Lack of Parking in Universities
Lack of Parking in Universities
Lack of Parking in Universities
Drivers love parking. This is evidenced by their behaviour. Heated discussion erupts in
parking lots when one driver “steals” a space from another. Drivers pay parking garage high
prices for the right to park one block closer to their destination. The car trips were generated
by a development demand car parking spaces. It is important to provide adequate parking,
both in respect of the traffic impact on the local highway network and also for the
commercial success of development. Parking facilities and programs were also considerable
importance in traffic engineering. Most urban and regional commercial centers were access
primarily by automobiles. The viability of these areas depends in a large part on the
availability of convenient parking facilities adjacent to or easily accessible to desired
destinations. Thus, comprehensive parking programs involve planning, design, construction,
operation and financing parking facilities, as well as placement and enforcement of parking
regulations. Experts agree that, when it comes to on-campus parking, there is no such thing as
a one-size-fits-all approach. The parking problem can be different in each case to another and
the parking problem solution also can be varies. Various researches and theories have been
developed to determine the supply and demand of
parking facilities. There are also many theories about the recommendation and solution of sol
ving the parking problem. Parking studies was divided to three main study, which is
inventories studies, administrative studies and dynamic studies. Inventories studies was
included list of graphic display of existing information, geometric design, traffic
characteristic, traffic operation and traffic control and regulation. For the administrative
studies, result of survey involves field measurement, past case studies result and analysis and
the data of the relevant information about the case study area. In Dynamic studies, data
collected under operational conditions such as speed study, travel time and delay, traffic
volume, parking, accidents and others.