Practice Exam 3 - Fall 2009 - With Answers
Practice Exam 3 - Fall 2009 - With Answers
Practice Exam 3 - Fall 2009 - With Answers
Practice Exam #3
Multiple Choice (5 points each): For each of the following, select the single most appropriate
option to complete the statement.
Answer: a
2) To test whether or not the population regression function is linear rather than a polynomial of
order r,
a) check whether the regression R 2 for the polynomial regression is higher than that of the
linear regression.
b) compare the TSS from both regressions.
c) look at the pattern of the coefficients: if they change from positive to negative to positive,
etc., then the polynomial regression should be used.
d) use the test of (r-1) restrictions using the F-statistic.
Answer: d
Answer: d
4) A survey of earnings contains an unusually high fraction of individuals who state their
weekly earnings in 100s, such as 300, 400, 500, etc. This is an example of
a) errors-in-variables bias.
b) sample selection bias.
c) simultaneous causality bias.
d) companies that typically bargain with workers in 100s of dollars.
Answer: a
Answer: d
6) In the panel regression analysis of beer taxes on traffic deaths, the estimation period is 1982-
1988 for the 48 contiguous U.S. states. To test for the significance of time fixed effects, you
should calculate the F-statistic and compare it to the critical value from your Fq ,∞
distribution, where q equals
a) 6.
b) 7.
c) 48.
d) 53.
Answer: a
Answer: c
Answer: a
Problems: Provide the requested information for each of the following questions. Be sure to
show your work
1) Earnings functions attempt to find the determinants of earnings, using both continuous and
binary variables. One of the central questions analyzed in this relationship is the returns to
a) Collecting data from 253 individuals, you estimate the following relationship
ln( Earni ) = 0.54 + 0.083 × Educ, R 2 = 0.20, SER = 0.445
(0.14) (0.011)
where Earn is average hourly earnings and Educ is years of education.
What is the effect of an additional year of schooling? If you had a strong belief that years
of high school education were different from college education, how would you modify
the equation? What if your theory suggested that there was a “diploma effect”?
Answer: One additional year of education carries an 8.3 percent increase, or a return, on
earnings. You would need additional data to see if this coefficient was different
for high school versus college education. Including both variables in the
regression would then allow you to test for equality of the coefficients. A
“diploma effect” could be studied by creating a binary variable for a high school
diploma, a junior college diploma, a B.A. or B.Sc. diploma, and so forth.
b) You read in the literature that there should also be returns to on-the-job training. To
approximate on-the-job training, researchers often use the so called Mincer or potential
experience variable, which is defined as Exper = Age – Educ – 6. Explain the reasoning
behind this approximation. Is it likely to resemble years of employment for various sub-
groups of the labor force?
Answer: The idea is that everybody works except in the first six years of life and during
the time spent in school/university for education. This approximation will work
better for people with a strong attachment to the labor force. It will not work
well for females and those who are frequently unemployed or out of the
ln( Earni ) = -0.01 + 0.101 × Educ + 0.033 × Exper – 0.0005 × Exper2 ,
(0.16) (0.012) (0.006) (0.0001)
What is the effect of an additional year of experience for a person who is 40 years old and
had 12 years of education? What about for a person who is 60 years old with the same
education background?
Answer: For the first person, the Exper variable increases from 22 to 23, and results in a
1.1 percent earnings increase. For the 60 year old, there is an expected decrease
of 1 percent.
d) Test for the significance of each of the coefficients of the added variables. Why has the
coefficient on education changed so little?
2) A study, published in 1993, used U.S. state panel data to investigate the relationship between
minimum wages and employment of teenagers. The sample period was 1977 to 1989 for all
50 states. The author estimated a model of the following type:
a) Name some of the factors that might be picked up by time and state fixed effects.
Answer: Time effects will pick up the effect of omitted variables that are common to all
50 states at a given point in time. Federal fiscal and monetary variables,
exchange rate and U.S. terms of trade movements, aggregate business cycle
developments, etc., are candidates here. State fixed effects will include
variables that are slowly changing over time within a specific state such as
attitudes toward employment or labor force participation, state specific labor
market policies, industrial and labor force composition, etc.
b) The author decided to use eight regional dummy variables instead of the 49 state dummy
variables. What is the implicit assumption made by the author? Could you test for its
validity? How?
Answer: The implicit assumption by the author is that the coefficients on the state fixed
effects are identical within a region but differ between regions. Since these
coefficients imply linear restrictions, they can be tested using the F-test.
c) The results, using time and region fixed effects only, were as follows:
ln E it = –0.182 × ln(Mit /Wit ) + . . .; R 2 = 0.727
Answer: Consider a ten percent increase in minimum wages, say from $5 to $5.50 with
constant average hourly earnings. This corresponds to a ten percent increase in
relative minimum wages. The resulting decrease in the teenage to population
ratio is 1.8 or almost 2 percent. The regression explains roughly 73 percent of
the employment to population ratio of teenagers during the period of 1977 to
Calculate the change in probability for X increasing by 10 for X = 40 and X = 60. Why is
there such a large difference in the change in probabilities?
Answer: Pr(Y=1|X=40) = 0.997; Pr(Y=1|X=50) = 0.964; Pr(Y=1|X=60) = 0.711;
Pr(Y=1|X=70) = 0.182. The change is large due to the nonlinear nature of the
model and the values for which the change was calculated.