Civil LAW: I. General Principles
Civil LAW: I. General Principles
Civil LAW: I. General Principles
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Civil Law”.
Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprudence
pertinent to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2019
Bar Examinations.
A. Effect and application of laws
B. Conflict of laws (Private International Law)
C. Human relations (Articles 19-22)
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2019 Bar Examinations CIVIL LAW
I. Support
J. Parental authority
K. Emancipation
L. Retroactivity of the Family Code
A. Classification of property
B. Ownership
1. In general
2. Rules on accession
3. Quieting of title
C. Co-ownership
D. Possession
1. Kinds of possession
2. Acquisition of possession
3. Effects of possession
E. Usufruct
1. In general
2. Rights and obligations of the usufructuary
3. Extinguishment
F. Easements
1. Modes of acquiring easements
2. Rights and obligations of the owners of the dominant and servient estates
3. Modes of extinguishment
4. Legal vs. voluntary easements
5. Kinds of legal easement
a. Relating to waters
b. Right of way
c. Light and view
G. Nuisance
H. Modes of acquiring ownership
1. Occupation
2. Donation
a. Nature
b. Persons who may give or receive a donation
c. Effects and limitations of donation
d. Revocation and reduction
3. Prescription
a. General provisions
b. Prescription of ownership and other real rights
c. Prescription of actions
A. General provisions
B. Testamentary succession
1. Wills
2. Institution of heirs
3. Substitution of heirs
4. Conditional testamentary dispositions and those with a term
5. Legitime
6. Disinheritance
7. Legacies and devises
C. Legal or intestate succession
1. General provisions; relationship and right of representation
2. Order of intestate succession
D. Provisions common to testate and intestate succession
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2019 Bar Examinations CIVIL LAW
1. Right of accretion
2. Capacity to succeed by will or by intestacy
3. Acceptance and repudiation of inheritance
4. Partition and distribution of the estate
A. Nature and form
1. Essential requisites
2. Perfection
3. Contract of sale vs. contract to sell
B. Capacity to buy or sell
C. Effects of the contract when the thing sold has been lost
D. Obligations of the vendor
E. Obligations of the vendee
F. Breach of contract
1. Remedies
2. Recto Law and Maceda Law
G. Extinguishment
1. In general
2. Pacto de retro sale
3. Equitable mortgage
H. Assignment of credits
A. General provisions
B. Rights and obligations of lessor
C. Rights and obligations of lessee
A. General provisions
B. Obligations of the partners
C. Dissolution and winding up
D. Limited partnership
A. Nature, form, and kinds
B. Obligations of the agent
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2019 Bar Examinations CIVIL LAW
A. Loan
B. Deposit
C. Guaranty and Suretyship
D. Antichresis
E. Real estate mortgage
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