Osteomyelitis in Long Bones

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Current Concepts Review

Osteomyelitis in Long Bones

➤ Osteomyelitis in long bones remains challenging and expensive to treat, despite advances in antibiotics and
new operative techniques.

➤ Plain radiographs still provide the best screening for acute and chronic osteomyelitis. Other imaging techniques
may be used to determine diagnosis and aid in treatment decisions.

➤ The decision to use oral or parenteral antibiotics should be based on results regarding microorganism sensitiv-
ity, patient compliance, infectious disease consultation, and the surgeon’s experience. A suppressive antibiotic
regimen should be directed by the results of cultures.

➤ Standard operative treatment is not feasible for all patients because of the functional impairment caused by the
disease, the reconstructive operations, and the metabolic consequences of an aggressive therapy regimen.

➤ Operative treatment includes débridement, obliteration of dead space, restoration of blood supply, adequate
soft-tissue coverage, stabilization, and reconstruction.

Osteomyelitis is defined as infection in bone. The root words tissue3,4. A third category in this classification is osteomyelitis
osteon (bone) and myelo (marrow) are combined with itis in the presence of vascular insufficiency. A category not con-
(inflammation) to define the clinical state in which bone is sidered by Waldvogel et al., but which is increasingly relevant,
infected with microorganisms. Osteomyelitis in long bones in- is infection originating from direct penetration of microor-
cludes infections that differ from one another with regard to ganisms into the bone, as may happen following penetrating
duration, etiology, pathogenesis, extent of bone involvement, injuries or surgery. Because of the wide variability in the etiol-
and type of patient (which can be an infant, child, adult, or ogy of osteomyelitis, a classification based on the pathogenesis
compromised or uncompromised host). In the past thirty years, of the disease, such as that of Waldvogel et al., is of little value
the pathogenesis of this disease has almost been clarified, and in clinical practice.
many factors that account for the persistence of infection have The other commonly used classification was described
been identified. A number of antimicrobial agents, with dif- by Cierny et al.2. This system, known as the Cierny-Mader
ferent spectrums of activity against pathogens and different classification, includes four anatomic stages. Stage-1, or med-
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, have been used to ullary, osteomyelitis is confined to the medullary cavity of the
treat osteomyelitis. New operative methods, including the use bone. Hematogenous osteomyelitis and infections in the
of muscle flaps, the Ilizarov technique, and antibiotic-loaded presence of an intramedullary rod are examples of this stage.
beads, have been applied to the field of bone infection. Despite Stage-2, or superficial, osteomyelitis involves only the cortical
many advances, osteomyelitis remains difficult to treat, and the bone and usually originates from a direct inoculation or a
cure rates are still unsatisfactory. contiguous focus infection. Stage-3, or localized, osteomyelitis
usually involves both cortical and medullary bone. However,
Classification in this stage, the bone is still stable because the infectious pro-
Although several systems for classification of osteomyelitis cess does not involve the entire diameter of the bone. Stage-4,
have been described by different authors, the two most widely or diffuse, osteomyelitis involves the entire thickness of the
used in the medical literature and in clinical practice are those bone, with loss of stability, as in an infected nonunion. With
presented by Waldvogel et al.1 and Cierny et al.2. In the former, this system, a patient with osteomyelitis is classified as an A, B,
osteomyelitis is described as either acute or chronic, according or C host. An A host has no systemic or local compromising
to the duration of the disease. Osteomyelitis is also classified factors, a B host is affected by one or more compromising fac-
according to the source of the infection: it is defined as he- tors, and a C host is so severely compromised that the radical
matogenous when it originates from a bacteremia and as con- treatment necessary would have an unacceptable risk-benefit
tiguous focus when it originates from an infection in nearby ratio (Table I). Although the C-host definition is to some ex-
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years of age, the authors reported a decrease in incidence from

TABLE I Cierny-Mader Staging System eighty-seven to forty-two per 10,000 per year over the twenty-
Description year period of the investigation7. The number of cases of os-
teomyelitis involving long bones decreased while the rate of
Anatomic type
osteomyelitis at all other sites remained the same. The preva-
Stage 1 Medullary osteomyelitis
lence of Staphylococcus aureus infections also decreased, from
Stage 2 Superficial osteomyelitis
55% to 31%, over the twenty-year time period7. In contrast to
Stage 3 Localized osteomyelitis hematogenous osteomyelitis, the incidence of osteomyelitis
Stage 4 Diffuse osteomyelitis due to direct inoculation or contiguous focus infection is
Physiologic class increasing9. This is probably due to motor-vehicle accidents
A host Normal and the increasing use of orthopaedic fixation devices and to-
B host tal joint implants. Males have a higher rate of contiguous focus
Bs Systemic compromise osteomyelitis than do females9. Finally, osteomyelitis occurs
Bl Local compromise with a higher frequency in immunocompromised patients9.
Bls Systemic and local compromise
C host Treatment worse than the disease
Source of Infection
As noted above, osteomyelitis can be caused by hematogenous
tent subjective, this classification seems to be of value in clini- spread, direct inoculation of microorganisms into bone, or
cal practice and has been used in several clinical studies of a contiguous focus of infection. Hematogenous osteomyelitis
both antibiotic and operative treatment. usually involves the metaphysis of long bones in children or
the vertebral bodies in adults. The most common causes of
Etiology direct-inoculation osteomyelitis are penetrating injuries and
In hematogenous osteomyelitis, a single pathogenic organism surgical contamination. Contiguous focus osteomyelitis com-
is almost always recovered from the bone. In infants, Staphylo- monly occurs in patients with severe vascular disease.
coccus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Escherichia coli are
most frequently isolated from blood or bone. However, in Host Factors
children over one year of age, Staphylococcus aureus, Strepto- Host factors are primarily involved in the containment of the
coccus pyogenes, and Haemophilus influenzae are most com- infection once it has been introduced adjacent to or into the
monly isolated5. The incidence of Haemophilus influenzae bone. On occasion, host factors may predispose individuals to
infection decreases after the age of four years. Also, the overall the development of osteomyelitis. Host deficiencies that lead
incidence of Haemophilus influenzae as a cause of osteomyeli- to bacteremia favor the development of hematogenous osteo-
tis is decreasing because of the new Haemophilus influenzae myelitis. Host deficiencies that are involved in the direct inoc-
vaccine now being given to children6,7. In adults, Staphylococ- ulation of organisms and/or contiguous spread of infection
cus aureus is the most common organism isolated4. from an adjacent area of soft-tissue infection are primarily in-
Multiple organisms are usually isolated from bone in- volved in the lack of containment of the initial infection.
fected as a result of direct inoculation or contiguous focus in- Three patient groups with an unusual susceptibility to acute
fection. Staphylococcus aureus remains the most commonly skeletal infections are those with sickle cell anemia, chronic
isolated pathogen. However, gram-negative bacilli and anaer- granulomatous disease, and diabetes mellitus10,11. Many sys-
obic organisms are also frequently isolated. temic and local factors influence the ability of the host to elicit
Skeletal tuberculosis is the result of hematogenous spread an effective response to infection and treatment (Table II).
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis early in the course of a primary
infection. Rarely, skeletal tuberculosis is a contiguous infec- Pathology
tion from an adjacent caseating lymph node. Atypical myco- Acute Osteomyelitis
bacteria, including Mycobacterium marianum, Mycobacterium Acute osteomyelitis presents as a suppurative, or pus-producing,
avium-intracellulare, Mycobacterium fortuitum, and Mycobac- infection accompanied by edema, vascular congestion, and
terium gordonae, have been associated with osteoarticular in- small-vessel thrombosis. In early acute disease, the vascular
fections. Bone infections may also be caused by a variety of supply to the bone is decreased by infection extending into the
fungal organisms, including those causing coccidioidomyco- surrounding soft tissue. When both the medullary and the
sis, blastomycosis, cryptococcosis, and sporotrichosis8. periosteal blood supplies are compromised, large areas of
dead bone (sequestra) may be formed12. However, if treated
Epidemiology promptly and aggressively with antibiotics and possibly with
The epidemiology of osteomyelitis has several broad trends. surgery, acute osteomyelitis can be arrested before dead bone,
The incidence of hematogenous osteomyelitis seems to be de- the hallmark of chronic disease, develops. Once the infection
creasing. In one study, in Glasgow, Scotland, of 275 cases of is established, fibrous tissue and chronic inflammatory cells
acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in children under thirteen form around the granulation tissue and dead bone. After the
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infection is contained, there is a decrease in the vascular sup- teum and endosteum in the region of the infection. It forms
ply to it; therefore, an effective inflammatory response cannot an encasing sheath of live bone, known as an involucrum, sur-
be produced. The coexistence of infected, nonviable tissues rounding the dead bone under the periosteum. The involu-
and an ineffective host response leads to the chronicity of this crum is irregular and is often perforated by openings through
disease. Acute osteomyelitis, if ineffectively treated, can lead to which pus may track into the surrounding soft tissues and
chronic disease as seen clinically and histologically13. eventually drain to the skin surfaces, forming a chronic sinus.
Necrosis of bone tissue is an important feature of osteo- The involucrum may gradually increase in density and thick-
myelitis. Dead bone is resorbed by the action of enzymes pro- ness to form part or all of a new diaphysis. New bone increases
duced by the granulation tissue developing at its surface. in amount and density for weeks or months, according to the
Resorption takes place earliest and most rapidly at the junc- size of the bone and the extent and duration of the infection.
tion of living and necrotic bone. If the area of dead bone is Endosteal new bone may proliferate and obstruct the med-
small, it is entirely destroyed, leaving a cavity behind. The ne- ullary canal. After host defense or operative removal of the
crotic cancellous bone in localized osteomyelitis, even though sequestrum, the remaining cavity may fill with new bone, es-
it is extensive, is usually resorbed. Some of the dead cortical pecially in children. However, in adults, the cavity may persist
bone is detached gradually from the living bone to form a or the space may be filled with fibrous tissue, which may con-
sequestrum. The organic elements in the dead bone are largely nect with the skin surface by means of a sinus tract13.
disrupted by the action of proteolytic enzymes produced by
host defense cells, mainly the macrophages or polymorphonu- Findings from Experimental Studies
clear leukocytes. Because of lost blood supply, dead bone The inflammatory response to osteomyelitis has been the ob-
appears whiter than living bone. While cancellous bone is ject of investigation. Prostaglandin-E production has been
reabsorbed rapidly and may be completely sequestrated or de- shown to be five to thirtyfold higher in infected bone than in
stroyed within two to three weeks, necrotic cortical bone may normal bone15. In studies of an animal model of osteomyelitis,
require two weeks to six months for separation. After com- the production of large amounts of prostaglandin was postu-
plete separation (a process termed sequestration), the dead lated to be responsible for bone resorption and sequestrum
bone is slowly eroded and resorbed14. The surviving bone in formation, and experimental treatment of rabbit osteomyelitis
the field usually becomes osteoporotic during the active pe- with sodium salicylate was shown to prevent bone resorption
riod of infection. This is the result of both the inflammatory and sequestration16,17. Experimental treatment of osteomyeli-
reaction and disuse atrophy. New bone formation is another tis in rats with ibuprofen has been shown to reduce prosta-
characteristic pathologic feature of osteomyelitis, but it is usu- glandin production in infected bone and concurrently reduce
ally found in subacute and chronic osteomyelitis13. gross bone abnormalities and radiographic changes, without
any change in the bacterial counts18,19. According to the re-
Chronic Osteomyelitis search on bone resorption due to metastatic cancer, it seems
Pathologic features of chronic osteomyelitis are the presence more likely that bone resorption is mediated by several cyto-
of necrotic bone, the formation of new bone, and the exuda- kines and growth factors, including tumor necrosis factor and
tion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes joined by large num- transforming growth factors alpha and beta, rather than by
bers of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and occasionally plasma prostaglandins20. It is possible, therefore, that many instances
cells. New bone forms from the surviving fragments of perios- of prostaglandin-induced bone resorption may have been due
to other factors that stimulate prostaglandin production in
TABLE II Systemic or Local Factors That Affect Immune
Effective phagocytosis has been shown to be an impor-
Surveillance, Metabolism, and Local Vascularity
tant factor in host defense in patients with osteomyelitis. Use
Systemic (Bs) Local (Bl) of recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
Malnutrition Chronic lymphedema factor, a growth factor with anti-inflammatory and pro-
Renal, hepatic failure Venous stasis
phagocytic properties, combined with standard antibiotic
treatment was more effective than antibiotics alone in the
Diabetes mellitus Major vessel compromise
treatment of experimental acute osteomyelitis in rats21. In a
Chronic hypoxia Arteritis
rabbit study, intramedullary oxygen tensions in infected bone
Immune disease Extensive scarring were lower than those in normal bone; oxygen tensions of <30
Malignancy Radiation fibrosis mm Hg impair normal phagocytic function22. In the same
Extremes of age Small vessel disease model, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was demonstrated to sig-
Immunosuppression or Neuropathy nificantly (p < 0.001) reduce colony-forming units compared
immune deficiency with nontreated controls and antibiotic-treated controls23.
Asplenia Some bacterial factors have been recognized to be im-
HIV/AIDS portant in the pathogenesis of osteomyelitis. Since the patho-
Ethanol and/or tobacco abuse
gen must colonize the target tissue in order to initiate infection,
adequate receptors are required to adhere to the bone, to the
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extracellular matrix, and to implanted medical devices. Sta- erythrocyte sedimentation rate is usually elevated, reflecting
phylococci have a large variety of adhesive proteins and glyco- chronic inflammation, but the blood leukocyte count is usu-
proteins that mediate binding with bone components24,25. An ally normal. Chronic disease is usually either nonprogressive
important factor in the pathogenesis of osteomyelitis is the for- or slowly progressive. If a sinus tract becomes obstructed, the
mation of a glycocalyx surrounding the infecting organisms. patient may present with a localized abscess and/or an acute
This glycocalyx protects the organisms from the action of ph- soft-tissue infection.
agocytes and prevents access by most antimicrobials. Evidence
indicates that a surface negative charge of devitalized bone or a Laboratory Studies
metal implant promotes organism adherence and subsequent The leukocyte count may be elevated in cases of acute os-
glycocalyx formation26. teomyelitis, but it is often normal in chronic cases. The eryth-
Another way in which bacteria elude host defenses and rocyte sedimentation rate is usually elevated in both acute
produce bone infections is by gaining access to the interior of and chronic osteomyelitis, and it decreases after successful
the cell. This was demonstrated with staphylococci in human treatment. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate usually rises
osteoblasts and osteocytes in an in vivo model27. More re- immediately after operative débridement. An erythrocyte sed-
cently, an in vitro study showed that dead or dying osteoblasts imentation rate that returns to normal during the course of
are capable of releasing viable Staphylococcus aureus that is still therapy is a favorable prognostic sign32-36. However, the inter-
able to reinfect human osteoblasts in culture28. These findings pretation of a persistently elevated erythrocyte sedimentation
are of interest because they may contribute to the understand- rate as an isolated finding after treatment should be carefully
ing of the persistence and flare-ups of osteomyelitis. scrutinized, especially when it is found in a compromised
host, in whom the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be al-
Clinical Manifestations tered for reasons other than osteomyelitis. Finally, the eryth-
Signs and Symptoms rocyte sedimentation rate is not sensitive enough to rule out
Children with hematogenous osteomyelitis may present with acute or chronic osteomyelitis.
acute signs of infection including fever, irritability, lethargy, The C-reactive protein level is another inflammatory in-
and local signs of inflammation. However, in a study of eighty- dex that rises in acute and chronic osteomyelitis and decreases
six children, 50% of them presented with vague symptoms, faster than the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in successfully
including pain in the involved limb of one to three months’ treated patients. In a study of children with acute osteomyeli-
duration and minimal, if any, temperature elevation29. Chil- tis, the C-reactive protein level was found to decrease mark-
dren with hematogenous osteomyelitis usually have nonin- edly after three days of antibiotic treatment in the patients
fected soft tissue enveloping the infected bone and are capable with favorable outcomes, whereas higher values were observed
of mounting an effective response to the infection. The joint is in those with complications35. Even though the C-reactive pro-
usually spared from infection unless the metaphysis is intrac- tein level is probably a more sensitive parameter than the
apsular, as is found in the proximal part of the radius, hu- erythrocyte sedimentation rate, its normality cannot be used
merus, or femur29,30. to confidently exclude the diagnosis of osteomyelitis34. The
Adults with primary or recurrent hematogenous osteo- leukocyte count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-
myelitis usually present with vague symptoms consisting of reactive protein level should be monitored at the time of ad-
nonspecific pain and low-grade fever of one to three months’ mission and during treatment and follow-up in all patients
duration. However, acute clinical presentations with fever, with osteomyelitis. In patients with acute hematogenous os-
chills, swelling, and erythema over the involved bone or bones teomyelitis, these parameters should be measured on a weekly
are occasionally seen. The source of bacteremia may be a triv- basis. However, to our knowledge, there is no information in
ial skin infection or a more serious infection such as acute or the literature regarding the frequency of testing for patients
subacute bacterial endocarditis. Hematogenous osteomyelitis with chronic osteomyelitis. In our practice, we perform the
that involves either long bones or vertebrae is an important studies every two weeks during antibiotic treatment and at the
complication of injection drug abuse31. end of treatment.
Patients with contiguous focus osteomyelitis often present A number of different laboratory tests should be re-
with localized bone and joint pain, erythema, swelling, and quested for patients with osteomyelitis to monitor drug toxic-
drainage around the area of trauma, surgery, or wound infec- ity (serum creatinine level and liver function tests), nutritional
tion. Signs of bacteremia such as fever, chills, and night sweats status (serum albumin level and total iron-binding capacity),
may be present in the acute phase of osteomyelitis but are not and comorbidities (e.g., blood glucose levels for patients with
seen in the chronic phase. diabetes).
Both hematogenous and contiguous focus osteomyelitis
can progress to a chronic condition. Local bone loss, seques- Microbiology
trum formation, and bone sclerosis are common. Persistent The diagnosis and determination of the etiology of osteo-
drainage and/or sinus tracts are often found adjacent to the myelitis in the long bones depend on the isolation of the patho-
area of infection. The patient usually presents with chronic gen or pathogens in cultures of specimens from the bone
pain and drainage. If fever is present, it is low grade. The lesion, blood, or joint fluid. In patients with Cierny-Mader
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TABLE III Antibiotics Used in the Oral Treatment of Osteomyelitis

Drug Spectrum Dosage in Adults Side Effects and Toxicity

Clindamycin Staphylococci, 300 mg four times a day Antibiotic-associated diarrhea,
anaerobic bacteria pseudomembranous colitis
Rifampin Staphylococci 600 mg once a day Hepatotoxicity
Ciprofloxacin Enterobacteriaceae, 750 mg twice a day Hepatotoxicity, tendon damage
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Levofloxacin Streptococci, staphylococci, 750 mg once a day Hepatotoxicity, tendon damage
Gatifloxacin Streptococci, staphylococci, 400 mg once a day Hepatotoxicity, tendon damage
Cotrimoxazole Streptococci, staphylococci, 160 mg trimethoprim/800 mg Rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
Enterobacteriaceae sulfamethoxazole twice a day hepatotoxicity
Linezolid Gram-positive cocci, 600 mg twice a day Bone marrow toxicity: anemia,
including methicillin-resistant thrombocytopenia
Staphylococcus aureus

Stage-1, or hematogenous, osteomyelitis, positive cultures of reflect the destructive process but lag at least two weeks be-
blood or joint fluid can often obviate the need for a bone bi- hind the process of infection. The earliest changes are swelling
opsy when there is radiographic evidence of osteomyelitis. of the soft tissue, periosteal thickening and/or elevation, and
With the exception of hematogenous osteomyelitis, for which focal osteopenia. At least 50% to 75% of the bone matrix must
positive blood or joint fluid cultures may suffice, antibiotic be destroyed before radiographs show lytic changes49. The
treatment of osteomyelitis should be based on sensitivity stud- more diagnostic lytic changes are delayed and are associated
ies in meticulously performed cultures of bone taken at the with subacute and chronic osteomyelitis. Radiographic evi-
time of débridement or deep bone biopsies37,38. If possible, cul- dence of improvement may lag behind clinical recovery, even
ture specimens should be obtained before antibiotics are ini- when the patient is receiving appropriate antimicrobial
tiated. However, empirically selected antibiotics are often therapy49. In contiguous focus osteomyelitis, the radiographic
started before culture specimens are obtained. In this case, the changes are subtle; often are associated with other, nonspecific
empiric regimen should be discontinued for three days before radiographic findings; and require careful clinical correlation
the collection of samples for cultures38. Cultures of specimens to achieve diagnostic relevance.
from the sinus tract are not reliable for predicting which or- Computed axial tomography may play a role in the
ganisms will be isolated from infected bone39,40. However, a diagnosis of osteomyelitis. Increased bone-marrow density
positive correlation has been found between the growth of occurs early in the course of the infection, and intramedullary
Staphylococcus aureus on culture of specimens from the sinus gas has been reported in patients with hematogenous osteo-
tract and such growth on bone culture. myelitis50,51. A computed tomography scan can also help to
Conventional microbiological techniques are usually identify areas of necrotic bone and to demonstrate the in-
used for the diagnosis of osteomyelitis. However, some au- volvement of the surrounding soft tissues. One disadvantage
thors have established that the use of improved techniques for of this study is the scatter phenomenon, which occurs when
processing purulent materials may yield a higher percentage metal is present in or near the area of bone infection and re-
of isolated strains41. A lysis-centrifugation technique has been sults in a substantial loss of image resolution.
described to improve the sensitivity of cultures of osteomyeli- Magnetic resonance imaging has been recognized as a
tis samples42. Removed hardware requires mild ultrasonication useful modality for diagnosing the presence and scope of
to provide optimal bacterial removal43. Polymerase chain reac- musculoskeletal infection51-53. The resolution of magnetic res-
tion, a well-known technique of gene amplification, has been onance imaging makes it useful for differentiating between
used in the diagnosis of bone infection due to unusual or diffi- bone and soft-tissue infection, which is often a problem with
cult pathogens, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae44, Brucella radionuclide studies54. Unlike radionuclide studies, magnetic
species45, Bartonella henselae46, and both tuberculous and non- resonance imaging is not useful for whole-body examina-
tuberculous Mycobacterium species47. Polymerase chain reac- tions. Also, a metallic implant in the region of interest may
tion has detected Mycobacterium tuberculosis in formaldehyde produce focal artifacts, thereby decreasing image quality55.
solution-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples from pa- Initial screening with magnetic resonance imaging usually
tients with Pott disease48. consists of a T1-weighted and a T2-weighted spin-echo pulse
sequence. In a T1-weighted study, edema is dark and fat is
Radiographic Findings bright. In a T2-weighted study, the reverse is true. The typical
In hematogenous osteomyelitis, radiographic changes usually appearance of acute osteomyelitis is a localized area of abnor-
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Fig. 1
Treatment algorithm of Cierny-Mader Stage-1, or hematogenous, long-bone osteomyelitis.

mal marrow with decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted intermediate signal on T1-weighted images of the soft tissues,
images and increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images. with increased signal seen on T2-weighted images of the same
On occasion, there may be decreased signal intensity on T2- area. Magnetic resonance imaging has very high sensitivity and
weighted images55. Posttraumatic or surgical scarring of the specificity for the diagnosis of osteomyelitis51.
marrow is seen as a region of decreased signal intensity on T1- Radionuclide scans may be performed when the diagno-
weighted images with no change on T2-weighted images. Sinus sis of osteomyelitis is ambiguous or to help gauge the extent of
tracts are seen as areas of high signal intensity extending from bone and soft-tissue inflammation. In general, it is not neces-
the marrow and bone through the soft tissues and through the sary to perform these scans for the diagnosis of long-bone
skin on T2-weighted images. Cellulitis is seen as diffuse areas of osteomyelitis. The actual mechanism of bone-labeling with
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Fig. 2
Treatment algorithm of Cierny-Mader Stage-1 long-bone osteomyelitis associated with infection at the site of hardware.

radiopharmaceuticals is still unclear. The 99m-technetium An indium-labeled leukocyte scan is another useful tool
polyphosphate scan demonstrates increased isotope accumu- for the diagnosis of acute and chronic osteomyelitis. Indium-
lation in areas of increased blood flow and reactive new bone labeled leukocyte scans are positive in up to 80% of patients
formation56. In biopsy-confirmed cases of hematogenous os- with acute osteomyelitis; however, sensitivity is lower for pa-
teomyelitis, such a scan is usually positive as early as forty- tients with chronic vertebral osteomyelitis61.
eight hours following the initiation of the bone infection57. Even though we found no guidelines for the clinical use of
However, a technetium-99m scan may be negative for a pa- radiographic studies in the literature, we recommend that plain
tient with documented osteomyelitis because of a decrease in radiographs be made whenever acute or chronic osteomyelitis is
blood flow to the infected area58. suspected because they are simple, economical, and usually ef-
A second class of radiopharmaceuticals used for the fective. Magnetic resonance imaging should be requested if the
evaluation of osteomyelitis includes gallium citrate. Gallium at- diagnosis is doubtful. If magnetic resonance imaging is not fea-
taches to transferrin, which leaks from the bloodstream into ar- sible because of the presence of hardware, bone scintigraphy
eas of inflammation. The gallium scan also shows increased (ideally, leukocyte scans for acute osteomyelitis and technetium
isotope uptake in areas of concentrated polymorphonuclear scans for chronic osteomyelitis) should be performed. Com-
leukocytes and macrophages and in malignant tumors59. Since puted tomography scans can be used to help establish a surgical
the gallium citrate scan does not show bone detail well, it is of- plan both for acute and for chronic osteomyelitis.
ten difficult to distinguish between bone and soft-tissue inflam-
mation; a comparison with a technetium-99m scan can help to Treatment
resolve this question60. Gallium citrate is also found to accumu- Appropriate therapy for osteomyelitis includes adequate drain-
late in areas of infected and noninfected nonunions59. Because age, thorough débridement, obliteration of dead space, wound
gallium accumulates in areas of inflammation, it has a high sen- protection, and specific antimicrobial coverage. If the patient is
sitivity and a low specificity for the diagnosis of osteomyelitis59. a compromised host, an effort is made to correct or reduce the
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host defect or defects. In particular, attention should be paid to tive for treating serious infections, including osteomyelitis72.
good nutrition, to a smoking cessation program, and to con- Oral therapy with quinolones for gram-negative organisms is
trol of specific diseases such as diabetes. Thus, an attempt is currently being used in adult patients with osteomyelitis73-75.
made to improve the nutritional, medical, and vascular status The second-generation quinolones (ciprofloxacin and ofloxa-
of the patient and to provide optimal treatment of any under- cin) have poor activity against Streptococcus species, Entero-
lying disease. Ideally, the standard of care involves a team coccus species, and anaerobic bacteria76. The third-generation
approach including infectious disease specialists, plastic sur- quinolones (levofloxacin and gatifloxacin) have excellent ac-
geons, and other consulting physicians as appropriate. tivity against Streptococcus species but minimal coverage of
anaerobic bacteria77. The fourth-generation quinolone trova-
Antibiotic Treatment floxacin has excellent coverage of Streptococcus species and
Many aspects of the antibiotic treatment of osteomyelitis have anaerobic organisms77,78. Trovafloxacin is approved only for in-
not been completely investigated. The traditional duration of patient treatment and must be used with caution because, in
treatment in most stages of osteomyelitis (Cierny-Mader rare cases, it can lead to serious liver toxicity. None of the
Stages 1, 3, and 4) is four to six weeks. The rationale for this quinolones have reliable coverage of Enterococcus species.
duration is based on the results of animal studies62 and the ob- The currently available quinolones exhibit variable coverage
servation that revascularization of bone after débridement of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, and
takes about four weeks. Longer courses of intravenous or oral resistance to the second and third-generation quinolones is
antibiotics (six months or more) have been attempted by increasing79. Coverage of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus
some authors63-65, but the outcomes of those trials do not sug- aureus should be obtained with another oral antibiotic such as
gest any improvement in comparison with those following six clindamycin or ampicillin-sulbactam. Before changing to a
weeks of therapy. Failures occur in all clinical trials, whatever non-quinolone oral regimen, we usually treat the patient with
the duration of treatment, mostly as a result of emergence of two weeks of parenteral antibiotic therapy. The patient must
resistant strains or inadequate surgical débridement. be compliant with the treatment regimen and have close out-
Outpatient therapy with an intravenous access catheter, patient follow-up. Because of their excellent oral absorption,
such as a peripherally inserted central catheter, a Hickman quinolones can be given orally as soon as the patient is able to
catheter, or a Groshong catheter, has been proven to reduce take them. High doses of the quinolone class of antibiotics
treatment cost and to improve the patient’s quality of life66-69. have been reported to damage articular cartilage in young
The drugs of proven efficacy in the oral treatment of animals80, a finding that has generated some concern regard-
osteomyelitis are clindamycin, rifampin, cotrimoxazole, and ing the long-term use of these agents in infants and children.
fluoroquinolones (Table III). Clindamycin, a lincosamide an- Therefore, in most circumstances, pediatric patients should
tibiotic active against most gram-positive bacteria, has an ex- not be given the quinolone class of antibiotics.
cellent bioavailability and is currently given orally after initial The decision to use oral rather than parenteral antibiot-
intravenous treatment of one to two weeks in duration70,71. ics should be based on results regarding microorganism sensi-
Linezolid, a novel oral and intravenous antibiotic active tivity, patient compliance, infectious disease consultation, and
against methicillin-resistant staphylococci, has proven effec- the surgeon’s experience.

Fig. 3
Treatment algorithm of Cierny-Mader Stage-2 long-bone osteomyelitis.
VO L U M E 86-A · N U M B E R 10 · O C T O B E R 2004

A combination of parenteral and oral antibiotics has Stage-1 osteomyelitis in adults (Fig. 2) is more refractory to
been used in some situations. Oral rifampin is currently used therapy and is usually treated with antibiotics and operative
as a combination drug in both parenteral and oral regimens intervention. The patient is treated with appropriate parenteral
for Staphylococcus aureus infections. It should not be used antimicrobial therapy for four weeks, dated from the initia-
alone because of the rapid emergence of resistant strains81,82. tion of the therapy or from the last major operative débride-
Even though the serum bactericidal activity has been as- ment. If the initial medical management fails and the patient
sociated with a favorable outcome in the treatment of he- is clinically compromised by a recurrent infection, bone and/
matogenous osteomyelitis in general, it is not necessary to or soft-tissue débridement is necessary in conjunction with
follow serum bactericidal levels83 because most treatment fail- another four-week course of antibiotics.
ures are probably due to a lack of adequate surgical débride- Oral antibiotic therapy can be used to treat Stage-1 os-
ment rather than inadequate antibiotic efficacy84. It may be teomyelitis in children. However, in most studies in the lit-
necessary to follow serum levels in patients with relatively re- erature, the children initially received one to two weeks of
sistant organisms or to gauge the efficacy of oral antibiotic parenteral antibiotic therapy prior to changing to an oral
therapy. regimen70,71. In Stage-2 osteomyelitis (Fig. 3), shorter courses
Ideally, the treatment of osteomyelitis should be based of antibiotics are usually needed. In a study in which a two-
on the results of bone cultures. After culture specimens are week course of antibiotics was given following débridement of
obtained by means of a bone biopsy or during débridement, a the cortex and soft-tissue coverage, the osteomyelitis was ar-
parenteral antimicrobial regimen is begun to cover the clini- rested in close to 100% of A hosts and 79% of B hosts85.
cally suspected pathogens. Once the organism is identified, We treat patients with Stage-3 or 4 osteomyelitis (Fig. 4)
the treatment may be modified according to the sensitivity of with antimicrobial therapy for four to six weeks, dated from
the isolated microorganisms (Table III). However, when the the last major débridement. Without adequate débridement,
patient is acutely ill, antibiotic treatment should not be de- the failure rate is high regardless of the duration of therapy.
layed in order to wait for bone débridement. Even when all necrotic tissue has been adequately débrided,
the remaining bed of tissue must be considered contaminated
Antibiotic Treatment by Stage with the responsible pathogen or pathogens. Therefore, it is
Stage-1 osteomyelitis (Fig. 1) in children can usually be important to treat the patient with antibiotics for at least four
treated with antibiotics alone70,71 because the bones of children weeks1. The arrest rate is about 98% in A hosts and 80% (for
are very vascular and have an effective response to infection. Stage 4) to 92% (for Stage 3) in B hosts85.

Fig. 4
Treatment algorithm of Cierny-Mader Stages-3 and 4 long-bone osteomyelitis.
VO L U M E 86-A · N U M B E R 10 · O C T O B E R 2004

Suppressive Antibiotic Therapy cently, the importance of the extent of operative débridement
When operative treatment of osteomyelitis is not feasible, has been reinvestigated in both normal and compromised
suppressive antibiotic therapy, usually administered orally, is hosts91. B hosts treated with marginal resection (i.e., with a
usually given to control the disease and to prevent flare-ups. clearance margin of <5 mm) had a higher rate of recurrence
Ideal drugs for suppression must possess good bioavailability, than did normal hosts. According to the authors of that study,
have low toxicity, and be able to penetrate bone adequately. the extent of resection therefore appears to be much more im-
The suppressive regimen should be directed by the results of portant in B hosts, whereas a marginal resection may be ac-
cultures. The causative microorganism must be susceptible to ceptable in normal hosts.
the antibiotic or antibiotics used for suppression. Suppressive
therapy for infections around orthopaedic implants has been Reconstruction of Bone Defects and Management of Dead Space
studied extensively. Rifampin (in combination with other an- Adequate débridement may leave a large bone defect, termed a
tibiotics), fusidic acid, ofloxacin, and cotrimoxazole have been dead space. This space is a problem because it is poorly vascu-
administered, for six to nine months, to patients with infections larized, which is a predisposing condition for the persistence
around implants41,86-88. After discontinuation of treatment, of infection. Appropriate management of any dead space cre-
there was no recurrence of the infection during the follow-up ated by débridement is mandatory to arrest the disease and to
period in twenty-six (67%) of thirty-nine patients treated maintain the integrity of the skeletal part. The goal of dead-
with cotrimoxazole41, in eleven (55%) of twenty treated with space management is to replace dead bone and scar tissue with
fusidic acid and rifampin, and in eleven (50%) of twenty-two durable vascularized tissue84,92. A free vascularized bone graft
treated with rifampicin and ofloxacin87. Failures were thought has been used successfully to fill dead space93,94. These grafts
to be due to persistence of the infection or to resistance to the are usually obtained from the fibula or ilium. Local tissue flaps
antibiotic. The efficacy of suppressive therapy is probably due or free flaps can also be used to fill dead space95-99. An alterna-
to a prolonged action against bacteria replicating at a slow tive technique is to place cancellous bone grafts beneath local
rate, or it may be due to its action against suspended bacterial or transferred tissues where structural augmentation is neces-
cells liberated from the glycocalyx89,90. The efficacy of suppres- sary. Careful preoperative planning is critical to the conserva-
sive treatment of long-bone osteomyelitis without an implant tion of the patient’s limited cancellous bone reserves. Open
in place has not been determined. cancellous grafts without soft-tissue coverage are useful when
Suppressive therapy is traditionally administered for six a free tissue transfer is not an option and local tissue flaps are
months. If the infection recurs after discontinuation of the inadequate100.
therapy, a new, lifelong suppressive regimen is begun. Antibiotic-impregnated acrylic beads may be used to
sterilize and temporarily maintain a dead space. The beads are
Operative Treatment usually removed within two to four weeks and are replaced
Operative management of osteomyelitis can be very challeng- with a cancellous bone graft92,101-106. The antibiotics that are
ing. The principles of treating any infection are equally appli- most commonly used in beads are vancomycin, tobramycin,
cable to the treatment of infection in bone. These principles and gentamicin. The rate of arrest of osteomyelitis has ranged
include adequate drainage, extensive débridement of all ne- from 55% in a study of fifty-four patients107 to 96% in a study
crotic tissue, obliteration of dead spaces, adequate soft-tissue of forty-six patients46. Since most beads act as a biomaterial
coverage, and restoration of an effective blood supply84,85. surface to which bacteria preferentially adhere, infection asso-
Operative treatment of a compromised host is even ciated with bead use has been described108. To avoid such a
more challenging. The functional impairment caused by the problem, biodegradable antibiotic-impregnated beads have
disease, reconstructive operations, and metabolic consequences been employed recently and have shown favorable antibiotic-
of aggressive therapy influence the selection of patients for release kinetics109. Antibiotic-impregnated cancellous bone
treatment. At times, the procedures required to arrest or palli- grafts were recently used in a clinical trial of forty-six patients,
ate the disease are of such magnitude they can lead to the loss and the osteomyelitis was arrested in 95% of them110. Antibi-
of function, limb, or the life of the compromised host. There- otics (clindamycin and amikacin) have also been delivered di-
fore, standard operative treatment of osteomyelitis is not rectly into dead spaces with an implantable pump, and very
feasible in all cases, and some patients, particularly severely high local and low systemic levels of antibiotics have been
compromised hosts, are candidates for more radical treat- achieved111,112.
ment (e.g., amputation) or for nonoperative treatment (e.g., An additional option that may aid healing of soft-tissue
antibiotic suppression). wounds is the vacuum-assisted closure system, a device that
applies localized negative pressure over the surface of wounds
Bone Débridement and aids in the removal of fluids. In one case study of children,
The goal of débridement is to leave healthy, viable tissue. this system helped to increase the rate of granulation tissue
Débridement of bone is done until punctate bleeding is noted, formation and healing of extensive soft-tissue injury113. Hers-
giving rise to the term the paprika sign84. However, even when covici et al. also demonstrated its usefulness as an adjunct
all necrotic tissue has been adequately débrided, the remain- therapy for high-energy soft-tissue injuries, in a nonrandom-
ing bed of tissue must still be considered contaminated. Re- ized study of twenty-one patients who had sustained trauma;
VO L U M E 86-A · N U M B E R 10 · O C T O B E R 2004

the authors reported that 57% of the patients did not require three patients120 to 100% in a study of eighteen patients120.
additional treatment or a split-thickness skin graft after ap- Finally, healing by so-called secondary intention should
proximately twenty days of negative-pressure treatment114. The be discouraged, since the scar tissue that fills the defect may
potential applications of vacuum-assisted closure systems are later become avascular. Complete wound closure should be
promising; however, to our knowledge, no large, controlled obtained whenever possible.
clinical trials have been completed to determine their efficacy
and risks in patients with established osteomyelitis. The au- Overview
thors of one case study reported the development of an anaer- Despite all of the advances in antibiotic and operative treat-
obic wound infection, apparently potentiated by topical ment, osteomyelitis remains difficult to treat, with consider-
negative pressure115. able morbidity and health-care costs. Bacteria reach the bone
through the bloodstream, from a contiguous focus of infec-
Bone Stabilization tion, as a result of penetrating trauma, or from operative in-
If skeletal instability is present at the site of an infection, mea- tervention. Bone necrosis occurs early, leading to a chronic
sures must be taken to achieve stability with plates, screws, process and limiting the possibility of eradicating the patho-
rods, and/or an external fixator. External fixation is preferred gens. The presence of poorly vascularized tissues, the adher-
over internal fixation because of the tendency of the sites of ence of bacteria to bone structures and implants, and a slow
medullary rods to become secondarily infected and to spread bacterial replication rate all contribute to the persistence of
the extent of the infection. Ilizarov external fixation allows the infection. Appropriate treatment of osteomyelitis involves
reconstruction of segmental defects and difficult infected adequate antimicrobial therapy and operative débridement of
nonunions116. This method is based on the technique of dis- all necrotic bone and soft tissues. Antibiotic treatment must
traction osteogenesis whereby an osteotomy created in the be determined on the basis of the results of cultures and the
metaphyseal region of the bone is gradually distracted to fill in identification of sensitivities to antibiotics. Treatment often
the defect. The Ilizarov technique is used for difficult cases of involves a combination of antibiotics. Operative treatment
osteomyelitis when stabilization and bone-lengthening are should include débridement, obliteration of dead space, ade-
necessary. The method may also be used to compress non- quate soft-tissue coverage, restoration of blood supply, and
unions and to correct malunions. The technique is labor- stabilization. A close interaction between various specialists
intensive and requires an extended period of treatment with (orthopaedic surgeons, plastic and vascular surgeons, and in-
the device, averaging 8.5 months117. In addition, the sites of the fectious disease specialists) is important to improve the man-
wires or pins usually become infected and the device is pain- agement of this disease.
ful. In studies in which this technique was used, osteomyelitis
arrest rates have ranged between 75% in a series of twenty- Luca Lazzarini, MD
eight patients118 and 100% in a series of thirteen patients119. Infectious Disease Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, San Bortolo
Hospital, Viale Rodolfi 47, 36100 Vicenza, Italy
Soft-Tissue Coverage
Adequate soft-tissue coverage of the bone is necessary to arrest Jon T. Mader, MD
osteomyelitis. Small soft-tissue defects may be covered with a Deceased
split-thickness skin graft. In the presence of a large soft-tissue
Jason H. Calhoun, MD
defect or an inadequate soft-tissue envelope, local muscle flaps Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Missouri, MC213,
and free vascularized muscle flaps may be placed in one or two DC053.00, One Hospital Drive, Columbia, MO 65212. E-mail address:
stages. Local muscle flaps and free vascularized muscle trans- calhounj@health.missouri.edu
fers improve the local biological environment by bringing in a
blood supply important for host defense mechanisms, antibi- The authors did not receive grants or outside funding in support of their
otic delivery, and osseous and soft-tissue healing. research or preparation of this manuscript. They did not receive pay-
ments or other benefits or a commitment or agreement to provide such
Local and microvascular muscle flaps as well as mi- benefits from a commercial entity. No commercial entity paid or
crovascular flaps alone have been used in combination with directed, or agreed to pay or direct, any benefits to any research fund,
antibiotics and operative débridement97,120,121. The rate of ar- foundation, educational institution, or other charitable or nonprofit
rest of the osteomyelitis ranged from 90% in a study of thirty- organization with which the authors are affiliated or associated.

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