Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest Vol - Iii No - 3 September 1986 1. 2. 3
Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest Vol - Iii No - 3 September 1986 1. 2. 3
Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest Vol - Iii No - 3 September 1986 1. 2. 3
[ From the JOURNAL OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE MALE GENITALIA (p . 715) : Aur . m ., Brom .
OF HOMOEOPATHY , Vol . 78 , No.4 , December (testes) , Scrotum , Soirrhus : Alum .; Testes : Ox .
1985 , for private communication only ]. ac ., Brom .
STOMACH (p . 482) : Actea spicata , Cadmium Bones : Aur .ars ., Aur .-m.-n., Gum-euphorbium,
met ., All the Cadmiums , Euphorbia corrolata , Lap a Hippoz . (Skull , Phos ., Symph., Hecla (jew) , Cad.-
(cancer of cardia and pylorus), Methylene – blue , met (sarcoma : skull , upper arm) Symph . (sarcoma
(Methylenucoerulem), Plat . Mur ., Sul . ac ., jaw) ; Calc .-fl., Toxicophis (sarcoma of tibia and
calendula (hemorrhage from stomach cancer and fibula)
metatasis to liver or other organs ) .
Glands : Aur .-ars ., Aur .-m-n ., Carb.-an ., Cist.,
ABDOMEN (p . 541) : Intestines : All the Cadmium Ferr- I ., Hippoz ., Iod ., brom . (thyroid , maxillary
preparations ; Euphorbia corr ., Kreos ., Methylenum Parotid , testes) , Lap ,-a ., Sars ., Sil ., Thios ., Natsil-
coerulem , Phos .; Liver ; Calc . ars ., Calen ., fl (neck glands)
(Hemorrhage of stomach cancer and metatasis to
Liver) , chion ., choles ., Hydr. Phos ., Therid ., all the Lupus : Alumn ., Ars ., Aur .-ars ., Hippoz ., kali-bi
Cadmium preparations but especially Cad . met ., ., Sol ., Thios .
Cad .phos ., Cad . sulph . Spleen : Cad met ., Cad .
iod .; pancreas : Calc . ars., Cad . iod . Pains of cancer : Bell , 30 ; Codeine-phos 1x to 3x
(Cancers rich in sentient nerves ex . optic and other
nerves ) ; Cham .30 (morphine addicts to decrease
anxiety). Euph . –heter ., Gum .-euph ., Ox.-ac . “Bladder , spasms “urging for urination,
(extreme pains in breast cancer) , Phyt .; Bis .-ox . frequent” “painful urging for urination” “Bladder
(gastric Cancer pains) Mal . odor in Cancer : Bufo . affections from cold and dampness”.
Advanced stages of cancer : Alum .-sil , Evaluating the symptoms , the ‘causa
Anantherum , Ant .-ars ., Ant .-iod ., arg.-met., efficiens’ comes first , followed by the spasms of
Bell .-p., Benzoquinine , Cad .-chrom ., Cad.-sulph., bladder and other mediocre symptoms . The
all Cadminiums ,Calc .-f ., Con., Hydr ., Kali-thio- important rubric ‘urine , bloody’ contain too many
cyan ., Lap.-a ., Metastatic melanoma , Nat .-hexa- remedies and was not helpful in differentiating the
metaphos ., Phyt ., Phos ., Scirrhinum , Scrophularia remedies .
–nodosa , Symphytum .
After repertorisation the following
[ From THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN remedies came through : Lycopodium , Nux vomica ,
INSTITUTIE OF HOMOEOPATHY , Vol . 78 , No . Pulsatilla . I chose Nux vomica mainly because of the
4 / 1985 for private circulation only ] intensity of the spasms of the bladder and the hectic
condition of this patient since commencement of her
----------------------------------------------------------- illness . The medicine was given in LM 12 potency –
as I did not have deeper potency then-10 drops in a
PROBLEMS IN REPERTORISATION glass of water , one sip every 1/2 hour until relief set
in after which to increase the interval between doses .
presented through a case of acute
The symptoms were removed in two days . The call
hemorrhagic cystitis on the next day revealed a further peculiar point : The
tenesmus was gone immediately as also the
Dr . E . H . SCHMEER troublesome urging for stool . This unusual symptom
is further indication for Nux vomica . This was not
On 13 th May 1983 evening I got a told to me by the patient during the first consultation
telephonic call from a colleague . She had an acute as she thought it to be a reflex action . Such Cartesian
catarrh of bladder since the previous day . At the ideas , analogous to analytical geometrical
commencement she had frequent urging for urination transmutation of natural sensations , hinders
in the night . due to which there was painful spasm , discussion during homoeopathic consultation .
almost a tenesmus . Once she passed a fully red urine
. Warm pad did not relieve the pain . Only The key symptom of “Bladder affections
spasmolytics gave some relief . Now despite the from cold and dampness” , used by me , had
palliatives the pain was severe . CAUST . as the main remedy ; “Urging constant
from becoming cold” has Dulc . (2 nd grade) “Urging
As I could not decide upon a medicine constant from becoming cold” has in addition , In 2 nd
straightway , I requested her to come in person and grade : Eup-pur ., Ip . and Lyc . : “Cystitis from
give further details : Sediment : large quantity of taking cold” with 3rd grade Puls . and finally
erythrocytes some leuco ., no thrist , appetite poor , “Albumin in urine after exposture to cold and
no elevation of temperature . The causative : She had dampness” where for the first time Nux vomica was
been to an improvised theater in the evening , which found in first grade . The difficulty in finding the
was in a large unheated shop . The seat was quite remedy was that it was not expected in a relatively
cold . She also got drenched in heavy rain . At other clinical rubric . In Kent Nux vomica is not seen under
times she used to take a warm bath after exposure to modalities consequent on wetting but in
cold but this time as it was already very late she did Boenninghaussen and Synthetic repertory it is there .
not do so . Otherwise she suffered from bladder It is hoped that this lacuna of which this case is only
troubles frequently . an example will be rectified in an improved Kent . As
the organism functions totally even in the so-called
As probable cause the cold and dampness local diseases , nothing is to be overlooked if the
have to be considered . As one or the other cannot be appropriate medicine was missing in the relevant
ignored and we have to come to “approximation”, organ rubrics as this case teaches .
both the factors are to be taken into consideration .
[ From the “Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE
For repertorisation the following HOMOEOPATHIE , and Arzneipotenzierung”
symptoms were taken : translated from the Germen and condensed by Dr .
K . S . SRINIVASAN , Madras , for private numbers and formulations which can be chosen . I
communication only ] think that with 3 or 4 characteristic symptoms of the
case the suitable remedy can be found out .
The objective symptoms of the attack :
Resp., asthmatic , warm room ( 765 ) + Children : Resp., asthumatic , children ( 764 ) +
difficult , warm room ( 772 ) difficult , children ( 768 )
Resp., asthmatic , warm room from the open air (765) Old people : Resp., asthumatic , oldpeople ( 765 ) +
Resp., asthmatic , warmfood ( 765 ) , + difficult , old people ( 770 )
difficult , warmfood ( 772 ) Hysterical : Resp., asthumatic , hysteric ( 765 ) +
Resp., asthmatic , cold air ( 764 ) , + difficult , hysterical ( 769 )
difficult cold weather ( 768 )
Sailors : Resp., asthumatic , sailors as soon as they go died at 11 years from leukaemia , a brother died in an
ashore ( 765 ) accident .
Now to complete the interrogation : “what However , in actual practice this is much too
was the exact nature of your Job when you were time consuming . Thanks to the computer it is now
working in the jewellery factory ?” The reply was practical to repertorize all symptoms easily . Remedy
enlightening : “I was doing chromium plating of selection is then based on all symptoms including the
straps”. Because of the agreement of her symptoms characteristic ones , as Hahnemann said it should be .
with the materia medica and the reaction of her skin
to chromium acid she was given chromium acidum 5 Repertory analysis can be done by listing the
CH six doses in interval of 2 weeks . patient’s general symptoms and other symptoms and
the remedies also listed according to the repertory .
when all symptoms have been repertorized the tally
marks for each remedy are totalled and written
down . This completes the repertory analysis . Even the world , However , a number of these computer
for a case with only 20 symptoms such a programs give each remedy a “weighting” of 1 , 2 or
repertorization may take two or more hours . 3 marks based on the type of print used in the
Repertory analysis only indicates a number of likely repertory . Kent’s Repertory used three types of print
remedies from the hundreds in the materia medica , and Boericke’s used two .
from which the final selection must be made . This
final selection is usually done by the novice by These weighted totals do not represent the
checking the patient’s symptoms against the most frequency with any remedy occurs . A remedy that
likely remedies in the materia medica . The more only occurs under 6 of the patient’s total 10
experienced homoeopath can make a final selection symptoms may yet end up with a total of 12 marks in
by looking at the names of the remedies with the the weighted toatal if two of its marks counted double
highest repertory analysis tally marks and then and two counted treble . Another remedy which
making a mental , intuitive , decision as to which is occurred under everyone of the patient’s 10
the most appropriate . Such final remedy selection is symptoms and hence would be the simillimum ,
done by the mental process called “recognition” in might ony get a total of 10 weighted marks if none of
learning theory . For people who know their subject its remedies obtained double and treble marks . It
well there is nothing wrong with remedy selection by would seem quite obvious from the above that this
recognition , since they will know a sufficiently large sort of 1 , 2 , 3 weigjting seriously distorts the final
number of remedies well enough to make a sound tally each remedy obtains . An experienced
decision based on recognition . For the beginner , it is homoeopath can , of course , correct such distortions
difficult . He ,in order to acquire this knowledge , has when he makes his final remedy selection . But an
to study the material medica for a long time . And experienced homopath does not really need a
even then he might only have a thorough knowledge repertory analysis in the first place . However , the
of perhaps 50 of the most common remedies after novice homoeopath is likely to be influenced ,and
two years of study . No wonder homoeopathy is therefore misled , by the weighted remedy totals in
considered a timeconsuming , if not difficult , study . his final remedy selection . If he is told to ignore the
weighted totals when making his final remedy
The mental recognition of something or selection , then what is the point of giving remegies
someone is not based on conscious logical analysis of weighted marks in the first place ?
a set of data from which a conclusion is then drawn .
Some people think that unless a decision is made Certainly , not all remedies are equal for a
consciously it is not much good . It is well to bear in certain symptom , so some form of remedy weighting
mind that much of our knowledge in many fields of would be desirable . what is questioned is the 1, 2 , 3
life is based learnt by conscious study and practicing type of weighting . when the distortion that this type
recall . We never learnt our mother tongue that way , of weighting gives in the final result was pointed out
nor how to walk . Even the experienced homoeopath in April , 1982 to a professor in computer science
who makes his remedy selection on the basis of the who wrote a repertory analysis program , he
recognition mechanism never really knows how close immediately agreed that it would have been better if
his instuitive selection was to the most similar the weighting had been perhaps : 1 , 1 . 1 , and 1 . 2
remedy as based on a through repertory analysis . The or something similar .
fact that his remedy works does not mean that
another , “more similar” ,remedy might not have [ In order to illustrate more fully what
worked even better . happens with the various forms of weighting
here , follow five examples .* ]
Through computer repertory analysis over Weighring , even the mild from of 1. 1 and 1 . 2
the past 9 years I have come to the conclusion that is weighting , gives a distorted and misleading result .
no such thing inhomoeopathy as one single However , by concentrating the analysis mainly on
exclusively indicated remedy . For each case there the generals , the distortion is less severe . In any
are a number of remedies which are likely to work , event it can be corrected by a final material check . It
some quicker , some slower , some treating first one is interesting that those homoeopaths who have used
group of symptoms , some another group . weighted repertory analysis recommend that one
concentrate mainly on the generals and analyse only
In the past few years interest in computer a few of the other symptoms , but certainly NOT ALL
repertory has awakened , and various programs are symptoms .
available or under development in various parts of
It would be clear that Hahnemann was right It would seem obvious that remedy weighting
when he insisted that remedy selection should be apparently introduced by Dr . H . A . Roberts in the
based on ALL symptoms , with particular emphasis 1930s (he used up to five points per remedy) should
on what we now call generals . So , if anything now be abandoned .
should be weighted , symptoms rather than remedies
should be weighted . Since inexpensive computers Yours sincerely
are now available to dchigh speed weighting E . A . A . A . D . DE RUYTER
calculations , it would be desirable to develop a Med . Drs . (Amsterdam) FAIH , AACS
weighting system that does not distort .
----------------- JOURNAL , Vol . 75 , No . 2 , April , 1986 ]
The Pocket Book has been prepared on the By this the composite symptom was retained in
principle of analogy , that is , if a remedy produced the contest just as BOENNINGHAUSEN did in his
stitching pain in one place it may produce stitching Systematic Alphabetical Repertory . So we see that
pains in other places too . If there is agg . of pains both BOENNINGHAUSEN and KENT differentiate
from movement of the leg , such agg . can also occur the repertories for the NIvice and Experienced . One
from movement of the arm . The entire book has been proceeds from the general symptoms to the special
produced on these principles . symptoms while the other begins with the key
symptom and uses the general symptoms as control .
This repertory is easy for the mechanical Even the experienced physician will , on hearing the
method than the KENT’s repertory which is more symptom “the water drunk is vomited as soon as it
comprehensive . The mechanical method was also becomes warm in the stomach “use the repertory to
easier for the students for the study of comparative verify whether the other symptoms of the case are
meteria medica . Also errors by too early working also covered by Phosphorous .
with the Key symptoms , - the artistic method – were
thus avoided : that is , when a key symptom is As it is , we are all beginners with every case .
obtained , referring it in the repertory and Every case is unique , never-before-existed . In the
automatically prescribing the remedy without course of the examination we observe the symptoms
verifying whether that remedy agreed with all the of the patient , we wait until a similarity to a remedy
symptoms of the patient . When we work with a key is recognized . As much more experience we have ,
symptom it is necessary to verify whether any of the so much frequently do we hear symptoms “which
other remedies also has that symptom . would lead to the remedy.” Mostly , however , the
similarity is only vague and we have to have sharp
We cannot , generally , find the key symptom in attention so as to distinguish the case better .
the Pocket Book . Take the case given by T . F . Allen
in the Introduction to his translation of the Pocket Here begins the artistic method of
Book : A 65 year old women complained of pains in repertorisation . In the light of the peculiar symptom
epigastrium and right hypochondrium , am. While we look into the repertory to confirm our recognition
sitting , and from eructation ; agg . from lying on of a remedy to the Key symptom and then we
back and lying on right side , turning over in bed . A proceed to hear the exact text of the key symptom
pulling and ulcerative pain . Mouth extraordinarily and finally verify whether not only the key symptom
dry , without thrist , aversion to strong odours and but also the totality of the symptoms of the patient
vomiting of the water drunk as soon as it becomes agree with the remedy symptoms . That is the turn
warm in the stomach . around of repertorisation , of the Particulars to the
Generals .
All the symptoms could be repertorised in the
Pocket Book expect the last , that is vomiting of Which of the two methods depends upon the
water as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach . individual physician ; in which grade and connection
The resulting remedies : Sul ., Phos ., Nux v ., Puls ., the two methods are to be used is dependant upon the
Bry and Acon , The last symptom clearly indicates individual case also .
Phos .
Here we see working from generals to the
particulars , which KENT recommended for the SYMPTOM “AS IF”
novice . But KENT went further and prepared the
repertory for the busy practitioner at the sick bed ; for Dr . H . V . MULLER
the art prescriber who has a thorough knowledge of
the materia medica and who will not prescribe The patient , a woman , occupied as secretary
blindly and automatically on a key symptom . By his was suffering from heart attacks from 1978 mostly
arrangement KENT made it possible to gather a while alone sometimes while at work like the last
proving symptom in correlation with the repertory . attack which was just three weeks ago . The attacks
Therefore he has not given Phosphorous under begin with an oppressive feeling in the heart region
“stomach pains am . from eructation” ; only remedies with perspiration and diarrhea , pain in the left arm
which becomes heavy and numb . She has anxiety Therefore if choice is made from a small group of
and restlessness and during such attack takes remedies containing the modalities it is possible that
sedatives and goes off to sleep . She has unusual fear the remedy which is more suitable to the case on
especially for the super-natural . Her friend said that hand is excluded”.
once she was on the floor when some others were
doing table-turning . She does not take part in those The large rubrics also contain individual symptoms:
sessions since she knows what the consequences
would be . To remove the wrong impression that the large
rubrics do not contain individual symptoms , a case
Other symptoms are : tenacious mucous in the of obstipation is presented . Assuming , you have a
throat . She strains and attempts to swallow it but in patient with migraine who has at the same time a
vain . She has a sensation as if “a pot of boiling water stubborn , chronic obstipation . Are we to ignore or
in her stomach region”, “a pot which was boiling set aside this symptom because the rubric contains
color : orange .. Repertorisation was not successful . too many remedies and is a general rubric? Is it not
Arg . nit ., Ars ., Bell ., Acon ., Arnica or Coffee were that for this patient , this is a characteristic ,
not suitable . individual symptom which we should not ignore and
which would help us further because we will not
Finally the last symptom “simmering cooking exclude any remedy from the large rubric .
pot” in stomach was considered and referred to Experience shows that from such ten to fifteen large
ROBERTS , “AS IF” p . 291 and 323 . ‘Sumbulus’ rubrics a small number of remedies can be narrowed
was given there for sensation as if “warm water down which may be suitable for the case . An
flowing in stomach” . For further evaluation example from actual case for demonstration : A 28
Boericke’s Materia Medica was referred . The picture years old lady : Since 15 years suffering from left
matched totally . A single injection of Sumbulus C30 sided trigeminus neuralgia . Begins early in the
brought a complete cure . morning , becomes worse during the course of the
day , becomes better in the evening but again the
[ From the “zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE pain begins at 22 hours and continues till 3 or 5 in the
HOMOEOPATHIE and Arzneipotenzierung” Band morning . Usally localizing in the left eye ball ,
30 , Heft 4 / 86 , translated by Dr . K . S . extending to the entire left half of the face . It
SRINIVASAN , Madras ; for private communication culminates in flow of tears from the affected eye . IN
only .] damp weather asthma , with rheumatic pains in the
left chest and very violent , visible palpitation . Facial
----------------------------------------------------------- expression sad , anxious , despairing .
2. ‘VERTIGO’ turning the head quickly ‘ (p . For 7 : “Pains in nape” (He . Ar . p.141 , No .
105) 269)
3. ‘COUGH, lying first lying down on’ For 8 : “Feet cold in the afternoon” (He .
(p . 797) Ar ., p.143 , No . 315)
For 1and 2 : “…..Vertigo with singing before ears Kent has wrongly placed Sang . under
….” (He . Ar ., p. 130 , No .1) “Vertigo ,vomiting , with” . A further rubric may
“Frequent Vertigo with loss of therefore be added “Vertigo , vomiting , followed by”
vision before vomiting ….” to which Lachesis also belongs . Repertories give
(He Ar . p.130 , No .2) only clues and final choice should be by comparison
“Vertigo from turning the head with the material medica only .
quickly ...’(He . Ar . p.130 , No . 5)
“Head fels dizzy and can not
Therapy : Sanguinaria 200 , 1 glob . Report after 3 micturition : Merc . Sol .” Comparing other
weeks : on the third day after taking the medicine , symptoms in KENT : “Flatulence , nights” : “noise,
increased corza for more days : Vertigo rarely and in rumbling , nights”, agreed .
the last few days not at all ; no pyrosis or pains in
nape of neck . further report after 2 , 4 and 6 months : Case 2 : Patient 20 years who did not make it secret
Same : “There has been no further vertigo”. There that he was homosexual said that since some months
was no cough during the autumn . The roaring in left he had a rare sensation in anus which could best be
ear with hardness of hearing is in a very weak from . described as “a foreign body , sensation as If”. The
nearest si milar in KENT the “sensation of a plug”
References : was rejected since the patient said that the sensation
was not only while passing stool when it is agg . but
Allen , T . F . Encyclopedia of that it was always there . Finally I found in KENT in
Pure Materia Medica (A1) Hering , Rectum “Foreign body , sensation of” wherein 5
C : “Sanguinaria Canadensis, “Archiv . fur remedies were given : Lil . –t ., Nat. –m, Rumex ,Sep
die homoeopathische Heilkunst , ., Sulph .
22 (1845) , H . 2 , 114 – 160 .
(He . Ar .) Hering , C : He further had pain in the left testicle from
The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia time to time which did not seem to be connected with
Medica . Vol . I – X . Kent , J . T .: anything and lastly a troublesome fissure in the
Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia prepuce which was there since long and which could
Medica . not be healed by anything .
[ From the ‘Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE I could not begin in anyway with the first
HOMOEOPATHIE and Arzneipotenzierung’ Band 30 symptom and the second symptom I searched in
, Heft 4 / 1986 ; translated from the German by Dr . KENT in vain and finally found in KNERR p . 624
K . S . SRINIVASAN , for private communication “Prepuce , fissured” : Sep .
only ]
With a high potency Sepia (200) all the
----------------------------------------------------------- complaints were speedily removed .
IS KENT THE FINAL ? Case 3 :40 years lady suffering since 3 years with
throat inflammation . Treated with massive anti
Dr . H . V . Muller biotics and since then suffering from , as is often the
case , micotic ailments . The mycotic condition
Many use KENT exclusively but there are alternates often and when she came to me the forearm
cases where Kent is not sufficient . There is no , leg and feet were affected . Mycosis of the vulva
symptom which cannot be located in some repertory also . I always prescribe in such cases Sulphur and
or the other . Here are some examples to cite some of Psorinum in D12 potency in alternation daily and in
the literature which should be kept alongside KENT . addition the nosode Mykot-Fluor (Stauffen-Pharma)
in higher potency generally .
Case 1 : An Israeli lady 52 years who has been my
patient since years . She now complained of In the meantime the skin eruptions receded
abdominal pains . She has had similar pains before leaving a rare symptom : Persisting severe itching on
and everytime relieved by the appropriate medicine the mons veneries . It was not a pronounced itching
but this time it gave her much worry . She had now but rather , she opined , that something alive crawling
sensation of fullness in abdomen and rumblings but there . She has a similar sensation in the nose also .
the peculiarity was that these rumblings were
aggravated at nights and so loudly that it awakened I did not find the symptom “as if something
her from sleep . Otherwise nothing . Eating did not alive on the mons veneris” anywhere but the
either agg . or am . and no passing of flatus , with one symptom “itching” was found . “Itching on mons
exception : When she passed urine it was with flatus . veneris” (KENERR , 526) : Nat-S ., “Mons Veneris ,
itching” (KNERR , 640) : Euphorbium , “Itching at
Only the last symptom was peculiar of mons veneris” (GENTRY, Vol . 3 , 853): Eup . perf .
course . It was not found in KENT . I found it in
GERTRY , Vol . 3 , p . 648 : “Flatus during
With the symptom “as if something alive in
the nose” my search was made easier . “Insects
nose”, “crawling as of insects , in the back of the
nose , several times”: Nat . S (Unabridged Dictionary
of Sensation “AS IF” Part I , 437)