Running Head: Autobiographical Essay 1
Running Head: Autobiographical Essay 1
Running Head: Autobiographical Essay 1
Autobiographical Essay
Audreyana Vanderwey
Spring 2019
Autobiographical Essay
Education Background
Like most five-year old children, I had an amazing experience with the start of my
education. I started my schooling at Summer Wind Elementary but the first few weeks were a bit
bumpy. Being away from my loved ones was new to me. This was a classroom with rules and
structure, but I slowly adjusted to the groove of the educational system. It was not until my third-
grade year that my view on education took a downturn. My third-grade teacher, to an eight-year-
old, was an awful person. The miserable woman believed in publicly shaming a child in front of
the entire class and would state that if a student could not do the work and get 100%, they had no
future outside of being a homeless bum. At this time, I still had a hard time reading out loud. It
was mostly due to being shy, and when it would be my turn to read aloud, I would start reading
to the class, but she would quickly shut me down and condescendingly say, “Don’t bother” in
front of the entire class. After hearing such cruel hearted words from a supposed mentor, I would
quickly shut down emotionally. I would stop telling my mom what was going on since it would
only upset her when her complaints to the school fell on deaf ears. This is just where the
disappointment started. These were adults who were supposed to oversee my educational
wellbeing, and they let me down along with others in my class. They put me into her class the
following year at which point I believed she went up a grade just to make sure I was belittled.
Since my primary school years were left with vile rhetoric and condescension, I entered
my Junior High and High School years with an “I don’t care what happens, they don’t care about
me, and an I don’t care about them” attitude. Why should I even try if they just tell me my best is
nothing and refuse to help me even though I would reach out? I went to River Glen Junior High
after Summer Wind. It was there that my eighth grade English teacher would constantly compare
me to my older sister, which she had just the previous year. She even went as far as to tell my
mother, “if only I was like my sister.” If that doesn’t give a kid a complex, I don’t know what
From there my family moved to Oregon and I attended Woodburn High School. I joined
the cheerleading squad and really found my love for school again in my history and government
classes. I had an awesome government teacher who just sparked a hunger to want to learn more.
He was engaging and listened to the thoughts of class. He genuinely cared for his students and
loved his job. All the students could tell through his teaching. Due to family circumstances we
ended up having to move back to Idaho. There were complications though because the class
credit system was different, and it would have put me back further than anyone else my age.
After obtaining my GED at the College of Southern Idaho, I found out that I was
pregnant and that I wanted to attend college there as well. It was a hard choice to make, to leave
all the past negative behind me, and not having the best faith in my academic abilities. I had the
blame past experiences with educators who didn’t carry out their jobs the way they should have
years ago. I was a different person. I attended CSI from 2007 to 2008, completing a semester
gaining my C.N.A. and Phlebotomy license. My husband, at the time, was offered a great
A divorce and three kids later I’m here back in school, but with a drive to better myself
and my family. I changed my major from Medical to Education because I have a passion for
children and young adults. Despite my negative experiences, there were teachers who really
impacted my life positively, and I want to be that person who makes a difference in a student's
life. Children and young adults make me happy, I stay close with my children’s teachers and
volunteer in their class whenever possible. I am always fascinated with their ideas and thoughts,
Work History
A strong and endearing work ethic was instilled in me by both of my parent. They are both very
hard-working people who do not settle for anything less than their best. In fact, on my sixteenth birthday
my father said, “Happy Birthday Audreyana, now go get a job.” In taking his advice into account, I
started a job at Calvin Klein. Working there as a teenager I learned why everyone says people should start
out in the customer service industry. At Calvin Klein servicing Customers was the main tenant of their
philosophy, even above something as critical as folding. There I learned to always have a positive attitude
is always needed around customers. Listening and searching for understanding in concerns was essential
in making sure the customer felt satisfied. Learning those skills has helped me in my everyday personal,
After Calvin Klein, I earned my Phlebotomy License at College of Southern Idaho, and I became
a blood sucking vampire, or otherwise known as a Phlebotomist. I joined proctologist in the club of most
un-liked medical professionals. People don’t like being touched my needles, and that was my main duty
as a phlebotomist. Other than gaining knowledge about blood test and the medical field, I learned that
needed a nanny for his son since both him and his wife were working. I jumped to the opportunity
because this not only meant I could spend time taking care of my cousin, but I could also be at home
spending time with my son. This job turned me into mega mom, we went on outings, I learned how to
draw super hero pictures to keep them busy at restaurants, and I taught them about endless possibilities of
their imaginations. This job was truly one of my favorites, but all good things must come to an end.
My husband was offered a job to further advanced his career, so the decision was made that we
would move to North Dakota. While we were living in North Dakota I was offered a job at the same
company as my husband to learn accounts receivable. I oversaw the finances and payroll for an oil
company. This job was intense and required a lot of multitasking. While I was I was working hard and
busting my butt the oil field tanked. The lavish lifestyle we had of our high paying jobs tanked with it, so
While I could come back to Idaho and started another office job, I decided that a job as a cocktail
waitress at Cactus Pete’s would work better with my children schedule. I was able to work swing shift
Friday through Sunday, and rack in anywhere from $100.00 to $600.00 per night in tips. Working in a
casino, while seeming glamorous, was not all it cracked up to be. It wasn’t for the degrading outfits, the
disrespectful customers, the smoke-filled air, or the office gossip, it might have been a great place to
work. However, in this toxic environment, I learned better methods of memorization and how to be
assertive in a professional manner. It is not the easy to cut off drinks from a drunk.
Every summer the city of Eagle, Idaho hosts the Children Entrepreneur Fair. Children summit
applications to show off the business that they have started. I have the pleasure of helping with organizing
Along with the Children’s Entrepreneur fair, I helped in planning for the Liberty Academy that
my grandmother’s friend’s foundation puts on for children to learn about freedom of speech and free
market economics.
With the help of my mother, who oversees the Giving Campaign for Cactus Pete’s we helped
raise money for local therapy horse centers, shelters such as the Valley House, and local animal
shelters. I volunteer each year with whatever she needs help with, such as helping at their booth for sign
More recently, I volunteer at my children’s school as much as I can to stay involved in their
I first dreamt about being a teacher when I was in fifth grade. I had a wonderful educator who I
admired and truly enjoyed learning from. She inspired me, and showed me how much of an impact a
teacher could have on a child’s educational experience. After school I would always find myself
daydreaming on how I would make teaching fun for my students, and how I wanted to spark that passion
After volunteering in my children’s school for the last three years, I just feel in love with
interacting with children. I love the way their minds think, hearing about their day, and all the laughs. I
saw how caringly helping a child in a difficult area can change their whole mindset on learning. Helping
students create a passion for something they didn’t care for gave my life so much happiness because I
knew how back in fifth grade what a difference that had made for me.
I want children to never stop wanting to learn. I want them to be lifetime learners, independent
thinkers, and everyday problem solvers. Lifetime learners, independent thinkers, and everyday problem
solvers never stop inspiring and creating a better world. By igniting a creative fondness for all aspects of
education, providing a caring atmosphere, and setting high consistent expectations, I believe I will be
While I know teaching can have it limitations, the positives outcomes outweigh any negatives. I
also find it a wonderful privilege to help shape the minds of the future. What a gift to be able to see how
wonderful and to treasure the beautiful minds of these children the way their parents do.
Above all, I want to be happy, successful, and I want to provide a great life for my children. In
my professional career though, I strive to be a successful educator and hope to be the spark for young
The foundation for my educational process is my education. My goal is to, in the short-term, get
my associates degree at College of Southern Idaho, and then get my bachelor’s degree at Idaho State
Once certified to teach, I hope to get a job at a school in Oregon. For my long-term goals, I hope
to get a graduate degree and eventually teach at a college. I have always wanted to be an educator at a
higher level. The ability to have discussions and evoke thought at a higher level of understanding and