The SuDS Manual C697
The SuDS Manual C697
The SuDS Manual C697
1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Sustainstainable Drainage Systems ........................................................................................... 1
3.0 Relevant Legislation/guidance .................................................................................................... 2
3.1 The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 ......................................................................... 2
3.2 National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy ........................................... 2
3.3 Water Framework Directive ..................................................................................................... 2
3.4 National Planning Policy Framework ...................................................................................... 2
3.5 Non-statutory Technical Standards for SuDS ......................................................................... 2
3.6 Critical Drainage Area ............................................................................................................. 2
3.7 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 & 2 ........................................................................ 3
3.8 Torbay Local Flood Risk Management Strategy ..................................................................... 3
3.9 Torbay Council Highways Design Guide ................................................................................ 3
3.10 Building Regulations ............................................................................................................... 3
4.0 Designing SuDS .......................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Percolation tests ...................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Suitability ................................................................................................................................. 3
4.3 Hydraulic design parameters .................................................................................................. 4
4.4 Construction details ................................................................................................................. 4
4.5 Overland flow routes ............................................................................................................... 4
5.0 Information required with submission ......................................................................................... 5
6.0 Maintenance plan and inspection checklist ................................................................................. 5
7.0 Construction ................................................................................................................................ 5
8.0 Education .................................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix...............................................................................................................Submission Checklist
Torbay Council
At the top of the drainage hierarchy is infiltration to Sustainable Drainage Systems.
Sustainable drainage systems are a departure from the traditional approach to draining
sites. They mimic nature and are designed to take account of water quantity (flooding),
water quality (pollution) and amenity issues. They are supported by National, regional and
local planning policies and are more sustainable than traditional drainage methods because
Reduce flooding by managing runoff volumes and flow rates from hard surfaces
Protect or enhance water quality
Protect natural flow regimes in watercourses
Are sympathetic to the environment and the needs of the local community creating a
better place to live and work
Provide a natural habitat for wildlife
Promote evapotranspiration from vegetation and surface water
Recharge groundwater and natural aquifers
Fundamental to this approach are the four components of the SuDS philosophy, as set out
in the CIRIA SuDS Manual (2015):
1. Water quantity
2. Water quality
3. Amenity
4. Biodiversity
The above cannot be separated and must be considered in a holistic way to achieve "best
value" from the SuDS design process.
This guide only concerns SuDS systems and for further information regarding Flood Risk
Assessment and other related topics please refer to the other documents within Section 3.0.
It has been produced to assist developers and other individuals in designing drainage
systems incorporating SuDS features and provide information to aid approval of these
features within Torbay.
Torbay Council
Torbay Council
4.2 Suitability
The SuDS feature should be suitable for the location where it is to be used. Consideration
should be given to the following:
Unsuitable ground conditions - unstable ground, contaminated ground
Poor infiltration
Ground slopes of greater than 10%
Proximity to buildings and the highway
Ground water pollution
Other services
Ground water levels
Torbay Council
Torbay Council
The construction of the SuDS feature should be in strict accordance with the design and any
discrepancies should be reported to the designer and the Council so that they can be check
that the design is still suitable. The Council may choose to inspect the system at, during or
after construction and if the system is not as the design may choose to take enforcement
It is important that the local residents that benefit from the SuDS and people living in the
vicinity of them understand what they are and how they operate. This can be achieved by
providing information and signage and making sure the local community group have all the
necessary information. This will also help ensure that they remain in operation and reduce
the impact of flooding.
Torbay Council
Torbay Council
Submission checklist
Percolation Tests Tick
3 consecutive tests to near emptying (not just to 25% effective depth as extrapolation of
results will not be accepted)
At correct location of proposed SuDS feature or in areas with similar percolation test results,
then within 20m of SuDS features
At the depth of the proposed SuDS feature
Correct size and number of tests for SuDS feature (permeable paving should be tested at 20m
intervals, minimum 1.5x1m)
Proof that ground water will not affect design (evidence that 1m above seasonal ground water
Design Calculations
Correct rainfall and climate change used (i.e. 100 year plus 30 % )
Plans showing the cover levels, invert levels, pipe sizes, pipe lengths, pipe gradients, gully
locations, pipe numbering, catchment areas serving each pipe
Information should be provided to demonstrate that the drainage hierarchy has been
followed and the reason for the chosen solution.
Permission for connection to any watercourse, main river, surface water sewer or combined
Results showing no flooding to properties for design storm and no increased risk of flooding to
properties or land adjacent to the development site.
Construction Information
Construction drawings
Please note that it would help if all this information could be accompanied with a document issue