Organizational Climate Survey
Organizational Climate Survey
Organizational Climate Survey
This is an Organizational Climate Survey. It can be used to help management better understand how
employees think and feel as contributing members of their organizations. With an accurate picture of their
attitudes, management will be able to create an action plan with specific solutions that address any areas of
concern or in need of improvement.
There are no right or wrong answers to this survey. Also, responses will be kept completely
anonymous and confidential. All responses will be pooled together so that individual employees cannot be
identified; therefore, you are encouraged to answer each question as honestly as possible. The results of this
survey will be used to generate a summary report for senior leadership. These results will also be shared
with management and staff to ensure we meet the needs of the organization.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the statements on the following
pages by selecting the box that corresponds with your response. Tick mark any one box only for each
5. Employees at this organization have the right skill sets to perform their job functions.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
9. I find that I am challenged in my current job role.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
12. Knowledge and information sharing is a group norm across the organization.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
15. When disagreements occur, they are addressed promptly in order to resolve them.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
18. Employees have a good balance between work and personal life.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
21. Senior management sets high standards of excellence.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
Category: Communications
38. When I need help, I can ask others in my work group for suggestions or ideas.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
Category: Technology
41. My department has adequate tools and technologies to perform our work.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
44. The tools and technologies that I use help me to be efficient in completing my work.
Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly
disagree or disagree agree
Category: Comments
51. Please provide any suggestions or recommendations you have to improve performance across the
Intelligent decisions are the key to your institution's success. You are confronted every day with
tough issues: Interdepartmental conflict. Inadequate staffing. Low morale. High turnover. To make
effective decisions on these issues, you need accurate and timely information on the climate in your
organization &emdash;and it has to come from your employees.
What is it?
The Organizational Climate Survey (OCS) is both a product and a process. The product is the
survey itself, which measures the expectations and perceptions of every employee in your
organization. The process involves consultant activity with all levels of management and an
employee focus group, survey implementation, survey reporting at an executive retreat, action
planning, and follow-up. The survey delivers information. The consultant process delivers the
means for practical application.