Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800
Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800
Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800
With the
expansion of trade
between the
Byzantine Empire
and the Islamic
countries, the ports
on the Italian coast
revived. From the
twelfth century, as
the Mongols opened
up trade with China
and as trade with
western European
countries also
increased, Italian
towns played a
central role. They no
longer saw
themselves as part of
a powerful empire,
but as independent
city states. Two of
these - Florence and
Venice - were
republics, and many
others were court
Map 1: The Italian States.
cities, ruled by
One of the most vibrant cities was Venice, another was Genoa. They were
different from other parts of Europe - the clergy were not politically dominant
here, nor were there powerful feudal
lords. Rich merchants and bankers Locate Republics and three court
actively participated in governing the cities on the out line map of Italy.
city, and this helped the idea of
citizenship to strike root. Even when
Clergy: Members of the Church - the
these towns were ruled by military
priests, bishops, cardinals and the Pope
despots, the pride felt by the towns
people in being citizens did not weaken.
Fig. 12.2: St Peter’s Square, Rome and the basicilca. This Church and the court in front of it
was designed by several artists including Michealngelo and Bernini. This uses many
architectural ideas from Ancient Rome.
Some individuals were skilled equally as painters, sculptors and architects.
The most impressive example is Michelangelo
Describe the different
(1475-1564) – immortalised by the ceiling he
scientific elements in the
painted for the Pope in the Sistine Chapel, the
work of sixteenth century
sculpture called ‘The Pieta’ and his design of
Italian artists. the dome of St Peter’s Church, all in Rome.
Scholars like Machiavelli began a study of human society as they were instead
of trying to just say what an ideal society should be like. Since they felt that human
beings were motivated by self interest, they studied self interest of people and how
it could be used.
The Aspirations of Women
The new ideal of individuality and citizenship excluded women. Men from
aristocratic families dominated public life and were the decision-makers in their
families. They educated their sons to take their place in family businesses or in
public life, at times sending their younger sons to join the Church. Although their
dowries were invested in the family businesses, women generally had no say in
how their husbands should run their business. Often, marriages were intended to
strengthen business alliances. If an adequate dowry could not be arranged, daughters
were sometimes sent to convents to live the life of a nun. Obviously, the public
role of women was limited and they were looked upon as keepers of the households.
The position of women in the families of merchants, however, was somewhat
different. Shopkeepers were very often assisted by their wives in running the shop.
In families of merchants and bankers, wives looked after the businesses when the
male members were away on work. The early death of a merchant compelled his
widow to perform a larger public role than was the case in aristocratic families.
In almost every part of Europe, peasants began to rebel against the taxes imposed
by the Church. While the common folk resented the extortions of churchmen,
princes found their interference in the work of the state irritating.
In 1517, a young German monk called Martin Luther (1483-1546) launched a
campaign against the Catholic Church and argued that a person did not need priests
to establish contact with God. He asked his followers to have complete faith in
God, for faith alone could guide them to the right life and entry into heaven. This
movement - called the Protestant Reformation - led to the churches in Germany
and Switzerland breaking their connection with the Pope and the Catholic Church.
In Switzerland, Luther's ideas were popularised by Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)
9. Do you agree with the following statement; "Printed books continue to dominate
our lives" Give reasons for your answer.
10. Write an account of how the world appeared different to seventeenth century
11. Mention two outstanding features of the renaissance architecture.
1. Collect pictures of great Renaissance artists and prepare an album.
2. Prepare a play on debate between Galileo and a priest who did not believe that the
earth went around the sun.
3. Study the various ways in which we use products of the printing press today and
prepare a detailed report.