John Remington (Research Project About Veg and Non-Veg

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Vegetarianism is the practice of not eating meat or fish.

People who follow

vegetarianism are called vegetarians. Vegetarians eat foods
like vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and grains. Vegetarians who do not drink milk
and eat eggs are called vegans. Vegans also often will not use animal products
like leather, but many vegetarians do use animal products.

Non-vegetarian is an Indian English word that is used to refer to a person who is

not a vegetarian i.e. someone who consumes meat, especially as a major source
of protein. Although the meaning is readily understood, this term is not common
parlance in most English-speaking countries where meat consumption is the
norm and vegetarianism or veganism is rare.

There are several reasons why people choose to be vegetarians. Some think it is
wrong or cruel to eat animals, since animals are killed and often feel pain. Other
people may feel disgusted to eat meat. A third reason is the effect on the
environment. Producing meat (especially beef) uses more of the earth's land and
water than eating food from plants. People may have more than different reason
for being a vegetarian.


A non-vegetarian diet includes chicken, meat, eggs and fish. A non-vegetarian

diet also has several health benefits because this type of food is rich in protein
and vitamin B. Non-vegetarian food strengthens our muscles and helps them
grow faster. It also helps to maintain body stamina and hemoglobin


Adopting a vegetarian diet can be the perfect way to stay healthy and happy. A
vegetarian diet is a complete diet, which is associated with high consumption of
fiber, vitamins C and E, folic acid, magnesium, unsaturated fat, and numerous
phytochemicals. And this is why vegetarians have lower cholesterol, lower blood
pressure and reduced risk of heart diseases. Vegetarian food is also easy for the
body to digest, takes lesser time to cook, is healthy and most importantly saves
your money. Vegetables are vital not just for our healthy living but for the
environment too.
Let's not forget that India has the lowest rate of meat consumption in the
world. Considering that 31% of our population is vegetarian (defined as
those who don't consume meat, fish and eggs) according to,

the risk of early death due to heart diseases is lower in vegetarians as compared
to non-vegetarians. A vegetarian diet is high in fiber; a non-vegetarian diet, on
the other hand, is low in terms of fiber. Therefore, the risk of digestive distress is
higher if a person who consumes a meat-based diet.
1.Increases lifespan

Though there are many factors that would attribute to an increased lifetime
and adopting a vegetarian diet is one factor you can follow. The more you
eat fruits or vegetables, the lesser is the toxin and chemical build up in your
body, thus facilitating more healthy years and a longer lifespan.

2. Lower cholesterol levels

Believe or not but there is no health benefit in eating animal fat. As

cholesterol comes only from animal foods, vegetarian diets are cholesterol-
free. Although cholesterol is an essential component of each human cell,
vegetarians do not need to worry about not getting enough cholesterol,
because the body can make all the cholesterol it needs from vegan foods.
Korean researchers after examining the long-term effects of following a
vegetarian diet concluded that body fat and cholesterol levels were lower in
vegetarians than omnivores.

2. Less risk of stroke and obesity

The vegetarians tend to be much more conscious in their food choices and
usually never overeat or pick foods based on emotions; two practices that
greatly contribute to obesity. The University Hospital Ghent Department of
Pediatrics in Belgium says adopting a vegan diet is a good way to minimize
your chances of having a stroke or being obese.

3. Reduces risk of diabetes

Nonvegetarians usually experience extreme levels of blood sugar,

sometimes very high, just after consumption. This can be avoided and a
constant flow of blood sugar can be maintained if the nonvegetarians swap
over to a vegetarian diet. A healthy vegetarian diet is easy to absorb, is
nutritious and contains less fatty acids.
4. Gives healthy skin

If you wish to have healthy skin then you need to eat the right amount of
vitamins and minerals with plenty of water. Fruits and vegetables that we
eat are very rich in vitamins, minerals and also have sufficient antioxidants.
Moreover, as they are water based, if you eat them raw it can further
improve the intake of healthy nutrients. Many vegetarian foods also are rich
sources of antioxidants that help you stay disease free, with healthier skin.

5. High fiber content

Fruits and Vegetables also contain high fiber content, which is necessary
for proper digestion. It helps improve body metabolism and helps in fast
elimination of toxins and other chemicals from the body. Vegetarian foods
are usually water-based, which helps in maintaining the required liquids in
the body.

6. Can reduce depression

According to researches, a vegetarian may be happier than the non-

vegetarian counterparts. It was also discovered that a vegan had lower
scores on depression tests and mood profiles when compared to meat or
fish-eaters. Moreover, there is an element of freshness to most vegetarian
foods, especially when it comes to organic produce. So it is bound to
cleanse our minds and keep our thoughts positive.

7. Improves metabolism

Vegetarian food is easy to digest and it keeps the metabolism of an

individual in good state. Also, the resting metabolism rate or RMR in people
with vegetarian diet is quite higher. You must know that RMR has a direct
relation with the metabolism of an individual – that means the higher the
RMR, the more speedily it burn fats and vice-versa.

8. Reduce the risk of cataract development

According to a research conducted by the Nuffield Department of Clinical

Medicine at the University of Oxford, there is a strong relation between the
risk of developing cataracts and our diet- with a higher risk falling on
nonvegetarians or meat eaters and the lowest risk on being vegans.

9. It is economical

Last but not the least, if you follow a vegetarian diet then you are saving
good amount of money. Non-vegetarian foods no doubt are expensive if
compared to the vegetarian food. Hence now the choice is completely

To conclude,vegetarian foods have a lot more benefits than we have

actually discussed in this article. Also, our intention was not to discourage

or disrespect the non vegetarians. We only believe in healthy eating and

healthy living!!!
Top 6 facts about non-vegetarian foods

Non-Veg Facts

1. Goat meat has amino acids that helps in maintaining the

cardiovascular health.

2. Chicken meat is loaded with niacin, B-6, B-12, vitamin D,

protein, iron and zinc.

3. These foods are good source of protein and vitamin B complex,

especially Vitamin B 12.

4. Lean beef is a good source of vitamin B12, vitamin B6, protein and that

it provides 64.1% of the daily value of the nutrient, in just 4 ounces.

5. Fish is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acid and has always been

considered as one of the most nutritious meats available. It is full of

proteins and is not calorie rich.

6. Pork is a good source of essential nutrients and vitamins like

niacin, riboflavin, thiamin.

Nutrition & Health facts of Non-Vegetarian foods

Non-Veg Facts

1. Non vegetarian foods are generally high in fats & cholesterol -

possessing higher risk for patients with heart disease.

2. These foods are high in sodium contributing for high blood


3. These are difficult to digest thus needs more digestive


5. Non vegetarian foods could be a carrier of various dangerous

microorganisms like E-coli infection, salmonella, bird flu, bovine

immunodeficiency virus, etc which occur in animals & birds and

could be transmitted to humans when they are eaten.

6. Non vegetarian foods are considered to be Tamasik food- that

is, it affects the emotions and thinking of individuals for e.g. They

get anger, frustration quickly as animals.

7. These foods lack vitamins, minerals, fibers, antioxidants and


8. Non vegetarian foods have been directly associated with

increased risk of cancers of the esophagus, liver, colon, and the

Importance of non vegetarian food

Non-Veg Facts

– No doubt, non vegetarian foods have a lot of importance for

health.Non-veg foods are high in protein content which is an

essential element for smooth functioning and healing of the body.

The animal proteins contain all the amino acids, ensuring

complete nourishment, which is often lacking in case of most of

the plant-based proteins.

– Non-veg foods, like meat and poultry work as the primary

source of iron in the body. Iron is highly important not only to

keep blood deficiency at bay but also to ensure smooth

functioning of the brain.

– Apart from iron and calcium, non-veg foods are also rich in

minerals like Zinc, Selenium and B vitamins, which are vital for

smooth functioning of the different systems of the body.

– Calcium is a very important mineral for human body as it works

as the main constituents of the skeletal system as well as the


– Discarding non-veg foods from your diet can easily give rise to

vitamin and mineral deficiencies in your body which can lead to a

range of health issues like fatigue, depression, sleep disorders as

well as slow recovery from diseases

Other Meats that have importance

Non-vegetarian food

Turkey: It is inexpensive while being a high-protein meat, just

like chicken.

Venison: Although difficult to find in regular markets, venison or

deer meat has fewer calories and more vitamins than beef.
Duck: Packed with selenium, phosphorus, and B vitamins that are

very good energy producers. They also strengthen your immune


Wild Boar: With a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, wild boar

meat is quick good for you. It also packs essential nutrients like B

vitamins, selenium, and zinc.

10. Australia (5%)

The number of vegetarians in Australia has been steadily increasing, and currently
sits at 5.5% of the total population. “Vegetarian Week” is held from 1-7 October
on an annual basis. Food businesses have adapted to the trend by offering vegan
versions of popular dishes.
9. Ireland (6%)

Ireland has 5% of the population adhering to vegetarianism. Irish culture

has long embraced the consumption of meat, but vegetarianism is growing
in the nation, as well as veganism. The vegan society of Ireland is a
voluntary and not for profit organization that was established in 2009 by
group of vegans to promote vegan philosophy that promotes the
awareness of veganism as a lifestyle choice, environmental friendly option,
just and a healthy way of living.
8. Brazil (8%)

The only South American nation on the list is Brazil with a rate of 8%
vegetarians. Several metropolises in the country are home to numerous
vegan establishments including Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Curitiba.
Vegetarianism in Brazil is associated with counterculture movements,
Eastern religions and philosophies, anarchism, punks, Spiritism, indie youth
subcultures, and New Ageism. The majority of vegetarians in the country is
middle or upper-class urban dwellers who inhabit the Central-Southern half
of Brazil.
7. United Kingdom (9%)

The UK has seen an increasing number of vegetarians in recent years, and

it is now estimated that about 9% of the country’s population is vegetarian.
Many citizens started adopting the vegetarian lifestyle starting after the
WWII. Presently, there are twice as many vegetarian women as men and
the country now have the third highest rates of vegetarianism in
Europe. Flexiterianism is also becoming a trend in the country, which refers
to those who still consume meat but have made a conscious effort to do so
6. Germany (9%)
Germany's population is 9% vegetarian. Most Germans who switch to a
plant-based diet cite environmental protection, animal rights, and perceived
health benefits as motivation. Cities such as Berlin in Germany have
experienced an increase in number of vegetarian and vegan
establishments due to the increase in consumer demand.
5. Austria (9%)

Austria has a 9% vegetarianism rate. Vegetarianism has seen a steady

increase in popularity as a lifestyle choice in Austria and there are
vegetarian outlets across Vienna in particular. There is also the Austrian
Vegan Society which was founded in 1999 and the Austrian vegan market
has been growing steadily over the years.
4. Italy (10%)

Italy has one of the highest rates of vegetarianism in Europe at 10% of the
whole population. Vegetarians in Italy cite different reasons for following the
diet including ethical sensitivity towards animals, health consciousness,
and environmental protection. The number of vegetarians in Italy has been
increasing in recent years. In 2016, the city of Turin proposed a meat-
reduction agenda targeted towards vegetarianism. The move was
championed by the Mayor, Chiara Appendino, but was met with resistance
from the inhabitants. The plan to promote vegetarianism is intended to
educate people on animal rights, environmental health, and human health.
3. Taiwan (12%)

13% of Taiwan’s population observe a vegetarian diet and over 6,000

establishments which cater to vegetarians are operational in the nation.
Hokkien, Hakka, and Buddhism vegetarian practices have helped to
cultivate a plant-based culture in the nation. In 2007, Taiwan joined India
and Sundarapore in instituting a meat ban. Taiwan has strict food labeling
laws as they pertain to vegetarian food. The country is home to a famous
movement dubbed "one day vegetarian every week" that has benefited
from local and national government support.
2. Israel (13%)

In Israel 13% of the population are vegetarians. Vegetarianism in the

country is credited to Judaism which restricts the consumption of animals.
Vegetarianism in Israel is gradually becoming a lifestyle choice even for
those who identify as non-religious. The country is home to hundreds of
restaurants offering vegan meals. In 2014, Tel Aviv hosted the biggest
vegan festival in the world where 15,000 people attended. The city is
continuously ranked as a favorite destination for vegan travelers.
1. India (38%)

India is ranked top in the world with 38% of the total population being
vegetarians. Vegetarianism in the region became popular after the
introduction of Buddhism and Jainism which was around 6th Century BC.
Both of the religions have the concept of ahimsa which emphasizes on
respect and non-violence to all forms of life. Vegetarianism in the country is
associated with Lacto-vegetarianism, where people eat dairy products but
not eggs. India has one of the lowest rates of meat consumption in the
world. However, the consumption of meat is common in coastal states such
as West Bengal and Kerala. Vegetarianism is prevalent in communities
such as Jain Community, Lingayat, Brahmins, and Vaishnav Community.




Its a Mandatory mark. The symbol is in effect following the Food safety
and standards (packaging and labeling) act of 2006, and got a mandatory
status after the framing of the respective regulations (Food safety and
standards (packaging and labeling) regulation in 2011. According to the
law, vegetarian food should be identified by a green symbol and non-
vegetarian food with a brown symbol.
 Vegan: Vegans do not consume any animal products or by-products. So vegans
of course do not consume red or white meat, fish or fowl. They also do not
consume eggs and dairy. Vegans do not use honey or beeswax, gelatin and any
other animal by-product ingredients or products. Vegans typically do not use
animal products such as silk, leather and wool, as well.
 Lacto Vegetarian: Lacto-vegetarians do not eat red or white meat, fish, fowl or
eggs. However, lacto-vegetarians do consume dairy products such as cheese,
milk and yogurt.
 Ovo Vegetarian: Ovo-vegetarians do not eat red or white meat, fish, fowl or
dairy products. However, ovo-vegetarians do consume egg products.
 Lacto-ovo vegetarian: Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not consume red meat, white
meat, fish or fowl. However, lacto-ovo vegetarians do consume dairy products
and egg products. This is the most common type of vegetarian.
 Pollotarian: Much like the pescatarian, this “semi-vegetarian” diet restricts meat
consumption to poultry and fowl only. Pollotarians do not consume red meat or
fish and seafood
 Pescatarian (Pescetarian): While technically not a type of vegetarian, these
individuals do restrict their meat consumption to fish and seafood only.
Pescatarians do not consume red meat, white meat or fowl. This is considered a
“semi-vegetarian” or “flexitarian” diet.
 Flexitarian – A plant-based diet with the occasional meat item on the menu.
These folks do their best to limit meat intake as much as possible and they have
an almost entirely plant-based diet. This is not technically considered a
“vegetarian” diet, but we commend the effort

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