Major Steps To Improve KPI
Major Steps To Improve KPI
Major Steps To Improve KPI
Here are some parameters which highly effects network performance like -
& these parameters needs to be monitored continuously for smooth functioning of mobile network.
Network Overall ASR - This is very-very important parameter in telecom industry because it directly
relates to Revenue (Money), So we need to keep close monitoring & take certain precautions to keep it
Its standard value lies between 35% - 45% & rest % is left considering Subscriber Behaviour i.e. miss call,
no answers after long ring, etc.
Location Update Success Rate - It is Number of Successful Location Updates w.r.t. Total Number of
Location Updating Attempts. This parameter is calculated for 24 Hrs. Its standard value >= 95%.
LUSR = 100*(Number of successful location updates) / (Total number of location updating attempts)
Where above both paramteres are considered for Non-Registered Mobile Subscribers & Already
Registered Mobile Subscribers.
1. Congestion in C7 Signaling.
2. Incorrect IMSI definition of IMSI analysis in Switch.
3. Incorrect roaming subscriber definition in Switch.
4. SDDCH Congestion.
5. LU timers setting.
6. Network Synchronization problem.
Improvement Plan -
Paging Success Rate - It is rate of successful page responses to First and Repeated Page Attempts to a
location area w.r.t. Number of Initial and Repeated Page Attempts to a location area. This parameter is
calculated for 24 Hours. Its standard value >= 92%.
LSR = (Number of Page responses to first page to an LA + Number of Page responses to repeated page to
an LA) / Number of Page Attempts to an LA (Location Area).
LSR = (first paging response+ repeated paging response)*100/first paging request).
Improvement Plan -
1. Paging / LU timers setting, like Paging Timers in MSC must longer than Paging Timer in BSC
(prolonging 1st and repeated page) and also paging strategy (local vs global), or repeated page
2. LAC optimization.
3. Paging / LU related parameter setting like increasing paging capacity through uncombined
BCCH, changing Access grant and MFRMS (multiframe) parameters.
4. Address Coverage issues.
5. Check Discard/Paging queue on cell level.
HandOver Success Rate - It is the mechanism that transfers an ongoing call from one cell to another as a
user moves through the coverage area of a cellular system.
The handover success rate shows the percentage of successful handovers of all handover
attempts. A handover attempt is when a handover command is sent to the mobile.
HOSR = (Successful Incoming Inter-Cell Handover + Successful Outgoing Inter-Cell Handover) / (Incoming
Inter-Cell Handover + Outgoing Inter-Cell Handover)
1. C/I Ratio (Carrier-to-Interference ratio), Lower value gives Worst Connection Quality.
2. High Interference, Co-Channel or adjacent i.e., High Bit-Error Ratio.
3. Bad Antenna Installation.
4. Bad Radio Coverage.
5. Incorrect Locating Parameter Settings.
6. Insufficient Planning in Certain Areas.
7. Repeated Handover between two base stations, caused by rapid fluctuations in the received
signal strengths from both base stations.
8. Un-Necessary Handover often leads to Increased Signaling Traffic.
Improvement Plan -
KPI tells the performance of a network on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, which helps to improve
the network, so that operator & customer both enjoys the service at its most.
Grade of service
Service life of equipment
Bit error ratio (data, bits & elements transfer)
Bit rate (data, bits and elements transfer)
Downtime / Time out of service
Call completion ratio
Cost of support systems
Cost of operational systems
Average call length
Analysis of ASR routes
Network traffic, congestion
Idle time on network
Dropped calls
Quality / Usage (Airtime): Analysis of the volume of successful calls
Customer Analysis
Customer segmentation
Analysis of subscriptions
Top N customers
Churn (No. of Subscriber who stopped using Services or left particular network)
ASR (Answer Seizure Ratio) - Number of successfully answered calls divided by the total number of calls
attempted (seizures) multiplied by 100.
(Answer / Seizure) * 100 = Answer Seizure Ratio.
Standard Value = 40% - 45%.
MOU (Minutes of Usage) per Subscriber – It calculates the Total Minutes used in a Network divided by
the number of subscribers.
CCR (Call Completion Ratio) - Total no of calls completed / Total no of calls attempted * 100%
Higher the ratio is better.
Standard Value > 98%.
LUSR (Location Update Success Rate) - Its a ratio of no.of times mobiles update its location successfully
to the no.of times mobiles request network for Location update.
LUSR = (Location Update Success / Location Update Request)*100.
Standard Value >= 98%.
PSR (Paging Success Rate) - Its a ratio of no.of times network successfully find the mobiles to the no.of
times network tries to locate the mobiles within its area.
PSR = (No.of Network Paging Response / No.of Network Paging Attempts)*100.
Standard Value >= 92%.