Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence PDF
Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence PDF
Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence PDF
Ephraim Kahana
Muhammad Suwaed
Estover Road
Plymouth PL6 7PY
United Kingdom
Editor’s Foreword
Given the rivalries and suspicions prevailing in the Middle East, it is not
surprising that most of these states are very concerned about espionage
and infiltration. Without much ado, therefore, they engage in spying and
subversion of their neighbors, whether enemies or—theoretically at
least—friends. The result is an impressively busy intelligence industry,
proportionately larger and more extensive than in most other regions,
and this in both times of war and peace. Moreover, since most of the
states are—to varying degrees—autocratic, they are often more con-
cerned about keeping track of what their own citizens are doing than
what external enemies are up to. To this must be added the increasing
threat of terrorism; like most of the rest of the world, Middle Eastern
states worry about attacks from both internal and external terrorist or-
ganizations, which also engage in various forms of espionage. This nat-
urally adds to the importance of the intelligence agencies, and sometimes
gives them exceptional clout in running the countries—indeed, occa-
sionally to the extent of being a threat to even the most insidious regime.
But the story does not quite end here since the Middle East has also been
involved in international politics, especially during the two world wars
and the Cold War, which means that outside powers have also engaged
in massive espionage to keep track of what is going on there.
Since intelligence has been such an important matter for so long, it is
not surprising that there is much to say about it in this latest addition to
the series of Historical Dictionaries of Intelligence and Counterintelli-
gence. Yet, considering the depths of secrecy that prevail even about the
most ordinary things, and the limited information generally available,
this book has been harder to compile than others. So it has taken some
time to fill this gap in the series. A good place to start in this volume is
the chronology, which traces the role of intelligence over the years—
indeed, decades and sometimes centuries. The overall situation is summed
Jon Woronoff
Series Editor
Writing a dictionary like this cannot be done alone. Many helped in this
mission and all deserve my gratitude. First and foremost, I would like
to thank Richard R. Valcourt, editor in chief of the Journal of Intelli-
gence and Counterintelligence, who recommended me to Jon Woronoff,
the editor of the series of Historical Dictionaries of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence. I am grateful to Jon Woronoff for asking me to
write this dictionary on Middle Eastern intelligence.
I would also like to thank Western Galilee College and especially the
library staff for their kind assistance in locating the proper references.
A special thanks go to Zahava Santo, director of the library, and Tamar
Israeli, the library’s information specialist, who helped with the techni-
cal side of preparing the bibliography.
To Muhammad Suwaed, who agreed to take part and assist me in
writing the dictionary, I owe a deep debt of gratitude. Special recogni-
tion is due to Dr. Suwaed for his contribution of material to many in-
teresting entries, particularly intelligence in ancient Islam.
Many thanks are also due to Jon Woronoff for his useful corrections
and suggestions throughout the course of my writing. I would also like
to thank April Snider of Scarecrow Press for her technical assistance in
the layout of the book.
Last, but of course not least, I would like to thank my family, who
had to live with the fact that so much of my time over the past year was
devoted to bringing the book to completion.—Ephraim Kahana
I wish to express my thanks to the Western Galilee and the Jordan Val-
ley Academic Colleges for the encouragement and financial support
provided to me during the period I was engaged in writing of this book.
I also wish to express thanks to Dr. Jon Woronoff for approaching Dr.
Kahana and myself regarding the writing of this book.
1479 BCE The battle of Megiddo I takes place. King Tuthmose III of
Egypt moves troops against the king of Kadesh in Palestine. The intel-
ligence of Egypt about the Canaanite forces is wrong.
610 to 613 CE Prophet Muhammad sets up an intelligence apparatus
to protect the newly established religion (Islam).
1914 The first Turkish intelligence organization is established in 1914
under the name of Teskilat-i Mahsusa (Special Organization) to under-
take important missions and carry out military and paramilitary activi-
ties during World War I.
1915 NILI, the Jewish espionage ring in the Ottoman Palestine net-
work, is established. 28 January: The First Suez Offensive starts. 3
February: The First Suez Canal Offensive ends with an Ottoman with-
drawal. April: The battle of Gallipoli starts.
1916 The Arab Bureau is established in Cairo as a central agency in
charge of Arab issues in the Middle East, particularly for dealing with
propaganda. Great Britain establishes a wireless intelligence unit to be
deployed at various sites in Egypt and Cyprus. January: The battle of
Gallipoli ends. June: The Arab revolt led by Hussein Bin Ali, the sher-
iff of Mecca and Benin, starts against the Ottoman Empire. 6 June: The
first issue of the Arab Bulletin is published. The bulletin describes po-
litical viewpoints and thoughts of the Arab Bureau. 3 August: The bat-
tle of Romani starts.
1917 26 March: The battle of Gaza starts. May: Colonel Richard
Henry Meinertzhagen joins General Edmond H. Allenby’s Intelligence
Section in Cairo, Egypt. October: NILI is captured by the Turks. 30
October: The British army launches a surprise attack on Beersheba and
a simultaneous attack on Gaza, Palestine.
designed to deceive the Italian forces in eastern Africa into thinking that
Somaliland was being targeted in an upcoming attack, is started.
1941 January: Great Britain’s A Force unit, dedicated to counterin-
telligence and deception operations, is established by Archibald Perci-
val Wavell, commander of the British forces in North Africa. February:
Camilla Plan ends. 28 March: A Force is officially established as a na-
tional brigade of the British Special Air Service; Jasper Maskelyne, as-
signed to A Force, is involved in an elaborate operation to divert Ger-
man bombers from the port of Alexandria by setting up a fake harbor in
a nearby bay.
1942 Operation Salaam is a covert operation under the command of
László Almásy to insert two German agents deep into British-held
Egypt. 26 May: The battle of Gazala starts in North Africa around the
port of Tobruk, Libya. 21 June: Battle of Gazala ends. 23 October: Op-
eration Bertram, which marked a significant turning point in the West-
ern Desert Campaign of World War II, starts. 3 November: Operation
Bertram ends. 8 November: Operation Torch, aimed to gain control of
North Africa through simultaneous landings at Casablanca, Oran, and
Algiers, is launched by the United States, British, and Free French
1945 Lebanon’s General Security Directorate (GSD)/Sureté Générale
is placed under the authority of the minister of the interior, with head-
quarters in Beirut.
1948 The Israeli intelligence community is established.
1949 Science Corps C, a special unit of the Israel Defense Force’s
Science Corps, begins a two-year geological survey of the Negev
Desert to discover uranium reserves. 13 December: The Israeli Secret
Intelligence Service, Mossad Le’Modi’in Ule’Tafkidim Meyuhadim, is
1952 The Israeli Atomic Energy Commission is established.
1953 TPAJAX launched; it is a covert operation jointly carried out by
the United States and Britain to overthrow the elected Iranian Prime
Minister Muhammad Mossadeq and his cabinet and to bring to power
Muhammad Reza Pahlavi as the shah of Iran.
becomes chief of the GIS with the rank of general. 18 July: A car bomb
attack is perpetrated on the Jewish community’s Argentine Israelite Mu-
tual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing
200 people and injuring 250 others.
1995 January: Algeria joins the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
1996 The Egyptian satellite company NileSat is established for the
purpose of operating satellites and their associated ground control sta-
tion and other facilities. 5 January: Yahya Ayash, a member of Hamas
and known as “the engineer,” is killed, allegedly by the Israeli Security
Agency (ISA).
1998 August: The Iran–Iraq War ends.
1999 Ruhollah Hosseinian is appointed Iranian deputy minister of in-
telligence. 15 February: Abdullah Öcalan, the leader and founder of
the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), is captured by the Mossad.
2000 February: Operation Great Bahman is begun by the Muja-
hedeen-e Khalq (MEK), launching a dozen attacks against Iran.
2001 13 June: The Tenet Plan to bring the security organizations of
Israel and the Palestinian National Authority to reaffirm their commit-
ments to a cease-fire in line with the security agreements forged at
Sharm al-Sheikh in October 2000 goes into force. 11 September:
Al Qaeda hijackers intentionally crash two airliners into the World
Trade Center in New York and a third airliner into the Pentagon, Wash-
ington, D.C., killing thousands of people. A fourth airliner crashes into
a field in Pennsylvania.
2002 3 January: The Karine-A, loaded with weapons for the Pales-
tinian National Authority, is captured by the Israeli navy. Abu Nidal is
assassinated in Baghdad, Iraq.
2003 17 March: Operation Iraqi Freedom starts. 18 March: Opera-
tion Liberty Shield, the set of special measures to prevent terrorist at-
tacks, is launched by the U.S. Homeland Security Department. Decem-
ber: Libya agrees to give up its research programs for biological and
chemical weapons and to allow unconditional inspection and verifica-
tion by American and British inspectors.
Ancient Times
The Middle East is a region of early civilizations and has always
been a geographical crossroads between contesting forces and civi-
lizations. Thus, whenever there is a conflict or a clash of interests,
intelligence gathering plays a crucial role for all parties involved.
Records and archeological findings indicate that intelligence has
been an important issue ever since the appearance of kingdoms and
empires and played a part in their rivalry for resources and influence.
For example, Egyptian hieroglyphs and papyri reveal the presence of
spies to uncover disloyal subjects and to locate tribes for slave trade
operations. There is also abundant evidence from the texts of ancient
civilizations, including Moses’ and Joshua’s spies of the Old Testa-
ment. There is evidence from the Assyrian texts in Mesopotamia
showing that spies were sent out in advance of the invasion or con-
quest of foreign countries. Likewise, the ancient Greeks and Romans
used to gather information about foreign militaries via merchants,
sailors, and other travelers, as well as send trained agents who were
well versed in a given country’s language and culture prior to launch-
ing every military campaign.
The large Roman governmental bureaucracy established one of the
earliest civilian intelligence agencies. The Roman Empire displayed a
genuine penchant to engage in political espionage, and spying was reg-
ularly practiced in domestic politics against political rivals and other in-
ternal threats.
The Renaissance
The Ottoman Empire ruled most of the Mediterranean basin for al-
most four centuries, from the 16th century until the beginning of the
20th century. Although it employed intelligence and counterintelligence
organizations in order to maintain its domain, the empire did not de-
velop modern intelligence organizations until the end of the 18th cen-
tury, when conflicting European powers arrived in the Middle East and
challenged Ottoman domination of the area. During the 19th century,
the Ottoman Empire was a declining power, and France and Great
Britain appeared as new players on the scene. Ottoman agents created
spy networks in order to infiltrate communities suspected of dual loy-
alty and to monitor every move of its enemies.
World War I
Common interest in the Balkans generated an alliance between the
Ottoman and the Austro–Hungarian Empires. One of the major civilian
projects of that alliance was the building of the Hijaz railway, which
drew Austro–Hungarian diplomats, travelers, and explorers to the Mid-
dle East, some of whom were used as intelligence agents. The new part-
ners brought together by the railway project were the Austrians and the
of the empire were divided among the victorious nations, who drew new
maps and divided the area according to their interests and prewar agree-
ments. This new situation led to the flourishing of intertwined colonial
and local organizations in the area. It also brought to the scene resistance
movements of all types, including terrorist organizations. This phenome-
non had a significant impact on the development and structure of intelli-
gence, counterintelligence, and other security organizations in the Middle
East. Various newly formed countries, including Iraq, Iran, and Turkey,
were undergoing territorial and administrative changes and established
their own intelligence and counterintelligence organizations.
In the 1930s, the British became the major power in the Middle East,
following a treaty that gave Great Britain the right to station troops on
Egyptian soil in order to protect the Suez Canal. The Royal Navy
moved its Mediterranean Fleet headquarters from Malta to Alexandria,
and in June 1939, Great Britain established the Middle East Intelligence
Centre (MEIC) in Cairo for coordinating all intelligence activities. As
the war progressed and the Middle East arena expanded, the British had
to create new departments and new branches assigned to cope with new
France’s intelligence in Syria and Lebanon faced a worse situation.
The newly created Syria was a conglomerate of different ethnic groups,
some of which resented being subjects of a Christian nation and
preached that the French were the new Crusaders. Some wanted inde-
pendence, while others supported the idea of a Pan-Arab kingdom.
France did not cope well with the insurgents and was too concerned
about the welfare of the Christian communities to notice the needs of
other ethnic and religious groups. In 1925, it had to subdue the Great
Syrian Revolt, also known as the Druze Revolution. It lost control of the
borders and could not prevent huge waves of immigration from the poor
Syrian mountains to the neighboring countries where jobs were avail-
able. Thus, it was forced to reorganize its intelligence services and
change its structure.
This unstable situation gave rise to some new intelligence factors
with the approach of World War II. An important new player was the
Jewish Agency, the official leadership of the Jews in Palestine. The Jew-
ish Agency maintained its intelligence branch, the SHAI (Information
Services), with three different intelligence organizations: one was spy-
ing on the British in order to anticipate their anti-Jewish moves and to
World War II
Early in World War II, Great Britain’s intelligence in Egypt and Su-
dan created in November 1940 the Combined Bureau Middle East
(CBME). In addition to the pressing needs of military intelligence and
counterintelligence to meet the threat of the Axis powers, Great Britain
had to maintain additional intelligence units connected to the police in
order to monitor the activities of local organizations of various ethnic
groups, some of which were directed against the ruling British. They
watched specifically for connections between local factors and external
powers, such as the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
Germany was preparing to seize world domination. The Italian and
German armies invaded and occupied many countries on the southern
shores of the Mediterranean. In 1941, there was a coup attempt in Iraq,
allegedly funded and supported by German and Italian intelligence. Af-
ter a series of previous coups that had started in October 1936, this coup
was in great part the initiative of the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj
Amin al-Husseini.
Turkey remained neutral throughout World War II and became a
haven for spies. It was the site of meetings, contacts, negotiations, plots,
and conspiracies, with all parties involved trying to gather information,
spread disinformation, and anticipate or prevent future moves of their
opponents. Everybody was watching everybody else, as a function of
operations of the war. These activities were intensified by the addition
of new players, as every country that was occupied during the war had
a government in exile employing its own agents and operating its own
spy network.
The United States played a major role during World War II in the
western Mediterranean, and also had economic interests in the Middle
East. Toward the end of the war, the United States decided it no longer
wanted to rely on British Intelligence and instead created its own net-
work in the area. When the war ended, the United States had its own mil-
itary fleet in the Mediterranean, maintained military forces in southern
Europe, and was negotiating harbor services with Turkey and Greece.
have provided these groups with bases, aid, funds, and support, using
them for their own purposes when convenient. In contrast to the West-
ern intelligence communities that have traditionally emphasized the for-
mation of intelligence communities with the ability to cope with inter-
national threats, the Soviet Union trained intelligence officers mainly
for missions of domestic threats, especially for surveillance—and most
frequently the intimidation of the regime’s own populations—both at
home and abroad.
By the 1960s, the Soviet Union and East Germany had begun to play
important advisory and training roles in Iraq, Syria, the former People’s
Democratic Republic of Yemen, and Libya. The Cold War’s players
were right in the midst of the petroleum-rich Middle East.
Rival and overlapping services were created to check authority and
autonomy, and the result was factionalism. Some rulers—those of Syria
and Iraq provide examples—appointed close relatives to key intelli-
gence posts. For instance, in Syria, Rifat al-Asad, the brother of Presi-
dent Hafez al-Asad, was head of Syria’s intelligence service and was
linked to the Red Knights.
AAnsar al-Islam has primarily fought against one of the two main
Kurdish political factions—the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
(PUK)—and has mounted ambushes and attacks in PUK areas. AI
members have been implicated in assassinations and assassination at-
tempts against PUK officials and work closely with both al Qaeda
operatives and associates in Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s network. Be-
fore OIF, some AI members claimed to have produced cyanide-based
toxins, ricin, and alfatoxin.
In the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell told the United Nations Security Council in February
that Iraq housed an agent in the most senior levels of the radical or-
ganization AAnsar al-Islam, which controlled that corner of Iraq. In
2000, the agent offered al Qaeda safe haven in the region; after al
Qaeda was swept from Afghanistan, some of its members accepted
this safe haven. Since that time, some have maintained that Saddam
Hussein had links to AAnsar al-Islam, while others argue he infil-
trated the group for intelligence-gathering purposes but did not ac-
tively assist the group. The general consensus of experts, as well as
the conclusion of the intelligence community and the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, was that Saddam infiltrated the group,
but the two parties remained hostile to each other and did not estab-
lish a collaborative relationship. The 2006 U.S. Senate Intelligence
report questioned where and how AAnsar al-Islam received chemical
and biological know-how, including ricin, botulinum, and possibly
cyanide and equipment.
was also on the payroll of the Jewish Agency for providing them with
On 17 November 1947, as the conflict over Palestine entered the
crucial stage, the contacts between the Jewish side and King Abdul-
lah intensified. Abdullah held a secret meeting with Golda Meir (My-
erson) as the representative of the Jewish Agency. The two leaders
discussed the resolution to the partition of Palestine, which was then
before the United Nations. The king told Golda Meir that he would
take over the Arab part of Palestine, as he would not permit another
Arab state to be set up, and that he would then conclude a treaty with
the Jewish state. The two leaders reached a preliminary agreement to
coordinate their diplomatic and military strategies in order to prevent
the other Arab states from intervening directly in Palestine.
On 29 November, the UN adopted its resolution in favor of divid-
ing the area of the British mandate into two states, one Jewish and
one Arab. In return for Abdullah’s promise not to enter the area as-
signed by the UN to the Jewish state, the Jewish Agency agreed to the
annexation by Transjordan of most of the area earmarked for the Arab
state. Precise borders were not drawn and Jerusalem was not even
discussed, as under the UN plan it was to remain a separate entity un-
der international control. Despite the Jewish Agency’s efforts to com-
mit King Abdullah to a written agreement, one was never drawn up.
However, an understanding was reached between King Abdullah and
the Jewish Agency in which Abdullah agreed that he would not pre-
vent the establishment of the state of Israel, and the newly established
state would agree to the conquest of the Arab part of Palestine by Ab-
dullah, though it would not help him.
From a political point of view, the Syrians saw King Abdullah as
their principal enemy and felt compelled to intervene, if only to pre-
vent him from tipping the balance of power in the region against
them. There was a wide belief that King Abdullah had made a deal
with the Jewish Agency for the Arab Legion to invade Syria, though
the agreement was never put into writing. This situation pushed the
Arab governments, with Syria at their head, to the brink of war.
Indeed, the new prime minister of the newly established state of Is-
rael, David Ben Gurion, had a “grand plan” for the conduct of the
war. He reached a tacit understanding with King Abdullah, allowing
the latter to move into the territories west of the Jordan River, which
had been allotted by the 1947 UN Partition Plan to the Arab Pales-
tinian state. This plan was not revealed either to the Israeli cabinet or
to the military command, who wished to conquer the West Bank ter-
ritories. As such, the military objectives contradicted the political and
diplomatic considerations of Ben Gurion’s grand plan. Ben Gurion’s
decision to prevent a military incursion was in accordance with
Golda Meir’s agreement with King Abdullah, as it was concluded on
17 November 1947.
On 20 July 1951, while visiting al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem,
King Abdullah was assassinated by a Palestinian extremist so as to
prevent the old king from reaching a separate peace agreement with
Israel. The gunman fired three fatal bullets into the king’s head and
chest. Abdullah’s grandson, Hussein bin-Talal (king of Jordan from
1953 to 1999) was at his side and grappled with the assailant until he
was shot himself. A medal that had been pinned to Hussein’s chest at
his grandfather’s insistence deflected the bullet and saved his life. See
On 19 August 2002, the news broke from Baghdad that Abu Nidal
and two leaders of his operation had been murdered in his apartment
by unknown assassins. Two days later, on 21 August, the head of
Iraqi intelligence, Tahr Habush, appeared before journalists in Bagh-
dad and presented them with the shocking photos taken in Abu
Nidal’s apartment by Iraqi intelligence in order to prove that the ter-
rorist had committed suicide and was not murdered. Habush told the
journalists that Iraqi intelligence had not known until a short while
earlier that Abu Nidal was even in Baghdad and that when they found
out, they sent a few Iraqi security men to check the apartment where
he was staying. Allegedly, when Iraqi intelligence operatives entered
the apartment, Abu Nidal realized that he was caught, took out his
gun, put it in his mouth and shot himself.
ALLAM, FOUAD. Fouad Allam served as the head of the Egyptian se-
curity service for 20 years. Following Anwar Sadat’s assassination
in 1981, General Allam and the new president, Hosni Mubarak,
waged a campaign against radical Islam through unlawful arrests, de-
tention without trial, and torture to force confessions. Such actions
had not been taken since the days of former Egyptian president
Gamal Abdel Nasser in the 1950s and 1960s. Thousands of suspected
terrorists were rounded up and jailed, including Sheikh Omar Abdel
Rahman, who was later convicted of conspiring to blow up the World
Trade Center, and Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of Osama bin-Laden’s two
itary missions using his desert experience. One of these missions was
Operation Salaam, which aimed to infiltrate enemy territory with
two German spies. This was not a covert operation, and Almásy and
his team wore German uniforms. Almásy delivered the German Ab-
wehr agents Johannes Eppler and Peter Stanstede to Cairo in the
same way.
The details of Almásy’s role in World War II are unclear. He re-
ceived the Iron Cross from Rommel for delivering spies, and he was
promoted to the rank of major. He was, however, never a spy or a
Nazi. After the end of the desert war, Almásy relocated to Turkey,
where he became involved in a plan to cause an Egyptian revolt that
never materialized. He then returned to Budapest where, with his
contacts from the Roman Catholic Church, he helped save the lives
of several Jewish families at a time when Jews were being sent to
concentration camps.
After the war, Almásy was arrested in Hungary and ended up in a
Soviet prison. When the communists took control of Hungary,
Almásy was tried for treason in the Communist People’s Court. He
was eventually acquitted, but he escaped the country into British-oc-
cupied Austria, reputedly with the aid of British intelligence. He was
chased by a KGB “hit squad” and captured on the way to Cairo.
British intelligence bribed Hungarian communist officials to enable
Almásy’s release. He returned to Egypt at the invitation of King
Farouk and became technical director of the newly established Desert
Institute. He became ill in 1951 during his visit to Austria and died of
dysentery in a hospital in Salzburg, where he was buried.
on the eve of the Six Days’ War when he discounted Israel’s military
capability. In August of that year, Amer, along with over 50 Egyptian
military officers and two former ministers, was arrested for allegedly
plotting a coup to overthrow Gamal Abdel Nasser. In September
1967, Amer was approached in his jail cell by high-ranking Egyptian
officers and was given a choice to remain there and stand trial for
treason, which would inevitably have ended with his conviction and
execution, or die an honorable death by taking poison. He chose the
second option. Six-Day War
the expansion of control by British Egypt over the Arab world, with
Cairo as the center for the establishment of British policy in the Mid-
dle East. The bureau was organized by Sir Mark Sykes, a Middle East-
ern issues specialist appointed personally by Lord Horatio Kitchener,
the minister of war, together with Gilbert Clayton, head of British in-
telligence in Cairo. During the years 1915–1916, the British began to
focus in an organized way on the use that Great Britain could make of
Arab leaders in dealing with the Middle East. After the de Bunsen
Committee, led by Sir Mark Sykes, submitted its report on the postwar
Middle East, the British government sent Sykes to Egypt, the Persian
Gulf, Mesopotamia, and India in order to discuss the committee’s rec-
ommendations with the high-level officials in the area.
Using input from local leaders, the committee agreed to Sykes’s
proposition for a general bureau, not as a separate body but only as a
department of British intelligence in Cairo. Thus, instead of building
a central agency that would be in charge of a general policy, as pro-
posed by Sykes, the different government bureaus continued to set
and carry out their own policies, independent of each other and some-
times even contradicting each other. Kitchener did not want the reins
taken from his hands, and the Foreign Ministry accepted his author-
ity. Sykes continued to determine policy only as Kitchener’s repre-
sentative and not by his own merits as the head of an independent
to 1,600 men. The legion was also the most successful of the Arab
armies during the 1948–1949 Israeli War of Independence. There was
considerable embarrassment from the British government that British
officers were employed in the legion during the conflict, and one
British member of Parliament called for Glubb Pasha to be impris-
oned for serving in a foreign army without the king’s permission.
Until 1948, Transjordan had never faced an external threat and
thus had no need for a system that would provide it with military in-
telligence. The Arab Legion received intelligence from the British
army, which was responsible for Jordan’s security in case of war. The
British decision to evacuate Palestine and the establishment of the
state of Israel forced the Arab Legion to establish a combat intelli-
gence unit. This intelligence unit was built according to the British
model and received assistance from the British. The Arab Legion’s
intelligence section was a subsection of the Department of Opera-
tions, and the intelligence unit was comprised of subunits attached to
each of the legion’s battalions for gathering information and con-
ducting research. The intelligence subunits of each division con-
ducted specific investigations on officers, units, targets, and forces of
the Israeli Army. If the collected intelligence received was considered
of great importance, it was passed upward to the commander in chief
in Amman and, in some cases, discussed at the political level of the
There was a strong tie between British intelligence and the bud-
ding Jordanian intelligence. The British shared information with the
Jordanians about the newly established state of Israel and prepara-
tions for the war. However, the intelligence that the British passed on
to the Jordanians was generally limited to information that could
serve British interests in the region. When the Arab Legion was de-
ployed in their major base of Shunna prior to the invasion of Israel,
the officers received booklets prepared by Jordanian intelligence con-
taining basic information about the target country and the expected
Jordanian military intelligence gathered information by several
methods, such as OSCINT (open sources) from the Israeli press and
radio broadcasts, as well as Israel Defense Forces (IDF) communica-
tions. Listening to IDF communications proved to be problematic,
however, due to the lack of Hebrew-speaking agents. Attempts by
ARAB REVOLT (1916). The Arab Revolt was led by Hussein bin-Ali,
who was Mecca and Benin’s sharif, in June 1916 against the Ottoman
Empire, which was at war with Great Britain and its allies at the time.
Before the revolt, letters were exchanged between Hussein and Sir
Henry McMahon, the British high commissioner in Egypt, in which
the sharif was promised support for an Arab state after winning the
war. Britain financed the revolt and provided weapons to the rebels.
Britain also brought experts to the guerilla war, led by Colonel T. E.
Lawrence. The rebels recruited a Bedouin army from the northern
region of the Arabian Peninsula, especially from the Hijaz area. Ac-
cording to various reports, Hussein expected from 100,000 to
250,000 Arab soldiers to join them. However, the Arab Revolt that
Hussein hoped for never occurred. He did not have a compulsory
army, and different estimates of his forces ranged from
30,000–70,000 desert fighters. The few non-Hijaz Arab officers who
joined the revolt were either war captives or exiles who already lived
in the territories under British rule.
The majority of the revolt’s activity consisted of sabotaging the Hi-
jaz railroad, the Turkish provision line to Hijaz. In the Arab world
outside of Hijaz and the neighboring tribes, support of the revolt was
not evident. Although Hussein always presented himself to the
British as the Arab nation’s spokesman, it seems that he did not have
the full support of any Arab organization. According to reports, the
British realized from the beginning of the revolt that they had made
the wrong choice when they gambled on Hussein. About three
months after Hussein announced his revolt, the British War Bureau
advised the government that the Arab world was not joining the
cause. Clearly, Hussein could not stand alone against the Turks.
Immediately after the revolt in Hijaz began in early June,
Lawrence reported to the Arab Bureau that there were problems with
Hussein’s soldiers caused by divisive arguments every time tribal
gatherings were held. After all, they were not true soldiers but rather
untrained tribal people, and it was difficult to keep them united with-
out money and food rations. The Turks understood this and bided
their time, waiting with confidence for the tribal disagreements to
quickly split the opposition.
The Arab Bureau in Cairo was very disappointed with Hussein’s
performance, and the British began to see that Hussein was far from
being the leader of a new Arab state. A year after Hussein declared
the Arab Revolt, David George Hogarth, manager of the Arab Bu-
reau, reported that the Arab Revolt had not lived up to expectations
and was viewed as a failure. The financial, political, and military in-
vestment made by Britain in Hussein’s revolt had not paid off. How-
ever, by 1918 British officials were suggesting the merits of making
it look as if Hussein had not failed so as to protect Britain’s reputa-
tion and prevent Muslims everywhere from perceiving the British
part in the revolt suspiciously or loathingly. See also BRITISH IN-
that he did not know if the explosives that he transported in his car
were used for that blast.
The Algerian government manipulated the GIA from its creation in
1991. The newly appointed GIA leader in 1994, Djamal Zitouni, was
allegedly planted by the Algerian government as a mole in the GIA.
In fact, Zitouni was an agent of Algerian intelligence. Prior to Zi-
touni taking over, the GIA tried to limit civilian casualties, but Zi-
touni launched many attacks on civilian targets, attacked other Is-
lamist militant groups such as the rival Islamic Salvation Army
(AIS), and launched a series of attacks inside France. Zitouni was re-
sponsible for the killing of many of the genuine Islamists within the
GIA. These controversial tactics caused the GIA to slowly lose pop-
ular support and the group split into many dissident factions.
calendar, to report that the Egyptians and Syrians were planning a si-
multaneous attack on both fronts at sunset. It was reported that Syria
was amassing tanks and missiles in the north and that Egypt was con-
ducting military maneuvers near the Suez Canal. Despite those re-
ports, Major General Eli (Eliyahu) Zeira, the director of the Israeli
Military Intelligence (MI), announced at an Israeli cabinet meeting
later that day that a coordinated attack by Egypt and Syria was still
an extremely low probability. The In-Law’s warning was not consid-
ered persuasive, as the last time he had promised war would break
out, nothing had happened and the response had been very costly.
Moshe Dayan, the minister of defense, argued that the warning did
not provide enough of a basis to mobilize a whole army.
Nevertheless, it was decided that at 4 P.M. on Yom Kippur eve, 6
October 1973, two hours before the In-Law said the attack would be
launched, armored brigades would move into position along the Suez
Canal. Until then, there would be only three tanks in position to hold
off any invasion. At 2 P.M. on 6 October 1973, the Arab armies at-
tacked, with Egypt crossing the Suez Canal from the south and Syr-
ian tanks charging from the north. Their armies overwhelmed the sur-
prised and unprepared state of Israel, but Israel’s outnumbered forces
fought back and recovered their key positions. With the help of air-
lifts of weapons and supplies from the United States, Israel won the
war before the month’s end.
Despite their final victory, the Yom Kippur War was an Israeli in-
telligence disaster. Decades later, the Mossad and the MI continued
to argue over who was to blame. Major General Eli Zeira lost his job
as head of the MI and spent years sifting through the events leading
up to the attacks. He concluded that Israel had been deliberately and
artfully misled and that the In-Law had been a double agent from the
start. However, the Mossad formed a special committee to examine
the In-Law’s role and reached the conclusion that Marwan Ashraf
was not, in fact, a double agent.
Still, Eli Zeira was not convinced and he began to talk to journal-
ists and academic scholars about his theory, indicating that Marwan
Ashraf was the top Egyptian source for the Israeli Mossad on the eve
of the Yom Kippur War. Not long after the leak, Zvi Zamir called
General Zeira a “traitor” for divulging Marwan Ashraf’s identity. He
petitioned the Israeli attorney general for an investigation. Although
there was no official inquiry, Eli Zeira was sued for slander. The Is-
raeli Supreme Court ruled in arbitration that Zeira had in fact re-
vealed Marwan Ashraf’s identity.
Marwan Ashraf retired and moved to Great Britain in the late
1970s to work in business. On 27 June 2007, Ashraf died after falling
off the balcony of his fifth-floor apartment in London. His body was
repatriated to Egypt on 30 June 2007. The burial ceremony on 1 July
2007 in Cairo was attended by Gamal Mubarak, the president’s son
and possible successor, and Omar Suleiman, the head of the Egypt-
ian intelligence service. Beyond the unexplained cause of his death,
the mystery behind Marwan Ashraf’s life was further complicated
when President Hosni Mubarak referred to Ashraf as “a patriot” in re-
sponse to reporters’ questions. He credited Ashraf with carrying out
patriotic acts that could not yet be revealed, according to Egypt’s of-
ficial Middle East News Agency. Egypt’s highest-ranking imam,
Sheik Muhammad Seyed Tantawi, led the prayers over the coffin,
which was covered with an Egyptian flag.
Marwan Ashraf was apparently writing a book about the war at the
time of his death, but neither British Scotland Yard nor other intelli-
gence agencies have been successful in locating the manuscript. As
Scotland Yard investigates the suspicious fall to determine whether
any of several intelligence services played a role in his death, the de-
bate continues over whether Marwan Ashraf was a well-connected
and resourceful Israeli spy or a brilliantly manipulative Egyptian
double agent. Ashraf’s death also brought a new and chilling signifi-
cance to the long-running legal battle in Israel involving the unau-
thorized leak of his name to journalists. Zvi Zamir commented to the
newspaper Haaretz that he had no doubt that reports published about
Marwan Ashraf in Israel had caused his death, and he again called on
the attorney general to indict former Israeli MI director Eli Zeira. De-
spite all the speculation, one thing is certain: Marwan Ashraf was the
most effective spy in the history of the Middle East.
and helped found the IRG. When Chamran was appointed defense
minister two years later, Askari became one of his advisers.
Askari was in charge of a program to train foreign Islamist mili-
tants as part of Tehran’s strategy of “exporting” the Khomeinist rev-
olution. In 1982–1983, Askari, along with Ayatollah Ali-Akbar Mo-
hatashami-Pur, founded the Lebanese branch of Hizballah and
helped set up its first military units. The two men supervised the 1983
suicide attacks on the U.S. embassy and the U.S. Marine barracks in
Beirut, which killed more than 300 Americans, including 241
Marines. Askari served as commander of the IRG corps in Lebanon,
which controlled Hizballah’s armed units in the late 1980s and 1990s.
He was a central figure in the Western hostage taking that was preva-
lent during Lebanon’s long civil war, including the 1984 kidnapping
of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) station chief Lieutenant
Colonel William F. Buckley.
In November 2006, Askari was appointed as a member of the Iran-
ian Strategic Defense Planning Commission set up by Ali Khamenei.
In that capacity, he often traveled abroad to negotiate arms deals. He
was also involved in Iran’s controversial nuclear program, which, al-
though presented as a civilian project, is known to be controlled by
the IRG.
Askari disappeared following a military mission to Damascus,
when he stopped over in Turkey on his way back to Tehran on 7 Feb-
ruary 2007. The goal of the Iranian mission was to lay the founda-
tions for a Syrian armament industry, licensed to manufacture Iran-
ian-designed weapons. The 30 or so experts who had accompanied
Askari on the trip remained in Syria to work out the technical details.
According to some reports, Askari had stopped over in Istanbul to
meet with an unidentified Syrian arms dealer who lives in Paris.
After initially denying reports of Askari’s disappearance, Tehran
authorities eventually issued a confirmation statement in late February
2007, claiming that the missing general had been abducted by a West-
ern intelligence agency and taken to an unknown country in northern
Europe. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki was quoted as
saying that Iran would take all the necessary steps to solve the case,
including asking Turkey to investigate Askari’s disappearance.
Foreign Ministry sources in Tehran, however, said that Askari might
have defected, possibly to the United States, where he has relatives.
Indeed, Iran is rife with rumors about the case, including claims that
Askari was transferred to Romania, where he was debriefed by the
Americans, and that he had documents with him, mostly related to
Iran’s military purchases abroad. Some reports in the Iranian and
Arab media suggest that the Israeli secret service Mossad and the
American CIA are behind Askari’s disappearance.
Israel has denied involvement in the general’s disappearance.
However, according to speculation by the London Daily Telegraph,
Askari could have been abducted by Israel in order to shed light on
the whereabouts of missing Israel Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Ron
Arad, who might have been held at one point by Iran. Askari was in-
volved in a deal to transfer Arad to Tehran after his capture by the
Lebanese Hizballah in 1986.
Whether he defected or was abducted, Askari is regarded as a big
catch with a wealth of information about the activities of the IRG and
its elite arm, the Quds corps, which controls Arab and Turkish radi-
cal groups financed by Tehran. The most important information
Askari could provide to the West is in connection with terrorism,
particularly Hizballah’s network in Lebanon and the Iranian nuclear
weapons program. See also IRANIAN INTELLIGENCE.
British had pushed forward with the naval attack, as Churchill sug-
gested, then Gallipoli might not have been so great a defeat.
After the failure of the naval attacks, it was concluded that ground
forces were necessary to eliminate Turkish mobile artillery. A first
proposal to attack Turkey had already been suggested by French Min-
ister of Justice Aristide Briand in November 1914, but it was not sup-
ported. A suggestion by British Naval Intelligence (Room 39) to
bribe the Turks over to the Allied side was not taken up.
This would allow minesweepers to clear the waters for the larger
vessels. On 24 April 1915, an amphibious force of British, French,
Australian, and New Zealand troops began landing on the Turkish
peninsula of Gallipoli. Despite the fact that only a small Turkish
force awaited them on the cliffs overlooking the shore, the Gallipoli
landing was a disaster. The defeat was caused by inadequate intelli-
gence, insufficient attention to the terrain, and an underestimation of
the enemy’s strength and resilience in defense of their native soil.
Nine months after landing, the Allies withdrew after incurring over
250,000 casualties, including over 46,000 fatalities. The result of the
battle was a decisive Ottoman victory. The exact events and decisions
made are controversial. However, it is clear that not enough use was
made of intelligence regarding the landscape and topography of the
peninsula and the enemy’s positions and preparedness.
achieved initial surprise and gained ground at first, but German in-
telligence had underestimated the strength of the Eighth Army. Rom-
mel was practically encircled, but the Allies failed to counterattack.
After regrouping and reestablishing his supply lines, Rommel took
Tobruk on 21 June 1942 and pushed the Eighth Army further back to-
ward Egypt, while exposing the inadequacy of its leadership. See also
sued that the defenders of Megiddo refused to open the gates and
pulled their fleeing charioteers over the walls to safety. Instead of at-
tacking the city, the Egyptians began to loot the abandoned camps,
which gave the Canaanites time to organize their defense.
Thutmose led many more campaigns into Canaan, and eight years
after the battle of Megiddo he took Kadesh on the Orontes. Follow-
ing the conquest of Retenu, he built a big navy, which was instru-
mental in his extending Egyptian influence over much of the littoral
Near East. His army could reach any coastal town in Syria by ship in
four to five days, while by foot the journey would take more than a
fortnight. Surprise became a major weapon in his arsenal. See also
as the battle of Omdurman but actually the battle took place on 2 Sep-
tember 1898 in the nearby village of Kerreri.
During the British army’s march up the Nile, British intelligence
officer Colonel Francis Reginald Wingate obtained from the British
Military Intelligence branch in London the maps of Sudan prepared
by the leading intelligence officer, Lord Edward Gleichen. Based on
this essential intelligence background and espionage obtained from
Sudanese prisoners of war and refugees, it became possible for the
British army to plan accurately their moves toward the Nile River.
Secret agents were dispatched by Colonel Wingate, disguised as
traders, warriors, and often as women. All of them obtained valuable
information about the Sudanese forces. The intelligence contributed
to the decisive battle, defeating the Sudanese Mahdist forces, and en-
suring Great Britain’s control over the Sudan.
BATTLES OF GAZA. When World War I broke out, Gaza was un-
der the control of the Ottoman Empire, which was allied with the
Central powers opposing Great Britain and France. The Turkish
Army, which was made up of soldiers from all over the empire,
launched an assault on Egypt in 1915. They were opposed by a
British force comprised of imperial troops; under the command of
Major General Sir John Maxwell, the attack was thwarted by using
the Suez Canal as a barrier. When the Turks withdrew, Maxwell
pushed his defensive line another 10 kilometers forward in order to
keep ships in the canal out of artillery range of the enemy. The Turks
then withdrew back to Gaza with a defensive line south to Beersheba,
thus ending in a stalemate.
British forces acquired a new commander, General Sir Archibald
Murray, whose mandate was still the defense of Egypt. He pushed
forward into the desert, forming a base line from El Arish to Kos-
saima in the Sinai Peninsula and closer to the Turkish line. Because
this strategy required the construction of a railway and water
pipeline, it was March 1917 before Murray was ready to attack the
Turks. Murray decided to attack Gaza itself by surrounding the town
and taking it in one day. Unfortunately, early morning fog and other
delays, such as tending to the cavalry horses, resulted in a failed at-
tack and a Turkish victory in the first battle of Gaza.
The next month was spent by both sides feverishly building up
their forces, with the British outnumbering the Turks in the end.
The British now had a new commander, Lieutenant General Charles
M. Dobell, and instructions from London to clear Palestine and
take Jerusalem. However, the Turks were firmly dug in around
Gaza, making encirclement difficult for an attack. On 17 April
1917, an Allied naval bombardment of the Turkish positions was
launched, but with little effect. A full frontal attack was launched
the next day, but this too did not breach the Turkish line. A third at-
tack on 19 April 1917 also failed. The second battle of Gaza thus
ended in another victory for the Turks due to bad planning and in-
competence on the part of the British, as well as a resolute defense
by the Turks. Once again, the two sides took some time to regain
their strength.
48 • BEK, AZIZ
The governor of the Sudan was also accountable for the Sinai
Peninsula, which at the time constituted a separate province and was
not a part of Egypt. In 1896, a British intelligence officer, Major Wil-
fred Jenning-Bramly, conducted a thorough survey of the Bedouin
tribes in the Sinai. The survey took him eight years to complete, but
his diligent work was very productive to British intelligence. He was
later able to use his personal connections to create an intelligence net-
work of Bedouins in order to gather information on Turkish military
movements in the Sinai, southern Palestine, and the area that is now
the southern part of Jordan, watching for possible threats via the Suez
By the beginning of World War I, British intelligence consisted of
16 intelligence bodies assigned to four major fronts. One branch was
responsible for Egypt, Palestine, and the Hijaz; one for Mesopotamia;
one for Gallipoli; and one for Salonika and the Mediterranean basin.
Each of these units was subdivided into departments according to
function, and all expeditionary forces in the region contained intelli-
gence units that were assigned to gather and evaluate field intelli-
gence and produce assessments of the arena. They dealt with agents;
interrogated prisoners of war and defectors; handled censorship,
counterintelligence, and counterespionage; and produced propaganda
and disinformation.
Due to its interest in creating a buffer zone between Europe and its
sea routes to India, Great Britain became involved in the power strug-
gles in the Middle East, particularly in Egypt after the construction
and opening of the strategically vital Suez Canal in 1869. External
debts forced Egypt to sell its share in the canal to Great Britain. By
1875, Great Britain owned about 40 percent of it. As the Suez Canal
was a vital trade route between Great Britain and its colonies in Asia,
control of the Asian side of it—namely Palestine—was deemed es-
During World War I (in January–February 1915), a Turkish army
crossed the Sinai to gain access to the canal. Although driven off, the
threat of a similar attack forced Great Britain to keep troops assigned
to that area. In 1916, Great Britain moved troops into the Sinai to pro-
tect both the canal and the railway. A series of battles ended the Turk-
ish presence in the Sinai and opened the door to the invasion of Pales-
tine. Great Britain’s general command in the Egyptian–Palestinian
that are hardly sufficient for planning and troop allocation. Moreover,
the Turkish moves could be unpredictable due to a lack of preplan-
ning and a tendency to improvise according to circumstances. One
source of information that proved useful was captured documents, in-
cluding mail, though this did not occur often.
In retrospect, it can be said that the British found it exceptionally
difficult to form a local espionage network. In Mesopotamia, the es-
pionage network was activated under the assumption that the Arabs
were anxious to free themselves from the Ottomans and would use
the first opportunity to do so. However, the locals were reluctant to
take the risk of engaging in active resistance or even spying for Great
Britain, as Turkish retribution was severe. Those who were success-
fully recruited were poor and ill educated and did it only for the
money. Much of the information they gathered was eventually dis-
missed as lies, exaggerations, and fabrications, even though verifica-
tion was extremely difficult.
The British hope that the Arabs would rise against the Turks did
not materialize. A general low assessment of the abilities and moti-
vations of Turkish generals and the prevailing assumption that the
Turkish troops were demoralized led an overconfident, poorly in-
formed Townsend to his defeat in the battle on the banks of the Tigris
at Kut. On the eve of this battle, the Turks managed to assemble sev-
eral troops on the other side of the Tigris. Great Britain’s intelligence
failed to either notice or estimate accurately the movement of the
troops. This lack of intelligence proved to be the downfall of Great
Britain’s expeditionary force, with the sudden unexpected arrival of
one elite Turkish division turning the battle into a strategic disaster.
Britain inspired a coup to oust the sultan and replace him with his
own son. In 1970 the British Special Air Service (SAS) was called in
to support the sultan of Oman’s armed forces in their fierce campaign
against a communist armed insurrection. SAS was tasked not to oblit-
erate the enemy but to persuade it to join the government’s side and
at the same time win the support of the civilians of the Jebel Dhofar
(a hilly region of the area).
In Oman, SAS’s small teams of elite soldiers took on a dedicated
guerrilla army and destroyed it. SAS fought in complete secrecy, sav-
ing the Omani regime and preventing Soviet-backed guerrillas from
seizing control of the Persian Gulf. See also LANDON, TIM.
CICERO AFFAIR. The Cicero affair, often called the most successful
spy story of World War II, helped the Germans gain insight into
British plans for forming an alliance with Turkey in order to win the
war. Following Winston Churchill’s strategy, the British ambassador
to Turkey, Sir Hugh Knatchbull-Hugessen, tried to convince the Turks
to enter the war in order to initiate a massive, coordinated offensive
against Hitler’s Eastern Front, but Turkey chose to remain neutral.
Between late 1943 and early spring 1944, the British embassy in
Ankara was the source of a serious information leak due to a breach
in security by the ambassador’s assistant. The ambassador had the
careless habit of bringing home top-secret documents from the em-
bassy in Ankara for examination. His trusted assistant, Ilyas Bazna, a
former convict, made duplicate keys and had free access to the house
when Sir Hugh was not at home. The valet photographed a large
number of important and secret documents that he then sold to a
high-level German official. The Germans gave Bazna the cover name
Cicero. Knatchbull-Hugessen made many attempts to clear his name
after the episode but was ultimately unsuccessful.
this time as he had done in 1995, since it was impossible for the PSS
to curb the widespread anger at the peace process and Israel’s re-
sponse to the uprising. Dahlan reportedly tendered his resignation
from the PSS on 5 November 2001, in opposition to the PNA’s pol-
icy of arresting Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
and Islamic Jihad members, but it was refused by Arafat.
In anticipation that pressure from the United States would force
Arafat to unify the various PNA security forces into a single, man-
ageable entity, Dahlan began to expand his power base beyond Gaza
and into the West Bank. In the spring of 2002, he moved to bring low-
level commanders in the West Bank Preventative Security Force un-
der his control in order to undermine the influence of his West Bank
counterpart, Jibril Rajoub. Dahlan and Rajoub had much in com-
mon: Both were considered pragmatic leaders who supported a ne-
gotiated solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, who generally
kept their security forces out of the intifada, and who favored the uni-
fication of PNA security forces under a single leader, trained by the
CIA, and working in close coordination with the intelligence agen-
cies of Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
Gaza’s Gang of Five, initiated by Muhammad Dahlan, emerged as
a significant force in the post-Arafat Palestinian leadership. It in-
cluded Muhammad Dahlan; Nongovernmental Organization Affairs
Minister Hassan Asfur, negotiator Saeb Urayqat, Muhammad Rashid,
and Nabil Sha’th. They wanted a return to the Oslo format of direct
negotiations with Israel; an end to the intifada, especially armed at-
tacks; and a restructuring of the PNA’s security into a single organi-
zation headed by Dahlan.
In late May 2002, reports surfaced in the Israeli press that the
United States had approved Dahlan as head of a unified Palestinian
security structure and preferred him as a potential successor to
Arafat. In anticipation of his new appointment as the PNA’s security
chief and minister of the interior in President Arafat’s imminent cab-
inet reshuffle, Dahlan resigned his post as head of the Gaza PSS on
5 June 2002. His gamble backfired, however, when Arafat declined
to unify his security services and instead retained the vital position
of interior minister for himself in the new government. Dahlan was
offered a post as security advisor instead, but he did not accept this
on the coast of Gaza, which many locals had seen as a sign of cor-
ruption by Fatah, was seized by Hamas militants and subsequently
demolished. He and most of the other senior security commanders of
the Fatah-dominated Palestinian National Authority security forces
were not in Gaza during the fighting, leading to charges that their
men had been abandoned in the field. See also PALESTINIAN NA-
DOUBA, ALI (1935– ). Born in the small village of Qurfais, Ali Douba
served in the Syrian Air Force and became Syria’s chief of military
intelligence in the early 1970s. In 1994, Douba was promoted to lieu-
tenant general and was feared for his rough treatment and physical
abuse. Douba was an advisor to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad and
enjoyed significant power until he was pushed aside by Bashir Assad,
the son and heir apparent. Douba’s retirement on 6 February 2000
was the result of Bashir asserting his authority at the highest levels of
the Syrian government. Despite Douba’s long history of friendship to
the Assad family and over 25 years of distinguished service as chief
of the military intelligence, Bashir al-Assad insisted that he leave his
position. Although the 65-year-old general had just reached the offi-
cial age of retirement, many other high-ranking Syrian military offi-
cers have retained their posts well beyond this limit. According to
sources in Damascus, the main reason for Douba’s disgraceful exit
was that his alleged involvement in a number of financial scandals
over the years clashed with Bashir’s carefully cultivated reputation as
a reformer. Douba had been linked to illegal activities since 1995,
when his son, Muhammad, was arrested on charges of operating a car
theft ring. In February 1999, his name surfaced in connection with
the illegal trafficking of religious artifacts between Lebanon and
Canada through a network under his protection since 1990. In the
early 1990s, one of his sons was accused of kidnapping the son of
Abu-Watfeh (the biggest Rolex dealer in Syria). Abu-Watfeh sur-
vived being thrown from a car on a highway at full speed. Since his
retirement, Douba has been living in Paris, France. Douba was re-
placed by the deputy chief of military intelligence, General Hassan
Khalil, who distinguished himself as a staunch supporter of Bashir’s
presidential ambitions. General Khalil played a high-profile role in
negotiations with Israel in 1996 as a member of two committees re-
lated to borders and security. He has also directed Syrian relations
with various Iraqi opposition groups headquartered in Damascus. See
creased, the safe house could not accommodate all of them. Once
again, the Prophet Muhammad adopted a new strategy by creating
small cells in different locations. The meetings in the cells were held
frequently but at different times, so that not all of the believers gath-
ered simultaneously. The purposes of the meetings were to study the
ideas and principles of the new religion, including the Qur’an, as well
as to decide on the next strategic moves. This was the last stage of se-
crecy. From 613 CE onward, Muhammad moved into the next stage,
during which he had to deal openly with those who opposed the new
The main opposition came from the Quraysh tribe, who wanted to
assassinate the Prophet Muhammad. In order to survive, Muhammad
had to use deception and counterintelligence means against his op-
ponents, and he undertook a new tactic to weaken the intelligence of
the Quraysh. He encouraged the Muslims to emigrate from Mecca to
what is known today as Ethiopia in 615 CE. The waves of the mi-
gration process (Hijrah) were carried out in a quick and secret man-
ner. The intelligence apparatus of Muhammad became quite efficient,
as evidenced by the number of believers, which grew from day to
day. The migration process was successfully completed in 622 CE
without the Quraysh knowing about it. It succeeded because of com-
plete secrecy, effective counterintelligence, and an excellent level of
organization. Another wave of migration took place from Mecca to
Medina, both of which are presently in Saudi Arabia.
Thus, the first stages of creating a Muslim intelligence apparatus
ended with gaining expertise in the tradecraft. From then on, the
Muslims had to confront other challenges in the sphere of intelli-
gence and security. In a sense, the first Islamic state was established
in Medina, and great security challenges were faced in protecting it
against the Quraysh tribe. An early Muslim victory in the battle of
Badr in March 624 CE was the key to strengthening the political po-
sition of the Muslims in Medina by signaling to other tribes that a
new power had emerged in Arabia. This victory was a turning point
in Muhammad’s struggle with the Quraysh and strengthened his au-
thority as leader of the often-fractious community in Medina. Once
Islam was established as a viable force in the Arabian Peninsula, lo-
cal Arab tribes began to convert and ally themselves with the Mus-
lims of Medina.
bombs. The first blast shook the Hilton Hotel in the Taba resort, only
yards from the Israeli border.
EIGHTH CORPS. The Turkish Eighth Corps was the most important
military unit within the Ottoman Fourth Army during World War I
in the Levant theater. It was the military body responsible for espi-
onage and spy hunting. The commander of the Eighth Corps was
Akhmed Dormash Bek, and his senior deputies were Rashdi Bek and
Abdel Rahman Elnatzuli. See also TURKISH INTELLIGENCE.
of the spy movie genre. The movie follows the exploits of a French
secret agent, OSS 117, in Cairo in 1955. Jean Dujardin stars as se-
cret agent Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, also known as OSS 117.
The main plot starts with the disappearances of an OSS agent, Jack
Jefferson, and a Russian cargo ship in Cairo. Agent OSS 117 is sent
to investigate the events, since he and Jefferson share a history,
shown in a short opening sequence and in flashbacks throughout the
movie. OSS 117 stumbles into a web of international intrigue that
involves the French, separate factions of Egyptians, Russians, a
goofy Belgian spy, and even Neo-Nazis. Throughout the movie, the
main character has two main romantic interests. The first is Egypt-
ian Princess al-Tarouk, who cannot resist the charms of OSS 117.
The second is the former assistant of Jack Jefferson, Larmina El-
Akmar Betouche, who at first shows no interest in the main charac-
ter but warms up to him in the end.
The most recent movie about espionage in the Middle East is Pen-
etration (titled in the United States as Body of Lies), released in 2008.
Penetration is a spy thriller directed by Ridley Scott, scripted by
William Monahan, and based on David Ignatius’s novel Penetration.
According to the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio is an idealistic CIA
agent stationed in Jordan and tasked with infiltrating a terrorist cell.
During his stay in Jordan he comes up with a plan to sow seeds of
suspicion among the members of the terrorist cell. Russell Crowe
plays DiCaprio’s CIA boss. The plan puts DiCaprio’s life in jeopardy.
In order to complete his plan, he teams with the head of Jordan’s in-
telligence agency, which leads to personal and cultural clashes be-
tween the two men. See also LAWRENCE, THOMAS EDWARD;
until the elections in 2006, when Hamas won and formed its gov-
The politics of al-Fatah have changed drastically from the military
line of the 1950s and 1960s into the pragmatic politics of a demo-
cratic Palestine, even if this approach is more constrained than that
for which many Western observers and Palestinians would have
hoped. Al-Fatah has had close, long-standing political and financial
ties to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Persian Gulf States, although
these relations were disrupted by the Gulf War of 1990–1991. It has
also established links to Jordan and received weapons, explosives,
and training from the former Soviet Union and the former commu-
nist regimes of Eastern European states. China and North Korea
have reportedly provided weapons as well. Since the Palestinian Na-
tional Authority was formed in 1994, al-Fatah has operated a vast in-
telligence network cooperating with the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency. Al-Fatah controlled spying operations carried out in Arab
and Muslim countries for the benefit of the United States and other
foreign governments. In several instances, Fatah’s intelligence oper-
atives cooperated with the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) to target Is-
lamist leaders for assassination. The CIA supplied al-Fatah’s intelli-
gence with sophisticated intelligence-gathering equipment,
including eavesdropping technology. The CIA even utilized al-Fa-
tah’s agents for covert intelligence operations in other Middle East-
ern countries. One of the key figures cooperating with the CIA on
behalf of al-Fatah was Muhammad Dahlan. After 2004, when
Hamas won the election in Gaza Strip, the connection between al-
Fatah and the CIA almost ceased.
In the aftermath of World War II, France was still involved in the
Middle East as France secretly armed Israel in the 1950s and the
early 1960s. France assisted Israel in the construction of the nu-
clear reactor in Dimona. In 1956, France joined Britain as a prin-
cipal actor in the Middle East in the ill-conceived Suez expedition
of 1956. Since the 1980s, a substantial number of Middle Eastern
and North African citizens have immigrated to France. On 3 Octo-
ber 1980, in front of the Jewish synagogue on Rue Copernic, a mo-
torcycle bomb exploded, killing four peopled and wounding 11.
Since this was the sixth case of anti-Jewish violence in Paris, the
immediate assumption was that it was an anti-Semitic act done by
a Neo-Nazi movement in France. In fact, this was just the begin-
ning of a long campaign of foreign terrorists trying to influence
France’s Middle East policy. On 14 December 1980, Ahmed
Ressam, an Algerian by origin and holding a Canadian passport,
was arrested on the United States–Canada border with a trunk fully
loaded with explosives. The French antiterrorism investigation
later revealed that Ressam was connected to the group that carried
out the wave of terrorist actions against the Jewish community in
France in the 1980s.
By the beginning of the 1980s, France’s policies in the Middle East
were conflicting with the interests of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria, the
main terror-sponsoring states of the Middle East. The most devastat-
ing act of terror occurred in 1983 when a suicide bomber killed 58
French troops in the French contingent of the Multinational Force in
Lebanon. Since then, France’s intelligence activity regarding the
Middle East has targeted mainly terrorism. Two French intelligence
agencies became involved in analyzing this terror: Direction générale
de la sécurité extérieure (DGSE; External Documentation and Coun-
terespionage Service) and the Direction de la surveillance du terri-
toire (DST; Directorate of Territorial Surveillance). But at the time of
the troop bombing, the DST was not really capable of dealing with
the threat of terror.
Under President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was elected in May 2007,
France has a vision of renewing its influence in the Middle East. This
would require it to target its intelligence agencies on the Middle East.
ident, and Ron S. Harel, a veteran of the Israeli Air Force, served as
its executive vice president. Vice presidents were Bruce E. Herbert, a
U.S. Navy captain, and Joel Arnon, a former assistant director gen-
eral in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Relations.
The founding of GMT marked the beginning of arms sales from
the United States to Iran through Israel and North Korea. The illicit
traffic in arms sales was facilitated by Israeli companies used as in-
termediaries. Many of these sales were approved by the Central In-
telligence Agency and the Ronald Reagan administration. Israel’s po-
litical motive in selling arms to the Iranian Islamic regime was to
ensure that the Iran–Iraq War was as long and destructive as possi-
ble. Beyond profit making, the motive of the U.S. officials involved
was less clear but most probably was to gain leverage for requesting
the release of the U.S. citizens captured by the Lebanese Shi’ites in
Lebanon and held there as hostages. However, several academic
scholars maintain that these U.S. arms sales preceded the hostage in-
cidents in Lebanon, which were later claimed by U.S. officials as the
motive for arms sales to Iran. See also IRANGATE AFFAIR.
decade of the 19th century. Since the beginning of World War I, sev-
eral prominent emissaries of German intelligence were simultane-
ously working in the Middle East. The most outstanding was Karl
Wassmus, who had influence on a number of Iranian tribes. Wassmus
managed to set up an impressive human intelligence cell that covered
Persia, the gulf region, and the eastern area of Afghanistan.
After 1936, Germany increased its espionage activities in the Mid-
dle East. Many German agents came to the region, and every one of
them had a cover story. The agents had paid attention to the anti-
British moods of the Arab population and to the establishment of ties
with leaders of national minorities, in particular, the Kurds. Fritz
Grobba of the German Foreign Ministry and Franz Mayer of German
intelligence achieved special success in organizing Germany’s covert
activities in the Middle East. Grobba used his cover of a diplomatic
position as Germany’s ambassador to Iraq and Saudi Arabia
(1936–1941). Grobba was assisted by Franz Mayer of German intel-
ligence. Grobba also used the diplomatic cover of secretary in the
German embassy in Ankara, Turkey. In the spring of 1941, Grobba
and Mayer played one of the key roles in organizing a pro-German
mutiny in Baghdad. In turn, Mayer, who had a good command of the
Russian and Farsi languages, headed the German Secret Service net-
work in Persia from the fall of 1940 until late summer 1943. Mayer
managed to organize from scratch the Iranian Army and to recruit
many politicians, including those from the shah’s inner circle. To
neutralize German intelligence, in August 1941, the Soviet Union and
Great Britain dispatched their troops to Iran. In addition to Iraq and
Iran, German secret services had an appreciable influence in Turkey,
Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and other North African countries.
After World War II ended, leaning on old ties among the Arab na-
tionalists, many former army and Secret Service officers of the Third
Reich found refuge in the Middle East. According to figures pub-
lished in the Western press, their number in the Middle Eastern coun-
tries reached 8,000 persons by the mid-1950s. Many of them had
played a decisive role in the formation of army special units and de-
partments of intelligence and counterintelligence in Arab countries.
In 1946, the former chief of Foreign Armies East (Fremde Heere
Ost) in Germany’s Wehrmacht, Reinhard Gehlen, enjoyed American
support and, with the assistance of his former comrades-in-arms, set
a close friend of the king. He spent the rest of his life writing books
and articles, mostly on his experiences in the Middle East.
GREAT ARAB REVOLT. The Great Arab Revolt, also known as the
Arab Revolt in Palestine, lasted from 1936 until 1939 and consisted
of a strike and acts of sabotage against British forces, as well as the
assassination of British officials and Jewish civilians. The Great Arab
Revolt is sometimes referred to by the Arabs as the Great Uprising
and is known in Hebrew as Meoraot or Praot (riots). It is not to be
confused with the Arab Revolt led by Thomas Edwards Lawrence
and Sharif Hussein in the Arab Peninsula during World War I. The
revolt was triggered by Arab dissatisfaction with the relatively large
number of Jewish immigrants arriving in the early 1930s and wors-
ening economic conditions due to the world depression and other fac-
tors. This revolt signaled the real beginning of active involvement of
the Arabs in the Palestinian cause.
In 1935, the followers of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, who was
killed in a shootout with the British, initiated a general strike in Jaffa
and Nablus and then launched attacks on Jewish and British installa-
tions. During the first days of the strike, 85 Jews were killed by
killing nearly 600 and wounding 300 in the process. Another request
for reinforcements was met by a squadron headed for an operational
area some 45 miles south of Damascus on 2 September 1925. On 11
September, they received orders to take up a defensive position at
Messifre after intelligence reports that 3,000 rebels were moving on
Messifre. On 16 September, a patrol was attacked by 800 Druze
rebels but managed to break away with one dead and four wounded.
On 17 September 1925, the attack was launched. Waves of war-
riors on foot and horseback attacked the Legionnaires, who fought all
night. The Druze managed to reach the foot of the walls, killing all
the guards. It was only on the second night, after bombardment by
three French aircraft, that the Druze rebels finally withdrew. The bat-
tle cost them about 500 dead and the same number of wounded. Of
the French forces, 47 were killed and 83 wounded at Messifre.
On 5 November, a French Legion cavalry unit set up quarters in
the old citadel of Rachaya, a half-ruined fort dominating a large vil-
lage of about 3,000 inhabitants. Reconnaissance indicated that an
equal number of rebels to that of the village population were con-
verging on the fort. Patrols were increased, and the position was put
in a state of defense. On 18 November, two sections were attacked
while on patrol, leaving them with two dead, three wounded, and
three missing.
This was followed on 20 November by heavy fire from the sur-
rounding hilltops and then the next day by a major Druze attack on
the village. In the face of resistance by the Legionnaires, who were
already running short of ammunition, the Druze retreated, but only to
gather reinforcements and return the next day. A rush by the Druze
overwhelmed the defenders of the gate, and the Legionnaires fell
back, at a cost of about 100 wounded. The position was looking des-
perate when French aircraft suddenly appeared and bombed the
Druze amassed around the walls. On the morning of 24 November,
the siege was lifted and the Druze pulled back into the mountains,
with some 400 dead and 34 wounded. Thus, although the Druze ini-
tially defeated the French in August and September, the turning point
in the revolt was when the fighting reached Damascus and the French
bombed the city.
French intelligence had initially regarded the violence as inconse-
quential, concluding that there was no need to alarm Damascus about
102 • GULF WAR
HASSAN, ALI (1941– ). Ali Hassan Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was born
in the city of Tikrit and was Saddam Hussein’s first cousin. He served
as the head of Iraq’s Directorate of General Security (DGS), also
known as the Internal State Security or the Secret Police (al-Amn al-
Amm), from 1980–1987 and was then appointed by Saddam Hussein
as minister of defense. Ali Hassan was one of the key figures in the
Iraqi campaigns against rebel forces (Kurds, Shi’ites, and other reli-
gious dissidents). He undertook repressive measures, including de-
portations of the population and mass killings. He also ordered the
use of chemical weapons against the Iraqi Kurds, earning him the
nickname “Chemical Ali.” Ali Hassan was captured during the 2003
Operation Iraqi Freedom by U.S. forces and charged with war
crimes. In June 2007, he was convicted and was sentenced to death
used poison gas against the Yemeni royalists. He was offered a well-
paid job in Israel, but it was difficult for him to get used to the Jew-
ish state and its customs.
Hilmi rejected an offer of political asylum in Israel, where he
could remain in relative safety, and instead insisted on moving to
South America. The Mossad arranged a new identity for him, gave
him a generous sum of money to build his new life, and taught him
the basics of remaining safe under his new assumed identity. How-
ever, Hilmi committed a series of fatal errors in Buenos Aires, in-
cluding mailing a postcard from Argentina to his mother in Egypt.
The way to tracing him was soon open. He later met a young Arab
woman at a nightclub who invited him to her apartment in Buenos
Aires. It was an Egyptian trap. Egyptian secret agents lay in wait for
him at the apartment; they took him and smuggled him aboard an
Egyptian cargo vessel bound for Cairo. Hilmi was convicted of
treason in an Egyptian court and executed. See also STEALING
HINDI, AMIN FAWZI, AL- (1940– ). Born in Gaza, Amin Fawzi al-
Hindi served as the senior security officer in Fatah in the 1970s. Al-
Hindi coordinated relations between the Palestinian Liberation Orga-
nization (PLO) and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
through the 1980s. After the establishment of the Palestinian National
Authority (PNA) in 1994, he became chief of the PNA’s General In-
telligence Service (GIS; Mudiriyat al-Amn al-Amma) with the rank
of general. Al-Hindi served as a member of the Palestinian Higher
Committee of Negotiations. On 16 July 2004, he decided to resign
because of the state of chaos in the PNA and the lack of reforms, but
his resignation was postponed. In April 2005, the chair of the PNA,
Mahmoud Abbas, accepted his resignation, and Amin al-Hindi was
replaced by Tareq Abu Rajab as chief of the GIS.
attack, two Israeli soldiers were abducted, eight soldiers and one
civilian woman were killed, and approximately 54 soldiers and civil-
ians were wounded.
On the same day, the Israeli government convened an emergency
meeting and stated that it viewed the Lebanese government as solely
responsible for the Hizballah attack. In response to the attack, the
IDF shelled Lebanese infrastructures and Hizballah targets in both
north and south Lebanon. Hizballah responded by firing Katyusha
rockets at Israeli population centers in the northern part of the coun-
try. These attacks are part of the Lebanon War II (2006); Lebanon
War I started in June 1982.
In September 2006, Hizballah’s special security apparatus had
been broken up by two spy network of Lebanese agents that the Is-
raeli Mossad had planted inside Hizballah before and during
Lebanon War II. One network operated out of Beirut, and the second
network operated out of south Lebanon. The two networks planted
bugs and surveillance equipment at Hizballah command posts before
and during the war. They also sprinkled special phosphorus powder
outside buildings housing Hizballah’s war command and rocket
launchers as markers for air strikes. The result was that the Israeli Air
Force (IAF) was able to dispatch its warplanes and helicopters to hit
these locations with great accuracy.
Prior to Lebanon War II, the Beirut network penetrated the inner
circles of Hizballah’s upper echelon and was reporting on their activ-
ities and movements to their Israeli handlers. Hizballah’s headquar-
ters were located in Beirut’s Shi’ite district of Dahya, the Hizballah
stronghold. Short anonymous phone calls would give agents the
meeting locations for picking up orders and spy equipment and dead
drops for relaying their information.
The second network was composed of two subnetworks operating
out of the village of Itrun opposite Kibbutz Yaron and Bint Jubeil far-
ther west. It was run by veterans of the South Lebanese Army and
commanded by Mahmoud al-Jemayel. This network was tasked to
“paint” targets for the IAF and artillery. Envelopes with their orders
and espionage devices were left at a preassigned spot along the secu-
rity fence on the Lebanese–Israeli border. Halil Mantsur, an Itrin res-
ident, was in charge of communications through the security fence;
Muhammad Bassem, a Shi’ite from Bint Jubeil, ran field operations.
were publicly condemning Iraq for its use of poison gas, especially
after Iraq attacked Kurds in Halabja in March 1988.
Reagan’s administration decided it was imperative that Iran be
thwarted so it could not overrun the important oil-producing states in
the Persian Gulf. The United States provided intelligence assistance
to Iraq in the form of satellite photography to help the Iraqis under-
stand how Iranian forces were deployed against them. The informa-
tion that the U.S. intelligence community provided to Iraq was the
general order of battle, albeit not operational intelligence.
Though senior officials of the Reagan administration publicly
condemned Iraq’s employment of mustard gas, sarin, VX, and other
poisonous agents, the U.S. intelligence community never withdrew
its support for the highly classified program in which more than 60
officers of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) were secretly pro-
viding detailed information on Iranian deployments, tactical plan-
ning for battles, plans for air strikes, and bomb-damage assessments
for Iraq.
In early 1988, the Iraqi Army, assisted by U.S. planning, retook the
Fao Peninsula in an attack that reopened Iraq’s access to the Persian
Gulf. Defense intelligence officer Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona
was sent to tour the battlefield with Iraqi officers. Francona reported
to Washington that Iraq had used chemical weapons.
During the Iran–Iraq War, the main concern of the CIA and the
DIA was that Iran might spread the Islamic revolution to Kuwait and
Saudi Arabia. Therefore, these two agencies decided to support Iraq
by providing intelligence information. The CIA provided Iraq with
satellite photographs of the war front. During the 1988 February bat-
tle in the Fao Peninsula, the CIA assisted Iraq by blinding Iranian
radar for three days. See also IRANGATE AFFAIR; IRANIAN IN-
means that Iran, like any country with advanced biological research
programs, could easily produce biological warfare agents. According
to a 2005 report published by the U.S. State Department, Iran began
work on offensive biological weapons during the Iran–Iraq War. Iran-
ian activities indicate a maturing offensive program with a rapidly
evolving capability that might soon include the ability to deliver
these weapons by various means. Iran is known to possess cultures of
many biological agents for legitimate scientific purposes that have
been weaponized by other nations in the past or could theoretically
be weaponized. And though it is not alleged that Iran has attempted
to weaponize them, Iran possesses sufficient biological facilities to
potentially do so.
In June 2004, the U.S. intelligence community stated in a 721-page
report to the U.S. Congress that Iran maintains an offensive biologi-
cal warfare (BW) program. Iran continued to seek dual-use biotech-
nical materials, equipment, and expertise. While such materials had
legitimate uses, Iran’s BW program could be benefiting from them.
used to deliver them. During the first half of 2001, Iran continued
to seek production technology, training, expertise, equipment, and
chemicals from Russian and Chinese entities that could be used to
help Iran reach its goal of having indigenous nerve-agent produc-
tion capabilities.
As a signatory of the Chemical Weapons Convention, Iran is
banned from delivering chemical weapons, delivery systems, or hav-
ing production facilities. Iran has not made any declaration of a
weapons stockpile under the treaty.
In June 2004, the U.S. intelligence community reported in its un-
classified Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Re-
lating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional
Munitions that Iran continued to seek production technology, train-
ing, and expertise that could further its efforts to achieve an indige-
nous capability to produce nerve agents. See also IRANIAN BIO-
IRANGATE AFFAIR. Israel, along with the United States, was unpre-
pared for repercussions after the fall of the shah of Iran at the end
of 1979. The Israeli leaders assumed that consistent geopolitical
interests would eventually triumph over religious ideology and
produce an accommodation between Israel and Iran. The onset of
the Iran–Iraq War in 1980 gave Israeli leaders a special incentive
to keep their door open to the Islamic rulers in Iran. The director-
general of Israel’s Foreign Ministry, David Kimche, recommended
Carter was in fact outraged that its embargo had been blatantly vio-
lated when it learned of Israel’s secret supply of American spare parts
to the Iranians during the hostage crisis. Until the diplomats were re-
leased in January 1981, U.S. Secretary of State Edmund Muskie de-
manded that Israel cease its shipments. Israeli Prime Minister Mena-
hem Begin promised to comply with U.S. demands, but in fact Israel
continued to sell arms to Iran without U.S. approval. Israeli officials
maintained they were simply selling domestic Israeli-produced arms,
not embargoed U.S. weapons.
On 24 July 1981, Ya’acov Nimrodi, an Israeli businessman en-
gaged in arms sales, signed a deal with Iran’s Ministry of National De-
fense to sell Iran arms worth $135,842,000, including Lance missiles,
Copperhead shells, and Hawk missiles. A sale of such a magnitude
must have had Israeli government acquiescence. Nimrodi, a comrade
in arms of Ariel Sharon during Israel’s 1948–1949 War of Indepen-
dence and a close personal friend, won his approval for the deal.
The new U.S. administration of Ronald Reagan entered office in
1981. Toward the end of that year, Kimche approached U.S. Secre-
tary of State Alexander Haig and National Security Adviser Robert
McFarlane to discuss proposed Israeli shipments of U.S.-made spare
parts worth $10–15 million to the relatively moderate faction in Iran.
Haig did not give his approval.
In November 1981, Sharon visited Washington and asked his U.S.
counterpart Caspar Weinberger for approval to sell arms to Iran.
Weinberger referred him to Haig, who unequivocally opposed any vi-
olation of the embargo. In May 1982, a clandestine gathering took
place between Al Schwimmer, a Jewish American billionaire who
had founded the Israeli aircraft industry, Nimrodi, Kimche, and Sharon
and his wife Lily, together with Sudanese president Gaafar Numeiri, at
a Kenyan safari resort owned by Saudi business tycoon Adnan
Khashoggi. At the meeting, Israel won Numeiri’s agreement to allow
Ethiopian Jews safe passage through Sudan when they migrated to the
Jewish state. In return, Numeiri required that Israel would later get him
out of the country if his regime was toppled. Sharon and Kimche went
further and proposed to Numeiri that Sudan become a gigantic arms
cache for weapons produced or captured by Israel. Saudi Arabia would
finance the project, aimed largely at selling weapons to exiled Iranian
generals of the ousted monarchical regime for a major coup attempt.
The Mossad foiled the plan behind Sharon’s back by persuading the
late shah’s son, then in Morocco, to veto it.
Under U.S. pressure, Israel halted arms sales for a while, but pri-
vate Israeli citizens, particularly Nimrodi, continued making plans to
resume trade with Iran. In 1985, Nimrodi succeeded in obtaining ap-
proval for his plans from Israel’s national unity government, headed
by Shimon Peres. Nimrodi and his partner Schwimmer, a close friend
of Peres, were authorized to provide Iran with LAU antitank missiles
and Hawk antiaircraft missiles from Israel’s warehouses. These deals
were part of what was later known as “Irangate” (echoing the Water-
gate scandal of the Nixon administration in the early 1970s).
In the mid-1980s, Schwimmer played a key role in persuading the
U.S. administration itself to sell arms to Iran. Through a secret agree-
ment between the United States and the Israeli Defense Ministry in
1985, the arms to Iran passed through Nimrodi. The United States re-
plenished the supplies Israel transferred to Iran. One aspect of the
deal was that Iran was to exert pressure on its protégé, the Hizballah
organization in Lebanon, to release U.S. and Western hostages kid-
napped after 1982. The Reagan administration was fully aware of
these attempts at freeing the hostages by means of unsanctioned arms
sales to Iran.
News of Irangate first began to appear in the press toward the end
of 1986. The scandal also became known as the Iran–Contra affair. It
revealed how deeply the United States was involved in arms sales to
Iran, breaching its own laws that prohibited the sale of U.S. weapons
for resale to a third country listed as a “terrorist nation”—which oc-
curred precisely at a time when Washington was publicly calling for
a worldwide ban on sending arms to Iran. The money Iran paid for
the arms was used by senior officials in the Reagan administration to
buy arms for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. This went against the
Boland Amendment of 8 December 1982, which specifically prohib-
ited military assistance to the Contras. One of the administration of-
ficials involved was Colonel Oliver North, military aide to the U.S.
National Security Council, who reported in the White House to Na-
tional Security Adviser Robert McFarlane and later to his successor,
John Poindexter. The entire scheme was conducted without Con-
gress’s knowledge, again contravening a law requiring sales above
$14 million to be reported to Congress.
After the 1991 Operation Desert Storm, Quwat al-Tawari was in-
volved in hiding Iraqi ballistic missile components. Quwat al-Tawari
also operated the notorious Abu Ghuraib prison outside of Baghdad,
where many of Iraq’s political prisoners were detained. After the
2003 Operation Iraqi Freedom, the DGS—like all of Saddam Hus-
sein’s intelligence agencies—was dismantled by U.S. forces. See also
threat. Yet Iraq had no peaceful need or purpose for this reactor,
something that was evident to any serious observer even at the time.
It already had one experimental reactor and was acquiring a second
with Tammuz-2. It was training an enormous cadre of nuclear tech-
nicians (400 were sent abroad for training), yet had no experimental
program. The massive construction of buildings at al-Tuwaitha with-
out any declared purpose and off limits to outsiders indicated activi-
ties unconnected with legitimate research. Unlike the energy-poor
nation of India, oil-rich Iraq did not have the argument that it needed
to develop indigenous nuclear power for domestic needs.
Although the IAEA was unaware of Iraq’s intentions, it is more
than likely that these indications about Iraq’s true plans and inten-
tions were fully grasped by Israeli intelligence. Israel had plenty of
reason to be suspicious of the capabilities that Iraq was acquiring and
had specific knowledge of Iraq’s plans. Israel’s first attempt to dis-
rupt those plans occurred at 3 A.M. on 6 April 1979. The two reactor
cores lay in storage at a French firm near Toulon awaiting shipment
to Iraq. A Mossad operation known as Operation Sphinx smuggled
in seven operatives, who placed five explosive charges on the cores
and detonated them, damaging both cores and setting back Iraq’s pro-
gram by at least half a year. The most severely damaged cores were
repaired, but X-rays revealed hairline fractures throughout the core of
Osiraq that could not be fixed without completely rebuilding it, a
process that would take two years. Rather than incur additional delay,
Iraq decided to accept the core as it was.
This led to Israel’s second attack on Osiraq. The Mossad kept a
team operating in France in order to continue its assault on the Iraqi
project after the bombing at Toulon. But after the sabotage of the re-
actor core, Israel’s next target was Yahya al-Meshad, who was a re-
spected Egyptian nuclear engineer hired by Iraq to make up for the
serious problems in staffing the nuclear program The Mossad made
an attempt to recruit al-Meshad in order to obtain information on the
program. However, al-Meshad declined to reveal any information
and to cooperate with foreign agents.
At 6:35 P.M. local time on 7 June 1981, Operation Opera (known
also as Operation Babylon) was put into action. In the Israeli attack
on Tammuz-1, eight Israeli F-16 Falcons dropped 13 bombs in a mat-
ter of 80 seconds, blowing a hole in the concrete dome and completely
demolishing the reactor core and the building down to its foundation.
The attack was carried out before the reactor was completely opera-
tional, so no radiation was released. Israel emphasized that it planned
the attack in order to minimize casualties by attacking the reactor be-
fore it began operation and became radioactive.
This was the longest-range attack in Israeli Air Force history, car-
ried out at 1,100 kilometers, the extreme limit of combat range of the
F-16 fighter bombers. At the time of the attack, it was widely re-
ported that laser-guided bombs had been used, given the precision of
the bombing. One bomb blew a hole in the reactor containment ves-
sel, the other bombs hit directly through the hole, and only one bomb
fell elsewhere. In fact, laser-guided bombs were not used, and the at-
tack was simply carried out by precision visual bombing. It has even
been suggested that the bomb that missed the reactor was not dropped
in error. It hit a 30-meter tunnel connecting the reactor with a large
laboratory that was also an important target. A van was found parked
next to the tunnel with a guidance transmitter inside, and a French
technician, who had been recruited by Mossad, was reportedly asked
to deposit a briefcase containing a homing device inside the building.
The attack was carried out at sunset, and this timing provided sev-
eral advantages. Emerging from the setting sun minimized the op-
portunity for Iraqi air defenses at the site to detect them visually. In
addition, the target was easy to spot, with the near-horizontal sunlight
illuminating the light-colored dome for the approaching F-16s. The
main reason given by the Israelis for the timing of the attack was that
if any aircraft had been lost, search-and-rescue missions could have
been conducted under cover of darkness.
A critical factor in planning the timing of the attack was Israeli in-
telligence about the behavior of the reactor’s operators and when they
were expected to be absent. The workers in the reactor had the habit
of taking dinner and leaving their post at 6 P.M., shutting off the mis-
sile radar. The Israeli attack was timed such that the aircraft came into
range of the radar several minutes after it had been shut off. The
French scientists and the technicians working in the plant most prob-
ably had advance knowledge of the attack and on 7 June at 5 P.M. they
vacated the premises.
After the Osiraq reactor was destroyed, Iraq initially attempted to
replace it, but by 1985 had realized that it could not buy a replace-
ment. The reason that Iraq eventually dropped this effort is not en-
tirely clear. Saudi Arabia offered to finance a replacement, and par-
tial financing was actually obtained. French President François Mit-
terrand declared an in-principle agreement to rebuild Osiraq after
consultations with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz in August
1981. However, France wanted to tighten its controls on the project,
including the addition of a reactor core surveillance system. Con-
cerns about international awareness of reactor programs may be part
of the reason that none of the available options were openly pursued,
including the possibility of building its own reactors using natural
uranium technology to capitalize on its established plutonium-based
weapons infrastructure.
Following the 1991 Gulf War, however, inspectors uncovered a
startling range of nuclear activities, leading to the assumption that
Iraq was within a year or two of producing enough highly enriched
uranium for nuclear weapons. These discoveries came as a shock to
the international nonproliferation apparatus, revealing major weak-
nesses in inspection routines, export controls, and intelligence gath-
ering and sharing. In contrast, Iraqi efforts to obtain plutonium had
been unsuccessful, and it appears that Iraq was unable to resurrect its
plutonium program after the Israeli bombing of the unfinished pluto-
nium-production reactor at Osiraq in 1981.
In the 1990s, as part of UN Security Council Resolution 715, Iraq
was subjected to the most intrusive weapons-inspection system ever
implemented. Despite long searches, the inspectors did not uncover
any evidence that a hidden reactor, plutonium separation plant, or as-
sociated nuclear waste site existed anywhere in Iraq. Indeed, after the
U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003, the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) reported that Saddam Hussein did not possess stockpiles of il-
licit weapons at the time of the invasion and that Iraq’s nuclear pro-
gram had ended after the 1991 Gulf War. See also OPERATION
officers, the SSO was subdivided into two main organs. The Security
Bureau was charged with providing personal security, including
bodyguards, for high-ranking government officials and presidential
facilities. The Political Bureau was responsible for collecting and an-
alyzing intelligence on all Iraqi dissidents, as well as implementing
actions against “enemies of the state,” such as arrests, interrogations,
and executions.
The SSO carried out numerous clandestine operations, particularly
in suppressing domestic opposition to the regime. It used its own mil-
itary brigade to preempt several coup attempts, such as the one in
January 1990 by members of the Jubur tribe. The SSO also played an
active role in crushing the March 1991 Shi’ite rebellion in the south
of Iraq. In August 1996, together with the Iraqi Intelligence Service
(IIS), agents of the SSO infiltrated the Kurdish enclave in the north
of Iraq and captured operatives of the Iraqi opposition. The SSO was
also allegedly involved in various assassination attempts abroad.
The SSO played a key role in secretly buying dual-use material for
the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) program. During the
1991 Operation Desert Storm, the SSO was charged with conceal-
ing WMDs and hiding documents related to WMDs from United Na-
tions Special Commission inspectors. After the 2003 Operation
Iraqi Freedom, the SSO—like all of Saddam Hussein’s intelligence
agencies—was dismantled by U.S. forces. See also IRAQI DIREC-
IRAQI TERRORISM. Iraq has been accused by the U.S. State De-
partment and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of both sponsor-
ing terrorist activities and supporting terrorist organizations. In the
area of supporting terrorist organizations, Iraq has supported the
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as the political represen-
tative for the Palestinian people. In the early 1970s, Iraq hosted the
headquarters of the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO), one of the
most active Palestinian terrorist organizations. Although later, in the
1980s, the ANO headquarters moved to Syria and then to Libya, in
1990 it was relocated to Iraq. The ANO was responsible for attacks
that killed some 300 people. Its leader, Abu Nidal, was found dead in
Baghdad in August 2002.
War (1980–1988). It was later put back on the list in 1990 following
its invasion of Kuwait and has since been removed following the
2003 invasion. Following the invasion, U.S. sanctions against Iraq
were suspended on 7 May 2003, and President George W. Bush an-
nounced the removal of Iraq from the list on 25 September 2004. See
Upon the outbreak of World War II, the first attempt to unify the
four intelligence organizations was made by the Haganah. The prime
mover in this effort was Shaul Avigur, who, together with Moshe
Sharett and the national Haganah command, was instrumental in cre-
ating the official Information Service, known by its Hebrew acronym
SHAI. It was divided into departments, and the essential function of
counterespionage was integrated into its ranks. The SHAI’s depart-
mental system remained in effect with hardly any changes until the
body was disbanded soon after the state of Israel was established in
May 1948.
Despite the fact that most of its members were lacking in formal
intelligence experience, it appears that the SHAI was well organized
and was able to penetrate most areas necessary for obtaining intelli-
gence. The SHAI had the benefit of a considerable number of Arabic-
speaking Jews, most of whom had been born in Arab countries and
could pass as Arabs. Some were sent back to their countries of birth
as Israeli agents, and some infiltrated Palestinian Arab villages and
towns inside the borders of the British mandate, all for purposes of
collecting information.
The SHAI did engage in some successful operations, such as the
“Night of the Bridges.” By obtaining the plans of the bridges between
Palestine and its neighbors, Haganah forces blew up those bridges on
17 June 1946. However, in the end, the SHAI lacked the central di-
rection and systematic thinking essential for an intelligence organi-
zation, as all of its departments were more politically than militarily
oriented. SHAI was ill prepared for its real mission during the crucial
years of 1947 and early 1948 in the struggle for the creation of the in-
dependent state of Israel, when most SHAI resources, in terms of
manpower, money, and effort, were devoted to the Internal Depart-
ment for collecting information on dissident Jews.
After the United Nations voted for the partition of Palestine on 29
November 1947, the SHAI, like the intelligence units of the other un-
derground militias, lost many of its contacts with Palestinians and
other Arabs. From 29 November 1947 to 14 May 1948, the period
marking Israeli statehood, the SHAI performed rather poorly. It man-
aged to learn the planned routes of the Arab invasions of the fledg-
ling Jewish state only a week before they were launched. Many in the
Jewish leadership did not believe that the British would really leave
or that the regular Arab armies would attack, but they were mistaken
on both counts. Arab informers could no longer be contacted once the
fighting broke out, due to communication difficulties as well as to un-
willingness on the part of many to continue working against their
own people. The SHAI failed to evaluate the military strength of the
Arab states on the eve of Israel’s War of Independence in May 1948.
The young state knew very little about enemy plans, and Israeli army
forces were surprised by the numbers and strength of the Arab
armies. A heavy price was paid for this assessment error.
The SHAI was formally disbanded on 30 June 1948, a month and
a half after the declaration of Israeli statehood. Despite its ineffec-
tiveness in many spheres, the SHAI’s apparatus and personnel pro-
vided the infrastructure on which the new state’s military intelligence
and security services were founded. Thus, Israel’s intelligence com-
munity was built on the foundations laid by the SHAI during the few
years of its existence.
Besides the SHAI, other underground militias also performed in-
telligence tasks. The Palmah had the Arab Platoon, which was com-
posed of Arabic-speaking and Arab-looking Jews who conducted
work similar to that of the SHAI’s Arab Department. There was also
Rekhesh (Acquisitions), a secret organization with a mission to se-
cretly obtain weaponry by whatever means available. Finally, the
Mossad Le’Aliyah Beth organized and brought illegal immigrants to
Palestine in violation of the British white paper of 1939. After the In-
formation Service was disbanded on 30 June 1948, three Israeli in-
telligence organizations were formed: Military Intelligence (MI), the
Israeli Security Agency (ISA), and the Political Department in the
Foreign Ministry. MI was established as a department in the General
Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and was known by its He-
brew name, Mahleket Modi’in. In December 1953, it was renamed
the Directorate of Military Intelligence, known in Hebrew as Agaf
Modi’in (Aman).
MI serves as the professional authority for the Israeli Air Force’s
Air Intelligence Squadron, the Israeli Navy’s Naval Intelligence
Squadron, and intelligence units at the headquarters of the various
field corps and in the regional commands. MI collects information on
the Arab armies and is responsible for state-level intelligence evalu-
ation for war and peace, for providing a warning of war and of hos-
tile and terrorist acts, and for indicating the rise of opportunities for
political agreements. When it was established, MI was also engaged
in counterespionage; however, this function has since been trans-
ferred to the ISA.
MI is structured as two main units: the Collection Department and
the Research Division. The Collection Department is responsible for
signals intelligence (SIGINT) and for imagery intelligence (IMINT).
SIGINT collects intelligence information by plugging into the tele-
phone systems of Arab countries to eavesdrop and record landline
conversations. The Collection Department also operates human intel-
ligence (HUMINT) by sending agents and informers over Israel’s
borders. The Collection Department is responsible for gathering in-
formation from open sources (OSINT) by scanning the print and
electronic media, including the Internet, for unwittingly exposed mil-
itary matter.
The Research Division is the largest part of the MI, with
3,000–7,000 officers and other ranks. This division receives and an-
alyzes information assembled by the entire Israeli intelligence com-
munity, including the MI itself, the ISA, and the Mossad (the most
well-known Israeli intelligence agency). It publishes the Daily Infor-
mation Digest and other periodical assessments, of which the best
known is the Annual National Intelligence Evaluation. The Research
Division is organized into subunits, divided according to geographi-
cal and functional targets.
MI is also responsible for assigning military attachés to Israeli em-
bassies overseas. A special task is press censorship and information
security (previously known as field security) to prevent the leakage
of secret matters. There is a unit for liaison with foreign intelligence
communities and another engaged in computer hardware and soft-
ware to assist in intelligence collection. Following the disbanding in
April 1951 of the Foreign Ministry’s Political Department, its intelli-
gence missions in Arab countries were transferred to a new unit in MI
responsible for dispatching spies, collecting intelligence, and sabo-
tage in Arab countries. In 1963, that unit was dismantled and moved
to the Mossad. Another unit was charged with conducting propa-
ganda in Arab countries.
The Sheruth Bitahon Klali literally means General Security Ser-
vice, but the organization’s official English name is Israeli Security
Agency. The ISA is also known as the Security Service, Sheruth Bita-
hon, or Shin Bet, which are the Hebrew initials. It was established
with the declaration of Israeli independence in the Israel Defense
Forces. At that time, all its personnel were IDF officers and soldiers.
In 1950, responsibility for ISA activity was moved from the IDF to
the Israeli Defense Ministry, and soon after it was moved again, this
time to the office of the prime minister.
Upon establishment, the ISA was divided into units, which later
became sections. The first section was concerned with preventing
subversion by members of the Israeli extreme right. In practice, this
referred to political espionage, which entailed the collection of infor-
mation about the adversaries of the then-ruling party, Mapai. The im-
portance of that section declined with the rising perception of Israel
as a democratic state, and political espionage was terminated. The
ISA was then transformed from an organization close to the ruling
party to a state body without political affiliation.
Other sections of the ISA were charged with counterespionage (es-
pionage obstruction), in particular the section for Arab affairs. Be-
sides monitoring and tracing the political mood of the Arabs in Israel,
this section was also responsible for the obstruction of espionage by
Arab states and for the prevention of hostile sabotage activity. Since
the Six Days’ War, the major missions of this section have been the
fight against subversive action in the occupied territories and the
struggle against Palestinian terrorist organizations.
Another ISA unit was concerned with new immigrants, specifically
with obtaining information on the Soviet Union and the communist
bloc by means of questioning new immigrants from Eastern Europe in
order to detect any spies who might attempt to enter Israel in the guise
of a new immigrant. The information obtained in this way was im-
portant to the state of Israel, as it greatly assisted in establishing intel-
ligence relations with the United States. The information was passed
on to intelligence agencies in the United States, which at that time was
locked in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Other sections were re-
sponsible for the security of installations of the defense system, in-
cluding technical services for eavesdropping equipment, microcam-
eras, recording devices, invisible ink, and so forth.
Today the ISA is responsible for security against any party who
seeks to undermine Israel by terrorist activity or violent revolution. It
is also charged with providing the IDF with intelligence for coun-
terespionage and for supporting counterterrorist operations in the
West Bank and the Gaza Strip. After the 1967 Six Days’ War, the ISA
was assigned to monitor terrorist activity in the occupied territories.
This has become the organization’s most important role, but it was ill
prepared for this mission and its challenges. Its workforce until then
had consisted of 600 agents. After a few years, however, it adjusted
to the new missions, and its agents became known as “intelligence
After the 1993 Oslo Accords, the ISA was obliged to undergo an-
other adjustment to collecting intelligence in areas over which the IDF
no longer held control under the Oslo agreement. During the Palestin-
ian uprising known as the al-Aqsa Intifada, which erupted in the fall
of 2000 after the collapse of the Camp David summit, the ISA reacted
speedily to the Arab violence. Since then, it has become a prominent
player in Israel’s war against the Palestinian terrorism that has
plagued Israeli cities. The ISA produces intelligence enabling the IDF
to stop some of the suicide bombers before they reach their destina-
tions through preventive arrests and the deployment of roadblocks.
In addition, the ISA cooperates with the Israeli Air Force (IAF) to
pinpoint and kill terrorist masterminds and leaders by precise air
strikes, known as “targeted killings.” The targets are field command-
ers and senior leaders of Palestinian militant factions that Israel con-
siders to be terrorist organizations, mainly those of Hamas but also
of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and al-
Fatah, as well as the Iranian–Lebanese group Hizballah. The ISA
task is to provide intelligence on when and where the target will be
vulnerable to the strike without endangering civilians.
The ISA has succeeded in uncovering dozens of terrorist groups
within Israel’s Arab population. In terms of quality and quantity of
intelligence gathering, the ISA is considered to be one of the best in-
telligence services in the world. It relies mainly on human intelli-
gence (HUMINT) from the local population for collecting informa-
tion about planned terror attacks or about the location of terror
leaders. The organization has enjoyed overwhelming success with in-
formants in its targeted killings. As a result, the Palestinian groups,
mainly al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, have started lynching suspected
collaborators or killing them on the street without trial.
bribes in return for this agreement, which over time amounted to tens
of millions of dollars deposited in secret bank accounts in Austria and
Nativ’s clandestine operations to bring immigrants from the Soviet
Union and Eastern Europe largely terminated with the end of the
Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. After the renewal of
diplomatic relations between Israel and the Eastern Bloc countries at
the end of the 1980s, and still more with the disintegration of the So-
viet Union, Jews were increasingly able to emigrate freely from those
countries. Occasionally, the old methods of using clandestine opera-
tions still had to be employed. In September 1992, Nativ organized
two airlift operations to take Jews out of Georgia and out of Tajik-
istan, which were under attack by members of extremist Muslim
rebel groups.
Still, the overall change raised questions about the need for a clan-
destine organization like Nativ. At its peak, Nativ had about 500 em-
ployees operating from its Tel-Aviv headquarters and from branch of-
fices in Israeli embassies in the former Soviet Union countries as well
as in Israeli consulates in the West. Clearly, the current situation no
longer calls for such a large-scale operation. In July 2000, the Israeli
government decided on a substantial reduction in Nativ’s annual
budget, dismantled Nativ’s unit for research and intelligence, and
transferred part of its functions to other governmental bodies. See
(yellow cake) was stolen (or just misdelivered) from the German ves-
sel Scheersberg A.
Cooperation between Israel and South Africa on nuclear technol-
ogy seems to have started around 1967. It lasted through the 1970s
and 1980s, during which time South Africa was a principal uranium
supplier for Dimona. Israel might have played a part in a nuclear
weapons test in the Indian Ocean on 22 September 1979; it was and
is generally believed to have been a joint South African–Israeli test.
Israel has long had close relations with the United States. In 1955,
before the contract for Dimona had been signed, the United States
agreed to sell a 5 MW swimming-pool research reactor to an Israeli
facility at Nahal Soreq, south of Tel-Aviv. But the United States re-
quired Israel to accept safeguards because it would be supplying
highly enriched uranium fuel for the reactor. With the 1960 official
announcement that Israel had a reactor for “peaceful purposes,” rela-
tions between the United States and Israel cooled over the issue. Pub-
licly Washington accepted Israel’s declaration of peaceful purposes,
but privately it exerted pressure. As a result, Israel finally agreed to
admit U.S. inspection teams once a year. These inspections took
place between 1962 and 1969 but were in fact a sham. The inspectors
saw only above-ground parts of the facility, with simulated control
rooms; access to the underground rooms was hidden from them, and
it was there, on many levels, that the plutonium reprocessing actually
took place. The U.S. inspectors could report no obvious scientific re-
search or that a civilian nuclear power program was evident to justify
such a large reactor, but they found no hard evidence of “weapons-
related activities” such as the existence of the plutonium reprocess-
ing plant.
In 1968, however, based on information from Edward Teller, father
of the U.S. hydrogen bomb, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
concluded that Israel had started producing nuclear weapons. Teller
had heard this, he said, from Israeli friends in the scientific and de-
fense establishment. He counseled the CIA to make a final assess-
ment without waiting for an Israeli nuclear test, which would never
be conducted. In 1981 the U.S. embargoed further shipments of
highly enriched uranium fuel to the Nahal Soreq reactor.
After the opening of the Dimona reactor in 1964, it started pro-
ducing plutonium. During the 1967 Six Days’ War the first two de-
veloped bombs may have been armed. It was also reported that, fear-
ing defeat in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Israeli Army readied 13
bombs of 20 kilotons each for use. Missiles and aircraft were armed
with the bombs for an attack on Egyptian and Syrian targets. During
the 1991 Operation Desert Storm, Israel went on full-scale nuclear
alert when seven Iraqi Scud missiles were fired at Israeli cities. Only
three missiles hit Tel-Aviv and Haifa, with only minor damage. But
the Israeli government warned Iraq of a counterstrike if the Iraqis
used chemical warheads; this clearly meant that Israel intended to
launch a nuclear strike if gas attacks occurred.
In 1986, former Dimona worker Mordechai Vanunu revealed de-
tails of the Dimona plant to the London Sunday Times. His descrip-
tions and the photographs he took during his employment supported
the conclusion that Israel had a stockpile of 100 to 200 nuclear war-
heads. Following his revelations, Vanunu fell into a trap by the
Mossad and was kidnapped. In a closed door trial, he was sentenced
to an 18-year prison term (to be spent in isolation).
In the late 1990s, however, U.S. intelligence organizations gave a
different figure, estimating that Israel possessed between 75 and 130
nuclear warheads, which, they believed, could be used in Jericho
missiles and as bombs in aircraft. Israel has never conducted a
weapons test of its own, apart from the (believed) joint test with
South Africa in 1979. However, a subcritical test (with no real nu-
clear explosion) may have been carried out in November 1966 at Al-
Naqab in the Negev Desert.
Israel conducted several acts of sabotage against Iraq out of con-
cern about that country’s nuclear weapons development. In April
1979, the Mossad was believed responsible for two explosions at a
construction yard in Seine-sur-Mer in France. Two research reactor
cores destined for Iraq were badly damaged. In June 1980, Yahya al-
Meshad was assassinated in Paris, where he was negotiating a con-
tract for Iraq to take over Iran’s share of the French Eurodif enrich-
ment plant. Even earlier, in 1978, unknown attackers had tried to kill
him when he was a technical liaison officer with France for the ex-
port of the Osiris research reactor.
Israel’s most famous act of sabotage is the bombing of the Tam-
muz-1 research reactor at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center near
Baghdad. On 7 June 1980, Israeli aircraft bombed and destroyed the
The surveillance of the contacts between the Italians and the Arabs
in Palestine extended as far as Geneva. It became known to British
intelligence and to the Jewish Agency that Italian delegates went to
Switzerland in 1936 in order to meet Jamal al-Husayni, president of
the Palestine Arab Party and delegate to the League of Nations dis-
cussions on the future of Palestine. After Grand Mufti Haj Muham-
mad Amin al-Husseini fled to Lebanon in 1937, the British were in-
formed that the Italians planned to take the mufti to Rome. Most of
the information about the relations between Mufti Amin al-Husseini
and Italian agents was provided by Eliezer Rothstein, who was a dou-
ble agent.
It was also suspected that diplomatic channels were being used to
smuggle money and weapons into Palestine via the Italian consulate
in Jerusalem. Other information was obtained about the methods the
Italians used to transfer money from their propaganda bureaus and
from the diplomatic representative in Cairo by couriers to Palestine.
The information aroused suspicion that the Italians were using the
diplomatic mail for smuggling purposes. The names of the couriers
and of the end receivers became known to the Jewish Agency agents.
It was also known that anti-Jewish and British propaganda material
was being smuggled into Palestine.
In 1938, British intelligence in Palestine began to worry about
Italian and German involvement in the events in Palestine and in
the neighboring Arab countries in the case of a outbreak of all-out
war and a coordinated Arab resistance to the British mandate in
Palestine. At that point, the British increased their surveillance on
the Arabs in Palestine and on the Nazi German and Italian activities
in Palestine. As a result of these efforts on the part of the British,
the center of the Italian activities in the Middle East moved from
Palestine to Baghdad, Iraq. Information about the involvement of
the Axis—Italy and Germany—in planning another Arab Revolt in
Palestine increased toward the summer of 1938, and the contacts
between Italian agents in Palestine and Syria became more fre-
quent. The Italian involvement in Palestine and in the Middle East
continued during World War II and ended completely with the sur-
render of the Axis by the end of the war. See also GERMAN IN-
JABALI, GHAZI AL-. Ghazi al-Jabali was the Gaza Strip chief of the
Preventive Security Service, appointed by the Palestinian National
Authority in 1994. In February 2004, a gunfight erupted between his
police officers and forces loyal to Muhammad Dahlan. In March
2004, his offices were targeted by gunfire. In April 2004, a bomb was
detonated, destroying the front of his house. In July 2004, al-Jabali
was kidnapped at gunpoint following an ambush of his convoy and
the wounding of two bodyguards. He was released several hours
later. Following his kidnapping, Yasser Arafat dismissed al-Jabali
from his post. He was also a member of the Central Committee of the
Palestinian Liberation Organization. In 1998, Israel demanded his
transfer to Israeli custody, accusing him of coordinating Palestinian
attacks on Israel. See also PALESTINIAN NATIONAL AUTHOR-
that the time for training was over. Sensing that an attack was immi-
nent, Jordanian police arrested Hoshar and 15 others on 12 Decem-
ber 1999. The most active participant was a Boston taxi driver named
Raed Hijazi. The authorities put 28 suspects on trial, and 22 of them
were quickly found guilty. Six of them, including Hijazi, were sen-
tenced to death. Zubaydah was sentenced to death in absentia. Loa’i
Muhammad Haj Bakr al-Saqa and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who later
became the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, were sentenced in absentia in
2002 for their part in the plot, which included using poison gas dur-
ing the bombing.
On 9 November 2005, a series of coordinated suicide bombings
blasted three hotels in Amman, killing 60 people and wounding 115
others—almost all of whom were Jordanians. The three hotels are
often frequented by Western military contractors and diplomats. Al
Qaeda in Iraq claimed responsibility for the attacks, contending that
Jordan had been targeted because of its friendly relations with the
United States. The explosions took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel,
the Radisson SAS Hotel, and the Days Inn. The bomb at the Radis-
son SAS Hotel exploded in the Philadelphia Ballroom, where a
wedding hosting almost 300 guests was taking place. In addition to
killing a total of 38 people, the explosion destroyed the ballroom
and caused damage to other parts of the hotel. The bomb that ex-
ploded in the lobby bar of the Grand Hyatt Hotel was equally dev-
A number of Iraqis were among the more than 100 suspects who
were arrested in the days following the attacks. On 12 November
2005, Deputy Prime Minister Marwan Muasher reported that the at-
tacks had been carried out by the Jordanian-born al-Zarqawi’s group.
According to Jordanian officials, the attackers had entered the coun-
try from Iraq three days before the attacks, and police claimed to have
found maps that were used in planning the attack.
Although Jordanian police initially stated that there were only
three attackers, King Abdullah shortly thereafter announced the arrest
of a woman believed to be a fourth would-be suicide bomber, whose
explosive belt had failed to detonate at the Radisson. The three dead
suicide bombers were identified as Ali Hussein Ali al-Shamari
(Radisson SAS); Rawad Jassem Muhammad Abed (Grand Hyatt);
and Safaa Muhammad Ali (Days Inn). The woman in custody was
JOSHUA’S SPIES. Joshua was one of the two surviving spies who had
participated in the spy operation conducted under Moses. Under the
leadership of Joshua, things proceeded in a different manner. He chose
two young men, whose names are not recorded, and instructed them
to survey the city of Jericho. The spies went to Jericho and visited a
harlot named Rahab, who hid the spies and kept them from being cap-
tured by the local authorities, despite their knowledge of the spies’
presence. She told the two spies that the people had been expecting an
Israelite invasion for some time and that they were frightened of the
Israelites, even though the city was well fortified and the army was
well trained. The escape of the Israelites from the Egyptians, their suc-
cessful crossing of the Red Sea, the subsequent destruction of the
pharaoh and his armies, and their exploits during the 40 years of wan-
dering in the desert were well known to the people and had convinced
them of the Israelites’ superiority. Rahab likewise was convinced that
the city would fall and made an agreement with the spies that she
would help them leave the city and not reveal the plan if in return they
would spare her and her family during the attack. The spies agreed,
and with Rahab’s help, they successfully escaped capture and eventu-
ally made their way back to their own people.
The spies reported to Joshua everything that had happened, espe-
cially the information given to them by the harlot regarding the peo-
ple’s fear of an impending attack by the Israelites. Using this infor-
mation, Joshua made plans for the invasion and reported his plan to
the 12 tribes. The plan was approved, the invasion proceeded, and the
attack, capture, and subsequent destruction of the city of Jericho were
successful. As promised, Rahab and her family were spared by
Joshua during the battle of Jericho. See also MOSES’ SPIES.
ation Iraqi Freedom, the Central Criminal Court of the new Iraqi
regime issued an arrest warrant for Kaka on 9 January 2005. See also
Gulf War was damaged beyond repair. Moreover, Iraq retained a sub-
stantial amount of captured Kuwaiti military equipment in violation
of United Nations resolutions. Since the end of the war in February
1991, Kuwait, with the help of the United States and other allies, has
made significant progress in increasing the size and modernity of its
armed forces. The government also continues to improve its defense
arrangements with other Arab states, as well as United Nations Secu-
rity Council members.
A separately organized National Guard maintains internal security.
The police constitute a single national force under the purview of
civilian authorities of the Ministry of Interior. Kuwait’s internal se-
curity and police services are considered to be well trained and or-
ganized. These services receive growing support from Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates as part of a broad effort
among the Persian Gulf States to improve cooperation in reporting on
the activities of various radical groups and religious factions as well
as labor problems.
KZAR, NADHIM. Nadhim Kzar, an Iraqi Shi’ite, was the first com-
mander of Iraq’s Directorate of General Security (DGS). He was
appointed to this position in 1969 by Saddam Hussein, then vice
president of Iraq, after DGS had deteriorated under 10 years
(1958–1968) of army rule. Kzar was known for his sadism, and un-
der his command the DGS tortured and killed thousands. Much of
this violence was directed against the Iraqi Communist Party and
the Iraqi Kurds. He even attempted twice to assassinate the Kur-
dish leader Mustafa Barazani. His goal was to promote the
Shi’ites and to put an end to the Sunni regime. In 1973, Kzar initi-
ated an unsuccessful coup attempt against Iraqi President Ahmed
Hassan al-Bakr. Bakr was supposed to be assassinated when his
plane landed in Baghdad, but his flight was delayed and Kzar was
forced to change the plan. Kzar planned to escape to Iran, but he
was captured and found guilty on 7 July 1973 by the Iraqi Rev-
olutionary Command Council and executed. See also IRAQI DI-
LAVON AFFAIR. The Lavon affair is known also as “the Bad Busi-
ness” and by its codename, Operation Susannah. In 1951, the Israeli
Military Intelligence (MI) established a network of agents inside
Egypt with the capability of attacking civil and military installations.
In 1954, as pressure mounted for the British and French to turn over
the Suez Canal to the Egyptians, director of Military Intelligence
Binyamin Gible ordered the network under its Israeli commander,
Avri El-Ad, to launch a series of attacks designed to discredit the
Egyptian government. The Israeli MI included the United States In-
formation Service (USIS) libraries in Cairo and Alexandria as targets
for the attack. A failed attack in Alexandria led to the rolling up of the
network. Soon after, it aroused a big scandal and the question quickly
became “Who authorized the attacks on U.S. and British installations
in Egypt?” Minister of Defense Pinchas Lavon denied that he au-
thorized the attacks. However, he was forced to resign. See also IS-
Three days later, Lawrence met Emir Ali, Sharif Hussein’s oldest son,
and his youngest son, Emir Zeid. On 23 October 1916, Lawrence met
Faisal bin-Abd al-Aziz bin-Saud (the founder of Saudi Arabia).
Lawrence’s major contribution to the revolt was convincing the
Arab leaders (Faisal and Abdullah bin al-Hussein) to coordinate their
actions in support of British strategy. He persuaded the Arabs not to
drive the Ottomans out of Medina; instead, he recommended that the
Arabs attack the Hijaz railways on many occasions. This tactical
move tied up more Ottoman troops, who were forced to protect the
railway and repair the constant damage. From Hijaz, Lawrence re-
ported to Cairo how things were progressing.
In November 1916, Lawrence returned to Egypt and was officially
transferred to the Arab Bureau in Cairo and wrote reports about
what was necessary for the success of the Arab Revolt. This included
regular supplies, weapons, ammunition, and most of all, money. In
his reports, Lawrence identified Faisal as the most suitable person to
lead the revolt. In December 1916, Lawrence was sent back to the Hi-
jaz to rejoin Faisal as his personal liaison officer. He remained with
him until October 1918 and together they guided the Arab army north
to Damascus.
Lawrence’s major contribution to the revolt was convincing Faisal
and Abdullah to coordinate their actions in support of the British
strategy. Finally the Arab Revolt succeeded. Lawrence became pop-
ularly known as Lawrence of Arabia. See also HIJAZ OPERATION.
After the Cold War ended, the CIA’s analysts described the bio-
logical weapons programs of two great powers, Russia and China, as
being in the process of change, and identified Iran, Iraq, North Ko-
rea, and Libya as rogue nations seeking to acquire weapons of mass
In early 1995, U.S. intelligence sources claimed that Libyan ruler
Muammar Qaddafi attempted to recruit South African scientists to
Tripoli to assist in Libya’s development of biological weapons. These
scientists had secretly developed biological weapons that were al-
legedly used to assassinate opponents of South Africa’s apartheid
regime. Despite such foreign assistance, it would have taken several
years for Libya to be capable of producing effective biological
weapons and missile warheads suitable for use at the proper altitude
without killing the microbes.
Libya’s international relations, especially with the United States,
were further damaged by allegations that Libya was seeking to ac-
quire biological weapons technology from Cuba in May 2002. There
were also reports in June 2003 that Libya was employing approxi-
mately 400 Iraqi scientists in its biological and chemical weapons
programs. Further, a November 2003 CIA report concluded that there
was evidence suggesting that Libya also sought dual-use capabilities,
which could be used to develop and produce biological weapons.
On 19 December 2003, after considerable pressures from the
United States and others, Libya announced that it would dismantle its
programs for weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and that it would
adhere to its commitments under the BTWC. Following the an-
nouncement, American and British inspectors were allowed to enter
Libya to monitor and verify the destruction of WMDs, including bi-
ological weapons, in order to prove the country’s commitment to
complying with international agreements. Although no evidence of
an advanced biological weapons program was found, the inspectors
did corroborate that Libya had a limited research and development
program for biological weapons. However, Libya was not found to
have the technological base to manufacture biological agents and
thus was unable to move beyond the research and development phase
in any case. Libya’s renunciation of WMD and acceptance of inter-
national inspections prompted the administration of George W. Bush
to lift the trade sanctions imposed in 1992 and to allow the resump-
tion of trade and investment between Libya and the United States.
cember 1988. The blast from the aircraft killed 270 people, including
Scottish residents of the town of Lockerbie over which the plane ex-
ploded. On 12 November 1991, following the investigation and po-
lice report, arrest warrants were issued against al-Megrahi as well as
another Libyan national, al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah.
Al-Megrahi’s extradition was facilitated in 1999 when Libya
started conducting talks with the United Nations on the removal of
sanctions. Subsequently, Libya agreed to provide compensation to
the victims’ families in return for the lifting of sanctions and removal
from the list of terror-sponsoring countries by the United States.
Since it is commonly believed that the terrorists were acting in con-
cert with Libyan authorities, it is considered the first case of a terror-
sponsoring country that somehow acknowledged its actions and
agreed to make amends. On 31 January 2001, a panel of Scottish
judges returned a guilty verdict of murder against Abdelbaset Ali Mo-
hamed al-Megrahi. See also LIBYAN INTELLIGENCE; TERROR-
dor to Damascus from 1981 until 1985, interior minister from 1985
to 1989, and a parliamentarian from 1989 to 1993 and again from
2000 to 2004. Mohtashami-Pur was deeply involved in the creation
of Hizballah and makes no effort to hide his close association with
it. He was also tied to the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps
barracks in Beirut. Mohtashami-Pur was secretary-general of the In-
ternational Conference to Support the Palestinian Uprising (intifada),
which was held in Tehran in April 2001 and June 2002 and was at-
tended by representatives from Hizballah, Hamas, Palestinian Is-
lamic Jihad, and the Peoples’ Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
MEK has most probably some real sources inside Iran. However, in
light of the misinformation surrounding the claims of Iraq’s
weapons programs, U.S. policymakers have become doubly cau-
tious about its claims and pursuit of aggressive deterrence opera-
tions against Iran.
Coalition aircraft bombed MEK bases during Operation Iraqi
Freedom, forcing MEK forces to surrender in May 2003. The fu-
ture of the MEK forces remains undetermined. MEK’s approxi-
mately 3,800 members remain confined to Camp Ashraf, the
group’s main compound near Baghdad, where they remain under
coalition control. As a condition of the cease-fire agreement, the
group relinquished its weapons, including tanks, armored vehicles,
and heavy artillery.
In the 1980s, Iranian security forces forced MEK’s leaders to flee
to France. Upon resettling in Iraq in 1987, almost all of its armed
units were stationed in fortified bases near the border with Iran. Al-
though the bulk of the group has been limited to Camp Ashraf since
Operation Iraqi Freedom, an overseas support structure remains, with
associates and supporters scattered throughout Europe and North
America. Prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom, MEK received all of its
military assistance—and most of its financial support—from the for-
mer Iraqi regime. MEK has also used front organizations to solicit
contributions from expatriate Iranian communities.
NAJI, NUHAD. Nuhad Naji al-Adhari al-Dulaymi was the former di-
rector of the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS). After the 2003 Opera-
tion Iraqi Freedom, Naji became the leader of Baghdad’s Former
Regime Elements (FRE) cell. The Central Criminal Court of the new
Iraqi regime issued an arrest warrant for Nuhad Naji on 9 January
NILI. The Hebrew acronym for the biblical phrase netzah yisrael lo
yeshaker (“the Everlasting of Israel will not lie”; 1 Sam. 15:29) was
the name given to a Jewish espionage network established in Israel
during the last years of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. NILI
was formed in 1915 by Sarah Aaronsohn, her brother Aharon Aaron-
sohn, and Avshalom Feinberg. Other key members were Yosef Lis-
hansky and Naaman Belkind. The founders believed that by spying
for the British they could bring about a British victory over the Turks,
who then ruled Palestine, and thereby gain a Jewish state. The main
mission of NILI was to assist the British forces under Field Marshal
Edmund Allenby to conquer Palestine, thus helping to realize Zionist
For almost two years Aharon Aaronson, a botanist by training, en-
treated the British to accept information from him on the movements
of the Turkish army in Palestine and on the conditions of the terrain.
When approval was received, the entire burden of activating the NILI
underground fell to Aharon’s sister Sarah, whose other siblings, apart
from Aharon himself—namely, Alexander, Shmuel, and Rivka—
were then abroad.
Once every two weeks, Sarah Aaronsohn would hold parties at the
botanical experimental station that were as “licentious as those con-
ducted in the palaces of Rome,” as Aziz Bek, the head of Turkish in-
telligence, described them in his diary. Among the guests at the par-
ties were officers of the Turkish coast guard. When they got drunk,
they gave away information, which was conveyed to a British ship
lying offshore.
The group was able to operate only eight months before being de-
tected. The members of the NILI spy network were careless in every
aspect of subterfuge and secrecy, and they endangered the entire vil-
lage of Zichron Yaakov, where they lived and out of which they op-
erated. The group was exposed because they used carrier pigeons to
send messages. Using these birds requires expert skills that the NILI
people lacked, so it is not surprising that not one of the pigeons dis-
patched by the NILI members reached its destination. All but two
were lost; one of the two surviving birds alighted in the pigeon coop
of Ahmad Bey, the Turkish governor in Caesarea, precisely when he
was feeding his own pigeons. He caught it and discovered attached to
its foot a note that Sarah had written in code.
In October 1917, at the close of the Jewish festival of Tabernacles,
the Turks surrounded Zichron Yaakov and arrested Sarah, her father
Fischel Aaronsohn, her brother Zvi, and several more members of
NILI. They were taken to the command post in the center of the vil-
lage, where their captors tortured them to extract the hiding place of
Lishansky and other members of the network. Sarah Aaronsohn
bravely withstood the torture even when they hung her by her hands,
whipped the soles of her feet, placed scorching eggs in her armpits
and between her thighs, and pulled out her fingernails. The torments
continued for three days, and the screams were heard all through the
village. About to be sent to Damascus to be hanged, Sarah received
permission to go home to change her clothes. Making use of the op-
portunity, she shot herself there. After her death, NILI’s activities
ceased. With the death of Aharon Aaronsohn in an air accident in
May 1919, the group finally broke up. Officially the leadership of the
Jewish community in Palestine dissociated itself from NILI’s activi-
rodi was actually the “chief government agent for Israel’s burgeon-
ing arms industry.” He was known as an all-purpose “fixer” and
was on intimate terms with the shah and his generals. He would
even boast to his friends that he was in “partnership” with the shah.
Among other coups, Nimrodi sold the Iranian Army on the Israeli-
made Uzi submachine gun. As the Mossad agent who could prop-
erly boast of having “built” the Iranian National Organization for
Intelligence and Security (SAVAK) into an efficient but brutal in-
telligence service, he was no less intimate with the keepers of the
shah’s secrets.
Nimrodi ended his term in Iran in 1969 and returned to Israel.
There he lobbied for the job of military governor of the West Bank,
occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six Days’ War. Upon being turned
down, he resigned from the army.
As a private citizen, Nimrodi became a merchant selling arms and
other Israeli products to Iran. All the sales to Iran that he had previ-
ously arranged during his “low-salary” military career were now han-
dled by Nimrodi as a private businessman. In the Six Days’ War, mas-
sive quantities of Soviet weapons were captured by the Israel
Defense Forces (IDF) from the Arab armies, and Israel decided to
transfer these weapons to the Kurds of Iraq. Nimrodi served as the
main channel for this transaction. He, like other wealthy business-
men, invested millions in the shah’s Iran, and as a result accumulated
an enormous fortune. This profit making came to an end with the
Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979. However, Nimrodi had banked
wisely in Europe and was not hurt. He moved to London, where he
maintained his contacts with exiled Iranians.
In the first half of the 1980s, Nimrodi, still a private businessman,
resumed his engagement in arms sales. As partners he had David
(Dave) Kimche, former deputy director of the Mossad and then di-
rector-general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, with a lasting penchant
for clandestine activity; Al Schwimmer, a Jewish American billion-
aire who had founded the Israeli aircraft industry and was a close
friend of Shimon Peres; and the Saudi tycoon Adnan Khashoggi.
These men became key figures in an arms deal with revolutionary
Iran known later as the Irangate affair. Nimrodi is now in retirement
but still has many varied investments in Israel. See also IRANIAN
OPERATION BERTRAM. This was the codename for the second bat-
tle of El Alamein, which lasted from 23 October to 3 November
1942. Following the first battle of El Alamein (1–27 July 1942),
which stalled the Axis advance, this battle marked a significant turn-
ing point in the Western Desert Campaign of World War II.
The German forces under the legendary Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel knew that a British counterattack was coming, so the trick
was to mislead them as to where and when it would take place. The
Magic Gang, headed by Jasper Maskelyne, used its techniques of
trickery to build a dummy pipeline, the construction of which would
lead the Axis to believe that the attack was planned for a much later
date and much farther south. To enhance the illusion, dummy tanks
consisting of plywood frames placed over jeeps were constructed and
deployed in the south. In a reverse deception ploy, the tanks destined
OPERATION COMPASS. This was the first major World War II Al-
lied military operation in the Western Desert Campaign. After the Ital-
ian declaration of war on France and Britain on 10 June 1940, the Ital-
ian forces in Libya and the Commonwealth forces in Egypt began a
series of cross-border raids. Benito Mussolini urged the Libyan gov-
ernor-general, Marshal Italo Balbo, to launch a large-scale offensive
against the British in Egypt. Mussolini’s immediate aim was to cap-
ture the Suez Canal, ultimately wanting to link up his forces in Libya
with those in Italian East Africa. But, for many reasons, Balbo was re-
the principles that would guide U.S. policy during the crisis. The di-
rective called for the “immediate, complete, and unconditional with-
drawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait” and the “restoration of
Kuwait’s legitimate government to replace the puppet regime in-
stalled by Iraq.” It also articulated “a commitment to the security and
stability of the Persian Gulf.” This NSD was the first of two key pres-
idential directives that guided U.S. policy and actions in response to
Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.
The U.S. intelligence involvement in the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
can be divided into the preparation for the U.S.-led coalition attack
against Iraq, the collection and analysis of information during the war
as support for the military operation, and the search for weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq.
In regard to preparation, the U.S. intelligence community invested
six months of planning, deployment, training, and intelligence gather-
ing prior to beginning Operation Desert Storm. During this interval,
President Bush assembled a coalition of nations to augment U.S. re-
sources and isolate Iraq. War preparations were also aided by the lack
of Iraqi interference with the large buildup of frontline forces and re-
serves. This six-month period of preparation in advance of the air
campaign allowed the U.S. military planners to collect extensive in-
telligence about critical strategic targets and their locations. They
were able to plot their initial actions thoroughly and in great detail, re-
vising plans as necessary. In addition, the combat units had an oppor-
tunity to practice flying in a desert environment, honing their skills
under conditions for which some had not been previously trained.
Early on the morning of 17 January 1991, Baghdad time, the U.S.-
led coalition launched air attacks against Iraqi targets; it had become
clear that Saddam would not withdraw, and Operation Desert Shield
became Operation Desert Storm. On 24 February 1991, coalition
ground forces began their attack. On 27 February 1991, Kuwait City
was declared liberated and President George H. W. Bush and his ad-
visers decided to halt the war. A cease-fire took effect at 8 A.M. the
following morning. The overwhelming and speedy victory of the
U.S.-led coalition was accompanied by minimal casualties.
Operation Desert Storm included four phases. Phase I was to gain air
superiority by destroying Iraq’s strategic capabilities. That strategic air
campaign was accomplished within the first seven days. Phase II re-
Base outside Tehran, where C-130 aircrafts would take them out of
the country under the protection of fighter aircraft.
An unforeseen low-level sandstorm caused two of eight helicop-
ters to lose their way en route to Desert One, and a third helicopter
suffered a mechanical failure and was incapable of continuing with
the mission. Without enough helicopters to transport men and equip-
ment to Desert Two, the mission was aborted. After the decision to
abort the mission was made, one of the helicopters lost control while
taking off and crashed into an aircraft. In the ensuing explosion and
fire, eight U.S. servicemen were killed. During the evacuation, six in-
tact RH-53 helicopters were left behind and now serve in the Iranian
Navy. In their efforts to quickly evacuate the helicopters, the aircrews
left behind classified plans that identified Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) agents within Iran. Wounded personnel, mostly with
serious burns, returned with the rest of the Joint Task Force (JTF) to
the launch base in Oman. Two C-141 Medivac aircraft from the rear
staging base at Wadi Kena, Egypt, picked up the injured personnel,
helicopter crews, and Delta Forces, and the injured personnel were
transported to Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
Not long after the failure of the mission, the Iranian Embassy siege
occurred in London. A second rescue mission was planned under the
name Operation Credible Sport (also known as Operation Honey
Badger), but was never put into action. On the political level, the fail-
ure of the operation had a severe impact on U.S. President Jimmy
Carter’s reelection prospects. The hostages were eventually released
by diplomatic negotiations after 444 days of captivity on 20 January
1981, President Carter’s last day in office.
On the military level, an official investigation was launched in
1980 under the leadership of retired chief of naval operations Admi-
ral James L. Holloway III to explore the causes of the failure of the
operation. The findings, which were published in the Holloway Re-
port, primarily cited deficiencies in mission planning, command and
control, and interservice operability, and provided a catalyst to reor-
ganize the Department of Defense. The lack of cohesion among the
various services led to the creation of a new multiservice organiza-
tion, the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), which be-
came operational in 1988–1989. Each branch of the service subse-
quently established its own special operations forces under the
failed to complete their attack. Many believe that the Iranian attack
was a false alarm, the AWACS radar operators mistaking sea return
as small attack craft.
In response to the Bridgeton mining, the Kuwaitis provided a con-
verted oil support barge (Hercules) for use as a stationary sea base to
allow small craft, Special Forces, and helicopters to patrol the shipping
lanes west of Farsi Island. On the night of 8 October 1987, the Hercules
conducted her first mission. Army special operations helicopters, re-
connoitering an area off Farsi in which U.S. small craft were to estab-
lish a listening post, were startled to discover three Iranian patrol craft
present. The Iranians fired unsuccessfully on the army helicopters and
were destroyed when the aircraft returned fire. As Hercules was near
completion in late September, intelligence operations closely moni-
tored the massing of some 70 small boats near Blusher and Farsi is-
lands following an Iranian exercise menacingly called “Martyrdom.”
Concern heightened when satellites imaged small boats massed along
a 45-mile front, perhaps for an attack on the Saudi Khafji oil complex.
The assault failed to materialize. However, U.S. forces still believed
the Iranians were up to something in the northern gulf.
By April 1988, the United States achieved its main declared ob-
jectives, which were to secure the safe transit of Kuwaiti oil through
the gulf and forestall the expansion of Soviet influence in the region.
On 29 April 1988, however, the United States expanded the scope of
the protection scheme, extending the U.S. Navy’s protective umbrella
to all neutral shipping in the Persian Gulf. This decision divorced the
U.S. policy from its original limited objectives, increased the likeli-
hood of further confrontation with Iran, and laid the groundwork for
the destruction of an Iranian airliner by USS Vincennes.
Earnest Will overlapped with Operation Prime Chance, a largely
secret effort to stop Iranian forces from attacking gulf shipping. Op-
eration Earnest Will was officially ended on 26 September 1988 af-
ter Iran agreed to a cease-fire with Iraq on 20 August 1988. See also
impact on nearly every aspect of the operation since it meant that the
available U.S. Navy resources capable of conducting a precision
night attack could not perform the mission unilaterally. Assistance
was requested from Great Britain, which dramatically affected the
scope and complexity of the operation. Planning was even further
compounded when France and Spain refused to grant authority to fly
over their territory, thereby greatly increasing the distance of the
flight route from Great Britain to Tripoli, the hours of flight time for
the pilots and crews, and the amount of refueling support required
from tanker aircraft.
Concurrent with target selection, the nature and size of the strike
force were considered. Concern for collateral casualties and risk to
U.S. personnel, coupled with availability of assets, quickly narrowed
the field to a strike by tactical aircraft. The size of the strike force’s fi-
nal configuration was immense and complex. Although joint in nature,
the actual execution of the strike was operationally and geographically
divided between the navy, which was assigned the target in the Beng-
hazi area, and the air force, which hit the other three targets in the vicin-
ity of Tripoli. This division of responsibility was done largely to sim-
plify command and control of the operational aspects of the raid.
On 14 April 1986, approximately 100 aircraft were launched in di-
rect support of the raid. Several helicopters were deployed for possi-
ble search-and-rescue operations, and more than 50 aircraft were air-
borne in the vicinity of the carriers some 150–200 miles offshore. The
British Eighth Air Force’s refueling support of the strike force made
this the longest successful mission ever accomplished by tactical air-
craft. The actual combat lasted less than 12 minutes and dropped 60
tons of munitions. Resistance outside the immediate area of attack
was nonexistent, and Libyan air defense aircraft were never launched.
One strike aircraft was lost during the operation. Although Libya an-
ticipated retaliation for the Berlin disco bombing, for some unknown
reason Libya’s air defenses seemed almost wholly unprepared for the
attack. Libya’s air defense system was completely overwhelmed and
it was reported that some Libyan soldiers abandoned their posts in
fright and confusion. See also LIBYAN INTELLIGENCE.
passengers were kept on the aircraft until noon and then transported
to the airport’s old terminal building. Ugandan President Idi Amin
visited the hostages in the terminal and told them he was working to
achieve their release, and that Ugandan soldiers would remain at the
terminal to ensure their safety. The next day at 3:30 P.M. the leader of
the terrorists, a Palestine nicknamed “the Peruvian,” released the spe-
cific demands the group of terrorists were seeking, namely that 53
terrorists—13 held in prisons in France, West Germany, Kenya, and
Switzerland, and 40 in Israeli prisons—were to be released. If they
were not, hostages would be executed starting on 1 July at 2 P.M.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin convened a group of cabinet
ministers, including the chief of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
Lieutenant General Mordechai (Motta) Gur. There were serious com-
plications in using military forces such a long distance from Israel.
On 30 June, the Israeli Military Intelligence and the Mossad ob-
tained intelligence information according to which Idi Amin was not
seeking the release of the hostages and was actually collaborating
with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). This
made an early plan requiring marine commandos to rescue the
hostages and then surrender to Ugandan soldiers undesirable. Motta
Gur reported that the IDF had no viable plan to rescue the hostages.
On 1 July, the Israeli government declared that it had adopted a res-
olution to release their Palestinian prisoners. As a result, the PFLP
terrorists released the non-Jewish passengers, leaving only the flight
crew and the Jewish passengers on the aircraft. Upon receiving word
that Israel had agreed to the exchange deal, the terrorists moved the
day of execution back to Sunday, 4 July 1976. Israeli Mossad case of-
ficers met with the released passenger in Paris. The released passen-
gers gave them important details about the terminal in Entebbe. They
said that the Ugandan soldiers were fully cooperating with the ter-
rorists and that the Jewish passengers had been segregated from the
rest. The real purpose of the hijacking was beginning to be made
clear. Once again, the military was asked for options.
Yehonathan Netanyahu, commander of the IDF’s elite unit Sayeret
Matkal, was briefed on the roles and missions of the units in the plan
that was then under development. Brigadier General Dan Shomron
was appointed commander of the rescue unit.
The rescue mission took place on the night of 3 July and early
morning of 4 July 1976. The mission succeeded, though Yehonathan
Netanyahu was killed in action. The Entebbe operation serves as a
classic example of a successful special operation based on excellent
intelligence. The Israelis used surprise and superior training to over-
come the terrorists and gain their objectives with a minimum loss of
life. It was a logistically difficult mission. Thirty-five commandos in
two Land Rovers and a Mercedes loaded with munitions had to be
transported over 2,200 miles and back again with over 100 hostages.
All the hijackers were killed by the Israeli forces.
another bullet hit the left hand of bodyguard Yoram Rubin, who
tried to protect the prime minister.
A regular bullet hit the bodyguard’s hand, causing his six-day hos-
pitalization at Ichilov Hospital in Tel-Aviv. The bullets that hit the
prime minister were hollow-point bullets. One entered his back from
the right side and went through his right lung. The second bullet pen-
etrated his left hip from behind and passed through his spleen, di-
aphragm, and left lung. The prime minister was rushed to Ichilov
Hospital in Tel-Aviv, where he died at 10:30 P.M. as a result of severe
trauma to his lungs and spleen.
The Protective Security Department of the Israeli Security Agency
(ISA) is responsible for protecting Israeli government ministers and
buildings, Israeli embassies, defense industries, scientific installa-
tions, industrial plants, and the national airline. The failure to protect
Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is regarded as the greatest failure since
the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Rabin’s assassination is regarded as a
particularly serious failure in light of the facts the ISA was aware of
cells of the religious right wing that opposed the prime minister’s
peace initiative with the Palestinian. Moreover, the ISA had a free-
lance informer, Avishai Raviv, a former member of the outlawed anti-
Arab Kach movement. Raviv had been recruited by ISA in 1987 to
inform on ultranationalist Israeli groups.
The ISA’s reputation was compromised by its failure to prevent the
assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The director of the
ISA, Carmi Gillon, resigned as a result of the assassination in early
OPERATION WAPPEN. This was the codename for the U.S. covert
operation against Syria in the 1950s. Over the course of a decade,
from the mid-1940s until the late 1950s, U.S. involvement in Syria
was punctuated by a series of coup d’états and covert operations. In
late 1945, the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) an-
nounced plans to construct the Trans-Arabian Pipe Line (TAPLINE)
from Saudi Arabia to the Mediterranean. With assistance from the
United States, ARAMCO secured the right-of-way from Lebanon,
Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. However, the Syrian right-of-way was
stalled in Parliament.
A few years later, violent anti-American, anti-Israeli demonstra-
tions in November 1948 forced Prime Minister Jamil Mardam to re-
sign. He was succeeded by Khalid al-Azm. During this crisis, a Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative made contact with
right-wing Syrian Army officers and met secretly with Syrian Army
chief-of-staff Colonel Husni Zaim at least six times to discuss the
possibility of an army-supported dictatorship. American officials re-
alized that Zaim had a strong anti-Soviet attitude, and plans for the
coup with Zaim were completed in early 1949. On 14 March 1949,
Zaim requested that U.S. agents provoke internal disturbances as a
catalyst for the coup. Nine days later, Zaim promised a “surprise”
within several days with the assurance of U.S. support. Shortly there-
after, students protesting government corruption and mishandling of
the war with Israel took to the streets.
On 30 March 1949, Zaim staged his coup and suspended the con-
stitution. This was followed over the next two months by the arrest of
hundreds of communists and left-wing dissidents and a ban of the
Communist Party. Zaim’s cooperation far exceeded Washington’s ex-
unit of the Fourth Army was the Eighth Corps. The man in charge of
finding, dealing with, and arresting enemy spies was Jihad Rifat. The
commander of the military intelligence of the Eight Corps was Ahmed
Dormesh, and his aids were Rashdi Bek and Abdel Rahman Elnatsuli.
One of the secretive units within the intelligence department was the
counterespionage unit commanded by Brahan al-Din Bek.
There were also specific intelligence units unconnected to the mil-
itary intelligence of the Eighth Corps, such as a special intelligence
service that conducted surveillance on Egypt, headed by Fuad al-
Masri, a special intelligence unit that worked among the Bedouin
tribes of the Syrian Desert, and another special unit that was respon-
sible for surveillance of religious institutions, especially Christian in-
stitutions in Syria. In addition to the official intelligence units, every
chief of police in each city was appointed by the authorities to seek
out and catch spies in his jurisdiction. See also TURKISH INTELLI-
Hamas regimes in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, respectively, are
directing their part of the intelligence network against one another
more than Israel. On the other hand, the PNA and Israel are cooper-
ating against Hamas. After taking the control over the Gaza Strip,
Hamas announced that it had found documents exposing a broad Fa-
tah spy-ring working against Arab countries, including Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the United States.
Direct contact between Israel and the PNA was replaced with me-
diation by the CIA. The CIA mediation paved the way for further
diplomatic efforts led by the American administration’s special envoy
Dennis Ross, whose goal was to get negotiations back on track. Dur-
ing the years 1996–1997, the CIA’s role as facilitator was an informal
one until an official endorsement by the Bill Clinton administration in
the Wye River Memorandum (23 October 1998). The director of the
CIA, George Tenet, played a key role behind the scenes in supporting
the negotiations between the Israeli delegation and the Palestinian Na-
tional Authority delegation. In the August 2000, Camp David negoti-
ations between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and chair of the
PNA Yasser Arafat, George Tenet participated with a team of CIA ex-
perts, though their contribution to those negotiations was marginal.
After the al-Aqsa Intifada broke out in September 2000, the CIA
was again charged with the task of cooling the atmosphere between
the Israelis and the Palestinians. Tenet was engaged in planning a
cease-fire for the al-Aqsa Intifada, a plan known as the Tenet Plan.
The CIA assumed a key role in mediating between the two sides, and
in May 2001, CIA officers met with Hamas political activists to try
to gain a better understanding of their position toward terror and pol-
itics. In January 2002, the CIA verified Israeli claims that the vessel
Karine-A, which was captured by the Israeli Navy, was carrying arms
for the PNA. As a result, President George W. Bush demanded re-
forms in the PNA.
During Operation Defensive Shield in spring 2002, the Israel De-
fense Forces surrounded the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, a
holy Christian shrine. This move was made in response to the assas-
sination of the Israeli minister of tourism, Rehavam Zeevi, in the fall
of 2001. Israel demanded that Zeevi’s assassins be turned over to Is-
rael for trial and punishment. The CIA and the MI6 were tasked to ne-
gotiate the matter with both sides. After weeks of tense negotiations,
the two intelligence agencies proposed a compromise in which the
assassins would be imprisoned in a special jail in Jericho and guarded
by British prison officers. The CIA officers transferred the convicted
terrorists to the Jericho prison.
In summer 2002, the Egyptian General Intelligence Service joined
the peacemaking efforts in an attempt to calm the volatile situation in
the Palestinian territories. The chief of Egyptian intelligence, Gen-
greater intensity. The 1982 Lebanon War, with its disastrous Israeli–
Maronite, Israeli–Christian collaboration, sounded the death knell of
the Periphery Doctrine. This was mainly due to the Mossad’s failure
to perceive the Maronites’ incapacity to establish a state of their own
in Lebanon—contrary to the Military Intelligence assessment that
disparaged Maronite capabilities in this respect.
Since then, for better or for worse, Israel has played the Middle
East strategic game by the local rules: an informal strategic alliance
with non-Arab Turkey, but also with Arab Jordan; non-Arab Iran now
tops the pile of Israel’s enemies, while Arab Egypt is invited to help
Israeli out in the Gaza Strip. See also IRANIAN INTELLIGENCE.
Its main aims are to put an end to foreign influence in Muslim coun-
tries and to create a pan-Islamic caliphate or Islamic militaristic state
throughout the world. Al Qaeda seeks a global radicalization of ex-
isting Islamic groups, claiming that it is the duty of all Muslims to kill
U.S. citizens, civilian or military, and their allies everywhere.
On 11 September 2001, 19 al Qaeda suicide attackers hijacked and
crashed four U.S. commercial jets, two into the World Trade Center
towers in New York City, one into the Pentagon near Washington,
D.C., and a fourth into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, leaving
about 3,000 people dead or missing. This terrorist act marked the be-
ginning of the U.S. administration’s “war on terror.” Although intel-
ligence collection efforts on Osama bin-Laden and al Qaeda had al-
ready increased significantly and plans had been in the making to
penetrate al Qaeda and to capture Osama bin-Laden in Afghanistan,
a suitable strategic operation had not been executed in time for Sep-
tember 11.
In order to succeed in this kind of war, substantial intelligence ef-
forts are required. On 15 September 2001, just four days after the at-
tacks, U.S. intelligence analysts submitted their recommendations to
President George W. Bush for covert operations against al Qaeda in
the many countries around the world where al Qaeda was known to
have active cells. Moreover, CIA director George Tenet described a
plan to secretly dispatch CIA teams into Afghanistan jointly with the
U.S. Army’s elite units so as to work together with Afghan warlords
in the fight against al Qaeda. After receiving approval for this pro-
posal, the CIA geared up to take the lead in the attack on al Qaeda
and the Taliban in Afghanistan. On 19 September 2001, the Northern
Afghanistan Liaison Team (NALT) was formed, and on 26 Septem-
ber the team members entered Afghanistan. In addition, a new branch
was added to the U.S. Counterterrorist Center (CTC), known as the
CTC Special Operations (CTC/SO), which was assigned the task of
dismantling al Qaeda’s base of operations in Afghanistan. Although
coalition forces were successful in removing the Taliban from power
in Afghanistan in late 2001, Osama bin-Laden has not yet been
tracked or captured.
Al Qaeda remains a multinational organization with a worldwide
presence and members in numerous countries, with cells across Eu-
rope, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. It serves as an umbrella
266 • QAEDA, AL
RAZIEL MISSION. There are various accounts of what the David Ra-
ziel mission was and how it was initiated. According to one account,
the idea for the mission was initiated by Zionist political executives
and later approved by Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The British
had been following the career of the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini with
concern. In May 1940, the British Foreign Office allegedly refused a
proposal from the Vaad Leumi (Jewish National Council in Palestine)
to assassinate Husseini. However, in November, Churchill finally
approved the plan.
According to a different account, it was David Raziel, the impris-
oned leader of the Irgun (the underground militia of the Jewish com-
munity in Palestine), who proposed the plan, writing from his jail cell
to the British commander in chief in Palestine, the government sec-
retary of the mandate, and the British police commissioner. Eventu-
ally, the plan was changed to a mission of sabotage in Iraq. In May
1941, several members of the Irgun, including Raziel, were released
from prison and flown to Iraq for this purpose.
The heads of British intelligence in Egypt requested that the Irgun
dispatch a unit to blow up refineries in Baghdad, since the fuel re-
serves were so vital. Raziel immediately agreed and organized a four-
man unit to execute the operation. His comrades tried, unsuccessfully,
to dissuade him from taking part. On 17 May 1941, the four left for
the military airfield at Tel Nof, where they boarded a Royal Air Force
transport plane. After landing several hours later at Habanniya, it was
explained to Raziel that the plan had been postponed and that, instead,
the unit was to carry out intelligence missions in preparation for the
capture of Faluga (en route to Baghdad).
The next day, the unit set out and reached the river, which they
were scheduled to cross. However, there was room for only two pas-
sengers in the sole available boat. Raziel ordered two of his comrades
to cross the river and carry out the mission, while he made his way
back to the car with the third partner and the British officer who had
accompanied them. Suddenly a German plane swooped down and
bombed the area, scoring a direct hit on the car and killing Raziel and
the British officer instantly. The mission was abandoned after Raziel
was killed by the German plane.
the shah was able to return triumphantly to Tehran, where he later ex-
pressed his heartfelt gratitude to the CIA and to Kermit Roosevelt.
Mossadeq was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment.
After retiring from the CIA in 1958, Kim Roosevelt worked for
half a dozen years for Gulf Oil. Thereafter, he served as a consultant
to U.S. corporations doing business in the Middle East and to Middle
East governments in the United States. After retiring from consulting
in 1979, he wrote a book about the CIA’s role in the 1953 Iranian
coup, entitled Counter Coup: The Struggle for the Control of Iran. In
the book, he made it clear that he had no qualms about U.S. involve-
ment or the chain reaction that the 1953 coup had triggered in Iran.
After the June 1967 war, a weakened Nasser granted more conces-
sions to the Soviets, and the Soviet Union poured aid into Egypt to
replace lost military equipment and help rebuild the armed forces.
However, by sending troops and advisers to Egypt, the Soviet Union
took a calculated risk of a possible superpower confrontation over the
Middle East, given that the United States under the administration of
Richard Nixon was supplying Israel with military aid and regarded
Israel as a bulwark against Soviet expansion in the area.
In 1970, during the War of Attrition, a 12,000-strong Soviet expe-
ditionary air defense corps was sent to Egypt to help fight the Israeli
Air Force. None of the officers or troops was told the ultimate desti-
nation before they docked in Alexandria, Egypt. The level of secrecy
was such that generals, other officers, and troops were disguised as
civilians and their transport ships were supposedly carrying “farming
equipment.” The ship captains were allowed to open an envelope
containing information on their final destination only after they
reached the eastern Mediterranean.
The tide began to turn against the Soviets after Nasser’s successor,
President Anwar Sadat, decided to switch to the American camp for
support at a time when the Soviet side seemed to be winning. The
vast structure of Soviet influence rapidly disintegrated as 17,000 So-
viet advisers were expelled and contact was broken with many of the
agents who had been recruited by Nasser. Sami Sharaf was arrested
in 1972 and sentenced to life at hard labor. Because of the heavy sur-
veillance by Egyptian security, meetings with the agents who re-
mained usually took place outside Egypt in locations such as Cyprus
and Beirut.
Sadat continued widening the contacts with the West, primarily
with the United States. Sadat’s director of intelligence, General
Ahmed Ismail, was known to be in contact with the Central Intelli-
gence Agency (CIA). However, the United States was reluctant in the
period after the 1973 October War to assist Egypt financially to a
level that was necessary in order to stabilize the Egyptian economy.
At the same time, Sadat was unwilling to improve Egypt’s relations
with the Soviet Union. In March 1976, Sadat unilaterally denounced
the Soviet–Egyptian friendship treaty.
Despite Moscow’s anger at Sadat’s betrayal, the oil crisis that fol-
lowed the 1973 October War encouraged the revival of Soviet influ-
ence in the Middle East, albeit this time with the focus mainly on Iran
and Turkey. By the mid-1970s, the Soviet Union had won the part of
the Cold War being waged in the developing world. Of the Arab coun-
tries, only Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Mo-
rocco had managed to resist KGB penetration at the highest levels.
Although the Soviets spied effectively on Sadat’s secret communi-
cations with the Americans, they chose not to actively support pro-
Moscow Egyptians who were plotting a coup against Sadat. The KGB
restricted itself to forging documents to persuade Sadat that the Amer-
icans were tricking him and portraying Egypt’s leader in non-Egypt-
ian Arab media as the dupe of Jewish bankers, a CIA agent, a sexual
deviant, a drug addict, and mentally ill. However, some KGB officials
were so infuriated by Sadat that they advocated his assassination.
They knew that their contacts in Syrian intelligence and the Palestine
Liberation Organization were involved in such a plan, which was ul-
timately carried out in 1981. See also EGYPTIAN INTELLIGENCE;
ing to attack him on the ground. Saddam viewed the Soviet overtures
as a phony attempt to intimidate him and ignored their warnings. See
veered off in the direction of Israel. The ground crew radar picked up
a blip on the screen heading west and they frantically radioed him to
turn around. He didn’t. They warned him they would shoot him
down. Hundreds of miles away Israeli radar picked up the blip on the
screen. They sent up a squad of IAF Mirages to escort him. He went
through his prearranged signals and they flew alongside him to a base
deep in the Negev Desert.
On the same day, 16 August, Mossad agents in Iraq hired two large
vans and picked up the remaining members of the pilot’s family, who
had left Baghdad ostensibly for a picnic. They were driven to the
Iranian border and guided across by anti-Iraqi Kurdish guerrillas.
Safely in Iran, a helicopter collected them and flew them to an air-
field, from where an airplane took them to Israel. Newspapers all
over the world carried the sensational story of an Iraqi pilot who had
defected with his MiG-21 to Israel. But after a couple of days the
story was almost forgotten. The Soviet Union demanded the return of
the aircraft; Israel has never returned it. However, so as not to infuri-
ate the Soviets too much, Israel did not share any information on the
MiG-21 with the United States for a substantially long period. The
whole story was not revealed by Israel for a relatively long time, be-
yond the fact that an Iraqi pilot had defected with his MiG-21 to Is-
rael. It was no surprise when, during the Six Days’ War in June 1967,
the Israel Air Force demonstrated its superiority over the MiG-21 air-
craft of the Arab air forces. Yusuf did not move to Israel, preferring
to remain a Zionist abroad.
Lebanon. After its secession from the UAR, the new Syrian govern-
ment under President Nazim al-Qudsi had to defend itself against
Egyptian intelligence, which was seeking to subvert it. The Deux-
ième Bureau and a reformed civilian intelligence, renamed the Inter-
nal Security Forces Command (ISFC), concentrated their activities
on Lebanon. Their targets were pro-Egyptian Lebanese, Syrian ex-
iles, and Egyptian agents.
Following the February 1966 coup within the Ba’ath Party, Salah
Jadid emerged as the leader of Syria’s regime, and he centralized
control of all intelligence and security services under Colonel Abd
al-Karim al-Jundi. From 1966 to 1969, Jundi further expanded the
role and power of his agencies, both at home and abroad. These ser-
vices were given an even freer hand in rooting out opponents, and it
was during this period that their reputation for brutal ruthlessness
was firmly established. Jundi’s support for Jadid was so crucial that
when Jundi died in March 1969, it was only a matter of time before
Jadid fell.
In March 1969, Rifaat al-Assad, Hafez al-Assad’s younger brother,
used his paramilitary units in conjunction with military intelligence
to crush Jundi’s security force. In November 1970, Hafez al-Assad
ousted Jadid in what he labeled as a “corrective coup.” The Assad
regime has proven to be Syria’s most stable since independence, and
there has been considerable continuity among the senior personnel in
the intelligence community. This reflects the extent to which the top
leadership and commanders of the main intelligence organs are
drawn largely from the Alawite community and are linked to Assad
by personal and family ties.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Syrian intelligence agencies were very ac-
tive abroad and were heavily involved in guerrilla and terrorist oper-
ations. A major focus of this activity was on operations in the Golan
Heights and northern Israel. Additionally, sabotage, assassination,
and terrorist operations were carried out in Europe and elsewhere in
the Arab world. Although Syria’s exact role was murky, its intelli-
gence and security networks were strongly implicated in the support
of Middle Eastern and other international terrorist groups in Western
Europe in order to achieve its diplomatic, military, and strategic ob-
jectives. In fact, Syria was one of the countries on the terrorism list
issued by the U.S. government when it was first compiled in 1979.
cording to some reports). The facts were left obscure, leading Israeli
intelligence to initially believe that Tannenbaum had been captured
in Europe or had turned himself in there.
Upon his capture by the Hizballah, the Israeli security establish-
ment was afraid that Tannenbaum would reveal information to which
he had been exposed in his military service and in Rafael. Tannen-
baum was kept in prison for over three years by the Hizballah until
being returned in 2004, as part of a controversial prisoner exchange,
along with the bodies of three IDF soldiers kidnapped several days
before him. The extent of the damage caused by Tannenbaum has not
been officially acknowledged by Israel, but considering his rank and
role in the artillery corps of the IDF, it is potentially large.
removed key operatives of these groups. For example, the ISA as-
sassinated Hamas suicide bomb maker Yahya Ayash by placing a
microexplosive device in his mobile phone. See also JORDANIAN
TILFAH, RAFI. Rafi Abd al-Latif Tilfah was the last commander of
Iraq’s Directorate of General Security (DGS), replacing Tahir
Jalil in 1999. After the 2003 Operation Iraqi Freedom, Rafi Tilfah
was listed as wanted by U.S. forces in Iraq. The DGS, like all of Sad-
dam Hussein’s intelligence agencies, was dismantled by U.S. forces.
lite and launch it into orbit by 2011. Turkey is a North Atlantic Treaty
Organization member and has some access to information from U.S.
satellites. Moreover, Turkey can also buy imagery on the open mar-
ket from Spot Image, DigitalGlobe, or other suppliers. Nevertheless,
the Turkish government decided that it would acquire its own satel-
lite so as to be able to keep track of activities throughout the region.
Space-based observation is one important way that it can keep track
of activities in places like Armenia, Iraq, or the Aegean Sea, where
Turkey’s national security interests are at stake.
Western intelligence agencies assess that for $200 million it is im-
possible to buy sophisticated pointing, maneuvering, and field-of-
view technology. Effective space-based reconnaissance, even for a
medium-sized power, depends on a minimum level of space situa-
tional awareness. Not only do they need to know exactly where their
satellite is at all times, they also need to be able to precisely control
where its sensors are pointing. These specifications require much
larger budgets and one or more large ground stations. However, be-
cause Turkey needs to use the satellites only for regional monitoring,
it does not require the expensive relay systems used by the United
States and (probably) other global powers.
Turksat, the government-owned civilian corporation, owns and op-
erates three Alcatel-built satellites and has a fourth under construc-
tion. The satellites provide direct broadcast and other communica-
tions services to Turkey and Central Asia, where Turkey has
significant interests. These communication services have given the
Turkish-speaking people in Central Asia access to the Turkish media
and have helped Ankara compete for cultural, economic, and politi-
cal influence against the other major regional powers, such as Russia,
Iran, Pakistan, India, and China.
The military reconnaissance program, as defined by the Turkish Min-
istry of Defense, will probably not contribute much, if anything, to
achieving information from these countries but will instead concentrate
on taking pictures of neighboring states that directly border on Turkey.
For this purpose of legitimate espionage, Turkey needs experienced
teams of imagery interpreters, without whom the most expensive satel-
lite information is useless. With this goal in mind, the Turkish govern-
ment has been dispatching Turkish experts since the turn of the 21st
century to the European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) in Torrejón,
to Omaha, Nebraska, and suggested that it was time the two countries
and their two main spying organizations cease their intelligence war
and begin to cooperate in the war against terror. George Bush ac-
cepted the offer and for the first time, the Russians and Americans
agreed to put their intelligence war of over half a century behind
them and open a new page in their relationship. As part of this his-
torical conversation, Putin offered to make available all their files
about Muslim terrorism as well as all the information in their pos-
session about Osama bin-Laden’s electronic systems and codes. Two
days after a second phone conversation between Bush and Putin on
23 September 2001, General Sergei Nikolaevich Lebedev arrived in
Washington at the head of a large Russian delegation of spying, com-
munication, and code systems experts.
Since then, Lebedev’s men have been operating a big part of the
electronic spying systems for the Americans inside and outside
Afghanistan and the countries in Central Asia. The first main politi-
cal intelligence directorate of the Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki (SVR;
Foreign Intelligence Service), which is the successor of the Komitet
Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB), now has two electronic spy-
ing bases in Afghanistan, with one in the capital of Kabul.
USS LIBERTY ATTACK. The events that led to the Israeli Air Force
(IAF) attack on the intelligence ship USS Liberty on 8 June 1967
have never been fully explained. The attack on the Liberty occurred
during the days of tension just prior to the outbreak of the Six Days’
War. Official reports by both the Israelis and the U.S. Navy declared
it accidental as a case of mistaken identity. The navy ship was at-
tacked with rockets, cannon fire, and torpedoes while in international
waters off the town of El Arish in the Sinai Desert. Of its 295 crew-
men, 34 were killed and 171 injured. The Liberty was a converted
former World War II ship that was supposedly being used for sci-
entific investigation, but was actually an offshore electronic eaves-
dropper. The mission of the USS Liberty was highly secret because
spying on other nations by intercepting radio signals (SIGINT) was
strictly forbidden at that time. Despite its thousands of employees,
the SIGINT-handling National Security Agency (NSA) was so secret
in 1967 that officially it did not exist. In the intelligence community,
its initials were said to stand for No Such Agency.
On 23 May 1967, the ship was ordered to the eastern Mediterranean
to monitor the deteriorating relations between Israel and Egypt. How-
ever, while the Liberty was still on its way, Israel launched its air force
against Egyptian airfields, destroying almost all of its air power in
about 80 minutes on 5 June 1967. When informed that war had bro-
ken out, the U.S. Navy ordered all its vessels to stay at least 100 miles
from the war zone. The NSA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff followed
that up with at least five similar orders directed specifically to the Lib-
erty in order to inform them that they were in a war zone. However,
the messages were delayed for 16 hours and never received.
The Liberty took station just outside Egypt’s 12-mile territorial
limit off the Gaza Strip at dawn on 8 June 1967. Israeli planes circled
the ship several times at close range. Then, shortly before 2 P.M., a
flight of Israeli Mirage jets approached the ship in a typical attack
pattern. The officer on duty on board shouted a warning, but before
he could sound the ship’s general alarm, the planes attacked the ship
with rockets and cannon fire. The attack shattered virtually all of the
ship’s 45 communications antennae, and it took technicians more
than 10 minutes to send an SOS to the U.S. Sixth Fleet stationed 500
miles to the north. A radio operator on the USS Saratoga heard the
message that the Liberty was under attack but demanded an authen-
tication code, which had been destroyed by the first shots.
Israeli officials maintained that they had investigated the Liberty ear-
lier and that a plotting error had convinced them that the ship was trav-
eling at the rate of a serious warship. The Israeli Navy then summoned
the air force to intercept the mysterious vessel. When the U.S. Navy fi-
nally heard that the Liberty was under attack, it was assumed that the
attackers were Egyptian. Strike aircraft were launched from the carrier
Saratoga and elsewhere. There is much debate about whether the Lib-
erty’s U.S. flag was visible, whether the Israeli jets were unmarked,
and whether the Israeli pilots could have mistaken the Liberty for the
Egyptian El Quseir. The debates will probably never be resolved.
The ship’s casualties were vastly underreported initially. The Pen-
tagon censored all reports, and survivors were threatened with court-
martial or prison if they discussed the incident. Israel eventually paid
$6 million in restitution to the survivors of those killed and another
$6 million to the U.S. government to end litigation.
lived until 1920, and wrote a book on Pan Islam in 1919. The inter-
esting information in this book refers to Ahmed Jamal Pasha’s re-
sentment of the Germans, who were Turkey’s alleys. The book de-
scribes the events that led to the German pressure on Istanbul to
remove the governor of Syria, Ahmed Jamal Pasha.
YOM KIPPUR WAR DECEPTION. The 1973 Yom Kippur War, also
known as the October War, started on 6 October 1973, when Egypt-
ian and Syrian forces launched a surprise joint attack on Israel. The
Egyptian forces surprised the Israeli forces by attacking across the
Suez Canal, allowing them to gain a significant foothold in the Sinai
Desert. At the same time, the Syrian forces penetrated the Golan
Heights and came within 10 kilometers of securing a key bridge that
would have left northern Israel vulnerable to attack. These offensive
campaigns caught the Israelis off guard and achieved strategic as well
as tactical surprise before the IDF could fully mobilize. The conflict
raged for almost three weeks before the United Nations intervened,
imposing a cease-fire on 24 October 1973 prior to any clear-cut mil-
itary resolution on the battlefield.
Despite Israel’s sophisticated and renowned intelligence-gathering
apparatus, the Arab forces achieved total surprise on the Suez front
and near complete surprise on the Golan front. Their deception oper-
ation was a shrewd combination of political and military maneuver-
ing, directly contributing to their initial successes. The success of the
Arab deception plan was due in large part to incorrect analysis rather
than failure in intelligence gathering by the Israelis. The elaborate de-
ception plan convinced senior Israeli officers, including Major Gen-
eral Eliyahu Zeira, the chief of Israeli intelligence, that Egypt and
Syria would not attack and were only conducting routine defensive
training exercises.
Israeli intelligence gathered many indications in the spring of 1973
that war was probable, including brigade-size movements up to the
canal and extensive modifications and improvements to defensive
works and roads on the West Bank. Major General Eliyahu Zeira dis-
agreed with the analysis but briefed Lieutenant General Elazar, who
concurred with the assessment of war and recommended preparatory
measures to the Golda Meir government. Mobilization was ordered
in May, but this judgment turned out to be incorrect and costly, both
financially and politically. Over the next four months, the Arabs
stepped up their deception operation with monthly movements of
men, equipment, and supplies up to the borders in combat formations
as large as divisions. Their exercises portraying the intent to cross the
canal were repeated until the Israelis became conditioned to them. In
September alone, the Egyptian formations moved up to the canal six
times and then withdrew. Thus, preparations for defensive operations
continued as normal and were heavily emphasized in military radio
traffic. False reports of faulty missile systems and the like were ex-
changed on open radio in order to deceive Israeli signals intelligence
operatives. The Egyptian Navy made open arrangements for two sub-
marines to receive repairs in Pakistan so as to deceive the Israelis into
believing they were operationally unready. Egypt also made public
announcements that naval forces had performed poorly during exer-
cises and would undergo further training in laying mines. In fact, the
mines laid during this subsequent exercise were real and actually
used as part of the blockade. A flood of reports on Egypt’s economic
instability and its inability to afford another war were also made pub-
lic, stressing the importance of a political solution to regaining the
Sinai. Articles were planted in newspapers quoting Anwar Sadat and
Hafez al-Assad, alternating between strong condemnation and con-
ciliatory speeches to keep the Israelis off balance.
Despite the deception operations, tactical observers reported with
increasing urgency that the Egyptian buildup and activity were sig-
nificant, with elite commando units detected along the front. Their re-
ports caused concern but no action. Egyptian forces exploited these
vulnerabilities and timed the attack to occur on Yom Kippur, the Jew-
ish Day of Atonement, when only a skeletal Israeli force would be de-
ployed and any response would be slower. The Arab deception plan
was so successful that as late as the morning of 5 October 1973, Ma-
jor General Zeira advised Lieutenant General Elazar that the risk of
attack was low. Not until the morning of 6 October 1973, the day of
the attack, did the general headquarters of the Israel Defense Forces
inform its reserve commanders that war was imminent and give or-
ders to begin mobilization. Even after Israeli troops were belatedly
placed on high alert, Prime Minister Meir made the decision not to
preemptively attack the Arab forces.
Coordination between Egypt and Syria had been established for a
long time prior to the attack, with a well-practiced mobilization of re-
serves ensuring that the maximum number of forces would be ready
for zero hour. The Arabs conducted extraordinary operations security,
with no more than a dozen people on each side aware of the exact
plans. Most troops and officers were informed no more than two
hours before the attack was launched. As a result of their deception
efforts, the Arab forces quickly and decisively overwhelmed Israeli
forces in the early stages of the war. Although the Arab forces won an
I. Introduction 328
II. Printed Resources 329
1. General Survey of Arab Intelligenc 329
2. Foreign Intelligence in the Middle East 329
2.1. British Intelligence in the Middle East
2.1.1. World War I
2.1.2. Battles of World War I Battle of Gallipoli Battles of Gaza
2.2. World War II
2.3. Superpowers’ Intelligence in the Middle East during
the Cold War
2.4. Italian Intelligence in the Middle East
2.5. U.S. Intelligence in the Middle East
3. Gulf States’ Intelligence 334
3.1. General
3.2. Bahraini Intelligence
3.3. Omani Intelligence
4. Egyptian Intelligence 335
5. Iranian Intelligence 335
5.1. The Shah’s Regime
5.2. The Ayatollah’s Regime
6. Iraqi Intelligence 336
7. Israeli Intelligence 337
7.1. Pre-state Intelligence
7.2. State of Israeli Intelligence
7.3. Surprise Attacks
7.4. Suez Crisis
Most of the countries in the Middle East are not democracies and one
of our first assumptions was that not much has been published about the
intelligence issues of the countries in this region. However, after we be-
gan the study and the writing of this book, we discovered that there are
a lot of printed and electronic publications about intelligence issues of
the Middle East. Most of the publications are in English, although there
are publications published in Hebrew and in Arabic as well.
Because of the numerous publications, it became easier to arrange the
titles according to geographic areas in the region and according to spe-
cific countries and specific issues.
Many of the intelligence communities of the Middle East have websites.
Links to their websites can be found in the third part of this bibliography.
James, Malcolm. Born of the Desert: With the SAS in North Africa. London:
Greenhill Books. 2001.
Keatts, Dorothy. “Footnote to Cicero.” Studies in Intelligence 1, no. 4 (Fall
1957): 47–53.
Kelly, Saul. The Lost Oasis: The Desert War and the Hunt for Zerzura. New
York: Westview, 2003.
———. “A Succession of Crises: SOE in the Middle East, 1940–45.” Intel-
ligence and National Security 20, no 1 (March 2005): 121–46.
Kennedy Shaw, W. B. Long Range Desert Group. Rev. ed. London: Green-
hill, 2000.
Lloyd Owen, David. Providence Their Guide: The Long Range Desert
Group, 1940–1945. Rev. ed. Barnsley, U.K.: Leo Cooper, 2000.
McKee, Alexander. El Alamein: ULTRA and the Three Battles. London:
Souvenir Press, 1991.
Morgan, Mike. Sting of the Scorpion: The Inside Story of the Long-Range
Desert Group. London: Sutton, 2004.
Mosley, Leonard. The Cat and the Mice. London: Barker, 1958.
Moyzisch, L. C. Operation Cicero. New York: Coward-McCann, 1950.
Mure, David. Master of Deception: Tangled Webs in London and the Mid-
dle East. London: Kimber, 1980.
———. Practise to Deceive. London: Kimber, 1977.
Piekalkiewicz, Janusz. Rommel and the Secret War in North Africa
1941–1943: Secret Intelligence in the North African Campaign. Trans.
Fred Clemens. West Chester, Pa.: Schiffer, 1992.
Sansom, A. W. I Spied Spies. London: Harrap, 1965.
Slowikowski, Rygor. In the Secret Service: The Lighting of the Torch. Lon-
don: Windrush, 1988.
Smith, Kevin D. “Coming into Its Own: The Contribution of Intelligence at
the Battle of Alma Halfa.” Military Review 82, no. 4 (July–August,
2002): 74–77.
Smyth, Denis. “Screening ‘Torch’: Allied Counter-Intelligence and the
Spanish Threat to the Secrecy of the Allied Invasion of French North
Africa in November 1942.” Intelligence and National Security 4, no. 2
(April 1989): 335–56.
Thomas, Martin. “The Massingham Mission: SOE in French North Africa,
1941–1944.” Intelligence and National Security 11, no. 4 (October
1996): 696–721.
Timpson, Alastair, and Andrew Gibson-Watt. In Rommel’s Backyard: A
Memoir of the Long-Range Desert Group. Barnsley, U.K.: Pen and
Sword, 2000.
Vaughan, Hal. FDR’s 12 Apostles: The Spies Who Paved the Way for the In-
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