Technology Evolution of Industry 4.0 With Big Data & Iot
Technology Evolution of Industry 4.0 With Big Data & Iot
Technology Evolution of Industry 4.0 With Big Data & Iot
Abstract – With the advent of the fourth industry Applied to industrial manufacturing in Industrie 4.0, this
revolution (Industry 4.0) manufacturing systems are will open up entirely new worlds of production. The
transformed into digital system. In this outcome will be platforms that flexibly control and
transformation Big Data and IoT ( Internet of autonomously optimize production processes and adapt
Things) play a major role. Exponential growth in them to external influences.
data volume originating from IoT and information
services drives the industry to develop new models Machines affected by Industrie 4.0 and the Internet
and distributed tools to handle Big Data. Industry of Things will become increasingly sensitive, more
4.0 is a trending technology concept for automation autonomous, more mobile and easier to operate. Soon,
in manufacturing that employs the IoT, thus robots will be intelligent enough to understand our language
creating the smart Industries. The basic idea behind
and gestures. Below image show the evolution of industry
this paper is to show the adoption of IoT and new
automation with different technology. Industry 4.0 includes
data driven (Big Data) strategies in current
Advanced robotics, Internet of Things, Big Data.
ecosystem (Digitalize system).
Keywords- Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Industry INDUSTRY INDUSTRY INDUSTRY INDUSTRY
4.0, Automation. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Steam Power Electricity ICTs Advanced
Electronics robotics,
3D Printing,
Internet of
McKinsey defines Industry 4.0 as the “digitization of the Big Data
manufacturing sector, with embedded sensors in virtually all
product components and manufacturing equipment, Mechanical Mass Automated Intelligent,
ubiquitous cyber physical systems and analysis of all production, production and network Flexible and
relevant data.” It is driven by four clusters of disruptive Moving away and production distributed
from cottage Assembly line production
technologies - Data, computational power and connectivity,
Analytics and intelligence, Human-machine interaction,
Digital-to-physical conversion. In the last decade, we have
been transitioning from a data-poor to a data-rich world with Figure 1
the promise of unparalleled
Intelligence. From refrigerators to streetlights – every
“thing” will soon be networked. Even today, almost every II. Adoption of Big Data in Industry 4.0
electronic device is able to communicate with the Internet.
Generically, the bulk of such data collection falls under the
Under Industry 4.0, big data analytics is useful in predictive
Internet of Things (IoT). IoT data comes from a variety of
sources that can be classified into (1) machine-based (e.g., manufacturing and is a major theme for industrial
environmental, weather, technology development. To assist manufacturers in
air quality, water quality, flows, traffic speeds, people flows maintaining a competitive edge in operational management
and GPS location) or (2) people-based (e.g., social media, control and in improving their production efficiency and
crowd sourced data collection, and simple text messaging) yield rates, ITRI has developed a big data analytics solution
providing data and situational observations associated with with integrated ensemble learning capability. An advanced
machine learning algorithm analyzes process data collected
Cloud computing, Big Data and IoT will give the
digitization process another significant boost. Systems will from production systems to provide early warning for
have the capacity to learn quickly and develop further. anomalies and system failures and to predict product quality.
providers’ capacities in big data analytics. It is also suitable An accuracy of up to 100% and false alarm rates of less than
for the epitaxial process and a wide range of semiconductor 6.58% have been achieved in the prediction of next-run
and machining applications. An intelligent/smart factory failure of components along the line. The algorithm also
operates using advanced sensors and information
achieves 100% accuracy and 3.51% false alarm rate in
technologies thus, large amounts of data are generated and
collected in a smart factory, requiring big data processing predicting the quality (Go/No Go) of the workpiece next in
technology to build an integrated environment in which the line. This intelligent solution for the manufacturing sector
production process can be represented transparently and can nurture information service
controlled and managed in a more efficient way. industrial
big data is regarded having “5V” characteristics, that is, III. Role of IoT in Industry 4.0
volume, velocity, variety, veracity, value, which much
challenged the utilization of traditional signal processing
In Industry 4.0 Internet of Things is known as Industrial
techniques to analyze industrial big data. The “5V” features
of industrial big data make it possible to provide Internet of Things (IIoT). The industrial internet of things
comprehensive and systematic information through data (IIoT) is the use of smart sensors and actuators to enhance
mining and knowledge discovery. Data mining technologies manufacturing and industrial processes. Also known as the
are used to discover the following information: industrial internet or Industry 4.0, IIoT leverages the power
• Equipment design defects of smart machines and real-time analytics to take advantage
• Product design defects of the data that dumb machines have produced in industrial
• Equipment health conditions settings for years. The driving philosophy behind IIoT is that
• Production processing defects smart machines are not only better than humans at capturing
• Staff behavior and work habits and analyzing data in real time, they are better at
communicating important information that can be used to
drive business decisions faster and more accurately.