Traffic Safety Management Plan (TSMP) : Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited
Traffic Safety Management Plan (TSMP) : Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited
Traffic Safety Management Plan (TSMP) : Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited
Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Traffic Safety
Management Plan
1|P a ge
Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
1.0 General
The concessionaire shall at all times carry out work on the highway in a manner creating least interference to the
flow traffic while consistent with the satisfactory execution as per CA clause B
The arrangement for traffic during construction shall be in accordance with the following:
IRC: SP: 55-2001-“Guidelines on safety in road construction zones”. With the following specifications.
i) Road users are accommodated through and around the construction zones safely with minimum of delays;
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
ii) Traffic control and the construction activities are co-ordinate to provide for safe and efficient flow of traffic
together with efficient, safe and rapid progress of the construction activity.
iii) Where construction activities are taking place at multiple sites along the same or on parallel routes,
construction activity and the movement of road users is co-ordinate to ensure that the total delay along the
route or on signed alternative routes is within acceptable limits.
iv) Driver behavior is effectively influenced so that the speeds are reduced to the desired levels on the
approaches to and within the construction zones; and
v) In the urban environment, works requiring partial road closures on alternative routes should be phased,
where possible, so that they are not undertaken at the same time.
The contractor shall at all times carry out work on the highway in a manner creating least interference to the flow of
traffic while consistent with the satisfactory execution. of the same. For all works involving improvements to the
existing highway, the Contractor shall, in accordance with the directives of the Engineer, provide and maintain,
during execution of the work, a passage for traffic either along a part of the existing carriageway under
improvement, or along a temporary diversion constructed close to the highway.
The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and
maintain such barricades, including signs, markings, flags, lights and flagmen as may be required by the Engineer for
the information and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the highway under
The barricades erected on either side of the carriageway / portion of the carriageway closed to traffic, shall be of
strong design to resist violation, and painted with alternate black and white stripes. Red lanterns of warning lights of
similar type shall be mounted on the barricades at night and kept lit throughout from sunset to sunrise.
At the points where traffic is to deviate from its normal path (whether on temporary diversion or part width of the
carriageway) the channel for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aid of pavement markings, painted drums or
similar devices as per the directions of the Engineer. At night, the passage shall be delineated with lanterns or other
suitable light source.
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Signs, lights, barriers and other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface of diversions
shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such time they are required as directed by the
Engineer. The temporary diversion road shall be kept free of dust by frequent applications of
water, if necessary
• Legislation
5. Workplace Safety
The units provide users with information enabling them to respond to key safety questions:
What are the appropriate methods and approaches for preventing accidents and injuries in different
What strategies will be implemented for maximum benefits?
What can road construction and maintenance professionals do to initiate and sustain viable programmes
to improve safety?
This manual provides principles and information to meet training needs in different settings. It will be used in
facilitator-guided training, as well as for self-learning. Professionals managing safety have different levels of
prior knowledge. Some may have had formal training, while others may not. Also, these professionals are likely
to be working on different aspects of safety. Trainers are advised to consider the needs of different audiences,
especially their pre-existing knowledge and practical needs in their work. The modular structure of this manual
allows for flexibility in customizing the content to meet different training need
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
The Project road passes through four State Highways viz., SH 31 – 24 Km, SH 1 and SH 73 – 14.2 Km and SH 30 –
25.8 Km and which starts from Bagewadi (NH 4 Jn.) and ends at Saundatti road at Karikatti cross on SH 30 Jn.
The total length of the project stretch is 64 km. The project stretch passes through Belgaum District and mainly
passes through Bagevadi, Bailhongal, Anigol, Belavadi, Udikeri and ends at Saundatti road at Karikatti cross on
SH-30. The existing carriageway width observed for entire stretch from 3.75m to 5.5m wide carriageway with
earthen shoulder. The existing pavement throughout the project stretch is flexible pavement. Cracks, potholes,
patches were observed on pavement.
There are totally 16 Minor Bridges along the project corridor out of which 2 bridges are retained with repair, 2
minor bridges are widened, 9 minor bridges are reconstructed, 2 causeways are proposed to reconstruction of
Minor Bridges, 1 pipe culvert is reconstructed as Minor Bridge.
There are total 84 no’s of culverts along the project corridor. Out of which 13 no. is new box culverts, 44 no’s of
pipe culverts are retained with minor repairs, 20 no’s are widened, 7 no’s of culverts are reconstructed.
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The law provides a set of limits or minimum standards of protection for workers’ health and safety. It
establishes the boundaries as to what may be negotiated between unions and employers, and what may be
imposed on workers by employers acting under economic pressure. It also mandates and regulates the
conditions of work so that workers will be not subjected to unsafe environments and may take recourse to the
courts to enforce the provisions. The following laws are of relevance to the issues of workplace hazards and
safety and some of the provisions of the main ones are mentioned below. However, it is incumbent on safety
officers to keep copies of all the laws and become familiar with the provisions therein.
The EPC shall develop a thorough understanding of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1996, the Factories Act, 1948, Central Rules 1998, Building and
Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996, to not only satisfy the Inspectors but also to develop a
perspective on the use of these legislation as the main tool for safety of workers at construction worksites. The
EPC is strongly advised to practice the principle of voluntary self-regulation rather than merely adopt a
compliance attitude.
In addition to this, the construction works shall be undertaken in accordance with all applicable Legislation and
Indian statutory requirements listed below for better health and safety management at construction worksites.
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
Employer’s Liability Act, 1938
Trade Unions Act, 1926
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
Inter-state Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,1979
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933
Minimum Wages Act, 1948
Payment of Wages Act, 1936
Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
Employees Provident Funds and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
Public Liability and Insurance Act, 1991
Indian Electricity Act
Boiler Act
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Explosives Act and Rules prescribed under the Act like SMPV Rules and Gas Cylinder Rules
Mines Act
Plantation Act
Shops & Establishments Act
The EPC as per Section 39 of the BOCW Act shall formulate a SHE policy and get it approved by DG/CIIBC
respectively and display it at conspicuous places at work sites in Hindi and a local language understood by the
majority of construction workers.
Within 4 weeks of the notification of acceptance of the tender, the EPC shall submit a detailed and
comprehensive Contract specific SHE Plan. The HSE Plan shall include detailed policies, procedures and
regulations which, when implemented, will ensure compliance of the contract provisions. The HSE Plan shall
include the following but not be restricted to:
1) A statement of the EPC’s policy, organisation and arrangements for SHE.
2) The name(s) and experience of person(s) within the EPC’s proposed
3) Management who shall be responsible for co-ordinating and monitoring the
4) EPC’s SHE performance;
5) The number of SHE staff who shall be employed on the Works, their
6) Responsibilities, authority and line of communication with the proposed
7) EPC's agent;
8) A statement of the EPC’s policy and procedures for identifying and
9) Estimating hazards, and the measures for addressing the same;
10) A list of SHE hazards anticipated for this Contract and sufficient information to
11) Demonstrate the EPC’s proposals for achieving effective and efficient health and safety procedures;
12) A description of the HSE training courses and emergency drills which shall be
13) Provided by the EPC, with an outline of the syllabus to be followed;
14) Details of the safety equipment which shall be provided by the EPC,
15) Including personal protective equipment;
16) A statement of the EPC’s policy and procedures for ensuring that
17) EPC's Equipment used on the Project Site are maintained in a safe
18) Condition and are operated in a safe manner;
19) A statement of the EPC’s policy and procedures for ensuring that sub-Contractor comply with the EPC's
safety plan;
20) A statement of the EPC’s disciplinary procedures with respect to SHE related matters, and
21) A statement of the EPC’s procedure for reporting and investigating accidents, dangerous occurrences or
occupational illnesses
The EPC shall, from time to time and as necessary are required by the Employer to produce supplements to the
HSE Plan such that it is at all times a detailed, comprehensive and contemporaneous statement by the EPC of his
site safety, industrial health and environment obligations, responsibilities, policies and procedures relating to
work on Site. Any and all submissions of supplements to the HSE Plan shall be made to the Employer in
accordance with the agreed procedures.
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
If at any time the HSE plan is, in the Employer’s opinion, insufficient or requires revision or modification to
ensure the security of the Works and the safety of all workmen upon and visitors to the Site, the Employer may
instruct the EPC to revise the HSE plan and the EPC shall within 7 days submit the revised plan to the Employer
for review.
Any omissions, inconsistencies and errors in the HSE Planor the Employer’s acceptance or rejection of the HSE
Plan and/or supplements thereto shall be without prejudice to the EPC's obligations with respect to site safety,
industrial health and environment and shall not excuse any failure by the EPC to adopt proper and recognized
safety practices throughout the execution of the Work.
The EPC shall adhere to the HSE Plan and shall ensure, as far as practically possible, that all sub-EPCs of all tiers
require that contracting parties each have a copy of the Site HSE Plan and comply with its provisions.
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
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HSE management is a line responsibility requiring active participation of all levels of management and
supervision. Individual HSE roles and responsibilities, along with task and target shall be distributed to the
individuals for action. as described below.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Considering the wide spread work activities during the project execution apart central safety committee two sub
safety committees will be formed such that one in each package.
Central Safety committee, functioning under the chairmanship of the Chief Project officer, is constituted and it
will meet once in two months.
Periodicity: - Central safety committee will meet. At least once in two months Each Sub safety committee will
meet at least once in every month.
Agenda: - Shall be circulated by the secretary at last 48 hrs. Before the meeting.
Circulation: - Gist of the meeting will be circulated to
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
a. Safety supervisor shall prepare Daily Report including minutes of Daily Safety meeting. The report
will be sent to PSO and DO. Weekly Safety Report will include summary of progress against
Corrective Action Register (CAR), record of incidents/ accidents/ near miss situations, security
report, medical treatment record, water and fuel consumption etc.
b. Accident and incident: All incidents shall be reported at the earliest possible with an initial incident
report being completed in 24 hours.
c. Unsafe acts/ Conditions- Near miss incidents: It is in the interest of improving safety that all unsafe
acts/ conditions and any near misses are reported so that preventative measures may be drawn up.
Field supervisors will encourage full participation with a no blame culture for this reporting.
d. Corrective Action Register: Corrective action register would be maintained on site and would be
updated on a daily basis.
Safety meeting shall be held quarterly with the PQC meeting and safety agenda will be discussed with all PQC
members and safety team
Safety meeting of safety team shall be called immediately after the occurrence of an accident affecting safety.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Traditionally, analysis of risk has examined the user, technology and environment separately. Furthermore,
there is a tendency by researchers and practitioners to look for one or a few factors, when in actual fact; they
will be analyzing a multiplicity of factors. The essence of using a systems approach is to consider, not only the
underlying factors, but also the role of different agencies and actors in prevention efforts.
For example, if road traffic crashes are reduced to one "cause" only, it is obvious that the components of the
system - human, infrastructure and vehicle factors - are necessarily considered as independent. Measures
addressing either group will be thus be implemented separately, which makes things easier as the decision-
makers responsible for each area of intervention do not have to coordinate with the others. However,
opportunities to influence one type of factor through another (for example, to obtain more adequate driver
behavior through changes in road design) are entirely ignored.
Data collected from primary or secondary sources need to be analyzed to answer such questions as:
What are the most common causes and types of injuries in different age groups?
What are the characteristics of persons who are most likely to be injured?
What are the circumstances under which injuries are most likely to occur?
What policies and programmes will be reduce the likelihood and severity of injuries in a community?
Analyzing data, producing regular outputs and disseminating information on work zone injuries are all vital
activities. It is necessary to share and disseminate data and evidence on injuries with colleagues, other
researchers, policy makers, victims and the community at the local and national levels. Though writing reports is
central to this activity, this will not be an end in itself. The design of databases will therefore take account of the
principal needs of their users, providing quality data without overburdening those collecting the data.
Two very common indicators are the number of injuries/deaths per worker/person, and the number of
injuries/deaths per vehicle/equipment. Both of these indicators, though, have limitations regarding their
reliability and validity that place restrictions on how they will be used and interpreted. The number of deaths
per person is widely used with reasonable confidence to monitor changes over time in “personal risk” levels and
to make comparisons between locations. Deaths/injuries per type of equipment/machine will help to establish
priorities in dealing with improvement in specific equipment’ design and operating guidelines.
1. Establish a data collection and analysis team with a leader who reports directly to the chief operating officer
at the site head office.
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2. Establish norms and procedures for the reporting and recording of all injury events associated with those
working for the project.
3. Establish procedures for reporting and collecting road traffic crash data as observed by employees of the
4. Establish procedures for collecting road traffic crash data from all police stations on a weekly basis.
5. Establish a procedure for collecting injury details for those who get admitted to hospitals or receive
outpatient treatment.
6. Data collection officers will be trained in the use of the forms designated for road traffic and work injuries.
7. The data so collected will be entered on a computer at a central location soon after the forms are filled so
that the current situation will be monitored by the management on a regular basis.
Two different forms will be used for recording injury and fatality producing events: one for road traffic crashes
and one for all other injuries. These two forms are attached (Annexure 2.1 and 2.2). The minimum data to be
collected is indicated in these forms. Each EPC will be modifying the form to include any other items that may be
considered important based on local requirements. However, the basic format will be retained so that these
data will be consolidated centrally to enable regional and national assessments.
Data analysis for worker injuries
Table: 2 The data collected may be organized in the following statistics and tables:
Treatment Number Number per 100 workers
First Aid
Hospital admission
Total injuries per year:
The Emergency Response Plan, include detailed communications arrangements, for dealing with all emergencies
that could affect the Site. This include where applicable, injury, sickness, evacuation, fire, chemical spillage,
severe weather and rescue.
The Emergency Response Plan is prepared to deal with emergencies arising out of:
i) Fire and explosion
ii) Collapse of lifting appliances and transport equipment
iii) Collapse of building, sheds or structure etc.
iv) Gas leakage or spillage of dangerous goods or chemicals
v) Bomb threatening, criminal or terrorist attack
vi) Drowning of workers
vii) Landslides getting workers buried floods, Earthquake, storms and other natural calamities.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Arrangements shall be made for emergency medical treatment and evacuation of the victim in the event of an
accident or dangerous incident occurring, the chain of command and the responsible persons of the EPC with
their telephone numbers and addresses for quick communication shall be adequately publicized and
conspicuously displayed in the workplace.
EPCs shall require to tie-up with the hospitals and fire stations located in the neighborhood for attending to the
casualties promptly and emergency vehicle kept on standby duty during the working hours for the purpose.
EPC shall conduct an onsite emergency mock drill once in every month for all his workers and his sub-
Contractors workers.
It shall be the responsibility of the EPC to keep the Local Law & Order Authorities informed and seek urgent
help, as the case may be, so as to mitigate the consequences of an emergency. Prompt communication to NHAI,
telephonically initially and followed by a written report, shall be made by the EPC.
A pre-employment health check-up is the medical examination conducted when a potential employee applies
for a job. It will be designed to assess general fitness as well as the susceptibility of the worker to any particular
hazard he/she may encounter on the job.
I The EPC shall ensure that the following examinations are carried out:
A. Complete physical check-up of the worker
B. The doctor will record the medical history of the employee, including previous sickness or present
conditions, medications, and therapies
C. The usual tests like blood tests, x-rays, urine, and stool exams
The EPC shall give special attention to the provision of medical staff as follows:
I. There will be tie up is the local hospital / Nursing home from nearby locations
The EPC shall organize regular safety training courses to acquaint Managers, Supervisors, workers and other
personnel in the principles of work safety, implementation of mandatory safety provisions, and how to audit
and improve safety performance.
Project HSE manager in co-ordination with Head-HSE- will conduct safety-training programs on different topics.
Site engineers, supervisors attend the program to enhance their technical knowledge with respect to safety
and learn how to integrate into the work-practices. “Safety in Construction” – This is the programme conducted
by HQ- HSE dept. Site staff members has to be nominated for this programme. This the comprehensive
programme of two days duration will organized as per the Training calendar of MARP.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
It is compulsory for all staff member to attend this programme at least once as early as possible from the date
when they joined in company service.
List of training programmes conducted at project site:
For workmen
1. Awareness programme on safety rules and regulations at construction site
2. Demonstration of safe handling of form work components
3. Good housekeeping practices
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HSE Engineer shall prepare quarterly training calendar scheduled topic, proposed date and month and he will
coordinate to conduct the training accordingly. The concerned in charges and the engineers shall also join with
the safety engineers in training the workmen.
Minimum of one training to be programme for staff and one training programme for supervisors and four
training programmes for workmen will be conducted in a month and the detailed of training programmes
conducted will be maintained by HSEO.
List of the trainers to be prepared in consultation with the site staff and it is to be displayed in safety Induction
room and to be updated as required.
Pep Talks
In order to enhance the safety awareness amongst workmen, site engineer conducts pep talks regularly. He
organizes the meeting with the help of site Engineers. He explains the safety precautions to be followed craft
wise. A pep talk matrix shall be prepared in the beginning of every month. The plan shall have a broad spectrum
of attack. Workmen of same trade shall be trained individually.
I. The EPC shall determine the training requirements for all the employees and initiate a training program to
demonstrate that all persons employed, including sub-Contractors, are suitably qualified, competent, and fit
to implement safety provisions. This will include:
A. Detailed job descriptions for all personnel to include their specific safety responsibilities.
B. Specification of qualifications, competency and training requirements for all personnel.
C. Assessment and recording of training needs for all personnel, including sub-Contractors’
employees in the workforce, vendor representatives, and site visitors.
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D. A system for assessing the competence and training requirements of newly hired persons.
E. A safety protocol for evaluating and confirming that the system is effective.
F. A matrix and schedule of training requirements covering general, task– specific, and SHE-related
training, showing the training frequency and the interval between refresher courses.
G. Timely, competent delivery of training courses by certified instructors.
II. The EPC shall arrange training programmes for all executives in how to identify, recognize, and eliminate
unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.
II. The refresher-training programme of all employees shall be conducted once in six months.
a. General:
a. Project description (consisting of project start date, likely completion date, percentage progress)
b. Major activities in progress and their location in terms of their chainage
c. Major plant and equipment deployed by the EPC of the work package
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b. Safety Management
a. Establish safety system and procedures
b. Prepare safety policy
c. Appoint safety officer
d. Set up safety committee
e. Plan for worker’s/ visitor’s induction
f. Provision for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
g. Job safety analysis
h. Training programs conducted in safety
i. Accident reporting
j. Accident investigation process
k. Safety data sheets
c. Other Aspects
A. Fire safety provisions
B. Electrical safety provisions
C. Mechanical safety provisions
D. Dust control
E. Storage, transportation, handling process
F. Road side resident safety norms
G. First aid and emergency response arrangement
H. Construction accident records at site
I. Details of environmental officers, qualification and experience
J. Details of safety officers, qualification and experience
K. Labour camp arrangement
Identification of work-zones
A. The audit team members are equipped with a check list covering different aspects related to safety.
Against each of the checklist items, the compliance/non-compliance is recorded. While some of the
activities would be audited at all locations, for some of the subgroups only sample auditing would be
done. The sample audit takes place only for plant and machinery items and appliances. The sample size
will be about 20% of the existing stock, subject to a minimum of two for each of the plant and machinery
items and appliances
B. Besides recording the compliance/non-compliance, the audit team will also record the good and bad
practices prevailing at site with reference to safety aspects
C. The audit team computes the contractual compliance of safety provisions after the completion of audit
of different activities
D. The audit team conducts a closure meeting at the work package office and shares the findings of audit
with the work package team in the presence of the EPC
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Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control Measures (As per Schedule-L in CA)
I. General: The purpose of hazard identification and risk assessment is to identify all the significant hazards
prior to the commencement of any potential high-risk operations, which may occur during the operations, and
to rank them according to their severity. Having ranked the risks the EPC shall then take measures to mitigate
the effects of that risk by recording his findings on appropriate worksheets that show what measures the EPC is
going to take to remove or reduce the level of risk to acceptable levels.
II. Safety principles: The basic principles that govern the identification of and protection from hazards, in
order of priority, are:
A. Remove
B. Reduce
C. Protect
Thus the Safety team, having identified the risk and ranked it according to severity, has to first take steps to
remove the risk itself. If this step leaves behind some residual hazards, then the attempt has to be to reduce it
to acceptable levels. Only in the last resort is the worker to be issued with personal protective equipment (PPE)
so that he/she will be function in an unsafe environment.
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The two primary objective of temporary traffic control is to manage the traffic as efficiently and safely as
possible under all work conditions and second objective of these guidelines is to lay down procedures to be
adopted by field engineers to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic and also to ensure the safety of
workers at site undertaking the construction.
Traffic control aims to give adequate warning and clear information to motorists about the nature of works
on site. This will translate into correct actions required in order to pass the work site safely. Traffic control
shall also include measures to safeguard pedestrians when necessary. Proper traffic control also protects
those who are directly involved in carrying out the works. It is necessary that the existing work procedure
and contract conditions are standardized to provide for the proper management of the construction site so
that all road users (that is pedestrians, cyclists, motor cyclists, animal traffic and vehicular traffic) are
properly and safely accommodated. As per Schedule-L in CA
The guiding principles for safety in road construction zones are to:
i. Warn the road user clearly and sufficiently in advance;
ii. Provide safe and clearly marking lanes for guiding road users;
iii. Provide safe and clearly marked buffer and work zones;
iv. Provide adequate measures that control driver behaviour through construction zones.
Roads with construction sites have higher accident rate, when compared with similar sections of road without
construction sites.
Safety standards will be adopted as per relevant guidelines such as IRC: SP: 55-2001, ‘Guidelines for Work Zone
Road Safety on all NHAI Projects’- Ref. NHAI policy circular no. NHAI/2008/Road Safety/LMNHP/504 dated
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The policy under these guidelines is to keep the closure of the roads to a minimum and to ensure that traffic is
delayed as little as possible by the construction operations. Highest regard is to be given to traffic safety as well
as to provide a safe working environment to the workmen. Before starting the construction work, which will
influence traffic, the EPC has to get the legal permission of the road traffic authority and local police about the
means and extent of securing the construction zone.
The traffic management strategies to be used at construction zones will ensure that traffic safety is an integral
and high priority element of the project. This will be ensured by avoiding inconvenience to traffic control
elements and traffic operations will be carried out so that care and attention to roadside safety is never slack
during the progress of project.
1. For the purpose of these guidelines, the construction zone describes that area of the road which is
affected by the works and which affects traffic flow and road users. The main area of interest will be
called in this context as the "Traffic Control Zone ". It includes all those areas of carriageway in advance
of the actual work site which are required for advance warning of the hazard as well as safety zones, the
transition zones and the working zone itself.
2. In rural areas, the problems at many construction zones is accentuated by the availability of only an
undivided carriageway, which may involve problems of either the temporary acquisition of land for
diversions, or the sharing of the limited remaining road space by road users under some form of traffic
control. In any case it will be ensured that road user is properly segregated from the working zones.
3. In urban areas where construction zones are likely to be even more constrained, diversions may have to
be taken over adjacent sections of the road network in addition to the sharing of road space to road
users (for example, shuttle working under signal control). The effects of construction zones may
therefore be felt over a wide area.
4. The Traffic Control Zone will be divided into three components, that is, the Advance Warning Zone, the
Transitions Zone and Working Zone. All construction zones will have a working zone, which is flanked, by
a transition zone for each direction of approaching traffic and an advanced warning zone will precede
these in turn.
a. The “Advance Warning Zone”, is the area to warn the road user of the approaching hazard and to prepare
them for the change in driving conditions. It is essential for traffic control in the construction zone. It will
provide information on:
i. The presence of the hazard through the "Road Work Ahead" sign, accompanied by the distance
to the hazard;
ii. Any change affecting traffic arrangements (such as a reduction in the number of lanes and/or in
the speed limit) within the traffic control zones;
iii. Extent of the hazard (for example; the length of restriction); and for general information;
iv. The type of hazard.
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b. The advance warning zone is also where the reduction in speed of vehicles will be notified. The drivers will
be advised to reduce their speed so as to achieve the desired approach transition zone. The information in
this zone is conveyed through a series of traffic signs along the length of the zone. Actual signs to be used
are discussed in later paragraphs.
a. The transition zone is the area in which the traffic is guided into the altered traffic flow pattern around
the working zone. This is one of the most crucial zones as far as safety aspects are concerned because
most of the movements involved are merging/turning movements. The transition zone has two
components: The Approach Transition Zone and Terminal Transition Zone.
b. The initial part of the transition zone called Approach Transition Zone will further reduce the approach
speed of vehicles and channel them into the narrower and/or restricted number of lanes, if this is
c. At other construction zones, it may be necessary to divert traffic away from the original carriageway and
the design of the temporary road geometry through the transition zone will take into account the
following factors:
i. The turning radius of the longest vehicle that generally uses the road will be the ruling radius for
ii. Where changes in vertical profiles are required these will enough to allow safe passage of animal
drawn vehicles ( if these are present in significant numbers);
iii. The zone will have good drainage to avoid any pending on the road surface;
iv. Sources of dust will be minimized .This is not only essential for good visibility but also for clearance
maintenance of signs and barricades in the zone.
d. The traffic is taken across the transition zone mostly with the help of signs, barricades, channelizes and
pavement marking.
e. All the signs/barricades are too maintained properly and kept clean of dust at all times. Sufficient stock
of these will be maintained at the site so as to replace the damaged or vandalized signs/barricades.
Proper lighting arrangements for illuminating these signs will be made during the night hours. Most of
the accidents at nights involve collision between vehicles and objects rather than vehicle to vehicle
collision. Reflective paints/sheets will therefore be used for the signs/barricaded so that these are visible
at all times.
f. Very often the road width available through the transition and working zones is quite insufficient for
simultaneous passage of both the up and down traffic signals. In both the cases a waiting area with a
properly demarcated stop line has to be provided for the vehicles.
a) The working zone is where the actual construction is being undertaken. It contains the work area and a
working space, as well as lateral and longitudinal buffer zones to create the safety zone to protect both
the workforce from wayward vehicles entering the area of actual work and the road users from
construction equipment.
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b) Speeds will continue to be controlled in this zone because of the close proximity of moving construction
plant and site operatives.
c) The path of the traffic will be very clearly delineated through the traffic control zone to avoid vehicle
intruding into the work area. Delineators and channelizes discussed below will be used effectively for
this purpose. Where the work site uses machinery with revolving booms like cranes or excavators the
intrusion of moving parts will be taken into account when determining the lateral clearances for the
buffer or safety zone.
a) The terminal Transition Zone (TTZ) provides a short distance to clear the work area and to return to
normal traffic lanes. It extends from the downstream end of the work area to the sign indicating the end
of works.
b) A downstream or closing taper may be placed in the TTZ. It may be useful in smoothening the flow of
traffic. However, it may not be advisable when the trucks carrying material move into the work area by
reversing from the downstream end of working zone. The length of the downstream taper may be 25-
c) There may be occasions when TTZ could include a transition. if a taper is used to shift traffic into
opposing lanes around the work area, then the TTZ will have a taper to shift back to its normal path. This
taper would then be in the TTZ for the opposing direction of traffic.
d) If the construction zone is situated on a divided-carriageway, there will need to be a smaller length
transition zone to return the traffic to the original lanes.
Following sections are from guidelines for Safety Construction, Indian Road Congress,
The distance between two traffic control zones will be such that the flow of traffic will be return to normal
stream between them.
The length of traffic control zone will vary and depend on the work being undertaken. The lengths of the
advanced warning and transition zones are governed by the speed of approaching vehicles and the locations of
the site.
It may be necessary to extend the advance warning zone where approach visibility is poor and this will vary on a
site by site basis but will not be less than that specified. On occasions additional signing to that discussed later
may need to be provided to give not only sufficient warning but additional reminders through the advance
warning zone. The longitudinal and lateral buffer zone clearances are shown in Table 3.
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i. The same basic rules and layouts will apply in urban areas but may be it would be necessary to
modify the layouts according to site requirements. At all times the safety of all roads users as well
the site operatives will be taken into account.
ii. In urban situations where road works are to be carried out, more attention will be given to the
problems of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles in heavy traffic volumes. As far as possible, then
only day time repairs will be carried out. Repairs during peak hours will also be avoided.
iii. Road users channelized and routed and around area under repair with minimum of delays .Driver
behaviour will be effectively influenced so that the speeds are reduced to desired levels on
approaches to construction zones. The traffic control and construction activity will be coordinated in
such a manner as to provide for safe and efficient flow of traffic together with safe, efficient and
rapid progress of construction activity.
iv. As pedestrians are likely to be present at urban sites, there will always be safety or buffer zone
between the outer pedestrian barrier and the traffic.
v. Availability of proper sight distance for the movement of vehicles at the recommended speed for the
stretch in the work zone will be always kept in the mind.
3.11 SIGNS
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The correct positioning and size of signs will ensure that it will be observed and recognized, thereby providing
the driver with more time to react and take action.
The following principles will govern the positioning of signs:
a) Their location will have clear visibility;
b) They will be so placed that driver would have adequate time for responses.
c) As a general rule, signs will be placed on the left-hand side of the road. Where special emphasis
is required, duplicate signs will be installed on the left and right side of roadway .In case of hill
roads, the sign shall generally be fixed on the valley side of the road unless traffic and road
conditions warrant these to be placed on the hill side ;
d) Roll up signs mounted on portable supports may be placed within the roadway itself.
e) Roll up signs may also be mounted on or above the barricades
f) The signs will be covered or removed when they are not required.
On kerbed roads, the extreme edge of the sign adjacent to the road shall not be less than 600 mm away from
the edge of the Kerb. On un-kerbed roads, the extreme edge of the sign adjacent to the road shall be a distance
of two to three meter away from the edge of the carriageway depending on local conditions but in no case, shall
any part of sign come in the way of vehicular traffic. Where signs are in position for some time and pedestrians
are expected, the lower edge of the lowest sign will not be less than two meter above the surface on which it
stands. Where pedestrians are not expected, signs may be mounted on trestles (tripod) fig.3.6. but during wet
conditions will be mounted away from the traffic “splash" zone so that they do not become obscured by dirt.
Trestle mounted signs are particularly for short term temporary works. These will be so placed that pedestrian’s
movements are not obstructed. In urban conditions, it may not be possible to erect new sign poles in footways
crowded with public utilities and "A" frames may be the only alternative. Signs for longer term works will follow
normal rules for the mounting of permanent signs.
i. Regulatory Signs impose legal restriction on all traffic. It is essential, therefore, that they are used only after
consulting the local police and traffic authorities. The most likely type of regulatory signs to be used in traffic
control zones are STOP, Give way, Do Not Enter, One Way, Straight Prohibited, Vehicle Prohibited in Both
directions, Left turn Prohibited, Right turn Prohibited, "U" Turn prohibited, Overtaking Prohibited, No
Parking, No stopping and No standing, keep left ,Compulsory Left Turn, Compulsory Right Turn, Compulsory
Straight, Compulsory Straight or Right Turn, Compulsory straight or Left Turn, Priority to Vehicles in Other
Direction, Priority to Vehicles in this Direction, weight limit, Axle Limit, Height Limit, Length Limit, Restriction
Ends, Speed Limit
ii. Various other signs that are needed to regulate traffic may be required which have not been standardized.
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Table 4: Minimum Sightline Distances and The Minimum Size of The Signs
Average Distance of first sign in Size of Warning Minimum number of Distance E to “End
Speed advance of the first Sign (mm) signs in advance of of Road Works”
(km/h) channelizing device(m) the hazard Sign (m)
Under 50 100 600 3 10-30
51-60 100-300 750 3 10-30
61-80 120-300 900 3 or 4 10-30
81-100 300-500 1200 4 30-45
The delineators are the elements of a total system of traffic control and have distinct purposes:
(i) To delineate and guide the driver to and along a safe path.
(ii) As a taper: to move traffic from one lane to another.
The channelizing devices such as cones, traffic cylinders, tapes, drums are placed in or adjacent to the roadway
to control the flow of traffic. These will normally be retro-refectories.
All delineators must conform to IRC 79-1981 and KRDCL NHAI guidelines on Work Zone safety. Non-standard
delineators will not be allowed.
b) Their disadvantages are that they have minimal respect of drivers, will be equally penetrated displaced
and knocked over and require special treatment for night times.
c) Cones and cylinders are easily blown over or displaced unless their bases are loaded with ballast or
anchored. It may, therefore be sometimes necessary to double the cones in order to provide added weight, use
the cones with special weighted bases, use heavier weighted cones or use weights such as sand bag rings to
provide increased stability but this weight will not present a hazard. The cones will be placed close enough
together to give an impression of continuity. The spacing of cones will be 3 m (close) or 9m (normal) or 18m
(wide) with reflective red & white tape tied in between cones. Where cones have to be used at between 45º and
90º to the line of traffic, their spacing will be 1.2. Larger size cones will be used where speeds are relatively high
or wherever more conspicuous guidance is needed.
d) Concrete cones painted with retro reflective paints will be used as delineators as shown in figure.
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3.11.4 DRUMS
1. Drums about 800 mm to 1000 mm high and 300 mm in diameter will be used as either channelizing on
warning devices. These are highly visible, give the appearance of being formidable objects and therefore
command the respect of drivers.
2. The drums are normally made of lightweight and deformable material such as LLDP/Plastic. Plastic drums are
lighter, pose fewer hazards to vehicles and workers and will be needed for easy transportation and shortage
and generally have one or more flat sides to preclude rolling. Drums may be filled up with earth or sand for
stability. They will be painted in circumferential stripes of alternate black and white of 100 mm to 150 mm
width. Drums will be refectories for use at night and will never placed in the roadway without advance
warning signs.
a. Barricades are intended to provide containment without significant deflection or deformation under impact
and to redirect errant along the barrier. They are designed to be easily relocated and have four specific
functions to:
(i) Prevent traffic from entering work areas, such as excavations or material storage sites;
(ii) Provide protection to workers;
(iii) Separate two-way traffic; and
(iv) Protect construction such as false work for culverts and other exposed objects.
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b. Barricades will be portable or permanent .Portable barricades will be stable under adverse weather
conditions and appear substantial but not so much as to cause excessive damage to the vehicle if they are
c. Types of barricades as indicated above shall conforms to IRC:SP:55 viz. Types-I, II & III. However, strong
inviolable iron sheet (MS-Plain) barriers will be used at deep excavation sites. This is a major safety
Maintenance of Traffic control & safety devices:-
Proper maintenance of the Traffic control & Safety Devices viz. signs, delineators, barricades etc. must be
ensured in order to keep these in good working condition.
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3.11.6 FLAGMEN
a) The control of traffic through work area is an essential part of road construction and maintenance
operations. Flagmen with hand signalling devices such as flags and sign paddles play crucial role in this
direction. Red Flags, STOP, SLOW paddle and lights and are used in controlling traffic through work area.
b) Instead of red and green flags hand paddles of at least 600 mm diameter will be used painted with red and
green retro reflective paints. Sign paddles will be at least 600mm wide and provided with a rigid handle. The
background colour of STOP will be red and its shape shall be octagonal confirming to IRC: 67.The word STOP
will be in white, in the middle of the sign. The background of SLOW will be yellow with black letter and
c) Since, Flagmen are responsible for human safety, it is important that qualified personnel be selected. The
flagmen at the work sites are expected to stop traffic intermittently and to maintain continuous traffic past a
work site at reduced speeds to help protect the workmen. For both of these functions, the flagmen will, at
all-time be clearly visible to approaching traffic for a distance sufficient to permit proper response by the
drivers to the flagging instruction and to permit traffic to reduce speed before entering the work site. This
distance is basically related to approach speed and site conditions; however 60 m to 100 m is desirable. In
urban areas, this distance shall be reduced to 20 m to 50 m.
During the past two decades, the traffic on roads has increased manifold and most of the roads are expected to
operate at their maximum capacity in the near future. Under the circumstances, the existing methods of
maintenance and construction which compromise safety and cause delay are no longer acceptable and a change
in work procedures and method has become inevitable. Under the existing method of maintenance and
reconstruction, the traffic is invariably diverted over unprepared willers or forced to use part of the existing
roads under maintenance. This results in the vehicle operating cost and reduction in safety besides causing
environmental pollution. Therefore, the existing work procedure and contract conditions are required to be
changed to provide for proper management strategies to be used at traffic control zones will include the
following fundamental principles:
i. Make traffic safety an integral and high priority element of every project,
ii. Avoid inhibiting traffic as much as a possible,
iii. Guide drivers in a clear and positive way,
iv. Perform routine inspection of traffic control elements and traffic operations,
v. Give care and attention to roadside safety.
Work zone: The excavation, chamber opening, etc. at which workmen will be working.
Working space: The space around the works area that will need to store tools, excavated material, equipment
and plant. It is also the space to allow workmen to move around to do the job. Enough working space will be left
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to make sure that the movement and operation of the plant (e.g. swinging of jibs and excavator arms) is clear of
passing traffic and is not encroaching into the safety zone.
Safety Zone: The zone that is provided to protect workmen from traffic and to protect the traffic from them.
The safety zone will not be entered in the normal course of work. Materials and equipment will not be placed in
the zone either. Workmen will only need to enter the zone to maintain cones and other road signs. The safety
zone is made up from
Approach Transition Zone: This will vary with the speed limit and the width of the works as given in Table 5.
Longitudinal Buffer Zone: This is the length between the end of the lead-in taper of cones(T) and the working
space. It will vary with the speed limit as given in Table 5.
Lateral Buffer Zone: This is the width between the working space and moving traffic. It will vary with the speed
limit as given in Table 5.
The lateral buffer zone safety clearance is measured from the outside edge of the working space to the bottom
of the conical sections of the cones on the side nearest to the traffic .For roads with a speed restriction of 80 km
/h or greater as additional traffic barrier is required at the end of the lead-in taper.
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Road marking used at construction zones comprise of lane lines, warning lines, edge markings, directional
arrows etc. Details of the road markings shall conform to IRC:35-1997.
Road maintenance is briefly illustrated in Project Operation and maintenance Manual. However, most important
points which we have to follow are as follows:
i. Steps for maintenance of roads & drains
ii. Road/carriageway surface must be rendered skid-resistant and free from major potholes.
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iii. Willers will be maintained properly and willer edge-drops will be repaired/removed without delay.
iv. Arrangement for removal of dusts, wherever necessary, will be made by sprinkling of water.
v. Stacking of construction materials, equipment, and machinery will be sufficiently away from the traffic
lanes &willers.
vi. No construction material, equipment, and machinery will be kept close to the willeralong curves.
vii. Machinery will be parked at appropriate places with red flags and red lights on.
Construction vehicles and equipment share the existing operational carriageway for their movement into
and out of the work zones. Such vehicles are generally slow moving, over dimensioned and open loaded
and can cause some amount of friction and traffic hazards. All construction vehicles and equipment will
have a color code, reflective markings and Flashing light. As per the Vehicle Act -1988 as mention in
Schedule-L in CA.
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a) Give and take system: the Give and Take system of shuttle working. This is intended for low flows and very
low volumes of Lorries and no buses. The following conditions
- total two -way traffic flow of less than 400 veh/ hour ;
- less than 20 lorries /hour;
- speed limit is 50 km / h or less and
- length of the working zone plus both transition zones is not more than 50 m ; and
- Drivers approaching from either direction will be see both ends of the site.
b) Priority signs: As flows and the difficulties of the site increase, enhanced systems are more appreciable. the
next stage; under traffic control by priority signs the following condition apply:
- total two-way traffic flow of less than 850 veh/hour
- length of the working zone plus both transition zones is not more than 80 m ;
- drivers approaching from either direction will be see through the site from a point 60 m from their
entry transition zone to a point 60 m beyond their exit transition zone ( coned area ), for roads with a
50 km/h speed limit, on higher speed roads the appropriate clear visibility distances are
- 70m on 60 km/h roads;
- Not applicable above this speed limit.
In Indian conditions, its use is not recommended on higher speed roads.
Priority will be given to either:
- The unobstructed vehicle lane; or
- Vehicles going up a steep gradient
1. An alternative safe route for pedestrians will be provided if it is necessary to close a footway or part of a
footway. Additional equipment may be required to do this. Pedestrian access to property will always be
ensured. Temporary pedestrian ways will never be less than 1 m wide and, wherever possible, they will be
1.5 m or more in width.
2. It will be ensured that pedestrians are not diverted onto an unguarded carriageway. If the temporary
footway is in the carriageway, the approach will be properly guarded and provided with signs. The lateral
buffer safety clearance (S) of the safety zone will be on the traffic side of the pedestrian barriers. These
clearances are shown in Table 4. and an illustration of how to put them into practices is shown in Fig.4.6.
The signage and barricades will be in place before the footway is blocked.
3. Exceptionally, the use of the other footway may be acceptable in some quiet roads, but if this option is
selected the alternative route will be safe to use, and the needs of the children and of people with
disabilities will be taken into account.
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1. It will be ensured that there is no danger to pedestrians from falling objects or sharp edges and they will not
fall over or bump into anything. Scaffolding be marked with white bands at eye level and allow at least 2.1 m
head room.
2. Kerb ramps or raised footways will be provided to help blind, poorly sighted, elderly and disabled people and
for those with prams or wheelchairs.
The two-way traffic will be kept flowing past the works if possible. If this is not possible, a diversion route may
be required and will be identified b y the EPC.
Men at Works signs with arrow plated will be required on the main route if the workspace located on a side
a. The Central line of the road shifted (eccentric widening) : While constructing the additional carriageway, the
center line of new road/highway gets shifted to a new location. It would have two stages of construction:-
a) The new carriageway shall be constructed in the first stage, adjacent to the existing one and the willer in
between would become part of the central median of the improved divided carriageway facility. The
traffic would continue to ply in both directions on the existing carriageway and an approached diversion
would be taken out of the works zone for the movement of construction and supervision vehicles.
b) In the second stage of improvement, the strengthening of the existing carriageway shall be taken up and
the traffic would be allowed on the newly constructed carriageway. This would involve crossing of the
traffic from existing to the new carriageway. This would involve crossing of the traffic from existing to
the new carriageway and then again from the new carriageway to old carriageway.
b. No shift in central line of the road (co-centric widening): This activity would be mostly required to be taken
up in the stretches of the road/highway passing through built up portions where there may be constraints of
land availability. At such locations service roads would also be necessarily constructed for the segregation of the
local traffic.
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Divided Carriageway Roads will be found in urban areas where the main purpose is to scope with the expected
traffic volumes besides providing fast communications between urban centers. The section deals with divided
carriageways in general while high speed divided carriageway roads are dealt with in a separate section.
a) Great care will be taken on main divided roads, as both traffic volumes and speeds are likely to be high. If
the work on these roads involves closing the right hand lane, liaison with the police and EPC will be
b) Right Lane closure: Care has to be taken in this situation. The traffic will be led into the left lane in good time
to allow drivers time to merge into a single lane.
c) Left Lane closure: If the left-hand lane is closed merging traffic to the left by using a guide island is advisable
before transferring into the right – hand lane. If two or more lanes have to be transferred to the right, the
carriageway markings will be changed to make sure that the traffic lanes are continuous. The length of the
guide islands will be
d) 50 m long for roads with an 80 km/h or less speed limit, and 100 m long for roads with a 100 km/h or more
speed limit (section on expressways and high speed divided carriageway roads will also be referred.)
e) It may be necessary to merge traffic to the right at a left lane closure – for example form lane 1 into lane 2. It
will be done when:
f) lane 1 of a six lane divided carriageway is being closed ; or
g) There will be no more than about 60 vehicles per 3 minutes on each traffic lane which is left open.
h) Signage Requirements: The signage requirements will vary with the speed limit as follows.
3.17 Works on Dual carriageway Roads Right Hand Lane closed for Traffic
Other planning aspects - execution of maintenance operations: Minor maintenance operations will be confined
to small lengths, at a time say 30 m, or so, on half the pavement width, leaving the other half for use by traffic.
The basic layout and its variations will be used in all cases to ensure optimum safety during these operations
i. Repairing the edges of the carriageway, willers, cleaning out drains, cutting grass etc, where carriageway
is basically not affected. Before starting the work, all warning signs and traffic control devices will be
placed as discussed above. These will, however, be suitably modified duly keeping in view the size of
construction activities and whether it is rural or urban area. A flagman is probably sufficient and will be
present during the work duration;
ii. Repairing small areas of the carriageway, the traffic is to be restricted only due to repairs being carried
out as major pothole and / or patch repairs , The work will preferably be so organized that only half
width of carriageway is closed at a time and traffic is allowed on other half and traffic control devices as
discussed above
iii. While working on the centre of the carriageway such as centre line, lane marking necessitates the traffic
to use restricted width on either side. This situation is generally not acceptable and where possible, the
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work will be undertaken through the closure of half of the carriageway .If this is not possible, the layout
will be used, with extreme caution.
The basic layout for a two lane divided high speed road is similar to those Great care has to be taken in this
situation. The traffic will be led into the left lane in good time to allow drivers time to merge into a single lane.
As shown in Figure 6.
If the left lane is closed normally traffic will be merged to the left by using a guide before transferring into the
right - hand lane. If two or more lanes have to be transferred to the right, the carriageway markings will be
changed to make sure that the traffic lanes are continuous. As shown in figure 7.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Where the construction zone would close the road completely, the remaining carriageway space would be
insufficient for the traffic and create large delays, and there is no suitable alternative route, it will be necessary
to construct a temporary carriageway for all or part of the traffic. This is most common situation in the cases of
any major or reconstruction of cross drainage works and of pavement failure due to, for example, floods.
The temporary carriageway will satisfy the following requirements:
i. It will have smooth horizontal and vertical profile with smooth vertical and horizontal and vertical profile
with smooth vertical and horizontal curves.
ii. It will not get overtopped by flood or drainage discharges under any conditions
iii. It will have adequate capacity to cater to the expected traffic
iv. It will be dust free and willer ensure clear visibility at all times of day and night;
v. Barricading will be provided to prevent construction material falling on the diversion.
This requires that some of the existing work practices and procedures are changed or abolished. For example,
any separate area for stockpiling of construction material on or very near carriageway will have to be
discontinued. The present practice of exposing the workman to traffic while carrying out works in the center of
the carriageway will be discontinued.
In most cases, work on the existing road encroaches on the running lanes and willers and, therefore, cause a
hindrance to the normal flow of traffic. In such situations the closing of lanes is a normal practice. In any traffic
management at road works situation, traffic using lanes which are to be closed will have time and space for
merging with traffic in the next parallel lane as well as to transfer to provisional or altered lanes or both.
Normally this requires some reduction in speed, enough advance information to enable safe merging. The
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
critical information for approaching drivers is as to which lane is blocked so that they will be begin moving into
the open lane at an early stage.
It is preferable to close first the fastest lane and not the slowest, even if the work zone occupies the latter. The
reason for this is that slow moving commercial vehicles are more reluctant to give way than the more
maneuverable cars which use the fast lane. In this method a reduction in speed is also more easily achieved. If
the work zone occupies a center lane of a multi - lane road, it is recommended to close the adjacent lane to
avoid an 'island' situation.
Speed Control will often extend through the work site and will depend on the volume of traffic and the width of
the traffic lanes that it is feasible to permit. Traffic lanes will be reduced to 3.0 m where space is restricted and,
if used by cars and light vehicles only may be reduced to 2.75m with caution. The maximum length of a lane
closure would depend upon the traffic volume and number of remaining lanes and normally it will not exceed 5
km where speed control is in operation.
The co-operation of the local police will be sought to the introduction of a temporary but mandatory speed
limit, lower than the existing speed limit on the approaches and through the working zone. This may be as low
as 50 km/h even for high speed roads, where only on lane is available for traffic.
Usage of Rumble Strip at work site on the main carriageway will be approved by the Competent Authority.
Speed reducing measurement such as speed rumbles will be installed as explained below
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
I. Road Work: Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Existing State
Highway Bagewadi (NH-4) — Bailhongal — Saundatti (WCP-1) in the state of Karnataka on DBFOMT
Annuity Basis.
II. Major Bridge: NIL
III. Minor Bridge: New 14 Nos, widening 2 nos. and Repairs 2 nos.
IV. Box Culverts: New 13 nos.
V. Pipe Culverts: New 44 nos Widening 20 nos. and repairs 7 nos.
VI. RCC Covered drain: 21858.00 Rmts
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
The method statement for all the activities that taking all the precautions for safe guard the environment
during the course of the construction of the work is described below as per Schedule-L in CA.
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Stone crushing and screening plants, bituminous hot-mix plants, concrete batching plants etc. shall be located
sufficiently away from habitation, agricultural operations or industrial establishments. The EPC shall take every
precaution to reduce the levels of noise, vibration, dust and emissions from his plants and shall be fully
responsible for any claims for damages caused to the owners of property, fields and residences in the vicinity
and violation of pollution control norms, if any.
The EPC shall not use or generate any materials in the road construction works which are hazardous to the
health of persons, animals or vegetation. Where it is necessary to use some substances which will be cause
injury to the health of workers, the EPC shall provide protective clothing or appliances to his workers.
Prior to start of the construction activities at site, the EPC shall, within 28 days after the date of the Letter of
Acceptance unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, submit to the Engineer for approval, the detailed
method statement. The method statement shall be submitted in two parts.
The general part of the method statement shall describe the EPC’s proposals regarding preliminary works,
common facilities and other items that require consideration the early stage of the contract. The general part
shall include information on:
a) Source of materials like coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, quantity and quality of materials available
in different sources;
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b) Source of manufactured materials like cement, steel reinforcement, pre-stressing strands and bearings
etc. He shall also submit samples/ test certificates of materials for consideration of the Engineer;
c) Location of the site facilities such as batching plant, hot mix plant, aggregate processing unit etc;
d) Details of facilities available for transportation of men/material and equipment;
e) Information on procedure to be adopted by the EPC for prevention and mitigation of negative
environmental impact due to construction activities;
f) Safety arrangement during construction:
Any other information required by the Engineer.
1. Before commencing the excavation underground structures are identified so as to avoid any risk and
2. No borrow pit or part thereof is excavated within the designated right of way or the toe of the
3. No borrow pit is excavated with in the vicinity of any dwelling unit, Roadway, Railways or any other
4. The disposal of excavated material are not placed where natural drainage or storm water will be pond
and becomes stagnant or where it will be erode the material and cause salutation in natural or manmade
water course.
5. Construction materials are not stacked near the edge of any excavation to avoid any collapse of the sides
of the pit/trench.
1. Adequate precaution is to be taken while carrying out concreting work. All workers involved in the work
will be fully equipped with the necessary PPE.
2. Rubber gloves and gumboot are to be provided while handling concrete. Concrete/cement may cause
skin inflammation.
3. Ensure that a good foundation is established while handling a vibrator engine.
4. While carrying out mixer sling/wire rope will be checked before lifting the hopper filled with ingredients.
1. Support system for excavation will be designed and installed taking into account site/soil conditions and
the depth of excavation.
2. Worker will not be allowed down into an excavation of depth more than 2.5 M until an inspection has
been carried out and recorded by a competent supervisor who will complete a checklist for excavation
3. Regular inspection of excavation supports will be carried out daily before workers enter excavation.
4. The area of excavation shall be properly lighted and barricaded during the night.
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1. Ladders are only intended as a means of ascent and descent where it is impractical to scaffolding to carry
out the work. Ladders will be allowed to be used provided.
2. Do not use the top rung as a working platform
1. Proper procedure will be followed and precaution taken while carrying out heavy lifting work and
material handling.
2. Whenever a crane is to be used the following will to be ensured.
3. Out rigger of crane shall be properly extended on a strong foundation. Suitable material such as timber
will be used to strengthen the foundation
4. Ensure it will be that the load being lifted does not exceed the SWL (safe working load) of the crane.
5. Only a person holding an appropriate operators license will be allowed to operate a crane.
6. No will be allow person to pass under a suspended load.
7. Limit switches radius angle indicators will be in good working order.
8. Wire runner shall be regularly lubricated and inspected for any defects.
9. Sling chain and ropes which are linked, knotted or heavily corroded will be replaced.
10. Worker involved in material handling shall be fully equipped with necessary PPE including Safety shoes,
safety helmet and suitable hand gloves.
11. Cranes shall not be allowed to operate without the certificate of fitness issued by the concerned
regulatory authority.
12. In addition to the above whenever lifting is carried out on the roads site. Proper signs precautionary
makers are to be installed and traffic control established.
13. The wire ropes used for lifting shall be as per specification and strong enough to lift the load.
The following general requirement will to be followed while carrying out gas cutting during welding works.
1. Appropriate PPE including filtered face shield long sleeve jacket, leather gloves and boots will be worn.
2. Earth cable will be firmly secured.
3. Electrode holder will be properly insulated and electrode removed from the holder when not in use.
4. Welding cables will be well insulated and in good condition and properly laid to avoid damage of cable or
tripping hazards.
The nature of project is up gradation of roads from existing four lane road to six lane divided carriageway. The
traffic and safety management have been carefully planned in advanced before taking up the execution of the
project. There will be to situations requiring different plant for traffic control.
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The strengthening of existing carriageway shall be taken up one side(left/right) after providing properly
barricading with safety board for movement of traffic. This involves movement of traffic on existing carriageway.
Similarly we shall take up another side same way.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Unit 5 presents guidelines on formwork, scaffolds, and work at height, working platform, ladders, ramps etc.
These are referred to as temporary structures and they are required for the construction of permanents
structures. In the early part of this section, the terms pertaining to temporary structures are defined. The
guidelines for the preparation of formwork scheme (plan) are presented. The suggested formwork
arrangements for commonly used structural elements are provided. The unit also contains the checklist to be
used by the EPC for implementing the formwork arrangement. It also contains the checklist to be used for
auditing purposes. The unit ends with the description of penalties for non-compliance of various provisions
provided in this unit.
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All cases of collapse or subsidence of any other part of any structure, formwork, launching girder, working
platform, staging, scaffolding or means of access including shall be reported to the Inspector having jurisdiction,
whether or not any disablement or death caused to the worker. (To be cross link with reporting section given
There will be a weekly Inspection of scaffold by scaffolding supervisor and the record for the same will be
maintained. The inspection of scaffold will be based on the checklist provided for scaffold in the work zone road
safety manual.
EPCs’ Site SHE Manager will ensure that a system of routine inspections is carried out periodically to all
temporary structures that will pose a hazard to workmen.
Specific inspections (without a predetermined date and as and when needed) shall be performed for formwork
before concreting by formwork erector. Competent supervisors shall usually perform such inspections in
accordance with the check list specified in the manual. The check list is indicative only and depending on the
method statement submitted or developed procedures, the Indian standards, rules and regulations, and
Employer’s requirements, the same shall be modified. The EPC shall preserve the records for such inspection for
In the following sections some suggested formwork arrangement for commonly used RCC elements are
provided. A number of manufacturers are available in the country who provide similar arrangements. NHAI
would prepare a list of approved manufactures and include the list in the specification on formwork.
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Wall formwork will be so designed to take the pressure exerted by the concrete on formwork besides other
anticipated loads. The formwork components will be designed according to relevant Indian Standards and the
manufacturer’s guidelines. Suitable provision for working platform shall be provided (see Fig. 9). Application of
travelling and climbing formwork shall be encouraged in case wall is to be cast in more than 2-3 lifts.
Wall formwork will be so designed to take the pressure exerted by the concrete on formwork besides other
anticipated loads. The formwork components will be designed according to relevant Indian Standards and the
manufacturer’s guidelines. Suitable provision for working platform shall be provided (see Fig.10). Suitable
arrangement for reaching the working platform shall also be provided. One such arrangement is shown in Fig-
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Requirements for existing places of work and means of access or egress at height
Every existing place of work or means of access or egress at height shall
(a) Be stable and of sufficient strength and rigidity for the purpose for which it is intended to be or is being used;
(b) Where applicable, rest on a stable, sufficiently strong surface;
(c) be of sufficient dimensions to permit the safe passage of persons and the safe use of any plant or materials
required to be used and to provide a safe working area having regard to the work to be carried out there;
(d) Possess suitable and sufficient means for preventing a fall; (e) possess a surface which has no gap
(i) Through which a person could fall;
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(ii) Through which any material or object could fall and injure a person; or
(iii) Giving rise to other risk of injury to any person, unless measures have been taken to protect persons
against such risk;
(f) Be so constructed and used, and maintained in such condition, as to prevent, so far as is reasonably
practicable -
(i) The risk of slipping or tripping; or
(ii) Any person being caught between it and any adjacent structure;
(g) Where it has moving parts, be prevented by appropriate devices from moving inadvertently during work at
Requirements for guardrails, toe-boards, barriers and similar collective means of protection
i) Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in this section to means of protection is to a guardrail,
toe-board, barrier or similar collective means of protection.
ii) Means of protection shall
(a) Be of sufficient dimensions, of sufficient strength and rigidity for the purposes for which they are
being used, and otherwise suitable;
(b) Be so placed, secured and used as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that they do not
become accidentally displaced; and
(c) Be so placed as to prevent, so far as is practicable, the fall of any person, or of any material or object,
from any place of work.
iii) In relation to work at height involved in construction work
(a) The top guard-rail or other similar means of protection shall be at least 950 millimeters above the
edge from which any person is liable to fall;
(b) toe-boards shall be suitable and sufficient to prevent the fall of any person, or any material or object,
from any place of work; and
(c) Any intermediate guardrail or similar means of protection shall be positioned so that any gap
between it and other means of protection does not exceed 470 millimeters.
iv) Any structure or part of a structure which supports means of protection or to which means of protection are
attached shall be of sufficient strength and suitable for the purpose of such support or attachment.
(c) In other cases, be prevented from slipping by secure attachment to the bearing surface or to another
structure, provision of an effective anti-slip device or by other means of equivalent effectiveness;
(d) Be stable while being erected, used and dismantled; and
(e) When altered or modified, be so altered or modified as to ensure that it remains stable.
(f) Have suitable base plates and properly footed thereby.
iv). Stability of working platforms
A working platform shall
(a) Be suitable and of sufficient strength and rigidity for the purpose or purposes for which it is intended
to be used or is being used;
(b) Be so erected and used as to ensure that its components do not become accidentally displaced so as
to endanger any person;
(c) When altered or modified, be so altered or modified as to ensure that it remains stable; and
(d) Be dismantled in such a way as to prevent accidental displacement.
v) Safety on working platforms
A working platform shall
(a) be of sufficient dimensions to permit the safe passage of persons and the safe use of any plant or materials
required to be used and to provide a safe working area having regard to the work being carried out there;
(b) Possess a suitable surface and, in particular, be so constructed that the surface of the working platform has
no gap
i) Through which a person could fall;
ii) Through which any material or object could fall and injure a person;
iii) Giving rise to other risk of injury to any person, unless measures have been taken to protect persons
against such risk; and
(c) Be so erected and used, and maintained in such condition, as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable
i) The risk of slipping or tripping; or
ii) Any person being caught between the working platform and any adjacent structure.
iii) Loading
A working platform and any supporting structure shall not be loaded so as to give rise to a risk of collapse or to
any deformation, which could affect its safe use.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
v. Safety nets or other screens will be provided to catch any falling materials.
vi. The use of barrels, boxes, loose earth pads or other unsuitable objects as supports for uprights and
working platform, will not be permitted.
vii. Care will be taken to see that no un-insulated wire exists within 3 m of the working platforms, gang
ways, runs etc. of the scaffolds.
viii. Scaffolds on thoroughfares will be provided with warning light, if general light is not sufficient to make it
clearly visible.
ix. Men will not be allowed on scaffolds during storms or high winds.
x. Grease, mud, paint, gravel or plaster or any such material shall be removed from scaffold platforms
xi. Either sand or saw dust or other suitable material shall be spread on platforms to prevent slipping.
xii. All projecting nails from platforms or other members shall be removed.
xiii. During dismantling or scaffolds necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent injury to persons due to
fall of loose materials. The bracing and other members of the scaffolds shall not be removed
prematurely while dismantling the entire scaffolds so as to avoid danger of collapse.
xiv. When scaffolds will be used to a great extent and for long period of time, they will be inspected from
time to time to ensure its soundness.
xv. Boards and planks used for platforms, gangways will be of sound quality and proper thickness closely laid
and securely fastened and placed.
Strength and stability calculations for scaffolding shall be carried out unless
(a) A note of the calculations, covering the structural arrangements contemplated, is available; or
(b) It is assembled in conformity with a generally recognized standard configuration.
i. Depending on the complexity of the scaffolding selected, a competent person shall draw up an assembly,
use and dismantling plan. This may be in the form of a standard plan, supplemented by items relating to
specific details of the scaffolding in question.
ii. A copy of the plan, including any instructions it may contain, shall be kept available for the use of
persons concerned in the assembly, use, dismantling or alteration of scaffolding until it has been
iii. The dimensions form and layout of scaffolding decks shall be appropriate to the nature of the work to be
performed and suitable for the loads to be carried and permit work and passage in safety.
iv. While a scaffold is not available for use, including during its assembly, dismantling or alteration, it shall
be marked with general warning signs in accordance with and be suitably delineated by physical means
preventing access to the danger zone.
v. Scaffolding may be assembled, dismantled or significantly altered only under the supervision of a
competent person and by persons who have received appropriate and specific training in the operations
envisaged which addresses specific risks which the operations may entail and precautions to be taken,
and more particularly in
a. Understanding of the plan for the assembly, dismantling or alteration of the scaffolding concerned;
b. Safety during the assembly, dismantling or alteration of the scaffolding concerned;
c. Measures to prevent the risk of persons, materials or objects falling;
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
d. Safety measures in the event of changing weather conditions which could adversely affect the safety of
the scaffolding concerned;
e. Permissible loadings;
f. Any other risks which the assembly, dismantling or alteration of the scaffolding may entail.
1) Every EPC shall ensure that a ladder is used for work at height only if a risk assessment has demonstrated that
the use of more suitable work equipment is not justified because of the low risk and
i) The short duration of use; or
ii) Existing features on site, which he cannot alter.
2) Only metal ladders shall be allowed. Bamboo ladders are prohibited.
3) Any surface upon which a ladder rests shall be stable, firm, of sufficient strength and of suitable composition
safely to support the ladder so that its rungs or steps remain horizontal, and any loading intended to be placed
on it.
4) A ladder shall be so positioned as to ensure its stability during use
5) A suspended ladder shall be attached in a secure manner and so that, with the exception of a flexible ladder,
it cannot be displaced and swinging is prevented.
6) A portable ladder shall be prevented from slipping during use by -
i) Securing the stiles at or near their upper or lower ends;
ii) An effective anti-slip or other effective stability device; or
iii) Any other arrangement of equivalent effectiveness.
7) A ladder used for access shall be long enough to protrude sufficiently above the place of landing to which it
provides access, unless other measures have been taken to ensure a firm handhold.
8) No interlocking or extension ladder shall be used unless its sections are prevented from moving relative to
each other while in use.
9) A mobile ladder shall be prevented from moving before it is stepped on.
10) Where a ladder or run of ladders raises a vertical distance of 9 metres or more above its base, there shall,
where reasonably practicable, be provided at suitable intervals sufficient safe landing areas or rest platforms.
11) Every ladder shall be used in such a way that
(a) A secure handhold and secure support are always available to the user; and
(b) The user will be maintain a safe handhold when carrying a load unless, in the case of a step ladder,
the maintenance of a handhold is not practicable when a load is carried, and a risk assessment has
demonstrated that the use of a stepladder is justified because of
(i) The low risk; and
(ii) The short duration of use.
As launching operation is one of the riskiest job, the EPC shall take utmost precaution at all stages like; planning,
establishing casing yard, casting segments, transporting segments, fabrication and erection of launching girders,
launching of segments, pre-stressing, auto launching of girders and dismantling of launching girders.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
The EPC shall prepare a comprehensive Method Statement for the launching operation, adhering to the SHE
conditions laid down in conditions of contract on SHE and project SHE manual. Particular reference shall be
made to the provisions on working at height. As the entire process of launching has to be undertaken at an
elevated level the safety of workers and the girder is paramount important. The following general guidelines
shall be adhered throughout the launching operation.
i. Necessary ‘working platforms’ and fall protection anchorage arrangement shall be provided in the
launching girder itself.
ii. Provisions for mounting light fittings shall also be made available in the launching girder.
iii. The casting yard shall be established ensuring the provision given in clause 38.0
iv. The workmen engaged in fabrication of reinforcement, concreting the segment shall be provided with
necessary PPEs including compulsory hand protection gloves.
v. Casting and curing of segment shall be undertaken under the direct supervision of the responsible
engineer of the EPC.
vi. Trucks with valid registration, licence, safe worthiness certificate, Employer’s approval certificate, and
pollution under check certificate shall only be used for transport of segments
vii. Drivers shall also have undergone proper medical examination as per relevant clause mentioned under
‘Medical Facilities’.
viii. The segments shall rigidly secured to the truck with necessary wooden wedges and necessary red
indicators/safety tapes provided so that the vehicle is clearly seen by other road users both in day / night
ix. Every launching girder shall have a responsible engineer on duty all the time.
x. All the time from erection to dismantling the area between the two piers wherein launching is in
progress shall always be barricaded.
xi. Unloading of segments from trucks, lifting of segments, shifting of segments, gluing shall be done under
the direct supervision of the approved engineer of the EPC.
xii. Auto launching shall be done only after approval from the Employer. After every auto launching the
stability of launching girder shall be ensured.
xiii. The vertical deflection of launching girder shall be monitored at all critical stages like with/without loads
and after every auto launching.
xiv. A register containing all important operational details from erection to dismantling of launching girders
shall be maintained and made available to Employer whenever called for.
xv. Test certificate for all lifting gears including Macalloy bars shall be maintained at a location closer to the
launching girder itself so that it will be referred during all inspections.
xvi. Adequate lighting at all time shall be ensured in the entire area of operation.
xvii. Access to drinking water & toilet shall be ensured to all workmen engaged for launching process.
xviii. Proper access ladders/stairways shall be maintained for safe ascending / descending of workmen /
Non-adherence to any of the clauses mentioned above shall be viewed seriously by the
Employer and penalty levied as per relevant clause.
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on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
i. The batching plant / casting yard shall be effectively planned for smooth flow of unloading and stacking
the aggregates reinforcements and cement, batching plant, transport of concrete, casting the segment,
stacking the segment and loading the segments to the trucks. As far as possible the conflicts will be
ii. The batching plant / casting yard shall be barricaded and made as a compulsory PPE zone
iii. If in case of material unloading area is not maintainable as PPE zone, the same shall be segregated
properly and made as a non-PPE zone with appropriate barrications.
iv. Electrical system shall also be suitably planned so that location of diesel generator, if any, location of
DBs, routing of cables and positioning of area lighting poles/masts does not infringe on any other utility
and pose danger.
v. Drainage shall be effectively provided and waste water shall be disposed after proper treatment
vi. Time office, canteen, drinking water, toilet and rest place shall be suitably located for the easy access to
workers. All the facilities shall be properly cleaned and maintained during the entire period of operation.
vii. Manual handling of cement shall be avoided to a larger extent. Whenever it is absolutely necessary the
workmen shall be given full body protection, hand protection and respiratory protection as a basic
measure of ensuring better health.
viii. The PPEs provided to cement handling workmen shall conform to international standards.
ix. Access roads and internal circulation roads shall be well laid and maintained properly at all time.
x. Non-adherence to any of the above provision shall be penalised as per relevant penalty clause.
1. The EPC shall ensure that all construction personnel wear minimum requirements of PPE as mentioned
under clause (PPE)
2. The EPC shall display the warning Signs of Deep water at appropriate locations.
3. The EPC shall ensure edge protection including guard rails and toe boards etc.
4. The EPC shall ensure suitable rescue equipment and provide training on how to use them.
Rescue Equipment
1. Lifebuoys with rescue lines will be provided at intervals along the site and positioned conveniently for
use in an emergency. Floating grab lines will be attached at intervals or floating plant.
2. Personnel will wear life jackets, or buoyancy aid equipped with a whistle and lights (during darkness).
3. All rescue equipment will be checked by a competent person to ensure it is present and in good
4. Enough personnel will be made available who are trained in the use of rescue equipment and emergency
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Rescue Boats
1. On tidal water or fast flowing rivers, a power-driven boat will be provided and properly equipped;
including lifebuoy with buoyant rope (or) rowing boat may be sufficient in some canals and island
2. Swivelling searchlights will be fitted during darkness in the rescue boats.
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The EPC will maintain evidence to show he has performed the following tasks:
A. Identification of major accident hazards in construction activities
B. Taken adequate steps to prevent major accidents and to limit their consequences
C. Provide workers with information, training, and equipment, including antidotes
D. Notification of major accidents
E. Undertake full analysis and send information to Labour Directorate and the concerned Ministry
F. Not to undertake any construction activity without submitting safety report to the authority 3 months
before commencing activity
G. Furnishing a further report if the EPC makes any change in construction activity.
H. Preparation of an up-date on-site emergency plan to deal with major accidents with names of
responsible persons and those authorised to take action
I. Every worker to be informed of emergency plan.
J. Maintaining information about persons outside the worksite and the nature of accident hazard to which
they are exposed and the safety measures to be adopted
K. Maintenance of Safety Data Sheet of all the materials that are being used in the construction activities
and providing this information to the workers
L. Container of hazardous chemicals to be clearly labelled about contents, manufacturer, and physical,
chemical and toxicological data
M. Provision of adequate steps to contain contaminants and prevent accidents; and provide workers with
safety information, training and equipment
N. Proper labelling of all hazardous materials
O. Packaging, labelling, and transport shall be done in accordance with Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
P. Reporting of polluting accidents to the State Pollution Control Board
I. General: Construction workers are at a higher risk than most workers in receiving a manual handling
injury. Manual handling involves any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower,
push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain a person, animal or thing. Workers may suffer from
musculoskeletal problems such as aches, strains and sprains as a result of manual handling. These will be
also be caused by other tasks which involve repetitive movements, force, unusual postures, prolonged
pressure on a joint, badly organised working practices or work environment. Effects on health will be
Sprains or Strains
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Swelling of the wrist, forearm, elbow and willer
I. General: Construction equipment may include dumpers and dump trucks, lift trucks and telescopic
handlers, piling rigs, vibro hammers, rail welding equipment, mobile elevating work platforms, cranes,
tipper lorries, lorry loaders, skip wagons, 360° excavators, 180° backhoe loaders, crawler tractors,
scrapers, graders, loading shovels, trenchers, side booms, pavers, planers, chippers, road rollers,
locomotives, tankers and bowsers, trailers, hydraulic and mechanical breakers etc.
K. The EPC shall ensure that all construction equipment is in sound mechanical working condition and
certified by either a competent person under Factories Act, or manufacturers’ warranty in case of brand
new equipment or authorized persons / firms approved by the Employer before induction at any site
L. Every such certificate shall have the date of purchase, main overhauling undertaken in the past, any
accident to the equipment, visual examination details, critical components, checklist of safety devices
and its working condition, manufacturer’s maintenance checklist, past projects wherein the equipment
were used etc as its minimum content
M. All vehicles shall be fitted by the EPC with audible reverse alarms and maintained in good working
condition. Reversing shall be done only when there is adequate rear view visibility or under the
directions of a banks man.
III. General operating instructions that shall be maintained by the EPC at any construction site are:
A. Drivers entering site shall be instructed to follow the safe system of work adopted on site. These shall be
verbal instructions or, preferably, written instructions showing the relevant site rules, the site layout,
delivery areas, speed limits, etc.
B. No passengers shall be carried, unless specific seating has been provided in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations
C. Working on gradients beyond any equipment capability shall not be allowed
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D. Prevention of dumper and dump truck accidents will be managed by providing wheel stops at a sufficient
distance from the edges of excavations, spoil heaps, pits, etc.
E. The manufacturer’s recommended bucket size will not be exceeded in excavators
F. If excavators are operating on a gradient which cannot be avoided, it will be ensured that the working
cycle is slowed down, that the bucket is not extended too far in the downhill direction, and that travel is
undertaken with extreme caution. A large excavator will never be permitted to travel in a confined area,
or around people, without a banks man to guide the driver, who will have the excavator attachment
close in to the machine, with the bucket just clear of the ground. On wheeled excavators, it is essential
that the tyres are in good condition and correctly inflated. If stabilizing devices are fitted, they will be
employed when the machine is excavating
G. When the front shovel of the 1800 backhoe loaders is being employed, the backhoe attachment shall be
in its “travel” position, with the safety locking device in place
H. When operating the backhoe in poor ground conditions, the stabilisers tend to sink into the surface of
the ground, reducing stability. Therefore frequent checks shall be made for the stability of the machine.
The loading shovel will always be lowered to the ground to stabilise the machine when the backhoe is
I. The netting operation of the skip wagons will be carried out prior to lifting the skip to reduce the risks of
working on the rear platform
J. If a tractor dozer is employed on clearing scrub or felling trees, it shall be provided with adequate driver
K. When two or more scrapers are working on the same job, a minimum distance of at least 25m shall be
kept between them
L. In case of hydraulic breakers, hydraulic rams and hoses shall be in good working condition
M. All wood working machines shall be fitted with suitable guards and devices such as top guard, riving
knife, push stick, guards for drive belts and chains, and emergency stop switch easily accessible by the
N. Every moving and dangerous part to be securely fenced, and regularly examined to prevent contact with
the worker
O. Examination/operation of machinery to be done only by trained/certified adult worker wearing tight
fitting clothing
P. Provision of suitable devices shall be available for cutting off power in emergencies from running
Q. All parts such as lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackle shall be properly maintained and
examined every 12 months
R. The lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackle shall not be loaded beyond marked safe working
S. Crane will not approach within 6m of the working place
T. Safe working speeds of revolving machinery will not to be exceeded
U. Floors, stairs and means of access shall be of sound construction, properly maintained, free of
obstructions, and provided with handrails
V. Fencing will be provided for working at heights
W. Pits, sumps, openings in floors, etc shall be securely covered / fenced
X. Provision of escape, fire extinguisher and adequate training to the workers in case of fire
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Y. Safety Officers to be appointed where more than 1000 workers are employed
Z. Compulsory disclosure of information regarding dangers, detailed health and safety policy, and
emergency plan to the workers.
I. General provisions that are to be maintained by the EPC at every construction site are:
A. No person shall deliver or dispatch any petroleum other than the holder of a storage license
B. The petroleum delivered or dispatched shall be of the class, and shall not exceed the quantity, which the
person to whom it is delivered or dispatched is authorised to store with or without a license under the
“The Petroleum Rules, 1976”
C. Notwithstanding any other rule, petroleum Class B not exceeding 15,000 litres in quantity and packed in
sealed air tight approved containers, may be dispatched to a person not holding a storage license
D. Precautions shall be taken at all times to prevent escape of petroleum into drain, sewer, harbour, river or
watercourse or over any public road or railway line
E. No child under the age of eighteen years and no person who is in a state of intoxication shall be
employed on the loading, unloading, or transport of petroleum or in any premises licensed under these
F. Unless expressly provided in these rules, no person shall smoke and no matches, fires, lights or articles or
substances capable of causing ignition of petroleum shall be allowed at any time in proximity to a place
where petroleum is refined, stored or handled or in a vehicle, carriage or vessel in which petroleum is
II. Some Special precautions against accident that shall be maintained by the EPC are:
G. No person shall commit or attempt to commit any act which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or
about any place where petroleum is refined, stored or handled or any vehicle, carriage or vessel in which
petroleum is transported.
H. Every person storing petroleum and every person in charge of or engaged in the storage, handling or
transport of petroleum shall at all times:
Comply with the provisions of these rules and the conditions of any license relating thereto;
Observe all precautions for prevention of accident by fire or explosion; and
Prevent any person from committing any act referred to in the earlier rule
There are numerous chemicals like asphalt, coal tar, diesel which are being used for construction purpose and
spill control management is one of the prime concerns for the safety of workers.
I. The procedure and guidelines that the EPC shall follow for spill management process are:
a. Identification of potential chemical spill hazard
b. Risk assessment of spill via:
i. The nature of the spilled chemical (high/low hazards)
ii. The quantity of the spill (large or small)
iii. Location of the spill
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II. The EPC shall ensure that measures to control or eliminate the potential risk shall follow the principles
a. Elimination: complete removal of risk of exposure
b. Replacement the substance with a less hazardous one
c. Isolation through distance or enclosure
d. Adoption of new engineering methods for redesigning the work area and proper maintenance
e. Administrative – standard operating procedure, supervision, training, rotation and signage
f. Provision of Personal Protective Equipment – protective clothing, safety shoes, goggles, safety glasses
and gloves etc.
III. Preparation for chemical spill shall be done through:
a. Safety Data Sheet including the special requirements for spill control such as the type of fire
extinguisher required, incompatible substances, and reactivity with substances such as water or air
b. Spill kits will be available for use where assessed as required
IV. Requirements for spill facility to be monitored by the EPC are:
a. Permanently installed secure roll-over bunds
b. Adequate supply of emergency drain covers
c. Necessary chemical spill station
d. Proper chemical storage areas
e. All areas where chemicals are stored shall have access to a spill kit (in close proximity of the storage
f. Chemical storage cabinets
g. Provision of trays that are compatible with the contents
h. Chemical waste storage areas
i. Adequate supply of emergency drain covers
j. Adequate ventilation
k. Laboratory spill kit
l. Training and awareness
V. Cleaning up a chemical spill will be done through immediate actions of:
a. Clear the affected area.
b. Check for any persons involved
c. Personnel contaminated with chemicals will be decontaminated via emergency shower and taken for
medical examination
d. First aid facility at the site
e. Isolate the spill (if safe to do so)
f. Contact the laboratory technician for lowering risk of spills
g. Gather any information possible, i.e. identify the material and quantity, gather relevant MSDS and
assess any immediate risks.
a. General: Many injuries result from poor housekeeping, improper storage of materials, and cluttered
work areas. To maintain a clean, hazard-free workplace, all groups of management, supervisors, and
workers will cooperate.
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b. General provisions that will be maintain adequate housekeeping and will be ensured by the EPC at the
construction site as well as in the campsites are:
i. Daily removal of dirt and refuse
ii. Keep tools in boxes, racks, or trays when not in use
iii. Do not let materials such as scrap lumber, metal, and debris accumulate which might cause a tripping
iv. Weekly washing of floor. Keep aisle clear for safe passage of people and material
v. Nails, pieces of wood with protruding nails, and other sharp objects will not be left on floors and
walkways; store them where they cannot be stepped on
vi. Effective drainage of floor
vii. Regular painting of walls, partitions, ceilings
viii. Keep exits clear; keep fire extinguishers readily accessible and free of obstruction
ix. Store flammable and combustible materials in proper containers and in flammable liquid storage
x. Effective arrangement for treatment of wastes and effluents to render them innocuous and for their
eventual disposal.
a. General: Noise may be defined as unwanted sound. Noise is perhaps the most widespread hazard in any
construction environment and it is well known that workplace noise will be cause deafness and
associated conditions such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Despite this, workers are exposed to noise
levels which will be cause permanent noise-induced hearing loss. For example, noise from:
Tools in a workshop
Batching plant and HMP site
Stone crusher unit
Compressor and Generators
Hearing protection is very necessary for construction workers who are directly exposed to a high level noise
for more than the permissible limit (more than 90 decibels for 8 hours), and where the noise cannot be
reduced or isolated from the worker.
b. Control Requirement: EPC has to ensure that construction material is operated and transported in such a
manner as not to create unnecessary noise as outlined below:
I. Perform work within the procedures outlined herein and comply with applicable codes, regulations, and
standards established by the Central and State Government and their agencies.
II. Keep noise to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that
construction works will not cause any unnecessary or excessive noise, which may disturb the occupants
of any nearby dwellings, schools, hospitals, or premises with similar sensitivity to noise. Use equipment
with effective noise-suppression devices and employ other noise control measures so as to protect the
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III. Schedule and conduct operations in a manner that will minimise, to the greatest extent feasible, the
disturbance to the public in areas adjacent to the construction activities and to occupants of buildings in
the vicinity of the construction activities.
IV. The EPC shall submit to the Employer a Noise Monitoring and Control Plan (NMCP) under contract
specific Site Environmental Plan. It shall include full and comprehensive details of all powered
mechanical equipment, which the EPC proposes to use during daytime and night time and of the
proposed working methods and noise level reduction measures. The NMCP shall include detailed noise
calculations and vibration levels to demonstrate the anticipated noise generation and vibrations by the
V. The NMCP prepared by the EPC shall guide the implementation of construction activity. The NMCP will
be reviewed on a regular basis and updated as necessary to assure that current construction activities
are addressed. It may appear as a regular agenda item in project coordination meetings, if noise is an
issue at any location in the contract.
Dust will be a problem in almost all construction sites. Dust at work has been one of the largest occupational
killers of all time. It has shortened life and caused misery to hundreds of thousands of people. Whenever
materials are handled and broken down, dust is liable to be produced, i.e. dust from the stone crusher units will
be damage the health of the worker through occupational asthma.
Dusts Effects
Fibrosis Dusts Pneumoconiosis
Toxic Dusts Poisoning
Irritant Dusts Cell Damage , Bronchitis
Allergic Dust Allergies, Asthma, Aveolitis
Carcinogenic Dusts Cancer
General Precautions:
The EPC shall take all necessary precautions to minimise fugitive dust emissions from operations involving
excavation, grading, and clearing of land and disposal of waste. He shall not allow emissions of fugitive dust
from any transport, handling, construction or storage activity to remain visible in the atmosphere beyond
the property line of emission source for any prolonged period of time without notification to the Employer
If after commencement of construction activity, the Employer believes that the EPC’s equipment or methods
of working are causing unacceptable dust impacts then these shall be inspected and remedial proposals shall
be drawn up by the EPC, submitted for review to the Employer and implemented
In developing these remedial measures, the EPC shall inspect and review all dust sources that may be
causing health effects
The EPC shall establish and maintain records of routine maintenance program for water sprinkling method in
the dust generated areas and shall keep records available for inspection by the Employer
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The EPC shall cover loads of dust generating materials like debris and soil being transported from
construction sites. All trucks carrying loose material will be covered and loaded with sufficient free-board to
avoid spills through the tail board or side boards
The temporary dumping areas shall be maintained by the EPC at all times until the excavate is re-utilised for
backfilling or as directed by the Employer. Dust control activities shall continue even during any work
The EPC shall place material in a manner that will minimise dust production. Material storage shall be
minimised each day and wetted to control dust production. During dry weather, dust control methods will
be used daily, especially on windy, dry days, to prevent any dust from blowing across the site perimeter
The EPC shall water down construction sites as required to suppress dust, during handling of excavation soil
or debris or during demolition. The EPC will make water sprinklers, water supply, and water delivering
equipment available at any time that it is required for dust control use. Dust screens will be used as feasible
and when additional dust control measures are needed, especially where the work is near sensitive
The EPC shall design and implement his blasting techniques so as to minimise dust, noise, vibration
generation, and prevention of fly rock
The EPC shall submit to the Employer an Air Monitoring and Control Plan (AMCP) under contract specific Site
Environmental Plan to guide construction activity insofar as it relates to monitoring, controlling, and
mitigating air pollution
Prevention of inhalation and accumulation (exhaust near enclosed point of origin) by the workers will be
ensured by the EPC.
Exhaust of internal combustion engine to open air will be ensured.
I. General:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the third line of defense for protection of the employee’s health and
safety. The first line of defense is to eliminate accident-causing situations at the work place by effective process
changes, and the second is to reduce it through engineering measures. PPE does not and cannot eliminate
hazards at work. As a barrier between the hazard and the worker, PPE will be help to eliminate an injury or
reduce its severity, but it also hampers the work of the worker. PPE will be resorted to only if absolute removal
of the hazard or its reduction in the work environment is impossible or impracticable. Even where
technical/engineering control, safe systems of work, and other techniques have been applied, it is possible that
some hazards might remain. These hazards may lead to injuries to the:
A. Respiratory system due to contaminated air
B. Head and feet, for example, from falling materials
C. Eyes, for example, from flying particles of stone works
D. Skin, for example, from contact with corrosive materials
E. Body, for example, from extremes of heat or cold
PPE includes clothing and other accessories designed to create a barrier between the user and workplace
hazards. It will be used in conjunction with engineering work practices and/or administrative controls to provide
maximum employee safety and health in the workplace. All EPCs are responsible for providing training and
ensuring the proper use of required personal protective equipment. The principal requirements of PPEs are:
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I. General: Working at a height is the largest single cause of serious accidents in the construction
environment. Work at height is work in any place, including a place at, above, or below ground level, where
persons will be injured if they fall from that place. Access and egress (getting in and out) from a place of work
will be also be work at height.
Examples of work activities that are classified as working at a height include:
A. working on a flat roof
B. erecting false work and formwork
C. working from a ladder
D. working at ground level adjacent to an open excavation, and
E. working n ear or adjacent to fragile materials
IV. Safety precautions to be taken by the EPC for working at a height:
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Use of Scaffolds
All scaffolds will be erected and dismantled by workmen who are thoroughly experienced in the erection and
dismantling of scaffolding
All scaffolds will be inspected by a competent person at least every three days after erection and the results of
inspections recorded and the records shall be kept available for checking by the Employer’s representative
Tags shall be fitted to all scaffolds to show whether they are safe for use or not. All Safe for Use tags shall be
signed by a senior site engineer from the EPC
All scaffolds shall be constructed of sound materials free from patent defect
The following measures shall be taken:
a) The scaffold shall be constructed for the correct use (Light or Heavy Duty)
b) Securely fixed to existing structures or adequately buttressed
c) The use of barrels, boxes, loose tiles or other unsuitable material shall not be used as supports for
working platforms
d) All working platforms shall be fully boarded
e) All working platforms shall have guard rails at one meter height and shall also have an intermediate
rail at half height
f) All working platforms shall be provided with toe boards
g) All working platforms shall be kept free of unnecessary obstruction or rubbish
h) Secure ladder access shall be provided
Use of Ladders
All ladders shall be of sound construction and shall be free from patent defects
Ladders will be checked weekly and defective ladders shall be promptly and properly repaired or replaced
Ladders shall not be used as working platforms but may be used for work of short duration of up to thirty
Metal ladders shall not be used near or adjacent to overhead power lines unless they have been certified
dead under a permit to work system
Ladders shall:
a) Be secured at the top or footed at the bottom to prevent slippage
b) Not be used if any rung is missing
c) (c) Not be used for any other purpose than to provide access
d) Be set at an angle of seventy five degrees unless designed for vertical access
e) All vertical ladders shall be fitted with hoops to prevent falls
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1. The EPC is wholly responsible for the safe condition of tools and equipment used by his employees and that
of his sub-EPCs.
2. Use of short / damaged hand tools shall be avoided and the EPC shall ensure all his hand tools used at his
worksite are safe to work with or stored and shall also train his employees (including his sub-EPCs) for
proper use thereby.
3. All hand tools and power tools shall be duly inspected before use for safe operation.
4. All hand tools and power tools shall have sufficient grip and the design specification on par with
national/international standards on anthropometrics.
1. Hand tools shall include saws, chisels, axes and hatches, hammers, hand planes, screw drivers, crow bars,
nail pullers.
2. The EPC shall ensure that,
i) For crosscutting of hardwood, saws with larger teeth points (no. of points per inch) shall be preferred to
avoid the saw jumping out of the job.
ii) Mushroom headed chisels shall not be used in the worksite where the fragments of the head may cause
iii) Unless hatchet has a striking face, it shall be used as a hammer.
iv) Only knives of retractable blades shall be used in the worksite.
v) No screwdrivers shall be used for scraping, chiselling or punching holes.
vi) A pilot hole shall always be driven before driving a screw.
vii) Wherever necessary, usage of proper PPEs shall be used by his employees.
1. Gas cylinders in use shall be kept upright on a custom-built stand or trolley fitted with a bracket to
accommodate the hoses and equipment or otherwise secured. The metal cap shall be kept in place to
protect the valve when the cylinder is not connected for use.
2. Hose clamp or clip shall be used to connect hoses firmly in both sides of cylinders and torches.
3. All gas cylinders shall be fixed with pressure regulator and dial gauges
4. Non-return valve and Flashback arrester shall be fixed at both end of cylinder and torch.
5. Domestic LPG cylinders shall not be used for Gas welding and Cutting purpose.
6. DCP or CO2 type Fire Extinguisher not less than 5 kg shall be fixed at or near to welding process zone in
an easily accessible location. Fire Extinguisher will confirm to IS 2190: 1992.
7. Use firewatchers if there is a possibility of ignition unobserved by the operator (e.g. on the other side of
8. Oxygen cylinders and flammable gas cylinders shall be stored separately, at least 6.6 meters (20 feet)
apart or separated by a fire proof, 1.6 meters (5 feet) high partition. Flammable substances shall not be
stored within 50 feet of cylinder storage areas.
9. Transformer used for electrical arc welding shall be fixed with Ammeter and Voltmeter and also fixed
with separate main power switch.
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10. Welding grounds and returns will be securely attached to the work by cable lugs, by clamps in the case of
stranded conductors, or by bolts for strip conductors. The ground cable will not be attached to
equipment or existing installations or apparatus.
11. Use a low voltage open circuit relay device if welding with alternating current in constricted or damp
12. Take precautions against the risk of increased fume hazards when welding with chrome containing
fluxed consumables or high current metal inert gas (MIG) or tungsten inert gas (TIG) processes.
13. Avoid being in contact with water or wet floors when welding. Use duckboards or rubber protection.
14. All electrical installations shall meet the IS: 5571: 1997 and NFPA 70 for gas cylinder storage area and
other hazardous areas.
15. The current for Electric arc welding shall not exceed 300 A on a hand welding operation.
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d) any flammable or explosive substance, including dusts, vapours or gases, shall be of such construction or
as necessary protected as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, danger arising from such
1. The EPC shall provide distribution system for control and distribution of electricity from a main AC supply
of 50Hz for typical appliances,
i) Fixed plant – 400V 3 phase
ii) Movable plant fed via trailing cable over 3.75 kW – 400 3 phase
iii) Installation in site buildings – 230V single phase
iv) Fixed flood lighting – 230V single phase
v) Portable and hand tools – 115V single phase
vi) Site lighting - 115V single phase
vii) Portable hand lamps – 115V single phase
1. Precautions shall be taken, either by earthing or by other suitable means, to prevent danger arising when
any conductor (other than a circuit conductor) which may reasonably foreseeable become charged as a
result of either the use of a system, or a fault in a system, becomes so charged. A conductor shall be
regarded as earthed when conductors of sufficient strength and current-carrying capability to discharge
electrical energy to earth connect it to the general mass of earth.
2. If a circuit conductor is connected to earth or to any other reference point, nothing which might
reasonably be expected to give rise to danger by breaking the electrical continuity or introducing high
impedance shall be placed in that conductor unless suitable precautions are taken to prevent that
3. Appropriate electrical protection shall be provided for all circuits, against over load, short circuit and
earth fault current.
4. The EPC shall provide sufficient ELCBs (maintain sensitivity 30 mA) / RCCBs for all the equipment
(including Potable equipment), electrical switchboards, distribution panels etc. to prevent electrical
shocks to the workers.
5. All protection devices shall be capable of interrupting the circuit without damage to any equipment and
circuits in case of any fault may occur.
6. Rating of fuses and circuit breakers used for the protection of circuits will be coordinate with equipment
power ratings.
7. Protection against lightning shall be ensured to all equipment kept in open at sites.
7.2.2 CABLES
1. Cables shall be selected after full consideration of the condition to which they shall be exposed and the
duties for which they are required. Supply cable up to 3.3 kV shall be in accordance with BS 6346.
2. For supplies to mobile or transportable equipment where operating of the equipment subjects the cable
to flexing, the cable shall conform to any of these codes BS 6007 / BS 6500 / BS 7375.
3. Flexible cords with a conductor cross sectional area smaller than 1.5 mm2 shall not be used and
insulated flexible cable shall conform to BS 6500 and BS 7375.
4. Where low voltage cables are to be used, reference shall be made to BS 7375. The following standards
shall also be referred to particularly for under ground cables BS 6346 and BS 6708
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5. Cables buried directly in the ground shall be of a type incorporating armour or metal sheath or both.
Such cables shall be marked by cable covers or a suitable marking tape and be buried at a sufficient
depth to avoid their being damaged by any disturbance of the ground. Cable routes shall be marked on
the plans kept in the site electrical register.
6. Cabling passing under the walk way and across way for transport and mobile equipment shall be laid in
ducts at a minimum depth of 0.6 meters.
7. Cables that need to cross open areas, or where span of 3m or more are involved, a catenary wire on
poles or other supports shall be provided for convenient means of suspension. Minimum height shall be
6 m above ground.
8. Cables carrying a voltage to earth in excess of 65V other than supply for welding process shall have metal
armour or sheath, which has been effectively earthed and monitored by the EPC. In case of flexible and
trailing cables such earthed metal sheath and/or armour will be in addition to the earth core in the cable
and shall not be used as the protective conductor.
9. Armoured cables having an over-sheath of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or an oil resisting and flame retardant
compound shall be used whenever there is a risk of mechanical damage occurring
1. Every joint and connection in a system shall be mechanically and electrically suitable for use to prevent
danger. Proper cable connectors as per national/international standards shall only be used to connect
2. No loose connections or tapped joints shall be allowed any where in the work site, office area, stores and
other areas. Penalty as per relevant clause shall be put in case of observation of any tapped joints.
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Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
4. Approved perimeter markings shall be used to isolate restricted areas from designated work areas and
entryways and shall be erected before work begins and maintained for entire duration of work.
Approved perimeter marking shall be installed with either red barrier tape printed with the words
"DANGER—HIGH VOLTAGE" or a barrier of yellow or orange synthetic rope, approximately 1 to 1.5 meter
above the floor or work surface.
1. No person shall be engaged in any work activity on or so near any live conductor (other than one suitably
covered with insulating material so as to prevent danger) that danger
may arise unless.
a) It is unreasonable in all the circumstances for it to be dead; and
b) It is reasonable in all the circumstances for him to be at work on or near it while it is live; and
c) Suitable precautions (including where necessary the provision of suitable protective equipment) are
taken to prevent injury.
4 A Work Permit authorization form shall be completed with the maximum duration period not exceeding
12 hours.
5 A copy of each Permit To Work shall be displayed, during its validity, in a conspicuous location in close
proximity to the actual works location to which it applies.
1. The EPC shall ensure that construction site is provided with fire extinguishing equipment sufficient to
extinguish any probable fire at construction site. An adequate water supply is provided at ample
pressure as per national standard.
2. Recharging of fire extinguishers and their proper maintenance will be ensured and as a minimum will
meet Indian National Standards
3. All drivers of vehicles, foreman, supervisors and managers shall be trained on operating the fire
extinguishers and fire fighting equipment.
4. The EPC shall also give consideration to the provision of adequate fire fighting arrangements within the
underground and tunnelling operations including the provision of Fire Service compatible hose
connections and emergency lighting
5. As per the DBOCW Rules 2002, Rule 63(a) (vii), all lifting appliances’ driver cabin will be provided with a
suitable portable fire extinguisher.
6. Combustible scrap and other construction debris will be disposed off site on a regular basis. If scrap is to
be burnt on site, the burning site will be specified and located at a distance no less than 12 meters from
any construction work or any other combustible material.
7. Every fire, including those extinguished by EPC personnel, shall be reported to the Employer
8. Emergency plans and Fire Evacuation plans shall be prepared and issued. Mock drills will be held on a
regular basis to ensure the effectiveness of the arrangements and as a part of the programme, the
Telephone Number of the local fire brigade will be prominently displayed near each telephone on site.
At the start of every work day, the supervisors will review the safety environment at site and take necessary
corrective action. Once a week at the start of the work day, the supervisors will have a pre work safety
meeting and decide on any improvements or measures necessary for ensuring continued safety.
Safety Inspection with the purpose of identifying state cleanliness, unsafe condition, unsafe practices and
infringement of safety, health and environment aspect shall be carried out monthly by the safety officer.
79 | P a g e
Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
2 Weather safety Team, Safety officer & emergency controller have been nominated?
3 Whether site safety plan has been drawn and kept updated?
4 Whether safety Manual, Safety procedures and safety checklists are available at the place of
work and with the concerned employees?
5 Whether work instructions, checklist, safety posters, safety instructions and list of nearby
Hospitals and Doctors are distributed/displayed at the place of work in a language
understandable by the staff and workers?
6 Whether the staff / workers of IRCON and the sub – contractor are being regularly trained and
adequately aware to implement safe practice in executions in execution of works?
7 Whether the staff / workers have been provided with proper safety gadgets, tools and
equipment? Whether the same are being regularly used by them on work for their own safety?
8 Whether first aid box and other facilities of first aid provided at place of work?
9 Whether all safety provisions are enforced at work site?
10 Whether Activity In – charges conduct safety checks/inspections at their work place at regular
intervals . If so, whether record of the same is maintained showing date and place of inspection
and the activity inspected etc.?
11 Has ever any accident, major or minor or even “ near miss” (narrowly missed/ escaped accident)
taken place at your project ? If so , any detailed report has been prepared and the cause of
accident established to take corrective and preventive action to avoid such incident in future?
12 Whether fire extinguishers are provided at fire hazardous locations. Are they being checked
regularly and refilled, when required, by the authorized persons? Whether occasionally mock
drills being conducted to train the personnel in its use ?
13 Whether proper earthing has been done of all electrical installations to prevent electric
14 Whether danger board/sign have been displayed near high tension and other installations.
15 Are safety weeks being observed to lay emphasis on safety among workers?
80 | P a g e
Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) of Bagewadi (NH-4)-Bailhongal – Saundatti in the State of Karnataka
on DBFOMT Hybrid Annuity Basis
Project site personnel will undergo safety induction/ training sessions with the aim of familiarizing them with
the aim of familiarizing them with the requirements of the safety, health and environment as detailed in the
SAFETY MANUAL – General and the Project Safety Manual.
Awareness program shall be ensured for Contractors staff and workers and new employees regarding safety
practices while at work before being allowed to work at project sites. Such items will include “fundamental
Safety Rules applicable to each employee”.
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