Azure PDF
Azure PDF
Azure PDF
Fundamentals documentation
What is Azure Active Directory?
What's new in Azure Active Directory
Access the portal and create a tenant
View your groups with assigned members
Identity secure score
Groups and access management
Group-based licensing
Azure AD architecture
Default user permissions
Deployment 30, 90, and beyond
Identity data storage for the EU
How-to guides
Sign up for Azure AD as an organization
Sign up for Azure AD Premium
Add a custom domain name
Add company branding
Associate an Azure subscription
Add your privacy info
Create a group and add members
Add or remove group members
Delete a group and its members
Add or remove a group from another group
Edit group information
Add or remove group owners
Add or delete a new user
Add or change user profile info
Reset a user's password
Assign roles to users
Assign or remove licenses from users
Restore a deleted user
Get support for Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory FAQ
Azure Active Directory deployment plans
Archive for What's new? in Azure AD
What is Azure Active Directory?
3/5/2019 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) is Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management service. Azure AD
helps your employees sign in and access resources in:
External resources, such as Microsoft Office 365, the Azure portal, and thousands of other SaaS
Internal resources, such as apps on your corporate network and intranet, along with any cloud apps
developed by your own organization.
You can use the various Microsoft Cloud for Enterprise Architects Series posters to better understand the core
identity services in Azure, Azure AD, and Office 365.
Azure Active Directory Premium P1, Premium P2, and Azure Active Directory Basic are not currently supported in China. For
more information about Azure AD pricing, you can contact the Azure Active Directory Forum.
Azure Active Directory Free. Provides user and group management, on-premises directory
synchronization, basic reports, and single sign-on across Azure, Office 365, and many popular SaaS apps.
Azure Active Directory Basic. In addition to the Free features, Basic also provides cloud-centric app
access, group-based access management, self-service password reset for cloud apps, and Azure AD
Application Proxy, which lets you publish on-premises web apps using Azure AD.
Azure Active Directory Premium P1. In addition to the Free and Basic features, P1 also lets your hybrid
users access both on-premises and cloud resources. It also supports advanced administration, such as
dynamic groups, self-service group management, Microsoft Identity Manager (an on-premises identity and
access management suite) and cloud write-back capabilities, which allow self-service password reset for
your on-premises users.
Azure Active Directory Premium P2. In addition to the Free, Basic, and P1 features, P2 also offers Azure
Active Directory Identity Protection to help provide risk-based conditional access to your apps and critical
company data and Privileged Identity Management to help discover, restrict, and monitor administrators
and their access to resources and to provide just-in-time access when needed.
"Pay as you go" feature licenses. You can also get additional feature licenses, such as Azure Active
Directory Business-to-Customer (B2C ). B2C can help you provide identity and access management
solutions for your customer-facing apps. For more information, see Azure Active Directory B2C
For more information about associating an Azure subscription to Azure AD, see How to: Associate or add an
Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory and for more information about assigning licenses to your users, see
How to: Assign or remove Azure Active Directory licenses.
To better understand Azure AD and its documentation, you should review the following terms.
Azure subscription Used to pay for Azure cloud services. You can have many
subscriptions and they're linked to a credit card.
Azure AD directory Each Azure tenant has a dedicated and trusted Azure AD
directory. The Azure AD directory includes the tenant's users,
groups, and apps and is used to perform identity and access
management functions for tenant resources.
Custom domain Every new Azure AD directory comes with an initial domain
name, In addition to that initial
name, you can also add your organization's domain names,
which include the names you use to do business and your
users use to access your organization's resources, to the list.
Adding custom domain names helps you to create user
names that are familiar to your users, such as
Owner This role helps you manage all Azure resources, including
access. This role is built on a newer authorization system
called role-base access control (RBAC) that provides fine-
grained access management to Azure resources. For more
information, see Classic subscription administrator roles, Azure
RBAC roles, and Azure AD administrator roles.
This administrator role is called Global administrator in the
Azure portal, but it's called Company administrator in
Microsoft Graph API, Azure AD Graph API, and Azure AD
Microsoft account (also called, MSA) Personal accounts that provide access to your consumer-
oriented Microsoft products and cloud services, such as
Outlook, OneDrive, Xbox LIVE, or Office 365. Your Microsoft
account is created and stored in the Microsoft consumer
identity account system that's run by Microsoft.
Application management Manage your cloud and on-premises apps using Application
Proxy, single sign-on, the My Apps portal (also known as the
Access panel), and Software as a Service (SaaS) apps. For more
information, see How to provide secure remote access to on-
premises applications and Application Management
Business-to-Business (B2B) Manage your guest users and external partners, while
maintaining control over your own corporate data. For more
information, see Azure Active Directory B2B documentation.
Business-to-Customer (B2C) Customize and control how users sign up, sign in, and
manage their profiles when using your apps. For more
information, see Azure Active Directory B2C documentation.
Conditional access Manage access to your cloud apps. For more information, see
Azure AD Conditional Access documentation.
Azure Active Directory for developers Build apps that sign in all Microsoft identities, get tokens to
call Microsoft Graph, other Microsoft APIs, or custom APIs.
For more information, see Microsoft identity platform (Azure
Active Directory for developers).
Device Management Manage how your cloud or on-premises devices access your
corporate data. For more information, see Azure AD Device
Management documentation.
Hybrid identity Use Azure Active Directory Connect and Connect Health to
provide a single user identity for authentication and
authorization to all resources, regardless of location (cloud or
on-premises). For more information, see Hybrid identity
Managed identities for Azure resources Provides your Azure services with an automatically managed
identity in Azure AD that can authenticate any Azure AD-
supported authentication service, including Key Vault. For
more information, see What is managed identities for Azure
Privileged identity management (PIM) Manage, control, and monitor access within your organization.
This feature includes access to resources in Azure AD, Azure
resources, and other Microsoft Online Services, like Office 365
or Intune. For more information, see Azure AD Privileged
Identity Management.
Reports and monitoring Gain insights into the security and usage patterns in your
environment. For more information, see Azure Active
Directory reports and monitoring.
Next steps
Sign up for Azure Active Directory Premium
Associate an Azure subscription to your Azure Active Directory
Access Azure Active Directory and create a new tenant
Azure Active Directory Premium P2 feature deployment checklist
What's new in Azure Active Directory?
4/18/2019 • 32 minutes to read • Edit Online
Get notified about when to revisit this page for updates by copying and pasting this URL: into your
feed reader.
Azure AD receives improvements on an ongoing basis. To stay up-to-date with the most recent developments, this
article provides you with information about:
The latest releases
Known issues
Bug fixes
Deprecated functionality
Plans for changes
This page is updated monthly, so revisit it regularly. If you're looking for items that are older than six months, you
can find them in the Archive for What's new in Azure Active Directory.
April 2019
Increased security using the app protection-based conditional access policy in Azure AD (Public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: Conditional Access
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection
App protection-based conditional access is now available by using the Require app protection policy. This new
policy helps to increase your organization's security by helping to prevent:
Users gaining access to apps without a Microsoft Intune license.
Users being unable to get a Microsoft Intune app protection policy.
Users gaining access to apps without a configured Microsoft Intune app protection policy.
For more information, see How to Require app protection policy for cloud app access with conditional access.
March 2019
New support for Azure AD single sign-on and conditional access in Microsoft Edge (Public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: Conditional Access
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection
We've enhanced our Azure AD support for Microsoft Edge, including providing new support for Azure AD single
sign-on and conditional access. If you've previously used Microsoft Intune Managed Browser, you can now use
Microsoft Edge instead.
For more information about setting up and managing your devices and apps using conditional access, see Require
managed devices for cloud app access with conditional access and Require approved client apps for cloud app
access with conditional access. For more information about how to manage access using Microsoft Edge with
Microsoft Intune policies, see Manage Internet access using a Microsoft Intune policy-protected browser.
Identity Experience Framework and custom policy support in Azure Active Directory B2C is now available (GA )
Type: New feature
Service category: B2C - Consumer Identity Management
Product capability: B2B/B2C
You can now create custom policies in Azure AD B2C, including the following tasks, which are supported at-scale
and under our Azure SLA:
Create and upload custom authentication user journeys by using custom policies.
Describe user journeys step-by-step as exchanges between claims providers.
Define conditional branching in user journeys.
Transform and map claims for use in real-time decisions and communications.
Use REST API-enabled services in your custom authentication user journeys. For example, with email
providers, CRMs, and proprietary authorization systems.
Federate with identity providers who are compliant with the OpenIDConnect protocol. For example, with
multi-tenant Azure AD, social account providers, or two-factor verification providers.
For more information about creating custom policies, see Developer notes for custom policies in Azure Active
Directory B2C and read Alex Simon’s blog post, including case studies.
New Zscaler and Atlassian provisioning connectors in the Azure AD gallery - March 2019
Type: New feature
Service category: App Provisioning
Product capability: 3rd Party Integration
Automate creating, updating, and deleting user accounts for the following apps:
Zscaler, Zscaler Beta, Zscaler One, Zscaler Two, Zscaler Three, Zscaler ZSCloud, Atlassian Cloud
For more information about how to better secure your organization through automated user account provisioning,
see Automate user provisioning to SaaS applications with Azure AD.
Restore and manage your deleted Office 365 groups in the Azure AD portal
Type: New feature
Service category: Group Management
Product capability: Collaboration
You can now view and manage your deleted Office 365 groups from the Azure AD portal. This change helps you to
see which groups are available to restore, along with letting you permanently delete any groups that aren’t needed
by your organization.
For more information, see Restore expired or deleted groups.
Single sign-on is now available for Azure AD SAML -secured on-premises apps through Application Proxy
(public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: App Proxy
Product capability: Access Control
You can now provide a single sign-on (SSO ) experience for on-premises, SAML -authenticated apps, along with
remote access to these apps through Application Proxy. For more information about how to set up SAML SSO
with your on-premises apps, see SAML single sign-on for on-premises applications with Application Proxy
(Preview ).
Client apps in request loops will be interrupted to improve reliability and user experience
Type: New feature
Service category: Authentications (Logins)
Product capability: User Authentication
Client apps can incorrectly issue hundreds of the same login requests over a short period of time. These requests,
whether they're successful or not, all contribute to a poor user experience and heightened workloads for the IDP,
increasing latency for all users and reducing the availability of the IDP.
This update sends an invalid_grant error:
AADSTS50196: The server terminated an operation because it encountered a loop while processing a request to
client apps that issue duplicate requests multiple times over a short period of time, beyond the scope of normal
operation. Client apps that encounter this issue should show an interactive prompt, requiring the user to sign in
again. For more information about this change and about how to fix your app if it encounters this error, see What's
new for authentication?.
New warnings and guidance to help prevent accidental administrator lockout from misconfigured Conditional
Access policies
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Conditional Access
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection
To help prevent administrators from accidentally locking themselves out of their own tenants through
misconfigured Conditional Access policies, we've created new warnings and updated guidance in the Azure portal.
For more information about the new guidance, see What are service dependencies in Azure Active Directory
conditional access.
February 2019
Configurable Azure AD SAML token encryption (Public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: Enterprise Apps
Product capability: SSO
You can now configure any supported SAML app to receive encrypted SAML tokens. When configured and used
with an app, Azure AD encrypts the emitted SAML assertions using a public key obtained from a certificate stored
in Azure AD.
For more information about configuring your SAML token encryption, see Configure Azure AD SAML token
Create an access review for groups or apps using Azure AD Access Reviews
Type: New feature
Service category: Access Reviews
Product capability: Governance
You can now include multiple groups or apps in a single Azure AD access review for group membership or app
assignment. Access reviews with multiple groups or apps are set up using the same settings and all included
reviewers are notified at the same time.
For more information about how create an access review using Azure AD Access Reviews, see Create an access
review of groups or applications in Azure AD Access Reviews
January 2019
Active Directory B2B collaboration using one -time passcode authentication (Public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: B2B
Product capability: B2B/B2C
We've introduced one-time passcode authentication (OTP ) for B2B guest users who can't be authenticated through
other means like Azure AD, a Microsoft account (MSA), or Google federation. This new authentication method
means that guest users don't have to create a new Microsoft account. Instead, while redeeming an invitation or
accessing a shared resource, a guest user can request a temporary code to be sent to an email address. Using this
temporary code, the guest user can continue to sign in.
For more information, see Email one-time passcode authentication (preview ) and the blog, Azure AD makes
sharing and collaboration seamless for any user with any account.
New Azure AD Application Proxy cookie settings
Type: New feature
Service category: App Proxy
Product capability: Access Control
We've introduced three new cookie settings, available for your apps that are published through Application Proxy:
Use HTTP -Only cookie. Sets the HTTPOnly flag on your Application Proxy access and session cookies.
Turning on this setting provides additional security benefits, such as helping to prevent copying or
modifying of cookies through client-side scripting. We recommend you turn on this flag (choose Yes) for the
added benefits.
Use secure cookie. Sets the Secure flag on your Application Proxy access and session cookies. Turning on
this setting provides additional security benefits, by making sure cookies are only transmitted over TLS
secure channels, such as HTTPS. We recommend you turn on this flag (choose Yes) for the added benefits.
Use persistent cookie. Prevents access cookies from expiring when the web browser is closed. These
cookies last for the lifetime of the access token. However, the cookies are reset if the expiration time is
reached or if the user manually deletes the cookie. We recommend you keep the default setting No, only
turning on the setting for older apps that don't share cookies between processes.
For more information about the new cookies, see Cookie settings for accessing on-premises applications in Azure
Active Directory.
New App Lock feature for the Microsoft Authenticator app on iOS and Android devices
Type: New feature
Service category: Microsoft Authenticator App
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection
To keep your one-time passcodes, app information, and app settings more secure, you can turn on the App Lock
feature in the Microsoft Authenticator app. Turning on App Lock means you’ll be asked to authenticate using your
PIN or biometric every time you open the Microsoft Authenticator app.
For more information, see the Microsoft Authenticator app FAQ.
November/December 2018
Users removed from synchronization scope no longer switch to cloud-only accounts
Type: Fixed
Service category: User Management
Product capability: Directory
We've heard and understand your frustration because of this fix. Therefore, we've reverted this change until such time that
we can make the fix easier for you to implement in your organization.
We’ve fixed a bug in which the DirSyncEnabled flag of a user would be erroneously switched to False when the
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS ) object was excluded from synchronization scope and then moved to the
Recycle Bin in Azure AD on the following sync cycle. As a result of this fix, if the user is excluded from sync scope
and afterwards restored from Azure AD Recycle Bin, the user account remains as synchronized from on-premises
AD, as expected, and cannot be managed in the cloud since its source of authority (SoA) remains as on-premises
Prior to this fix, there was an issue when the DirSyncEnabled flag was switched to False. It gave the wrong
impression that these accounts were converted to cloud-only objects and that the accounts could be managed in
the cloud. However, the accounts still retained their SoA as on-premises and all synchronized properties (shadow
attributes) coming from on-premises AD. This condition caused multiple issues in Azure AD and other cloud
workloads (like Exchange Online) that expected to treat these accounts as synchronized from AD but were now
behaving like cloud-only accounts.
At this time, the only way to truly convert a synchronized-from-AD account to cloud-only account is by disabling
DirSync at the tenant level, which triggers a backend operation to transfer the SoA. This type of SoA change
requires (but is not limited to) cleaning all the on-premises related attributes (such as LastDirSyncTime and
shadow attributes) and sending a signal to other cloud workloads to have its respective object converted to a
cloud-only account too.
This fix consequently prevents direct updates on the ImmutableID attribute of a user synchronized from AD, which
in some scenarios in the past were required. By design, the ImmutableID of an object in Azure AD, as the name
implies, is meant to be immutable. New features implemented in Azure AD Connect Health and Azure AD Connect
Synchronization client are available to address such scenarios:
Large-scale ImmutableID update for many users in a staged approach
For example, you need to do a lengthy AD DS inter-forest migration. Solution: Use Azure AD Connect to
Configure Source Anchor and, as the user migrates, copy the existing ImmutableID values from Azure AD
into the local AD DS user’s ms-DS -Consistency-Guid attribute of the new forest. For more information, see
Using ms-DS -ConsistencyGuid as sourceAnchor.
Large-scale ImmutableID updates for many users in one shot
For example, while implementing Azure AD Connect you make a mistake, and now you need to change the
SourceAnchor attribute. Solution: Disable DirSync at the tenant level and clear all the invalid ImmutableID
values. For more information, see Turn off directory synchronization for Office 365.
Rematch on-premises user with an existing user in Azure AD For example, a user that has been re-
created in AD DS generates a duplicate in Azure AD account instead of rematching it with an existing Azure
AD account (orphaned object). Solution: Use Azure AD Connect Health in the Azure portal to remap the
Source Anchor/ImmutableID. For more information, see Orphaned object scenario.
Breaking Change: Updates to the audit and sign-in logs schema through Azure Monitor
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
We're currently publishing both the Audit and Sign-in log streams through Azure Monitor, so you can seamlessly
integrate the log files with your SIEM tools or with Log Analytics. Based on your feedback, and in preparation for
this feature's general availability announcement, we're making the following changes to our schema. These schema
changes and its related documentation updates will happen by the first week of January.
New fields in the Audit schema
We're adding a new Operation Type field, to provide the type of operation performed on the resource. For
example, Add, Update, or Delete.
Changed fields in the Audit schema
The following fields are changing in the Audit schema:
Category This was the Service Name Account Provisioning User Management
field. It's now the Audit Core Directory Group Management
Categories field. Service Self-service Password App Management
Name has been renamed to Reset
the loggedByService field.
For more information about the schema, see Interpret the Azure AD audit logs schema in Azure Monitor (preview )
Identity Protection improvements to the supervised machine learning model and the risk score engine
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Identity Protection
Product capability: Risk Scores
Improvements to the Identity Protection-related user and sign-in risk assessment engine can help to improve user
risk accuracy and coverage. Administrators may notice that user risk level is no longer directly linked to the risk
level of specific detections, and that there's an increase in the number and level of risky sign-in events.
Risk detections are now evaluated by the supervised machine learning model, which calculates user risk by using
additional features of the user’s sign-ins and a pattern of detections. Based on this model, the administrator might
find users with high risk scores, even if detections associated with that user are of low or medium risk.
Administrators can reset their own password using the Microsoft Authenticator app (Public preview)
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Self Service Password Reset
Product capability: User Authentication
Azure AD administrators can now reset their own password using the Microsoft Authenticator app notifications or
a code from any mobile authenticator app or hardware token. To reset their own password, administrators will now
be able to use two of the following methods:
Microsoft Authenticator app notification
Other mobile authenticator app / Hardware token code
Phone call
Text message
For more information about using the Microsoft Authenticator app to reset passwords, see Azure AD self-service
password reset - Mobile app and SSPR (Preview )
Manage your devices using the new activity timestamp in Azure AD (Public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: Device Registration and Management
Product capability: Device Lifecycle Management
We realize that over time you must refresh and retire your organizations' devices in Azure AD, to avoid having
stale devices in your environment. To help with this process, Azure AD now updates your devices with a new
activity timestamp, helping you to manage your device lifecycle.
For more information about how to get and use this timestamp, see How To: Manage the stale devices in Azure AD
Administrators can configure a Terms of use to expire based on each user’s schedule
Type: New feature
Service category: Terms of Use
Product capability: Governance
Administrators can now specify a duration that user must reaccept a Terms of use. For example, administrators can
specify that users must reaccept a Terms of use every 90 days.
For more information, see the Add Terms of use section of the Azure Active Directory Terms of use feature.
New Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM ) emails for Azure Active Directory roles
Type: New feature
Service category: Privileged Identity Management
Product capability: Privileged Identity Management
Customers using Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM ) can now receive a weekly digest email,
including the following information for the last seven days:
Overview of the top eligible and permanent role assignments
Number of users activating roles
Number of users assigned to roles in PIM
Number of users assigned to roles outside of PIM
Number of users "made permanent" in PIM
For more information about PIM and the available email notifications, see Email notifications in PIM.
October 2018
Azure AD Logs now work with Azure Log Analytics (Public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
We're excited to announce that you can now forward your Azure AD logs to Azure Log Analytics! This top-
requested feature helps give you even better access to analytics for your business, operations, and security, as well
as a way to help monitor your infrastructure. For more information, see the Azure Active Directory Activity logs in
Azure Log Analytics now available blog.
Azure AD portal supports using the ForceDelete domain API to delete custom domains
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Directory Management
Product capability: Directory
We're pleased to announce that you can now use the ForceDelete domain API to delete your custom domain
names by asynchronously renaming references, like users, groups, and apps from your custom domain name
( back to the initial default domain name (
This change helps you to more quickly delete your custom domain names if your organization no longer uses the
name, or if you need to use the domain name with another Azure AD.
For more information, see Delete a custom domain name.
September 2018
Updated administrator role permissions for dynamic groups
Type: Fixed
Service category: Group Management
Product capability: Collaboration
We've fixed an issue so specific administrator roles can now create and update dynamic membership rules, without
needing to be the owner of the group.
The roles are:
Global administrator
Intune administrator
User administrator
For more information, see Create a dynamic group and check status
Simplified Single Sign-On (SSO ) configuration settings for some third-party apps
Type: New feature
Service category: Enterprise Apps
Product capability: SSO
We realize that setting up Single Sign-On (SSO ) for Software as a Service (SaaS ) apps can be challenging due to
the unique nature of each apps configuration. We've built a simplified configuration experience to auto-populate
the SSO configuration settings for the following third-party SaaS apps:
ArcGis Online
Jamf Pro
To start using this one-click experience, go to the Azure portal > SSO configuration page for the app. For more
information, see SaaS application integration with Azure Active Directory
New Troubleshooting and Support tab on the Sign-ins Logs page of the Azure portal
Type: New feature
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
The new Troubleshooting and Support tab on the Sign-ins page of the Azure portal, is intended to help admins
and support engineers troubleshoot issues related to Azure AD sign-ins. This new tab provides the error code,
error message, and remediation recommendations (if any) to help solve the problem. If you're unable to resolve the
problem, we also give you a new way to create a support ticket using the Copy to clipboard experience, which
populates the Request ID and Date (UTC ) fields for the log file in your support ticket.
Enhanced support for custom extension properties used to create dynamic membership rules
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Group Management
Product capability: Collaboration
With this update, you can now click the Get custom extension properties link from the dynamic user group rule
builder, enter your unique app ID, and receive the full list of custom extension properties to use when creating a
dynamic membership rule for users. This list can also be refreshed to get any new custom extension properties for
that app.
For more information about using custom extension properties for dynamic membership rules, see Extension
properties and custom extension properties
New support for Self-Service Password Reset from the Windows 7/8/8.1 Lock screen
Type: New feature
Service category: SSPR
Product capability: User Authentication
After you set up this new feature, your users will see a link to reset their password from the Lock screen of a device
running Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1. By clicking that link, the user is guided through the same
password reset flow as through the web browser.
For more information, see How to enable password reset from Windows 7, 8, and 8.1
You can do all of your administrative tasks using the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) portal, including creating a
new tenant for your organization.
In this quickstart, you'll learn how to get to the Azure portal and Azure Active Directory, and you'll learn how to
create a basic tenant for your organization.
If you don’t have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Clean up resources
If you’re not going to continue to use this application, you can delete the tenant using the following steps:
Select Azure Active Directory, and then on the Contoso - Overview page, select Delete directory.
The tenant and its associated information is deleted.
Next steps
Change or add additional domain names, see How to add a custom domain name to Azure Active Directory
Add users, see Add or delete a new user
Add groups and members, see Create a basic group and add members
Learn about role-based access using Privileged Identity Management and Conditional access to help
manage your organization's application and resource access.
Learn about Azure AD, including basic licensing information, terminology, and associated features.
Quickstart: View your organization's groups and
members in Azure Active Directory
3/13/2019 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online
You can view your organization's existing groups and group members using the Azure portal. Groups are used to
manage users (members) that all need the same access and permissions for potentially restricted apps and
In this quickstart, you’ll view all of your organization's existing groups and view the assigned members.
If you don’t have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Before you begin, you’ll need to:
Create an Azure Active Directory tenant. For more information, see Access the Azure Active Directory portal
and create a new tenant.
Next steps
Advance to the next article to learn how to associate a subscription to your Azure AD directory.
Associate an Azure subscription
What is the identity secure score in Azure Active
Directory? (Public preview)
2/12/2019 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online
How secure is your Azure AD tenant? If you don't know how to answer this question, read this article to learn how
the identity secure score helps you to monitor and improve your identity security posture.
A comparison graph
A trend graph
A list of identity security best practices.
Next steps
If you would like to see a video about the Office 365 secure score, click here.
Manage app and resource access using Azure Active
Directory groups
2/12/2019 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) helps you to manage your cloud-based apps, on-premises apps, and your
resources using your organization's groups. Your resources can be part of the directory, such as permissions to
manage objects through roles in the directory, or external to the directory, such as for Software as a Service (SaaS )
apps, Azure services, SharePoint sites, and on-premises resources.
To use Azure Active Directory, you need an Azure account. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for a free Azure
External authority assignment. Access comes from an external source, such as an on-premises directory
or a SaaS app. In this situation, the resource owner assigns a group to provide access to the resource and
then the external source manages the group members.
Next steps
Now that you have a bit of an introduction to access management using groups, you start to manage your
resources and apps.
Create a new group using Azure Active Directory or Create and manage a new group using PowerShell
Use groups to assign access to an integrated SaaS app
Sync an on-premises group to Azure using Azure AD Connect
What is group-based licensing in Azure Active
3/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online
Microsoft paid cloud services, such as Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Dynamics 365, and other similar
products, require licenses. These licenses are assigned to each user who needs access to these services. To manage
licenses, administrators use one of the management portals (Office or Azure) and PowerShell cmdlets. Azure
Active Directory (Azure AD ) is the underlying infrastructure that supports identity management for all Microsoft
cloud services. Azure AD stores information about license assignment states for users.
Until now, licenses could only be assigned at the individual user level, which can make large-scale management
difficult. For example, to add or remove user licenses based on organizational changes, such as users joining or
leaving the organization or a department, an administrator often must write a complex PowerShell script. This
script makes individual calls to the cloud service.
To address those challenges, Azure AD now includes group-based licensing. You can assign one or more product
licenses to a group. Azure AD ensures that the licenses are assigned to all members of the group. Any new
members who join the group are assigned the appropriate licenses. When they leave the group, those licenses are
removed. This licensing management eliminates the need for automating license management via PowerShell to
reflect changes in the organization and departmental structure on a per-user basis.
Licensing requirements
You must have one of the following licenses to use group-based licensing:
Paid or trial subscription for Azure AD Basic
Paid or trial edition of Office 365 Enterprise E3 or Office 365 A3 and above
Required number of licenses
For any groups assigned a license, you must also have a license for each unique member. While you don't have to
assign each member of the group a license, you must have at least enough licenses to include all of the members.
For example, if you have 1,000 unique members who are part of licensed groups in your tenant, you must have at
least 1,000 licenses to meet the licensing agreement.
Here are the main features of group-based licensing:
Licenses can be assigned to any security group in Azure AD. Security groups can be synced from on-
premises, by using Azure AD Connect. You can also create security groups directly in Azure AD (also called
cloud-only groups), or automatically via the Azure AD dynamic group feature.
When a product license is assigned to a group, the administrator can disable one or more service plans in
the product. Typically, this assignment is done when the organization is not yet ready to start using a service
included in a product. For example, the administrator might assign Office 365 to a department, but
temporarily disable the Yammer service.
All Microsoft cloud services that require user-level licensing are supported. This support includes all Office
365 products, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Dynamics 365.
Group-based licensing is currently available only through the Azure portal. If you primarily use other
management portals for user and group management, such as the Microsoft 365 admin center, you can
continue to do so. But you should use the Azure portal to manage licenses at group level.
Azure AD automatically manages license modifications that result from group membership changes.
Typically, license modifications are effective within minutes of a membership change.
A user can be a member of multiple groups with license policies specified. A user can also have some
licenses that were directly assigned, outside of any groups. The resulting user state is a combination of all
assigned product and service licenses. If a user is assigned same license from multiple sources, the license
will be consumed only once.
In some cases, licenses cannot be assigned to a user. For example, there might not be enough available
licenses in the tenant, or conflicting services might have been assigned at the same time. Administrators
have access to information about users for whom Azure AD could not fully process group licenses. They can
then take corrective action based on that information.
Next steps
To learn more about other scenarios for license management through group-based licensing, see:
Assigning licenses to a group in Azure Active Directory
Identifying and resolving license problems for a group in Azure Active Directory
How to migrate individual licensed users to group-based licensing in Azure Active Directory
How to migrate users between product licenses using group-based licensing in Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory group-based licensing additional scenarios
PowerShell examples for group-based licensing in Azure Active Directory
What is the Azure Active Directory architecture?
3/20/2019 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) enables you to securely manage access to Azure services and resources for your
users. Included with Azure AD is a full suite of identity management capabilities. For information about Azure AD
features, see What is Azure Active Directory?
With Azure AD, you can create and manage users and groups, and enable permissions to allow and deny access to
enterprise resources. For information about identity management, see The fundamentals of Azure identity
Azure AD architecture
Azure AD's geographically distributed architecture combines extensive monitoring, automated rerouting, failover,
and recovery capabilities, which deliver company-wide availability and performance to customers.
The following architecture elements are covered in this article:
Service architecture design
Continuous availability
Data centers
Service architecture design
The most common way to build an accessible and usable, data-rich system is through independent building blocks
or scale units. For the Azure AD data tier, scale units are called partitions.
The data tier has several front-end services that provide read-write capability. The diagram below shows how the
components of a single-directory partition are delivered throughout geographically distributed data centers.
The components of Azure AD architecture include a primary replica and secondary replicas.
Primary replica
The primary replica receives all writes for the partition it belongs to. Any write operation is immediately replicated
to a secondary replica in a different datacenter before returning success to the caller, thus ensuring geo-redundant
durability of writes.
Secondary replicas
All directory reads are serviced from secondary replicas, which are at data centers that are physically located across
different geographies. There are many secondary replicas, as data is replicated asynchronously. Directory reads,
such as authentication requests, are serviced from data centers that are close to customers. The secondary replicas
are responsible for read scalability.
Scalability is the ability of a service to expand to meet increasing performance demands. Write scalability is
achieved by partitioning the data. Read scalability is achieved by replicating data from one partition to multiple
secondary replicas distributed throughout the world.
Requests from directory applications are routed to the datacenter that they are physically closest to. Writes are
transparently redirected to the primary replica to provide read-write consistency. Secondary replicas significantly
extend the scale of partitions because the directories are typically serving reads most of the time.
Directory applications connect to the nearest datacenters. This connection improves performance, and therefore
scaling out is possible. Since a directory partition can have many secondary replicas, secondary replicas can be
placed closer to the directory clients. Only internal directory service components that are write-intensive target the
active primary replica directly.
Continuous availability
Availability (or uptime) defines the ability of a system to perform uninterrupted. The key to Azure AD’s high-
availability is that the services can quickly shift traffic across multiple geographically distributed data centers. Each
data center is independent, which enables de-correlated failure modes.
Azure AD’s partition design is simplified compared to the enterprise AD design, using a single-master design that
includes a carefully orchestrated and deterministic primary replica failover process.
Fault tolerance
A system is more available if it is tolerant to hardware, network, and software failures. For each partition on the
directory, a highly available master replica exists: The primary replica. Only writes to the partition are performed at
this replica. This replica is being continuously and closely monitored, and writes can be immediately shifted to
another replica (which becomes the new primary) if a failure is detected. During failover, there could be a loss of
write availability typically of 1-2 minutes. Read availability is not affected during this time.
Read operations (which outnumber writes by many orders of magnitude) only go to secondary replicas. Since
secondary replicas are idempotent, loss of any one replica in a given partition is easily compensated by directing
the reads to another replica, usually in the same datacenter.
Data durability
A write is durably committed to at least two data centers prior to it being acknowledged. This happens by first
committing the write on the primary, and then immediately replicating the write to at least one other data center.
This write action ensures that a potential catastrophic loss of the data center hosting the primary does not result in
data loss.
Azure AD maintains a zero Recovery Time Objective (RTO ) to not lose data on failovers. This includes:
Token issuance and directory reads
Allowing only about 5 minutes RTO for directory writes
Data centers
Azure AD’s replicas are stored in datacenters located throughout the world. For more information, see Azure
Azure AD operates across data centers with the following characteristics:
Authentication, Graph, and other AD services reside behind the Gateway service. The Gateway manages load
balancing of these services. It will fail over automatically if any unhealthy servers are detected using
transactional health probes. Based on these health probes, the Gateway dynamically routes traffic to healthy
data centers.
For reads, the directory has secondary replicas and corresponding front-end services in an active-active
configuration operating in multiple data centers. In case of a failure of an entire data center, traffic will be
automatically routed to a different datacenter.
For writes, the directory will fail over primary (master) replica across data centers via planned (new primary is
synchronized to old primary) or emergency failover procedures. Data durability is achieved by replicating any
commit to at least two data centers.
Data consistency
The directory model is one of eventual consistencies. One typical problem with distributed asynchronously
replicating systems is that the data returned from a “particular” replica may not be up-to-date.
Azure AD provides read-write consistency for applications targeting a secondary replica by routing its writes to the
primary replica, and synchronously pulling the writes back to the secondary replica.
Application writes using the Graph API of Azure AD are abstracted from maintaining affinity to a directory replica
for read-write consistency. The Azure AD Graph service maintains a logical session, which has affinity to a
secondary replica used for reads; affinity is captured in a “replica token” that the graph service caches using a
distributed cache. This token is then used for subsequent operations in the same logical session.
Writes are immediately replicated to the secondary replica to which the logical session's reads were issued.
Backup protection
The directory implements soft deletes, instead of hard deletes, for users and tenants for easy recovery in case of
accidental deletes by a customer. If your tenant administrator accidental deletes users, they can easily undo and
restore the deleted users.
Azure AD implements daily backups of all data, and therefore can authoritatively restore data in case of any logical
deletions or corruptions. The data tier employs error correcting codes, so that it can check for errors and
automatically correct particular types of disk errors.
Metrics and monitors
Running a high availability service requires world-class metrics and monitoring capabilities. Azure AD continually
analyzes and reports key service health metrics and success criteria for each of its services. There is also
continuous development and tuning of metrics and monitoring and alerting for each scenario, within each Azure
AD service and across all services.
If any Azure AD service is not working as expected, action is immediately taken to restore functionality as quickly
as possible. The most important metric Azure AD tracks is how quickly live site issues can be detected and
mitigated for customers. We invest heavily in monitoring and alerts to minimize time to detect (TTD Target: <5
minutes) and operational readiness to minimize time to mitigate (TTM Target: <30 minutes).
Secure operations
Using operational controls such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) for any operation, as well as auditing of all
operations. In addition, using a just-in-time elevation system to grant necessary temporary access for any
operational task-on-demand on an ongoing basis. For more information, see The Trusted Cloud.
Next steps
Azure Active Directory developer's guide
What are the default user permissions in Azure Active
3/12/2019 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online
In Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ), all users are granted a set of default permissions. A user’s access consists of
the type of user, their role assignments, and their ownership of individual objects. This article describes those
default permissions and contains a comparison of the member and guest user defaults. The default user
permissions can be changed only in user settings in Azure AD.
Users and contacts Read all public properties of users and Read own properties
contacts Read display name, email, sign-in name,
Invite guests photo, user principal name, and user
Change own password type properties of other users and
Manage own mobile phone number contacts
Manage own photo Change own password
Invalidate own refresh tokens
Directory Read all company information Read display name and verified domains
Read all domains
Read all partner contracts
Ability to create security groups Setting this option to No prevents users from creating security
groups. Global administrators and User administrators can still
create security groups. See Azure Active Directory cmdlets for
configuring group settings to learn how.
Ability to create Office 365 groups Setting this option to No prevents users from creating Office
365 groups. Setting this option to Some allows a select set of
users to create Office 365 groups. Global administrators and
User administrators will still be able to create Office 365
groups. See Azure Active Directory cmdlets for configuring
group settings to learn how.
Restrict access to Azure AD administration portal Setting this option to No prevents users from accessing Azure
Active Directory.
Ability to read other users This setting is available in PowerShell only. Setting this to
$false prevents all non-admins from reading user information
from the directory. This does not prevent reading user
information in other Microsoft services like Exchange Online.
This setting is meant for special circumstances, and setting this
to $false is not recommended.
Object ownership
Application registration owner permissions
When a user registers an application, they are automatically added as an owner for the application. As an owner,
they can manage the metadata of the application, such as the name and permissions the app requests. They can
also manage the tenant-specific configuration of the application, such as the SSO configuration and user
assignments. An owner can also add or remove other owners. Unlike Global Administrators, owners can only
manage applications they own.
Group owner permissions
When a user creates a group, they are automatically added as an owner for that group. As an owner, they can
manage properties of the group such as the name, as well as manage group membership. An owner can also add
or remove other owners. Unlike Global administrators and User administrators, owners can only manage groups
they own. To assign a group owner, see Managing owners for a group.
Next steps
To learn more about how to assign Azure AD administrator roles, see Assign a user to administrator roles in
Azure Active Directory
To learn more about how resource access is controlled in Microsoft Azure, see Understanding resource access in
For more information on how Azure Active Directory relates to your Azure subscription, see How Azure
subscriptions are associated with Azure Active Directory
Manage users
Azure Active Directory feature deployment guide
4/3/2019 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online
It can seem daunting to deploy Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) for your organization and keep it secure. This
article identifies common tasks that customers find helpful to complete in phases, over the course of 30, 60, 90
days, or more, to enhance their security posture. Even organizations who have already deployed Azure AD can use
this guide to ensure they are getting the most out of their investment.
A well-planned and executed identity infrastructure paves the way for secure access to your productivity workloads
and data by known users and devices only.
Additionally customers can check their identity secure score to see how aligned they are to Microsoft best practices.
Check your secure score before and after implementing these recommendations to see how well you are doing
compared to others in your industry and to other organizations of your size.
Many of the recommendations in this guide can be implemented with Azure AD Free, Basic, or no license at all.
Where licenses are required we state which license is required at minimum to accomplish the task.
Additional information about licensing can be found on the following pages:
Azure AD licensing
Microsoft 365 Enterprise
Enterprise Mobility + Security
Azure AD B2B licensing guidance
Designate more than one global Assign at least two cloud-only Azure AD Free
administrator permanent global administrator
accounts for use if there is an
emergency. These accounts are not be
used daily and should have long and
complex passwords.
Use non-global administrative roles Give your administrators only the Azure AD Free
where possible access they need to only the areas they
need access to. Not all administrators
need to be global administrators.
Enable Privileged Identity Management Enable Privileged Identity Management Azure AD Premium P2
for tracking admin role use to start tracking administrative role
Roll out self-service password reset Reduce helpdesk calls for password Azure AD Basic
resets by allowing staff to reset their
own passwords using policies you as an
administrator control.
Create an organization specific custom Prevent users from creating passwords Azure AD Basic
banned password list that include common words or phrases
from your organization or area.
Enable on-premises integration with Extend the banned password list to Azure AD Premium P1
Azure AD password protection your on-premises directory, to ensure
passwords set on-premises are also in
compliance with the global and tenant-
specific banned password lists.
Enable Microsoft's password guidance Stop requiring users to change their Azure AD Free
password on a set schedule, disable
complexity requirements, and your
users are more apt to remember their
passwords and keep them something
that is secure.
Disable periodic password resets for Periodic password resets encourage Azure AD Free
cloud-based user accounts your users to increment their existing
passwords. Use the guidelines in
Microsoft's password guidance doc and
mirror your on-premises policy to
cloud-only users.
Customize Azure Active Directory smart Stop lockouts from cloud-based users Azure AD Basic
lockout from being replicated to on-premises
Active Directory users
Enable Azure Active Directory Identity Enable tracking of risky sign-ins and Azure AD Premium P2
Protection compromised credentials for users in
your organization.
Use risk events to trigger multi-factor Enable automation that can trigger Azure AD Premium P2
authentication and password changes events such as multi-factor
authentication, password reset, and
blocking of sign-ins based on risk.
Enable converged registration for self- Allow your users to register from one Azure AD Premium P1
service password reset and Azure AD common experience for both Azure
Multi-Factor Authentication (preview) Multi-Factor Authentication and self-
service password reset.
Phase 2: Import users, enable synchronization, and manage devices
Next, we add to the foundation laid in phase 1 by importing our users and enabling synchronization, planning for
guest access, and preparing to support additional functionality.
Install Azure AD Connect Prepare to synchronize users from your Azure AD Free
existing on-premises directory to the
Implement Password Hash Sync Synchronize password hashes to allow Azure AD Premium P1
password changes to be replicated, bad
password detection and remediation,
and leaked credential reporting.
Implement Password Writeback Allow password changes in the cloud to Azure AD Premium P1
be written back to an on-premises
Windows Server Active Directory
Implement Azure AD Connect Health Enable monitoring of key health Azure AD Premium P1
statistics for your Azure AD Connect
servers, AD FS servers, and domain
Create a plan for guest user access Collaborate with guest users by letting Azure AD B2B licensing guidance
them sign in to your apps and services
with their own work, school, or social
Integrate supported SaaS applications Azure AD has a gallery that contains Azure AD Free
in the gallery thousands of pre-integrated
applications. Some of the applications
your organization uses are probably in
the gallery accessible directly from the
Azure portal.
Use Application Proxy to integrate on- Application Proxy enables users to Azure AD Basic
premises applications access on-premises applications by
signing in with their Azure AD account.
Enforce the use of Privileged Identity Remove administrative roles from Azure AD Premium P2
Management normal day to day user accounts. Make
administrative users eligible to use their
role after succeeding a multi-factor
authentication check, providing a
business justification, or requesting
approval from designated approvers.
Complete an access review for Azure AD Work with your security and leadership Azure AD Premium P2
directory roles in PIM teams to create an access review policy
to review administrative access based
on your organization's policies.
Next steps
Azure AD licensing and pricing details
Identity and device access configurations
Common recommended identity and device access policies
Identity data storage for European customers in
Azure Active Directory
3/4/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) helps you to manage user identities and to create intelligence-driven access
policies that help secure your organization's resources. Identity data is stored in a location that's based on the
address your organization provided when you subscribed to the service. For example, when you subscribed to
Office 365 or Azure. For specific info about where your identity data is stored, you can use the Where is your data
located? section of the Microsoft Trust Center.
While most Azure AD -related European identity data stays in European datacenters, there are some operational,
service-specific data that's required for normal Azure AD operation, which are stored in the U.S. and doesn't
include any personal data.
Next steps
For more information about any of the features and functionality described above, see these articles:
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
Azure AD self-service password reset
What is Azure Active Directory B2C?
What is Azure AD B2B collaboration?
Azure Active Directory (AD ) Domain Services
Sign up your organization to use Azure Active
3/15/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
Sign up for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) or a new Microsoft Azure subscription, using either:
Microsoft account. Use your personal, Microsoft account to get access to Azure and all consumer-oriented
Microsoft products and cloud services, such as Outlook (Hotmail), Messenger, OneDrive, MSN, Xbox LIVE,
or Office 365. Signing up for an mailbox automatically creates a Microsoft account. For more
information, see Microsoft account overview.
Work or school account. Use your work or school-related account to get access to all the small, medium,
and enterprise cloud services from Microsoft, such as Azure, Microsoft Intune, or Office 365. After you sign
up for one of these services as an organization, Azure AD automatically provisions a cloud-based directory
that represents your organization. For more information, see Manage your Azure AD directory.
We recommend that you use your work or school account if you already have access to Azure AD. However, you
should use whichever type of account is associated with your Azure subscription.
Next steps
How to buy Azure
Sign up for Azure Active Directory Premium editions
Learn more about Azure AD
Use your on-premises identity infrastructure in the cloud
Visit the Microsoft Azure blog
Sign up for Azure Active Directory Premium editions
3/20/2019 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online
You can purchase and associate Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) Premium editions with your Azure
subscription. If you need to create a new Azure subscription, you'll also need to activate your licensing plan and
Azure AD service access.
Azure AD Premium and Basic editions are available for customers in China using the worldwide instance of Azure Active
Directory. Azure AD Premium and Basic editions aren't currently supported in the Azure service operated by 21Vianet in
China. For more information, talk to us using the Azure Active Directory Forum.
Before you sign up for Active Directory Premium 1 or Premium 2, you must first determine which of your existing
subscription or plan to use:
Through your existing Azure or Office 365 subscription
Through your Enterprise Mobility + Security licensing plan
Through a Microsoft Volume Licensing plan
Signing up using your Azure subscription with previously purchased and activated Azure AD licenses,
automatically activates the licenses in the same directory. If that's not the case, you must still activate your license
plan and your Azure AD access. For more information about activating your license plan, see Activate your new
license plan. For more information about activating your Azure AD access, see Activate your Azure AD access.
Sign in. Choose this link if you have an existing tenant, and then sign in using your existing
administrator account. You must be a global administrator on the tenant where the licenses are being
Sign up. Choose this link if you want to open the Create Account Profile page and create a new
Azure AD tenant for your licensing plan.
When you're done, you will see a confirmation box thanking you for activating the license plan for your tenant.
You won't be able to access Azure AD for your new tenant until you activate Azure AD directory access from the welcome
The activation process typically takes only a few minutes and then you can use your Azure AD tenant.
Next steps
Now that you have Azure AD Premium, you can customize your domain, add your corporate branding, create a
tenant, and add groups and users.
Add your custom domain name using the Azure
Active Directory portal
3/25/2019 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online
Every new Azure AD tenant comes with an initial domain name, You can't change
or delete the initial domain name, but you can add your organization's names to the list. Adding custom domain
names helps you to create user names that are familiar to your users, such as
If you plan to federate your on-premises Windows Server AD with Azure AD, then you need to select the I plan to
configure this domain for single sign-on with my local Active Directory checkbox when you run the Azure AD
Connect tool to synchronize your directories. You also need to register the same domain name you select for
federating with your on-premises directory in the Azure AD Domain step in the wizard. You can see what that step
in the wizard looks like in these instructions. If you do not have the Azure AD Connect tool, you can download it
2. Create your new directory by following the steps in Create a new tenant for your organization.
The person who creates the tenant is automatically the Global administrator for that tenant. The Global
administrator can add additional administrators to the tenant.
2. Type your organization's new domain name into the Custom domain name box (for example,, and then select Add domain.
The unverified domain is added and the Contoso page appears showing you your DNS info.
You must include .com, .net, or any other top-level extension for this to work properly.
3. Copy the DNS info from the Contoso page. For example, MS=ms64983159.
Add your DNS information to the domain registrar
After you add your custom domain name to Azure AD, you must return to your domain registrar and add the
Azure AD DNS information from your copied TXT file. Creating this TXT record for your domain "verifies"
ownership of your domain name.
Go back to your domain registrar, create a new TXT record for your domain based on your copied DNS
information, set the TTL (time to live) to 3600 seconds (60 minutes), and then save the information.
You can register as many domain names as you want. However, each domain gets its own TXT record from Azure
AD. Be careful when entering your TXT file information at the domain registrar. If you enter the wrong, or duplicate
information by mistake, you'll have to wait until the TTL times out (60 minutes) before you can try again.
After you've verified your custom domain name, you can delete your verification TXT or MX file.
Next steps
Add another Global administrator to your directory. For more information, see How to assign roles and
Add users to your domain, see How to add or delete users.
Manage your domain name information in Azure AD. For more information, see Managing custom domain
If you have on-premises versions of Windows Server that you want to use alongside Azure Active
Directory, see Integrate your on-premises directories with Azure Active Directory.
Add branding to your organization's Azure Active
Directory sign-in page
3/15/2019 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online
Use your organization's logo and custom color schemes to provide a consistent look-and-feel on your Azure Active
Directory (Azure AD ) sign-in pages. Your sign-in pages appear when users sign in to your organization's web-
based apps, such as Office 365, which uses Azure AD as your identity provider.
Adding custom branding requires you to use Azure Active Directory Premium 1, Premium 2, or Basic editions, or to have an
Office 365 license. For more information about licensing and editions, see Sign up for Azure AD Premium.
Azure AD Premium and Basic editions are available for customers in China using the worldwide instance of Azure Active
Directory. Azure AD Premium and Basic editions aren't currently supported in the Azure service operated by 21Vianet in
China. For more information, talk to us using the Azure Active Directory Forum.
All branding elements are optional. For example, if you specify a banner logo with no background image, the sign-in page will
show your logo with a default background image from the destination site (for example, Office 365).
Additionally, sign-in page branding doesn’t carry over to personal Microsoft accounts. If your users or business guests sign
in using a personal Microsoft account, the sign-in page won't reflect the branding of your organization.
All the custom images you add on this page have image size (pixels), and potentially file size (KB), restrictions. Because
of these restrictions, you'll most-likely need to use a photo editor to create the right-sized images.
General settings
Language. The language is automatically set as your default and can't be changed.
Sign-in page background image. Select a .png or .jpg image file to appear as the
background for your sign-in pages.
The image can't be larger than 1920x1080 pixels in size and must have a file size of less than
300 KB.
Banner logo. Select a .png or .jpg version of your logo to appear on the sign-in page after the
user enters a username and on the My Apps portal page.
The image can't be taller than 36 pixels or wider than 245 pixels. We recommend using a
transparent image since the background might not match your logo background. We also
recommend not adding padding around the image or it might make your logo look small.
Username hint. Type the hint text that appears to users if they forget their username. This
text must be Unicode, without links or code, and can't exceed 64 characters. If guests sign in to
your app, we suggest not adding this hint.
Sign-in page text. Type the text that appears on the bottom of the sign-in page. You can use
this text to communicate additional information, such as the phone number to your help desk
or a legal statement. This text must be Unicode and not exceed 256 characters. We also
suggest not including links or HTML tags.
Advanced settings
Sign-in page background color. Specify the hexadecimal color (for example, white is
#FFFFFF ) that will appear in place of your background image in low -bandwidth connection
situations. We recommend using the primary color of your banner logo or your organization
Square logo image. Select a .png (preferred) or .jpg image of your organization’s logo to
appear to users during the setup process for new Windows 10 Enterprise devices. This image
is only used for Windows authentication and appears only on tenants that are using Windows
Autopilot for deployment or for password entry pages in other Windows 10 experiences.
The image can’t be larger than 240x240 pixels in size and must have a file size of less than 10
KB. We recommend using a transparent image since the background might not match your
logo background. We also recommend not adding padding around the image or it might make
your logo look small.
Square logo image, dark theme. Same as the square logo image above. This logo image
takes the place of the square logo image when used with a dark background, such as with
Windows 10 Azure AD joined screens during the out-of-box experience (OOBE ). If your logo
looks good on white, dark blue, and black backgrounds, you don’t need to add this image.
Show option to remain signed in. You can choose to let your users remain signed in to
Azure AD until explicitly signing out. If you choose No, this option is hidden, and users must
sign in each time the browser is closed and reopened.
Some features of SharePoint Online and Office 2010 depend on users being able to choose to remain
signed in. If you set this option to No, your users may see additional and unexpected prompts to
3. On the Configure company branding page, add, remove, or change any of the information, based on the
descriptions in the Customize your Azure AD sign-in page section of this article.
4. Select Save.
It can take up to an hour for any changes you made to the sign-in page branding to appear.
An Azure subscription has a trust relationship with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ), which means that the
subscription trusts Azure AD to authenticate users, services, and devices. Multiple subscriptions can trust the
same Azure AD directory, but each subscription can only trust a single directory.
If your subscription expires, you lose access to all the other resources associated with the subscription. However,
the Azure AD directory remains in Azure, letting you associate and manage the directory using a different Azure
All of your users have a single home directory for authentication. However, your users can also be guests in other
directories. You can see both the home and guest directories for each user in Azure AD.
When you associate a subscription to a different directory, users that have roles assigned using role-based access control
(RBAC) will lose their access. Classic subscription administrators (Service Administrator and Co-Administrators) will also lose
Additionally, moving your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to a different subscription, or moving the cluster-owning
subscription to a new tenant, causes the cluster to lose functionality due to lost role assignments and service principals
rights. For more information about AKS, see Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
The directory is changed for the subscription and you get a success message.
4. Use the Directory switcher to go to your new directory. It might take up to 10 minutes for everything to
show up properly.
Changing the subscription directory is a service-level operation, so it doesn't affect subscription billing ownership.
The Account Admin can still change the Service Admin from the Account Center. To delete the original directory,
you must transfer the subscription billing ownership to a new Account Admin. To learn more about transferring
billing ownership, see Transfer ownership of an Azure subscription to another account.
Next steps
To create a new Azure AD tenant, see Access Azure Active Directory to create a new tenant
To learn more about how resource access is controlled in Microsoft Azure, see Understanding resource
access in Azure
To learn more about how to assign roles in Azure AD, see How to assign directory roles to users with Azure
Active Directory
Add your organization's privacy info using Azure
Active Directory
2/12/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
This article explains how a tenant admin can add privacy-related info to an organization’s Azure Active Directory
(Azure AD ) tenant, through the Azure portal.
We strongly recommend you add both your global privacy contact and your organization’s privacy statement, so
your internal employees and external guests can review your policies. Because privacy statements are uniquely
created and tailored for each business, we strongly recommend you contact a lawyer for assistance.
If you’re interested in viewing or deleting personal data, please see the Azure Data Subject Requests for the GDPR article. If
you’re looking for general info about GDPR, see the GDPR section of the Service Trust portal.
If you don’t include either your own privacy statement or your privacy contact, your external guests will see
text in the Review Permissions box that says, <your org name> has not provided links to their terms
for you to review. For example, a guest user will see this message when they receive an invitation to access
an organization through B2B collaboration.
4. Select Save.
Next steps
Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration invitation redemption
Add or change profile information for a user in Azure Active Directory
Create a basic group and add members using Azure
Active Directory
3/20/2019 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online
You can create a basic group using the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) portal. For the purposes of this article,
a basic group is added to a single resource by the resource owner (administrator) and includes specific members
(employees) that need to access that resource. For more complex scenarios, including dynamic memberships and
rule creation, see the Azure Active Directory user management documentation.
4. Select Create.
Your group is created and ready for you to add members.
5. Select the Members area from the Group page, and then begin searching for the members to add to
your group from the Select members page.
Next steps
Now that you've added a group and at least one user, you can:
View your groups and members
Manage group membership
Manage dynamic rules for users in a group
Edit your group settings
Manage access to resources using groups
Manage access to SaaS apps using groups
Manage groups using PowerShell commands
Associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory
Add or remove group members using Azure Active
2/12/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
Using Azure Active Directory, you can continue to add and remove group members.
4. From the MDM policy - West Overview page, select Members from the Manage area.
5. Select Add members, and then search and select each of the members you want to add to the group, and
then choose Select.
You'll get a message that says the members were added successfully.
6. Refresh the screen to see all of the member names added to the group.
You can delete an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) group for any number of reasons, but typically it will be
because you:
Incorrectly set the Group type to the wrong option.
Created the wrong or a duplicate group by mistake.
No longer need the group.
To delete a group
1. Sign in to the Azure portal using a Global administrator account for the directory.
2. Select Azure Active Directory, and then select Groups.
3. From the Groups - All groups page, search for and select the group you want to delete. For these steps,
we'll use MDM policy - East.
4. On the MDM policy - East Overview page, and then select Delete.
The group is deleted from your Azure Active Directory tenant.
Next steps
If you delete a group by mistake, you can create it again. For more information, see How to create a basic
group and add members.
If you delete an Office 365 group by mistake, you might be able to restore it. For more information, see
Restore a deleted Office 365 group.
Add or remove a group from another group using
Azure Active Directory
2/12/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
This article helps you to add and remove a group from another group using Azure Active Directory.
If you're trying to delete the parent group, see How to update or delete a group and its members.
We don't currently support:
Adding groups to a group synced with on-premises Active Directory.
Adding Security groups to Office 365 groups.
Adding Office 365 groups to Security groups or other Office 365 groups.
Assigning apps to nested groups.
Applying licenses to nested groups.
You can add your group as a member to only one group at a time. Additionally, the Select Group box filters the
display based on matching your entry to any part of a user or device name. However, wildcard characters aren't
4. On the MDM policy - West - Group memberships page, select Group memberships, select Add, locate
the group you want your group to be a member of, and then choose Select. For this exercise, we're using
the MDM policy - All org group.
The MDM policy - West group is now a member of the MDM policy - All org group, inheriting all the
properties and configuration of the MDM policy - All org group.
5. Review the MDM policy - West - Group memberships page to see the group and member relationship.
6. For a more detailed view of the group and member relationship, select the group name (MDM policy - All
org) and take a look at the MDM policy - West page details.
Additional information
These articles provide additional information on Azure Active Directory.
View your groups and members
Create a basic group and add members
Add or remove members from a group
Edit your group settings
Using a group to manage access to SaaS applications
Scenarios, limitations, and known issues using groups to manage licensing in Azure Active Directory
Edit your group information using Azure Active
3/20/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
Using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ), you can edit a group's settings, including updating its name, description,
or membership type.
4. Select the group MDM policy - West, and then select Properties from the Manage area.
5. Update the General settings information as needed, including:
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) groups are owned and managed by group owners. Group owners are assigned
to manage a group and its members by a resource owner (administrator). Group owners aren't required to be
members of the group. After a group owner has been assigned, only a resource owner can add or remove owners.
In some cases, you as the administrator might decide not to assign a group owner. In this case, you become the
group owner. Additionally, owners can assign other owners to their group, unless you've restricted this in the
group settings.
4. On the MDM policy - West - Owners page, select Add owners, and then search for and select the user
that will be the new group owner, and then choose Select.
After you select the new owner, you can refresh the Owners page and see the name added to the list of
4. On the MDM policy - West - Owners page, select the user you want to remove as a group owner, choose
Remove from the user's information page, and select Yes to confirm your decision.
After you remove the owner, you can return to the Owners page and see the name has been removed from
the list of owners.
Next steps
Managing access to resources with Azure Active Directory groups
Azure Active Directory cmdlets for configuring group settings
Use groups to assign access to an integrated SaaS app
Integrating your on-premises identities with Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory cmdlets for configuring group settings
Add or delete users using Azure Active Directory
4/4/2019 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online
Add new users or delete existing users from your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) organization.
Delete a user
You can delete an existing user using Azure Active Directory portal.
To delete a user
1. Sign in to the Azure portal using a User administrator account for the organization.
2. Select Azure Active Directory, select Users, and then search for and select the user you want to delete
from your Azure AD tenant. For example, Mary Parker.
3. Select Delete user.
The user is deleted and no longer appears on the Users - All users page. The user can be seen on the
Deleted users page for the next 30 days and can be restored during that time. For more information
about restoring a user, see How to restore or permanently remove a recently deleted user. When a user is
deleted, any licenses consumed by the user are made available for other users to be consumed.
You must use Windows Server Active Directory to update the identity, contact info, or job info for users whose
source of authority is Windows Server Active Directory. After you complete your update, you must wait for the
next synchronization cycle to complete before you'll see the changes.
Next steps
After you've added your users, you can perform the following basic processes:
Add or change profile information
Assign roles to users
Create a basic group and add members
Work with dynamic groups and users
Or you can perform other user management tasks, such as adding guest users from another directory or
restoring a deleted user. For more information about other available actions, see Azure Active Directory user
management documentation.
Add or update a user's profile information using
Azure Active Directory
4/12/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
Add user profile information, including a profile picture, job-specific information, and some settings using Azure
Active Directory (Azure AD ). For more information about adding new users, see How to add or delete users in
Azure Active Directory.
3. Select Edit to optionally add or update the information included in each of the available sections.
Profile picture. Select a thumbnail image for the user's account. This picture appears in Azure
Active Directory and on the user's personal pages, such as the page.
Identity. Add or update an additional identity value for the user, such as a married last name. You
can set this name independently from the values of First name and Last name. For example, you
could use it to include initials, a company name, or to change the sequence of names shown. In
another example, for two users whose names are ‘Chris Green’ you could use the Identity string to
set their names to 'Chris B. Green' 'Chris R. Green (Contoso).'
Job info. Add any job-related information, such as the user's job title, department, or manager.
Settings. Decide whether the user can sign in to Azure Active Directory tenant. You can also specify
the user's global location.
Contact info. Add any relevant contact information for the user. For example, a street address or a
mobile phone number.
Authentication contact info. Verify this information to make sure there's an active phone number
and email address for the user. This information is used by Azure Active Directory to make sure the
user is really the user during sign-in. Authentication contact info can be updated only by a global
4. Select Save.
All your changes are saved for the user.
You must use Windows Server Active Directory to update the identity, contact info, or job info for users whose
source of authority is Windows Server Active Directory. After you complete your update, you must wait for the next
synchronization cycle to complete before you'll see the changes.
Next steps
After you've updated your users' profiles, you can perform the following basic processes:
Add or delete users
Assign roles to users
Create a basic group and add members
Or you can perform other user management tasks, such as assigning delegates, using policies, and sharing user
accounts. For more information about other available actions, see Azure Active Directory user management
Reset a user's password using Azure Active Directory
4/10/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
As an administrator, you can reset a user's password if the password is forgotten, if the user gets locked out of a
device, or if the user never received a password.
Unless your Azure AD tenant is the home directory for a user, you won't be able reset their password. This means that if your
user is signing in to your organization using an account from another organization, a Microsoft account, or a Google account,
you won't be able to reset their password.
If your user has a source of authority as Windows Server Active Directory, you'll only be able to reset the password if you've
turned on password writeback.
If your user has a source of authority as External Azure AD, you won't be able to reset the password. Only the user, or an
adminsitrator in External Azure AD, can reset the password.
If you're not an administrator and are instead looking for instructions about how to reset your own work or school password,
see Reset your work or school password.
To reset a password
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a user administrator, or password administrator. For more information about
the available roles, see Assigning administrator roles in Azure Active Directory
2. Select Azure Active Directory, select Users, search for and select the user that needs the reset, and then
select Reset Password.
The Alain Charon - Profile page appears with the Reset password option.
3. In the Reset password page, select Reset password.
A temporary password is auto-generated for the user.
4. Copy the password and give it to the user. The user will be required to change the password during the next
The temporary password never expires. The next time the user signs in, the password will still work, regardless how
much time has passed since the temporary password was generated.
Next steps
After you've reset your user's password, you can perform the following basic processes:
Add or delete users
Assign roles to users
Add or change profile information
Create a basic group and add members
Or you can perform more complex user scenarios, such as assigning delegates, using policies, and sharing user
accounts. For more information about other available actions, see Azure Active Directory user management
Assign administrator and non-administrator roles to
users with Azure Active Directory
2/12/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
If a user in your organization needs permission to manage Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) resources, you
must assign the user an appropriate role in Azure AD, based on the actions the user needs permission to
For more information about the available roles, see Assigning administrator roles in Azure Active Directory. For
more information about adding users, see Add new users to Azure Active Directory.
Assign roles
A common way to assign Azure AD roles to a user is on the Directory role page for a user.
You can also assign roles using Privileged Identity Management (PIM ). For more detailed information about
how to use PIM, see Privileged Identity Management.
To assign a role to a user
1. Sign in to the Azure portal using a Global administrator account for the directory.
2. Select Azure Active Directory, select Users, and then search for and select the user getting the role
assignment. For example, Alain Charon.
3. On the Alain Charon - Profile page, select Directory role.
The Alain Charon - Directory role page appears.
4. Select Add role, select the role to assign to Alain (for example, Application administrator), and then
choose Select.
The Application administrator role is assigned to Alain Charon and it appears on the Alain Charon -
Directory role page.
The Application administrator role is removed from Alain Charon and it no longer appears on the Alain
Charon - Directory role page.
Next steps
Add or delete users
Add or change profile information
Add guest users from another directory
Or you can perform other user management tasks, such as assigning delegates, using policies, and sharing user
accounts. For more information about other available actions, see Azure Active Directory user management
Assign or remove licenses using the Azure Active
Directory portal
3/20/2019 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online
Many Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) services require you to activate an Azure AD product and to license each
of your users or groups (and associated members) for that product. Only users with active licenses will be able to
access and use the licensed Azure AD services.
3. Select the Purchased products link to view the Products page and to see the Assigned, Available, and
Expiring soon details for each specific product edition.
4. Select a product edition name to see its licensed users and groups.
Group-based licensing is a public preview feature of Azure AD and is available with any paid Azure AD license plan. For more
information about previews, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.
For detailed information about how to add users, see How to add or delete users in Azure Active Directory. For detailed
information about how to create groups and add members, see Create a basic group and add members.
4. Select Assignment options, make sure you have the appropriate license options turned on, and then select
The Assign license page updates to show that a user is selected and that the assignments are configured.
Not all Microsoft services are available in all locations. Before a license can be assigned to a user, you must specify the
Usage location. You can set this value in the Azure Active Directory > Users > Profile > Settings area in Azure
5. Select Assign.
The user is added to the list of licensed users and has access to the included Azure AD services.
To assign a license to an entire group
1. On the Products page, select the name of the edition you want to assign to the user. For example, Azure
Active Directory Premium Plan 2.
4. Select Assignment options, make sure you have the appropriate license options turned on, and then select
The Assign license page updates to show that a user is selected and that the assignments are configured.
Not all Microsoft services are available in all locations. Before a license can be assigned to a group, you must specify
the Usage location for all members. You can set this value in the Azure Active Directory > Users > Profile >
Settings area in Azure AD. Any user whose usage location is not specified inherits the location of the tenant.
5. Select Assign.
The group is added to the list of licensed groups and all of the members have access to the included Azure
AD services.
Remove a license
You can remove a license from either a user or a group from the Licenses page.
To remove a license from a specific user
1. On the Licensed users page for the product edition, select the user that should no longer have the license.
For example, Alain Charon.
2. Select Remove license.
To remove a license from a group
1. On the Licensed groups page for the product edition, select the group that should no longer have the
license. For example, MDM policy - West.
2. Select Remove license.
Licenses inherited by a user from a group can't be removed directly. Instead, you have to remove the user from the group
from which they're inheriting the license.
Next steps
After you've assigned your licenses, you can perform the following processes:
Identify and resolve license assignment problems
Add licensed users to a group for licensing
Scenarios, limitations, and known issues using groups to manage licensing in Azure Active Directory
Add or change profile information
Restore or remove a recently deleted user using
Azure Active Directory
4/1/2019 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online
After you delete a user, the account remains in a suspended state for 30 days. During that 30-day window, the user
account can be restored, along with all its properties. After that 30-day window passes, the user is automatically,
and permanently, deleted.
You can view your restorable users, restore a deleted user, or permanently delete a user using Azure Active
Directory (Azure AD ) in the Azure portal.
Neither you nor Microsoft customer support can restore a permanently deleted user.
Required permissions
You must have one of the following roles to restore and permanently delete users.
Global administrator
Partner Tier1 Support
Partner Tier2 Support
User administrator
Once a user is restored, licenses that were assigned to the user at the time of deletion are also restored even if there are no
seats available for those licenses. If you are then consuming more licenses more than you purchased, your organization could
be temporarily out of compliance for license usage.
To restore a user
1. On the Users - Deleted users page, search for and select one of the available users. For example, Mary
2. Select Restore user.
If you permanently delete a user by mistake, you'll have to create a new user and manually enter all the previous information.
For more information about creating a new user, see Add or delete users.
Microsoft provides global technical, pre-sales, billing, and subscription support for Azure Active Directory (Azure
AD ). Support is available both online and by phone for Microsoft Azure paid and trial subscriptions. Phone support
and online billing support are available in additional languages.
For billing or subscription issues, you must use the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Support for Azure AD in the Microsoft 365 admin center is offered for administrators only.
1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center with an account that has an Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS )
2. On the Support tile, select New service request:
3. On the Support Overview page, select Identity management or User and domain management:
4. For Feature, select the Azure AD feature for which you want support.
5. For Symptom, select an appropriate symptom, summarize your issue and provide relevant details, and then
select Next.
6. Select one of the offered self-help resources, or select Yes, continue or No, cancel request.
7. If you continue, you are asked for more details. You can attach any files you have that represent the problem,
and then select Next.
8. Provide your contact information and select Submit request.
Next steps
Microsoft Tech Community
Technical documentation at
Frequently asked questions about Azure Active
3/18/2019 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) is a comprehensive identity as a service (IDaaS ) solution that spans all aspects
of identity, access management, and security.
For more information, see What is Azure Active Directory?.
Q: What’s the relationship between Azure AD, Office 365, and Azure?
A: Azure AD provides you with common identity and access capabilities to all web services. Whether you are using
Office 365, Microsoft Azure, Intune, or others, you're already using Azure AD to help turn on sign-on and access
management for all these services.
All users who are set up to use web services are defined as user accounts in one or more Azure AD instances. You
can set up these accounts for free Azure AD capabilities like cloud application access.
Azure AD paid services like Enterprise Mobility + Security complement other web services like Office 365 and
Microsoft Azure with comprehensive enterprise-scale management and security solutions.
Password management
Q: Can I use Azure AD password write-back without password sync? (In this scenario, is it possible to use
Azure AD self-service password reset (SSPR) with password write-back and not store passwords in the
A: You do not need to synchronize your Active Directory passwords to Azure AD to enable write-back. In a
federated environment, Azure AD single sign-on (SSO ) relies on the on-premises directory to authenticate the
user. This scenario does not require the on-premises password to be tracked in Azure AD.
Q: How long does it take for a password to be written back to Active Directory on-premises?
A: Password write-back operates in real time.
For more information, see Getting started with password management.
Q: Can I use password write-back with passwords that are managed by an admin?
A: Yes, if you have password write-back enabled, the password operations performed by an admin are written back
to your on-premises environment.
For more answers to password-related questions, see Password management frequently asked questions.
Q: What can I do if I can't remember my existing Office 365/Azure AD password while trying to change
my password?
A: For this type of situation, there are a couple of options. Use self-service password reset (SSPR ) if it's available.
Whether SSPR works depends on how it's configured. For more information, see How does the password reset
portal work.
For Office 365 users, your admin can reset the password by using the steps outlined in Reset user passwords.
For Azure AD accounts, admins can reset passwords by using one of the following:
Reset accounts in the Azure portal
Using PowerShell
Q: Are accounts locked after a specific number of failed attempts or is there a more sophisticated
strategy used?
We use a more sophisticated strategy to lock accounts. This is based on the IP of the request and the passwords
entered. The duration of the lockout also increases based on the likelihood that it is an attack.
Q: Certain (common) passwords get rejected with the messages ‘this password has been used to many
times’, does this refer to passwords used in the current active directory?
This refers to passwords that are globally common, such as any variants of “Password” and “123456”.
Q: Will a sign-in request from dubious sources (botnets, tor endpoint) be blocked in a B2C tenant or
does this require a Basic or Premium edition tenant?
We do have a gateway that filters requests and provides some protection from botnets, and is applied for all B2C
Application access
Q: Where can I find a list of applications that are pre-integrated with Azure AD and their capabilities?
A: Azure AD has more than 2,600 pre-integrated applications from Microsoft, application service providers, and
partners. All pre-integrated applications support single sign-on (SSO ). SSO lets you use your organizational
credentials to access your apps. Some of the applications also support automated provisioning and de-
For a complete list of the pre-integrated applications, see the Active Directory Marketplace.
Q: What are the different ways Azure AD enables authentication and single sign-on to applications?
A: Azure AD supports many standardized protocols for authentication and authorization, such as SAML 2.0,
OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, and WS -Federation. Azure AD also supports password vaulting and automated sign-
in capabilities for apps that only support forms-based authentication.
For more information, see:
Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD
Active Directory authentication protocols
Single sign-on for applications in Azure AD
Q: How do I require multi-factor authentication for users who access a particular application?
A: With Azure AD conditional access, you can assign a unique access policy for each application. In your policy, you
can require multi-factor authentication always, or when users are not connected to the local network.
For more information, see Securing access to Office 365 and other apps connected to Azure Active Directory.
Looking for end-to-end guidance about how to deploy some of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) capabilities?
The following deployment plans walk through the business value, planning considerations, design, and operational
procedures needed to successfully roll a few of the more common Azure AD capabilities.
Within the documents you will find e-mail templates, system architecture diagrams, common test cases, and more.
We'd love your feedback on the documents. Take this short survey about how the documents worked for you.
Conditional access downloadable plan or online plan With conditional access, you can implement automated access
control decisions for who can access your cloud apps, based
on conditions.
Self-service password reset Self-service password reset helps your users reset their
password, without administrator intervention, when and
where they need to.
Privileged Identity Management Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM) helps you
manage privileged administrative roles across Azure AD, Azure
resources, and other Microsoft Online Services. PIM provides
solutions like just-in-time access, request approval workflows,
and fully integrated access reviews so you can identify,
uncover, and prevent malicious activities of privileged roles in
real time.
Single sign-on Single sign-on helps you access all the apps and resources you
need to do business, while signing in only once, using a single
user account. After you've signed in, you can go from
Microsoft Office to SalesForce, to Box without being required
to authenticate (for example, type a password) a second time.
Access Panel Offer your users a simple hub to discover and access all their
applications. Enable them to be more productive with self-
service capabilities, such as the ability to request access to new
apps and groups, or manage access to these resources on
behalf of others.
ADFS to Password Hash Sync downloadable plan or online With Password Hash Synchronization, hashes of user
plan passwords are synchronized from on-premises Active
Directory to Azure AD, letting Azure AD to authenticate users
with no interaction with the on-premises Active Directory
ADFS to Pass Through Authentication downloadable plan or Azure AD Pass-through Authentication helps your users sign
online plan in to both on-premises and cloud-based applications, using
the same passwords. This feature provides your users a better
experience - one less password to remember, and reduces IT
helpdesk costs because your users are less likely to forget how
to sign in. When people sign in using Azure AD, this feature
validates users' passwords directly against your on-premises
Active Directory.
Azure AD Application Proxy Employees today want to be productive at any place, at any
time, and from any device. They want to work on their own
devices, whether they are tablets, phones, or laptops. And
employees expect to be able to access all their applications,
both SaaS apps in the cloud and corporate apps on-premises.
Providing access to on-premises applications has traditionally
involved virtual private networks (VPNs) or demilitarized zones
(DMZs). Not only are these solutions complex and hard to
make secure, but they are costly to set up and manage. There
is a better way! - Azure AD Application Proxy
User provisioning Azure AD helps you automate the creation, maintenance, and
removal of user identities in cloud (SaaS) applications, such as
Dropbox, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and more.
The primary What's new release notes article contains the latest 6 months of information, while this article
includes all the older information.
The What's new release notes provide you with information about:
The latest releases
Known issues
Bug fixes
Deprecated functionality
Plans for changes
August 2018
Changes to Azure Active Directory IP address ranges
Type: Plan for change
Service category: Other
Product capability: Platform
We're introducing larger IP ranges to Azure AD, which means if you've configured Azure AD IP address ranges for
your firewalls, routers, or Network Security Groups, you'll need to update them. We're making this update so you
won't have to change your firewall, router, or Network Security Groups IP range configurations again when Azure
AD adds new endpoints.
Network traffic is moving to these new ranges over the next two months. To continue with uninterrupted service,
you must add these updated values to your IP Addresses before September 10, 2018:
We strongly recommend not removing the old IP Address ranges until all of your network traffic has moved to the
new ranges. For updates about the move and to learn when you can remove the old ranges, see Office 365 URLs
and IP address ranges.
Converged security info management for self-service password (SSPR ) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA )
Type: New feature
Service category: SSPR
Product capability: User Authentication
This new feature helps people manage their security info (such as, phone number, mobile app, and so on) for SSPR
and MFA in a single location and experience; as compared to previously, where it was done in two different
This converged experience also works for people using either SSPR or MFA. Additionally, if your organization
doesn't enforce MFA or SSPR registration, people can still register any MFA or SSPR security info methods
allowed by your organization from the My Apps portal.
This is an opt-in public preview. Administrators can turn on the new experience (if desired) for a selected group or
for all users in a tenant. For more information about the converged experience, see the Converged experience blog
Privileged Identity Management (PIM ) for Azure resources supports Management Group resource types
Type: New feature
Service category: Privileged Identity Management
Product capability: Privileged Identity Management
Just-In-Time activation and assignment settings can now be applied to Management Group resource types, just
like you already do for Subscriptions, Resource Groups, and Resources (such as VMs, App Services, and more). In
addition, anyone with a role that provides administrator access for a Management Group can discover and manage
that resource in PIM.
For more information about PIM and Azure resources, see Discover and manage Azure resources by using
Privileged Identity Management
New support to add Google as an identity provider for B2B guest users in Azure Active Directory (preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: B2B
Product capability: B2B/B2C
By setting up federation with Google in your organization, you can let invited Gmail users sign in to your shared
apps and resources using their existing Google account, without having to create a personal Microsoft Account
(MSAs) or an Azure AD account.
This is an opt-in public preview. For more information about Google federation, see Add Google as an identity
provider for B2B guest users.
July 2018
Improvements to Azure Active Directory email notifications
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Other
Product capability: Identity lifecycle management
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) emails now feature an updated design, as well as changes to the sender email
address and sender display name, when sent from the following services:
Azure AD Access Reviews
Azure AD Connect Health
Azure AD Identity Protection
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management
Enterprise App Expiring Certificate Notifications
Enterprise App Provisioning Service Notifications
The email notifications will be sent from the following email address and display name:
Email address:
Display name: Microsoft Azure
For an example of some of the new e-mail designs and more information, see Email notifications in Azure AD PIM.
Connect Health for Sync - An easier way to fix orphaned and duplicate attribute sync errors
Type: New feature
Service category: AD Connect
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
Azure AD Connect Health introduces self-service remediation to help you highlight and fix sync errors. This feature
troubleshoots duplicated attribute sync errors and fixes objects that are orphaned from Azure AD. This diagnosis
has the following benefits:
Narrows down duplicated attribute sync errors, providing specific fixes
Applies a fix for dedicated Azure AD scenarios, resolving errors in a single step
No upgrade or configuration is required to turn on and use this feature
For more information, see Diagnose and remediate duplicated attribute sync errors
Converged security info management for self-service password reset and Multi-Factor Authentication
Type: New feature
Service category: SSPR
Product capability: User Authentication
This new feature lets users manage their security info (for example, phone number, email address, mobile app, and
so on) for self-service password reset (SSPR ) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in a single experience. Users
will no longer have to register the same security info for SSPR and MFA in two different experiences. This new
experience also applies to users who have either SSPR or MFA.
If an organization isn't enforcing MFA or SSPR registration, users can register their security info through the My
Apps portal. From there, users can register any methods enabled for MFA or SSPR.
This is an opt-in public preview. Admins can turn on the new experience (if desired) for a selected group of users or
all users in a tenant.
Use the Microsoft Authenticator app to verify your identity when you reset your password
Type: Changed feature
Service category: SSPR
Product capability: User Authentication
This feature lets non-admins verify their identity while resetting a password using a notification or code from
Microsoft Authenticator (or any other authenticator app). After admins turn on this self-service password reset
method, users who have registered a mobile app through or can use
their mobile app as a verification method while resetting their password.
Mobile app notification can only be turned on as part of a policy that requires two methods to reset your password.
June 2018
Change notice: Security fix to the delegated authorization flow for apps using Azure AD Activity Logs API
Type: Plan for change
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
Due to our stronger security enforcement, we’ve had to make a change to the permissions for apps that use a
delegated authorization flow to access Azure AD Activity Logs APIs. This change will occur by June 26, 2018.
If any of your apps use Azure AD Activity Log APIs, follow these steps to ensure the app doesn’t break after the
change happens.
To update your app permissions
1. Sign in to the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory, and then select App Registrations.
2. Select your app that uses the Azure AD Activity Logs API, select Settings, select Required permissions,
and then select the Windows Azure Active Directory API.
3. In the Delegated permissions area of the Enable access blade, select the box next to Read directory
data, and then select Save.
4. Select Grant permissions, and then select Yes.
You must be a Global administrator to grant permissions to the app.
For more information, see the Grant permissions area of the Prerequisites to access the Azure AD reporting API
Configure TLS settings to connect to Azure AD services for PCI DSS compliance
Type: New feature
Service category: N/A
Product capability: Platform
Transport Layer Security (TLS ) is a protocol that provides privacy and data integrity between two communicating
applications and is the most widely deployed security protocol used today.
The PCI Security Standards Council has determined that early versions of TLS and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL )
must be disabled in favor of enabling new and more secure app protocols, with compliance starting on June 30,
2018. This change means that if you connect to Azure AD services and require PCI DSS -compliance, you must
disable TLS 1.0. Multiple versions of TLS are available, but TLS 1.2 is the latest version available for Azure Active
Directory Services. We highly recommend moving directly to TLS 1.2 for both client/server and browser/server
Out-of-date browsers might not support newer TLS versions, such as TLS 1.2. To see which versions of TLS are
supported by your browser, go to the Qualys SSL Labs site and click Test your browser. We recommend you
upgrade to the latest version of your web browser and preferably enable only TLS 1.2.
To enable TLS 1.2, by browser
Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer (both are set using Internet Explorer)
1. Open Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options > Advanced.
2. In the Security area, select use TLS 1.2, and then select OK.
3. Close all browser windows and restart Internet Explorer.
Google Chrome
1. Open Google Chrome, type chrome://settings/ into the address bar, and press Enter.
2. Expand the Advanced options, go to the System area, and select Open proxy settings.
3. In the Internet Properties box, select the Advanced tab, go to the Security area, select use TLS 1.2,
and then select OK.
4. Close all browser windows and restart Google Chrome.
Mozilla Firefox
1. Open Firefox, type about:config into the address bar, and then press Enter.
2. Search for the term, TLS, and then select the security.tls.version.max entry.
3. Set the value to 3 to force the browser to use up to version TLS 1.2, and then select OK.
Firefox version 60.0 supports TLS 1.3, so you can also set the security.tls.version.max value to 4.
New "all guests" conditional access policy template created during Terms of Use (ToU ) creation
Type: New feature
Service category: Terms of Use
Product capability: Governance
During the creation of your Terms of Use (ToU ), a new conditional access policy template is also created for "all
guests" and "all apps". This new policy template applies the newly created ToU, streamlining the creation and
enforcement process for guests.
For more information, see Azure Active Directory Terms of use feature.
New "custom" conditional access policy template created during Terms of Use (ToU ) creation
Type: New feature
Service category: Terms of Use
Product capability: Governance
During the creation of your Terms of Use (ToU ), a new “custom” conditional access policy template is also created.
This new policy template lets you create the ToU and then immediately go to the conditional access policy creation
blade, without needing to manually navigate through the portal.
For more information, see Azure Active Directory Terms of use feature.
May 2018
ExpressRoute support changes
Type: Plan for change
Service category: Authentications (Logins)
Product capability: Platform
Software as a Service offering, like Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) are designed to work best by going directly
through the Internet, without requiring ExpressRoute or any other private VPN tunnels. Because of this, on August
1, 2018, we will stop supporting ExpressRoute for Azure AD services using Azure public peering and Azure
communities in Microsoft peering. Any services impacted by this change might notice Azure AD traffic gradually
shifting from ExpressRoute to the Internet.
While we're changing our support, we also know there are still situations where you might need to use a dedicated
set of circuits for your authentication traffic. Because of this, Azure AD will continue to support per-tenant IP range
restrictions using ExpressRoute and services already on Microsoft peering with the "Other Office 365 Online
services" community. If your services are impacted, but you require ExpressRoute, you must do the following:
If you're on Azure public peering. Move to Microsoft peering and sign up for the Other Office 365
Online services (12076:5100) community. For more info about how to move from Azure public peering to
Microsoft peering, see the Move a public peering to Microsoft peering article.
If you're on Microsoft peering. Sign up for the Other Office 365 Online service (12076:5100)
community. For more info about routing requirements, see the Support for BGP communities section of the
ExpressRoute routing requirements article.
If you must continue to use dedicated circuits, you'll need to talk to your Microsoft Account team about how to get
authorization to use the Other Office 365 Online service (12076:5100) community. The MS Office-managed
review board will verify whether you need those circuits and make sure you understand the technical implications
of keeping them. Unauthorized subscriptions trying to create route filters for Office 365 will receive an error
Use Internal URLs to access apps from anywhere with our My Apps Sign-in Extension and the Azure AD
Application Proxy
Type: New feature
Service category: My Apps
Product capability: SSO
Users can now access applications through internal URLs even when outside your corporate network by using the
My Apps Secure Sign-in Extension for Azure AD. This will work with any application that you have published using
Azure AD Application Proxy, on any browser that also has the Access Panel browser extension installed. The URL
redirection functionality is automatically enabled once a user logs into the extension. The extension is available for
download on Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.
Azure AD access reviews of groups and app access now provides recurring reviews
Type: New feature
Service category: Access Reviews
Product capability: Governance
Access review of groups and apps is now generally available as part of Azure AD Premium P2. Administrators will
be able to configure access reviews of group memberships and application assignments to automatically recur at
regular intervals, such as monthly or quarterly.
Azure AD Activity logs (sign-ins and audit) are now available through MS Graph
Type: New feature
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
Azure AD Activity logs, which, includes Sign-ins and Audit logs, are now available through MS Graph. We have
exposed two end points through MS Graph to access these logs. Check out our documents for programmatic
access to Azure AD Reporting APIs to get started.
The May release of AADConnect contains a public preview of the integration with PingFederate, important
security updates, many bug fixes, and new great new troubleshooting tools.
Type: Changed feature
Service category: AD Connect
Product capability: Identity Lifecycle Management
The May release of AADConnect contains a public preview of the integration with PingFederate, important security
updates, many bug fixes, and new great new troubleshooting tools. You can find the release notes here.
ID tokens can no longer be returned using the query response_mode for new apps.
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Authentications (Logins)
Product capability: User Authentication
Apps created on or after April 25, 2018 will no longer be able to request an id_token using the query
response_mode. This brings Azure AD inline with the OIDC specifications and helps reduce your apps attack
surface. Apps created before April 25, 2018 are not blocked from using the query response_mode with a
response_type of id_token. The error returned, when requesting an id_token from AAD, is AADSTS70007:
‘query’ is not a supported value of ‘response_mode’ when requesting a token.
The fragment and form_post response_modes continue to work - when creating new application objects (for
example, for App Proxy usage), ensure use of one of these response_modes before they create a new application.
April 2018
Azure AD B2C Access Token are GA
Type: New feature
Service category: B2C - Consumer Identity Management
Product capability: B2B/B2C
You can now access Web APIs secured by Azure AD B2C using access tokens. The feature is moving from public
preview to GA. The UI experience to configure Azure AD B2C applications and web APIs has been improved, and
other minor improvements were made.
For more information, see Azure AD B2C: Requesting access tokens.
Grant B2B users in Azure AD access to your on-premises applications (public preview)
Type: New feature
Service category: B2B
Product capability: B2B/B2C
As an organization that uses Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) B2B collaboration capabilities to invite guest users
from partner organizations to your Azure AD, you can now provide these B2B users access to on-premises apps.
These on-premises apps can use SAML -based authentication or Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) with
Kerberos constrained delegation (KCD ).
For more information, see Grant B2B users in Azure AD access to your on-premises applications.
Self-service password reset from Windows 10 lock screen for hybrid Azure AD joined machines
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Self Service Password Reset
Product capability: User Authentication
We have updated the Windows 10 SSPR feature to include support for machines that are hybrid Azure AD joined.
This feature is available in Windows 10 RS4 allows users to reset their password from the lock screen of a
Windows 10 machine. Users who are enabled and registered for self-service password reset can utilize this feature.
For more information, see Azure AD password reset from the login screen.
March 2018
Certificate expire notification
Type: Fixed
Service category: Enterprise Apps
Product capability: SSO
Azure AD sends a notification when a certificate for a gallery or non-gallery application is about to expire.
Some users did not receive notifications for enterprise applications configured for SAML -based single sign-on.
This issue was resolved. Azure AD sends notification for certificates expiring in 7, 30 and 60 days. You are able to
see this event in the audit logs.
For more information, see:
Manage Certificates for federated single sign-on in Azure Active Directory
Audit activity reports in the Azure Active Directory portal
Restrict browser access using Intune Managed Browser with Azure AD application-based conditional access for
iOS and Android
Type: New feature
Service category: Conditional Access
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection
Now in public preview!
Intune Managed Browser SSO: Your employees can use single sign-on across native clients (like Microsoft
Outlook) and the Intune Managed Browser for all Azure AD -connected apps.
Intune Managed Browser Conditional Access Support: You can now require employees to use the Intune
Managed browser using application-based conditional access policies.
Read more about this in our blog post.
For more information, see:
Setup application-based conditional access
Configure managed browser policies
Office 365 native clients are supported by Seamless SSO using a non-interactive protocol
Type: New feature
Service category: Authentications (Logins)
Product capability: User Authentication
User using Office 365 native clients (version 16.0.8730.xxxx and above) get a silent sign-on experience using
Seamless SSO. This support is provided by the addition a non-interactive protocol (WS -Trust) to Azure AD.
For more information, see How does sign-in on a native client with Seamless SSO work?
Users get a silent sign-on experience, with Seamless SSO, if an application sends sign-in requests to Azure AD's
tenant endpoints
Type: New feature
Service category: Authentications (Logins)
Product capability: User Authentication
Users get a silent sign-on experience, with Seamless SSO, if an application (for example, ) sends sign-in requests to Azure AD's tenant endpoints - that is,<..> or<tenant_ID>/<..> -
instead of Azure AD's common endpoint (<...> ).
For more information, see Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On.
Need to add only one Azure AD URL, instead of two URLs previously, to users' Intranet zone settings to roll out
Seamless SSO
Type: New feature
Service category: Authentications (Logins)
Product capability: User Authentication
To roll out Seamless SSO to your users, you need to add only one Azure AD URL to the users' Intranet zone
settings by using group policy in Active Directory: . Previously,
customers were required to add two URLs.
For more information, see Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On.
Support for provisioning all user attribute values available in the Workday Get_Workers API
Type: New feature
Service category: App Provisioning
Product capability: 3rd Party Integration
The public preview of inbound provisioning from Workday to Active Directory and Azure AD now supports the
ability to extract and provisioning all attribute values available in the Workday Get_Workers API. This adds
supports for hundreds of additional standard and custom attributes beyond the ones shipped with the initial
version of the Workday inbound provisioning connector.
For more information, see: Customizing the list of Workday user attributes
February 2018
Improved navigation for managing users and groups
Type: Plan for change
Service category: Directory Management
Product capability: Directory
The navigation experience for managing users and groups has been streamlined. You can now navigate from the
directory overview directly to the list of all users, with easier access to the list of deleted users. You can also
navigate from the directory overview directly to the list of all groups, with easier access to group management
settings. And also from the directory overview page, you can search for a user, group, enterprise application, or app
Availability of sign-ins and audit reports in Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet (Azure China 21Vianet)
Type: New feature
Service category: Azure Stack
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
Azure AD Activity log reports are now available in Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet (Azure China 21Vianet)
instances. The following logs are included:
Sign-ins activity logs - Includes all the sign-ins logs associated with your tenant.
Self service Password Audit Logs - Includes all the SSPR audit logs.
Directory Management Audit logs - Includes all the directory management-related audit logs like User
management, App Management, and others.
With these logs, you can gain insights into how your environment is doing. The provided data enables you to:
Determine how your apps and services are utilized by your users.
Troubleshoot issues preventing your users from getting their work done.
For more information about how to use these reports, see Azure Active Directory reporting.
Use "Report Reader" role (non-admin role ) to view Azure AD Activity Reports
Type: New feature
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting
As part of customers feedback to enable non-admin roles to have access to Azure AD activity logs, we have
enabled the ability for users who are in the "Report Reader" role to access Sign-ins and Audit activity within the
Azure portal as well as using our Graph APIs.
For more information, how to use these reports, see Azure Active Directory reporting.
This build introduces schema and sync rule changes. The Azure AD Connect Synchronization Service triggers a Full Import
and Full Synchronization steps after an upgrade. For information on how to change this behavior, see How to defer full
synchronization after upgrade.
January 2018
New Federated Apps available in Azure AD app gallery
Type: New feature
Service category: Enterprise Apps
Product capability: 3rd Party Integration
In January 2018, the following new apps with federation support were added in the app gallery:
IBM OpenPages, OneTrust Privacy Management Software, Dealpath, [IriusRisk Federated Directory, and Fidelity
For more information about the apps, see SaaS application integration with Azure Active Directory.
For more information about listing your application in the Azure AD app gallery, see List your application in the
Azure Active Directory application gallery.
Seamless sign into apps enabled for Password SSO directly from app's URL
Type: New feature
Service category: My Apps
Product capability: SSO
The My Apps browser extension is now available via a convenient tool that gives you the My Apps single-sign on
capability as a shortcut in your browser. After installing, user's will see a waffle icon in their browser that provides
them quick access to apps. Users can now take advantage of:
The ability to directly sign in to password-SSO based apps from the app’s sign-in page
Launch any app using the quick search feature
Shortcuts to recently used apps from the extension
The extension is available for Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.
For more information, see My Apps Secure Sign-in Extension.
December 2017
Terms of use in the Access Panel
Type: New feature
Service category: Terms of use
Product capability: Compliance
You now can go to the Access Panel and view the terms of use that you previously accepted.
Follow these steps:
1. Go to the MyApps portal, and sign in.
2. In the upper-right corner, select your name, and then select Profile from the list.
3. On your Profile, select Review terms of use.
4. Now you can review the terms of use you accepted.
For more information, see the Azure AD terms of use feature (preview ).
Fewer sign-in prompts: A new "keep me signed in" experience for Azure AD sign-in
Type: New feature
Service category: Azure AD
Product capability: User authentication
The Keep me signed in check box on the Azure AD sign-in page was replaced with a new prompt that shows up
after you successfully authenticate.
If you respond Yes to this prompt, the service gives you a persistent refresh token. This behavior is the same as
when you selected the Keep me signed in check box in the old experience. For federated tenants, this prompt
shows after you successfully authenticate with the federated service.
For more information, see Fewer sign-in prompts: The new "keep me signed in" experience for Azure AD is in
November 2017
Access Control service retirement
Type: Plan for change
Service category: Access Control service
Product capability: Access Control service
Azure Active Directory Access Control (also known as the Access Control service) will be retired in late 2018. More
information that includes a detailed schedule and high-level migration guidance will be provided in the next few
weeks. You can leave comments on this page with any questions about the Access Control service, and a team
member will answer them.
October 2017
Deprecate Azure AD reports
Type: Plan for change
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Identity Lifecycle Management
The Azure portal provides you with:
A new Azure AD administration console.
New APIs for activity and security reports.
Due to these new capabilities, the report APIs under the /reports endpoint were retired on December 10, 2017.
Terms of use
Type: New feature
Service category: Terms of use
Product capability: Compliance
You can use Azure AD terms of use to present information such as relevant disclaimers for legal or compliance
requirements to users.
You can use Azure AD terms of use in the following scenarios:
General terms of use for all users in your organization
Specific terms of use based on a user's attributes (for example, doctors vs. nurses or domestic vs. international
employees, done by dynamic groups)
Specific terms of use for accessing high-impact business apps, like Salesforce
For more information, see Azure AD terms of use.
Access reviews
Type: New feature
Service category: Access reviews
Product capability: Compliance
Organizations can use access reviews (preview ) to efficiently manage group memberships and access to enterprise
You can recertify guest user access by using access reviews of their access to applications and memberships of
groups. Reviewers can efficiently decide whether to allow guests continued access based on the insights
provided by the access reviews.
You can recertify employee access to applications and group memberships with access reviews.
You can collect the access review controls into programs relevant for your organization to track reviews for
compliance or risk-sensitive applications.
For more information, see Azure AD access reviews.
Hide third-party applications from My Apps and the Office 365 app launcher
Type: New feature
Service category: My Apps
Product capability: Single sign-on
You now can better manage apps that show up on your users' portals through a new hide app property. You can
hide apps to help in cases where app tiles show up for back-end services or duplicate tiles and clutter users' app
launchers. The toggle is in the Properties section of the third-party app and is labeled Visible to user? You also
can hide an app programmatically through PowerShell.
For more information, see Hide a third-party application from a user's experience in Azure AD.
What's available?
As part of the transition to the new admin console, two new APIs for retrieving Azure AD activity logs are available.
The new set of APIs provides richer filtering and sorting functionality in addition to providing richer audit and sign-
in activities. The data previously available through the security reports now can be accessed through the Identity
Protection Risk Events API in Microsoft Graph.
September 2017
Hotfix for Identity Manager
Type: Changed feature
Service category: Identity Manager
Product capability: Identity lifecycle management
A hotfix roll-up package (build 4.4.1642.0) is available as of September 25, 2017, for Identity Manager 2016
Service Pack 1. This roll-up package:
Resolves issues and adds improvements.
Is a cumulative update that replaces all Identity Manager 2016 Service Pack 1 updates up to build 4.4.1459.0 for
Identity Manager 2016.
Requires you to have Identity Manager 2016 build 4.4.1302.0.
For more information, see Hotfix rollup package (build 4.4.1642.0) is available for Identity Manager 2016 Service
Pack 1.