Adler - Social-Interest Adler PDF
Adler - Social-Interest Adler PDF
Adler - Social-Interest Adler PDF
Social Interest:
A Challenge to Mankind
by Alfred Adler
Reprinted in 1964
by Capricorn Books
New York
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Alfred Adler
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
I. The Conception of Oneself and the World
II. The Psychological Approach to the Investigation of the Style
of Life
III. The Tasks of Life
IV. The Problem of Body and Soul
V. Bodily Form, Movement, and Character
VI. The inferiority Complex
VII. The Superiority Complex
VIII. Types of Failures
IX. The Unreal World of the Pampered
X. What Really is a Neurosis?
XI. Sexual Perversions
XII. Earliest Recollections in Childhood
XIII. Socially Obstructive Situations in Childhood and Their
XIV. Day-Dreams and Night Dreams
XV. The Meaning of Life
XVI. Addendum: Consultant and Patient
XVII. Questionnaire for Individual Psychologists
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
feeling been drained of its strength? In our search for events that v~ill
provide an adequate explanation we happen on the period of earliest
childhood and on situations which, as experience shows, are able to
effect a hindrance to the proper development. But the discovery of this
hindrance is always accompanied by the child's faulty response to it. And
on a closer examination of the circumstances that come to light it is seen
that at one time a legitimate interference has received a faulty response,
at another time a mistaken interference has received a wrong response,
and at a third time-though this is far less frequent-a mistaken interference
has received a correct response. It is also seen that further steps were
taken in this direction, which always has conquest for its goal, without
the opposing influences having led to the abandonment of the path that
has once been chosen. Accordingly education, however widely one may
fix its boundaries, means not only allowing favorable influences to have
their effect, but also ascertaining exactly what the creative power of the
child has formed out of them, in order afterwards to smooth the path to
improvement in the case of faulty formation. This better way is found in
every case to be the increase of co-operation and of interest in other
Once the child has found his law of movement, in which there
must be noted the rhythm, the temperament, the activity, and above all
the degree of social feeling-phenomena that can often be recognized even
in the second year and without fail in the fifth-then all his other
capacities with their particular trends are also linked with these to this
law of movement. This work will deal chiefly with the apperception
connected with this law of movement-the way in which man looks at
himself and the external world. In other words we shall deal with the
conception which the child, and later, on the same lines, the adult, has
acquired of himself and the world. Further, this meaning cannot be
gathered from the words and thoughts of the person under examination.
These are all far too strongly under the spell of the law of movement,
which aims at conquest, and therefore even in the case of self-
condemnation still casts longing glances towards the heights. Of greater
importance is the fact that life in its wholeness, named concretely by me,
'style of life', is built up by the child at a time when he has neither
language nor ideas adequate to give it expression. If he develops further
in his intelligence he does so in a movement that has never been
comprehended in words and is therefore not open to the assaults of
criticism; it is even withdrawn from the criticism of experience. There
can be no question here of anything like a repressed unconscious; it is
rather a question of something not understood, of something withheld
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
from the understanding. But man speaks to the adept with his style of
living and with his reaction to the problems of life, which demand social
feeling for their solution.
So far then as man's meaning about himself and about the
external world is concerned, this can be best discovered from the
significance he finds in life and from the significance he gives to his own
life. It is obvious that here possible discord with an ideal social feeling,
with social life, co-operation, and the sense of fellowship can be
distinctly heard.
We are now prepared to understand how important it is to get to
know something of the meaning of life and also to discover the
conceptions different people have of this meaning. If there exists, at least
to some extent, a reliable knowledge of that meaning of life which lies
beyond the scope of our own experience, then it is clear that this puts
those persons in the wrong who flagrantly contradict it.
As will be seen, the author is modest enough to endeavor to
obtain at the start a partial success which seems to him to be borne out by
his experiences. He undertakes this task all the more willingly since he
cherishes the hope that with a somewhat fuller knowledge of the
meaning of life, not only will a scientific program be matured for further
investigation along the lines he has laid down, but also that with growing
knowledge there will be a notable increase in the number of those who
can be won over to accept this meaning of life by a better understanding
of it.
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
me, I will retreat.' It cannot be denied that as a man who sees in his
triumph over others the completion for which he has striven, he has in
this way acted only rightly and intelligently. There is no 'reason', no
'common sense' in the law of movement he has given himself, but rather
what I have termed 'private intelligence'. If as a matter of fact it were
denied that this kind of life could be of any value to any one, he would
act in very much the same way.
The following case seems similar to this, only it has different
expressive forms and is less hampered by the tendency to switch off from
other people. A man of twenty-six grew up as the second child between
two other members of his family, whom his mother preferred to him.
With great jealousy he set himself to rival the superior performances of
his elder brother. He adopted a critical attitude towards his mother and
depended on his father-always a second phase in the life of a child. His
aversion to his mother extended before long to the entire female sex as a
result of the intolerable habits of his grandmother and a nurse. His
ambition to be rid of the rule of women and to dominate men increased
enormously. He tried in every way to undermine his brother's superior
position. The brother's advantage over him in bodily strength, in
gymnastics, and in hunting made him hate all forms of physical exercise.
He excluded these from the sphere of his activity, just as he was already
on the point of eliminating women. Achievements attracted him only if
they were linked for him with a sense of triumph. For a considerable time
he was in love with a girl and adored her from a very great distance.
Evidently this aloofness did not please the girl and she discarded him in
favor of another man. His brother had made a happy marriage and this
made him afraid that he would be less fortunate, and that he would again
play a secondary part in the opinion of the world, as he had done before
in childhood with his mother. I will give one example among many of his
urge to dispute this brother's superiority. On one occasion the brother
returned from hunting with a fine fox pelt, of which he was very proud.
Our friend secretly cut off the white brush in order to nullify his brother's
triumph. His sexual instinct, in view of its greater activity within
narrower limits, took the only direction that remained after his
elimination of women and it became homosexual. His interpretation of
the meaning of life was easy to decipher. Life means: I must be the
superior in everything I undertake. And he endeavored to attain this
superiority by excluding all actions in which he felt he could not achieve
a triumphal fulfillment. The first bitter and troubling fact he had to
acknowledge in the course of our conversations that were meant to throw
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light on his case was the claim his partner in homosexual intercourse also
made to a victory which was due to his magical power of attraction.
With regard to this case as well we may assert that the 'private
intelligence' was not at fault and that most people would follow the same
course if refusal on the part of girls were a universal truth. In fact a
strong tendency to generalize occurs very frequently as a fundamental
error in the construction of a style of life.
'Life-plan' and 'meaning' (Lebensplan and Meinung; Meinung
here means 'the idea one has of life'.) mutually supplement one another.
Both have their roots in a period when the child is incapable of drawing
inferences from his experience and expressing them in words and
concepts. He has, however, already begun to develop more general forms
for his behavior from inferences that are not expressed in words, from
events that are often insignificant, or from experiences not expressed in
words that are strongly charged with emotion. These general inferences,
with their corresponding tendencies, formed at a time when words and
concepts are lacking, continue to have their effect in later years, although
they are certainly modified in various ways; common sense intervenes to
correct them to a greater or less extent and is able to keep people from
relying too much on rules, phrases, and principles. As we shall see later,
we owe to common sense, enhanced by social feeling, this liberation
from the excessive effort to find support and security which results from
an oppressive sense of insecurity and inferiority.
The following case, which is one that may be frequently
observed, shows that the same mistaken process is found in animals as
well. A puppy was being trained to follow his master in the street. After
making fairly good progress in this art it occurred to him one day to jump
into a moving car. He was flung off from the car without being injured.
This was certainly a unique experience, for which he could scarcely have
an innate reaction ready. It would be difficult also to speak of a
'conditioned reflex' when one learns that this dog, while making further
progress in his training, could no longer be indeed to approach the place
of the accident. He was afraid neither of streets nor of vehicles but of the
place of the accident, and made the same general inference as human
beings often make-that the place and not his own carelessness and
inexperience was to blame. And danger always threatened him on this
spot. He was like many others who adopt a similar procedure. They cling
fast to such interpretations because in doing so they make sure at least of
one thing-they can never again be injured 'on this spot'. Similar structures
occur frequently in neurosis. The neurotic person fears a threatened
defeat-a loss of his sense of individuality-and tries to protect himself by
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
making the best of the physical or psychical symptoms due to his mental
agitation in face of a problem he misconceives as insoluble, and by
utilizing these symptoms for the purpose of securing his retreat.
It is very obvious that we are influenced not by 'facts' but by our
interpretation of facts. The greater or lesser sureness with which we
interpret actual facts depends upon experience, which is always
inadequate, upon the fact that our interpretations are not contradicted,
and upon the success with which our actions correspond with our
interpretations. This is especially true of inexperienced children and of
asocial adults. It is easy to understand that these criteria are frequently
insufficient for this purpose, since the sphere of our activity is often
limited, and also since minor mistakes and contradictions are often more
or less smoothly adjusted either without any effort or with the help of
other persons. This assists us in keeping permanently to our life pattern
once it has been formed. It is only the more flagrant mistakes that compel
us to give them closer consideration, and even this proves effective only
in the case of persons who take part in the social solution of life's
problems and are not pursuing any goal of personal superiority.
Thus we reach the conclusion that every one possesses an 'idea'
about himself and the problems of life-a life pattern, a law of movement-
that keeps fast hold of him without his understanding it, without his
being able to give any account of it. This law of movement arises within
the narrow compass of childhood. It develops by utilizing freely, and
without much discriminating selection, innate powers and the influences
of the external world; nor is this process restricted by any action that can
be mathematically formulated. It is the artistic work of the child to direct
and use for his own purpose all 'instincts' and 'impulses', as well as the
impressions received from the external world and from education. This
cannot be taken in the sense of 'psychology of possession' (Besitz), but of
the 'psychology of use' (Gebrauch). Types, similarities, approximate
likenesses are often either merely entities that owe their existence to our
poverty of speech (which is incapable of giving simple expression to
nuances that are always present),or they are events of a statistical
probability. The evidence of their existence should never be allowed to
degenerate into the setting up of a fixed rule; it can never bring us any
nearer to the understanding of the individual case; it can only be used to
throw light on a field of vision in which the individual case in its
uniqueness has to be found. The diagnosing of an acute feeling of
inferiority, for instance, tells us nothing as yet of the nature and
characteristics of the individual case, nor does it give proof of any
defects in education or in the social environment. These defects manifest
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
more likely to happen if she has similar experiences with a brother, with
relatives, or with neighbors, or comes across them in her reading. In such
a case, after the preconceived belief has been held for a short time, other
experiences of a different kind scarcely count. If a brother happens to be
chosen for advanced education at a university or with a view to a
profession, this can easily lead to the erroneous meaning that girls are
either incapable or are unjustly excluded from a higher education. If one
of the children in a family feels himself kept in the background
neglected, he may become possessed with a feeling of being intimidated,
as though he wanted to say: 'I shall always have to stay in the
background.' Or, owing to his having the belief that he, too, is capable of
achievement he will struggle furiously to surpass every one and will
allow no one else to count. A mother who pampers her son excessively
can instill into him the idea that simply for his own sake he must always
be in the center of things without playing a real part himself. If she nags
him and criticizes him continually, it perhaps, she also shows pretty
clearly her preference for another son, she can manage to make her son in
after years suspicious in his dealings with all women, and this can have
consequences that are quite incalculable. If a child b exposed to many
accidents or illnesses he may form from that belief that the world is full
of dangers and will act accordingly. The same result with different
nuances may take place if the attitude of the family towards the outside
world is traditionally anxious and suspicious.
It is obvious that these myriad interpretations may and do come
into conflict with the world of reality and its social demands. An
individual's wrong idea of himself and of the demands of life sooner or
later clashes with harsh reality, which requires solutions in accordance
with social feeling. The result of this clash may be compared to an
electric shock. The opinion of the unsuccessful person that his style of
life cannot stand up against the demand--the exogenous factor--will not
be dissolved or altered thereby. The struggle for personal superiority still
continues. As a result of the shock nothing remains but a greater or less
restriction to a more limited field of action, the exclusion of a task that
has threatened the style of life with defeat, the retreat from the problem
for which the law of movement has not supplied the right preparation.
The effect of the shock, however, finds both a psychical and a physical
expression. It depreciates the remainder of the social feeling and gives
rise to every possible mistake in life, since it forces the individual to beat
a retreat, as in the case of neurosis, or it compels him to deviate into the
antisocial path. There he still uses the activity that is left him, but it by no
means follows that he is acting courageously. In every case it is clear that
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Since all our problems, the least as well as the greatest, are
always new and always modified, we would constantly be involved in
fresh mistakes if we were forced to solve them by one single method--for
instance, by 'conditioned reflexes'. This perpetual variety in our problems
imposes on us ever fresh demands, and forces us to test anew any mode
of conduct we may have adopted hitherto. Even in a game of cards
'conditioned reflexes' are not of much use. Correct guessing is the first
step towards the mastery of our problems. But this correct guessing is the
specially distinctive mark of the man who is a partner, a fellow man, and
is interested in the successful solution of all human problems. Peculiar to
him is the view into the future of all human happenings, and this attracts
him whether he is examining human history in general or the fortunes of
a single individual.
Psychology remained a harmless art until philosophy took charge
of it. A scientific knowledge of human nature has its roots in psychology
and in the anthropology of the philosophers. In the manifold attempts to
bring all human events under a comprehensive, universal law the
individual man could not be disregarded. The knowledge of the unity of
all the individual's expressive forms became an irrefutable truth. The
transference to human nature of the laws governing every event resulted
in the adoption of varied points of view, and the unfathomable, unknown
regulating force was sought for by Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer,
Hartmann, Nietzsche, and others in some unconscious motive power that
was called either moral law, will, will to power, or the 'unconscious'.
Along with the transference of general laws to human activity
introspection came into vogue. By this human beings were to be able to
predicate something about psychical events and the processes connected
with them. This method did not remain long in use. It fell rightly into
discredit because there could be no assurance of obtaining objective
reports from any one.
In an age of technical development the experimental method was
extensively used. With the help of apparatus and carefully selected
questions, tests were arranged that were meant to throw light on the
functions of the senses, on the intelligence, character, and personality. By
this method knowledge of the continuity of the personality was lost, or
could only be restored by guessing. The doctrine of heredity which later
on came to the fore gave up the whole attempt and contented itself with
showing that the main thing was the possession of capacities and not the
use made of them. The theory of the influence of the endocrine glands
also pointed in the same direction, and concentrated on special cases of
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increase the social feeling and thereby strengthen the courage of the
individual. He does this by convincing him of the real causes of his
failure, by disclosing his wrong meaning--the mistaken significance he
has foisted on life--and thus giving him a clearer view of the meaning
that life has ordained for humanity.
This task can only be accomplished if a thoroughgoing
knowledge of the problems of life is available, and if the too slight
tincture of social feeling both in the inferiority and superiority
complexes, as well as in all kinds of human errors, is understood. There
is likewise required in the consultant a wide experience regarding those
circumstances and situations which are likely to hinder the development
of social feeling in childhood. Up till now my own experience has taught
me that the most trustworthy approaches to the exploration of the
personality are to be found in a comprehensive understanding of the
earliest childhood memories, of the place of the child in the family
sequence, and 01 any childish errors; in day and night dreams, and in the
nature of the exogenous factor that causes the illness. All the results of
such an investigation--and along with these the attitude to tim doctor has
also to be included--have to be assessed with great caution, and the
conclusion drawn from them has constantly to be tested for its harmony
with other facts that have been established.
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
where everything is done for the pampered child by other people. A very
brief space of time is sufficient to lead the child to regard himself as the
center of events and to feel that all other situations and persons are
hostile to him. Moreover the manifold nature of the results that are due to
the child's unfettered judgment and the co-operation of his free creative
power is not to be undervalued. The child uses external influences to
mold them to his own mind. When a mother is too indulgent the child
refuses to allow his social feeling to extend to other persons; he tries to
withdraw himself from his father and his brothers and sisters, as well as
from other people who do not meet him with an equal degree of
affection. In forming this style of life, in adopting a meaning about life
implying that everything will be easy to attain from the very first, but
only by the help of others, the child in later years becomes unfitted for
the solution of life's problems. He has not been prepared with the social
feeling which these problems demand, and when he is confronted with
them he experiences a shock which prevents him, temporarily in mild
cases, permanently in the more severe, from finding a solution. The
pampered child thinks it right that his mother should attend to him on
every possible occasion. This goal of superiority, which he has chosen,
he attains most easily by opposing the development of his functions. This
opposition may be due to defiance-a temperamental disposition, which
despite the explanation given by Individual Psychology, has been
described by Charlotte Bühler as a stage of natural development-or it
may be the result of want of interest; and this must be always understood
as want of social interest. Other desperate attempts at explaining childish
errors like retention of faeces and bed-wetting by deriving them from the
sexual libido or from sadistic urges, and the belief that in this way more
primitive or even deeper layers of the psychical life have been disclosed,
put the cart before the horse, since they have misunderstood the
fundamental disposition of children like these, namely their inordinate
craving for affection. They are also mistaken in regarding the
evolutionary function of organs as if it had always to be acquired anew.
The development of these functions is just as natural a law and as natural
an acquisition for humanity as speech and the upright way of walking. In
the child's imaginary world these organic functions, as well as the
prohibition of incest, can be evaded. This evasion is an indication of the
wish to be pampered and has for its object either the exploitation of other
persons or revenge and accusation, in cases where the pampering has
been withheld.
Pampered children also reject in a thousand different ways any
alteration of a situation that gratifies their wishes. If the change does take
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
place, one can always observe the resistant actions and reactions by
which the child either in a more active or more passive way attains his
end. Whether it be a question of advance or retreat, the fully developed
attitude for the most part depends on the child's degree of activity,
although the external situation (the exogenous factor) demanding a
solution must also be taken into account. In similar cases the successes
that have been experienced furnish the model which is followed in later
years. These are fobbed off as regression by many authors who have not
rightly comprehended them. Some writers go still further with their
conjectures. Although the psychical complex must now be accepted as an
established and permanent evolutionary acquisition they attempt to trace
it back to a residue from primeval times. In this way they manage to
discover the most fantastic likenesses. Most of these authors are led
astray by the fact that the forms of human expression especially when the
poverty of our speech is taken into account-resemble one another in
every age. It is merely a question of discovering another resemblance
when the attempt is made to relate all modes of human action to
I have made it clear that spoiled children, when they are outside
the pampered circle, feel themselves constantly threatened and act as
though they were in a hostile country. All their various traits of character
above all their often inconceivable self-love and self admiration-have to
harmonize with their meaning of life. It follows clearly from this that all
these traits are artificial products, that they are acquired and not innate. It
is not difficult to understand, in opposition to the view of so-called
'characterologists', that all character traits signify social relationships and
spring from the style of life the child has created. Thus the long-standing
dispute as to whether man is good or evil by nature is settled. The
growing, irresistible evolutionary advance of social feeling warrants us in
assuming that the existence of humanity is inseparably bound up with
'goodness'. Anything that seems to contradict this is to be considered as a
failure in evolution; it can be traced back to mistakes that have been
made-just as in the vast experiments of nature there has always been
material in the bodies of animals that could not be used. A place will
soon have to be found in the doctrine of character for the fact that
qualities such as 'brave, virtuous, lazy, malevolent, steadfast, etc', are
always the result of adjustments or maladjustments to an ever-changing
external world and that without this external world they simply could not
As I have shown, there are still other handicaps in childhood
which, like pampering, hinder the growth of social feeling. In our
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
have been won for cooperation are exempt from this. They are
accustomed to consider themselves as part of a whole, and they will
never carry about with them worrying secrets without speaking to their
parents about them or seeking advice from their teacher. It is different
with those who have already discovered a hostile element in their family
life. These children-and, once more, especially spoilt children-are the
most easily intimidated and misled by flattery. The procedure of the
parents in their explanation of sexual questions follows as a matter of
course from their life in common. The child ought to know as much as he
wants to know, and this information should be communicated to him in
such a way that the new knowledge will be rightly received and
assimilated. There must be no undue delay, but on the other hand haste is
unnecessary. Talk among children at school about sexual questions can
scarcely be avoided. The independent child who looks to the future will
reject smut and will not credit foolish statements. Instruction that will
make children afraid of love and marriage is of course a great mistake,
but this will be accepted only by parasitical children who have no self-
Puberty, as another of life's problems, is considered by many to
be a dark mystery. At this period also one simply discovers powers that
have hitherto lain dormant in the child. If the child up till then has been
wanting in social feeling, his period of puberty will pass with
corresponding mistakes. The child's preparation for co-operation will
then only be seen more clearly. He has at his disposal a greater room for
movement. He has more strength. Above all, however, he is impelled to
prove, in any way that is appropriate or that attracts him, that he is no
longer a child, or-less frequently that he is still a child. If the
development of his social feeling has been hampered he will show more
plainly than before the unsocial results of his mistaken course of life.
Many children in their craze to be reckoned as grown-up will rather
adopt the errors of adults than their virtues, since that course is easier for
them than serving the community. Misdemeanors of all kinds will result
from this. These again will be seen oftener in spoilt children than in
others, because the former, accustomed to having their needs satisfied at
once, always find it hard to resist temptation in any form. Girls and boys
like these readily fall a victim to flattery or to the stimulation of their
vanity. At this stage, too, girls are seriously menaced who have felt
themselves badly slighted at home, and who can only believe that they
are of any value when they hear themselves flattered.
The child hitherto in the background soon comes nearer the front
in life, where he sees before him the three great problems of existence-
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
society, work, and love. All these demand for their solution a developed
interest in other persons. The preparation for this decides the issue. At
this period we find unsociableness, suspicion, and malicious delight in
the misfortunes of others, vanities of every description,
hypersensitiveness, excitable states on meeting with other people, stage-
fright, lying and fraud, slander, inordinate ambition, and many other
traits. Those who have been educated for the community will make
friends readily. They will also take an interest in all the problems that
affect humanity and will adjust their standpoint and their behavior to its
welfare. They wil1 not seek success by drawing attention to themselves
by fair means or foul. Their life in the community will always be marked
by goodwill, although they will raise their voice against persons who are
dangerous to society. Even the most humane of men cannot rid
themselves of a feeling of contempt.
The surface of the earth on which we live makes labor and the
division of labor a necessity for humanity. Social feeling takes the
imprint here of co-operative work for the benefit of others. The socially
minded man can never doubt that every one is entitled to the reward of
his labor, and that the exploitation of the lives and the toil of others
cannot in any way further the welfare of humanity. Finally, we, the
descendants of our great forefathers, who contributed to the welfare of
humanity, do live after all mainly by their achievements. The great social
thought expressed both in religions and in the outstanding political
systems rightly demands the best possible apportioning of production and
consumption. When any one manufactures shoes he makes himself
useful to someone else, and he has the right to a sufficient livelihood, to
all the advantages of hygiene, and to the suitable education of his
children. The fact that he receives payment for this is the recognition of
his usefulness in an age of developed trade. In this way he acquires a
sense of his worth to society-the only possible means of mitigating the
universal human feeling of inferiority. The person who performs useful
work lives in a self-developing community and assists in its progress.
This bond, though it is not always recognized, is so strong that it
determines the general estimate of industry and laziness. Nobody would
call laziness a virtue. Even the right of the man who has become
workless as the result of crises and over-production, is already generally
recognized at the present day. This is due to a growing social feeling, if
not to the fear of a possible menace to society. Further, whatever changes
the future may bring forth in the methods of the production and
distribution of wealth, there will of necessity be a more adequate
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to the style of life of the person concerned. If they persist they are called
functional organic neuroses, which, like the psycho-neuroses, owe their
origin to the style of life. In the case of a failure due to a fairly acute
feeling of inferiority this indicates an inclination to beat a retreat from
the problem confronting the individual and to secure that retreat by
retaining the physical or psychical symptoms of shock that have arisen.
In this way the psychical process has its effect on the body. But it also
has an effect on the mind itself, since it gives rise there to all sorts of
psychical failures, to omissions and commissions that are inimical to the
claims of the community.
In the same manner the state of the body has its effect on the
psychical process. To judge from our experiences the style of life is
formed in earliest childhood. The con genital state of the body has the
very greatest influence on this. The child in his initial movements and
activities experiences the validity of his bodily organs. He experiences
this validity, but for a long time he has neither words nor ideas for it.
Since, too, the impact of the child's environment is thoroughly different
in each case, anything the child feels about his capacity for action
remains permanently unknown. Employing great caution and using our
experience of statistical probability, we may venture to infer from our
knowledge of the inferiority of the organs-of the digestive apparatus, of
the circulation of the blood, of the respiratory organs, the organs of
secretion, the endocrine glands, and the organs of sense-that the child
feels himself overburdened at the beginning of his life. But the manner in
which he gets the better of these handicaps can only be discovered from
his movements and his efforts. For in this connection the idea of
causality gives us no help. Here the child's creative power is at work.
Struggling within the incalculable compass of his potentialities, the child
by means of trial and error receives a training and follows a broadly
defined path towards a goal of perfection that appears to offer him
fulfillment. Whether he struggles actively or remains passive, whether he
rules or serves, whether he is sociable or egotistical, brave or cowardly,
whatever be the variations in rhythm and temperament, whether he is
easily moved or apathetic, the child makes his decision for his whole life
and develops his law of movement in harmony, as he supposes, with his
environment. He conceives of this environment and reacts to it in his
own manner. The course towards the goal differs for every individual,
varying in countless details, so that only which is typical in each case can
be indicated; when it comes to individual differences we are forced to
take refuge in lengthy descriptions. The individual himself can scarcely
give any clear account of the direction of his path without the knowledge
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makes itself clearly seen in all kinds of nervous symptoms like those
noted in the case just described, and by means of vasomotor excitation;
and also by the agitation of the sympathetic adrenal system at the
predilection points, it can produce -most probably by changes in the
blood-vessels and in the blood-supply-symptoms such as pain and even
paralytic phenomena. At that time I expressed the conjecture that
asymmetries of the skull, of the sides of the face, and of the veins and
arteries in the head are signs which betray the likely existence of similar
asymmetries in the cranium, in the meninges of the brain, and even in the
brain itself; they probably affect the flow and calibre of the veins and
arteries situated there. Perhaps, too, the accompanying and neighboring
nerve-fibers and cells will show a weaker development in one of the two
cerebral hemispheres. Special attention should then be given to the
course of the nerve-tracts; they, too, are certainly also asymmetric, and
owing to the dilatation of the veins and arteries on one side may prove to
be too narrow. That the emotions, especially anger? but also joy, anxiety,
and grief, are able to alter the filling of the blood-vessels, can be seen in
the color of the face and, in anger, in the veins standing out on the
forehead. We may assume that similar modifications are to be found in
the deeper layers. Certainly many more investigations are needed to clear
up all the complications that are involved.
If, however, in this case also we succeed in showing not only the
irascibility kept on the trigger by the overbearing style of life, but also
the exogenous impulse before the attack, which was more violent than
any experienced up till then; if we are able to establish the permanent
psychical tension existing from earliest childhood-the inferiority complex
and the superiority complex, the lack of interest in other persons, self-
love both in her present life and also in her memories and dreams; if,
moreover, we achieve success with the treatment by Individual
Psychology, and if that success is at all permanent, then further proof is
thereby furnished that illnesses like nervous headaches, migraine,
trigeminal neuralgia, and epileptiform attacks, in so far as they do not
show organic disability, may possibly be permanently cured by a change
in the style of life, by the lessening of psychical tension, and by the
expansion of social feeling.
The micturition on the occasion of paying calls gives us the
picture of a person far too easily excited, and shows the cause of the
micturition as well as the cause of stammering and other nervous
disturbances and character traits, including stage-fright, to be exogenous
and due to meeting with other persons. Here, too, the intensified feeling
of inferiority is apparent. Any one with a knowledge of Individual
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Before entering into the marriage she asked a binding declaration from
her bridegroom that he would permanently deny himself any children.
Her attacks of migraine and the fear of them that constantly possessed
her made it easier for her to assume a relationship that reduced conjugal
intercourse to a minimum. As is often the case with ambitious girls, her
love-relationships were bound to become difficult, because owing to an
acute feeling of inferiority, to which our backward civilization lends
support, she misunderstood them as a slight put upon women.
The feeling of inferiority and the inferiority complex -these
fundamental conceptions of Individual Psychology, at one time, like the
masculine protest, regarded by the psycho-analysts as a red rag by a bull-
are to-day fully accepted by Freud, and are forced into his system, though
only in a very much attenuated form. But this school still fails to this day
to understand that a girl such as the one we have been discussing is under
the continuous influence of feelings of protest which make body and
mind vibrate, but only find expression as acute symptoms when there is
an exogenous factor, i.e. when there is a test of the amount of social
feeling present.
In this case the symptomatic signs are migraine and urgency of
micturition. The chronic symptoms persisting since her marriage are fear
of child-bearing and frigidity. I believe that I have to a large extent
explained the migraines in the case of this irascible and overbearing
person-and it appears that only persons like this, with the asymmetry
described above superadded, can fall ill of migraine and similar troubles.
I have still, however, to indicate the exogenous factor which gave rise to
the last and extraordinarily severe attack. I cannot quite deny that in this
case the cold bath brought on the attack; but I am somewhat surprised
that the patient, who for such a long time well knew the harm that cold
would do to her seven months previously, plunged straight away into
cold water without, as he says, thinking of any risk. Was it that she had
one of her angry moods? Did her attack come at that particular time
because she had a convenient opportunity? Had she an opponent in the
game, such as, say, her husband, who was lovingly devoted to her, and
did she enter the cold water perhaps like some one who wants to commit
suicide out of revenge to punish a person closely attached to her? Is she
still furious against herself because she is in a rage against another
person? Does she become absorbed in reading about migraine, consult a
doctor, and try to convince herself that she can never get well in order to
postpone the solution of her life-problems that frighten her because of
her defective social feeling?
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She certainly esteems her husband highly, but she is far from
being in love with him; indeed, she has never really been in love. When
asked repeatedly what she would do if she were permanently cured she
answered at length that she would remove to the capital, give violin
lessons there, and play in an orchestra. Any one who has acquired the art
of guessing taught by Individual Psychology would have no difficulty in
understanding that this meant separation from her husband, who was tied
to the provincial town. I refer for confirmation of this to what has been
said above about her feeling so happy in her brother-in-law's house and
her reproaches against her husband. Since her husband has a great
admiration for her and gives her incomparably the best opportunity to
ride her craving for power at full gallop, it is naturally very difficult for
her to separate from him. I would give warning here against making the
path of separation easier in this case, and in others like it by advice and
sympathetic talk, above all against recommending that a lover should be
taken. Such patients know well enough what love is, but they do not
understand it, and they would not only land themselves in bitter
disappointments but would put the whole responsibility for these on the
doctor's shoulders, if they followed his advice. In such a case the task
consists in making the woman more fit for marriage. Before this can be
done, however, the mistakes in her style of life would have to be
The following facts were established after a more careful
examination. The left side of the face is somewhat smaller than the right.
For that reason the point of the nose is slightly deflected towards the left.
The left eye, the one at present giving trouble, shows a narrower opening
than the right. I was unable to explain meanwhile the reason for the
patient's showing the same symptoms on the right side. Perhaps she was
mistaken in this.
She dreamed: 'I was at the theater with my sister-in-law and an
older sister. I said to them that they were to wait a little and I would let
them see me on the stage.' Explanation: She is always seeking to show
off before her relatives. She would like to play in a theater orchestra. She
thinks she is not valued sufficiently by her relatives. Here, too, the theory
of organic inferiority with mental compensation which I originated, is
shown to be valid. (This relationship, as ought some day to be
established, lies at the basis of Kretschmer's and Jaensch's conclusions . )
There can scarcely be any doubt that there is something wrong with this
woman's visual apparatus. The same is true for her brother, who suffers
from the same illness. I cannot decide whether it is anything more than
anomalies in the blood-vessels or in the nerve tracts. The sight is said to
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decide the issue. Lavater and others have formed a system out of these.
When we consider the astonishing homogeneousness of such
impressions and the manner in which we picture avaricious, benevolent,
evil, and criminal persons, it cannot be denied, despite all justifiable
doubt, that in accordance with our hidden, well considered standard of
judgement we ask the form about its content, about its meaning. Is it the
spirit that creates the body for itself?
I should like to call special attention to two works dealing with
this question, because they help to throw some light on the obscure
problem of form and meaning. We do not forget Carus' contributions to
this subject, for the revival of which Klages deserves so much credit.
Nor, among the more recent investigators, should Jaensch and Bauer be
passed over. But I should like particularly to single out the notable work
of Kretschmer in connection with 'bodily form and character' and my
own Study of Organic Inferiority. The latter is much the older of the
two. In that work I thought I had found traces of the connecting link
leading from congenital bodily inferiority-- regular minus variant--by
means of the production of a more acute feeling of inferiority, so giving
rise to a special tension in the psychical apparatus. When there is a want
of proper training the demands of the external world--owing to this
tension--will be felt as far too hostile, and concern about the person's
own ego will be heightened in a manner that is plainly egocentric. From
this there will result mental hypersensitiveness, defective courage,
irresolution, and an antisocial pattern of apperception. The outlook on
the external world becomes an obstacle to adaptation and leads to
maladjustments. Here we reach a point of view from which, using great
caution and being continually on the watch for confirmations or
contradictions, we can draw conclusions from the form with regard to its
essential content and meaning. I must leave it undecided whether or not
experienced physiognomists have instinctively followed this path
beyond the boundaries of science. On the other hand I could frequently
confirm the fact that the psychical training which arose from this more
acute tension was able to lead to greater achievements. I believe I am not
mistaken when I infer from some experience that endocrine glands, such
as, for example, the sexual glands, can be improved and kept in
condition by suitable psychical training and can be injured by unsuitable
training. It can be no accident that I have so often found--both in the case
of infantile, girlish boys and in that of hoydenish girls--a training in the
reverse direction that had been set going by the parents.
Kretschmer, by contrasting the pyknoid and the schizoid
types with their external differences and their special psychical
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which stimulates the growth of his body and mind . He is marked out by
nature for the struggle for conquest. His smallness, his weakness, the
lack of self-created satisfactions, the more trivial and the more serious
forms of neglect, are definite goads to the development of his powers. He
creates new, and perhaps entirely original, forms of life from the pressure
of his inadequate existence. His games are always directed to a future
goal and are signs of his self-creative energy that can by no means be
explained by conditioned reflexes. He builds continually in the void of
the future, driven by the urge of his necessity to overcome. Put under the
spell of the 'must' of life, he is drawn on by his constantly increasing
longing for a final goal of superiority over the earthly lot that has been
assigned to him, with all its unavoidable demands. And this goal that
draws him on takes tone and colour from the narrow environment in
which the child struggles for conquest.
I can only find a small space here for a theoretical treatment,
which I published in 1912 as being fundamental, in my work Über den
Nervösen Charakter (Bergmann, Munich, 4h edition.). If such a goal of
conquest exists-and evolution proves that it does-then the degree of
evolution that has been attained and made concrete in the child becomes
material for the creation of that goal. In other words, the child's
inheritance, whether it finds expression in bodily or mental possibilities,
is to be taken into account only in so far as it can be and is utilized for
the final goal. Anything that is found afterwards in the development has
arisen from the use of inherited material and owes its completion to the
child's creative power. I have myself drawn special attention to the
allurements of this inherited material. I must deny, however, that it has
any causal significance, because the manifold ever changing external
world demands its elastic, creative employment. The course taken
towards conquest is always maintained, although the goal of conquest, as
soon as it has assumed concrete form in the world-stream, prescribes a
different direction for each individual.
Inferior organs, pampering, or neglect, frequently mislead the
child into setting up concrete goals of conquest, which are in
contradiction to the welfare of the individual and also to the progressive
development of humanity. There is, however, a sufficient number of
other cases and issues to justify us in asserting, not as a matter of causal
connection, but of statistical probability, that a choice of the wrong path
has been the result of a mistake. And in this connection we have to
remember that every evil may take on another aspect, that every one who
adheres to a definite world-view exhibits a perspective in it differing
from that of other persons, that every pornographic writer has his own
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connected with one another, are clearly manifest in this phase of the
child's life, for the most part allied with all the character-traits of an
existence in a supposedly hostile environment; hypersensitiveness,
impatience, strengthening of affects, fear of life, caution and greed-the
latter in the form of an assumption that everything ought to belong to the
Difficult questions in life, dangers, griefs, disappointments,
worries, losses especially of persons beloved, social stress of every
description, are certainly always to be seen in the picture of the feeling of
inferiority, mostly in the form of the universally recognizable affects and
states of mind which we know as anxiety, sorrow, despair, shame,
shyness, embarrassment, disgust, etc. They are seen in facial expressions
and in bodily carriage. It is as though the muscular tone were thereby
lost. Or there comes into view a form of movement, which is mostly to
be observed as a withdrawal from the object that causes the emotion, or
as a withdrawal from the sustained questioning of life. At the same time,
within the sphere of the intellect there arise thoughts of retreat in the
direction of the way of escape. The sphere of feeling, so far as we have
any knowledge of it, reflects in its agitation, and in the form of its
agitation, the fact of uncertainty and inferiority, for the purpose of
strengthening the impulse to retreat. The human sense of inferiority,
which is usually expended in the struggle to advance, is seen very vividly
in the storms of life and clearly enough during serious tests. Different in
expression in every case, it represents when all its manifestations are
included,fthe style of life of each separate person, and this comes into
full and undivided operation in all the situations of life.
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that have existed before or have details in common with them we are not
to conclude that they are identical, and the fact that each living being has
at its disposal the wealth of its mental and bodily capital and nothing else
is not to be looked upon as a relapse into an infantile or primitive human
stage. Life demands the solution of the problems of society, and thus all
human behaviour always points to the future even when it builds with
material taken from the past.
It is always the want of social feeling, whatever be the name one
gives it-living in fellowship, co-operation, humanity, or even the ideal-
ego-which causes an insufficient preparation for all the problems of life.
In the presence of a problem this imperfect preparation gives rise to the
thousandfold forms that express physical and mental inferiority and
insecurity. This defect, indeed, even at an earlier stage, evokes all sorts of
feelings of inferiority, only they are not so clearly marked; but they
assuredly find expression in character, movement, and bearing, in the
mode of thought induced by the feeling of inferiority and in the deviation
from the path of progress. All these forms expressive of a sense of
inferiority strengthened by the want of social feeling become obvious at
the moment when the problem be comes threatening, when the
'exogenous factor' emerges. This will not be absent in a case of 'typical
failure', although it may not be found by every one. Typical failures are
first created by the retention of the effects of a shock-an attempt to ease
the oppression caused by a severe feeling of inferiority and a result of the
uninterrupted struggle to pass from a minus situation. In none of these
cases, however, will the advantage of social feeling be disputed, or the
distinction between 'good' and 'evil' obliterated. In every case there is a
'yes' that emphasizes the pressure of social feeling, but this is invariably
followed by a 'but' that possesses greater strength and prevents the
necessary increase of social feeling. This 'but' in all cases, whether
typical or particular, will have an individual nuance. The difficulty of a
cure is in proportion to the strength of the 'but'. This finds its strongest
expression in suicide and in psychosis, following on shocks, when the
'yes' almost disappears.
Character traits like anxiety, shyness, reserve, pessimism, mark a
long-standing defective contact with other persons, and when they are
more rigorously tested by fate, they are greatly intensified. They appear
in neurosis, for example, as more or less strongly marked symptoms of
illness. This applies also to the characteristically retarded movement of
the person who is always in the rear, at a marked distance from the
problem confronting him. This preference for the hinterland of life is
notably strengthened by the individual's mode of thinking and arguing,
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for solving the problems of life (cf. Adler, Studie dher Minderwertigkett
von Organen).
The individual's feeling of inferiority can also be seen in the
direction of his path. I have already spoken of great aloofness from the
problems of life, of coming to a halt, and of detachment from a problem.
There can be no question but that occasionally such a procedure may be
shown to be correct and in accordance with social feeling. The fact that
this can be justified is particularly relevant to Individual Psychology,
since that science always assigns only a modified value to rules and
formulae, and considers itself bound to produce fresh 'proofs of their
validity. One of these proofs consists in the individual's habitual
behaviour in the movement just described. Another mode of procedure-
other than the 'hesitant attitude'-that makes one suspect a feeling of
inferiority can be observed in the complete or partial avoidance of a
problem of life. This is complete in suicide, psychosis, habitual crime,
and habitual perversion, and partial in dipsomania and other addictions.
As a final example of a mode of movement arising from the feeling of
inferiority I will instance, in addition, the marked limitation of the sphere
of existence and the narrowing of the path of advance. This excludes
important parts of the problems of life. Here, too, we must make an
exception. This does not apply to those who, like artists and geniuses,
dismiss from their minds the solution of individual aspects of life's
problems for the purpose of making a larger contribution to the advance
of the community.
I have long since made up my mind about the fact of the
inferiority complex in all cases of typical failure. But I strove for a long
time to find the solution of the most important problem that emerges
here, namely, the way in which an inferiority complex arises from the
feeling of inferiority, with its bodily and mental consequences, when
there is a life-problem to be met. So far as my knowledge goes this
problem, far from having been solved up to the present time, has been
kept in the background by authors in their investigations. The solution
came to me as it does in relation to all the other problems within the
purview of Individual Psychology, from seeking the explanation of the
part by reference to the whole and of the whole by reference to the part.
The inferiority complex, that is, the persistence of the consequences of
the feeling of inferiority and the retention of that feeling, finds its
explanation in the relatively greater deficiency of social feeling. The
same experiences, the same dreams, the same situations, and the same
life problems, if there should exist an absolute equality in them, have
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different effects on every person. In this connection the style of life and
its content of social feeling are of decisive importance.
Occasionally we come across persons whose lack of social
feeling has been unquestionably established (for proof of this I should
like to rely only on experienced observers), and who no doubt show
temporarily signs of the feeling of inferiority without having developed
an inferiority complex; and this in many cases may mislead us and make
us doubt the validity of this argument. Such persons may sometimes be
found among those who possess very little social feeling, but who live in
a favourable environment. Confirmation of the presence of an inferiority
complex is always to be found in the previous life of the person
concerned, in his conduct up to the present, in his being pampered in
childhood, in the existence of inferior organs, and in the feeling of
having been neglected as a child. In the treatment use will also be made
of the other means employed by Individual Psychology which are to be
discussed later, viz. the understanding of the earliest memories of
childhood, the experience of Individual Psychology with regard to the
style of life as a whole, and the way in which this is influenced by the
individual's position in the family sequence and the method of dream-
interpretation. In the case of an inferiority complex the sexual conduct
and development of an individual are only a part of the whole and are
completely included in that complex.
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The reader at this point will justifiably raise the question, Where,
then, in the case of the inferiority complex, is the struggle for superiority
to be found? For, as a matter of fact, if we do not succeed in showing that
this struggle exists in the innumerable cases of the inferiority complex,
then the science of Individual Psychology would have to record an
inconsistency of such a kind that it would be bound to come to grief over
it. To a large extent, however, this question has been already answered.
The struggle for superiority throws the individual back from the
danger zone as soon as a defeat threatens him (due to his want of social
feeling) and this finds expression in open or latent cowardice. The
struggle for superiority has the effect either of keeping the individual in
the line of retreat from the social problem or of forcing him to get round
it. Inherent in the contradiction of his 'yes-but' it compels him to accept a
meaning, which gives greater weight to the 'but' and holds him so
strongly under its spell that he is merely or chiefly concerned with the
effects of the shock. This takes place all the more readily since it is a
question here of individuals without a proper social feeling who have
been preoccupied from childhood with themselves, with their own
pleasure and pain. Incidentally, in these cases there can be distinguished
three types, whose inharmonious style of life has developed, in an
especially clear manner, a particular aspect of their psychical life. The
first type includes persons in whom the intellectual sphere dominates the
expressive forms. The second type is marked by an exuberant growth of
the emotional and instinctive life. A third type develops rather along the
line of activity. Of course, a complete absence of any one of these three
tendencies is never found. Every failure, therefore, will also show very
distinctly the aspect of his style of life in the effect of the shock that has
been retained. While in the case of the criminal or the suicide the active
factor seems generally to be thrust into the foreground, some of the
neuroses are marked by an emphasis on the emotional side, unless, as
mostly happens in compulsion neurosis and in the psychoses, there is a
stronger accentuation of the intellectual material ( Adler. 'Die
Zwangneurose', Zeitschrift für Indivilualpsychologie.) The addict is
certainly always an emotional type. But the escape from the fulfillment
of one of the tasks of life imposes a burden on human society and makes
it the object of exploitation. The lack of co-operation on the part of any
one must be compensated for by the extra work of other persons, by the
family, or by the community. When this happens a silent,
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are held fast securely in their position of advantage, i.e. in their suffering,
without knowing how the path of suffering is going to lead them to
freedom from the tasks of life. The greater their suffering the less are
they troubled, and all the more are they ignorant of the real significance
of life. This suffering, so inseparably bound up with relief and
deliverance from the problems of life, can only seem to be self-
punishment to those who have not learned to see expressive forms as a
part of the whole, or rather--and this is still more important-as an answer
to questions put by the community. Like neurotics themselves they will
look upon neurotic suffering as an independent entity.
The reader, or the opponent of my views, will find it most
difficult of all to admit that obsequiousness, servility, dependence on
others, laziness, and masochistic traits-clear indications of a feeling of
inferiority-give rise to a sense of relief or even of privilege. Yet it is easy
to understand that they are protests against an active, social solution of
the problems of life. They also represent cunning attempts to avoid
defeat when there is a call on their social feeling, of which, as is evident
from their whole style of life, they possess too little. In that case they let
a heavy task devolve on other persons, or they even dictate it, as in
masochism, often against the will of others. In all cases of failures the
privileged position assumed by the individual can be easily seen. For this
position he now and then pays with suffering, complaints, and feelings of
guilt; but he never withdraws from the place which, as a result of his
want of preparation for social feeling, seems to provide him with a
successful alibi when he is asked the question: 'Where wast thou, when I
parcelled out the world?' The superiority complex, as I have described
it, seems most clearly marked in the bearing, the character-traits, and the
ideas of a person conscious of his own super-human gifts and capacities.
It can also be seen in the exaggerated claims he makes on himself and on
other persons. Disdain, vanities in connection with personal appearance,
whether in the way of elegance or neglect, an unfashionable mode of
attire, exaggerated masculine conduct in women or feminine behavior in
men, arrogance, exuberant emotion, snobbism, boastfulness, a tyrannical
nature, nagging, a tendency to depreciation, which I have described as
characteristic, inordinate hero-worship, as well as an inclination to fawn
upon prominent persons or to domineer over people who are weak or ill
or of diminutive stature, emphasizing one's own idiosyncrasies, misuse
of valuable ideas and tendencies to depreciate other persons, etc., can
direct attention to a superiority complex that may be discovered. Also
heightened affects like anger, desire of revenge, grief, enthusiasm,
habitually loud laughter, inattentive listening, or turning one's eyes away
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stressed 'but'-then the retreat from the problems of life is seen more
clearly in the neurosis without any evident accentuation of the superiority
complex. There can always be observed a stock still attitude behind the
front line of life, an aloofness from co-operation or a craving for relief,
and a search for excuses in the case of failure. The lasting sense of
disappointment and the fear of fresh disappointments and defeats appear
in the form of retaining the shock symptoms, which secure that a distance
shall be kept from the solution of social problems. Sometimes, as
frequently happens in compulsion neurosis, the sick person goes as far as
to utter a mild imprecation, which betrays his displeasure with other
persons. In persecution mania the patient's sense of life's hostility is seen
still more clearly, and it is shown in a way no one has noticed yet in the
case of remaining at a distance from the problems of life. Thoughts,
emotions, judgements, and ideas always run in the direction of the
retreat; hence every one can clearly recognize that neurosis is a creative
act and not a reversion to infantile and atavistic forms. It is also this
creative act originated by the style of life-the self-made law of movement
that always aims in some way or other at superiority-which in its
manifold forms, again in accordance with the style of life, endeavors to
put obstacles in the way of the cure, until the patient is convinced and
common sense gains the upper hand. Quite often, as I have made clear,
this secret goal of superiority is concealed by a half-mournful, half-
consoling view of all the patient might have achieved if his unique, lofty
flight had not been frustrated by a trifling obstacle, for which, in most
cases other people were to blame. After some experience the consultant
will always find in the past history of the failure very acute feelings of
inferiority, the struggle for personal superiority, and imperfect social
feeling. The retreat from the problems of life becomes complete in
suicide. Activity is found in the psychical structure of the suicide, but
never courage; his deed is simply an active protest against useful
cooperation The stroke that falls on him does not leave other persons
unscathed. The community in its upward struggle will always itself be
injured by suicide. The exogenous factors that bring about the end of a
too slight amount of social feeling are those we have called the three
great problems of life-society, vocation, and love. In every case it is the
lack of appreciation that leads to suicide and death-wishes-a defeat
experienced or feared in one of the three life-problems, occasionally
preceded by a phase of depression or melancholia. In the year 1912 I had
completed my investigation into this psychical illness, and I was able to
establish that every genuine state of melancholia, such as threats of
suicide, or suicide, represents a hostile attack on other persons resulting
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
A woman fifty-six years old who had been spoiled both as a child
and in later years by her husband, and who also took a prominent place in
society, suffered very keenly when her husband died. Her children were
married and were not greatly inclined to devote themselves to the*
mother. She broke her femur as the result of an accident. Even after she
recovered she kept aloof from society. Somehow or other she imagined
that a voyage round the world would provide her with the friendly
stimulus she missed at home. Two of her friends were willing to travel
with her. In the larger continental cities her friends left her to herself on
account of her unwillingness to move about. She fell into a state of
excessive depression that grew into melancholia, and she sent for her
children. Instead of them a foster-sister came and took her home. I saw
this lady after three years of suffering that had shown no signs of
improvement. Her chief subject of complaint was the great suffering her
illness caused her children. Her family took turns in visiting her, but their
feelings were dulled by the long continuance of their mother's illness,
and they did not show any special interest in her. The patient was
continually expressing suicidal ideas, and she never ceased to talk about
the far too great solicitude shown by her family. It was evident that she
received more attention than she did before her illness, and also that her
appreciation of her children's care was in contradiction to her real
feelings, and in particular to that devotion she expected as a pampered
woman. If one puts oneself in her place it will be easy to understand how
difficult it was for her to deny herself the attention for which she had
paid so dearly by her illness.
Another form of activity, directed not against one's own self but
against other persons, is acquired at an early stage by children who get
the idea that other persons are their chattels, and who give expression to
that idea by threatening the welfare, the property, the work, the health,
and the life of others. To what extent they will carry their behavior
depends once more on the degree of their social feeling. And in each case
this factor has again and again to be borne in mind. We can understand
that this conception of the significance of life, which is expressed in
thoughts, feelings, and states of mind, in character-traits and actions, but
never in adequate words, can make real life with its demands for
common action difficult for them. The sense of life's hostility is never
absent from this attitude of always expecting an immediate satisfaction
of their desires-an attitude which is felt to be entirely justified. Moreover,
such a state of mind is closely bound up with the feeling of deprivation
by which envy, jealousy, greed, and a striving to overcome the chosen
victim, are permanently kept active at a high degree of intensity. Since
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
the striving for useful development lags behind owing to the inadequate
social feeling, and since the great expectations fostered by the mania for
superiority remain unfulfilled, the heightening of affects often gives rise
to attacks on other persons. The inferiority complex becomes chronic as
soon as failure along the line of fellowship becomes noticeable in school,
in society, or in love. Forty per cent of those who take to criminal
practices are unskilled laborers who have been failures at school. A large
proportion of abandoned criminals suffer from sexual disease-a sign of
their imperfect solution of the problem of love. They seek their
associates among those of the same > and demonstrate in that way the
limitation of their friendly feelings. Their superiority complex springs
from the conviction that they are superior to their victims, and tat by
carrying out their work in the right way they can snap their fingers at the
laws and those who administer them. As a matter of fact, there are no
criminals who do not have more to their account than can be proved
against them, not to speak of the large number who have never been
found out. The criminal perpetrates his deed in the illusion that he will
never be caught if he carries it out properly. If he is convicted he is
absolutely convinced that it was only his having overlooked some small
detail that led to the detection of his crime. If we track the criminal
tendency to the life of childhood, in addition to precocious activity
wrongly used, with its unfriendly traits and its want of social feeling, we
find organic inferiorities, pampering, and neglect as the causes that
mislead an individual into forming a criminal style of life. Perhaps
pampering is the predominant cause. As the possibility of improving the
style of life can never be excluded it is also necessary in every individual
case, to make inquiry into the degree of social feeling, and to take into
account the gravity of the exogenous factor. No one is so liable to be
tempted as the spoiled child who has been trained to get everything he
wants. There must be an accurate knowledge of the strength of the
temptation which has all the more disastrous results for the person
afflicted with a criminal tendency, since he has a greater amount of
activity at has disposal. Further, it is clear that in the case of the criminal
we must grasp the relationship of the individual to has social
circumstances. In many cases a person may have enough social feeling to
keep him from committing a crime if the demands that are made on it are
not too severe. This is also the explanation of the notable increase in the
number of criminals when circumstances are unfavorable. But
unfavorable circumstances in themselves are not the cause of crime, as is
shown by the fact that in the United States there was a rise in the number
of criminals at the time of the boom, when there were so many tempting
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four years old; he could not raise himself from this position by his own
efforts because he was so stout. As the second-born he lived in constant
conflict with his elder brother, and always wanted to be first. Favorable
circumstances enabled him to attain a high position for which he was
qualified by his intellectual, but not by his psychical powers. In the
troubles inevitably caused by his situation he took to morphia. He
occasionally freed himself from the drug, but he always fell a victim to it
again. Once more his unreasoning jealousy came into play to make his
situation more difficult. As he felt himself insecure in his post he
committed suicide.
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
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is gained for the knowledge of the individual case by attempting, like the
Besitg-psychologists (possession-psychologists), to trace every kind of
symptom of failure to the obscure regions of an uncertain heredity, or to
influences from the surrounding world, universally regarded as
unsuitable. The child, exercising a certain amount of freedom of choice,
accepts these influences, assimilating and reacting to them. Individual
Psychology is a psychology of use, and it emphasizes the creative
appropriation and utilization of all these influences. Any one who regards
the various problems of life as unalterable, and does not perceive their
uniqueness in every separate case, can easily be led to believe in efficient
causes, in impulses and instincts as the demonic rulers of our destiny. No
one who recognizes that problems that have never existed before emerge
for every new generation can believe in the working of an inherited
unconscious. Individual Psychology is too well acquainted with the
groping and searching of the human spirit and with its artistic activities,
be they right or wrong, in the solution of its problems, to accept that
belief. It is the activity of each separate person resulting from his style of
life that conditions his own solution of his problems. The value of the
theory of types to a large extent disappears when the poverty of human
speech is realized. How different are the relationships which we describe
with the word 'love'! Are two introverted persons ever the same? Is it
conceivable that the lives of two identical twins, who, by the way, very
frequently wish and strive to be identical, can ever take a uniform course
here beneath the changing moon? We can employ the idea of types, in
deed we must employ it, just as we do the conception of probability, only
we should never forget, even when we are dealing with similarities, the
difference invariably shown by each separate person. In our expectation
of the course a case will follow, we can make use of probability for the
purpose of throwing light on the field of vision in which we hope to find
the unique event, but as soon as we encounter contradictions we must
deny ourselves its aid.
In our search for the roots of social feeling-presupposing the
possibility of its development in man-we at once come across the mother
as the first and most important leader. Nature has given her this position.
Her relation to the child is that of an intimate co-operation (community
in life and work) in which there is a mutual gain. It is not, as many
believe, a one-sided exploitation of the mother by the child. The father,
the other children in the family, relatives, and neighbors, have to further
this work of co-operation by training the child to become a fellow worker
of equal standing and not an antagonist of society. The more deeply the
child is impressed with the reliability and the partnership of other
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
persons the more he will be inclined for communal life and independent
co-operation. He will put all he possesses at the disposal of co-operative
On the other hand, whenever the mother abounds all too
evidently with excessive affection and makes behavior, thought, and
action, and even speech, superfluous for the child, then he will be more
readily inclined to develop as a parasite (exploiter) and look to other
persons for everything he wants. He will continually press forward to be
the center of every scene and seek to have every one at his beck and call.
He will display egoistic tendencies and regard it as his right to suppress
other people and to be always pampered by them--to take and not to give.
A year or two of such training will be sufficient to put an end to the
development of his social feeling and any inclination to work with other
At one time dependent on other people, at another longing to
suppress them, such children soon come up against the opposition,
insurmountable for them, of a world that demands fellowship and co-
operation Robbed of their illusions, they blame other people and always
see only the hostile principle in life. Their questions are of a pessimistic
nature. They ask: 'Has life any meaning?' 'Why should I love my
neighbor?' If they submit to the legitimate demand of an active social
idea, it is only because they are afraid that they would be rebuffed and
punished if they opposed it. Confronted with the problems of
community, work, and love, they are not able to find the path of social
interest; they suffer a shock and feel its effects in body and mind, and
they beat a retreat either before or after they are conscious of having
suffered a defeat. But they always keep to their accustomed childish
attitude, which implies that a wrong has been done to them.
We can now also understand that all characteristic traits are not
only not innate, but above all that they express relations entirely
determined by the style of life. They are the by-products of the child's
creative activity. The spoiled child, misled into self-love, will develop
egoistic, envious, jealous traits in a high degree of intensity, although
also of varying amount. He will live as though he were in a hostile
country and will manifest hypersensitiveness, impatience, want of
perseverance, a tendency to passionate outbursts, and a greedy nature. An
inclination to beat a retreat and an excessive cautiousness usually
accompany these traits.
The gait-to speak metaphorically-of a pampered person is not
easily detected when circumstances are favorable to him. It is much
easier to do this when his situation is unfavorable and he is being tested
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Any one who has occupied himself with this problem year in,
year out, will understand that the question. What then is the real nature
of a neurosis?-has to receive a clear and straightforward answer. If we
explore the literature on the subject with the object of finding an
explanation, we discover such a confusion of definitions that in the end a
uniform conception of neurosis can scarcely be reached.
As is always the case when there are obscurities connected with
any question, we find a multitude of explanations, and many opposing
factions spring up. This has happened with the problem of neurosis.
Neurosis is irritability, irritable weakness, disease of the endocrine
glands, the result of dental or nasal infection, disease of the genital
organs, weakness of the nervous system, the result of a hormonal or of a
uric acid diathesis, of a birth trauma, of a conflict with the external
world, with religion, with ethics, a conflict between a vicious
unconscious and a consciousness inclined to compromise, of the
suppression of sexual, sadistic, criminal impulses, of the noise and the
dangers of a city, of a lax or of a rigorous upbringing, of an upbringing
especially in the family, of certain conditioned reflexes, etc.
There is a great deal in these views that is of value and that can
be utilized for the explanation of some of the more or less important
phenomena that constitute a neurosis. But most of these phenomena may
frequently be found in the case of persons who do not suffer from a
neurosis. Only a few of them point the way to a clarification of the
question-What really is a neurosis? The enormous frequency of this
disease, its extraordinarily disastrous social consequences, and the fact
that only a small proportion of nervous subjects undergo any treatment,
but carry their illness about with them in extreme agony their whole life
long; and, in addition, the great interest in the subject that has been
stirred up among the laity, justify a cool, scientific elucidation of it
before a larger tribunal. One can also realize that a great deal of medical
knowledge is needed for the understanding and treatment of this disease.
Further, we should always bear in mind the fact that the prevention of
neurosis is possible and necessary, but that this can only be expected
from a clearer knowledge of the injuries that have caused it. The
measures to be adopted for its prevention, and for the understanding of
its insignificant beginnings, belong to the sphere of medical science. But
the assistance of the family, of teachers, educationists, and other helpers
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and we can give some idea of the nervous state. When, for example,
some one loses money in business and feels the shock of this loss he has
not yet become a nervous subject. This happens only when he remains in
that state, when he feels the shock and nothing else. This can only be
explained if we understand that a person in this state has not acquired a
sufficient degree of co-operative ability, and that he goes forward only on
condition of being successful in everything he attempts. The same holds
good for the problem of love. Certainly the solution of this problem is
not a trifling affair. For its solution some experience and understanding
are required, and a certain sense of responsibility. If any one becomes
excited and irritated on account of this problem, if after having been
rejected once he makes no further advances, if all the emotions that
secure his retreat from the problem in question play a part in that retreat,
if he has such a conception of life that he keeps to his path of retreat
-then, and not till then, is he a nervous subject. Every one feels a shock
when he is under fire, but the effects of the shock will only become
chronic if the person who has suffered them is not prepared for the tasks
of life. In that case he will come to a standstill. We have already
substantiated this complete halt when we said that there are people who
are not properly prepared for the solution of every problem, who from
their childhood have never been real co-workers. But there is something
more than this to be said. It is suffering that we see in the nervous state,
and not something that the victim enjoys. If I were to propose to any one
that he should give himself headaches like those that result from
confronting a problem for the solution of which he was unprepared he
would not be able to do so. We must therefore reject at once all
explanations which imply that a person produces his own suffering, or
that he wants to be ill. Without doubt the person concerned does suffer,
but he always prefers his present sufferings to those greater sufferings he
would experience were he to appear defeated in regard to the solution of
his problem. He would rather put up with these nervous sufferings than
have his worthlessness disclosed. Both nerve-ridden and normal people
offer the strongest opposition to the exposure of their defeats, but the
neurotic carries his opposition much the furthest. If we try to imagine
what is meant by hypersensitiveness, impatience, intensified emotion,
and personal ambition, then we shall be able to under stand that such a
person, so long as he thinks himself in danger of having his
worthlessness revealed, cannot be brought to take a single step forwards.
What then is the mental state that results from these effects of a shock?
The sufferer has not caused them; he does not want them; they do exist,
however, as the consequences of a psychical shock, as the result of his
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not show itself plainly, those symptoms arise that we find in neurosis and
psychosis. They have their origin in accordance with the physical
constitution, which is generally innate, and with the psychical, which is
always acquired. They are -combined with one another and reciprocally
influence one another.
But have we yet arrived at a neurosis? Individual Psychology has
undoubtedly done a great deal to throw light on the fact that a person can
be well or badly prepared for the solution of life's problems, and that
between the good preparation and the bad there exist many thousand
variants. It has done much, too, to help us to understand that the feeling
of being unable to solve these problems revealed by the exogenous factor
causes manifold vibrations in body and mind. It has also shown that the
defective preparation has its source in earliest childhood and can be put
right neither by experiences nor by emotions, but by a better knowledge.
Further, it has discovered that social feeling is the integrating factor in
the style of life, and that this must be present in a decisive manner if all
the problems of life are to be solved. The physical and psychical
phenomena that accompany and characterize the sense of failure I have
described as the inferiority complex. Without doubt the effects of a shock
are greater for persons who have been badly prepared than for those who
have had a better preparation, less for the courageous than for the
cowardly, who are always looking for help from the outside. Every one
has conflicts that cause him greater or less agitation; every one feels them
in body and mind. The fact of our having a physical frame and an
external social environment makes it certain that every one will have the
feeling of inferiority in face of the outside world. Hereditary organic
defects are all too frequent for complete immunity from the harsh
demands of life. The environmental factors that influence a child are not
the sort that make it easy for him to construct a 'correct' style of life.
Pampering and imagined or actual neglect, especially pampering, all too
often mislead the child into setting himself in opposition to social
feeling. More over, the child finds his law of movement for the most part
without any proper guidance. He employs the deceptive rule of trial and
error with a free, personal choice that is limited only by the bounds of
human possibility; but at the same time he is always struggling towards a
goal of superiority which has countless variants. The child's creative
energy 'uses' all impressions and sensations in building up his lasting
attitude to life, in developing his individual law of movement. This fact,
brought into prominence by Individual Psychology, was afterwards
denoted 'attitude' or 'con figuration' (Gestalt) without doing justice to the
individual as a whole and to his close connection with the three great
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
he were in a hostile country, his greed-all these evoke more frequent and
more violent conflicts and make the retreat that has been prescribed for
him by his style of life easier. This tactical retreat, trained and tested
from the days of childhood, can easily take on the deceptive appearance
of a 'regression' to infantile wishes. But the neurotic is not concerned
with such wishes; he is thinking only of his retreat, and he is willing to
pay for this with every sort of sacrifice. Here, too, there is a possibility of
mistaking these sacrifices for 'forms of self-punishment'. But, again, the
neurotic is not concerned with self punishment; he is looking for the
relief he is to gain from his retreat, which will protect him from the
collapse of his self-esteem and pride.
Perhaps the importance for Individual Psychology of the problem
of 'security' will now at last be grasped. It can only be understood when it
is seen in its whole context. It is not to be regarded as of 'secondary', but
of 'primary' importance. The neurotic person 'secures' himself by his
retreat, and he 'secures' his retreat by intensifying the physical and
psychical shock-symptoms that have resulted from the impact of a
problem that has threatened him with defeat
He prefers his suffering to the breakdown of his sense of personal
worth, of whose strength only Individual Psychology has hitherto had
any knowledge. This sense of great personal worth, which is often only
to be clearly seen in psychosis-this superiority complex, as I have called
it-is so strong that the neurotic himself has only fear and trembling when
he suspects its existence. He would gladly turn his attention away from it
when he ought to put it to the test of reality. It drives him forward. But,
in order to secure his retreat, he has to reject everything and forget
everything that would stand in the way of that retreat. He has room only
for thoughts, feelings, and actions that are concerned with his retreat.
The neurotic centers his whole interest on the retreat. Every
forward step is envisaged by him as a fall into the abyss, with all its
terrors. For that reason he strives with all his might, with all his feelings,
and with all his tried and tested means of withdrawal, to stand firmly in
the rear. He magnifies his experience of shock, turning his whole
attention to it, and thereby excluding the only factor that is of
importance-his fear of knowing how far away he still is from his lofty,
egotistic goal. He makes large use of whipped-up emotions, for the most
part in the metaphorical disguise beloved of dreams, in order to persist in
his own style of life against the dictates of common sense. He is thus
enabled to cling fast to his securities, which are now completely
established, and which keep him from being driven on towards defeat.
The opinions and the judgement of other people become a very great
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
in bed until the early hours in order to enjoy the privilege on the
following day of getting up at a late hour and in this way absolving
himself from a part of his daily tasks. He was even more shy with girls
than he was with men, and this attitude lasted during his whole
development into manhood. It can be easily understood that his courage
failed him in every situation in life, and that he was unwilling on any
account to risk the downfall of his vanity. His uncertainty about his
success with women was in strong contrast to the certainty with which he
allowed himself to expect his mother's devotion. He wanted to assert in
his married life the mastery which he enjoyed with his mother and his
brothers and, of course, he necessarily came to grief.
I have shown that a person's style of life is to be found in the
earliest memories of childhood, though they are certainly often deeply
buried. Our patient's earliest recollection was the following: 'A little
brother of mine had died and my father sat outside the house and wept
bitterly.' We remember how the patient fled home from a lecture and
gave himself up for dead.
A person's attitude to friendship is a very clear sign of his
capacity for life in common with his fellow men. Our patient admits that
he kept his friends only for a short time and that he invariably wanted to
dominate them. This could certainly be described as nothing else than the
exploitation of other people's friendship. When this was pointed out to
him in a kindly manner, he answered: 'I don't believe any one works for
the community; every one acts for himself alone.' The following facts
show how he prepared himself for his retreat. He wanted very much to
write articles or a book, but when he began to write he became so
agitated that he could not think. He explains that he cannot sleep unless
he reads beforehand. But when he begins to read he feels such a pressure
in his head that he cannot sleep. His father died a short time before, just
as the patient was visiting another town. He was to have taken up a post
there a little later. He refused this on the pretext that he would die if he
had to enter that town. When he was offered a situation in his own town
he declined it, saying that he would not be able to sleep the first night
and would therefore fail on the following day. He would have to get well
We shall now give an example of how the patient's law of
movement-his 'yes-but'-is to be found in his dreams as well. The
technique of Individual Psychology enables us to discover the dynamics
of a dream. A dream tells us nothing new-nothing we cannot find just as
well in the patient's behavior. By the use of properly understood methods
and by a selection from the content of the dream one can recognize how
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
the dreamer, guided by his law of movement, is at pains to carry out his
style of life in opposition to common sense by artificially stimulating his
emotions. One often finds, too, indications that the patient is creating
symptoms under the pressure of the fear of defeat. One dream of the
patient's was as follows: 'I was supposed to be visiting friends who lived
on the other side of a bridge. The railing of the bridge was freshly
painted in bright colors. I wanted to look into the water and leaned
against the railing. This gave me a jolt on the stomach which began to
give me pain. I said to myself: "You shouldn't look down into the water.
You might fall in." But I took the risk for all that and went up to the
railing again. I looked down and then ran quickly back, considering it
was better to remain in safety.'
The visit to his friends and the freshly painted railing are
indications of social feeling and of the building anew of a better style of
life. The patient's fear of falling down from his height-his 'yes-but'-stand
out clearly enough. As we have already pointed out, the pains in the
stomach due to his feeling of fear are, as the result of his physical
constitution, always at hand. The dream shows us the patient's attitude of
refusal towards the efforts made by the doctor up till then and the victory
of his old style of life, and this is helped by an impressive image of the
danger threatening him if there is any doubt about the security of his
Neurosis is the patient's automatic, unknowing exploitation of the
symptoms resulting from the effects of a shock. This exploitation is more
feasible for those persons who have a great dread of losing their prestige
and who have been tempted, in most cases by being pampered, to take
this course. A few more observations may be added regarding the
physical symptoms. In dealing with this subject certain authors celebrate
imaginary triumphs. The position is as follows: the organism is a unity
and has had freely presented to it by evolution the gift and dowry of a
struggle for equilibrium, which is preserved as far as possible under
difficult conditions. This equilibrium is maintained by the susceptibility
of the pulse to variation, by the depth of the breathing, the number of
respirations, the liability of the blood to congeal, and the co-operation of
the endocrine glands. It becomes more and more evident in this
connection that, in particular, psychical agitations affect the vegetative
and the endocrine systems and occasion either an increased or a modified
amount of secretion. At the present time we understand best the changes
in the thyroid gland due to the effects of shock.
These changes may sometimes be fatal. I have seen such patients
myself. Zondek, the greatest investigator in this field, asked me for my
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were greatly annoyed at her taking the words in such a way, for they
attached no importance to them and they stoutly defended the woman
who had been accused.
This woman showed her most charming side to those
acquaintances. In confirmation of her opinion the patient said: 'Look how
she treats her dog. She tortures him and makes him do tricks that he finds
frightfully difficult.' Her neighbors replied; 'That's only a dog. You can't
compare it with human beings. She is kind enough to them.' My patient's
children took the friend's part very vigorously and contradicted their
mother. Her husband, too, denied that any other view was possible. The
patient continued to find fresh evidence of her friend's domineering
attitude, which was specially directed against her. I did not hesitate to tell
the patient that I thought she was right. She was overjoyed. After that
other proofs followed that showed the friend's domineering disposition
and the impression I had received was ultimately confirmed by the
husband. Then one saw definitely that the poor woman had been quite
right, only she had made a wrong use of her knowledge. Instead of
understanding that we all had a more or less disguised tendency to
disparage other people, and that every one should be credited with the
possession of some good qualities, she turned utterly against this woman,
found fault with everything she did, and became furious about it. She had
a thinner skin than the others, and was able to make a better guess at
what went on in her friend's mind, even if she could not understand it.
What I mean to illustrate is this: it is often the most disastrous
thing in the world to be in the right. This sounds a surprising statement;
but perhaps every one has known from his own experience that, though
right was on his side, wrong has sprung from it. One has only to imagine
what might have happened to this woman if she had fallen into the hands
of a less sensitive consultant. He would have spoken of persecution
mania and paranoid ideas and would have treated her in such a way that
she would have grown worse and worse. It is difficult to abandon one's
point of view when one is in the right. This is the position of all
investigators who are convinced that they are right and have their views
challenged. We need not be surprised that burning quarrels should break
out over our views as well; let us only be on our guard against merely
being in the right and against making a wrong use of this position. We
shall not allow ourselves to be irritated by the fact that so many
investigators challenge our views. The scientist needs an extraordinary
amount of patience. At the present day the idea of heredity has a
predominant place in connection with sexual perversions. The sup
porters of this view may be believers in heredity pure and simple who
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
speak of a third sex or think that this third sex exists in every one at
birth; or they may be those who hold that hereditary factors come to be
developed and that nothing can be done to prevent this; others again may
speak of inborn physical components. None of these factors, however,
can induce us to abandon our conception. It is apparent that the sup
porters of the organic theory in their search for organic changes and
organic anomalies show up very badly.
With regard to homosexuality I should like to refer to a
communication which appeared last year and which deals with this
problem. The question was raised in 1927, when Laqueur found that
hormones of the other sex were found in all masculine urine. This fact
will make a great impression on any who do not completely grasp our
conception. They might easily imagine that if perversions develop they
have their origin in this dual nature of sex. But Brun's researches in
connection with nine homosexuals have shown that the same hormones
occur in them as in persons who are normal. That is a step forwards in
our direction. Homosexuality does not depend on hormones.
I will suggest a plan according to which all the tendencies in
psychology may be classified. There are possession (Besitz.)
psychologies which are occupied in showing what a human being brings
with him into the world and has as his possession. From this inheritance
they seek to derive all that is psychical. Seen from the standpoint of
common sense this is an awkward proposition. In ordinary life people are
not inclined with regard to other matters, to draw conclusions from
anything a person possesses, but from the use he makes of it. Use
interests us far more than possession. If a person possesses a sword, that
does not mean that he is making a proper use of it. He can throw it away,
he can slash about with it, he can whet it, etc. It is the use to which he
puts it that interests us. For that reason I should like to say that there are
other schools of psychology that must be regarded as use (Gebrauch)
psychologies. Individual Psychology, which in order to understand an
individual puts in the forefront his attitude to the problems of life,
devotes special attention to use. For every right-thinking person I need
not add that use cannot go beyond a person's capacities, and is always
restricted to the bounds of human possibility, about whose range we can
say nothing final. It is regrettable, and is a proof of the victorious
incursion of ignoramuses into the territory of psychology, that it should
still be necessary to mention such a commonplace.
With regard to the use of human abilities there is this further to be
said: it was certainly the boldest step that Individual Psychology took
when it asserted that in a person's psychical life the law of movement
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with him little interest in his partner, or by any one who does not have
the conviction that he has a part to play in the development of humanity.
He will have a different law of movement from that of the person who
has been suitably prepared for the solution of the problem of love. Thus
we can assert with regard to all perverts that they have not become fellow
We can also discover the sources of error that enable us to
understand why the child has been mistakenly held fast in the defective
capacity for contact. The one fact in our social existence providing the
strongest motive for this defective capacity to associate with other
persons is pampering. Spoiled children come into contact only with the
person who is spoiling them, and as a result they are forced to exclude
every one else. Still other influences are to be noted in connection with
each particular perversion. One can put it like this: here the child as a
result of this experience has formed his law of movement in such a way
that he has settled the question of his relationship to the other sex in this
particular manner. All perverts show their law of movement not only in
relation to the problem of love, but on the occasion of every test for
which they have not been prepared. For that reason we find among
perverts all the character-traits of neurosis-hypersensitiveness,
impatience, a tendency to outbursts of anger, covetousness, as well as the
attempt to justify themselves by saying that they act as though they were
under compulsion. They have a certain keen desire to possess which
leads them to carry out the plan implied in their characteristic
disposition, and the result is that one finds so violent a protest against
any other form of movement that even dangers to other persons are not
entirely excluded (rape, sadism).
I should like to show how the preparation for a given form of
perversion is discovered. I will give an example which indicates that
certain perversions may come into existence as the result of such
training. We must not seek for the preparation in the region of the
material alone, we have to understand that it can be carried on in the
world of thought and of dreams. Individual Psychology lays great stress
on this, because many believe, for example, that a perverse dream is a
proof of innate homosexuality, while we are able from our conception of
the dream-life to establish that this homosexual dream is part of the
preparation, precisely as it has its part also in the development of interest
in the same sex and the exclusion of interest in the other sex. I shall give
an example of this training in a case where, owing to the age of the
individual, there can be no question of sexual perversions. I cite two
dreams in order to show that the law of movement is found in the dream-
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dealing with girls or boys. They can decide for themselves what use they
make of their hermaphroditism. Among the pseudohermaphrodite there
are to be found malformations that have a deceptive similarity to the
organ of the other sex. The fact is that every human being carries in him
traces of the other sex, just as there are also hormones of the other sex in
the urine. This gives occasion for a surmise that seems rather bold: viz.
that there is a twin hidden in every one of us. Twinship is marked by the
most varied of forms, and the possibility of the simultaneous existence of
two sexual forms in human beings will be decided when the problem of
twinship is solved. We know that every human being is born from male
and female material. It is quite possible that in the investigation of the
question of twinship we may come across problems which will throw
more light on the hermaphroditism present in every person.
A sentence or two may be added with reference to the treatment.
One hears constantly that a perversion is incurable. The cure of perverts
is not impossible but it is difficult. The difficulty of the cure is due to the
fact that they are persons who during their whole life have been trained
for perversion because they have a restricted law of movement which
prescribes this course for them. They have to move in this direction
because -from their earliest youth they have not found the contact that
would enable them to make the proper use of their body and mind. The
proper use of these can be ensured only if there has been beforehand a
developed social feeling. It is a knowledge of this fact that makes the
cure even of the majority of perverts seem quite probable.
In the following explanation, which seems to me quite valid, I
will attempt to show that the sexual function, like all other functions,
begins without social interest. Eating, excreting, looking, hearing,
talking, are in the beginning only controlled by the needs of the child's
body. The ordinary educative and cultural influences assist the child's
creative powers to bring about an accord between his functions and the
demands of social life. The degree of social interest gained by the child
will decide the extent to which this accord will be attained, and whether
the child is to be a help or a burden. The same social interest is valuable
in regard to the sexual function, which in the beginning of life is a
function for one person and is c]early expressed in masturbation. The
slow development of this function and a lack of conditions favorable to
its growth into a social function, i.e. when it is a task for two persons of
different sexes-obstruct its right evolutionary development for love and
procreation and for the preservation of mankind. The degree of social
interest determines the issue. All forms of perversions and deficiencies
are varieties of masturbation, representing the first phase of the sexual
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
function. Proof of this can be found in the style of life of all perverts and
in the manner in which they relate themselves to outside problems.
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
However little we know of the unity of the ego we can never get
away from it. It is possible to analyse the homogeneous psychic life in
accordance with various more or less valueless points of view; two or
three spatial conceptions that are meant to explain the indivisible ego
may be compared or contrasted with one another. The attempt may be
made to unfold this unity from the conscious, from the unconscious,
from the sexual, or from the external world; but in the end there can be
no evading the necessity of restoring it again to its all embracing activity,
like setting a rider once more on his steed. Nevertheless the progress
made on the path that Individual Psychology has blazed can no longer be
misunderstood. The ego, in the view of modern psychology, has
established its worth, and whether or not it is believed to have been
turned out of its quarters in the unconscious or in the 'Id', in the end the
'Id' behaves itself with good or bad manners, just like the ego. Even the
so-called conscious, or the ego, is chock-full of the unconscious, or, as I
have ca]led it, the not-understood, and it always shows varying degrees
of social feeling. These facts have been more and more realized and
incorporated in an artificial system by psycho-analysis, which has made
of Individual Psychology 'a prisoner that will never set it free'.
It can be easily understood that at a very early stage of my
endeavours to throw light on the impregnable unity of the psychic life I
had to reckon with the function and the structure of memory. I was able
to confirm the statements of earlier writers that memory is by no means
to be regarded as the gathering-place of impressions and sensations; that
impressions are not retained as 'mneme', but that in the function of
memory we are dealing with a partial expression of the power of the
homogenous psychical life-of the ego. The ego, like perception, has the
task of fitting impressions into the completed style of life and using them
in accordance with it. To use a cannibalistic simile, one might say that
the task of memory is to devour and digest impressions. I do not need to
point out to my readers that they should not immediately conclude from
this simile that memory has a sadistic tendency. The digestive process,
however, is the function of the style of life. Anything that does not suit
its palate is discarded, forgotten, or kept as a warning example. The
decision rests with the style of life. If it is taken up with warnings, it uses
the indigestible impressions for that purpose. In this connection one is
reminded of the character-trait of caution. A good deal is half-digested;
sometimes only a quarter or a thousandth part is accepted. But the
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
process can also take the line of digesting only those feelings and states
of mind that accompany the impressions. With these there are
occasionally mingled memories of words or ideas or fragments of them.
Suppose I forget the name of a person otherwise well known to me. He
need not necessarily always be a person whom I dislike, nor need he
remind me of anything disagreeable; so far, too, as his name and his
personality are concerned, these may lie, either for the present or
permanently, outside the interest that has been thrust upon them by my
style of life; still I often know everything connected with him that seems
to be of importance. He stands before me. I can place him and say a great
deal about him. Precisely because I cannot remember his name he stands
out fully and clearly in my conscious field of vision. That means that my
memory can let portions of the whole impression or the whole of the
impression itself disappear, for one of the purposes already described or
for some other purpose. This is an artistic ability that corresponds to an
individual's style of life. Therefore the impression as a whole includes
much more than the experience that has been clothed in words. The
individual apperception hands over to the memory the ob served facts
that are in accordance with the individual's characteristic disposition. He
is led by his idiosyncrasy to take over the impression that has been
formed in this way and he equips it with feelings and with a state of
mind. Both the feelings and the state of mind in their turn obey the
individual's law of movement. There remains over from this process of
digestion what we mean to call recollection, whether that is expressed in
words or feelings or in an attitude to the external world. This process
more or less includes what we understand by the function of memory. An
ideal, objective reproduction of impressions independent of the
individual's idiosyncrasy therefore does not exist. We must accordingly
expect to reckon on finding just as many forms of memory as there are
forms of the style of life.
I give one of the commonest examples of a definite life-pattern
and the memory connected with it which should illustrate this fact.
A man complained very bitterly that his wife forgot 'everything'.
A doctor would at once think of some organic trouble in the brain. Since
that was out of the question in this case, I proceeded to make an
exhaustive inquiry into the patient's style of life, provisionally leaving the
symptom out of account-a necessity that many psychotherapeutists do not
recognize. She proved to be a quiet, amiable, intelligent person who had
managed to get married to a domineering man in the face of difficulties
caused by his parents. During the course of her married life her husband
made her feel her pecuniary dependence on him as well as the fact of her
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
humble origin. For the most part she bore his corrections and reproofs in
silence. Occasionally the question of a separation had been raised by both
of them. But the possibility of uninterrupted mastery over the woman
kept the husband again and again from taking that extreme step.
She was the only child of kindly, affectionate parents who never
found anything to blame in their daughter. From her childhood she
preferred to be without the company of other children when she was
playing or was busy with anything. Her parents saw nothing wrong in
that, particularly as she behaved herself irreproachably when she
happened to be in company with other girls. But in her married life as
well she was careful not to have her time for being alone, her hours for
reading, her leisure, as she called it, too much broken into either by her
husband or by social demands. Her husband, on the other hand, would
have preferred to have more opportunities of showing how superior he
was to her. Moreover, she was extraordinarily zealous in the performance
of her housewifely duties. The only exception was that she failed with
amazing frequency to carry out her husband's instructions.
It appeared from the recollections of her childhood that she was
always extremely happy when she could perform her duties by herself.
The experienced student of Individual Psychology will see at the
first glance that the patient's life-pattern was very well suited for actions
she was able to carry out by herself, but not for joint tasks like love and
marriage which need two persons for their proper achievement. Her
husband, owing to his own idiosyncrasies, was unable to impart this
power to her. Her goal of perfection lay in the direction of solitary work.
When this was concerned she was blameless. And any one who only kept
this side of her nature in view would had not been prepared for love and
marriage. She could not pull in double harness. We are able also to
conjecture-to mention only one detail-that the form of her sex-life was-
frigidity And now we can proceed to consider the symptom which we
rightly left provisionally out of account at first. As a matter of fact we
already understand it. Her forgetfulness was the mildly aggressive form
of her protest against being compelled to take part in work for which she
had not been prepared, and, moreover, it lay outside her goal of
It is not every one who can recognize and understand an
individual's complicated artistry from such a brief description. But the
theory that Freud and his disciples--who have all to be psychoanalysed--
have tried to draw from Individual Psychology is more than doubtful; it
is self-condemned, since it implies that, according to our account, a
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patient 'only' wants to attract attention and get other people to take a
greater interest in him.
Incidentally, the question is frequently raised as to whether a case
is to be considered easy or difficult. According to our view this depends
entirely on the degree of the patient's social feeling. In the case we are
considering it is easy to understand that this woman's mistake-her
imperfect preparation for life and work in common-was easier to remedy,
since she had neglected the most important keystone only from
forgetfulness, so to speak. She was convinced of this, and, through
cooperation with the doctor in friendly talks, while her husband was
being instructed by the doctor at the same time, she was delivered from
her charmed circle (Künkel playfully styles it the devil's circle; Freud, the
magic circle). Her forgetfulness also disappeared, since it was deprived
of its motive.
We are now ready to understand that every recollection, in so far
as an experience affects the individual at all and is not rejected forthwith,
represents the result of the elaboration of an impression by means of the
style of life, i.e. by the ego. This holds good not merely for those
recollections that have been firmly retained, but also for those that are
imperfect and difficult to recall, and even for those that are not expressed
in words but exist only as an emotional tone or as a state of mind. We are
thus able to establish a relatively important position. This implies that the
observer must gain a knowledge of every form of psychical movement
with its direction towards a goal of perfection by clearly establishing
what is due to intellect, to emotion, and to attitude in the range of
memory. As we know already, the ego expresses itself not only in speech
but also in its emotions and in its attitude, and the science of the unity of
the ego owes to Individual Psychology the discovery of organ-dialect.
We maintain our contact with the external world by every fibre of our
body and mind. What interests us in a case is the manner, especially the
imperfect manner, in which this contact is maintained. Following this
path I found it my fascinating and valuable task to discover and utilize
the individual's recollections, in whatever way they appeared, as a
significant part of his style of life. I was, above all, interested in those
recollections that were regarded as the earliest. The reason was that they
throw light on events, real or imagined, correctly reported or altered, that
lie nearer to the creative construction of the style of life in the first years
of childhood, and that also to a large extent disclose the elaboration of
these events by the style of life. Here we are not so much concerned with
the actual content of the memory, for this is to be regarded simply as
content for every person. We have rather to estimate its probable
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emotional tone, with the frame of mind resulting from it, and the
elaboration and choice of the material with which it has been framed-this
latter because it will assist us in discovering the principal interest of the
individual; and that is an essential ingredient in his style of life. At this
point the main question of Individual Psychology gives us considerable
assistance: What is this individual's aim? What is his conception of
himself and of life? We undoubtedly receive guidance from the
unyielding conceptions of Individual Psychology regarding the goal of
perfection, the feeling of inferiority (the knowledge of this, though not
the understanding of it, as Freud recognizes, has spread over the whole
world); and also from its doctrine of the inferiority and superiority
complexes. But all these closely knit conceptions only serve to throw
light on the field of vision in which we have to discover the particular
law of movement of the person with whom we are dealing.
As we set about this task we find ourselves confronted by the
question that makes us doubt whether we may not easily be mistaken in
our interpretation of recollections and of their connection with the style
of life, since individual forms of expression may have several
interpretations. Certainly any one who practices Individual Psychology
with proper artistry will never be mistaken with regard to the special
nuances. But even he will endeavour to eliminate every kind of error.
And it is quite possible to do this. If he has found an individual's real law
of movement in his recollections, then he must find that same law of
movement in all the other forms of expression. So far as concerns the
treatment of failures of all kinds he will have to produce so many proofs
of these that the patient also will be convinced by the weight of the
evidence. The doctor himself will be convinced, sometimes sooner,
sometimes later, according to his-individual bent. But there is no other
standard by which to estimate a person's failures, his symptoms, and his
mistaken mode of living than a sufficient measure of right social feeling.
Provided we use the utmost care and possess the requisite
experience we are now in a position to discover, for the most part from
the earliest recollections, the mistaken direction given to the style of life,
and the lack, or the presence, of social feeling Here we are lack, or tne
p1 caG guided especially by our knowledge of the lack of social feeling
and by our knowledge of its causes and consequences. A great deal
comes to light when a situation is described with the frequent use of the
words 'we' and 'I'. Much, too, can be learned from the way in which the
mother is mentioned. Recollections of dangers and accidents, as well as
of corrections and penalties, disclose an exaggerated tendency to fix
attention especially on the hostile element in life. The remembrance of
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really the earliest or not does not matter, shows us that some interest or
other must have attracted him to it. The active work of his memory,
guided by his style of life, selects an event which gives a strong
indication of his individual tendency. The pampered child is revealed by
the fact that the memory recalls a situation that includes the solicitous
mother. But a still more important fact is disclosed. He looks on wAile
other people work. His preparation for life is that of an onlooker. He is
scarcely anything more than that. If he ventures beyond that he feels that
he is on the brink of a precipice and beats a retreat under the effect of the
shock-fear of the discovery of his worthlessness. If he is left at home
with his mother, if he is allowed to look on while others work, then there
does not seem to be anything wrong with him. He aims in his line of
movement at the domination of his mother as his only goal of superiority.
Unfortunately there are few prospects in life for a mere onlooker.
Nevertheless, after a patient like that has been cured, one will be on the
lookout for some employment in which he can put to some use the better
preparation of his power of seeing and observing. Since we understand
his case better than the patient, we must intervene actively and let him
understand that while he can get on in any calling, if he wants to make
the best use of his preparation he should seek some work in which
observation is chiefly needed. He took up successfully a business dealing
with articles of vertu.
Using distorted nomenclature Freud, without realizing the fact,
invariably describes the failings of pampered children. The spoilt child
wants to have everything, and only performs with difficulty the normal
functions that evolution has established. He desires his mother in his
'Oedipus complex'. (Although this is an exaggerated way of describing
the condition, yet in rare cases it i5 intelligible, because the spoilt child
rejects every other person.) In later years he meets with every kind of
difficulty-not on account of the repression of the Oedipus complex, but
on account of the shock he receives when confronted by other situations-
and gets into such a frenzied state that he even harbours murderous
designs against other persons who oppose his wishes. As can be clearly
seen these artificial products of an imperfect, pampering education can
only be utilized for gaining a knowledge of the psychical life, if the
consequences of pampering are recognized and taken into account. Sex
life, however, is a task for two persons, which can only be rightly
performed if there is a sufficient amount of social feeling present, and
this is lacking in the case of spoilt children. In a crass generalization
Freud is compelled to attribute to innate sadistic instincts the wishes,
fantasies and symptoms that have been artificially nurtured, as well as the
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
with another boy who had insulted him. The teacher said he was amazed
that such a good boy could allow himself to be carried away as he had
We can understand that he had been trained to expect exclusive
attention, and that his goal of superiority lay in his being preferred to
other boys. If this did not happen he adopted measures that were partly
accusing and partly revengeful, although the motive of his actions was
not realized either by himself or by other persons. A great deal of his
egotistically tinctured goal of perfection consisted in his not wanting to
be thought a bad boy. As he said himself, he had married a girl who was
older than himself because she treated him like a mother. Since she was
now more than fifty years old and taken up more than ever with the care
of the children, he broke off all intercourse with them in an apparently
unaggressive manner. His impotence as organ dialect was connected with
this rupture. One can now well understand why in the early years of his
childhood, when his pampering was stopped on the birth of his sister, he
constantly practiced the less obvious, but none the less effective,
accusation of bed-wetting.
A man of thirty, the older of two children, had to undergo a fairly
long term of imprisonment for repeated thefts. His earliest recollections
came from his third year-the period after the birth of his younger brother.
They ran: 'My mother always preferred my brother to me. I ran away
from home even when I was a little child. Occasionally, when driven by
hunger, I stole some small things both in the house and outside. My
mother punished me terribly. But I always ran away again. I was at
school until I was fourteen, but I was only a mediocre scholar; I did not
want to learn any more and I roamed about the streets alone. I was sick of
home. T had no friends and I never found a girl who cared for me,
although I always longed for one. I wanted to go to dancing-halls and
make acquaintances there, but I hadn't any money. Then I stole a motor-
car and sold it very cheaply. After this I began to steal on a bigger scale,
till finally I was put in prison. Perhaps I might have chosen another mode
of life if I had not been disgusted with my home, where I got nothing but
abuse. My thefts, however, were encouraged by a receiver of stolen
goods into whose hands I fell, and who incited me to steal.'
I have already drawn attention to the fact that in the majority of
cases one finds that law-breakers have been pampered or have had a
craving for pampering when they were children. Just as important, too, is
the fact that one can perceive in their childhood a greater
activity,which ,however, is not to be mistaken for courage. The mother
was capable of spoiling a child, as is shown by the way in which she
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dealt with the younger son. We can conclude from the embittered attitude
of this man after the birth of his younger brother that he too had been
spoiled. His vicissitudes in later life had their origin in his embittered
complaint against his mother and in that activity for which, in the
absence of a sufficient degree of social feeling-no friends, no calling, no
love-he found no other outlet than in crime. To be able to come before
the public, as certain psychiatrists have recently done, with the theory
that crime is self-punishment combined with the wish to go to prison,
really betrays a want of the sense of intellectual shame, especially when
it is bound up with an open contempt for common sense and with
insulting attacks on our well founded experiences. I leave it to the reader
to decide whether or not such views originate in the spirit of pampered
children and have their reaction on the minds of other pampered children
among the members of the public.
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
In our search for situations that predispose and allure the child to
take the wrong path, we come across again and again those difficult
problems which I have already described as being the most important.
They tend to make the development of social feeling difficult, and
therefore in very many cases they also prove to be an obstacle to it. Such
problems are pampering, congenital organic inferiorities, and neglect.
The effects of these factors vary not merely in their extent and their
degree, nor do they differ only in their duration, reckoning from the
beginning to the end of their activity, but above all in the almost
incalculable agitation and sense of responsibility they arouse in the child.
The child's attitude to these factors depends not only on his use of trial
and error, but much more, as can be proved, on his energy of growth and
his creative power. This creative power is part of the life-process, and its
unfolding in our civilization, which both represses and encourages the
child, is also an almost incalculable factor, whose strength can only be
judged from its consequences. If we wish to proceed any further by way
of conjecture we must keep before our view an immense number of
facts-family peculiarities, light, air, the season of the year, noise, contact
with other persons who are more or less suitable, climate, nature of the
soil, nutriment, the endocrine system, the muscular build, the tempo of
organic development, the embryonal stage, and much else, such as the
help and nursing given by the persons who have care of the child. In this
perplexing array we shall be likely to assume that these factors are
sometimes helpful and at other times injurious. We shall be satisfied with
keeping in view with great caution statistical probabilities in each case,
without denying the possibility of divergent results. There is much less
chance of our being wrong if we adopt the method of observing results in
which any variation is likely to occur. The child's creative power will
then come to light, and we shall have ample opportunity of estimating it
in the greater or less activity displayed by body and mind.
But we must not overlook the fact that the child's inclination to
co-operation is challenged from the very first day. The immense
importance of the mother in this respect can be clearly recognized. She
stands on the threshold of the development of social feeling. The
biological heritage of human social feeling is entrusted to her charge. She
can strengthen or hinder contact by the help she gives the child in little
things, in bathing him, in providing all that a helpless infant is in need of.
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Her relations with the child, her knowledge, and her aptitude are decisive
factors. We are not to forget that in this regard, also human evolution in
its highest attainments can effect an adjustment, and that the child itself
can overcome any hindrances that may be present, compelling contact by
screaming and obstinacy. For in the mother as well the biological
inheritance of maternal love-an invincible portion of social feeling-lives
and works. It can be obstructed by adverse conditions, excessive worries,
disappointments, illness, and suffering, by a notable want of social
feeling and its consequences; but the evolutionary inheritance of
maternal love is usually so strong in animals and in human beings that it
easily overcomes the instincts of hunger and of sex. It may be readily
accepted that contact with the mother is of the highest importance for the
development of human social feeling. If we renounced the use of this
omnipotent lever of human development we should be extremely
embarrassed to find a substitute for it that was half as effective, quite
apart from the fact that the maternal sense of contact, as an evolutionary
possession which cannot be lost, would relentlessly oppose its being
destroyed. We probably owe to the maternal sense of contact the largest
part of human social feeling, and along with it the essential continuance
of human civilization. Certainly maternal love at the present day is often
insufficient for the needs of the community. In a distant future the use of
this possession will be far more in accordance with the social ideal. For
the bond between mother and child is frequently too weak, and, still
more frequently, too strong. In the former case the child may get an
impression of the hostility of life from the beginning, and, as a result of
similar experiences, he may make this meaning the plumb-line of his life.
As I have found often enough, in these cases even a better contact
with the father (not with the grand parents) is sufficient to compensate
for this defect. It may be asserted that as a general rule the better contact
of a child with the father shows that there has been a failure on the part
of the mother, and it almost always signifies a second phase in the life of
a child who, rightly or wrongly, has been disappointed in the mother. The
closer contact that girls frequently have with their father and boys with
their mother cannot be attributed to sexuality. This fact must be tested in
reference to the statement that has just been made. Here two points are to
be noted. Fathers often show a tender feeling towards their daughters,
just as they are accustomed to do towards all girls and women; and both
girls and boys, getting themselves ready as they do for their future life in
all their games,( cf. Groos, Spiele der Kinder) make this same playful
preparation also in their attitude to the parent of the opposite sex. I have
found that the sexual instinct also occasionally comes into play, though
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
certainly not in the exaggerated fashion that Freud depicts, in the case of
very spoilt children, who wish to restrict their whole development to the
family circle, or, still more closely, to an exclusive attachment to a single
person who pampers them. The mother's bounden duty, from the
viewpoint of historical development and of society, is to make the child
as early as possible a partner, a fellow being who willingly gives help
and willingly allows himself to be helped when his powers are unequal to
his task. Volumes could be writ ten about the 'well-tuned' child. Here we
must be con tent to point out that the child ought to feel himself a
member with equal rights in the home, taking a growing interest in his
father, his brothers and his sisters, and soon also in all other persons.
Thus at an early stage he will cease to be a burden and become a partner.
He will soon feel himself at home and develop that courage and
confidence that spring from his contact with his environment. Any
troubles he may cause, whether intentionally or not, by functional
mistakes like bed-wetting, retention of faeces, difficulties in eating not
caused by illness, will become problems which he himself as well as
those around him will be able to solve, apart from the fact that these
disorders will not make their appearance if his inclination to co-operate
is strong enough. The same holds good for thumb-sucking, biting the
nails, thrusting the fingers into the nose, and taking large bites of food.
All these traits appear only when the child refuses to play his part and
does not accept his cultural training. They are seen almost exclusively
among spoilt children, and are meant to force those around them to be
more active and make greater efforts on their behalf. They are also
invariably combined with open or veiled obstinacy, and they are clear
signs of imperfect social feeling. It is long since I drew attention to these
facts. If Freud to-day tries to mitigate the fundamental conception of his
doctrine-universal sexuality-this correction is due in a large measure to
the experiences of Individual Psychology. The much more recent view of
Charlotte Bühler with regard to a 'normal' stage of defiance has certainly
to be brought into line with our experiences. It follows from the structure
we have just described that the faults of childhood are bound up with
character traits like obstinacy, jealousy, self-love, want of social feeling,
egotistic ambition, desire for revenge, etc., and these traits are seen
sometimes more, sometimes less distinctly. This also corroborates our
conception of character as a guiding-line for the goal of superiority. It is
a reflection of the style of life-a social attitude that is not innate, but is
brought to completion simultaneously with the law of movement which
the child has formed. The characteristics of spoilt children, who are
unable to deny themselves any wish or enjoyment, are shown in their
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blame should be given to success or failure in the training and not to the
personality of the child.
Illness can also become a perilous obstacle to the development of
social feeling. Like other difficulties it is more dangerous when it occurs
in the first five years of the child's life. We have already referred to the
importance of innate organic inferiorities and have shown that
statistically they have proved to be evils that lead in a wrong direction
and become hindrances to social feeling. The same applies to early
illnesses, like rickets, that impair the physical, though not the mental
development, and may also lead to more or less serious deformities.
Among the other diseases of the earliest childhood, those in which the
anxiety and care of the persons around the child give him a great sense
of his own personal worth without his contributing anything himself are
most likely to do injury to social feeling. To this category belong
whooping-cough, scarlet fever, encephalitis and chorea. When they have
run their course, often without serious injury, the child will be found to
'difficult' because, even after he is well, he will still fight to have his
pampering continued. Even in cases where physical disabilities remain it
will be wise not to refer any deterioration in the child's conduct to these
but to leave things alone. I have observed that even in cases where heart
trouble and disease of the kidneys had been wrongly diagnosed, the
difficulty in training the child did not disappear after the mistake had
been discovered and complete health established. Self-love with all its
consequences, especially with its lack of social interest, still continued.
Anxiety and worry and tears do not help the sick child; they induce him
to find an advantage in his illness. It goes without saying that anything
injurious to the child that can be corrected should be improved and put
right as soon as possible and that in no case should it be assumed that the
child will 'outgrow' his faults. Also, in seeking to prevent disease we
should try, as far as our means will allow us, to do this without making
the child timid and preventing him from getting into contact with other
Burdening a child with things that make too great a demand on
his physical or mental resources may easily lead him to take up an
attitude opposed to contact with life, by causing him pain or exhaustion.
Instruction in art and science should be given in accordance with the
degree of the child's capacity to receive it. (cf. Dr. Deutsch,
Klarierunterricht auf Individualpsychologischer Grmdlage.) For the
same reason an end must be made to the fanatic insistence of many
pedagogues on the explanation of sexual facts. The child ought to receive
an answer when he asks or seems to ask about these questions, but one
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produces and the elaboration of that effect by the child. If three or more
years pass it has its place in the style of life already established and
receives a corresponding reaction. As a rule pampered children feel this
change as strongly as they do their weaning from the mother's breast. I
have to make it clear, however, that even a single year's interval is
sufficient to leave visible traces of dethronement on the child's whole
life. In this connection we must also take into account the room for
movement in life that has already been acquired by the first-born and also
the restriction of this that has been caused by the arrival of the second
child. It is obvious that a large number of factors have to be taken into
consideration if we are to gain a more intimate knowledge of this
situation. Above all, too, we have to note that when the interval is not
too great the whole process is 'wordless' and is carried through without
being expressed in concepts; hence it is not susceptible of correction by
later experiences but only by the knowledge of the context gained by
Individual Psychology. These wordless impressions, so frequent in early
childhood, are otherwise interpreted by Freud and Jung when they come
across them at any time. They regard them not as experiences, but,
according to their respective views, either as unconscious instincts or as
an atavistic social inheritance of the unconscious. Impulses of hate,
however, or death wishes, which we find occasionally, are the artificial
products of an incorrect training in social feeling. They are well known
to us, but we find them only in spoiled children, and they are often
directed against the second child. Similar moods and ill-humors are to be
found in the children who come later, especially in those who have been
pampered. The first-born child, however, when he has been more
pampered, has an advantage over the other children on account of his
exceptional position and as a rule he feels his dethronement more
acutely. But similar phenomena can be observed in the case of children
who come later in the family sequence. These readily give rise to an
inferiority complex, and they are sufficient proof that the idea of a
somewhat more severe birth-trauma than usual causing failures on the
part of the first-born is to be relegated to the region of fables. It is a
vague assumption that can be grasped at only by those who have no
knowledge of Individual Psychology.
It is also easy to understand that the protest of the first-born
against his dethronement very often takes the form of an inclination to
recognize any given authority as justified and to side with it. This
inclination occasionally gives the first-born child a distinctly
'conservative' character, not in any political sense, but in relation to the
facts of everyday life. I found a striking example of this in Theodor
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will not let thee go except thou bless me'), his dream of a ladder reaching
to heaven, clearly show the rivalry of the second son. Even those who are
not inclined to agree with my view cannot fail to be greatly impressed
when they find Jacob's con tempt for the first-born in evidence again and
again throughout his whole life. The same thing is seen in his persistent
wooing of Laban's second daughter, in the slight hope he has of his own
first-born and in his giving the greater blessing to the second son of
Joseph by the crossing of his hands.
The first-born of two elder daughters in a family turned out to be
a wildly rebellious child after the birth of her younger sister when she
was three years old. The second daughter 'guessed' that it was to her
advantage to become a docile child, and in this way she made herself
extremely popular. The more popular she became the more the elder
sister raged, and she kept up her furiously protesting attitude until she
was quite old. The younger sister, accustomed to being superior in
everything, suffered a shock when she was outstripped at school. Her
experience at school and, in later years, her meeting with the three life-
problems compelled her to establish her retreat from the point that was
dangerous for her. At the same time also, as a consequence of her
continual fear of defeat, she was forced to construct her inferiority
complex in the form of the 'hesitant movement', as I have called it. She
was thus no doubt to some extent protected from all defeats. Repeated
dreams of arriving too late at a railway station showed the strength of her
style of life, which was even present in her dreams to train her for the
neglect of opportunities. No human being, however, can find a state of
repose in the feeling of inferiority. The struggle for a goal of perfection
ordained by evolution for every living being is unresting, and it finds a
way of advance either in the direction of social feeling or in a thousand
variants opposed to this. The variant urged upon our second-born and
found useful after some tentative efforts took the form of a compulsory
washing-neurosis. This compulsion to wash her person, her clothes, and
her utensils, especially when other people came near her, blocked the
way for the fulfillment of her tasks; it was also convenient for killing the
time thus left on her hands-and time is the chief enemy of the neurotic. In
this way she had guessed without being able to understand that she had
surpassed all other persons by the exaggerated exercise of a cultural
function which had formerly made her popular. She alone was clean; all
other people and everything else were dirty. I do not need to say anything
further about her want of social feeling-a want in the case of such an
apparently nice child of an excessively pampering mother. Nor need I
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add that her cure was possible only through a strengthening of her social
A good deal could be said about the youngest in a family. He, too,
finds himself in a fundamentally different situation compared with the
other members. He is never the only child, as the eldest is for some time.
He has no one following him, however, as all the other children have.
Nor has he only one predecessor like the second, but often several. He is
in most cases spoiled by elderly parents, and he finds himself in the
embarrassing situation of being regarded as the smallest and weakest,
and as a rule he is not taken seriously. His lot on the whole, is not
unhappy. And he is spurred on daily in his struggle for superiority over
those in front of him. In many respects his position is like that of the
second child in the family. It is a situation which other children in a
different position in the sequence may reach if similar rivalries happen to
arise. His strength is often shown in his attempts to excel the rest of his
brothers and sisters in the most various degrees of social feeling. His
weakness is often seen in his evasion of the direct struggle for
superiority-and this seems to be the rule in the case of excessive
pampering-and in his seeking to reach his goal on another plane, in
another life-pattern, in another calling. When we look into the workings
of the psychical life with the eye of the experienced Individual
Psychologist we are amazed again and again to perceive how frequently
this becomes the fate of the youngest child. If the family consists of
business people the youngest becomes a poet or a musician. If the other
members of the family are intellectual, the youngest adopts an industrial
or a business calling. In this connection the Limited opportunities for
girls in our very imperfect civilization have to be taken into account.
With regard to the characteristics of the youngest son my
references to the Joseph of the Bible have attracted universal attention. I
know as well as any one else that Benjamin was Jacob's youngest son.
But he was born seventeen years after Joseph and for the most part
remained unknown to him. He had no influence on Joseph's
development. All the facts are well known how this lad went among his
hard-working brethren dreaming of his future greatness, how bitter their
anger was at his dreams of lording it over them and over the world, and
of being like God. In addition to this there was certainly also the
preference shown for him by his father. But he became the supporting
pillar of his family and his tribe, and far more than that-one of the
saviours of civilization. In each of his actions and in his works we see the
greatness of his social feeling.
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in the second case unconcealed craving for mastery and obstinacy, but
also occasionally courage and honorable struggle.
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sleeper from the person who is awake is the former's concrete distance
from the problems of the day.
But sleep is no brother to death. The life-pattern, the law of
movement, continues uninterruptedly. The sleeper moves, avoids
unpleasant positions in bed; he can be awakened by light and noise; he
takes care of a child sleeping beside him; he carries his daily joys and
sorrows with him. In sleep man is concerned with all the problems the
solution of which will not be interrupted by sleep. An infant's restless
movements will awaken the mother; should we desire it, we wake in the
morning almost regularly at the time required. The posture of the body in
sleep, as I have shown (Praxis und Theorie der Individualpsychologie.)
often gives a good picture of the mental disposition, just as is the case
when the person is awake. The unity of the psychic life persists even in
sleep. Hence we must consider as part of the whole such phenomena as
somnambulism, or occasionally suicide during sleep, grinding the teeth,
talking, muscular tension, such as convulsive clenching of the hands with
subsequent paraesthesia. We can draw deductions from them, though
they must find further confirmation from other expressive forms.
Emotions also, and moods, are alert in sleep, sometimes unaccompanied
by dreams.
The overwhelming weight of certainty we attach to things that are
seen accounts for the dream's appearing usually as a visual phenomenon.
I have always said to my students: 'If you are ever in doubt about any
point in your investigations, stop your ears and watch the patient's
movement.' Probably every one of us recognizes this greater certainty
without putting it into so many words. Is it this greater certainty that the
dream is seeking? The dream is further removed than waking life from
the daily task; it is dependent on itself alone; it preserves more
completely its creative power guided by the style of life; it is more free
from the limitations imposed by reality, the law-giver. Does the dream,
therefore, give a more vigorous expression to the style of life? The dream
is left to the discretion of imagination, which is tethered to the style of
life. At other times, also, we find the imagination struggling on behalf of
the style of life when a problem confronting the individual is beyond his
powers, or when common sense-the individual's social feeling-does not
intervene because it does not exist in sufficient strength. Does the dream
engage in the same struggle?
We do not mean to follow the example of those who, by ignoring
Individual Psychology or by making insinuations against it, wish to take
the wind out of its sails. We shall therefore at this point remember Freud,
who was the first to attempt to form a scientific theory of dreams. This is
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a lasting merit that no one can lessen. Nor can any one depreciate certain
observations he has made and described as belonging to the
'unconscious'. He seems to have known much more than he understood.
It was inevitable, however, that he should go wrong when he forced
himself to group all psychical phenomena round the single ruling
principle that he recognizes-the sexual libido. This is surely made worse
by his fixing his attention only on the mischievous instincts. As I have
shown, these arise from the inferiority complex of spoilt children. They
are the artificial products of a wrong upbringing and a mistaken self
creation of the child, and they can never lead to an understanding of the
psychical structure in its true evolutionary formation. 'If a man could
make up his mind to write down all his dreams without distinction and
without bias, truthfully and circumstantially, adding to them as a
commentary for their explanation all that he could bring from the
recollections of his life and from his reading, he would present a notable
gift to humanity. But, as mankind is to-day, certainly no one would do
this, though even for private and personal encouragement it would be of
some value.' Does Freud say this? No, it is Hebel in his Mermoirs. If this
is in brief the conception of the dream I have to add that it depends above
all on whether the method adopted will stand a scientific criticism. This
was the case to such a small extent with regard to the psycho-analytic
method that Freud himself, after numerous changes in his interpretation
of dreams, now explains that he never asserted that every dream had a
sexual content. Still, this assertion is once more, a step in the right
What Freud calls the 'censor', however, is nothing else than the
greater distance from reality that prevails in sleep. It is a purposeful
avoidance of social feeling which by its imperfection hinders the
individual from solving his problem in the normal way, so that, as in a
shock when he is threatened with defeat, he seeks a way to another and
easier solution. Here the fantasy under the spell of the style of life ought
to give assistance apart from common sense. If one tries to find in this a
wish fulfillment, or, despairingly, a death-wish, he lands in a platitude
that tells us nothing about the structure of dreams. For the whole life-
process, in whatever way it is regarded, may be described as seeking for
a wish fulfillment.
In my investigations concerning dreams I had two great aids . The
first was provided by Freud, with his unacceptable views. I profited by
his mistakes. I was never psycho-analyzed, and I would have at once
rejected any such proposal, because the rigorous acceptance of his
doctrine destroys scientific impartiality which in any case is not very
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his dreams or pays any attention to them, and that in most cases they are
forgotten? If we exclude the handful of people who understand
something about their dreams, there seems to be a wasteful expenditure
of energy in them that we find nowhere else in the economy of the spirit.
But here another of our experiences in Individual Psychology comes to
our aid. Man knows more than he understands. Is his power of knowing
alert in the dream when his understanding is asleep? If this be so, then
we must also find evidence of some thing like this in his waking life.
And in fact man under stands nothing about his goal, but he pursues it
none the less. He understands nothing about his style of life, yet he is
continually shackled to it. And if, when he is con fronted by a problem,
his style of life points to a certain path, like going to a drinking-party or
undertaking something that promises to be successful, then thoughts and
images always appear on the scene-'securities', as I have called them-for
the purpose of making this path attractive to him, although they are not
necessarily connected obviously with his goal. When a husband is very
dissatisfied with his wife another woman often seems more desirable to
him without his making the connection between the two clear to himself,
to say nothing of his understanding his implied accusation and revenge.
His knowledge of the things that are nearest to him will not become
understanding until he has seen them in connection with his style of life
and with his immediate problem. Besides, I have already pointed out that
fantasy, like the dream, must rid itself of a great deal of common sense. It
would accordingly be unreasonable to question the dream about its
common sense, as many writers have done, in order to come to the
conclusion that dreams are nonsensical. The dream will approach closely
to common sense only on the rarest occasions; it will never coincide with
it. From this, however, there follows the dream's most important function
-to lead the dreamer away from common sense-and, as we have shown,
the same thing applies to imagination as well. In the dream, therefore, the
dreamer commits a self-deception. According to our fundamental
principle we are able to add a self-deception which, in the face of a
problem for whose solution his social feeling is inadequate, refers him to
his style of life so that he may solve his problem in accordance with it;
and-since he sets himself free from the reality that demands social
interest--images stream in upon him that remind him of his style of life.
Does nothing then remain of the dream when it is over? I believe
I have the answer to this most important question. There remains what is
always left when one indulges in fantasy-feelings, emotions, and a frame
of mind. It follows from the fundamental principle of Individual
Psychology-the unity of the personality that all these function in
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being able to find the line of movement which the dreamer, in order to do
justice to his law of movement, follows as the result of the reaction on
his style of life to the solution demanded by the problem. The weakness
of his position is seen in his calling to his help comparisons and similes
which rouse in a falsifying manner feelings and emotions, whose true
meaning and worth could not have been tested. These lead to the
strengthening and acceleration of the movement directed by the style of
life, somewhat like giving more petrol to a running motor. Hence the
unintelligibility of a dream is not a matter of chance, but a necessity. The
same unintelligibility can also be shown in waking life in many cases
when a person wishes to defend his mistakes with far-fetched arguments.
Just as in waking life the dreamer resorts to another means of
dispensing with practical reason; he either deals with things merely
incidental to his immediate problem or he excludes its principal feature.
This process, which one is sometimes inclined to think is extensively
employed, is seen to be closely related to the one I described in 1932 in
the last volume of the Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie (Hirzel,
Leipzig) as a partial, inadequate solution of a problem, and a sign of an
inferiority complex. Once again I refuse to lay down rules for the
interpretation of dreams, since that requires more artistic inspiration than
is needed for the pedantic system of a Beckmesser. The dream tells us
nothing more than can be inferred from the other expressive forms as
well. It merely enables the observer to recognize how effective the old
style of life continues to be, with the result that he will draw the patient's
attention to this fact and thus help undoubtedly to convince him. In the
interpretation of a dream one should only go so far as to let the patient
understand that, like Penelope, he unravels during the night what he has
woven during the day. Nor should that style of life be forgotten which,
somewhat in the manner of a person who has been hypnotized, compels
the fantasy itself in exaggerated, apparent obedience to take the docile
path when in the presence of the physician without adopting the attitude
that should follow from it. This also is a form of obstinacy which was
already practiced in a secret fashion in childhood.
Recurring dreams indicate an expression of the law of movement
directed by the style of life when confronted by problems felt to be
similar in their nature. Short dreams show that a question has been
answered concisely and decided upon quickly. Forgotten dreams, it may
be conjectured, mean that their emotional tone is strong as opposed to the
practical reason, which is just as strong. In order to find a better means of
circumventing the latter the intellectual material has to be evaporated so
that only emotion and attitude remain. It is frequently found that anxiety
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acquainted with the Freudian theory. This is quite apart from the fact that
the ' Freudian symbolism' has considerably enriched the popular
vocabulary and has quite destroyed any frankness in discussing these
otherwise very harmless subjects. One can quite often observe in the case
of patients who have been under psycho-analytic treatment that they
make an extensive use of the Freudian symbolism.
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The question as to the purport of life has worth and meaning only
if we keep in view the related system of man and the cosmos. When we
do this it is easy to see that the cosmos in this relationship possesses a
formative power. The cosmos is, so to speak, the father of every thing
that lives, and all life is engaged in a constant struggle to satisfy its
demands. This does not mean that there exists in it an impulse which
would be capable later of bringing everything in life to completion and
that only needs to unfold itself, but rather that there is something inherent
which is part and parcel of life itself, a struggle, an urge, a self-
development, a some thing without which life cannot be conceived. To
live means to develop oneself. The human spirit is only too well
accustomed to reduce everything that is in flux to a form, to consider it
not as movement but as frozen movement-movement that has become
form. We Individual Psychologists have for some time been on the way
to resolve into movement that which we conceive of as form. Every one
knows that the completed individual man springs from a single cell; but
it should also be clearly understood that in this cell are the ingredients
necessary for his development. How life came to this earth is a doubtful
question; perhaps we shall never find a final answer to it.
The development of living things from a diminutive living unity
could only take place with the sanction of the cosmic influence. In regard
to this we may think as Smuts has done in his ingenious work,
Wholeness and Evolution; we may assume that life exists in inorganic
matter as well-an idea suggested to us by modern physical science, when
it shows us how the electrons revolve about the proton. Whether this
view will turn out to be right in the end we do not know. Certain it is that
our conception of life cannot be doubted any longer, and that in it a
movement is implicit which strives towards self-preservation, towards
propagation, and towards contact with the external world-a contact that
must be victorious if life is not to succumb. In the light that Darwin has
shed we can understand the selection of all those species that can turn to
advantage the demands of the external world. Lamarck's view, which is
more akin to our own, gives us proofs of the creative energy that is
inherent in every form of life. The universal fact of the creative evolution
of all living things can teach us that a goal is appointed for the line of
development in every species-the goal of perfection, of active adaptation
to the cosmic demands.
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the same religious fervor was regarded as a brother, as taboo, and was
accorded the protection of the chief tribe.
The best conception hitherto gained for the elevation of humanity
is the idea of God. (cf. Jahn und Adler, Religion und
Individualpsychologie, Verlag Dr. Passer, Vienna, 1933). There can be
no question that the idea of God really includes within it as a goal the
movement towards perfection, and that, as a concrete goal, it best
corresponds to the obscure yearning of human beings to reach perfection.
Certainly it seems to me that every one conceives of God in a different
way. There are no doubt conceptions of God that from the very start fall
far short of the principle of perfection; but of its purest form we can say-
here the presentation of the goal of perfection has been successful. The
primal energy which was so effective in establishing regulative religious
goals was none other than that of social feeling. This was meant to bind
human beings more closely to one another. It must be regarded as the
heritage of evolution, as the result of the upward struggle in the
evolutionary urge. An immense number of attempts have been made to
represent this goal of perfection. We Individual Psychologists, especially
those of us who are physicians and have to deal with failures, with
persons who suffer from a neurosis or a psychosis, with delinquents,
drunkards, etc., see the goal of superiority in them as well; but it leads in
a direction so opposed to reason that we are unable to recognize in it a
proper goal of perfection. When, for example, a person seeks to make his
goal concrete by wishing to domineer over others, this goal of perfection
seems to us to be unfitted to guide either the individual or the mass of
men, because it could not be the task of every one. The individual would
be compelled to oppose the urge of evolution, to violate reality, and to
protect him self in utter fear against the truth and against those who
follow it. Dependence on other persons is taken by many as their goal of
perfection; this too seems to us to be opposed to reason. Some find their
goal in leaving the problems of life unsolved, in order to avoid defeats
that would otherwise be inevitable and would be contrary to their goal of
perfection. This goal, too, seems to us to be thoroughly unsuitable,
although it appears to be acceptable to many people.
When we enlarge our outlook and ask what has happened to those
forms of life that have chosen a faulty goal of perfection, failing in active
adaptation because they have followed the wrong path, and missing the
path of universal progress, we find our answer in the extinction of
species, races, tribes, families, and thousands of individual persons that
have left no trace behind them. They teach us how necessary it is for
every person to find a goal that is even tolerably right. It goes without
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saying that in our day as well the goal of perfection gives the direction
for the development of the individual's whole personality, for all his
expressive forms, for his seeing, his thinking, his emotions, his view of
the universe. And it is just as clear and as intelligible for every Individual
Psychologist that a line that deviates to any extent from the truth must
lead to the injury of the person who follows it, if not to his overthrow. It
would really be a fortunate discovery if we knew more about the
direction we have to take, since, after all, we are immersed in the stream
of evolution and are compelled to follow its course. Here, too, Individual
Psychology has achieved a great deal, just as it has done with the
establishment of the universal struggle for perfection. As the result of its
manifold experience it is in the position of understanding in a certain
measure the direction in which an ideal perfection is to be found, and
indeed it has shown this direction by establishing the norm of social
Social feeling means above all a struggle for a communal form
that must be thought of as eternally applicable, such as, say, could be
thought of when humanity has attained its goal of perfection. It is not a
question of any present-day community or society, or of political or
religious forms. On the contrary, the goal that is best suited for perfection
must be a goal that stands for an ideal society amongst all mankind, the
ultimate fulfillment of evolution. It will, of course, be asked: How do I
know that? Certainly not from my immediate experience, and I must
admit that those who find an element of metaphysics in Individual
Psychology are quite right. To some this is a matter for praise, others
condemn it. Unfortunately there are many people who have a wrong idea
of metaphysics; they wish to exclude from human life all that they cannot
grasp directly. By doing this we would limit the potential development of
every new idea. Immediate experiences never result in anything 0 new;
that is given only with the comprehensive idea - that connects these facts.
This new idea may be called L speculative or transcendental, but there is
no science i that does not end in metaphysics. I see no reason to be afraid
of metaphysics; it has had a great influence on human life and
development. We are not blessed with the possession of absolute truth;
on that account we are compelled to form theories for ourselves about
our future, about the result of our actions, etc. Our idea of social feeling
as the final form of humanity-of an imagined state in which all the
problems of life are solved and all our relations to the external world
rightly adjusted-is a regulative ideal, a goal that gives us our direction.
This goal of perfection must bear within it the goal of an ideal
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
community, because all that we value in life, all that endures and
continues to endure, is eternally the product of this social feeling.
In the preceding chapters I have described the facts, the results,
and the defects of our present-day social feeling in the individual and in
the mass, and I have done my best in the interests of the knowledge of
humanity and of the science of character to set forth my experiences and
to show how it was possible to throw light on the law of movement in
the individual and in the mass as well as on their mistakes. In Individual
Psychology all irrefutable facts of experience are looked at and
understood from this point of view, and its scientific system has been
developed under the pressure of these experiential facts. The results
obtained do not contradict one another and they are confirmed by
common sense. Individual Psychology has done all that is necessary to
satisfy the demands of a rigorous scientific doctrine. It has brought
forward an immense number of immediate experiences and arranged
them in a system that accommodates itself to these experiences and does
not contradict them; it has also supplied the trained ability to guess in
accordance with common sense--an ability that is equal to seeing
experiences in their connection with the system. This ability is all the
more necessary since each case has a different complexion from any
other and always gives occasion for fresh efforts at artistic guessing. If I
am venturing now to maintain the right of Individual Psychology to be
accepted as a view of the universe, since I use it for the purpose of
explaining the meaning of life, I have to exclude all moral and religious
conceptions that judge between virtue and vice. I do this although I have
been convinced for a long time that both ethics and religion as well as
political movements have continually aimed at doing justice to the
meaning of life and that they have developed under the pressure of social
feeling, which is an absolute truth. The position of Individual Psychology
with reference to them is determined by its scientific knowledge, and
certainly also by its more direct effort to develop social feeling as
knowledge more effectively. According to this position every tendency
should be reckoned as justified whose direction gives undeniable proof
that it is guided by the goal of universal welfare. Every tenet should be
held to be wrong if it is opposed to this standpoint or is vitiated by the
query of Cain: 'Am I my brother's keeper?'
Supported by the facts already established, I may in a brief
attempt make clear that when we enter life we only find what our
ancestors have completed as their contribution to evolution and the
higher development of all mankind. This one fact alone should show us
how life continues to progress, how we get nearer to a state in which
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
with destruction all who set themselves against the community. Thus the
emphasis is laid on the permanence, the eternal survival of the
contributions of human beings who have achieved something for the
general good. We are certainly prudent enough not to assume that we
possessed the open sesame for this, and were able to say precisely in
every case what is eternally of value and what is not. We are convinced
that we can make mistakes, that only a very careful, objective
investigation can decide any issue, and that often a decision must be left
to the course of events. We have perhaps taken a great step in advance in
being able to avoid anything that does not contribute to the community.
Our social feeling to-day has a much wider range than before.
Without having understood what we were doing we seek to establish by
various and often wrong methods a harmony with the well-being of
humanity in education, in the conduct of the individual and of the mass
in religion, science, and politics. Naturally the person who possesses the
most social feeling is nearest the comprehension of this future harmony.
And on the whole this basic social principle instead of casting down the
stumblers has opened up a way for their support.
If we look at our present-day civilized life and keep firmly in
mind the fact that the child has already unchangeably settled the extent of
his social feeling for his whole life, if there has been no further
intervention that would lead to its improvement, then our attention is
drawn to certain general conditions whose influence can do great injury
to the development of the child's social feeling. Thus there is the fact of
war and its glorification in school-teaching. Involuntarily the child whose
social feeling is perhaps immature and weak accommodates himself to a
world in which it is possible to compel men to fight against machines
and poison gas. He is made to feel that it is an honorable thing to kill as
many of his fellow beings as he can, although they also would certainly
be of value for the future of humanity. The same result follows, though in
a lesser degree, from the death penalty; nor are its injurious effects on the
childish spirit very much bettered by the consideration that it is a
question not so much of fellow creatures as of a person whose hand has
been lifted against them. In the case of children with slight inclination for
co operation even the abrupt experience of the death problem can put a
swift end to their social feeling. In a similar way girls are endangered
when the thoughtlessness of those around them makes them dread the
problems of love, procreation, and birth. The unsolved financial problem
proves an excessive burden for the developing social feeling. Suicide,
crime; bad treatment of old people, cripples, or beggars; prejudices and
unjust dealing with persons, employees, races, and religious
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
The psychiatrist, after hearing the history of his case, advised him to take
the cold-water cure. The patient told him that he had already tried this
cure five times without success. The physician advised him to try it for
the sixth time in a well-conducted establishment which he particularly
recommended. The patient replied that he had been there twice and had
been treated unsuccessfully with the water cure. He added that he wanted
to come to me for treatment. The psychiatrist advised him against this
and remarked that Dr. Adler would only make suggestions. The patient
replied: 'Perhaps he will suggest something that will cure me,' and took
his leave. Had this psychiatrist not been so obsessed with his desire to
hinder the recognition of Individual Psychology he would certainly have
noticed that he could not have kept the patient from coming to me and
would have better understood the appropriateness of his remarks. I beg of
you, my friends, when you are in the presence of patients avoid
depreciatory remarks. even when they are justified. The open scientific
arena is surely the place where wrong opinions should be corrected and
replaced by views that are right; and this should be done by scientific
If the patient at the first interview is in doubt as to whether he
will undergo the treatment, leave the decision over until the next few
days. The usual question about the duration of the treatment is not easy
to answer. I consider this question quite justified, because a large number
of those who visit me have heard of treatments that have lasted eight
years and have been unsuccessful. Treatment by Individual Psychology,
if properly carried out, must show at least a perceptible partial success in
three months, in most cases even earlier. Since, however, success
depends on the co-operation of the patient the correct procedure is to
keep a door open for social feeling from the start by emphasizing the fact
that the duration of the co-operation depends on the patient, that the
physician, if he is well-grounded in Individual Psychology, can find his
bearings after half an hour, but that he has to wait until the patient as well
has recognized his style of life and its mistakes. Still one can add: 'If you
are not convinced after one or two weeks that we are on the right path, I
will stop the treatment.'
The unavoidable question of the fee causes difficulties I have
often received patients who have lost a not inconsiderable fortune in
previous treatments. The consultant must bring himself into line with the
fees customary in his district. He may also take into consideration any
extra trouble and expenditure of time the case requires. He should,
however, abstain from making unusually large demands, especially when
these would be harmful to the patient. Gratuitous treatment should be
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
carried through in such a tactful manner that poor patients will not feel
that the consultant shows in any way a lack of interest in their case. In
most cases they never fail to notice this. The payment of a lump sum,
even when that seems acceptable, or a promise to pay after a successful
cure, should be declined, not because the latter is uncertain, but because
it artificially introduces a new motive into the relationship between the
doctor and his patient, and this makes successful treatment difficult.
Payment should be made weekly or monthly, and always at the end of the
period. Demands or expectations of any kind always do harm to the
treatment. Even trivial kindly services which the patient quite often
himself offers to give must be refused. Gifts should be declined in a
friendly manner, or their acceptance postponed until after the cure has
been completed. There should be no mutual invitations or joint visits
during the treatment. The treatment of relatives or of persons known to
the consultant is of a rather more difficult complexion, because in the
nature of things any feeling of inferiority becomes more oppressive in the
presence of an acquaintance. The person who has to deal with the case,
too, is also averse to tracing his patient's feeling of inferiority, and he has
to do his very utmost to make the patient feel at his ease. Any tension is
greatly relieved when one has the good fortune, as in Individual
Psychology, to be able in the treatment always to draw attention only to
errors and never to innate defects, always to show that there is the
possibility of a cure and make the patient feel that he is just as important
as any one else, and always to point to the universally low level of social
feeling. This helps us also to understand why Individual Psychology has
never seen traces of the great 'resistance' that other systems have found. It
is easy to see that the treatment in Individual Psychology never comes to
a crisis, and when an Individual Psychologist not thorough]y well
grounded, say like Kunkel, considers that crises-a shock or remorse on
the part of the patient-are necessary, then the reason is simply that he has
induced them to begin with, artificially and superfluously. It may be, too,
because he is under the erroneous impression that he is thereby doing the
Church a good turn.(cf. Jahn und Adler, Religion und
Individvalpsychologie, Verlag Dr. Passer, Vienna, 1933). I have always
considered it a great advantage to keep the level of tension in the
treatment as low as possible, and I have frankly developed a method of
saying to almost every patient that there are jocular situations that are
almost completely similar in structure to his particular neurosis, and
therefore that he can take his trouble more lightly than he is doing. As for
those critics who are rather dense, at the risk of being redundant I must
take the word from their lips and add that, of course, such jocular
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
allusions will not lead to the revival of the feeling of inferiority (which
Freud at present finds so extraordinarily enlightening). References to
fables and historical personages, and quotations from the poets and
philosophers, help to strengthen the belief in Individual Psychology and
in its conceptions.
At every interview it ought to be noted whether or not the patient
is on the way to co-operation. Every gesture, every expression, the
material for discussion he brings with him or has not brought with him,
will supply proof of this. A thorough understanding of dreams gives at
the same time the opportunity of taking account of success or failure and
of the amount of co-operation. But special caution must be exercised in
spurring the patient on towards any particular line of action. If there
should be any talk about this the doctor should not say anything for or
against, but, ruling out as a matter of course all undertakings that are
generally considered dangerous, he should tell the patient that, while he
was convinced that he would be successful, he was not quite able to
judge precisely whether he was really ready for the venture. Any
incitement given before the patient has acquired a greater social feeling
revenges itself as a rule by a strengthening or a recurrence of the
Stronger measures may be taken when it comes to the question of
a vocation. This does not in any way mean that the patient should be
ordered to take up a profession, but simply that the consultant should
point out to him that he is best prepared for a particular calling, and that
he will most likely be successful in following it. As on the whole at every
stage of the treatment, here also we must keep strictly to the method of
encouraging the patient. We must act on the conviction of Individual
Psychology-which has made so many unstable and vain people feel that
their toes have been trodden on--viz. 'that' (apart from outstanding,
special achievements about whose structure we can say very little) 'every
one can do anything.'
With regard to the examination of a child who is on his first visit
to the consultant, I consider the questionnaire which I and my
collaborators have outlined, to be the best among all I have seen up till
now. I append it here. Certainly only those will be able to handle it
correctly who are possessed of adequate experience, who have an
accurate knowledge of the views of Individual Psychology in their iron
framework, and who have had sufficient practice in the art of guessing.
In its use they will once again perceive that the whole art of
understanding human characteristics consists in comprehending the
individual's style of life that has been completed in childhood, in
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
grasping the influences that were at work when the child was forming it,
and in seeing how this style of life unfolds itself in grappling with the
social problems of humanity. To the questionnaire, which was framed
some years ago, it should be added that the degree of aggression-the
activity-has to be noted; and it ought not to be forgotten that the vast
majority of childish mistakes are due to the pampering that continuously
intensifies the child's emotional struggle and thus leads him constantly
into temptation. He is in this way so allured by enticements of the more
varied kinds that he finds it difficult to resist, especially when he is in
bad company.
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Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind
Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind