The Accounts Receivable Aging - AccountingTools
The Accounts Receivable Aging - AccountingTools
The Accounts Receivable Aging - AccountingTools
Finance Bestsellers
Business Ratios Guidebook
If the report is generated by an accounting software system (which is Corporate Cash Management
usually the case), then you can usually reconfigure the report for different Corporate Finance
date ranges. For example, if payment terms are net 15 days, then the date Cost Management
Enterprise Risk Management
range in the left-most column should only be for the first 15 days. This
Financial Analysis
drops 16-day old invoices into the second column, which highlights that Interpretation of Financials
they are now overdue for payment. Investor Relations Guidebook
MBA Guidebook
The report primarily contains invoices, but it may also contain credit Mergers & Acquisitions
Treasurer's Guidebook
memos that have not been used by customers, or which have not yet
been matched against an unpaid invoice.
Operations Bestsellers
Constraint Management
The aging report is also used as a tool for estimating potential bad debts, Human Resources Guidebook
which are then used to revise the allowance for doubtful accounts. The Inventory Management
usual method for doing so is to derive the historical percentage of invoice New Manager Guidebook
Project Management
dollar amounts in each date range that usually become a bad debt, and
Purchasing Guidebook
apply these percentages to the column totals in the most recent aging
report. Send us your e-mail address
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For example, a company historically experiences 1% bad debts on items in discounts *
its 30 day time bucket, 5% bad debts in its 31-60 day time bucket, and 15%
bad debts in its 61+ day time bucket. Its most recent accounts receivable
aging report contains $500,000 in the 30 day time bucket, $200,000 in
the 31-60 day time bucket, and $50,000 in the 61+ day time bucket. SUBMIT
Based on this information, the company should have an allowance for
doubtful accounts of $22,500, which is calculated as: 2/3
5/7/2019 The accounts receivable aging — AccountingTools
Finally, the company's auditors may use the report to select invoices for
which they want to issue confirmations as part of their year-end audit
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