How The Statistical Revolution Changes (Computational) Linguistics

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How the statistical revolution changes (computational) linguistics

Mark Johnson
Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences and Computer Science
Brown University

Abstract tific review here, and for this reason I focus on ar-
eas I have some experience with. I begin by dis-
This paper discusses some of the ways that cussing how the statistical perspective changed my
the “statistical revolution” has changed understanding of the relationship between linguis-
and continues to change the relationship tic theory, grammars and parsing, and then go on
between linguistics and computational lin- to describe some of the ways that ideas from statis-
guistics. I claim that it is more useful in tics and machine learning are starting to have an
parsing to make an open world assumption impact on linguistics today.
about possible linguistic structures, rather Before beginning, I’d like to say something
than the closed world assumption usu- about what I think computational linguistics is. I
ally made in grammar-based approaches to view computational linguistics as having both a
parsing, and I sketch two different ways in scientific and an engineering side. The engineer-
which grammar-based approaches might ing side of computational linguistics, often called
be modified to achieve this. I also de- natural language processing (NLP), is largely con-
scribe some of the ways in which proba- cerned with building computational tools that do
bilistic models are starting to have a sig- useful things with language, e.g., machine trans-
nificant impact on psycholinguistics and lation, summarization, question-answering, etc.
language acquisition. In language acqui- Like any engineering discipline, natural language
sition Bayesian techniques may let us em- processing draws on a variety of different scien-
pirically evaluate the role of putative uni- tific disciplines.
versals in universal grammar. I think it’s fair to say that in the current state
of the art, natural language processing draws far
1 Introduction
more heavily on statistics and machine learning
The workshop organizers asked us to write some- than it does on linguistic theory. For example, one
thing controversial to stimulate discussion, and might claim that all an NLP engineer really needs
I’ve attempted to do that here. Usually in my pa- to understand about linguistic theory are (say) the
pers I try to stick to facts and claims that I can sup- parts of speech (POS). Assuming this is true (I’m
port, but here I have fearlessly and perhaps fool- not sure it is), would it indicate that there is some-
ishly gone out on a limb and presented guesses, thing wrong with either linguistic theory or com-
hunches and opinions. Take them with a grain of putational linguistics? I don’t think it does: there’s
salt. Inspired by Wanamaker’s well-known quote no reason to expect an engineering solution to uti-
about advertising, I expect that half of the ideas lize all the scientific knowledge of a related field.
I’m proposing here are wrong, but I don’t know The fact that you can build perfectly good bridges
which half. I hope the conference will help me with Newtonian mechanics says nothing about the
figure that out. truth of quantum mechanics.
Statistical techniques have revolutionized many I also believe that there is a scientific field of
scientific fields in the past two decades, including computational linguistics. This scientific field ex-
computational linguistics. This paper discusses ists not just because computers are incredibly use-
the impact of this on the relationship between ful for doing linguistics — I expect that comput-
computational linguistics and linguistics. I’m pre- ers have revolutionized most fields of science —
senting a personal perspective rather than a scien- but because it makes sense to think of linguis-

Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics, pages 3–11,
Athens, Greece, 30 March, 2009. 2009
c Association for Computational Linguistics

tic processes as being essentially computational in tant. The grammar-based approaches are some-
nature. If we take computation to be the manip- times described as producing deeper representa-
ulation of symbols in a meaning-respecting way, tions that are closer to meaning. It certainly is
then it seems reasonable to hypothesize that lan- true that grammar-based analyses typically repre-
guage comprehension, production and acquisition sent predicate-argument structure and perhaps also
are all computational processes. Viewed this way, quantifier scope. But one can recover predicate-
we might expect computational linguistics to in- argument structure using statistical methods (see
teract most strongly with those areas of linguis- the work on semantic role labeling and “Prop-
tics that study linguistic processing, namely psy- Bank” parsing (Palmer et al., 2005)), and pre-
cholinguistics and language acquisition. As I ex- sumably similar methods could be used to resolve
plain in section 3 below, I think we are starting to quantifier scope as well.
see this happen.
I suspect the main reason why statistical pars-
ing has concentrated on more superficial syntac-
2 Grammar-based and statistical parsing tic structure (such as phrase structure) is because
In some ways the 1980s were a golden age for there aren’t many actual applications for the syn-
collaboration and cross-fertilization between lin- tactic analyses our parsers return. Given the cur-
guistic theory and computational linguistics, es- rent state-of-the-art in knowledge representation
pecially between syntax and parsing. Gazdar and artificial intelligence, even if we could pro-
and colleagues showed that Chomskyian transfor- duce completely accurate logical forms in some
mations could be supplanted by computationally higher-order logic, it’s not clear whether we could
much simpler feature passing mechanisms (Gaz- do anything useful with them. It’s hard to find real
dar et al., 1985), and this lead to an explosion of applications that benefit from even syntactic infor-
work on “unification-based” grammars (Shieber, mation, and the information any such applications
1986), including the Lexical-Functional Gram- actually use is often fairly superficial. For exam-
mars and Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammars ple, some research systems for named entity de-
that are still very actively pursued today. I’ll call tection and extraction use parsing to identify noun
the work on parsing within this general framework phrases (which are potentially name entities) as
the grammar-based approach in order to contrast well as the verbs that govern them, but they ignore
it with the statistical approach that doesn’t rely on the rest of the syntactic structure. In fact, many
these kinds of grammars. I think the statistical ap- applications of statistical parsers simply use them
proach has come to dominate computational lin- as language models, i.e., one parses to obtain the
guistics, and in this section I’ll describe why this probability that the parser assigns to the string and
happened. throws away the parses it computes in the process
Before beginning I think it’s useful to clarify our (Jelinek, 2004). (It seems that such parsing-based
goals for building parsers. There are many reasons language models are good at preferring strings that
why one might build any computational system are at least superficially grammatical, e.g., where
— perhaps it’s a part of a commercial product we each clause contains one verb phrase, which is
hope will make us rich, or perhaps we want to test useful in applications such as summarization and
the predictions of a certain theory of processing machine translation).
— and these reasons should dictate how and even Grammar-based approaches are also often de-
whether the system is constructed. I’m assuming scribed as more linguistically based, while sta-
in this section that we want to build parsers be- tistical approaches are viewed as less linguisti-
cause we expect the representations they produce cally informed. I think this view primarily re-
will be useful for various other NLP engineering flects the origins of the two approaches: the
tasks. This means that parser design is itself essen- grammar-based approach arose from the collab-
tially an engineering task, i.e., we want a device oration between linguists and computer scientists
that returns parses that are accurate as possible for in the 1980s mentioned earlier, while the statisti-
as many sentences as possible. cal approach has its origins in engineering work
I’ll begin by discussing a couple of differ- in speech recognition in which linguists did not
ences between the approaches that are often men- play a major role. I also think this view is basi-
tioned but I don’t think are really that impor- cally false. In the grammar-based approaches lin-

guists write the grammars while in statistical ap- ture to the Charniak-Johnson parser (Charniak and
proaches linguists annotate the corpora with syn- Johnson, 2005) has no measurable effect on pars-
tactic parses, so linguists play a central role in ing accuracy. After doing this experiment I re-
both. (It’s an interesting question as to why cor- alized this shouldn’t be surprising: the Charniak
pus annotation plus statistical inference seems to parser already conditions each argument’s part-of-
be a more effective way of getting linguistic in- speech (POS) on its governor’s POS, and since
formation into a computer than manually writing POS tags distinguish singular and plural nouns and
a grammar). verbs, these general head-argument POS features
capture most cases of subject-verb agreement.
Rather, I think that computational linguists
working on statistical parsing need a greater level Note that I’m not claiming that subject-verb
of linguistic sensitivity at an informal level than agreement isn’t a real linguistic constraint or that
those working on grammar-based approaches. it doesn’t play an important role in human pars-
In the grammar-based approaches all linguistic ing. I think that the type of input (e.g., treebanks)
knowledge is contained in the grammar, which the and the kinds of abilities (e.g., to exactly count the
computational linguist implementing the parsing occurences of many different constructions) avail-
framework doesn’t actually have to understand. able to our machines may be so different to what is
All she has to do is correctly implement an in- available to a child that the features that work best
ference engine for grammars written in the rel- in our parsers need not bear much relationship to
evant grammar formalism. By contrast, statisti- those used by humans.
cal parsers define the probability of a parse in Still, I view the design of the features used in
terms of its (statistical) features or properties, and statistical parsers as a fundamentally linguistic is-
a parser designer needs to choose which features sue (albeit one with computational consequences,
their parser will use, and many of these features re- since the search problem in parsing is largely de-
flect at least an intuitive understanding of linguis- termined by the features involved), and I expect
tic dependencies. For example, statistical parsers there is still more to learn about which combi-
from Magerman (1995) on use features based on nations of features are most useful for statisti-
head-dependent relationships. (The parsers devel- cal parsing. My guess is that the features used
oped by the Berkeley group are a notable excep- in e.g., the Collins (2003) or Charniak (2000)
tion (Petrov and Klein, 2007)). While it’s true parsers are probably close to optimal for English
that only a small fraction of our knowledge about Penn Treebank parsing (Marcus et al., 1993), but
linguistic structure winds up expressed by fea- that other features might improve parsing of other
tures in modern statistical parsers, as discussed languages or even other English genres. Un-
above there’s no reason to expect all of our sci- fortunately changing the features used in these
entific knowledge to be relevant to any engineer- parsers typically involves significant reprogram-
ing problem. And while many of the features used ming, which makes it difficult for linguists to ex-
in statistical parsers don’t correspond to linguis- periment with new features. However, it might
tic constraints, nobody seriously claims that hu- be possible to develop a kind of statistical pars-
mans understand language only using linguistic ing framework that makes it possible to define new
constraints of the kind expressed in formal gram- features and integrate them into a statistical parser
mars. I suspect that many of the features that without any programming which would make it
have been shown to be useful in statistical parsing easy to explore novel combinations of statistical
encode psycholinguistic markedness preferences features; see Goodman (1998) for an interesting
(e.g., attachment preferences) and at least some suggestion along these lines.
aspects of world knowledge (e.g., that the direct
From a high-level perspective, the grammar-
object of “eat” is likely to be a food).
based approaches and the statistical approaches
Moreover, it’s not necessary for a statistical both view parsing fundamentally in the same way,
model to exactly replicate a linguistic constraint in namely as a specialized kind of inference problem.
order for it to effectively capture the correspond- These days I view “parsing as deduction” (one of
ing generalization: all that’s necessary is that the the slogans touted by the grammar-based crowd)
statistical features “cover” the relevant examples. as unnecessarily restrictive; after all, psycholin-
For example, adding a subject-verb agreement fea- guistic research shows that humans are exquisitely

sensitive to distributional information, so why I was interested in; all I needed were the corre-
shouldn’t we let our parsers use that information sponding c-structure or phrase-structure trees.
as well? And as Abney (1997) showed, it is And of course there are many ways of obtain-
mathematically straight-forward to define proba- ing phrase-structure trees. At the time my col-
bility distributions over the representations used league Eugene Charniak was developing a statis-
by virtually any theory of grammar (even those of tical phrase-structure parser that was more robust
Chomsky’s Minimalism), which means that theo- and had broader coverage than the LFG parser I
retically the arsenal of statistical methods for pars- was working with, and I found I generally got
ing and learning can be applied to any grammar better performance if I used the trees his parser
just as well. produced, so that’s what I did. This leads to
In the late 1990s I explored these kinds of sta- the discriminative re-ranking approach developed
tistical models for Lexical-Functional Grammar by Collins and Koo (2005), in which a statistical
(Bresnan, 1982; Johnson et al., 1999). The hope parser trained on a treebank is used to produce a
was that statistical features based on LFG’s richer set of candidate parses which are then “re-ranked”
representations (specifically, f -structures) might by an Abney-style probabilistic model.
result in better parsing accuracy. However, this I suspect these robustness and coverage prob-
seems not to be the case. As mentioned above, Ab- lems of grammar-based parsing are symptoms of
ney’s formulation of probabilistic models makes a fundamental problem in the standard way that
essentially no demands on what linguistic repre- grammar-based parsing is understood. First, I
sentations actually are; all that is required is that think grammar-based approaches face a dilemma:
the statistical features are functions that map each on the one hand the explosion of ambiguity sug-
representation to a real number. These are used to gests that some sentences get too many parses,
map a set of linguistic representations (say, the set while the problems of coverage show that some
of all grammatical analyses) to a set of vectors of sentences get too few, i.e., zero, parses. While it’s
real numbers. Then by defining a distribution over possible that there is a single grammar that can
these sets of real-valued vectors we implicitly de- resolve this dilemma, my point here is that each
fine a distribution over the corresponding linguis- of these problems suggests we need to modify the
tic representations. grammars in exactly the opposite way, i.e., gener-
This means that as far as the probabilistic model ally tighten the constraints in order to reduce am-
is concerned the details of the linguistic represen- biguity, while generally relax the constraints in or-
tations don’t actually matter, so long as there are der to allow more parses for sentences that have
the right number of them and it is possible to com- no parses at all.
pute the necessary real-valued vectors from them. Second, I think this dilemma only arises be-
For a computational linguist this is actually quite cause the grammar-based approach to parsing is
a liberating point of view; we aren’t restricted fundamentally designed around the goal of dis-
to slavishly reproducing textbook linguistic struc- tinguishing grammatical from ungrammatical sen-
tures, but are free to experiment with alternative tences. While I agree with Pullum (2007) that
representations that might have computational or grammaticality is and should be central to syntac-
other advantages. tic theory, I suspect it is not helpful to view pars-
In my case, it turned out that the kinds of fea- ing (by machines or humans) as a byproduct of
tures that were most useful for stochastic LFG proving the grammaticality of a sentence. In most
parsing could in fact be directly computed from of the applications I can imagine, what we really
phrase-structure trees. The features that involved want from a parser is the parse that reflects its best
f -structure properties could be covered by other guess at the intended interpretation of the input,
features defined directly on the phrase-structure even if that input is ungrammatical. For example,
trees. (Some of these phrase-structure features given the telegraphese input “man bites dog” we
were implemented by rather nasty C++ routines want the parser to tell us that “man” is likely to be
but that doesn’t matter; Abney-type models make the agent of “bites” and “dog” the patient, and not
no assumptions about what the feature functions simply that the sentence is ungrammatical.
are). This meant that I didn’t actually need the These grammars typically distinguish grammat-
f -structures to define the probability distributions ical from ungrammatical analyses by explicitly

characterizing the set of grammatical analyses in imal distortion, so if the input to be parsed is
some way, and then assuming that all other anal- in fact grammatical then the channel would pre-
yses are ungrammatical. Borrowing terminology fer the identity transformation, while if the input
from logic programming (Lloyd, 1987) we might is ungrammatical the channel model would map
call this a closed-world assumption: any analysis it to close grammatical sentences. For example,
the grammar does not generate is assumed to be if such a parser were given the input “man bites
ungrammatical. dog” it might decide that the most probable un-
Interestingly, I think that the probabilistic mod- derlying sentence is “a man bites a dog” and re-
els used statistical parsing generally make an turn a parse for that sentence. Such an approach
open-world assumption about linguistic analyses. might be regarded as a way of formalizing the idea
These probabilistic models prefer certain linguis- that ungrammatical sentences are interpreted by
tic structures over others, but the smoothing mech- analogy with grammatical ones. (Charniak and I
anisms that these methods use ensure that every proposed a noisy channel model along these lines
possible analysis (and hence every possible string) for parsing transcribed speech (Johnson and Char-
receives positive probability. In such an approach niak, 2004)).
the statistical features identify properties of syn- Another possible approach involves modifying
tactic analyses which make the analysis more or our interpretation of the grammar itself. We could
less likely, so the probabilistic model can prefer, obtain an open world model by relaxing our inter-
disprefer or simply be ambivalent about any par- pretation of some or all of the constraints in the
ticular linguistic feature or construction. grammar. Instead of viewing them as hard con-
I think an open-world assumption is generally straints that define a set of grammatical construc-
preferable as a model of syntactic parsing in both tions, we reinterpret them as violable, probabilis-
humans and machines. I think it’s not reason- tic features. For example, instead of interpret-
able to assume that the parser knows all the lex- ing subject-verb agreement as a hard constraint
ical entries and syntactic constructions of the lan- that rules out certain syntactic analyses, we rein-
guage it is parsing. Even if the parser encoun- terpret it as a soft constraint that penalizes analy-
ters a word or construction it doesn’t understand it, ses in which subject-verb agreement fails. Instead
that shouldn’t stop it from interpreting the rest of of assuming that each verb comes with a fixed
the sentence. Statistical parsers are considerably set of subcategorization requirements, we might
more open-world. For example, unknown words view subcategorization as preferences for certain
don’t present any fundamental problem for statis- kinds of complements, implemented by features
tical parsers; in the absence of specific lexical in- in an Abney-style statistical model. Unknown
formation about a word they automatically back words come with no subcategorization preferences
off to generic information about words in general. of their own, so they would inherit the prior or de-
Does the closed-world assumption inherent in fault preferences. Formally, I think this is fairly
the standard approach to grammar-based parsing easy to achieve: we replace the hard unification
mean we have to abandon it? I don’t think so; I constraints (e.g., that the subject’s number feature
can imagine at least two ways in which the con- equals the verb’s number feature) with a stochas-
ventional grammar-based approach might be mod- tic feature that fires whenever the subject’s number
ified to obtain an open-world parsing model. feature differs from the verb’s number feature, and
rely on the statistical model training procedure to
One possible approach keeps the standard
estimate that feature’s weight.
closed-world conception that grammars generate
only grammatical analyses, but gives up the idea Computationally, I suspect that either of these
that parsing is a byproduct of determining the options (or any other option that makes the
grammaticality of the input sentence. Instead, we grammar-based approaches open world) will re-
might use a noisy channel to map grammatical quire a major rethinking of the parsing process.
analyses generated by the grammar to the actual Notice that both approaches let ambiguity prolif-
input sentences we have to parse. Parsing involves erate (ambiguity is our friend in the fight against
recovering the grammatical source or underlying poor coverage), so we would need parsing al-
sentence as well as its structure. Presumably the gorithms capable of handling massive ambiguity.
channel model would be designed to prefer min- This is true of most statistical parsing models, so

it is possible that the same approaches that have ifying the structures over which the learning algo-
proven successful in statistical parsing (e.g., using rithm generalizes is just as important as specifying
probabilities to guide search, dynamic program- the learning algorithm itself. One of the things I
ming, coarse-to-fine) will be useful here as well. like about this work is that it gets beyond the naive
nature-versus-nurture arguments that characterize
3 Statistical models and linguistics some of the earlier theoretical work on language
acquisition. Instead, these computational models
The previous section focused on syntactic parsing, become tools for investigating the effect of spe-
which is an area in which there’s been a fruitful in- cific structural assumptions on the acquisition pro-
teraction between linguistic theory and computa- cess. For example, Goldwater et al. (2007) shows
tional linguistics over a period of several decades. that modeling inter-word dependencies improves
In this section I want to discuss two other emerg- word segmentation, which shows that the linguis-
ing areas in which I expect the interaction be- tic context contains information that is potentially
tween linguistics and computational linguistics to very useful for lexical acquisition.
become increasingly important: psycholinguistics
I think it’s no accident that much of the com-
and language acquisition. I think it’s no accident
putational work is concerned with phonology and
that these areas both study processing (rather than
morphology. These fields seem to be closer to
an area of theoretical linguistics such as syntax
the data and the structures involved seem simpler
or semantics), since I believe that the scientific
than in, say, syntax and semantics. I suspect that
side of computational linguistics is fundamentally
linguists working in phonology and morphology
about such linguistic processes.
find it easier to understand and accept probabilistic
Just to be clear: psycholinguistics and language
models in large part because of Smolensky’s work
acquisition are experimental disciplines, and I
on Optimality Theory (Smolensky and Legendre,
don’t expect the average researcher in those fields
2005). Smolensky found a way of introducing op-
to start doing computational linguistics any time
timization into linguistic theory in a way that lin-
soon. However, I do think there are an emerging
guists could understand, and this serves as a very
cadre of young researchers in both fields apply-
important bridge for them to probabilistic models.
ing ideas and results from computational linguis-
tics in their work and using experimental results As I argued above, it’s important with any com-
from their field to develop and improve the compu- putational modeling to be clear about exactly what
tational models. For example, in psycholinguistics our computational models are intended to achieve.
researchers such as Hale (2006) and Levy (2008) Perhaps the most straight-forward goal for compu-
are using probabilistic models of syntactic struc- tational models of language acquisition is to view
ture to make predictions about human sentence them as specifying the actual computations that a
processing, and Bachrach (2008) is using predic- human performs when learning a language. Un-
tions from the Roark (2001) parser to help explain der this conception we expect the computational
the patterns of fMRI activation observed during model to describe the learning trajectory of lan-
sentence comprehension. In the field of language guage acquisition, e.g., if it takes the algorithm
acquisition computational linguists such as Klein more iterations to learn one word than another,
and Manning (2004) have studied the unsuper- then we would expect humans to take longer to
vised acquisition of syntactic structure, while lin- that word as well. Much of the work in compu-
guists such as Boersma and Hayes (2001), Gold- tational phonology seems to take this perspective
smith (2001), Pater (2008) and Albright and Hayes (Boersma and Hayes, 2001).
(2003) are developing probabilistic models of the Alternatively, we might view our probabilistic
acquisition of phonology and/or morphology, and models (rather than the computational procedures
Frank et al. (2007) experimentally tests the predic- that implementing them) as embodying the scien-
tions of a Bayesian model of lexical acquisition. tific claims we want to make. Because these prob-
Since I have more experience with computational abilistic models are too complex to analyze ana-
models of language acquisition, I’ll concentrate on lytically in general we need a computational pro-
this topic for the rest of this section. cedure to compute the model’s predictions, but the
Much of this work can be viewed under the slo- computational procedure itself is not claimed to
gan “structured statistical learning”. That is, spec- have any psychological reality. For example, we

might claim that the grammar a child will learn ber features, perhaps giving us the mathematical
is the one that is optimal with respect to a cer- and computational tools to understand the induc-
tain probabilistic model. We need an algorithm for tion of rules and complex structure (Johnson et al.,
computing this optimal grammar so we can check 2007).
the probabilistic model’s predictions and to con- Of course doing this requires developing actual
vince ourselves we’re not expecting the learner to Bayesian models of language, and this is not easy.
perform magic, but we might not want to claim Even though this research is still just beginning,
that humans use this algorithm. To use termi- it’s clear that the details of the models have a huge
nology from the grammar-based approaches men- impact on how well they work. It’s not enough to
tioned earlier, a probabilistic model is a declara- “assume some version of X ′ theory”; one needs to
tive specification of the distribution of certain vari- evaluate specific proposals. Still, my hope is that
ables, but it says nothing about how this distribu- being able to evaluate the contributions of specific
tion might actually be calculated. I think Marr’s putative universals may help us measure and un-
“three levels” capture this difference nicely: the derstand their contributions (if any) to the learning
question is whether we take our models to be “al- process.
gorithmic level” or “computational level” descrip-
tions of cognitive processes (Marr, 1982). 4 Conclusion
Looking into the future, I’m very excited about
In this paper I focused on two areas of interaction
Bayesian approaches to language acquisition, as I
between computational linguistics and linguistic
think they have the potential to let us finally ex-
theory. In the area of parsing I argued that we
amine deep questions about language acquisition
should design parsers so they incorporate an open-
in a quantitative way. The Bayesian approach fac-
world assumption about sentences and their lin-
tors learning problems into two pieces: the likeli-
guistic structures and sketched two ways in which
hood and the prior. The likelihood encodes the in-
grammar-based approaches might be modified to
formation obtained from the data, while the prior
make them do this; both of which involve aban-
encodes the information possessed by the learner
doning the idea that parsing is solely a process of
before learning commences (Pearl, 1988). In prin-
proving the grammaticality of the input.
ciple the prior can encode virtually any informa-
Then I discussed how probabilistic models are
tion, including information claimed to be part of
being applied in the fields of sentence processing
universal grammar.
and language acquisition. Here I believe we’re at
Bayesian priors can incorporate the properties the beginning of a very fruitful period of inter-
linguists often take to be part of universal gram- action between empirical research and computa-
mar, such as X ′ theory. A Bayesian prior can tional modeling, with insights and results flowing
also express soft markedness preferences as well both ways.
as hard constraints. Moreover, the prior can also But what does all this mean for mainstream
incorporate preferences that are not specifically computational linguistics? Can we expect theo-
linguistic, such as a preference for shorter gram- retical linguistics to play a larger role in compu-
mars or smaller lexicons, i.e., the kinds of prefer- tational linguistics in the near future? If by com-
ences sometimes expressed by an evaluation met- putational linguistics we mean the NLP engineer-
ric (Chomsky, 1965). ing applications that typically receive the bulk of
The Bayesian framework therefore provides us the attention at today’s Computational Linguistics
with a tool to quantitatively evaluate the impact conferences, I’m not so sure. While it’s reasonable
of different purported linguistic universals on lan- to expect that better scientific theories of how hu-
guage acquisition. For example, we can calcu- mans understand language will help us build better
late the contribution of, say, hypothetical X ′ the- computational systems that do the same, I think we
ory universals on the acquisition of syntax. The should remember that our machines can do things
Bayesian framework is flexible enough to also per- that no human can (e.g., count all the 5-grams in
mit us to evaluate the contribution of the non- terabytes of data), and so our engineering solu-
linguistic context on learning (Frank et al., to ap- tions may differ considerably from the algorithms
pear). Finally, non-parametric Bayesian methods and procedures used by humans. But I think it’s
permit us to learn models with an unbounded num- also reasonable to hope that the interdisciplinary

work involving statistics, computational models, Gerald Gazdar, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey Pullum, and Ivan Sag.
psycholinguistics and language acquisition that I 1985. Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. Basil
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mentioned in the paper will produce new insights
into how language is acquired and used. J. Goldsmith. 2001. Unsupervised learning of the morphol-
ogy of a natural language. Computational Linguistics,
Sharon Goldwater, Thomas L. Griffiths, and Mark Johnson.
I’d like to thank Eugene Charniak and Antske 2007. Distributional cues to word boundaries: Context is
Fokkens for stimulating discussion and helpful important. In David Bamman, Tatiana Magnitskaia, and
Colleen Zaller, editors, Proceedings of the 31st Annual
comments on an earlier draft. Of course all opin- Boston University Conference on Language Development,
ions expressed here are my own. pages 239–250, Somerville, MA. Cascadilla Press.

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