Generator Automatic Voltage Regulator Operation Manual
Generator Automatic Voltage Regulator Operation Manual
Generator Automatic Voltage Regulator Operation Manual
● EA321 is a two phase sensed Automatic Voltage ● The AVR senses the voltage in the main
Regulator and forms part of the excitation system generator winding and controls the power fed to
for a brush-less generator. Excitation power is the exciter stator and hence the main rotor to
derived from a three-phase permanent magnet maintain the generator output voltage within the
generator (PMG), to isolate the AVR control specified limits, compensating for load, speed,
circuits from the effects of nonlinear loads and to temperature and power factor of the generator.
reduce radio frequency interference on the
● Soft start circuitry is included to provide a smooth
generator terminals. Sustained generator short
controlled build up of generator output voltage.
circuit current is another feature of the PMG
2 EA321
● A frequency measuring circuit continually ● The AVR has the facility for droop CT connection,
monitors the shaft speed of the generator and to allow parallel running with other similarly
provides under-speed protection of the excitation equipped generators.
system by reducing the generator output voltage
proportionally with speed below a pre-settable NOTE :
threshold. A further enhancement of this feature
1. Derate linearly from 3.7A at 50 °C to 2.7A at 70 °C.
is an adjustable volts per Hertz slope to improve
engine recovery time on turbo charged engines. 2. The stated voltage regulation may not be
Soft start circuitry is included to provide a smooth maintained in the presence of certain transmitted
controlled build up of generator output voltage. radio signals. Any change in regulation will fall
within the limits in Criteria B of S.EN.61000-6-2 :
● Uncontrolled excitation is limited to a safe period
by internal shutdown of the AVR output device.
This condition remains latched until the generator 3. After 10 minutes.
has stopped.
4. Applies to Mod status E onwards. Generator
● Provision is made for the connection of a remote de-rate may apply. Check with factory. Factory
voltage trimmer, allowing the user fine control of set, semi-sealed, jumper selectable.
the generator’s output.
5. Any device connected to the analogue input must
● An analogue input is provided allowing be fully looting (galvanically isolated from
connection to a controller or other external ground), with an insulation strength of 500V ac.
devices with compatible output.
6. Non condensing.
4 EA321
4.7 DIP Adjustment 4.9 Current Limit (I LIMIT) Adjustment
This feature is mostly used when the generator is This feature is mostly used to limit short circuit
coupled to turbo charged engines with limited block current or to provide a current limit on motor starting.
load acceptance. The feature works by increasing To use this feature, current limit CT’s of the correct
the V/Hz slope to give greater voltage roll off in ratio need to be connected to the AVR S1 S2
proportion to speed. terminals. There is an internal time limit of 10
seconds. Consult the factory before using this
With the DIP control fully anti-clockwise, the feature.
generator voltage will follow the normal V/Hz line as
the speed falls below nominal. Turning the DIP 4.10 OVER VOLTAGE (OVER V)
control clockwise provides greater voltage roll off
aiding engine recovery. ADJUSTMENT
This adjustment is set and sealed in the works and
4.8 DWELL should not be tampered with. An over voltage
condition is indicated by the illumination of the red
This feature is mostly used when the generator is LED which also indicates under-speed running and
coupled to turbo charged engines with limited block over-excitation. The generator must be stopped to
load acceptance. The feature works by introducing a reset an over-voltage trip.
delay between speed recovery and voltage recovery
and allows a greater DIP setting without instability.
4.11 RAMP
With the DWELL control fully anti-clockwise, the The AVR includes a soft start or voltage ramp-up
generator voltage will follow the V/Hz line. Turning circuit to control the rate of voltage build up, when
the DWELL control clockwise increase the delay the generator runs up to speed. This is normally
time between speed recovery and voltage recovery. pre-set and sealed to give a voltage ramp-up time of
approximately 3 seconds. If required, this can be
adjusted between the limits defined in the
Outline Drawing
Figure 1
EA321 5
K2 K1 P2 P3 P4 XX X 6 7 8 1 2
No link 6P50HZ
Ramp Indicator 6P60HZ Volts
LED 4P60HZ I Limit
UFRO 321 Frequency
EA321 Dwell
Stability >550KW
Selection 90-550KW
Over V Droop Trim
Exc. U V W
S1S2 S1S2
E0 E1 B0 B1 C BA S1S2 A1A2
PMG Exciter
勵勵勵 3Ø Bridge
整整整 Generator
~ C.T
E0 E1 6 7 8 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
P2 P3 P4 XX X
K1 K2 B0 B1 2 1 SS321 1 2 3 A B C
1K 歐歐 1KΩ
For external adjusted