$ficial Acceptance Report
$ficial Acceptance Report
$ficial Acceptance Report
A. Unit 1 and 2
1. Turbine Data
Operating time for :
- Main Inlet Valve
- Jet Deflector
- Jet Actuators
Pressure in the cylinder
- Hy- System : Main Inlet valve, Jet deflector, jet adjustment
- Pressure for filter : Cooling and lubrication system
- Nitrogen filling operation
Alarm and Shutdown
- Generator Bearing DE
- Generator bearing NDE
- Stator
- Vibration
2. Dry test
Gneeral Check
Hydraulic connection :
- Hydraulic power unit
- Main inlet valve actuator
- Jet deflector actuator
Fluid and gas level
- Hydraulic power unit oil level
- Oil filters installed / pressure adjusted
- Niutrogen filling HPU
- HPU Pump motor
3. Function checks
Electric function
- Bypass
Hydraulic function and operating times
- HPU motor rotation
- Open and close nozzle
- Open and close jet deflector
- Open and close the main inlet valve
Effective operating time
- Main inlet Valve
- Jet deflector
- Nozzles
B. Unit 3
1. Turbine Data
Operating time for :
- Main Inlet Valve
- Jet Deflector
- Jet Actuators
Pressure in the cylinder
- Hy- System : Main Inlet valve, Jet deflector, jet adjustment
- Pressure for filter : Cooling and lubrication system
- Nitrogen filling operation
Alarm and Shutdown
- Generator Bearing DE
- Generator bearing NDE
- Stator
- Vibration
2. Dry test
Gneeral Check
Hydraulic connection :
- Hydraulic power unit
- Main inlet valve actuator
- Jet deflector actuator
Fluid and gas level
- Hydraulic power unit oil level
- Oil filters installed / pressure adjusted
- Niutrogen filling HPU
- HPU Pump motor
electrical connection
- Control system
- Bypass
- Sensor and potentiometer
3. Function checks
Electric function
- Bypass
Hydraulic function and operating times
- HPU motor rotation
- Open and close nozzle
- Open and close jet deflector
- Open and close the main inlet valve
Effective operating time
- Main inlet Valve
- Jet deflector
- Nozzles
Beside that, there are some works should continue after the civil works ready. The works item stated
below :
A. Unit 1 and 2
1. Dry test
General check
- Control system
- Bypass
- Sensor and potentiometer
Function check
- Electrical signal
2. Generator checking
3. Wet test
4. Load test
B. Unit 3
1. Generator checking
2. Wet test
3. Load test
And from your side should prepare the civil works like below :
Best Regards,
David Siegl