OpenTrack - Manual EN.1.9 PDF
OpenTrack - Manual EN.1.9 PDF
OpenTrack - Manual EN.1.9 PDF
ETH Zurich
Institute for Transport Planning and Systems
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction
This document outlines the background and use of OpenTrack, a railroad network simulation
program developed as part of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute for Transport
Planning and Systems (ETH IVT) research project entitled OpenTrack - Simulation of Railway
Networks. The project objective was to develop a user-friendly railroad simulation program
that can run on different computer platforms and can answer many different questions about
railway operations.
This manual describes the OpenTrack program and summarizes the OpenTrack research. A
more detailed presentation of the program’s theoretical basis and simulation model are presen-
ted in the full research report [Hue 01].
km/h 100
220.0 100 200
50 250
0 300
0 10 20 30 40 km
Station A 0
08:00 09:00 10:00
S5 Train Graphs
S2 S8
2201 2203 2205
Track 1
Course ID Station Arrival Departure Wait
IC 5000 IGG HH:MM:SS 08:20:00 0
IC 5000 YPS 08:24:00 08:25:00 60
As shown in Figure 1, OpenTrack administers input data in three modules: rolling stock, infra-
structure, and timetable. Users enter input information into these modules and then run the
The simulation is carried out with the user defined input data. Predefined trains move on a
defined track layout on the conditions of the timetable data. OpenTrack uses a mixed discrete/
continuous simulation process that calculates both the continuous numerical solution of the
differential motion equations for the vehicles (trains), and the discrete processes of signal box
states and delay distributions.
A wide variety of output data is developed in the simulation process. OpenTrack allows users
to present this data in many different formats including, time-space diagrams, tables and gra-
phical elements (pictures).
2. Structure of OpenTrack
Locomotive data is stored in a database called Depot. This database describes all possible
locomotive types in terms of technical specifications such as: tractive effort/speed diagram,
weight, length, and adhesive values. The user can enter new data for specific locomotives into
the locomotive database from the OpenTrack program or can make use of pre-defined locomo-
tives already in the database.
Wagons are not specifically defined in OpenTrack, since the only data necessary for the simu-
lation is the length and load of the complete train. Therefore, the program models trains crea-
ted by selecting one or more locomotives from the locomotive database and combining them
with length and weight data that serves to model the train’s wagons in the simulation. These
trains are managed by OpenTrack in a train database.
Project Olten
The track layout can be graphically recorded and managed by means of a track picture editor.
Attributes can be assigned to the various graphical elements using an “Inspector” tool. For
example, the Edge Inspector can be used to assign information such as length, gradient, and
maximum speed, to a particular edge. Similarly, the Vertex Inspector can be used to assign
attributes such as a name, Kilometer reference point, and switch information to a vertex.
An important aspect of OpenTrack is that it describes the track layout in terms of double ver-
tex graphs (see Chapter 3.3.1 for more information on double vertex graphs). Using double
vertex graphs allows directional data to be more easily managed in OpenTrack.
Infrastructure related train operations terms are user defined combinations of physical ele-
ments that are logical to group together. These terms are associated with the infrastructure and
do not have movement information (i.e. schedules) associated with them. There are three
levels of infrastructure related terms, higher levels consist of sets of the lower level. Specifi-
• Route - Routes are the first level of train movement description. They consist of a set of
vertexes and edges which are linked together. In physical terms they can be thought of as
sections of track.
• Path - Paths are the second level, they consist of sets of Routes. In physical terms they can
be thought of as a group of track sections in a certain area, for example, a group of track
sections that a train would use to pass through a station.
• Itinerary - Itineraries are the third level, they consist of sets of Paths.
Timetable oriented train operations terms are user defined combinations of schedule data with
the physical infrastructure used by a train. The physical infrastructure is defined in terms of
Itineraries (see above). Timetable oriented terms are associations of itineraries with schedule
data, and consist of the following:
• Course - Courses are sets of itineraries with schedule data (timetable data, information on
whether a train stops at a certain station, etc.) associated with the itinerary data. A course
can be thought of as a particular train operating over a given time period.
• Turnaround - Turnarounds are groups of courses. They can be used to show that the same
physical train composition is used for several different courses. There are other ways of
indicating this and so turnarounds are not used often in OpenTrack.
2.2 Simulation
The objective of the OpenTrack simulation process is for the user-defined trains to fulfil the
user-defined timetable on the user-defined track layout. As mentioned above OpenTrack uses
a mixed continuous - discrete method to model train movement. The motion of trains is
modelled by the solution of the differential motion equation (continuous) combined with
signal information (discrete).
The differential motion equation calculates the train’s forward motion based on the maximum
possible acceleration per time step (the acceleration rate is determined using train performance
and track layout data such as maximum tractive effort, train resistance, and track gradient,
track radius, and segment maximum speeds). The train speed is obtained using integration and
the distance covered using reintegration.
Train movements are also governed by the signals controlling the track layout. Occupied track
sections, switching times of the signals or restrictive states of signals influence the perfor-
mance of the trains. In other words, if the signal shows stop, the train does not move.
During the simulation each train feeds a virtual tachograph (output database), which stores
data such as acceleration, speed and distance covered. In this way various evaluations can be
performed after the simulation has been completed.
The simulation can be performed normally or in an animation mode. In animation mode the
user sees the running trains, the occupied and the allocated track sections, as well as the states
of the signals on the track layout.
2.3 Evaluations
OpenTrack can perform a variety of evaluations using the simulation data. These evaluations
can be made on several different perspectives, for example, per train, per route or per station.
Several examples of typical OpenTrack evaluations are presented in the following figures;
more examples are presented throughout this manual.
Figure 3 illustrates acceleration characteristics and speed of a train operating on a given route
(speed-distance diagram); Figure 4 illustrates a train diagram (space-time diagram) which
shows actual and desired travel times; and, Figure 5 illustrates station track occupation data.
0 10 20 30 40 50 [km]
Figure 3: Speed/Distance-Diagram
R E1
FR 4
5 00 0
0 00 2
5 00 1
0 00
F R4
01 03
40 40
08.00 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 09.00
SE40000 SE40002
• Documents - OpenTrack stores track infrastructure information and train graphs as docu-
ments. These files can be edited by users with a graphical editor (or Inspector). The num-
ber of documents used in a simulation is unlimited; it depends upon the type of modelling
being performed, the modularity of the track layout, and the number of graphical timeta-
bles to be produced.
• Databases - OpenTrack uses six different databases to store rolling stock, station, and
timetable information. These consist of: locomotive data, train data, course data, timetable
data, station data, and itinerary data. There can be several different versions of any data
file, however only one version can be active for a given simulation run.
• Evaluations - OpenTrack saves evaluation data from the simulation in different output
files. This data consists of tab separated ASCII text files. It can be edited in a text editor or
in a spreadsheet program.
3. OpenTrack Application
The OpenTrack application runs on the Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac (MacOS X,
macOS) operating systems. The figures presented in this document come from the Windows
8.1 version. On other platforms the windows, the menu representations, or the build-up of the
screen can deviate slightly from the examples presented in this document. However, all versi-
ons of OpenTrack have the same functionality.
Figure 7 illustrates the main elements of the OpenTrack program. The large windows consist
of worksheet documents that contain the track layout data. On the right side of the figure an
OpenTrack “Inspector” is illustrated, in this case the Signal Inspector, and on the far right side
the long window is called the “OpenTrack Tool Palette” or more simply the “Palette.”
The basic process for creating or editing OpenTrack track networks uses graphical tools to
create and place objects on the worksheet, and a tool called the inspector for giving these
objects attributes (e.g. a length of track has a gradient or speed limit). OpenTrack’s graphical
tools are displayed on the Palette. The palette tools include the Pointer (used to select objects
on the worksheet), icons for worksheet objects (vertex, station vertex, connector vertex, edge,
signal, exclusion link, and station), graphical icons, and evaluation tool icons.
After objects are placed on the worksheet their attributes are entered or set using the inspector
tool. There is a different inspector for each type of object, however OpenTrack will automati-
cally open the appropriate inspector for the selected object by entering the command: Tools
The following sections outline how various objects are placed on the worksheet, how attribu-
tes are input or edited, and describes the object attributes in detail.
Starting OpenTrack
• Find the OpenTrack.exe file in the file directory or the application icon on the desktop
• Double click on the file name or the icon
• OpenTrack is started
Alternative methods to start OpenTrack (e.g. script mode) are described in Chapter 3.11.
In OpenTrack the track layout is created and edited using a file called a worksheet. A work-
sheet consists of a track layout section with all its elements such as route, signals, stations etc.
A worksheet can also include additional information such as text, pictures, graphical elements
(rectangles, circles, lines) to help users better visualize the layout. Figure 8 illustrates a typical
The railway network to be modelled can be spread over several worksheets by means of a
“connector.” A connector connects points on two different worksheets. In this way the com-
plete network can be subdivided into clear modules, which can be loaded separately or
together depending on the need.
3.3 Vertex
Vertices mark the points in the railway network where at least one route attribute (gradient,
radius, speed etc.) changes or where there is a signal. In OpenTrack vertices always appear in
pairs (since OpenTrack represents the network using the double vertex graphing technique),
but as single objects on the worksheet. Attributes such as names and reference points asso-
ciated with a vertex can be entered and edited using the Inspector tool.
The differences between classical graphs and double vertex graphs can be illustrated using the
example of a switch represented in Figure 9 as a classical graph and in Figure 10 as a double
vertex graph.
EE' F F'
In searching through the network layout for possible routes, a possible route of D-C-B-E-F or
the reverse is found using the classical graph representation shown in Figure 9. Since real
switches cannot be traversed in this vertex order, a rule would need to be introduced in the
representing graph preventing this operation.
A simple solution is available using the double vertex graphing technique, which represents
the track layout with the sequence rule of: vertex-vertex-edge-vertex-vertex-edge-vertex-ver-
tex... Using this rule only the possible train routes through the switch would be found (i.e. the
routes AA‘-BB‘-CC‘-DD‘ or the reverse, and AA‘-BB‘-EE‘-FF‘ or the reverse) in Figure 10.
Similarly, double vertex graphs provide a simple and easily understood method for placing
signals in OpenTrack so that they control only one direction of travel.
Vertex Commands
Inserting a Vertex
• Select Vertex Tool from palette (illustrated above).
• Mouse click on the worksheet.
• Vertex (double vertex) is created.
• Set vertex attributes using the Vertex Inspector.
It is important to note that you can only merge two ‘empty’ sides of vertices. If you start by
selecting a vertex side with an edge or signal the program will simply place a new vertex on
the document. Similarly, the program will not allow you to ‘drop’ an empty side of one vertex
on the non-empty side of another vertex.
Vertex Inspector
OpenTrack uses a tool called “Inspector” to view and assign attributes to various elements. In
the case of a vertex this tool is called the Vertex Inspector.
Figure 11 illustrates the Vertex Inspector. When using the Vertex Inspector it is important to
remember that OpenTrack uses double vertices. This means that vertex attributes are assigned
to each of the “sides” that make-up the double vertex separately. Thus, for example, if you
want to assign the same name to both sides of the vertex you need to enter the data twice, once
for each side. The Vertex Inspector allows you to choose which side of the vertex you are wor-
king with by selecting the side you want in the “Vertex Selector” located at the bottom of the
Vertex Inspector (in the Misc. box).
The Vertex Inspector can be used to give vertices names. These vertex names are used in
OpenTrack’s description of routes and paths. Therefore, it is very important to use meaningful
names for the vertices particularly for vertices where routes begin or end. This will assist the
user in understanding and editing train operation descriptions. Typical names include: 01 for
track 1, HOME for vertices with home signals etc.
When using the inspector to enter any text data attributes (e.g. name) the user must press the
ENTER key following inputting the data. This signals OpenTrack that the user is finished
entering data and the attribute is ready to be assigned. Alternatively the “Set Data” button at
the bottom of the inspector can be selected to save text data, but pressing ENTER following
each data input is probably safer.
The Vertex Inspector allows the user to view or edit the following information about the
selected vertex (or vertices):
Vertex Name: Name of vertex (see note above regarding naming vertices).
Kilometre Point: KM Reference Point (used as information, not to calculate lengths).
Station Sign: The station abbreviation is shown if the vertex has been grouped into a
station area. See “Defining a Station Area” on page 33.
Station Vertex: Box is checked if the vertex is a station vertex.
“No. of”- Cells: Show number of elements starting at vertex location (routes, paths, iti-
neraries, etc.)
Insulated Joint: Insulated joint at vertex location
Switch - Only vertices that are switches have data in this section. Note that only one side of the
vertex belongs to a switch and has data in this section.
Default Position: When box is checked the switch is currently in the default position. The
default position is taken to be the switch position when opening the
document or at the beginning of a simulation.
[Switch] Click to change switch position from the default position to the oppo-
site position or vice versa.
Switch Time: Switch operation time (default is 0 seconds).
Connector - Only vertices that are connectors have data in this section.
Layout: Name of linked document file (i.e. document with connector vertex that
is connected with the selected vertex).
Connector ID: OpenTrack Identification number for connector vertex on linked docu-
Set Data - Click this button to save all data in the inspector.
Remember to press the ENTER key after entering text data in any cell, and press the Set Data
key when finished editing the vertex; otherwise the changes will not be saved.
As with editing single vertices it is important to press the ENTER key after entering text data
in a cell and the Set Data button to save the changes to the OpenTrack files.
OpenTrack will automatically check whether both sides of a double vertex have the same
Kilometre-post data and name when the vertex is inspected. If both sides are not the same this
will be indicated by a "!" displayed before the corresponding text cell.
You can use the Vertex Inspector (Inspector - End) to indicate whether a vertex contains an
insulated joint (Insulated Joint) or an axle counter (Axle Counter).
Vertices with insulated joints or axle counters can be identified by a black dash in the middle
of the double vertex on the infrastructure drawing as shown in the figure below.
These attributes will be used in the construction of Release Groups for routes (Tools Rou-
tes). When there are insulated joints or axle counters in a route, then the release group ends at
the vertex by default. Users can change these default release groups later using the command
Edit in the route panel (Tools Routes).
• Format Show Small Vertices ... changes the vertices from large to small.
• Format Show Big Vertices ... changes the vertices from small to large.
Station A
You can use the Vertex Inspector to change a vertex from a normal vertex to a station vertex
using the following procedure:
Edge attributes include edge length (edges can be of any length), radius, and gradient. Additio-
nal information such as a description of the tunnel cross section (and/or a tunnel factor: fT
between 0.5 and 50), provision of pilot line (loop), train speed per direction of travel, and
membership of the edge in a safety margin after a signal (overlap) can also be attributed to an
Edges have a direction which is set based on how the edge was drawn on the worksheet; the
direction will be from the starting (first) vertex to the target (second) vertex. Edge direction is
important because it is used to indicate gradient, radius, and line speed attributes; for example,
a positive gradient on an edge indicates that the second vertex is at a higher position than the
The OpenTrack procedures for showing edge direction on the worksheet and changing edge
direction are outlined below.
Edges can be linked together so that the edges are only occupied or allocated together. An
edge linked to another is a special type of edge called an Exclusion Link (described in more
detail below). An example where an exclusion link can be used is to prevent a station track
(e.g. ST-1) from being used when passengers are unloading from an adjacent track and must
cross the first track (ST-1) at grade to reach the station.
During the simulation reservations and occupations of edges (which train at what time) can be
monitored and evaluated. Details are given in Chapter 8.6: Monitoring the Simulation on page
Edge Inspector
As with vertices OpenTrack uses a tool called “Inspector” to view and assign attributes to
edges. In the case of an edge this tool is called the Edge Inspector. To display the Edge Inspec-
tor use the command: Tools Inspector.
Figure 14 illustrates the Edge Inspector. The edge inspector can be used to input or edit the
following edge attributes:
Speed Table: Table of the permissible speeds per train type and direction of travel
12 and 21 expressed in km/h. The number of train types and their
designations presented in the Speed Table are designated by the user in
the Preferences menu (Info Preferences).
The user can edit speeds in the table by clicking on the speed to be
changed and then entering the new speed. After entering a new value
press ENTER or the Set Data button to store the data.
Same Speed When the Check Box “Same Speed both Dir” is checked then the speed
from 12 is set equal to the speed from 21.The Copy button can be
used to copy the speeds from one train type to another.
Line Name: Optional attribute for a line name (facilitates data exchange via railML
Track Name: Optional attribute for a track name (facilitates data exchange via railML
Edge Name: Edge name (optional)
Res.: (Reserved) = Shows for which course the edge is allocated. Special
case: If the user changes the occupation state manually, the string User
appears in this field.
[State] Changes the occupation state of the selected edge from free to alloca-
ted, from allocated to occupied, or from occupied to free
[Swap] Changes the edge direction; vertex 1 and vertex 2 are swapped
ID, Element: OpenTrack object and safety element ID numbers (cannot be changed
by user).
OpenTrack automatically generates safety elements as the track network is input on the work-
sheet. The safety elements are not visible on the worksheet but are generated behind the track
layout. OpenTrack automatically creates safety elements using the following rule:
Edges that touch one another in a vertex belong to the same safety element.
There is one case where OpenTrack’s automatic method of generating safety elements does
not accurately represent the track network, this is the case of at grade railroad crossing. If the
user draws a track edge that simply crosses another track edge creating a rail crossing Open-
Track will assume that this is grade separated. There are two methods that can be used to
accurately create safety elements in at grade rail crossings.
These are:
• Draw crossing by starting with a normal switch between two lines and then remove the
through edge (keeping the switch edge). In this case the joint safety element formed auto-
matically (since both edges were in the same vertex) remains in existence.
• Draw the crossing and use the command: Functions Merge Elements (see below).
Figure 15 illustrates safety elements in a track network. As shown in the figure, individual
safety elements can consist of single edges, edges of switches, crossings, slips or double slips.
Safety elements are not displayed on the worksheet, however edges joined in a safety element
can be found either by viewing the ID of the elements (using Inspector tool) or by making a
status change. If the status of one edge in a safety element is changed from free to allocated
(using the Change State command in the Edge Inspector), all the edges belonging to the same
safety element are allocated and OpenTrack highlights all these edges in the same color on the
An exclusion edge describes a relationship between one edge and another. If an edge K1 has
such a relationship to an edge K2, then edge K1 can only be allocated for a train if the edge K2
is also free and can be allocated simultaneously.
OpenTrack illustrates connectors using a special vertex icon which consists of a square next to
a diamond shape (rather than two squares side-by-side as in a regular vertex).
The process for connecting two track layouts consists of three steps. First, the user defines two
track layouts on the same or different worksheets using the techniques described earlier in this
manual. Second, the user designates one of the vertices on each track layout as a connector
vertex. Third, the user links the connector vertex on the first layout to the target connector ver-
tex on the second track layout. Steps two and three are described below.
In order to interlink two connectors, both worksheets must have valid file names (Untitled is
not a valid file name). Vertices that are converted into a connector may not have an adjacent
edge or a signal. A signal may not be allocated to adjacent vertices of connectors.
As described in Chapter above, the Vertex Inspector contains fields that display the Layout
(filename of the worksheet where the layout is continued) and Connector ID (OpenTrack iden-
tification number for the target vertex on the worksheet where the layout is continued). The
user can view this information using the Vertex Inspector.
Inserting a Connector
Linking Connectors
• Make certain that both layout worksheets (files) are open and have valid filenames.
• Select Connector Tool or Edge Tool from Palette.
• Mouse click in connector 1.
• Holding mouse button down drag connector 1 into connector 2 on second worksheet.
• Release mouse button.
• Connection is made - You can use Vertex Inspector to check.
3.6 Signals
OpenTrack uses two different types of signals: signals with changing information (light
signals, beacons) and halt position indicators. The light signals are subdivided into main
signals (signals that can show stop), distant signals (signals without stop aspect), combined
signals (combination of main and distant signal) and shunting signals. Main signals (including
combined signals) can be further subdivided into home, exit and block signals.
Virtual signals do not have a corresponding installation on the route, but are merely used to
show the safety technology (for example discrete block division in case of the cab signaling).
The halt position indicators characterize a position in a station or at a stop, at which a train
having a given length is to stop. OpenTrack allows the user to distinguish between many
length graduations (10 m ... 1000 m) and a general halt for all trains. During the simulation an
entering train stops at the appropriate position given its length.
OpenTrack represents main and distant signals on the worksheet either by means of general,
land independent icons or by means of the usual signal icons for so called Aspect Signaling
(e.g. UK). All types of signals used in OpenTrack are illustrated and described in Figure 16.
OpenTrack treats signals similar to other track layout elements (e.g. vertices, edges) and
allows the user to place signals on the worksheet using a graphical editor and to set signal
attributes using the Inspector tool.
Inserting a Signal
OpenTrack can display different signal icons to distinguish between types of signals. This can
be done using the Inspector. An easy way to show the type of signal on all worksheet signals is
to use the following process:
Signal Types
Main Signal
(can show Stop)
Main Signal 2-Aspect
(can show Stop)
Distant Signal
(shows the State of the next Main Signal)
Distant Signal 2-Aspect
(shows the State of the next Main Signal)
Combined Signal
(Combination of Distant and Main Signal)
Combined Signal 3-Aspect
(Combination of Distant and Main Signal)
Combined Signal 4-Aspect
(Combination of Distant and Main Signal)
Line with Cab-Signalling
(Begin, End)
Line with Speed Optimization
(Begin, End)
Balise, Beacon (transmits State of the next
Main Signal to the Train)
Speed Restriction, Speed Information
(Begin, End)
Shunting Signal
Performance Signal
Power Off, Power On, Coasting Signal
Signal Inspector
The Signal Inspector can be used to edit or set attributes of signals. One or a group of signals
can be selected using the palette’s Pointer Tool. Then the Signal Inspector window can be dis-
played using the command Tools Inspector. Figure 17 illustrates the Signal Inspector.
Show Symbol Check this box to display signal type on the worksheet
Signal is virtual Check this box to indicate that the signal is a virtual signal
Show Icon Check this box to display signal icons on the worksheet
Show Icon Menu PopUp menu to for the type signal icon
Aspects Menu: PopUp menu for the kind of display of the main signals:
Speed Speed is shown.
Indication SBB Speeds follow from lamp combination (System
Indication NS Speeds based on NS (Netherlands) signaling
Universal (Metric) Speed based on metric levels (km/h).
Universal (US) Speed based on US system (mph).
Aspects List: Selection list of possible speeds that can be displayed on the signal. All
the aspects (signal states) that can be shown by the signal (independent
of the route to which it is allocated) are listed here. Double click on the
aspect to select or unselect it for the signal being edited.
Sight: Distance at which the locomotive driver can act on the information
from the next signal (in meters).
Allow Entry : Check box to indicate that trains can pass a main signal despite occu-
pied track elements ahead.
Warning Speed: Speed which a train must maintain after passing the second closed
distant signal in consequence, until the next open main signal is passed
Release Speed : Release speed in km/h for beacons. A train monitored once by a beacon
has to free itself from monitoring either by braking to below the release
speed or by passing a pilot line reporting to the train that the monitored
position of conflict can be passed.
Rel at Balise Loc: In the case of Release at Balise Loc. only the observed train is not allo-
wed to accelerate after reaching the allowed speed and is only allowed
to accelerate again at the next balise or on the next loop.
Dist. Sig Balise: Describes whether the balise also transmits information about the
distant signal.
Acc. forbidden: Signals that indicate that acceleration is forbidden
Use Performance: Attribute for Speed Restriction Dist. Signals, Speed Restriction Startsi-
[<->] Press button to change track side at which signal is placed. This is for
purposes of worksheet display only, the signal still is associated with
the original direction of travel.
[ < ] and [ > ] Press button to move the signal to the adjoining vertex (can be depres-
sed multiple times to move signal over several vertices). You cannot
move a signal over another signal or over a switch.
[Change State] Click this button to manually reserve sections of track controlled by the
signal. When a track section is reserved in this manner a red box outli-
nes the signal icon.
ID, Element: OpenTrack object and safety element ID numbers (cannot be changed
by user).
If the performance signal is given the attribute Acceleration Forbidden this prevents a train
from further acceleration until the next performance signal is passed (provided it does not also
have the Acceleration Forbidden setting) or until the train comes to a stop.
Figure 18 illustrates an example with an upper speed set at 60 km/h and a lower speed set at 55
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 [km]
Station A
Station B
Coasting signals have a delay attribute (Delay <= [s]). This attribute means that coasting
signals are only valid for trains whose actual delay is smaller than, or equal to, the defined
delay value. It is also possible to make the coasting process dependent on the amount of delay
by defining a sequence of coasting signals with different delay values (e.g., 0s / 10s / 20s).
70 Train 3
60 Train 2
Train 1
28 29 30 31 32 33 [km]
Train 1
Train 2
Train 3
D1 S1,D2 S2
Figure 19 shows the behaviour of three trains running on track systems differently equipped
with beacons and pilot lines for the monitoring of train brakings to comply with signal indica-
tions. In all three scenarios the train passes the open home signal S1, which is provided with a
beacon and which contains the additional information of the distant signal D2 that the exit
signal S2 is closed. Train 1 is brought to a standstill at signal S2 because continuation of the
journey was excluded due to the occupation of the next part of the route within the braking
In case of trains 2 and 3 the state of signal S2 changes from halt to proceed shortly after the
trains pass the home signal S1. In case of train 2 the braking must be continued until the speed
has dropped below the limit of 40 km/h in order to free the train from the monitoring (since the
exit signal was not supplemented with a zone equipped with a pilot line). In the case of Train
3, braking can be ended as soon as the train passes the pilot line 200 m before the signal (sight
distance of the signal equals the length of the pilot line). The pilot line transfers the new, less
restrictive state to the train.
The attribute Release at Balise Loc. only can be used to better control how an approaching
train behaves when a signal clears. This is relevant in the context of automatic braking super-
vision by means of transponders (such as balises).
Consider a train approaching a signal showing stop or that there is a reduced speed ahead; if
the signal then changes to proceed freely two options are possible: when the attribute Release
at Balise Loc. only is selected the train continues at the release speed until it reaches the balise
location where it can then begin to accelerate, in contrast, if the Release at Balise Loc. only
attribute is not selected then the train slows down to the Release Speed and accelerates to the
track speed as soon as the signal changes .
The attribute Distant Signal Balise can be used to instruct balises to differentiate whether or
not they transfer pilot signal information in addition to current signal information. If a balise
does transfer pilot signal information, then OpenTrack tries to open the distant (main) signal
(for which the pilot signal information of the balise applies) before or during passage of the
train over the balise so that no restrictive drive information must be conveyed to the train.
One reason not to equip a balise with the distant signal information would be if the distance to
the next main signal is very large (much larger than the train braking distance) to prevent that
signal from being opened unnecessarily early.
3.7 Stations
OpenTrack uses two methods to manage station data: a station database and as worksheet
objects. The station database contains properties of as many stations as possible and is availa-
ble to all users. Such information includes station name, abbreviation, rail administration data,
height above sea level, territorial coordinates etc.
When creating a track network the user places stations on the worksheet using the palette’s
Station Tool. Then, using the inspector, the user sets station attributes including a linkage to
the stations database. Station attributes assigned using the Inspector include such as kind of
station (manned or unmanned, stop, service location) and type of signal box. A station cannot
be placed on a worksheet until it has been first entered into the station database. Stations
include passenger stations, train stops and service locations.
Inserting a Station
Station - This box presents information from the station database for the particular station and
allows the user to set certain information about the station.
Station list: Selection list of all stations in the station database. Double click on a
station in the list to assign the station name to the selected station on the
worksheet. Station names can be found either via navigation in the list
or by inputing a search string in the Search field.
Show Icon: When this box is checked the station icon is shown on worksheet.
[Rotate Right] Allows user to rotate station icon 90° to the right.
[Rotate Left] Allows user to rotate station icon 90° to the left.
[Show] Clicking this button causes the vertices grouped with the station to be
highlighted on the document.
[Label] Click this button to display the station name on the worksheet.
ID, Element: OpenTrack object and safety element ID numbers (cannot be changed
by user).
Following this procedure all objects in the station area will have the station abbreviation inclu-
ded in their attributes.
In the simplest case (e.g. with a single stop) the station area contains only the station icon, the
station vertex, and the vertices with the train halt points (halt boards). (Note that the edges bet-
ween vertices in the station area are also included in the station area.) It should be noted that
during a station stop a train is located completely within the station area.
The station vertices must be set in such a way that each path through the station passes through
exactly one station vertex. The station vertex represents the Kilometre reference point from
the station database on the OpenTrack worksheet. (The station database information is gene-
rally from the railroad’s infrastructure department and represents the location of the station
building.) In addition to its use as a geographic reference point, the station vertex is displayed
on evaluations made with OpenTrack such as the graphical timetable.
Area of Station Y
Station Y
S1 S3 S7
S5 S9
S6 H
When considering stations with main signals the user should pay particular attention to setting
the type of main signal (e.g. home signal, exit signal) since different signal types have diffe-
rent functions. For example, at home signals it is possible to define a sequence of train arri-
vals (see Chapter 6.3: Connections on page 106). Similarly exit signals can be station halt
points for trains and also used for connection points and to define train sequences.
OpenTrack computes the optimal entry path and halt point for stopping a train in a station
based on the train length. Trains can stop at main signals and halt points. Among main signals
first priority is given to exit signals; home signals or block signals are only considered as stop
points if they are in the train’s travel direction and located following the station vertex. This
means that every station in OpenTrack must have at least one halt signal or main signal per
track and per direction.
For example, for trains arriving from the left (Home Signal S1) on the upper track illustrated
in Figure 21, OpenTrack would make the following stop location assignments:
The search for a stop location begins at the most distant main signal that is on the opposite side
of the station area. All halt points and main signals are candidates for stop locations. In this
example the Exit Signal S7 is found first and assigned as the default stop point for all train
lengths. Next the halt point [7] is then identified then for trains with a length of less than 700
meters, and the halt point [4] is identified as the optimal stopping point for trains with a length
of 400 meters or less.
The station database is not set up anew for each OpenTrack project, but is a growing data file,
the entries of which can always be accessed. It is also possible to read in a complete station
collection (for example all stations in Switzerland) from an external file.
There can exist several station databases side by side (for example one per country: Switzer-
land.stations, Austria.stations, Germany.stations, ...). The user can select which station data-
bases are available using the preferences command (Info Preferences), see Chapter 8.1:
Preferences on page 127.
[Next] Search for the next station name or abbreviation in which the string in the
search field is found
[Sort] Sorts the entries (after ascending station abbreviation or station name)
[New] Records a new station (is added right at the bottom and can be edited
directly in the table)
[Find] Opens the finder panel based on the selected station
[Show Itin.] Select all the active itineraries (Itineraries) in the itinerary panel (Tools
Itineraries) traveling through a selected station.
[Save DB] Stations are written in the database (happens automatically after termina-
tion of the application)
[Delete] Selected station is deleted
* Optional entries (do not influence the basic functionality of OpenTrack, but
can be used in future evaluations).
The stations database includes the attribute Timing Station (time comparison station). At time
comparison stations a train always waits for a defined departure time, at other stations trains
can depart as soon as they have stopped for the minimum dwell time. By default all stations
are time comparison stations. For each timetable entry (Tools Timetable) users can specify
whether a time comparison takes place or not.
The checkbox Show Timing Stations can be used to display or fade-out information about time
comparison stations.
The most important attribute of a power supply area is the type of power provided in the area.
OpenTrack includes over 35 different power supply systems (e.g. AC 15 kV 16 2/3 Hz, DC
3000 V, etc.) as well as user defined custom types. OpenTrack also includes power types for
magnetic levitation trains.
The power supply designation “none” defines explicitly locations with no traction energy (e.g.
insulated sections). In these sections only trains that move under their own power (e.g. diesel
locomotives) can operate.
Figure 23 illustrates the modelling of a current system change. The area around Station A is
equipped with 15kV alternating current and the area around Station B is equipped with 1500 V
direct current. An insulated (dead) section with no contact wire current must be placed bet-
ween the two sections.
Track sections (edges) which are not assigned to power areas are considered as electrified
(universal electric). All traction types (diesel or electric) can operate on these sections of
A power supply area consists of double vertices, edges and signals as well as exactly one
power supply icon. All the track in this area has the same power supply. The following proce-
dure can be used to define a power supply area:
General - This box includes the text field “Name” which allows the user to assign a name to
the power supply area.
System - This box allows the user to select the type of power system provided in the area using
the selection of types provided by OpenTrack.
Visualization - This describes how the power supply area is displayed on the worksheet.
Color: Click button to choose a color for edges and power supply icon.
Show Icon: When box is checked power supply icon is displayed on worksheet.
Color Edges: Menu allows user to choose when track sections (edges) in power sup-
ply area will be outlined in selected color. Choices: Never, Always, and
[Rotate Right] Allows user to rotate power supply icon icon 90° to the right.
[Rotate Left] Allows user to rotate power supply icon icon 90° to the left.
[Show] Clicking this button causes the vertices grouped in the power supply
area to be highlighted on the document.
[Label] Click this button to display the power supply name on the worksheet.
ID, Element: OpenTrack object and safety element ID numbers (cannot be changed
by user).
The measuring instrument window’s headway display can be changed between headway and
pass through time (i.e. how long it took the train to go by the point) by double-clicking on the
time field in the window.
#: 20001
v: 115 km/h
dt: 00:02:15
Show No of Sig. Stops: Show the number of unplanned stops at the signal (for measuring
tools placed on main signals)
Measuring tools associated with switches can show the number of switch movements/operati-
ons during the simulation period. To activate this function check the box Show Number of
Switch Op. in the Inspector.
Measuring tools placed on main signals can display how many trains have come to an (unplan-
ned) stop at the signal. To activate this function check the box Show Number of Sig. Stops in
the Inspector. The measurement tool’s output file will report the number of trains and the
amount of time spent stopped at the signal. The time spent stopped at the signal is also dis-
played on the measuring tool upon completion of the simulation.
0 10 20 30 40 50 [km]
Inserting a Plot
Plot Inspector
The Plot Inspector is used to set attributes of plots. Display the plot inspector by selecting the
plot and using the command Tools Inspector. Figure 28 illustrates the Plot Inspector. The
Plot - List of all the functions and legends included in the plot. By checking OD (Overwrite
Data) the evaluation will be updated after every simulation run. By checking PO (Plot Online)
the plot will be drawn while the simulation is running. Attributes of the selected function are
shown (line width, line color) and can be modified. The user can add plots to this list using the
Add button.
[Add] Click this button to display a window that presents courses that will be
monitored and the type of plot that will be made. This allows the user to
insert predefined functions per course (for example route/time diagram,
speed/distance diagram).
[Delete] Deletes the selected plot or the selected legend.
[Del. All] Deletes all selected plots and legends.
[Rotate] Rotates selected legend.
[Flip] Assigns selected legend to the other axis.
Visible Rectangle - The fields in this box allow users to control attributes of the plot. Remem-
ber to press ENTER or Set Data to save changes when entering data in text fields.
OpenTrack can display additional information in the (platform) occupation charts, such as the
time values and actual/planned times. Times can be displayed in different formats.
• M (minutes)
• S (seconds)
The up-arrow is used to show arrival, the down-arrow for departure or transit.
10:38 15:00
IC4001 RE10001 IC4003 FR35001
(13:22) 30:42 31:12 (43:38) (50:51)
RE10000 IC4000 FR35000 IC4002
5:02 5:32 (17:49) (32:42) (47:49)
The context menus (right mouse click) on the occupation chart provides quick access to the
course (Tools Courses) and the timetable (Tools Timetable) based on the point of the mouse
click (or the selected object underneath the click on the diagram).
• Select the desired tool (line, rectangle, circle) from the palette (tools illustrated above).
• Draw the element on worksheet.
• Graphical element is generated.
• Set element attributes using the Graphic Inspector.
Graphic Inspector
The Graphic Inspector works in the same way as other OpenTrack inspectors. Use the pointer
tool from the palette to select a graphic element and the Graphic Inspector appears automati-
cally (or select Inspector from the Tools menu). The Graphic Inspector is shown in Figure 30
and has the following functions:
As with all Inspector tools, after entering text data (e.g. size, position data) press ENTER or
Set Data to display and save your changes.
Figure 30: Inspector for Graphical Elements (Lines, Rectangular and Circles)
Text can be freely placed and formatted in OpenTrack documents. Character font, type size
and font style can be changed with Format Font.
Inserting Text
Text Inspector
Justification: Justification (left, centred, right)
Text Color: Color of the text
Fill Color: Color of the text background
Fill switch: Information whether the background is to be activated
Temp. switch: Information whether the text is only temporary (temporary texts can be
removed by selecting Functions Remove temp. Labels)
Rotate buttons: Rotates the text by 90° to the right or left
ID: OpenTrack identification number of the object
Image Inspector
The Image Inspector works in the same way as other OpenTrack inspectors. Use the pointer
tool from the palette to select an image and the Image Inspector appears automatically (or
select Inspector from the Tools menu). The Image Inspector is shown in Figure 32 and has the
following functions:
As with all Inspector tools, after entering data in a text field (e.g. size, position data) press
ENTER or Set Data to display and save your changes.
During insertion, objects are justified to a grid lying under the worksheet. This grid can be
made visible (Format Grid Show Grid). The mesh width of the grid can also be chan-
ged in the grid panel.
Use the Pointer Tool in the palette to select worksheet objects. When the Pointer Tool is
active, an object is selected as soon as a mouse click is made within its limits.
The Pointer Tool can also be used to draw a rectangle on the worksheet which serves to
select all the objects lying in the rectangle. Objects can be removed or added to the
selected group by holding down the shift key and clicking the mouse on the object you
want to add to, or delete from, the group.
Selected objects can be moved on the worksheet or the appropriate Inspector can be ope-
ned to view, add, or edit attributes of the object or group of objects.
• Moving Objects
Most objects can be relocated on the worksheet (following the grid). Edges are relocated
automatically as soon as one of the end points are relocated.
Some objects (pictures, graphic elements, plots) can vary their size. The new size is defi-
ned by the relocation of an edge point.
OpenTrack uses the pasteboard for the cut out, copying or reinsertion of objects. All the
selected objects are copied into the pasteboard via Edit Copy. All the objects in the
pasteboard are inserted into the worksheet via Edit Paste.
The exchange of pasteboard data with other applications is possible. If a picture or a text
lies in the pasteboard, OpenTrack creates the corresponding object after an insertion
• Delete
Objects can be removed from the worksheet either using the command: Edit Cut
(objects cut out go into the pasteboard) or using the commands: backspace or delete
(objects are deleted immediately).
Vertices can be deleted with shift delete or shift backspace so that the edge connections of
the adjacent vertices are not lost.
Context Menus
Click the right mouse button on an object to display a context menu. The context menu corre-
sponds to the type of object selected. The menu items are the same as in the main menu.
• Worksheet
• Vertices
• Edges
• Signal
Further context menus exist for train diagrams and for various tables (e.g. timetable, courses,
The parameter -runfile can be used independently of Scriptmode (see Chapter 3.11.3 and
Chapter 3.11.4). This allows users to define all the OpenTrack parameters (preferences, simu-
lation parameters, infrastructure documents, graphic timetables, incidents) in a text file (a
socalled Run-File).
A Run-File can be created directly from OpenTrack using the function: Info Preferences
This function offers an easy and efficient way to manage and use different OpenTrack pro-
jects in parallel on one computer. For example, each project can be placed on the desktop with
a different shortcut. Clicking on the shortcut loads the project, opens the specified data (infra-
structure, graphical timetables), activates the incidents and sets the parameters (as specified in
the designated Run-File) to be used in the simulation.
C:\Users\opentrack\Apps\\OpenTrack.exe -runfile="C:\Users\opentrack
In all cases the absolute file names (including path) must be used for both the application
(.exe) as well as for the run-file.
This allows users to define the used timetable in OpenTrack-Format (Tab-separated ASCII
Text). After the start, OpenTrack imports the timetable and uses it for the next simulation run.
C:\Users\opentrack\Apps\\OpenTrack.exe -asciitexttimetble="C:\Users
The timetable database can be exported to a file in OpenTrack-Format using Functions Ex-
change Timetable Data Export Timetable Data (OpenTrack-Format).
OpenTrack allows users to run the application using a script from outside the program itself.
When the script is run OpenTrack opens automatically, runs a simulation with the most
recently used data, and then closes automatically.
The parameter scriptinit must be used the first time you run the simulation with a script. The
parameter script can be used for additional runs.
On the first call (with scriptinit) the delay scenario is set to the value of the specified delay
scenario (delay scenario). If the delay scenario parameter is not provided, the delay scenario is
set to 1.
When the simulation is run using a script, the evaluation results are recorded in the same man-
ner as a regular multiple simulation in the output files OT_Timetable.txt and OT_Timeta-
Graphical timetables developed during the simulation are saved under the filename:
<Filename>.<DelayScenario>.otsimcor in the output path.
A more powerful way to use OpenTrack in script mode is to use “run-files”. Run-files allow
you to set input parameters for OpenTrack by specifying a text file in the script call.
A run-file can be produced directly by OpenTrack using the function Info Preferences
When using script mode with run files the first simulation is also started using the parameter
scriptinit and additional simulations are made using the parameter script.
For simulation runs started with the scriptinit parameter, the parameter delayscenario speci-
fied in the call will only be used if no delay scenario is defined in the specified run-file.
For simulation runs started with the script parameter, and for which no delay scenario is speci-
fied in the run-file, the delay scenario is increased by one.
The timetable evaluation results are recorded in the same manner as a regular multiple simula-
tion, namely in the output files OT_Timetable.txt and OT_Timetable.xml of the output path
(folder). The output path can also be defined in the run-file.
All graphical timetables developed during the simulation are saved under the filename:
<Filename>.<DelayScenario>.otsimcor in the output path.
The first level of train path is called a route. Routes consist of an order of vertices of one direc-
tion of travel. Routes and shuntings do not, however, only serve to describe the track, but also
form part of the safety apparatus of the track system.
The second level is called a path. Paths consist of 1-to-n routes of one direction of travel.
Typically, a set of routes that are often used together (for example all the routes that make up
the track infrastructure from the exit signal of one station to the exit signal of the next station)
are concatenated to form paths.
The top level is called an itinerary. An itinerary consists of one or several successive paths.
Setting backs can also be modelled here. For the simulation the train is given a list of itinera-
ries with a priority for each itinerary. This list comprises all itineraries on which the train may
move. The actual route is determined during the simulation in that the train always selects the
available itinerary (track that is unoccupied or not reserved for another train) having the hig-
hest priority.
4.1 Routes
A route consists of 2...n vertices. Figure 34 illustrates a simple route. Routes always begin and
end at main signals (home signal, exit signal or block signal). In OpenTrack routes belong to
the vertex at which the main signal of the route begin is located. Route attributes such as
release time, signal indications, release groups and slow speed zone can be allocated to a route
using the Route Inspector.
Signal S1 Signal S2
Route R1(S1-S2)
During the simulation process if a route is required by a train, the route will be reserved for the
train only if it is not reserved for another train and if an edge belonging to the route is not
reserved or occupied. Once the last part of a train has passed the release point of the route (or
a route group), the reserved section is made available for another train after passage of the
release time.
4.1.1 Automated Search for All Possible Routes from a Main Signal
OpenTrack will automatically finds routes in the track layout, however the user must review
these routes to ensure that they are valid for the particular railroad situation being modeled.
The process for completing the automated search and selection of valid routes is as follows:
• Use palette Pointer Tool to select the start vertex for routes.
• Open Route Window (Tools Routes), alternatively click on the start signal with the right
mouse button to display the context menu - Route Window is illustrated in Figure 35.
• Select “Search” button to begin search.
• All possible routes from the start vertex are shown in the Route Window’s upper table.
• Highlight a route in the upper table.
• Select “Fetch” button or double click the route, to enter the route on the definitive route list
(Route Window’s lower table).
• Data for the route selected on the route list are shown and can be edited by selecting “Edit”
button. This causes the Route Inspector, shown in Figure 35, to be displayed.
• Vertices with at least one defined route are displayed in red on the worksheet.
• Tools Routes (alternatively click on the start signal with the right mouse button to dis-
play the context menu) ... can be used to open the Route Window (Figure 35).
• Press “Edit” button on Route Window to open Route Inspector (Figure 36).
Route Attributes
Routes Selection: Selection between Route Window and Shunting Window.
Search Button: Selecting this button causes all possible routes from the selected vertex to
be displayed in the upper table of the Route Window.
Fetch Button: Enters the selected route from upper table into the route list (lower table).
Route Name: Name of route.
Description: Description of the route (optional).
Length: Length of the route in metres (calculated using edge length data).
Avg. Grad.: Average gradient of route in per thousands (calculated using edge data).
Max. Switch Time: Maximum switch operation time on section (seconds).
Reserve Time: Time needed to reserve the route (seconds).
Release Time: Time needed to release the route (seconds).
Dist. to Res. Point: Distance to the reservation point of the route (automatic or user defined).
Dist. to Rel. Point: Distance to the release point of the route (as soon as the rear of the train
has passed the vertex at the release point, the release process is started).
Overlap: The route allocated overlap (optional).
Res. with prev. R.: When this box is checked the route is reserved if the previous route of the
train movement is reserved (this is used to prevent deadlock - see below).
Discr. Mov. Block: This route will be reserved using discrete block rules.
Signal Indications: Signal indications (see below).
Entry in occ. Block: When checked a train is allowed to enter an already occupied block.
Speed Restriction: Restricted speed for use in occupied blocks (km/h).
Stop Time: Waiting time before entering an occupied block (seconds).
Release Groups: Release groups (edges that are released together); default value: all edges
of the route are released together.
Slow Speed Zone: Edges on which the shown speed restriction applies at the signal; default
value: all edges of the route (see below).
Zone valid for ...: If selected, a speed restriction only applies to the train head, otherwise to
the complete train.
Appr. Zone Speed: Speed (in km/h), which must be achieved at the beginning of the zone
(Zone Speed).
Appr. Zone Length: Distance (in m) before the signal, where the reduced speed must be achie-
ved (length of zone, Zone Length).
For example, if a route has three different signal indications (TS [free running], 90 km/h, 60
km/h), then the signal will only show ‘free running’ if the two route segments following the
first route segment can be reserved in addition to the first route segment. Similarly, the signal
will show ‘90 km/h’ if only one additional route segment can be reserved; and will show ‘60
km/h’ if only the first route segment is free.
Station A
First Switch
Zone Speed [km/h]: Maximum speed (km/h) in approach zone. It must be attained at the
beginning of the approach zone (Zone Speed).
Zone Length [m]: Distance (in meters) before the signal, where the reduced speed must be
maintained (Zone Length).
OpenTrack uses default values of 0 km/h for Zone Speed and 0 m for Zone Length. The Zone
Speed of 0 km/h means that the route does not have a reduced speed zone.
Zone Speed 10
5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 [km]
Zone Length
4.2 Shuntings
Shunting movements are movements within stations that involve a change of direction. Open-
Track defines shuntings as a special type of Route. Shunting movements within a station area
are modelled by means of shuntings, which consist of an order of vertices of one direction of
• Use palette Pointer Tool to select start vertex for shunting operation.
• Open Route Window (Tools Routes) - Route Window is illustrated in Figure 35.
• Select “Shuntings” in Routes Selection box.
• Shunting Window is displayed - Figure 39.
• Navigate through the track layout with the browser until you reach the shunting destination.
• Record the name and speed of the shunting in appropriate cells of the Shunting Window.
• Press “New” to add the shunting into the shunting list.
The shunting attributes shown in the Shunting Window (Figure 39) are described in more
detail below.
A simple way of creating overlaps is by setting appropriate slip attributes of the edges down-
stream of a home signal. If this method for defining an overlap is not sufficient for the track
layout being modelled OpenTrack also provides a special tool that enables users to freely
define both an overlap and a corresponding release time for each route, which provides greater
To assign an overlap to a route, start by defining the end vertex of the route. Using Tools
Routes, at the top of the Routes window, you can choose between Routes and Shuntings/Over-
laps. Select Shuntings/Overlaps to create or update an overlap.
Next, in the Routes Inspector, assign the overlap to a route. Select the appropriate route in the
table and press Edit. This displays the Route Inspector. Within the Overlap box, press Change
to have OpenTrack display all possible overlaps. Select one of them.
• Use palette Pointer Tool to select start vertex for shunting/overlap operation.
• Open Route Window (Tools Routes).
• Select “Shuntings/Overlaps” in Routes Selection box.
• Shunting/Overlaps Window is displayed.
• Navigate through the track layout with the browser until you reach the shunting or overlap
• Record the name, speed and release time (for overlaps) of the shunting/overlap operation in
the appropriate cells of the Shunting/Overlaps Window.
• Press “New” to add the shunting/overlap into the shunting/overlap list.
4.3 Paths
The second level of train operation definition in OpenTrack is called a path. Paths consist of a
series of successive routes in one direction of travel. An unlimited number of routes can be
included in a path. Paths are merely an organizational structure and do not correspond to any
particular element of railway reality. As, however, train operations generally travel over seve-
ral routes, route orders can be grouped into paths.
Path Browser: Browser for navigating through the railway network (shows all possible
routes from the starting vertex).
Show Route N.: Shows the route names in the path browser.
Path List: List of all currently defined paths belonging to the selected start vertex.
From: Name of the path start vertex.
To: Name of the path end vertex.
Last Route: Last route selected in the browser.
Length: Length of the last selected route (metres).
Avg. Grad.: Gradient of the last selected route (per thousand).
Last Signal: Start signal of the last selected route including signal indications.
• Using the browser, navigate through the track layout selecting routes that you want included
in the path until you reach the path destination.
• Provide a name for the path (optional).
• Press the “New” button to add the path to the defined path list.
• Vertices with at least one path are displayed in green on the worksheet.
4.4 Itineraries
The top level of train operation infrastructure definition in OpenTrack is called an itinerary.
An itinerary consists of one or several successive paths. Itineraries do not need to include
paths that are all in the same direction; therefore itineraries are used to model setting backs.
There are two types of itineraries: full and local. Full itineraries describe complete trip bet-
ween two main points in the network (e.g. from Station A to Station D through a series of
other stations). Local itineraries describe only a portion of the route (e.g. from intermediate B
to intermediate Station C on the A-D full itinerary). These local itineraries can be used as
alternatives to the ‘main’ route and can be assigned with priorities (e.g. priority 2 or priority
3). The priorities are used by OpenTrack in the simulation process to select the itinerary (i.e.
track segments) that train will use (OpenTrack always uses the available itinerary with the hig-
hest priority).
In the simulation process a train is given a list of itineraries with a priority for each itinerary.
This list comprises all itineraries on which the train may move. The actual itinerary used by
the train is determined during the simulation in that the train always selects the available itine-
rary (track that is unoccupied or not reserved for another train) with the highest priority.
OpenTrack’s Itinerary Window lists the names of all itineraries defined application wide.
When the user selects an itinerary in the window, the itinerary’s characteristics (e.g. length)
are displayed in the appropriate fields. By clicking on the appropriate buttons (see below) itin-
eraries can be edited or new itineraries can be defined. The Itinerary Window presents the fol-
lowing data:
[Show Courses] Show all the courses that use a selected set of itineraries.
[Create Train Diagr.] Generate a train diagram for a selected itinerary. Using this function
requires that the infrastructure files for the corresponding itinerary be
Search: Enter name of itinerary here to search through the itinerary list.
Description: Description of selected itinerary (optional).
Length: Length of selected itinerary (metres).
Avg. Grad.: Average gradient of selected itinerary (per thousand).
Active Routes: Number of routes that are active in the itinerary (i.e. that begin in open
Active Path: Number of paths that are active in the itinerary (i.e. that begin in open
Path List: List of all the paths included in the itinerary.
Route List: List of all the routes included in the itinerary.
First Doc.: Name of the document in which the itinerary start point is located.
Last open Doc.: Name of the document in which the active part of the selected itinerary
Last Doc.: Name of the document in which the itinerary end point is located.
The Itinerary New Window consists of an upper browser panel and a lower browser panel.
The upper browser window displays the paths that constitute the itinerary. When starting defi-
nition of a new itinerary this browser shows all available paths from the starting vertex (inclu-
ding automatically generated paths from shuntings).
The upper browser panel shows the paths already included on the itinerary. The number at the
end of each line in the list displays Selected Paths panel list presents the path order. A path can
be deleted from the itinerary by double clicking it in the list.
The lower browser panel (Suggested Continuation) displays a list of all potential paths that
can be added to the itinerary from the current itinerary end point. Paths can be added to the iti-
nerary by double clicking on the appropriate entry in the Suggested Continuation panel list.
OpenTrack only lists paths in the Suggested Continuation panel which are permissible.
Selectable paths can be found via the search field.
Usually, the last vertex of the path n is identical with the first vertex of the path n+1, but in
case of setting backs this is not the case. Setting backs are allowed where the first vertex of the
path n+1 lies on the last route/shunting of the path n. The first path after the change of direc-
tion additionally gets the setting back symbol () in the path list.
The user can provide a name to the itinerary using the text field at the bottom of the window.
The default name is: “itinerary start point - itinerary end point.”
Open Track allows users to create new itineraries easily and efficiently using a browser. This
simplified mode works from vertices from which one or more paths start (this can be determi-
ned by, for example, right-clicking on the associated signal and then selecting New Itinerary
from the context menu, or using the Itineraries tool directly Tools Itineraries).
Pressing the New button in the Itineraries Panel causes the appropriate itinerary definition
panel to be displayed. At the top of the panel are two choices: Extended mode and the Simpli-
fied mode. The extended mode works as described above.
In the Simplified mode it is possible to use a browser to select paths from the starting point
(similar to the path definition process). This makes it easy to create new itineraries. However,
Several successive paths to be replaced can be selected in the path list of the Edit window. The
path list shown thereafter in the Replace window is built up after the same system as the list
for the generation of new itineraries. Before the paths are replaced, OpenTrack tests whether
the rules described above for the creation of a path were observed.
Paths can be added to the beginning or end of an itinerary using the Add function (Tools Iti-
neraries, Edit). The Add function supplements the existing Replace function. Paths can be
removed at the beginning or end of an itinerary using the Remove function.
Figure 42: New Itinerary Window Figure 43: Edit Itinerary Window
The train type influences the formula used in OpenTrack to calculate air resistance.
OpenTrack has a database of trains which is available for use in the simulation process. The
program also allows users to create their own train types. This section outlines how the user
can define trains in OpenTrack.
Locomotives are selected from the locomotive management tool (Tools Engines).
Every train has a value table of the average braking decelerations per speed zone (default
value: -0.6 m/s2).
Figure 44 illustrates the Trains Window. The Trains Window contains the following informa-
Train list: List of all defined train types in the Train Database (application-wide).
Engines: List of locomotives for selected train.
Train Load: Sum of locomotive weights and trailer loads (tonnes).
Train Length: Sum of the lengths of the locomotive(s) and trailers.
Train Desc.: Train description (optional)
Train Type: Train type (fast train, regional train or freight train).
Train Category: User definable train category (see Preferences, page 127).
Equation: Identifies which formula is used to estimate air resistance.
Speed max.: Maximum speed in km/h.
Deceleration: Defined deceleration rate in m/s2 and type of deceleration calculation.
Equation Rolling: Allows user to select formula for use in calculating rolling resistance.
A, B, C: Parameters for use in Davis formula (air resistance calculation).
v on: Switching-on-speed for linear motor (parameter for Maglev formula).
P L: Linear generator power per car (parameter for Maglev formula).
C: Aerodynamic factor (parameter for Maglev formula).
Result Unit: Units in which results of air resistance formula are displayed (N or
Starting Res.: Starting rolling resistance factor in N/t (optional).
below Speed: Speed below which the starting rolling resistance will be used in km/h.
Deceleration Menu: Type of braking calculation (Table, ETCS table, Braking percentage).
Deceleration Funct.: Average braking deceleration in m/s2 (always negative).
Corr. Deceleration: Correction for the delay value for rising gradients (m/s2/‰).
Min. Deceleration: Minimum deceleration rate (m/s2).
Max. Deceleration: Maximum deceleration rate (m/s2).
Menu ETCS: Selectable ETCS Braking calculation methods.
Dec. Delay Breaking deceleration delay for ETCS (in seconds).
Above: Speed above which the braking delay for ETCS is applied (in km/h).
In the train definition it can be selected whether air resistance (part of the total resistance) is to
be computed using the Strahl/Sauthoff formula, a general formula by Davis or a function for
magnetically levitated trains. These formulas are described in more detail below (Chapter 5.3).
OpenTrack enables users to select from several possible braking curves including the detailed
description of ETCS-braking procedures (Level 1 and 2).
The attribute Dec. Delay (deceleration delay after brake application; default value = 0.0
seconds) indicates how many seconds following receipt of the signal information before the
operator applies the brake and the brake curve can be applied in the OpenTrack calculations.
The attribute Above is the speed, above which, the deceleration delay value is applied (in km/
h; Default value 0 km/h).
The additional menu selection governs the type of computation method used in applying the
brake curve. The following types are available:
Figure 46: Positions of locomotives (engines) and wagons (trailers) within a train
Locomotive data included in the database includes tractive effort/speed diagram, braking
force/speed diagram, locomotive weight, length, resistance factors, etc. OpenTrack allows the
user to edit the diagrams and data graphically and by using an editor tool (described below).
[Up] and [Down] Use these keys to move thorough the database locomotive list.
Loop Telegram: Locomotive with ability to obtain signal data via loops.
Radio Telegram: Locomotive with ability to obtain signal data via radio.
Z/V Diagrams: List of previously defined Z/V diagrams. The selected diagram is dis-
played in the Z/V diagram window.
2,1 m/s
μ= + 0,161
v + 12,2 m/s
A locomotive’s adhesion behaviour can be described under three scenarios: good, normal and
bad to account for various different conditions (for example weather related). The percentage
value is then used in the Curtius and Kniffler to estimate the adhesion coefficient. For modern
locomotives the following pre-set values are used as defaults by OpenTrack (good: 150%,
normal: 125%, and bad: 80%).
For electric locomotives, total power requirement means power consumption at the catenary
or third rail. For diesel and other non-electric locomotives, total power requirement means
total energy consumption. In all cases this includes losses both in the locomotive and its train.
For example, consider a train moving at 120 km/h that accelerates. The locomotive produces a
power P of 6000 kW.
The Engine inspector shows the power loss function for a given locomotive in the cell Loss
Function. The button Edit enables users to edit the function in a table of values in which, for
each speed interval, users can enter or update both the constant loss (P Loss [kW]) and/or the
Loss Factor.
The train-related power loss can be defined on a per wagon (trailer) basis as described in
Chapter 5.1.2.
Selection Buttons:
Figure 48: Z/V - Diagram Window Figure 49: Document with Locomotive
The Z/V diagram scale is determined by the appropriate values in the Engines window (maxi-
mum speed, maximum tractive effort, minimum tractive effort). The function Autoscale com-
putes these values automatically and sets the values on the diagram accordingly. The user
cannot insert points on the Z/V diagram that are outside the minimum and maximum values.
R = RF + R a
The traction resistance and the acceleration resistance can each be divided and sub-divided
into components as outlined below.
R F = RL + R Str
The rolling resistance consists of air resistance, the bearing friction, rolling resistance, and
inertial resistance. In practice three formulas: Sauthoff’s formula (for passenger wagons),
Strahl’s formula (for locomotives), and an improved Strahl’s formula (for freight wagons) are
used together or a general formula in form of a quadratic equation (Davis formula) can be used
to calculate rolling resistance. A special formula is used for Maglev trains. All these formulas
are presented below.
Locomotive Rolling Resistance - Strahl’s formula for calculating rolling resistance of locomo-
tives is as follows:
Passenger Wagon Rolling Resistance - Sauthoff’s formula for calculating rolling resistance for
passenger wagons is:
1000 1000
Freight Wagon Rolling Resistance - The improved Strahl’s formula for calculating rolling resi-
stance for freight wagons is:
RLG = g • m • [2.2 -
+ kSt4 • (v • 3.6) ]
1000 v • 3.6 + kSt3
r' = A + B • v + C • v
RLZ = m • g • r' / 1000
RLZ = A + B • v + C • v
Maglev Train Resistance Formulas - The formulas for determining resistance for Maglev
trains are as follows:
RT = fT • v2
A train’s total rolling resistance will be the sum of its locomotive resistance, wagon (passenger
or freight) resistance, and tunnel resistance. This can be expressed by the following formula:
RStr = RS+ RB + RW
The switch resistance is neglected in the simulation due to its small influence on train operati-
ons in large networks.
Gradient Resistance - Gradient resistance is the portion of the train mass working against the
train’s direction of motion. Figure 50 illustrates the resistance forces acting due to gradient.
m • g • sin(α)
m • g • cos(α) m•g
RS = m • g • sin(α)
I für kleine α
RS = m • g • tan(α) = m • g •
1000 for small α
For small angles of inclination (sin () can be replaced by tan(). In railway applications
tan() is called inclination (I) and is expressed in per thousand.
By default, OpenTrack distributes the train mass evenly over the length of the train (Distribu-
ted Mass per Train). If a more detailed calculation is needed users can select (Distributed
Mass per Engine and per Trailer), in which case the gradient resistance for each locomotive
and trailer will be calculated separately, based on their current position in the train and the
track slope under the respective locomotive or trailer.
Curve Resistance - Trains experience resistance when traveling through a curve. This resi-
stance is caused by rigid wheel sets traveling over interior and exterior radii of different
lengths, and because of the transverse shift friction of the drive assemblies. The curve resi-
stance depends on the curve radius and the track gauge. An example of an empirical curve
resistance formula is Roeckl’s formula (Deutsch Bahn) for standard gauge tracks:
RB = •m for r ≥ 300 m
RB = •m for r < 300 m
In addition to the Roeckl formula for calculating curve resistance, OpenTrack provides a
second formula for calculating curve resistance for trams:
RB = • 0,17 • m • g
OpenTrack can calculate curve resistance very precisely by allowing users to enter the para-
meters D and E in the Roeckl formula. Furthermore, these two parameters can be defined indi-
vidually for both locomotives and trailers (wagons).
During the simulation OpenTrack calculates the curve resistance for each part of the train
(locomotives and trailers) separately. The sum of the partial resistances gives the total curve
resistance for the entire train in the current position.
RB = • m
In the tables for the locomotives (Engines) and wagon groups (Trailers), the columns for the D
and E parameters become visible when the curve resistance formula (Curve Resistance) is set
to the position user defined (Roekl Formula User defined [R = D*m/(r-E)]).
Default values for parameters D and E are the values used in the basic Roeckl formula (for
standard gauge) (D = 6.3 m2/s2, E = 55 m).
Figure 51: Train Panel (Edit) with new curve resistance formula
Starting Rolling Resistance - The starting rolling resistance is the extra resistance experienced
by a train when it starts from a stopped position. The following starting rolling resistance para-
meters can be defined in OpenTrack:
• Use Starting Resistance: determines if the starting rolling resistance will be used or not;
• Starting Res. [N/t]: starting rolling resistance factor in Newtons per Tonne train mass;
• Below Speed [km/h]: the speed below which the starting rolling resistance will be used;
The starting rolling resistance force RSt is a linear function between the speed v = 0 and the
Below Speed. At the speed v = 0 the value of RSt = rSt * m and when v = v (Below Speed), then
the rolling resistance is calculated using the selected rolling resistance formula (Strahl/
Sauthoff, Davis, ...).
The relationship between rolling resistance and speed is shown in the figure below. The
example shows the rolling resistance calculated using the Strahl/Sauthoff formula with a star-
ting rolling resistance (rSt) of 50 N/t from 0 to 8 km/h, a train mass of 550 t, and a maximum
speed of 140 km/h.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 [km/h]
Ra = m • a • (1 + 0,01 • ρ)
For passenger and freight trains the mass factor lies between 6 and 10. Reference [Wei 91]
presents a more detailed description of mass factors.
5.4 Examples
This section presents examples on how to use various features of OpenTrack's train manage-
ment features.
values) to define the braking curve. However users can also define locomotive braking using a
percentage factor.
In normal travel time calculations, i.e. those in which the trains brake under normal operati-
ons, it is recommended to use OpenTrack's default table-based braking function. The percen-
tage definition is most suitable for analysis of a train's braking potential, based on use of a
percentage of braking ability. This enables users to visualize brake applications, allowing
them (for example) to examine and plot points where trains apply brakes.
a = - (C1 + C2 • BWP )
Users can either develop their own values for the coefficients C1 and C2 or use a pre-defined
value. The following formulae are available:
Formula C1 C2
UIC 0.069 0.006
SBB ZUB 0.06 0.006
SBB FSS 0.063 0.0067
In order to use this new function, define the attributes in OpenTrack's Train Panel (Tools
As a check for the user, the resulting delay is displayed in the field Resulting Deceleration for
the selected function.
This information is presented in the Train Inspector's Deceleration Box (shown in Figure 53 -
compare to Figure 45 for a non-ETCS train).
In the case of a train that operates under ETCS control, the deceleration function table consists
of four columns rather than three for trains operating only in non-ETCS controlled track. The
third column of the table in both cases lists deceleration values for the area outside of the
ETCS control. In the case of the trains operating under ETCS, a fourth column is displayed
which lists deceleration values for the area managed under ETCS.
The ETCS values in the fourth column are the starting point for calculating the individual
ETCS braking curves. These values are used along with the values for the braking application
delay curve (Dec. Delay [s]) and the speed above which the delay is applied when operating
under ETCS release speed (above [km/h]).
The Dec. Delay [s] and above [km/h] values are shown at the bottom of the Deceleration Box
when ETCS is indicated on the pulldown menu in the bottom left corner of the Train Inspec-
tor's Deceleration Box.
Figure 54 shows a track section that contains one segment of ETCS Level 2 control. The
beginning and end of the ETCS Level 2 control is shown by the cab signalling start/end
signals (CAB Startsignal ETCS L2 or CAB Endsignal ETCS L2 in the signal inspector). The
edges within the ETCS L2 controlled area have the property that signal information can be
sent and received via radio (Loop / Radio ETCS in the Edge Inspector). These signals are mar-
ked as virtual signals (signal box is virtual in the Signal Inspector).
A train that starts at station A, which has the brake property: Function Table: non-ETCS /
ETCS, will start operating as conventionally signalled train (calculating its braking curves
according to the deceleration values in the third column of the table). Once the train reaches
the ETCS L2 zone, (the ETCS L2 zone is between the first block signal leaving station B and
the last block signal before the station D entry signal), the train will calculate its braking cur-
ves based on the deceleration values presented in the fourth column of the table. When the
train leaves the ETCS L2 zone, it goes back to using the third column values to calculate its
braking curves.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [km]
Station C
Station D
Station A
Station B
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [km]
Figure 55: Speed vs. distance and acceleration vs. distance non-ETCS / ETCS Level 2
Figure 55 shows the difference in train braking between the ETCS-section and the non-ETCS
Priority: Dispatching priority for the train category (Priority 1 > Prio-
rity 2 etc.)
Look ahead Dist. [m]: Length of 'look ahead distance' in meters.
Look ahead Time [s]: Period of time for 'look ahead time' in seconds.
Selection of Routes: Method of selecting alternative routes (offensive or defen-
Initial Delay
Use Initial Delay: Check this box if the user-defined initial delay should be
Distribution: Type of distribution function (negative exponential or piece-
wise linear).
Distr. Function (Table): Definition of distribution function by means of attributes,
average, maximum and percentage (for negative-exponen-
tial) or definition of each interval (for piecewise linear).
[Add] Add interval data to table.
[Delete] Delete interval data from table.
[Export] Export distribution function data to text file.
Add Delays to: Handling of delays (add to departure time (Dept. Time) or to
dwell time (Dwell)).
Use max. Station Delay: Check box to use the station-based maximum station delay
in the simulation.
Max. Station Delay [s]: Maximum value of initial delay at a station in seconds.
Used Station Delays [%]: Possibility of a station delay.
Dwell Time Variation: Dwell time variation (optional), see also Chapter Dwell Time
Dept. Process Time: Departure process time (optional) in seconds, see also Chap-
ter Departure Process Time.
Performance Distribution
Use Performance Distr.: Check box to use performance distribution function.
Distr. Function (Table): Table defining the distribution function to be used (one table
for on-time trains, one table for delayed trains).
[Add] Add interval data to table.
[Delete] Delete interval data from table.
Timetable Defaults
Stop at every Station: Default dwell time (Dwell) for all stations in seconds.
Timing Stations: All stations or based on definition in station database (Tools
Min Connection Time: Default Min. Wait time for connections.
Use Track Names: Use the Track Names in the timetable based on the selected
Category Color: Train category color.
Background Color: Background color (for animation).
Driving on Sight Speed [km/h ]: Max. Speed while Driving on Sight.
The Dwell Time Variation describes how the dwell time should be changed for trains that
arrive early (delay <= -1.0 s) and late (delay >= 1.0 s).
Dwell Time Variation Early Trains: -20% for delays <= -10 s: trains that arrive 10 or more
seconds early shorten their dwell time (compared to the planned stopping time / Dwell Time)
by 20 percent.
Dwell Time Variation Delayed Trains: 10 s for delays >= 15 s: trains that arrive 15 or more
seconds delayed extend their dwell time (compared to the planned stopping time / Dwell Time)
by 10 seconds.
There are two options for using Departure Process Time: selecting the “+” means that the
departure process time begins at the scheduled departure time, selecting the “-“ means that the
departure process time can begin before the scheduled departure time with the objective, that
the train can depart at the scheduled departure time.
The departure process time is used for all stations that have a minimum stop time (Dwell) > 0
s defined in the timetable.
The exit signal can also be included in the definition of the timetable attribute Track Names
(Tools Timetable) with its name (Exit Signal Name) and the name of the vertex (Exit Signal
Vertex Name) or the name of the adjacent edge (Exit Signal Track Name, Exit Signal Edge
The following figure shows the selection options and the objects from whose attributes the
name is generated.
Station Exit
Vertex Signal
Figure 57: Station elements used to generate timetable attributes Track Name
For example:
If a schedule is created for a new course of a train category with the type Exit Signal Name, the
value "S1" (Name of the Exit Signal) is used for the attribute Track Name in the timetable for
the particular station.
The priority of each train in a category can be defined depending on its delay. This is done
using the table in the Train Categories Window Dispatching box. Users can enter data in this
table to define the priority for trains with different levels of delay; for example, the priority of
trains with a high delay can be increased or decreased.
Each train category has a user-defined “look ahead” zone. During the simulation trains moni-
tor this zone in front of it to determine if there is a lower priority train in the segment. The look
ahead zone is defined in terms of distance and time. The look ahead zone is the maximum of
either the spatial definition (Look ahead Distance [m]) or the product of the current speed (m/
s) and the temporal definition (Look ahead Time [s]).
If a train with a lower priority is identified in the look ahead zone, then the simulation attempts
to move the lower priority train away from the path of the higher priority train at the next pos-
sible location in which the route has not yet been reserved and/or to stop the lower priority
train. Once the higher priority train has overtaken the lower priority train the lower priority
train is allowed to continue its journey.
OpenTrack also enables users to define what type of alternative route should be reserved in
case it is not possible to dispatch trains to a higher priority infrastructure or the assigned prio-
rity infrastructure. This can be done using the pull down menu titled: Selection of alt. Routes.
OpenTrack has two possibilities for switching trains to alternative routes: offensive and defen-
sive. In the case of offensive route selection, trains are switched to alternative routes whenever
the next route is not free, independent of the nature of the occupancy or reservation.
In the case of defensive route selection, trains are only switched to another route if the track
occupation is due to a stopped train, a train travelling in the opposite direction or due to a
disturbance, trains are not switched to alternative routes if the occupied track is being used by
a train travelling in the same direction.
The initial delay of trains can be modelled using either a negative exponential function or a
piecewise linear function. Users can select which function to use by selecting from the pull-
down menu in the Train Categories Window Initial Delay box (illustrated in Figure 56). The
initial delay for specific trains is modelled using a random number generator combined with
the chosen distribution function.
Next users enter the parameters for the selected distribution type into the Initial Delay box's
table. If a negative exponential distribution has been selected, users enter three values: an
average delay (Mean [s]), maximum delay (Max [s]) and the percentage of delayed trains
(Perc. [%]) in the first row of the table.
If a piecewise linear distribution has been selected, users enter the intervals (From [s] through
To [s]) and the probability of delay for each interval (Perc. [%]) in each row of the table (one
row per interval). It is assumed that the distribution is linear within each interval. Users can
enter as many intervals as they wish, but the sum of the probabilities for all intervals must add
up to 100%, if this is not the case, then the column with the probabilities will be shown in red.
When the maximum station delay box is checked, then OpenTrack will automatically reduce
the station delay to the user defined upper limit, if during the simulation, OpenTrack estimates
that a train in the given category at an intermediate station will have a delay higher than the
maximum (based on the simulation's actual delay scenario and the station's defined mean
delay [mean Delay]).
The function (Used Station Delays [%]) allows users to define the probability of station delays
(Station Delays) for particular train categories in the simulation. For each individual station
delay (Mean Delay from the timetable) is defined based on the train category probability, if the
delay will be used (the train suffers an auxiliary delay) or not (the train does not receive any
additional delay) at the particular station.
For example, the data shown in the Trains Category Window presented in Figure 56, shows
the following:
20% of trains operate with performance values between 90% and 92%
60% of trains operate with performance values between 92% and 94%
20% of trains operate with performance values between 94% and 96%
All trains operate with performance values between 98% and 100%
In general, a train is considered delayed, if the delay is greater than or equal to the user-defi-
ned “small” delay value; this means that above this value the delay is considered a conflict and
will be displayed in the reporting window and on the graphic schedule. Similarly, the colour
changes on the appropriate train numbers shown in the animated display. Small delays are
shown with a yellow border around the train number, medium delays with an orange border
and large delays with a red border.
Trains have different performance goals for punctual departures and delays (Performance on
time [%], Performance delayed [%]), this will change the behaviour of the train from reaching
the lower limit, in other words the train is considered on time for all actual schedule deviations
that are smaller than the limit set for a small delay.
The OpenTrack distributions database stores user-defined distributions under a unique name
(this name is shown in OpenTrack functions that use the distribution function).
The distribution functions currently allowed by OpenTrack are in the form of piecewise linear
distributions. These are formed by assigning a probability (Perc. [%]) that an event takes
place within a user-defined time interval set using the (From [s]) and (To [s]) commands. The
sum of the probabilities in the distribution should equal 100%, if this is not the case the proba-
bilities column will be shown in red. OpenTrack provides commands for editing data, and
deleting or adding intervals.
Figure 58 illustrates the Distributions Window showing an example distribution. The example
distribution function indicates that there is a 10% possibility that the event will occur in the
time between 0 and 10 seconds, a 80% possibility that it will occur in the time between 10 and
20 seconds, and a 10% possibility it will occur in the time between 20 and 60 seconds.
In Edit mode:
[Add] Creates a new interval so user can enter data.
[Delete] Deletes selected interval.
The locomotive driver’s behaviour can also be defined and in the case that the train is on sche-
dule or late. During the simulation at each train stop or station passage, the actual time is com-
pared to the planned time (when defined in the timetable) and is used to determine which
acceleration and speed behaviour the train will use on the next section. For example, an acce-
leration value of 95% means that 95% of the technically possible acceleration rate will be
used, but also, that only 95% of the travel speed on the section will be used.
Use: Check mark indicates that the course is included in the simulation.
Course ID: List of all course ID numbers application-wide (course numbers can consist
of digits and letters, but must include at least one digit).
Itineraries: The itineraries operated by the selected course.
The courses panel also supports several context menu functions (right mouse button). For
example, the context menu in the Course Table allows users to quickly change the selected
entries (Invert, Unuse, Use, Edit, Duplicate, Delete).
If exactly one course is selected, the context menu contains the command Start Course for
triggering a single train simulation. This can be triggered for both courses with or without
The itineraries allocated to the train are provided with priorities (1: highest priority). If there
are several different itineraries available between two points OpenTrack tries to reserve the
highest priority available track for the course.
The “Reset Itineraries” function on the Courses/Services Window removes all non-active iti-
neraries from the list, i.e. that begin in non-opened documents or no longer exist.
The reservation and release times of routes can be controlled with course specific attributes.
The attributes are named Route Additional Reserve Time and Route Additional Release Time.
The time needed to reserve a route is the sum of the course specific reservation time plus the
reservation time of the route itself. Similarly, the time needed to release a route is the sum of
the course specific release time plus the release time of the route itself.
Speed Restrictions
The performance (Performance on time / Delayed performance) is not processed with the spe-
cification of speed restrictions (Speed Restriction Signal, e.g. 30 km/h). This corresponds clo-
sely to the realistic train behavior.
OpenTrack includes a distant signal for speed restrictions (Speed Restriction Dist. Sig.). When
a train passes through the (optional) distant signal, it begins braking to the speed given by the
speed restriction.
A “course set” is a group of courses defined by the user and given a name. A course can be a
member of any number of course sets.
The course sets are managed from the Course Sets panel (displayed by clicking the button Sets
in the Courses Panel).
[New (used)] New course set is created with the active courses (used) of the course list.
[New (selected)] New course set is created with the selected courses of the course list.
[Duplicate] Duplicate the course set.
[Delete] Delete the course set.
The following course list functions (In Course List) are available on the Course Sets Panel:
[Select] Select all courses in the course list belonging to the set (and deselect all
[Use] Activate only the courses belonging to the set in the course list (and deacti-
vate all others).
[Add use] Activates all the courses of the course set in the course list (without deacti-
vating other courses).
[Remove use] Deactivates all the courses of the course set in the course list.
Show Course: Lists all courses of the set. The selected one will be selected in the courses
Add Course: Lists all courses not belonging to the set. The selected one will be added to
the set.
Remove Course: Lists all courses of the set. The selected one will be removed from the set.
OpenTrack allows these additional parameters to be added using the attribute Route Reserva-
tion/Release in the Moving (CBTC) setting.
l (v) = lb + ls
The current route is determined by the location of the front (head) of the train.
If a train is manually dispatched, OpenTrack allows users to set the route (Set Route) or
reserve a route (Reserve Route) at each signal beyond those where routes have already been
reserved (already reserved routes are shown in light green). This can be done using the right
mouse button. Users can choose from a list of all routes that are available for the course based
on the assigned itineraries (sorted by priority).
Set Route means that the route will be used, but that the route reservation will be made by
OpenTrack at the optimal time.
The timetable database works closely with the course management because the timetable data-
base defines the single courses and their typification.
An entry of a course into the timetable consists of many entries into the timetable database
(course number, station, arrival, departure and minimum stop time) as well as entries per sta-
tion in the table of connections (optional). As outlined below, connections are possible for
both stopping trains and trains that pass through stations.
The same time format is used for all OpenTrack time inputs (e.g. timetable arrival and depar-
ture times, time values for incidents, plot values, simulation starting and end-time, etc.). The
day offset default value is = 0, i.e. the first simulation day. The exact time is now defined in
OpenTrack as follows:
The day offset is typically shown to the left of the time information (which is displayed in the
format of HH:MM:SS). An empty space indicates a day offset of zero, in other words the day
of the first simulation day.
Users can choose whether or not to display the day offset using the attribute (Show Day) in the
timetable menu (Tools Timetable).
Inputing times (for example in the timetable, during the definition of incidents, in the simula-
tion panel, etc.) has to be efficient. In OpenTrack users can enter as few characters as possible
to define a time.
7 07:00:00
703 07:03:00
0703 07:03:00
73 07:03:00
7.03 07:03:00
7.3 07:03:00
7,03 07:03:00
7:03 07:03:00
07.03 07:03:00
70310 07:03:10
7.03.10 07:03:10
7,03,10 07:03:10
7:03:10 07:03:10
With the exception of the departure time (Departure) at the first station, all entries for arrival,
departure and passing times are optional (if no time is defined, the cell shows HH:MM:SS).
Course Information - The top section of the Timetable Management Window presents data on
the selected course.
cargo). The changed train load will influence the train behavior.
Distr.: Name of distribution function (optional); display name by checking box
Mean Delay: Average delay in seconds (exponential distribution) for delay scenarios
1 to 200 (See Chapter 8.2: Running and Monitoring an OpenTrack
Simulation on page 130).
Course-Connections Commands
[Add Rows] Adds a new row to the timetable database for a course.
[Ins. Rows] Inserts a new row into the timetable database for a course.
[Del. Rows] Deletes the selected row from the timetable database for a course.
The Functions pull down menu (directly under the schedule entry table in the Timetable
Management Window) contains several functions that can be applied to a set of selected sche-
dule entries. The parameters of each function can be edited right from the menu in the text
cell. Clicking on the Go button on the far right side causes the entries to be saved.
Connections Table - The connections table of the Timetable Management Window presents
connections data for the selected course.
[Show Conn. Co.] Displays the timetable data of the connecting train. The timetable entry
for the station where the connection is defined is selected automatically
by OpenTrack.
[Ins. Conn.] Generates an entry on Connections Table for the selected course.
[Del. Conn.] Deletes selected connection from Connections Table.
[Show all Conn.] Display all the connections of a train (Course ID) using the connection
Interval Box - The interval box can be used to define interval trains based on the selected
Act. Course ID: Course ID number of the actual course (selected course).
Ref. Course ID: Reference train (course) for interval trains.
Train: Further information on the selected train.
Train Speedtype: Speed type from train definition.
Train Category: Train category from train definition.
Show Operations: Check this box to show connections and their type in first column.
Show Stationnames: Check this box to show full station names or abbreviations.
Show Stops only: Check this box to show only stations where train stops (first and last
stations are always shown).
Show Track Name: Displays the column for track names.
Show Day: Displays the day offset for each day.
Show actual Data: Check this box to show computed times (actual times) from the last
simulation together with the planned timetable data (scheduled times).
To show this data Timetable Statistics must be chosen in Tools Simu-
Show Delay Colors: Check this box to show deviation between actual and scheduled times
for timetable entries.
Show Use Dep. Time: Displays column with the information showing whether stations are
time comparison station.
Show Delta Load: Displays the delta load column.
Show Distr. Name: Displays column with names of the distribution functions for the station
Show Mean Delay: Displays column with mean delays for the station delays.
[Adjust] (plan. Data): The actual time (simulation-calculated) is entered in timetable database
as new scheduled time.
[Show] Shows selected train’s timetable data in the course number field.
[Show All] Shows all timetable data.
[Sort] Sorts timetable data after the course number.
[Move] Click to move the selected train by a given amount of time (all timeta-
ble entries are changed by given amount of time).
[Add] Inserts two schedules together or appends new timetable entries on
selected trains.
[Start] Triggers a single-train simulation of the current course.
[Save DB] Timetable data are written in the database (happens automatically upon
termination of the application).
[Update] The timetable entries are updated.
[Sync.] Deletes all schedule entries which have no course record in the course
[Delete] Selected train or selected connection is deleted.
6.3 Connections
A connection is the waiting of a train at a defined location for the arrival of another train.
Connections can be made to trains (courses) stopping at stations (course arrival or departure
time is the reference time) or to passing trains (course passing time at the station cross section
is the reference time). Connection definitions are at the station cross sections in cases without
scheduled stops or at home signals in cases where connections are being used to model train
order in the simulation.
Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split
201 ZET Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS 8002 ZET Arr./Pass. 00:00:00 HH:MM:SS
Figure 63: Connection at the Home Signal Figure 64: Connection at the Exit Signal
In the Timetable window, when you select Show Operations, the first column of the schedule
table now indicates the presence of connections both to and from a train at a station:
• An arrow pointing away from the timetable entry means that the current train offers pas-
sengers a connection to at least one other train.
• An arrow pointing toward the timetable entry means that the current train offers passen-
gers a connection from at least one other train.
Figure 65 shows a typical example of a connection relationship with the OpenTrack default
settings. Figure 65 illustrates a row from the Timetable Management Window’s Course Infor-
mation for Train (course) 20000 at station ZET (top), and the corresponding row from the
Connections Table (bottom). The figure shows train 20000 in station ZET, which departs a
minimum of 7 minutes after the arrival of the train 20001.
As shown in Figure 65, connection relationships can be provided with a maximum waiting
time. If this time is exceeded by a waiting train or if the connecting train has a larger actual
delay than the maximum waiting time, the connection is broken. If no maximum waiting time
is defined (entry for Maximum Wait = HH:MM:SS), the connection is awaited in all cases.
Connection relationships with train joinings, train splits or train meetings cannot have a maxi-
mum waiting time.
If a connection relationship defined in the timetable is not possible during the simulation (for
example if the connecting train is not active, or the connecting train does not pass the specified
station cross section), OpenTrack generates a warning message.
Maximum Waiting Time Connection - Figure 66 shows an example of a connection with maxi-
mum and minimum waiting times. The figure shows that train 30000 will wait a maximum of
6 minutes and a minimum of 2 minutes for its connecting train 7000 in the station ZET. The
connection is broken if course 7000 has a delay greater than 6 minutes at the last possibility of
time comparison.
Conditioned Overtaking - Connections with maximum waiting time can be used to model
conditioned overtakings. In this case a lower-priority train can be overtaken by a higher-prio-
rity train if the higher priority train does not have a delay exceeding a certain limit.
Station Entry Order - Figure 67 shows how a connection can be used to control the entry order
for trains into a station. This is done by defining a connection with minimum wait time for a
train at the home signal. In Figure 67 train 301 is only allowed to arrive at station YPS after
train 201 has passed the station.
Conditioned Halt - Figure 68 shows how a connection can be used to model a conditioned halt
at an exit signal. This is done by defining a connection at the exit signal for a planned station
passage. The train only stops at the exit signal if a connection condition has not been fulfilled,
in all other cases the train can pass the station without stopping. In Figure 68, train 8000 only
stops at the station WED if train 8002 has not passed the station.
Figure 69 shows the course 30000, which originates at station YPS as a split from the course
20000. In the list of connections of course 20000 (figure, left side-bottom), course 30000 has
the split flag; while in the list of connections for course 30000 (figure, right side-bottom),
course 20000 is defined as a connecting course with an unlimited maximum wait time.
Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del. Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del.
20000 YPS HH:MM:SS 08:20:00 180 0 30000 YPS HH:MM:SS 08:19:00 0 0
Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split
30000 YPS Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS 20000 YPS Arr./Pass. 00:01:00 HH:MM:SS
If at least one of the two trains can use more than one track at the meeting station (in other
words there is more than one itinerary entry in the train’s course definition), OpenTrack auto-
matically coordinates the entering of the two trains on the same track using disposition messa-
ges. The first train that knows its exact way through the station reports its station halt point to
the second train via a disposition message. From this time on the second train must select track
that can lead to the first train’s halt point.
Figure 70 presents timetable data for the meeting of courses 26000 and 26002 in station YPS.
In order to join two trains both courses must have a halt defined at the station, and show a
connection to the joining train in the table of connections (each train needs to identify the
other train in the Course ID field and include a check mark in the join field). In the simulation
the locomotives and trailing loads of one composition are added to the composition continuing
Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del. Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del.
26000 YPS HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SS 60 0 26002 YPS HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SS 0 0
Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split
26002 YPS Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS 26000 YPS Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS
Conditions for signals and routes to allow an occupied entry or a joining of two trains:
• Main signal (home signal) (Tools Inspector) has an activated Allow Entry in occ. Block
flag .
• Route starting at main signal (home signal) (Tools Routes) has an activated Allow Entry
in occupied Block flag.
Figure 71 presents timetable data for an occupied entry. In the figure, train 6000 awaits entry
of train 6002 in station ZET. Train 6002 stops directly behind train 6000. The table of connec-
tions for the meeting of two trains shows a simultaneous joining and splitting of the two com-
Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del. Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del.
6000 ZET HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SS 0 0 6002 ZET HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SS 0 0
Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split
6002 ZET Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS 6000 ZET Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS
6.3.6 Turnround
Turnround means the running of a physical train composition during its operation with all its
course numbers and over all its tracks.
Continuation of a train unit at its end station under a new course number can be modeled by
creating a train split at the end station to the new course number and a connection for the new
course to the original course at its starting station.
Figure 72 shows the course 20003, which comes into being at its starting station PEW from
the course 20000, which has its end station in PEW.
Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del. Course ID Station Arrival Departure Dwell Stop M. Del.
20000 PEW HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SS 60 0 20003 PEW HH:MM:SS 09:15:00 0 0
Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split Course ID Station Type Min. Wait Max. Wait Join Split
20003 PEW Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS 20000 PEW Arr./Pass. 00:07:00 HH:MM:SS
Station Y
IC 5000 S2
SE 70000
Depot Y
After the arrival of the course IC 5000 in STAY (abbreviation for Station Y) the rear half of
the train is uncoupled. The remainder of the train continues its course leaving Station Y via
Signal S1 no earlier than 08:20:00. The train’s uncoupled part is initialized and is assigned the
Course ID of IC 6001. The situation is illustrated in Figure 75 and the timetable data for IC
6001 in STAY is shown in Figure 76.
Station Y
IC 6001 S2
SE 70000
Depot Y
Figure 75: Example: Situation Following Separation of Cars from Course IC 5000
Next, Locomotive SE 70000 leaves the Depot Y and travels to Station Y where it joins the cars
waiting there (Course IC 6001). Figure 77 shows the timetable data for SE 70000 in Depot Y;
Figure 78 shows timetable data for SE 70000 in Station Y. Figure 79 illustrates the situation
following SE 70000’s move from Depot Y to Station Y.
Station Y
IC 6001 S2
Depot Y
Figure 79: Situation Before the Departure of Course IC 6001 from Station Y
As shown in Figure 76 (timetable data), Course IC 6001 can depart via Signal S2 from Station
Y no earlier than 08:30:00.
Following these three theoretical sections, three sections describe the procedures used in run-
ning a simulation, OpenTrack’s animation features, and messages generated by the program
during the simulation process. As these sections outline, OpenTrack permits users to define
many parameters for the simulation including time interval, computation accuracy, climatic
conditions and delay characteristics. The user can also specify the amount of animation (e.g.
train positions, signal settings, occupied and reserved track sections) to be displayed on-screen
as the simulation is running. It is also possible to view the current simulation clock, the inter-
active messages, and the measuring instrument representations during the simulation.
A numerical method (Euler’s Method) is used in order to solve the equations for train motion
since it is not possible to find the solution of the differential motion equation in a self-contai-
ned, analytical form. Euler’s method provides sufficiently exact approximate values for the
The basic equation of dynamics (Newton) serves as a basis for the calculation of the train
F = m⋅a - or - a =
In order for a train to accelerate, the traction vehicle must transfer a force to the rail which is
larger than the traction resistance. The difference between tractive effort and traction resi-
stance is called traction power surplus and is expressed in the following formula:
FZ = Z(v) - RF(v, s)
The tractive effort is calculated using the tractive effort/speed diagram and depends upon the
speed and environmental conditions (adhesion conditions). The traction resistance depends
upon train speed and the track network’s physical conditions.
The maximum technically possible acceleration rate is attained if the entire traction effort sur-
plus is invested into accelerating the train; in this case the acceleration resistance is equal to
the traction power surplus. From this follows:
m • (1 + 0.01 • ρ)
The train’s maximum possible acceleration rate at any point is also dependent on track speed
limit, the locomotive’s maximum speed, and the weight of trailing wagons.
Euler’s Method works by calculating the change in a variable from a given starting point. It
estimates each functional value using the preceding functional value (start value), the prece-
ding derivative of the function, and a fixed time step. An example of Euler’s Method for deter-
mining the speed at a time t is presented below and illustrated in Figure 80:
v ( t ) = v ( t − Δt ) + Δt ⋅ ( t − Δt ) ; v ( t0 ) = v0
v(t - Δt)
t - Δt t t
Using the motion equation the actual speed of a train is calculated by integrating the formula
below between the valid integration limits, as shown in the following equation:
t2 dv
v = v0 + a dt - or - a =
t1 dt
Similarly the distance covered can be calculated by repeated integration of the following equa-
t2 ds
s = s0 + v dt - or - v =
t1 dt
The actual computation of the brake applications is calculated backwards from the target point
(e.g. stopping point) and its target speed (i.e. its speed at the target point). Figure 81 illustrates
a pre-calculated braking function for train T1 approaching a closed signal MS1. The marked
points in the speed/distance diagram symbolize the values of the individual calculation steps.
As soon as Train T1 crosses the brake employment point P1, it brakes to a stop following the
brake curve. Once the train reaches its target speed or if the brake action becomes void by a
status change in the protection system (e.g. if a signal changes from a stop to a proceed
aspect), then the current brake application is regarded as settled and the train is informed about
the next brake employment which must be considered. Figure 82 illustrates a braking curve for
a speed reduction example.
v v
s s
T1 MS1 T1
P1 P1
Figure 81: Brake Application - Halt Figure 82: Brake Application - Reduce Speed
• It must be later than the earliest departure time listed in the user defined timetable.
• The train must have stopped for at least the minimum halt time at the stop.
• The incidence-generated delay was taken (included).
• All the connection operations defined for the course must have been fulfilled.
If a further track segment for the course is free after fulfilling these criteria, the track segment
is reserved, before the train can accelerate and leave the stop.
Arrival at register
Station Arrival Time
Departure Connection
Time Criteria Criteria
fullfilled fullfilled
Application for
further Track
Track Segments
Departure register
from Station Departure Time
• Each track section is reserved either for no trains or at most one train.
• Each train must be able to stop within the track section reserved for it.
The protection system and safety philosophy are used to define the effective distance ahead of
and behind a train that lies in the train’s protected zone. The method currently used by rail-
roads is to release track sections in discrete units, or routes. Each route is protected by a main
signal, which prevents movement of trains on the route when it is set on stop. The flowchart
illustrated in Figure 84 outlines the conditions for a successful route reservation. A route can
be reserved and its main signal display the appropriate signal for proceeding only if:
• All safety elements belonging to the route are free or reserved for the applying train.
• The applying train must have a free continuing way at the end of the route.
• The free blocking is ensured, i.e. prevent the situation where two trains have the same
track section available for occupation (deadlock).
Inquiry: Can
Track Segment
be reserved?
Track Segment
unsuccessful successful
The two following figures illustrate the behavior of the protection systems following a request
for track segment reservation by a given train for two examples.
Figure 85 illustrates the case of a successful route reservation. In this example Train T1 is
approaching the point (AP1) of requesting the route from MS1 to MS2. As the figure shows,
the train’s brake curve has been precalculated for the possibility that Train T1 will need to stop
at Point MS1. In the example Train T1 receives permission to proceed on the route MS1 to
MS2 and so the figure shows the train continuing at speed vT1 until it the point where it is
necessary to brake to stop at point MS2.
T1 DS1 MS1 DS2 MS2
Figure 85: Successful Track Segment Reservation
In contrast, Figure 86 illustrates the case of an unsuccessful route reservation. In this example
Train T1’s request to enter the section behind Signal MS1 fails despite free safety elements
because a part (segment overlap in the figure) of the through route is being used to accommo-
date Train T2. Thus Train T1 must assume that it will need to stop at the beginning of the
requested route (at MS1) and can proceed past main signal MS1 only when Train T2 moves
into the siding and can release the section of the through route requested by Train T1.
T1 DS1 DS2/MS1 MS2 T2
MS4 Overlap
Figure 86: Unsuccessful Track Segment Reservation (Through Route not free)
The automatic route reservation can be adjusted using the route attribute Distance To Reserva-
tion Point [m]. This is especially helpful for railway systems in which automatic route
reservation tends to be done too early. The attribute allows users to define the earliest possible
point where OpenTrack can attempt to reserve a route. This distance describes the train’s
effective distance from the main signal before OpenTrack first attempts to make a route reser-
The other conditions for successfully reserving a route are the same, the train must be located
within sight distance of a distant signal or main signal, cross over a balise, be located on a loop
antenna, or on a line equipped with cab signaling.
Figure 87: Route Edit Panel (left shows automatic route reservation, right shows route reser-
vation with a specified reservation distance).
Signal S1 is a combined signal with a distant signal for Signal S2. In the automatic route reser-
vation method OpenTrack tries to complete the reservation of route R2 once train T1 reaches
the point where it can see the distant signal (distance to signal S1 = sSight (S1)), i.e., the point
marked RP1(R2) on Figure 88. If the route R2 has a specified Distance to Reservation Point (s
Res. (R2)) then OpenTrack tries to complete the reservation process when the train reaches point
RP2(R2), in other words, the moment when the train is within the defined distance (s Res.(R2))
from the starting signal for route R2.
If the sight distance (s Sight (S2)) is less than the Distance to Reservation Point (s Res. (R2)), the
route segment is reserved when the train reaches the sight distance point.
Distance s
Train T1 Signal S1 Signal S2
Route R1 Route R2
S Res. (R2)
RP1(R2) RP2(R2)
(for an automatic Reservation of Route R2) (using a “Distance to Reservation Point” for Route R2)
Users can also specify the release point for a route. This is done using a checkbox on the Route
Edit panel (Tools Routes). If it is not checked, the route segment is released when the rear
of the train passes the end signal (Dist. To Release Point = 0 m), if the box is checked, the user
specified value is used.
Here it is also important to note that the route release process begins when the end of the train
has passed the vertex that is beyond the route release distance from the route’s endsignal.
The specified distance to release point for the example main signal = 30 m. After the main
signal there are two edges both of which are 20 m in length. In this case the release process
starts when the end of the train is at least 40 meters beyond the main signal.
Inquiry: Is 'n'
Meter further
Route available?
reserve new
unsuccessful successful
Figure 90 illustrates the braking behaviour of Train T2 as it approaches a stopped train (Train
T1) in a moving block signal system. In the figure Train T2 has been accelerating up its maxi-
mum speed, but at time (t-Δt) it receives a warning that further acceleration is impossible
given the available braking distance. At the time t Train T2 begins its effective brake applica-
tions, with the goal of stopping behind Train T1. During each brake step the system examines
whether Train T2’s speed can be increased, which would only be true if Train T1 moved far
enough to the right to shift Train T2’s danger point, thus permitting a termination of braking
for Train T2.
T2 T1
Trains following closely after other trains in moving block sections observe the parameter:
acceleration delay (Acc. Delay [s]). Acceleration delay is set using the train definition func-
tion (Tools Trains).
Acceleration delay is used when a following train needs to slow down due to a preceding train.
In this case, the second train waits for the time set in the Acc. Delay parameter before accele-
rating again. This prevents creating a cycle of braking and accelerating and reflects actual train
behaviour more realistically.
Moving block trains, which travel on “Discrete for Mov. Block Operations” routes, use the
release groups of the corresponding routes. This means that these release groups of a route will
only be released after the train has left the release group completely.
The flow chart in Figure 91 illustrates the interaction between the dispatching and safety
systems when routes are requested. The dispatching system communicates to the safety
system the starting point of the train and the number of track segments it wishes to reserve.
Reasons for pre-reserving several routes include:
• Train can travel at a higher speed on the route, if the subsequent route is also reserved.
• Reserving only one route segment could lead to deadlock.
The route request function of the safety system sorts route start positions according to ascen-
ding position for each requested route segment following the process illustrated in Figure 83
until either it encounters a route segment that cannot be reserved, or until all the route seg-
ments have been successfully reserved. The process is considered successful if at least one
route segment can be reserved (m > 0). The dispatching module is informed about the success
and/or failure of each individual inquiry.
OpenTrack’s dispatching module continuously examines possible route changes in the courses
operating on the track network. The dispatching module assesses, with each route request
inquiry, possible route changes, which could make the course’s highest priority route availa-
Dispatching Interlocking
possible to reserve
'n' Routes
unsuccessful successful
Figure 92 illustrates an example of OpenTrack’s route selection process. In this example, Train
T1 tries to receive authorization for using its highest priority route R1 (from Signal S1 to
Signal S2) for entry into the station. Since Route R1 is partially allocated to Train T2 the
safety system rejects Train T1’s request for the route. Train T1 then tries to receive authoriza-
tion for its second ranking route (Route R2) which the safety system confirms is available and
therefore the route is certified. The dispatching module attempts to move trains operating on
low priority routes to high priority routes as quickly as possible.
T1 S1 S3
R3 (S1-S4)
R2 (S1-S3)
R1 (S1-S2)
OpenTrack allows users to distinguish whether the stopping train (or soon to be stopping train)
should be taken into account when making dispatching decisions (the suffix "+" indicates that
the stopping train is involved, "-" indicates that this is not the case).
Under the Arrival Time disposition strategy the first train to be dispatched is the train that
arrived first or stopped first. It is a “First In First Out” strategy (FIFO), i.e. the train that
arrives first leaves first and is not overtaken by other trains.
The difference from the criterion Wait Time is that in the Wait Time option, the wait time only
begins to run when the train is stopped at the signal (= conflict of the type: Stop at Signal),
which is not the case during a normal station stopping process. Under the option Arrival - the
time, after which the train will be dispatched, starts to run when the train arrives at the station
or when it stops at the main signal.
Whenever a route reservation attempt is made for a route R1 over a signal in a station area
which has its dispatching priority set as Priority, Delay, Wait Time or Arrival , OpenTrack
checks to see if another train will reserve a route R2, which would conflict with R1. If Open-
Track detects this type of conflict and if the starting signal for route R2 has the same
dispatching criteria, then the train order is determined in accordance with the defined criteria.
The following examples show how trains would be dispatched under the priority criteria.
Station Y
Station Y
Station Y
Station Y
A special case applies where a conflict occurs between two trains, but the second train stops in
a station and/or has a station stop planned. In this case priority is given to whichever train is
ready for departure.
8.1 Preferences
The Preferences Window (illustrated in Figure 95) is used to select files and parameters for
use in the simulation process. Preferences are managed in so called sets. A set, which is iden-
tified by the set name, comprises a single combination of the parameters. Existing sets can be
edited and new sets created using the Preferences Window.
The following parameters and filenames are managed using the Preferences Window:
OpenTrack Home Dir.: OpenTrack home directory, this can be used to set the directory in
which all the OpenTrack projects and data is stored.
Preferences Path: The file path for saving user preferences, is built from Home Dir
Dest-Info: Itinerary database filename.
Engine-Depot: Locomotive database filename.
Trains: Train database filename.
Courses: Course database filename.
Stations: Station database filename.
Timetable: Timetable database filename.
Output-Path: Output path and filename into which the output files are written.
Train Speed Types - Table lists Train-Speed-Types used in the simulation. (A separate speed
can be defined per traintype, edge and direction). Traintypes can be added or deleted, respecti-
vely, via [Add] and [Delete].
Saving - When the “Create Backup Files” box is checked, a copy of the existing (original) file
(documents or database files) is made before the document (new) is saved at each backup
procedure. A tilde (~) is added to the file name of the copy. The autosave function saves the
active document regularly based on a user defined time interval.
Display Options - These settings relate to the display of elements, courses and legends.
Highlight selected Edges: The selected edges of the worksheet are highlighted.
Show Switch Positions: Shows the position of switches.
Toggle Windows: Memory reducing mode for viewing animations (disadvantage:
pixels will blink periodically).
Use Vertex Tooltips: Open Track creates a tool tip that displays the kilometer and
name for all vertices when it loads documents and when vertex
information is changed. Attention: this feature uses a significant
amount of computer resources and therefore it is advisable to
disable it for large documents.
Use Sound: OpenTrack will make indicate a pause in or the end of a simula-
tion with an acoustical signal.
Legend: This character string appears as the title of all legends.
Train Categories: The number of train categories and the colors in which they can
be visualized can be selected here (color for train number in the
animation, distance/time line in the train graph). If a category is
provided with a checkmark in the first column, it is also shown
in the legends. The position can be varied within the list via the
up and down arrows.
Conflicts: The colors and designations of the various types of conflicts for
the train graphs can be edited here.
Use Category Color: Check this box to display the planned timetable data in the same
color as the actual timetable data.
Dashed Line: Check this box to display the planned timetable data with a das-
hed line.
Pattern (Occupation): Fills the blocking time stairway with a gray shading or cross-
Use Curve Resistance: If box is checked the curve resistance will be computed, other-
wise an average value is used.
Use Switch Time: If box is checked the defined switch operation times and route
reservation times are used during the simulation, otherwise
default value (switch time = 0) will be used.
Safety System - ETCS Level 2 - These variables are only used in situations with European
Train Control System Level 2 signal systems.
Communication Period: Period duration for ETCS level 2 communication between RBC
and train.
Optimization Period: Period duration for optimization of ETCS level 2 distances
Optimize Train Sequence: If box is checked course sequence may be changed in optimiza-
tion process.
ETCS L3 Safety Margin: Minimal safety distance between trains operating under moving
block control.
The setting checkbox Open Doc. in Preferences facilitates the handling of documents and
document sets with the same project name. When Open Doc. is selected, OpenTrack attempts
to open all the documents in a document set with the same name as the active project, as soon
as OpenTrack is started or when the active project is changed (using the command Selected Set
in the Preferences). For example, both the Selected Set from the Preferences (Info Preferen-
ces) and the Document Set (Document Documents Sets...) have the name Pro-
It is highly recommended to organize OpenTrack projects on the computer with the focus that
they are easy and efficient to use, exchange with other users (or the support organization) and
to backup.
OpenTrack users set parameters regarding control and monitoring of the simulation using the
Simulation Window. The Simulation Window is used to input information used to define the
simulation and output information, including simulation input values (e.g. time window,
scenarios, delays, ...) and the desired output quantities and diagrams.
The general process for running an OpenTrack simulation consists of the following seven
During the simulation process, the simulation is worked off step by step (dependent on the
time step set by the user [Step]). At each time “t” the trains calculate their actual position,
speed and acceleration. The necessary routes are requested automatically by the trains and
reserved, if possible, and the appertaining signals are set on proceed. If a route cannot be reser-
ved (e.g. if it is occupied by another train, or the route is blocked, etc.), the train brakes so that
it comes to a standstill at the main signal before the route in question.
The Simulation Window is used to enter parameters for the simulation and to start the simula-
tion. The information presented in the Simulation Window is described below.
Start Time: Start time of the simulation (courses with first departure time < start
time are not included in the simulation).
Stop Time: End of the simulation interval (courses with first departure time > stop
time are not simulated).
Break Time: Time at which the simulation is to be interrupted.
Step: Time step of the simulation in seconds (large step: fast but less exact;
small step: slow but more exact).
Current Time: Current simulation time (if selected).
Keep Occupations: Check box to indicate that the railway network is not freed from all
occupations before the simulation (is needed to e.g. build in hindrances
in the network).
Opt. Dispatching: Check box to indicate that train dispatching should be optimized (only
available for ETCS-Level 2 track segments and for dynamic overta-
Pause if Sig. Stop...: Pause the simulation when a train stops for a given amount of time in
front of a closed signal (Stop at Signal).
Show Train: Reserved elements, occupied edges and signal positions are displayed
during the simulation
Show ID: Current position of the train is displayed with train number. The size of
the text label can be set by the user (XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL).
Show Description: Train description is displayed on worksheet.
Show Delay: Train delay, can be shown in seconds (Sec.), minutes (Min.) or minutes
and seconds (M:SS).
Show Current Time: Check box to show running clock in the Current Time field (makes the
simulation slower). The current time can be shown in seconds (S),
hours and minutes (HH:MM) or hours, minutes and seconds
Show Messages: Messages on the state of the simulation, on the driving trains, on
disabled states and hindrances are shown in the message window.
Show Instruments: The measuring instruments show the data of the passing trains.
Simulation Menu: Box allows user to select Simulation Window or Output Window.
Data: Selection continuous (value for each time step) or discrete (value only
if different) output values.
Units: Format for distances (metric, UK Imperial, US).
Use these checkboxes to select types of output diagrams and information collected during the
Occupation objects can contain several edges and a text label. An edge can belong to at most
one occupation object. After a simulation, the text label can show statistics on the occupation
object (number of trains, average number of trains per hour, maximum number of trains in any
hour, average occupancy in percent, maximum percent occupancy in any hour).
To create an occupation object, first select the appropriate edges. Now going into the Simula-
tion window, and press Add. (OpenTrack will refuse to create the occupation object if an edge
is already in another occupation object.) In the table Occupations, OpenTrack adds the newly
created occupation object to the bottom of the list. You can click on the object to change its
Immediately below the Occupations table, a pull down menu initially marked No Show lets
you choose how to visualize the infrastructure occupancy. The following options are available:
• No Show No coloration
• Show avg. Number of Trains Average number of trains
• Show max. Number of trains Maximum number of trains
• Show No. of Trains in Time Slot Number of trains during the user-defined time interval
(Time Slot)
OpenTrack displays the occupancy in one of four colours based on user-defined thresholds as
In calculating the average values, OpenTrack uses the time between the first and last process
in the simulation (and not the simulation interval Stop Time minus Start Time).
You can now also have OpenTrack output occupation statistics as bar graphs. To do so, select
the corresponding output type (Occ. Stat.) in the Plot Inspector. The colours of the bars are
those you define in the simulation panel for the categories High, Medium und Low.
8.3 Incidents
OpenTrack allows users to examine the impact of disturbances (called “Incidents”) in the
infrastructure, rolling stock and schedule systems. Incidents can either be operational failures
or operational problems (which allow operations to continue but at a reduced speed or capa-
city). Examples of the first type of incident include signal failure and broken track; examples
of the second include slow orders or unplanned train delays. OpenTrack also allows users to
combine individual incidents into sets of incidents that can be applied during the simulation.
All incidents have a starting time and ending time. Route, path and course incidents also have
an associated speed (v >= 0) which applies during the incident.
This section describes the Incidents Window, using the Incidents Definition Window to define
infrastructure and rolling stock incidents, defining incident sets and information on how to
define schedule incidents.
The top portion of the Incidents Window displays a table listing the user-defined Incident Sets.
OpenTrack enables users to define these sets by selecting individual incidents and saving them
under a unique name. The bottom portion of the Incidents Window displays a table listing all
the user-defined individual incidents. The process of defining an incident and incident set is
outlined below.
Use: Checkmark indicates that this incident will be used in the simulation.
Incident Name: User-defined name for the incident.
Comment: User-defined comment for the incident.
Type: Type of incident (Train, Signal, Edge, Route, Path).
Object: Impacted infrastructure object or affected course.
Begin: Start time for the incident (HH:MM:SS = Hour:Minute:Second).
End: End time for the incident (HH:MM:SS = Hour:Minute:Second).
Speed: Maximum speed (in km/h) to be operated during incident.
Signals with defined disturbances are displayed on the worksheet with a red rectangle border.
No route behind the signal can be run, as long as the signal is disturbed. A signal disturbance
can be introduced using the Incidents Definition Window or using the Signal Inspector
(Change State command).
The Discrete for Mov. Block Operations parameter allows users to classify train or route inci-
dents explicitly for trains travelling under Moving Block controls. This is done by checking
the Discrete for Mov. Block Operations box. Under this classification a disturbed route must
be free from all other requests, before the train can move. With this type of disturbance all
controls are requested in discrete form rather than continuous.
The Periodic Incident parameter allows users to define track incidents as occurring on a peri-
odic basis. A period sequence indicates (in seconds), how long a disturbance is active (i.e. how
long the disturbance lasts), then is inactive (i.e. the period when there is no disturbance), then
active again. The period sequence can contain a maximum of four times (incident active 1,
incident in-active 1, incident active 2, incident in-active 2). This feature enables users to
model traffic signal operations and tram crossings more easily.
OpenTrack allows users to define several types of incidents relative to the Kilometerisation of
the track sections, which means that the track network must be completely defined (all nodes
must have accurate Kilometer coordinates and the edge directions must be defined in ascen-
ding order).
Additionally, the edge attributes Line Name and Track Name can be used. If these attributes
remain empty (Line Name = “ “ and/or Track Name = “ “) then the incidents will apply to all
track sections in the defined segment. An incident can only apply for a Line Name and/or a
Track Name.
Position Incidents:
• Train moves within the incident zone at reduced speed or stops (Speed = 0 km/h).
• A position incident can be defined at an exact location (independent of the edges).
• A position incident can be defined by direction.
• A position incident can apply to the head of the train or the entire train.
Blockage Incidents:
• Blockage incidents affect all edges between the beginning and the end of the disturbance.
• Trains travel to the signal just before the incident zone (in the travel direction) and stop
• Blockage incidents can be defined at an exact location but the impacts depend on the edge
• Blockage incidents impact travel in both directions.
• The impacted train will stop and wait for the user defined wait-time (Wait Time after Stop)
then the train will begin moving again.
• Stop and Wait incidents can be defined at an exact location (independent of the edges).
• Stop and Wait incidents can be defined by direction of travel.
• Stop and Wait incidents can apply to the head of the train or the entire train.
This type of incident (Train Tractive Effort) can be used to reduce the tractive effort for an
individual train for a set amount of time. The attribute Used Tractive Effort defines the percen-
tage of the normally available tractive force that is available during the disturbance (based on
the train’s tractive effort/speed diagram).
The incident type called Signal/Group of Signals Headway allows users to adjust the through-
put (or headway) through a given point in the network.
The attribute Signal Headway (in seconds) determines the amount of time after the first train
has passed through the signal (or group of signals) before another train can pass through the
signal (or group of signals).
The Signal Stop incident type can be used to influence the behaviour of a train that wishes to
reserve a route at the specified main signal.
The attribute Stop Probability gives the probability that a train will need to come to a stop (as
a percentage). The attribute Stop Time / Distribution specifies how long the train will remain
stopped. The Stop Time / Distribution can be entered in seconds or it can refer to a distribution
function defined using the distribution tool (Tools Distributions).
Incidents that use a predefined distribution function (Tools Distributions) can be assigned
directly in the Incident Edit Panel. A combo box is visible beneath the respective text cells
(down arrow), which makes the selection possible.
However, each text cell is still independent, so that the inputs can be made directly in the text
cell, this is especially important where a text cell can contain a time value in seconds or the
name of a distribution function.
An Incident set is created by marking the desired incidents in the table of incidents located at
the bottom of the Incidents Window and then using the command Save Set to create the new
set. This will cause users to be prompted to enter an Incident Set name.
The user defined incident sets can be managed using the command buttons at the bottom of the
Incident Set table. Incident sets can be updated with new incidents or deleted using these com-
The command (Use) allows users to select the set of incidents that will be used in an Open-
Track analysis.
Initial Delay
The definition of an initial delay is: the train delay measured when the train crosses the border
into the system being investigated (section, node, network). [Source J. Pachl]
Initial delays in OpenTrack can be defined for individual trains, train categories or globally
(i.e. for all trains).
Simulation Window (see Chapter 8.2.1). Users can enter a mean delay in this field and it will
be applied to all trains in the simulation except for those trains that have individually defined
initial delays or that are members of a train category that has an initial delay parameter.
When and how this average delay value is used is outlined below.
The application also provides two functions to better control the delay. First, OpenTrack
enables users to set a maximum delay, this means that the randomly generated delay values
that lie over this ceiling will be reduced to the maximum delay. Second, users can set a maxi-
mum percentage of trains that will be assigned a delay (for negative exponential distribution
Setting the initial delay by train category is described in Chapter 5.5 above.
The Timetable Window lists the stations visited by the specific train (course) in the upper
table. The right column is labelled M. Del. (for mean delay) and the user can enter the mean
delay expected at that station for the individual train here.
A train's initial delay is entered in the cell for the first station in the train's schedule. Additional
delays can be entered into other cells to represent station delays at intermediate stations.
The mean delay can be used directly as the delay for a specific train at a specific station, or it
can be used together with a user-defined delay distribution function to generate a probabilistic
delay value. In order to use the delay distribution method, users need to check the box in the
bottom right corner of the Timetable Window and select a distribution name from the pull
down menu.
The delay applied at the first station a train experiences in the network being modelled is defi-
ned as the initial delay. This initial delay is applied to both trains that begin their trip at the sta-
tion (with v = 0 km/h), as well as to trains that do not stop at the station (with v > 0 km/h), but
for which the station is the first station they experience entering the network being modelled.
For all the other stations a train passes through, the (optional) user-defined delay functions as
a station delay (i.e. longer than planned stop at a station). A train's departure from a station is
calculated by adding this delay to the scheduled departure time and/or minimum station dwell
Regarding station delays, it is possible to define a limit on station delay on a train category
basis. This means that delays greater than the maximum value will be set at the maximum
value. The maximum delay values and a box (Use max. Station Delay) that must be checked to
use these values are located in the Train Categories Window (see Figure 56).
The type of delays that are used in a simulation are selected in the Simulation Window (see
Figure 96). There are three general delay scenario options:
For the two hundred numbered delay scenarios (No.1 .. No.200) selectable in OpenTrack, the
application computes a random number from the selected distribution function to serve as the
individual delay for each individual train at each station.
The user does not know the random numbers used to generate each scenario, but does know
that the scenarios are reproduce able; in other words knows any calculation with the same
input configuration (Infrastructure, rolling stock, timetable) and same scenario (No.1 ..
No.200) will yield the same delay values and simulation results (i.e. the process is pseudo ran-
Defining a Corridor
• Press the “New” button in the inspector.
• Corridor Browser is displayed on screen.
• Select data source for the corridor (layout, complete simulation file).
• Select the stations to be included in the new corridor using the Browser.
• Examine minimum and maximum distances between stations. A large deviation between
minimum and maximum values suggests an error in the dimensioning of the track sections
(edge length).
• Mouse click on the NEW button to save the new corridor definition.
• Assign a file name to the corridor (.otsimcor file is generated).
• Empty distance/time diagram along the selected corridor appears on the screen.
The planned and actual (simulated) arrival, departure and transit times can be displayed
(optionally in the format MM or MM:SS). The transit times are displayed in brackets, i.e., (31)
for a train that passes through at minute 31.
It is possible to use the keyboard arrow keys (right arrow, left arrow, up arrow and down
arrow) in an active train diagram document to shift the time segment (Time Slot) by half the
visible range. Similarly the mouse scroll wheel can be used to shift the displayed time seg-
Another feature in the train diagram are the “areas”. An area is a colored marking in the train
diagram. Areas can be freely defined by the user in both the time and distance dimensions.
These areas can then be provided with an (optional) fill colour and/or (optional) hatch colour.
A train diagram can contain any number of areas. Areas can be shown or hidden by checking
or un-checking the activation hook in the first column.
If no time is defined for an area (HH:MM:SS), then the area graphics are shown for the entire
period covered by the train diagram.
Mouse Actions
The following actions can be made with the mouse in the train diagram:
Mouse click within the time-distance display: if the time-distance line of a course is clicked,
the following windows, if they are open, are updated:
Mouse-click outside of the time-distance display: the corridor station whose position is closest
to the position of the mouse click is selected in the Train Diagram Inspector.
The train diagram’s context menu (right mouse button) contains a Show Station function (e.g.,
Show Station STA_X) which can be used to display the station closest to the mouse click in the
corresponding infrastructure document.
Several additional context menu functions are displayed depending on the location of the
mouse click:
• If itineraries exist at the nearest station to the mouse click, this allows users to create a new
course using the function New Course from <aStation> at <aTime> and also allows users
to access the submenu to select an itinerary. This makes it easy to create a new course with
the starting point <aStation> and the starting time <aTime>.
• If the mouse position is on a course contained in the train diagram, the context menu
enables the functions Use or Unuse Course (Use / Unuse in the course database), Start
Course (start a single train simulation) and Delete Course (delete the course in the course
and schedule database).
The first step in the process is to select a course for editing; to select a course click on it in the
train diagram. Once a course run is selected, then the course’s defined departure times, arrival
times, stop times, and travel times are displayed on the train graph in the form of small squares
as shown in Figure 103.
In each case a square representing a timepoint can be shifted on the time axis in order to
change the appropriate timetable entry in the timetable data base. (You can display the Timeta-
ble Database with the command: Tools Timetable). Shifting the rhombuses faded in bet-
ween the station-referred times causes a shift of all defined timetable times of the selected
course at the appropriate time (parallel shift). The following table shows the meaning of the
represented symbols.
The functions affect the course selected in the picture timetable and, when the selection “Keep
Internal References” is checked in the Timetable Management Window (Figure 62), on the
courses of the appropriate interval train group.
8.6.1 Animation
OpenTrack allows the user to visualize the train positions and signal positions during the
simulation. Trains are displayed by illuminating edges occupied by the train in red, and edges
reserved for the train in green (ahead and behind). During the reservation process a route is
represented in dark-green. Figure 104 compares how OpenTrack displays train position with
Reality / Realität
Train / Zug IC 8002
IC 8002
For main signals OpenTrack displays red for closed signals, and green if they show a proceed
aspect. Distant signals are shown as yellow if the appertaining main signal is closed and green
if the appertaining signal shows a proceed aspect. Figure 105 illustrates possible OpenTrack
signal states.
In addition to the displaying the animation of infrastructure operations, OpenTrack can plot
train diagrams and other function plots while the simulation is proceeding. For more informa-
tion on train diagrams please see Chapter 8.4: Train Graph (Train Diagram) on page 142 and
Chapter 3.9.2: Plot Objects (Plot) on page 41.
Normal: Normal messages of the simulation on working steps performed (train started,
train arrived at station XY, ...), which do not impact running the simulation.
Color: green.
Warning: Messages on non-optimal simulation behaviour (train must brake due to a clo-
sed signal, train must stop at a signal, etc.), which do not impact running the
simulation. Color: yellow.
Error: The simulation has discovered an error (train does not exist, file is not open,
etc.), for which reason the simulation cannot be continued. Color: red.
OpenTrack allows the user to view simulation messages while the simulation is running. Mes-
sages are displayed in the Messages Window illustrated in Figure 106.
Options Show Messages ... can be used to display the message window during the simulation
Messages selection: Selection menu: User can choose to display: all messages, only warning
and error messages, or only error messages.
Filter: Filter attribute for station or course related messages.
[Show Object] Shows location causing message on worksheet for selected message.
[Clear] Deletes all messages.
8.7 Evaluations
OpenTrack saves various data during the simulation (for example train tachographs, actual
timetables, ...). These data can be evaluated after the simulation is completed. Data are saved
in files (e.g. tachograph) as well as directly imported by the appropriate evaluation modules
during the simulation (e.g. to create train graphs). OpenTrack distinguishes between several
different types of evaluations:
Text or table: The simulation generates certain evaluations in the form of text files,
which can also be used later in text processings or table calculations.
Actual timetable in tabular form (file OT_<courseID>.tt)
Distance/time diagram (file OT_<courseID>.st1)
Speed/distance diagram (file OT_<courseID>.vs)
Special evaluation: The special OpenTrack evaluations are not readable as text for the user.
The recorded data can only be evaluated via OpenTrack itself.
Corridor of the train graph (file <corridor name>.otsimcor)
Particular evaluations can only be made if the corresponding selection has been made in Out-
put Definition of the simulation tool before the simulation is run. Please see Chapter 8.4 for
more information on how evaluations are produced in the form of train graphs.
0 10 20 30 40 50 [km]
Figure 107: Example Plot Object: Speed/Distance Plot with Signal and Station Legends
3 4 5 6 7 [km]
OpenTrack automatically prepares the following data files (in the Output-Path, see: Info
OT_Physic.tsvP Table with the values for the time, distance, speed, traction
power, the resistance and the mechanical power
OT_<PowerSupplyName>.Pt Power consumption over time for each power supply ele-
ment. Power is measured as the sum of power consumed by
all trains traveling through the power district during the time
step (period).
OT_Occ_<OccName>.occ Occupation of edges
OT_Ins_<DocName>_<ID>.ins Measuring device output values
OT_Delay.delall All delays
OT_Delay.delallarr All arrival delays
OT_Delay.delalldep All departure delays
OT_Delay.delavg Average delay per course
OT_Delay.delend Delay at the end station per course
OT_Delay.delmax Maximum delay per course
OT_Delay.delbegin Initial delay
An evaluation function calculates the delay statistics per train category (Train Categories).
The delays (number and percent) with respect to the defined values for each category (Cate-
gory Delay Settings) for small (Del. S), medium (Del. M) and large delays (Del. L) are listed
for each train category and presented in the file “OT_CategoryStatistics.txt”. The evaluation
table contains information for all intervals of interest (e.g., all delays smaller than Del. M, all
delays greater than or equal to Del. S and less than Del. L, etc.).
The last measured arrival and/or departure delay (Delay last stop) at a station is used to calcu-
late these statistics.
The minimum headway is calculated so that the second train has exactly no conflicts (based on
a userdefined set of conflict types). When using the headway calculator in Test mode a train
headway of one second below the minimum headway would be considered a conflict.
Mode: Calculation type (Test First Train, Test Second Train, Test Head-
way, Search Headway), see mode definitions below.
Headway [s]: The headway to be tested in the calculation mode Test Headway.
Headway from [s] to [s]: Interval within which to search for the train headway in the cal-
Conflicts to avoid: List of conflicts that should be used as termination criterion for
the headway calculation process (i.e., the second train must not
have any of the selected conflicts). The conflicts that can be set
are a subset of those in the messages panel (Tools Messages)
and in the train diagram (Tools Train Diagram).
[Swap Trains] Switch the order of the first and second trains.
[Stop] Stop a running headway calculation process.
[Start] Start a headway calculation process.
Figure 112 illustrates a train diagram for two trains traveling on the same track section. The
minimum headway is 207 seconds (the parameters used are from the panel illustrated in
Figure 111 above). The critical block section can then be shown by running a simulation in the
Test Headway (206 s, 1 second below the minimum headway) mode using the command
(Show Conflicts in train diagram).
NAEN 3.2
SCWE 5.8
DUE 8.8
STET 11.3
ZSTH 16.7
ZMUS 18.4
12.00 .10 .20 .30
• Test First Train: The first train is simulated and the conflicts are reported (total, selected
conflict types).
• Test Second Train: The second train is simulated and the conflicts are reported (total,
selected conflict types).
• Test Headway: A user-defined headway is tested and the conflicts for the second train are
reported (total, selected conflict types).
• Search Headway: The minimum headway between the first and second trains is calculated
and reported (numerical calculation is performed using simulation and binary search).
• Select the two courses for which you want to calculate the headway (First Train: preceed-
ing train, Second Train: following train). The courses must already be defined in the
course panel (Tools Courses) although they do not need to be active. The two courses
must have appropriate timetable entries (Tools Timetable). The minimum station stop
times (Dwell) for use in the headway calculation will be taken from this data, but other
data (arrival time, departure time, connections, etc.) is not taken. The calculation could be
done for two trains with the same course (in which case the first and second train would
have the same course ID).
• Open all the infrastructure documents that are used by the two courses (Document
• It is recommended that you create a train diagram for the common track segment upon
which the two trains travel ( Create Train Diagram).
• Select the train performance to be used for the two courses. The performance values from
the course database will not be used.
• Select the conflicts that are to be considered as termination criterion for finding the min
mum headway (Conflicts to avoid). Both courses should have no such conflicts when they
are traveling alone (this can be checked using the test modes Test First Train and Test Sec-
ond Train). For trains using moving block signaling any braking due to insufficient brak-
ing distance before the preceeding train is considered a conflict (i.e., when the preceeding
train is located within required braking distance). This type of conflict is neither displayed
on the train diagram nor must they be specifically selected in the list of observed conflicts
(Conflicts to avoid). However, this type of conflict is included in the count of conflicts
(total, selected) and they are considered conflicts of the type selected.
• Define a range within which the program should search for the train headway (Headway
from [s] ... to [s]). In the absence of any particular indications, it is recommended to search
in the range from 1 – 3600 seconds (1-second to 60-minutes).
• Select the calculation mode: Search Headway and start the search (press button: Start).
The calculated train headway will be displayed in the results as well as any comments on
the simulation in the fields Status and Comment.
• In cases where both courses have different itineraries (for example the common segment
begins only after a given distance) the results will also include a time offset (Start time off-
set 2nd train, which can be positive or negative). This offset is the difference between the
starting time of the second train and the first train so that both trains reach the common
track section in the same time window.
• The indications "_HDW_1" und "_HDW_2" are used as course ID's. All the evaluations
will be produced for these courses (Tools Simulation, Output) and they can be analyzed
later (in the Plot-Add-Panel the courses appear under the appropriate entries at the end of
the course list under Headway 1 and Headway 2).
Functions Dispatching Rules Import Dispatching Rules (OTD-Format)
Functions Dispatching Rules Import Recent Dispatching Rules (OTD-Format)
Functions Dispatching Rules Produce Dispatching Rules File (OTD-Format)
Functions Dispatching Rules Delete all Dispatching Rules
OpenTrack now supports the definition of exclusion rules in the dispatching process using so
called sets or rules (Route Rule Set). These are rules that will be checked before routes can be
If any of the rules (Route Exclusion Rules) in the Route Rule Set are true, the corresponding
route segment cannot be reserved. These rules within the set can be linked with the “OR” ope-
rator (in which case the rule is true if either of the conditions are met).
A rule can consist of one or more conditions (Route Exclusion Condition). The conditions wit-
hin a rule are linked with the “AND” operator (in which case the rule is true if all conditions
are true).
The rules are defined in an XML file. A suitable structure can be exported from Open Track
using the command (Functions Dispatching Rules Produce Dispatching Rules File
(OTDFormat)). This file can then be supplemented with rules that are valid for the current
It is recommended that users open all the project’s infrastructure files (*.opentrack-files)
before using the function: Produce Dispatching Rules File (OTD format), since opening the
files will cause all defined route segments to be displayed on the route segment list (<routes>)
with their RouteID. This information can then be used to facilitate the process of defining
rules (e.g., using copy/paste).
The rules are activated when OpenTrack is started with the parameter: “-dispachtingrules”.
The dispatching rules themselves are provided either by specifying the dispatching rules
filename at the start of the process using the command: (dispachtingrulesfile="<aRulesFile>")
or by importing a dispatching rules file later (Functions Dispatching Rules Import
Dispatching Rules (OTD-Format)).
The menu item Functions Dispatching Rules Import Recent Dispatching Rules (OTD-
Format) displays the dispatching rule file that was last used for import. The file name is shown
in brackets.
The rules can also be deactivated. The menu item (Functions Dispatching Rules Delete
all Dispatching Rules) deletes all the dispatching rules.
An example control file is presented below (example of a file with RouteID from the docu-
ment name, ID of the starting vertex and routes):
<routeRuleSet id="Set0">
<routeRuleSet id="Set1">
<routeRuleSet id="Set2">
<route id="topoEast-14-R:STA_A_02-STA_B_HSW"
<route id="topoEast-56-R:STA_B_02-STA_C_HSW"
<route id="topoEast-62-R:STA_B_01-STA_C_HSW"
<route id="topoEast-55-R:STA_D_01-STA_F_HSW"
The file begins and ends with the tags <otd> and </otd>.
The first part of the file (starting with the tag <routeRuleSets> and ending with the tag </rou-
teRuleSets>) is where rule sets (Route Rule Set) are defined. Each rule set can contain any
number of exclusion rules (Route Exclusion Rule). Each exclusion rule can contain many
exclusion conditions (Route Exclusion Condition).
The second part of the file (starting with the tag <routes> and ending with the tag </routes> is
where the RouteRuleSets are assigned to specific routes. Route segments where there are no
defined RouteRuleSets are not listed in this section.
routeID: Unique name for the route segment (RouteID) for the compari-
son. It is formed either from the document name, the ID of the
starting vertex and Route Name (default) or from the Route
Name alone (in which case the user must ensure that the Route
Name is unique and occurs only once in the project).
routeReservationState: (optional) Status of the route that is being checked. If the rou-
teReservationState = “reserved” then the program checks to see
if the route is reserved. If the routeReservationState = “free”
then the program checks to see if the route is free. This allows
users to construct conditions that are true in either case (i.e.,
when route is free or reserved). The default condition is rou-
teReservationState = “reserved”.
id: RouteID.
Example 1: This exclusion rule describes how many trains are allowed to be in the specified
route segments. In these examples, two trains are allowed to stay within the three listed routes.
Examples 2 to 4: These exclusion rules can check whether a train has an unplanned stop or an
extended station dwell time on a defined route segment. The attribute “stopCode” for the tag
<routeExclusionCondition> has the possible values “unplannedStop” and “extendedDwell”.
The “extendedDwellTime” attribute specifies by how many seconds the planned dwell time
must be exceeded so that the exclusion applies. The default value (0 seconds) is used if no
value is entered for the attribute "extendedDwellTime".
Example 3: Detect an extended station dwell time (for a train on the defined route)
Example 4: Detect extended station dwell times of twenty or more seconds (for train on the
defined route).
stopCode="extendedDwell" extendedDwellTime="20.0"/>
Example 5: Rule states that if an unplanned stop is detected on the defined route segment, the
distribution function D1 should be used to determine the reaction time. The distribution func-
tion names can be set and found in Tools Distributions.
Example 6: Rule states that if a train on the defined route segment remains stopped 20 seconds
(or more) than the planned dwell time then the reaction time will be 9 seconds.
stopCode="extendedDwell" extendedDwellTime="20.0"
The file name of this document is Untitled until the file is saved. It is advantageous to give the
document a file name immediately because certain data exchange operations are only possible
between documents that have valid file names.
OpenTrack documents have the extension .opentrack. It is important never to open two or
more files with the same file name simultaneously (not even if they are saved in different
directories) because OpenTrack insists upon an unmistakable layout name.
Document Open recent Documents... can be used to open documents in use at last quit.
... Open (without Images) : to open a document without the included images
... Open Property List (plist): to open a Property List (plist)
... Open all Documents in Directory: to open all documents in a folder
Save Document
Document Save... is used to save a document.
Save your work at frequent intervals to minimize losses in case of problems such as power fai-
lures etc.
gram allows users to save documents in postscript format (.eps) or in the bit-mapped format
(.tiff). If a document is saved under a picture format, the track layout is not saved, but “only” a
picture of it, which can be used in other programs (for example for project documentation).
The format selection is made by clicking the appropriate button on the Save To Window.
Figure 114 illustrates the Save To Window.
Chapter : PDF-Printer (save document as PDF file) on page 168 describes the process to save
a document as PDF file.
...Save as Property List (plist): to save the document as a Property List (plist)
...Save all Documents: to save all open documents
Rename Document
Document Rename … can be used to rename files. In order to make certain that the connec-
tors to associated documents are properly recognized all connecting infrastructure files need to
be open when the document is renamed.
Refresh Document
Document Refresh can be used to redraw a document.
A Document Set is a collection of documents that can be identified using a single name. A
number of open documents can be given a common name using the command (Save Set As),
so that the same group of documents can be opened at a later time (similar to the function
Open Recent Documents which opens the last several documents used). The name of an exi-
sting set can be deleted using the command (Delete Set).
Document Revert To Saved ... is used to revert to the last saved version.
Note that when this command is used, the edited version is lost and the last saved version
becomes the current document.
Close Document
OpenTrack documents can be closed in the following two ways:
In either case, if a document has been modified since it was last saved, OpenTrack asks
whether the document is to be saved before the closing.
9.2 Print
Print... activates the print window (Figure 115) which the user can use to control printing of
the selected worksheet.
Info Info Panel brings the information window of OpenTrack in the foreground (Figure
116). The OpenTrack version number among other data is shown in the Info Panel.
Info Registration activates the Registration Window (Figure 117). The Registration
Window shows the program status (licensed, not licensed) of the OpenTrack version currently
being used. The license agreements require that OpenTrack software be licensed in order to be
used. Unlicenced versions have a very limited range of functions.
In order to receive a license key valid for the computer being used, the text represented in the
Registration Window must be sent to the email address
OpenTrack can also be de-registered on a computer, e.g. when transferring a license to another
computer. In this case the deregistration code must be sent to the above-mentioned address.
Release Notes
Info Release Notes causes the release notes for the current OpenTrack version to be dis-
played in a window.
Info Manual causes the manual for the current OpenTrack version to be displayed in a
OpenTrack includes an Undo (Edit Undo) feature. This affects actions on the Open Track
workspace (user actions made with the mouse, move, copy, delete, setting elements and attri-
bute changes in the inspector), but not to actions made in the databases (timetable, courses,
stations, etc.) and the itinerary definitions (routes, paths, itineraries).
Note that the Undo function is quite powerful. For example, you can use it to return a set of
changes made in the Inspector to their original state.
Select All
Edit Select All causes all objects on the selected worksheet to be selected.
Subselect Edges
Edit Subselect Edges selects the edges from the selected elements of the active worksheet
and deselects all other elements.
Subselect Vertices
Edit Subselect Vertices selects the vertices from the selected elements of the active works-
heet and deselects all other elements.
Subselect Switches
Edit Subselect Switches selects the switches from the selected elements of the active works-
heet and deselects all other elements.
Subselect Routes
Edit Subselect Routes displays a table of all routes, which begin at the selected elements in
the active worksheet. The route's most important attributes may be edited directly in this table.
The list can also be sorted by various criteria using the (sort by) function.
Subselect Shuntings/Overlaps
The function Edit Subselect Shuntings/Overlaps presents a table of all shuntings and over-
laps that begin at the selected elements of the active worksheet. The attributes speed (Speed
[km/h]) and release time (Release Time [s]) can be edited directly in the table.
The list can also be sorted by various criteria using the (sort by) function.
Subselect Stations
Edit Subselect Stations selects the stations from the selected elements of the active works-
heet and deselects all other elements.
Subselect Instruments
Edit Subselect Instruments selects the measurement instruments from the selected elements of
the active worksheet and deselects all other elements.
Subselect Graphics
Edit Subselect Graphics selects all graphic elements (rectangle, circle, line) from a set of
selected elements and deselects all other elements.
Edit Subselect temp. Labels selects the temporary labels from the selected elements of the
active worksheet and deselects all other elements.
Subselect Images
Edit Subselect Images selects the images from the selected elements of the active worksheet
and deselects all other elements.
The Select Edges / Vertices with same… allows you to select not only the corresponding edges,
but also the associated vertices. This feature is very handy if you want to move elements that
belong together around on the worksheet.
Select Edges with same Line Name, Track Name, Line Name and Track Name
Edit Select Edges with same Line Name and/or Track Name selects all edges in a document,
that have the same attribute in the Line Name and/or Track Name as the selected edge.
Place Image
Edit Place Image allows the user to select a diagram file to be inserted in the document.
The user can also simply Drag&Drop an image file into the document.
Remove Images
Edit Remove Images will remove all the images (Images) from the document.
The zoom feature (Format Zoom In and Format Zoom Out) can be used to increase or
decrease the size of the worksheet representation. The zoom factor can also be set at the lower
edge of the document (Zoom-Menu) and using the Magnifying Glass tool in the toolbox.
Document Setup
The document setup feature (Format Document Setup) cause a window to open that can be
used to set the size of the worksheet area (setting the worksheet size can also be done using the
Page Layout command).
In the Document Setup Window users can specify the width (Width w) and height (Height h)
of the worksheet in points (10 <= w <= 50000; 10 <= h <= 50000). If the Automatic Resize
option is selected, the worksheet will be automatically sized to fit in the open worksheet
The Window Size button changes the worksheet size to the size of the window. The Paper Size
button changes the worksheet size to the paper size defined in Page Layout (Format Page
Layout). Autoscale scales the worksheet size so as to provide room for all the worksheet ele-
In the section Printing Pagination, you can now define how OpenTrack distributes the works-
heet onto pages while printing.
• Auto Pagination: OpenTrack breaks-up the worksheet into equally-sized rectangles and
prints it as a series of pages.
• Fit Pagination: OpenTrack scales the worksheet so that it fits on a single page.
• Clip Pagination: OpenTrack breaks-up the worksheet to produce a column or row of
Tools Colors brings the color window to the foreground.
Tools Finder activates the finder tool. Objects can be localized on the worksheet by means
of the finder (input: ID of the object, document; output: type of object, display on the works-
The extended Finder Tool functionality allow users to search for an Element ID, a Vertex
Name, a Kilometre Point or a Signal Name.
Tools Messages opens the reporting window that displays messages generated during the
Tools Calculator brings the conversion window in the foreground, with which e.g. day
seconds can be transformed into time strings and vice versa.
Before the function is activated, the user must select exactly one station and at least one vertex
on the worksheet. It is important that station areas include station vertices and the last exit
signal (outer exit) of a station. Each station has to show a station zone (minimum = station ver-
tex). After the assignment of a vertex to a station the vertex display is changed. Membership
of vertices in a station area can also be checked using the Vertex Inspector (Tools Inspec-
Before the function is activated, the user must select exactly one power supply element icon
and at least one edge on the worksheet.
Propulsion segment groups are created using the Power Supply Inspector. In the System menu,
select Propulsion Segment Group. This causes the designation G to appear on the worksheet at
the selected power-supply object(s).
Now select one propulsion segment group object (marked G) and the propulsion segments you
want to include in the group. To create the group, use Functions Group Propulsion Seg-
ment Group.
You can specify how many of the propulsion segments can be active at once. Select the group
object (marked G). Then, using the Inspector - Power Supply, set the maximum number of
active propulsion segments in the max. field in the Propulsion Segment Group box. Setting the
maximum to: 3 of 5 active means, for example, that of the five propulsion segments in the
selected group, only three can be active at once.
Functions Search/Fetch all Routes identifies all routes from a valid route starting points in
the open document and transfers the results to the route selection inspector.
Adjusting Route Release Groups based on the Position of Isolation Joints and
Axle Counters
Functions Routes Adjust Route Release Groups based on Insulated Joints and Axle
Counters allows users to form new route release groups based on the positions of insulated
joints and axle counters for all the routes starting at the selected vertices. If no vertices are
selected the route release groups will be formed at all routes in the current document.
Functions Paths Search all Paths (Exit Signal to Exit Signal) starts a path search for all
selected vertices in the current document, or from all vertices in the document when no ver-
tices are selected.
This function looks for all possible paths that begin at one exit signal and end at the next exit
signal. The identified paths are stored in the list of paths from the corresponding vertex and
given the default name (P:<Station ID Startstation>_<Name Startvertex>_<Signal Name Start-
signal>-<Station ID Endstation>_<Name Endvertex>_ <Signal Name Endsignal>).
Functions Paths Search all Paths (for Treno) has the same function, but stores path
names according to the specifications of the Treno analysis tool.
Functions Paths Search all Paths (Exit Signal to Home Signal) and Functions Paths
Search all Paths (Home Signal to Exit Signal) search all paths (which start at the selected
vertex), that correspond to the selected signal sequence (Exit Signal to Home Signal or Home
Signal to Exit Signal). If no vertex is selected, the function is applied to all vertices of the
It is recommended that users model all kilometre break points before applying the function
(using vertices with two different kilometre values) and that they perform a check using Func-
tions Markers Mark Edges with Kilometre Point Conflict after applying the function.
Kilometre Transformation
Functions Change Kilometre Points can be used to increase or decrease the kilometre
values (Kilometre Point) for all selected vertices by entering a positive (increase) or negative
(decrease) value.
Merge Elements
Functions Merge Elements merges the selected safety elements.
Reset Elements
Functions Reset Elements splits safety elements that have been previously merged and sets
them at the default value.
The functions:
limit the create vertex name labels command to vertices at signals or switches only.
Create Edge Line Name Labels, create Edge Track Name Labels
The functions:
are used to create a label for each edge with the edge attribute “Line Name” and/or “Track
Functions Labels Create Station Labels (colored) creates a label with the full station
name in white letters on a blue background.
Markers (Functions Markers ...) are indicators that show which objects meet certain
conditions, such as edges whose length is not equal to the difference of the kilometer points
(endpoint minus starting point) (Functions Markers Mark Vertices with Kilometre Point
Conflict, Functions Markers Mark Edges with Kilometre Point Conflict,).
Functions Mark ungrouped Station Vertices highlights station vertices (Station Vertices),
which do not belong to a station area.
Functions Mark Main Signals without Routes highlights main signals from where no rou-
tes are starting.
Functions Markers Mark Vertices with different Kilometre Points can highlight (double)
vertices that have two different kilometre points (Kilometre Point) or vertices that have incor-
rect kilometre points (i.e., the kilometre points are not consistent with those from neighbou-
ring vertices).
Functions Markers Mark Vertices with Shuntings or Overlaps highlights vertices where
shuntings or overlaps begin.
Functions Markers Mark Vertices with Routes having Overlaps highlights the starting
vertices for route segments that have overlaps.
Functions Remove Markers deletes all markers from the active worksheet.
OpenTrack Databases
Functions Exchange Rolling Stock Data Export Engines (OpenTrack Database)
Functions Exchange Rolling Stock Data Import Engines (OpenTrack Database)
Similar to other databases, the locomotive database (Engines, *.depot) can be exported or indi-
vidual locomotives can be imported from an existing database.
Functions Exchange Rolling Stock Data Export Rolling Stock (railML-Format)
Functions Exchange Rolling Stock Data Import Rolling Stock (railML-Format)
Open Track supports railML version 2.2 for the import and export of rolling stock data.
Also under this menu item are exchange functions for courses, distribution functions, and inci-
dents data.
Functions Exchange Timetable Data Export Timetable (railML-Format)
Functions Exchange Timetable Data Import Timetable (railML-Format)
Open Track supports railML versions 1.0 and 2.2 for the import and export of timetable data.
This function can be used to import an ASCII text file of timetable data into OpenTrack.
The first block of data following the optional comment lines (comment lines begin with //)
must be formatted with the following values (tab-separated):
Any number of comment lines is allowed between the first and second blocks of data. One of
these comment lines must have the following form:
// Connections:
The second block of data (connection definitions) must provide the following values (tab-
• courseID (courseID of the train that waits for the connecting train)
• connCourseID (courseID of the connecting train, i.e., the train for which the waiting train
is waiting)
• station index (index of the station where the connection takes place this index corre-
sponds with the data in the schedule table defined above)
• connStationSign (StationID the station at which the connecting train must wait to enable
the connection to take place, default: the same station where the courseID train is waiting)
• connTimeType (type of time comparison, 0 if the comparison is made with the arrival or
• time of the connecting course, 1 if the comparison is made with the departure time)
• connChangeTime (defined connection time in HH:MM:SS)
• connMaxChangeTime (maximum connection time in HH:MM:SS)
• connection type (connection type)
The exchange functions support several standardized topology and infrastructure data
interchange formats, as well as data exchange formats for specific railway IT applications.
Functions Exchange Infrastructure Data Import Infrastructure Data ... can be used to
import general or application-specific infrastructure data. Several of these data exchange for-
mats have been developed by OpenTrack especially for specific applications (when the appli-
cation's data format is not public).
Functions Exchange Infrastructure Data Import Itinerary Info ... can be used to import
itinerary data from an OpenTrack database of the type ( *.dest) into the current itinerary data
Functions Exchange Infrastructure Data Export Infrastructure Data (railML-Format)
Functions Exchange Infrastructure Data Import Infrastructure Data (railML-Format)
Open Track supports railML versions 1.0 and 2.2 for the import and export of infrastructure
The infrastructure data must be in the form of ASCII-text data (tab separated) with the follo-
wing format:
• Position [m]
• Name of node (vertex) in ascending direction (optional)
These commands can be used to convert files that have been exported in tab-delimited ASCII
text format from Bentley Rail Track (Vertical Integrity Report and Horizontal Integrity
Report) into OpenTrack’s IVT format so that the resulting files can be imported into Open
Functions Exchange Station-Data Import Stations can be used to import station data
from an ASCII file or XML-file.
Functions Exchange Station Data Export Station Data (railML-Format)
Functions Exchange Station Data Import Station Data (railML-Format)
Open Track supports railML versions 1.0 (export only) and 2.2 for the import and export of
infrastructure data.
When exporting data, a railML infrastructure file is created containing all stations (in railML:
element ocp) from the station database.
When importing data, the railML infrastructure file is read from which all stations are
extracted (in railML: element ocp) and inserted into the station database in OpenTrack.
When the user quits OpenTrack, the program makes a note of all open documents and allows
the user to re-open these documents the next time the program is started (Document Open
recent Documents ... ).
Project Preparation
• Collect all the infrastructure, rolling stock and timetable data
Project Tasks
• Plan the track layout (candidates for vertex locations are grade changes, changes in curva-
ture, speed changes, signal locations and switches)
• Create or edit station database (Tools Stations)
• Create the track infrastructure (double vertex graph of the infrastructure)
- Define vertices and edges
- Define station vertices (at the center of every station, one station vertex per track /
- Create main and distant signals
- Create stations (station icons), connect them to an entry of the station database
- Define station areas and stopping positions within station areas
- Name vertices (vertex name) and signals (signal name) with self-explaining names
(e.g. track names, signal numbers, ... )
• Definition of routes (Tools Routes) including the definition of all technical data of the
• Definition of paths (Tools Paths)
• Definition of itineraries (Tools Itineraries)
• Check the correctness of the infrastructure (show labels, export infrastructure to export
files, ...)
• Add the needed engines to your depot (locomotive database) (Tools Engines)
• Create train sets (Tools Trains)
• Create courses/services (Tools Courses)
• Add timetable data to courses (Tools Courses, press "New" next to "Timetable: First
Departure" and Tools Timetable)
• Create train graphs (Tools Train Diagram)
• Define outputs (Tools Simulation Output)
• Run single simulation runs (Tools Simulation)
• Define simulation scenarios (incl. delays, failures and incidents) (Tools Timetable,
Tools Incidents)
• Optional: run multiple simulation runs (Tools Simulation)
• Create outputs, analyze results
• Project documentation
• Backup of the project data and the results
OpenTrack was developed between 1995 and 2000 as a research project by Dr. Daniel Huerli-
mann at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute for Transport Planning and Systems
(ETH IVT) under the supervision Professor Heinrich Braendli [Hue 01].
Three students from the ETH Zurich computer science department made fundamental contri-
butions to OpenTrack as part of their diploma thesis and end-of-term projects. Markus Ullius,
integrated the finder tool and the measuring instrument objects into OpenTrack (as an end-of-
term project) and integrated the tools for the representation of train graphs into OpenTrack as
his diploma thesis. Thomas Burri and Markus Fretz developed the Depot application for the
representation of locomotive data as their end-of-term project.
Version 1.0 of OpenTrack was released in 2000 once basic conditions of functionality were
reached. This version was used by railway companies, consulting firms, and research units to
simulate and analyze the processes of railway business operations with a good degree of
Over the past years, OpenTrack has been continuously improved based on comments from
users. The program has increased its functionality to become a comprehensive tool for the
simulation of railway and Maglev train systems.
The latest version of OpenTrack has been extended to enable users to model streetcar and
metro rail systems.
In 2006, the company OpenTrack Railway Technology GmbH was founded as an ETH spin-
off firm, which, among other projects, will focus on the development and marketing of the
OpenTrack application.
Naturally, development of OpenTrack is not ended with the current version. Together with our
research partners we will continue to improve OpenTrack by adding functions, improving
evaluation processes, and increasing input/output possibilities. We are committed to suppor-
ting and improving OpenTrack in a meaningful way in the coming years.
Daniel Huerlimann
11. Literature
[Arm 94] J. Armstrong. The Railroad: What It Is, What It Does. 3rd edition, Simmons
Boardman Pub Co, 1994, ISBN 978-0911382044
[Bai 95] C. Bailey (ed.). European Railway Signalling. Institution of Railway Signal
Engineers and A&C Black, London, 1995.
[Bru 88] P. Brunner. MacTrac 0.1 - Interaktives Programm für Zuglaufrechnungen. IVT
publication series No. 69, IVT ETH Zurich, 1988.
[Gig 94] P. Giger. Simulation von Eisenbahnsystemen mit RWS-1. ETH Zurich, Institute
of Transportation, Traffic, Highway and Railway Engineering (IVT), 1994.
[Kla 94] V. Klahn. Simulation grosser Eisenbahnnetze. Dissertation at the Institute for
Traffic, Railway Construction and Operation of the University of Hannover,
[Lüb 08] D. Lübke, Siegmann. Handbuch - Das System Bahn. Eurailpress 2008, ISBN
[Mon 92a] M. Montigel. Representation of Track Topologies with Double Vertex Graphs.
In T.K.S. Murthy, F.E. Young, S. Lehman, W.R. Smith, editor, Computers in
Railway, volume 2, Washington D.C., 1992. Computational Mechanics Publi-
[Pac 09] J. Pachl. Railway Operation and Control. 2nd edition, VTD Rail Publishing
(USA) 2009, ISBN 978-0-9719915-8-3
[Pac 13] J. Pachl. Systemtechnik des Schienenverkehrs Bahnbetrieb planen, steuern und
sichern. 7. Auflage, Verlag Springer Vieweg 2013, ISBN 978-3-8348-2586-5
[Pot 70] G. Potthoff. Verkehrsströmungslehre. Band 1. Die Zugfolge auf Strecken und in
Bahnhöfen. Transpress Verlag, Berlin, 1970.
[The 09] G. Theeg, S. Vlasenko. Railway Signalling & Interlocking. International Com-
pendium 1st edition, Eurailpress, 2009, ISBN 978-3-7771-0394-5
[Win 09] P. Winter, UIC. Compendium on ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management
System. 1st edition, Eurailpress, 2009, ISBN 978-3-7771-0369-9
[Vuc 05] R. Vuchic, R. Vukan. Urban Transit Operations, Planning and Economics. 1st
edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005, ISBN 978-0-471-63265-8
[Vuc 07] R. Vuchic, R. Vukan. Urban Transit Systems and Technology. 1st edition, John
Wiley & Sons, 2007, ISBN 978-0-471-75823-5
Edit Undo.........................................................................................................170
Edit Cut..............................................................................................................49
Edit Copy ...........................................................................................................49
Edit Paste...........................................................................................................49
Edit Select All ....................................................................................................48
Edit Subselect Edges........................................................................................170
Edit Subselect Vertices.....................................................................................170
Edit Subselect Switches ...................................................................................170
Edit Subselect Signals (Main-, Distant-, Shunting Signals, Balises)...............171
Edit Subselect Routes.......................................................................................170
Edit Subselect Shuntings/Overlaps..................................................................171
Edit Subselect Stations.....................................................................................171
Edit Subselect Instruments...............................................................................171
Edit Subselect Graphics...................................................................................171
Edit Subselect Images......................................................................................171
Edit Subselect Labels.......................................................................................171
Edit Subselect temp. Labels .............................................................................171
Edit Select Edges with same... ........................................................................171
Edit Select Edges/Vertices with same... ..........................................................171
Edit Place Image .............................................................................................172
Edit Remove Images ........................................................................................172
Format Font.......................................................................................................45
Format Text........................................................................................................45
Format Grid.......................................................................................................48
Format Zoom In / Zoom Out............................................................................172
Format Show Edgedirection ..............................................................................17
Format Hide Edgedirection...............................................................................17
Format Show Small Vertices..............................................................................13
Format Show Big Vertices .................................................................................13
Format Page Layout........................................................................................173
Format Document Setup..................................................................................172
Tools Colors.....................................................................................................173
Tools Toolbox / Palette ....................................................................................173
Tools Messages ................................................................................................149
Tools Finder.....................................................................................................174
Tools Calculator ..............................................................................................174
Tools Inspector...................................................13, 18, 25, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46, 47
Tools Routes.......................................................................................................54
Tools Paths.........................................................................................................60
Tools Itineraries.................................................................................................62
Tools Stations.....................................................................................................34
Tools Engines.....................................................................................................71
Tools Trains .......................................................................................................67
Tools Train Categories ......................................................................................87
Tools Courses/Services ......................................................................................95
Tools Distributions.............................................................................................93
Tools Incidents .................................................................................................134
Tools Timetable................................................................................................100
Tools Train Diagram........................................................................................142
Tools Headway Calculator ..............................................................................154
Tools Simulation ..............................................................................................113
Print .....................................................................................................................168
Quit ......................................................................................................................186
Acceleration Resistance ................................................................................................... 83
Application ......................................................................................................................... 9
Approach Zone ................................................................................................................ 57
Area ................................................................................................................................ 145
Balise ............................................................................................................................... 29
Beacon ............................................................................................................................. 29
Block ................................................................................................................................ 56
Braking Behaviour ......................................................................................................... 115
Braking Percent ................................................................................................................ 83
Calculator ....................................................................................................................... 174
CBTC ........................................................................................................................ 98, 99
Checklist for OpenTrack Projects .................................................................................. 187
Colors ............................................................................................................................. 168
Connect selected Vertices .............................................................................................. 177
Connection .............................................................................................................. 22, 106
Connector ......................................................................................................................... 22
Context Menu .................................................................................................................. 49
Copy ................................................................................................................................. 49
Corridor .......................................................................................................................... 142
Course .............................................................................................................................. 95
Course Management ........................................................................................................ 95
Course Sets ...................................................................................................................... 98
Curve Resistance .............................................................................................................. 80
Data ............................................................................................................................... 3, 7
Data Exchange ............................................................................................................... 181
Database ............................................................................................................................. 7
Day Offset ...................................................................................................................... 101
Delete ............................................................................................................................... 49
Departure Process Time ................................................................................................... 90
Discrete Block ................................................................................................................ 119
Dispatching ............................................................................................................. 91, 123
Dispatching Rules .......................................................................................................... 158
Distance Resistance ......................................................................................................... 79
Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 93
Edge ................................................................................................................................. 17
Engine .............................................................................................................................. 71
ETCS Level 2 ................................................................................................................... 84
Euler’s Method .............................................................................................................. 113
Evaluations ................................................................................................................ 5, 150
Exchange Station Data ................................................................................................... 186
Exclusion Link ................................................................................................................. 21
Export Network Data ..................................................................................................... 184
Export Stations ............................................................................................................... 186
Export Timetable ........................................................................................................... 182
Finder ............................................................................................................................. 174
Gradient Resistance ......................................................................................................... 79
Graphic Inspector ............................................................................................................. 44
Graphical Elements .......................................................................................................... 44
Group Station Area ........................................................................................................ 174
Headway Calculator ....................................................................................................... 154
Image Inspector ................................................................................................................ 47
Images .............................................................................................................................. 47
Import Stations ............................................................................................................... 186
Import Timetable ........................................................................................................... 182
Incident Set .................................................................................................................... 139
Incidents ......................................................................................................................... 134
Infopanel ........................................................................................................................ 168
Initial Delay ................................................................................................................... 139
Inspector for Train Diagrams ......................................................................................... 144
Interlocking .................................................................................................................... 117
Itinerary ............................................................................................................................ 62
Joining of Trains ............................................................................................................ 108
Labels ............................................................................................................................. 178
Layout ............................................................................................................................ 173
Loco Management ........................................................................................................... 71
Measuring Instrument ...................................................................................................... 39
Measuring Instrument Inspector ...................................................................................... 39
Merge Elements ............................................................................................................. 178
Messages ............................................................................................................... 149, 174
Move ................................................................................................................................ 49
Moving Block ................................................................................................................ 121
Occupation ..................................................................................................................... 133
Occupied Entry .............................................................................................................. 109
Open Document ............................................................................................................. 165
Operating System ............................................................................................................... 9
Output ............................................................................................................................ 133
Overlap ............................................................................................................................. 59
Page Layout ................................................................................................................... 173
Palette ............................................................................................................................. 173
Paste ................................................................................................................................. 49
Path .................................................................................................................................. 60
Performance ................................................................................................................... 131
Performance Distribution ................................................................................................. 92
Picture .............................................................................................................................. 47
Plot ................................................................................................................................. 151
Plot Inspector ................................................................................................................... 41
Position in Train ............................................................................................................... 71
Power Loss Function ....................................................................................................... 74
Power Supply ................................................................................................................... 36
Preferences ..................................................................................................................... 169
Print ................................................................................................................................ 168
Propulsion Segment Group ............................................................................................ 175
Protection Systems ......................................................................................................... 117
Resetting Safety Elements ...................................................................................... 21, 178
Resistance ........................................................................................................................ 75
Rolling Resistance ........................................................................................................... 76
Rolling Stock ..................................................................................................................... 3
Safety Element ................................................................................................................. 20
Save Document .............................................................................................................. 165
Scriptmode ....................................................................................................................... 51
Search all Routes ........................................................................................................... 176
Select ................................................................................................................................ 48
Shuntings ......................................................................................................................... 58
Signal ............................................................................................................................... 23
Signal Indication .............................................................................................................. 56
Signal Types .................................................................................................................... 24
Simulation ................................................................................................................. 5, 113
Simulation Flow ................................................................................................................. 1
Slow Speed Zone ............................................................................................................. 57
Split of Trains ................................................................................................................ 108
Starting Rolling Resistance .............................................................................................. 82
Station ....................................................................................................................... 31, 34
Station Area ................................................................................................................... 174
Station Database .............................................................................................................. 34
Station Inspector .............................................................................................................. 31
Station Vertex .................................................................................................................. 16
Subselections ................................................................................................................. 170
Text .................................................................................................................................. 45
Text Inspector .................................................................................................................. 46
Time Format .................................................................................................................. 101
Timetable ....................................................................................................................... 100
Timetable Data ................................................................................................................... 4
Timetable Database ........................................................................................................ 100
Track Layout ...................................................................................................................... 3
Track Name ............................................................................................................. 90, 102
Track name .................................................................................................................... 102
Track Topology ................................................................................................................ 10
Traction Resistance .......................................................................................................... 76
Train ................................................................................................................................. 67
Train Categories ............................................................................................................... 87
Train Graph .................................................................................................................... 146
Train Inspector ................................................................................................................. 68
Train Management ........................................................................................................... 67
Train Resistance ............................................................................................................... 75
Tunnel Resistance ............................................................................................................ 78
Turnround ...................................................................................................................... 109
Undo ............................................................................................................................... 170
Ungroup Station ............................................................................................................. 175
Vertex ............................................................................................................................... 11
Vertex Inspector ............................................................................................................... 13
Worksheet ........................................................................................................................ 10
Zoom .............................................................................................................................. 172