irrespective of their class of service.

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2. Dial the extension number. Ring back tone.

Dial code for speakerphone activation (default is

3. Start conversation.

To revert back to ringing mode:

Step Action What happens

On activating the called key phone, if no answer

Called extension start ringing
1 is received, dial the code for reverting to ringing
mode. (default code is ‘1’).

Note : Operator key phone cannot be activated using this feature.

Master Cancellation
This feature is used to cancel all the feature settings of your extension like Do Not Disturb,
Follow Me, Call Forward, Auto Call back.

To cancel all feature settings:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

2. Dial the cancellation code i.e.‘50’ Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

Background Music
This feature enables you to hear the background music, which is connected to your system.
The speaker of the operator key telephone set will play the background music.

The background music source can be a CD player or any other music player, which can be
connected to the external music port of the main board of SBDX. Once background music is
activated, hold on music will be played on the speaker of your key phone. When an incoming
call (both internal and external) lands on your extension, the background music will stop &
your key phone will ring. After the conversation, when you replace the handset, the music will
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Note: SBDX has single paging port. This feature requires an additional Amplifier &

Page All
Any KTS user can make paging to a group of key phones. All the key phones existing in the
same department, will be paged.

To make the paging on key phones:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Press EMG key followed by All key phones of the asked department, will
department number. get activated on speaker.

From SLT, dial 803 followed by

department no.

3. If any of the paged key phone user You will be connected to the answered KTS
answers. & paging on rest of the key phones will be

`Page All’ from key phones can also be done while transferring the trunk.

Note: Paging rights on key phone are mandatory to activate the paging on key phones.

Voice Paging
The operator for activating a key phone remotely for an internal call can use this feature. The
operator can activate the speakerphone of the called key phone & start the conversation.
The speakerphone gets deactivated as soon as the caller disconnects. In case the caller
does not get a reply on activating the speakerphone, because of the absence of the user,
then he can revert back to the ringing mode in order to draw the users attention if he is

To activate the speakerphone when dialing a Key Phone extension:

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

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Gone for day 3 00 00

Busy in meeting 400 00
Back at DD/MM 5DD MM (where DD & MM are the Date & Month respectively)
Call at Ext No. 6 NNNN (where NNNN is the extension no. in 4 digits)

Note: Even after you have set the message, your extension will continue to ring
normally whenever a call lands (both internal & external).

Example: If the extension user 202 wants to leave a message “Gone for Lunch” to be
displayed on the LCD terminal of a Key Phone calling him, he shall proceed in the following

Lift the handset & hear system dial tone.

Dial : ‘7’ (Entering message mode) + ‘100 00’
Waits for the confirmation tone and Hangs up.
Now all the Key Phone users will get a display of “Gone for Lunch” whenever they dial

To cancel mini e-mail:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

2. Dial the cancellation code i.e. ‘52’. Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

The system has a provision to interface with a public address system. You can have direct
access to the Public Address System by dialing a 2-digit code to make announcements.

To Page:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the paging code i.e. ‘81’. Confirmation tone.

3. Announce the message. Speakers will start paging.

4. Hang up.

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key phone, press MSG key on your key phone.

From SLT, press `*’.

2. Hang up.

Any other key phone or a SLT can leave the message for operator also. To retrieve the
message when the MSG key of your key phone lights up:

Step Action You Get

Display of your key phone displays the

1. Press MSG key
number of the internal calling party.

You get connected to the party who left the

2. Press RDL key

3. Press FLASH key The message will be erased.

Note: If more than one message is left for your extension, you can view the
next message only after erasing the current message.

Mini E-mail
SBDX series comes with 6 predefined messages, which can be activated by any extension
by dialing the message code. The activated message will be displayed on the display of the
calling key phone.

To activate mini email:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

3. Dial ‘7’ + ‘X’ (The valve of X is explained below. Confirmation tone.

4. Hang up.

The valid values of X for the various messages are listed below:

Message Value of x

Gone for Lunch 100 00

Back at HH:MM 2 HH MM (where HH is hrs in 24 hrs format & MM is minutes)
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followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the delayed hotline code ‘91’ + ‘The trunk

3. Confirmation tone.
access code’ + HOLD key.

4. Hang up.

To Set a Delayed Hotline with an external number:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

Dial the delayed hotline code ‘91’ + Trunk access

3. Confirmation tone.
code + External Tele No. + HOLD.

4. Hang up.

To Cancel Hotline:

Cancellation of immediate hotline is done through system programming. For cancellation of

delayed hot line, follow the steps –

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

2. Dial the cancellation code i.e.‘50’ Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

On calling a key phone, if key phone is found busy or no reply, operator can leave a numeric
message for that key phone extension. The illuminated MSG key of the called key phone, will
give a message waiting indication.

To leave internal message for another key phone:

Step Action You Get

1. On getting busy tone or ring back tone while calling a busy Confirmation tone
k h MSG k k h
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To Set an Immediate Hotline with a trunk line:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the immediate hotline code ‘90’ + ‘The

3. Confirmation tone.
trunk access code’ + HOLD key.

4. Hang up.

To Set an Immediate Hotline with an external number:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the immediate hotline code ‘90’ + ‘The

3. Confirmation tone.
trunk access code’+ External No.+ HOLD.

4. Hang up.

To Set a Delayed Hotline with an extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the delayed hotline code ‘91’ + ‘Extension

3. Confirmation tone.
No. + HOLD key.

4. Hang up.

To Set a Delayed Hotline with a trunk line:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3 digit own PSW i d
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To override any DND extension:

Step Action What happens

1. Dial the extension number. Display will show `DND’.

2. Press the EMG key. That extension will start to ring.

3. Hang up.

Note : This feature does not cancel the DND on the called extension.

Hotline Setting
There are cases where the extension user wishes to be connected to a particular party
without dialing the number. This is desired when one has to cal a party frequently. This can
be achieved by using the facility of Hotline setting. This facility enables you to set a hotline
with an extension or even an external number.

If an extension user is set for hot line then by just lifting the handset the extension you have
set for hotline will ring giving you a ring back tone. If an external user is set for hotline then by
just lifting the handset the external no. is dialed automatically. If one of the trunk lines is set
on Hot line mode then that trunk line will get connected on picking up the hand set. Further, it
can be defined to work in two ways:

1) Where the Hotline is connected immediately on lifting the handset

2) Where the system dial tone is heard for the first 3 seconds during which you can dial any
internal or external number. If nothing is dialed within 3 seconds, the hotline will be

To Set an Immediate Hotline with an extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the immediate hotline code ‘90’ +

3. Confirmation tone.
Extension No. + HOLD key.

4. Hang up.

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Do Not Disturb
This feature enables you to inhibit your extension from ringing, but you can still make
outgoing calls. Any incoming call for your extension will be automatically cancelled and the
caller will get busy tone.

To activate DND:

Step Action You Get

1. Dial the code for DND i.e. ‘84’. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

Unconditional DND:

If the DND is locked through system-programming then DND can not be availed by an
extension by dialing `84’, but unconditional DND can be activated by an extension in such

To activate unconditional DND:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

2. Dial the code for unconditional DND i.e.‘59’. Confirmation tone.

To cancel DND:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the code of cancellation of DND i.e. 86. DND will be canceled.

3. Hang up.

DND Override (Only from key phone)

If an extension user has set DND for him, operator can access that DND extension also (in
case of emergency) means Operator can override any extension that is set in DND mode.

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Cancellation of call forwarding external:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

3. Dial ‘50’. Confirmation tone.

Follow Me
All incoming internal and external calls to a room can be made to follow the extension user. In
other words, the extension user can use any extension to receive incoming calls directed at
his original extension.

To activate follow me:

Step Action You Get

Put your extension into do not disturb (DND)

1. Confirmation tone.

Lift the handset of the extension where you Dial tone.

want to receive the incoming calls.

Dial the code of the follow me i.e. ‘52’ + your Confirmation tone.
extension number.

4. Hang up.

Cancellations of call follow me:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

3. Dial ‘50’. Confirmation tone.

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To activate call forward on busy:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the code of `Call forwarding i.e. ‘3’+ Confirmation tone.

Destination Ext No. + 3.

Note: Call forward busy and Call forward on No Answer will not work for incoming trunk
call extensions programmed for round robin.

Cancellation of call forwarding of all types:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

3. Dial ‘50’. Confirmation tone.

Call Forward External

An extension user can forward his incoming calls to any predefined external telephone
number. For this extension user has to define his personal memory bank no. 9. Refer the
feature `Personal Memory bank’.

To activate the call forward external:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

3. Dial 3 + 999 + 5 Confirmation tone.

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The levels for the dial mode and their corresponding values are given below:

0 Only internal call.

1 Only local but level one not allowed.
2 Only local but restricted digits are not allowed.
3 All types of local call.
4 Local & STD only.
5 Local, STD & ISD calls.

For every extension, a dial out level is defined through system programming also. Through
dynamic control, an user can obtain the maximum permissible dial out level, which is defined
through the system programming.

Call Forwarding
Calls arriving at your extension can be forwarded to any other extension. Further the
forwarding can be done for all calls arriving at your extension or only if your extension is busy
or only after a predetermined number of rings at your extension.

To activate call forwarding of all calls:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the code of `Call forwarding i.e. ‘3’+ Confirmation tone.

Destination Ext No. + 1

4. Hang up.

To activate call forward on `No Answer’:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the code of `Call forwarding i.e. ‘3’+ Confirmation tone.

Destination Ext No. + 2.

4. Hang up.

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Call Privacy
This feature enables you to prevent any other extension from listening in to your
conversations. However, you must have the call privacy rights enabled for your extension.
(By system programming)

To activate call privacy:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

2. Dial the code of call privacy i.e. ‘42’. Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

To cancel call privacy:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by You have entered into own
dialing 55 followed by 3-digit own PSW. supervisory mode.

Dial the code of call privacy cancellation Confirmation tone.

i.e. ‘50’.

3. Hang up.

Dynamic Call Control

The system offers a unique facility to all extension users to prevent misuse of calls from their
extensions. By using this feature, an extension user can control his dynamic locking for direct
outward dialing. The highest dial mode that any extension can avail pertains to that which has
been provided by system administrator through system programming.

To change your extension’s dial mode:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

3. Dial 1 followed by the desired dial out level. Confirmation tone.

4. Hang up.

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Enter Own Supervisory Mode

Several features can be activated through supervisory mode. This feature illustrates how to
enter into own supervisory mode. This programming is extension specific hence
programmable from each extension by using the extension users pass code.

To get into Own Supervisory mode:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Dial 55 followed by your extension’s 3-digit pass You have entered into own
code. supervisory mode.

Proceed with the required programming as

explained in various features.

By default the pass code of all extensions is 777. However it can be changed as per your

Personal Pass code

Each extension in the system has a unique pass code. This pass code will allow you to get
into your own supervisory mode to activate various features like changing your dial mode,
storing numbers in your personal bank, setting hotline etc. The default pass code for all the
extensions in the system is 777. You can change this pass code at any time. Changing of the
pass code must be done from your own telephone. A pass code consists of 3-digits.

To change personal pass code:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the Handset Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered in own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

3. Dial 2 + New PSW + New PSW. Confirmation tone.

Caution: Once a pass code has been defined, the code is known only to you. If you
forget the pass code, you will not be able to get into your own supervisory mode. In
case you forget your pass code, you may take the help of system administrator

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3 party conference from SLT:

To avail this feature, ensure that the SLT is having the rights of listen-in & accessing of two
trunks simultaneously.

Step Action You Get

Make first call (either internal or external) Conversation established with

the called party.

Press FLASH to put first party on hold and dial Beep.


3. Make second call (either internal or external) Speak to second party.

4. Press FLASH key. Conference will be initiated.

If second party is busy or not responding, hang Second party will be released
5. up. & your extension will start

Lift the handset. You will get first party. Now

you can try again.

Eight party conference (requires 8 party conference card):

You can establish a conference call, which allows several users to carry on a multiparty
conversation. Maximum 8 parties (including initiator) are permitted in this conference call.
The parties in a conference call can be either internal extensions or external parties.

To activate 8 party conference:

Step Action You Get

1. Make internal or external call & park it. You will be free.

Make another internal or external desired call You will be free.

& park it.

You can make a total of 7 calls like this & park You will be free.

Dial ‘83’ to start the conference. Multiple party conference is


Note: Conference will get over when the initiator disconnects. If a participant of
the conference wants to leave, he may hang up, conference will not be disturbed.

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Emergency Call (Only from key phone)

This feature allows the operator to break into an established two party call. It can be used for
conveying any emergency message for an internal party. On activating emergency call on an
extension, the party who was conversing with this extension, will automatically go on hold
and he will hear hold on music.

To activate an emergency call:

Step Action What Happens

On getting the busy tone while calling an

1. Connected to the called extension.
extension, press EMG key.

Announce the message & hang up for

terminating the emergency call.

This feature allows the operator to have a conference call with any combination of extensions
and trunks (maximum of 8 parties). There are 2 types of conference available in the system
one is 3 party conference & another is 8 party conference. The 8-party conference requires a
separate conference card to be installed in the system.

3 party conference from Key Phone:

Step Action You Get

Lift the handset and dial a internal or external Conversation established with
number. the called party.

Press HOLD to put first party on hold & dial Second call is initiated.
2. another extension number or make external

If second internal party is busy or not You will get back the first party.
responding, press HOLD key again. Try again.

If second trunk party is busy or not responding, You will get back the first party.
press RLS key. Try again.

While talking to second party (internal or 3 party conference will be

external), press CONF key. established.

Press RLS 3 party conference will be


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Note: When a port is protected against listen-in by activation of the Privacy

feature, you will get busy tone.

Barge-In (Right Dependent)

This feature enables an extension user to barge-in to an extension or trunk line. Barge-In can
be activated while attempting to call a busy extension or trunk line.

To activate barge-in on a busy extension or trunk line:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the busy extension or trunk no. Busy tone.

You will be in conference with the

3. Dial the listen-in code i.e. ‘9’.
called party.

4. Hang up. Barge-in will be terminated.

Note: When a port is protected against barge-in by activation of the Privacy

feature, you will get busy tone.

Silent Monitor (Right Dependent)

This feature enables an extension user to monitor a key phone extension. The monitored key
phone will not get any audio warning. On activating this feature, the microphone of the
monitored key phone gets activated and you can hear the microphone of the activated key
phone picks up.

To activate silent monitor:

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset Dial tone.

Whatever conversation is going on

Dial the `Silent monitoring code’ i.e. 57
2. around the dialed key phone, will be
+ Key phone extension number’

3. Hang up. To terminate the silent monitoring.

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To pick any ringing extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the selective call pick up code (default 54) Connected to the calling party.
+ ‘ringing extension no.’.

Auto Call Back On Busy Extension / Trunk

If the called extension or trunk is found busy, this feature automatically connects as soon as
the called line is free. If the call back is for an extension, your key phone will ring as soon as
the called extension becomes free. Simultaneously, the called extension will also ring. If the
call back is for a trunk line, the trunk will be allotted to your key phone as soon as it becomes
free and your extension will ring. On lifting the handset, you will get the trunk dial tone.

To activate Call back on a busy line:

Step Action You Get

Dial the extension number or the PSTN If called extension or trunk is busy,
selection code. you get busy tone.

On getting busy tone, dial the `Auto call Confirmation tone.

back code’ i.e. `8’.

Now as soon as busy extension or trunk gets free, your key phone will start ringing.

Listen-In (Right Dependent)

This feature enables an extension user to monitor any extension or trunk line without an
audio warning to the monitored party. Listening in can be activated while attempting to call a
busy extension or trunk line.

To activate listen-in on a busy extension or trunk line:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the busy extension or trunk no. Busy tone.

3. Dial the listen-in code i.e. ‘6’. Voice of the conversing party.

4. Hang up. Listen-in will be terminated.

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To place a call on hold:

Step Action You Get

From key phone, press HOLD key followed by

RLS key.
1. Confirmation tone.
From SLT, operator has to park the call to put a
line on hold.

To return to a call which was put on hold:

Step Action You Get

1. From KTS, press the corresponding trunk /

extension key. Held line will be connected
From SLT, pick up the parked call.

Call Pick-Up
This feature allows you to answer other ringing extensions within the system. There are two
types of call pickup one is `Call pick within the department’ & another is `pick any ringing

To pick up the call within the department:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the call pick-up code i.e. 6. Connected to the calling party.

Key phone users can pick up the trunk call

by pressing the corresponding trunk key.

Note that you can pick a incoming call within your own department. Any number of
extensions can be defined in a department. To define the department, refer system-
programming session of this manual.

Important: If several extensions in the group are ringing then the call pick up would be in the
following priority order:

i) Ringing trunk ii) Ringing Ext iii) Queued trunk line to an ext. (not operator)

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Press the `*’ key from SLT & press the The last dialed external number will
RDL key from key phone. be redialed automatically.

Call Parking
In case you want to hold a conversing party for a longer time, you can park the call. The party
put on park will get Hold On Music. The parked party can be retrieved at your extension or at
any other extension. This feature is used for 8 party conference.

To park a call:

Step Action You Get

While talking to a party, press FLASH/ HOLD key Confirmation tone.

followed by call parking code `6’.

To pick a parked call from own extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the code of the parked call pick-up Connected to the parked call.
(default code is 87).

To pick a parked call from another extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the code of the parked call pick-up Connected to the parked call.
2. from another extension i.e. ‘53’ +
Extension no. who parked the call.

Hold a Line
A conversing party (extension or trunk) can be put on hold by the following procedure for
onward activities such as call consult, call transfer, call parking or conference.

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Call Consult
This feature allows you to consult a third party while conversing with an external or internal
caller. During consultation call, other party will be put on hold and will get hold on music.

Step Action You Get

While talking to a party, press the Confirmation tone.


Dial the second party number Talk with the second party.
(Extension or trunk).

If the second party disconnects. You will get connected to the first

Or you can toggle between the first & You alternatively get connected to the
4. second party by pressing the other party and the currently
HOLD/FLASH key alternatively. connected party goes on HOLD.

Brokers Call
This feature allows you to put a call on hold and then converse with a third party, while
switching between the two calls. The party not in conversation is automatically put on hold.

To activate broker’s call:

Step Action Remarks

Press the FLASH/HOLD + dial the new Wait for an answer.


When both the parties are connected Toggling between both the parties
2. Press FLASH / HOLD to alternate between will be there.
the two parties.

An extension user can repeatedly dial the last number dialed on the trunk, without pressing
all the numbers again. For this follow the procedure below:

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

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To transfer a call:

Step Action You get

While talking, press the HOLD/FLASH Wait for the confirmation tone.

2. Dial the extension number. Hear the ring back tone.

If you find the called extension busy, You will get back the held call.
3 press the HOLD/FLASH key again for
taking the line back.

Press TRSF / hang up to camp on the You will be free.

trunk call to the busy extension.

If during transferring a call, am invalid You will get back the held call & you
5. extension number is dialed by mistake, can try again.
press the HOLD/FLASH key again.

At this level you can either screen or connect straight away

Screened transfer:

Step Action What Happens

1. While hearing the RBT, wait for the answer.

If you get an answer from the dialed extension, Call will be transferred & both
2 inform about the incoming call & hang up or the parties will be connected.
press TRSF key.

If no one is answering the call, you can take You will get back the call.
3. back the trunk by pressing the HOLD/FLASH
key again.

Unscreened transfer:

Step Action What Happens

1. Press TRSF key or hang up. Called extension will start ringing.

If extension user is having analog extension, use FLASH key in place of HOLD key & hang
up for RLS.

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Step Action What happens

Park the current call (refer call parking Your extension will start ringing for
feature) & hang up. queued call.

Pick up the handset & after the

conversation, hang up.

Pick up the parked call (Refer the feature

3. You will get the parked call back.
`Park the call).

If you are key phone user, you can follow the steps-

Step Action What happens

While talking to the current party, press

Current call will be put on hold &
1. HOLD key followed by the ringing trunk
queued trunk call will be picked up.

After finishing the queued call, pick up first

call by pressing the corresponding trunk
2. You will get the queued call.
key or by dialing the extension number
(which was put on hold)

Further, if a trunk call is queued to your extension, you will get a beep for the queued call
while talking with the current party. If you are key phone user, your key phone will start
ringing for 2-3 rings. Beep or ringing can be enabled or disabled.

To disable / enable the beep tone:

Step Action What Happens

Enter into own supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

Dial the code to disable the beep i.e. 61. You will not get any beep for
queued call.

Dial the code to activate the beep i.e. 60. You will get the beep for
queued call.

Call Transfer
Any internal or external call received / originated by an extension user, can be transferred
from that extension to other extension.

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However dialing their respective access codes also can access trunk lines. The default trunk
access codes are 700 onwards.

Important: The access of the trunk (defined in various group) depends on the extension
grouping for trunk access also.

Advice of Call Charges Display on Key Phone

While making an outgoing call, key phone shows the advice of call charges (AOC). This
advice of call charges are calculated as per the cost & code Table of the system.

The display of the AOC on KTS can be enabled or disabled as per the user’s requirement.
(Refer system programming).

Answering Incoming Calls

An extension user can attend both incoming internal and external calls. Once a call is ringing
on your phone, it will start ringing.

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Start conversation.

2. After finishing the conversation, hang up. Call will be terminated.

Answering Queued Call

This feature enables an extension to handle more than one incoming call. If your extension is
busy with one call (internal or external), operator or other internal users can transfer any trunk
call to your extension. If a trunk call is in queue to your extension while you are busy with
another call, you will get a beep tone for the queued call. Once you hear the beep tone, you
can attend the queued call by adopting following method.

To Pick up the queued call:

Step Action What happens

Queued call will be picked up

1. Disconnect the current call by hanging up.

2. Pick up the handset. You will get the queued call.


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Chapter 2
Extension Features
Internal Call
An extension user can make an internal call to any extension in the system by the following

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial `9’ for operator or dial the desired extension

Ring back tone till the called
2. number or press the predefined key on key
party picks up the call.

Note: The default extension numbering for two digital ports (available on baby
PCB) is 200 & 201. The analog extensions numbering plan (available on SBDX main
board, is 232 to 239).

External Call
To make outgoing calls, available trunks can be divided into 4 groups (group 0 to 3) as per
user’s requirement. First group is the general group & it is known as PSTN group. It must be
noted that a trunk can be defined in multiple groups also.

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 0

2. Dial `0’ for PSTN group.
will be selected.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 1

3. Dial `807’ for second group.
will be selected.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 2

4. Dial `808’ for third group.
will be selected.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 3

5. Dial `809’ for fourth group.
will be selected.

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This key is used to put the call on hold for transferring a trunk call. Alternatively, in the
programming mode, the HOLD key is used to go to the next mode in programming.

This key is used to view the left messages. This key is also used to leave an internal
message to a busy extension. The MSG key is also used to view the auto redial numbers.

This Key is used to activate a conference. Please refer to ‘ 3 party Conference’ feature in the
user manual.

In order to clear an Auto redial number stored or to clear an internal message, press the
MSG key this enables you to view the auto redial number or the internal message. Now press
FLASH to clear the message or the number in redial mode.


This key is used to activate the emergency call & page all.

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On Line Advice of Call Charge

While making an external call, the display will show the numbers dialed by you. On maturity
of the call, the display will show the charge for the call and also the time elapsed for the call.
The duration and call charges will be updated automatically till the call is terminated.

Step Action You Get

1. Make an external call. KTS will show the dialed No.

On-line display of the currency value of the

2. Converse with the called party.

Note: Cost of the call will be calculated as per the Cost Table. The display of AOC is

This key is used for programming the features of the system. For details regarding the
programming of the system, please refer to the system programming section.

This Key is used for dialing numbers stored in system memory.


To redial the last dialed trunk number and also to call the internal message station, press the
redial key.

This key is used to activate the speakerphone. In order to activate the speakerphone, press
the SPK key and start dialing out or speaking if a call has landed on the key telephone.

This key is used to disconnect a call after the conversation is over. Alternatively, on
completion of programming, Press the RLS key to come back to stand by mode.

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Keys on Operator Console

Audio Level Adjustment

The audio level adjustment is used to control the sound that is emitted from the telephone’s
speaker and handset. CORAL SBDX offers three types of key phones. Two type of key
phones (Type I & type II) offer digital volume control. The same volume control can be used
to control handset voice level, ringer volume and speakerphone volume & works on situation
specific mode.

Another type of key phone (type III) offers separate volume controls for the speaker and the
handset. Knobs are present on the sides of your key telephone set for both the speaker and
for the handset. While conversing through the speaker, voice volume can be adjusted using
the speaker volume control knob. The speaker volume will also be the same when activating
background music or voice paging. While conversing through the handset, receiver volume
can be adjusted using the receiver volume control knob.

One-Touch Keys
Each key telephone set has some one-touch keys (The number of keys are dependant on the
model of the key phone), which can be programmed according to your requirement. The keys
have bicolor LEDs that indicate the status of an extension or a trunk line. The keys can also
be programmed to store any global Memory bank number. The programming has to be done
using the system programming. The LED on the keys, will glow red when the programmed
extension or trunk line is busy with any extension or trunk. LEDs will glow green when they
are busy with your extension. You can use these keys to access any extension or trunk by
just pressing the corresponding key.

DSS (Direct Station Selector)

Additional equipment can be installed with the operator key phone that will work as the part of
the operator key phone. This special equipment is called the `Direct Station Selector (DSS)’.
The DSS has some keys, each of which has a LED. DSS will be defined through the system
programming. The keys on the DSS can be programmed according to your requirement. The
keys can be programmed to show the status of an extension or a trunk line. It can also be
programmed to store a global memory bank number. The DSS keys can be operated similar
to the one-touch keys on your key set.

Name / Dial Number Display

Key telephone set has a 2 X 16 character LCD. When your telephone is idle, the display will
show the current date and time. Whenever an internal call lands on your extension, the
display will show the caller’s name and extension number. When an external call from PSTN
network lands on your key phones then if the trunk line has CLI facility, the external caller’s
number will be displayed on your key phone. When the key phone user dials a number,
display also shows the number dialed by you.
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EMG key
LCD Display
MSG key
Handset MEMO key

Conference key


120 keys


Key Diagram of Executive Operator Console (Type-3)

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MSG key
Unused key

LCD display


Digital Volume RDL EMG

Key Diagram of Operator key phone (Type –2)

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12 Flexible Keys

MEMO key LCD Display

EMG key
Program Key Redial Key Conference key

Handset Message FLASH key

DSS of 48 Keys
Speaker Phone
Room Shift Key

Release Key Hold Key

Key Diagram of Executive Operator Console (Type-1)

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To make the department call:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial 49 followed by the department no. (i.e. 0 to All the extensions of the called
9). department will ring.

Note: Department call cannot be made while transferring the call.

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Where AAA - 3-digits account code

PPP - Password of the account code AAA.

a) Account code & the password will have to be defined through system programming.
b) Maximum 100 account codes can be created.
c) While creating the account code, dial out level also has to be defined.

Default: No account is defined

Set Self Alarm

Operator can set an alarm using his extension. At the preset time, the extension will start
ringing. On lifting the handset, hold on music will be heard. If VSN-2 card is installed in the
system, alarm message will be played instead of the hold on music.

To activate the alarm on your own KTS:

Step Action You get

Dial the alarm code (default 58) + DD + HH +

1. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

Where DD - 00 to 31 for specific day of the month.

- 32 for Daily Alarm.
- 33 only for next 24 hours
HH - Hours in 24 hours format i.e. 00 to 23
MM - Minutes i.e. 00 to 59

To cancel the alarm:

Step Action You get

1. Dial the alarm code (default 58)+00+00+00. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

Department Call
An extension user can make a department call. Maximum 10 departments can be defined
within the SBDX & any no. of extensions can be defined in one department. On making the
department call, first 10 defined extensions in that department, will start ringing
simultaneously. Whoever attends the call, he will be connected to the caller.

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To make a call to the last caller:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset System dial tone.

2. Dial 800 Last caller will be called.

Forceful release of a line

This feature can be used for disconnecting any trunk line or extension, which is in

To forcefully release a line:

Step Action What happens

1. Dial the code for force drop (default code is Confirmation tone.
`51’) + Extension number or trunk number.

2. Hang up. Line gets released.

Note: Only operator extension can release any of the line forceful.

Virtual Telephony
With the help of this feature, an authorized extension user can make outgoing calls from any
extension (even if the extension is not having desired dialing rights). The call will be accounted
in the respective account code that was given to the extension user. It is like a traveling class
of service.

To make the call through Account code:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial 806 + AAA + PPP System dial tone.

3. Dial the trunk access code `0’ or `7XX’ Trunk dial tone.

4. Dial the external Telephone Number. Call is connected.

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2. From SLT, press FLASH key followed by #. Confirmation tone.

2. Hang up.

Note: The number of time which the system dials your number in auto redial mode and the
time interval between two consecutive tries have to be defined in the system Programming.
You can put more than one number in auto redial mode. The status of each number put in
auto redial can be viewed by pressing the MSG key. The display will show the telephone
number put on auto redial and the number of tries left for this number. For viewing the status
of the next number in auto redial, press MSG key again.

To cancel auto redial number in progress:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Press MSG key followed by FLASH key when Auto redial will be cancelled.
that specific number is on display.

The auto redial gets cancelled automatically when the call matures.

Printer Form Feed

You can give a form feed for the printer connected to the printer port of the system. This
feature will be useful when connecting an inkjet or a DeskJet printer to the system.

To give form feed command:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial PROG key followed by system PSW. KTS display will show `MODE’.

3. Dial `20 25 01’ Form Feed On.

4. Dial `20 25 00’ Form Feed Off.

Last Caller Call Back

Using this feature, operator can call up the last caller. If operator is not his seat, after coming
back operator can make the call back for the last caller. It must be noted that this feature
considers the answered & unanswered call both.

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Personal Memory Bank

Operator has an exclusive bank of 10 external numbers. The personal memory banks are
dependent on the dialing rights of the operator extension. These external numbers can then
be dialed by dialing a 3-digit code i.e. 100 to 109.

To store a number in Personal Bank:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

Dial ‘8’+ Bnk + Ln +Number to be stored +

2. Confirmation tone.
HOLD key.

3. Hang up.

Where Bnk is the last digit of the bank number and its value can be 0 to 9; Ln is the trunk
access code, which can be 0 or 700. 701..etc.

To dial a number from personal memory bank:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the personal memory bank code i.e. 100

No. will be dialed from
2. to 109 or press Memo key followed by last 2-
digit of the Bank No. i.e. 00 to 09.

Auto Redial
This feature can be used to put an external number in auto redial mode. The system will
automatically dial this number at a predefined interval of time and on getting a ring back tone
from the trunk side, connects the line to you and your key telephone display will show the
telephone number connected to you. If at the time of transfer, your extension is busy, the
external party will be put on Hold On music.

Note: Auto redial works on CPTD (Call Progress Tone detector) basis. This feature will work
only if call progress tones are working at correct frequency & gain on your trunk lines.

To put a number in auto redial:

Step Action You Get

1. From KTS, press HOLD followed by RDL. Confirmation tone.

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The manual setting is done as follows:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the access code of the D/N changeover Confirmation tone.

(default is 56) + ZZ + M.

3. Hang up.

Where ZZ is the night code & by default it is 99 however it can be changed through system
programming. M = 1 for Day Mode & 0 for Night Mode.

Global memory bank

The system has a global memory bank of 90 numbers that can be used by all the extensions.
The global memory bank is divided into 2 parts of 45 numbers each.

The numbers stored in the first part can be dialed only by those extensions that have the
required class of service. The numbers stored in the second part can be dialed by any
extension, irrespective of the class of service of that extension. The global memory bank
numbers can be stored by system programming. You can dial the external telephone
numbers stored in the global memory bank by just dialing a 3-digit code. The global bank
numbers are 110 to 199.

To dial numbers stored in global bank:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the access code of global memory i.e. 1XX

The number stored in memory
2. or press Memo key followed by the last 2-digits
bank is dialed automatically.
of bank No.

Note: Global bank numbers 110 to 154 is a controlled class of service dial bank
i.e. only those telephone nos. which pertain to the class of service of an extension can
be dialed from that extension. Global bank numbers 155 to 199 are mode free dial
banks, where all the extensions have access to the nos. stored here irrespective of
their class of service.

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Background music
This feature enables you to hear the background music, which is connected to your system.
The speaker of the key telephone set will play the background music.

The background music source can be a CD player or any other music player, which can be
connected to the external music port on the main board of SBDX. Once background music is
activated, hold on music will be played on the speaker of your key phone. When an incoming
call (both internal and external) lands on your extension, the background music will stop &
your key phone will ring. After the conversation, when you replace the handset, the music will

To listen to background music:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the access code for back ground music Music will start playing
(default code is ‘82’).

3. Hang up.

To cancel background music:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the access code for cancellation of the Music will stop.
back ground music (default code is ‘82’).

3. Hang up.

Day & Night Mode – Manual Changeover

The status & feature of extensions and the trunk lines can be changed with the switchover
from the Day Mode to the Night Mode. The system is pre-set for auto Day & Night mode
changeover at the timings prescribed by the customer. User can facilitate a manual
changeover and override the auto day-night mode. The manual setting if left unchanged, will
be automatically overridden at these auto changeover timings and the system comes back to
the auto mode thereafter.

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Voice paging
The operator for activating a key phone remotely for an internal call can use this feature. The
operator can activate the speakerphone of the called key phone & start the conversation. The
speakerphone gets deactivated as soon as the caller disconnects. In case the caller does not
get a reply on activating the speakerphone, because of the absence of the user, then he can
revert back to the ringing mode in order to draw the users attention if he is nearby.
To activate the speakerphone when dialing a key phone extension:

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the extension number. Ring back tone.

Dial code for speakerphone activation (default

3. Start conversation.
is ‘2’).

To revert back to ringing mode:

Step Action What happens

On activating the called key phone, if no

Called extension start ringing
1 answer is received, dial the code for reverting
to ringing mode. (default code is ‘1’).

Note: Operator speakerphone cannot be activated using this feature.

Master Cancellation
This feature is used to cancel all the feature settings of your extension like Do Not Disturb,
Follow Me, Call Forward, Auto Call back.

To cancel all feature settings:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

2. Dial the code of master cancellation i.e. ‘50’. Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

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The system has a provision to interface with a public address system. You can have direct
access to the public address system by dialing a 2-digit code to make announcements. One
paging is available with SBDX.

To Page:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the paging code ‘81’. PA system will be activated.

3. Announce the message. PA system will start the paging.

4. Hang up.

Note: This feature requires an additional amplifier & speakers.

Page All
Operator can make paging to a group of key phones. All the key phones existing in the same
department, will be paged.

To make the paging on key phones:

Step Action What happens

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Press EMG key followed by All key phones of the asked department, will
department number. get activated on speaker.

3. If any of the paged key phone user You will be connected to the answered KTS
answers. & paging on rest of the key phones will be

Paging on key phones can also be done while transferring the trunk.

Note: Paging rights on key phone are mandatory to activate the paging on key phones.

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To activate mini email:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

3. Dial 7 +X (The valve of X is explained below) Confirmation tone.

4. Hang up.

The valid values of X for the various messages are listed below:

Message Value of X

Gone for Lunch 100 00

Back at HH:MM 2 HH MM (where HH is hrs in 24 hrs format & MM is minutes)
Gone for the day 3 00 00
Busy in meeting 400 00
Back at DD/MM 5 DD MM (where DD / MM are the Date & Month respectively)
Call at `Ext No.’ 6 NNNN (where NNNN is the extension no. in 4 digits)

Note: Even after you have set the message, your extension will continue to ring
normally whenever a call lands (both internal & external).

Example: If the extension user 202 wants to leave a message “Gone For Lunch” to be
displayed on the LCD terminal of a Key Phone calling him, he shall proceed in the following

Lift the handset & hear system dial tone.

Dial : ‘7’ (Entering message mode) + ‘100 00’
Waits for the confirmation tone and Hangs up.
Now all the Key Phone users will get a display of “Gone For Lunch” whenever they dial

To cancel mini e-mail:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

2. Dial the mini email cancellation code i.e. ‘52’ Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

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If operator is using a key phone, operator can leave a message for another key phone users.
On calling another key phone user, if another key phone is found busy or no reply, operator
can leave a numeric message for that key phone extension. The illuminated MSG key of the
called key phone, will give a message waiting indication.

To leave internal message for another key phone:

Step Action You Get

On getting busy tone while calling a busy key

1. Confirmation tone.
phone, press MSG key.

Or, on getting the ring back tone while calling

2. Confirmation tone.
a key phone, press MSG key.

3. Hang up.

Any other key phone or a SLT can leave the message for operator also. To retrieve the
message when the MSG key of operator’s key phone lights up:

Step Action You Get

Display of your key phone displays the number

1. Press MSG key.
of the internal calling party.

You get connected to the party who left the

2. Press RDL key.

3. Press FLASH key. The message will be erased.

Note: If more than one message is left for your extension, you can view the next
message only after erasing the current message.

Mini E-mail
SBDX offers 6 predefined messages, which can be activated by any extension by dialing the
message code. The activated message will be displayed on the display of the calling key

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Eight party conference (requires 8 party conference card):

You can establish a conference call, which allows several users to carry on a multiparty
conversation. Maximum 8 parties (including initiator) are permitted in this conference call.
The parties in a conference call can be either internal extensions or external parties.

To activate 8 party conference:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Make internal or external call & park it. You will be free.

Make another internal or external desired call You will be free.

& park it.

You can make a total of 7 calls like this & park You will be free.

Dial ‘83’ to start the conference. Multiple party conference is


Note: Conference will get over when the initiator disconnects. If a participant of the
conference wants to leave, he may hang up, conference will not be disturbed.

DND Override (From Key Phone Only)

If an extension user has activated `Don’t Disturb i.e. DND feature at his extension, operator
can access that DND extension also (in case of emergency) means operator can override
any extension that is set in DND mode.

To override any DND extension:

Step Action What happens

1. Dial the extension number Display will show `DND’.

2. Press the EMG key. That extension will start to ring.

Note : This feature does not cancel the DND on the called extension.

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3 party conference from Key Phone:

Step Action You Get

Lift the handset and dial a internal or external Conversation established with
number. the called party.

Press HOLD to put first party on hold & dial Second call is initiated.
2. another extension number or make external

If second internal party is busy or not You will get back the first party.
responding, press HOLD key again. Try again.

If second trunk party is busy or not responding, You will get back the first party.
press RLS key. Try again.

While talking to second party (internal or 3 party conference will be

external), press CONF key. established.

Press RLS 3 party conference will be


3 party conference from SLT:

To avail this feature, ensure that the SLT is having the rights of listen-in & accessing of two
trunks simultaneously.

Step Action You Get

Make first call (either internal or external) Conversation established with

the called party.

Press FLASH to put first party on hold and dial Beep.


3. Make second call (either internal or external) Speak to second party.

4. Press FLASH key. Conference will be initiated.

If second party is busy or not responding, hang Second party will be released
5. up. & your extension will start

Lift the handset. You will get first party. Now

you can try again.

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For every extension, a dial out level is defined through system programming also. Through
dynamic control, an user can obtain the maximum permissible dial out level, which is defined
through the system programming.

Logging-In of Auxiliary Operator

The auxiliary operator has to be set in the system programming. A maximum of 3 extensions
can be set as auxiliary console i.e. AUX1, AUX2, AUX3. These auxiliary operators can be
enabled (login) or disabled (logout).

For logging out:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

2. Dial the code of logging out (default ‘85’) Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

For logging in:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

3. Dial the logging-in code i.e. 57. Confirmation Tone.

Note: Only the AUX operator can be logged in or logged out. After logging out, only
that aux operator will cease to work as an auxiliary operator. The main operator cannot
be logged in or out. By default all the defined AUX operator are logged-in.

This feature allows the operator to have a conference call with any combination of extensions
and trunks (maximum of 8 parties). There are 2 types of conference available in the system
one is 3 party conference & another is 8 party conference. The 8-party conference requires a
separate conference card to be installed in the system.

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To change personal pass code:

Step Action You Get

Enter into own supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by existing password. supervisory mode.

2. Now dial 2 + New Password + New Password. Confirmation tone.

3. Hang up.

Caution: Once a pass code has been defined, the code is known only to you. If you
forget the pass code, you will not be able to get into your own supervisory mode. In
case you forget your pass code, you may take the help of system administrator

Dynamic call control

The system offers a unique facility to all extension users to prevent misuse of calls from their
extensions. By using this feature, an extension user can control his dynamic locking for direct
outward dialing. The highest dial mode that any extension can avail pertains to that which has
been provided by system administrator through system programming.

To change your extension’s dial mode:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Enter into own Supervisory mode by dialing 55 You have entered into own
followed by 3-digit own password. supervisory mode.

3. Dial 1 followed by the desired dial out level. Confirmation tone.

4. Hang up.

The levels for the dial mode and their corresponding values are given below:

0 Only internal call.

1 Only local but level one not allowed.
2 Only local but restricted digits are not allowed.
3 All types of local call.
4 Only local & STD calls.
5 Local , STD & ISD

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extension, the party who was conversing with this extension, will automatically go on hold
and he will hear hold on music.

To activate an emergency call:

Step Action What happens

On getting the busy tone while calling an Connected to the called

extension, press EMG key. extension.

Announce the message & hang up for Conversation between original

terminating the emergency call. parties will be re-established.

Enter own supervisory mode

Several features can be activated through supervisory mode. This feature illustrates how to
enter into own supervisory mode. This programming is extension specific hence
programmable from each extension by using the extension users pass code.

To get into own supervisory mode:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Dial the code to get into supervisory mode (i.e. You have entered into own
55) followed by extension’s pass code. supervisory mode.

Proceed with the required programming as

explained in various features.

By default the pass code of all extensions is 777. However it can be changed as per your
choice. (Refer `Personal Pass code).

Personal Pass code

Each extension in the system has a unique pass code. This pass code will allow you to get
into your own supervisory mode to activate various features like changing your dial mode,
storing numbers in your personal bank, setting hotline etc. The default pass code for all the
extensions in the system is 777. You can change this pass code at any time. Changing of the
pass code must be done from your own telephone. A pass code consists of 3-digits.

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Barge-In (Right Dependent)

This feature enables an extension user to barge-in to an extension or trunk line. Barge-In can
be activated while attempting to call a busy extension or trunk line.

To activate barge-in on a busy extension or trunk line:

Step Action You Get

1. Dial the busy extension or trunk no. Busy tone.

You will be in conference with the

2. Dial the listen-in code i.e. ‘9’.
called party.

3. Hang up. Barge-in will be terminated.

Note: When a port is protected against barge-in by activation of the Privacy

feature, you will get busy tone.

Silent Monitoring (Right Dependent)

This feature enables the operator to monitor a key phone extension. The monitored key
phone will not get any audio warning. On activating this feature, the microphone of the
monitored key phone gets activated and you can hear the microphone of the activated key
phone picks up.

To activate silent monitor:

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the code of the silent monitoring Whatever conversation is going

2. (default code is 57) + Key phone extension on around the dialed key phone,
number’. will be heard.

3. Hang up. Monitoring will be terminated.

Emergency Call (Only From Key Phone)

This feature allows the operator to break into an established two party call. It can be used for
conveying any emergency message for an internal party. On activating emergency call on an

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Auto Call Back On Busy Extension / Trunk

If the called extension or trunk is found busy, this feature automatically connects as soon as
the called line is free. If the call back is for an extension, your key phone will ring as soon as
the called extension becomes free. Simultaneously, the called extension will also ring. If the
call back is for a trunk line, the trunk will be allotted to your key phone as soon as it becomes
free and your extension will ring. On lifting the handset, you will get the trunk dial tone.

To activate call back on a busy line:

Step Action You Get

Dial the extension number or the PSTN If called extension or trunk is busy,
selection code. you get busy tone.

On getting busy tone, dial the code of Confirmation tone.

`Auto Call Back’ i.e. `8’.

3. Hang up.

Now as soon as busy extension or trunk gets free, your key phone will start ringing.

Listen-In (Right Dependent)

This feature enables the operator to monitor any extension or trunk line without an audio
warning to the monitored party. Listen-in can be activated while attempting to call a busy
extension or trunk line.

To activate listen-in on a busy extension or trunk line:

Step Action You Get

1. Dial the busy extension or trunk no. Busy tone.

2. Dial the code of `listen-in’ i.e. ‘6’. Voice of the conversing party.

3. Hang up. Listening-in will be terminated.

Note: When a port is protected against listen-in by activation of the Privacy feature,
you will get engaged tone.

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Note: If the parked call is not picked up within a predetermined time, the call will
automatically return to the originating station from which the parking was made. If call is
not attended within a pre defined period of time, call will be disconnected.

Call Pick-up
This feature allows you to answer other ringing extensions within the system. There are two
types of call pickup one is `Call pick within the department’ & another is `pick any ringing

To pick up the call within the department:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

You can pick up any ringing trunk Ringing trunk call.

2. by pressing the corresponding trunk

You can pick any of the queued Queued trunk call.

3. trunk call by pressing the
corresponding trunk key.

To pick up the internal call, dial the Connected to the calling party.
call pick up code i.e. `6’.

Note that you can pick a incoming call within your own department. Any number of
extensions can be defined in a department. To define the department, refer system-
programming session of this manual.

Important: If several extensions in the group are ringing then the call pick up would be in the
following priority order.

i) Ringing trunk ii) Ringing Ext iii) Queued trunk line to an ext. (not operator)

To pick any ringing extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the Handset. Dial tone.

Dial the Selective call pick up code (default 54) Connected to the calling party.
+ ‘ringing extension no.’.

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Coral SBDX - User Manual

Step Action You Get

While talking to an internal extension, Small beep.

press the HOLD key.

2. Make external call by selecting a trunk.

If you get external party `busy’ or `no Trunk line will be released & you will
3. reply’, release the external party, by be connected back to the internal
pressing RLS key. party. Try again.

If you get connected to the external party, You will be free & internal extension
4. press TRSF key to transfer the trunk call will be connected to the trunk party.
to the internal party.

Call Parking
In case you want to hold a conversing party for a longer time, you can park the call. The party
put on park will get Hold On Music. The parked party can be retrieved at your extension or at
any other extension. This feature is used for 8 party conference.

To park a call:

Step Action You Get

While talking to a party, press HOLD/FLASH key Confirmation tone.

followed by the call parking code i.e. 6.

2. Hang up.

To pick a parked call from own extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

2. Dial the code of the parked call pick-up i.e. 87. Connected to the parked call.

To pick a parked call from another extension:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the Handset. Dial tone.

Dial the code of the parked call pick-up from Connected to the parked call.
2. another ext i.e. ‘53’ + Extension no. that parked
the call.

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Call Consult

This feature allows you to consult a third party while conversing with an external or internal
caller. During consultation call, other party will be put on hold and will get hold on music.

Step Action You Get

While talking to a party, press the Confirmation tone.

HOLD key.

Dial the second party number Talk with the second party.
(Extension or trunk).

If the second party disconnects. You will get connected to the first

Or you can toggle between the first & You alternatively get connected to the
4. second party by pressing the other party and the currently
HOLD/FLASH key alternatively. connected party goes on HOLD.

Operator can repeatedly dial the last number dialed on the trunk, without pressing all the
numbers again. For this follow the procedure below:

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

From key phone, press the RDL key.

The last dialed external number will
From SLT, press `*’ key. be redialed automatically.

If external number is dialed by accessing any free trunk (by dialing the trunk access code `0’)
then on redial also any free trunk would be selected but if external number was dialed by
selecting any specific trunk, then redial would be attempted on the same trunk only.

Connecting a Trunk Line After Dialing

This feature is used when an extension user wants an external number to be dialed by the
operator. After the extension user has given the external number, press the HOLD / FLASH
key to put him on hold-on music. Select a trunk line by pressing the trunk key or by dialing “0”
and dial the required external number. After dialing, wait for the ring back tone & then hang
up to connect the trunk line to the extension.

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To transfer a call:

Step Action You get

1. While talking, press the HOLD key. Wait for the confirmation tone.

2. Dial the extension number. Hear the ring back tone.

If you find the called extension busy, You will get back the held call.
3. press the HOLD key again for taking the
line back.

You can press TRSF to camp on the trunk You will be free.
call to a busy extension.

If during transferring a call, an invalid You will get back the held call & you
5. extension number is dialed by mistake, can try again.
press the HOLD key again.

At this level you can either screen or connect straight away.

Screened transfer:

Step Action What Happens

1. While hearing the RBT, wait for the answer.

If you get an answer from the dialed extension, Call will be transferred & both
2 inform about the incoming call & hang up or the parties will be connected.
press TRSF key.

If no one is answering the call, you can take You will get back the call.
3. back the trunk by pressing the HOLD/RLS key

Unscreened transfer:

Step Action What Happens

While hearing the ring back tone during Called extension will start ringing.
1. transferring a call, press TRSF key or hang

If operator is having analog extension, use FLASH key in place of HOLD key & hang up for
RLS. If a call is not answered by the extension that call will come back to the operator &
operator key phone will show that extension number also from where that call is coming back.

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From SLT, park the current call & hang up.

(Refer the feature `Call Parking’)

2. After the conversation, hang up.

From KTS, pick up the held call by pressing the

corresponding trunk key, which was put on hold
3. earlier. You will get the held call back.
From SLT, pick up the parked call. (Refer the
feature `Call Parking’)

It is advised to release each call by pressing the RLS key rather than by replacing the
handset on the cradle so that all the queued calls can be attended one by one.

Hold a Line
A conversing party (extension or trunk) can be put on hold by the following procedure for
onward activities such as call consult, call transfer, call parking or conference.

To place a call on hold:

Step Action You Get

From key phone, press HOLD key followed by

RLS key.
1. Confirmation tone.
From SLT, operator has to park the call to put a
line on hold. (Refer the feature `Call Parking’)

To return to a call which was put on hold:

Step Action You Get

1. From KTS, press the corresponding trunk /

extension key.
Held line will be connected
From SLT, pick up the parked call. (Refer the back.
feature `Call Parking’)

Call Transfer
Any internal or external call received / originated at operator can be transferred from that key
phone to other extension. The call can be transferred after screening or without screening.

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Coral SBDX - User Manual

Important: The access of the trunk (defined in various group) depends on the extension
grouping for trunk access also.

Advice of Call Charges Display on Key Phone

While making an outgoing call, key phone shows the advice of call charges (AOC). This
advice of call charges are calculated as per the cost & code Table of the system.

The display of the AOC on KTS can be enabled or disabled as per the user’s requirement.
(Refer system programming).

Answering Incoming Calls

Operator can answer both incoming internal and external calls.

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Start conversation.

Attending Queued Call

This feature enables the operator to handle more than one incoming call. It must be noted
that the operator’s extension is always accessible & the caller would never get a busy tone. If
operator is talking on a line, another call also would get queued to the operator’s extension.

If operator is using key phone, operator key phone will start ringing for queued call & than
audio ring will stop. This is an audio intimation for the operator for the queued call. If operator
extension is an analog instrument, he will get a beep for a queued call & caller will get ring
back tone.

To Pick up Queued call:

Step. Action What happens

Disconnect the current call by pressing RLS Queued call will be picked up
key. automatically.


Step Action What happens

From KTS, put the current call on hold by Queued call will be picked up
1. pressing the HOLD key followed by automatically & current call will
corresponding trunk key (defined on KTS). go on hold.

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Chapter 1
Operator Features
Internal Call
Operator can make an internal call to any extension in the system by the following method:

Step Action You Get

1. Lift the handset. Dial tone.

Dial the desired extension number or press the Ring back tone till the called
predefined key on key phone. party picks up the call.

Note: The default extension numbering for two digital ports (available on baby
PCB) is 200 & 201. The analog extensions numbering plan (available on SBDX main
board, is 232 to 239).

External Call
To make outgoing calls, available trunks can be divided into 4 groups (group 0 to 3) as per
user’s requirement. First group is the general group & it is known as PSTN group. It must be
noted that a trunk can be defined in multiple groups also.

Step Action You get

1. Lift the handset. System dial tone.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 0

2. Dial `0’ for PSTN group.
will be selected.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 1

3. Dial `807’ for second group.
will be selected.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 2

4. Dial `808’ for third group.
will be selected.

Any of the free trunk line of trunk group 3

5. Dial `809’ for fourth group.
will be selected.

However dialing their respective access codes also can access trunk lines. The default trunk
access codes are 700 onwards.
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Thank you for purchasing Coral SBDX system. Many a thoughts have gone into making this
system flexible and easy to use. The flexibility is one of our great strengths. This manual is a
highly detailed explanation for the system features & its configuration. By means of this
manual, virtually all your present and future communication needs can be customized.

This manual gives the information on how to install the SBDX & how to configure the SBDX
for its use. The various sections for explaning the operator features, extension features,
system programming related to extensions, trunks & system features, are explained in
different chapters.

Not all features which are mentioned in this manual, may have been enabled in your
system / extension. Check with your system manager for a list of features actually
installed on your system.

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Printing Commands ........................................................................................ 92

On Line Printing ........................................................................................... 92
A sample of call details through on-line printing............................................ 93
ASMDR Printing of Outgoing Calls of Extensions & Trunks .......................... 93
ISMDR Printing of Incoming Calls of Extensions & Trunks ........................... 94
Today’s Calls Printing................................................................................... 95
Special Selected Printout ............................................................................. 95
Diversion of printer port to serial port............................................................ 96

Chapter 4.................................................................................................. 97

Remote Programming ............................................................................. 97

Remote Programming (Requires baby PCB of Mini Voice Mail).................... 97

Chapter 5.................................................................................................. 99

CTI Interfacing ......................................................................................... 99

Communication Parameters of the RS232 port of SBDX .............................. 99

Flow Control ................................................................................................. 99
External Applications that can be interfaced through serial port of SBDX...... 100

Chapter 6.................................................................................................. 101

Quick Reference of System Programming ............................................ 101

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Personal Memory Bank ................................................................................ 74

Auto Redial .................................................................................................. 74
Private Line.................................................................................................. 75
Boss Secretary System ................................................................................ 75
Set Self Alarm .............................................................................................. 76
Auto Lift & Auto Drop.................................................................................... 76
Last Caller Call Back .................................................................................... 77
Virtual Telephony ......................................................................................... 78
Smart Switch – Right dependent .................................................................. 78
Walking Class of Service ............................................................................. 79
Department Call ........................................................................................... 80
Some Unique Silent Features..................................................... 81
Incoming Landing ......................................................................................... 81
DISA – Direct Inward Station Access (optional) ............................................ 81
Restrict Direct DISA Access ......................................................................... 83
Mini Voice Mail (optional) ............................................................................. 83
DOSA – Direct Out Station Access............................................................... 86
Day / Night Mode of the SBDX ..................................................................... 87
Auto Call Disconnection ............................................................................... 87
Outgoing As Well As Incoming Call Details .................................................. 88
Budgeting on Extensions as well as on Trunks ............................................. 88
CLI Detection on Analog Trunks ................................................................... 88
CLI Extending to SLT ................................................................................... 88
Internal as well as External Hold On Music................................................... 89
VIP Call........................................................................................................ 89
CLI Based Call Routing ................................................................................ 89
Least Cost Routing - LCR ............................................................................. 89

Chapter 3.................................................................................................. 91

ASMDR Reports ....................................................................................... 91

Call Buffer Management in SBDX - Office Version ....................................... 91

Clarification of the SUFFIX that gets printed with the call details .................. 92
System Call Recording Level ....................................................................... 92

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Advice of Call Charges Display on Key Phone.............................................. 50

Answering Incoming Calls ............................................................................ 50
Answering Queued Call ................................................................................ 50
Call Transfer ................................................................................................ 51
Call Consult.................................................................................................. 53
Brokers Call.................................................................................................. 53
Redial........................................................................................................... 53
Call Parking.................................................................................................. 54
Hold a Line................................................................................................... 54
Call Pick-Up ................................................................................................. 55
Auto Call Back On Busy Extension / Trunk ................................................... 56
Listen-In (Right Dependent)......................................................................... 56
Barge-In (Right Dependent)......................................................................... 57
Silent Monitor (Right Dependent).................................................................. 57
Emergency Call (Only from key phone) ........................................................ 58
Conference................................................................................................... 58
Enter Own Supervisory Mode ....................................................................... 60
Personal Pass code...................................................................................... 60
Call Privacy.................................................................................................. 61
Dynamic Call Control.................................................................................... 61
Call Forwarding ............................................................................................ 62
Call Forward External ................................................................................... 63
Follow Me..................................................................................................... 64
Do Not Disturb.............................................................................................. 65
DND Override (Only from key phone)........................................................... 65
Hotline Setting.............................................................................................. 66
Message....................................................................................................... 68
Mini E-mail ................................................................................................... 69
Paging.......................................................................................................... 70
Page All ....................................................................................................... 71
Voice Paging ................................................................................................ 71
Master Cancellation...................................................................................... 72
Background Music ........................................................................................ 72
Global memory bank .................................................................................... 73

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Voice paging ................................................................................................ 30

Master Cancellation...................................................................................... 30
Background music........................................................................................ 31
Day & Night Mode – Manual Changeover..................................................... 31
Global memory bank .................................................................................... 32
Personal Memory Bank ................................................................................ 33
Auto Redial .................................................................................................. 33
Printer Form Feed ........................................................................................ 34
Last Caller Call Back .................................................................................... 34
Forceful release of a line .............................................................................. 35
Virtual Telephony ......................................................................................... 35
Set Self Alarm .............................................................................................. 36
Department Call ........................................................................................... 36

Keys on Operator Console................................................................................ 45

Audio Level Adjustment................................................................................ 45

One-Touch Keys .......................................................................................... 45
DSS (Direct Station Selector) ....................................................................... 45
Name / Dial Number Display ........................................................................ 45
On Line Advice of Call Charge ..................................................................... 46
PROG Key ................................................................................................... 46
MEMO Key................................................................................................... 46
REDIAL / RDL Key ....................................................................................... 46
SPK Key....................................................................................................... 46
RLS Key....................................................................................................... 46
HOLD Key.................................................................................................... 47
MSG Key...................................................................................................... 47
CONF Key.................................................................................................... 47
FLASH Key .................................................................................................. 47
ECALL / EMG key ........................................................................................ 47

Chapter 2.................................................................................................. 49

Extension Features ................................................................................. 49

Internal Call.................................................................................................. 49
External Call................................................................................................. 49

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Coral SBDX - User Manual


Introduction.............................................................................................. 11

Chapter 1.................................................................................................. 13

Operator Features ................................................................................... 13

Internal Call.................................................................................................. 13
External Call................................................................................................. 13
Advice of Call Charges Display on Key Phone.............................................. 14
Answering Incoming Calls ............................................................................ 14
Attending Queued Call ................................................................................. 14
Hold a Line................................................................................................... 15
Call Transfer ................................................................................................ 15
Call Consult.................................................................................................. 17
Redial........................................................................................................... 17
Connecting a Trunk Line After Dialing .......................................................... 17
Call Parking.................................................................................................. 18
Call Pick-up.................................................................................................. 19
Auto Call Back On Busy Extension / Trunk ................................................... 20
Listen-In (Right Dependent).......................................................................... 20
Barge-In (Right Dependent)......................................................................... 21
Silent Monitoring (Right Dependent) ............................................................. 21
Emergency Call (Only From Key Phone) ...................................................... 21
Enter own supervisory mode ........................................................................ 22
Personal Pass code...................................................................................... 22
Dynamic call control ..................................................................................... 23
Logging-In of Auxiliary Operator ................................................................... 24
Conference................................................................................................... 24
DND Override (From Key Phone Only)......................................................... 26
Message....................................................................................................... 27
Mini E-mail ................................................................................................... 27
Paging.......................................................................................................... 29
Page All ....................................................................................................... 29
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Coral Telecom Ltd. 4

Coral SBDX - User Manual

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Coral
Telecom Ltd. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Coral Telecom Ltd. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this

No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language

without the prior written consent of Coral Telecom Ltd.

Printing History
First edition : 1 February, 2004
Second Edition : 1 July, 2004

Coral Telecom Ltd. 3

Coral SBDX - User Manual

Coral Telecom Ltd. 2

Office Version
User Manual

Coral Telecom Ltd.

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